Can I Get an Instant Loan With a Bad Credit? Most people imagine that a bad credit automatically closes all the doors in front of a lending institution or a bank. They are partially right. These days, the harsh financial times have added a lot of black spots on millions of people's credits. Whether they delayed their monthly payments or they simply found themselves unable to stick to the mortgage payments, such things can haunt an individual for the rest of his life. The truth is a little different though and believe it or not, a bad credit doesn't always close all the doors. There is a small gate that allows you to get through the system and benefit from some money when unexpected situations arise. There are cases when you don't necessarily need the money. A few people loan money to get some new shoes. Such things are not mandatory, especially when they have a bad credit. However, a health problem or other similar cases require some money immediately. Asking a friend for help is not always a solution, since not everyone can give you a hand. This is when a bad credit payday loan becomes your one and only option. Such credits are some of the few options people with a bad credit have. In order to benefit from them, you need a job or a pension. Basically, you need a stable income, otherwise there is no way to get one. These days, most lending institutions require the proof of a stable income before giving out money. When you have a bad credit, the rules don't change too much. However, the risks a bank takes when it decides to give you some money are higher, since you already have a bad history. When your file gets processed and accepted, the bank takes over your upcoming payment as a guarantee. Therefore, the money you are about to get will go to the bank, unless you pay your loan. In conclusion, the bank needs a guarantee and your income is currently the best guarantee it can take. An instant loan is welcomed because you don't have to wait too much and when you got a bad credit, you go seek help only when harsh problems and situations show up. Sometimes, you don't really have too much time to wait, so you need the money immediately. Besides, most payday loans are available for a month only or until you get your wages. You can always change the contract if the lending institution agrees. For instance, you may extend the payback period of time for a small tax. If you think you cannot make the payment, asking for a delay is always better, otherwise the interest rates will grow drastically and will take you in an unpleasant situation. The good news is that getting money for unexpected needs can be done. You have a solution now. The bad news is that you will be under a series of restrictions. If your intentions are good, there is nothing to worry about from this point of view.