Letters to Santa 2011

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2 LETTERS TO SANTA Argenta-Oreana Mrs. Benson Kindergarten Dear Santa, I wont an Americn Grl Doll namd Sydney. Haw is Rudolph the Red Nozd Reindeer Doeg? Love, Sydney


Dear Santa, I wont a flying Optimus Prime. Hw ar th reindeer? Hwduz yor sleigh go? Hav a gud nit. Love, Peyton Dear Santa, I wont a battleship wif airplanes. Mi Christmas tree haz ornaments and lights. Love, Andrew

Dear Santa, I wont sum transformers. I am goeg to mac you sum milk and cookies. How duz Rudolph pul the sleigh. Love, Miriah

Dear Santa, I wont a Ipod tuch. I will giv yu milk and cookies. How iz Mrs. Claus dong? Love, Will

Dear Santa, I wont a moxe doll. Hw ar the reindeer doig? Love, Abby

Argenta-Oreana Mrs. Hornsby Kindergarten

Dear Santa, I wont a tec dex. Ar the elves bize? Love, Joey

Dear Santa, I like coolies. Please bring me a bunk bed. Love Dominick

Dear Santa, I wont a ras cr move. Ar the lves hlpng yo? I lik rubolph's noz. Love, Michael

Dear Santa, I loke baby Jesus. Please bring me a princess game. Love, Brooklynn

Dear Santa, I wont a prite doll. How is Mrs. Clause? Love, Kaitlyn

Dear Santa, I like my Christmas tree. Please bring me a bumble bee. Love, Anbe

Dear Santa, I wont a transformer. Haw ar yo? Love, Landon Dear Santa, Haw is yor Christmas tree? I wont a Brbe. Love, Jayda Dear Santa, I wont a lot uf transformers. I wont sum toy tigrs. Love, Clayton

Dear Santa, I like snow. Please bring me a 4 wheeler. Love, Dominic Dear Santa, I like snow. Please bring me a bymble bee. Love, Chase Dear Santa, I like bread ging. Please bring me a nerf gun. Love, Marven

Dear Santa, I wont a cat. Haw is Mrs. Clause? Is she doing fin? Love, Malia

Dear Santa, I like ginger bred. Please bring me a bumble bee. Love, Kierra

Dear Santa, Sa hi to Rudolph for me. I wont a Brbe dol. Love, Andee

Dear Santa, I like ginger bread. Please bring me a batman costume. Love, Skyla

Dear Santa, I wont sum transformers. Haw ar yu? Love, Rylan Dear Santa, Ar the elves bze? I wont a truk. Love, Mason Dear Santa, I wont a rme dinusor. How do the elves mak toys? Love, K.C. Dear Santa, I wont a DS. Ar the presents rapt? Love, Carrera Dear Santa, I wont a monstr truk. I wont to se Rudolph. Love, Matthew Dear Santa, I wont hot wels. I lik to pla transformer. I wont a Rudolph tat haz a butn to tkn hiz noz on. Love, Hunter Dear Santa, I wont a pilo pet. I am goig to levy o milk and cookies. Th carrots ar for th reindeer. Love, Brooklynn Dear Santa, I wont a bab doll. Haw do th elves mak toys? Haw do yu send ol tos toys in won nit? Love, Hailey Dear Santa, I wont a brbe el. Ar the elves wrkng? Love Jenna Dear Santa, I wont a boy brbe dol. Is Rudolph beng gud Love Rachel

Dear Santa, I like cookies. Please bring me a race car. Love, Connar Dear Santa, I like Christmas lights. Please bring me a Buzz. Love, Emilee Dear Santa, I like Christmas trees.. Please bring me a red dirt bike. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, I like you. Please bring me a boy and girl dsi game. Love, Shawn Dear Santa, I like Christmas decorations. Please bring me a kitty. Love, Kaylei Dear Santa, I like playing outside. Please bring me a DS. Love, Kayne Dear Santa, I like you. Please bring me a DS. Love, Tim Dear Santa, I like toys. Please bring me an airplane with a man. Love, Aiden Dear Santa, I like cookies. Please bring me a lego nirya. Love, Lotrell Dear Santa, I like snow. Please bring me a dog. Love, Steven

Letters To Santa A publication of the Herald & Review 601 E. William St. Decatur, Illinois 62523 www.herald-review.com 217.421.6983 Fax: 217.421.7965 PUBLISHER Todd Nelson ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Joel Fletcher The entire contents may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or part, without permission of the publisher. Advertisements are not endorsements by the publisher. The publisher is not responsible or liable for errors or omissions in any advertisement beyond the paid price of that advertisement.

