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Course Selection, Scheduling & Timeline
Students are given course registration info during the second semester and will meet with teachers to determine recommended core courses for the following year. Students are required to meet with their counselor. Subjects are then scheduled according tothe spaces available and the times thecourses are offered.
Schedules will be made available over the summer. To make schedule changes before school starts, an appointment can be made by calling the Counseling Office at 739-6946 x 5580 or by emailing your school counselor.
• Schedule changes will be allowed throughout the summer. New classes will not be added afterthistime. • Level changes require the permission ofthe teacher. • Schedule changes based on instructor or time preference are not permitted. • Withdrawals or level changes requested afterthe schedule change period will require the completion of a
Schedule Change Form which requires teacher, parent, and student signatures. • Studentswhodropa class after October1/March 1 for second semester classes will receive a WF (Withdraw
Failing) on their record. Waiving the WF requires teacherand administrative approval. • Transcripts will be re-sent tocolleges whenever a change is madeto a senior’s schedule. • All students in grades 9-11 must maintain 6.5 credits and students in grade 12 must maintain 6.0 credits. A class dropwill not be allowed if it causes thestudent togo below the minimum required credits. • Override requests for the following school year are considered until the last dayof theschool year
*A W/F (Withdraw Failing) carries the same consequence as a failing grade for academic GPA and athletic eligibility.
February 8thGrade Parent Night Program of Studies available
March ELHS Counselors work withELMS and Salem Staff to provide transition programming and facilitate elective course selection and teacher recommendations
Teachers input course recommendations Studentsmeet with teachers to review recommendations
Summer Break Schedules made available online