Hendrickson Foreign Rights Catalogue

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Biblical Studies Daniel I. Block and Richard L. Schultz, editors

Bind Up the Testimony

Explorations in the Genesis of the Book of Isaiah

354 pages


December 2015

ISBN: 9781619705999

Target Groups:

Evangelical Scholars; Educated Pastors; Graduate Students

One of the major flashpoints in academic biblical studies in the past 125 years has centered on the authorship and dating of the book of Isaiah. Beginning in the late 1800s, some scholars suggested that this book may have been written by multiple people over a period of centuries, a view that contrasts with the traditional one that the entire book of Isaiah was written in the eighth century BC by the Judean prophet Isaiah ben Amoz. Bind Up the Testimony brings together a variety of evangelical responses to this issue. "This is the kind of constructive exchange that can move debates about this prophetic text forward in fruitful ways." ― M. Daniel Carroll R., Denver Seminary

Craig A. Evans

Jesus and the Remains of His Day

Studies in Jesus and the Evidence of Material Culture

302 pages


December 2015

ISBN: 9781619707054

Target Groups:

Scholars; Educated Pastors and Laity; Seminary and Grad Students

"Evans exposes the misuse of archaeology involved in some sensational claims about Jesus and early Christianity. Even more importantly, he shows that archaeology properly used has much to contribute to a realistic understanding of Jesus and his movement." ― Rainer Riesner, University of Dortmund This book is a collection of essays by the author from the past twenty years, revised or augmented, and including four new articles, each on various aspects of how archaeological evidence enlightens our understanding of the life and death of Jesus and the culture in which he lived. The book’s introduction explains the value of material culture (i.e., archaeological evidence) for interpreting Jesus and the Gospels and discusses the limits of such evidence. Includes several of author's own photos.

Jack Finegan

The Handbook of Biblical Chronology Revised Edition

426 pages


ISBN: 9781619706415

Target Groups: Scholars; Pastors; Students; Laity

1998 (paperback edition-August 2015)

Finegan clarifies ancient systems of time reckoning and the biblical passages that use them. In Part 1, Principles of Chronology in the Ancient World, he describes the origins of basic units of time and surveys the calendars used in the Ancient Near East through the Roman era. In Part 2, Problems of Chronology in the Bible, he discusses major periods of the Old Testament, as well as the lives of Jesus, John the Baptist, and the Apostles Peter and Paul. A handy and indispensable reference tool.


Biblical Studies A. Berkeley Mickelsen and Alvera M. Mickelsen

Understanding Scripture

How to Read and Study the Bible

142 pages


ISBN: 9781619706071

Target Groups: Clergy; Layworkers

1992 (paperback edition-January 2015)

Can you distinguish when Scripture is literal vs. figurative? Should parables, allegories, and prophecies be interpreted with the same method? If you’re wondering—or want your study time to become more rewarding—here are clear explanations, guidelines, advice, and discussion questions to help you discover what the Bible really means.

T. A. Perry

Jonah's Arguments with God The Honeymoon Is Over!

250 pages


ISBN: 9781619704893

Target Groups: Scholars; Pastors

2006 (re-release June 2014)

In this refreshing and thoughtful interpretation of the biblical book of Jonah, T. A. Perry seeks to recover the book’s prophetic thrust: how Jonah is cast out from the divine Presence and works his way back—like Elijah—in a love story of rejection and reconciliation. This book explores the role reversal of Eternity and Jonah and suggests the possibility that God can not only change his mind, but even be educated.

T. A. Perry

Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible Exploring God's Twilight Zone

208 pages


ISBN: 9781619704916

Target Groups: Scholars; Pastors

2008 (re-release June 2014 )

What is the source of wisdom? What is the biblical understanding of it, and how is it revealed? In this book, T. A. Perry brings his creative impulse and critical mind to some of the most enigmatic passages of the Hebrew Bible. This book provides serious students with an insightful and incisive lens through which to interpret, among other biblical passages, the story of Judah and Tamar, the riddle proposed by Samson, and the words of Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) reflecting on the advancing years of life.


Christian Living Kent Crockett

Slaying Your Giants and Study Guide Biblical Solutions to Everyday Problems

226 pages ISBN:

9781619706156 9781619706088 (SG)


March 2015 (re-release)

Target Groups:

Small Groups; Prison ministries; Individuals

In this new, expanded edition of his bestseller 911 Handbook, Kent Crockett has improved an already terrific book. A virtual spiritual survival guide, Slaying Your Giants tackles twenty common problems that can become Goliaths in our lives and provides simple Biblical step-by-step methods of conquering each one. A separate small group study guide is available to accompany the original book. Filled with discussion questions, quizzes, and more, to help readers work through the great material in Kent Crockett’s easy-toread book. 79 pages.

