Students Should Wear Uniforms Debate Essay
For years, there have been hundreds of debates about whether students should wear uniforms or not. Many schools agreed with the idea and have already required school uniforms, while others are still considering it. Some say that school uniforms represent discipline and instill school pride, but others think that it is not creativity and comfortable. Despite that there are still arguments about it; schooluniforms have increasingly demonstrated their importance and influence in many ways. Students should have to wear uniforms because it will help students to perform better at school, give students a sense of discipline, lower the cost for parents, and decrease the rate of crime. Students who do not want to wear uniforms will give more content...
While wearing uniforms, students have to obey and follow the rules, so they will learn how to respect others. An article reports "Teachers and principals often report that discipline problems are reduces in schools that implements a standardized dress program." (School Uniforms). In addition, wearing school uniforms is a step of preparation for professional life. When you have a job, you will have to wear uniforms. Whether you are a doctor or a nurse, you are in the same position. School uniforms also help students to realize that they are a part of a group, so they feel liked they belong and learn to take responsibility for whatever they do. Next, school uniforms will encourage the learning environment. If school does not require uniforms, it will take more time for students to decide what to wear for the next day. They will have to think so much about clothing, shoes, or hair. Therefore, they cannot use that valuable time to concentrate more on their studies and others activities. Uniforms remind them that they are still students and the biggest goal is to learn. This will motivate them to try their best to achieve the goal. When I was in Vietnam, all students were required to wear uniforms, and students were fine with it. They did not find any inconvenience or think that it prevented them from expressing themselves, because they understood that it would benefit them in different ways. In the
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The uniform ensures a certain cohesion within a group, and offers a feeling of belonging, in this case, to a school institution. Rangers, firemen, policemen, flight attendants, nurses, soldiers, hoteliers, some priests wear a uniformity which allows to quickly identify their functions, and which offers a certain prestige to the profession. When a student wears a school uniform, we can quickly identify the school from which this pupil comes. In addition, wearing a school uniform can be considered as a rite that would allow the student to feel integrated into the larger school group or less quickly.
Most students adhere more easily to the "codes" of THEIR school thanks to a uniform or a dress code that sometimes consists of some students rhetoric to print a sweatshirt with the name of the school.
Wearing polo's and khakis in private schools has long been customary almost universally because it symbolized the equality for all students, without religious and social distractions. If all schools required informs it would help put everyone back into retrospective making no child different from the next. The argument that school uniforms stifles student's individuality and creativity, but in fact school uniforms helps fight against all forms of discrimination that may arise between students because of race, gender, religions and social classes. School uniform gives students a sense of unity, the encourage school harmony and they help reduce violence and promote a sense of security (enable the identification of intruders).
By mandating uniforms in school young people are less distracted and are more focused on learning, uniforms simply help young people avoid the everyday hassle of always having to be fashionable because of today's social media and society in a whole. Uniforms help eradicate social differences, it lessens commotion and lessen teasing about inequalities of what other are wearing. Many parents and students believe that wearing uniforms lessens student's individuality and by wearing uniforms it will smother their personal expression. Another reason parent may not want their children wearing uniform because it can be a bit expensive, from firsthand experience I can related to it Get more content
Persuasive Essay On School Uniform
Pants below waist, baggy shirts with sexist signs, and piercings, this is not a good view early in the morning. That's why the school should implement a uniform policy. Uniforms should be mandatory in school. Uniforms make the school appear more professional. Also with uniforms students won't compare themselves with each other. Moreover uniforms can help students save time. Additionally parents won't have to waste so much money on clothes hence will have a better budget.
A major reason that schools should have uniforms is because students will get along better. They wouldn't compare each other based on whose wearing what. This is opposed to a school with no uniform some students will feel inferior to the one's wearing brand more content... Students believe that the way they are dressed is more important than the grades they make. The students with less money, that can't buy all the newest clothes, tend to not go to school as much, because they won't fit in. There for students in schools with uniform will have more time to focus on more important things, like school work. With uniforms students don't have to go to the mall every week looking for new clothes to wear. Also if a school has no uniforms students will feel that they need to have a certain look to fit in, and many will be ridiculed if they don't achieve this "look."
