Can open source culture offer credible alternatives to current conventions within architectural practice?
Architecture Dissertation MA (Hons) Architecture Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture 2015 Henri Lacoste
The specialisation of knowledge and tools used in architectural processes has progressively negated the end user from an engagement with the design and construction of the buildings they inhabit. Open source culture is beginning to offer an alternative to the rigid relationship between professional and client, in favour of an approach which values participation. Posing software development as analogous to architectural practice, this dissertation will provoke the notion that just as open source software challenges the values of its proprietary counterparts, so too could the concept of open source architecture. Open access to information systems coupled with networks of enthusiastic contributors has become commonplace on the internet and in a myriad of fields. These networks with informed, supportive communities extend potential for the co-creation of legitimate architectural proposals by amateurs and pose threat enough to consider the relevance of our current approach to architecture. This dissertation presents the case that open source architecture offers a credible means to critique current conventions within architectural practice by offering a review of relevant literature, supported by case studies of nascent open source architecture initiatives. In further support, a practical experiment pulls together each area of inquiry. This has been conducted to assist a tangible understanding of how open source culture is capable of challenging linear relationships between design, manufacture and consumption. The research conducted in this dissertation culminates in a reflective conclusion. The findings declare that there are limitats for the migration of open source culture to architectural practice. However, many aspects would make meaningful contributions to the profession and as such, should be pursued.
Word count: 10,556
.chapter 1:
.a brief history of open source
.chapter 2: .motivation
.chapter 3: .organisation
.chapter 4: .legislation
.chapter 5:
.architecture for humanity
.chapter 6: .wikihouse
.chapter 7: .conclusion
.appendix a
.interview with marlon blackwell
.appendix b
.instructables tutorial
.media disc
45 50
[Fig.1 - Incorporating Arduino in the design studio.]
The inspiration for this dissertation was born out of an interest in incorporating basic robotics with my design studio work, through which I was introduced to Arduino; an open source physical computing platform1. Arduino makes interactive electronics accessible for artists and designers, allowing real world data to affect pieces such as sculpture, installations and products. Arduino is predicated on a “hacker culture”, which should not be confused with the media’s association of hackers as computer criminals, but instead consider the hacker as “an enthusiast, an artist, a tinkerer, a problem solver, an expert.”2 Through involving myself with the Arduino online community of enthusiasts, I experienced first hand this diverse, collaborative environment; which facilitated great creativity and successful projects. Seeking advice for my project I encountered many generous hackers, who offered their time and expertise for freeh without whom my project would not have been possible. The deeply cooperative and creative nature of this online community initiated my inquiry into the meaning of open source, the philosophy on which Arduino is founded, and what motivates its followers. My existing enthusiasm for architecture and new interest in open source culture unsurprisingly led to my discovery of such innovations as WikiHouse and Architecture for Humanity. These projects adopt open source principles in an architectural environment, being a few of the first examples to practically engage with the concept of Open Source Architecture (OSArc), and a further source of inspiration for this project.
1. What is Arduino? <> accessed 28.02.2015 2. Eric S. Raymond, The Cathedral & The Bazaar (California: O’Reilly Media,2001), 14.
“In reality, architecture has become too important to be left to architects. A real change is necessary, therefore, which will encourage new characteristics in the practice of architecture and new behaviour patterns in its authors: therefore all barriers between builders and users must be abolished…The change, in other words must coincide with the subversion of the present condition”1 Giancarlo De Carlo – 1969
This statement, by the late Italian
undertakings, at present, is the
database of open source designs,
architect, educator, writer and
WikiHouse project. Founded by
download the drawings for a
critic Giancarlo De Carlo is an
Alastair Parvin in 2011 the initia-
house, manipulate the design and,
appropriate initiation for this
tive aims to establish an online
inspired by Parvin’s statement of
project, bringing forward the issue
resource of architectural drawings
democratising production:
of the “present condition” that this
and documents that anyone is
dissertation aims to challenge.
free to download. The drawings
Although expressed over 40 years
for the building may then be mod-
ago, De Carlo’s concerns and
ified and cut (from plywood), using
ambitions for a higher degree of
a computer numerically controlled
participation, within architecture,
(C.N.C.) router and the parts are
are still relevant today.
then assembled without extensive machinery or training. WikiHouse’s
Open source architectural projects
goal is to empower the end user
are predicated upon this notion
and encourage participation
of participation. Indeed the term
in the design and construction
“open source” is founded upon
phases of architecture, through
a philosophy of collaboration,
simplification. A lecture given by
transparency and sharing and it is
Parvin from 2013, provoked me
through an understanding of the
to begin a project which would
term “open source” that a critique
enable a deeper understanding
of current social conventions
of Parvin’s objectives and further
within architectural practice may
my understanding of open source
be constructed.
culture; a framing exploration to consolidate my findings from this
One of the most publicly rec-
dissertation. My ambition was
ognised open source architectural
to access the WikiHouse online
“if design’s great project of the 20th century was the democratisation of consumption… design’s great project in the 21st century is the democratisation of production”2 Alastair Parvin - 2013
build an open source C.N.C. machine capable of printing that design at a 1:100 scale. This exercise would entitle a first hand critique of the WikiHouse project and how successful it has been in its aims for a more collaborative, participatory and open approach to architecture.
4 Through my experiment I will
challenged existing proprietary
gives Free/Libre and Open Source
also have the opportunity to
methods. The success of projects
Software (FLOSS) communities
offer a first hand understanding
such as Linux, has triggered many
their structure is the practical
into each of the areas of inquiry
to question whether a migration
legislation that enables sharing
addressed herein: motivation,
of open source ideas may benefit
and maintains freedom, whilst
organisation and legislation
other fields beyond software
avoiding exploitation from
around the subject of open source.
opportunists. Chapter 4 will
The dissertation is structured such
investigate the licenses and
that each area of inquiry includes
The following three chapters
intellectual property attitudes
research conducted through the
will serve to develop the readers’
that have come to define FLOSS
experiment, combined with an
understanding of how and why
insight into related Free/Libre
some open source projects
Open Source (FLOSS) methods
successful. An introduction
Chapters 1-4 display how FLOSS
and ideas. The areas of inquiry
into the history of open source
culture is able to subvert its
have been considered to prompt
software inevitably ignites
proprietary counterparts and
the idea that the architectural
conversation about the motivation
provokes reflection on how FLOSS
profession could benefit from an
that drives the thousands of
ideas could migrate beyond
uptake of open source methods.
volunteers, who offer their time
software development and in
for free. Chapter 2 recognises
to architectural practice. The
Beginning with a contextual
that it is necessary to appreciate
following chapters present case
section on the origins of the
the motivations of a hacker to
study reports exploring current
term open source and its free
involve themselves in open
open source architecture (herein
software ancestry, chapter 1
source projects so that we might
referred to as OSArc) projects.
will provoke the idea of open
offer parallels to the possible
Architecture for Humanity and
source software development
motivations of the open source
WikiHouse have been chosen since
as potentially analogous to
architect. Although large numbers
both adopt progressive attitudes
architectural practice. This section
of diverse, enthusiastic volunteers
towards licensing, networking
will introduce key characters in
may be an invaluable workforce
and collaboration, offering
the history of open source, such
and ensure the success of an
alternative means to conventional
as Richard Stallman and Linus
open source project, the nature
architectural practice.
Torvalds, whose contributions
of their global scattering extends
to its evolution will help build
considerable complexities to
an understanding of the moral
do with organisation. Chapter 3
and ethical flavour of the term.
will explore technical structures
Software development, in
that manage workload, as well
particular the development of
as the social structures which
free operating systems in the
manage disputes, opinions and
latter half of the 20th century,
newcomers and offer alternatives
demonstrated the power of an
to current architectural office
open, collaborative culture and
structure. A great deal of what
1. ‘Architecture’s Public’, in Giancarlo De Carlo, by Benedict Zucchi (Oxford: Reed International, 1992), 210. 2. Alastair Parvin. Architecture for the people by the people (TED: 2013) < parvin_architecture_for_the_people_ by_the_people/ transcript?language=en> accessed 07.03.2015
.a brief history of open source It is through a summary of the
the ability to legitimately access
computer operating system3.
key events, people and ideas by
the source code, allowing the
which the term “open source”,
user freedom to see how the
with regards to software, came
program works, learn from it and
about that we might begin an
manipulate it should they wish
Labs following its withdrawal.
exploration in to the opportunity
to do so. Without the source code
Missing the Multics environment4,
open source holds for architecture.
this is not possible. However,
he began work with fellow
There is no single person who
the term “open source” implies
hacker Dennis Ritchie on a new
represents the whole story, nor a
factors beyond source code
project. In the space of two years
specific beginning of open source1,
transparency to do with copyright,
Thompson and Ritchie created
rather an evolution.
intellectual property, community
a full programming language
and philosophical and political
named “C” and a complete
Typically when we run a computer
stance; subjects with which
operating system named UNIX
program we run the executable, a
the architectural discourse is
(formerly UNICS), a trivial pun
series of numbers that practically
intrinsically concerned.
on Multics5. What made UNIX
Computer scientist, and key
figure in the Multics project,
Ken Thompson returned to Bell
no human is able to make sense
unique and especially popular at
of, understood only by computers.
the time was that although the
The executable is compiled from
.multics unix gnu & linux
software was proprietary, licenses
a source code, an algebraic-like
were not free, the source code
code written by programmers,
was included in its distribution6.
which can be edited to change the
In 1968 Bell Labs decided to
By including the source code
function of the program2. At its
cut funding to the collaborative
many users manipulated the
most fundamental understanding,
project, led by MIT named Multics,
software, seizing the opportunity
open source software refers to
an early, influential time-sharing
to customise the operating system
6 to suit their needs and fix existing
grew more unsure. The derivatives
looked for an alternative to the
problems. Within the licensing
of UNIX emerging had been
now proprietary closed source
agreement users were forbidden
modified to such an extent, that
operating system.
to redistribute their modifications,
the question arose as to whether
however, they were able to
they were still UNIX10.
