Nongqai Vol 15 No 10

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[So het die nagwagte gelyk in my Durban-dae. Hierdie wagte was oor die algemeen Zulu-mans en my ondervinding van hulle was baie positief – hulle was gedugte en goeie wagte met die knopkierie! – HBH]


Pastoor Koot Swanepoel (082-041-9123)

“.. Ons neem ook elke gedagte gevange om dit aan Christus gehoorsaam te maak.” - 2 Korintiërs 10:5 NLV

Jou gedagtes is 'n slagveld waar oorwinning of nederlaag bepaal word. Dis hoekom Paulus skryf: '...Ons neem ook elke gedagte gevange om dit aan Christus gehoorsaam te maak.' Jy het 'n keuse: Óf jy lei jou gedagtes, óf jou gedagtes lei jou. Jy neem óf jou gedagtes gevange, óf jou gedagtes neem jou gevange.

Waar kom gedagtes vandaan? Van oral rondom jou af. As jy *elke dag kwaliteittyd in gebed en deur die Skrif met God bestee*, sal jou gedagtes deur God gerig word. Indien nie, sal jou gedagtes deur die wêreld rondom jou gerig word. Jy hoef nie elke gedagte wat in jou kop opkom te aanvaar nie. Jy moet eerder elke gedagte teen die standaard van die Skrif meet, wat gehoorsaamheid aan Christus vra.

Hier is 'n praktiese voorbeeld daarvan: As iemand jou gevoelens seermaak, maak daar en dan 'n besluit dat jy nie vir dae aaneen oor daardie persoon ontsteld gaan wees nie. Dit gaan Satan net die geleentheid gee om sade van bitterheid te plant (sien 2 Korintiërs 2:11). Jy kan eerder negatiewe denke verwerp en weier om dit toe te laat om jou vreugde en vrede te steel. Dieselfde is waar wanneer jy versoek word. Die beste manier om 'n verkeerde gedagte te oorwin, is om dit met 'n regte gedagte te vervang. Soos jy elke dag jou gedagtes met God se Woord vernuwe, sal jou denke begin verander en in lyn met die Skrif begin beweeg. Dag na dag sal goddelike grense dan rondom jou gedagtes gevestig en versterk word. Hierdie grense sal jou nie net van bedrog en nederlaag weerhou nie, maar jou help om 'n aangenamer, godvrugtige lewe te lei.

Koot Swanepoel.

082 041 9123

Ons voorblad kom van dr Dennis du Toit van Potchefstroom. Die kleurwerk is deur Jennifer Bosch. Tydens die 1947 Koninklike Besoek het die SAP benewens die Berede-eskort ook ‘n afdeling met Harley Davidson-motorfietse gehad. Die SAP het ook tydens ‘n parlementsopening met Harley Davidsonmotorfietse begeleiding gedoen maar die berede-eenheid is weer teruggebring.



Hennie Heymans

Baie welkom by die Oktober-maand uitgawe van die Nongqai, ons geniet tans heerlike weer in Pretoria. Dis die mooiste maand van die jaar.


Ons het die maand ‘n artikel oor “water en die RSA se nasionale veiligheid” deur prof Tony Turton. Water is lewe en sonder water kan geen land funksioneer nie. Ons het nie genoeg water in Gauteng nie en moet water “invoer” vanaf Lesotho en van die Vrystaat.

Kyk bv na die Nyl-rivier en die rol van water in Egipte se nasionale veiligheid. Ethiopië bou ‘n groot dam en dit het ‘n negatiewe uitwerking op Egipte .... Dink maar aan invloed op landbou en ekonomie. Ek kon nog nie verstaan dat lande in die Midde-Ooste nog nie oorlog gemaak het oor water nie.


Sarie van Niekerk is weer op die been. Ons wens haar goeie gesondheid verder toe! Dr Steenkamp is steeds ongesteld so ook kol Logan Govender. Hy het ook in die stort geval, maar ten spyte van al sy teëspoed werk hy elke dag ‘n uur of twee. HBH gaan Maandag (20 Okt) weer vir ‘n oogoperasie en sit steeds sonder ‘n bril – sy ander oog is reeds geopereer. Verskoon tog die tikfoute!

SAP-Lede van Indiese afkoms

Ons by Nongqai wil kol Logan Govender “eervol vermeld” vir die uitstaande werk wat hy in sy gemeenskap en vriendekring vermag. Daar is ‘n PhD geskryf by die ou universiteit van Durban-Westville oor die rol van die Suid-Afrikaanse Indiër in die ou SAP. Kol Govender het geweldig baie navorsing gedoen en sy werk in Nongqai gepubliseer – etlike spesiale uitgawes oor Indiër-lede in die SAP/SAPS is gedoen en etlike artikels oor lede van Indiër-afkoms het al verskyn (Foto: Kol Govender en sy dogter by ‘n militêre herdenkingsgeleentheid in Durban.) Een man het so baie vermag! (Ons het groot leemtes by ander groepe.)


Die oorlog in Oekraine word reg in ons voorkamer ingebring. Dit is ‘n vreeslike oorlog – wat my verbaas is die goedkoop hommeltuie wat duur gesofistikeerde tenks wat meer as ‘n miljoen VSA dollars kos maklik uitwis!

Die oorlog in die Midde-Ooste – in Israel en rondom Israel - is net iets vreesliks! Een skoot met ‘n kanon en die gebou tuimel ineen. Een terroriste-leier sterf terwyl ons dit op die rusbank beskou.

Mens kan nie een in privaatheid sterf nie. Gasa is ‘n puinhoop.

Redakteur van Nongqai

Dis baie interessant om die redakteur van Nongqai te wees. Mens ontmoet die mees interessantste mense en mense skakel telefonies van heinde en verre. Ek het die maand met kol George Hammond gesels en by mev Hammond “inligting” oor haar man se heldedaad bekom. Dit was regtig ‘n hoogtepunt om met hom te gesels. Dit is nodig om nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis te boekstaaf.

Dit staan enige persoon vry om met enige lid van die redaksie te gesels.


Ek sit so en dink oor ons oud-SAP-lede wat nou aangekla word vir dade gepleeg baie jare gelede. Op 31 Mei 1961 het ons ‘n republiek geword. Dit is geboekstaaf dat Swartmense nie in die verband geken is nie. Op 16 Desember 1961 is die gewapende stryd van stapel gestuur. Die SAP het in die spervuur gestaan en die bekamping was hofgerig. Daar was opspraakwekkende hofsake en honderde mense is of skuldig bevind of aangehou. Ons opponente het in die buiteland opleiding ontvang. Die stryd is ondergronds geneem en die SAP moes by die stryd aanpas. Dit was die dae van die totale aanslag. Etlike swart polisiemanne se huise is aangeval wat tot dood en verminking gelei het, getuies is vermoor – veral met die halssnoer-metode. Dit was oorlog. Vandag 30-jaar na 1994 staan lede tereg vir hul deelname aan ‘n politieke-oorlog. Geen politici word vervolg nie, net polisiemanne. Bid asseblief vir ons oud-SAP-lede.

Propvol Nuus

Weereens dankie vir al die artikels en foto’s. Een leser vertel my hy kan nie “alles” lees nie. Die bedoeling is dat u slegs lees waarin u belangstel.


Reeks deur genl JV van der Merwe

Die knaende beweringe deur mnr. Nelson Mandela en die media dat die veiligheidsmagte as “derde mag” agter die skerms by die landwye geweldpleging tussen veral ANC- en Inkatha-ondersteuners betrokke was, het daartoe gelei dat mnr. De Klerk op 24 Oktober 1991 ʼn kommissie van ondersoek ingestel het. Die kommissie het bestaan uit regter Richard Goldstone as voorsitter, adv. Danie Rossouw, SC (ondervoorsitter), adv. Solly Sithole, me. Lillian Baqwa, ’n prokureur van Newcastle, en mnr. Gert Steyn, ’n afgetrede streeklanddros.

Die opdrag van die kommissie was om ondersoek in te stel na openbare geweldpleging in SuidAfrika, die aard en oorsake daarvan, watter persone betrokke is, stappe wat gedoen moet word om openbare geweldpleging en intimidasie te voorkom, en om aanbevelinge aan die Staatspresident te doen.

Die kommissie se mandaat het hom beperk tot gebeure ná 17 Julie 1991. Dit is die datum waarop die Wet op die Voorkoming van Openbare Geweld en Intimidasie, ingevolge waarvan die kommissie

tot stand gekom het, van krag geword het. Gebeure voor dié datum mag net deur die kommissie ondersoek word in die mate dat dit verband gehou het met latere voorvalle.

Ek het kort ná die totstandkoming van die kommissie samesprekinge met regter Goldstone gevoer en die Polisie se heelhartige samewerking belowe. Die kommissie het sy taak aanvanklik streng professioneel uitgevoer, maar gaandeweg ʼn aggressiewer houding teenoor die veiligheidsmagte ingeslaan. Ek kon nie anders as om die indruk te kry dat druk deur die ANC agter die die veranderde houding gesit het nie.

In stryd met sy opdrag het die kommissie hom met verloop van tyd begin toespits op dade met ʼn politieke oogmerk wat in die konflik van die verlede gepleeg is en wat niks met die bestaande geweld te doen gehad het nie. Die ondersoeke is gedoen terwyl die verskillende politieke partye en organisasies nog beraadslaag het oor hoe sulke dade gehanteer wou word. Die kommissie het hom ook net toegespits op dade wat deur die veiligheidsmagte gepleeg sou gewees het, terwyl die ANC en ander organisasies skotvry daarvan afgekom het.

Ek het by die moontlikheid van algemene amnestie verskeie kere met mnr. De Klerk, asook met mnr. Kobie Coetsee, bespreek. Mnr. De Klerk wou telkens weet of die polisie by enige dade van geweld betrokke was. Ek het hom die versekering gegee dat sedert hy President geword het, die polisie hulle na my wete beslis nie aan enige onregmatige geweldsdade skuldig gemaak het nie. Ek het hom egter ingelig dat ons in die verlede in opdrag van of met die volle medewete van die Staatspresident of betrokke minister by onwettige dade betrokke was. Ek het die voorbeelde genoem van Khotso- en Cosatuhuis wat die polisie met plofstof vernietig het. Ek het dit ook nadruklik aan hom gestel dat die onwettige dade ook die growwe skendings van menseregte ingesluit het. Mnr. Jan Wagener van die staatsprokureur se kantoor was by enkele gesprekke teenwoordig. Ek het gaandeweg gemerk dat die onderhandelinge tussen die Regering en die ANC oor die instelling van algemene amnestie besig is om skipbreuk te ly. Dit was vir my duidelik dat mnr. De Klerk en mnr. Coetsee se eie politieke gewin vir hulle baie swaarder geweeg het as algemene amnestie vir die veiligheidsmagte. Toe die polisie Operasie Vula blootlê, was die ANC/SAKPalliansie in ’n hoek gedryf en sou hulle geen keuse gehad het as om in te stem tot ’n algemene amnestie as mnr. De Klerk en mnr. Coetsee toe daarop aangedring het nie. Ek het by mnr. Coetsee gepleit om die geleentheid aan te gryp. Hy het egter te kenne gegee dat daar ander politieke voordele is wat belangriker is en dat dit beslis die weg na algemene amnestie sal baan. Ek het aan die begin van 1994, toe daar nog geen vordering tussen die Regering en die ANC oor algemene amnestie gemaak is nie, en die Goldstone-kommissie hom in alle erns op die veiligheidsmagte toegespits het, opdrag aan genl. Johan Le Roux, hoof van die Misdaadbestryding en -ondersoekafdeling, gegee dat alle sake teen lede van die ANC en ander organisasies wat by terreur betrokke was, ondersoek moet word met die oog op vervolging. ʼn Taakspan onder bevel van kol. Carel Victor, later generaal, bygestaan deur maj. Piet Kruger is saamgestel om die terreurdade

in alle erns te ondersoek. Klem is veral gelê op sake waarby lede van die nasionale uitvoerende komitee van die ANC betrokke was.

Mnr. Mandela het kort voor lank by mnr. De Klerk gaan kla en mnr. Hernus Kriel, Minister van Wet en Orde, wou by my weet wat aan die gang is. Ek het hom ingelig dat die Goldstone-kommissie besig is met ondersoeke teen lede van die veiligheidsmagte, maar dat geen vinger verroer word om die terreurdade van die ANC en ander organisasies aan die kaak te stel nie. Die polisie is wetlik verplig om alle misdade te ondersoek en ons gaan alles in die stryd werp om die misdade van die ANC en ander terreurorganisasies aan die man te bring. Omdat die meeste lede van die ANC se nasionale uitvoerende komitee voorheen in die buiteland was, asook baie getuies, kon ons die sake voorheen nie behoorlik ondersoek nie.

Ons het gou met die beskikbare getuies verskeie van die saakdossiere hofgereed gehad toe mnr. Mandela tydens ʼn krisis in die onderhandelinge die ondersoeke as ʼn verdere struikelblok bestempel.

Mnr. De Klerk het mnr. Kriel opdrag gegee dat ons ondersoeke dadelik gestaak moet word.

Ek het besef dat die lede van die veiligheidsmagte aan die genade van die ANC/SAKP-alliansie oorgelaat gaan word. Ek het dus besluit om polisielede wat in die uitvoering van hul pligte by onregmatige dade betrokke was, aan te moedig om van vrywaring ingevolge die Wet op Vrywaring van 1990 gebruik te maak. Die betrokke wet het egter vereis dat besonderhede van die onregmatige dade blootgelê moet word. Ek het geen probleem daarmee gehad nie. In dié stadium was ek egter bloot van die gevalle bewus waarby ek self betrokke was; ek het nie die vaagste benul gehad van die werklike omvang van die dade nie. Op 8 April 1994 het ek kol. Mulder van Eyk van die regsafdeling opdrag gegee om die bepalings van die Wet op Vrywaring onder die aandag van alle polisielede te bring en dié wat by onregmatige dade in die uitvoering van hul pligte betrokke was, aan te moedig om vrywaring te vra. Die Wet op Vrywaring sou op 17 Mei 1994 verval en ek het gevra dat die saak dringend hanteer moet word. Kol. Van Eyk het my ’n paar dae later ingelig dat baie lede hom vertel het dat hulle nie kans sien om besonderhede oor onregmatige dade bloot te lê nie omdat dit hul loopbane sal vernietig sodra ʼn ANC-regering oorneem. (Word vervolg.)


Captain Sone van Dyk

Captain Sone van Dyk

Her husband: Piet van Dyk Lt Col Rudie van Dyk, RIP

I am Detective Captain Sone van Dyk, and I would wish to share my journey with you all out there. I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in August 2023. When I heard this from the doctor I smiled and walked out and said: "THANK YOU JESUS WE'VE GOT THIS!"

My husband was so shocked, and I remember he told me ‘How can that be as they say, eat lemons to prevent cancer’ and I ate plantations of lemons , but I told him ‘it's fine we do what we must do’

We as the patient who draws the cancer card do not realize the emotional and physical impact this has on our loved ones. They cry silently not to upset you, but it is an enormous shock to realize that your loved one is possibly on the end of the road....

I was immediately registered on the Polmed network and received my certificate. From day one Polmed assisted, and I was so relieved as I was to go through a rough time and Polmed took the financial burden out of my hands with no additional payments from me as a member for 32 years, what a blessing. They gave me the opportunity for a second chance on life.

End of August I started chemo which consists of 4 red devils (strongest chemo) as we call them, one every 3 weeks and another 12 weeklies of a different chemo. I sat there smiling and encouraged every stranger in the room and timeously looked up at this poison going into my veins. I handled it good because of my positive attitude. Don't be mistaken I had a few side effects but choose to handle it day by day. I even drove myself for chemo mostly. I was on duty through all my chemo and did not book off sick as I needed to stay busy and sain.

I remember one day I was at a Police Station and a College friend asked me how I was doing, then I pulled my hair and laughed and said I'm good not even loosing hair... As I looked at my fingers there were a bunch of hair, and I was shocked and just walked out. This is the first time I cried a bit. Then my husband who is the rock in my life told me: "Do not let cancer take your hair, take control and take it yourself" I had the best support environment of SAPS, POLMED, strangers, family and friends.

It was time to go bold before waking up with a cushion full of hair that would have been so depressing.

I was requested to give my testimony on a POLMED conference with one day notice on 4 October 2023. I never had to speak in front of such a crowd, but I stood up and spoke from my heart and received load applauses and a standing ovation. I felt the love and compassion from SAPS, POLMED and every person in the crowd. This gave me strength to reach out to every person to assist and motivate in a time of need, even if they think they are fine. I GOT MY VOICE THAT DAY THANK YOU JESUS. This gathering taught me to speak out and fight for what you believe, even if you touch just one soul. We walk through life with tunnel vision, not seeing and not looking each person you pass in the eye. God gave us life and who are we not to breathe peace, respect and gratefulness each day you are blessed to open your eyes again? I learned that cancer made me humble and rather to pay it forward than to receive. I had a double mastectomy with a long recovery period for which POLMED assisted me 100%. My treatment then was 15 radiations, one each day, that burned my skin like a roast chicken and the chemo attacked my hands and feet and still do as to today, but who am I not to go forward while I still have hands and feet? I lost a few friends who came on the end of their road during chemo and radiation.

I went for MRI and CT scans, and I was clean of cancer yeah GOD IS GOOD! I am not in remission yet as my cancer was aggressive now it's a new book that I opened for 5 years of taking hormone tablets to prevent cancer returning. I recently had more tests as my throat still is irritated by radiation, hands are numb and painful, feet partially dead and barking (coughing) like a Police dog sometimes but I am alive. There is another thing close to my heart I want to share with you and to make you see that nothing is impossible. I had a very dear friend that was my colleague to whom I looked up to and who took my hand when I began my career after SAPS College. This person was my mentor, and he stood by me through my Cancer journey. Suddenly he got ill, and it was also Cancer, but he drew the worst card - that was not curable. My friend, Lt Col Rudie van Dyk, unfortunately was not on the Marine plan and the chemo he had to received was excluded. I contacted POLMED on his behalf to apply for ex gratia and believe me miracles do happen but this time the miracle came from POLMED MANAGEMENT. Time was not on my friend's side as his cancer was advanced. Within one day his

request for additional funds was granted and he could start chemo. Unfortunately, the chemo he received didn't start to work yet as he discovered his illness too late. JESUS came and took him to heaven to relieve his pain. RIP Lt Col Rudie van Dyk AMEN

Again, POLMED was there in the darkest time of his life and his family. They assisted him to die in peace with a nurse caring for him and provided the family with Social Worker assistance that assisted them throughout this tragic period.

I believe in my heart POLMED bought my dear friend a few more days with his family due to swift intervention.



Today I went to hairdresser after more than a year I didn't think it would be so emotional as someone was washing, I felt my stomach turn and swallowed this weird feeling. Then I had some blonde in my hair again and it almost seemed familiar, but I looked away from the mirror and closed my eyes until it was blowed.

Before I opened my eyes, I had this overwhelming feeling pushing up and up and I felt the teardrop on my cheek and opened my eyes and saw myself in the mirror. I saw I have hair given to me from above and I saw the new pleasant, humble faithful person staring back at me. I am a much better person God gave me a second chance, and this is what I saw. It is so difficult to put in words all the feelings bursting through me.

I left and shaked my head the whole time because I felt something was moving on my scalp it is amazing I had confidence more than a Queen could ever have and just kept on walking high with my dimple in the cheek and everyone smiled back at me but meanwhile I was busy with an international call thanking Jesus all the way for mercy and health

I came home my husband was ecstatic and said yeah there is my Sone'tjie ❤Today I can't stop smiling after all I went through there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel and every tunnel you go through just keep your eyes focused and you will see the Way. I want to ask all of you to look in the mirror and look deeply and see the real you whatever you are going through, YOU oversee your own destiny and wellbeing!!!

Take charge and God will walk right besides, behind and before you, AMEN. We all are running out of time; the hourglass is no longer full....



Konst Jackson; - [ek kan nie sy naam onthou nie, witkoppie gehad.]

Eendag het hy vir konst B Cele in die aanklagkantoor so geterroriseer dat die konstabel in trane uitgebars het. Ek was in die aanklagkantoor besig met ‘n dossier en het nie gedink die storie sou so ver gaan nie! ‘n Lid van die publiek loop in saam met sy vrou die twee stry en die konst Cele huil dat die snot loop en die trane spat. Hy was ‘n Zulu en ek is seker hy sou die Engelsman met plesier vermoor het as hy kon en hy het seker van woede en frustrasie gehuil. Die man sê vir my: “I have never seen a policeman crying”. Ek sê toe dat die twee stry gekry het en dat konst Cele hom bloedig vererg het! Cele is ‘n goeie man en is my wabemanning. Hy was ‘n veteraan van die tweede wêreldoorlog en op nagdiens vir my baie staaltjies van die tweede wêreldoorlog vertel.

Cele was ‘n baardraer in die Noorde. Hy het met die slag en val van Tobruk die woestyn in gevlug en is nooitdeurdie Duitsers, Rommel se elitemagte, gevang nie. Hyhet later weerby die geallieerde magte aangesluit. Hy het my vertel dat die Duitsers sulke klein ‘kosaans’ gehad het – witkoppe met blou oë en so vyf voet ses duim lank wys hy met die hand en arm op sy kenmerkende manier. Hy beduie met sy handpalm hoe die Luftwaffe met hul vliegtuie deur die lug geklief het en hulle dan op die grond gebombardeer het. Hy vertel dat hulle oprol kamaste gedra het. Wanneer die aanval verby was en hulle opgestaan het, het die kamaste gekeer dat die ontlasting in hul broeke, om hul bene, nie op die grond val nie! Dit moes seker erg gewees het, om jouself te bevuil as die vyand jou uit die lug uit bombardeer. (Verdagtes, manlik sowel as vroulik, het al hul broeke in my teenwoordigheid van blote skok natgemaak.) Cele was ernstig met die storie. Toe ons later die aand in die aanklagkantoor instap, roep hy my en hy val op die grond neer en wys my hoe hulle gelê het tydens

lugaanvalle. Wat hy beklemtoon het was dat sy enkels plat op die grond was, sy hele profiel was so plat soos moontlik om skerwe te vermei.

Hy was skraal en netjies in sy kakie uniform, met oorlogsmedaljes, blink wakker ogies met wit tande wat onder die helmet uitgelag het. Sy ore was op die tradisionele manier gesny. Moet hom net nie onderskat nie. Hy was ‘n Zulu kryger in die ware sin van die woord en ‘n uitstekende polisieman. Sy kierie het baie voornemende aanvaller afgeweer. Een aand was daar groot moleste tussen die matrose een ek het gevra om die agterhoede te dek. Niemand het naby gekom en ek kon die nodige arrestasies maak.

Konst B Cele wat in Umlazi gewoon het, het later ‘n motorkar gekoop en die registrasienommer daarvan was NUZ 1010

Konst Deysel:

Hy is ‘n man wat met die eerste oogopslag baie slim en geleerd voorgekom het. Eendag neem ek die AK by hom oor in terme van SO 42. In plaas van die gewone amptelike en voorgeskrewe rympie, soveel prisoniers, soveel dit en dat - stel hy sy eie rympie op een tafel, vier stoele, een telefoon, een vlagpaal ........

Mof was nie beïndruk nie! Ander keer weer maak hy ‘n klomp foute in die registers. Soos gewoonlik skryf Mof in die VB:

“OB and registers perused.

(1) Const .......

(2) Const Deysel to note ...........

W. Marais w/o 22054T Station commander”

Deysel kom op diens en met die gewone kruisverwysing terug na die SB se inskrywing in die VB en lewer soos volg repliek:


Noted . To err is human to forgive is divine! Signed Const Deysel No xxxxxx”

Eendag vertel Deysel my dat hy op astrale1 reise gaan. Ek het dit altyd onthou en nooit vergeet nie. Later sou ek verneem in antropologiese studies dat sekere primitiewe stamlede wel op astrale reise

1 Vir meer oor die onderwerp lees die boek: DIE RAAISEL HIERNAMAALS – BJF Laubscher, Kaapstad 1967 uitgegee deur John Malherbe.

kan gaan. Die konsep is nie vreemd nie. Ek het baie oor die konsep gedink maar eerder per vliegtuig of motor gereis want net kom ek daar met die astrale reise en kan nie weer terugkom nie!

Konst Oosthuysen (later na SAP Louis Botha Lughawe)

Konst Len Humphreys

Konst Nevin Heyns (c1968)

Stud-konst Johan Schmidt; Hy het ook ‘n offisier geword. Jare gelede was sy vader, sers GGK ‘Boet’ Schmidt die SB2 van King’s Rest. Ek onthou ons het eenmaal daar gekuier op King’s Rest. Ek het net met die polisiemanne gesels in die AK.

Eendag jaag ek en hy ‘n paar inbrekers. Ek in volle uniform, pet, vuurwapen, boeie en knuppel. Hy is siviele klere. Ons hardloop in Orielweg en toe met trappe af na Watsoniaweg teen ‘n geweldige spoed sloeg ek neer en het baie hard geval. Wanneer ons mekaar in latere lewe raakgeloop het, het hy altyd na die voorval verwys. Die brekers het toe ontsnap. Van ons ander lede onthou ek:

• Senior sers (spesiale graad) Taylor Xaba (‘n Baie slim man, Hy het my baie geleer.);

• Sers B Kumalo – (magsnommer 147002R);

• konst Danarajh – hofordonnans en neem van prisoniers na hof en ander hofgerigte take.

• konst Bekhinkosi Cele (WO 2 veteraan – goeie wa bemanning);

• konst Matonsi;

• konst Gumede (lang pinkie nael);

• konst Sefali

• konst Nyawo – prisonierswag met groot assegaai.

• konst M A Matabane - Basutu

• Konst Magwaza (hy het probleme gegee en hy is uitgewerk)

• konst Willie Zulu eers te Wentworth en toe na King’s Rest King’s Rest se Speurders:

• S/Sers Luther en later

• S/Sers Morrison

• s/konst Kobus Kapp

• konst ‘Mac’ vd Merwe (‘n herindiensneming - dra kunstande in sy sakdoek)

• s/konst Eager

2 SB = stasiebevelvoerder

• s/kst Govert ‘Goofy’ Vetten – goeie speurder, en twee ordentlike en goeie swart speurder-konstabels.Ek dink die een se naam was s/konst Simelane. Later het Matonsi ook by die speurders gewerk.


Die stasie roep in herinnering die begin van Richard ‘Dick’ King3 se epiese tog van Port Natal na Grahamstad .

Nadat kapt T C Smith gedurende Mei 1842 deur die Voortrekkers te Congella, Port Natal, beleër word bied King aan om die Britse owerhede in Grahamstad van die gebeure te verwittig sodat hulle hulp kan stuur om te help om met die Trekkers af te reken. Met die hulp van G C Cato steek hy die baai oor en waar hulle toer aan wal kom en ‘rus’ word toe genoem ‘King’s Rest’.

King en sy agterryer, Ndongeni, bereik Grahamstad na 10 dae. Dit is sewe dae minder as die gewone tyd. Die res is geskiedenis4. ‘n Standbeeld van Dick King, op sy perd, is op die Victoria Embamkment, ongeveer regoor King’s Rest aangebring en een van Durban se toeriste aantreklikhede..

Daar is ongeveer 500 meter verder met die pad na die see se kant, ‘n spoorweghalte met die naam King’s Rest Halt. Hier moes ons elke more afstap, so 7 vm se kant, na die spoorweghalte om die possak gaan haal by die kondukteur van die oggend voorstedelike trein na Wests. Die koerant –The Mercury - was altyd in die possak. Ek kan nie onthou hoe die sak terug in die stad gekom het nie! Ou Mof het dan die koerant vinnig bekyk en in die aanklagkantoor gegooi. Nooit sal ek die lekker koerantlees te King’s Rest vergeet nie. Dit was die lekkerste van lekker koerant lees. Altyd nuus oor Durban, misdaad en die polisie se suksesse en interessant en ‘Wayfarer’ grappie op laaste bladsy!

Twee Mercury grappies onthou ek met smaak:

Friend: “Hei Koos please check whether my indicators are working!”

Koos: Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no ....”

“Excuse me sergeant are you really a detective with that cheque suit?”

Sergeant: “Yes sir, this is what we call a routine check”.

3 * Chatnam, Engeland, 28-11-1813 en + Isipingo 10-11-1871

4 SA Biografiese Woordeboek, vol 2, p 372.

Ek dink Durban se Engelse koerante het baie gedoen om die polisie te motiveer. Die Daily News laat middag het ook die selfde gesindheid gehad. Daar was ook baie polisienuus in die koerant en foto’s. Die koerante het amper die rol van Justitia5 vervul. As ‘n polisieman gesteek of geskiet was, was sy foto in die koerant. Bevorderings en foto’s van offisiere het dikwels verskyn. Ons het geweet wie die offisiere was.

Nog ‘n verskynsel wat ek in Durban gesien het, was dat al die offisiere se huis telefoonnommers in die telefoongids verskyn het onder die opskrif Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie.

Die misdaad verslaggewers was Roy Barnard en Leon Mellet. Die nuut-gestigte honde-eenheid onder sers Peter van Rooyen met Rex en Manie Odendaal met sy hond Prins het baie gedoen om die beeld te verander. In daardie dae was hulle polisiemanne eerste en hondemanne tweede! Wat ek bedoel hulle het nie teruggedeins vir enige polisiewerk nie. Hulle was bloot polisiemanne met honde en by die blitspatrollie geplaas. Later het die honde-eenheid ‘n selfstandige eenheid geword wat basies op hul eie funksioneer het met gepaardgaande eie bevelvoerder en eie ondersteuningsdienste.

Luit Hennie Meyer het later die hondemanne se offisier in Durban geword.

Die voordele van spesialisasie in die polisie wat lei tot fragmentasie moet opgeweeg word teen die sogenaamde spesialis generalis benadering in die polisie. In die tyd was daar die uniformtak, die gewone speurders (‘the CID’ ), die goudtak, die handelstak, groepsgebiedetak, die drank dobbel en ontugtak (voorloper van SANAB) ,‘moord en roof’ en laastens die veiligheidstak eers bekend as die spesiale afdeling. Sodra mense spesialiseer doen hulle nie meer algemene take nie!

5 Die polisie tydskrif van daardie tyd – opvolger van Justitia – HBH.


(Source, Facebook, Colonel T (Aurry) Pillay)

Photograph 01

Colonel T (Aurry) Pillay


Happy Birthday to the Legend ... Brigadier Anil Behari Ram. I had the honour on first meeting this Icon at Wentworth College, where he was a PTI. He was a very fair instructor who inculcated discipline and respect as part of his personal philosophy. His prowess on the soccer field was legendary and he engendered the sport with great enthusiasm to hundreds of Students. I met him again at Chatsworth Police College, after 10 years, at Stations and he gave no quarters with regards to discipline, be it friend or foe.

Then ten years later, I met him at our last placing, Div Trg, HO. In terms of discipline, it was the same Officer, that stood in front of me. He requested 100% discipline, professionalism and hardworking ethos; the same rules, he applied to himself.

He was a brilliant Academic, pursuing tertiary studies, right to the end and placed that as a priority for his juniors. I remember him, delving into my reports and correcting it, like my instructor of yore.

He was old school, took no quarters and did not expect the same. His standards were a different level...the best.

He was an Officer, cast in a different mould. They Don’t make them like this anymore.

(LT C T Pillay...Troop 56 SAP, Troop 1/83 SARP.)

“Agnoscere et honorare servientibus” – “To acknowledge and honour those who served”

“Soli Deo Gloria” - “To God Alone Glory”

“The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten” – Calvin Coolidge Logan Govender

Brigadier Anil Beharie Ram



(Source, Facebook, Colonel T (Aurry) Pillay)

Photograph 01

Colonel T (Aurry) Pillay

Photograph 02

Colonel Van Greunen and his dear wife

Photograph 03

Colonel Van Greunen

It is with great sadness that Admin announces the passing of a Legend from Div TRG, Col van Greunen. He just retired about 3 months ago as OC, SAPS Academy Bishop Lavis. He was an old school disciplinarian and workaholic and was part of the project to increase Student intake in the SAPS.

Lest we Forget.

“Agnoscere et honorare servientibus” –“To acknowledge and honour those who served”

“Soli Deo Gloria” - “To God Alone Glory”

“The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten” – Calvin Coolidge

Logan Govender


KAREL CREAMER (2024-09-16)

(Source Facebook, Police Legends – Colonel Aurry (T) Pillay)

The Chairperson of the Widows and Orphans Fund, Lieutenant General Karel Creamer passed on after being diagnosed with MND earlier this year 2024-09-16. Our hearts go out to the family of this remarkable man who gave his all to this organization. He will be sorely missed.

RIP - We Salute you May his soul Rest in Peace.

“The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten” – Calvin Coolidge

“Agnoscere et honorare servientibus” – “To acknowledge and honour those who served”

“Soli Deo Gloria” - “To God Alone Glory”

Logan Govender


Aurry Pillay: “Rest In Peace...Sir. Had the honour of having my Combatting Terrorism certificate signed by You.”

Photograph 01
Lieutenant General Karl Creamer
Photograph 02 (Source – Colonel Aurry (T) Pillay

(Source Captain Krish Reddy)

(Acknowledgements to Aurry Pillay and Alec Moodley for their kind efforts in Captain Reddy and I making contact)

Photograph 01

Captain Krish Reddy with the Police Chief and his staff at Delhi, India earlier this year


Photograph 02

Captain Krish Reddy with the Police Chief and his staff at Pondicherry, India earlier this year

(Delhi, India’s capital territory, is a massive metropolitan area in the country’s north. In Old Delhi, a neighbourhood dating to the 1600s, stands the imposing Mughal-era Red Fort, a symbol of India, and the sprawling Jama Masjid Mosque, whose courtyard accommodates 25,000 people. Nearby is Chandni Chowk, a vibrant bazaar filled with food carts, sweets shops and spice stalls. ― Google).

