APPLICATION FOR UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION (please print) 1. Legal Name ___________________________________________________________________________________
Middle Maiden
2. Social Security No. _________________________ 3. E-mail Address ___________________________________ 4. Applying for (Check one): o Fall_____ o Spring____ o Summer 1st Term ____ o Summer 2nd Term____ YEAR YEAR YEAR YEAR
5. Are you attending: o Summer Only o One course only o One course to be taken _________________________ 6. Sex o Male o Female
7. Date of Birth _____/_____/_____
8. Place of Birth __________________
Month Day Year
9. Are you a U. S. Citizen? o Yes o No
If you are not a U.S. Citizen, provide your Alien Number A___________________
If you are not a U.S. Citizen, are you lawfully present in the U.S. ? o Yes o No 10. Ethnicity - Are you Hispanic or Latino? o Yes o No 11. Race - Which best describes you? Choose one or more of the following categories. o 1. American Indian or Alaska Native o 2. Asian
o 3. Black or African American o 4. Native Hawaiian o 5. White o Yes o No
14. Area of study or major you wish to pursue? ________________________________________________________ 16. Henderson Classification
o Freshman
o Sophomore
o Senior
o Certification
o Bachelor’s
o Non-degree
17. You plan to attend classes (Check one): o Junior
o Special (Concurrently enrolled in high school)
o On-Campus
o On-line
If item 19 is yes, when did you last attend Henderson? ______ / ______ Student ID No. ________________ Semester Year
21. List the last high school you attended. Then list all colleges and universities you have attended in chronological order. You (the applicant) must request each college or university you attended to MAIL an official transcript of work DIRECTLY to the Office of University Relations/Admissions, 1100 Henderson St., Box 7560, Arkadelphia, AR 71999-7560. (Required) Hand-delivered transcripts are not considered official.
20. If item 19 is yes, under what name did you attend? _________________________________________________
18. Have you previously applied to enter Henderson? o Yes o No 19. If yes, did you attend? o Yes o No
12. Church Preference (Optional)________________________________________ 13. Military Vet? 15. Type of degree you are seeking? o Associate’s
Lang Math CP
Residual Dates
Failure To Submit Official Required Information May Result in Dismissal from the University. Name of School
Dates Attended
Year Graduated
Degrees/Hours Earned
High School College
22. Check here if entering with a GED High School Certificate. o Yes Total Score _______ From AR ? o Yes o No 23. Are you currently eligible to return to your present college? o Yes o No
24. Have you ever received an academic or disciplinary suspension? o Yes o No
If yes, where ________________________ and when ____/____/_____?
25. Have you ever been convicted of, or pled guilty to, a felony? o No
o Yes ___________________________ Describe in detail and attach as separate sheet.
26. Parent’s name __________________________ (if student under 24 yrs. of age) and permanent mailing address/phone:
Street Phone Number City State Zip Code County/Parish
27. Student permanent mailing address/phone: Street Home Phone Cell Phone City State Zip Code County/Parish COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE OF APPLICATION
Accepted o Yes o No
Initials Date
28. Did either of your parents complete a four-year college degree? o Mother o Father o Both o Neither 29. Did either of your parents ever attend Henderson?
o Mother o Father o Both o Neither
30. Did either of your parents receive a degree from Henderson? o Mother o Father o Both o Neither 31. How long have you lived continuously in Arkansas this current stay? ___________________________________________ 32. Upon entering Henderson, you plan to: o Live in University Housing o Live off-campus I understand and agree that during my tenure as a student at Henderson State University, I am responsible for paying when due all charges associated with enrollment and attendance at Henderson. Indicate by signing below that you have read and understand all the information on this application, both front and back, and the information you have provided is factually correct and honestly prepared. Your signature below also indicates that you give permission to Henderson State University to use, in booklets, press releases and other promotions, the applicant’s name and any school photograph or video or footage in which this applicant may appear. These images may appear in a wide variety of formats and media now available to the university and that may be available in the future, including but not limited to print, broadcast, videotape, CD-ROM and electronic/online media.