Above all, parents are also impacted when schools require uniforms. If schools impose a uniform code parents won't have to waste so much money on clothes hence will have a better budget. For example a pair of designer jeans cost at least eighty dollars, with eighty dollars parents can buy two uniform pants, and three uniform shirts for the whole year. Especially how the economy is at its lowest point that it has been in years parents will feel the hit less if they don't have to buy new clothes for school every week. In a uniform school there are fewer clothes to buy, which helps parents spend less money. In addition, schools should enforce a uniform policy, because parents will have more money
Essay on The Advantages of School
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Argument For School Uniforms
Opposed to the argument for school uniforms, the ACLU argues that school uniforms go against the First Amendment. It is agreed that school uniforms stifle a student's self expression. Many educators and sociology experts argue that school uniforms interrupt a child's development as a person. Experts also believe that school uniforms do not prepare check Loren for the real world, where they will be judged by their
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School Uniforms
Students should not have to wear uniforms because most students do not have a lot of money to spend on clothes. When i look at my uniforms i think that teachers do not give us a lot of trust in wearing our clothes. The thing i hate the most about uniforms are the belts, the belts i wear are uncomfortable. Uniforms are like a cage, it is like i am trying to break free from these clothes, it is like I have no freedom. Every single time i enter a classroom my teachers are either trying to get me to tuck in my shirt or put my belt on. Uniforms should not be worn at school because some students do not have a lot of money.
When i look at my uniforms i think that teachers do not give us a lot of trust in wearing our clothes. When i say this i mean it is not right to make us wear uniforms. Uniforms are kind of hard to put on. The reason it is hard to put on is because you have to put your pants on, then your shirt on, more content...
I have learned that students should have more freedom to wear what they want. If they did that they would feel more confident around other people. Do you know why students wear jackets and things like that. Its because they do not want to be seen in a uniform. Students might say no thats not true. Well they are lying to themselves it is hot outside and you wear a jacket. that does not seem right. the reason they do wear uniforms is because teachers think that students will bully them because that's not what looks right. Well, you do not do anything aboutbullying any way. if two people are bullying one kid the teachers suspend or write them up. After they do that the are still in the same class with the same kid that got bullied in the first place. Youneed to remove them from that class and keep it that way. Instead of separating the students for bullying because of clothes. You need to keep the students who try their best and the people who bully in two separate
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Argumentative Speech On School
Argument Against School Uniforms
Wouldn't you appreciate that your children always know what to wear for school? School uniform is what makes it easy! A set of clothing that is mainly worn, school uniform is one of the school's policy and recommendation. Generally worn in elementary and middle school, this outfit is composed of specific colors of long or short pants and shirts for boys, sometimes with a tie. Girls usually wear a dress or a blouse worn either with a skirt or pants, all however have the same colors. This dress code determines even the type of shoes that should be worn at school. School uniform may vary from school to school, but it remains the basis dress code for the education system. The adoption of school extensive uniform mandatory has been more content...
Lucille Lange, a school administrator from Bogota explains: "Students are leaning to think independently and need to realize that the right to express themselves comes with responsibility and consequences." (2011). Students opportunity of free expression, their personality, and individualism is unable to develop to its fullest capacity.