Pondicherry (or Puducherry)

(Pondicherry (or Puducherry), a French colonial settlement in India until 1954, is now a Union Territory town bounded by the southeastern Tamil Nadu state. Its French legacy is preserved in its French Quarter, with tree-lined streets, mustard-coloured colonial villas and chic boutiques. A seaside promenade runs along the Bay of Bengal and passes several statues, including a 4m-high Gandhi Memorial. Google).

Logan Govender


Col Logan Govender

Photograph 01 Warrant Officer Breytenbach 3rd from left

Warrant Officer CJ Breytenbach was the Station Commander of SA Police, Mount Edgecombe, (White house), North Coast Kwa-Zulu, Natal during 1981.

Does anyone know him personally, if still alive, a surviving family member or friend. I am hoping to do a piece on his life and police career for Nongqai Magazine also the transition from Mount Edgecombe to Phoenix.

Does anyone have any other photographs Warrant Officer Breytenbach or anyone else or information of Mount Edgecombe. Please get in touch with me.

Any other members stationed there from 1970’s are welcome to inbox me. Thank you.

Logan Govender




(Source – Facebook, Police Legends, Morganan Munian)

Formers embers of Platoons 41; 42 & 43 who attended the reunion with the training staff at the time.

Photograph 02

A group of former members of Platoons 41; 42 & 43

Photograph 03

Copy of the programme for the Passing Out Parade on 1984-01-19

“The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten” – Calvin Coolidge

“Agnoscere et honorare servientibus” – “to acknowledge and honour those who served”

“Soli Deo Gloria” - “To God Alone Glory”

Logan Govender


Col Logan Govender

Genl Johan Deysel verskyn op die foto. Sers WH Davis, SOO, was ‘n ou Durban hondeman.


It is with much regret and great sadness that I learnt of the loss to you, the De Klerk family and us all, of our dear Jan De Klerk. Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolences. May his soul RIP.

I grew to get to just know dear Jan and began respecting and appreciating his vast intellectual expertise, knowledge and experience.

I was always impressed by his gentlemanly mannerisms and willingness to assist whenever called upon to do so.

This is and will create a huge vacuum within the Nongqai group. Jan transformed Nongqai with his technical skills and played an important and major role in archiving what was already researched, recorded and documented at various Academic Institutions.

He was born in Belville, Western Cape on 16 of July and after schooling followed his Dad’s footsteps and joined the South African Police thereafter. He was promoted to commissioned officer, serving

Photograph 01
Jan de Klerk, late

at Wachthuis, Pretoria Police Head Office and shortly took up a lecturing post at the University of Venda. He later ventured into business and assisted Nongqai regularly on a voluntary basis. I at this juncture wish to thank Brigadier Hennie Heymans for engaging Jan to assimilate and document information and photographs of Indian members of the South African Police. webpage especially to facilitate my efforts in preserving the historic achievements and achievements of Indian members. Heymans has over the years unselfishly introduced me to previous police commissioners and prominent figures in the South African Police / Service; I am indebted eternally to you too, hence my meeting and relationship with our dear Jan.

I was in awe of his attention to detail and the manner in which he presented everything. Thank you so very much for your sharing, advice and guidance. He was such an inspiration and invaluable asset to me.

I thank the Lord for placing him in my life’s path.

Jan is survived by his dear wife Susan, daughter Vezme and son Jano.

A special thanks and appreciation to the good De Klerk family for sharing him with us and the community at large. My thoughts and prayers are with the family at the time of their immense grief, anguish and mourning. In thankfulness, I am grateful to have made his acquaintance. Ecclesiastes 12:7 (KJV) “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”

Thank you.

God Bless.

“ille patriam superbia atque honore dignatus est. Saluto te Domine! Abiit sed non oblitus.” “he served his country with pride and distinction. I salute you Sir ! Gone but not forgotten.”

• Jan de Klerk se familie onthou (Via kol L Govender)

My vroegste onthou was toe ek so twee jaar oud was. Ek het in my cot gelê en gehuil omdat ek nog my pantoffeltjies aangehad het. Ek onthou Jan het in die kamer ingekom en die rooi slippertjies uitgetrek. Ek sou my graag wou verbeel hy sou vir my sê: “Toemaar sussie, slaap nou. Ons is lief vir jou”.

Kleinboetie Jan vir ons ouer suster, Ouboet Jan vir my. Pappa Jan, Oupa Jan vir sy kinders en kleinkinders. “Jan Erasmus kom hier!” Vir sy ouers as hy stout was. En stout was hy

gewis. Ons pa was ‘n baie streng man, synde ‘n polisieman (FOTO LINKS). Daar was net ‘n reg of ‘n weg. Jan, die tipiese middel-kind, kon gesag toets dat sielkundiges boeke daaroor kon skryf. Toe hy sy tienerjare bereik, het sy musieksmaak geskuif na erge rock en punkmusiek, iets wat nie goed afgegaan het in ‘n huis waar opera en marsmusiek op die draaitafel gespeel is nie. As ek skelmpies by Jan se kamer (toe die buitekamer) ingeloer het, het plakkate teen die muur van rocksterre soos David Bowie, Led Zeppelen en Elton John my begroet. Tussen al die stormjare van tiener wees roep ek ‘n prentjie op van hoe my pa eendag geduldig in die sitkamer sit terwyl Jan met ‘n groot glimlag, een vir een sy “musiek uit die bose” oor die grammofoon speel. Ek onthou die baie vriende wat altyd by hom kom kuier het in RIchmondstraat in Bellville, dan is daar vir ure aaneen krieket in die straat gespeel, met ‘n kaskar teen bulte afgejaag en met dieselfde spoed na die hospitaal gejaag na ‘n lelike ongeluk met die kaskar. Op ‘n keer raak hy verlief op ‘n ene Kleintjie. Hy krap haar naam met ‘n speld op sy pols uit, soos die rofies vorm, so vorm Kleintjie se naam! Tot ergernis van ons pa. Tot op die einde het Jan en ek so ‘n persoonlike grappie gedeel. Hy kon my altyd dreig met die BLOU KOMBI. Arme Jan moes gedurig as tiener sy irriterende jonger sussie oppas as ma en pa na vergaderings toe is. Jan het dan sy kans waargeneem en dan ons blou Volkswagen Kombi gevat, my maak inklim en dan het ons rondgery. Ek al huilend agterin en hy as 16 jarige grootmeneer agter die stuur. My gehuil en dreigemente van ek gaan vir pappa sê, het gemaak dat hy een aand met my tot op die rand van ‘n onvoltooide brug gery het en gesê het, “PRAAT NET, ek ry hier af!” Nodeloos om te sê ek het maar my mond gehou en vele aande se rondrits het gevolg. Soos dit maar in die lewe gaan, het elkeen van ons sy eie koers ingeslaan en volwassenes geraak met ‘n beroep en gesinne. Ons as familie was baie opgewonde oor die geboorte van sy twee kinders, Vezme en Jano. Jan het ‘n ver draai in Venda gaan maak, ons het daardie tyd min kontak gehad, maar groot was die vreugde toe ons hoor hulle verhuis Baai toe.

Jan het begin om die De Klerk familiegeskiedenis na te vors en dit was vir my ‘n groot vreugde en voorreg om hom te help soek na ou geskrifte en verlore inligting. As daar iets is wat ek oneindig gaan mis, is dit ons gedeelte belangstelling in geskiedenis.

Ons mis vir Jan, daar kort ‘n gespreksgenoot op ons familie ‘whatsapp’ groep. Sy kinders mis hom ook.

Vezme, sy dogter skryf: Toe Pappa se hart die eerste keer, 13 jaar gelede gaan staan het, het Pappa gesê dit is nog ‘n kans wat jy gekry het. Maar ek het geweet dit was om my voor te berei op hierdie dag.

Ek het elke oomblik wat ons gesels of tyd saam spandeer het, opgesuig soos ‘n spons, in voorbereiding vir wanneer ek afskeid moet neem. Niemand kan daardie herinneringe van my wegneem nie. En al onthou niemand my Pappa meer oor ‘n 100 jaar van nou af nie, sal Pappa altyd in my hartjie bly. Ek soek nog na jou. Ek sal bly soek tot die dag wat my hart vir die laaste keer gaan staan.

Sy seun Jano skryf: Alhoewel ek en my pa nie baie tyd saam kon spandeer nie, het hy nog steeds ‘n groot inpak op my lewe gehad. Ek kon vele dinge by hom leer, waarvan die grootste les was, dat daar nie iets soos probleme is nie, maar net uitdagings wat oorkom moes word. Al was ons tyd saam nie so baie nie, glo ek ons sal weer ontmoet. Tot dan, kyk asb mooi na die familie van daar bo af.

Ons is lief vir jou ou man. Ons sal nou meer verlang.

Die dag toe Jan sy skok-diagnose met ons twee susters deel, was dit asof iemand ons harte uitruk.

Wilma, ons oudste suster, moes reeds haar man en seun die afgelope 15 maande aan die dood afstaan.

Ek onthou Jan se woorde aan haar, “Wilma, ek is so jammer om dit aan jou te doen. Te gou, te vinnig het sy tyd op aarde uitgeloop”.

Wilma sê sy sien hom nog as haar bababoetie, so ‘n oulike ou dingetjie. Hulle twee was baie lief vir mekaar. Jan was slegs 18 maande toe hulle twee se ma aan pankreaskanker oorlede is. Hulle jong wewenaar pa moes probeer kop bo water hou en dit het gemaak dat Wilma en Jan baie na aanmekaar was.

Daar is nie tyd om al die kosbare herinneringe met julle te deel nie, maar ons sal dit vir altyd koester.

Aan Susan, oor ‘n tydperk van 40 jaar het jy by Jan gestaan en ondersteun. “Hy het jou Soes genoem. Jy was sy ‘nommer 1’. In die moeilike tye na sy hartaanvalle het jy sy hand gevat en julle het saam die pad uit die doodsvallei gestap. Ons weet die afgelope 6 weke was vir jou die moeilikste in jou lewe, maar ons wil vir jou baie dankie sê dat jy daar was vir Jan. Lewensveranderende besluite moes in ‘n kort tydjie geneem word en jy het geweldige spanning beleef. Ons bid dat jy berusting sal vind en die mooi tye saam met hom sal onthou.

Dankie vir jou liefde en ondersteuning aan hom”.

Ek het die voorreg gehad om in Jan se laaste uur op aarde vir so ‘n paar minute by hom te wees. Verbasend genoeg het hy nog die oggend vir Susan gesê “Riana kom vandag”. Hy was reeds sterwend toe ek by hom kom. Ek het hom op sy voorkop gesoen en gesê: “Rus nou Boeta, ons is lief vir jou, rus nou”.

Baie liefde van ons: Vezme, Bossie; Kleinjan en Jano; Lani en Logan. Riana; Pieter en Karline, Wilma; Liezel

(Source, Lieutenant-Colonel Yusuf (Pipes Haffajee)

Front row, from left to right – YA Haffajee

“Agnoscere et honorare servientibus” – “to acknowledge and honour those who served”

“Soli Deo Gloria” - “To God Alone Glory”

“The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten” – Calvin Coolidge Logan Govender


(Courtesy family of Constable Moonsamy, son Captain Krish Reddy)

Photograph 01

Members Identified :

Second row seated, from left to right, 4th, Indian Senior Sergeant S Pillai, late (Lieutenant-Colonel Subramonia Pillai. He was the forerunner and achiever in the South African Police from the 1960’s with a number of Firsts – Chief Sergeant; Special Grade Chief Sergeant; Indian appointed Station Commander at SA Police, Unit 2, Chatsworth – September 1965; Lieutenant – 1970; Parade Commander – 1971, Platoon 15, at Unit 3, Sports Ground, Chatsworth; Captain – 1974; Obtained BProc Law degree; Commanding Officer of SA Police, Training College, Wentworth, Durban; Major; Lieutenant-Colonel – [LG]); 6th Govindaraj (Mike) Nagamuthoo, (still enjoying his retirement at the age of 90 years [Born 29 August 1935 at Magazine Barracks in Durban]. He was transferred to the Detective Branch at SA Police,

Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg and thereafter to Mountain Rise. He was eventually appointed the Branch Commander but was transferred o the Special Guard Unit in Pelikan Park in Cape Town. Captain Oswal Reddy was his supervisor, Major General [Police Ombudsman for the Western Cape. [LG])

Rear row, standing, from left to right, 4th Indian Constable Jalaser, (Warrant Officer, later based at Sydenham. He was a part time Wrestling Instructor at the SA Police, Training College, Wentworth, Durban – [LG]; 6th Indian Constable Moonsamy (Dad of Captain Krish Reddy –[LG]); 8th Indian Constable G Palithan, late (later transferred to SA Police, Unit 2, Chatsworth)

“The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten” – Calvin Coolidge

“agnoscere et honorare servientibus” – “to acknowledge and honour those who served”

“Soli Deo Gloria” - “To God Alone Glory”

Logan Govender


(Source Facebook – Police Legends, Aurry Pillay; Alec Moodley and Vincent Chetty)

Photograph 01 Birthday of Colonel Rajan Ramchunder.

From left to right, - Colonel Rajan Ramchunder; Captain YA Reddy: Captain Mudali


Happy Birthday to an old School Legend from the Dbn precinct of SAP/SAPS.... Col Rajan Ramchunder.

Icon of the old School policing, strict discipline and humanity. As his junior, I saw his compassion to others.

Lest we Forget.

The Icon is Left in this classic picture, taken in the toughest Academy in SA, then .... Wentworth Training College.

It was not your current hotel style Academy and had the look of a cross between Auschwitz and a Soviet Gulag.

From this former Army DB, came the likes of this Legend.


Capt YA Reddy (Yogus) Formally of Chatsworth and Westville. Middle Capt Mudaly either Point or Durban Central Detective's My Troop Mate's


Devan Mudali and Yogs

“The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten” – Calvin Coolidge

“Agnoscere et honorare servientibus” – “to acknowledge and honour those who served”

“Soli Deo Gloria” - “To God Alone Glory”

Logan Govender


Detective Warrant Officer GM (Gops) Reddy

(Source, Detective Warrant Officer GM (Gops) Reddy, now 89 years old, still enjoying his retirement [born 1936-05-25])

Front row, from left to right – 2nd Detective Warrant Officer GM (Gops) Reddy.

Comments Facebook “South African Police – Hall of Fame”

Cathy Botes: Detectives Khambule and Mdunge worked with me at Alexandra Road, excellent workers and both had an amazing sense of humour. Lt De Jäger (insert) and Captain van der Berg two gentlemen and good detectives. Capt SM Naidoo, late didn’t take any nonsense from anyone

Maj-General Dirk Schoeman comments on the photo: Dear Logan,

Thank you so much for sharing this very special photo with me.

I often still speak of the time when I was the Station Commander as a Captain at Plessislaer from 1977/ 1982.

It was an extremely busy time in my career and the unfolding political arena did not make it any easier.

Even in those days I attended numerous meetings with prominent leaders in the community. I remember Warrant Officer G.M. Reddy a superb gentleman and always immaculately dressed. We treated one another with the utmost respect.

There are obviously several other detectives in the photo that I remember, but I want to mention Detective Warrant Officer Khanyile, with whom I have come along way.

In 1968 I was a Sergeant and Station Commander at Donnybrook, which was a corrugated iron building.

Warrant Officer Khanyile was a member at the Donnybrook station who supported me. The farmers kept us very busy with their stock thefts etc.

I remember having to travel to remote areas such as Sizanenjana and Sandenezwe to investigate cases under the jurisdiction of the different Chiefs.

Please convey my kindest regards to all those special colleagues of yesteryear.

May you have a blessed weekend.

Kind regards,

Dirk Schoeman.

“Agnoscere et honorare servientibus” – “to acknowledge and honour those who served”

“Soli Deo Gloria” - “To God Alone Glory”

“The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten” – Calvin Coolidge Logan Govender


Lt Barry Taylor

Ek het eendag baie jare terug ‘n regter se dogter wat te Brooklyn bedrog gepleeg het aangekla en toe sê sy vir my by Brooklyn-polisiestasie sy sal nie aangehou word want haar pa is ‘n regter Ek stuur haar toe Pretoria-sentraal selle toe en ek was nog nie terug by die Brooklyn-stasie toe roep hulle my op die radio en sê sy skree die dak van Pretoria-sentraal af

Ek ry toe terug en sê vir haar sy moet stilbly en bel haar pa toe van die Polisiestasie en sê sy dogter is toegesluit Die Regter se vir my “los haar, laat sy skree, sy wil nie na my en haar ma luister nie en gee haar eers oor twee dae borg” maw die Maandag.

Ek gaan sê dit toe vir haar en binne ‘n minuut hou sy op skree.

Die Sondag kom die regter toe by Pretoria-sentraal aan en vra om sy dogter te besoek Hy besoek haar toe en net daarna bel hy my en sê ek kan haar borg gee wat ek toe reël Die regter het die voorwaarde gestel aan haar sy moet skuldig pleit en hy reël borg.

Sy het toe skuldig gepleit en ‘n boete gekry vir diefstal by die mannekyn skool en het my om verskoning kom vra op haar pa se aandrang. Sy sê toe vir my dat dit vreeslik is in die selle So luister mense as hulle in die tronk is


Prachin Buri



Nadat bovermelde Nongqai reeds gepubliseer was, het die onderstaande koerantberigte tot aandag gekom:

Planter van motorbom nog nie vas

Beeld JHB FIN Maandag 30 Julie 1990 Bl. 2: Planter van motorbom nog nie vas

DIT was gister steeds nie seker wie verantwoordelik was vir die reusagtige motorbom wat Saterdagoggend in 'n parkade in die middestad van Pretoria onskadelik gemaak is voordat dit kon ontplof nie. Die bom is Saterdagoggend omstreeks nege-uur deur 'n onbekende persoon in 'n voertuig in die parkade van die Hallmark-gebou in Proesstraat opgemerk. Die bom was gemaak van 'n klomp SZ3-vernielingsladings van kommunistiese oorsprong en was reeds geaktiveer. Die Hallmark-gebou is in die middestad van Pretoria. Talle mense was Saterdagoggend - die laaste Saterdag van vandeesmaand - in die omgewing van die gebou om inkope te doen toe die Polisie daarvan in kennis gestel is. Kapt. Rex Maree van die Polisie se afdeling openbare betrekkinge in Pretoria het gisteraand gesê geen nuwe besonderhede oor die bom is gister bekend gemaak nie.

Dit is ook nog nie seker of linkses of regses vir die bom verantwoordelik was nie. Niemand het teen

gisteraand verantwoordelikheid daarvoor aanvaar nie. Die kantore van onder meer die Departement van Buitelandse Sake, die Australiese ambassade, die Weermag en die Departement van Finansies is in die omgewing van die gebou. Die voertuig waarin die bom was - dit was vermoedelik 'n minibussie - was op die tweede verdieping van die parkade naaste aan Proesstraat geparkeer. Dit is deur bomruimkundiges van die Polisie onskadelik gemaak en die strate in die omgewing is eers die middag omstreeks eenuur die middag vir verkeer oopgestel. Dit is nie bekend wanneer presies die bom sou ontplof nie. Die grootte daarvan is onbekend, maar volgens kapt. Maree sou dit die lewe van talle mense geëis het. ''Die Polisie se ondersoek duur voort. Meer besonderhede kan egter nie nou bekend gemaak word nie omdat dit die Polisie se ondersoek sal benadeel,'' het kapt. Maree gesê.

20 Nov 1991

• Held dra myne aan en koes vir koeëls, min het nog dié polisiekruis vir dapperheid gekry

ILLUSTRASIE: foto: Dié vier manne was gisteraand in Pretoria die eerste ontvangers van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiekruis vir Dapperheid (Goud).

Van links staan lt.-kol. André du Toit, kapt. Hein Prinsloo, lt. Fritz Rost en kapt. George Hammond.

Gert van der Westhuizen

NET 'n dag nadat lt.-kol. André du Toit 'n kleefmyn sowat 200 m ver gedra het om dit skadeloos te maak, het hy sy lewe weer in gevaar gestel deur 'n kleefmyn sowat 450 m van 'n ontploffingstoneel by die lughawe D.F. Malan na 'n oop stuk veld te dra.

Skaars 'n jaar later het hy weer ternouernood aan die dood ontkom toe 'n vasgekeerde terroris 'n vuurwapen by sy gesig aftrek.

Die koeël het hom gelukkig nie getref nie, maar die slag van die skoot het 'n aar in sy oor laat bars.

Kol. Du Toit was gisteraand een van die eerste polisiemanne wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiekruis vir Dapperheid (Goud) ontvang het.

Mnr. Adriaan Vlok, voormalige Minister van Wet en Orde en huidige Minister van Korrektiewe

Dienste, het die medaljes gisteraand by die Universiteit van Pretoria oorhandig. Vier uur nadat 'n geaktiveerde 158-tipe kleefmyn op die oggend van 20 Julie 1987 by 'n vulstasie in Kaapstad ontdek is, het kol. Du Toit tóé nog majoor vir die eerste keer gewys van watter stoffasie hy gemaak is.

Hy het die kleefmyn sowat 200 m na die rugbyveld van 'n skool gedra om dit onskadelik te maak. Die volgende aand was hy weer in aksie toe 'n kleefmyn in 'n vertreksaal van die lughawe D.F.

Malan naby Kaapstad ontplof het.

Hy het die verwoeste saal alleen deurgesoek en 'n tweede kleefmyn in een van die beskadigde toilette gekry.

Kol. Du Toit het dit opgetel en na 'n oop ruimte, sowat 450 m van die saal, gedra om dit onskadelik te stel.

Vroeg die oggend van 8 Julie 1988 was kol. Du Toit in bevel van 'n groep polisiemanne wat 'n voortvlugtende terroris in 'n huis in Guguletu vasgekeer het.

Die terroris het 'n skoot by sy gesig afgevuur toe kol. Du Toit hom in 'n toilet vaskeer. Die terroris het toe na 'n slaapkamer gevlug waar hy 'n jong vrou as gyselaar aangehou het.

Kol. Du Toit het vier ander mense in die huis verby die slaapkamer in veiligheid gedra voor hy die terroris met behulp van 'n tolk omgepraat het om sy gyselaar vry te laat.

Kapt. George Hammond, kapt. Hein Prinsloo en lt. Fritz Rost almal van Pretoria het ook gisteraand die Polisiekruis vir Dapperheid (Goud) ontvang.

Hulle moes op 20 Julie verlede jaar die reuse motorbom in die Hallmark-parkade in Pretoria inderhaas onskadelik stel.

Hulle het dit reggekry slegs sowat sewe minute voordat demolisieladings van 114 kg springstof sou ontplof het.



There is an adage that simply states that the more things change, the more they remain the same! As a youngster in the South African Police Force, I admired the whole set up and everything related to KOEVOET (OPS-K). I made a point of buying and reading every book published that I could afford and where I had the opportunity and privilege to be amid these “Warriors of Note” I just sat and listened in awe. For an informative summation of KOEVOET, I would refer you to the following link - Koevoet History (Genl. “Sterk Hans” Dreyer (deceased)

It is now widely regarded and accepted that 7 October 2023 was for Israel what 9/11 was for the United States of America and that regardless of what the Intelligence and Military / Police failures were, there would be harsh and dire consequences for “those” who were to blame. By “those” I refer to Iran and its two main proxies in that region of the Middle East, i.e., Hezbollah (Lebanon) and Hamas (Gaza).

Anyone who has read or studied Israeli Intelligence and Warfare Operations, knows that very much like the Russian Federation; the Israelis tend to play the “Long Game” when it comes to Intelligence driven Operations and that very little is left to chance. The Israeli Intelligence community knows their enemies very well and has an extraordinary understanding of their tactics and procedures, e.g., “The recent Pager and Handheld radio operation” in Lebanon. Evenly important is the understanding of their opponent’s culture and belief system and what motivates them.

Koevoet – Zulu Golf


Why would I start this short article with a reference to Koevoet and “Ghost Unit” – Unit 888 (Israeli Ground Forces)?

There is a long history of cooperation in Intelligence and Counter Terrorism Training between South Africa and the State of Israel dating back to the formation of the SA Police Special Task Force etc.

As with the formation of KOEVOET, so too Unit 888 had a very specific enemy conducting ASymmetrical warfare that cannot efficiently be addressed by conventional warfare, tactics and operations. In both the above Unit’s formation the need was clearly identified for a multi-dimensional operational unit operating in an unconventional manner. Intelligence and Quick reaction would be key in any of their operations.

As such it is my humble opinion that there are various similarities between the two Units. Even though we are referring to KOEVOET (One of the most effective Counter-Insurgency Units in the world – almost 4 decades back), who operated in Rural / Bush warfare; and a relatively new IDF Unit 888 (starting in 2019) mainly operating in Urban environment their concepts are very much alike and aim to neutralise an “almost invisible threat” that mix in with the local populace and disappear just as quickly as they have attacked.

What does a multi-dimensional force / unit entail?

Well in the case of KOEVOET; A Unit that consisted of an Intelligence Section as well as Operational Teams operating closely, yet independently and removed from normal doctrines in conventional warfare. Get the information / pick up the “spoor” and act immediately. No delays and months of operational planning. Now do not read into this statement that this is a cure all and that all operations can be conducted in this manner, e.g., Exception - Long distance Cross Border Operations by the SADF Reconnaissance Unit (once again one of the best Special Forces Units in the world). KOEVOET also had access to air support in the form of Alouette gunships and Puma for Casevac. Although not always available there was a good relationship and understanding of tactics and procedures between the SA Air Force and KOEVOET.

Next, I will quote from and; “The Multidimensional Unit (Hebrew: ברה הדיחיה-תידממ), designated as Unit 888 and known as the “Refaim” Unit (Hebrew: םיאפר תדיחי, lit. "Ghost Unit"), is an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Special Operations task force serving under the Ground Forces. It was established in 2019 by IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kokhavi. To be more effective in the War Between Wars and in major fighting the IDF decided to implement a multi-dimensional strategy. In simple words- closing the sensor to shooter cycle as fast as possible and then attacking the target with massive fire that will end the fighting in a short time. "Ghost" unit, the multidimensional unit established with the aim of formulating a new concept for shortening the time span from target detection to hit, with inter-arm cooperation and use of advanced technologies. Israeli sources said

that the unit will be equipped with highly sophisticated weapon systems and will be able to directly operate air and sea units to get the advantage in battle without the need to ask other military echelons to aid or even coordinate. The unit has been able to develop methods that will help the IDF to locate targets in enemy territory and attack them almost immediately with a variety of weapons systems to get the ultimate target- take this target out and I mean out completely. The very close cooperation between the unit and the air force has been demonstrated recently in a joint exercise.”


As in all theatres of war there will be disinformation and so-called atrocities assigned to operational units that operate “secretively” and are mostly closed for main stream media. For the majority of these rumours, history will prove that it was exactly just that - baseless rumours spread by terrorist organisations and states by means of their proxy media associates, NGO’s and liberal supporters sitting in their luxurious homes, thousands of kilometers away from the conflict zone.

Looking back at the history of KOEVOET, with a success rate of higher than 70%, and a successful interdiction and elimination rate far greater than all the forces involved in the South West Africa (Namibia) / Angola conflict; one can hardly expect another outcome for “Ghost Unit”.

The multi-dimensional “doctrine” which are not bound by the doctrines of conventional warfare has proven itself highly effective in addressing and interdicting a highly mobile and almost invisible threat. History will show whether my statement is correct or totally of the mark.




3. Koevoet History -

4. RISE AND KILL FIRST: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations; Ronen Bergman; 2018; ISBN 978-1-473-69471-2


Brig Fanie Bouwer

Dit was die bekende digter DJ Opperman wat gedig, en wat ek op skool geleer het, van "My nooi is in 'n nartjie, my ouma in kaneel", wat my weer aan reuke laat dink.

Die bekende TV en radiopersoonlikheid, Dave Pepler, het onlangs gesê dat 'n mens 10 000 reuke kan onderskei. Hy versamel ook parfuums.

Ek wil net ná enkele reuke verwys.

Ek onthou sekere reuke toe ek as student by my eerste polisiestasie in Umtata begin werk het.

Vandag nog assosieer ek herinneringe uit my vervloë (polisie)dae met die reuke en geure wat destyds met ons dienste by polisiestasies gepaardgegaan het.

Ek is nie seker of ál die reuke my nou nostalgies maak of net my terugdink as't ware net weer aktiveer nie.

Ek het oor die jare in my loopbaan by verskeie polisiestasies gewerk - oues en ook nuwes.

Ek het my altyd verbeel dat ek meer van die reuk(e) in ou polisiestasies gehou het. Dalk was dit omdat Umtata 'n ou polisiestasie gehad het.

Daardie ou polisiestasies het vir my ook 'n soort van karakter gehad, eiesoortige reuke en al. My tweedelaaste polisiestasie, Woodstock, was só een. Khayelitsha sin weer was redelik nuut gewees. Die lang polisiedossiere, SAP 3, wat so langwerpig onder die toonbank gelê het, en wat mens elke keer in 3 dele moes vou, en die verskillende staatsvorms wat in vakkies in 'n kas gepak was, het hulle eiesoortige reuke gehad. Ek het toé gedink dít is die Staat se reuke.

Daar in my begindae as student het ek my verbeel dat 'n aanklagkantoor al om die anderdag anderster ruik. En toe vinnig besef dat dit eintlik 'n gegewe is.

Op 'n dag het ek gou besef hoekom dit so was. En dit was omdat daar kort-kort vuil verdagtes of dronkies met hulle stink drank-asems eers in die aanklagkantoor geprosesseer was alvorens hulle na die selle geneem was.

Baie keer ruik ek iets wat my aan die verlede laat dink. Of aan iets spesifieks.

So stap ek nou die dag by 'n oud-polisie-kolonel se opleidingskamer in waar hy opleiding gee aan persone wat vir vuurwapenlisensies aansoek doen.

Hy het nie op daardie oomblik kliënte gehad nie, maar was besig om sy eie jaggeweer met 'n 2 X 4 flennielap en geweerolie skoon te maak.

Toe ek weer die reuk van geweerolie kry in sy lesingkamer, laat dit my onmiddellik aan Umtata dink toe die stasiebevelvoerder ons in die inloop-wapenkluis die vuurwapens laat skoonmaak en olie het, in afwagting van 'n parade-inspeksie.

Polisieselle is nou weer iets wat vreeslik stink kan ruik al probeer jou dit hoe gereeld dip en ontsmet.

Ek onthou hoe ons destyds van 'n lid gepraat het wat in ander afdelings as polisiestasies sy loopbaanrigting gevind het. Ons het dan gesê: "Hy weet nie eers hoe ruik 'n stink polisiesel nie".

Ek sluit af:

Polisiestasies het vandag nog sekere reuke, selfs na wie ook al se 'liberation' van 1994.

• Kommentaar deur HBH

So het die "van" ook sy eie sorghum bier-reuk gehad. Die lykshuis het ook sy eie reuk gehad. Die SAP-kollege het sy eie Pretoria-Wes reuk gehad. So ook die perdestalle.

Trein kompartemente het ook 'n eie reuk!

Toe ek Taiwan besoek en van die vliegtuig afklim het die land vir my soos knoffel geruik.


• Durban Borough Police
Four members on duty near the Durban GPO and NGR Railway Station
DCP - Sgt. David Duvenhage





Fanie Avenant

Hi Hennie,

Ek het heeltemal onverwags op ‘n afbeelding in ‘n Facebook artikel van ‘n ou poskaart afgekom van die oorspronklike polisiekantoor in Constantia. Dit het my aandag getrek aangesien Constantia in my tyd onder SAP Dieprivier geval het waar my oorlede pa baie jare gestasioneer was en ek die omgewing redelik goed ken. Ek het dit verder ge-Google en die agterkant daarvan asook ‘n HIA (ek vermoed “Heritage Importance Assessment”) gevind waarin baie inligting oor die geboutjie aangeteken is. ‘n Google ondersoek na old postcard with police station –“ Constantia” het my op die verdere inligting gebring. Dis deesdae darem maklik om ‘n goeie speurder te wees – as jy wil… Ek het gedink jy sal dit interessant vind en stuur dit dus vir jou. Groete, Fanie.

The earlier HIA submitted by Aikman and Associates recognises the conservation worthiness of the two cottages for which a demolition permit is applied. It saysthatthesetwo buildings"havebeen assessed in terms of their localsignificance with both the criteria identified in the NHRA and the Municipal Consolidated Grading systems in mind. Cottages along Constantia Main Road. Graded 3 for scale, visibility, historical continuity, social value and relationship to cultural landscape context Cottagebehindshoppingcentre.Grade 3possiblyaGrade 2.

Deliberate neglect

Whathashappenedhereisthattheowner has allowed these buildings to fallinto disrepair for the purpose effecting or enabling its destruction or demolition, which henow applies for.He argues furtherthat the buildings are neglected to such an extent that it has lost its potential for conservation as the cost of conservation "would be prohibitive". If this does not contravenetheNationalHeritageResourcesAct,itisat leastagainst the spirit in whichclause 45 of the Act was written.

The safety of these buildings

Aikman says that "given their poor condition and statutory factors they cannot be considered to be conservation worthy". / …/ But being biased, I asked Henry Fagan to give an opinion based on photographs taken from the road this week. Mr Fagan concurs with my opinion.

2) "The small encroachments of the old buildings into the road reserve can be accommodated in the verge without affecting the functioning of the public right of way.

