Drunk driving is considered a serious crime in every state. It is wrong, irresponsible and wastes many lives. People who abuse alcohol hurt everyone around them, endanger public safety, and create carnage on the nation's highways. There is nothing positive that can come out of drunk driving, so why do people do it? It is society's job to punish these menaces and try to take control of this out of control issue. America doesn't want to watch idly as hundreds of people are killed each day. We want to take a stand and let the world know that we may be the 'land of the free and the brave' but there is nothing brave or free about driving drunk. What should be done about this problem is debatable and certainly open to discussion, but the first...show more content...
(Driving While Intoxicated, Internet source) ?Alcohol?s effects are progressively more noticeable as the blood alcohol concentration increases. At a BAC of .02 to .05 percent the effects are almost entirely pleasurable. The drinker feels relaxed and sociable. There may also be some modest impairment of reasoning or memory and general reduction in caution. A BAC of .05 to .07 produces a state of excitement. The drinker begins to suffer from what may be a slight but nonetheless noticeable impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Judgement and self–control are also effected. The driver?s behavior is apt to become more aggressive. In general, the drinker feels stimulated and highly capable. In reality his or her ability to safely perform tasks such as driving that require quick reactions, concentration, and good judgement has been significantly reduced.
A drinker?s ability to function deteriorates quickly at BACs of .08. to .15 percent, the drinker enters a state of confusion. At this stage, the level of impairment becomes obvious, if it is has not already. Speech becomes slurred; the drinker?s sense of balance, vision, reaction time, and reasoning ability are distinctly and obviously impaired. With a BAC this high the drinker cannot safely perform tasks that require sound judgement or motor coordination. No
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Drinking and
Drinking And Driving
Drink and Driving is and Ongoing Problem
Erica Esposito Kean University
This paper explores the research and find results on how drinking and driving has become a big problem in the United States. Drinking and driving effects a person's ability to operate a vehicle and therefore drunk drivers need to be educated on the repercussions with drinking and driving. Every day drunk drivers are arrested, either for traffic violations, reckless driving, and random stops on the road, or accidents. This paper also examines and explains what happens to the people affected by drinking and driving and what the people can do to avoid it. There have been many cases of injured people due to drinking and driving. Laws have been...show more content... There have been many cases of injuries due to drinking and driving. Whether it had to do with the driver being drunk and getting injured, or being the one affected by the drunk driver. There have even been laws that have been implemented to make it harder to get away with drinking and driving. There are also many resources a driver who is drinking can think of to avoid drinking and driving. Drinking and driving is extremely bad, especially if a person is thinking about operating vehicle. Drunk drivers need to be educated on the repercussions
First off, every day drunk drivers are arrested either for traffic violations, reckless driving, or random stops on the road etc. A drunk driver hears the siren of a cop car, sees the red flashing lights, and a person in uniform knocking at their driver side window. An officer has pulled them over for suspicious driving. If the officer smells a strong odor of alcohol, and the person exhibits slurred speech or general incoherence they will be asked to exit their vehicle and move to the side of the road where they will undergo the field of sobriety testing (Drinking and Driving Consequences and Effects). If you fail to demonstrate that you are fine to operate a vehicle during these field tests, the officer can then ask permission to perform a blood alcohol content test, or breathalyzer for short. If a person is failing the tests the officers give them, the person is going to get arrested, get tickets, fines, or even jail
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Drunk Driving Kills Drunk driving is a dangerous problem that continues to take hundreds of lives each year. Is drinking and driving worth one's life? This one decision, which may not seem important at the time, can end badly. Drunk driving is a huge problem in America. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious cause to road accidents and deaths. Drunk driving is dangerous for not only the person under the influence, but for the drivers and passengers as well. An intoxicated person endangers everyone on the road. Many people that drink and drive are under aged teens. Underage drinking is a tremendous problem in the United States. In the article of National Institute on Alcohol Abuse andAlcoholism, many young people drink alcohol by the age of fifteen. Thirty–three percent of teens have had at least one drink. In 2015, 7.7 million teen's ages 13–20 reported that they drank alcohol in the past month. Many teens consume ninety percent of alcohol by binge drinking. Binge drinking is an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time. An image of a picture shows how drinking and driving can be dangerous. The visual argument shown is of a solider in his mid–thirties, putting up a sign saying, "Don't Drink and Drive". The sign is standing up against a broken down, crushed, red car. The front of the man's face has a gloomy, depressing emotion. Behind the solider is a light pole leaning to the left side of the road. There is a broken down white car pulled off in Get
Essay On Drinking And Driving
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Drinking and Driving Persuasive Essay
July 12, 2010
Drinking and Driving
Each year numerous lives are lost due to careless and irrational driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to the United States of America for years. Many years Police have relied heavily on speed cameras, breathalyzer tests and heavy fines as a deterrent against unlawful drivers. Over the years fatality rates have increased, so the Department of Transportation and Highway Safety has composed a series of safe driving campaigns. On many occasions the Transportation Department informs and advises the public about the importance of responsible driving. They propagate safe driving through the various channels of the media and...show more content...
