Best Diet Chart For Weight Loss Obesity becomes a source of trouble and embarrassment for anyone. No one wants to have a loose, bulky body. It destroys the brilliance of your entire personality. Excess obesity not only reduces beauty but also makes the body a home of diseases. A good personality is recognized by a healthy body. Due to the busy lifestyle, nowadays not everyone is able to take special care of their fitness. But you will be perfect in your work only when your health is good and you are fit. In such a situation, people sweat in the gym for hours, dieting, and sometimes take medicines to lose weight. There is no need to do much to reduce obesity. To reduce your belly, it is most important that you follow the right diet chart.vegetable soup The diet chart is designed to ensure that you get the vitamins and minerals you need. However, it is not necessary that it be fully applicable to every person. You can change it slightly. When you start losing weight, at first everyone loses two to four kg, but then the fat does not decrease. That's why every time you need to make your diet chart harder than before. Try this diet chart for weight loss and you will definitely see a difference. Every person needs food and drink according to their physical constitution and hard work. For this, it would be better to calculate BMR which will tell the minimum number of calories required by the body.Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. 1200 to 1800 calories are required to keep the mind smooth and the body not tired. So many calories are well transmitted to the body in the form of energy which is not stored as fat.
1.Three main meals, such as breakfast, lunch and dinner 300 to 350 calories. 2.Put snacks and others on 300 calories. 3.How to put green tea in a beverage. Green tea helps in weight loss. 4.Go eat it, make it from all wheat or brown rice. Don't eat white or white rice.
Diet Chart For Weight Loss Divide breakfast, lunch and dinner like this.
As soon as you wake up in the morning:.Drink water, at least two glasses if possible and a maximum of one litre. If the water is slightly lukewarm then it is a good thing otherwise it will feel fine.
Do Kunjal if possible: This is a yogic action which is also called vomiting dhoti. Vomiting is done by drinking about two litres of warm water. If BP is not a problem, add light salt in the water. It is very easy, but it would be better if you do it in front of a knowledgeable person, then you can do it yourself.
Breakfast: Make oats but not these instant oats. Bring a packet of plain oats and put onion, garlic, cinnamon, a little mangrail aka kalonji in it, the rest of the salt etc. has to be added. You can add vegetables according to the season. If possible add broccoli or cornflakes and double toned milk or the white part of three or four boiled eggs if you are a non-vegetarian. If you want, you can make lemon juice without sugar. Drink shikanji first, eat eggs later or sometimes you can have boiled potatoes with curd for breakfast. Add green coriander in it.
Brunch:Five to ten almonds, along with coffee or green tea or tea of ginger, basil, cinnamon, cardamom etc. should be sugar free instead of sugar.
Lunch: A bowl of brown rice, salad, lentils, one or two loaves of multi-grain flour. Evening Tea-Shy: Tea or coffee or green tea with no veg soup or roasted gram. If you want, you can also take sprouts.
Dinner: A bowl of veg soup, a bowl of salad, or a large bowl of papaya or a bowl of vegetables.It is not necessary that you consume these things. It is important that you get the right amount of calories. At the same time, you need to include more fluids and exercise in your routine.
What to eat and how to eat to avoid obesity? To protect yourself from obesity, you can eat the following things and get rid of obesity: 1. Eat salad 2. Eat low calorie food 3. Include coarse grains 4. Chew and eat 5. Honey and lemon 6. Dairy products, such as yoghourt and butter. 7. Nuts like - peanuts and almonds etc. 8. Citrus fruits 9. Drink soup 10. Spinach 11. Apple 12. Lentils 13. Porridge 14. Egg 15. Vinegar 16. Avocado
What should not be eaten to avoid obesity? To avoid obesity, you should not consume the following things: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Foods high in sugar, such as sweets and butter. High-sugar drinks Cold drinks and sorbets Not eat more oily foods French fry and chips.
Some Exercises and Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss – Some Exercise and Yoga for Weight Loss Along with adopting our diet chart for weight loss, you should also include the following exercises in your daily routine: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Walk in the morning and evening Practice jumping rope Go swimming Use a bicycle You can also lose weight with Zumba or dance class Apart from exercise weight can also be reduced by yoga before doing yoga definitely consult a doctor
Quick weight loss diet plan
The following yoga asanas for weight loss 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Chakrasana Bhujangasana Veer Bhadrasana Navasana Surya Namaskar
Some more tips to lose weight - Other tips to lose weight Have breakfast on time: Breakfast is the most important meal of the whole day. Let us tell you that breakfast has a direct effect on the metabolic process of our body.
Avoid depression: Depression can also be a cause of obesity, to avoid it, you should also walk or jog. Do things that make you happy.
Get enough sleep: In research, scientists have found that lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, as lack of sleep reduces the body's insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. This reduces the level of leptin in the body and increases appetite.
Diet Food Recipes for Weight Loss By using diet recipes for weight loss, you can reduce your obesity and avoid many diseases. Here we are telling you about some easy recipes which are as follows:-
Fruit salad - Ingredients such as half a papaya, a banana, a little less than half a watermelon, an apple, five to six grapes, lemon, a pinch of salt, a pinch of black pepper
Method: Cut all the fruits into small pieces in a bowl. Finally, mix these pieces with grapes, lemon juice, pinch of salt and pepper. Now your fruit salad is ready.
Vegetable soup - Ingredients such as - a small portion of a cabbage, halved or a carrot, five beans, a lemon, a pinch of black pepper, salt, a little celery or its stalk, a beet.
Method: Cut the cabbage, beet and carrot into long pieces, then cut the celery stalk into small pieces. beans cut into small pieces. Then boil water in a vessel and put all the vegetables in it. Let the vegetables cook for a while and then take them out in a bowl with water. Add lemon juice, salt and pepper to the bowl and mix the vegetables well. How to lose weight fast without exercise