1 minute read
Our Perfectly Imperfect Past
Ecology and the Bible, continued
About the Author Frédéric Baudin studied theology at the Faculté Jean Calvin in Aix-en-Provence, France, and has completed post-graduate studies in biogeography, ecology, and literature at several French universities. He serves as the executive director of the organization CEM (which promotes social justice and Christian values in the areas of culture, the environment, and the media) and is a founding member of the French chapter of “A Rocha” (an organization dedicated to the protection of the environment from a Christian perspective). In addition, he provides training on sustainable development in francophone Africa, Madagascar, Haiti, and India. Baudin was vice president of the French Evangelical Alliance from 2000 to 2010, and he currently serves as a pastor in the Union of Evangelical Free Churches. He is the author of numerous articles and a dozen popular-level books related to his various fields of study and work.
Related Titles
Title ISBN HP SKU Creation Care and the Gospel 9781619707252 707252 Understanding the Ecology of the Bible 9789652208972 208975
Provisional Table of Contents 1. The Stewardship Mandate and Its Implications 2. The Reversal of the Creational Order 3. Laws and Limits of Human Activity 4. The Gospel and Protection of the Environment 5. Ecology and “New Creation” 6. Eschatology and Ecology 7. From Theory to Practice 8. Christians and Ecology