The growth of proprietary
contribute their improvements to
software in the 1980s saw
Thompson and Ritchie7.
many talented programmers In 1979 AT&T (parent company
and computer scientists from
Around UNIX formed a global
of Bell Labs) released version 7 of
universities, such as those at MIT,
community of computer scientists
the UNIX operating system. AT&T
hired away into lucrative closed
and programmers who contributed
management had begun to realise
source software corporations.
to this collective project out of
UNIX’s commercial value and as
This soured MIT’s intellectual
enthusiasm; motivated by their
such restricted the distribution
culture, which had been focused
interest in maintaining and
of the source code, a decision
around collaboration, openness
improving the UNIX operating
that caused many universities
and sharing14. The university
system. Throughout the latter
to drop UNIX as a pedagogical
began insisting researchers
half of the 1970s the spread of
tool11. AT&T had been a
sign non-disclosure agreements
UNIX was remarkable; considering
restricted monopoly, prohibiting
in order to access information
the absence of conventional
the marketing of UNIX beyond
previously freely shared. Richard
distribution and support from
academia, up until a pivotal legal
Stallman joined MIT’s artificial
Bell Labs (its legal proprietor)8.
battle between it and the United
intelligence lab in 1971 and
Contributions submitted to
States in 1982. The battle resulted
would go on to found the Free
Thompson and Ritchie by the
in the fragmentation of AT&T, with
Software Foundation in 1984.
growing UNIX community
Bell Labs becoming autonomous
He believed that traditional
resulted in many frequent
and the creation of a new division
intellectual property rights,
redistributions of the operating
named UNIX Systems Laboratory12.
applied to software development,
system, engendering Thompson’s
Where previously AT&T had been
forbade the ethical agenda
notion of a “continuum”, an
prohibited from commercially
of a decent society, since the
alternative model to the less
licensing UNIX, it could now
purpose of software was to
frequent “productised” commercial
compete in a free market
solve problems together for the
releases, made by corporations
economy. This development
common good15. To Stallman
like Microsoft (98, XP, Vista
meant a phenomenal surge in
software was not simply a tool,
etc.)9. The “continuum” model of
licensing fees to $100,000 by
rather a demonstration of human
redistributing versions of UNIX,
198813. UNIX had shown, in its
innovation and expression16,
with improvements by authors not
infancy, how valuable open source
that should have freedom at the
employed by Bell Labs, advanced
development could be. However,
forefront of its discourse. Since
the quality of the software beyond
its extortionate licensing fees
his work at MIT contradicted his
the scope of conventional means.
negated its use by universities
philosophy he resigned from
However, as the technical stability
and researchers, a community of
his position in 1984 to dedicate
of UNIX improved, its legal status
would-be contributors who now
himself to free software and his
7 newly founded Free Software
These freedoms where manifest
Foundation (FSF)17.
in the GNU General Public License (GPL), known also as the copyleft
The first project of the FSF was
license, first released in 198921,
simple; to write a free operating
allowing software published
system, free meaning freedom
under this license to remain free
not price, “libre not gratis”18.
and revive hope for continuing
Stallman believed this project
collaborative endeavours22.
would enable the collaborative
[Fig.2 - Richard Stallman.]
Through employing the GPL,
culture that he had observed
developers can ensure that their
around UNIX to continue, now
work will not be taken and made
that UNIX was proprietary. Since
proprietary by another user,
Stallman’s background was in
instead the copyleft technique
progressing the UNIX OS, his new
ensures that wherever the
project would undoubtedly be like
software goes, so do the four
it, however to ensure he was not
freedoms; thus “it becomes an
infringing copyright law, he would
inalienable right to cooperate
have to write his new OS from scratch, and as such named his
[Fig.3 - GNU Logo.]
with other people and form a community”23. What separated
project GNU, a recursive acronym;
the GPL from other permissive
“GNU’s not UNIX”19. Central to
free software licenses (like the
the project and the FSF were
Berkley Software Distribution
Stallman’s four freedoms:
or MIT licenses) is that it was written from the standpoint of the community, rather than written to
0: The freedom to run the program
protect the interests of a company
for any purpose
or individual24.
1: The freedom to study how the program works and to modify it to
[Fig.4 - Linus Torvalds.]
Work on the GNU project continued, with everything
suit your needs
needed for a complete operating 2: The freedom to redistribute
system in place by 1991, except
copies, either gratis or for a
a kernel; the most essential
monetary fee
piece of software needed to run a computer. The same year,
3: The Freedom to change and
Finnish student Linus Torvalds
improve the program and to redistribute
released the Linux kernel version
0.1 openly on the internet, under
of the program to the public so others can benefit from your improvements20
the GNU GPL, which he had been [Fig.5 - Linux Logo.]
developing independently in an
8 attempt to create a workstation at home similar to the one he used at university. Linus’ kernel, combined with the programs written for the GNU project, formed a complete, free, open operating system, commonly and controversially referred to simply as Linux (Stallman insists GNU/Linux). The proliferation of Linux was astonishing. Similarly to UNIX a global community of contributors formed around the
“A recursive public is a public that is vitally concerned with the material and practical maintenance of its own existence as a public; it is a collective independent of other forms of constituted power and is capable of speaking to existing forms of power through the production of actually existing alternatives.”27
line of thought and motivated his authorship of The Cathedral and the Bazaar. The paper explores Raymond’s experiments with free software (the bazaar model), and discusses the differences in methodology employed by the industry (the cathedral model)30. He identifies closed source industry as operating in an authoritarian manner, with strong hierarchical management structures and stringent
software, however, Linux was
objectives, drawing obvious
truly non-proprietary and as
parallels with the arrangement
such accessibility was granted
The undeniable success of this
of religious institutions. The
to the public, not just the
decentralised, open, inclusive
Free Software model in contrast
academic realm to which UNIX’s
mode of production went directly
is heavily focused around a
development had been restricted.
against conventional means of
decentralised peer-to-peer review
In the years 1992 to 1999,
software development, provoking
strategy, in which feedback is
releases V0.01 to V2.2, Linux’s
important thinking and writing
directly offered from people
user base grew from 1,000 to 12
that would challenge the term
formally outside of the project31.
million users25; many of whom
“Free Software”. Eric Raymond
The analogy sees Linux’s
contributed to the maintenance
is a software engineer who has
development as a “great babbling
and development of the software.
been involved in free software
bazaar of differing agendas”32,
The community of programmers
development for over thirty years,
which somehow rather than
produced innovative applications
contributing to UNIX and being
collapsing under its own weight,
that progressed Linux to become
one of the first to contribute to
managed to take Linux “from
an attractive option to big
the GNU project. He also began
strength to strength at a speed
business, during the mass-market
his involvement with Linux in
barely imaginable to cathedral
commoditisation of the Internet
199328. Though Raymond was
and web based commerce26. This
an advocate of the collaborative
global population of users is an
culture that had occurred around
A common misconception by
example of what Christopher
UNIX and now Linux, he believed
many when first introduced to
Kelty; author of The Cultural
a more centralised approach
the ideas of free software and
Significance of Free Software has
was required for initial complex
open source, is that they are the
coined the term “recursive public”
software development such as
same and that the terms may
designing operating systems29.
be used indiscriminately. This is
His first hand experience of
understandable since the two
Linux’s success contested this
terms represent identical methods,
9 tools, licenses and organisations34. However, their similarities diverge at ideology. Those who advocated a move to using the term open source believed that free software was poor marketing, since venture capitalists and business people may associate “free” with a cheap and poor quality product, despite it referring to liberty. The open source community saw Stallman’s ethical dogmatism detrimental to those wanting to build businesses, as he allowed no negotiation. Open source appealed to a market-orientated environment, since it offered more flexibility; choosing to separate business from ethics35. Open source was accused of diluting the philosophical essence of free software and selling out to capitalism, while Stallman
[Fig.6 - Linus Torvalds on the cover of Forbes, August 1998.]
and the FSF were charged with being communist and dogmatic,
Initiative. That same year Linux’s
VA Linux went public on the
restraining businesses from
business potential gained
stock market in 1998 its share
successfully harnessing open
mainstream attention with Linus
price rose 700% in one day;
Torvalds’ picture printed on
making it the largest initial public
the front of Forbes magazine.
offering of its time38. The success
The investment potential of
of Linux and the companies
1998 was significant in the history
Linux was service-centric with
founded around it, put to rest
of open source. Eric Raymond
several companies, most notably
many preconceptions that money
revised his paper “The Cathedral
Red Hat and VA Linux, founded
could not be made from open
and the Bazaar” replacing the
to assist businesses that had
source. The accomplishments of
words free software with open
chosen to adopt the Linux OS.
the method have brought cases
source37, and in collaboration
Red Hat offered tailor-made
forward “to suggest that software
with Bruce Perens composed the
software solutions and training
is not the only place where
Open Source Definition which
for businesses running Linux and
the open source process could
would form the manifesto of
VA Linux sold computers with
their cofounded Open Source
the software preinstalled. When
.chapter endnotes 1. Andrew Leonard in, The Code. DVD. Directed by Hannu Puttonen (Strasbourg: Arte, 2001) < > accessed 29.03.2015 2. Richard Stallman in, The Code. 3. Christopher M. Kelty. Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Software (North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2008), 125. 4. Raymond, Cathedral, 14. 5. Kelty, Two Bits, 126. 6. Ibid., 127. 7. Ibid., 128. 8. Kelty, Two Bits, 128. 9. Ibid., 130. 10. Ibid., 131. 11. Steven Weber. The Success of Open Source (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2004), 38. 12. Ibid., 39. 13. Ibid., 39. 14. Ibid., 46. 15. Ibid., 47. 16. Ibid., 47. 17. Ibid., 47. 18. Richard Stallman in, The Code. 19. Ibid. 20. Stallman, Richard. The GNU Project <> accessed 16.02.2015. 21. Kelty, Two Bits, 206. 22. Ibid., 104. 23. Richard Stallman in, Revolution OS. DVD. Directed by J.T.S. Moore (Wonderview Productions, 2002) < > accessed 29.03.2015 24. Bruce Perens in, Revolution OS. 25. Lisa DiCarlo. Linux Not Just For Geeks Anymore (Forbes Magazine, 2002) <> accessed 05.04.2015. 26. Eric S. Raymond in, Revolution OS. 27. Kelty, Two Bits, 3. 28. Raymond, Cathedral, 29. 29. Ibid., 29. 30. Kelty, Two Bits, 109. 31. Eric Raymond in, Revolution OS. 32. Raymond, Cathedral, 30. 33. Ibid., 30. 34. Kelty, Two Bits, 116. 35. Ibid., 116. 36. Ibid., 116. 37. Eric S. Raymond. Revision history of The Cathedral and the Bazaar. <> accessed 18.02.2015 38. Kelty, Two Bits, 112. 39. Weber, Success, 225.
