2011-01-01 Organic Press

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The Organic Press The Newsletter of the Hendersonville Community Co-op

The Story of Seeds HCC Annual Report Hill’s Chicken Ranch

Volume 10 * Issue 1 January/February 2011



Organic Press January/February 2011

Table of Contents GM Musings Damian Tody Boards Eye View The Story of Seeds Christopher Fielden Editor: Damian Tody Contributing Writers: Gretchen Cummins, Robert Jones, Arrion Kitchen, Marisa Cohn, Jordan Randall, Joan Kennedy, June Ellen Bradley, Christopher Fielden, Jane Bagby We are the Hendersonville Community Co-op, a memberowned natural and organic food market and deli. We have been serving Hendersonville and the surrounding community since 1978 when 15 families joined together to purchase quality food at better prices. We offer the best in certified organic produce, groceries, herbs, bulk foods, vitamins and supplements, cruelty-free beauty aids, wine and beer, and items for special dietary needs. The Blue Mountain Deli offers a delicious variety of fresh soups, salads & more. The co-op is open to the public and ownership is not required to make purchases. Everyone can shop and anyone can join. Opinions expressed in The Organic Press are strictly those of the writers and do not necessarily represent an endorsement of any product or service by the Hendersonville Community Co-op, board, management or staff, unless specifically identified as such. The same is true for advertisers. Interested in advertising in The Organic Press? Over 1,500 copies of the newsletter are mailed to our owners monthly & an additional 600 more distributed within our store and the community. Space is limited and rates are reasonable. Call 693-8557 to reserve your space today. Submission Deadline All submissions, including articles and advertisements, must be received at the co-op by the 7th of the month preceding the issue.

Winter Recipes News and Views Gretchen Cummins Co-op Calendar

3 4 5 7 9 10

Healthy Q and A Joan Kennedy


Department News


HCC Annual Report


Producer Profile: Hill’s Chicken Ranch Gretchen Cummins Co-op Connections Who Owns Organic? The Habitual Herbalist June Ellen Bradley

18 20 22 22

Organic Press January/February 2011

GM Musings

For my column this month I don’t want to talk about January and renewal and fresh beginnings. I want to talk a little bit about the past. In this issue of the Organic Press you will find information about how the co-op performed financially last year. Both Jane and I have written a little bit about it. If you have any questions after reading our remarks please feel free to contact us at the office or make an appointment to come and learn more. We have also put pictures of some of our staff, board and owners in this issue. Our co-op is truly a great place to be. It is a great place to shop and hang out and also a great place to learn about health and food. The reason it is such a great place is because of our staff. Our staff does a great job everyday to make our co-op an inviting and friendly shopping experience. Without the hard work and quality of our staff over the last year, our co-op would not be as great as it is. Please enjoy these pictures from the last year. There are more on page 13. In Cooperation, Damian





Organic Press January/February 2011

A Board’s Eye View

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL HCC OWNERS Be a part of the discussion:

Expansion Plans for our Co-op.

JOIN US AT A SPECIAL MEETING for all Hendersonville Community Co-op owners. Thursday, February 24, 2011 5:30 - 6:30 pm at the Co-op Annex

PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND PLAN ON ATTENDING. 2011 Board Meeting Dates Meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The next meetings will be on January 25th and February 22nd. All owners and staff members are welcome to attend the meetings. If you have a concern or topic for the board to discuss, Contact Tony at board@ hendersonville.coop or at 694-1083. Written information may also be sent to the Board of Directors of HCC, 715 S. Grove St. Hendersonville, NC 28792. Please include your name and contact information. You can access board meeting agendas and approved minutes on our website.

Tony Womack President 2010-13 694-1083

Beth Beasley Vice President 2009-12 329-7991

Carolyn Widener Secretary 2008-11 329-4826

Steve Breckheimer Treasurer 2010-13 749-9104

Ron Angermuller 2008-11 692-3519

Susan O’Brien 2009-12 693-5553

Laura Miklowitz 2009-12 693-6261

Thomas Beckett 2010-13 713-1668

Organic Press January/February 2011

The Story of Seeds Christopher Fielden of Red Wing Farm

As a health-conscious and ecologically responsible co-op shopper, you probably already ask the question: “Where does my food come from?” As a gardener it’s just as important to ask: “Where do my seeds come from?” This season of seed catalogs and garden planning is the perfect time to think about what you’ll grow in your garden this spring and where your seeds will come from. There are hundreds of seed companies that offer thousands of varieties of seeds for home gardeners—hybrids, heirlooms, new introductions, rare finds—all described in detail in the seed catalogs, often with enticing photos. How to choose? What does an informed organic gardener need to know in selecting seeds for the garden? The first thing to realize is that not all seeds are created equal. There are hybrid seeds and open-pollinated seeds, heirloom varieties and modern introductions, patented seeds that are illegal to save, and genetically modified seeds. Seed companies are not required to label genetically modified seeds in their catalogs. It is also often hard to tell who is profiting from the seeds you buy, and it is good to have this information. Seed companies buy their seeds from suppliers. One of the biggest such suppliers is Seminis, a subsidiary of the Monsanto Corporation, which is infamous for its role in genetic engineering of food crops, pesticide production, and legal actions against farmers to exert control over seed genetics. Rapid and widespread privatization and consolidation have been occurring within the seed industry. It is estimated that Monsanto now controls as much as 90% of seed genetics. This amount of -control by one corporation over the world’s seed supply is not only unbelievable, it’s extremely risky. Seed and plant genetic diversity is essential for food security for the human population. For millennia, seed genetics have been passed down from gardener to gardener, holding seed genetics in the public domain. The privatization of seed genetics puts our food supply at risk and turns our shared seed heritage into a for-profit enterprise. If you are going to buy seeds from a seed company, cooperative or exchange, it’s important to make sure they share your values. Many seed companies have a written mission statement that you can read. Make sure that the company has signed the Safe Seed Pledge (see sidebar). Also, you can call and ask if them where they get their seeds if the information is not in the catalog. You can specifically ask if they purchase seeds from Seminis or Monsanto if that is of concern to you. (For more information, see “Are Monsanto seeds in YOUR favorite seed catalog?” online at http://tinyurl.com/monsantoseeds). Once you’ve identified some seed companies that interest you, order some catalogs. Perusing a stack of seed catalogs is a great gardening activity for a cold winter day-- fun, educational, and indoors where it’s warm! In good seed catalogs, each variety will have a description of its characteristics and ideal growing conditions, whether the variety is open-pollinated or hybrid, and perhaps other information including a bit about the history of the variety. When selecting seeds, not only should you be looking for characteristics that appeal to you, like “delicious flavor” or “stores well”, you should also look for specific information about varieties that will allow you to have a more successful and rewarding gardening



experience. Seed catalogs will use phrases like: “adaptable to a variety of climates,” “tolerates heavy soil” or “drought tolerant”. Sometimes the description will include information about resistance to pests or diseases. They’ll also tell you each variety’s number of days to maturity, which will be important for your garden planning. Sometimes the description of seed varieties will include information about how the variety will perform in different USDA hardiness zones. If you live in WNC, depending upon exactly where you live and what microclimates exist on your site, you are in zone 6 or 7. The question to ask yourself with all of this is, “Does the variety seem to be suited to grow well on my site?” It’s good to experiment and try new varieties in your garden. Some will do well and others won’t. And finally, catalog descriptions should list varieties as either hybrid or open-pollinated. If a variety is classified as an heirloom, it is by definition open-pollinated. An open-pollinated variety is a variety whose seeds will “come true”, producing “true to type” plants, plants that are like their parents if not allowed to cross with other varieties. Brandywine tomatoes are a famous example of an open-pollinated variety. If you grow Brandywine tomatoes and save the seeds after protecting them from cross-pollination, then plant the seeds the following year, the plants will produce Brandywine tomatoes. The opposite of open-pollinated is hybrid. A hybrid variety is created by crossing two different parent plants with desirable traits. Any seeds saved from hybrid varieties will not “come true”; meaning the plants grown from these seeds will not be the same variety. Hybrid varieties have to be re-crossed every growing season to recreate the variety. So if you want to grow a hybrid variety, you can’t save seeds and expect to have the same plant the following year. You have to buy the seeds year after year. Hybrids dominate the market today. Many modern hybrids were created and bred for large-scale commercial growers, with the most desirable traits being ability to withstand mechanized handling and trucking, long shelf life, and allat-once yield, rather than taste, nutrition or long harvest window. The definition of “heirloom” is subject to debate. In order for a variety to be considered an heirloom, it must be open-pollinated. Beyond that, some people classify heirlooms as varieties that have been around for at least 50 years, others say the varieties must be at least 100 years old. Regardless of which definition you choose, it is widely accepted that heirlooms are varieties developed by smallscale home gardeners and farmers choosing traits that they and their families appreciated – taste, beauty, storage life, culinary value—and passed down from gardener to gardener. Local or regional heirlooms are varieties that were developed in a specific geographic area and consequently are more adapted to local climate and soils and even sometimes more resistant to local diseases and insects pests. Every seed has its own story. By asking where our seeds come from we create a more intimate relationship with the plant world and the garden. By choosing open-pollinated and heirloom varieties we are directly affecting positive change in a world where many heirloom varieties have already been lost and many others are endangered. By growing treasured historic vegetable, herb and flower varieties, we are helping to preserve genetic diversity and become part of the story ourselves.