Opponents think that when children select their own clothing, they can develop confidence and independence, vital characteristics through the personality development and adult success. Controlling extremely the socialization process of students will harm them as an adult, because they will not be prepared for the real world, indeed by their appearances. In addition, opponents argue that when students are limited about what they are going to wear, they will find other ways to offend the authority. Without a way out of expression in their clothes, they will turn out to other inappropriate alternatives of self–expression, such as nontraditional hair styles or make–up, or the worst revolting against school authorities and parents by the way they behave and act. It is obvious that children, especially those in middle and high school, are constantly concerned about their appearance that way, wearing a school uniform will minimize this concern. They also believe schools can help students avoid clothing that contains slogans, short or tight clothing; while giving them
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"School Uniforms: Yes, or No"
The concept of having school uniform is a topic that has been debated fir any years. Some students find uniforms necessary, others just hate the colors. I think that the students who think uniforms are unnecessary are wrong. Uniforms are an excellent idea and can help school students be more disciplined, have an equal environment, and enjoy greater academics. School uniforms are a great way to maintain a level of social equality. There are more positive effects of wearing school uniforms than negative. School uniform makes student's lives easier because it eliminates the job of spending hours on picking out clothes for school.First, having school uniform maintains discipline in school. more content... If students are required to wear school uniforms, then they will automatically dress appropriately. Some students hide weapons in their clothes, so if there is uniform, no one will be able to hide any weapon. Secondly, school uniforms create an equal environment. Uniforms eliminate competition. No student will be considered less important than the other. Staying out of uniform is not a problem for the rich students. If there is no uniform, children, who are rich, will wear brand name clothes and children who are poor will wear regular, simple clothing. The poor children will feel left out because they are different. When children wear school uniform, every child is equal. School uniforms are less expensive compared to regular "play clothing", it lasts longer, and they can be reused. School uniforms are professional and help kids take school more seriously. When School uniforms help maintain or rise a school's academic standards. Uniforms help change a person's attitude toward success. Students go to school to learn, not to show off. Without school uniform, kids will spend more time on picking out clothes rather than doing homework. If children don't have choice to show off, make fun, or feel left out, then they will concentrate more on their studies. It is proven that schools that have uniforms have higher benchmark scores, SAT scores, and students which decide to go to college. In conclusion, school uniforms do not affect who
School Uniform Debate Essay
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Why We Should Not Have School Uniforms
The argument between to have or not have school uniforms has been an ongoing dispute ever since the use of them. I have first–hand experience of having school uniforms and having no school uniforms. I strongly believe that school uniforms are beneficial to an individual's school success /experience. An issue in school that effects many inner–city schools is gang relations. "Uniforms add measures of safety in identical dress. Gang identification is obscured. Group violence and theft are dissipated... Children are no longer identified by their 'colors.' Uniform dress alleviated the feelings of imminent danger for students who were afraid they might inadvertently dress in gang colors." (Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms?). This serves as a way to get rid of gang violence and affiliation in the school environment. Without gang recognition, there is less gang more content...
Having school uniforms greatly decrease one's way to get bullied. "Perhaps most importantly, a uniform means students don't have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. When everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like isn't so important. There is no competition about being dressed in the latest trend, which would put a great deal of financial pressure on students and parents. Potential bullies have one less target for their insults; it's hard to make fun of what someone is wearing when you're dressed exactly the same..." (Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms?). With the same as gang violence, having uniforms does not get rid of bullying altogether. With my experiences in both non–uniform and uniform enforced schools, I saw far less bullying in schools with uniforms. Most of the bullying incidents I have seen are focused on the kid's appearance due to clothing. Having the uniforms can help students look at each other in a more equal
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Should Students Wear School Uniforms?
School uniforms should definitely be used in school systems. Uniforms are both good for schools as well as for the students. Wearing uniforms will help build a sense of unity within the school. Instead of everyone as a separate team, everyone will be in the same team. Wearing uniforms will help free students of the stress of what to wear in the morning. Wearing school uniforms will help improve student individuality and improve their self–esteem. First, wearing matching uniforms can make students feel equal. Poor students would no longer feel excluded because they are not wearing name brand clothes like the richer kids. Kids sometime tease each other because of the brand of clothes that they wear. Not all children's parents more content...
