Nongqai Vol 16 No 2B -kol JH van Wyk

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(Researched, authored, set out and forwarded for publication by, Logan Govender [LG] with the information obtained from Colonel JH Van Wyk, his granddaughter, Ms Andrea Van Wyk, his daughter, Ms Amanda Claassen, police members he served with and other individuals.

Photograph 01
Black and White photograph of Colonel JH Van Wyk as a Lieutenant. Probably between 19741980

Photograph 02

Johannes Hendrik Van Wyk is seen receiving from the Commissioner of the South African Police, General PJohan Coetzee, his National Diploma in (Police-Administration) at a graduation ceremony, whilst Lieutenant General JB Stevens looks on. Between 1974 – 1980 in Pretoria

Photograph 03
Lieutenant Van Wyk after his graduation

Photograph 04 [LG]

(Source – [LG])

“The Nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten” – Calvin Coolidge


Colonel Van Wyk was born on 1943-04-28 in Eppingtuin, Cape Town. He is now 81 years old and is still enjoying his retirement. He joined the SouthAfrican Police straight after school. He was enlisted at De Aar on 1962-01-22, where he grew up. The day after his enlistment, they travelled by train to the SA Police, College where basic police training took place, and they completed their course in December after 12 full months of strenuous physical training, foot and firearm drill and the use and handling of firearms both hand and sub-machine guns.

He was posted to Mafikeng on 1962-12-11 where he walked the beat for a while before he was posted to do other duties. He was stationed here for ± two years and was thereafter transferred on 1963-08-02 to Setlagole, Northwest Province.

• SA Police, Mechanical School, Benoni

He was nominated to attend SA Police, Mechanical School, Benoni, Gauteng and successfully completed the course on 1963-11-01. (tuition – theoretical and practical instruction in the driving, care, handling and maintenance of police vehicles). In those years the duration of the course was ±3 months considering it was an advanced and Intensive course to promote the safety of humans and the protection of State-owned property. – [LG])

• SA Police, Taung, North West Province

He was transferred to Taung, Northwest Province on 1963-12-12. At that point he decided that he should apply to become a detective.

• SA Police, Marshall Square

A District Officer who was dressed in a white dust coat drove to the station along the dirt roads to interview him. He was asked to write down a statement, which the officer checked together with his handwriting and interviewed him. He was later informed that his application was successful, and he had to report to Marshall Square to undergo the Detective’s Course. He was now a learner Detective. The duration of the course was 4 months. After successful completion of the course and a probationary period of 1 year he was appointed detective.

• SA Police, Parkview, Bloemfontein

He was then posted to Bloemfontein which was situated in Park Road from 1964-05-01. Whilst in the Detective Branch, he realised that opportunities for promotion in the Detective Branch were few and far between. However, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant on 1965-10-01 after successfully completing the Sergeant’s promotion examination.

• Marriage

On 1967-06-09 he married Katariena Susanna Fourie. The couple have two children, Johann and Amanda.

During 1968 he returned to the uniform branch.

• Counter Insurgency Course

On 1969-04-01 he attended Counter Insurgency Training at Maleoskop, Groblersdal.

• Border Duties at an Uknown Destination (Colonel Van Wyk is over 81 years old and is unable to remember the locations where he performed numerous stints of border duties. – [LG])

He performed a stint of border duties thereafter.

• Border Duties at an Uknown Destination (Colonel Van Wyk is over 81 years old and is unable to remember the locations where he performed numerous stints of border duties at various locations such as Rhodesia (Zimbabbwe); Caprivi Strip; South West Africa (Namibia) and the internal borders within the Republic of South Africa. – [LG])

He performed a stint of border duties thereafter.

• South African Police Medal

The South African Police Medal for the Combatting of Terrorism was awarded to him on 1970-0428.

• SA Police, Ladysmith, KZN

Whilst back in the uniform branch he continued writing promotion examinations regularly and was soon promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer on 1970-10-01 and he was transferred to Ladysmith on 1971-03-31 in Kwa-Zulu Natal, where he performed charge office duties.

• Border Duties at an Uknown Destination

(Colonel Van Wyk is over 81 years old and is unable to remember the locations where he performed numerous stints of border duties at various locations such as Rhodesia (Zimbabbwe); Caprivi Strip; South West Africa (Namibia) and the internal borders within the Republic of South Africa. – [LG])

Thereafter he was nominated to once again perform a stint of border duties.

• South African Police Bar

The South African Police Bar for the Combatting of Terrorism was awarded to him 1974-06-29.

• SA Police, District Headquarters, Dundee

After his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant he as transferred on 1976-02-28 and sent to the District Headquarters in Dundee as a Staff Officer.

