Fashion World (0835) Credit .5 This course is for the student who has an interest in exploring fashion design and the related industry. Students will learn the role of fashion in society, basic fashion illustration, industry careers, marketing and merchandising, garment types, textiles, and design and color theory. Students learn about the design field through creation of original garment designs, fabric designs, ¼ scale pattern making (through computer assisted design software) and a final portfolio exhibiting an original line of clothing or accessories. Additional course components may include field trips, guest speakers and hands-on fashion labs. * This course is strongly recommended after taking Designing You and Your Space. Entrepreneurship: Passion to Profit (0846) Credit .5 This course provides students with the resource management skills needed to turn an idea into a product or service. Taught through learning activities such as community partnerships, guest speakers, internship opportunities and field trips, students will explore themes of entrepreneurship as they develop skills in problem solving, communication, organization and leadership. Students will focus on the sequential process of creating a small business, from analyzing consumer demands to managing the product or service. WISE Junior/Senior Independent Study (0843)/Honors option (0841) Credit .5 WISE is a junior/senior independent study based on stud ent interest and choice. Projects must demonstrate a learning stretch. Components of the course include in depth research guided by essential questions, daily journals, time log (90 credit hours), development of a mentoring relationship with a faculty member, experiential community opportunities (job shadows/interviews), individual portfolio development, and a final presentation of projects. Soft skills such as time management, effective communication, problem solving, and independent work ethic are emphasized. Honors Option –During initial project development, those seeking honors credit will present a written proposal/justification to the WISE teacher. Honors credit will be awarded based on successful completion of all course expectations as well as a community internship (minimum of 20 verified semester hours), the addition of a community mentor, an internship log, and research expectations that exceeds the course minimum of 12 scholarly sources. Senior Academy (0844) Credit .5 This seminar class is for seniors transitioning to the next phase of life whether planning on attending college, enlisting in the military or entering the world of work. Interpersonal relationship issues, career planning, personal development, independent living skills, financial realities, gender issues, decision making and stress reduction are examples of topics that will be explored through this course.