“Every good work of software starts by scratching a developer’s personal itch.”1 Eric Raymond - The Cathedral & The Bazaar
Raymond’s above quote suggests
will undoubtedly offer parallels to
code may either be rejected or
that the overarching stimulus
possible motivations of the open
accepted by the compiler3, but
for a work of software is
source architect.
inevitably there are many ways
pragmatic and essentially self
to solve the same problem, one
centred. Although this maybe
Steven Webber in “The Success of
more beautiful than another, with
a valid reason for conceiving
Open Source” discusses the topic
developers taking enjoyment in
a project, it does not go far
of motivation and sets out six
this challenge. This creative drive
enough to explain the countless
alternatives to remuneration. He
for clever simple code aligns with
unpaid hours that thousands
admits however, that the scheme
Stallman’s assertion that software
of voluntary contributors will
is imperfect, with crossovers
design is more than a tool, it
spend on the development and
amongst categories, since it
is a demonstration of human
maintenance of open source
is difficult to define human
software. Whilst contemplating
motivation. His categories are:
the alternatives to payment we
- Art and beauty
“Job as vocation” is the experience
will consider the notion of the
- Job as vocation
of creating good code which
information given (namely the
- The joint enemy
empowers the programmer. Often
source code and analogously
- Ego boosting
programmers will be involved
architectural drawings) as a gift,
- Reputation
in open source projects as an
nuances involved with gift-
- Identity and belief system2
extension of their professional,
giving and especially how the
commercial lives. Sharing the
nature of information affects its
“Art and beauty” refers to the
code that has empowered them
operation as a gift. The intention
simple pleasure of solving
adds primarily to ones feeling of
of this chapter is to provide
complicated problems. Though not
efficacy5 and is not necessarily
an appreciation of a hacker’s
only in a technical sense of right
a demonstration of ones moral
incentive to involve themselves
or wrong, in an aesthetic, elegant
in open source projects, which
way too. It is true that a piece of
[Fig.7 - D.I.Y. C.N.C.]
.motivation d.i.y. c.n.c. From the outset I intended to publish the design for my printer online, along with instructions; so that others may learn from or be inspired by the work. The decision to share
my work though is multifaceted and my reasoning has strengthened as a result of writing this dissertation. Firstly, my project was inspired by the work of other makers who had
shared their work online and acting by example, I believed that I should do the same.
continues on p.14
Microsoft is the undisputed
that an open source Microsoft “is
speak for itself and not require
“joint enemy”, but essentially
definitely possible” , confirming
bragging from its author.
acts as the embodiment of an
that open source is a legitimate
array of proprietary companies.
development method. This
Since information is circulated
Weber suggests that proprietary
category links closely with
among open source communities,
software is not necessarily the
“identity and belief system” since
those involved who receive the
ideological enemy of open source,
the “joint enemy” strengthens open
information may offer peer-to-
rather a technical and business
source’s sense of community, as
peer review of the work that
practice one. Pragmatically code
hackers universally disassociate
has been shared. Motivation to
should be open because open
themselves with proprietary
create a high quality gift may be
source development yields better
gained from seeking the approval
software6, so should be pursued.
of ones peers, thus growing the
Comments made this year (April
“Ego boosting” is an important mo-
author’s “reputation” and inevitably
2015) by top Microsoft engineer
tivation and source of satisfaction.
producing a more superior
Mark Russinovich suggest that
A developer’s work will be publicly
product. “Reputation” gained in
the proprietary company may
received and praised if appropri-
open source communities may
not always be the “joint enemy”.
ate, however, the norm is not to
also translate to improved job
Russinovich stated at ChefConf
self promote. The work should
prospects in a commercial context.
13 Shared “identity and belief systems”
results in a distorted economy12,
ability etcetera is highlighted
are essential to the strength of
one which becomes saturated and
between giver and receiver16.
FLOSS culture. American journalist
thus prices diminish significantly.
Moreover in receiving a gift one
Steven Levy documented the
may feel obliged to reciprocate.
following key characteristics of
In Homesteading the Noosphere
shared FLOSS beliefs in his book
Eric Raymond explains how this
An area where OSArc is being
Hackers in 1984 which remain true
distorted economy works in the
more actively pursued is within
today :
open source context, from an
the humanitarian context, since
- Access to computers should be unlimited - Information should be free - Mistrust authority and promote decentralisation - Judge people on merit not credentials - People can create art on computers
anthropological and economic
invariably remuneration is
perspective. He points out that as
not expected and motivation
human beings we are inherently
to engage with pro bono
driven to gain social status, and
projects is typically granted
where survival goods are “scarce”,
by the knowledge that one
the people in control of goods are
is contributing to a good
the individuals of high status .
cause. OSArc initiatives such
Our economic model today is
as Architecture for Humanity,
principally an exchange economy,
discussed further in chapter 5,
an advanced adjustment to
facilitate the sharing of valuable
scarcity. Cooperation and trade
architectural documentation and
facilitates the decentralised
services with some of world’s
allocation of resources, and
most in need. Beyond charitable
social status is determined by
applications, the motivation to
the resources or services one
“open source” ones architectural
controls .
work may be understood
- Computers can change human life for the better9 These beliefs, whether associated with open source or free software, challenge existing social and economic systems to do with production; the consequences of which Weber suggests could affect “how people relate to each other beyond the realm of computer software.”10
with reference to Weber’s If information can be reproduced
aforementioned alternatives to
and distributed at little or no
cost, exchange relationships
.the gift
become redundant and social
Through discussing gift culture
Richard Coyne, in his book The
status is instead determined
and the act of ‘gift giving’, ideas
Cornucopia Limited, questions the
on what you give away, rather
of relationships, social status and
true nature of gifting information,
than what you control . This
peer review have been extended.
be it software, digital media
abundance of resources lays the
How open source communities
or architectural drawings. It is
foundations for a gift culture
manage these social themes
possible, in the digital age, to
and incentivises openly sharing
among a diverse collection of
both give away information and
source code among developers.
contributors and how work is
yet still retain it unaffected .
The act of ‘gift giving’ inevitably
delegated to those globally
What differentiates information
initiates relationships between
dispersed volunteers, poses
from many other commodities is
developers and with reference to
significant questions to do with
its immaterially and as such the
Marcel Mauss, Coyne discusses
both social and organisational
cost of its dissemination via the
the nuanced implications of these
infrastructures and form the basis
Internet is near zero. The ability to
interactions. By giving a gift, a
of the discussion in the following
reproduce information endlessly
difference in status, age, wealth,
[Fig.8 - D.I.Y. C.N.C. profile on Instructables.]
continued from p.12 The website Instructables is an online community of makers, hackers, DIY enthusiasts and artists, and is where I found inspiration and advice as to how I would realise my C.N.C. project. This online community and many others like it depend on members openly sharing their innovations publicly, and being constructively critical about each others work, through comments and online forum debates. I felt that since I had found invaluable information on Instructables that I should contribute my own findings back, and help maintain this thriving creative community. Obligation however was not my only motivation.
similar interests or who publishes projects of high quality for example. Users are free to comment on another’s project and “like” them if they think the project is of merit. Weber’s understanding of motivation through “ego boosting” is very relevant in the instance of one’s project being liked. Since sharing my project on Instructables I have had 500 likes and 21 users have begun following me, my project was also featured by the administrators of the website. This recognition feels great especially coming from a community of creative people for whom I have a great deal of respect and this acknowledgment will definitely help motivate future work.
As a user of Instructables you are assigned a public profile to which you share basic personal information and upload projects you wish to share with other users. Much like other social networking sites users can follow each other; one might follow another user with
A result of making my project freely available to the Instructables community is that many skilled users will take time to look over my work and make comments on where they believe the project could be improved, or achieved differently. My project has received
several comments from users suggesting modifications to my design which would increase its functionality and with little effort [Fig.9]. Instructables’ employment of peer-to-peer review, through the ability to make comments, is a direct incarnation of the “babbling bazaar” model, which Raymond so enthusiastically advocates and has enabled the rapid improvement of my design. Along with instructions on how to build my project, I have included original raw files for key components of the project so that other users may download and replicate parts exactly. Making these files available for free relates the project to the notion of a gift as discussed by Coyne. It has not cost me anything to make them available and no matter how many people choose to download them that will remain true. This display of cheap internet altruism may be understood to be motivated in a
15 number of ways. Raymond’s social status theory would argue that since I did not stand to make money from the files anyway, I might as well offer the information for free and in return gain status from other users. Whereas Weber’s view of “job as vocation” would see the author of a project sharing their work because they believe it would benefit someone else and incur a feeling of self-efficacy. However, I believe I was motivated by the idea that other users might find merit enough in my work to download and use the material and agree with author and architect David Garcia’s sentiment
that the open source movement has its origins in use, not ownership17. This project has enabled me to become part of the Instructables community, strengthened my identity as a designer and fortified my belief that open source is a valid development method. This exercise has gone far in understanding key ways in which designers might decide that participating in open source and contributing their work to a commons is a legitimate idea, both pragmatically and ideologically.
[Fig.9 - D.I.Y. C.N.C. with cutting modification, suggestion made by Instructables user “Raitis” .]