34. Date
The campus coordinator for the Americans With Disabilities Act and Sec. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is the General Counsel to the President, HSU Box 7744. It is the policy of Henderson State University not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, marital or veteran status, age, or disability. Henderson works continually to assure compliance with applicable federal laws, including among others, the Civil Rights Acts; the Education Amendments; the Rehabilitation Act; the Americans With Disabilities Act; the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; the Student Right to Know Act; the Campus Security Act; and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. State of Arkansas Statement of Selective Service Status In Compliance with Act 228 of the 1997 Acts of the Arkansas General Assembly I understand that to be eligible for admission to Henderson State University, I must register, or be exempt from registration, with the Selective Service System in accordance with the Military Selective Service Act, 50 U.S.C. Appx §451 et seq., as specified in Act 228 of the 1997 Acts of the Arkansas General Assembly. I therefore swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that I have registered with the Selective Service System, or I am exempted from such registration because of the following provision(s) of the Military Selective Service Act or Act 228 of the 1997 Acts of the Arkansas General Assembly. o I am a female o I am a current member of the armed forces on active duty o I am under 18 years of age o I am 26 years of age or over o I am an exempted resident alien o other, specify below
Name (PLEASE PRINT) Date Social Security Number SIGNATURE
Please return to: University Relations/Admissions HSU Box 7560 Arkadelphia, Arkansas 71999-0001
This is a Legal and Binding Contract between Henderson State University and the Student. Eligibility A. To be eligible to live in university Housing, a student must be enrolled in at least 12 hours for credit each semester in residence at Henderson State. B. The University reserves the right not to contract with students who have violated the terms and conditions of the Housing Contract, Residence Hall Lease, Residence Life Handbook, Henderson State rules and regulations, or who have a past due balance with the university. Name:____________________________________________________________ Date___________________ First Last Middle Initial
Email: _________________________________ Telephone Number
(______) ________________
Home Address:_ ___________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip
Gender: o Male o Female Student ID# ________________________________ Class: o Freshman o Sophomore o Junior o Senior o Graduate
o I do not wish to be assigned to Whispering Oaks. Are you interested in the following theme floors? If so, please rank them 1-3, with your first choice being 1. ____ First Year Experience Floor (FYE students only) ____ 24-Hour Quiet Floor - Students choosing to live on a Quiet Floor are committing themselves to living in an environment free of loud noises 24 hours a day, providing the quietest atmosphere for studying possible. ____ Substance Free Floor - Students choosing to live on a Substance Free Floor are committing themselves to living well and promoting healthy lifestyles by agreeing to refrain from the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Residence Hall Preference (if any) If so, please rank them 1-6, with your first choice being 1. Note: Refer to http://www.hsu.edu/residence-life for information: ___ Newberry Hall (Male) ___ Smith Hall (Female) ___ East Hall (Co-ed, Upperclassman housing) ___ West Hall (Co-ed, Upperclassman housing) ___ International Student Center (International; Co-ed; Upperclassmen) ___ Sturgis Hall (Roy and Christine Sturgis Hall: The Honors College (Honors; Co-ed) All residents must choose ONLY one meal plan: o Basic (10 meals) o Standard (15 meals) o Premium (19 meals) o Unlimited Meals per week o Commuter Student Meal Plan (5 meals/wk , NO HOUSING) o NO HOUSING, MEALS ONLY
o Basic (10 meals) plus $175 Declining Cash Balance o Standard (15 meals) plus $100 Declining Cash Balance o Premium (19 meals) plus $50 Declining Cash Balance o Commuter Student Meal Plan (5 meals/wk NO HOUSING), plus $200 Declining Cash Balance, ) Declining Balances cannot be paid in installments and are non-refundable
I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed this Application for Housing and Board and the Residence Hall Lease and reviewed the Residence Life handbook (available on-line as part of the HSU Student Guide) and agree that the terms and conditions contained in all of these documents shall be incorporated into my contract for housing, if this application is approved. I further certify that all of the representations I have made on this application and my Residence Hall lease are true and correct. I acknowledge that once this application is accepted by the Department of Residence Life, I will be bound by a legal contract for housing and board for an academic year unless the university releases my obligation in writing pursuant to the terms of the contract. Signature of Student ________________________________________________________________ Date_____________________________ _ Signature of Parent/Guardian (only if student is under age 18)___________________________ Date_____________________________
Please attach a $50.00 non-refundable application fee and complete the reverse side of the contract. This fee is due before your request will be processed.
