How to Recover Deleted WhatsApp Messages On iPhone Now, more and more people tend to use WhatsApp to chat with their families, friends and workmates. As a hot and popular communication tool, WhatsApp enables us to contact with each other more and more conveniently via text, images, voice. But, some issues still will occur. One day, you may delete all WhatsApp chat history by accident. So how to retrieve those lost WhatsApp messages? Let’s check below tips, this guide will show you three ways via SynciOS Data Recovery to recover iPhone WhatsApp messages. With this easy-to-use data recovery software, you can retrieve messages, contacts, videos, photos and more from iPhone without quality loss. Please download and install the WhatsApp chats recovery program to your computer.
Note: please make sure iTunes has been installed on your computer for running this iPhone WhatsApp messages recovery software properly, but you do not need to run it. •
Tip 1: Recover Deleted WhatsApp Conversations Directly from iPhone 6 Plus/6/5S/5C/5/4S/4/3GS
Tip 2: Recover Deleted WhatsApp Chats on iPhone from iTunes Backup File
Tip 3: Recover iPhone WhatsApp Messagess from iCloud Backup File
Tip 1: Recover Deleted WhatsApp Conversations Directly from iPhone 6 Plus/6/5S/5C/5/4S/4/3GS
Step 1. Connect your iPhone to the computer and then run SynciOS Data Recovery. Now, you will see the window as below:
Step 2. Scan your iPhone. Click Start Scan button, then the program will begin analyzing and scanning all the data on your iPhone, this process will just take some time.
Step 3. Preview and recover the lost data. Once the scan progress is finished, you can preview all found data. Please tick WhatsApp checkbox on the panel, then all conversations will show up. Just choose those conversations for some contacts you’d like to get back, then click Recover button.
Step 4. Recover found data to computer. Now, you will receive a prompt Recover to Computer, just click it.
Tip 2: Recover Deleted WhatsApp Chats on iPhone from iTunes Backup File Step 1. Scan iTunes backup file. Select Recover from iTunes Backup File and choose the one for your phone, and then click Start Scan button.
Step 2. Preview and recover data from iTunes backup file.
When the
scan is completed, you can find those found data are displayed in different types. Click WhatsApp, then all WhatsApp conversations will appear. Just choose those messages you prefer to recover and then press Recover.
Now, you will get
one option Recover to Computer. Just click it and choose the storage location.
Tip 3: Recover iPhone WhatsApp Messagess from iCloud Backup File Step 1. Sign in iCloud. Select Recover from iCloud Backup File, then sign in iCloud.
Step 2. Download and recover iCloud Backup File. Choose the one for your phone, then click Download button. Now a dialog will pop up, choose messages, then tick WhtasApp, all conversations will be display in detail, just choose those you want to recover and then press Recover button.
Step 3. Recover found WhatsApp messages to computer. Now, you will get the Recover to Computer prompt, simply click it and choose the path to save. Simply download it and have a try.