Organic Press January/February 2011

Hendersonville Community Co-op and Red Wing Farm Present

Organic Gardening Basics A series of 4 gardening classes starting January 8 presented by Beth Trigg and Christopher Fielden from Red Wing Farm (www.redwingfarm.net)

Saturday, January 8, 1-4pm: Growing Healthy Soil

Cultivating and maintaining healthy soil is the key to success in your garden. Growing good soil is the organic gardener’s most important job. Healthy soils grow healthy plants, and fertile, living soils are the first line of defense against pests and disease. In this class you will learn about building beds to build healthy soil -- we will discuss several methods and approaches with an emphasis on the advantages of permanent no-till raised beds. We will also cover methods and tools for cultivating the soil, understanding soil tests and soil amendments, using compost and manures to build and preserve soil fertility, nurturing the web of life in the soil, using mulches to preserve soil health, integrating a permaculture approach, crop rotation, cover crops, and the importance of rest and renewal for soil health. Participants will leave this class with resources for further learning, and a basic understanding of how to build healthy soil in your garden.

Saturday, January 15, 1-4pm: Starting from Seed

Seeds are the beginning of the cycle of life for plants in your garden. This class is an overview of how to grow your own vegetables, herbs, and flowers from seed. Participants will learn all about gardening from seed, including: organic and heirloom seed sources, preserving heirloom varieties, making your own seed starting mix (potting soil), which plants to direct seed in the garden and which to start indoors, germination requirements, caring for seedlings, when to plant seeds and seedlings, succession planting to extend your harvest, seed saving, and seed storage. We will also discuss seed sovereignty and seed heritage, learn about how to become a seed steward, and share heirloom seed stories. In this class, you will learn all of the basics you need to know to start seeds indoors and in the garden. You will also gather resources for further exploration of growing from seed and seed saving.

Saturday, January 22, 1-4pm: Insects in the Garden

Insect pests are the biggest challenge for many home gardeners and small farms in western North Carolina. You’ve sited your garden well, you’ve got healthy soil, you’re keeping everything watered and weeded and then the bugs strike--cabbage worms, bean beetles, harlequin bugs--these are just a few of the insect pests that can decimate a garden. This class will focus on how to prevent and treat pest problems in the garden. We will learn to identify major insect pests of our area and discuss organic pest control methods. We will also spend some time talking about “good bugs” -- including methods for attracting and keeping beneficial insects in your garden, getting beneficials working for you for effortless pest control, and creating a healthy garden ecosystem to keep pests and beneficials in balance.

Saturday, January 29, 1-4pm: Four-Season Garden Sustainability

In this class, we will discuss sustainable organic gardening methods in the year-round vegetable gardening cycle. We will begin with the basics of four-season gardening and discuss techniques and strategies to keep your garden healthy and productive throughout the seasons over many years. We will focus on the value of interplanting, crop rotation, and companion planting (polyculture), perennial edibles, fall and winter gardening, and selecting plant varieties for year-round harvests. We will spend some time discussing season extension methods such as row cover, mulch, cold frames, stoophouses and hoophouses. We will also touch on the concept of food forests and permaculture approaches to gardening. “The Organic Gardening Basics classes with Beth and Christopher were inspiring. A great team, they were organized, each lesson well planned to give us smart, easy-to-follow directions to a healthy garden—as well as a few lively stories from personal experience. Using beautifully designed graphics, they also provided notes after each class, and valuable info on local suppliers. I’m a beginner gardener and I felt the more experienced folks were getting just as much out of it as I was. It is abundantly clear that Beth and Christopher love what they do and that they have a sincere respect for the earth and their chosen field. And that made us all just want to dig in!” ~Tarleton “I have been to many organic gardening classes before and none compares to the one given by Christopher and Beth. Their presentation was detailed yet concise. The materials used were clear and relevant. They take turns doing different topics which provides variety and focus. The presentation was very professional and had the right mix of graphics and text. I took all four classes and plan to go to the ones they are offering at their farm.” ~Suzanne

Co-op owners: $20 per class, $60 for the series. Non-owners: $30 per class, $90 for the series. Classes held at the Hendersonville Community Co-op, 715 S. Grove St., Hendersonville, NC To register or for more information, contact Gretchen Schott-Cummins at 828-693-8557 or gretchen@hendersonville.coop

Organic Press January/February 2011



Health Screening at Hendersonville Co-op Take an ADDITIONAL $10 OFF ON 4+ TESTS!!

Complete Blood Profile..($185 value)......23+ tests:..................$40 HDL, LDL, lytes, glucose, heart/liver/kid enzymes. Non-fasting okay. Ideal if taking statins, niacin, red yeast, fungus or arthritis meds. Executive Profile... ($290 value) 30+ tests …............................$60 Above +CBC (hgb, crit, red & whites, plates) & TSH. Add T4 for only $10. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)…............................................$35 HeartTrak Special… SAVE $85 OFF IND. Price...See the VapTest.com.....$220 Incl: VAP, CRP, H-cyst, ferritin, fibrin, Vit. D. Add PlakTrak for ONLY $80!! PlakTrak I.D.s rupture-prone plaque......See plactest.com......$105 OmegaTrak(23 rbc fatty acids) $75 OFF omegaquant.com.... $125 Heart-Plak-Omega Trak combo.....save $125 off ind. price.......$410

More Info at TheBloodGuy.com Saturday, January 29, 2011 9am-11am Appointments Preferred, Please sign up in store. Cash or check. Medical Screening Services 800-758-2387

18th Annual


A weekend of workshops for beginning gardeners to advanced commercial growers.

Spring Conference Saturday & Sunday March 5 & 6, 2011 University of North Carolina at Asheville CHOOSE FROM OVER 100 CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS! NEW TRACKS THIS YEAR: ALL ABOUT POULTRY and FRUIT PRODUCTION

Be an EARLY BIRD! Register by February 17, 2011 and Save $$ Go to www.organicgrowersschool.org

to register online and see a schedule of classes

Organic Press January/February 2011

News and Views



from Outreach

“We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential.” ~Ellen Goodman

It’s going to be a great year! May there be potential in every detail you choose to scrutinize. May the Co-op continue to listen to you- the owners and shoppers who make this store what it is and what it can be. For Outreach at the Hendersonville Community Coop, the beginning of the new year means taking a long look at a few programs that we have started but which need an infusion of inspiration or revamping. Here’s my laundry list of “potential”: • We will have another 6 issues of the Organic Press Newsletter to publish in order to keep you current on our business and affairs. • There will be another 9 charitable organizations to choose for our Bring-Your-Own-Bag donation program. • We will have 4 seasons of locally grown/produced products to make available to you in the store and find ways to support our local farmers and growers all year long. • We’ll want to streamline the collecting and processing of the #5’s. • The “annex” will get its fair share of use from the start with Organic Gardening Classes and Mushroom Classes, too. • Events and Festivals like Earth Day in April, the Potluck Picnic in the late Summer and the Owners Annual Meeting, too. What about the Monday Afternoon Tailgate Market? To start out the year, there are Organic Gardening classes in the warehouse, being taught by the tried and true teaching force from Redwing Farms: Beth Trigg and Christopher Fielden. Folks who took the series last year raved about their experience. Some went on to take more classes with them “on farm” during the spring and summer. A few returned to the warehouse this fall for the Garlic Class with Christopher and Beth as well. This year, we are expanding our agricultural education to include a mushroom series: A favorite fellow among the fungi friendly, Greg Carter, with Deep Wood Mushrooms will be offering a class on the last Saturday of February, March and April at 1:00 p.m. (Get your own “Shiitake Happens” t-shirt.) The first in the series will be “How to inoculate your own mushroom logs” and will include the logs and the spores.

15 people limit so sign up soon! Saturday, February 26th. The second class is one you have all asked for: “Mushrooms and Medicinal Values” on March 26th. And the third, “Hunting and Foraging for Wild Mushroom” on April 30th. (This class will be held off-site- watch for details.) We always want your input. You can contact us with any ideaswe are always glad to hear from you. Thanks for cooperating! Here’s to a New Year full of potential! Gretchen



Organic Press January/February 2011

Co-op Calendar January


Saturday, January 8th 1-4 p.m. Organic Gardening Class #1 Growing Healthy Soil (Please see page 6 for details on this class series.)

Friday, February 4th Wine Tasting in the Deli area. Come sample some

Also Saturday, January 8 Christmas Tree Recycling Project, trees may be dropped off at a designated site in front of the administration building in Jackson Park, 9:00AM-2:00PM Christmas trees will be chipped into mulch, to collect mulch bring a box or bag, rain or shine, Hendersonville, NC 828-692-0385 www.eco-wnc.org

just drop in if you can, anytime between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.