• South African Police Medal

The South African Police Medal for Faithful Service (10 years), for Long Service and Exemplary Conduct was awarded to him on 1979-05-01.

Photograph 05

Lieutenant Van Wyk looks on as an unidentified Lieutenant-Colonel pins a Medal on an unidentified member at a Medal Parade held in the 1970’s at the opening of the new station at SA Police, Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal

• Ciskei Independence Medal

He was awarded the Ciskei Independence Medal on 1980-10-24

• SA Police, Alice, Eastern Cape as Station Commander

Later he was promoted to the rank of Captain on 1980-01-01 and was transferred to Alice in the Eastern Cape where he was appointed the Station Commander.

• Border Duties at an Uknown Destination

(Colonel Van Wyk is over 81 years old and is unable to remember the locations where he performed numerous stints of border duties at various locations such as Rhodesia (Zimbabbwe); Caprivi Strip; South West Africa (Namibia) and the internal borders within the Republic of South Africa. – [LG])

He was once again nominated to perform a stint of border duties.

• South African Police Bar

The South African Police Bar for the Combatting of Terrorism was awarded to him on 1981-10-06

• SA Police, District Commandant, Durban

On 1982-01-11 he was transferred to the District Commandant’s office in Durban.

• South African Police Medal

The South African Police Star for (20 years), Faithful Service and Exemplary Conduct was awarded to him on 1983-01-22.

• SA Police, Pinetown as Station Commander

He was thereafter transferred to Pinetown, Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal as a Major and appointed Station Commander.

Photograph 06

SAPolice, Pinetown, old station. (Old Pinetown Police station and Warrant Officer Rodney Torr, late standing in the front porch. I was stationed there 1977 to 1980. – Willie Joubert)

• SA Police, Mount Edgecombe as Station Commander On 1986-02-07 and was transferred to Mount Edgecombe on, where he replaced Warrant Officer CJ Breytenbach. Lieutenant (Selva) Mogamberry Perumal was his second in Command.

According to the Editor in Chief of Nongqai, Brigadier Hennie Heyman, his Dad, ConstableAbraham Faure Heymans, late (Sergeant) was stationed at SA Police, Mount Edgecombe during the 1940’s as a single member. He was married on 1945-05-09 and was transferred to Durban, due to the lack of accommodation for White married members. He was replaced by Constable CF Zietsman, late (Lieutenant General SOO SOE, former Chief Deputy Commissioner, Detective Branch. – [LG])

Photograph 07

Sergeant AF Heymans (Source, Nongqai archives)

Photograph 08

Lieutenant General CF Zietsman (Source, Nongqai archives)

Photograph 09

SA Police, Mount Edgecombe, the old station (Source Captain Hansraj)

Photograph 10

(Source Servamus undated)

Colour photograph of SAPolice, Mount Edgecombe, Lieutenant M Perumal, late (Standing outside the station, alongside the flagpole, the patrol vehicle in the background and the station behind it. This was presumably taken after 1985 / 1986, as Perumal was promoted to Lieutenant December 1984– [LG])

Photograph 11
Lieutenant (Selva) Mogambury Perumal, late (Colonel – [LG]) after his graduation
(Source, His sister Ms Lalitha Munien of Colonel Perumal)
Photograph 12
Charles Matthews, Major General (Source Major General Matthews)

Photograph 13

Warrant Officer Vinod Singh was the Station Clerk

(Source – Apostle (Warrant Officer) Vinod Singh)

• Construction of SA Police, Phoenix

Finally, in the late 1985, construction commenced on the brand-new police station in Phoenix which is one of the largest Indian settlements on the north coast. It is situated on the border of Mount Edgecombe. The construction of new complex came as a welcome to both Mount Edgecombe and Phoenix.

Van Wyk and Singh undertook the oversight of the construction of the proposed new station. Warrant Officer Singh was ultimately appointed to give oversight to the construction of the new station premises where he regularly attended the site meetings and reported same to Headquarters. The Phoenix complex was undoubtedly one of the most prestigious police complexes on the North Coast; it has one of the most modern

mortuaries in the Republic, conference chamber and the most impressive looking single quarters.


• SA Police, Phoenix as Station Commander

On 1987-10-07 the Mount Edgecombe Station and its staff relocated to SAPS Phoenix. Major Van Wyk was the Station Commander just prior to the Official Opening on the 1988-06-30. Captain Charles Matthews was his second in command.