Albert M. Erisman

The Accidental Executive

Lessons on Business, Faith, and Calling from the Life of Joseph

202 pages


May 2015

ISBN: 9781619706217

Target Groups:

Executives; Christians and nonChristians in business

For people in the workplace, there is a great deal to learn from Joseph in the book of Genesis. He spent time both at the top and at the bottom—as a leader and as a slave in Egypt. In this new book about faith and work, author Albert M. Erisman shares lessons learned from the frontlines of business, government, and education, and how they connect to Joseph’s life. Through the author’s own work experiences and interviews with business leaders across the world, you’ll learn that Joseph dealt with issues that are still common in the business world today. Studying his life can offer guidance and encouragement in any workplace. A Theology of Work Project title.

Michele Howe

Empty Nest: What's Next?

Parenting Adult Children Without Losing Your Mind

138 pages


September 2015

ISBN: 9781619706217

Target Groups:

Parents of adult children; Christian parents

The purpose of Empty Nest, What’s Next? is to help parents adjust to their changing roles as parents of adult children. Unlike the first eighteen years of parenting, moms and dads now take on more of an advisory role and step out of the daily hands-on instructional role. In theory, this stepping to the sidelines parenting style should lead to a simpler, less stressful life for the parents. However, real-life parenting young adults is often much more challenging than all the earlier years put together. Combine young adult immaturity with a dangerous world, and parents frequently find themselves beset with worry, fear, and anxiety. Intellectually letting go is one thing; emotionally letting go is much more difficult, especially when the consequences are adult sized.


Christian Living

Everyday Matters Bible Studies for Women This series of study guides focuses on various spiritual practices. Its purpose is to help women use spiritual practices to make their own life richer, fuller, and deeper. It can be used as a stand-alone Bible study guide for groups or invidiuals, or as a companion to the Everyday Matters Bible for Women. Each study includes discussion questions, insights, points fo ponder, prayers, leader's guide, and scriptural meditations to help women delve further into these biblical spiritual practices to help them live fully, every day.

Currently Available: Acceptance & Gratitude

ISBN: 9781619701472

Publication: January 2014

Bible Study & Meditation

ISBN: 9781619706255

Publication: June 2015

Celebration & Community

ISBN: 9781619705739

Publication: January 2015

Faith & Worship

ISBN: 9781619704374

Publication: July 2014

Fasting & Stewardship

ISBN: 9781619704428

Publication: July 2014

Forgiveness & Reconciliation

ISBN: 9781619701465

Publication: January 2014


ISBN: 9781619701694

Publication: January 2014

Justice & Submission

ISBN: 9781619704381

Publication: July 2014


ISBN: 9781619701595

Publication: January 2014

Prayer & Confession

ISBN: 9781619704404

Publication: July 2014

Sabbath Rest

ISBN: 9781619705753

Publication: December 2014

Service & Mentoring

ISBN: 9781619705722

Publication: January 2015

Simplicity & Silence

ISBN: 9781619701588

Publication: January 2014

Solitude & Contemplation

ISBN: 9781619706309

Publication: September 2015


Christian Living

Spurgeon's Sermons Series This series brings the sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon together in topical books. Since the days he shook the pulpits of Victorian London with Christ-centered passion, each succeeding generation seems to discover Charles Spurgeon anew. In sermons as timeless as their topics, Spurgeon combines keen intellect, scriptural truth, and a zeal for making God known to a world in darkness. This collection of sermons preached throughout Spurgeon's 40-year ministry offers treasures of wisdom for Lent, Easter, Christmas, and throughout the year. Gleaming with vivid imagery and practical application, each stand-alone message allows us to see God's ultimate revelation unfold.