Thursday thru Sunday, Jan. 6th – 9th , OAD’s. Owner’s come on in and get 5% off your groceries on any ONE of these four Owner Appreciation Days.

romantic flavors before Valentine’s Day. We will have something tasty to compliment our selection as well~ including Fair Trade Chocolates. Please,

Thursday thru Sunday, Feb 10th – 13th, OAD’s. Owner’s come on in and get 5% off your groceries on any ONE of these four Owner Appreciation Days. Monday, February 14th is Valentine’s Day. Celebrate your love with Fair Trade Chocolates and healthy food from the Co-op-.

Saturday, January 15th 1-4 p.m. Organic Gardening Class series continues with #2 Starting from Seed. (Please see page 6 for details on this class series.)

Wednesday, February 16th at 10:30 am Kids please join us at Hands On! A

Saturday, January 22nd 10 am til noon~ In partnership with Transition Hendersonville, the Co-op will host a demonstration with the inventor of this unique vehicle: Bob Wilson and his lightweight cycle-car, the “Whizzabout.”


Saturday, January 22nd 1-4 p.m. Organic Gardening Class series continues with #3 Insects in the Garden. (Please see page 6 for details on this class series.)

Child’s Gallery, for a Mardi Gras kick off with many colored foods. For more information about Hands On! Please call: 828.697.8333 www.handsonwnc.

Saturday, February 26th at 1:00 p.m. in the Annex. Learn all you need to know about how to INOCULATE A MUSHROOM LOG for your very own uses. (Class cost is $10.00 per person or $5 for Co-op owners and $10.00 for every 4ft log you make.) This educational, informative class will provide you with delicious, healthy shiitake mushrooms for years to come. To sign up for a class call or e-mail Gretchen 693-8557 ext 102 or gretchen@hendersonville.

Saturday, January 29th 1-4 p.m. Organic Gardening Class series final class #4 Four-Season Garden Sustainability. (Please see page 6 for details on this class series.) Also Saturday, January 29th 9 a.m. Ray Fritsch with Medical Screening Services will be here . Sign up on the clip board in the store. Questions, please call Ray at 1-800-758-2387 or visit: www.thebloodguy.com

coop These prices include the log and the inoculation www.deepwoodsmushrooms. net *** See News & Views for details on the other two classes being offered by Greg Carter from Deepwoods Mushrooms***

For more information on any of these classes or to see class fees go to upcoming events at www.hendersonville.coop For pre-registration or more information on any of the events email gretchen@hendersonville.coop or call 693-0505

WELCOME NEW OWNERS Emily & Carol Latorre, Andrew Crask, Keith & Joann Freeburg, Suzann Warren, Alice Mcall & Max Lowd, Michael Nelipovich & Brenda Shearer, Tereas & Steve Medd, Charles Cain, Ben & Mardi Booker, Laura & Christian Engel, Ann D Whitmire, Cindy & Chris Mitchell, Sandi Perri & Marie Brooker, Ashley Falls & Matthew Evan Tate, Meredith Boyd, Bonny & Bruce Cocking, Adam & Andreia Carey, Cheryl Deyton & Monty Wooten, James & Annmarie, Stafford, Barbara & Stuart Glassman, Lynn & Michael Cass, Megan & Karen Delfina, SusAn & Rafael Hernandez, Philip A & Phil Lounsbury Sr, Mary Faye & Mark A Ross, Ann Kirby, Carol Sahlfeld, Toby Hunter & David Denton, Joe & Annamarie Jakubielski, Rita & Tony Raines, Maria & Brian Claxton, Esther Fisher, Jane & Larry Mckay, Jill Wingard, Barbara Baylor & Tenita Deal, Harvest Thyme Café, Judith Scruggs, Annmarie Mcconnell, Bill & Kathleen Weege, Fame & Eugene Turner, Molly & David Wessell, Gloria Cunningham & Kenneth Mccraw, Sofia & Paul Williams, Bill & Carole Pickard, Ronald B Turpin, Harrison & Penny Snadrock, Kevin & Brenda Taylor, Ruth & Carl Nelon, Lee Smith & Jennifer Hillyer, Toni Jones

Organic Press January/February 2011



Healthy Lifestyle Q and A with Joan Kennedy of StayWell, Inc.

I am not starting with a question this time, though I hope this information will help answer some health questions you may have but did not ask. I am focusing on staying well during our winter month.

When I think about staying well during our cold/snowy winter months, I think of a variety of things. Many of these may be a review, but sometimes it helps to see a list to remind you of the variety of healthy winter behavior.

1. One obvious one is to boost your immune system and avoid the flu. Since the swine flu scare last year, many stores have hand wipes inside their front doors. I recommend using them. They are not truly anti-bacterial, but they contain alcohol so are a good QUICK hand cleaning options. Do not rely entirely on them; soap and water are still the best approach. I am guilty of not washing my hands when I come home from stores, but that is a good habit to form. A few other ideas are: have a pair of light weight gloves in your reusable bag and wear them while in the store. That way your hands have no contact with the carts then and you can wash them when you get home. And, while I am discussing hands, remember they get very cold and dry during winter months so pamper them with lots of a good quality hand lotion. The Coop carries many that include some wonderful natural soothing ingredients. Dry hands get small cracks that can collect bacteria. So don’t forget good old Melaleuca Tree Oil. It is a good anti-bacterial oil. You may know of other natural anti-bacterial and immune boosting vitamins and herbs. Here is a list of just a few: Vitamin C, E and D, zinc, beta-glucan, shitake mushrooms and anti-inflammatory herbs such bromelain, curcumen, ginger and turmeric 2. I am not going to discuss flu shots in any detail in this article as I believe whether you get one should be an individualized decision. Many should get them. If you do chose to get a flu shot, remember that are protection against a variety of viruses that were predominant in previous years. And, a tiny little virus can become a different virus by changing just one cell. So in the end, our health promotion activities involve supporting what our body’s immune system do naturally. 3. The above example is an immune protective action from outside our bodies. However, much immune protection goes on constantly within our bodies. Our immune system is a spectacular example of an effective security system, (Maybe TSA could gleam some good ideas from it.) Our bodies naturally secrete a variety of hormones that protect us from dis-ease and destruction. I just attended a national obesity conference. (Now there is a scary subject that I can discuss at another time if you let me know you are interested.) The immune system produces substances called macrophages. Their primary purpose is to gobble up bacteria and viruses. Think Pac-Man. Recent obesity studies prove that high sugar intake and over-eating prevent production of these macrophages. So, as a protective action, avoid all sugar other than those naturally in the food you eat. Many natural food are high in sugar, but the big culprit if corn syrup that we find in everything

in a box, can or bottle. The American food industry has blindsided us by putting sugar, fat and salt in almost everything that is packaged. One of the speakers at this obesity conference actually studied what makes us crave food. The worst culprit was sugar, followed by a combo of sugar and fat. Another speaker, David Kessler, was director of the FDA during the years when food labeling was made mandatory. Though he was a primary force in getting this law passed, he laughing said that if you have to read the label, you may not want to eat it regardless of what the label says about sugar, fat and salt. The take home message is avoid sugary foods. Follow the old adage of chewing each bite 30 times which helps prevent over-eating and be careful of the nibbling that occurs more in winter when we are inside more. 4. I believe it is important to take more vitamin D in the winter than in the summer. Daylight is much shorter and studies show that absorption is very limited in the winter sun. Most health experts now advise a daily intake of 1000-5000 IU/day depending upon the results of your blood vitamin D level. Get it checked if you don’t know. I recommend getting it check both in winter and summer. 5. Find a way to exercise on a regular basis. Short, cold days generally tend to lead to less activity. Exercise is extremely important to illness prevention. Exercise is not advised with a high fever and acute illness. Otherwise some form of exercise helps to promote the circulation of the numerous white blood cells that protect us against infections. (4000-10,000 of them in a healthy individual.) 6. Don’t forget that sleep. What a wonderful time of the year to get some extra sleep. Various viruses abound in the winter and so does many hours of darkness. Use some of them to give your body an immune boost. Get out your warm socks, comforters and cozy pillows and crawl in. 7. Staying healthy during the winter involves more than preventing illness. Safety is a key factor. Falls often cause injuries that increase the burden on our immune systems. Healing sprains and broken bones require the immune system to send its messengers to the site of injury. Such injuries require the body to work harder to produce enough cells to meet all the demands. If you have ever looked at your CBC w diff (complete blood count with differential) during periods of acute injury and/or chronic infections, you will see that some of the forms of white blood cells may be increased as they fight your infections. (It is like sending more troops to Afghanistan!) You may sometime see that these same cells are below the normal level. That means that your body’s immune system is exhausting its ability to keep up with the demand. (This is similar to prolonged warfare which exhausts the ability to keep up with the demands of war. OK, enough comparisons with war.) So make safety a prime health promotion activity whether on foot or in your car. 8. Finally, get and give hugs abundantly. They spread warmth, love and positive energy—all of which the body finds very health promoting. Staywell in 2011.

Please Recycle

The Organic Press

Advertise in the Organic Press! The Organic Press is distributed to more than 1500 families in the WNC area. It can also be found at the Visitor’s Center, the Henderson County Public Library, and more. Rates For HCC Owners For nonowners Small $40 /issue Small ads $50 Medium ads $60/issue Medium ads $70 large ads $110 /issue large ads $120 There is a 10% discount for three issues and greater reservations. ************************************************* To reserve your ad space, contact Damian Tody at mail@hendersonville.coop or at (828)6938557. The deadline for ad submissions or changes is the 7th of the month prior to the month being published.

