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Simplestrategies to combat stress


Just about everyoneexperiencesstressfulsituations.Sometimes ameasureofstresscan providemotivation to doone’sbestorstrive foranespeciallyloftygoal. However, whenstressbecomes achroniccondition,itcan adverselyaffectindividuals’qualityoflifea their overallhealth.


Harvard Medical Schoolsays stress canmanifestitself in myriadways. Stresscancause tensionheadaches,indigestion, achesand pains,or even heartpalpitations,andit mayaffectthe mind by makingithardto concentrateor makedecisions.

Manypeople experiencestress throughemotional orpsychological symptoms,suchas irritabilityor feeling down.Learningho effectivelymanages essential forindividuals’ overall well-being.


Exerciseservesmanyfunctions,including acting as apotentstress reliefstrategy.TheCleveland Clinicsays aerobicexercisereleases endorphins, whicharenaturalsubstancesthat help aperson feel betterand maintain apositiveattitude.Movement activities like yogaor TaiChialsocan relaxthe mind andbodyand promote physicalhealth.

Take mediabreaks

Overwhelming oneselfwith abarrageofnegative news storiesorconstantinformation canincrease stresslevels.Individualscanstrivetoremaininformed andstillbuildbreaksintotheirschedules. Shut off news programs, turn overthenewspaperor outofsocial media from time to time. orDiseaseControland recommends thatindividualswhoarestressedout rld events reducethe number of times theyread thenews orcheckthe headlineseachday.

Meditate orperform breathing exercises

Breathingand meditationcan helpalleviate stress, according to theAmerican HeartAssociation. Aquickmeditation canprovidesome perspective.Ifa situationisstressful, go forawalkortakea wslow, deepbreaths untilthebodyrelaxes. rd MedicalSchoolalso meditationcaninducea sponse,whichisan antidotetostress.

Changenegatives to positives

Negativeself-talk mayincreasestress,butpositive self-talkcanhelp apersoncalmdown.Individuals shouldpracticepositiveself-talk everyday.Instead ofsaying,“Ihatewhenthishappens,”say,“Iknow howtodealwiththis,I’vedoneitbefore.”

Asmallamountofperiodicstresscanbe agood thing.However, chronicstressposes asignificant threat to individuals’long-termhealth.


Asyou getolder,you might takesteps to develop healthy habits, whether exercising, eating healthier or limiting your consumption of alcohol. But did you knowthat thereare steps youcan taketohelp with your brain health? Such preventivemeasures might even reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s -and the good news is, youmight be doing these things anyway,like working on puzzles or trying to geta good night’s sleep

Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia. In fact, someone in the United States develops the disease every65seconds, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Morethan 6million Americans currently livewith Alzheimer’s -a number nowprojected to reach7.2 million by 2025.

Along with learning moreabout the disease, these five simple steps could ove brain reduce risk of disease and delaythe potential onset of Alzheimer’s or dementia.

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