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The Many Faces of Philanthropy: celebrating 12 years of generosity and caring
Fulton County Medical Center Foundation
The Many Faces of Philanthropy: celebrating 12 years of generosity and caring
Some we know, some we don’t. Some prefer in an effort to foster a continuing spirit of giving. Scholarship Program: The FCMC Foundamail, others in person and a few go the Under this umbrella, several committees made tion Health Careers Scholarship program began online route. They have their own story – up of volunteers from the community were prior to the Foundation’s beginnings in 2008. some personal, some not. formed and named in recognition for FCMC’s Through 2020, scholarship stipends totaling
But over the past 12 years, over 3,000 have rich tradition: Annual Fund (Green Hill Donors $253,000 have been awarded for 204 scholarmade a commitment to assist us. Club), Planned Giving (Dr. MacKinlay Society), ships. Back in 2001, $2,000 total was awarded to
They are the many faces of philanthropy who Business & Industry (1950 Circle of Friends) and three recipients. Over the years, the scholarship have given generously to the Fulton County Special/Signature Gifts (FCMC Visionaries). These has grown in both the amount awarded and the Medical Center Foundation. efforts have led to a more concentrated effort in number of students benefiting from the program.
As we celebrate the FCMC Foundation’s 12th securing financial resources that allows FCMC The program is funded by one main fundanniversary, we reflect with deep appreciation to fulfill its mission to continuously improve the raiser – over the past five years, it has been the on the generosity of our community because health of our community. midwinter Bluegrass & BBQ – individual contribuyou have made every moment matter for our Dialysis Care Center: A three-month tions and two endowed scholarship funds: The patients at Fulton County Medical Center. Since “Dollars for Dialysis” campaign was launched in Clair and Dorothy Miller Scholarship ($25,000 2008, over $7 million has been raised and given December 2018 with a $15,000 match challenge in 2014) and the Russell C. McLucas, MD, to FCMC to support projects, services and equipfrom Community State Bank. The goal was to Scholarship (2014). The McLucas Scholarship ment needs. raise $85,000 for the renovation of the forwas generously supported by two gifts each of
We are grateful to take a look back at a dozen mer Specialty Services Area. The community $50,000 from the local Arthur and Ruth Schmidt ways you have impacted healthcare and lives in responded with over $101,000 raised. The facility Community Trust. our community over the past decade. can treat up to 36 patients. The program got a major boost in 2017 when
Annual Fund: Whether it’s been new Emergency Department Expansion: the Henderson Foundation announced they hospital beds for Acute Care, mattresses for the Nearly 150 donors (individuals, businesses and would be funding the Betty Lea Henderson Nursresidents in Long Term Care, a defibrillator for family foundations) raised $307,000 for this ing Scholarship. It provides three scholarships Cardio/Pulmonary, exercise equipment for the much-needed project in 2013 that focused on annually valued at up to $7,000 each in perpetuWellness Center, or equipment for Same-Day expanded services, care and space. ity. Community support has been instrumental in Surgery, you have responded every year with a Events: The fall golf tournament, the midwinhelping sustain the scholarship program. In 2018, gift to support the needs. In fact, in the past five ter event, the spring dinner auction/Blue Jean Patriot Federal Credit Union created a General years alone, you have contributed over $257,000. Ball are staples in this community and have had Scholarship and Dorothy Stahl Sites also created Every department has benefitted from your gifts. a significant impact on FCMC. Through your gena nursing scholarship – the Paul and Louie Stahl And for that, we are grateful. erosity, nearly $500,000 has been raised for such Memorial Nursing Scholarship – in memory of
Auxiliary: Auxiliary members have been projects as the Long-Term Care Van, Emergency her father and mother. the backbone of FCMC since their formation in Department expansion, Long-Term Care Canopy, Therapy Playground: Nearly 100 donors 1947, but over the past 12 years, they have made Wound Center construction, and equipment made gifts ranging from $5 to $7,000 totaling significant gifts to every major expansion project needs for the Emergency Department, Lab $26,148 in a three-month span in 2014 that and have contributed financially to many other Services, Acute Care, Respiratory/Cardiology and assisted FCMC’s physical, occupational, speech projects. In all, since 2008, they have contributed Surgical Services (just to name a few). and behavioral therapists in helping to meet the over $300,000. Grants: Through the generosity of private, diverse needs of young patients.
Center for Advanced Medicine: Over $2.7 family, state and/or federal grants, the FoundaYou: The possibilities of assisting our Foundamillion was raised through contributions from tion has been the beneficiary of over $2 million tion are many – buying a raffle ticket, playing in individuals (including over 100 FCMC employin funds used primarily for construction expanour golf tournament, making the winning bid on ees), organizations, businesses, private/family sion needs. a silent auction item, contributing to the Annual foundations and grants. This three-phase expanPSA: Completed in 2010 and the first official Fund or making a provision in your will (these sion project started in October 2016 and opened “campaign” under the guidance of the FCMC are just a few examples). As we embark on anothin the Spring of 2018. Foundation, 467 donors (individuals, businesses er 70 years, we ask that you keep your wonderful
Creation of Development Committees: and organizations) raised $615,475 for the Patient spirit of generosity that has benefitted all of us The Development Council was created in 2014 Services and Administration (PSA) Building. over the past six decades. ■