.chapter endnotes 1. Raymond, Cathedral, 32. 2. Weber, Success, 135-136. 3. A “compiler” translates source code into binary readable by the computer. 4. Weber, Success, 38. 5. Ibid., 137. 6. Ibid., 139. 7. Cade Metz. Microsoft: An Open Source Windows Is ‘Definitely Possible’ (Wired Magazine, April 2015) <> accessed 11.04.2015 8. Weber, Success, 144. 9. Steven Levy. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (California: O’Reilly Media, 2010), 27-34. 10. Weber, Success, 145. 11. Richard Coyne. Cornucopia Limited: Design and Dissent on the Internet (Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2005), 101. 12. Ibid., 101. 13. Raymond, Eric. S. Homesteading the Noosphere (2000), 11. < > accessed 07.03.2015 14. Ibid., 11. 15. Ibid., 11. 16. Coyne, Cornucopia, 102. 17. David Garcia. Kopieer dit (Metropolis Magazine, no. 5, 2002), 37. <> accessed 03.03.2015
.organisation Numbers of geographically
into open sourceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s strategy for
which sets of rules to do with
dispersed enthusiastic volunteers,
harnessing the creativity and
ownership, responsibility, seniority
who are willing to give their
power of a diverse community of
and authority arise.
time to an open source project,
contributors. Similarly these issues
whatever their motivation, extend
will necessitate consideration
Typically the person who initiates
considerable complexities to
in establishing OSArc projects,
the project is regarded the owner,
do with organisation. The open
where networks of contributing
and as such is granted the right
source context is particularly
architects need to be managed
to distribute the project. Founding
challenging. Since open source is
both socially and technically.
the project however is not the
primarily comprised of volunteers,
This chapter aims to shed light
only way to acquire ownership,
it would be inappropriate for
on how individuals synchronise
one may be explicitly and publicly
projects to adopt organisational
their contributions of expertise to
handed ownership of a project
structures based on hierarchy, like
a common goal, in a context free
by a previous owner or should
their authoritarian proprietary
from both authoritative control
a project have been abandoned,
counterparts. This makes the
and (in a gift culture) the price
one can assume control. In
effective delegation of work and
mechanism ?
small groups the leadership and
decision-making responsibilities
decision-making responsibility
problematic. We will enhance our
The gift culture that open source
rests ultimately with the owner,
understanding of the complex
has engendered, as previously
however, in bigger projects the
nature of open source through
mentioned, is itself a mechanism
norm is more subtle. In larger
an exploration into the technical
for establishing a proportion of
operations programmers who
structures that manage workload,
social structure and thus informal
contribute more to a project will
and the social structures that
organisation. The relationships
in turn gain more responsibility,
manage disputes, opinions and
that form through gift exchanges
and since open source functions
new comers; gaining an insight
construct social norms through
predominantly as a meritocracy2,
18 .organisation d.i.y. c.n.c. Instructables is owned by the proprietary software company Autodesk who acquired Instructables in 201112. Originally founded as a side project of MIT engineering graduates Eric Wilhelm and Saul Griffith, Instructables has managed to maintain its identity as a community of makers, despite the acquisition. Wilhelm, on announcing Autodesk’s investment, stated “everyone here at Instructables HQ
is absolutely thrilled”13, reassuring the community that Instructables would benefit from financial backing and improved resourcing from the software giant, without compromising its values of open design. A result of Autodesk’s presence is that the organisational structure of Instructables is predominantly conventional but has core open
source values, which are reflected in its arrangement. There are staff employed to moderate users’ contributions to the website and ensure that comments made by users are civil and criticism is constructive. Although rigorous in their approach, moderators appear liberal in their attitude towards what contributions are accepted, with regards the quality of work. This attitude engenders a rich continues on p.20
those involved are not concerned
would be inappropriate. Ways in
be combated with building
with formal qualifications.
which open source attempts to
information modelling (BIM). BIM
Seniority and decision making
solve these complexities include
is a networked technique which
authority is earned based on
considerations in the way work
is often employed to manage
ability. Open source projects are
is technically designed, methods
large scale architectural projects
voluntarily and in a very real
by which malicious users are
where industry professionals from
sense the leader is dependent
sanctioned, and the use of legal
different sectors need to work
on their followers , should the
documentation to implement
simultaneously on the design
followers strongly disagree with a
of a project. This synchronised
project’s leadership, technically or
work can all be achieved without
socially, they may decide to either
Observing the technical design
the involved parties necessarily
leave or fork the project.
norms of an open source project
being in direct contact or close
is key in understanding how these
proximity of each other. In the
Despite the internet’s evident
operations are organised. The
same way contributors to open
ability to reduce the costs of
complexity of a project may be
source software projects may be
worldwide collaboration, the
managed more efficiently if it is
great distances apart.
Internet alone cannot mitigate
broken down in to manageable,
complications such as “human
modular pieces. It is also
In proprietary software companies
emotion, decision making
imperative that interdependencies
and conventional architectural
[and] resolution of technical
between modules are limited,
practice appropriate behaviour
difficulties.”5 To cope with such
so that altering one module
is maintained by the threat of
complexities in a conventional
does not cause a ripple effect
loosing ones job and thus ones
setting formal hierarchical
throughout the whole project.
income. Additionally, once fired,
organisation is employed, however,
This need to manage complexity
access to work to which one has
in the open source context this
in architectural practice may
contributed is disallowed, since
19 the employer is the legal owner6.
the support of the community
also the opportunity to take and
Without these threats looming
which is a considerable penalty7.
copy a proposal exactly. In either
in the background how can open
instance it is important that
source projects, unable to fire or
A significant benefit of the
knowledge gained, either through
restrict access to open design
willingness to cooperate and
the customisation or direct
or code, protect against anti
share among open source
translation of a design, is shared
social behaviour which might
communities is that work need
with the community as without
compromise the sustainability of
never be duplicated. Beyond the
this dialogue the user may be
the project?
organisation of open source’s
considered a free rider10, and be
contributors, it is necessary
in violation of the accepted social
There are two methods by which
for the contributed work to be
open source communities may
organised such that one can
sanction users who violate the
“be lazy like a fox”8 as Torvalds
In the absence of an authoritarian
social norms of the community.
remarks. A commons acts as
organisational method, it can be
Firstly a user can be flamed.
a host for material offered by
challenging to state what the
Flaming is the act of publicly
open source contributors which
accepted norms of a community
denouncing the actions of an
others may take from without
are. Licenses such as the GNU
individual in mailing lists or
the requirement of expressed
GPL have become key statements
through public forums. These
permission from someone else.
of social structure that define
public displays are archived and
Anyone is free to “take and
FLOSS culture, with Weber
serve as a useful educational
use, and build upon to make
going as far to suggest that the
tool for those entering the open
something better, or better
license maybe considered a “de
source community wanting to
fitted to the particular needs of
facto constitution”11. By stating
familiarise themselves with open
a particular context”9 material
explicitly in a license what the
source etiquette. The public
taken from the commons. The
accepted behaviours and norms
nature of flaming also facilitates
commons is vital to OSArc
of a FLOSS community are, it
a wider debate around what
projects such as WikiHouse
is possible to manage certain
the acceptable or unacceptable
and Architecture for Humanity
social complexities. Essentially
behaviours among the community
through which drawings and
permissive and copyleft licenses
are, ensuring relevant and
documentation are distributed.
strive for fairness, and since many
up to date governing norms.
In both instances users are
FLOSS developers will at times
Shunning is the other method
encouraged to take existing
be licensor and at times licensee,
by which sanctioning may take
designs and manipulate them to
the legal terms remain relatively
place. Shunning is perhaps more
their specific requirements, and for
balanced. A more comprehensive
successful, since it excludes the
the sustainability of the commons
discussion into licensing specifics
offending party from the greatest
to be maintained, it is hoped
will be constructed in the
value in open source; cooperation.
that derivates are shared with
following chapter.
Although the user will not be
the community, by redistributing
excluded from accessing source
them once again through the
code, they will be excluded from
commons. However, there is
20 continued from p.18 commons covering diverse fields of interest, albeit with the presence of some poor quality entries. When displaying search results from the commons, one may sort results according to the popularity of the community, thus avoid viewing poor quality entries. As such, users with higher quality entries receive more traffic and gain a better reputation. As with open source development Instructables operates as a meritocracy, with formal training and qualification carrying no weight; Instructables celebrates the amateur and the novice. Socially, Instructables is organised using devices similar to those found in open source development. Public forums are employed to host discussions, and email newsletters are a means to keep users with shared interests informed. These devices similarly operate as tools to publicly demonstrate accepted social and behavioural norms of the community and educate new comers in the conventions of the Instructables environment. The site
acts as a creative and social hub for users with common interests to network and co-create. This in turn has established a well organised database of valuable “how-tos” with a community of enthusiasts passionate about maintaining their own existence, engendering Kelty’s notion of a “recursive public”.
[Fig.10 - D.I.Y. C.N.C.]
.chapter endnotes 1. Weber, Success, 172. 2. Ibid., 180. 3. Ibid., 167. 4. To “fork” is to take source code from one software project and develop it idependently. 5. Weber, Success, 172. 6. Ibid., 175. 7. Ibid., 177. 8. Raymond, Cathedral, 6. 9. Laurence Lessig. Open Code & Open Societies (2000), 13. < > accessed 07.03.2015 10. A “free rider” is someone who takes source code without contributing to commons. 11. Weber, Success, 172. 12. Phillipe Torrone. Autodesk Acquires Instructables: What It Means for Makers (Make Magazine, August 2011) < means-for-makers/ > accessed 29.03.2015 13. Robin Wauters. Autodesk Acquires DIY Community Instructables (TechCrunch, August 2011) <> accessed 10.04.2015
“He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.”1 Thomas Jefferson - 1813
In a gift culture, like that
among a range of creative fields,
the practical legislation that
engendered by open source,
including architecture, which
underpins them; enabling
Thomas Jefferson’s compelling
promotes free exchange of
sharing and maintaining freedom,
analogy appears only logical.
knowledge by offering an array
whilst avoiding exploitation
With regards knowledge, why
of simple licenses through the
from opportunists. The issue
not share if it is to cost you
Creative Commons organisation.
of licensing and intellectual
nothing, if you will retain that
This achievement is testament to
property forms the basis of the
knowledge unaffected? In 1813
the power and necessity of novel
Open Source Definition, written by
Jefferson wrote to innovator Isaac
licensing within open source, to
Bruce Perens and Eric Raymond,
McPherson rejecting “the notion
both facilitate and maintain its
the joint founders of the Open
that inventors have a natural
operations. This chapter presents
Source Initiative (OSI). It is the
property right in their inventions”2.
licensing within open source, with
prerogative of the OSI to endorse
The letter is often cited by anti-
the central ambition of achieving
licenses, deciding whether or not
intellectual property campaigners
the democratic dissemination of
a license is congruent with their
such as Lawrence Lessig, founder
knowledge and power; licenses
agenda and truly open source.
of Creative Commons3, to argue
that are employed not to exclude,
One of the first licenses to be
with historical authority, that
but encourage users to participate
advocated by the OSI and possibly
founding Americans did not
in the improvement of FLOSS and
Stallman’s greatest contribution
subscribe to the idea that one
to the FLOSS movement, was
should be entitled to patent
the GNU General Public License
protection4. Lessig has been
A great deal of what gives FLOSS
(GPL). The GPL allows material to
pivotal in engendering a culture
communities their structure is
be shared openly but safeguards
22 .legislation d.i.y. c.n.c. What made my project possible was the prevalence of a particular attitude towards intellectual property, which valued openness over ownership. Many of the projects I took inspiration from are licensed under the Creative Commons “Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike” (BY-NC-SA) license, so too is my D.I.Y. C.N.C. Simple licensing, such as that offered by Creative Commons, is essential to online communities like Instructables and an array of both permissive and copyleft licenses, including the GNU GPL, are available to choose from when a user comes to publish their Instructables project.