It convinces the common people of the importance of life and makes them aware of the consequences that come from small and simple choices they make every day.
A very effective piece of propaganda in that it captures the reader's attention successfully by placing a picture of a child in the focal point of the advertisement. The child plays a vital role in this piece of propaganda in that it represents a loved one, family member and anything cherished. It shows what could be left behind, if a driver chooses to ignore safe driving. Choosing a sorrowful child's face, further enhanced the emotions of the reader, as the advertisement would not have the same effect if an adult was shown instead. The advertisement also suggests that the driver has been negligent in his/her duty of care toward their family. This also instigates a number of feelings in the viewers mind about their family, and the result to their loved ones.
Fear is also generated in this piece of propaganda in that it plays on the emotions of the viewer by making them aware of what may be left behind if they die by a thoughtless and preventable accident. This further prompts safe driving, that it reveals to the viewer real life accidents, and promotes concern to the viewer. It also gives a sense of pity for the child that has been abandon by its deceased parents.
Drinking and Driving Persuasive Essay
This is a typical propaganda article which relies heavily on the emotions of the viewer to convey its message. It first projects scenes of typical
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Drinking and Driving Should Blood Alcohol Percentages for Drunken Driving
Be Lowered?
Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things you can do. Alcohol causes varying degrees of the following side effects in everyone who uses it; dullness of sensation, lowered sensory motor skills, lowered reactive or reflexive motor responses, impaired thought processes, impaired memory, impaired judgement, sleep or sleeplessness, and in extreme cases can cause coma and death."(Hardcastle 1). Would anyone want a person on the road with these side affects.
Alcoholics have even worse side affects to alcohol. Look at the picture above. How many times have you watched the news and seen a...show more content...
If this law is passed you would still be able to drink. Stone states that "A average 170 pound male must consume four drinks in one hour to and the average 137 pound female must consume three drinks in one hour to reach 0.08, according to the U.S. Department of Transpiration."(1). This is not at all bad. People can still go out and have a few drinks with their friends and still be able to drive. This law is not to stop drinking , it is to make our roads safer, so that their are less drinking accidents. Lowering the blood alcohol level would make a safer driving experience for everyone on the road. It would make people think before they drank one extra drink. Just think if it was you who was hit by a drunk driver or your family. Do you want to go through the emotional pain of losing someone? If the blood alcohol level is lowered from 0.10 to 0.08 it would have higher consequences on there person charged for a DWI ticket. The offender would have to go to classes and pay a higher fine for the crime. If the drunk driver killed someone the time in jail would be around 8 years and 11 months. If the blood alcohol level was lowered these would be the new consequences "Prevention measures evaluated include license suspension or revocation, impounding or confiscating vehicle plates, enforcing open container bans, increasing penalties such as fines or jail for drunk driving, mandating education
and Driving Essay
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Drinking And Driving
We have all had some kind of knowledge or even personal experience with the effects of drinking and driving, whether it is watching a report on the news, having friends or family being involved as a victim or offender, to even being a victim or offender yourself. The aftermath of drinking and driving, even if only a few drinks were consumed, is a tragedy for all persons involved. The current rational of just having a few drinks is that consuming only a little alcohol means that the person isn't intoxicated nor suffers the effects of alcohol, even though medical science proves this to be false. Typically the majority of offenders that drink and drive, do not set out to operate a motor vehicle under the influence, much less, understand the...show more content...