Currently Available: Spurgeon's Sermons About Christmas

ISBN: 9781619702707

Publication: October 2014

Spurgeon's Sermons On Cries from the Cross

ISBN: 9781619705944

Publication: January 2015

Spurgeon's Sermons On Great Prayers of the Bible

ISBN: 9781619707030

Publication: October 2015

Spurgeon's Sermons On Heaven & Hell

ISBN: 9781619707566

Publication: February 2016

Spurgeon's Sermons On the Holy Spirit

ISBN: 9781619706293

Publication: May 2015

Spurgeon's Sermons On the Lord's Supper

ISBN: 9781619702660

Publication: February 2014

Spurgeon's Sermons On the Love of Christ

ISBN: 9781619706286

Publication: May 2015

Spurgeon's Sermons On Men of the Old Testament

ISBN: 9781619702684

Publication: July 2014

Spurgeon's Sermons On the Passion of the Christ

ISBN: 9781619702677

Publication: February 2014

Spurgeon's Sermons On Prayer

ISBN: 9781619707023

Publication: October 2015

Spurgeon's Sermons On the Prayers of Christ

ISBN: 9781619704541

Publication: October 2014

Spurgeon's Sermons On the Resurrection

ISBN: 9781619705951

Publication: January 2015

Spurgeon's Sermons On the Second Coming of Christ

ISBN: 9781619707559

Publication: February 2016

Spurgeon's Sermons On Women of the Old Testament

ISBN: 9781619702646

Publication: July 2014


Christian Living/Devotional Alistair Mackenzie and Wayne Kirkland

Where's God on Monday? A Theology of Work Project title

148 pages


December 2015

ISBN: 9781619707078

Target Groups:

White/blue collar professionals; Pastors; Globally/gender diverse

This book introduces readers to a basic biblical theology of work. Written in fourteen engaging chapters, each one is followed by questions and exercises for small group or individual reflection. This work straddles the divide between theological reflection and practical application in the everyday. In Alistair’s research over the years, he discovered that many people were looking for an easy to read book on the subject, but not one that was lightweight or lacking in credible biblical and theological content. Most treatments were too heavy, academic, long, and inaccessible, or they were largely anecdotal. Where’s God on Monday? is short enough for people to read in an afternoon, written in accessible language for the average person in the pews, yet thoughtful enough to be used as a text in Bible colleges.

Melissa Heiland

A Mother's Comfort

A Devotional for Baby's First Year

106 pages


ISBN: 9781619704930

Target Groups: Mother's of new babies

July 2014

This devotional, written for mothers during their babies’ first year, ministers to women’s hearts and reminds them that as they love and care for their new child, we have a Heavenly Father who loves and cares for us. For each week of her child’s first year, there is a scripture reading, short devotional, and journal prompt. Also published in Spanish.

Melissa Heiland

A Mother's Journey

A Devotional for Pregnancy

90 pages


ISBN: 9781619704961

Target Groups: Pregnant mothers

July 2014

Part devotional, part pregnancy journal, this special little book has forty chapters to correspond with each week of pregnancy, offering comfort and spiritual guidance to those facing challenges. Each week’s reading includes Scripture verses and a journal prompt, as well as information about the baby’s development at various stages. A Mother’s Journey is a great resource to help moms connect more deeply with their baby, themselves, and their heavenly Father. Whether walking the journey of pregnancy with or without the support of a partner, this devotional reminds moms that there is a compassionate God who is with them and who cares for them. Also published in Spanish.


Devotional/Preaching Aids Randall J. Pederson, Editor

Day by Day with the English Puritans Selected Readings for Daily Reflection

422 pages


ISBN: 9781619706149

Target Groups: Clergy and lay people

2004 (paperback edition-January 2015)

A book of 366 daily devotions by 80 different English Puritans, including: John Bunyan, Richard Baxter, Thomas Manton, Thomas Watson, Richard Sibbes, John Flavel. Diverse and profound devotions cover topics like faith, spiritual growth, temptation, holiness, God’s character, prayer, joy and sorrows, etc. Also includes an introduction to English Puritans, resources to delve further into the writers’ original works, and brief biographies of the contributors.

Randall J. Pederson, Editor

Day by Day with Jonathan Edwards Selected Readings for Daily Reflection

394 pages


ISBN: 9781619702653

Target Groups: Clergy and lay people

2005 (paperback edition-January 2015)

This thoughtful collection of sermons offers readers 366 thoughtful and meditative daily devotions. Compiled from both published and unpublished writings by Jonathan Edwards, readers will learn from his pen how the Christian life should be lived. Includes an Introduction.

Raymond McHenry

McHenry's Quips, Quotes & Other Notes with Forward by Zig Ziglar

434 pages


ISBN: 9781619705340

Target Groups: Preachers; Other speakers

1998 (paperback edition-June 2014)

Packed with over 1200 entertaining stories, quotes, and humor, McHenry's Quips, Quotes & Other Notes can add interest to any article, presentation, or sermon with startling statistics and little-known facts. The book is alphabetized by topic, so it's easy to find that perfect story or joke regarding church, family, life, politics, sports, work, and more.