Open source licensing though is ubiquitous among all aspects of the project, not just in its dissemination. From the Arduino board that controls the printer to the software Inkscape used to convert the line drawing into code readable by the printer, at all stages of the project permissive and copyleft licenses were encountered. Transparency of information and freedom from legal red tape allows motivated designers to concentrate on innovation rather than litigation, facilitating a more productive, open and creative environment.
it from being taken and made
to all; Stallman coined the
higher degree of pragmatism but
proprietary, thus the work
term “copyleft” for this novel
a compromised attitude towards
remains in the public realm and
application of copyright law.
freedom, considered unacceptable
“it becomes an inalienable right
[Fig.11 - Licenses offered by Instructables]
by Stallman and the Free Software
to cooperate with other people
“The two political camps in the
movement. Permissive licenses,
and form a community”5. Whilst
free software community are the
such as the MIT License are
the GPL is heavily reliant on
free software movement and
more pragmatic, since they do
copyright law, the way copyright
open source”6. A project may be
not inhibit derivatives of the
law is used for licenses that
identifiable to one or the other
work from being combined with
protect proprietary software
through an understanding of
proprietary software, so long as a
differs fundamentally. The GPL’s
the type of license it employs. At
copy of the MIT license is included
employment of copyright shifts
a basic level one can separate
in its redistribution. The GPL does
the emphasis from a right to
FLOSS licenses in to two
not allow such an accommodation.
maintain control of the material
general categories, copyleft and
to, an emphasis concerned with
permissive. The decision to choose
A context in which OSArc could
the right to share it and ensures
a permissive over a copyleft
flourish would undoubtedly see
its continued accessibility
license displays the authors
a well considered set of licences
on offer, able to enforce the particular wishes of the author i.e. architect. Decisions regarding attribution, application of material (commercial or personal), location of application (developed or developing nations) and affiliation with non OSArc would all need to be considered and a selection of licenses tailored accordingly to allow maximum flexibility would be necessary. In the following chapters two OSArc case studies will be presented, both of which employ licenses pioneered by Lessig and in the case of Architecture for Humanity, pioneered the first building to be licensed under a Creative Commons license7.
.chapter endnotes 1. Thomas Jefferson. Letter to Isaac McPherson (August 13 1813) < > accessed 11.04.15 2. Adam Mossoff. Who cares what Thomas Jefferson thought about patents? Reevaluating the patent â&#x20AC;&#x153;Privilegeâ&#x20AC;? in historical context. (Cornell Law Review Vol. 92:953) 964. < > accessed 22.03.2015 3. See appendix 4. Mossoff, Jefferson, 964. 5. Richard Stallman in, Revolution OS. 6. Richard Stallman. FLOSS and FOSS <> accessed 09.03.2015 7. Cameron Sinclair. My wish: A call for open-source architecture (TED: 2006) <> accessed 07.03.2015
.bridging statement
In the preceding chapters architectural practice has been discussed abstractly, whilst the focus has been placed on FLOSS development and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s principles, so that we might better understand the relevance of open source culture to the following OSArc case studies. OSArc is an evolving paradigm, of which the key principles may be associated with FLOSS. As stated in the OSArc manifesto, OSArc describes new methods for the inception, construction and operation of architecture, cities and infrastructure, advocating inclusive design through network culture1. Although established in theory, OSArc is, at present, absent from mainstream architectural practice and found more readily in experimental, emergency and humanitarian projects. The topic has been undergoing significant progress recently with the OSArc manifesto being published and presented at the Istanbul Design Biennial in 2012 and Carlo Ratti, the manifestoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lead author, set to release his book Open Source Architecture in April this year (2015). With OSArc gaining momentum it is important for us to consider its relevance within architectural practice and whether it could provoke significant questions about how architects approach ideas of openness, participation and collaboration.
1. Carlo Ratti. et al. Open Source Architecture Manifesto (Domus #948, 2011) <> accessed 07.03.2015
.architecture for humanity “Design like you give a damn.”1 Cameron Sinclair - 2011
Architecture for Humanity (AfH) is
that idea is helped to become a
an astonishing example of a
a non-profit organisation, which
reality4, and in 2006, Sinclair was
commons with a high calibre
enables architects, designers
awarded the prize. His wish was
of work, submitted by industry
and builders to get involved in
to create the Open Architecture
professionals as well as
improving the living standards
Network (OAN), “an open source,
students and amateurs. Working
of those most in need across
collaborative project management
with Lawrence Lessig, the
the globe. Founded in 1999 by
website that would empower
founder of Creative Commons,
Cameron Sinclair and Kate Stohr,
building professionals with
Sinclair developed a “some
AfH had, as of 2011, completed
design solutions to improve life”5.
rights reserved” license for
2250 projects in 25 countries2
The OAN would help relive the
use on buildings to protect
driven by their core belief that
growing demand for help from
the contents of the OAN’s
“everyone deserves access to the
AfH, by enabling local connections
commons7. The license allows
benefits of good design”3.
between those willing to offer
free use of a building’s plans and
help and those most in need.
documentation for non profit
Each year the organisation TED
activity, but the designer must be
awards a prize to an individual
The OAN has grown to have
paid if the use were commercial8.
with a bold, creative idea that
over 50,000 members, who
has the potential to cause
have contributed more than
Architecture for Humanity has,
global positive change. With
40,000 proposals and 166
over the past 15 years, responded
an investment of $1 million
pro bono projects6 have since
to natural disasters around the
and TED’s network of resources
been completed. The OAN is
globe, in countries including
[Fig.12 - Blackwell’s PorchDog prototype.]
Haiti, Japan, the Philippines and
this inflated cost of construction
The design responds with great
in 2005 began its involvement
would pose significant challenges
efficacy to both the practical
with the efforts to rebuild after
to the residents and their efforts
and social complications of a
Hurricane Katrina devastated the
to rebuild10. The Biloxi Model
site which requires extensive
Gulf Coast of the United States.
Home Program achieved 7 pilot
protection from storm conditions,
As part of their contribution AfH
homes, which would serve as
whilst maintaining a sensitivity
established the Biloxi Model
prototypes to be replicated
to the norms of the Gulf Coast
Home Program to help residents
by others rebuilding in Biloxi
streetscape and affiliated “porch
of Biloxi, Mississippi approach
and indeed anywhere at risk
culture”11. Although there is
the challenges of rebuilding, in
of flooding. All the necessary
sufficient information available
the wake of such a destructive
information needed to build
online and in AfH’s publications
event. Those displaced by the
these homes is comprehensively
to explain the design rationale
storm were concerned that new
catalogued and available for free
of the PorchDog prototype, I
structural and environmental
on the OAN under the Creative
was eager to understand how
regulations to safeguard future
Commons BY-NC-SA license.
and why such an accomplished
homes from similar flood and
architect became involved in
storm threats would dramatically
One of the more compelling
the Biloxi Model Home Program
increase the cost of construction9.
designs to emerge from the
and open source architecture. I
In a community where the
Biloxi prototypes was the
was fortunate enough to speak
household income of many is
PorchDog model, designed by
briefly with Marlon to discuss his
close to the federal poverty line,
Marlon Blackwell Architects.
experience of working with AfH
27 and his motivation to share full
most cases this created a residual
the commons that Blackwell was
documentation of the PorchDog
zone below those buildings.
happy to make.
design for free via the OAN.
Designing the PorchDog prototype was an opportunity to offer an
In 2013 Sinclair stepped down as
[A full transcript of the phone call
alternative to the “new urbanist’s
AfH’s executive director with the
may be found in appendix a]
gingerbread houses on stilts”13,
rationale that “if this [Architecture
which Blackwell believed did not
for Humanity] is a truly sustainable
engage with the problem.
organisation, it should survive
It became clear early on in our conversation that Blackwell’s
without its founders”16. However,
decision to submit a proposal
For Blackwell, and his office,
earlier this year (January 2015)
for the Biloxi Model Home
the primary goal was that the
AfH filed for bankruptcy17 and
Program wasn’t incentivised by
prototype should “be a tangible
closed its headquarters in San
money or free publicity. In fact,
outcome of the program”14, it was
Fransisco. Despite this news, the
it was AfH who had approached
imperative that it was built. As
end of AfH and the OAN is not
him. Initially Blackwell had not
such the key motivation for this
likely. The very purpose of AfH
been interested in the efforts to
project is ultimately pragmatic;
was to connect local designers
rebuild post Katrina, due to the
Blackwell rejected what was
with local problems and as such
dominant presence of the new
being proposed, believing he
has dictated its organisational
urbanists and their “antiquated
could deign something more
structure; it consists of
approach to architecture”12 and
effective. Unfortunately neither
60 independent chapters
master planning. However, since
the PorchDog nor the other
worldwide18. Although these
Biloxi, unlike other towns along
prototypes designed for the
chapters share the AfH trademark
the Mississippi Gulf Coast, were
program have been replicated
they are financially independent
to develop their own model, in
elsewhere, although Blackwell
and many will continue to operate
conjunction with AfH and with the
did receive several enquiries
as usual, despite the bankruptcy
security of legitimate sponsors,
from New Orleans that did
of their parent charity, in the
Blackwell was keen to participate
not materialise. He maintains
same way a new software project
and submitted several proposals.
he was never convinced that
may fork from its failing parent
anyone would literally copy the
project. The OAN remains online,
Blackwell, a distinguished
design and that this would not
hosting and distributing valuable
professor at the university of
be entirely appropriate since
information and will continue to
Arkansas and Fellow of the
there are changes that he would
do so regardless of the unsure
American Institute of Architects,
make to future iterations, which
future of its backers.
saw early on what was being built
would improve the design both in
post Katrina and the effects that
terms of cost and performance15.
the new FEMA regulations were
The PorchDog is a legitimate
having on the urban fabric. The
design solution though, and the
regulations demanded that new
necessary documentation to
structures be raised above street
build it is available free via the
level by at least 11 feet and in
OAN, a valuable contribution to
[Fig.13 - AfH London Facebook page.]
