How To Properly Learn Mathematics In Preparation For Your O Level Maths Examinations For many students, Mathematics is the most difficult subject in school, which is also why tutorials and special classes on Math is highly recommended. However, if you feel that there is only but a slight improvement in your Math grades, there must be something that needs to be done. Why is Mathematics important? Because Mathematics involves numbers, a lot of them actually, a huge percentage of students dread the subject. There are also students who think that learning complicated Mathematics is not important, and they would just need to have some sort of familiarity with subtraction, addition, division and multiplication. They also think that the other aspects of Math such as Calculus, Trigonometry, Geometry, Algebra, and Statistics are not necessary, especially when a student is inclined towards arts. But Mathematics is an integral part of our lives. It is very important because everything in the universe is governed by Math. Traveling, eating, sleeping, breathing involves numbers and equations and measurements that we may or may not be aware of. When you are traveling to school, Math is involved, because you would need to calculate the speed, distance, and acceleration of your travel medium in order to estimate whether you would arrive in class on time, or late, or early. Every gadget, appliance, phones, software, and building involves engineering, which revolves around Mathematics. Engineers should be well-versed in calculus, algebra and trigonometry. If you intend to be a businessman or woman someday, you should be familiar with statistics, which tells whether your product can be marketable or not. A solid grasp of statistics will help you determine whether your investments are low risk or high risk. Without the right Mathematics knowledge, our lives can become unpredictable. Another thing that Mathematics help predict is your O Level Exam results! This is why you are required by your school to take and ace your Prelim exam. Also, almost all of the courses being offered in universities, ITE, and Polytechnics require the student to have O Level Mathematics or A Level Math. How to Learn Math for O Level Maths Tuition Preparation A common misconception about Math is that you have to have a very high IQ to understand it. This is a myth. The truth is, everyone can learn Mathematics, and anyone can be good at it. The very first thing to do is to BE GENUINELY HAPPY that you will learn Mathematics. What is the first thing that you must do? The answer is YOU MUST BE HAPPY to learn Mathematics! And you know it’s not hard to be happy, don’t you?
But why is it important to be happy about learning Math? When you are happy about learning, your brain becomes wired to be at the optimum state for learning. And once you enjoy learning Math, you will find that Math is less challenging than before. One of my favorite Math teachers taught the subject with some songs. His tiny snippet goes: when you say 5 to the 2nd power, you simply mean 5x5… when you say 5 to the 3rd power, you simply mean 5 x 5 x 5 to a catchy tune. Even after 15 years, that song stuck and when asked about exponents, that’s what I answer. The brain functions efficiently when it is not stressed, so a happy you means a happy brain, which equals to high Math grades. Learn Math with the Right Strategies There are so many different ways on how to learn Math and pass the O Level Maths Tuition. You can hire tutors, have special classes, and attend lectures. However, these strategies may not be suitable for you. One of the reasons why many students keep on changing their tutors is because the results are not satisfactory. You have two options: discuss with your teacher or tutor that the method or strategies used to teach you is not suitable for you, and see if there is another approach that could work out better, OR find another tutor or teacher who can really improve your Math learning curve significantly. Imagine this: a computer works efficiently if both the software and hardware function perfectly. This is the same with Math. You would need excellent hardware (topnotch notes and references) and you would also need a great software (good learning skills properly motivated to learn Math). Find a tutor or Math expert who can teach you using the right strategies, such as one who uses an A4 Mind Map and the 4Gems of Math Mastery. Resource Mathematics should not be dreaded. To pass the O Level Maths tuition, you have to have the right kind of strategies on how to learn math. Being properly motivated, focused, and arming yourself with the right kind of strategies provided by a well-rounded teacher or tutor will help you meet your goals in terms of Math education. Find a teacher who will inspire you to become a better Math learner, someone who can walk you through the challenging steps of learning the subject. If you need to get A’s on your O Level but you find that Elementary Math is pulling the overall grade down, it is time to go to the expert.