1 minute read
from Tx! MAG #42
by HepatitisNSW
Each grid is partially completed with numbers. The goal is to fill the missing numbers into the grid - from 1 to 4. In each column, row and grid you can use each number only once.
Can you find all 29 of these words in the puzzle above? The words might go up or down, left or right, forwards or backwards. The solution is below, but no peeking!
Each grid is partially completed with shapes - star, circle, square, triangle. The goal is to fill the missing shapes. In each column, row and grid you can use each shape only once.
1 3 3 4 2 4 2 1 3
3 4 2 1 4 3 1 4 2 3 1
Needing a nudge
We meet Baz and Jim... despite knowing they have hep C neither of them are interested in getting cured. Will they change their minds by the end of their stories?
& barriers!
This edition looks at reasons that people think might prevent them from starting hep C treatment... "too busy", "not sick enough", "reinfection", "side effects".
Community Peers
We learn about how community peers build a bridge of trust and understanding between people living with, or at risk of, hep C and clinical staff.
The dried blood spot (DBS) test is a new, free, easy and private way to test for hepatitis C and HIV.
Just take a few drops of blood from your finger, mail the test back and get your results by phone, text or email.
You don’t need to go to a clinic or see a doctor to do this test.
ORDER A KIT / MORE INFO: dbstest.health.nsw.gov.au