.chapter endnotes 1. Cameron Sinclair. Lessons Learnedâ&#x20AC;Ś from Design Like You Give a Damn [2]: Building Change from the Ground Up (New York: ABRAMS, 2012) 2. Ibid., 11. 3. Architecture for Humanity. What We Do. <> accessed 13.03.2015 4. TED. TED Prize <> accessed 07.04.2015 5. Sinclair, Lessons Learned, 25. 6. The Open Architecture Network. Home Page <> accessed 13.03.2015 7. Sinclair, Lessons Learned, 25. 8. Ibid., 25. 9. Ibid., 109. 10. Ibid., 109. 11. Marlon Blackwell Architects. Porchdog House Prototype (2009) <> accessed 05.04.2015 12. Marlon Blackwell. Interview by author. Phone call. Edinburgh Arkansas (06.04.2015) 13. Ibid. 14. Ibid. 15. Ibid. 16. Robin Pogrebin. A Leader in Socially Conscious Architecture Is Closing Amid Financial Woes (The New York Times, 17.01.2015) <> accessed 05.04.2015 17. Architecture for Humanity. Home Page (22.01.2015) <> accessed 05.04.2015 18. Architecture for Humanity Chapter Network. Home Page. <> accessed 05.04.2015
[Fig.14 - WikiHouse construction set process.]
The WikiHouse project offers
cut from plywood using a C.N.C.
in its organisation as an online
an open source alternative
router. The WikiHouse project
community which facilitates
to conventional architectural
fulfils the two criteria set out
contribution and collaboration
processes, allowing unskilled
by Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Mahony and West, authors
among individuals, and as such
end users to directly participate
of What makes a project open
may be considered a development
in the design and construction
source? Migrating from organic to
of their own home. The
synthetic communities required
dissemination of WikiHouse
for a project to be considered
Through engaging with
projects is facilitated by an online
open source development. Firstly,
Architecture for Humanity and
commons, which hosts the files
in itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s employment of Creative
the WikiHouse project it became
and documentation needed to
Commons licensing, thus making
apparent that OSArc was not so
construct a building of which
its content openly available for
much a concept of the future as
the majority of elements are
others to take and use. Secondly,
I had first imagined, blueprints
and manuals are online now,
The ambition of my D.I.Y. C.N.C.
ambition will not be easily
ready for experimentation. The
was to go further and evaluate
achieved. Despite WikiHouseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
ambition of this dissertation has
how successful the WikiHouse
operations providing a platform
been to present how open source
project has been in its ambition
for collaboration and cooperation
culture is able to challenge linear
to encourage a more participatory
to happen, so too does it allow
processes relating to design,
approach to architecture.
free riding. My involvement with
manufacture and ultimately
WikiHouse was purely one way, I
architecture. Open source
My most immediate conclusion
took from the commons without
initiatives such as the WikiHouse
to draw from the D.I.Y. C.N.C.
giving back and as such opted
project offer alternatives and
experiment is that although
out of participation, rendering my
thus challenge us to rethink
WikiHouse aims to encourage
engagement unsustainable. The
our understanding of the way
participation in the practice
opportunity to contribute to the
we approach making buildings.
of making architecture, this
Wikihouse commons is severely
limited since all contributions
including instructions on how to
making” for the method whereby
must adhere to the format of parts
build the printer, as well as how to
projects such as the D.I.Y. C.N.C.
cut from plywood sheet stock. My
take drawings from the Wikihouse
“can be employed to develop
decision to refrain from adding
commons and manipulate them.
a critical perspective on the
to the commons was also due to
I was able to easily add to the
current institutions, practices
WikiHouse’s rigorous approach
Instructables commons and
and norms of society”2. By
to regulating contributions, a
give back to the open design
making information more widely
user must first apply to join the
community. The action of
available and supporting open
commons and subsequently apply
sharing my experiences and the
source design, we extend greater
to begin a project and submit
knowledge I amassed throughout
opportunities to engage in critical
drawings; all steps of which must
the project contributed a quality
making which in turn “heralds
be approved by a moderator. Of
of participation to my project
new possibilities for artists,
course this approach ensures that
which was otherwise lacking,
scholars and interested citizens
only a high calibre of coherent
despite replicating an OSArc
to engage in a simultaneously
work is included in the commons
conceptual and material critique
and where failure of the design
of technologies and information
may have fatal consequences, this
Throughout this text the D.I.Y.
systems in society”3. Although
level of mediation should perhaps
C.N.C. project has been used as
the result of critical making is
be welcomed.
a device to assist discussions
often an alternative to an existing
around open source and form
system, it is not the intention that
Instructables, although similarly
critical appraisals of initiatives
these alternatives will become
employs moderators, has a more
such as the WikiHouse project
replacements. The value of critical
liberal approach to accepting
and indirectly, architectural
making lies not in its end results
contributions with a far richer
practice. Matt Ratto, a professor
but in the development of unique
commons as a result. I was
in the faculty of information
understandings by the makers,
therefore able to make available
at the University of Toronto,
who in turn curate and share their
full documentation of my project,
has coined the term “critical
findings with others4.
[Fig.15 - D.I.Y. C.N.C. WikiHouse Print at 1:100 scale.]
.chapter endnotes
1. Duncan Bain. Open Source Architecture Wiki (2015) < Page> accessed 05.04.2015 2. Matt Ratto. Critical Making from Open Design Now: Why Design Cannot Remain Exclusive. (Netherlands: BIS Publishers, 2011), 203. 3. Ratto, Critical Making, 204. 4. Ibid., 204.
.conclusion This dissertation has asked if
away, they will surely be less
(Fig. 15) and able to challenge the
principles commonplace in open
inclined to participate. However,
role of the professional designer
source software development
as demonstrated with the D.I.Y.
or architect.
might serve as credible
C.N.C., the rapid reduction in
alternatives for conventions
cost and increased accessibility
Liberating the client from the
within architectural practice.
to these machines, signals that
need of an architect however
Although the design stages of
perhaps we are moving towards
will not be one of open
software and architecture are
a future where locale is a lesser
source culture’s contributions
analogous, there are fundamental
to architecture. Just as open
differences between the construction of the two that present considerable challenges for the realisation of OSArc.
source and proprietary software
“Share global, print local” Alastair Parvin, WikiHouse.
Architecture’s materiality and
coexist, so too will OSArc and architectural practice as we know it today. Instead, there are attitudes and approaches that
requirement of costly resources
An OSArc project may be the
have the potential to make a
reduces its accessibility and is
product of global co-creation
lasting impact on the profession.
OSArc’s most significant obstacle.
but its physical construction will
It is imperative however that open
Since architecture is inherently
be local. It was the intention of
source methods applied outside
material, unlike software, it is
my D.I.Y. C.N.C. project that this
the realm of software production
geographically placed which
concern be addressed, showing
are not considered “pixie dust
presents further challenges
that the consumer is now capable
to be sprinkled on random
regarding motivation. If an
of taking control of manufacturing
processes”1. Rather than assuming
OSArc contributor cannot reap
and subverting the linear mode of
that open source is largely
the benefits of their own work
production, of
applicable beyond software
because it is thousands of miles
designer -> factory -> consumer
we should regard it as broadly
34 7 inapplicable, but so rewarding that it is worth changing our behaviour to adopt the methods, tools and techniques that have proved so successful2. A revision of the way architects perceive intellectual property will be open source’s primary contribution. This change will allow architects to observe that when ideas are openly shared, “multidirectional dialogue” will occur, which pragmatically produces higher quality results. This dynamism in end result was demonstrated through the sharing of my D.I.Y. C.N.C. project, where improvements were made because of suggestions from the Instructables community [Fig.9]. OSArc is able to deliver that same dynamism, offering an alternative that can “transcend production structures of the industrial era”3. I believe that OSArc, once widely experienced, has the capacity to begin a focused discussion about how we approach designing and making buildings. Open source has the potential to incite a more democratic and inclusive architectural process. Although OSArc does not necessarily offer a complete alternative to the present condition, it is a valuable device through which we may challenge and critique our current motives and processes.
[Fig.16 - Thomas Lomée, Multidirectional Dialogue]
.chapter endnotes 1. Shirky, Clay. Epilogue: Open Source outside the Domain of Software from: Feller, Joseph., et al., eds. Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software (Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2007), 483. 2. Ibid., 483 3. Kaspori, Dennis. A Communism of Ideas: Towards an open-source practice (Archis Magazine #3, 2003) <> accessed 10.04.2015
[Fig.17 - Scan of D.I.Y. C.N.C. WikiHouse print]
.books Abel, Bas van. et al., Open Design Now: Why Design Cannot Remain Exclusive. Netherlands: BIS Publishers, 2011. Architecture for Humanity., ed. Design Like You Give a Damn [2]: Building Change from the Ground Up. New York: ABRAMS, 2012. Brooks Jr, Fredrick P. The Mythical Man-Month. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1995. Coyne, Richard. Cornucopia Limited: Design and Dissent on the Internet. Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2005. Feller, Joseph., et al., eds. Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software. Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2007. Jones, Paul. The Sociology of Architecture: Constructing Identities. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2011. Kelty, Christopher M. Two Bits: The cultural significance of Free Software. North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2008. Lessig, Lawrence. Free Culture: How big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity. New York: The Penguin Press, 2004. Levy, Steven. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution. California: O’Reilly Media, 2010. Negroponte, Nicholas. Being Digital. New York: Random House, 1995. Raymond, Eric S. The Cathedral and the Bazaar. California: O’Reilly Media, 2001. Rifkin, Jeremy. The Age of Access: The new culture of hypercapitalism where all of life is a paid-for experience. New York: Penguin, 2001. Schumpeter, Joseph, A. Capitalism, Socialism & Democracy. London: Routledge, 1943. Shamiyeh, Michael. What People Want: Popularism in Architecture and Design. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2005. Shepard, Michael, ed. Sentient City: Ubiquitous computing, architecture, and the future of urban space. Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2011. Weber, Steven. The Success of Open Source. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2004. Zucchini, Benedict. Giancarlo De Carlo. Oxford: Reed International, 1992.