Organic Press January/February 2011


HCC Staff and Owners 2010


Co-op Classified Ads Acu-Na Wellness Center offers Massage, Acupuncture, Facial Rejuvenation, energy work, qi-gong, pyradym sound healing sessions and so much more. Please visit our website at www.Acu-Na for full list of services. Holiday Gift Certificates available at a 15% Discount (Nov./Dec). Discounts cannot be combined. Call (828) 692-2440. Have Pain? Healing Touch Energy Sessions provide relief. Used in Hospitals. Also, Qigong /Feng Shui Consultations. Call Linda Gardner. Cell 388.2036. ACU-NA Wellness Center 828.692.2440 EDITH DZIORNEY, LNMT, #836 Licensed Neuromuscular Therapist @ Fountain of Youth Day Spa, 516 Kanuga Street, H’ville. 698-2954 $15 off your first session. Sears Fireplace Insert - 34” wide by 29”tall, good condition $250.00 8915418 Pyradym Sound Healing by Ann Weeks @ the Acu-Na Wellness Center, 330 E. 1st Avenue, Hendersonville. If you’ve never experience the amazing Pyradym sound healing seesion now is the time! It induces a deeply meditative state that promotes deep tension relief, lessens pain, boosts the immune system and promotes emotional and spiritual healing and growth. Call Ann Weeks now at (828) 329-8883 or the AWC at 692-2440 Nutritional annd personal health consultations offered by Jean Snipes at the Acu Na Wellness Center, 330 E. 1st Ave., Hendersonville, 828-692-2440. Please visit our website @ www.acu-na. com for further information. Personal financial assistant available to provide support to individuals and small businesses. CPA since 2007. Call Elizabeth of Elizabeth C. Smolski CPA, PLLC at 674-1438.



Organic Press January/February 2011

Department News What’s In Store For You?

Deli ~

Grocery ~

Wellness ~

Produce ~ Happy New Year! 2011 is here and personally I’m excited to see what this year will bring. Happiness? Heath? A new haircut? Not much is known about this new year, but sticking to my New Years resolution of eating better and exercising I will help assure that my health in 2011 will be at its fullest potential. Being surrounded by the Co-Op’s selection of healthy foods and organic produce should make this goal of a healthy year (and future) a sure thing. By eating your veggies and wholesome foods your body can function in the way that it was meant to do. In most cases your body can heal itself and fight sickness on its own. Eat for the health of it. So often we eat for convenience, sacrificing quality and the nutrients our bodies not only need but deserve. Our gardens may be dead but produce in the Co-Op is anything but. We still have all the greens, citrus, apples, and veggies you need to stay healthy this winter. And it’s all organic so you know your getting what’s best for you and your family. ~ Robert

It’s time again to get on the snow chains and make your way down to see us at the Coop deli. We hope that everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. Entering into the New Year we will be offering several new items in the deli as well as firing up the bakery again for homemade spelt breads and goodies. New in the deli this month we will be replacing the homemade apple cider with our own blend of gourmet hot chocolate and marshmallows to warm up with. New in the deli display case we will be offering three new seasonal salads. In partnership with the NCGA we will be offering a Caribbean Sweet Potato Salad composed of cinnamon roasted sweet potatoes, roasted corn, black beans, onions, peanuts, cilantro, and chipotle pepper tossed in cider vinaigrette. We will also be offering a Winter Wheat Berry Waldorf composed of soft winter wheat berries, granny smith apples, pink lady apples, walnuts, dried cherries, raisins, scallions, mint and celery tossed in a creamy orange dressing. Lastly we will be offering a Curried Cauliflower Salad with blanched cauliflower, kidney beans, toasted Indian spices, tomato, carrots and toasted sesame seeds. We hope to see all of you make your way down to the deli this winter. Remember that we serve hot lunch Monday through Saturday, 11:30am until 2:30pm. Have a warm and safe winter. ~ Jordan

Have you heard about Chia? Omega3 Chia: Ancient Seed - A Powerful New Superfood Salvia hispanica, also known as Chia (pronounced chee’ah) is native to Central America and has been used traditionally for over 3000 years. Ancient Aztec warriors prized Chia as an endurance–promoting Superfood, eating it in bread just before battle and drinking it in water before running long distances on foot. By adding the nutrient density of Omega3 Chia to your diet, you will greatly increase your nutritional intake and ability to achieve well rounded nutritional health. For example: 100 grams (3.5oz.) of Omega3 Chia is: • a source of Magnesium equivalent to 53 ounces of Broccoli • a source of Iron equivalent to 10 ounces of Spinach • a source of Folate equivalent to 2 ounces of Asparagus • a source of Fiber equivalent to 4 ounces of Bran • a source of Calcium equivalent to 23 ounces of Milk • a source of Potassium equivalent to 6 ounces of Bananas • a source of Antioxidants equivalent to 10 ounces of Blueberries • a source of Omega3 Fatty Acids equivalent to 28 ounces of Atlantic Salmon To take advantage of Chia’s nutritional benefits, just mix with lemonade, juice, or your favorite beverage; or try one of the delicious recipes at http://greensplus.com/index.php/cPath/125_126


I hope that everybody is having a warm post-holiday winter season! Here in the grocery department at the Hendersonville Co-op we have new offerings from a local business. We now have Fire From The Mountain hot sauces, BBQ sauce, and Salsa. Fire From The Mountain owns a small farm in the Western North Carolina mountains where they grow many ingredients that they make their hot sauces and salsa with. What they do not grow, they buy from other local farmers. They produce and pack their products at a non-profit FDA approved shared use kitchen in Asheville, NC. They smoke their peppers with apple wood which intensifies the flavor. The Chipotle Hot Sauce has a medium heat that is flavored with homegrown smoked red jalapenos and roasted garlic and charred onions. This one is great in chilis. stews, soups, salad dressings and sauces. The Smoked Habanero Hot Sauce is very hot and has an intense flavor that would be great as an addition to eggs, grits, sandwiches, sauces and marinades...and a little goes a long way with this one! The other Hot Sauce that they make is the Smoked Serrano that is medium hot with a bright finish from cilantro. Fire From The Mountain makes a Smoked Habanero BBQ Sauce that is hot and full of flavor. It is excellent on pork, chicken, fish, and vegetables! We have their Chipotle Salsa as well that is medium hot. It is loaded with fresh vegetables and smoked Chipotle peppers. It is good feeling to support another local business and have them represented on our shelves! It is also great to have this selection of artisan hot sauces and salsa to keep us warm and spicy! I find that it is my time to move on to the next adventure in life and I want to say a heart felt “Thank you” to the whole community and all the shoppers that I have enjoyed working with over the years. It has been my pleasure to serve you and learn from you and I wish everybody many blessings! Sincerely, ~ Marisa

Organic Press January/February 2011


International Cooperative Principles • Voluntary and Open Membership • Democratic Member Control • Member Economic Participation • Autonomy and Independence • Education, Training and Information • Cooperation Among Cooperatives • Concern for Sustainable Communities

Bring Your Own Bag

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, Donate! Bring your own bag - canvas, paper, plastic, etc. and receive a 10 cent chip to deposit in the donation box of your choice. At the end of the collection period HCC will donate the collected funds to the chosen charities.

We are Currently BYO-bagging for: Climate Ground Zero is a project of the American Forest Alliance and works in cohesion with Mountain Justice, a regional network of organizations in Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, that seek the abolition of mountaintop removal in Appalachia and throughout the country. The Community Garden Historic Seventh Avenue District Mission: To reestablish a thriving commercial area that serves the needs of the adjacent neighborhoods, Henderson County residents and visitors. Through an active partnership with the City, HSAD coordinates district projects and activities in the area of beautification and design, economic development, safety, and promotions. Growing Minds is Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project’s (ASAP) Farm to School program, and the Southeast regional lead agency for the National Farm to School Network. We work to connect farm and schools and give children positive experiences with healthy foods, including farm field trips, nutrition education, school gardens, and local food in cafeterias. Make a Difference Every Time You Shop!


It’s a great way to reduce waste, recycle bags, and donate to worthy non-profits. EVERYONE WINS!