• SA Police, Pinetown as Station Commander

On 1988-07-30, Major JH Van Wyk was transferred back to Pinetown as The Station Commander

Photograph 14
(Courtesy – Lieutenant-Colonel (Advocate) Jay Govender)
South African Police
Station Commander and Staff
Pinetown, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 1989

Front row, seated, left to right, 1st Constable Adele Botha; 2nd unidentified; 3rd Warrant Officer Moodley (not my dad); 4th Lieutenant Scholtz; 5th Major Van Wyk, Station Commander, (Johannes Hendrik Van Wyk, Colonel, Former Station Commander of SA Police, Mount Edgecome and Phoenix was appointed after his second stint at Pinetown to District Commandant Brighton Beach, Durban S0uth.- [LG]); 6th Lieutenant Marais; 7th Warrant Officer Krish Govender; Constable (f) Jay Moodley, (Lieutenant-Colonel [Advocate] Govender- [LG])

Second row, left to right, 1st Constables Baldwin; 2nd W Coetzer; 3rd Van Onselen; 4th James Duke; 5th Baldwin 6th Mnikathi; 7th Seelan Reddy; 8th Kevin Naidu; 9th unidentified; 10th Priscilla Kaloo (Now Naidu); 11th Maphela.

Rear row, left to right, 1st Constables Visagie; 2nd Dave Baker; 3rd Camphor; 4th Van Vuuren; 5th Hein

Neveling; 6th Sergeant Wayne Smith; 7th Constables Danny Govender; 8th Selvan Naicker; 9th Sergeants Gangaram; 10th Reddy; 11th Constable Alec Moodley.

Photograph 15

Lieutenant-Colonel Soobramoney Govender, former Station Commander, SA Police, Sydenham was appointed the Station Commander of SA Police, Phoenix replacing Major JH Van Wyk

(This photograph was kindly restored by Ms Jennifer Bosch at the request of the daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel S Govender – Ms Kavitha Govender)

After Govender’s official retirement from active service, Lieutenant-Colonel Soobramoney was succeeded by Colonel Rungasamy Munsamy, late (former Commanding Officer of SA Police, Training College, Wentworth and thereafter Chatsworth. – [LG]) as Station Commander.

Photograph                16

Colonel Rungasamy (Dickey) Munsamy, late (Source, family of Colonel Munsamy)

• Crowd Control and Unrest Course

On 1986-07-19 Van Wyk attended a training course on Unrest and Damage Control.

On 1987-10-07 he was transferred to the newly erected police station at Phoenix where he was Station Commander but was transferred to the Durban South District Headquarters at Brighton Beach on 1987-12-23.

• South African Police Medal

The South African Police Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Commemorative Medal was awarded to him on 1988-04-01.

On 1988-07-30 he was transferred to SA Police, Pinetown.

He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel 1989-07-01

On 1992-05-08 Lieutenant-Colonel JH Van Wyk single handedly pursued and arrested two-armed Robbery suspects. He received a Commendation for his efforts. Advert

Letter 01

Letter commending him for his selfless and valiant act of bravery by the Regional Commissioner of The South African Police, “E” Region, Natal, Brigadier JJ Beeslaar.

Photograph 17

Major JH Van Wyk, Colonel receiving a medal from Brigadier Mulder Van Eyk, jnr as Brigadier JJ Beeslaar looks on

• District Commandant, Brighton Beach, Durban South District

On 1992-10-01 he was promoted to the rank of Colonel he was appointed the District Commandant of Durban South at Brighton Beach. Colonel Van Wyk performed numerous stints at the border. He was awarded several medals and decorations for his long and faithful service.

He retired on 1993-08-31 with 33 years of loyal and meritorious service to the South African Police and his country.

Colonel Van Wyk’s son, Johann followed Dad’s footsteps and is a Captain and appointed the Station Commander of SA Police, Winterton, Kwa-Zulu, Natal.


I should like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the following: -

• The Editor, Nongqai, [HBH] for agreeing to publish a Special Edition of Nongqai to acknowledge, celebrate and honour the life and police career of Colonel JH Van Wyk. The invaluable contributions by [HBH] in researching, recording and documenting the efforts of South African Police, Security and Military personnel, of ALL groups; particularly that of South African Police, Indian members;

• Colonel JH Van Wyk for all the information and photographs provided, unless otherwise indicated;

• Ms Andrea Van Wyk, granddaughter of Colonel Van Wyk;

• Ms Amanda Claassen, daughter of Colonel Van Wyk for her kind contributions and untiring efforts without whose help this would have not been possible;

• Major General (Professor) [George] [DG] for his keen interest, advice, inspiration and professional assistance always;

• Advocate Karen Pillay, daughter of Colonel Rungasamy (Dickey) Munsamy for her keen interest, advice, inspiration and professional assistance always;

• Last but by no means the least, my dear family for their inspiration, encouragement and patience.

“Agnoscere et honorare servientibus” –

“To acknowledge and honour those who served” “Soli Deo Gloria” - “To God Alone Glory”

Logan Govender

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