HOUSING CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Roommate Preference (if any): ______________________________________________ If you and another person make a reciprocal request, both complete sets of materials must be submitted before the request can be honored. All university residence halls are smoke free! Any health related problems, allergies (including smoke) or a physical handicap that may affect your room assignment?_________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe yourself (pick as many as are applicable) Describe your choice of roommate: Planned to be involved in: “I want a roommate who is involved in” o Varsity Sport(s) (which one)________________ o Varsity Sport(s) (which one)___________________ o Music o Music o Intramurals o Intramurals o to bed after 11:00 p.m. (weekdays) o does not borrow my personal possessions o to bed before 11:00 p.m. (weekdays) o does not smoke tobacco products o studious o does not consume alcoholic beverages o neat and organized o does not play loud music o not particularly organized o require a lot of time to yourself Type of music preferred: o prefer a cool room o Classical o prefer a warm room o Contemporary Christian o smoker o Country o witty, humorous o Hard Rock/ Heavy Metal o a morning person o Rap o Alternative While we make every effort to match students according to preferences, we are not always able to honor all preferences. Contract Period A. The period of this contract is an entire academic year consisting of fall and spring terms. If the student contracts after the beginning of the semester, the charges will begin on the date that he/she moves into the Residence Hall. Students are expected to vacate their rooms within six (6) hours after their last final examination each semester. Right of Entry The University, its officers, employees, and agents shall have the right to enter assigned rooms at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection, repair, preservation of health, safety, quietude, recovery of Henderson owned property, and for suspected violations of the Housing Contract, Residence Hall Lease, Residence Life Handbook, or Henderson State rules and regulations. Termination of Contract by the Student A. Before the lease has become binding, a student may cancel the lease by providing written notice to the Dept. of Residence Life if postmarked 30 days prior to the first day of the fall semester. B. After 30 days prior to the first day of the fall semester, a student may request that they be released from this contract based on one of the following reasons: unanticipated financial hardship ensuing after the start of the semester; a medical condition documented by a physician that prohibits the student from living in the residence halls; academic internship or student teaching experience more than 50 miles from Henderson State; a change in marital or custodial status. Students should submit their request for release from the contract to the Office of Residence Life in writing and provide supporting documentation of the reason for their request. Termination of the Contract by the University The University may terminate this contract and require the student to vacate the residence hall for, but not limited to, the following reasons: 1. Failure to meet financial obligations to the University. 2. Official University disciplinary actions. 3. Failure to register for the required number of hours (12). 4. Violation of the terms of this contract, Residence Hall Lease, or Residence Life Handbook or material misrepresentations on this application. Changes in Assignments A. The University will not discriminate in room assignments on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, or disability. B. Room assignments will be made at the discretion of the University on the basis of the date the lease and $50 non-refundable application fee is received by the Dept. of Residence Life. Whenever possible, individual room assignment requests will be honored. C. The University reserves the right to change room assignments for health, safety, repair services, economy, or disciplinary reasons involving the resident, or for unresolvable incompatibility of roommates. D. The University reserves the right to consolidate vacancies by requiring any resident to move from a single occupancy of double rooms to double rooms. The resident may request permission to use a multiple occupancy room as a single room and pay the scheduled amount on a prorated basis for the remainder of the lease. E. The resident must vacate his/her assigned room at the closing times established by Henderson at the end of each semester and the beginning of each vacation break period. F. The resident may NOT change room assignments without receiving the appropriate permission in writing from their Residence Hall Director.
Please return to: Henderson State University Residence Life Office 1100 Henderson Street – HSU Box 7533 Arkadelphia, Arkansas 71999-0001
Application and Declaration of Intent Undergraduate students who meet the following conditions may request a waiver of out-of-state tuition not to exceed 16 hours. Awards based on incomplete work are subject to cancellation of waiver. 1.
Must have completed high school in Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, or Louisiana.
Entering freshmen must meet Henderson State University admission standards.
Transfer students must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above after computation by the Henderson Admissions Office.
Students must live in university-owned housing (this does not include Whispering Oaks).
Students must participate in at least a ten (10) meal plan.
Out-of-state waiver recipients must be full-time students and maintain satisfactory academic status.
Out-of-state waiver recipients must be U.S. citizens or be lawfully present in the United States according to federal immigration law.
As an eligible student, I do hereby request a waiver of out-of-state tuition not to exceed 16 hours and do hereby declare my intention to meet the obligations of the program as stated above. In so stating, I understand the following: 1.
This application is to be completed and submitted with the Application for Admission. It must be approved before registration and fee payment.
If I should ever withdraw from the housing and/or meal program or fail to meet the academic requirements as stated in #6 above, I will be ineligible to receive the out-of-state waiver.