Co-op Classified Ads Garage Sale: Stereo and Home Recording/Entertainment Equip. Shelving, misc. 891-5418 Looking for part time work in the evenings. Maintenance, janitorial, factory, convenience store preferred. 891-5418 Granite Chinese Lantern for yard, with light sensor automatically comes on and off dawn. 3’ tall x 18” large &* heavy - $375.00 4-H Bake-Off Contest for kids ages 5 - 18 Saturday, Nov. 6. Recipes due October 29. Visit henderson.ces.ncsu. edu/4-H for more information or call 697-4891. Co-op Classified Ads; Natural by Stephanie, natural products, with no additives; Face lotion, hand & body lotion’s, soaps, bath salts, sachets, prices; $5-$10. each. 243-2197, or email; stephaniehs@bellsouth.net FOR SALE: 1987 -VW Camper- 139,000 miles, new clutch and front brakes, air, 6x CD $4500.00 Bill Brooks 692-6921 FOR SALE: 1996 Ford Extended Van, 104,000 miles, 54,000 on 6 cylander OD $2500.00 Bill Brooks 692-6921 Home repairs, and energy saving renovations by general contractor, 30 years experience - Bill Brooks 692-6921 PIANO FOR SALE! Wurlitzer Spinet. Mahogany/matching bench. Good condition. Tuned to A 440. $700.00. Call 6925471. Fireplace Insert - good condition 39” wide abd 34” tall, 16” deep. $150.00 891-5418

Migun bed for sale. Like new. Original cost $3500.00. On sale for $2800.00. Please contact Nina Mills at 693-4160 or email: ninamae9@earthlink.net



Organic Press January/February 2011

HCC Annual Report FY 2009/2010 5 Year Sales Trends



With Every Gross Dollar in Sales...

$3,158,877 $3,160,000

Owner Discounts, 0.6 cents Expansion R&D,



Facilities, 7 cents

Administrative, 5.3 cents


0.3 cents COG's, 64.6 cents

Payroll, 22.7 cents







$3,020,000 2006





Sales By Department Comparisons

47.10% 50.00%


47.70% 52.00%

45.00% 40.00%


31.70% 32.80%



30.00% 25.00%

49.00% Owner % of Sales


Non Owner % of Sales



15.00% 11.90%


10.00% 5.00%





0.00% Grocery



Wellness Deli Produce

44.00% Jan-07




Total Active Owners 1700

Owner Discounts 25000








fy0910 fy0809




0 Jan-06




Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10


1250 oct












Organic Press January/February 2011 Sales increased 2.9% for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010. This was good news after a 3% decline in sales for the previous fiscal year. Net ordinary income before Owner Discounts and Expansion R&D was 13k, bringing the total net income to a loss of 15k. This year, diligent focus was placed on margin improvement and true inventory numbers. Though sales met projections and expenses remained within budget, net ordinary income was affected by inventory adjustments in order to achieve improvements in accuracy. There was a 19% increase in new Ownerships, with 324 more new families welcomed. By the end of September, over 1600 active owners had accounted for 53.53% of all sales and almost 25k in discounts. • Cash flow remains healthy with all Accounts Payables paid within terms. There are no outstanding long term debts. • The Debt to equity ratio is .29. (Benchmark: .40-1.0) (Lower is better) • Current Ratio is 3.75, with an industry standard of 3.24. (Higher is better) This ratio determines credit risk qualifications. • Debt Ratio measures long term risks. At a benchmark of 50, the lower is better. The Co-op Debt Ratio is 22.6. • Savings accounts have remained untouched for another fiscal year, while growing modestly with interest. As always, Hendersonville Community Co-op belongs to you. Should you have any questions regarding the finances, please know you are welcome to call or arrange an appointment to talk with me. Jane Bagby, Finance Manager


The co-op saw growth in the last fiscal year in two very key areas. We saw our sales growth come back after a very uncertain year in 2008/2009. We also saw a steady increase in our ownership numbers. Both of these areas are very important as we look to build momentum and start to really consider where the future of the co-op will take us. Our sales recovered after a 3% decline last fiscal year. We saw a 2.9% increase for FY 2010. Through this period we saw the percentage of our sales to owners increase as well as an increase in owner discount usage. Our total number of active owners has increased for FY 2010. For the last couple of years our average monthly active ownership base hovered around the 1450 mark. Since October of 2009 we have seen a steady rise in the amount of active owners. We now have around 1600 active ownerships. The other two major factors for the co-op this past year were an increased focus on financial stability and performance at the department level and an increased need for equipment repair and replacement. All year long the department managers stayed very focused on managing the financial aspects of their departments, especially the factors involving gross margin. Gross Margin has always been an area where we could use some improvement to allow us to operate comfortably with in our means. The management team did a great job in improving their gross margin management consistently from quarter to quarter. The second area that consumed our focus was our aging equipment. We had several pieces of equipment that had to be replaced, especially in the deli. In all we spent close to $24,000 to update deli equipment. Last year was a good year for the co-op and we have made progress in a lot of areas that will help us as we look to move forward as a business. Damian Tody, General Manager


Co-op Classified Ads Buck Wood Stove 30” high, 25” wide, 24” deep. Burns Efficiently, $500.00 697-2058 Free Yoga Classes - Monday Nov. 8th at Brightwater Yoga, 506 1/2 N Main St. Relax and Renew 5:30 - 6:45 pm. Yoga BAsics 7:00 - 8:15 pm 828-595-1894 Bamboo Walk Tour, Once Sunday a Month November 14th 1:30p.m.-3p.m. Fee: $15 Pay in cash upon arrival. What could be nicer way to walk among the Bamboo Forest enjoying the Beauty, Shadow and the Sound of the Grove. Join us for 1 1/2 hour stroll. To Learn about the bamboo, distinguishing characteristics each Species, Shape, Poles, Leafs and healthy environment. Please wear walking shoe. No sandals... Call to register 828-685-3053 9-5 M-F vening 685-3050 www.haikubamboonursery.net 2008 Dodge Caravan mini camper for sale. Includes: bench back seat, bed, refrigerator/ freezer, CD/DVD/TV, sink, tent,screens, awning, table and seats, AC/DC/inverter, bike and luggage rack, more. Great for couple or small family. 44,000 miles, auto, ac, 22 mpg, excellent condition, $15,500. call Steve 828-749-9104 House for Rent: modern, unfurnished, near Saluda, 2 BR/2 BA, loft, private wooded setting, full basement/ garage, pond with dock, 2 decks, all appliances, washer and dryer, gas fireplace,1 year lease, no pets, no smoking, $950 per month+ deposit and utilities. Call Steve or Katie 749-9104. Spiritus Studio, a new yoga and wellness center located at 720 Spartanburg Highway will be celebrating the 9th Annual National Women’s Health and Fitness Day. Local guest speakers, door prizes, and refreshments will be featured. Pre-registration is required as space is limited. Please call to register and/or visit the website for more information: 551-8545 or arlene@spiritusstudio.com. SEPTEMBER 29 12 NOON TO 5PM



r e c u d Pro file Pro

Another Chicken and Egg Story: Hill’s Chicken Ranch By Gretchen Schott Cummins

Depending on which one you ask, the story might be different: Billy Hill says it was his wife who first brought chickens into their lives. But upon checking sources a little while later, Kathy (his wife) gladly sets us straight: “No- it was not me” she states firmly, “ Travis (their son) brought home a few chickens for you as a joke Father’s Day gift a number of years ago.” After a pause, Billy had no other recourse but to admit his error. “I stand corrected,” he said. But Kathy goes on to admit that it was she who was responsible for continuing the trend. As a result of what seems to be a contagious new hobby, over 50 chickens now call this little piece of paradise home. But I will get to the chicken part of the story in just a minute. The good natured hospitality I encountered on this visit made an impression on me: From the welcoming smiles to the many and varied Christmas trees, just about everything about this place was a warm greeting . Upon entering the drive way at Hill’s Chicken Ranch, I knew I was not in for any run-of-the-mill chicken and egg interview. I could tell this was going to be one of those visits where you leave with sore cheek muscles from grinning. Greeted by a

Organic Press January/February 2011

dozen Christmasy lawn ornaments, interspersed with some cherished chicken yard art- the driveway was only the beginning. A life size plastic Santa greeted me from inside the open door of an old out-house near to where I parked in the driveway: the jolly old elf-like figure offered T.P. in one hand and waved “hello” with the other as he sat there upon his thrown. Then a happy-but-self-important Jack Russell announced my arrival which brought Billy out to greet me, and sent a dozen game chickens squawking and flapping for cover in the trees. This well loved homestead was delightfully nostalgic. I started to relax into feeling somehow at home and part of a vast and personal history. Billy had constructed an old-timey store front to house a rich array of treasures that he had collected over the years. Everything had a story and probably an anecdote to go with it. For me, just being in the presence of the old dime store setting gave me a sense of timelessness. Chickens and dogs and children’s toys in the yard only served to confirm for me that this scenario has been more common in our history than not. For hundreds of years, folks would have been raising a few chickens to keep themselves and their extended family in eggs. It is only recently that we are having to make a concerted effort to find those local eggs, or local anything for that matter. Soon we commenced to tour the chicken yard, but only after admiring some of the collectibles. The wild game chickens had returned to foraging in the yard now that the dog stopped barking and I turned to see Chicken Fort Knox (as Billy called it). Apparently, there had once been a tennis court where now there stood a chicken metropolis built up with a cover screen to keep the predators out. The 10 foot high fencing came in real handy as Billy has innovated the construction of the Chicken Ranch. He rigged a net across the top to keep out the birds of prey and a low–tothe-ground electric fence around the perimeter to keep out the four legged predators ,like coons and coyote. The electric fence only goes on at night since the chickens just go roost and won’t be seen until the next morning. Striking a balance with the original inhabitants of this land is a challenge. Billy admits that if the Hill Family weren’t here on this 18 acres of mostly woods- there would be wildlife thriving here. (Perhaps that’s what the wild game chickens are for, I thought to myself- a sacrificial bird for