Social status will also be less of an issue because everyone would be wearing the same clothing. Uniforms will improve students' individuality because they will have to express themselves through their personality and attitude, rather than through a brand name pair of jeans or an expensive pair of tennis shoes. Wearing uniforms will allow the teachers to form a better perception of a student based on how they act not by how they dressed. Students social standing would be based more on individual character. Wearing uniforms will help improve a student's self–esteem because they will not feel pressured to dress a certain way. Students feel pressured by other students when they can't dress like they dress. If all students are dressed the same, everyone will feel equal. Second, wearing uniforms will allow more time for studying. Students will be more focused on their school work and homework. Wearing uniforms will allow kids more time to do their homework, because they will not be focused on trying to find the hottest outfit to wear to school the next day. Students spend too much time trying to put together the perfect outfit for school. Wearing uniforms will allow kids the opportunity to understand what is more important and that is the school work as well as the homework. If students would put the same dedicated time into their school or homework that they put into trying to find the hottest
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School Uniforms
The wearing of school uniforms is increasingly popular across the nation. It becomes a controversial argument of communities rejecting these mandated school uniforms in their schools. However, school uniforms are not a negative thing; in fact, they could be positive in many ways by eliminating cliques, saving money for parents, and taking away the bullying off students less fortunate; whereas, school uniforms will also violate students' freedom of expression, create a financial burden on families, and uniforms will not alleviate the problems such as higher academic rates, attendance, etc. However, with a solution that would benefit both parties, the public school systems in the Oklahoma City district would benefit greatly if this policy were adopted in all the schools since the district only has seventy–four public schools with uniforms, while seventeen schools are not. First of all, these school uniforms should be implemented in the rest of these seventeen schools, because they would diminish economic and social barriers between students. For instance, people come from different social classes such as Upper, Middle, and Lower class. Many lower–class families often cannot afford to purchase non–essential items for their children, especially for school; many struggle just to purchase the necessity items such as food, housing, transportation, etc. According to the Oklahoma City Board ofEducation, if families are not able to afford school uniforms, there are
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School Uniforms Should Be Abolished
The Most Common Argument Against School Uniforms
Uniforms would not be a good idea because of the different problems it would start and how it could cost the school more money than it gained. My claim is that uniforms are a bad idea because they will not make students happy and they won't be happy that they don't get freedom to dress how they would like to.
The most common argument against school uniforms is that they limit personal expression. ( /The–Arguments–Against–School–Uniforms.htm) And they will make kids all feel the same and unlike themselves and that won't make them want to do their schoolwork any more than they did before. And plus schools that didn't have uniforms for a long time would be weird for students to undergo
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One of the greatest controversies that is spreading throughout high schools in the United States is parents and their children against the enforcement of their school's uniform policy. More schools have been adopting uniform policies within the past decade. Rules contained in the policy that are implemented range from wearing certain types of tops (shirts) in specified colors to students being required to tuck in their shirts. In the past, uniforms were exclusively for students who attended private schools because they were "well–off", but now uniforms are being seen more frequently in public schools on students of all economic levels. Having gone through a school system that considered adopting a uniform policy, I would have to more content...
Even our forefathers years ago knew the importance of America and its inhabitants to be individuals; hence Freedom of Speech in the Bill of Rights. Imagine picking up your child from school to find her in tears. Through her sobs she tells you that her day was spent in In–School–Suspension (ISS) for refusing to remove her head scarf, part of your family's religious attire; I'm sure that you would be outraged. Your child's uniform policy does not allow for any type of head gear to be worn, which left her stuck outside of the classroom and in ISS. In the words of the United States Department of Education, "A school uniform policy must accommodate students whose religious beliefs are substantially burdened by a uniform requirement ("Manual on School Uniforms"), this mandate is distributed to all public schools that want to implement or are currently utilizing a uniform policy. What the school did to your child is considered a violation of her religious rights under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. A school district in North Carolina came to an out–of–court settlement after being slapped with a lawsuit due to the fact that they denied any exemptions from the uniform policy based on religion. Our great country was founded on the basis of Freedom of Religion, so why should we allow for it to be taken away because of a school board's decision to adopt a uniform policy that does
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School Uniforms: A Bad Idea Essay
Socialization and You: Students in Uniform Uniforms have helped develop many children socially into the people they are today. Presented in argument form is how the role expectations, social control, and values of being in uniform have helped me succeed. Being in school uniforms at an early age has centralized me to this idea. High school was the first time without being in uniform for me. It was a culture shock. People made fun of what you wore some days, or would look at you wrong. You were no longer on the same level as your peers. It was difficult to fathom for me. Uniforms have their own subculture and are an excellent idea.