These effects range from impaired judgement, lowered alertness, reduced ability to track moving objects, and reduced response to emergency driving situations. No matter how a person may rationalize that only a few drinks is ok before driving just needs to look at the harmful effects and possible consequences of drinking. It is clearly evident that even drinking just a few will impair a person's abilities making them a danger to themselves and others.
People who feel it is ok to drive after consuming a drink or two, fall victim to numerous misconceptions about the effects of having just a few drinks. One advocate of this side of the argument states "A drink or two makes me a better driver. " However, even one drink can cloud your thinking, dim your vision and slow your reflexes. Small amounts of alcohol can impair your judgment and put you and others on the road at risk of death or disabling injury. ] Another argument is *3["I'm bigger so I can handle my liquor better." In fact size is only one factor in how alcohol affects you. Body chemistry, how tired you are, and the amount of food in your stomach all play a part in how you handle liquor. Your reflexes and judgment can be affected with the first drink. If you advocate for drinking and driving, no matter how miniscule the amount, it impairs your ability to safely drive a vehicle, the best course of action should be complete
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The facts are plain and simple, that alcohol and driving do not mix. About three in every ten Americans will be involved in an alcohol related crash at some time in their lives. Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable. To curb this national travesty, concerned Americans need to examine the problems, the effects, and the solutions todrunk driving. First of all, America has had a problem with drunk driving since Ford perfected the assembly line. Alcoholism is a problem in and of itself, but combined with driving can have a wide range of effects. The consequences of this reckless behavior can include a first time DUI or licenses suspension; a small fender bender, or worst of all a deadly crash. Most...show more content...
A DUI conviction is a permanent part of ones driving record. Even though alcohol related accidents are on the decline, statistics show that a drunk driver kills someone every forty–five minutes. More so, fifty to seventy percent of drunk drivers whose licenses are suspended continue to drive. In 2000, alcohol related crashes cost the public $114.3 billion dollars! Drunk driving carries with it serious penalties from the court system and car insurance companies. One moment of fun can turn into a lifetime of heartache and tragedy. Therefore, it is not worth the risk. Possible prevention measures and solutions are not only for the law enforcement, but for the public as well. Drunk drivers face a hardcore court system, which is intolerant of DUI. Stricter penalties such as automatic licenses revocation, mandatory jail sentencing, vehicle impounding, and licenses plate confiscating are just a few ways the judicial system is handling the DUI problem. Programs such as Mothers Against Drunk Drivingand Students Against Drunk Driving have led the way to bringing awareness to society. People need to be responsible and supervise their consumption to ensure that they do not drink too much. They have a moral and a legal responsibility to make sure of this. It is always best to have a designated driver. The most effective way people can prevent driving drunk is to make a personal decision not to drink
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of Drinking and Driving Essay
The Consequences
Drinking and Driving Essay
"Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable" says David J. Hanson, a drunken driving activist. Drinking and driving is a serious crime in all fifty states. The rules and laws may vary among the states. In Illinois, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a blood–alcohol concentration (BAC) or .08 percent or more. A driver also can be convicted of DUI with a BAC of more than .05 if additional evidence is present (DUI Laws par. 1). According to the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) alcohol–impaired motor vehicle crashes cost more than thirty–seven billion dollars annually and in 2010, more than ten thousand people died in alcohol–impaired driving crashes – one every fifty–one...show more content...
