Five Important Truths for the New Trucker The trucking industry in America is desperate for new drivers. The driver shortage right now is so profound that trucking companies are willing to do just about anything to attract new talent. So why is it so hard to find qualified drivers these days? There are a number of reasons, which will be addressed here with five important truths for new truckers. Suffice to say that trucking is an excellent career choice you should consider if you are not the kind of person interested in sitting behind a desk or directly serving customers all day. 1. Undeserved Reputation
For decades, the truck-driving career has endured a lousy reputation – a reputation that is completely undeserved. A good portion of that bad reputation is directly related to the elitist attitude America has developed regarding education and college. We just assume that it is impossible to get a good paying job unless one has a college degree. However, it is simply not true. We also just assume that truck drivers are dumb. That is also not true. Some of the most intelligent and well-paid middle-class workers in America are truck drivers. 2. CDL School Reputations
One has to go to CDL school in order to earn a license before becoming a professional driver. Yet CDL schools typically have bad reputations just as the trucking industry itself. And once again, these bad reputations are seldom earned. There are many excellent driving schools offering high-quality training at reasonable prices. The one thing new drivers have to understand is that nothing is free. The CDL school has to pay its bills, so they have to charge tuition. CDL training is still hundreds of times cheaper than getting a college degree. 3. Online Communities
Online communities for truckers can be good or bad. Unfortunately, it seems there are more bad communities than good. It is extremely easy to find online bulletin boards in which truckers do nothing but vent their anger and frustrations. It is much harder to find positive boards with good messages. Nevertheless, consider the fact that online communities are no different from websites offering customer reviews. It is usually only the angry ones who will take the time to leave comments online. They have the loudest voice even though they are in the minority. 4. Gaining Experience
Speaking of online communities, some of the most common complaints involve drivers not getting the pay or loads they want right off the bat. Nonetheless, trucking is no different from any other career choice inasmuch as one has to put in the time to gain the experience. With experience comes better paying jobs. With better paying jobs comes more industry prestige.
5. Personal Responsibility
The key to any successful career is personal responsibility. The more one takes responsibility for his or her own career, the more profitable that career will be. The more one takes responsibility for his or her own actions on the job, the better his or her reputation will be within the industry. Any driver willing to work hard, work safely and practice integrity will do well as a trucker. The lazy, unsafe, and dishonest will have nothing but trouble. If you are contemplating a career as a truck driver, by all means do your homework before enrolling in CDL school. However, be mindful of all of the negative from drivers who post online. Should you decide that it is a career right for you, do the best you can to be the best you can. You will succeed with the right mindset. Source: 1. C.R. England - CDL Schools: