What You Can Expect If You Decide To Go For Legal Protection Insurance Legal protection insurance is the kind of insurance that not many employees think of getting. The more popular forms of insurance are life insurance, car insurance and travel insurance, among the hundreds available in different countries. There seems to be the common belief that if you get these types of insurance, then you are somewhat protected from generally anything. But what do you really need? A Deeper Look Into Legal Protection Insurance Legal protection insurance is actually an insurance policy that focuses on your work. Also known as the Legal Expenses Insurance, this insurance covers a policyholder against the possible costs involved in any legal action brought about by an institution or another individual. There are two major forms of LPI, and these are “before the event” and “after the event”, with the “event” as the instance that triggers the legal action brought against the policyholder. In jurisdictions like the United Kingdom, the most popular system used by many legal insurance plans are “before the event” plans. When Will You Need Legal Protection Insurance To put it simply, legal insurance could come in handy if ever an employee dispute arises at work. Below are a few scenarios where having legal insurance can actually make a significant difference: Having legal protection insurance enables the policy holder to have a level of security in the event that he needs a solicitor for an issue at work. To put it more specifically, legal protection insurance may be used to cover the costs of a solicitor to take action on your behalf. Without legal protection insurance, it could prove to be very costly to hire a solicitor that will act on your best interests. Next, should a dispute with an employer on the ground of wrongful or unfair dismissal, redundancy, discrimination, harassment, injuries at work, equal pay, as well as other similar situations arrive, legal protection insurance is not only able to give you the legal advice that you need, but they can go as far as providing the policy holder with adequate representation at court. Even if you have life insurance, home insurance or travel insurance, it is doubtful that they will be able to cover this kind of events in your life. Thirdly, in the event of a tax investigation, having a legal protection policy could mean having a certified tax protection consultant represent you in court. Aligning yourself with a strong legal insurance company could also mean that the person representing the policy holder in court holds more knowledge and experience, and is therefore able to make better decisions for his client. Legal protection insurance also covers aspects in life that are not covered by other types of insurance policies like travel insurance, life insurance, home insurance and car insurance. That, in itself, makes getting legal protection insurance a very worthy investment. Not many people realize that legal insurance can actually protect them from unfortunate events that may happen at work. Since it is safe to assume that most people spend a huge portion of their lives working, then there should be more emphasis and importance placed on legal protection insurance.
Resource Many ask “Is it worth it to have legal protection insurance?� If you work in an industry that has a reputation of discrimination, injury, harassment, wrongful dismissal, and unequal pay, then the answer is a big and definite yes, legal protection insurance is it worth it is answered with a YES. Legal insurance has many benefits, but among its most important ones is being able to provide the policy holder protection from the scenarios mentioned above and more. Legal protection insurance enables the policy holder to be able to hire a tax protection consultant, or even a legal solicitor, should he ever need it..