38 .journal articles Bergquist, Magnus & Ljungberg, Jan. The power of gifts: organising social relationships in open source communities, Information Systems Journal, Vol. 11 (2001): Issue 4, p305–320. De Carlo, Giancarlo. L’Architettura Della Partecipazione : The Architecture of Participation, The Yale Architectural Journal, Prespecta 17 (1980), p65-82. Ghapanchi, Amir H. Investigating the Interrelationships among Success Measures of Open Source Software Projects, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Vol. 25 (2015): Issue 1, p28-46 O’Mahony, Siobhán & Ferraro, Fabrizio. The Emergen Of Governance in an Open Source Community, Academy of Management Journal Vol. 50 (2007): Issue 5, p1079-1106.
.online sources Angry Architect, The. End of an Era: Architecture For Humanity Closes Its Doors. Architizer, Jan 2015.
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Bain, Duncan. Open Source Architecture Wiki. 2015. < > accessed 29.03.2015
Blackwell Architects, Marlon. Porchdog House Prototype. 2009.
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DiCarlo., Lisa. Linux Not Just For Geeks Anymore. Forbes Magazine, 2002.
<>, accessed 05.04.2015
Ferro, Shaunacy. What’s Next For Architecture For Humanity? Fastcodesign, Jan 2015.
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Garcia, David. ‘Kopieer dit’. Metropolis Magazine, no. 5, 2002.
<>, accessed 05.03.2015
Jefferson, Thomas. Letter to Isaac McPherson. Aug 13 1813.
< > accessed 11.04.2015
Kaspori, Dennis. A Communism of Ideas: Towards an open-source practice. Archis Magazine #3, 2003.
< > accessed 27.01.2015
Lessig, Lawrence. Open Code and Open Societies. 2000.
< > accessed 07.03.2015
39 Metz, Cade. Microsoft: An Open Source Windows Is ‘Definitely Possible’ . Wired Magazine, Apr 3 2015.
< > accessed 11.04.2015
Mossoff, Adam. Who care what Thomas Jefferson thought about patents? Reevaluating the patent “Privilege” in historical context. Cornell Law Review Vol. 92:953. < > accessed 22.03.2015
O’Mahony, Siobhán & West, Joel. What makes a project open source? Migrating from organic to synthetic communities. Jan 10 2005.
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Pogrebin, Robin. A Leader in Socially Conscious Architecture Is Closing Amid Financial Woes. The New York Times, Jan 17 2015.
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Ratti, Carlo. et al. Open Source Architecture Manifesto. Domus Magazine #948, 2011.
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Raymond, Eric. S. A Brief History of Hackerdom. 2000.
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Raymond, Eric. S. Homesteading the Noosphere. 2000. < > accessed 07.03.2015
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Torrone, Phillipe. Autodesk Acquires Instructables: What It Means for Makers. Make Magazine, Aug 2011.
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40 .film and video Chef Conference. Panel Discussion: Have Your Bets on Open Paid Off? (Apr 2 2015)
<> accessed 09.04.2015
Moore, J.T.S. Dir, Revolution OS. DVD (Wonderview Productions, 2002)
< > accessed 29.03.2015
Parvin, Alastair. Architecture for the people by the people (TED: 2013)
< > accessed 07.03.2015
Puttonen, Hannu. Dir, The Code. DVD (Strasbourg: Arte, 2001)
< > accessed 29.03.2015
Shirky, Clay. How social media can make history (TED: 2009)
< > accessed 07.03.2015
Shirky, Clay. Institutions Vs Collaboration (TED: 2005)
< > accessed 07.03.2015
Sinclair, Cameron. My wish: A call for open-source architecture (TED: 2006)
< > accessed 07.03.2015
.websites Architecture for Humanity
<> accessed 05.04.2015
Architecture for Humanity Chapter Network
<> accessed 05.04.2015
<> accessed 05.04.2015
<> accessed 05.04.2015
Open Architecture Network
<> accessed 05.04.2015
< > accessed 05.04.2015
41 .images Fig. 1 Incorporating Arduino in the design studio.
Author’s image.
Fig. 2 Richard Stallman.
<> accessed 11.04.2015
Fig. 3 GNU Logo.
< > accessed 11.04.2015
Fig. 4 Linus Torvalds.
< >
accessed 11.04.2015
Fig. 5 Linux Logo.
< > accessed
Fig. 6 Linus Torvalds on the cover of Forbes, 1998.
< > accessed 11.04.2015
Fig. 7 D.I.Y. C.N.C.
Author’s image.
Fig. 8 D.I.Y. C.N.C. Instructables profile.
< > accessed 11.04.2015
Fig. 9 D.I.Y. C.N.C. with cutting modification, suggestion made by Instructables user “Raitis”
Author’s image.
Fig. 10 D.I.Y. C.N.C.
Author’s image.
Fig. 11 Licenses offered by Instructables.
< > accessed 11.04.2015
Fig. 12 Marlon Blackwell’s ProchDog prototype.
< > accessed 12.04.2015
Fig. 13 Architecture for Humanity Facebook page.
< > accessed 11.04.2015
Fig. 14 WikiHouse construction set processes.
< > accessed 11.04.2015
42 Fig. 15 D.I.Y. C.N.C. WikiHouse print at 1:100 scale.
Author’s image.
Fig. 16 Thomas Lommée, multidirectional dialogue.
< > accessed 12.04.2015
Fig. 17 Scan of D.I.Y. C.N.C. WikiHouse print.
Author’s resource.
Resources in appendix b all belong to author, images are hosted by Instructables.
< >
Edited transcript from conversation with Marlon Blackwell 06.04.2015 19:00 (BST) 13:00 (CST) duration 00:14:18
.appendix a [HL] Could you tell me about how you came to be involved with Architecture for Humanity and the East Biloxi model homes program? [MB] We were approached by Architecture for Humanity to submit a prototype design for the new model home program. We hadn’t initially been that interested in what was going on post Katrina because the rebuilding was all being coopted by the new urbanists with their kind of antiquated approach to architecture. We discovered that Biloxi was the only town on the Mississippi Gulf Coast that didn’t want to use the new urbanist’s plan and they wanted to develop their own model program in conjunction with Architecture for Humanity. Biloxi had managed to secure sponsors so it looked like it would really happen, Oprah’s Angel Network and Autodesk were major sponsors so that added legitimacy. We submitted a couple of projects because we had done a few before for Architecture for Humanity with the Ogden museum in New Orleans but nothing came out of it and so we had already been thinking about it. We generated a couple of prototypes that would seriously deal with the new FEMA regulations demanding that all houses or structures within the city limits have to be raised 6 to 11 feet above the street level. For us that had lots of implications on the urban character and fabric because it creates a residual zone down below which was already looking pretty evident in some of the first buildings that were going up. We saw this as an opportunity to ask the question How might it be otherwise? Then we decided that it was best to have the porch that was this social interface between the private world of the house and the public world of the street. The house would remain on the street and then we would create a more concise footprint for the house and really only then as a prototype it can be repeated because it would be a market rate house priced anywhere from $115-130 a square foot. That was the challenge and the opportunity that got us involved. The PorchDog model home was intended as a prototype that could be repeated across the Gulf Coast and indeed anywhere else affected by flooding. All the necessary information to copy the building is available through the Open Architecture Network. Have you heard of anyone reproducing the scheme? No it has not been reproduced as far as I know although we had several inquiries from New Orleans about it but no one followed it up. But it is there on the OAN and it is certainly a legitimate strategy, it seems to be more of a hybrid than the other model homes that came out of the program. [HL] Have you considered a similarly open approach to the other work that you produce at your practice? [MB] Well we are very interested in prototypes and projects that are in effect in search of a site. How we responded to what we saw was a more kind of darwinian moment. How do you demonstrate that typologies can be adaptive and evolutionary? That was our interest and we were happy to share it and share our thinking and allow it to be available to others should they decided to repeat it. Its a much more public open ended sort of proposition and basically it is the sharing of ideas. I don’t know how convinced we were that someone would literally take it and reproduce it, we thought if anything they would alter it or try and make it their own, we thought if they were serious about reproducing it they would contact us directly. Also there are things that we would have done differently and things that we learned that we think if included in the next iterations would improve it both in terms of performance and in terms of cost.
[HL] In terms of your motivation to work with Architecture for Humanity and to give away the information on how to replicate the PorchDog for free, did you consider the publicity benefits or was your motivation purely philanthropic? [MB] It became more philanthropic thats for sure. I mean I don’t fundraise for it but I actually sent guys there from my office to help put on the sliding shutters and help with some of the other things that were outstanding and that needed to be completed. We saw it as important to be built and to be a tangible outcome of the program so that was what was most important, it wasn’t a money making venture. We never imagined there was money to be made, I think we were paid a very modest sum which basically paid mostly only for us to travel down there [Arkansas to Biloxi] a few times. I think it was more an opportunity to serve and say here, here’s what you can do other than a Katrina cottage. The new urbanists were proposing all these ginger bread houses on stilts, up three feet in the air. We just thought that wasn’t really engaging the problem. [HL] Architecture for Humanity filed for bankruptcy in January this year, did the organisation appear to be sustainable when you were involved with them? [MB] I can’t explain all of it but I just know that when Cameron and Kate stepped away they were in a lot of debt, they had a lot of momentum and good new organisation but I think these things are often fleeting. [HL] I suppose then they did well to keep it going for more than fifteen years. [MB] Yeah and I think it was an issue to do with the transition of leadership. I think it was a lack of will on the organisation’s part to figure out how to resolve all of their financial problems and I think they just decided to shut it down. The new president of the organisation was actually at our university a few years ago proposing to develop these new regional think tanks, getting universities to buy in and then to obviously sponsor these think tanks across the country. It was a good idea and our dean and our school was certainly interested, but in the end it felt like they didn’t continue to pursue the model. [HL] Did you enjoy being involved with Architecture for Humanity? [MB] Yes it was a great experience, it was very frustrating at times, trying to get something built from afar and built correctly, which was a real challenge, but I know the people who got their house were very pleased, although then the question that follows is that of budgeting, maintenance and up keep which is a whole other set of questions and issues. [HL] Yes I understand you also provided financial as well as design services. [MB] We tried to do everything we could to get in their budget, we were actually about $25,000 higher than most of the other schemes because we opted to use some steel we opted to use a more vertical strategy because we thought it was more appropriate urbanistically, in terms of stacking the program so it was structurally more challenging but we went out and found the rest to make up the difference because we were very much involved in the project. It was made more manageable because in the end we had done something similar with the Ogden museum in New Orleans and nothing came of that, not even the plans that they had us draw, there were lots of great ideas that went nowhere. In the end it was a happy ending and it all worked out.