This test is also an indirect measurement of BAC through an estimate of the amount of alcohol is the urine that is used to determine the overall BAC. A blood analysis is a sample of blood, drawn from the subject to directly determine the blood alcohol concentration in the body. Although the amount of alcohol is at its highest level about an hour after drinking, alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood and can easily be measured through a blood sample (DUI Refusal par. 2). In Illinois, before a driver can receive their license, they have to sign to implied consent. The implied consent law says that if a driver is lawfully arrested by an officer who has a probable cause to believe that he or she has been driving under the influence, that he or she consents to taking a chemical test of your blood, breath, or urine for the purposes of determining your blood alcohol content. A driver does not have the right to speak to an attorney before he or she is tested, and the test much be given as soon as possible from the time when he or she was last driving. Although the arresting officer gets to choose which test the driver takes, the driver has the option to get additional tests afterward taken by a medical professional of his or her choice (DUI Refusal par. 1). A driver's license suspension is a temporary loss of driving privileges for a specific length of time. Suspended drivers must comply with all requirement
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Drunk driving is insanely dangerous and possibly one of the worst things to do. The sign at the Stonebridge Church of God in Alabama read, "Honk if you love Jesus. Text while driving if you want to meet him" (Quote Garden). This quote is intense. If a person were to pass it, they would probably never drink and drive. There are a lot of different consequences that can come from drinking and driving. Death is one of them. No one should ever drive drunk. Many people and organizations have said something bad about drinking and driving, and most people probably would never expect anyone to say anything positive about drinking and driving. "Road traffic crashes are one of the main causes of injury and death worldwide. Many such incidents involve alcohol–impaired drivers." (International Center for Alcohol Policies). Alcohol severely causes people to have trouble with sight and make people struggle with reaction time. In a car, every single human needs to be solely focused on the road. If a person is under the influence of alcohol while driving, it is nearly impossible to be 100% focused on the roads. "Over the past two decades, about 40 percent of all motor vehicle fatalities occur in crashes in which a driver or nonoccupant has consumed a measurable level of alcohol prior to the crash" (National...show more content...
Going back to the main topic, America and the world should hope as a whole that these two activities do not get combined. Even if alcohol was made illegal to consume, it will not do much, just like how it used to be. Unfortunately, many drugs are still used even though they are illegal, and some people just do not care. It sucks that people do not care. It sucks because people are losing others, family, friends, spouse, and many other people. No one likes to lose others, and if everyone starts driving drunk, it will happen more often than the already frequent
About Drinking And Driving
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Essay About Drinking And Driving
Drinking and driving has become one of the worst habits that people have picked up on throughout time. Many argue that while being under the influence of alcohol it doesn't have any effect on their driving skills. In fact, while being intoxicated many individuals tend to believe that they are invincible and get behind the wheel not realizing that fatal consequences could be a result of their wrecklessness. This world wide problem that we face is one of the major causes for some of the most severe car accidents that occur internationally. The performance of drinking and driving could lead to various devastating and negative consequences in the lives of many. It has been scientifically proven that a driver under the influence of alcohol is more likely to be the reason for a car accident rather than a driver with no alcohol in their system. Driving is a full time job that requires your full attention and the ability to be alert and make quick decisions at all times. Once alcohol enters your system and your body becomes intoxicated, it can negatively affect any...show more content... This results with the individual's ability to think clearly and be rational to be reduced. When driving, your concentration should be on many things at once, but with alcohol in your system this task becomes hard to do and you are only able to concentrate on one thing at once. This can be a problem because by only concentrating on one thing, you miss out on important factors that could've prevented an accident. Vision along with judgment and concentration is another crucial skill that alcohol affects. It can impair your ability to control eye movement and see clearly. Studies show that drunk drivers tend to focus on a single point for a long time, and are thus less aware of crucial peripheral areas. This causes them to be involved in many collisions due to their inability to see and be aware of their surroundings
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Driving under the influence has affected many people's lives and families. Today I would like to talk to you about the problems of drinking and driving, and why it is a concern for all of us. Driving under the influence is one of the most common and dangerous situations you can put yourself or someone else in. The fact is that drinking and driving is a huge deal and can leave a long trail of broken dreams and hearts. If you drink and drive, not only are you putting yourself at risk, but your passengers and the pedestrians outside of your vehicle. According to the most recent statistics by the National Commission Against Drunk Driving states that 17,000 Americans die each year in alcohol– related traffic crashes and 600,000 Americans...show more content...