"The uniform dress required of all students is one of the most important features of the college. It more content... By wearing a school uniform, one is not apt to get made fun of. Everyone is in the same apparel and can't scrutinize any part of another child's outfit. By feeling that everyone is the same, that is one less worry on a child's mind. This leaves more room for educational worries rather than individual ones. Socially this has sculptured me to realizing what is important. A Child's need to be fashionable brings along another dilemma for school violence. Children no doubt will envy other children's clothing and lack the financial resources to purchase similar styles. Subsequently, children have been violently injured or even murdered, in upper grades, for their trendy clothes, sneakers, or professional sport–team gear. "With clothing shown by music videos and television sitcoms, more children wear similar styles of baggy, oversized shirts and pants to school. Such clothing can become a means of transporting weapons or drugs into school and thus indirectly increase school violence"(King). School uniforms reduce these occurrences. The solution of school uniforms is a definite aid in decreasing a child's worries about getting harassed, and most importantly their safety. It particularly protects females because revealing clothing isn't an issue. These days' girls as young as ten are wearing provocative clothing such as mini skirts, tube tops, skimpy bikinis, and not
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Supporting School Uniforms
Today, many schools around the world enforce uniforms, requiring students to wear specific clothing. School uniforms, which was first established in 16th century England, are a topic of much debate in the public school system of the United States. Many people feel that uniforms reduce competition among students and bring a sense of unity in school. People who are against school uniforms think that they prevent students from expressing themselves and inhibits creativity. Many students dislike school uniforms because uniforms can be viewed as a violation of their rights, while others benefit from uniforms because it relieves the stress of picking what to wear to school. Although school uniforms do have its benefits, they also more content...
It is a belief that school uniforms teach students to respect their learning environment and behave themselves, and, therefore improving discipline. However, that assumption isn't entirely correct. Researchers have actually found that school uniforms don't make students better behaved. According to a study of more than 4,500 students, those who wore a school uniform did not have fewer behavior problems or better attendance. Forcing students to wear uniforms lead to more problems and misbehavior instead of encouraging discipline. Students could get into trouble if they did not wear their uniforms correctly. Many kids in today's society cannot stand the thought of someone telling them what to do, especially what to wear. Instead of encouraging respect, uniforms may cause rebellions. For example, in 2009, a group of students at John A. Ferguson Senior High School rebelled against their school uniforms. Instead of following their school uniform requirements, the students wore what they thought would be a better school uniform to school. Not only uniforms don't earn schools the respect from its students, but it may also lead to more problems. Some critics say that school uniforms increase the amount of clothing that parents have to buy for their children, meaning that they would have to spend more money. Students wouldn't wear their uniforms outside of school, so parents would have to buy casual clothing for their child to wear outside of school.
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School Uniforms Persuasive Essay
Arguments against the Use of School Uniforms
School uniforms in England were first introduced during the occupation of King Henry VII. England is mostly known for their school uniforms even though British people are not very interested, in fact they spend less money on clothes than the people of many European countries. Although, the school uniforms are part of the British image, many individuals oppose the use of school uniforms. The British is mostly known for their clothes, more specifically the school uniforms, it is one of their dress code. Britain has influenced many countries to make school uniforms compulsory. Many continents like Africa and Asia were forced while they were being colonized by Britain to make school uniforms compulsory. Both the public and private schools are required to have its won colures, styles and the dress code most not be neglected. When students are shown or exposed to the positive sides of having school uniforms, they become more responsible students but do school uniforms contravenes the student rights to self– expression.