Public interest in keeping these buildings and affidavits

Funded by the Local Cooperation fund of the Embassy of Finland, The Institute for Justice and reconciliation in Partnership with the Western Cape Education Department and the District Six MuseumlaunchedaprojectcalledForcedRemovals:AcasestudyonConstantia.Thisdocument identifies the buildingnear the ADMstore as the old Police Station and Post Office. - The same building which the owner now wantsto demolish.

In a 2007 interview that Simone Haysom had with Mr Christiaan Pietersen who raised his family on Pagasvlei/erf 2133, whose eldest daughter Mary, is a land claimant, he says "It is a factual event that the Old Police Station Building still stands.

He also said that the policemen on the property were Sergeant Atricks and Atsun, but I will come back to that. I have an affidavit from Ellen Dean, Chris Pietersens daughter, in which she confirms that her father showed her where the old Police Station was and that it is the building on the Main Road for which a demolition permit is applied. I also have an affidavit from Olive Ceto, who was born in Constantia in 1918 and lived in Ladies Mile Road, not far from the Police Station, stating that the police station was the building that still stands next to the ADM store.

AroundHeritageDaylastyear,on25Septemberanarticleappearedinthecommunitynewspaper questioning whetherthisbuilding wasthe old PoliceStationandPostOffice.Thisarticleevokeda lot of response - on 14 November the journalist wrote to me: "It's amazing that people are still 'talking' about the old post office" when she passed some info on. An earlier email, 8 October her words were: I do hope you will respond to this after having received so many calls from readers." Then again, she said that they want to do a follow uparticle.

One of the people that had contacted me was the granddaughter of the Policeman called Atsun by Chris Pietersen. June Malherbe (77) claims that her grandmother was the post mistress and her grandfather the policeman, Mrs and Mr Hudson. The birthdates she gave of her father and his siblings places them as appropriate to be the children on the postcard. She believes that it is them on the picture

Asearch in thePoliceMuseum inPretoria resulted inthe employment cardforSergeant Hudson, confirming the date of birth and the names given to me by Mrs Malherbe.

I also received photographs of this Sergeant Hudson and his wife the post mistress from Terry Hudson, another grandchild of the Hudson’s. I also saw the medals of Sergeant Hudson as well as his police badge.

I was called by a Mr Fanie Klein who grew up in the Old Police Station Building with his parents and 7 siblings; of his brother in-law Mr Freddie Warwick who got married and moved into the building.

Members of the coloured community fondly remembers the police stationandaskedmeto voice their opposition to thedemolition.

Architects and heritage practitioners with who I hadbeen in contact, were helpful and supportive of the research into the Police Station.

DrHelenRobinsonmet withmeandis supportive of maintainingthe building.ThePoliceMuseum is interested.

The Importance of the Police Station Building

When the Police station was closed in 1935, the records obtained from the Police Museum in Pretoria says: "This station was opened about 40 years ago, probably with the purpose of dealing with the coloured servants employed in the vicinity before good roads, rapid means of transport and telephones were freely available."

Could one say that this small building enriches the understanding of cultural, historical, social development in region in which it issituated? I think that one could.

Interestingly this letter mentions the community as 1000 non-europeans,800 Europeans, 46 farms, all occupied. It also lists a breakdown of crime in the area 127 incidents in 1934, 100 incidents in 1935. chrome-

extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ %20of%20events.pdf


Fanie laat weet soos volg:

Hierby die twee verwysings wat ek deur middel van Google gebruik het. Dit is:-

• All Posters waar ek die poskaart opgespoor het, en

• Heritage Western Cape waar ek die navorsing na die egtheid van die geboutjie opgespoor het.


Baie dankie aan Fanie Avenant en al die persone wat navorsing gedoen het om ons geskiedenis te boekstaaf - HBH.





Zarp’s na die Front – met erkenning aan Hilton Teper via Facebook



Dr Coert Mommsen


Hierdie artikel is in geheel en gedeelte, geskryf, saamgestel en hersien deur Coert Mommsen, D. Phil (psigologie), M.A. Kliniese Sielkunde, EEG Tegnikus Boksburg

7Oktober 2024


Die verskil tussen angs en spanning word in hierdie artikel gedefinieer en bespreek. Daar word gekyk na soorte angs aspekte van angstoestande oorsake van angstoestande en kognitiewe oorsake van angs en wanneer professionele konsultasie vir behandeling aangedui is


Angs, Spanning, Stres, angsetiologie, kognitiewe sielkunde, angsbehandeling, en angs behandelingsaanduiders

Angs en Spanning

Wat is die verskil tussen angs en Spanning?

In ‘n artikel oor angs en Stres deur die Amerikaanse Sielkundige Vereniging, onderskei die skrywers as volg tussen die begrippe:

“Daar is 'n fyn lyn tussen stres en angs. Albei is emosionele reaksies, maar stres word tipies veroorsaak deur 'n eksterne sneller. Die sneller kan korttermyn wees, soos 'n werksperdatum of 'n stryery met 'n geliefde of langtermyn, soos om nie te kan werk nie, diskriminasie of chroniese siekte.

Mense onder stres ervaar geestelike en fisiese simptome, soos prikkelbaarheid, woede, moegheid, spierpyn, spysverteringsprobleme en probleme met slaap. Angs, aan die ander kant, word gedefinieer as ewigdurende aanhoudende, oormatige bekommernisse selfs al is daar nie ’n stressor nie. Angs lei tot 'n byna identiese stel simptome as stres: slapeloosheid, konsentrasieprobleme, moegheid, spierspanning en prikkelbaarheid” (1)

Dit is belangrik om te onderskei tussen dié twee aangesien onderskeid tussen hulle belangrik is in terme van die hantering daarvan. Volgens die Amerikaanse Sielkunde Vereniging sou albei goed respondeer op dieselfde aanpassingsmeganismes soos: Fisiese aktiwiteite, ’n gebalanseerde dieet en goeie slaap higiëne. Ander alternatiewe is konsultasie met geestesgesondheidsspesialiste. Dié kan mens bystaan met ’n korrekte diagnose of doeltreffende hanteringsmeganismes.


Wat is ’n angstoestand?

Die White Swan webblad onderskei as volg tussen “gewone” angs en angsversteurings: Die volgende kan beskou word as “gewone” angs:

Bekommernisse oor rekeninge, werksonderhoude, toetse of ander belangrike gebeure. ‘n Gevoel van 'skoenlappers in jou maag' voor 'n openbare optrede of 'n groot vergadering. Vrees vir 'n gevaarlike voorwerp, plek of situasie, byvoorbeeld 'n rondloperhond wat op straat vir jou blaf. Hartseer of bekommernis onmiddellik na 'n traumatiese gebeurtenis soos die verlies van 'n geliefde.

Om erg te sweet voor 'n groot wedstryd.” (2) 0RPe3qKbaGU_FDYeqkmGdiEOxMU4muWLRoCKKwQAvD_BwE

Angstoestande, in teenstelling met “gewone” angs, sluit volgens die outeurs, belewenisse soos die volgende in: Konsultasie met ’n Sielkundige of Psigiater word aanbeveel indien jy hiermee (diagnose, behandeling) oorweeg. (Die lys hierna is verkort en nie bedoel vir diagnostiese doeleindes nie – CM)

Irrasionele vrese oor ’n ding of plek; Herhalende paniek aanvalle en vrees om te sterf; en Gedurige en buitengewone bekommerdheid vir geen duidelike rede, wat dit moeilik maak om alledaagse take te voltooi” (3) 0RPe3qKbaGU_FDYeqkmGdiEOxMU4muWLRoCKKwQAvD_BwE

Soorte angs

In mens se omgang met literatuur en gesprekke oor angs, hoor jy soms van

1. Vry vloeiende

2. Skeidingsangs,

3. Antisiperende angs,

4. Algemene angssteuring,

5. Angsaanval en

6. Hegtingsstyl.

Vry vloeiende angs

“Vry vloeiende angs verwys na bekommernis of paniek sonder 'n geïdentifiseerde sneller. Soms eb en vloei hierdie angs met verloop van tyd. In ander gevalle is hierdie angs aanhoudend, en dit kan kenmerkend wees van ander angsversteurings, soos algemene angsversteuring (AAV).” (4)

Vry vloeiende angs kan die volgende insluit:



Konsentrasie Probleme

‘n Toename in hartklop


Gejaagde gedagtes






Negatiewe self-spraak

2. Skeidingsangs

Skeidingsangs is 'n tipiese fase vir baie babas en kleuters. Jong kinders het dikwels 'n tydperk waar hulle angstig of benoud raak wanneer hulle van hul ouer of hoofversorgers moet skei. Voorbeelde hiervan kan trane wees by dagsorg aflaai of kieskeurig raak wanneer 'n nuwe persoon dit vashou. Dit begin gewoonlik verbeter teen ongeveer 2 tot 3 jaar oud. (5)

3. Antisiperende angs

Antisiperende angs is oormatige bekommernis oor 'n toekomstige gebeurtenis. Dit kan 'n geskeduleerde gebeurtenis wees, soos 'n nuwe werk, of 'n potensiële bedreiging, soos die verlies van 'n geliefde. Dit kom voor by baie soorte angsversteurings, soos sosiale angsversteuring en spesifieke fobie

4. Angsaanval

“Daar is geen vaste definisie van 'n angsaanval in die Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, of DSM nie. Die definisie van 'n angsaanval is subjektief en mense kan sê dat hulle 'n angsaanval kry wanneer hulle 'n paniekaanval beskryf.

Angs kan fisiese simptome veroorsaak, wat mense(soms) as 'n angsaanval kan beskryf. Dit sluit in:

‘n Gevoel van lighoofdigheid en duiseligheid

‘n “Karringende” sensasie in die maag of ‘n gevoel van ‘n “knop op die maag”


Versnelde asemhaling



Warm gloede



Hoofpyn en rugpyn

Onreëlmatige of vinnige hartkloppings. (6)

5. Angstige depressie

Die webblad PubMed definieer angstige depressie as volg:

“Angstige depressie word op ten minste twee verwante maar afsonderlike maniere gekonsepsualiseer: 1) ernstige depressiewe versteuring met ten minste een komorbied As Iangsversteuring en 2) ernstige depressiewe versteuring met 'n hoë vlak van angs met of sonder een of meer komorbiede As I-angsversteurings. Deur enige definisie te gebruik, lyk dit asof pasiënte met angstige depressie 'n meer chroniese verloop van siekte het, 'n verhoogde voorkoms van selfmoordgedagtes en -gedrag, groter funksionele en beroepsgestremdheid en swakker reaksie op behandeling.” (7)

6. Hegtingsstyl

Hegtingsstyl kan as volg omskryf word:

“Hegtheidsstyle verwys na die manier waarop ons primêre versorgers as babas met ons omgegaan het, en hoe daardie interaksies ons verhoudings in volwassenheid beïnvloed.” (8) Sielkundiges onderskei tussen vier verskillende hegtingsstyle: Veilige Hegtingsstyl. “'n Veilige Hegtingsstyl, beteken dat jy veilig en selfversekerd voel in jou volwasse verhoudings. Jy deel openlik gevoelens met jou maats en goeie vriende, jy soek sosiale ondersteuning wanneer jy dit nodig het en jy het oor die algemeen goeie selfbeeld.” (9)

Angstige hegtingsstyl. “Volwassenes met angstige gehegtheidstyl kan bekommerd wees dat hul lewensmaats of vriende nie van hulle hou nie. As gevolg hiervan kan hulle 'n diep vrees hê vir verwerping of verlating. Mense met angstige gehegtheid kan oor die algemeen 'n lae selfbeeld hê en het goedkeuring van ander nodig om bekragtig te voel. Hulle is ook meer geneig tot medeafhanklike neigings, en hulle raak dikwels baie benoud wanneer verhoudings eindig. Dinge wat jy kan doen om 'n veilige gehegtheidstyl met jou kind te vorm, sluit in om beskikbaar te wees vir hul behoeftes en meer” (10)

Vermydende hegtingsstyl. Vermydende hegtingsstyle is ’n onveilige gehegtheid. Mense met vermydende gehegtheid kan sukkel om betekenisvolle verhoudings te bou as gevolg van vrees vir intimiteit. (11)

Ongeorganiseerde hegtingsstyl. “Ongeorganiseerde gehegtheidstyl is 'n derde tipe onveilige gehegtheid. Mense met ongeorganiseerde gehegtheid kan inkonsekwente gedrag toon of sukkel

om ander te vertrou... Volwassenes met ongeorganiseerde hegtingsstyle toon dikwels verwarrende of onvoorspelbare gedrag. Hulle smag na liefde en om aan iemand te behoort – maar hulle vrees ook hierdie dinge. Gevolglik kan hulle hulself in 'n patroon vestig waarin hulle liefde soek net om dit herhaaldelik te verwerp. Hulle kan afwissel tussen om aan hul maat vas te klou en hulle weg te stoot. Hulle kan byvoorbeeld die een dag emosioneel wees en die volgende dag afsydig wees.” (12)

Veilige hegtingsstyl. “Om 'n veilige gehegtheidstyl te hê, beteken dat jy veilig en selfversekerd voel in jou volwasse verhoudings. Jy deel openlik gevoelens met jou maats en goeie vriende, jy soek sosiale ondersteuning wanneer jy dit nodig het en jy het oor die algemeen goeie selfbeeld.” (13)

Oorsake van angstoestande

Individue wat met ’n angstoestand gediagnoseer is, kan aanvaar dat een of meer van die volgende faktore hierin ’n oorsaaklike rol kon gespeel het:

Familiegeskiedenis: Stresvolle gebeure (Stres by die werkplek, verlies van 'n geliefde of moeilike verhoudings kan ook simptome van angs veroorsaak.)

Gesondheidsfaktore (siektes soos skildklierprobleme, asma, diabetes of 'n hartsiekte kan ook angs veroorsaak. Mense wat aan depressie ly, kan ook simptome van angsversteurings ontwikkel. Iemand wat byvoorbeeld vir 'n lang tydperk aan depressie ly, kan begin onderpresteer by die werk.

Dit kan dan lei tot werkverwante stres wat angs kan veroorsaak.)

Substans misbruik (Mense wat swaar dwelms, alkohol en ander stowwe gebruik, ontwikkel angsprobleme wanneer die gevolge van die stof begin afneem (in onttrekking).

Persoonlikheidsfaktore: (Soms ontwikkel mense met sekere persoonlikheidseienskappe soos perfeksioniste of mense wat daarvan hou om in beheer te wees, angs verwante probleme.)(14)

Kognitiewe (Denkproses-) oorsake

Die volgende is tipiese denkpatrone wat kan lei tot stres “Alles-of-niks denke”. Hierdie vervorming is die sondebok wanneer ons in dink in terme van “Alles-of-niks”. Hierdie vervorming is die skuldige as ons in uiterstes dink, sonder grys gebiede of middelgrond. Alles-ofniks-denkers gebruik dikwels woorde soos "altyd" en "nooit" wanneer hulle dinge beskryf. "Ek sit altyd vas in die verkeer!", "My base luister nooit na my nie!" Hierdie tipe denke kan die stressors in ons lewens vergroot, wat dit na groter probleme laat lyk as wat dit in werklikheid kan wees.

Oor veralgemening

Diegene wat geneig is tot oor veralgemening, gebruik geïsoleerde gebeure en neem aan dat alle toekomstige gebeure dieselfde sal wees. Byvoorbeeld, ’n oor veralgemener wat te doen het met 'n onbeskofte verkoopsklerk, kan glo dat alle verkoopsklerke onbeskof is en dat inkopies altyd 'n stresvolle ervaring sal wees.

Psigiese Filtering

Diegene wat geneig is tot die toepassing van psigiese filtering, kan positiewe gebeure verbloem en 'n vergrootglas negatief instel. Tien dinge kan reg gaan, maar 'n persoon wat onder die invloed van 'n Psigiese filter werk, kan net die een ding raaksien wat verkeerd loop. (Voeg 'n bietjie oor veralgemening en alles-of-niks-denke by die vergelyking, en jy het 'n resep vir stres.)

Diskwalifisering van die Positiewe

Soortgelyk aan psigiese filtering, is diegene wat die positiewe diskwalifiseer, geneig om positiewe gebeure soos toevalsgebeure te aanvaar en sodoende vasklou aan ‘n meer negatiewe wêreldbeskouing en beperkte verwagtinge vir die toekoms. Het jy al ooit probeer om 'n vriend te help om 'n probleem op te los, net om elke oplossing wat jy voorstel af te skiet met 'n "ja, maar ..." Reaksie? - Dan het Jy het hierdie kognitiewe vervorming eerstehands beleef.

Om haastige gevolgtrekkings te maak

Ons doen dit heeltyd. Eerder as om toe te laat dat bewyse ons tot 'n logiese gevolgtrekking bring, stel ons ons visier op 'n gevolgtrekking (dikwels negatief) en soek dan bewyse om dit te ondersteun, en ignoreer bewyse van die teendeel. Die kind wat besluit dat almal in sy nuwe klas hom sal haat en 'weet' dat hulle net goedgunstig teenoor hom sal optree om straf te vermy, maak oorhaastige gevolgtrekkings.

Individue wat vinnige gevolgtrekkings maak, kan dikwels die prooi word van gedagtelees (waar hulle glo dat hulle bewus is van die ware bedoelings van ander sonder om met hulle daaroor te praat) en fortuinvertelling (voorspel hoe dinge in die toekoms sal uitdraai en glo dat hierdie voorspellings waar is). Kan jy aan voorbeelde dink van volwassenes wat jy ken wat dit doen? Ek’s seker jy kan.

Vergroting en minimalisering

Soortgelyk aan Psigiese filtertering- en diskwalifisering van die positiewe, beklemtoon hierdie kognitiewe vervorming negatiewe gebeure en kan die positiewe afstroop. Die kliëntediensverteenwoordiger wat slegs kliënte se klagtes raaksien en nie positiewe interaksies raaksien nie, is 'n slagoffer van vergroting en minimalisering.

'n Ander vorm van hierdie vervorming staan bekend as katastrofering, waar 'n mens die ergste moontlike scenario voorstel en verwag. Dit kan tot baie stres lei.

Emosionele redenering

Hierdie vervorming een is 'n nabye familielid van oorhaastige gevolgtrekkings deurdat sekere feite geïgnoreer word wanneer gevolgtrekkings gemaak word. Emosionele redeneerders sal hul emosies oor 'n situasie as bewyse beskou eerder as om objektief na die feite te kyk. "Ek voel heeltemal oorweldig, dus moet dit heeltemal buite my vermoë wees my probleme om hulle op te los," of "Ek is kwaad vir jou; daarom moet jy hier verkeerd wees" is albei voorbeelde van foutiewe emosionele redenering.

Om hierdie oortuigings as feite te aanvaar en op te tree, kan verstaanbaar bydra tot die ontstaan van bykomende probleme om op te los.


Diegene wat staatmaak op 'behoort-stellings' is geneig om rigiede reëls te hê, wat deur óf hulself of ander bepaal is Hierdie reëls moet altyd gevolg word, ten minste in hul gedagtes. Hulle toon nie insig in die buigsaamheid wat verskillende omstandighede bied nie en plaas hulself onder aansienlike stres deur te probeer om aan hierdie selfopgelegde verwagtinge te voldoen. As jou interne dialoog baie 'behoort' behels, kan jy deur hierdie kognitiewe vervorming beïnvloed word.

Etikettering en wan-etikettering

Diegene wat etiketteer of verkeerde etikette toeken, sal gewoonlik etikette wat dikwels onakkuraat of negatief is op hulself en ander plaas. "Hy is 'n kermer" "Sy is 'n vals" "Ek is net 'n nuttelose bekommeraar". Hierdie etikette is geneig om mense te definieer en by te dra tot 'n eendimensionele siening van mense, wat die weg baan vir oor veralgemenings. Etikettering hou mense in rolle in wat nie altyd van toepassing is nie en verhoed dat ons mense (onsself ingesluit) sien soos ons werklik is. Etikettering is ook 'n groot nee-nee by verhoudingskonflikte.” (15)

Wanneer om hulp te vra

Konsulteer jou geneesheer wanneer:

Jy voel asof jy jou te veel bekommer en dit meng in met jou werk, verhoudings of ander dele van jou lewe

Jou vrees, bekommernis of angs is vir jou ontstellend en moeilik om te beheer

Jy voel depressief, sukkel met alkohol- of dwelmgebruik, of jy het ander geestesgesondheidsprobleme bykomend tot angs

Jy dink jou angs kan gekoppel word aan 'n fisiese gesondheidsprobleem

Jy het selfmoordgedagtes of -gedrag. As dit die geval is, vind onmiddellik noodbehandeling. Jou bekommernisse sal dalk nie vanself verdwyn nie, en dit kan mettertyd erger word as jy nie hulp soek nie. Sien jou dokter of 'n geestesgesondheidsverskaffer voordat jou angs erger word. Dit is makliker om te behandel as jy vroeg hulp kry. (16)

Vryvloeiende angs

In haar artikel getiteld Vryvloeiende angs, simptome en behandeling en hoe om aan te pas, doen

Nicole Arzt, LMFT, die volgende voorstelle:

Mens moet behandeling vir angs oorweeg wanneer: Dit in die pad staan van jou gesondheid en geluk; jou werk-, skool- en huislewekwessies toeneem; Jy verhoudingskonflikte ervaar as gevolg van jou angs; Jy selfmedikeer deur alkohol of ander dwelms te gebruik; Jou simptome jou energie, slaap of eetlus beïnvloed” (17)


Angs kan baie onperking op ’n mens se funksionering hê en jou werklike vermoëns kniehalter en smoor. Dit kan ’n wye reeks negatiewe gevolge hê. Om vroegtydig hulp te vind kan lei tot voordeel van jou geliefdes asook dié in jou direkte omgewing. Wanneer aangedui, kan tydige professionele bystand lei tot optimale funksionering en die handhawing van ’n harmonieuse, ryk en betekenisvolle bestaan.



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Gelyklopend met die Dieter Gerhardt-spioenasietydperk was dit in 1963 vir die adjunkminister van Justisie, John Vorster, en Hendrik van den Bergh duidelik dat die Veiligheidspolisie met nuwe metodes en tegnieke vorendag moes kom om die Russies-gesteunde ANC/SAKP-bedreiging teen

die staat te ondervang. ’n Latere Minister van Polisie, Adriaan Vlok, getuig in 1998 voor die Waarheids- en Versoeningskommissie: “… if the forces of Communism and Marxism since the 1950s were allowed to take over South Africa, our country would be destroyed, impoverished and a backward country with an atheist, Communist ideology as government policy.” Vorster en Van den Bergh besluit gevolglik om ’n geheime afdeling in die Veiligheidspolisie op die been te bring, wat direk getaak sou word om ondermynende bedrywighede te ondersoek. Van den Bergh begin stilletjies personeel vir sy nuwe afdeling werf. “Ek soek manne,” het Van den Bergh aan genl. Stemmetjie Verster van sy hoofkantoor gesê, waarop Stemmetjie vir Mike Geldenhuys aanbeveel. Geldenhuys was voorheen sy stafoffisier in Durban en toe distrikskommandant van Keetmanshoop. Saam met Geldenhuys het Terry Terblanche, Niklaas van Zyl, Koos Kemp, Hendrik Roos, Stan Schutte, Frans Fouché en Hans Brummer die eerste kernpersoneel van Republikeinse Intelligensie (RI) gevorm. Maj. Terry Terblanche tree op as stafoffisier van RI en skep twee lêerstelsels: een vir teikenorganisasies en die ander vir personeellede. Die lêerstelsels word in ’n geheime kantoor op die tweede vloer van Wachthuis in Pretoria bewaar, maar die ontstaan en bestaan van RI word vir ander polisiemaglede geheim gehou. Van die lêers het geheime verslae bevat met die inskripsie “weerhou van VP” onderaan, wat beteken het dat RI nie al sy verslae met die Veiligheidspolisie gedeel het nie.

Op 8 April 1963 gee Poqo, die PAC se gewapende vleuel, opdrag aan sy volgelinge om 1 000 blankes te vermoor. Die SAP-Veiligheidstak gebruik wetgewing tot sy beskikking om talle van die PAC-agitators in hegtenis te neem voordat hulle dié wandaad kon pleeg. Die PAC verander sy politieke oortuiging in die 1960’s van Afrikanistiese beweging na ’n pro-Beijing, Maoïstiese groep wat luidkeels teen-ANC- en teen-SAKP-uitsprake maak, en geld by die Verenigde Nasies bedel. Met die arrestasie van die PAC-leiers en agitators slaag RI hierdie ruwe vuurdoop, maar kom ook dadelik tot die besef dat sy klein personeel voor ’n formidabele en gevaarlike uitdaging staan. Die grondslag vir RI as geheime afdeling in die Veiligheidstak is deur lt.-kol. Van den Bergh en sy adjudante, maj. A.T. (At) Spengler en maj. Mike Geldenhuys, gelê. “The Tall Man received permission (and funds) to form the Republican Intelligence Service (RIS), a secret branch of the Security Police and the organisation which was later to become the Bureau for State Security.” Uit sy eerste begroting van R1 miljoen het RI ’n groot wit veilige huis vir R36 000 in die Johannesburgse noordelike voorstad Mountain View gekoop vanwaar sy operasionele en tegniese ondersoeke bedryf kon word. Die veilige huis is terstond die “Wit Huis” gedoop (vernoem na die Withuis in Washington) en soms ook deur RI-lede “Klub 13” genoem. Mike Geldenhuys, voormalige bevelvoerder van die Veiligheidspolisie in die Oos-Kaap, en sy gesin het in die veilige huis gaan woon om ’n skyn van normaliteit daaraan te gee.

Amptelike en nie-amptelike dekking

RI en die Buro vir Staatsveiligheid (BSV) het gebruik gemaak van nie-amptelike dekking deur frontgroepe, frontorganisasies en stutgroepe te stig wat op die oog af normale kommersiële, onderwys-, kulturele, wetenskaplike, politieke of vakbondgroepe was. Die groepe het dus oënskynlik geen kontak of verhoudinge met enige staatsdepartement gehad nie. Nie-amptelike dekkingsmetodes, soms aksiedekking genoem, het ’n valse status of identiteit aan RI- en BSV-lede verleen, wat hulle in staat gestel het om op ’n besondere plek of in ’n spesifieke geselskap te wees, asof dit normaal sou wees in enige daaglikse beroep. Aksiedekking is deur RI en die Buro gerugsteun met vals identiteitsdokumente, paspoorte, munisipale rekeninge, bestuurslisensies, belastingnommers en soms akademiese kwalifikasies. So byvoorbeeld het die Buro en die Nasionale Intelligensiediens (NI) jare lank hul eie reisagentskap in die gebou reg oorkant Sanlam Plaza-Oos in Pretoria bedryf.

Die Kommissaris van Polisie, genl. J.M. (John) Keevy, die Minister van Justisie, adv. John Vorster en genl. Van den Bergh was gereelde besoekers aan die Wit Huis om direk met die RI-lede oor die ernstige bedreiging teen die staat te gesels. Talle sake is vanuit die Wit Huis ondersoek, byvoorbeeld die Loginov-saak (seker een van die mees skouspelagtige sake in ons veiligheidsgeskiedenis) en ook die Bram Fischer- en Kasjinski-gevalle. Kol. Att Spengler het Gerard Ludi, wat die SAKP infiltreer het, as RI-lid gewerf en van die Wit Huis af hanteer om die Congress of Democrats (COD) te infiltreer. Soortgelyk aan en vergelykbaar met die South African Indian Congress (SAIC), was die COD die blanke of wit vleuel van die ANC en SAKP, omdat beide tot verbode organisasies verklaar is.

In hierdie konteks kan Ludi as een van die suksesvolste infiltrasie-agente in Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis beskou word. Hy vertel:

“I spent many an hour chewing up and swallowing top quality intelligence reports on Moscow, Beijing (then still Peking), Lagos, Dar Es Salaam, Brazzaville, and East Berlin Park benches. I also spent hours burning top quality reports on the roads between every Marxist third-world capital and the countryside you care to mention. We all were trained to memorise the contents of our reports. I could regurgitate facts and figures from a two-hour speech as if I had tape-recorded them. I expected the same from my agents. We typed our reports in a safe house, transmitted them, and then destroyed them. That is how we survived. And that is why in a 20-year career not a single of the over 200 agents I had trained and handled was ever compromised.”

Die Kommunistiese ideologie was duidelik identifiseerbaar as intelligensieprioriteit en daarom het RI bestryding van die Suid-Afrikaanse Kommunistiese Party (SAKP) en kommunistiese vakbonde as sy hooftaak gesien. Teenspioenasie (die identifisering en ondersoek na spioene) was eweneens ’n RI-prioriteit en daarom is teenspioenasiespesialiste soos Michael Kennedy, Chris Pio en Clive Scholtz vanaf die Veiligheidspolisie na RI oorgeplaas. RI se insamelingsprofiel in sy beginjare het die SAKP en die CODbeskou as die metode waarop Afrika-lande en die internasionale gemeenskap

gaan poog om ’n einde aan Suid-Afrika se blanke regering te bring. Daarby het RI se bedreigingsanalise aangedui dat kommunisme die vyand van Afrikanernasionalisme en kapitalisme is en dat die SAKP hom beywer vir ’n staatsbestel waarin etniese identiteit deur ’n klaslose proletariaat vervang sou word. Omdat dit die SAKP se doel was om die wettige staatsbestel en die vrye ondernemingstelsel in Suid-Afrika te vernietig, het RI dit as sy taak en roeping gesien om die persone wat hierdie doktrine aanhang en aandryf, dus lede van die SAKP, se aktiwiteite te neutraliseer.

Ongeveer 200 nuwe RI-lede ontvang in 1963 en 1964 opleiding in Pretoria in onderwerpe soos staatkunde, staatsveiligheid, verslagskrywing en klandestiene kommunikasiemetodes, agtervolging en teenagtervolging, om hulle vir ’n nuwe loopbaan en leefwyse voor te berei. Van die RI-manne het “bedank” uit die polisie en hulle voorgedoen as versekeringsagente, poskantoorwerkers, motorwerktuigkundiges, eiendomsagente en vuurwapenhandelaars. Pieter Swanepoel vertel aan brig. Hennie Heymans dat Mike Geldenhuys die bestuurder van RI was. Swanepoel skryf: Ons het in korrespondensie en telefoniese kommunikasie na hom verwys as die bestuurder. Ons het almal RS-nommers ontvang. Ek vermoed dat Mike RS 001 was. Die “Lang Man” (generaal H.J. van den Bergh), die oorhoofse baas en skepper van RI, het gevolglik in oorleg met Mike en met die destydse Afdelingskommissaris van die polisie in Windhoek, genl. Theo Crous, ’n ander plan beraam. ’n Vuurwapen-eenheid is gestig en ek en Ben Burger is daarheen verplaas. Ons kantoor was oop en bloot bokant die klagtekantoor. Geen sweem van geheimhouding is aan ons geheg nie. Die dag-tot-dag-opdragte betreffende ons werk het van brigadier Crous gekom, maar al ons vertroulike opdragte het van die “bestuurder” in Johannesburg gekom. Elke paar maande het die “bestuurder” ons besoek en al ons verslae is aan hom gepos. Oor al die projekte wat ons daar aangepak het, moes Mike Geldenhuys ’n oog hou. Waar ek en Ben Burger in Windhoek gewerk het, het nuus van wat die manne in ander sentra vermag het, ons net sporadies bereik. RI was ’n inligtingsorganisasie wat onder diep dekking sy eie metodes ontwikkel het om landsveiligheid te verseker. RI-lid RS 141 skryf dat hy selfs sy ouers moes inlig dat hy uit die polisie bedank het. “Ons identiteite is nooit bekend gemaak nie en ons kon aan niemand die waarheid vertel nie. Ons het polisiemotors gehad, maar met vals nommerplate vir operasionele werk.” RI is nooit geïdentifiseer nie. Hulle het selfs nie in howe getuig nie, die ondersoekwerk net tot op ’n punt gedoen en die getuienis dan aan die polisie oorhandig vir optrede. Ten spyte hiervan raak die ANC/SAKP by wyse van Eleanor Anderson en Ronnie Kasrils daarvan bewus dat iets verander het en dat die Veiligheidstak anders te werk gaan betreffende die monitering en hantering van die SAKP en Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) se ondergrondse bedrywighede. “They have formed a crack unit to deal with MK, more efficient than the others, but still relied on basic detection, building systematically from one clue to another, and relying heavily on interrogation. There was no speculation about our strategic aim other than: You people are out to ruin the country so that Russia can take over.”

Van RI en die Wit Huis se personeel was onder andere Joe Bell, Stan Schutte, Dries Verwey, “Scheppes” Schweppsplank, Piet “Poqo” van Wyk, W.A. (Willie) Willers, Jac Buchner, Stan Schutte. In Suidwes-Afrika werk Pieter (Swanie) Swanepoel, M.C. Swart en Ben Burger as operasionele BSV-lede. In Durban – Johan Coetzee, Basie Smit, Claasie Claasens en Cornelius John Brooks. In Kaapstad – Hennie Botha, Phil Freeman, L.P.E. (Louwtjie) Malan en Michael Morris. In Pretoria –John le Roux, Chris Pio, Kalfie Broodryk en Roelf van Rensburg. So ook Taiwan – R.J.F. Campbell; Londen – Pieter Swanepoel; Parys – Albie Venter en mev. Van Zyl en Washington – kol. Willie Willers. RI het ’n dekkingskantoor in Soweto gevestig wat deur Joe Bell en Stan Schutte beman is wat daarin geslaag het om verskeie studente-organisasies te infiltreer. Van hierdie studentebronne

het later dosente by die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand geword en inligting oor die National Union of South African Students (NUSAS) se bedrywighede aan RI en later die BSV voorsien. RI het ook ’n dekkingskantoor in Luanda, Angola, bedryf en nou met Europese intelligensiedienste in WesAfrika saamgewerk.