Religious History Marsha Daigle-Williamson

Reflecting the Eternal

Dante's Divine Comedy in the Novels of C.S. Lewis

330 pages


October 2015

ISBN: 9781619706651

Target Groups:

Lewis or Dante fans, scholars and critics; Interest in literature, writing

Nine chapters cover all of Lewis’s novels, from Pilgrim’s Regress and his science-fiction to The Chronicles of Narnia and Till We Have Faces , demonstrating how C. S. Lewis’s novels reveal his admiration for Dante’s Divine Comedy . Throughout his career Lewis drew on the structure, themes, and narrative details of Dante’s medieval epic to present his characters as spiritual pilgrims growing toward God. Lewis made astonishingly creative use of Dante’s medieval portrayal of sin and sanctification, of human frailty and divine revelation, for the benefit of his modern audience. Readers will gain new insight into the sources of Lewis’s literary imagination that represented theological and spiritual principles in his clever, compelling, humorous, and thoroughly human stories.

Ronald A.N. Kydd

Charismatic Gifts in the Early Church The Gifts of the Spirit in the First 300 Years

104 pages


1984 (re-release December 2014)

ISBN: 9781619705258

Target Groups:

Interest in theology; Minister; Layperson; Student; Scholar

The emergence and widespread acceptance of the validity of the charismatic experience has generated many questions. One of the foremost is, “What happened to the gifts of the Spirit after the New Testament period?” Dr. Ronald Kydd’s careful probe seeks to answer that question. After a thorough and careful study of the writings of the early church fathers, Dr. Kydd provides an objective, informative analysis, and reaches thought-provoking conclusions. “What emerges from a study of the sources is the picture of a Church which is strongly charismatic up until around A.D. 200.”

Henry Wace & William C. Piercy, Editors

A Dictionary of Early Christian Biography: A Reference Guide to Over 800 Christian Men and Women, Heretics, and Sects of the First Six Centuries 1028 pages


ISBN: 9781619702691

Target Groups: Interest in Church history

1999 (paperback edition-July 2014)

This is a reference guide to over 800 Christian personalities, groups, and literature of the first six centuries A.D. It includes descriptions of the principal sects and heresies that challenged orthodox Christianity on several fronts during the early years. Features reliable sketches of major Christian personalities of the first six centuries. Analyzes the documents, creeds, and literature of the early church and its opponents. A remarkably comprehensive and fundamental resource for anyone serious about the early church and the people who made indelible marks in its story.


Religious History/Theology Jacob Neusner

Transformations in Ancient Judaism

Textual Evidence for Creative Responses to Crisis

180 pages


2004 (paperback edition-April 2016)

ISBN: 9781619707399

Target Groups:

Scholars; Educated pastors and laity; Seminary students; Teachers

In Transformations , Neusner reasons that the Jewish canonical writings—the Hebrew Bible, Mishnah, Talmuds, and the Midrash—illustrate Judaism’s response to three major crises—the destruction of Solomon’s Temple by Nebuchadnezzar, the destruction of Herod’s Temple by the Romans, and the acceptance of Christianity as the state religion of Rome—which significantly shaped their religion. Instead of succumbing to defeat and despair, Judaism arose from each crisis as a result of its religious leaders’ reinterpretation of its sacred texts. The result was that they discovered a truth both continuous with the past and responsive to the unanticipated crisis—a truth that carved out a path for the future. This process, represented in the Jewish canon, continues to define modern Judaism.

Garth Rosell, Editor

Commending the Faith

The Preaching of D.L. Moody

266 pages


1994 (re-release November 2015)

ISBN: 9781619708167

Target Groups:

Pastors; Laity; Interest in religious history

On December 23, 1899, front-page headlines announced the death of renowned preacher Dwight Lyman Moody. A century later his legacy endures, not only in publishing and educational institutions that bear his name but also in the work of his successors in the field of mass evangelism. Now students of North American religious history, pastors, and lay Christians who revere his memory can get to know him through his own words.

Theology of Work Project

Theology of Work Bible Commentary ISBN:

9781619706606 Gen-Deut 9781619707092 Josh-Songs 9781619707504 Isa-Malachi 9781619705265 Matt-Acts 9781619705968 Rom-Rev


November 2014 - January 2016

Target Groups:

White/blue collar professionals; Pastors; Globally/gender diverse

This commentary series is an in-depth Bible study tool put together by a group of Bible scholars and business people. It reveals what the Bible says about all kinds of work and offers insight from every single book of the Bible. Pastors will find these volumes helpful as they consider the Bible’s perspective on work when teaching on particular passages or topics. Professors may use the commentary to help prepare classes or as a textbook for students. Laypeople may find practical help for workplace decisions, or they may read it as part of their personal or group Bible study.