The most typical arguments against school uniforms are that students are not allowed to choose what they want to wear. The students are limited, and there is no other way for self–expression. The only way for modern students to become unique and different from each other, is by having different clothes and not school uniforms. Unfortunately, school uniforms make everybody look almost the same. Many parents even complain about the
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Arguments Against School Uniforms
District 230 should not mandate a school uniform policy because of the following: school uniforms go against our rights, raise questions of equality, and they rely on anti–democratic principles. (MP1)To start, school uniforms go against rights in the first amendment like: freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. (EV)Robson states in his Viewpoint, ВЁSymbols or words on clothes are most likely to clear the speech hurdle; they will then be evaluated against the "disruption" standard articulated by the Supreme Court in the watershed case Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community School District. Tinker involved students wearing black armbands to protest the war in Vietnam. Borrowing from civil rights cases, the court decided for the more content...
(CO)Likewise, If district d230 decided to make uniforms required, then history may repeat itself, and our speech rights may be censored as students due to the uniform dress code. (MP2)Furthermore, I disagree the d230 uniform policy because they raise questions of equality. (EV)Robson also states in his Viewpoint, ВЁSchool dress codes also raise questions of equality. Gender–specific guidelines for hair, jewelry and cosmetics are being tested, especially by transgender students. Bans on saggy pants or Afro puffs are applied to all students but can be seen as racially biased. Outlawing sweat pants or frayed garments might well have a disproportionate effect, depending on a family's economic status, although this argument would be more persuasive to a school board making policy than to a court applying constitutional doctrineВЁ (Robson).
(AN)Schools are putting gender specific guidelines on things like hair, jewelry, and cosmetics. Schools are also putting bans on things like afros, and saggy pants, which can be seen as racial discrimination. (CO)If district d230 decided to mandate uniforms, then some students feel feel
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School Uniforms: Yes or No?
Jessica Sjöstedt
Damian Finnegan
Academic Writing
3 March 2011
School Uniforms: A Non–Military Proposal for Sweden's Students The word school uniform has negative connotations for many people. It makes them think of war, of soldier, of death, brainwashed airheads doing exactly the same as everybody else. It makes them think of reformed, collectivized groups of people with no personal identity. There are, however, reasons for the existence of the uniform; one of them being, as the name suggests, the purpose of uniting. At schools all around the world theschool uniform is a key factor to the success of the students. Sweden currently does not apply the rule of a school dress code, but there is a definitive need for one. School uniforms more content... And if it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then public schools should be able to require school uniforms" (Clinton, 1996). Studies have shown that when students are wearing uniforms there is a big difference in their behavior and their academic results in school. In his essay (Skiba, 2000) Skiba presents evidence from different studies (Cohn, 1996 and Loesch, 1995) suggesting that when children wear a uniform to school they are less likely to be associated with a gang and the dangers of walking pass the wrong neighborhood on the way to and from school is therefor eliminated. Loesch also points out that the dress code in schools help "establish a calm, businesslike school climate." (Loesch, 1995). In the Long Beach School District all forms of violence, beatings, hooliganism and other serious misbehaving offenses have almost disappeared since they decided all students have to wear uniform. (Cohn, 1996.) Another good example of how students seem to be thinking is this study where almost three hundred students were asked to describe pictures of people dressed in different clothes. Nearly all the students participating in the survey described the uniform–clad illustrations as "better behaved" and "more academically
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School Uniforms
School uniforms are becoming a popular trend amongst schools worldwide. Students and even most parents don't agree with the implementation with school uniforms; declaring that uniforms take away the right of self–expression. This topic has both pros and cons that can impact youth in both a good and bad way. Schooluniforms can be beneficial to learning. The most common argument against school uniforms is that they take away the students right to self– expression. Requiring school uniforms eliminate the debate over whether to require uniforms or not is controversial, undeniably complex, and, from the analyses and arguments that are unquestionably rooted in multifaceted social, political, legal, cultural, racial material, and educational structures. The topic has both pros and cons that can be impact youth in both a good and bad way. One factor can be Academic outcomes; uniforms can