RI se intelligensieteikens en insamelingsprioriteite fokus op die Liberale Party van Suid-Afrika en sy mees prominente lid, prof. Neville Rubin, die ANC/SAKP/MK-alliansie, die Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity Organisation (AAPSO), African Resistance Movement (ARM) en die National Liberation Movement (NLM), die Yi Chu Chan Club, COD, die Committee for Human Rights en sy leier Violet Weinbergh, goeie vriend van Bram Fischer, die Organisasie vir Afrika Eenheid (OAE), South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee (SAN-ROC) en sy protagoniste, Dennis en Wilfred Brutus, asook Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU), Southwest African People’s Organisation (SWAPO) en Southwest African National Union (SWANU). Teenintelligensieteikens het frontgroepe ingesluit wat deur die CIA en Britse Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) in Afrika gefinansier en gebruik is, soos die African American Institute (AAI) en die publikasies Africa Report, African Forum en die New African Magazine. In ‘n vroeëre publikasie het ek verwys na RI se deeglike monitering van die aktiwiteite van die CIA in Suider-Afrika, veral Zaïre en van die Frontliniestate soos Botswana. “RI and its successor Bureau for State Security (BfSS), fastidiously monitored the activities of the CIA in Central Africa, particularly in the Congo (Zaïre), where the CIA was supporting the political movements of Joseph Mobutu Seso Seko and Cyril Adoula in the conflict that erupted after the colonial power Belgium withdrew from this vast country.” RI se gebruik van frontorganisasies (ook front- of skyngroepe genoem) is ’n erkende tegniek wat deur intelligensiedienste gebruik word om doelstellings te verberg en sy kommunistiese opponente te mislei. Die tegniek is nie net tot intelligensiedienste beperk nie en word dikwels deur kriminele, maatskappye, internasionale korporasies en organisasies sowel as onwettige organisasies ingespan om hul werklike aktiwiteite en bedrywighede mee te verdoesel. Frontorganisasies hou dus die beeld voor dat hulle onafhanklik is, maar hul ware identiteit, motiewe, agendas en doelwitte word geheim gehou. RI se dekkingskantoor in Johannesburg staan bekend as “Brigadiers” en in Durban

langs die Wentworth-apteek in Brightonweg as die “Pretoria Agencies”. Johan Coetzee, later Kommissaris van Polisie, is die hoof van die frontgroep en ry met ’n Mini Minor in Durban rond, allermins ’n polisiemotor. Basie Smit, John Brooks en Duifie van den Heever was die ander personeellede. Die voormalige Distrikskommissaris van Durban-Sentraal, Jock (Dipstick) Campbell, is vanaf Durban na die Veiligheidshoofkantoor verplaas en toe na RI, en vandaar na Taipei, Taiwan, gestuur om die Suid-Afrikaanse Konsulaat daar te open. RI se personeel in Durban fokus hul insamelingsvermoë op ’n sel bekende kommuniste en hul meelopers, onder andere dr. Graham Meidlinger, Rowly en Jacqueline (Jackie) Arenstein, Eleanor Anderson, Valerie Phillips, Monty Naicker, Vera en George Ponnen, Moses Kotane, Billy Nair, Stephen Dlamini, Ernest Gallo, Curnick Ndlovo en Bruno Mtolo.

RI se gebruik van legendes, vals name, vals identiteite en skyngroepe was nie sonder probleme nie en het somtyds tot komiese situasies gelei. Toe ’n administratiewe beampte by die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand aan ’n dosent vra waarom hy dan ook ’n salaris van die staat ontvang, kon hy beswaarlik erken dat hy ook ’n lid van die Veiligheidstak is. Die dosent, ’n RI-infiltrasie-agent, se inkomstediensnommer het in die rekords van die personeelafdeling van die universiteit beland en daarmee was die jare lange NUSAS-infiltrasie-operasie daarmee heen. Van den Bergh en Geldenhuys het ’n eenvoudige manier gebruik om die inligting wat RI ingesamel het, aan te wend. Hulle het rou, onverwerkte inligtingsverslae net aan premier John Vorster deurgegee, terwyl hulle inligtingsverslae wat deur die normale kanale en bevelsisteem van die Veiligheidstak geproduseer is, aan Vorster, maar ook aan die Minister van Polisie, S.L. (Lourens) Muller, gegee het. Op hierdie manier het die bestaan van RI en sy sensitiewe intelligensieverslae geheim gebly.

Veligheidspolisielid en latere brig. Hennie Heymans skryf dat alle ou verslae van die Veiligheidspolisie en RI by Kompol X302 (dit is Wachthuis, in Schoemanstraat, Pretoria) bymekaar gemaak en bewaar is.

Ek was verbaas om te sien dat sekere polisieverslae van RI (voorloper van die Buro) en “Seksie 4” (die opvolger van RI in die veiligheidspolisie) gewoonlik die endossement: “Weerhou van VP” (VP – Veiligheidspolisie) gedra het. Die ou gesoute speurders en deurwinterde intelligensiemanne se verslae was baie interessant en baie goed geformuleer. Die meeste verslae was destyds in die Engelse taal geskryf. Pragtige prosa wat gewoonlik afgesluit is: “I have the honour to be, Sir, your Obedient Servant, Sgt so-and-so.” Dit laat mens ver terugdink – verslae wat nou meer as 100 jaar oud is. En wag! Daar was leggers van die ou Special Branch, Suspect Staff en van die Republikeinse Intelligensiediens (RI of “Er-ie” in die spreektaal) en van MI 5. Daar was ook verslae van PIDE en van die BSAP. Ek was verstom om te sien dat sommige mense soos Tom Andrews, die pa van die kommunis Bill Andrews, reeds vroeg in die 1900’s onder die ongunstige aandag van die owerhede gekom het.

* In DIE BURO: Genl. Lang Hendrik van den Bergh en die Buro vir Staatsveiligheid, wat deur Imprimatur Uitgewers gepubliseer word, is daar ware Suid-Afrikaanse spioenasieverhale wat die waarde van agente en spioene illustreer (HUMINT), en ook die enorme skade wat hulle somtyds aanrig, onder die soeklig plaas. Die enigste werklike meetinstrument van die sukses van ’n spioenasiediens is die mate waarop hy of sy die geskiedenis beïnvloed het, of nie. Die Buro vir Staatsveiligheid het ’n invloed op die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis gehad en verdien om onthou te word. Indien enige van ons lesers oor relevante inligting oor die ontwikkeling van spioenasie in SuidAfrika, beskik, word u hartlik uitgenooi om enige inligting en foto’s aan, te stuur.

* Die artikelreeks Intelegere bevat 982 bronverwysings en voetnotas, wat op aanvraag van die skrywer bekom kan word. ‘n Verkorte weergawe van die verhaal van Dieter Felix Gerhardt en Ruth Johr verskyn in die boek Spioenmeesters, wat op Amazon verkrygbaar is.

* Word in die volgende Nongqai vervolg.

* Voorafbestellings vir DIE BURO kan by Imprimatur Uitgewers geplaas word.


I’m just following up on your kind suggestion of putting a notice in the Nongqai:

I’m looking for information about a former KGB Agent Bogdan Stashinsky who was allegedly given sanctuary in South Africa in 1968, or thereabouts. In 1984 former Police Commissioner Mike Geldenhuys gave an interview to the Natal Mercury which was picked up by the American media in which he confirmed that Stashinsky came to South Africa and is now living here under an assumed identity. Does anyone know about this? Can anyone provide further information? My email address is

Many thanks!


Dr. Anthony Turton

Centre for Environmental Management University of Free State

The breaching of the Berlin Wall in 1989 marked the end of the Cold War6. This single event also marked the zenith of many intelligence services, most of which had grown to become sophisticated institutions, with massive budgets, staffed by tens of thousands of highly qualified career professionals. Most services were structured around the dynamics of the Cold War, so the pressing question being asked as the last decade of the 20th Century dawned, was about the nature of future threats to national security at a planetary scale. This all changed on September 11th 2001, when al-

6 Turton, A.R. 2024. Reflections of a Cold War Intelligence Officer: Putin, Gorbachev and the Collapse of the USSR. Paper presented to SAMVOA, RSL Belmont, Perth, WA. 13 August 2024. In Nongqai, Volume 15. No 9. Pp. 98 – 109. Available online at Nongqai Vol 15 No 9 by Hennie Heymans, Nongqai Publications - Issuu Video available online at Text available at (99+) Reflections of a Cold War Intelligence Officer: Putin, Gorbachev and the Collapse of the USSR | Anthony R Turton -

Qaeda attacked the USA using commercial aircraft as flying weapons of terror. Therefore, the decade of the 1990’s can be defined as an era of strategic introspection by all major intelligence services, with an associated shift in thinking about their role and function in the post-Cold War risk landscape.

The 1990’s were also extremely important for South Africa, because that was when CODESA gave us a new constitution, resulting in a major change in the architecture of national security structures. Immediately after Amalgamation in NIA and SASS, the first piece of legislation to be passed by Parliament was the National Strategic Intelligence Act 39 of 1994. This created a new architecture for national security in a democratic dispensation, defined by the post-Cold War risk landscape. The Water Services Act 108 of 1997, followed a short while later by the National Water Act 36 of 1998, made no reference to the national security risk associated with water, but both pieces of legislation had major strategic implications with a definite national security dimension to it. In essence both acts nationalised water, separating water rights from land ownership rights, in the belief that land reform could be controlled by means of water licence allocations, thereby avoiding the Zimbabwe experience where uncontrolled land grabbing eventually destroyed the investment case for the entire economy. Therefore, when the new architecture of national security was crafted in the enthusiasm of the post-CODESA moment, it failed to make specific mention of water as a national security risk.

The national security risk associated with water became apparent when the first National Water Resource Strategy was published in 20047, after it was shown that of all the water legally available for economic development, around 98% had been allocated, with some Water Management Areas over-allocated by as much as 120%. This had serious national security implications8, because it meant that water security, food security, and energy security were no longer attainable at national level outside of regional cooperative structures9. The issue of water security arising from shared rivers was taken up by UNEP, and the first Atlas of Transboundary River Basins in Africa10 was coauthored by South African scientists, listing the first framework for a subsequent more


8 Turton, A.R. 2003. Environmental Security: A Southern African Perspective on Transboundary Water Resource Management. In Environmental Change and Security Project Report. The Woodrow Wilson Centre. Issue 9 (Summer 2003). Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. (Page 75-87).

9Turton, A.R. 2016. The Future of SADC: An Investigation into the non-Political Drivers of Change and Regional Integration. In Reeve, C. & Entholzner, A. (Eds.) Building Climate Resilience Through Virtual Water and Nexus Thinking in the Southern African Development Community. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

10 Turton, A.R., Earle, A. Malzbender, D & Ashton, P. 2006. Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along Africa’s International Waters. In Wolf, A.T. (Ed.). Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: Africa. Nairobi: United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Pp 19 – 67.

comprehensive risk assessment. This triggered an in-depth study that began developing core conceptual tools that would be needed to perform a high confidence national security risk assessment. One of these concepts was based on the security complex11 work by Buzan and Waever12, but tailored specially to water. This gave rise to the first published material on the Southern African Hydropolitical Complex in 200813. A Hydropolitical Complex refers to a constellation of independent sovereign states linked by a shared water resource that defines the patterns of amity or enmity over time. This concept rapidly gained international traction14. More sophisticated work on developing an empirical model for water as a national security issue was supported by the Government of Sweden15. This defined many of the parameters, often using public source data, capable of tracking changes to any given risk profile over time. This basic model was refined over time, once again involving South African scholars16

The First National Water Resource Strategy noted above, defined core empirical numbers that constrain the South African economy. These were encapsulated into a single model developed by a scientist at the CSIR and shown as Figure 1. The total volume of all surface water using existing technology is just below 40 billion cubic metres (BCM) per annum. If we add this volume to all known surface and groundwater sources, assuming we have the technology to adequately harness these additional resources, the total national water resource is just over 60 BCM. The curve shows actual demand for water, splitting in 1994 when South Africa became a democracy. At that time, we faced two options asa nation. The first option was to create full employment bygrowing the economy rapidly, without consideration for water efficiency measures. This option means that in about 2004, all surface water would be used, and by 2016 all other water would also be depleted. This gave us a deadline for the development of new technologies to improve efficiency of use, and to harness the

11 Buzan, B. 1988. The Southeast Asian Security Complex. In Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 10, No. 1; 1-16. 12Buzan, B. & Wæver, O. 2003. Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security. England: Oxford University Press.

13 Turton, A.R. 2008. The Southern African Hydropolitical Complex. In Varis, O., Tortajada, C. & Biswas, A.J. (Eds.) Management of Transboundary Rivers and Lakes. Berlin: Springer Verlag. Pp. 21 – 80. Formerly entitled A Critical Assessment of the River Basins at Risk in the Southern African Hydropolitical Complex. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Management of International Rivers and Lakes, hosted by the Third World Centre for Water Management and the Helsinki University of Technology. 17-19 August 2005. Helsinki, Finland. CSIR Report No. ENVP-CONF 2005-001.

14Ashton, P.J. & Turton, A.R. 2008. Water and security in sub-Saharan Africa: Emerging concepts and their implications for effective water resource management in the southern African region. In: H.-G. Brauch, J. Grin, C. Mesjasz, H. Krummenacher, N.C. Behera, B. Chourou, U.O. Spring, P.H. Liotta and P. Kameri-Mbote (Eds), Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts – Volume IV. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Pp 665 – 678.

15 Phillips, D.J.H., Daoudy, M., Mc Caffrey, S., Öjendal, J. & Turton, A.R. 2006. Transboundary Water Cooperation as a Tool for Conflict Prevention and Broader Benefit-Sharing. Stockholm: Ministry for Foreign Affairs Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI).

16 Phillips, D.J.H., J.A. Allan, M. Claassen, J. Granit, A. Jägerskog, E. Kistin, M. Patrick and A.R. Turton. 2008. The Transcend-TB3 Project: A Methodology for the Trans-boundary Waters Opportunity Analysis (the TWO Analysis). Prepared for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden. Available at:

non-surface waters. The lower water use option implied slower economic growth with a higher unemployment rate, which meant that surface waters would be depleted in 2013, and all non-surface water would be used by 2035. This simple model can be regarded as the single authoritative rendition of our national water security challenge. It was known to all decision-making authorities in 2008 and was factored into policy options that needed consideration as early as 200317

Figure 1. The South African water security dilemma is defined by the loss of buffering capacity as demand for water approaches the supply at national level18 .

This thinking was certainly understood within the intelligence domain when Billy Masetlha was the DG of SASS, because he instructed the author to develop the capacity within the service. It was during this time that the national water security thinking was embedded within the intelligence architecture. However, when Masetlha was purged from the system19, factional politics within the ANC dictated that everything he had achieved was considered with suspicion, so it was rejected. The author was targeted in this factional battle by virtue of his association with Masetlha, when he was told by Hilton Dennis that his skills were no longer necessary, leading to his resignation and subsequent loss of capacity within the service.

17 Turton, A.R., Nicol, A. & Alan, J.A. 2003. Policy Options for Water Stressed States: Emerging Lessons from the Middle East and Southern Africa. Pretoria & London: African Water Issues Research Unit & Overseas Development Institute.


19 Billy Masetlha - Wikipedia

The model developed by the author and used in various training endeavours to build capacity within the service, is presented in Figure 2. This model shows water availability on the vertical axis with Q1 representing the natural supply at a localised area. An example would be Johannesburg before gold mining was commenced, or Port Elizabeth before the motor industry was established. Q2 represents the volume of water made available by dams and inter-basin transfers (IBTs). In the Johannesburg case, this can be thought of as the Tugela Vaal IBT, and the Lesotho Highlands Water Project. In Port Elizabeth, this can be thought of as the Orange-Fish-Sundays-Gamtoos IBT that enabled the motorcar industry to thrive as a local job creator from the 1960’s. Q3 represents New Water created from desalinating seawater, reprocessing acid mine water, or recovering water from sewage. T1 represents the initial transition into localised water scarcity, triggering the need for IBT development. T2 represents the limits of IBT mobilization, and the transition into absolute water scarcity. T3 represents that moment when social stability becomes a challenge and a rational policy choice must be made to either create water security by investing heavily into desalination and recovery technologies, or into securing water from outside of South Africa by means of IBT from the Zambezi20 or Congo River Basins. If that policychoice is the correct one, then prosperity is attainable through investment into water recovery technologies and the development of New Water (water recovered from the sea or waste). Alternatively, austerity is the logical result of growing unemployment, capital flight arising from the loss of investor confidence, and social instability driven by a revolution of unmet expectations.

20 Borchert, G. & Kemp, S. 1985. A Zambezi Aqueduct. SCOPE/UNEP Sonderband Heft. No. 58;443-457. & Borchert, G. 1987. Zambezi-Aqueduct. Institute of Geography and Economic Geography, University of Hamburg, Hamburg.

Figure 2. Simplified model showing South Africa’s national water security risk. South Africa is currently at T3, with major metros like Johannesburg, Ekurhuleni, Tshwane, eThekwini and Gqeberha increasingly facing the prospect of a localised Day Zero situation. This is manifest in the recent creation of the Platform for a Water Secure Gauteng (PWSG) and Platform for a Water Secure eThekwini (PWSeT), both designed to build the necessary capacity to realign excessive demand with available supply, exactly as shown in Figure 2 beyond T3 and Q2+. This shows that the model is valid and has a role to play within the architecture of national security. For calibration purposes, the projections for 2025 from the First National Water Resource Strategy are shown in Figure 3. This clearly indicates the nuanced situation across the country, with major risk in the Gauteng area, around eThekwini in KZN, and the Cape Town area of the Western Cape. What it doesn’t show is the known crisis at Gqeberha, which suggests that constant recalibration is needed to better define the local manifestations of the national security risk.

Figure 3. Projections for 2025 from the First National Water Resource Strategy show the national deficit and identifies three localised deficits in areas with high economic impact.

The question is whether sufficient capacity exists within the intelligence services to anticipate the national security implications associated with a local combination of Q2+ and T3 conditions? In the next few years this question will be answered.

To assist in the framing of the national security problems associated with this model, the following is the likely progression of events that will become manifest.

Arguably the biggest immediate impact of the transition to fundamental water insecurity will be social instability. This will manifest as seething anger, typically as water services fail at local level. This will often be accompanied by blame-shifting by various actors in the complex water value chain, mostly designed to communicate to the public that their misery is caused by the water board, and not the municipality. This situation will become increasingly volatile and will be covered by the mainstream media so it will be highly visible to any analytical person. The metric here will be the number of incidents and the resultant severity such as loss of life or arson.

The most severe immediate impact will be capital flight as investor confidence is lost, first in the affected metros, but ultimately at national level. This will be measurable as the outflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) as a percentage of GDP. It will also be measurable as the number of

companies in distress because of water supply instability, and the resultant number of jobs lost. The growing level of unemployment will become a positive feedback loop driving social instability.

An insidious element of this transition beyond Q2+ and T3, will be the increased presence of the water mafia. As water becomes more constrained, the incentive grows for alternative water supply schemes which can be extremely lucrative. This will be manifest as irregular tenders for water tanker and sewage pumping services, often driven by sabotage to the system. This sabotage aspect will become increasingly relevant as local criminal syndicates degrade service delivery to protect their rent seeking behaviour in the form of tender acquisition. This will be measurable by the number of sabotage incidents reported, and the number of tenders granted for the supply of tanker and sewage pumping services. The latter is an extremely lucrative business, created by sabotage of sewers at strategic points in the system, causing overflow into commercial areas. This affects business, so the pump operators sell their services to business owners. This is simply a permutation of the protection racket often found in large cities of the world.

The resultant outcome of a combination of the above, will be a growing tax burden on a diminishing population. This is simply unsustainable and is a precursor of total system failure. South Africa is not yet in this position, so rational policy options will need to be made if the disaster is to be averted. These options will all require intelligence-driven criminal intervention to bring the water mafias under control. This implies the need for a sophisticated intelligence collection and analytical process that is currently not in existence to the required level of sophistication within the current architecture of national security. This article might provide some logical input into the public debate needed to guide that decision-making process.

In conclusion, water has major national security implications. This article has only superficially dealt with the topic. A far more sophisticated model was developed and offered to the intelligence services, but the status of skills development in its use is unknown. If readers show an interest in this topic, the more sophisticated model will be presented in a future article. At headline level, South Africa became a fundamentally water constrained economy the instant the First National Water Resource Strategy was released, clearly stating that 98% of all available water resources had already been allocated at the turn of the century. What should have happened was intelligencedriven policy reform needed to develop the technologies and skills to recover water from waste and remove salt from mine and seawater. This is now a missed opportunity, so at best South Africa will be playing catch-up, having lost its status as a world leader in the field of water technology development. It is vitally important that the PWSG and PWSeT is fully resourced and given total public support. If this is done, then the crisis can be averted. However, if blame-seeking and

obfuscation continues, then it is more-or-less inevitable that the national economy will increasingly be constrained by capital flight and fundamental water insecurity. The destruction of our surface water resources from failed and sabotaged sewage works is going to accelerate the rate of collapse, which suggests that this single issue ought to be prioritised by our civilian intelligence services as a matter of urgency. Water is an economic enabler, so as water insecurity increases, the economy will inevitably slow down, jobs will be shed, and social instability will grow. These maladies can easily be predicted, and just as easily avoided, provided that the intelligence services respond, exactly as happened in the last decade of the 20th Century when the Cold War ended, and all the intelligence services suddenly found themselves without a clear mission.



RT - 8 Oct, 2024 18:39

Britain’s security chief has sought more power and funding to fight “foreign threats” British support for Ukraine has made London a target of Moscow’s spies, the head of the British Security Service, Ken McCallum, has claimed.

In an annual speech on threats said to be facing the UK, McCallum listed Russia after terrorism, above Iran and China, while demanding more funding and warning about the dangers of the internet.

“The UK’s leading role in supporting Ukraine means we loom large in the fevered imagination of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s regime, and we should expect to see continued acts of aggression here at home,” McCallum said on Tuesday.

“The GRU in particular is on a sustained mission to generate mayhem on British and European streets: we’ve seen arson, sabotage and more,” he added, using the acronym for Russian military intelligence.

According to McCallum, this “concerted campaign” requires “a strong and sustained response,” including the use of the new National Security Act “to its fullest extent.” McCallum was the key force lobbying for the 2023 law, which granted Britain’s security and intelligence agencies wide-ranging new powers to battle alleged “malign activity undertaken by foreign actors” such as espionage, sabotage, or attempts to meddle in UK politics. Britain’s Security Service is unofficially known as MI5, while the external Secret Intelligence Service is MI6. Both are descended from the Secret Service Bureau, founded in 1909.

On Tuesday, McCallum reiterated the claim that the UK is under threat by “autocratic regimes” who target “our democracy, journalists and defenders of human rights,” as well as sensitive government information.

According to the MI5 head, the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats beginning in 2022 was unprecedented and “put a big dent in the Russian intelligence services’ ability to cause damage in the West,” but Moscow allegedly responded by recruiting proxies online.

McCallum used the speech to once again call for the “ability to track the online activity of those who mean us harm,” calling it “utterly crucial.”

“Privacy and exceptional lawful access can coexist if absolutist positions are avoided,” McCallum stated, adding that the alternative is “allowing child abusers and terrorists to operate at scale, without fear of consequences.”

Earlier this year, formerBritish Defence Secretary Ben Wallace claimed that Russia was responsible for “disinformation campaigns, the enemies in this country using cyber to divide us, to rob from us, to spy on us, and to create frictions in our society.” His comments came after British police broke up an online scamming ring targeting the elderly that had no connection to Russia.

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The United Kingdom faces a resurgent threat from ISIS and al Qaeda, according to the head of the country’s domestic security service. In a rare public address, Director General of MI5, Ken McCallum, highlighted the changing landscape of terrorism, which is increasingly involving children and utilizing the internet. Over a third of MI5’s recent priority investigations have involved links to overseas terrorist groups, particularly ISIS, which is resuming efforts to export terrorism.

The number of minors being investigated for involvement in terrorism has seen a threefold increase since 2021. McCallum’s warning comes amidst a series of Western alerts about the growing risk of state-sponsored sabotage by countries including Russia and Iran. His agency has thwarted 43 latestage terror attack plots since March 2017, with the majority of the agency’s work tackling Islamist extremism, and a quarter relating to far-right groups.

McCallum expressed concern over the potential for events in the Middle East to directly trigger terrorist action in the UK. Despite a rise in public disorder and hate crime, these have not yet translated into terrorist activity. However, ISIS is once again a primary focus for the agency. Five years since the fall of ISIS’s self-proclaimed caliphate in Iraq and Syria, the group has transformed

into a terror network with cells around the world, including Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia.

McCallum also noted that al Qaeda is capitalizing on conflict in the Middle East, calling for violent action. He revealed that MI5 and British police have responded to 20 Iran-backed terror plots in Britain since the start of 2022.

The domestic intelligence chief also highlighted Russia’s GRU intelligence agency’s ongoing mission to generate mayhem on British and European streets, conducting operations that include arson, sabotage, and more.

McCallum also pointed out new trends his agency is responding to, including a rise in minors being investigated for terrorism offenses, particularly in relation to far-right terrorism. He cited three recent convictions of British teenagers to underline the diversity of threats faced. These included plans to attack a British synagogue, posting material that inspired deadly mass shootings in the US, and plans to stab people at a music festival while sharing terrorist propaganda online.

The Castle, Cape town



Die Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorweë en sy voorlopers het gewys dat die spoorweë van nasionale strategiese waarde was, veral in oorlogstyd. Die spoorweë het ook die hawens, pyplyne en lugdiens suksesvol bedryf. In oorlogstyd selfs krygstuig vervaardig. Die spoorweë was ‘n reuse organisasie en het die ekonomie van die land gestimuleer veral die ekonomie van klein dorpies (met spoorwegstasies en spoorweghuise) en die vervoer ten opsigte van goedere vir mynbou, landbou en nywerhede asook in- en uitvoere Toerisme is ook suksesvol en winsgewend bedryf. Die spoorweë het ook sy eie “soldate” gehad – bv die Spoorweg en Hawens-brigade, sy eie mediese dienste, dorpsbestuur en natuurlik sy eie polisiemag. Die SA Spoorwegpolisie was ‘n unieke en baie professionele, effektiewe en doelgerigte mag. Die spoorwegpolisie het na die belange van die spoorwegadministrasie na die beste van sy vermoë omgesien. (Onder Kaapstadstasie in die ou dae.)

King William's Town, 1968. SAR Police Station. THL pic.
1975. SAR Police on parade.


Hier het ons nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis sy beslag gekry.

Entrance to the Castle, Cape Town. Postcard published by Terence. J. McNally of Cape Town.

Vlag van Natalia


Dick King


Ons Boerseuns uit die ander provinsies, behalwe Natal, het nooit kennis gemaak met die geskiedenis van Richard “Dick” King nie. As mens na die foto van die standbeeld hierbo kyk sien mens die Bluff in die agtergrond. Die ou “Natal Police” se polisiestasie, genaamd King’s Rest, was reg oorkant die stadbeeld op die Bluff. Een storie is die polisiestasie is na Dick King vernoem wat daar gerus het, na hy en sy perd, op pad na Grahamstad, die baai oorgesteek het en daar gerus het. ‘n Ander bron sê luitenant King van die Britse Vloot is op die Bluff begrawe en King’s Rest is eintlik na hom vernoem. Hier is die storie van Dick King se epiese tog en deur hom het die Voortrekkers eintlik die Republiek van Natalia verloor - HBH

Gebore Richard Philip King, 26 November 1811, Dursley, Gloucestershire, Engeland

Sterf 10 November 1871 (op 59), Isipingo, Natalkolonie

Nasionaliteit Verenigde Koninkryk

Beroep handelaar en kolonis

Richard (Dick) King het bekendheid verwerf met sy epiese tog van 950 km te perd vanaf Durban na Grahamstad gedurende 1842. King was 'n Britse setlaar in KwaZulu-Natal.

Gedurende 1842 het die Voortrekkers en die Britte slaags geraak en die Britte is vasgekeer in Durban. King en sy 16-jarige agterryer, Ndongeni, ontsnap egter en hulle ry Grahamstad toe om versterkings te kry. Dié tog het King tien dae geneem. Ndongeni kon nie die tog voltooi omrede hy nie 'n saal en stiebeuels gehad het nie. Britse versterkings is toe per skip na Durban gestuur vanwaar die Voortrekkers verdryf is.

Elkeen het 'n stuk grond as beloning gekry; Ndongeni het grond aan die oewer van die Mzimkulurivier gekry en King het grond by Isipingo gekry. Hy het daar 'n suikermeule bedryf tot en met sy dood in 1871. In Durban is 'n standbeeld vir King opgerig terwyl daar ook in Peddie en Port St. Johns gedenktekens opgerig is ter ere van King se tog. Hoewel die daad so hoog geag is dat hy daarna die "verlosser van Natal" genoem en as nasionale held vereer is, het Dick King nooit daaroor gepraat nie.

Richard Philip (Dick) King was 8 jaar oud toe hy in 1820 saam met sy familie op die Kennersley Castle in Tafelbaai aangekom het. Die gesin het van Gloucestershire, Engeland, gekom waar Dick se vader, Philip King, ‘n arbeider was. 1820-Setlaar

Die gesin het 'n sukkelbestaan gevoer omdat werk nie altyd beskikbaar was nie. Toe Philip King verneem dat Samuel Bradshaw op soek was na koloniste om na die Kaap die Goeie Hoop te gaan, het hy al sy besittings verkoop en hom by Bradshaw se geselskap aangesluit. Die koloniste (Britse Setlaars) is elkeen 40 ha grond in die Oos-Kaap belowe. Die grond was egter kaal en onherbergsaam in vergelyking met die landbougrond in die dele van Engeland waar die Kings vandaan gekom het. Hulle het hulself naby Bathurst gevestig maar het daar net so 'n sukkelbestaan as in Gloucestershire gevoer. Dick King het geleer lees en skryf, maar sy skoolopleiding het nie ver gevorder nie omdat hy vroeg reeds moes help om die gesinsinkomste aan te vul.

Dick het by ene mnr. Gill gewerk tot hy 15 jaar oud was en het toe besluit om na Natal te gaan. Hy was 'n avontuurlustige jong man en hy kon goed skiet, perdry en swem. Die verhale wat hy oor die jagters en handelaars in Natal gehoor het was vir hom 'n sterk motivering om daarheen te gaan. Dick het saam met ene dr. Cowie en ene mnr. Green, 2 reisigers wat op pad was na Delagoabaai en wat oor Port Natal sou reis, vertrek.

Port Natal

King het in Port Natal agtergebly en by die Engelse wat reeds daar was ingeskakel. Hy het met die Zoeloes begin handel dryf en hulle taal aangeleer. Na 6 jaar in Port Natal was King so ingeburger dat hy as gids opgetree het vir die geselskap van Piet Uys wat ʼn besoek aan Dingaan wou bring. Die geselskap wou met Dingaan onderhandel om grond in die hande te kry vir die Boere wat nog aan die Oos-grens was. King het eers alleen na Dingaan se kraal gegaan om uit te vind of die koning van die Zoeloes die Boere te woord sou staan. King het as gids opgetree na Dingaan se kraal: hierdie keer as wadrywer saam met kaptein Allen Francis Gardiner, 'n sendeling wat sendingwerk onder die Zoeloes wou doen. Die kaptein het eerwaarde Francis Owen van Engeland laat kom om die sendingwerk te doen en het Dick King aanbeveel as wadrywer. So was King ook die wadrywer van Owen toe hy sy eerste tog (1811-1871) was een van besoek aan Dingaan se kraal die pioniersetlaars in Natal. Hy het bekendheid verwerf en 'n geskiedkundige figuur geword nadat hy in 1842 te perd na Grahamstad gery het om versterkings vir die Britse leer te gaan haal. Hy het die 960 km vêr te perd gery. Owen het later ʼn sendingstasie naby Ungungundlovu gevestig en King het na Port Natal teruggekeer. Die Setlaars was nie gerus oor die veiligheid van hulle nedersetting, Durban, nie. Hulle het verwag dat Dingaan enige dag van sy impi's sou stuur om die nedersetting te verwoes. Onder leiding van Alexander Biggar, 'n oud-soldaat van die Britse leër, is 'n fort gebou en 'n leër op die been gebring. Die leer het uit Britse setlaars (offisiere) en hulle Swart volgelinge (soldate) bestaan. Dick King was een van die luitenante. Piet Retief en sy Voortrekkers het pas hierna daar aangekom om met Dingaan oor grond te onderhandel. Die Voortrekkers is deur die Setlaars verwelkom maar tot hulle ontsteltenis is Piet Retief en sy volgelinge deur Dingaan vermoor. Voor hulle die skrikwekkende nuus verneem het, het 30 Setlaars, onder wie Dick King, die Zoeloes gehelp om gesteelde vee van die Swazi's te gaan terughaal. Toe King egter van Dingaan se optrede teenoor Piet Retief verneem, het hy onmiddellik ingestem om op versoek van Alexander Biggar die ander Voortrekkers te gaan waarsku. Tydens die tog het Dick King sowat 160 km afgelê en saam met die Voortrekkers teen die Zoeloes geveg, maar later sou hy 'n en meer gewaagde rit aanpak.

