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Whenitcomestoend-of-li fe pl anning, morep eoplea re look ingathospice ca re, especial ly those whoa re su ffer ingf romter minalil lnesses whono longer wa nt to cont inue high-i nter vent ion ca re in ahospita l.


Thehospice ph ilosophydecla rest hat ever yone has ar ig ht to dief reeofpain andw it hd ig nity.W henmed ic al science ca nnolongerprovide acure, patients in hospicec arec an ma inta in agoodqua lity of li fe,surrou ndedbyloved ones and equipp ed with qu ality pa ll iative ca re to reduce pa in andmanagesymptoms.

Youw ill fi nd hospiceworkers in assisted livi ng centers, nu rsinghomes, hospit alsa nd residenti al faci lities.Pat ients mayevenreceive ca re inthei rown homes or thehomesoff riendsa nd fa mi ly.

Thegover nmentreg ul ates hospice centers, buteachfacility has mean ingf ul di fferencesinp ersonnel,policiesa nd faci lities

Here aresomet hi ngstoconsider when select inghospice ca re


Hospicespeciali zes in ma ki ng the patientfeelascom fort able as possible. Care ca nt akeplace anywhere.Pat ients ca nevenreceive treatmentint heir ow n homes, wheret heya re most comfor table.

Some diseases mayrequi re morespeciali zedc aret ha nothers. Thepat ient ca n also choose to st ay in afacil it yt hatc an give them easy, 24 -hou raccess to nu rses, medication andmed ic al equipment needed fort heir comfor t.

Thi sist ypic al ly adecisionmadei n consultation with adoctora nd amed ic al team.T he hospicesta ff wi ll meet withthe patient’sphysician to ta lk aboutcurrent sy mptoms,med ic alhistor ya nd li fe ex pecta ncy. Then they wil llet youk nowwhich optionsa re avai labletoyou.


Pick ahospice serv icet hathelps you feel at ease. Youa re goingtohavetoask anda nswersomeex tremelyd if ficu lt questions. Death is atough subjecttod iscu ss. Clea r, ca ri ngcommun ic at ionisessential

1710Underpass Way, Suite300 Hagerstown,MD21740 (301)791-6360 info@hospiceofwc.org

Aqua lity hospiceprogram wi ll give youa ll thet imea nd personal at tent ion youneed to ease your mi nd.Meeti ngs withthem wi ll review in format ionabout what treatments they wi ll andwon’t do

Pa rt of pick inghospice involves having ther ig ht feel ing. If thehospice st af fisp ersonablea nd ma kesyou feel comfor table, that ’s agood sign.


Ever ypat ient whoreceiveshospice treatmentmustb equa li fied by aphysi- cian.Usual ly,t hismeans thereisal ife ex pect ancy of si xmonthsorless.

Si ncesomephysiciansmay hesitate to broach thesubject of hospicec are, you mayneed to br ingitupyou rsel f. Ask whet herhospice ca re wou ld be appropr iate andwhich serv ices mightbemost helpf ul to easet heend-of-li fe process.

Youc an also approach ahospice faci lity directlytoask about thei rser vices. They wi ll helpyou determ inewhich ca re is most appropriate.

Hospicec arehasbe en grow ingsince the199 0s.M anyp eoplea rereali zi ng that it is possible to diew it hp eace andd ig nity. Hospicec an help ma ke theend- of-l ife ex perience al it tleeasierfor thepat ient andloved ones.

Callus todayat(301) 791- 636 0.

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