Student’s Name (please print)_____________________________________________ Social Security Number_________________________________
Student’s Signature________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________
PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE o Housing Contract o Housing Deposit Date ___/___/_____ Transfer Student GPA _____ Approved/Denied____________________________________________ Date ________________
o Copy of approved fee waiver to financial aid Term Awarded _______________________
Please return to:
Office of Admissions HSU Box 7560 Arkadelphia, Arkansas 71999-0001 4/4/2011
Blank Page
Complete this form and return, or submit a copy of your immunization records to:
Henderson Student Health Center 1100 Henderson Street, HSU Box 7740 Arkadelphia, AR 71999-0001 Fax: 870-230-5064 If you have questions, please call the Student Health Center at 870-230-5102.
PART 1- To be completed by student applicant Date ______________ Name
First Middle Initial
Social Security No. - - Date of Birth / /
Telephone (
Student Status: o Freshman
State Zip code
) Area Code
o Graduate o Transfer o International
PART II - Must be completed and signed by your health care provider. All information must be in English. IMMUNIZATIONS REQUIRED BY ARKANSAS STATE LAW M.M.R. (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) 2 doses Measles AND 2 doses Rubella and 2 doses Mumps Required for all Freshmen & International students. 1 dose Measles AND 1 dose Rubella and Mumps Required for all Transfer & Graduate students.
First Dose give at age 12-15 months or later......................................................... Month_______________Day_________Year______________
Second Dose give at 4-6 yr., OR 30 days from first dose.................................. Month_______________Day_________Year______________
or Documented History (month, yr) of positive measles (Rubeola), Rubella, and Mumps titers. (LAB RESULTS MUST BE ATTACHED) or Physician Document History of having had Rubeola, Rubella, and Mumps (office records Month_______________Day_________Year______________) Re-immunization is necessary when Rubella or Rubeola or MMR was administered before 12 months of age/or before Jan. 1, 1968.
RECOMMENDED IMMUNIZATIONS (not required) Meningococcal (One-dose-preferably BEFORE entry into college) Arkansas Act 1233 requires us to inform you of a bacterial
infection known as meningitis. Although meningitis is rare, individuals who live in close proximity to many others, such as in residence halls, have a slightly higher risk of contracting this disease. There is a vaccine available for meningitis and we encourage students living in residence halls to discuss receiving this vaccine with their Health Care Provider.
Conjugate Vaccine (A, C, Y, W-135).......................................................................................... _______________ Month Day Year Hepatitis B (three doses of vaccine)
A. Dose #1 _____________ Month Day Year
B. Dose #2 _____________ Month Day Year
C. Dose #3 _______________ Month Day Year
Tetanus/Diphtheria (Booster within the last 10 years)....................................................................................... Month Day Year
HEALTH CARE PROVIDER Name/Title_____________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________ Signature____________________________________________________________________Telephone (_____)_______________________
If you have questions, please call the Student Health Center at 870-230-5102. All documentation must be signed by a Physician or authorized Health Care Provider or a copy of an OFFICIAL immunization record may be attached.
HENDERSON STATE UNIVERSITY GUIDE TO APPLYING FOR ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS (First-time entering students) • Deadline for freshmen academic scholarships is on or before February 1 (unless funds are depleted prior to February 1). • Deadline for transfer scholarships is on or before June 1 (unless funds are depleted prior to June 1). • Academic scholarships are very limited-early application is highly recommended. • Students who meet the deadline are not guaranteed a scholarship. • Academic scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis as long as institutional scholarship funds are available. • Students must be admitted to the university and have a minimum ACT subscore of 19 in English, Math, and Reading before being considered for a scholarship. ACT scores cannot be more than 5 years old. • Students previously enrolled in college full-time are not eligible to apply for first-time freshmen scholarships. • International students are not eligible to apply for academic scholarships. • Only a limited number of scholarships in each category will be awarded to out-of-state students. • Henderson State does not superscore or recalculate the ACT to determine scholarship eligibility. • Scholarship upgrades are not guaranteed. Upgrades will be considered only if the deadline is met and funds are available. • Students cannot be awarded more than one academic scholarship. • Scholarship recipients who decide not to attend HSU are required to notify the Admissions Office in writing. • For National ACT Test dates, go to www.act.org. The HSU ACT Code is 0126. For SAT Test dates, go to www. collegeboard.com. The HSU SAT Code is 6272. • Scholarship awards can be applied only to tuition, fees assessed to all general students*, room or board (excluding Whispering Oaks). Scholarship funds not needed for tuition, fees, room or board cannot be applied to any other cost. Scholarship awards have no cash value and cannot be refunded. *Fees do not include: Application to Graduate School Fee, Course Change Fee, Graduation Application Late Fee, Graduation