Organic Press January/February 2011 the wild animals that share the land). Now safely inside the compound I met many different breeds: Bantam, Red Star, Rhode Island Red, Silkie, and Guinea Hens- some more beautiful than others- but all equally loved. Apparently, not every one of these lay eggs worthy of selling. Only the Red Star and Rhode Island Reds lay the big brown eggs that you see on our grocery shelf. The other chickens lay little itty bitty eggs, which, though very pretty and colorful, are not for sale. Billy and Kathy eat those eggs and give them away to folks in need. The lovely colorful Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam , the exotic-fluffy Silkie, and the big, noisy Guinea Hens are really just there for fun. A toddler grandson is a great motivation for having fun animals in the yard. I enjoyed the description of how helpful it was to have the enthusiastic assistance of the two year old to hunt out the eggs and drop them into the bucket. I guess not all the eggs survive the 6 inch drop from the little hand to the bottom of the bucket. I asked specifically about the Guinea Hens just because they look so different, and Billy said they make great watch-dogs because they make such a “dat-bern racket with their terrible chatter all the time.” Of course, they were quiet as could be while I was visiting, so I still don’t know the noise as of the writing of this article. The chickens in the yard looked very happy to me. There were lots of greens and veggie scraps and plenty of fresh yard waste for them to eat. The Red Star are the laying hens and they are gentle and un-afraid. They are a “hybrid” breed that was created just for egg production. Billy brags on the feed he gives them for its vegetarian protein content and the fact that the feed company gives $2 to the fight against breast cancer, for every bag sold. Plenty of good feed and fresh water (thanks to the


heated self watering system). Billy explains to me that as the days grow shorter, chickens lay less eggs and that it isn’t so much an issue of season as it is one of light. They just need 14 hours of light to be the best producers they can be. Anyone with seasonal light issues can


Co-op Classified Ads Sparks of Life Therapeutic Massage Joanne Sparks, NC LMBT #10218 Swedish, Deep Tissue, Touch for Health, Energy Healing, Reflexology, Infant Massage Instructor, Integrated techniques for injury rehab. 828-243-6173, Flat Rock, NC

HOUSE/PET SITTER Professional, experienced, responsible. Also available for errands, dr. appts. Joanne 828-696-0808 / 828-243-6173 Antique bedroom set; solid mahogany, double bed, high dresser & lovely dressing table with mirror. Asking $700. or best offer, moving. 243-2197 or home 698-0440 Classified ads are free to all HCC members. Non-members pay a 25 cent charge per word.

relate to this. So these girls are graced with a lovely heat lamp and lighted coop. Right now these 50 chickens in their second year are laying about 20 dozen eggs per week. 85% of those come to the Co-op- the rest get bought up by nearby folks in the community and given away at church. I never tire of discovering folks who love to raise animals and learning about the path they took to animal husbandry. Both Billy and Kathy had grown up on farms, though they did not spend their grown lives farming. They both feel at home with this new found venture. We’re glad they do too, since we get to reap the fruits of their labors here at the Co-op.

We accept typed or clearly written ads only. 25 words max. No ads will be accepted by phone. Submit ads to the suggestion box in HCC or by email at mail@hendersonville.coop. 828693-8557 We reserve the right to refuse or edit ads. The deadline for classifieds is the 7th of the month prior to the month being published. We may remove ads after two months if not notified of an end date.



Organic Press January/February 2011

Co-op Connections A Co-op Owner Advantage Alternative Health

Hendersonville Acupuncture Center: Amanda Stierwalt. 828 Fleming St., Hendersonville, NC. 828-692-9090, 20% discount. Saluda Healing Center: Bonnie L. Williamson, DC. Chiropractic, ChiroYoga, acupuncture, neuromuscular re-education, colonics, detoxification, psychotherapy, regression therapy and neurofeedback. 43 Pearson Falls Rd., Saluda, NC. 828-749-3875. 10% off initial visit for co-op owners. Henderson Chiropractic: Joseph Silva 1630B Spartanburg Hwy, Hendersonville. 828696-2455. 20% discount on all services. Regular fees for individual services range from $18 up to $250. StayWell: Joan Kennedy.418 Village Greenway, Flat Rock 28731. 692-7282, www. saluda/staywell.com. 10% off any self-pay service. Center for Natural Healing, 1185 Ecusta Road, Brevard. Kevin Richard and Sierra Lamanna 862-8806. 10%  off first consultation. Consultations $70/hr Healing Therapies, Inc, BEYOND SURGERY: Judy Lynne Ray offers Guided Imagery + Healing Touch sessions for pre and post surgical clients. 828 553 -8146. $70 fee includes book and tape. 10% discount on initial session. WNC Functional Health, Frank Trombetta D.Sc. Rowan Farrell Trombetta, NMT. Integrative Health Care for all conditions with 25 years experience in private practice. Complete holistic services for chronic illness as well as Hakomi Therapy and Homeopathics. For Co-op Members: 50% off first Detox Therapy; 25% off first Microcurrent and Laser Therapies; 25% off first Cranial Sacral Therapy. www.wncfunctionalhealth.com Peace at Hand 1531 Haywood Rd (Hwy 191) Hendersonville, 828-692-3003 Far Infrared Sauna free 20 min. sauna visit w/ first 1 hr therapeutic massage session for Co-op owners by appointment only. Trinity Healing Arts - Sierra Lamanna. BioEnergetic (how the biology is affected by energy) Intuitive. Specializing in matching supplements to your specific energy, therefore addressing core imbalances. Also specializing in streamlining your current supplement program, allowing it to be more affective. Work over the phone or in person. 828-862-8806 www.trinityhealingarts.com. Free 20 minute consultation to co-op members. Living Points Community Acupuncture Clinic - sliding scale acupuncture $20-$40 per treatment w/ $15 one-time first treatment paperwork fee - 5 Allen Ave, Suite B South Asheville, NC 28803 828-687-8747 www.livingpoints.net We will waive the first treatment paperwork fee for co-op members - $15 savings Acu-Na Wellness Center, 330 E. 1st Avenue (1st Ave. & Grove), Downtown Hendersonville. (828) 692-2440. Mary Houge, L.Ac., LMBT. Using a new ground breaking system we help women with menopause symptoms naturally. We help you feel better— without drugs. We also offer acupuncture, massage, facial rejuvenation, lymphatic treatments, Chinese herbal remedies, and natural supplements…www.Acu-Na.com. 15% discount on Co-op members first visit. Iridology - special offer - Do you want to discover the underlying cause of imbalances and deal with them naturally. Prevention and balancing your body will save you money & suffering using aggressive therapies that suppress symptoms & create a cycle of disease. Your eyes are the WINDOWS TO YOUR BODY, MIND & SOUL. Save 50% on an Iris Analysis, i.e. $40 an hour To take charge of your health. Call Kashmyra for an appointment (828) 891 1602 EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique is like acupuncture for the mind only without the needles. Works when almost nothing else will. Freedom from fears, sadness, grief, uncontrollable cravings, low self esteem & more. 2 hour session $20.00 off to Coop members. Carol S. Rios BCH MH EFT-Crt. 828-698-4936 www.EFTmiracles.com Healing Path with Alice McCall - Transformational Energy Healer, Counselor, and Author of ‘Wellness Wisdom’ inspired by her journey with cancer. Alice works at the

cellular level to source and heal the root cause of your health issues, disease, unwanted patterns. 25% discount off first session and 15% off ongoing to Coop Owners. www.healingpath. info Cell 850-585-5496 / 828-692-5423. Max Lowd - Vibrational Energy Work, Utilizing state of the art ‘Life System’ technology. Feel the difference that vibrational release can bring to you and your body. Call 850-375-0296 (cell); 828-692-5423; email tudmax@gmail.com. 50% off first session; 20% off ongoing sessions to Coop Owners.

Counseling Services

Conscious Choices: Roberta A. Moore, Psychotherapy Services, Downtown 828-3290431. 15% discount on 1st five sessions. Janice Mewborne, ACSW: Private Psychotherapy Services. 714 Oakland St. 828-6920029, 10% off private pay Joseph Howard, MSW: Personal Growth Coaching & Emotional Release. (828) 6518646 25% off first session Lella Holland, LPC: Psychotherapy, regression therapy and neurofeedback. 43 Pearson Falls Rd., Saluda, NC. 749-3875. 10% off initial visit for co-op owners. Terri Morgan, LPC, LCAS; Psychotherapy & Substance Abuse Services, Downtown 828-458-1188. 25% off first session /10% off ongoing sessions. Confidential Counseling: Shirley M. Nicholson, Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy Services. Downtown office. 828-242-7806. 15% discount for co-op owners. Joan King, BCH, NGH Board Certified Clinical and Sports Hypnotherapist, NLP Performance expert. Since 1992 training amateur and professional athletes how to access their peak performances, Flat Rock, 828-696-2547, www.pmi4.com. For co-op owners 25% discount on first session, 10% discount for ongoing sessions.

