1 minute read
Research the topic and collect the sources relevant to the subject being studied
What is a literature review? CHAPTER 1
A literature review is an important part of the introduction to the master’s thesis, scientific work or an abstract of the dissertation. As a rule, a review contains information about the theoretical works you have taken as the basis for your research and covers a list of authors who have studied problems and directly/ indirectly relate to the subject of the study. It should also consider the literature corresponding to the research topic and justify the choice of the sources. In addition, the project rationale and subject matter should also be discussed in a review of the research literature. This links the introduction to your research topic and provides a logical flow of ideas.
A literature review can be included in the introduction or stand out as an independent chapter of your work. By the way, a chapter does not have to be called a “Literature Review.” You can entitle it the “Theoretical Part” or give it a name associated with the basic concepts of your project. As a rule, if a literary review is a part of the introduction, then it does not exceed three thousand characters and describes only the key works within the theoretical framework of the study. If you decide to single out the literature review in a separate chapter, then it is necessary to describe the most important works for your research in more detail.