reflect a student's work ethnic as well as grades. Another factor can be behavioral outcomes; wearing uniforms may change a student's attitude to being more professional since they look more content... Some of the opponents of uniform argue that, forcing students to wear uniforms can make them unruly as they may turn to unsuitable mode of dressing. Uniforms hamper a smooth transition of students from childhood to adulthood as their socialization is practically controlled. Uniforms may also be a probable source of uneasiness for students considering that; they need to make maximum use of their time in schools. The subject of uniforms in public schools cannot be decided on a pro– and– cons approach. There is a need to evaluate some of the moral grounds before coming to a proper conclusion on this issue. The decision of whether uniforms are right for a student is solely dependent on the individual
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Say Yes to School Uniforms: An Argumentative Essay In Favor Of School Uniforms
The controversy about students wearing school uniforms is met with approval and criticism. Although school uniforms are becoming more favorable, some students, parents, and administrators oppose the school uniform policy arguing that school uniforms deny students' rights to express themselves. "The percentage of public schools implementing a uniform rule jumped from 13% to 19% between the 2003–04 and the 2011–12 academic years" (Lake). School Uniforms do reduce the choice of clothing that the student can wear, but it does not lessen their education ; the purpose of them being there. Students can express their individual style of clothes outside of the classroom. School is a place to learn, and when the choice of clothing is narrowed, the students can direct their full attention to academics. Former Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton advocated for uniforms in school. She said: "Take that (clothing choices) off the table and put the focus on school not what you're wearing." (Clinton). Although school uniforms limit individuality, school uniforms should be required in order to improve social dynamics and the overall health of the school.
School uniforms create solidarity and enforcing a uniform policy would make all the students look similar. This addresses peer pressure issues and ceases students trying to "fit in" by wearing stylish or trendy clothes. Statistically, school uniforms have positively impacted schools in the areas of violence and truancy. "According to research 42% of parents and 80% of teachers agreed or strongly agreed that school uniforms promoted school pride and a sense of community. Some people feel that students will feel more connected to their school and classmates. Furthermore, 36% of parents and 52% of teachers agreed and strongly agreed that school uniforms eliminated competition among students" (Statistic Brain Research Institute Online/Direct Response Mail). This positively impacts the school by reducing bullying, and gang–related activities. By establishing a uniform policy, the financial load that parents encounter could be minimized. For parents, August and September is the time they usually
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Argumentative Essay Against School Uniforms
School UniformsMany kids at their school do not like their uniforms or rules on school clothes.50% of students and parents on say no to school uniforms." Uniforms ugh, this is by a TEN YEAR OLD. Uniforms,you can be a bully target with uniforms." This was by a real person on stating their opinion on uniforms. I personally agree because i have seen kids at the school I go to be bullied because they have a stain on their shirt, but they have to wear it because it' school policy. Overall many kids can be bullied because of uniforms and that can cause suicide and and leave a family wanting to do something about it but can't. Something needs to be done because of this horrible effect. more content...
One of the schools i found said that they send their students in a time out,they give them a warning,also have them change their clothes. At my school you can get suspended if you dis–obey the rule on school clothing. They wouldn't get suspended if they didn't have these rules.`Many kids have a rough time buying their school clothes."uniforms cost too much. I found school uniform shoes for 70$! That is a lot of money. I found school uniform shirts for 70$(true)." It is very expensive to buy school clothing. I bought my school clothing for 5$ but i had to buy new pants and a lot of shirts that is easily more than 30$. My family needs that money for groceries because we are not a wealthy family and we really need that money. All in all school clothing and uniforms can be very expensive.Many students and parents believe that uniforms take away students right to express themselves." Limits Expression,Reduces freedom. I understand that school uniforms reduce bullying. However, uniforms in public schools are not a good idea. First, uniforms limit the freedom of expression, school is supposed to be a place where ida's and thoughts flow freely. Second, uniforms can be expensive. Short of getting corporate sponsors appropriate for schooling, parents would have to pay for the uniforms which can be cost prohibitive for some families. I believe that school uniforms don't reduce bullying. Anyway, some kids have to wear
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