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Dedication and Thanks

This little piece of Natal Police history is dedicated to my wife Petro.I wish to thank the following people


• My Aunt, the late Mrs Mims West Thomas then of Van Reenen, who gave me the copy of Lt-Col Mardall’s typed manuscript

• My late father Sgt AF Heymans who got me interested in History

• The SAPS Museum in Pretoria

• The Editor of the Servamus successor to The Nongqai

• Mr Mark Newham for his photographs of Fort Durnford at Estcourt

• Mr Bruno Martin in Australia (now in Tasmania) for his maps and photographs from his collection

• Mr Jonathan Pittaway for his advice and constant encouragement

• Dr Steenkamp for his advice

I compiled this book a few years ago and decided not to publish as a book but rather to publish it as a free e-Book under the Nongqai banner

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