This pattern often encourages people to drink more to keep the buzz going." ( Net Biz Mentor ). When people get like that they usually get a little bolder and want to do normal tasks and routines like driving a motorized vehicle. The effects of alcohol result in poor coordination, slurred speech, double vision, decrease of self–control, lost of consciousness and maybe even death. The legal consequences of drunk driving are also severe. The more a person drinks, the more their ability to make important decisions wear down and becomes impaired. After even just one drink a person can lose the ability to operate a vehicle. At certain parts in the state of intoxication, it becomes illegal to drive a car and if you get caught it can possible lead to fines, or even imprisonment. The legal limit of alcohol you can consume changes from state to state, but the penalty of driving under the influence is always severe. Getting arrested and maybe being forced to sleep in a drunk tank is just some of the problems you also have to carry the humiliation and the shame of being caught and that person might just end up with their name written up in the local news paper.Alcoholism is a disease and it can make you do some things you would not want to and to repeat you're past mistakes. More than one–third of drives arrested for intoxication are repeat offenders. Drivers with a prior DUI offense have a much higher likelihood to be in a fatal Get more content
Drinking and Driving Essay
According to Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, in 2013, 3,154 people were killed in a car crash involving a distracted driver, and 9,967 people were killed in car crashes involving alcohol. Texting and drinking while driving are both dangerous. Both actions while behind the wheel can cause a driver to lose focus of the road, both also have many legal consequences; however, in today's world texting is becoming more common. Texting and drinking while driving has many effects that can cause a driver to lose focus on the road. When a driver looks down at a phone for just a few seconds, they instantly lose concentration on the road and are focused on their phone. This many times will result in a crash. As stated by Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, each day over 8 people are killed and 1,161 people are injured in crashes reported involving a distracted driver in the United States. Drinking can also cause a driver to lose focus. Drinking before or while driving can affect a person's reaction time, eye sight, judgement, and drowsiness. Texting and drinking while driving has consequences. The consequences of these two actions vary from state–to–state; however, in Tennessee both are illegal. If caught by the police, the fines...show more content...
Statistics show that texting while driving is on the rise. In a published article, "Trends in Fatalities From Distracted Driving in the United States", from National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2005 to 2008 car accidents involving a use of a cellular device increased by 28 percent, while drunk driving fatalities declined by 35 percent. In today's world, many people are becoming attached to their phone, and they cannot put it down for 30 minutes. A study completed by Pew Research Center showed that 59 percent of young adults ranging from 18 to 34 years old are the most likely to text and Get more content
And Driving Essay
Drinking And Driving Consequences Essay
The essential question is, what are the consequences of drinking and driving? This is important to consider because most people who drink and drive do not consider their consequences. Since drinking and driving is such a big issue, not only in our community, but throughout the world, it is important to bring to the attention of others the consequences that come with drinking and driving. There is so much people can lose as a result from drinking and driving and it is important to bring that to others attention. There are not only legal consequences, but also personal consequences that follow. Personal consequences can have a negative effect on the offender's family life, as well as their professional life. As for legal consequences, your crime will remain on your permanent record forever. Age also plays a part in consequences, for instance if you are underage while drinking and driving your parents will most likely have to pay for all the fines that you...show more content...
A DUI beingdriving under the influence, while DWI is driving while intoxicated. When you drink and drive, we know that there are various consequences. We know a person drinking and driving could get arrested and sent to court, as well as being fined and having their license restricted. However, we did not know all of the consequences and the extent of the punishments. Before researching the consequences of drinking and driving, we imagined that we would be able to find out a lot of information relatively quick since it's about the consequences. Since the consequences is a legal issue, we thought there would be a lot of information about it. For our research we wanted to find out the amount of alcohol needed in the bloodstream in order to get a DUI or DWI. In addition, we wanted to learn the amount of time one needs to wait to get their license back after a suspension, as well as how much a person is fined for getting a DUI or Get
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Essay About Drinking And Driving
The persistent use of alcohol while driving has caused more harm than ever. Hundreds of precious lives are lost day by day because of this inappropriate and illegal act. Due to the intoxicating nature of alcohol, destruction of body cells, liver tissues, loss of memory and more particularly, absence of coordination occur. In this scenario, driving when drunk only has one end–result; catastrophe. Communities today are facing a real crisis for parameters that appear in the increase of traffic accidents which claim the lives of many people, which are caused by drinking alcohol and driving without paying attention to the danger facing the driver and all those who are accompanying him. This crisis has led to the loss of a large number of segments of society, especially the younger groups. Also, there is a continuous increase in the number of wounded and the disabled. The crisis in the USA shows clearly that it's dangerous, as hundreds of youth are exposed to the conduct of deadly accidents...show more content...