Fee, Late Registration Fee, Traffic Fines, Late Payment Fee, Library Fines, Housing Deposits, Housing Damage Fee, Duplicate ID Fee, and any other fee that is not considered to be assessed to all general students. • The terms and conditions of all academic scholarships and each subsequent renewal are subject to change and will be governed by the then current university scholarship policies located at www.hsu.edu/financial-aid/. • Scholarships are awarded for consecutive fall and spring terms only and do not cover summer terms. • Freshman academic scholarships are awarded for eight consecutive semesters or until the completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first, provided the student maintains all scholarship requirements. • Academic scholarship recipients must enroll in and complete 15 hours each fall and spring term. Concurrent enrollment on another campus cannot be used to meet this requirement and will not be covered by the scholarship. Incompletes (I) posted on transcripts are not completed hours. • All Henderson college course work is calculated into the cumulative GPA for scholarship renewal, even if taken during high school or subsequent summer terms. • Scholarship recipients who attend summer terms should be aware those grades may affect scholarship status when cumulative GPA is reviewed. • Scholarship eligibility is reviewed immediately after grades are posted in May. Scholarships are cancelled for subsequent terms if retention criteria are not fully met. Cancellation notices are sent to the student’s Henderson email account. For extenuating circumstances only, contact the financial aid office to appeal. • To remain in compliance with Act 323 of 2009, the University reserves the right to cancel or modify any scholarship funded by the institution at any time. • For additional scholarship opportunities, go to www.hsu.edu/financial-aid/. • Students are encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is not required for your scholarship application, but Henderson highly recommends it, even if you think you may not qualify for federal aid. Millions of dollars in federal financial aid are awarded to Henderson students each year, and there is no fee to apply. To apply to HSU, you must enter HSU Code: 001098 on the FAFSA. Go to www.FAFSA.gov • Parents: Prepare IRS tax returns early – they are needed to complete the FAFSA.
HSU Use Only
Graduation Date
Social Security No.
Phone (H) Phone (C)
Date Rec’d______________ Status______________ Sch Award__________
City State
County/Parish Zip code
Math_ _____________
High School Email
Semester for which you are applying: o Fall o Spring Year ___________ Have you ever attended college before?
ACT/SAT E/CR______________
Reading____________ Comp______________
o Yes o No If so, where?______________________ When? _____
College Hours Earned__________GPA ___________College currently attending_____________________________
Credit Hours________ HS Rank_ __________ GPA_______________ Resume____________ RS Rec_ ___________ Interview _ _________
SCHOLARSHIP FOR WHICH YOU WISH TO APPLY (CHECK ONE): Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis as long as institutional scholarship funds are available. Only a limited number of scholarships in each category will be awarded to out-of-state students.
o HSU Distinguished Freshman Scholarship
$11,000 Per Year
Limited to 10 Scholarships
o HSU Presidential Excellence Scholarship
$8,000 Per Year
Limited to 90 Scholarships
o University Centurium Scholarship
$5,000 Per Year
Limited to 150 Scholarships
$2,000 Per Year*
Limited to100 Scholarships
ACT 30-36 and high school cumulative 3.50 GPA Or National Merit Finalist or Semifinalist National Merit Achievement Finalist or National Merit Achievement Semifinalist Interview required Renewable for eight consecutive semesters Nontraditional students may apply if they have never attended college and meet the same requirements Must enroll and complete 15 hours each semester To renew scholarship you must have completed 30 hours and maintained a cumulative 3.25 GPA at the end of each academic year
ACT 27-29 and high school cumulative 3.25 GPA Renewable for eight consecutive semesters Nontraditional students may apply if they have never attended college and meet the same requirements Must enroll and complete 15 hours each semester To renew scholarship you must have completed 30 hours and maintained a cumulative 3.00 GPA at the end of each academic year ACT 24-26 and high school cumulative 3.25 GPA Renewable for eight consecutive semesters Nontraditional students may apply if they have never attended college and meet the same requirements Must enroll and complete 15 hours each semester To renew scholarship you must have completed 30 hours and maintained a cumulative 3.00 GPA at the end of each academic year
o Red And Gray Success Scholarship
ACT 21-23 and high school cumulative 3.00 GPA Renewable for eight consecutive semesters Nontraditional students may apply if they have never attended college and meet the same requirements Must enroll and complete 15 hours each semester To renew scholarship you must have completed 30 hours and maintained a cumulative 3.00 GPA at the end of each academic year *Only if you maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 at the end of the year will you be eligible for an incentive increase for the next year as follows: Initial Award............................................$2,000 2nd year...................................................$2,500 3rd year....................................................$3,000 4th year.....................................................$3,500 At the end of freshman year if 3.25 GPA is not attained the incentive option is not available for subsequent years.