Sy epiese tog

Kort na die Slag van Bloedrivier is die regering van die Republiek Natalia vir twee jaar aan die Boere oorgedra. Die Britse regering in die Kaap het egter bekommerd geraak oor die gevolge van die Boere se houding teenoor die Swartes en het besluit om Natal te beset. Die Britse troepe, onder leiding van kaptein Thomas Charlton Smith, het egter teenstand van die Boere onder leiding van Andries Pretorius gekry. Die Boere het Smith en sy manne in die fort vasgekeer en die fort beleër. Dick King was nie by die botsing betrokke nie, maar hy was wel in die omgewing om handel te dryf. Smith het via 'n boodskapper 'n versoek tot King gerig om te gaan hulp soek. Twee perde is aan hom verskaf en hy het sy getroue hulp, Ndongeni, gaan haal om saam met hom in die Kaapkolonie te gaan hulp soek. Twee broers, George en Christopher Cato, het Dick King en


Ndongeni gehelp om ongesiens weg te kom. Om Boerewagte te vermy, is die 2 boodskappers per boot oor die Baai geroei tot by die Bluff, waar hulle tog begin het. Die twee ruiters is van kos en ekstra klere sowel as pistole voorsien. Die kosvoorraad het egter net 'n paar dae gehou. King en Ndongeni het so na moontlik aan die kus gereis om die Boere te vermy. Hulle moes ook deur al die riviere swem omdat die Boere waarskynlik al die oorgange in die binneland bewaak het. By Buntingville, die Wesleyaanse sendingstasie tussen die Umzimvubu en die Umtata, het Ndongeni ingegee en King moes sy tog alleen voortsit.

Van Buntingville af is hy na die volgende sendingstasie, Morley, en daarvandaan tot by Butterworth, verby King William's Town en oor die Groot-Visrivier. Ofskoon King twee dae moes rus omdat hy te siek was om verder te ry, het hy die tog van 960 km na Grahamstad binne 10 dae afgelê. Sy perd het van uitputting gevrek. King het nietemin die boodskap van kaptein Smith aan kolonel Hare, luitenant-goewerneur van die Oos-Kaap, oorhandig. Versterkings is onmiddellik na die garnisoen in die fort in Durban gestuur. Die Voortrekkers moes hulle noodgedwonge aan die gesag van die Britte onderwerp, wat die einde van die Natalia Republiek beteken het. Sommige van die Voortrekkers het na die Britse oorname in Natal aangebly, maar die meeste het die toestande in die gebied onhoudbaar gevind en begin terugtrek na die gebiede wes van die Drakensberge. Intussen het Dick King eienaar van 'n plaas by Isipingo geword en 'n slaghuis in Durban geopen. Hy is getroud met 'n Britse meisie, Clara Noon. Oor die rit wat hy binne 10 dae afgelê het, het hy nooit ʼn woord gerep nie. Hy het die ontbering as normaal beskou vir enige man wat iets vir sy land en sy mense wou doen. 'n Monument ter ere van hom is op 14 Augustus 1915 in Durban onthul. Die monument bestaan uit 'n standbeeld van King op sy perd, en ʼn voetstuk waarop 'n fries aangebring is wat Dick King en Ndongeni aan die begin van hulle reis uitbeeld. Die monument is deur Wallace Paton ontwerp en die standbeeld is deur H.H. Grellier gemaak.


• Wêreldspektrum, 1982, ISBN 0908409559 band

• Die Suid-Afrikaanse Gids- feite en wenke. Isabel Uys. 2009 ISBN 978-1-86919-324-9



Iain David Hayter

The Boer build up on the Natal Border, end Sept 1899, prior to the Boer Ultimatum.

Ben Viljoen states: "On the evening of the 29th of September, I left with the Johannesburg commando in two trains. Two-thirds of my men had no personal acquaintance with me, and at the departure there was some difficulty because of this. One burgher came into my private compartment uninvited. He evidently forgot his proper place, and when I suggested to him that the compartment was private and reserved for officers, he told me to go to the devil, and I was compelled to remove him somewhat precipitately from the carriage. This same man was afterwards one of my most trustworthy scouts.

The following afternoon we reached Standerton, where I received telegraphic instructions from General Joubert to join my commando to that of Captain Schiel, who was in charge of the German Corps, and to place myself under the supreme command of Jan Kock, a member of the Executive Council, who had been appointed a general by the Government.

We soon discovered that quite one-third of the horses we had taken with us were untrained for the serious business of fighting, and that many of the new burghers of foreign nationality had not the slightest idea how to ride. Our first parade, or "Wapenschouwing" gave food for much hilarity. Here

ZA Republiek
Great Brittain
Oranje Vrij Staat

one saw horses waltzing and jumping, while over there a rider was biting the sand, and towards evening the doctors had several patients. It may be stated that although not perfectly equipped in the matter of ambulances, we had three physicians with us, Doctors Visser, Marais, and Shaw. Our spiritual welfare was being looked after by the Reverends Nel and Martins, but not for long, as both these gentlemen quickly found that commando life was unpleasant and left us spiritually to ourselves, even as the European Powers left us politically. But I venture to state that no member of my commando really felt acutely the loss of the theological gentlemen who primarily accompanied us.

On the following day General Kock and a large staff arrived at the laager, and, together with the German Corps, we trekked to Paardekop and Klip River, in the Orange Free State, where we were to occupy Botha's Pass. My convoy comprised about a hundred carts, mostly drawn by mules, and it was amusing to see the variety of provisions my worthy field-cornets had gathered. There were three full waggons of lime-juice and other unnecessary articles which I caused to be unloaded at the first halting-place to make room for more serviceable provisions."

Some 15,000 ZAR Boers massed on the Natal Border and another 8,000 on the Northern Cape Border near Mafeking.

Interesting that this was all taking place late September 1899


Lt-Col WS Marshall (Ret)

Photos: Boers & ZARPs leaving Johannesburg for the border
Lt-Col WS Marshall
Maj Gen William Henry Evered Poole, Commander 6 SA Armoured Division

Gothic Line battles

The South African advance re-commenced with the 6th South African Armoured Division heading north on Route 64 with the US II Corps to their right and 34th US Infantry Division on the left. Reports had been received that the 16 SS Panzergrenadier Division had taken over from the German 362 Infanterie Division and that they were now defending the front ahead of the 6th South African Armoured Division. The division advanced along the axis running between Prato and Castiglione dei Pepoli. The 11th South African Armoured Brigade was ordered to advance up Highway 6620 (the Prato-Bologna Road) while the 12th South African Motorised Brigade moved up Highway 64. By 27 September 1944, the FC/CTH had crossed the main Apennine watershed at Collin, and the ILH/KimR had reached the southern outskirts of Castiglione Del Pepoli. By 28 September 1944, the 6th South African Armoured Division was advancing on three widely separated axes, retreating German forces were demolishing bridges, culverts and roads and this, with traffic congestion on limited roads, made passage extremely slow. It was then decided to hand over Route 66 to Task Force 92, as the South African engineers were not able to maintain the three parallel routes simultaneously. This permitted the 24th Guards Brigade to re-unite with the 11th South African Armoured Brigade in protecting the US II Corps’ western flank. The 24th Guards Brigade was ordered to capture the Catarelto Ridge and exploit 6000 yards beyond. The 11th South African Armoured Brigade was to protect their left flank by capturing Mt Vigese. The 12th South African Motorised Brigade was to be held in divisional reserve in the Montale area. The artillery was considerably strengthened when the 178th (Lowland) Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery came under the 6th South African Armoured Division command, and two American 240mm howitzers from the 697th US Field Artillery Battalion and one 8” Gun M1 from the 575th US Field Artillery Battalion moved into the divisional area. In addition, the 6th South African Armoured Division was heavily reinforced with Combat Command “B”, an Armoured Brigade from the 1st US Armoured Division.

Above: A map showing the break through into the Po-valley Traffic movement on 28 September 1944, was extremely difficult owing to rain and mud, and only two Companies of 1st Battalion, Scots Guards and a Troop of “A” Squadron, PR reached Castiglione during the day. The 11th South African Armoured Brigade were unable to give any information about the enemy, but that afternoon the 1st Battalion, Scots Guards advancing along the Catarelto Ridge made contact with the enemy in a thick mist. At dawn on 29 September 1944, the 1st Battalion, Scots Guards resumed their advance, and in spite of a certain amount of machine-gun and mortar fire cleared the greater part of the ridge. It was found that the Germans were holding Mt Catarelto in strength.

Above: Mud caused by continual rain was the enemy of all vehicles, here a Jeep is having difficulty The attack developed on 30 September 1944 and met with fierce opposition. The PR managed to get two Stuart tanks on to the ridge and they were able to give some machine-gun support. The 1st Battalion, Scots Guards got within 200 yards of the crest of Catarelto, but the enemy’s resistance was fanatical. It was impossible to advance further, and during the night and at dawn, the Germans sent in two strong counterattacks. Very hard fighting followed, and the Guards were assisted by the mortars and machine guns of “B” Group.

The 166th NFLD (Newfoundland) Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery was in close support and the 7/23 Medium Regiment, SAHA brought down fire at their request. Although the 1st Battalion, Scots Guards were forced to draw back their left flanking Company, the enemy did not press his advantage in the face of very heavy artillery and machine-gun fire. Attempts were made to bring up the PR tanks to assist the Guards, but the rain-soaked road began to collapse under their weight. While this furious struggle was raging on the Catarelto Ridge, “C” Squadron, PR led the advance of 3rd Battalion, Coldstream Guards up the western banks of the Brasimone, and reached the area of Bucciagno directly opposite to Mt Catarelto. Enemy machine-gun fire was heavy but attempts by the SS troops to infiltrate during the night of 1/2 October 1944 were beaten off. With the 1st Battalion, Scots Guards having been badly knocked about, 5th Battalion, Grenadier Guards were ordered to storm Mt Catarelto on 2 October 1944. The attack was delivered in thick mist and blinding rain, and although the attacking troops got within 50 yards of the crest, the Germans refused to be dislodged. Twice the leading Company attempted to storm the crest, and twice they were beaten off. The thick

Above: The graphic showing the basic organisation of 12 SA Motorised Brigade

mist greatly restricted supporting fire, and it was decided to call off the attack pending an improvement in the weather.

Plans were made to resume the assault on 3 October 1944, but during the night of 2/3 October 1944 a Grenadier Guards patrol reached the crest of Catarelto and found that the Germans had withdrawn. The Germans had fallen back along the whole brigade front and 3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards completed the occupation of the Bucciagno Ridge. The German retreat had probably been hastened by the American occupation of Mt Del Galletto four miles north-east of Catarelto. Meanwhile, the 11th South African Armoured Brigade was advancing against Mt Vigese, a dominating feature that towered up on the left flank. On 30 September 1944, the ILH/KimR occupied the village of Camugnano while the 4/13th Frontier Force Rifles on their right flank secured Mt Fontanavidola.

Above: A M4 Sherman bogged down while trying to advance up a mountain

The advance continued on 1 October 1944, and it was confirmed that the enemy was holding Mt Vigese. The RNC was put under 11th South African Armoured Brigade command. On 3 October 1944, “C” and “D”, ILH/KimR passed through the RNC and advanced against the southern spurs of Mt Vigese. “D” Company, ILH/KimR took Cardeda after a brisk engagement and then occupied Torlai. The night was wet and dark, and at 23:30 the platoon in Torlai was heavily attacked. The infantrymen fought until their ammunition ran out and then executed an extremely skilful and orderly withdrawal. Further enemy attacks were broken up by artillery fire. Attempts by “D” Company, ILH/KimR to retake Torlai on 4 October 1944, were unsuccessful and the enemy’s mortar and rocket fire inflicted many casualties. The blast effect of the rocket projectiles was devastating. SSB tanks, trying to assist “D” Company, ILH/KimR lost tracks or bellied in mud. On the night of 4 October 1944, No. 1 Platoon of “D” Company, ILH/KimR again attacked Torlai and after fierce house-to-house fighting cleared the village.

At 02:00 the Germans launched a counterattack in force and desperate fighting followed. The enemy approached Cardeda but our fire was so heavy that he did not press the attack. The 4/22 Field Regiment, SAA bombarded Torlai with good effect and the battle died down at 05:00. A patrol sent out that morning established that the enemy was still holding Torlai. The events of the previous two days had shown the futility of attempting to hold Torlai with small pockets. At last light on 5 October 1944, “A” and “B” Companies, ILH/KimR concentrated at Greglio with “C” Company, ILH/KimR some 1200 yards in rear. “A” Company, ILH/KimR was ordered to take the summit of Mt Vigese and establish a platoon on a position overlooking the neck. “B” Company, ILH/KimR was to take Vigo and “C” Company, ILH/KimR to exploit. “A” Company, ILH/KimR moved off at dawn on 6 October 1944, and a platoon made straight for the summit of Mt Vigese. It was a silent attack without artillery preparation. Advancing up the steep slopes in thick mist the platoon fell upon a German position near the summit and took it completely by surprise. Nine prisoners were taken, including the captain responsible for the Vigese-Vigo area.

A second “A” Company platoon after a sharp fight, captured a machine-gun post halfway down the slope and the Company took up positions overlooking the neck Montevolo and Vigese. Meanwhile, “B” Company, ILH/KimR captured Vigo after calling for artillery support. The Germans in Torlai, finding their retreat threatened, evacuated the village under cover of heavy rain and mist. Patrols on 7 October 1944, found evidence of a considerable withdrawal. The Montevolo massif was clear and Collin and Camplo had been abandoned.

Above: M4 Sherman Firefly waiting to advance while the infantry delt with a snipe some ware up the road The successful RNC attack no doubt influenced this withdrawal, but the enemy probably wished to shorten his front in view of the heavy American pressure up Highway 65.

The 6th South African Armoured Division intentions for 7 October 1944, stated that the 11th South African Armoured Brigade would advance along the high ground through Prada to Mt Stanco. East of the River Setta the US II Corps had secured an outstanding success by the capture of Monzuno on 5 October 1944. It was intended to pass the 24th Guards Brigade through the Monzuno area to launch an assault on Mt Sole. Such an attack, if successful might have compelled the Germans to abandon the whole Stanco-Salvaro feature would have contributed to a decisive break-through to Bologna. Unhappily this movement of the 24th Guards Brigade was cancelled, because of the setback to the 11th South African Armoured Brigade at Mt Stanco. Brig. J.P.A. Furstenberg decided that the 4/13th Frontier Force Rifles should concentrate at first light on 7 October 1944, in the Camugnano area. The battalion was then to pass through the ILH/KimR, occupy Prada, and capture Mt Stanco. Thereafter it was to exploit to Mt Salvaro. The 4/13th Frontier Force Rifles were faced with a difficult task, which involved concentrating in the dark and marching along un-scouted tracks and through thick mud for 6000 yards to the ILH/KimR positions. Nevertheless the 4/13th Frontier Force Rifles, after an arduous march and some sharp skirmishes, occupied Mt Stanco by dusk on 7 October 1944.

German snipers were a constant problem and the most effective way of dealing with one was to deploy a sniper to take him out

The weather deteriorated during the day and no jeeps were able to get as far as Mt Stanco. “A” Company did not come up until 20:00, after marching continuously for 14 hours. At dawn on 8 October 1944, heavy firing broke out around the mountain, and intense mortar fire out off the forward Companies from reinforcements in Prada. The forward observation officer’s jeep and wireless set had been bogged down en route to the mountain, and it was deemed imprudent to give the 4/13th Frontier Force Rifles artillery support by blind firing. After two hours fierce fighting the Indians’ ammunition ran out. Mules bringing up more ammunition were dispersed by shellfire and the mountain was abandoned.

On 8 October, divisional orders announced that the line would be held on a four-Brigade front, and for this purpose the 12th South African Motorized Infantry Brigade was moved up to hold the Mt Vigese-Montevolo area. The 11th South African Armoured Brigade was told to take Mt Stanco and exploit to Mt Salvaro. Brig. J.P.A. Furstenberg now ordered the RNC to secure Mt Stanco and it was decided to attack on a two-company front – “D” on the right and “B” on the left.


Above: A M4 Sherman with 76mm main gun moving up the road

Advancing at dawn on 10 October 1944, “B” and “D” Companies, RNC made rapid progress, and captured their objectives by 06:40. At 08:40 the enemy was reported to be forming up for a counterattack, and the whole of the divisional artillery, augmented by the 4.2” mortars of the RDLI (Royal Durban Light Infantry), brought down their curtain of fire.

Communications with the guns were not good, and the enemy succeeded in crossing open ground and reaching the bushes on the northern slopes of Mt Stanco. At 10:05 the SS troops put in a sharp attack and after overrunning the right-hand platoon of “D” Company, RNC captured Forlino. “C” Company, RNC was sent up to recover Forlino, and came under very heavy fire in doing so. After mid-day the enemy’s main attack, estimated at two companies strong, came in from the south-west, taking advantage of a gully. Confused fighting developed and Forward Observation Officers declared that they could not engage without endangering their own troops. “B” Company’s left flank was threatened, and the “A” Company Commander ordered both “B” and “D” Companies to withdraw. They did so in good order covered by “C” Company.

Maj. Gen W.H.E. Poole then decided to pause and prepare a divisional attack for the third battle of Stanco, to be led by the 12th South African Motorised Brigade with 11th South African Armoured Brigade and 24th Guards Brigade in support.

“B” and “D” Companies, RDLI and a platoon of “C” Company, RDLI were put under 12th South African Motorised Brigade Command. On 9 October 1944, the 5th Battalion, Grenadier Guards took

over the Montorio Ridge from the Americans and on 10 October the 3rd Battalion, Coldstream Guards advanced their line forward of Cisalpina to protect the right flank of the RNC. The task of the 12th South African Motorised Brigade was to take Mt Stanco and then exploit northeast along the ridge towards Mt Salvaro. 11th South African Armoured Brigade was to protect the left flank, while 24th Guards Brigade was to stage a demonstration. The attack was to be supported by all available artillery. Brig. R.J. Palmer decided to assault Stanco on a two-battalion front, with WR/DLR on the left, and FC/CTH on the right. The WR/DLR was to capture the summit of the mountain, while the objective of the FC/CTH was Point 650 on the eastern spur of Mt Stanco. At 04h30 on 13 October 1944, the 24th Guards Brigade staged a diversion by attacking Grizzana station. They were supported by a dummy barrage. At 05:00 a terrific artillery bombardment came down on Stanco, thus heralding the largest set-piece attack in which South African troops had taken part in Italy. The 4.2” mortars and medium machine-guns of the RDLI added their weight to the divisional artillery, which fired over 10000 shells at the Germans. Two American Medium Regiments and three American Heavy Guns took part in the bombardment. The attack was supported by 139 guns and the German artillery didn’t remain silent as “A” Company, WR/DLR were heavily shelled on their starting line. Nevertheless, the WR/DLR pushed forward with determination. At 05h59 a platoon of “A” Company, WR/DLR reported they had reached the summit of the mountain. The enemy’s machine-gun and mortar fire were very severe, and the Germans clung stubbornly to positions near Stanco village, and in Casa Forlino. The artillery and 4.2” mortars continued to assist the infantry by firing concentrations as called for by the assaulting troops, and “A” and “C” Companies, WR/DLR captured their objectives by 10h20.

Above: The crew of a M4 Sherman 76mm in relaxed mode showing their unique style of overalls

FC/CTH found the opposition more stubborn, and the battalion suffered heavily from very accurate machine-gun fire. Three successive attacks on Point 650 were repulsed. At 11h45 “D” Company, FC/CTH was instructed to take Point 650 “At All Costs”. Twice the enemy attempted to form up for counterattacks, but these efforts were crushed by artillery and mortar fire. By mid-afternoon the mortaring and shelling died down, and the 12th South African Motorised Brigade was secure on Mt Stanco.

On 15 October 1944, “C” Company, RNC reached the crest of Point 689 without opposition, apart from mortar and artillery fire. Patrols were sent out, and it soon became clear that a serious action would be required to clear the enemy from Mt Pezza and the massive spur jutting out on the west of the mountain. The 24th Guards Brigade moved forward to conform with Brig. R.J. Palmer’s advance, and the 1st Battalion, Scots Guards occupied Veggio on 15 October 1944. This advance was of the first importance as it opened the road from Castiglione to Grizzana and so did much to ease 12th South African Motorised Infantry Brigades communications. Engineers of 12th Field Squadron, SAEC and 42nd Field Company, RE laboured on the road and by the afternoon opened it for the jeeps. The supply line, however, was completely overlooked from the German positions on Salvaro.

Brig. R.J. Palmer decided to attack Mt Pezza with two battalions supported by troops of “B” Squadron, PAG, who had been able to get their tanks up to the Grizzana area. On the afternoon of 17 October 1944, the RNC attacked Mt Pezza and the FC/CTH assaulted the western spur. The attack was supported by the 7/23 Medium Regiment, SAHA, 1/6 Field Regiment, SAA and and RDLI. PAG Tanks made a feint down the Carviano road and drew off much of the enemy’s fire. Nevertheless, the German mortaring and shelling were very heavy, but both battalions took their objectives. During the night of 17/18 October 1944 divisional artillery and mortars brought down defensive fire and frustrated German counterattack plans.

Above: A M4 Sherman 76mm would replace the older 75mm tanks

On the map Mt Salvaro looked much like a figure 8, with broad northern and southern sections and a narrow waist. Point 806 is the southern section and Point 826 in the northern section. The WR/DLR were ordered to capture Point 806 and then exploit to Point 826. The battalion concentrated on Mt Pezza in thick mist on 18 October 1944. It was arranged for the 24th Guards Brigade to attack Mt Alcino on 19 October 1944 in conjunction with the WR/DLR attack. “B” and “D” Companies, WR/DLR crossed their Start Line at 05h45 on 19 October 1944, and found the going steep and difficult. For 15 minutes the advance was made in silence, and accordance with the plan the artillery and mortars did not open fire until 06h00. “D” Company, WR/DLR reached Point 806 by 07h40, opposition being slight. Considerable fighting developed on the western side of Salvaro, and it took three hours to clear the thickly wooded area.

Towards midday the enemy started very heavy shelling and mortaring. During the afternoon the Germans tried to infiltrate between “B” and “D” Companies, WR/DLR, but their attempts to counterattack failed before accurate small arms and mortar fire. It was found that Point 826 was held in strength. Meanwhile the 1st Battalion, Scots Guards had attacked Mt Alcino supported by the fire of “C” Squadron, PR. It was important to secure this feature in order to protect the right flank of the 12th South African Motorised Infantry Brigade. Mt Alcino was a most formidable position, and owing to previous casualties the 1st Battalion, Scots Guards were suffering from an acute shortage of Officers and Platoon Sergeants.

After severe fighting extending over three days the enemy withdrew from the mountain on the evening of 21October 1944.

On 20 October 1944, the Germans launched several counterattacks against the WR/DLR, but the battalion hung on to 806. Accordingly, it was decided to relieve the WR/DLR with the ILH/KimR, who would then undertake the capture of Point 826. The ILH/KimR moved up from 11th South African Armoured Brigades sector on 21 October 1944, and took over on Point 806. The ILH/KimR came under the 12th South African Motorised Infantry Brigade’s command, and the WR/DLR was put under the 11th South African Armoured Brigade’s command.

The flanks of the ILH/KimR were protected by the precipitous slopes of Mt Salvaro, but this meant that the only line of approach for the attack on Point 826 lay along the narrow knife-edge ridge connecting that point with 806. North of Point 806, the ridge narrows and descends to Point 778, some 500 yards ahead. Then the ridge climbs again and four hundred yards further on is Point 826.

The northern slope of Mt Salvaro is also acute, but a low-neck trend away to the north-east and finally connects the Salvaro feature with Mt Sole. On 22 October 1944, visibility was extremely poor, and mist alternated with rain. Patrols were sent out to Point 778, and found the enemy occupying buildings in that area. That afternoon two platoons of the ILH/KimR made a brilliant raid on Point 778, and after a sharp fight took 45 prisoners. Counterattacks from Point 826 were beaten off. Prisoners taken on Point 778 came from no less than three battalions, and it appeared that Point 826 was held by a mixed group drawn from German 94 Infanterie Division.

Above: The divisions infantry had to cross the mountains the hard way- on foot

Plans were made for the decisive attack on 23 October 1944. The FC/CTH were holding firm west of Mt Pezza and patrolling vigorously in that area. The RNC were in rear of the ILH/KimR and when the latter battalion attacked, were instructed to take over Point 806. “B” Squadron, PAG was allotted harassing fire tasks. The attack was to receive unprecedented artillery support. As soon as the ILH/KimR had captured Point 826, the 1st Battalion, Scots Guards were to assault Mt Termina. Lt Col. R. Reeves-Moore decided to attack with “A” and “B” Companies, 1st Battalion, Scots Guards forward, and “C” following in close support. Considerable difficulty was experienced in getting food up to the attacking troops and “A” Company did not receive their evening meal until 01:30 on 23 October 1944, when it was cold and uneatable.

At 05h45 “A” and “B” Companies moved in to the attack, and the artillery let loose their tremendous bombardment. The assaulting troops advanced rapidly, so rapidly indeed that most of the enemy's defensive fire fell behind them. The enemy had returned to Point 778 during the night, and brisk fighting developed among the houses there. The German artillery and mortars now got the range, and heavy casualties were suffered by the attacking troops. Point 778 was finally secured at 07h15.

Above: Once the advance stopped the infantry could dig in and prepare shelters against the rain and snow “A” and “B” Companies pressed on, but were met by intense machine-gun fire from houses some 200 yards beyond the neck. “C” Company moved up in close support, and “D” Company took over on Point 806. A period of stalemate followed, during which the mortaring on both sides was terrific. Finally, “B” Company’s right hand platoon succeeded in enfilading this position, while the centre platoon of “B” Company made a front attack. The enemy withdrew at 11:30.

Under the cover of mist, the leading troops worked their way forward up the southern slopes of 826. Suddenly the mist lifted, and they had to withdraw to cover under violent Spandau fire. Firepower was needed, and it was decided that after 40 minutes mortaring, the artillery would put down a fiveminute barrage, and then “A”, “B” and “C” Companies would charge the objective. Advantage was taken of the pause to bring up more ammunition and grenades a difficult task in the face of the enemy’s persistent and accurate shelling. As soon as the artillery ceased fire the attack went in. The enemy was outfought and outmanoeuvred and surrendered right and left. Positions were rapidly dug-in and consolidated in all-round defences and prepared for counterattacks. Other attempts to counterattack were smothered by artillery fire. Fortunately, the battalion had consolidated well-down the slopes of 826, and the enemy’s artillery concentrated on the summit itself.

Spasmodic shelling and mortaring continued throughout the night. The evacuation of casualties was a heart-breaking task, and many had to be left on the mountain in the cold and rain. The 1st Battalion, Scots Guards attacked Mt Termine on the afternoon of 23 October 1944, but the attack was called off when an extensive minefield was discovered. The enemy abandoned the ridge that night, and it was subsequently found that none of the mines were armed. The capture of Point 826 marked the end of the most desperate close quarter fighting of the campaign - at least as far as South African troops were concerned. Mt Salvaro was the highest and most dominating ground between Mt Vigese and Bologna, and its occupation was essential to a further advance along the Reno or Setta valleys. Its conquest was a great tactical achievement, and although casualties had not been light, those of the enemy were far heavier. Indeed the 12th South African Motorised Infantry Brigade operations from Stanco to Salvaro were remarkable for the fact that ground which greatly favoured the defence was torn from a stubborn and skilful enemy, without his being able to exact a proportionate penalty in casualties. The artillery fired 7369 rounds in support of the attack on Point 826 and RDLI mortars expended 1753 bombs. The 6th South African Armoured Division received no air support during these operations and success was due to the skilful handling of very powerful artillery, coupled with the self-sacrifice and sound tactics of the assaulting infantry.

After this battle, the 6th South African Armoured Division was withdrawn for rest and maintenance. It was re-assigned from US IV Corps to direct command by the US Fifth Army to enable US Fifth Army Commander Lt Gen M.W. Clark to coordinate the 6th South African Armoured Division’s advance more closely with that of the US II Corps. The 6th South African Armoured Division’s major task became that of thrusting north towards Bologna covering the flank of the US 34th Infantry Division.

Above: Infantry on the charge!

Combat Command “B” was to advance on Route 64, the 24th Guards Brigade along the Setta Valley road, with 11th South African Armoured Brigade and 12th South African Motorised Infantry Brigade covering the high ground between the two. Opposing the advance was the 16 SS-Panzergrenadier Division.

By 25 October 1944, the 6th South African Armoured Division had waded the Setta Creek and taken Hill 501 below Mt Sole, but the 24th Guards Brigade attack on Mount Sole was halted by torrential rains. The following day the continuing rains had turned to floods, isolating the 6th South African Armoured Division elements on Hill 501 and suspending all air support from the US XXII Tactical Air Command. Mt Sole was not attacked again and the 6th South African Armoured Division was returned to the US IV Corps command on November 4th, 1944, and was given instructions for holding the front. The 24th Guards Brigade held the right flank, the 12th South African Motorised Infantry Brigade the centre, and 11th South African Armoured Brigade the left. Aggressive patrolling was ordered with a view to an eventual attack on Mt Sole.

On 5 November 1944, the first frost occurred. Most of the men had now received battle dress but not a few individuals were still without it. Winter equipment, including rubber boots and leather jerkins, began to arrive. Each Battalion worked out a scheme for resting the troops. The plan generally favoured was to hold the line with three companies forward, and give one company a fire day rest. Leave started, and as Florence and Pistoia were virtually American cities, Prato became the 6th South African Armoured Divisional leave centre.

Above: Infantry cleaning their weapons during a lull in the fighting

The Union Defence Force Institute established an Outspan club in Castiglione and arranged cinema shows and concert parties. Supply problems were acute on the ice-coated roadsand in the perpetual rain. Hitherto the division had been assisted by the 10th Pack Transport Company, whose muleteers were Italians. The Commander “Q” Service Corps formed 6th South African Armoured Division Mule Pack Detachment, whose muleteers were mostly Cape Corps men released by the “Q” Service Corps Companies.

Reinforcements arrived and personnel from the 43rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, SAAF were absorbed into Infantry Battalions. Throughout November the 6th South African Armoured Division patrols continued to operate well-forward. A number of clashes occurred, but 60% of the patrols had nothing to report. Ammunition supply was restricted, but the artillery took advantage of suitable targets. The guns also shot off a good many propaganda shells. The German artillery caused few casualties, but considerable annoyance and used a number of rocket projectiles, which had terrific blast effect. Even the Luftwaffe put in an occasional appearance during the full moon, and one raid on Castiglione caused 12 casualties. Detailed plans were worked out for the attack on Mt Sole. The task was entrusted to the 24th Guards Brigade and on 1 December 1944, 5th Battalion, Grenadier Guards began a series of attacks designed to secure the outworks of the Sole - Caprara massif. The operations met with little success. The enemy’s positions were very strong, his mortar and machine-gun fire was heavy, and the ground was held by 16 SS Panzergrenadier Division. The 4/13th Frontier Force Rifles were put under the 24th Guards Brigade and relieved the 5th Battalion, Grenadier Guards. The 5th Battalion, Grenadier Guards opened its attack on 8 December 1944, and stubborn fighting continued throughout the week. The 4/13th Frontier Force Rifles gained some ground, and the divisional artillery gave support. But the German counterattacks were very determined, and his artillery fire extremely heavy. On 15 December 1944, the 4/13th Frontier Force Rifles withdrew to their original positions, and the fighting died down on the slopes of Mt Sole. Snow

fell on 21 December 1944, and on 28 December 1944, the capture of Mt Sole was indefinitely postponed.

Above: The Infantry had to do all the hose-clearing, very dangerous with the constant threat of German snipers From now on administration became the chief problem of the 6th South African Armoured Division. By 10 January 1945, the snow on Point 826 was thigh deep, and the temperature had dropped to 20 degrees below freezing. Snowploughs and bulldozers were called on to clear the roads, and pioneer companies and troops laboured to chip the ice off road surfaces. The recovery sections were particularly busy, and on 31 January 1945, Light Recovery Section recovered 547 vehicles, and back-loaded 144. Tanks were incapable of moving unaided on the iced roads, and 30th Heavy Recovery Section was called on to assist them.

Above: Some infantry crossing a snow covered mountain

Winter clothing came forward in good quantities, including snow-shoes and white snowsuits with hoods for use on patrol. Hot baths were provided by the mobile bath units. As in the 12th South African Motorised Infantry Brigade position at St. Ella, mules and porters had to be used to get rations up to the forward positions. The food, although mostly tinned, was good and was carried up to forward companies in hotboxes. Skiing and tobogganing were popular recreations, but on 28 January 1945, rain fell and the temperature rose sharply. Then came the thaw, adding greatly to the general inconvenience. Dugouts filled up with water and mud and slush made many men wish that winter would return.

The health of the troops remained good in these conditions, although there were many cases of trench foot. Some blamed the boots, other considered that foot-discipline was a fault. The front remained static, but patrolling in the bitter cold of January was a grim ordeal. Leaky boots and lack of waterproof trousers added to the difficulties of moving across naked snow on clear nights. One WR/DLR patrol took seven hours to cover a mile across snow and ice. The 6th South African Armoured Division passed under command of the US II Corps on 15 January 1945. This Corps instructed the 6th South African Armoured Division to take a prisoner every three days. Battalions were required to make raids 30 to 50 strong to secure identifications. On the night of 3 February 1945, the WR/DLR had a sharp clash with a German party near Salvaro church, and secured a badly-wounded prisoner. By 10 February 1945, adequate identifications had been obtained of the enemy on the 6th South African Armoured Division front. Deserters began to come in daily, and there was no longer any necessity for raids.

Credits: J.C. von Winterbach, Scott Sutherland, Mike Bersiks, Rex Barret and Barry Cooper, W.S. Marshall.