This chronic mentality has made many teenagers heavily addicted to alcohol and consequently, caused the death of many lives today. Drinking while driving continues to be a horrible occurrence not only because of the loss of the affected lives, but because of the trauma experienced by the affected families and friends. All it takes is one odd night, one more drink and one unfortunate mistake. In reality, some ill–advised people feel good after participating in this illegal act. The unfortunate thing about this uneventful act is the perpetual willingness to repeat the process. They pride themselves in the fact that they got home safely and did not hurt anybody. But this is very wrong, because driving away while drinking puts your own live in peril and also risks the lives of people you come
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Drinking And Driving Essay
Imagine the idea of a college student driving back to her dorm from the grocery store. She waits patiently for the light to turn green as she sings to her favorite song on the radio. Finally, its time for her to go and she accelerates through the intersection. Little did she know a man that had too many drinks would come flying through the red light. The last thing she saw was the headlights of his car.Drunk driving is a heartbreaking occurrence. Every day drunk drivers are imprisoned, either for traffic violations, dangerous driving, or accidents. People that make the mistake of drinking and driving not only put themselves in danger; they put all of the other people on the roads in danger. Innocent lives may be lost because of another's...show more content...
Drinking and driving is said to be the primary contributor to automotive related deaths. "By law, a driver is considered to be impaired byalcohol if his or her blood alcohol content is 0.08 percent or higher" (Holzmueller). As a matter of fact, "in 2010, about 86 percent of all fatalities alcohol–involved crashes were in cases where a driver or pedestrian had a BAC of .08 or higher" ("The Economic and Societal Impact of Motor Vehicle Crashes, 2010" 147). Laws and penalties have been created and applied in recent years that make it more difficult to get away with drinking and driving. If drivers are charged with alcohol–impaired driving, "they face suspension or revocation of their license" (Holzmueller). Causes of drinking and driving are various. Some partake in this crime to gain attention from their peers, while some do it solely because their judgment is impaired and it seems like it is not that big of a deal. After the consumption of alcohol, the brain basically processes information at a slower pace than usual. For example, if a drunk person is driving, they cannot see objects at a distance. They also cannot fully pay attention to his or her surroundings, specifically on the road (Mendralla & Grosshandler
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Driving And Drinking And Driving
On average one person is killed every minute and fifty three seconds from drinking and driving incidents. This public service announcement by ecovia shows one man and a fist of another man. A red small car is painted on the face of the man and a green big truck is painted on the hand and arm,the two cars are making physical contact. The message this PSA is trying to make is do not drink and drive because it leads to pain and suffrage in not just you but other people. An analysis of the PSA reveals the obvious everybody knows, which is drinking and driving will hurt. However, there is a deeper meaning with the details of the picture the closer you look into this announcement. Furthermore, ecovia created a series of advertisements for stopping the violence of driving. This one being over drinking and driving with the ad stating "Stop the Violence don't drink and drive". This PSA shows a man with a red car on his face being hit by a powerful fist with a big green truck on the hand. This is to symbolize a drunk driving accident where the green car is an intoxicated driver getting into a head on collision with a smaller red car. The look on the man's face shows pain, which is what everyone involved in the crash would feel. The way the saliva flies out of his mouth is used to represent the car parts breaking and flying everywhere once the two cars collide. The look on his face including: the wrinkles around his eyes, the tightness of his eyes, the shape of his mouth, and the Get more
Drinking and driving causes car accidents with critical injuries and deaths. Alcohol causes people to make poor decisions. This poor judgment places them behind the wheel of a car, causing them to put lives in danger. Statistics show surprising numbers of car crashes and fatalities associated with driving under the influence. To prevent repeat offenders from getting behind the wheel again, there are many consequences for their actions. To keep our communities safer, Mother's Against Drunk Driving get together to fight for what they believe in. These programs support a better future without drinking and driving. This is to keep the children safer. There are also ways to help the offender with their drinking problem. Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings and Inpatient Treatment can be a great start! Poor decision making is the main cause for drinking and driving. Alcohol will make people think that they are okay to drive when they are not. Swerving all over the road or passed out behind the wheel, because of one bad decision someone's life is over! Alcohol impairs a person's motor skills causing the inability to talk, walk, or think clearly which is not at all a good thing either. Some have been known to blackout or get violent while intoxicated then wake up to regret and criminal charges having no recollection of what...show more content...
