1 minute read
Our Perfectly Imperfect Hopes, Dreams, and Desires
Giving Thanks for a Perfectly Imperfect Life, continued
About the Author Michele Howe is the author of over twenty books and has published over three thousand articles and reviews on parenting, women’s issues, and the empty nest. She has been on Focus on the Family and is featured on CareLeader.org regularly (DivorceCare/GriefShare/Single Parenting resource group). Her books include Strength for All Seasons, Joyous Faith, Navigating the Friendship Maze, and Living Bravely: Super Incredible Faith Devotional for Kids 6–9.
Also Available by This Author
Title ISBN HP SKU Joyous Faith 9781683072584 072584 Strength for All Seasons 9781683072058 072058 Navigating the Friendship Maze 9781683071389 071389 Living Bravely 9781628627800 627801 There’s a Reason They Call It Grandparenting 9781683070351 070351 Preparing, Adjusting, and Loving the Empty Nest 9781619708839 708839 Caring for Our Aging Parents 9781619708358 708358 Empty Nest, What’s Next? 9781619706668 706668 Going It Alone 9781565634527 34527 Burdens Do a Body Good 9781598564334 564334 Still Going It Alone 9781598562415 562415
Table of Contents 1. Perfectly Imperfect You and Me 2. Our Perfectly Imperfect Past 3. Our Perfectly Imperfect Present 4. Our Perfectly Imperfect Future 5. Our Perfectly Imperfect Spiritual Maturity 6. Our Perfectly Imperfect Hopes, Dreams, and Desires 7. Our Perfectly Imperfect Relationships 8. Our Perfectly Imperfect Vocations 9. Our Perfectly Imperfect Living Environment 10. Our Perfectly Imperfect Leisure Activities 11. Our Perfectly Imperfect Ministries 12. Our Perfectly Imperfect Service to Others 13. Our Perfectly Imperfect Physical Bodies 14. Our Perfectly Imperfect Acceptance 15. Our Perfectly Imperfect Holiness 16. Our Perfectly Imperfect Talk 17. Our Perfectly Imperfect Regrets 18. Our Perfectly Imperfect Trust 19. Our Perfectly Imperfect Sorrow 20. Our Perfectly Imperfect God’s Timing 21. Our Perfectly Imperfect Shame 22. Our Perfectly Imperfect Forgiveness 23. Our Perfectly Imperfect Expectations 24. Our Perfectly Imperfect Joy 25. Our Perfectly Imperfect Eye on Eternity