.appendix b Food
X-Y Plotter
by Henri.Lacoste on February 15, 2015 Table of Contents X-Y Plotter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intro: X-Y Plotter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 1: X-Axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 2: Z-Axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 3: X-Axis fixed to base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 4: X-Axis motor driven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 5: Y-Axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 6: Y-Axis Moving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 7: Laser Cut Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
File Downloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 8: Pen Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
File Downloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 9: Grbl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 10: Test Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
File Downloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 11: Creating your own g-code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 12: Wikihouse Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Related Instructables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Advertisements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intro: X-Y Plotter Hi,
Thank you for taking the time to check out my instructable for an Arduino based X-Y plotter. I decided to build this as an accompanying piece of work for my 4th year architecture dissertation at the University of Edinburgh the topic of which is open source architecture and the challenges it poses for the architectural profession. Inspired by Wikihouse founder, Alastair Parvin, and his proposition that “if designʼs great project of the 20th century was the democratisation of consumption… designʼs great project in the 21st century is the democratisation of production” I set about the task of building a machine that would be capable of printing my own customised open source Wikihouse from the commons at a 1:100 scale. For the real Wikihouse project you would use a CNC router and 18mm plywood, but due to time constraints I opted to build a smaller more manageable desktop pen plotter which would still plot accurate CAD drawings. The plotter is comprised of 3 stepper motors each powered by a V4.4 EasyDriver and runs off a 12V DC supply. Since all three axes are running a stepper motor the pen could be replaced with a router and become a CNC milling machine (in theory). I use grbl with the Arduino to send G-Code to the printer and a really great way to create G-Code is with the totally free software Inkscape, which has a built-in feature, GCode tools. Inkscape will convert your drawings to G-Code which grbl will interpret and send instructions to the plotter. With that brief introduction out of the way I will show you how I went about building the plotter, I will provide drawings like the .dwg for the laser cut base however please use the material with caution and check measurements yourself before cutting your precious materials.
This instructable is intended as a resource for people who are thinking about building a similar CNC machine, or have already started and are looking for answers and troubleshooting problems. I would not suggest that people copy this design completely as it was only my second project of this nature as as such has its limitations, but it may serve as a valuable point of research for those interested.
Step 1: X-Axis
So I began by taking apart an old printer that had stopped working as I had seen a few examples of plotters that use running gear from obsolete or broken hardware and liked the idea of using parts that would otherwise go to land fill. I took the bracket that the ink cartridges originally were fixed to and cut away pieces of the black plastic caddy you see in the video until i had a nice clean surface where I would later attach a pen. Originally there was a motor at one end of the bracket and an idle at the other with a belt in between, had the motor been a stepper motor l would have been able to leave these in place, however I instead removed both and after a fair bit of manipulation I mounted an idle gear at one end and a stepper at the other (these are the gears you see in the video). The belt would then run between the motor and idle and attached to the black plastic caddy will pull my pen along the x axis. I mounted a couple of L shaped brackets off the bracket where I would later suspend the bracket over the rest of the plotter.
Full Instructables tutorial with video may be found at:
Image Notes 1. L Shaped bracket mounted to printer bracket 2. L Shaped bracket mounted to printer bracket 3. Idle gear 4. Stepper motor
Step 2: Z-Axis
This is not how I ended up doing the Z Axis exactly but I thought it would be good to show alternatives and reasoning as to why it wasn't done this way finally. Here I have mounted a servo off the plastic ink cartridge caddy. I also mounted an old floppy disk component from my mum's computer (please do consult whoever is the owner of the floppy disk drive, chances are they won't need it though) off the caddy and tensioned a belt between the servo and worm gear of the floppy drive. I didn't end up doing it this way for two reasons. 1: Servos only turn 180Âş and with the worm gear this allowed very little movement up and down (although probably enough to raise a pen) 2: Later on when we are configuring grbl it is much easier to use all stepper motors rather than servos as well, that said you can manipulate the code to work with a servo.
Step 3: X-Axis fixed to base
The basic design of this plotter is such that the X-Axis is suspended over the bed on which the drawing will be made. The Y-Axis pulls the bed perpendicular and underneath the X-Axis. The video here shows the X-Axis mounted to a length of aluminium angle that i picked up from B&Q, this angle then spans between two 8mm threaded rods that are fixed to a 12mm MDF base. Threaded rods are really useful in this context since they allow for essential adjustment.
Step 4: X-Axis motor driven
Next I decided to run some tests and see if I could send some instructions to the stepper motor via an Arduino to get the caddy to move up and down the X-Axis. Brian Schmalz's page on example stepper motor code is really helpful if you haven't got experience of using EasyDrivers and stepper motors with the Arduino platform.
Step 5: Y-Axis
The way I decided to set up the Y-Axis was with a stepper motor that would pull the middle of the bed back and forth. The bed would have two linear bearings mounted to it which would run along two 8mmø rails I picked up from B&Q (note I am intending on swapping these aluminium rails out for stronger linear shaft rods) The rails would need to be lifted from the base so that the bed would run over the top of the motor and the idle. The mounts shown in this picture are not the final method but again good to show the plotter's evolution.
Image Notes 1. Rail over which linear bearings will run 2. Y-Axis idle gear 3. Y-Axis Stepper motor 4. Rail over which linear bearings will run 5. Mount to suspend the rail 6. Mount to suspend the rail
Step 6: Y-Axis Moving
Just as with the X-Axis I decided to test the motor and the way I had setup the running gear. This is where I began to realise the problems with making all of the components thus far by hand. Very minor inaccuracies cause problems and as such you can see in the video that the bed vibrates and shakes, it was shaking more before I put the jockey wheels in that you can see under the bed. What has been covered up to this step was all done in the limbo between Christmas and New Year at home, in January I would return to Uni and I had plans to remake many of the components with the University's laser cutter 3D printer etc.
Step 7: Laser Cut Base
Back at Uni I drew up a base and bed in AutoCAD to cut on the laser cutter so that I could make my whole setup more accurate. I decided also to place some guides down the side of the base which would ensure the bed could not rotate off course as it had been doing previously. These guides would cause a lot of friction but I know how strong the Y-Axis' stepper is and as such I wasn't worried. The stepper motor linked will fit in the recess that is cut out in the .dwg I have uploaded. The assembly of the base is very simple, the 6mm MDF boards go one on top of the other, the top one has a recess for the stepper cut out of it as well as a recess for the breadboard and Arduino. The majority of the holes are 6mmø for bolts to go through to hold up things like the mounts for the rails. The MDF discs are to be wood glued together to form feet for the base so that you don't need to counter sink the bolts (three to a corner, don't throw away the ones that are from the main base) Use plastic weld to fix the rail mounts together (the toothed pieces below the acrylic bed) The other acrylic pieces below the bed are to fit over the stepper motor and hold it down
File Downloads
Base.dwg (52 KB) [NOTE: When saving, if you see .tmp as the file ext, rename it to 'Base.dwg']
Step 8: Pen Holder
Earlier I showed how the X-Axis was arranged, I swapped out the servo for a little stepper motor. I have linked to the one I bought, a "5V 28BYJ-48". Do not bother with one like this, they are so so slow and as a result printing takes much longer, you have to wait at least two seconds for the stepper to raise the pen by 1mm clear of the paper. This is down to the fact that I have an interesting gear ratio going on with my floppy driver worm gear as much as the stepper motor but anyway, I would recommend using a superior stepper motor or just redesign the way I have set the Z-Axis up. Anyway, the penholder. I designed a pen holder in Rhinoceros 5 that I 3D printed and glued to the floppy drive component, I have included a .3dm file should you wish to edit the design in Rhino or another software of your choice and I have also included a .stl file ready for 3D printing.
File Downloads
Pen Holder.3dm (3 MB) [NOTE: When saving, if you see .tmp as the file ext, rename it to 'Pen Holder.3dm']
Pen Holder.stl (8 MB) [NOTE: When saving, if you see .tmp as the file ext, rename it to 'Pen Holder.stl']
Step 9: Grbl
So now that we have all our axes working the next thing to do is get started with grbl. The best thing to do follow this link and just follow the comprehensive explanation provided. It does seem daunting at first however the information available through their website is great and makes a lot of sense. Follow the wiring diagram I have uploaded from grbl and get Universal g-code Sender. Universal g-code Sender makes using grbl easier since it allows features such a jogging each axis and visualising the g-code you are sending to your printer.
Step 10: Test Print
Ok so now that we have grbl configured it is time to send some g-code. At this point i didn't actually have my Z-Axis finished so I used a bulldog clip to fix the pen to the X-Axis. My first print was the outline of a gecko, don't ask me why a gecko, it just was. Because I didn't have the X-Axis finished the included piece of g-code has no movement in the Z direction, it is a continuous line. The first print was painfully slow, this is because I hadn't understood how to properly configure grbl. Playing about with the settings and fine tuning is necessary. Be wary that if you use the included g-code, your settings for mm/step need to be correct, the gecko is about 12cm long, if your mm/step are incorrect the size maybe too large for the print area you have and unless you have enabled soft limits in grbl you may damage your machine.
File Downloads
Gecko_Success.ngc (11 KB) [NOTE: When saving, if you see .tmp as the file ext, rename it to 'Gecko_Success.ngc']
49 Step 11: Creating your own g-code
With everything in place you are now ready to make your own g-code. The best way I have found to do this is to use inkscape, it is free and has a built in feature, gcodetools. I found this tutorial really helpful to understand how to use g-codetools. If you are, like me, wanting to print drawings you made in AutoCAD (.dwg/.dxf) then I found a good free way is to download Apache Open Office, open up you .dxf and then save them as .svg files. These files are then easier to work with in inkscape and can be simply converted to paths which work with g-codetools. I could not get .dxf files imported directly to inkscape to be processed by g-codetools. You may have better luck.
Step 12: Wikihouse Print
So if you set out with the same intentions as me you might like to access the Wikihouse Commons, download a project manipulate it, and print it on your new DIY plotter. I hope you have found this instructable to be of some use, maybe not all of it will be, but it is hoped that you might take parts, change them and make them better. I would really love to know if you found it helpful or have tried bits out, changed them etc. Thank you for taking the time to read my first ever instructable. All the best, Henri.
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