If he/she cannot walk a straight line or their blood alcohol count is .08 or higher, that person will be arrested for driving under the influence. Statistics show that more people are being arrested for drunk driving than any other crime. In 2011, 9,878 people were killed in alcohol related car crashes. 1,140 children were killed in these accidents. According to " National Statistics"(On the site– Dangers of Drinking and Driving)an average of 12,000 people die every year in alcohol related accidents. One out of three teens die in alcohol related car
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On Drinking And Driving
Paragraph I: (Introduction and Thesis statement.)
This message i'm making is to some states in the world, I disagree with this because teenagers won't be able to get to work if they don't have a car. They also won't be able to get to school because most teenagers don't have good transportation to get to places. Teenagers won't be able to help out their parents drive since their too young. If teenagers have their own car and learn how to drive they would become more independent. I just think that teenagers should be able to drive at the age 16 years old.
Paragraph 2: (Point 1)
If teenagers don't have a car there is no way for them to get to work. If you're a teenager and have a job after or before school then you can learn valuable lessons and responsibility for financial planning. Driving can teach a teenager to act more like...show more content... Most of parents teenagers who are in athletics have to go a lot of places and they run their parents around like crazy. This makes the parent mad sometimes so why not let the teenagers learn how to drive. With the parent in the car with the teenager, they can help them know they way of how to drive, when to stop, and when not to stop. Teens can become more responsible about time when they have other things going on.
Paragraph 5: (Conclusion and restating Thesis statement.)
When teens are driving by themselves, they are making themselves become more independent. When teenagers come independent they start taking their responsibilities more serious, and become more like adults. When the parent drives the teen around all the time they are being more dependent just by sitting in the passenger's seat. The teen can learn more if they are in front of the wheel. Teens should be able to drive at the age of sixteen because they will become more helpful and being able to learn the way driving life world before they become an Get more content
Thesis Statement For Drinking And Driving
Teenagers crave independence from a very young age, and driving allows them to transition from childhood to adulthood. Having a drivers license at the age of 18 is the perfect age to consider to start driving. As a matter of fact, at the age of 18 most teenagers are more likely to attend college or join the workforce, therefore having the experience of driving and the responsibility that comes with it, allows the student to mature faster. In other words, driving is a system that allows the teenager to be more responsible due to if the teen wants to continue driving, they understand that they need to take care of the automobile. In addition to that, teens would not put themselves at risk if they are not driving alone, the company of an adult
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Essay On Drinking And Driving
Drinking And Driving Research Paper
Whether you are barbequing, laying out by the pool, watching fireworks, or watching the Reds play this weekend, it is important that you take proactive measures to ensure your safety. You do not want your fun–filled weekend to end up sour by ending up behind bars or injured in a car accident.
DUI's and DWI's are the leading causes for traffic accidents during the 4th of July weekend. There are many alternatives to drinking anddriving. Instead of putting yourself at danger as well as others on the roadway, you should call a taxi, lyft, uber, or your friends and family for a ride.
Several accidents during this holiday weekend are also caused by distracted drivers. We have all seen people eating while driving, putting on makeup, or texting
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