A HIGH LEVEL WORKSHOP TITLED “BOTSWANA: FOSTERING Workshop on ‘Botswana: Fostering Diversification to Escape the Middle-Income Trap’ held on February 6 7, 2020 in Kasane, Botswana SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS Introduction The Bank of Botswana (the Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) jointly hosted the workshop on ‘Botswana: Fostering Diversification to Escape the Middle-Income Trap’, with the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom Department for International Development providing logistical support (transport and accommodation), on February 6 -7, 2020, Cresta Mowana-Safari Resort & Spa, Kasane, Botswana. The workshop sought to reflect on diversification; particularly policies, structural transformation of macroeconomic frameworks and institutions, and key lessons to be drawn
from successful countries, with a view to suggest, for evaluation, initiatives and agenda for transformation. The workshop participants were welcomed by the Governor, Mr Moses D. Pelaelo, while the Deputy Managing Director at the IMF, Mr Tao Zhang gave the opening remarks. Prof. Jose Antonio Ocampo, Professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, and Chair of the United Nations’ Committee for Development Policy, gave the keynote address. The participants of the meeting were drawn from a wide range of sectors, including senior Botswana Government officials including the Honourable Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry, Ms Peggy Serame, representatives from emerging market and advanced economies which have successfully diversified their economies, academics and the IMF staff. The workshop was divided into ten sessions in addition to the welcome, the opening and the closing remarks. The first session presented Botswana’s macroeconomic experience in regard to
Bank of Botswana Governor Moses Pelaelo (Right) with Deputy Managing Director (DMD), IMF, Mr. Tao Zhang (left) during the closing Ceremony of the Workshop in Kasane that was held on February 6 -7 2020.