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In Our Library
Celebrate with a happy liver
Keeping your liver as healthy as possible during times of celebrations and holidays can be difficult—but doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the fun! These resources focus on some of the issues that can be problematic during (and after) festivities: such as diet, alcohol, stress and exercise. They offer tips to keep yourself safe and healthy—especially if you have liver disease.
Daybreak app: change your relationship with alcohol
Hello Sunday Morning, Sydney, 2022. Phone app.
We’ve featured this one before but it’s worth revisiting at this time of year: a personalised mobile app that helps you develop healthier habits, whether you want to cut back or quit drinking completely. Recommends tailored activities that are proven to positively change lifestyle habits.
Coronavirus: it’s tempting to drink your worries away but there are healthier ways to manage stress and keep your drinking in check
The Conversation, Melbourne, Sydney, 2020. 4p.
With a focus on COVID but has information relevant to any stressful situation: outlines the different ways that alcohol can affect mood, sleep patterns, emotional and physical health. Gives tips for how to manage alcohol consumption and how to manage stress without alcohol.
Alcohol and hepatitis
Hepatitis Queensland, Brisbane, 2019. 2p. factsheet.
Information about how alcohol affects hepatitis (and treatment): safe levels of drinking (with images for standard drink sizes), signs that you might need to cut down on drinking and how to manage alcohol intake.
The festive season
Mental Health Commission WA, Perth, 2021. 4p. Tips for how to re-think our drinking culture and the way we drink, whether it’s when we go out for celebrations or host our own parties. Also lists some alcohol myths and facts especially relevant to the festive season.
Quirky delights – and other healthy cooking publications
Hepatitis SA, Adelaide. 3 booklets, 1 blog
Links to: ‘Quirky delights’ (unusual liver friendly treats); ‘Keep it simple’ (healthy and economic recipes); ‘Eating low salt’ (tips for reducing sodium for people with liver disease) and ‘Eat well for your liver’ (tips and recipes). Readonly online: contact admin@ hepsa.asn.au for hard copies. NB: may need to disable any ad blockers for full access to resources on ISSUU.
Eating Well: a LiverWELL lifestyle guide
LiverWELL (Hepatitis Victoria), Melbourne, 2019. 50p. Eating well and maintaining a healthy weight can improve liver health and prevent certain chronic medical conditions. This illustrated book is available for download by anyone looking for recipes plus hints and tips to help improve their liver health.
Adelaide Hepatitis SA, Adelaide, 2022 (rev). 3 fold brochure. Information about: why exercise is important, what types of exercise are useful, how it helps - and tips for how to get started. Read only online (important note: may need to turn off ad blockers to view complete ISSUU resources). For printed copies email admin@hepsa.asn.au.
Exercise for healthy livers
Information about: why exercise is important, what types of exercise are useful, how it helps - and tips for how to get started. Read only online (important note: may need to turn off ad blockers to view complete ISSUU resources). For printed copies email admin@hepsa.asn.au. bit.ly/hepsa_exercise
Mindfully meditations
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney, 2020.
Online audio series. A series of 9 short meditations (7-15 minutes) based on the concept of mindfulness and designed to assist with developing meaningful and stress free relationships.
abc.net.au/radio/programs/ mindfully/episodes
Liver detox diets and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Do they work?
Hepatitis Australia, Canberra, 2020. 2p. Looks at liver anatomy and what detox diets, supplements and traditional Chinese medicine are thought to do in terms of liver health - and whether this is supported by evidence. Includes a reference list for further information.