Compiled and edited by Walter


[Source: 408; translated from Afrikaans]

Due to the close association between the SACS and the Royal Corps of Signals, especially during its formative years, right up to 1961 when the Union of South Africa became a republic, a brief overview of the role of signals in the British context is appropriate.

The Royal Engineers is one of the ancestors of the Corps of Signals in the British Commonwealth. They trace their origins back to the time of William the Conqueror (1066) and without doubt existed back to the early 15th century under the Master of the Royal Works (Cannon and Shot) as the Royal Apprentice. During the 16th century, beacons were used, and, in 1796, the Admiralty adopted a shutter-type machine, known as the 'Murray Lettering Telegraph'. Morse Code and the electric telegraph were used for the first time in the Crimean War (1835-1837). Shortly after this war, the Royal Corps of Engineers officially took over responsibility for telegraphic services.

Abyssinian War

In 1867 with the Abyssinian War against Theodore, the Corps of Engineers was again in action under Lord Napier. Lieutenant St John was in command of the 60 telegraphists of the expedition and they successfully provided and maintained communications right up to the stage when the mighty rock fortress of Magdala was forced into submission.

First British Signals Organisation

The first know British signals organisation was established in 1870 at Chatham, when first a section of the Royal Engineers and later also the 22nd Company were detached to the General Post Office to assist with telegraphic work. In 1871 the 34th Company was detached in the same way. These units were the precursors of the 2nd Division Telegraph Battalion – later to become K Company of the Royal Engineers, who were in command of all General Post Office telephone construction and maintenance South of the river Thames, until they were transferred to Ireland many years later.

In 1870 the very first military Field Telegraph was founded as well. They were named C Troop, and were part of the Royal Engineers’ train. This Troop was the direct ancestor of the Royal Corps of Signals. It consisted of 2 officers and 163 men, with 24 vehicles of which 12 were wire carriages –that is four wheeled vehicles, each with 6 half-mile drums of heavy 3-wire insulated cable. There

were also 4 office wagons equipped with instruments. Twenty drivers were trained and equipped as signallers on horseback. They utilised iron telegraph poles for road crossings.

In the years 1871 to 1873 this Troop participated in the first large scale manoeuvres of the British army. In the annals of C Troop the following inscription appears:

“Lieutenant Jelf is removed from the Troop’s strength as a result of his being appointed as Adjutant. He is replaced by Lieutenant Kitchener.”

This same Lt Kitchener later gained fame as Lord Kitchener of Khartoum and his name is also well known in the annals of South African history, especially as Commander in Chief of the British forces during the Anglo-Boer war of 1899-1902, and chief architect of the Blockhouse and notorious Concentration Camp systems.

Signallers in Africa

It is certainly most interesting to note how, soon after its reorganisation, the British Signals Service – the ancestor of the SA Corps of Signals – experienced its formative years in specifically in Africa.

In 1873-4 with the First Ashanti War, the 22nd and 34th Companies provided telegraph communications in West Africa. The terrain was thickly wooded, the climate extremely unhealthy and the weather inclement, consisting of thunderstorms followed by heavy downpours. Transport was scarce and the telegraph poles needed to be chopped out of the adjacent woods. In spite of these limitations, some 55 miles of wire were laid, and the communications were maintained right up to the surrender of the Kumassi.

During the years 1873 to 1879 overhead line equipment and a drill for the laying of overhead line equipment were developed.

In 1879 the Anglo-Zulu War against Cetswayo broke out. Once again C Troop provided the communications. Corporals Strad and Dawson laid overhead lines and cables over vast distances. These two brave signallers gained recognition by crossing a swollen river in full flood on horseback in order to repair a downed line. Die famous battle of Rorke’s Drift was soon followed by the relief of Eshowe, and throughout this time long distance communications links were made possible through an enhanced heliograph system which had been designed by Lieutenant Haynes.

Fort Durnford Signal Station


In the recent critical situation of Colonel Pearson's force shut up at Ekowe, till it was relieved by Lord Chelmsford's advance from the Tugela, on the 4th inst., messages were sent to and fro, across the enemy's country, a distance of twenty-five miles in a straight line, by means of the heliograph, or sun-flashing telegraph, which is the subject of one of our Illustrations. This apparatus has likewise been used for military purposes in the late campaign in Afghanistan, which was, to the best of our knowledge, the first example of its practical application to modern actual warfare. But the idea has long been familiar to our military engineers; and at a meeting of the Royal United Service Institution, on June 14, 1875, when Admiral Sr. Henry Codrington presided, an interesting lecture upon this subject was delivered by Mr. Samuel Goode, which is printed in the quarterly Journal of that Institution, No. LXXXIII.

We take leave here to borrow from Mr. Goode's lecture so much as is needful for our readers to comprehend the nature and merits of this useful contrivance. The inventor is Mr. Henry C. Mance, of the Government Persian Gulf Telegraph Department, who in 1869, being then on the service in the Bombay Presidency, submitted it to the consideration of the General Government of India. It was referred to the Commander-in-Chief in India, and a report from the Quartermaster-General, in 1873, bore testimony to its great utility, stating that the signals conveyed by such means, using Morse's telegraphic combination of dots and dashes to represent the different letters of the alphabet, were found "perfectly clear, and could easily be read, in ordinary weather, at a distance of fifty miles, without a telescope."

The heliograph consists of a mirror mounted on a suitable stand, with adjustments to revolve and incline it so that the sun's rays can be reflected with ease and precision in any required direction. The horizontal movement is obtained by a tangent-screw in contact with a wheel, on the axle of

which is also a revolving plate carrying the mirror; the vertical inclination is altered by screwing a steel-rod through a nut attached to the top of the mirror. Both adjustments are so constructed as to admit of the reflection being thrown at first approximately true, then absolutely so, and so kept, notwithstanding the ever-changing position of the sun.

By pressing the tangent-screw outwards it is removed from contact with the wheel; the plate is then revolved freely by the hand to the required place. The rod attached to the top of the mirror slides into a cylindrical handle at the back until the desired elevation is attained; it is then clamped, and by a slight movement of the tangent-screw or the rod the lateral or vertical inclination of the mirror can be adjusted with the utmost nicety. The cylindrical handle is connected by a ball-socket-joint with a lever attached to the revolving plate, so that the lever handle and rod together forma finger key. The depression of this key slightly alters the inclination of the mirror, which is restored on the pressure being removed by a spring beneath the lever. Thus, by the action of the finger-key the reflection of the mirror can be thrown on and off any given spot, and by varying the duration of the pressure the flashes are made long or short.

By combining these long and short flashes, which are equivalent to the dashes and dots of the Morse Code, the letters of the alphabet are indicated, and the transmission of verbal messages is made possible. Good signallers can send them at the rate of twelve or fifteen words per minute. In order to ensure the flash being directed truly, a small portion of quicksilver is removed from the centre of the mirror, giving it the appearance of having a hole in it. Through this a signaller looks towards the station with which he wishes to communicate, while a sighting-rod is set up about ten yards before him in a true line with it.

A metal stud, answering to the sight of a rifle, is then slid upwards or downwards on the rod until the centre of the mirror, the stud, and the distant station are truly aligned. This done, however much the mirror is revolved, the alignment is never disturbed, inasmuch as the centre, being the axis on which it moves, is stationary. It follows, as a matter of course, that when the flash from the mirror is thrown on the stud it is in a right line with, and is visible from, the station beyond at which it is directed. The signaller has therefore only to take care that the flash rises to the stud every time the finger-key is depressed.

The observer has merely to look towards the signalling station, when a succession of bright star like appearances meets his gaze, which he can readily interpret into words. On the sighting-rod slides also a short cross bar. It is placed at the same distance beneath the stud as the pressure of the finger-key rises the flash on the rod, and so that, when the mirror is at rest, the flash falls on the bar, its centre coinciding with the point of intersection. As the position of the sun alters, the flash would gradually move from this central position, to which it must be preserved by a slight turn at intervals of the tangent-screw and vertical adjustments. The rod thus serves as an object on

which to throw the flash, and thus for ascertaining its whereabouts; it also affords a means of directing the flash truly. Both rod and bar are usually made of white wood, the reflection being more visible on a white than on a dark substance.

It is evident that if it were required to send the flash in a direction precisely opposite to the sun, a difficulty would arise, but this is easily obviated by employing a second instrument, its function being to reflect the rays back into the first, which then flashes them to the required spot with as much ease as if no intermediary had been employed. Another apparent difficulty - that of making a true alignment with a station twenty or fifty miles off - has in reality no existence. It is easy to attract the attention of a lookout, however distant; he responds with a rightly-directed directed flash from his instrument and at that starlike appearance the original signaller aims with as much ease as he would at the moon.

It may be added that, as the vertical adjustment forms part of the finger-key, the movement necessary to obviate the changing position of the sun can be made while in the act of signalling, one hand being also at liberty to control the tangent-screw.

The heliostat, which has been in use more than half a century for the trigonometrical survey of the United Kingdom by the Ordnance Department, is an apparatus by which a plain mirror, employed as a reflector, may be adjusted to any position with the utmost nicety; and, by the aid of a theodolite, in expert hands, or of a certain arrangement of telescopes, its reflected flash of light can be directed with the utmost precision, and with complete steadiness, to a point sixty or even a hundred miles distant. In the triangle of survey measurements formed between Scawfell in Cumberland, Slievedonard in Ireland, and Snowdon in Wales, the three sides are respectively 111 miles, 108 miles and 102 miles in length.

Before this application of sun-flashes to connect distant points of survey, for the purpose of fixing their relative bearings, which was introduced by Colonel Colby, R.E., in 1823, the limelight had been used by Captain Drummond, R.E., and had been found tolerably efficacious, in one instance as far as sixty-six miles, from a mountain in Donegal to a height near Belfast. The heliostat, of which an improved modification was produced by Captain Drummond, and another by Professor Gauss, in Hanover, is an instrument of much greater power.

It is not, however, a talking instrument; and it had been in use nearly half a century when the happy thought occurred to Mr. Mance of converting rays of light, which had previously been regarded in a signalling sense as entirely passive, into active speaking agents. This he did by adapting to a mirror, mounted somewhat similarly to the old heliostat, a means of imparting to the reflections the character of pulsations of varied duration, in accordance with the Morse code. In fact, by furnishing his instrument with a finger-key, he gave it a tongue capable of distinct and effective utterance; he also found it a language in which to speak the Morse code.

The telegraphic system of signals for expressing the alphabetic letters, and thereby spelling words, employed with the electric telegraph according to Mr. Morse's system has often been described. A short stroke, usually called a "dot" though its shape is really oblong, and a long stroke, or "dash," combined in various order of succession, like the few counters used for marking at whist, will indicate every letter, without using in any case more than four signals; as, for example, k is represented by dash, dot, dash; 1, by dot, dash, dot, dot; m, by two dashes; n, by dash, dot; o, by three dashes; p, by dot, dash, dash, dot; also e, by a single dot; and t, by a single dash.

This is common and familiar telegraphic shorthand writing; and it can be executed as readily by Mance's heliographic reflector of light, as by the transmission and regulated interruption of the electric current through a wire. Apart from the communication of alphabetic symbols – that is to say, for spelling described in the discussion at the United Service Institution, and which seems to have some advantages. One of our correspondents with the army in Afghanistan has heard a favourable report of the performance of the heliograph in that campaign.

The Mance Heliograph

The Mance heliograph, of which a description and an Engraving appeared in our Journal of April 26, showing its employment by Lord Chelmsford to flash messages to Colonel Pearson when shut up in Ekowe, continues to do good service in South Africa. Sir Garnet Wolseley, in his rapid advance to the theatre of war, was enabled by its agency, on reaching the capital of Natal, to take over the active control of the forces operating far away in Zululand. His Excellency arrived on June 28 at Pietermaritzburg, whence, a few hours later, he could report, "have placed Lord Chelmsford in command of the Second Division and of Wood's forces until I can reach them. Have no difficulty in flashing orders to him."

Ina subsequent despatch, detailing his arrangements after the fall of Ulundi, Sir Garnet Wolseley states that "Heliographs are working perfectly. Stations at Altezeli, Marshall, Evelyn Wood, and Kwamagwasa, and one being established at St Paul's." Many other startling proofs of the usefulness of Mr. Mance's invention have been afforded during the Afghan and Zulu wars and have excited much attention at home. A few days ago, Mr. S. Goode had the honour of showing the heliograph to their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, on board the Royal yacht Osborne, and explaining its application to naval purposes. Princes Edward and George were present and showed much interest in the adaptation of sun-signalling to the dot and dash system, with which their Royal Highnesses were familiar.

Shortly before the prorogation of Parliament, the members of the House of Commons were afforded an opportunity of witnessing the working of the heliograph, Mr. Goode having attended in one of the anterooms of the House on two evenings with that object.

The Royal warrant empowering the Commissioners of the Patriotic Fund to receive and distribute the Zulu War Funds enacts that "the Isandhlwana and Rorke's Drift Fund," and the "Zulu War General Fund," both raised by the Military Committee, and the moneys subsequently raised at the Mansion House, be kept separate and distinct, and that each account shall bear the expense of its own administration by the Commissioners.

Heliographs were extensively used during the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879

During the Transvaal War (or the First Anglo-Boer War) of 1880-81, a further section of C-troop arrived in South Africa. This section constructed an overhead link and repaired existing civilian telegraph services in order to establish communications between Newcastle in Natal and Pretoria in the Transvaal. The British signals element consisted of 2 officers, 52 other ranks, 8 cable wagons, 72 miles of cable, 100 miles of overhead wire and 10 telegraph offices.

The Boer forces were fully aware of the crucial importance that this telegraph line to Durban and the outside world was to their enemies. Although historians are silent on the specific services rendered by the signallers during this war, it is worth repeating the highly irate text from a war correspondent at the scene, shortly after the conclusion of the Battle of Majuba:

"One deed of utter barbarism that the Boers have made themselves guilty of, was when they destroyed a famous accomplishment completed in 1879 – namely the establishment of telegraph links with Europe and the outside world. This feat was accomplished under numerous difficulties such as a lack of skilled labour and good material together with the obstacles associated with the building of lines over rough, mountainous terrain between destructive elements, floods, thunder storms and greedy termites. Not satisfied with merely cutting of the wires which they are entitled

to as one of the warring parties – they also added to this the uprooting the poles (which had been specially imported as there was no indigenous wood that was suitable), burning them or otherwise destroying them. They chopped the wire into pieces and with characteristic light-heartedness they tore it into shreds so that it would never ever be of any use again”.

In 1882 C Troop fought under the command of Maj Mackworth in Egypt. This was the campaign against Arabi Pasha, and the British forces were comprised of two Divisions. The signallers repaired the destroyed telegraph line along the railway line between the base at Ismailia right up to Tel-elKebir. Before the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, C Troop had lain a 2-mile pole route as a command line for the Highlands Brigade. A cable wagon was located with the HQ Staff and a telegraphic office was erected at Tel-el-Kebirstasie. On the 13th September the victory telegramme was sent from there to the Queen and the Prime Minister in England. This was the first telegramme originating from a Field Telegraph Office on the battle field, and it was also the first time that a cable wagon came under fire. The signals element consisted of 7 officers, 184 other ranks, 65 horses, 8 miles of cable and 300 miles of overhead cable. On the 14th September the line reached through to Cairo.

In 1884 during the war against the Mahdi in the Sudan, Section 4 of C Troop was in action with the first Director of Army Telegraphic Services in command. Existing line routes between Wadi Halfo and Korti were utilised, but some 160 miles of new cable still needed to be laid. This included 20 miles of exposed wire, which was just laid on the open ground, as well as a number of under-water crossing of more than 1000 yards in total length across the Nile. The total cable length came to 11 200 miles, with 9 telegraphic offices on the cable circuit. The total value of messages that were transmitted, was R128 000.

In 1884 Section 1 of C Troop laid about 350 miles of improved overhead line in the Bechuanaland Protectorate.

Also in 1884, with the war against Osman Digna, Captain of the Hedendowas in Suakin, Section 1 of C Troop under Major Turner as Director of Telegraphic Services, was once again in action. When the camp was caught by surprise some 6 miles outside Saukin by Osman Digna’s gang, the signallers also had to lend a hand in order to repulse the attack and were soon after their success able to transmit their message of victory to the base. A number of locally recruited signallers were murdered by the Hedendowas after they were taken captive. The Hedendowas forced two pieces of wire through their ears, and forced the poor captured signallers to “speak like the telegraph”.

In 1884, a significant year for the British signals in a few respects, all the different telegraphic services – C Troop, 22 and 34 Companies – were amalgamated into the single Royal Engineers Telegraphic Corps. Their name was later changed to the Telegraph Battalion. Included in this was the 1st Division the Field Service, and the 2nd Division the Civilian Signals Service under the General Post Office.

Second Ashanti Campaign

In 1895-6 with the second Ashanti Campaign in West Africa against King Prempeh, a squad of 32 signallers from the Telegraph Battalion under Captain Curtis was instructed to lay a 72 mile overhead line from the Cape coast castle to Prahsu. This squad of signallers laid their meandering route of cable through the dense jungle forests (there were never more than 3 poles placed in a straight line across the whole route!) and they completed their task in less than a month. After the conquest of Prahsu, two out of every three of the men fell ill with fever. In spite of this setback, the rest continued doggedly on to Kumassi. When they ran out of cable, they very fortunately discovered a number of old drums dating from the 1873 Ashanti campaign – which they promptly pressed into service. A few weeks later, when King Prempeh was sitting on his throne in the ceremonial forest of the Kumassi, surrounded by his noblemen and slaves, three signalmen suddenly appeared out of the surrounding forest. They then confronted King Prempeh who was so surprised by their action then offered the surrender of his Army. They erected a telegraph pole with the white and blue signals flag attached to it, and proceeded to transmit a message through to base that Kumassi had been captured. The Signals Section had reached Kumassi before the fighting troops!

As a result of this incident, King Prempeh’s throne has been given a place of honour in the Royal Signals Museum at Blandford – to ensure that the bravery of these signallers would never be forgotten.

Signalling remained the responsibility of the Telegraph Battalion during the Boer War and until 1908, when the Royal Engineer Signals Service was formed and provided communications during World War One. At this time, the Despatch Rider came into prominence and 'wireless sets' were introduced into service. Wireless communications were provided in France and Flanders and also in the campaigns in Salonika, Palestine and Mesopotamia.

The first official agreement to form a separate Signal Corps was made in 1918, before the end of World War One. Due to various policy delays, the formation of the 'Corps' was delayed until 1920. A Royal Warrant was signed by the Secretary of State for War, the Rt. Hon Winston S Churchill, who gave the Sovereign's approval for the formation of a 'Corps of Signals' on 28th June 1920. Six weeks later, His Majesty the King conferred the title 'Royal Corps of Signals. (To be continued)




Mike Huxtable


According to official records, 2,573 members of the SADF died while on active service. Yet less than a third of them were killed in action. How did the rest die?

In 1957 the New Defence Act, Act No.44 of 1957 was passed, merging the former Union Defence Force (including Reserves), the Citizen Force, Commandos and South African Permanent Force into the South African Defence Force (SADF), headquartered in Pretoria.

The SADF consisted of a permanent Force, a Citizen Force and Commandos. The three arms of the SADF were the Army, Air Force and the Navy. Later a fourth arm, the South African Medical Services, was formed.

In 1968 conscription was introduced when it was decided that all white South African males would be required to do a period of compulsory military service.

Note carefully the use of the word compulsory. It was not a request; it was an instruction, and it was backed up by an act of parliament.

Every white male who was a South Africa citizen or had permanent residence was required to register with the South African Defence Force in the year that he turned sixteen. Conscription was better known as ‘National Service’.

At first it was for a period of nine months and was then extended to a period of 12 months. In 1978 national service was increased to 24 months. In 1989 national service was reduced back to one year.

The SADF was disbanded in 1994 and absorbed into the new South African National Defence Force (SANDF).

While the SADF was never involved in any declared war, they were involved in combat in South West Africa (now Namibia), Angola, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Mozambique, and Zambia.

The undeclared war in South West Africa and Angola became known as the ‘Border War’. It lasted from 26 August 1966 to 21 March 1990. A total of 23 years, six months, three weeks and two days. The SADF took part in no fewer than 52 major operations.

In the 37 years that it existed, a total of 2,573 members of the SADF died while on active service.

Because the SADF was involved in a ‘war’ for 23 years, this is not a high figure. Especially when you compare it to the American casualty figures during the Vietnam War, another undeclared war. The Americans were involved in Vietnam for 20 years. During that time, they suffered 58,318 dead and more than 300,000 wounded. The US had more soldiers killed in action (KIA) in a single year than the SADF had in 23 years.

Even a short war such as the 1982 Falklands War between the United Kingdom and Argentine resulted in the death of 255 British troops and 633 Argentinian troops. And this was in a war that lasted just over two months.

Yet the figure of 2,573 SADF deaths is a misleading one. It would be easy to assume that these people died during the Border War. This, however, is not the case.

In fact, only 791 members of the SADF were killed in action or died as a direct result of combat. That is only 30.7 %. So, what happened to the remaining 69.3 %? How did they die?

The shocking, and sad, fact is that the highest cause of death in the SADF was because of motor vehicle accidents.

A total of 844 members of the SADF lost their lives in accidents involving vehicles, both military and civilian. This equates to 32.8 %. Many troops were killed driving home on a weekend pass, or while returning to their base after a pass.

The driver of a Buffel APC would lose control of the vehicle and it would roll. It was a standing order that troops travelling in the back of the vehicle had to be wearing their seatbelts. Of course, some didn’t and they would pay the consequences.

The next highest cause of death was because of aircraft accidents. These were not because of damage to aircraft during combat, but accidents. Many of these accidents took place during pilot training. 241 people died in aircraft accidents.

A total of 236 SADF members lost their lives in shooting accidents. It was not uncommon for there to be accidental discharges (AD).

In most cases no-one would be injured. This was not, however, always the case. Troops shot either themselves or someone else because of an AD.

Naturally other accidents occurred on a frequent basis. People would be electrocuted, struck by vehicles, fatally injured in falls. More than a few died in parachute accidents. 151 people died because of accidents.

Another cause of death was drowning. This could have been because of trying to cross a river, being caught in a flash flood, or even drowning in the base swimming pool. 97 people died from drowning.

Accidents with explosives resulted in 89 deaths. A mortar bomb falling short during a live fire exercise, troops playing with a hand grenade, and it detonated – these were just some of the causes. A total of 85 people died because of disease or natural causes. These included heart attacks, strokes, asthma attacks and so on.

According to the official records, 24 members of the SADF committed suicide while on active service

Finally, 15 members of the SADF were killed by wild animals. These included crocodiles, hippo, and elephant.

*Authors note: Please note that the figures used in this article are taken from the official figures given. The total number of deaths may have been higher. It also does not take into consideration those wounded, disfigured or permanently disabled. Nor those that suffered from psychological effects.




Nicholas Gotsell | 03 October 2024

Angie Motshekga's failed to provide a report on the state of the defence force, due 17 September SANDF crisis demands immediate action from Defence Minister Motshekga 3 October 2024

Defence Minister Angie Motshekga's failure to provide a report on the state of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) is a clear indication that the Force is in crisis. The report, due on 17 September, has not materialised, and the Auditor-General's recent revelation of significant flaws in the Department of Defence's financial management for 2023/24 further underscores this alarming situation. This raises questions about why Motshekga has not delivered the necessary report. In light of this, the DA has formally written to the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces, Ms. Refilwe Mtsweni-Tsipane, urging the Minister to fulfil her commitment to reporting to the House on why she disputes the DA’s assertion that South Africa’s Defence Force is indeed in crisis. Immediate accountability is essential for safeguarding our national security.

On 3 September, Motshekga had the opportunity to address the National Council of Provinces regarding the SANDF's status. However, when the DA raised concerns during a question-andanswer session, she dismissed their claims as "exaggeration." Nicholas Gotsell MP highlighted findings from a recent oversight visit, revealing that South Africa's Navy has no combat-ready vessels and is hindered by an ineffective Armscor - a claim the Minister refuted.

The Navy's recorded sea hours have drastically declined from 12 000 in 2018/19 to just 2 770 last year. Similarly, the Air Force lacks strategic airlift capacity, and its members’ flying hours have significantly diminished. This lack of resources severely impacts the Air Force's ability to conduct effective maritime territorial patrols, leaving South Africa's borders vulnerable to piracy and poaching, especially given the weakened state of the Navy.

During the session, the Minister acknowledged her department’s financial struggles, stating that they are “constantly engaging with Treasury” and warned, “You have to help us before the system collapse(s) because the level of poor funding is affecting the effectiveness of the defence force.” She conceded that inadequate funding leads to the loss of vital air and sea hours. Despite these alarming realities, it emerged that the Head of the Air Force, Lt. Genl. Wiseman Mbombo, had recently acquired two Audi Q7s at a cost of R3 million, while the SANDF announced the establishment of a “Space Command” that they claim is crucial for advancing multi-domain warfare and ensuring strategic advantage.

In light of these misguided priorities, last week the DA wrote to the Chairperson of the Select Committee on Security and Justice, demanding that the Minister explain the Department’s choices amid budget constraints. Unfortunately, this request went unanswered.

Faced with a defence crisis and the imminent risk of “system collapse,” it is imperative that we demand strong, level-headed leadership, discipline, and austerity. The DA calls on Minister Motshekga to cease wasting taxpayers’ money on unnecessary luxuries and focus on restoring South Africa’s Defence capabilities.

Issued by Nicholas Gotsell, DA Member on the Select Committee on Security and Justice, 3 October 2024



South Africans participated in almost every war theatre during the First and Second World Wars. According to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Casualty Data Base 7 290 (includes 607 unknown) First World War casualties and 9 986 (includes 84 unknown) Second World War casualties are buried in 1 207 cemeteries. In contrast, 2 959 First World War and 2 005 Second World War casualties are commemorated on 48 memorials. This does not include the more than 2 700 South Africans not recently commemorated by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. A new memorial to commemorate these South Africans is being constructed in the Gardens in Cape Town and should be completed by November 2024.

On 3 September 1943 the Allies invaded the Italian mainland, the invasion coinciding with an armistice made with the Italians who then re-entered the war on the Allied side. Following the fall of Rome to the Allies in June 1944, the German retreat became ordered and successive stands were made on a series of defensive lines. In the northern Appenine mountains the last of these, the Gothic Line, was breached by the Allies during the Autumn campaign and the front inched forward as far as Ravenna in the Adratic sector, but with divisions transferred to support the new offensive in France, and the Germans dug in to several key defensive positions, the advance stalled as winter set in. Ravenna was taken by the Canadian Corps at the beginning of December 1944, and the burials in the cemetery there reflect the fighting for the Senio line and the period of relative quiet during the first three months of 1945.

Many of the men buried there were Canadians; one of the last tasks of the Canadian Corps before being moved to north-west Europe was the clearing of the area between Ravenna and the Comacchio lagoon. Others are Indians from the 10th Indian Division, and New Zealanders. The site for the cemetery was selected by the Army in 1945 for burials from the surrounding battlefields. Ravenna War Cemetery contains 955 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, 63 of them unidentified. There are also 33 First World War burials, 30 of them brought in from Gradisca Communal Cemetery in 1973, the others from communal cemeteries at Arzigano, Fano and Monterosso al Mare.

Among those buried in the cemetery are 33 men of the Jewish Infantry Brigade Group, which was formed in September 1944, chiefly by volunteers from Palestine; the burials at Ravenna form the largest concentration of casualties from the Brigade. There is 1 Merchant Seaman whose death is not attributable to war service and 1 French burial. Eleven (ten known and one unknown) South African casualties from World War Two, are buried in this cemetery.

• Kajiado Cemetery - Kenya

This cemetery was begun in June 1915 and used (mainly by No. 3 Base Hospital) until August 1916. After the Armistice seven outlying graves were brought in and it was later used for civilian burials. Kajiado Cemetery contains 26 Commonwealth burials of the First World War. Four South African casualties from World War One, are buried in this cemetery.

• Doingt Communal Cemetery Extension - France

The 5th Australian Division captured Doingt on 5 September 1918, and the village was destroyed in the fighting. In the same month, the 20th, 41st and 55th Casualty Clearing Stations arrived, remaining until October, when the cemetery was closed. It was made in three plots; Plot I contained only Commonwealth graves, Plot II only American, and Plot III the graves of both armies. The American graves were later removed by the American

Graves Registration Services. Doingt Communal Cemetery Extension contains 417 Commonwealth burials of the First World War, 1 being unidentified, and two burials from the Second World War.

The extension was designed by Sir Herbert Baker.

Four South African casualties from World War One, are buried in this cemetery.

• Genech Communal Cemetery - France

• Salerno War Cemetery – Italy

Four South African casualties from World War One, are buried in this cemetery. These graves can be seen in the photo.

On 3 September 1943 the Allies invaded the Italian mainland, the invasion coinciding with an armistice made with the Italians who then reentered the war on the Allied side. Allied objectives were to draw German troops from the Russian front and more particularly from France, where an offensive was planned for the following year. Commonwealth and American forces landed near Salerno on 8-9 September 1943 and there was fierce fighting for some days in the bridgehead that they established. The site for the cemetery was chosen in November 1943 and it contains many burials resulting from the landings and the fighting that followed, but graves were also brought in later from a wide area of south-western Italy. The 59th General Hospital was in the vicinity of Salerno at the end of 1943 and early in 1944.

Salerno War Cemetery contains 1,851 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, which includes 109 that are unidentified. In addition, there are two non-war graves and the grave of a Russian soldier. One casualty of the First World War is also commemorated in the cemetery by special memorial, his grave in a local cemetery having been lost. The cemetery was designed by Louis de Soissons.

Nine South African casualties from World War Two, are buried in this cemetery.


Gerhard van Tonder (UK)


(with extracts from Operation Lighthouse, van Tonder & Wall, self-published, Derby, 2020)

The so-called Pfumo reVanhu arose out of the internal political settlement of 3 March 1978. Also known as Umkonto wa Bantu in Matabeleland, this auxiliary ‘army’ was, on face value, made up of former insurgents who had surrendered under a general amnesty initiated by the interim government.

However, as Operation Favour, a programme that enjoyed part-funding from certain Arab states, gained momentum, it was soon evident that the majority of this new force Security Force Auxiliaries (SFA) was made up of raw recruits.

In February 1978, Special Branch endorsed the concept of surrendered insurgent cadres being employed to “seek out and destroy ZPRA terrorist groups and those ZANLA groups who have not responded to the surrender call”.

ZIPRA guerrillas after the `1979 ceasefire.

However, Special Branch cautioned there was a possibility that this “could become the nucleus of private armies to either [Ndabaningi] Sithole or [Abel]Muzorewa”. Groups could also “degenerate into bandit gangs whose activities became purely criminal”. The prime function of the interim Muzorewa government was “to bring about a ceasefire without prejudice to the security of the State”.

In a propaganda exercise, local Rhodesian media proclaimed the success of Op Favour.

By the mid-1970s, Internal Affairs rural district administrative centres became more and more reliant on some form of armed protection. The need for such protected sub-offices (PSOs) for administration and security purposes was met in the eastern half of the country by the presence of protected villages (PVs), but in Matabeleland, where the movement of people was far less restrictive, strategically situated garrisoned PSOs were the norm.

Chiefs and headmen were moved closer to these PSOs, some by compulsory evacuation and others voluntarily. Only Chief Mabhikwa in Lupane and Chief Menyezwa in Nkai remained near their traditional homes, but both were provided with government-sanctioned auxiliaries and tribal militiamen for protection.

District Commissioners in these areas had to increasingly rely on paramilitary forces, initially their own District Security Assistants (DSAs), and then towards the end of the conflict, auxiliary forces. However, northern Matabeleland would see two distinctly different types of auxiliaries. Within the traditional Ndebele-speaking districts such as Nkai, Lupane and Shangani, auxiliaries were recruited from within their respective communities. They displayed no obvious political loyalties.

On the eastern fringes of the province, bordering Gokwe, the auxiliaries were the SFA of Bishop Muzorewa, deployed during the build up to the internal settlement elections in April 1979. Most regarded them as the armed wing of Muzorewa’s party, the UANC, with the sole mission of ensuring that the bishop would win the election.

ZAPU president Joshua Nkomo inspects his ZIPRA cadres.

This ‘private army’ was almost totally made up of Shona-speaking individuals, an intentional strategy to try to negate the strong ZIPRA influence in the area. They were ill-disciplined and very often violent, dubbed dzagudzagu by the amaNdebele tribespeople, a Shona word meaning ‘without direction’.

Several ZANLA guerrillas of the Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole ZANU faction, who had been trained in Uganda and Libya, joined the SFAs as they found themselves in a position that was dangerous for them. They were thus used as the basis of a new unit within the Rhodesian army, under the command of HQ Special Forces, but funded by the Prime Minister’s Office and

administered by the BSAP Special Branch. The opportunity was used to recruit and train more men from the civilian sector, and all were then deployed as soldiers in the Tribal Trust Lands (TTLs) as an effective means to protect their own homes.

Heavily armed ZANLA guerrillas on the move.

In 1979, the units started being funded by the Ministry of Defence, and towards the end of the bush war, auxiliaries protecting PVs came under the control of District Commissioners. By this time, the numbers in the SFAs had risen sharply to close on 20,000, with the majority showing allegiance to Zimbabwe-Rhodesia prime minister Bishop Abel Muzorewa.