o Reddie Spirit Leadership Scholarship
$1,000 Per Year Limited to 25 Scholarships High school cumulative GPA 2.75 Provide resume with documented leadership and two letters of recommendation from school officials (counselor, teacher, principal) Renewable for eight consecutive semesters Nontraditional students may apply if they have never attended college and meet the same requirements Must enroll and complete 15 hours each semester To renew scholarship you must have completed 30 hours and maintained a cumulative 3.00 GPA at the end of each academic year
o Community College Transfer Scholarship
o Access Community College Scholarship
$5,000 Per Year
Limited to 18 Scholarships
$3,000 Per Year
Limited to 60 Scholarships
Deadline on or before June 1 60 transferable hours with cumulative 3.00 GPA Students, who have completed at least an associate’s degree at a community college and earned no more than 15 hours at any university (including Henderson State University), are eligible as long as other criteria are met. Renewable for four consecutive semesters Must enroll and complete 15 hours each semester To renew scholarship you must have completed 30 hours and maintained a cumulative 3.00 GPA at the end of each academic year Deadline on or before June 1 48 transferable hours with cumulative 3.00 GPA Students, who have completed at least an associate’s degree at a community college and earned no more than 15 hours at any university (including Henderson State University), are eligible as long as other criteria are met. (priority consideration will be given to students who have completed 60 transferable hours with a 3.00 GPA or completed an associate’s degree) Aggregate award not to exceed $6,000 Renewable for up to six consecutive semesters To renew scholarship you must have completed all hours enrolled and maintained a cumulative 3.00 GPA at the end of each academic year
Return scholarship applications to:
Office of University Relations/Admissions 1100 Henderson St., HSU Box 7560 Arkadelphia, AR 71999-0001
HIGH SCHOOL VERIFICATION (for high school use only) IMPORTANT–This portion must be completed by a high school counselor or principal and bear an official school seal for scholarship consideration. I verify that the above-named student has a cumulative high school grade point average of ____________ and ranks ____________ out of _________ in his/her class.
Signature ________________________________________________Date_ _____________________ Print Name_ _____________________________________________ Title_ __________________________________________ Scholarship application submitted without verification of GPA by a high school counselor or principal will not be processed.
Steps to Get Reddie for Henderson
Senior Checklist When August - September c Sign up for the ACT or SAT if you haven’t already taken the test. (don’t forget to have your scores sent to Henderson State University) c Call 1-800-228-7333 or go to www.HSU.edu/tour-Henderson to schedule a campus tour. (Tours offered Monday - Friday at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.) c Fill out an application for admission on-line at www.GetReddie.com or request a paper copy. (There’s no fee to apply and no deadline, but the earlier the better) c Fill out Henderson State academic scholarship application (Official school signature is required. Scholarships are awarded on a 1st come 1st served basis, so don’t wait!) c Start applying for private scholarships September - October c Attend college fairs hosted by your high school or in your area. (Be sure to stop and say “Hi” to your Henderson State admissions counselor.) November c Attend Reddie Day on Henderson State’s campus in the Fall!! Ask your high school counselor for details and dates. December c Request that your high school counselor send a copy of your seven semester transcript January c File your FASFA. Available January 1 each year for the next academic year. February c If you haven’t already applied for housing do that now. (Don’t forget this application has a non-refundable $50 fee) March c Make sure Henderson State has a copy of your immunization records. (Questions? Call Student Health Services at 870-230-5102) April c Register for Heart Start (Henderson State freshman orientation) c Request your high school counselor send us a copy of your final official transcript once you’ve graduated. c If you’ve taken concurrent college classes request that an official transcript be sent to Henderson State. May c Enjoy High School Graduation!! Summer c Attend Heart Start. (You’ll register for classes, meet new people and become familiar with Henderson State’s campus and traditions) August c You made it! You’re officially a REDDIE!!