CAT 2011: What to expect?

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CAT 2011: What to expect? The only thing we can predict about CAT is that it is unpredictable. The worst thing to do is to try to predict it. Experience says don’t’ expect anything. Just be prepared for anything. The pattern of question or break­up of sections is not fixed and it is not known until one gets the paper in hand. Also the previous year’s patterns are not the ideal indicators of next year pattern. So if one tries to prepare the list of expected cat exam question on the basis of questions asked in the previous year’s CAT exam, it will be a waste of time. Though it is very difficulty to predict anything about CAT, we can identify the basic skills that will be evaluated in CAT, what so ever be the pattern. These skills are basic managerial skills necessary in a CAT aspirant. We can list below the most important skills among them as,

1) Conceptual Clarity: It is very important for a CAT aspirant to have strong fundamentals in all the areas viz. Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal and Analytical skills. One should try to evaluate whether he/she has given enough of time and energy to develop good conceptual clarity in all the sections or not.

2) Comprehension ability: Candidates who have strong comprehension ability and a good understanding of language will always have an edge in the test. For this one needs to identify whether you can understand what the author wants to say in any passage or essay.

3) Ability to perform under pressure: A lot of candidates come under pressure during the exam time and are not able to deliver as per his/her potential. Normally, candidates are not able to identify easy sets during the exam hours because of the pressure. So one should have sufficient practice of Mock test in order to develop the ability to perform under pressure.

4) Introspection: The candidate who knows his/her strength and weakness will be in better position to make the maximum out of it. So one should constantly introspect the performance and try to improve everyday. The Focus areas:

1) Developing Accuracy: Initially one should try to achieve 75­80 % accuracy in all the areas. Gradually one should target it to take it to 90­95% as the CAT approaches. Generally students, who are not able to achieve this level of accuracy, have problem with the fundamentals or lack confidence and concentration during exam. Student facing such a problem should spend more time in analysis of the questions after the test and try to identify the exact reason of error. Beginning with a paper based test approach and further taking it to the online mode would be a good idea rather than practicing online only.

2) Speed: Though one cannot increase the speed in solving a question at this stage, a sense of urgency throughout the paper is what is required while taking the test. One should try to find out whether he/she missed some easy questions or if he/she wasted time in some sets or not. Source: CAT Gurus: Online cat mock test & cat study material

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