Nick Baalbergen, seconded from Intaf as a platoon commander with the SFA, gives an indepth run-down of the formation and structure of the SFAs, from its origins as a concept with which to bolster rural militia-based security:

The ‘Pfumo reVanhu’ officially had its origins in 1978, but going back even further to 1973, when both the police Special Branch and Intaf had considered the idea of a locally recruited, village-based militia, which would ultimately be responsible for their own security. The District Commissioner Sipolilo, at that time, had gone so far as to draft details of the proposed militia in a paper on the subject. He had also established a small pilot unit, which unfortunately did not succeed.

Early in 1978, the police Special Branch again revived the idea of a villagebased militia, with a pilot scheme being introduced into the Msana TTL, Bindura district. The small contingent first introduced into Msana was comprised of former insurgents and former members of various Rhodesian military and para-military units. All were originally from the Msana area. They were under the leadership of one Comrade Max, widely believed at the time to be a former insurgent he was in fact a former Selous Scout.

This initial core contingent quickly recruited and armed additional members from the local Msana community. By March 1978, they had doubled their initial numbers and were given the responsibility for the security of the Msana TTL. The original concept, having been proven by the success of the pilot scheme, was now being considered for other tribal areas through the country.

These theoretically apolitical new units were named the ‘Interim Government Forces’, a short-lived phase, as political affiliations dominated tribal life. A couple of months later, in June 1978, the Interim Government Forces was renamed the ‘Security Force Auxiliaries’ (SFA), reflecting the reality of many individual units with divergent political affiliations.

Concurrently, the network of protected villages was being dismantled as the tribal population returned to live in their original kraal locations. The Security Force Auxiliaries were made responsible for the security function at local level.

The ‘Security Force Auxiliaries’ then transitioned into the ‘Pfumo reVanhu’ in early 1979.

The composition and recruitment of the Pfumo reVanhu was largely along political lines, individual units being reflective of their political affiliations. The major internal political parties all claimed to have their own politically aligned components within the Pfumo reVanhu.

By 1978, the Rhodesian government saw the value of the unit, which up until this time had deployed in their typical half-civilian, half-uniform gear, and had kept their old Soviet-bloc weapons.

One of the first priorities while deployed, was to see that the April 1979 elections went well. The SFAs had an influence on the outcome of the elections and Muzorewa’s United African National Council (UANC) gained many seats. However, there were claims of irregularities and the war did not appear to be coming to a close, despite the results of the elections in which everybody in the country had participated. The Robert Mugabe faction of ZANLA and Joshua Nkomo’s ZIPRA continued their own war against the new Zimbabwe-Rhodesia government.

SFAs, armed with G3 rifles, on parade.

In August, the SFA Rear HQ was situated at the Imperial Tobacco Company at Msasa for a rear headquarters, and at the same time the AQ staff, MT and the ordnance depot moved to the new site, leaving only the command, operational and liaison staffs at KGVI Barracks.

A central training school was set up at Domboshawa on the north-eastern outskirts of Salisbury to give formal training to all members. Instructors were detached from various arms of service to ensure a high standard of training, drawn from the army, BSAP, Guard Force, air force and Intaf.

Discipline was high on the list of priorities. Standard infantry training was given, and recruitment was aimed at the 18–45 age group. Very few people were found unacceptable for training, although the older recruits sometimes struggled to keep up.

Seventeen different types of courses were run, including Senior Staff Orientation, Liaison Officers, Detachment and Unit Leaders, Junior Leaders, Area Administrators, Trackers, Basic Recruits, Re-training of Detachments, Envoys, Advanced Envoys, Drill and Weapons Instructors, Radio Operators, Basic Administration, Q Accounting, Troop Medical Orderly, Drivers and Intelligence.

The SFAs worked very closely with Intaf and plans were made to put them under command of that ministry. However, the logistics and admin were just too big and, by and large, the SFAs remained with the army.

The creation of the unit was difficult to accept by the European community, who were extremely suspicious of the integrity of the soldiers. However, they were eventually accepted once the units were deployed in their respective areas where they proved that they could do the job on the ground. This fear was eventually allayed when the units achieved successes in the field.

In fact, there is information which indicates that the enemy were also extremely worried that Pfumo reVanhu was being used as a mouthpiece of the government to spread the word of peaceful one-man one-vote elections. A booklet was issued to many soldiers of Pfumo reVanhu, which laid out the message to be given to the people in order to standardise the efforts to gain peace.

Pfumo reVanhu deployed against ZANLA and were often involved in skirmishes that led to casualties on both sides. ZANLA realised that Pfumo reVanhu was a real threat, so went out of their way to try and neutralise the threat by attacking Pfumo reVanhu soldiers whenever they could.

From June to December of 1979, several successful engagements with the enemy had taken place and 66 guerrillas were killed and another 93 captured. SFA losses for this time period were 98 killed in action or vehicle accidents, a further 100 were wounded or injured.

District Commissioner Peter Williams developed a very close and satisfactory working relationship with a formation of SFAs deployed to Mount Darwin. These individuals were largely made up of those who had taken advantage of the amnesty that Operation Favour offered, and therefore of mixed political persuasion and loyalties. He describes this experience:

Operation Favour, which I have previously referred to, commenced in my district, and Security Force Auxiliaries (SFAs), as they had been named, were deployed under their detachment commander Cornatious Mashave into the Chesa African Purchase Area, setting up a base in the keep of an old PV on the road between my PSO at Nyamahoboko and Rushinga.

L–R: Abel Muzorewa, Ndabaningi Sithole, Joshua Nkomo.

They included former terrorists, together with supporters of Muzorewa’s UANC party, and had been trained by personnel seconded from the army, and had been armed with eastern European-bloc weapons. Mashave told me he hoped to reestablish some of the services formerly provided by the Chesa Council, such as clinics and cattle dipping. He also wanted to increase the size of his forces by recruiting locally. He claimed he, and many of his men, were former members of ZANU forces.

JOC Hurricane intended to follow this deployment with one in the Chiswiti TTL. Should the activities of the SFA be successful, and should the re-establishment of councils be achieved, it would be a feather in the cap for the interim government, while also releasing Intaf from some of its security responsibilities.

The training of SFA by the army and my training wing continued at Karanda, northeast of Mount Darwin itself, and I or a DO gave lectures on civil administration and local government. Upon completion of training, the members were deployed to the groups located in Chesa, and in Chiswiti at Kaitano and Mukumbura, the latter right on the Mozambique border.

Following the success of the UANC in the national elections, more of their followers joined the SFA ranks. They were keen to learn but found it difficult to understand the concept of council taxes and the need to pay for services. They had been told by their political leaders these would all be free.

It was in Chiswiti where some success was being achieved in the improvement of schools and clinics, with material that I was able to provide, and with finding staff to run these services for which I arranged payment and materials.

The army drew up scales of pay for members of the SFA and became responsible for their payment. They were issued with a brown uniform [nutria brown] which, I think, was the familiar South African Defence Force fatigues and combat dress. Their weapons, originally of Eastern-bloc origin, were replaced with Western or NATO weapons, mainly G3 7.62mm rifles.

Mt Darwin DC Peter Williams, holding bespoke FN, and Bishop Muzorewa (wearing dog collar) arrives at a protected village.

I attended meetings in Salisbury, one addressed by Prime Minister Muzorewa on our future and the amnesty, and others at Head Office and at JOC Hurricane, regarding the training of SFA and their deployment into PVs as the protection force in place of Guard Force. Whilst the SFA nationally would remain under command of the army, those trained by Intaf at Karanda and deployed into PVs would fall under my command, although the army would be their paymaster. This would require careful management.

Guerrillas loyal to Bishop Muzorewa seek reassurance for their safety.

Intaf had built the PVs and trained a force of DSAs for their protection. Guard Force was then formed to take over. However, the DSAs recruited by Intaf and personnel recruited by Guard Force were apolitical, whereas those being recruited into the ranks of the SFA were UANC supporters, including turned terrorists. I foresaw disciplinary problems.

I had previously met Felix Karikodzi, the area commander of the SFA in the northeast. He was a competent person, well orientated and one with whom I formed a good relationship. He was a former terrorist whose history I did not enquire into. He was assisted in Mount Darwin by Kloppers, a detachment commander.

Together, we set up a procedure whereby sections of twenty SFAs, each with its own commander, would, upon completion of training at Karanda, be deployed to the PVs to take over from Guard Force. At the same time, I would deploy five DSAs under an NCO, who would be in overall command, into these PVs with the SFAs, to man the office and radio communications. I then toured the district with Felix, as I affectionately remember him, where we informed the DSAs and SFAs of their new role.

At Army Headquarters, however, major issues with certain elements of the SFA came to a head in July 1979. These were returned guerrillas still in the operational areas and not any of the largely volunteer SFA members under Intaf’s wing. Combined Operations (Comops) launched Operation Exhibit to address the increasingly volatile situation, stressing the need for “reorientation and retraining” at the SFA Central Training School, Domboshawa. A clear command structure was deemed essential, so an emphasis was placed on senior staff orientation courses before companystrength deployments.

Attention was drawn to “a considerable degree of ill-discipline. . . approximately 80 members of the SFA, nearly all UANC [Muzorewa], are held pending criminal charges”. Incidents of misconduct included rape, murder, theft, indiscriminate discharge of weapons including at vehicles and plots to conduct urban terrorism in Salisbury.

Early on Friday, 20 July, ZANU (Sithole) party offices in Salisbury were raided by elements of Special Branch. There was a simultaneous launch of Operation Exhibit in the Hurricane, Thrasher, Repulse, Grapple and Salops operational areas by the respective JOCs. According to Comops statistics, of the 1,717 targeted dissident SFA members, 1,228 were detained, 274 sent for training, 184 killed and 31 unaccounted for.

In a memorandum to the National JOC on 14 August 1979, following criticism of the wisdom of the operation, the commander of Comops came out in defence of the Op Exhibit outcome. All JOCs had been “clamouring for action to be taken” because of the growing threat to security and law and order from certain elements within the SFA. Inter alia, the commander’s memo stated:

To my knowledge, no objections were raised by SF HQ at the time NATJOC made the decision, or during the planning and orders stage. In fact the distinct impression was gained that they were relieved to have the problem taken out of their hands.

COMOPS intention as to the future of the detained SFAs was that they should be locked up and the keys thrown away for the foreseeable future. Any implication that in following NATJOC’s decision, we acted in a fit of pique and on the spur of the moment locked these people up without worrying about the future is incorrect. These people are a danger to the establishment and in the present security climate it would be folly to release them, the prison population figures notwithstanding. There may be a case, however, for consideration to be given to releasing some of those who are detained merely because they elected not to serve in the SFA and who have no record of criminal activity.

A protected village in the Operation Hurricane area.



Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur: Dr. Wynand Boshoff

VF Plus-LP en provinsiale leier: Noord-Kaap

30 September 2024

Die moord op mnr. Hendrik Venter van Kuruman laat weer die lig val op die oormatige geweld in dié soort misdaad. Die VF Plus se gebede gaan na mnr. Venter se geliefdes uit.

Hoewel Kuruman as ʼn misdaadbrandpunt in die Noord-Kaap bekend is, is plaasaanvalle steeds ʼn seldsame voorval wat skokgolwe deur die gemeenskap stuur – selfs deur die hele provinsie.

Die feit dat mnr. Venter gery het om lone te betaal en dat die kontant daarvoor vermis word, kan tot die gevolgtrekking lei dat die motief vir die aanval ʼn blote rooftog is. Die vraag is waarom dit nodig was om sy lewe te neem.

Indien vier mense ʼn bejaarde van 81 by ʼn hek inwag, kan hulle seker enigiets van hom afneem sonder om hom te vermoor. Mediaberigte noem byvoorbeeld nie dat ʼn vuurwapen vermis word of gebruik is nie.

Die politieke klimaat in die land, aangeblaas deur ʼn eensydige weergawe van die land se geskiedenis, kan met hierdie soort oormatige geweld in verband staan.

Terwyl die VF Plus sy meelewing met mnr. Venter se geliefdes betuig, verdien die polisielede vermelding vir hul flinke optrede om die vermeende moordenaars vinnig aan te keer.

Ongelukkig kom dit eers ná die moord en die VF Plus herinner boere daaraan dat hulle, weens die aard van hul werk, reeds ʼn sagte teiken is. Daarom moet hulle alle moontlike stappe neem om hulself te beveilig.


(Source Facebook Post – Police Legends – Colonel Morganan Munian)

Photograph 01

Standing (l to r): Mark Perumal, unidentified, Nivvi, Nene, Megan Naidoo, Krish Pillay and KM Paul

Seated: Col Lall, Farouk Alli, Pat Moodley, unidentified, Sanjay Rajbally, and Kenson

(Seated - Ground) Max Munian

“The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten” – Calvin Coolidge

“Agnoscere et honorare servientibus” – “to acknowledge and honour those who served”

“Soli Deo Gloria” - “To God Alone Glory”



A military strategy implemented and refined at the beginning of the 20th century in South Africa gave the inspiration of the creation of the British Commandos, forty years later.


The British Commandos were an elite special forces unit formed in June 1940, during World War II, at the behest of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Their primary objective was to conduct raids, sabotage, and intelligence gathering missions behind enemy lines in German-occupied Europe. Birth of the Commandos

After the Dunkirk evacuation, the British military needed a total new approach. Its resident wizard, Field Marshal Sir John Dill, the new Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Colonel Dudley Clarke, was called to devise a scheme. If Dudley Clarke had done nothing else in the war, his final job in London in 1940 would have secured him a place in history. On his return from Ireland, he had been appointed as military assistant to Field Marshal Sir John Dill (1881-1944), was a British Army officer who served as the Chief of the Imperial General Staff (CIGS) during the early years of World War II. He played a crucial role in shaping British military strategy and was a key advisor to Prime Minister

Winston Churchill. Dill and Clarke were old comrades, who had served in Palestine dealing with Arab insurgent tactics.

Now Dill had been put in charge of the country’s military just as it was at its lowest ebb. The army had been defeated first in Norway and then in France and Belgium. The evacuation of troops from Dunkirk might have been more successful than anyone had dared hope, but it had still involved the soldiers fleeing, their guns left behind them on the beach. There was no escaping the reality that the German army was winning battles, and the British army was losing them.

Two days after the retreat from Dunkirk, Dill went to meet some of the soldiers who had escaped. He returned to the War Office troubled. Clarke followed him into his large corner office, the general stood at the window, deep in thought. Eventually Dill returned to his desk and told his aide what was on his mind. The defence of Britain lay now in the hands of the air force and the navy. Unless the Germans attempted an invasion, there was little for the army to do. But his soldiers needed to recover their ‘offensive spirit’ – to get fighting again.

Clarke shared his vision with Dill:

"We can learn from our enemies and adapt their tactics to our own needs. We can create small, mobile units that can strike at the Germans, disrupting their supply lines, communication, and morale. These units can be trained to operate behind enemy lines, using unconventional warfare tactics to weaken the enemy and regain the initiative." Dill listened intently, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he grasped the potential of Clarke's idea. He saw an opportunity to restore the army's offensive spirit, to make the Germans pay for their victories, and to pave the way for future Allied successes.

Lieutenant Colonel Dudley Clark drew inspiration from the Boer commandos' unconventional tactics during the Second Anglo Boer War (1899-1902):

The Boers initially employed conventional military tactics against the British, but after being outgunned and outmanoeuvred, they switched to unconventional tactics during the second phase of the war, including:

• Guerrilla warfare

• Mobility and hit-and-run attacks

• Sabotage and raids

• Intelligence gathering and reconnaissance

These tactics allowed the Boers to exploit the British Army's weaknesses and regain the initiative. They targeted British supply lines, communication, and morale, wearing them down and ultimately leading to a stalemate.

He proposed a plan to create a specialized unit based on the Boer model.

"Let's do it, Dudley," Dill said finally, his voice filled with determination. "Let's create these special units and give them the training and resources they need to take the fight to the enemy."

It was an unorthodox, eye-catching idea, exactly the sort of thing to appeal to the prime minister, Winston Churchill, who had encountered the Boers himself decades earlier. Clarke was ordered to raise a Commando force.

And with that, the British Commandos were born. Clarke's innovative thinking and Dill's leadership set in motion a new era of unconventional warfare, one that would change the course of the war and leave a legacy in the world of special forces and operations.


The commandos were raised from officers and enlisted men in the army who had volunteered for independent mobile operations. There were originally 10 commando units, each just over 500 strong. Each unit consisted of a headquarters group and 10 operational groups called troops. This organization was changed from time to time; by the end of the war, a commando unit consisted of a headquarters group, five assault troops, and a heavy weapons troop. Initially the commandos were not brigaded, and each unit was placed under the direct orders of the War Office. This changed in November 1940, when the commandos were reorganized into the Special Service Brigade under the command of Brig. Gen. Joseph C. Haydon, who laid the foundations formanyof the commandos’ later successes. In 1942 he was succeeded by Col. Robert Laycock, who served as chief of combined operations.

Key characteristics of the British Commandos:

• Elite volunteers: Handpicked from various British military units

• Specialized training: Emphasized unconventional warfare, stealth, and combat skills

• Small units: Typically operated in small teams or "troops"

• Amphibious capabilities: Trained for sea-borne operations and landings

• Autonomous operations: Often worked independently, behind enemy lines

The Commando force would be sent on raids as fast as possible that would:

• Conduct surprise attacks on German-occupied coastal areas

• Use speed and stealth to catch the enemy off guard

• Inflict maximum damage and disruption

• Retreat quickly, avoiding prolonged engagements

Clark's idea that was influenced by the Boer commandos' successful use of:

• Mobility and surprise

• Small, decentralized units

• Guerrilla warfare tactics

• Hit-and-run

This concept laid the groundwork for the formation of the British Commandos and other special forces units, which would go on to play a significant role in World War II. Clark's plan emphasized the importance of adaptability, initiative, and unconventional thinking in modern warfare.

Intensive training

When the Commando units were originally formed in 1940, training was the responsibility of the unit commanding officers. Training was hampered by the general shortage of equipment throughout the British Army at this time, as most arms and equipment had been left behind at Dunkirk.

Commando recruits were trained at special centres in Scotland. The training was rigorous and innovative, reflecting the unconventional nature of their missions. Here are some key aspects of their training:

• Selection: Volunteers were selected based on their physical fitness, initiative, and willingness to take risks.

• Basic Training: Commandos underwent basic military training, with an emphasis on physical conditioning, weapons handling, and combat skills.

• Specialized Training: They received specialized training in:

- Unarmed combat and hand-to-hand fighting

- Demolitions and explosives

- Sabotage and reconnaissance techniques

- Amphibious landings and boat handling

- Parachuting and airborne operations (for some units)

• Live-Fire Exercises: Commandos participated in live-fire exercises to simulate real combat scenarios.

• Obstacle Courses: They navigated challenging obstacle courses to build endurance and agility.

• Survival Skills: Training included survival skills, such as living off the land and evading capture.

• Teamwork: Emphasis was placed on building strong team bonds and developing a sense of camaraderie.

• Mission-Specific Training: Commandos received training tailored to their specific missions, such as raiding, intelligence gathering, or supporting larger military operations. The training was designed to push Commandos to their limits, building their physical and mental toughness, and preparing them for the unconventional nature of their missions.

Commando Operations:

The British Commandos conducted numerous high-profile operations, including:

• Raids on German-occupied Norway and France

• Sabotage of enemy infrastructure and supplies

• Intelligence gathering and reconnaissance

• Support for larger military operations, such as D-Day

Their bravery, skill, and innovative tactics earned the British Commandos a reputation as one of the most effective and feared special forces units of World War II.

The British Commandos conducted numerous raids against German-occupied Europe, demonstrating their innovative tactics and bravery. Here are some notable Commando raids:

• Operation Ambassador (July 1940): A raid on the German-occupied island of Guernsey, testing Commando tactics and gathering intelligence

• Operation Claymore (March 1941): A raid on the Norwegian Lofoten Islands, destroying fish oil factories and capturing German troops

• Operation Archery (December 1941): A raid on the Norwegian island of Vågsøy, targeting German forces and installations

• One of its first raids took place in February 1942. Parachutists captured the Bruneval radar station in northern France before being evacuated by sea

• Operation Chariot (March 1942): A daring raid on the French port of St. Nazaire, destroying the Normandy Dock and crippling German naval capabilities

• Operation Basalt (October 1942): A raid on the Channel Island of Sark, capturing. German troops and gathering intelligence.

• Operation Husky (July 1943): Commandos played a key role in the Allied invasion of Sicily, conducting amphibious landings and securing beachheads

• Operation Avalanche (September 1943): Commandos supported the Allied invasion of Italy, conducting raids and reconnaissance missions

• Operation Overlord (June 1944): Commandos participated in the D-Day landings in Normandy, securing beachheads and conducting reconnaissance

• Operation Flounder (September 1944): A raid on the French coast, targeting German forces and installations

• Operation Roast (April 1945): A raid on the German-occupied Italian town of Comacchio, capturing key infrastructure and personnel.

These raids showcased the Commandos' innovative tactics, bravery, and adaptability, contributing significantly to the Allied war effort.

Propaganda Value

The Commando raids had significant propaganda value for the British government and military. Here are some ways in which they were exploited for propaganda purposes:

• Boosting Morale: The raids were highly publicized in the British media, and they helped to boost morale on the home front. They showed that the British military was still capable of taking the fight to the enemy, even in the darkest days of the war

• Demonstrating British Resolve: The raids demonstrated Britain's determination to continue fighting against Nazi Germany, despite the setbacks and losses suffered in 1940 and 1941

• Highlighting German Vulnerability: The raids highlighted the vulnerability of German-occupied Europe to British military action, and they showed that the Germans were not invincible.

• Creating a Sense of Fear: The raids created a sense of fear among German forces and civilians, who realized that they were not safe from British attack, even in supposedly secure areas

• Promoting the Commando Legend: The raids helped to create a legend around the Commandos, portraying them as daring, elite warriors who could strike at the heart of enemy territory

• Influencing American Opinion: The raids were also used to influence American opinion, demonstrating British military capabilities and willingness to act against the Axis powers

The British government and military exploited the propaganda value of the Commando raids through various means, including:

- Press releases and media coverage

- Radio broadcasts and newsreels

- Posters and leaflets

- Public speeches and statements

Overall, the Commando raids played a significant role in shaping British propaganda efforts during World War II, and they helped to create a sense of hope and determination on the home front.


Following Churchill’s election defeat in July 1945 the Commandos lost their main supporter. The War Office completed a study that concluded large commando forces were not required in the post-war world and the Army Commandos were abolished in 1946. The British Commandos were disbanded in 1946, after the end of World War II. The decision to disband the Commandos was made due to a combination of factors, including:

• Post-war military restructuring: The British military was undergoing significant restructuring and downsizing after the war

• Changing military priorities: The focus shifted from European warfare to colonial policing and early Cold War-era threats.

• Budget constraints: Maintaining a specialized force like the Commandos was expensive

However, the legacy of the Commandos lived on:

• The Special Boat Service (SBS) was formed in 1946, continuing the Commandos' maritime special operations role.

• The British Army Special Air Service (SAS) Regiment was formed in 1947, adopting the Commandos' unconventional warfare tactics.

• The Royal Marines Commandos were re-established in 1948 as a specialized amphibious force.

These units continued to evolve and operate, drawing on the Commandos' pioneering spirit and expertise.

Commando Shoulder


British Commandos wore:

• Green Berets: The iconic green beret was worn by British Commandos as a symbol of their elite status. It was officially recognized as part of their uniform in 1943

• Woollen Caps (Balaclavas): Commandos also wore woollen caps, often rolled up and worn around the neck or pulled over the head for warmth. These caps were practical for cold weather and helped to conceal their identity during covert operations

Additionally, Commandos wore:

• Battle Dress (BD) uniform, which consisted of a jacket and trousers in a khaki or austerity pattern

• Denim overalls for parachuting and other specialized operations

• Leather jackets and trousers for motorcycle and vehicle crews

• Various other specialized clothing and gear depending on their specific role and mission.

British Commandos during World War II used a variety of weapons, including:

• Thompson submachine gun (M1928 and M1)

• Sten submachine gun (Mk II and Mk V)

• Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I rifle

• Bren light machine gun

• Vickers medium machine gun (for some units)

• Webley No. 2 Mk I revolver (sidearm)

• Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife (for close combat)

• Mills No. 36M grenade

• No. 69 grenade (for smoke screening)

• Boys anti-tank rifle (early war)

• PIAT (Projector, Infantry, Anti-Tank) launcher (later war) Commandos also used specialized weapons, such as:

• De Lisle carbine (a suppressed rifle for silent killing), that was designed for stealthy operations, such as:

Behind-enemy-lines missions/ Assassinations

• Welrod pistol (a silenced pistol for covert operations)

• Colt .38 Super pistol (used by some Commando units)

Additionally, Commandos often used captured enemy weapons, such as German MP40 submachine guns and Italian Beretta pistols, due to their reliability and availability.

The British Commandos' weapon choices reflected their emphasis on mobility, surprise, and closequarters combat, as well as their need for versatility and adaptability in various operational environments.


The term "Commando" has its roots in the Afrikaans language, derived from the Portuguese word "comando," meaning "command." This term was adopted by the Boers in South Africa, who formed units called "Kommando" during the Boer Wars (1880-1881 & 1899-1902).

These Boer Commandos were known for their:

• Mobility: Using horses to move quickly and strike at British forces

• Decentralized command: Operating in small, independent units with a high degree of autonomy

• Rapid attacks: Launching swift and surprise attacks on British troops.

• Guerrilla tactics: Employing unconventional warfare methods, such as ambushes and sabotage The Boer Commandos' tactics and strategies were influenced by their interactions with Portuguese colonial forces in nearby Mozambique and other African territories. The term "Commando" was later

adopted by other military forces, including the British, who formed their own Commando units during World War II, drawing inspiration from the Boer Commandos' innovative tactics.

Lieutenant Colonel Dudley Wrangel Clarke, CB, CBE (1899-1974) was a British Army officer who played a key role in the development of special forces and unconventional warfare during World War II. He is often referred to as the "founder of the Commandos."

Clarke was instrumental in:

• Conceiving the idea of the Commandos

• Developing their training and tactics

• Planning and executing early Commando raids

• Establishing the Commando Basic Training Centre in Scotland

• Advocating for the use of special forces in modern warfare

Clarke's vision and innovative thinking helped shape the concept of special operations and unconventional warfare, influencing military doctrine and strategy. His legacy continues to inspire special forces units worldwide.

Field Marshal Sir John Dill (1881-1944) was a British Field Marshal and senior officer who played a significant role in World War II. Here are some key points about him:

• Early career: Dill served in the Boer War and World War I, earning distinction and rising through the ranks

• World War II: Dill became Chief of the Imperial General Staff (CIGS) in 1940, leading the British Army during the war's early years

• Strategic thinking: Dill was a strategic thinker, advocating for a long-term approach to defeating Germany, focusing on economic warfare and building alliances

• Relationship with Churchill: Dill had a complex relationship with Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who eventually replaced him as CIGS with General Alan Brooke

• Washington posting: In 1941, Dill became the British Senior Military Representative to the US, playing a crucial role in building the Anglo-American alliance

• Death: Dill died in 1944, while still serving in Washington, and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery

Dill's legacy is marked by his strategic insight, dedication to duty, and contributions to the Allied victory in World War II.

The Second Anglo Boer War (1899 to 1902)

The Second Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) was a significant conflict that saw the development and refinement of guerrilla warfare tactics by the Boers, a group of Dutch-speaking settlers in South Africa. Here are some key ways in which the Boer War contributed to the invention of guerrilla warfare:

• Mobility: Boer commandos used their knowledge of the terrain and mobility to launch surprise attacks and evade British forces

• Hit-and-run tactics: Boers employed hit-and-run tactics, attacking British forces and then retreating into the countryside.

• Intelligence gathering: Boers used local knowledge and spies to gather information on British troop movements

• Sabotage: Boers destroyed British supply lines, communication, and infrastructure.

• Small-scale raids: Boers conducted small-scale raids on British patrols and outposts

• Decentralized command: Boer commandos operated independently, making decisions based on local circumstances

• Civilian support: Boers received support from local civilians, who provided supplies, intelligence, and shelter

• The Boer War's impact on guerrilla warfare was significant, as it:

- Influenced Mao Zedong's tactics in the Chinese Civil War

- Shaped the tactics of the Viet Cong in the Vietnam War

- Inspired anti-colonial and nationalist movements worldwide

- Led to the development of counter insurgency tactics by conventional militaries

The Boers' experience serves as a classic example of how unconventional tactics can be employed to counter a conventionally superior enemy, and their influence can still be seen in modern special operations doctrine. The Boer War's innovative use of guerrilla tactics marked a significant shift in modern warfare, highlighting the effectiveness of asymmetric warfare and the importance of adapting to local contexts.




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Karl le Roux | 03 October 2024

Party wants WCG team to present their proven approach to parliament's health committee

Urgent action required to tackle 9 700 medico-legal cases and strengthen public health 3 October 2024

In light of the escalating medico-legal crisis affecting our healthcare system, the DA will write to the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health, Dr. Sibongiseni Dlomo, to request that the Western Cape’s medico-legal team present their proven approach to the committee. In response to a written parliamentary question from the DA, Health Minister Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi revealed that there are currently 9 721 active medico-legal cases in the country, with nearly a third of them concentrated in the Eastern Cape (3 014).

KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Gauteng, and Mpumalanga also face significant caseloads of 1 817, 1 553, 1 300, and 958 cases, respectively.

A DA report from March 2024 highlighted that between January 2020 and December 2023, medicolegal claims have cost the provinces a staggering R23.6 billion, with R1.3 billion spent on legal costs alone. The Auditor-General noted last September that the dramatic rise in claims is placing immense pressure on the public health sector, comprising 78% of the appropriation.

Should all 9 721 cases go to court, the financial implications could reach nearly R108.4 billion an average of R11.1 million per claim. Alarmingly, five provinces currently lack any permanent clinical medico-legal advisors, despite evidence that the Western Cape's advisors have saved the Department of Health millions annually.

Dr. Motsoaledi has advocated for a Scandinavian-style no-fault mediation system as a solution to expedite case resolution and reduce costs. However, the necessary legislation has yet to be introduced to Parliament.

It’s essential to acknowledge that many current claims arise from a beleaguered public health service that demands significant and systematic reform. This transformation requires meritocratic leadership, sound management, and a cultural shift prioritising patient care. The time for action is now; it cannot be postponed in hopes of a miraculous fix through the National Health Insurance (NHI).

To address the overwhelming medico-legal caseload, the DA urges a broader adoption of the Western Cape’s successful model, where two permanent clinical advisors - medical doctors with legal expertise - have effectively collaborated with legal advisors in the Office of the Premier, saving the province millions.

Expanding the use of clinical advisors across all nine provinces could save billions in the coming years, allowing for increased investment in healthcare for the vulnerable.

Issued by Karl le Roux, DA Deputy Spokesperson on Health, 3 October 2024

Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur: Philip van Staden

VF Plus-LP en hoofwoordvoerder: Gesondheid

2 Oktober 2024

Die VF Plus is bekommerd oor die massiewe opeenhoping van onopgeëiste lyke in staatslykshuise regdeur die land wat groot druk op die bestaande geriewe plaas.

Hierdie opeenhoping staan tans op 3 186 in die sowat 130 staatslykshuise landwyd. KwaZulu-Natal met 1 527 en die Oos-Kaap met 526 blyk die grootste probleemgebiede te wees.

Die hoofoorsake hiervoor is gebrekkige identifikasie en naasbestaandes wat bloot nie die oorskot opeis nie. Onwettige immigrante wat nie geïdentifiseer kan word nie, dra by tot die probleem.

Ander faktore is die agterstand en vertraging in die vervoer en ontleding van DNS-monsters, swak kwaliteit vingerafdrukke, uitstaande ondersoeke, korrupsie waar naasbestaandes moet betaal om gestorwenes te kry, uitstaande toksikologiese verslae, die vertraging in begrafnisse en verassings weens ʼn tekort aan grafspasie, begrotingstekorte en krematoriums wat nie voldoende funksioneer nie.

ʼn Kerntaakspan sal onverwyld op die been gebring moet word tussen die regering en rolspelers in dié bedryf om die probleme daadwerklik te behandel. Dit is reeds ʼn krisis en kan nie gelaat word om te vererger nie.

Die bevolking groei snel, misdaad neem toe en die vermoë by hierdie instellings raak toenemend ontoereikend. Dit wil tans voorkom of gesprekke en samewerking tussen die regering en die betrokke rolspelers nog nie ʼn oplossing kon vind nie.

Van die oplossings wat die VF Plus voorstel, is die implementering van ʼn digitale vingerafdrukstelsel wat kan help met die identifisering van oorledenes wat by staatslykshuise opdaag.

Samewerking moet formeel geskied tussen die nasionale regering, rolspelers in die begrafnisbedryf, die departemente van samewerkende regering en tradisionele sake, binnelandse sake en gesondheid, die polisie, die nasionale gesondheidslaboratoriumdiens asook provinsiale en plaaslike regerings.

Laasgenoemde is waar die probleem eindelik lê aangaande krematoriums en onvoldoende grafspasie.

Die opleiding van forensiese beamptes is ook noodsaaklik en die regering van nasionale eenheid (RNE) sal bestaande wetgewing in hierdie verband moet aanpas.

Bestaande staatslykshuise en krematoriums moet dringend opgegradeer word en nuwes moet gebou word. Meer grafspasie sal beskikbaar gestel moet word en daar sal op nasionale vlak gehelp moet word met begrotingstekorte vir die instellings.

Daadwerklike optrede teen korrupsie is nodig en alternatiewe metodes sal in gebruik geneem moet word om oorskotte te begrawe.

Die VF Plus sal, soos die afgelope vyf jaar, voortgaan met voortdurende gesprekke met rolspelers in die begrafnisbedryf en private forensiese bedryf. Dit situasie kan doodeenvoudig nie voortgaan soos wat tans die geval is nie en almal se samewerking is nodig om oplossings te vind.