Fitness & Spiritual Well-being

The Yoga Studio at Highland Lake Inn: Fred Brown, Highland Lake, Flat Rock. 828-891-4313. www.highlandlakeyoga.com. 10% off to co-op owners Brightwater Yoga: 506 1/2 N. Main Street, Hendersonville. (828) 698-5557, www. brightwateryoga.com 10% off Yoga classes. Kashmyra Asnani, C.P., C.Y., C.M.T., offers 20 minutes private postural, alignment & gait instruction free with purchase of 1 session of yoga or Pilates. Or 40 minutes private body sculpting free with purchase of 1 session of both yoga & Pilates. Call (828) 891-1602. Kathleen Wallace - Integrative Yoga classes at: Brightwater Yoga Studio, 506 ½ N. Main Street, Hendersonville, Tuesdays from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. and Wednesdays from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.; Kenmure Fitness Center, Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.; and at her home studio, Tuesdays 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. and Thursdays 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. In her home studio she also offers private sessions. For information or to schedule a private class, call Kathleen at 696-0808. First class free. Graceful Hearts Physical Therapy offers Turbo Sonic Whole Body Vibration Training. Using the Science of Sound to benefit all types of conditions from Asthma to Fibromyalgia, Autism to Parkinsons. Antiaging and fat/cellulite reduction programs also available. Call Grace for more information (828) 545-2948. $5 off each session for co-op owners. Steve Westin, DC, gentle adjustments, nutritional counseling, no x-rays req.d. 828551-8012 $25/visit for co-op owners, $35/visit for non-owners. Spiritus Studio, yoga and wellness center: Arlene Riley, 720 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville. (828) 551-8545, www.spiritusstudio.com. 10% discount given to co-op owners for yoga classes. Joan King, BCH, NGH Board Certified Clinical and Sports Hypnotherapist, NLP

Organic Press January/February 2011 Performance expert. Since 1992 specializing in mind-body-spirit training for golfers & others to move into “the zone” for peak performances, Flat Rock, 828-696-2547, www. pmi4.com. For co-op owners 25% discount on first session, 10% discount for ongoing sessions.

Massage & Bodywork

David Henry:Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist , Certified Quantum Energy Practitioner, Comprehensive Reflexology Inc. 580 Upward Road, Suite 1, Flat Rock 828-778-9985.Email: david_henry@bellsouth.net $10 off first session http://davehenry. reflexology-usa.org Fountain of Youth Day Spa Hot stone massage, Swedish massage, reiki., neuromuscular massage. 516 Kanuga St. Hendersonville. 698-2954. 10% off for co-op owners on each & every visit Polarity Therapy -- Energy Healing: Joseph Howard, MSW; Certified Polarity Practitioner. Hendersonville. (828) 651-8646 25% off first session Judy Lynne Ray, LMBT, CHTP/I: Massage Therapy & Bodywork plus Healing Touch, Energy Healing, Aromatherapy, Raindrop Therapy Technique.  828-553-8146.  10% discount on initial session. Jennifer Smith LMBT#1232 massage therapist specializing in pain management using cranio-sacral, lymphatic drainage and deep tissue techniques. H’ville office 243-4942. 25% off first visit. Angel’s Touch Spa Duncan Hill Commerce Center Suite 211 Duncan Hill Rd, Hendersonville, NC 28792 A private, serene, tranquil & comforting atmosphere dedicated to your well-being. By Aptmnt Only Deborah Angel, LMBT/Nail Tech non-surgical face lift, ear candling, en vogue gel nails. 828-698-6634 $10 off one hour massage for first time clients. Karen Toledo, Detox Diva LMBT/nail Tech, hydrotherapist, detoxification, weight loss. 828-215-6565 10% off initial service for co-op owners. All three offer 10% off spa manicures and psdicures for co-op owners always. Stoney Mountain Healing Center: Meg Reim, Hendersonville. Home-828-274-0429. Cell- 757-274-1240 or e-mail at mreim@rocketmail.com. Wonderful healing sessions in a octagonal dome-like structure. 25 years of experience in medicine and alternative health. Sliding scale fees, love donations, bartering, etc. Jill Johnson, LMBT, NMT NC#4924, #56162 Therapeutic Swedish Massage, Certified Neuromuscular Therapist. 10 years experience combining various modalities for a unique healing experience. $5 off for Co-Op owners-ALWAYS. 244 Fifth Ave. W. #103 828-553-4605 Grace Shen, PT offers Total Motion Release, Craniosacral Therapy, deep tissue/fascia work, and Holographic Memory Release. Offices in Fletcher and now at Asheville Healing Arts. (828) 545-2948 by appointment. 10% off initial visit Peace at Hand 1531 Haywood Rd (Hwy 191) Hendersonville, 828-243-3139 692-3003, $10.00 off first therapeutic massage for co-op owners by appointment only BodyHarmony Massage - Karen Cash LMBT I am 20 years experienced and trained in a multitude of Therapeutic Techniques. I have also studied holistic nutrition and inner awareness health. I most frequently work integrating Swedish, Neuromuscular Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, and Matrix Energetics; but it’s great to have the ability to integrate other techniques to help meet your needs. Whether it’s stress relief, pain management, or wellness maintenance, my goal is for you to receive the best bodywork for your ultimate health. 25% off your first Session for coop members. 828-890-5996 or 828-329-4858 BodyHarmony@bellsouth.net KarenCash.com Margaret Ellis:Licensed Aesthetician specializing in Holistic Skin Care, Body Detox therapies, Natural Nail Care, Reflexology and the benefits of drinking Kangen Water. ACU-NA Wellness Center, 330 E. 1st Ave., Hendersonville. 828-692-2440 Harmonic Acupuncture: Françoise Hesselink LAC uses sound vibration and Oriental medicine to balance body, mind and spirit. Gentle yet effective; no needles. 30 years experience; now in Hendersonville on Wednesdays. (828) 255-0896 www.harmonicacu-



puncture.com 10% discount for co-op members. Skin Care Traditions-Deborah Tomchuk, Licensed Esthetician, Registered Nurse; Facials, Back Treatments, Skin Treatments, Herbal Green Peel by Dr. Schrammek, for natural plant based skin care as well as other treatments, www.skincaretraditions.com, 828-890-9018, 3754 Brevard Rd., The Plaza at Horse Shoe. 10% off 1st treatment for coop members


Crystal Visions: 5426 Asheville Hwy. (Hwy 25), Naples. 828-6871193, metaphysical & spiritual books, gifts, classes and events, www.crystalvisionsbooks.com. 15% off regularly priced jewelry. The Red Arbor - Holistic Family Hair Care Clipper cuts, women and children’s styles, peaceful atmosphere, Organic products used, Reiki sessions by appt. 551 Israel St. off Kanuga Rd.(behind Blue Water Seafood) $1.00 off any service to Co-op members. Call: 828329-8921 for hours Eco-Conscious, one-of-a-kind, hand sculpted sweaters! Shop at MONA! Eclectic Artwear For You and Your Home. 308 Davis Street, Hendersonville. 828-693-1611 www. monapaints.com 10% discount with your Co-op Owners card. Peace at Hand 1531 Haywood Rd (Hwy 191) Hendersonville, 828-692-3003 100% soy candles, relaxation cd’s, gems and minerals, NAtural Bath and Body Products, Wind chimes and more. 10% discount with Co-op owner card on any regular priced item. Advanced Thermal Solutions: Skip Skeele and Tomas Koenig, 1630-C Spartanburg Hwy., Hendersonville, NC 28792. 828-693-3334. Over 10 years experience with solar hot water & electricity, daylighting, and solar attic fans to help with cooling. Radiant heat, in-floor or with radiators, for comfortable dust free heat. 5% off any installed system for Co-op owners.

Services & Classes

Connie Knight, Studio Artist: The Arts Council, 538-A No. Main St., Hendersonville. 828-243-0084, 10% off monthly fee for four “Juicy Art” art classes - ages 6-HighSchool. Compassionate Home Care, Inc., l:icensed thru N.C. bonded, insured, (C.N.A., LPN, RN) 696-0946, 877-5906 or www.compassionatehc.com $1.00 off per hour for co-op owners. Earth School -- Nature Awareness & Self Reliance. Lovetheearth.com. Richard Cleveland. (828) 507-1920 15% discout to co-op owners. MAC 2 YOU, specializing in computer help for beginners, women, and seniors. Mac only. Call Elizabeth Shore @ 828-290-7723 or visit Mac2You.biz for more info. 10% discount to co-op owners. All Seasons Errand Service LLC Grocery and personal shopping, pet and house sitting, meal pick-up and delivery.M.C. Gaylord 699-8418 and Tammie Bogin 699-6007 www.AllSeasonsErrandService.com10 % off for Co-op Owners. Persimmons Design Home Redesign, Restoration and Repair. Green Alternatives and Consultation. 828.697.8713 Co-op owners receive 15% discount. WEGO-4U, Errands and Business Services Bonded, Insured and Registered in Henderson County Please visit www.wego-4u.com for complete list of services. Gary and Linda Prichard 674-9940 or 674-9943 $5 OFF 1st service for Co-op members. 1Site1Day Website Design- 864-335-8672 - www.1Site1Day.com Custom web design for your small business or organization. See site for details. $50 off package for Coop members. Carol Shimberg, MHS, RD, LDN, registered dietitian, licensed nutritionist available for nutritional counseling. for disease management, weight loss and healthy lifestyle coaching. Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance accepted. Call Carol at 828-329-3855 or email at cshimberg@aol.com 10% off to all Coop members.