Christian Living

The Bible and Your Work Study Series The Theology of Work Project is a group of renowned thinkers, academics, and business leaders who create content to help people explore the Christian perspective on work. In January 2007, Dr. Haddon Robinson officially gaveled the Theology of Work Project, Inc. into existence. And today, TOW has grown into one of the most comprehensive resources on faith and work in the world. Its mission is to help people explore what the Christian faith can contribute to ordinary work, and it is developing resources for the most significant topics in today’s workplace, such as calling, ethics, truth and deception, motivation, compensation, and more. These study guides are designed for 30-minute group sessions, perfect for busy people, and great for group or individual use at home or at work on lunch breaks.

Currently Available: Book Studies Genesis 1-11

ISBN: 9781619705142

Publication: November 2014

Genesis 12-33

ISBN: 9781619706231

Publication: July 2015


ISBN: 9781619706835

Publication: September 2015


ISBN: 9781619706354

Publication: July 2015


ISBN: 9781619705241

Publication: November 2014

Ecclesiastes & Song of Songs

ISBN: 9781619707573

Publication: April 2016


ISBN: 9781619706347

Publication: July 2015


ISBN: 9781619705159

Publication: November 2014


ISBN: 9781619707245

Publication: April 2016

1 Corinthians

ISBN: 9781619706224

Publication: July 2015

2 Corinthians

ISBN: 9781619706866

Publication: September 2015


ISBN: 9781619705166

Publication: November 2014


ISBN: 9781619705173

Publication: November 2014


ISBN: 9781619706248

Publication: July 2015

Topical Studies Calling and Work

ISBN: 9781619706934

Publication: November 2015

Provision and Wealth

ISBN: 9781619706620

Publication: May 2015

Truth and Deception

ISBN: 9781619707238

Publication: April 2016

Women and Work in the OT

ISBN: 9781619706736

Publication: December 2015


Theology J. Edward Humphrey, Edited by Bob E. Patterson

Emil Brunner

Makers of the Modern Theological Mind

172 pages


1976 (re-release January 2016)

ISBN: 9781619707368

Target Groups:

Scholars; Educated pastors and laity; Seminary students; Teachers

Emil Brunner (1889–1966) is one of the “Three Bs” (Barth, Brunner, and Bultmann) who shaped Christian theological studies in the twentieth century. He and Karl Barth are the undisputed champions of the theological revival known as neo-orthodoxy, and the two of them did more than any others to prepare for the resurgence of historical biblical Christianity in the Western world today. Brunner was part of the wrecking crew that dismantled the house of liberal theology with its humanistic view of Jesus Christ, its optimistic view of man’s goodness, and its progressive idea of history as inevitably leading to the kingdom of God.

David L. Mueller, Edited by Bob E. Patterson

Karl Barth

Makers of the Modern Theological Mind

156 pages


1972 (re-release January 2016)

ISBN: 9781619707351

Target Groups:

Scholars; Educated pastors and laity; Seminary students; Teachers

Karl Barth (1886–1968) is perhaps the most influential Protestant theologian of the twentieth century. He has been called a modern “church father,” who belongs in the list of the most illustrious theologians in the history of Christianity. The whole course of modern theology changed direction because of his work. In this book, Dr. Mueller does an excellent job of confronting us with Barth himself, his theological development, the central convictions that dominate his work, his major concerns, and his creative treatment of difficult areas. Primary emphasis is given to Barth’s treatment of the doctrine of revelation and the knowledge of God. Mueller also discusses Barth’s christocentric approach to theology, especially as it is seen in the doctrines of election, creation, man, and reconciliation.

Dallas M. Roark, Edited by Bob E. Patterson

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Makers of the Modern Theological Mind

128 pages


1972 (re-release January 2016)

ISBN: 9781619707542

Target Groups:

Scholars; Educated pastors and laity; Seminary students; Teachers

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945) has influenced the entire post-World War II era with his life and legacy. Executed in a Nazi concentration camp, he has attained international recognition and fame. His prison experience resulted in writings focused on contemporary and future challenges facing the Christian church. For him, a Christian was called to participate in the suffering of God in the secular life, to be “a person for others.” “Who is Christ for us today?” was his insistent question. Interest in Bonhoeffer remains at a high peak. This volume by Dallas Roark shows how Bonhoeffer has influenced both conservative and liberal wings of Christianity as well as secularists, and how he remains a source of inspiration for all Christians who suffer under oppressive political regimes.


. . . more titles coming

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