Jacques Broodryk | 14 October 2024

AG’s finding that crime statistics are unreliable is concerning

AfriForum calls on SAPS to get its house in order regarding crime statistics 11 October 2024

AfriForum has expressed serious concern following the Auditor General of South Africa’s findings that the South African Police Service (SAPS) crime statistics are unreliable. In a country plagued by high crime rates, such inaccuracies have far-reaching consequences for law enforcement, public safety, and the justice system.

Some of the consequences of unreliable crime data according to the auditor general’s report, are the following:

- Inaccurate and incomplete capturing of charges and victim details distorts the crime statistics reported, making it difficult to develop effective crime prevention strategies and allocate resources appropriately.

- Poor record keeping and maintenance of case dockets undermine court processes and deny victims of crime from getting justice.

- No return of investment on the Integrated Case Docket Management System (ICDMS) procured as there is limited utilisation of the system.

According to AfriForum, this also explains discrepancies in reporting. The unreliable crime statistics likely account for the annual discrepancies between SAPS-reported farm attack numbers and those compiled by private organisations like AfriForum

AfriForum also receives regular complaints from the public about the difficulties they face when trying to open cases at police stations. Complainants often report disinterest from officers or are told to open their case at a different police station. This behaviour further weakens public confidence in SAPS and undermines crime reporting.

“In light of this, AfriForum urges SAPS to address not only the unreliability of their crime statistics but also their service delivery at police stations. With a serious crime problem affecting the country, SAPS must work harder to gain the public’s trust, starting with accurate statistics and professional conduct” says Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum’s Chief Spokesperson for Community Safety. “The question should also be asked, whether this problem is simply the cause of incompetence or a deliberate attempt by certain SAPS members to tamper with the crime statistics” Broodryk concludes.

Issued by Jacques Broodryk, Chief Spokesperson: Community Safety, AfriForum, 14 October 2024 afriforum?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=9351827574EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_10_14_09_41&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-9351827574%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D



Mediaverklaring uitgereik deur: Heloïse Denner VF Plus-LP en hoofwoordvoerder: Korrektiewe dienste 15 Oktober 2024

Met die regte ingesteldheid en toewyding kán Suid-Afrika weer werk tot voordeel van al sy inwoners.

Dr. Pieter Groenewald, leier van die VF Plus, het in sy hoedanigheid as minister van korrektiewe dienste gewys dit kán gedoen word deur die totale agterstand in paroolaansoeke by die departement van korrektiewe dienste binne ʼn raps meer as sy eerste honderd dae in dié pos uit te wis.

Die VF Plus verwelkom hierdie voorbeeld wat sy leier aan kollegas in die regering van nasionale eenheid (RNE) stel. Dit is gewis navolgenswaardig en wys dat bekwame persone in die RNE wel die land op die regte koers kan plaas. Dit is reeds besig om te gebeur.

Dr. Groenewald het nie net 'n agterstand van bykans 500 aansoeke wat van die vorige termyn aan hom oorgedra is afgehandel nie, maar het ook alle nuwe aansoeke teen 'n spertyd wat hy self vasgestel het, afgehandel.

Dit alles binne minder as vier maande in die amp.

Suid-Afrikaners het oor die laaste dertig jaar onder ʼn ANC-regering met matelose frustrasie gewoond begin raak aan wanfunksionele regeringsdepartemente wat nie by vasgestelde tydlyne hou nie.

Wat hier vermag is, dien as bewys hoe goed 'n regering kan funksioneer met bevoegde, eerlike en hardwerkende leiers wat hulself omring met bevoegde en opgeleide personeellede.




Henning van Aswegen

• Tee vir jou?

Renèe du Toit

Resensie van Tee vir jou?, deur Anschen Conradie

Kortverhale is altyd ‘n wenner tydens daardie net-‘n-paar-minute-beskikbaar-om-te-lees stadiums. Dikwels wagtend vir iets: die ketel om te kook, die kinders om uit die skool te kom, die rekenaar om sy ratte reg te skud, die lang ry by die staatsdepartement, ensovoorts. Maar ‘n bundel kan gou vervelig word as daar nie afwisseling is nie, veral as al die bydraes deur dieselfde skrywer is. Hierdie bundel trap egter glad nie in daardie slaggat nie; die gekose ruimte waarin die 29 kortverhale afspeel is weliswaar hoofsaaklik in en rondom Kaapstad, maar die temas en genres is heerlik uiteenlopend. Die dubbelsinnigheid van die titel ‘rescue dog’ word ondersoek aan die hand van ‘n hond genaamd Charlie en herinner aan Nouwen se ‘The wounded healer’-konsep; verskeie sosiale kwessies, soos aborsies, haweloses, orgaanskenking, botoks, en kanker, word in fiksieformaat aangespreek, en daar is selfs ‘n paar naelbyters ingesluit. In ‘Afdraai’ is die protagonis op reis op ‘n verlate pad sonder selfoonopvangs wanneer sy besef dat haar brandstof te min is en dat sy agtervolg word. Daar is ook ‘n spookhuis; ‘n persoon in ‘n getuiebeskermingsprogram met moordenaars op haar spoor; ‘n ma wat haar seun se lyk met ‘n sambok slaan toe sy uitvind dat hy ‘n dief was, en die intieme liefdesverhaal van ‘n meermin.

Die UFO-vergaderings was vermaaklik. Die byeenkomste het niks met vlieënde voorwerpe te doen nie, wel met onvoltooide projekte (unfinished objects). Een verhaal sentreer aangrypend rondom Jenny Joseph se ‘Warning’ (‘When I am an old woman I shall wear purple…’) en ‘n tweeluik, ‘Aanbly

of afsit?’ en ‘Die laaste wit koppie’ hanteer die temas van veroudering, afhanklikheid, en verlies aan waardigheid met deernis en empatie.

Sommige bydraes het voorheen op ander platforms verskyn (op LitNet en Vrouekeur se webwerwe, in Sarie en Rooi Rose, en ook in die bundel ‘Skrik op die lyf ‘– 2015) maar is sedertdien bygewerk. Skink ‘n koppie tee en kuier saam.



Die bundel bevat 29 kortverhale oor vriendskap en empatie wat mens elke dag én in krisistye met ligter tred help voortstap

Die karakters is raak beskryf en lewe in volkleur, meestal in en om Kaapstad. Hulle geniet die natuurprag om Chapman’s Piek op ʼn blou-lug dag met wit branders, ruik die soutsee, hoor die seemeeue krys en proe varsgebakte brood met tuisgemaakte perskekonfyt

Die verhale is ʼn weerspieëling van die vreugdes, verdriet en veranderinge wat veroudering en die alledaagse lewe vir ons almal meebring. Soos die liefde wat onverwags in Rome begin blom, die strewe om enduit ʼn gevoel van waardigheid te handhaaf, of hoe om uitdagende situasies te bowe te kom. En, hoe nuwe kommunikasiemetodes op elektroniese en verhoudingsvlakke hanteer kan word.

Jonk en oud deel ook wedersyds hul ondervindinge met mekaar. Die wipplank van die lewe, die goeie en die slegte in mense bied vele keuses hoe mens daarop reageer. Uiteindelik bly dit jou keuse om te maak, soos of jy sou wou kinders hê of nie, en of jy dalk ’n meermin sou wou word.

Oor die skrywer, Renée du Toit

Renée du Toit (neé Luwes) raak studentetyd verlief op Kaapstad na sy op ‘n kort seereis vandaar vertrek. Deur dekades van grootword, leef op klein dorpies en in stede en na reise oraloor, bly sy hunker na die mooie Kaapstad. Na voltooiing van Hons.BSoc.Sc Verpleegkunde aan Vrystaat Universiteit en ‘n paar jaar se ondervinding in kliniese verpleging, vind sy haar nis in die beplanning en bou van klinieke tot groot akademiese hospitale. Na ‘n vervroegde aftrede om gesondheidsredes verruil sy die skryf van akademiese artikels vir kortverhale. Vriendskappe van skool en studente dae en familie bly kosbare ondersteuning deur haar lewe heen. Deesdae rits Renée in Seepunt rond op ‘n rooi vierwiel scooter, tel skulpe op, waardeer die natuurskoon en geniet interaksie met die mense wat haar pad kruis. Sy reis steeds en droom om die noorderligte te sien, krukke en al. Bestellings kan geplaas word by: Tee Vir Jou - Naledi Online Amazon Books: Tee vir jou? (Afrikaans Edition) - Kindle edition by du Toit, Renée. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ 0722611978,

Hierdie roman wat in die Kamdeboo-Karoo afspeel, is die verhaal van twee kinders wie se lewens gedurende hul volwasse jare onverwags kruis.

Dit is hier waar die Karoo-wildepruim groei ‘n boom wat deur die hele verhaal as simbool van aanpassing, beskerming en oorlewing staan en as onverklaarbare mistieke dimensie die verhaal verryk.

Die storielyn word rondom vele menslike en omgewingskarakters geweef en vertel van die ruwe aardsheid van die streek, die egtheid van sy mense, sy diere en plante en ryk geskiedkundige, geografiese en geesteswêrelde. Die leser beleef dié unieke omgewing deur die ervarings van Katrina en Ella en loop saam op die spore van die streeksgeskiedenis soos deur fossiele, artefakte, rotstekeninge en die pad van die veeboerpioniers “vertel”.

WILDEPRUIM wys op die ironie van die lewe: Die eenvoud van ’n karige lewe lei tot waardering, vrolikheid en humor, en die letsels van die lewe ontsluit uithouvermoë, lewensvreugde en positiewe energie.

Hierdie sensitiewe roman en opbeurende krag van humor in die vele stories sal tot alle lesers spreek.



• Misdaadintelligensie

Misdaadintelligensie is tans onontbeerlik in Suid-Afrika. Kundige operateurs met toegang tot hoë kriminele base is broodnodig. Dan intelligente en ervare hanteerders is nodig om die operateurs te lei, te rig en op te lei. Ook het ons mense van onkreukbare karakter nodig om hierdie poste vul. Kyk maar net na die misdaad in Suid-Afrika ... honderde voertuie word bv oor die grens gesmokkel, wat van ons goud en diamante? – ek hoor maar stories en lees die koerante. Ja, ek is ‘n oud-polisieman – misdaad was so eenvoudig in die ou dae. Ek het nooit geweet van sindikate nie – bendes ja! Ons het nie goed soos reeks-moordenaars geken nie. Ons het basies net dagga gehad – ek het nooit harde dwelms in my dienstydperk teëgekom nie. Vandag is Suid-Afrika ‘n veilige hawe vir plaaslike en internasionale kriminele! Korrupsie vier hooggety en niemand ry aan die pen nie! Ons het slim en wyse manne en vroue nodig – ook goeie statistiek en diepgaande navorsing nodig om ons misdaad-probleme te identifiseer en op te los – ons moet “smarter” werk! Ons moet die “regte” dinge doen!

• Veiligheidspolisie?

Graag gooi ek die gedagte in die lug: Bring weer die iets soos die “ou” veiligheidspolisie terug. Ons het professionele polisiemanne nodig om na die binnelandse veiligheid van Suid-Afrika om te sien. Wie verrig tans hierdie funksie? As iemand wat baie lees en “You-Tube” gereeld besoek, dan sidder ek oor my land se veiligheid. Hier is duisende verbode immigrante! Ons moet begin by polisiestasie se wyke en elke polisiewyk vanuit ‘n veiligheidsoogpunt dek. Paspoorte, verblyfpermitte, werkspermitte en visums kan gekoop word – vals geboortes word geregistreer, daar is korrupsie wat die toekenning van burgerskap betref. Ons grense moet beveilig en bewaak word. Dit is en bly ‘n polisietaak. Ek kan my indink dat internasionale spioene hier floreer want mense - ook amptenare – word maklik omgekoop en spioene kan hier maklik legendes en dekkings opbou. Ons het bitter lanklaas ‘n vyandige spioen vasgetrek!

• Verskillende menings

Nongqai is op die poslys van verskillende organisasies en is a-polities van aard - maar ons haal soms berigte van verskillende waarnemers aan. Dit is vir die lesers self om te besluit of hulle ‘n organisasie se kommentaar of bevinding tov nasionale veiligheid wil kennis neem.



AP Stemmet


Cry the beloved police force.

Waar is die dae toe ons so trots was op ons puik polisiemag? Toe elke seuntjie 'n polisieman wou word? Ek ook!

Klik op die volgende skakel:


Adamus P. Stemmet


Lt Barry Taylor

More Brigadier

Ek het die video van Piet Cronjé gekry ‘n afgetrede Lt Kol van die Handelstak in JHB.

Ek het die video gekyk en al wat dit veroorsaak het was dat ek ‘n ou SuidAfrika gesien het met dissipline, ‘n beskaafde opvoeding en lewenswyse en ‘n klomp kandidaat Polisie wat met trots en ‘n goeie houding opleiding ondergaan in die ou Polisiekollege in Pretoria. Dit was asof hulle soos een persoon gemarsjeer het, die mans en vroue en hulle kon in elke uniform wat hulle hier gedra het deur ‘n ring getrek word. Die bietjie van die eetsaal wat ek gesien het was netjies en skoon en die manne het regop gesit en eet en nie "gelê” en eet nie

Die barakke het gelyk soos die barakke gelyk het toe ek in 1962 opleiding ondergaan het. Die verskil was dat ons groep van ongeveer 1200 lede en die groep voor ons ook van so 1200 lede ‘n jaar daar moes deurbring onder die nuwe beleid van ‘n jaar opleiding vir alle lede en geen vrouens wat opgelei geword nie.

In 1963 is die opleiding weer verander na ses maande en tot vandag wonder ek waarom die een jaar opleiding nie mee volgehou is nie. Dit het vele die geleentheid gegee om hulle "polisiematriek" te skryf want dit was die rede vir die 12 maande opleiding

Net so terloops. Ek het reeds matriek gehad en was in ‘n sogenaamde Matriek-troep waarvan daar tien was maw 360 lede was matrikulante en die res std agt of nege. Ek het die einde van die jaar besluit om ook in te skryf vir die matriekeksamen maar sonder die tale en ek slaag toe die wetsvakke en kriminologie.

Daar het ek toe vier ekstra vakke vir matriek en het ek toe ‘n matriek met tien vakke. Ek moet erken ek het nooit die sertifikaat gaan haal by Nasionale Onderwys en ek wonder wat van die uitslae, is deesdae nog op die register.

In 1964 het ek ‘n speurderskursus gedoen en in 1965 eksamen na Sersant geskryf en so te sê nie hoef te geleer het, daar alles nog vars van die Kollege en die Speurder-kursus was.

Die eerste vrouens het eers in 1972 opleiding ondergaan.

Die jaar toe ek daar was, was daar ongelooflike streng dissipline met Majoor Snyman en Bokkie Breedt maar dit het ‘n mens van jou gemaak.

Wanneer ons naweke uitgegaan het van Saterdag middag 13.00 tot Sondag 24.00 moes jy in uniform wees en is jy inspekteer voor jy die kamp mag verlaat het.

Jy mag nie oor die paradegrond geloop het nie en wee jou as jy loop en jy word gesien. Dit was hardloop.

Die storte was winter en somer koue water want die warm water was net vir die eerste paar wat gestort het, so min was daar. Daar was ‘n sers Van Biljon wat die menasiemeester was en hy het partykeer gevra of daar klagtes oor die kos was en nooit het jy van enige klagte gehoor want hy was so ses voet drie lank en so vier voet breed en as jy kla oor die kos is jy deur hom geseën en dit wou jy nie hê nie

Groete en lekker dag


Prachin Buri



1962: SAP Kollege, Jaar-opleiding & polisie-matriek. Maj LG Snyman, AO Bokkie Breedt & sers

Van Biljon (menasie)


Fanie Avenant

(‘n Geredigeerde weergawe deur HBH)


Nomination of “Die Kruithuis”, Victoria West as a Grade II Provincial Heritage Site in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999.

Statement of Significance:

The Afrikaans term “Kruithuis” translates directly to ‘gunpowder house’ which explains that such buildings were erected and used exclusively for the storage of gunpowder and explosives. From this it would appear that its application might have been affected by circumstances such as:

- The threat of attack by an enemy or warring/raiding tribes in which case it would have been controlled by the military or local kommando as an arsenal.

- Consideration for the safety of a settlement seems to have affected the distance of such a building from human habitation. It was mainly used for the safe storage of explosives used in road, rail or dam construction. In the event of an accident or untimely explosion, its sturdy construction and distance from a settlement would act as the principal safety factor.

The earliest reference to the Kruithuis is found in the minutes of the Dutch Reformed Church of February 3rd, 1851, stating: “30 voet grond in vierkant werd afgestaan aan James Cowan vir die bou van een kruithuisie aan die suide van die dorp.” (Thirty feet square of land is given to James Cowan on which to construct a gunpowder magazine to the south of the village).

The next reference to the Kruithuis is found in the Victoria West Messenger of February 19th, 1904, and relevant extracts are translated from Dutch as follows: “A sensational incident happened last Tuesday. Mr Carl Erasmus has bought the material composing the old powder magazine which until

recently was the property of Mrs Arnholz. Whilst engaged in breaking up the place, parts of the roof fell in whereupon Mr Erasmus mounted the structure and beheld with some consternation a number of loose coils of ignition fuse and boxes containing explosive substances lying about. The Town Clerk, Mr Oldendorff, and a Mr F Joubert were summoned who came to the scene and pluckily entered the magazine where they found numerous hazardous items. Detonators were lying exposed less than 18 inches from where part of the roof had fallen in and could have caused an explosion with the most disastrous consequences. Apparently these items had been left and forgotten there by the British military authorities in the aftermath of the Anglo-Boer War.”

It is interesting to note that apart from the military ordnance, items of an explosive nature belonging to private persons and businesses as far afield as Vosburg were also amongst its contents.

Mention is made in the Victoria West Messenger of August 26th, 1983, that the Kruithuis was erected in 1904 by Messrs Hanau & Hoffa, General Dealers, but ample evidence exists that the Kruithuis was erected long before the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902. It appears reasonable then to deduct that some form of restoration or renovation took place at this time.

From the foregoing it is abundantly clear that the Kruithuis in some form or other dates back to about the middle of the 19th century and that its history runs parallel with the establishment and consequent development of the village of Victoria West. The property on which it stands changed hands several times during this period and for a long time it belonged to Mr J P C Bester of Bester’s Garage who affixed a large sign to the structure advertising his garage and inviting travellers to fill up with Shell petrol at his service station.

The Bester family generously donated the property to the Municipality of Victoria West during 1983 who expertly restored the structure to its original state after detailed examination of its stone and brick work. It was found that the very thick walls were of stone whereas the rounded roof was constructed of brick, the obvious reason being that in the event of an explosion the force of the combustion would lift the roof upwards and spare the immediate surroundings the danger of an outward burst. The Kruithuis was thus reinstated on Friday 9th March 1984 which was also the 125th anniversary of the Municipality in whose care it still remains.

The imposing structure is situated on the Kruitkoppie in Helpmekaar Street opposite De Wet Street which gives it the elevation to remain dry in the event of floods. The koppie also is the habitat of rare Karoo plants such as “skilpadvoetjie” or Titanopsis calcarea, Haworthia venosa ssp tessellata and a Lachenalia, discovered by the author, which has been confirmed by Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens to be a new species.

The Kruithuis consists of a simple barrel-vault structure with an iron-clad door. Very few of these structures remain in South Africa and Victoria West is indeed fortunate to have such a wellpreserved example of this historical phenomenon. In the National Monuments Council survey of 1991, it was described as being of local architectural and cultural value and it is for this reason that the Kruithuis is proposed for nomination as a Provincial Heritage Site.

Proposed By: Fanie Avenant for the Victoria West Museum Board of Trustees

Date Proposed: 21 August 2010

Contact Details:

Name of Property: “Die Kruithuis”, Kruitkoppie, Victoria West

Street Number and Street: Helpmekaar Street opposite De Wet Street

Town: Victoria West

District: Pixley ka Seme

Erf Number: 547, Victoria West

Longitude: 31 24 18 66 S

Latitude: 23 07 07 40 E

Map Reference: Victoria West Zoning Map – Drawing Number 140834K/3/A

Recording Method: Google Earth and Ubuntu Municipality Property Tax List

Type of Resource

Place: A historic building in the village of Victoria West.

Structure: Stone and mortar walls and a vaulted brick roof. Moveable objects do not form part of the Nomination. It is not a Serial Nomination or part of a Joint Nomination.

Sphere of Significance

Specialist group or community X

Other similar sites and how they compare with “Die Kruithuis”, Victoria West

Until recently it was incorrectly assumed by the erstwhile National Monuments Council that the VOC Kruithuis in Stellenbosch was the only surviving powder magazine in Southern Africa. It was built by the Dutch East India Company in 1777 and bears the Cape cypher of the VOC and contains flintlocks, swords, cannon and similar VOC memorabilia. Built of mud-plastered stone, with walls 66 cm thick, the actual magazine is double storeyed and roofed by a barrel vault. Fully restored as a military museum, this one-time utilitarian building stands as a reminder of the not-so peaceful history of Stellenbosch. Our own Kruithuis is not nearly as imposing a structure but represents one of the very few remaining structures of its kind in South Africa.

Owner: Ubuntu Municipality

Postal Address: Private Bag X 329, Victoria West 7070

Tel: 053 621 0026

Fax: 053 621 0368


Contact Person:

Type of Significance

1. Historical value

a. Is it important in the community or pattern of history.

i. Importance in evolution of cultural landscape/settlement pattern:

The Kruithuis played an important role in the safeguarding of settlers in an isolated community like Victoria West where it was used as a secure storage facility for explosives, mainly used in the construction of roads and dams.

ii. Importance in exhibiting density, richness or diversity of cultural features:

A Kruithuis was also intended, if necessary, to be used as an arsenal or magazine and illustrates the enormous imbalance of weapons at the time. The indigenous people of the region were armed at best with spears and bow and arrow against the gunpowder and muskets of the settlers.

iii. Importance for association with events, developments or cultural phases that have had a significant role in the human occupation of the Province, region or community:

The Kruithuis concept was introduced to Southern Africa by the Dutch during the 17th and 18th centuries by whom it was primarily used as powder and arms magazines. During the later period of European settlement of the interior, its application was broadened to also include storage of construction accessories like dynamite, fuses and detonators. Its function also shifted towards the recognition of the safety of villagers in the case of accidental explosions until interestingly it was locally used again as an arsenal by the British military during the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902.

iv. Importance as an example for technical, creative, design or artistic excellence, innovation or achievement in a particular period:

The technical design of the Kruithuis is interesting as the thick stone walls and iron clad door would prevent an outward burst in the case of an accidental explosion. On the other hand, the lighter brick roof would allow an upward burst, thus safeguarding the nearby inhabitants of the settlement. It is also built on the Kruithuis Koppie resulting in an elevation which protects it and its contents from periodic floods.

b. It has strong or special association with the life or work of a person, group or organisation of importance in history.

i. Importance for close associations with individuals and significance within the history of the Province:

There is no strong association with any individual or historical groups in the region.

c. Significance relating to the history of slavery.

i. Importance for direct link to the history of slavery:

Not applicable.

2. Aesthetic value

a. It is important in exhibiting particular aesthetic characteristics valued by a community or cultural group.

i. Importance to a community for aesthetic characteristics held in high esteem or otherwise valued by the community:

The Kruithuis is of a very simple design but has become a landmark over the years to both villagers and travellers along the N12 highway.

ii. Importance for its creative, design or artistic excellence, innovation or achievement:

Not applicable.

iii. Importance for its contribution to the aesthetic values of the setting demonstrated by a landmark quality:

It is of little aesthetic value but has been a landmark associated with the village for more than a century.

iv. Importance as a collective cultural environment: Not applicable.

3. Scientific Value

a. It has potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of natural or cultural heritage.

i. Importance for information contributing to a wider understanding of natural or cultural history by virtue of its use as a research site, type locality, reference or benchmark site: It simply stands as a reminder of European influence during the period of European discovery and settlement of the interior, especially the Karoo region.

ii. Importance for information contributing to a wider understanding of the origin of the universe: Not applicable.

iii. Importance for information contributing to a wider understanding of the origin of life: Not applicable.

iv. Importance for its potential to yield information contributing to a wider understanding of the history of human occupation of the region:

It does cast some light on the conditions and circumstances of European settlement in the Karoo during the past ± 150 years.

b. It is important in demonstrating a high degree of creative or technical achievement at a particular period

i. Importance for its technical innovation or achievement: Not applicable.

4. Social value

a. It has strong or special association with a particular community or cultural group for social cultural or spiritual reasons.

i. Importance as a place highly valued by a community or cultural groups for reasons of social, cultural, religious, spiritual, symbolic, aesthetic or educational associations: The Kruithuis merely reflects some aspects of the adaptation to uncertain conditions by settlers in years gone by.

ii. Importance in contributing to a community’s sense of place:

The Kruithuis, by never having been directly used in war or hostilities, reflects the peaceful coexistence over a long period of time of the inhabitants of this region.

Degrees of significance

5. Rarity

a. It possesses uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of natural or cultural heritage.

i. Importance for rare, endangered or uncommon structures, landscapes or phenomena: Until recently the Kruithuis in Stellenbosch was regarded as the only surviving structure of its kind in Southern Africa, notwithstanding this beautiful example in Victoria West, and emphasises its rarity in the broader scope of Southern African cultural, military and architectural history.

ii. Importance in demonstrating a distinctive way of life, custom, process, land-use, function ordesign no longer practised in, or in danger of being lost from, or of exceptional interest to the Province: The Kruithuis demonstrates conditions of life in a period which is forever gone and is thus of great interest and importance to the Province.

6. Representivity

a. It is important in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a particular class of natural or cultural places or objects.

i. Importance in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a range of landscapes or environments, the attributes of which identify it as being characteristic of its class: Not applicable.

ii. Importance in demonstrating the principal characteristics of human activities (including way of life, philosophy, custom, process, land-use, function, design or technique) in the environment of the Province:

The Kruithuis exhibits some characteristics of human activity which played substantive roles in the development of the Northern Cape Province over the last two centuries.




• Esterhuizen A M (Mev), 1978. Victoria-Wes Oorsig en Besienswaardighede. Die Stadsklerk, Munisipaliteit, Victoria-Wes.

• Green Lawrence G, 1955. Karoo. Howard Timmins, Cape Town

• Immelman Elbie, Collection of Research Notes on the History of Victoria West on loan to the Victoria West Museum.

• Rosenthal Eric, 1959. Victoria-Wes se Honderd Jaar 1859–1959. Munisipaliteit van VictoriaWes, K.P.

• Schaap A M, 1952. ‘n Oorsig van die Geskiedenis van Victoria-Wes 1843 – 1952. Die Karroo Drukpers Maatskappy Bpk., Victoria-Wes.

• Viljoen J I, 1943. Eeufees Gedenkboek Nederd. Geref. Gemeente, Victoria-Wes 1843 –1943. Die Karoo Drukpers Maatskappy Beperk, Victoria-Wes.

Dis interessant dat jy al by die Kruithuis op Victoria-Wes was.

Ja, die Karoo is vol sulke interessanthede. Ek het op ‘n stadium ‘n opname van al die Boesmantekeninge in die distrik begin maak, maar daarmee gestaak met die beslaglegging van eiendom sonder kompensasie wat in die gedrang kon kom. Victoria-Wes is eintlik effens wes van Hutchinson (Die Karoo mense praat van Haikieson). Ek het juis ‘n enemmel polisie-bord daar raakgeloop. Ek het daar verby gery en die bord teen die polisiekantoor sien sit. Ek sê toe, ewe kwaai, vir die man aan diens die ding moet afkom wat hy toe doen en ewe gedweë vir my gee – baie dankie. Mannetjies (Roux) se vrou Charlotte was saam met my betrokke op die museum se trusteeraad en ons het dikwels agter die museum gebraai.

Hutchinson sowel as Victoria-Wes spoorwegstasies is tans net murasies en so ook die vliegveld se beheertoring en geboue.

Fanie in Rhodesië Mannetjies Roux


Marthinus de Lange

Oostenryk is 'n land met baie riviere, mere en damme. Hier is nooit 'n tekort aan water nie! Iets wat vir 'n Suid-Afrikaner, wat aan droogtes gewoond is, baie vreemd kan voel. Mens kan in byna enige deel van die woud gaan stap en 'n spruit vind met drinkbare water.

Die meeste Oostenrykse elektrisiteit word deur hidroëlektriese kragstasies verskaf en groot rivier, soos die Donau, wat vragskepe kan akkommodeer, is 'n belangrike deel van die plaaslike industrie en ekonomie. Baie dorpe is op rivieroewers gebou en mense is baie trots op hul huise langs die rivier.

Maar soms kan dinge erg skeefloop! Verlede maand is Oostenryk met rekord vloede getref. Oor die tydperk van 'n paar dae het ons meer reën gekry as wat ons die hele jaar gehad het. Die grond kon nie meer water opneem nie en riviere en damme het oorgeloop. ‘n Klein riviere, wat voorheen 30 cm diep was, was skielik 'n meter en 'n half diep. Groter riviere het hulle oewers oorvloei en verwoesting gesaai. Hele dorpe is oorstroom en moes deur die nooddienste ontruim word. Boere se oeste is ook vernietig. Dit was gedurende die groeiseisoen, net voor die oes, en baie boere het alles verloor. Pampoene van Neder-Oostenryk het op die oewer van die Donau in Wene uitgespoel!

Dit was alles 'n baie indrukwekkende, en effens skrikwekkende, vertoning van die natuurkragte. Maar ek moet sê wat my beïndruk het, was die spoed wat die nooddienste die ramp hanteer het. Honderde vrywilligers, en die weermag, het in die geaffekteerde gebiede mense ontruim, vloedbreke gebou, oorstroomde huise en kelders uitgepomp en kos en ‘n droë slaapplek verskaf. Op die eerste dag het hulle mense ontruim, daarna het hulle teruggegaan om die mense se diere te ontruim. Ongelukkig het baie huis- en plaasdiere as gevolg van die vloede gevrek. Groot maatskappye het hul werknemers, wat vrywillige diens gedoen het, verlof gegee om te help. En die regering het seker gemaak dat almal wat vrywillige diens gedoen het, verseker was in geval van besering.

Veral in die landelike gebiede, soos Neder-Oostenryk, is baie mense lede van die vrywillige brandweer. Dit is 'n lang tradisie hier en ‘n grootste deel van die mense se lewe. 'n Afgetrede Oostenrykse polisievriend van my het eenkeer vir my gesê dat hy sedert die ouderdom van 14 'n lid van die vrywillige brandweer is. Selfs terwyl hy aktief as polisieman gewerk het, het hy altyd sy tyd

aan die vrywillige brandweer se noodsentrum aangebied. En, ná sy aftrede, hy is nou in sy laat sewentigerjare, doen hy nog steeds diens by die vrywillige brandweer!

Die dorpie waar ons woon het nie 'n polisiestasie nie. Mens wag lank as jy die polisie hier nodig het. Hulle moet van Wene na ons toe kom, en dis 30 minute se ry op ‘n goeie dag! Gelukkig is daar geen werklike misdaad hier nie! Maar ons dorp het wel 'n “Zivilschutz” sentrum met brandweer en nooddienste. Die hele ding is groter as wat die Randburg Brandweer was toe ek in die laat negentigerjare daar gewoon het. En ons woon in 'n dorp met net ‘n bietjie meer as 3000 mense! Baie van die landelike dorpe het soortgelyke sentrums. Hulle bied ook opleiding in noodhulp en nood gereedheid (Wat die Amerikaners prepping noem) aan. Voorbereiding vir natuurrampe word aangemoedig en hulle stuur dikwels nuusbriewe uit wat verduidelik watter noodvoorrade 'n mens in voorraad moet hou. Dit klink alles dalk 'n bietjie onheilspellend, maar die waarheid is dat klein dorpies in Oostenryk dikwels deur swaar sneeuval (ons het dit self in 2017 ervaar) of vloede afgesny word.

'n Paar jare gelede is daar 'n referendum oor militêre diensplig in Oostenryk gehou. Baie in die stede het daarteen gestem. Maar, mense in die landelike gebiede wou die diensplig behou omdat die militêre dienspligtiges, met hulle swaar militêre toerusting, voorheen so 'n groot hulp was tydens natuurrampe. Op die ou end is die diensplig behou en elke jong man moet sy tyd in die weermag of die nooddienste dien. Die Oostenrykse mense het geleer hoe om vir hulself te sorg in hierdie toestande. En soos gesien kan word werk dit blykbaar baie goed. Die vloede en die gevolglike skade is nou in die verlede, maar baie mense sukkel steeds nadat hulle hul huise en besittings verloor het.

En wat van ons? Ons was baie gelukkig! Afgesien van 'n bietjie grondwater in ons kelder en ligte skade aan ons tuin het ons geen probleme gehad nie. Die klein spruit in die woud agter ons het sy walle oorgeloop en 'n deel van die woud in 'n moeras verander. Die burgemeester het dit wel oorweeg om ons almal te ontruim maar, gelukkig, kon die munisipaliteit 'n stootskraper gebruik om die spruit af te lei en vir ons vloedbreke te bou. Ek wil nie eers daaraan dink wat met al ons diere sou gebeur het as hulle ons ontruim het. Baie mense hier het troeteldiere en reg langs ons is 'n ryskool met 'n stal vol perde. Op die ou end kan ons almal baie dankbaar wees vir die nooddienste en al die vrywilligers, hulle het puik werk gedoen!!

Groete uit Oostenryk waar dit nou Herfs is en dit stadig maar seker koud word.

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