Discount offers are subject to change without notice.



Organic Press January/February 2011

Who Owns Organic?

Organic Industry Structure: Major Independents and Their Subsidiary Brands Alvarado Street Bakery

Eden Foods

Organic Valley

Amy's Kitchen

Equal Exchange

PaciĂžc Natural Foods

Applegate Farms

Frontier Natural Products

Simply Organic

Sno Pac

Golden Temple

Peace Cereal

SpringĂželd Creamery

Bob's Red Mill

Yogi Tea

Lundberg Family Farms


Clif Bar



Turtle Mountain


Purely Decadent

2002, 5% Equity May 2005, 100% Equity


Acquisitions by the Top 30 Food Processors in North America

charts by Phil Howard, Michigan State University. More information can be found at www.msu.edu/~howardp/organicindustry.html

So Delicious

Phil Howard, Michigan State University September, 2010

Organic Industry Structure:

The current state of ownership in the organic food

Traditional Medicinals

Nature's Path


Organic Prairie

Green & Black's


M&M Mars

sold N.A. beverage division in 2008

Hershey Foods

Lightlife LaraBar

July 2007


October 2006

June 2009

Alexia Foods

Seeds of Change

July 2000

June 2008


General Mills




December 1999

Cascadian Farm


March 1998

Frutti di Bosco

Boca Foods

Millina's Finest

Earth's Best


Mountain Sun

June 2003

Spectrum Organics


September 2003

MaraNatha White Wave/Silk

June 1998 36% Equity May 2002 100% Equity $189 M

Alta Dena


Horizon April 1999

July 1998 13% Equity January 2004 100% Equity $216 M

August 2005 $33 M

September 1999 $100 M 19.5% Equity; December 2005 0% Equity

Rich Products Corp. (#40) January 2007


Health Valley

Breadshop December 2002

Celestial Seasonings


Imagine/Rice Dream/Soy Dream Food Processors #



Coca-Cola #13

Tribe Mediterranean Foods

May 2002

April 1999 $80 M


September 2008 $57M via Israeli subsidiary Osen Group (50.1% Equity)

French Meadow


August 2003

#85 October 1997 $23.5 M March 2000 $390 M

Garden of Eatin' Arrowhead Mills

DeBole's April 1998 $80 M

Hain Celestial

June 2007 From Dean

Westbrae Bearitos Westsoy Little Bear


The Organic Cow of Vermont

March 2008



May 1999

December 1998


October 2001


Back to Nature

Nile Spice


Walnut Acres

February 2000

Muir Glen

September 1999 From Heinz

June 2001

Pepsi #2

Bear Naked

Wholesome & Hearty February 2008 40% Equity $43 M

Honest Tea

October 2001 $181 M


November 2006

Naked Juice


November 2007 $122 M


June 2000

November 1999 $307 M

Morningstar Farms/Natural Touch

Organic Brand Acquisitions Strategic Alliances # Numbers refer to rank in North American food sales according to Food Processing, August, 2008

Organic Press January/February 2011


The Habitual Herbalist


with June Ellen Bradley Life and Breath

Upon arrival to this big green planet, we breathe in and when we leave, we let out our final breath. In between there is a whole lot of breathing going on! In this article we will look at some ways we can mingle intention with breath to achieve greater mental clarity, health and wellness. Winter time is Wisdom time… time to reflect over the past year and glean the pearls of our existence; celebrate our accomplishments (breathe in), let go of that which no longer serves us (breathe out,) then become inspired for the year ahead. BREATHE! Breathing can even assist us in daily basis energetic “house(body)keeping.” Our breath tells a lot about us. Are we breathing fully and deeply? Do we take a bigger in breath than out breath? Are we feeling fear and holding our breath and breathing shallowly? Pay attention right now and check in with your breath. Do not attempt to change it in any way for now; simply observe where you are and the quality of your breathing. I am a swimmer and regulating breathing is crucial when swimming competitively. Swimmers play with breathing patterns in practice to feel how different patterns produce different results. Learning different patterns of breathing during exercise has helped me to use it in daily life to clarify my mind, clear emotions and as a healing force. Breathing is an amazing carrier of energy. Have you ever experienced shamanic breath work? Breathing together for a sustained time gazing into the eyes of your partner is an amazing and intimate experience as well. If you haven’t tried these ideas, you could put them on your list of things to try in 2011. Breathing is really powerful. Breath is a carrier of the life force. It can be used for healing. I work with a massage therapist who has helped me for over 8 years. Whenever there is a sore, tight spot or energetically stuck place, I have a tendency to hold my breath and clamp down to avoid the pain. He patiently reminds me to breathe right there. You would think I’d remember that by now. When we feel pain or fear we tend to stop breathing. Nothing could be less effective since we want to get the energy flowing again! Let’s now take a really luscious full deep breath! Don’t forget to breathe out! Ha. Until the writing of this article it never dawned on me that we don’t have a single word for “breathe in” and “breathe out” The effect of each are SO different…hmmmmm. When I say breathe I automatically assume it would be “in” don’t you? In a dream, I was given a breathing exercise from a gigantic Cedar tree (Aren’t dreams cool?) Cedars symbolize Sacredness for me and the sheer size of the tree told me that the message was big and important. I was to do the ‘exercise’ upon awakening and then right before sleeping, in bed. I lay on my right side and breathe in as slowly as possible, as peacefully as possible. It seems like 10 breaths take forever! As I continue to do this it amazes me how long I can breathe in and how different parts of the lungs open bit by bit. Once the lungs are full, I pause a moment then begin the equally slow exhale…continue to squeeze out all the air possible by contracting the diaphragm and stomach muscles then hold it again. You can get so relaxed and at the same time energized by this practice. In the morning it wakes me up and you can’t help stretching! At night it helps me relax and sleep.

It helps when I make a small sound by contracting my throat a bit. On the out breath towards the end it gets a little wheezy as I force every last particle of air out of my lungs. Don’t be shy about making sound. I have noticed a host of amazing improvements in my body and awareness through long term use of this technique. It only takes 10-15 min. per session and if you have to; do it in 5 min! You can adjust the number of breaths according to your time frame. Don’t speed up! I share this with you because I think you will benefit from it too. Let me know what you notice after several weeks of this practice. I am interested to see what has come forth for you. I can be reached at studiobug7@yahoo.com. Breathing is also a great way to move emotional energy. It is always revealing that, just because we feel a certain way –it isn’t necessarily truth. Feelings aren’t facts. They point to underlying beliefs we have about ourselves and the world, they make us aware that an energy is missing. If we realize emotions as signposts that we are being called upon to bring an energetic gift, we can breathe out the tension and breathe in the energy. When we manifest this energy in some way we bring light to our world. We are trained to fix problems. If I feel bad “Let’s fix it”, says the mind and we reach for that brownie, cocktail or friend. The heart, on the other hand says “Let’s feel it and then let it go so I can give you the gift equal to the size of that feeling.” Big feeling equals big gift. You have to let the feeling go first though. How?? You guessed it –Breathe! This way, emotions don’t get stuck in your body and manifest as disease. We then use the mental forces to define how we will manifest this energy physically…instead of reaching for a feel good fix. If we learn to see our emotions as a gift rather than a problem, I’d bet there would be a lot less addictive behavior and prescription “nummers” out there. We would see how we all connect energetically. As you all may know, I study with Jackie Woods here in Columbus. She is the real expert on emotional healing and if it were not for her I would still believe me when I mentally criticize myself when something doesn’t turn out right because I messed up and feel guilty or angry or…. She has shown me how to breathe it out and claim what the heart is offering. I now know to my core that breathing can carry away feelings with which I used to torture myself and those around me. We still need to feel whatever intensity we have so we know the size of the space we get to fill. Emotions just no longer serve as a manipulative tool. There is a great CD on Emotional clearing that you can order through the website www.jackiewoods.org if you wish to explore this further. At one time I actually set an alarm to go off 4 times a day to check my breathing. I found I often held my breath or had gone shallow. It is amazing how much just sitting up straight and breathing deeply a few times will move out stagnation whether it is of body or mind. Such a simple practice can yield amazing results. Don’t believe me –try it for yourself! This is a simple healing practice everyone can afford. It takes courage and awareness and you can do it!

715 S. Grove St. Hendersonville, NC 28792

After exhibiting in Atlanta fifteen years ago, Rowan is a “re-emerging artist� invoking the feminine spirit roots of the worlds oldest form of religion and medicine. She is one of seven artists in Henderson County to receive the Regional Artists Project Grant from the NC Council for the Arts and from Administered by the Henderson County Arts Council. The mixed media paintings on view at the co-op are from the series, Curandera de la Cocina (Healer from the Kitchen). You can visit her at www.rowanfarrell.com and 828-699-0771.

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