4 minute read
Urine Test for Fibrosis?
by Hepatitis SA
Urine Analysis Discovery
The future of fibrosis testing?
Collagen fibres forming fibrosis in a liver
Fifty protein fragments known as peptides whether these protein changes could also be present
associated with liver fibrosis were found in the urine of patients, according to a new study. The identified peptides could potentially be used in a simple urine test to spot people with the condition, if the research is further validated. Liver fibrosis is frequently caused by viral hepatitis. It is often symptomless in the early stages, until liver function starts to be lost. Patients may then go on to experience cirrhosis, jaundice, ascites (build-up of fluid in the abdomen), variceal gastrointestinal bleeding, and in some cases can progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Previous research on biopsies from fibrotic livers has shown evidence of changes of proteins in liver tissue cells. As part of his PhD at the University of Warwick, Dr Ayman Bannaga investigated in a patient’s urine, and whether they could act as a biomarker of the condition. Dr Bannaga’s research team used a total of 393 urine samples divided into discovery and test sets, representing individuals with various liver diseases and those with no disease present. These were investigated using an advanced technology known as capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry, that separated out protein components in the urine at a molecular level. Following a two-step validation analysis, the researchers found fifty peptides associated with liver fibrosis in patients, mainly fragments of a protein called collagen (often used by the body for structural purposes in connective tissue). When they tested a new set of patients for these 50 peptides, they correctly identified liver fibrosis patients in 84.2% of cases, and correctly identified those without it in 82.4% of cases. While the results require further validation by other research teams, the researchers hope that their findings could form the basis of a simple and cost-effective urine test that could spot those who have liver fibrosis before it progresses. Dr Bannaga explained that “a urine test is an attractive tool because it is easy to collect from patients, and so this approach can be easily applied in hospitals and GP practices. The ideal potential vision for this test would be to check the condition in people who do not have symptoms to tackle it early, through education, monitoring and medications if needed.” The study can be viewed at bit.ly/2KjtGZS. v
Calming the C

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Free Fibroscan Clinics • Hutt Street Day Centre: 258 Hutt St, Adelaide SA Calming 5000; call Margery on 0423 782 415 to make an appointment• Information and support in a confidential, • • WestCare Services: 11/19 Millers Ct, Adelaide SA 5000; call Margery on 0423 782 415 to make an appointment Wonggangga Turtpandi friendly environment • Speak to others who have had treatment • Partners, family and friends welcome DUE TO COVID-19 AND THE NEED FOR SOCIAL DISTANCING, ALL LIVER CLINIC
Aboriginal Primary Health Care Service (Pt Adelaide CNP); 1st Wednesday of each month, 9.30–11.30am, 11 Now meeting at HACKNEY, ELIZABETH and PORT ADELAIDE SESSIONS HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER
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