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Managing Change

Doug McElhaney, Business Consultant UGA Small Business Development Center at Clayton State University

The one constant item in life is change. As a college professor and consultant, one of the most difficult challenges in any organization is implementing change. Disrupting the status-quo seems to upset the balance of the universe. However, when organizations do not adapt to change; the results may be fatal. With technology, today’s speed of business is reaching historic heights. Products may be popular today, but gone tomorrow. Therefore, change must be implemented sooner rather than later. This article will look at a few simple ideas to make change easier.


There are many reasons change is not accepted. The top reasons are loss of control, uncertainty, more work, past resentments and the unknown. Change can consume our energy and lives. Today’s busy employee is trying to balance daily routines and simply does not have time to accept change. However, having the attitude of “this is how we have always done it” will not work in today’s business environment. Continuous improvement and change are necessary for growth and success. Due to the World Wide Web, customer’s needs and demands change rapidly. Being flexible and willing to change with market demand is a competitive advantage.

When assisting organizations with change, these simple steps are suggested:

1. Sense of urgency

2. Communicate the reasons and ramifications of change while involving others

3. Lewin’s model (Unfreeze, Change then Refreeze) Be sure to set a refreeze date

4. Communicate weekly updates and celebrate milestones while building momentum

There are other ideas and theories, but this process has worked well. Sense of urgency is a critical first step in change. It is important to explain what may happen if change is not accepted. Communication is critical to all parties. Participants want to know why change is necessary and how it will affect the individual. Lewin’s model is simple, but effective. Simple communication is critical in organizational change. Lastly, reaching and celebrating milestones will create lasting momentum. Momentum is a game changer in all organizations. Hopefully, these few simple steps will make the next change initiative easier and more effective. For more information on UGA SBDC at Clayton State University, call 678-466-5100.

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