To Advertise: Classified: 217-422-5555 Fax: 217-421-6942 Delivery Services: 217-421-6990 E-Mail: hrclass@herald-review.com Letters to Santa is published at 601 E. William St., Decatur, IL by a subsidiary of Lee Enterprises

Dear Santa, I like my tree. Please bring me a batman puzzle. Love, Montraze Dear Santa, I like snow. Please bring me a Dr. dreadful to eat. Love, Livia Dear Santa, I like my Christmas tree. Please bring me a lego set. Love, Grant Dear Santa, I like cookies. Please bring me a princess Barbie. Love, Lizzy Argenta-Oreana Mrs. Sanner 1st Grade Dear Santa, How is Radoy, Thank you for my Amanki gril doll, Can you get me a hole set for my Amanki Baby, Can you get me a chane puppes, Can you get me Hello kitting skicking making mching, Love, Ella Dear Santa, Can I have a nov play stasin. Can my sister have a brbe. Can my mom have a apple. Can my dad have a hat. Can my gramall have a tot brus. Can my gramgall have a tot brus. Stay safe, Jaymze Dear Santa, How is the Noth Pol gofin? I wont a truk wit misls and the Doors to opin With Army man. Thank you, Blaine Dear Santa, How have you ben doeg, I haev ben wuneg to no if you can you breg my a tuauj litup hat, So How have you and Ms.is Clasj ben boeg, I justg wun ded to no if you ben ok, Love, Ashton Dear Santa, H a o g a f i e? l e g im a to? I will a b isho u molsk? I will a lago rockisois? I will lotos? I will kcaies? I will iscka-toes. Love, Jacob Dear, Santa, Can you big me a bring, and a dalr I ned, borbe a and Hosis and, a birbes kos Jas Hrt, I can hep Me mom, and DAD and Gramo, and Grap and Tel yut Dau it Gubi. Love, Angelina Dear Santa, Haw is Rady, Thand you for my chanes puppes, wut I wish for kresmes a bik, And I wunt a brbebik and Thandyou for my bike. Love, Emma Dear Santa, How dus yr wegis fiy. How are yr lrtr ufst dowin are day meck in tos. Can I haf a tude ba And a yo-yo And a poney And a pupey. Love, Natalie Dear Santa, How do your rine dear fly? How are you doing? Thank you for my cat last year. Can you get me a laptop thank you. Can you get me a poots thank you. Can you get me sum legings thank you. Love, Hannah Dear Santa, How doo you git uran roan the wrd? Thek you four the drubs! Ples git a kit four me! Ples git me a ball! Ttek you four the dog! Ttek you four the frog. Stay Safe, Chandler



Dear Santa, How are you doing? Will you pleas bring me a play stayton 3? Will you bring me a boh in air oh? Can I get a Pohn? Can I get a notBook? Can I get a mchine gun bb gun? thank you, santa I Love you! Love, Brylan W. Dear Santa, Is it cold at the noth poll thanck you for all the toys. thanck you for giveng a Jasia doll for last yer cKrismis. How dus yor randers fly. May I have a babby zozo pet for cris miss. thanck you for evrethang. Love, Bailey Dear Santa, How is missis clos? tak you for all toy! Can you brege me tese? X box 360. Yose tas. books. Kri'o. Legos. Spidr-man. Batman. Baskitball for ps2. A alorm clock. Blocks. Reel steel. Green latrn. Love, Brylan M. Dear Santa, Is doisr dooinu dasreh! Holo do you get all the pres rad the yrld! That is col! Thac, you for the big tsatr? But thisrer I yut a big set? Thank you, Nicholas Dear Santa, How are you doing? Thank you for my gifs! Plless will you get me same logos! I wunt a cop cro! I like lagos monchr truck! I like the lagos that I got now. I like basball. Thank you, Garrett. Dear Santa, How are your Elfs? Thank you for the toys. I want a mine frig. It is going to be black. It is going to be mine. It has a friser. It will be as black as a cat. Thank You, Quinton Dear Santa, I wob like to kum vizit you Santa. Can I get a Brb. I love You. From, Stefanie Dear Santa, Has is Ms Santa? Fkvuolgl pes Me lgl gnpis t w o. Love, Miles Dear Santa, How bo you gi tu raot the wrld i wun it! I wunt a brbe. I w unta bog. I wunta cat. Love, Jazmine Argenta-Oreana Mrs. Smith 1st Grade Dear Santa, I wunt my own ipod touch and my own ipod. I have been vary good this year. Love, Max Dear Santa, How can you eat so mine cookes? I have ben so good this year! Can I have some art and teacher stuff this year? I like you! Love, Emma Dear Santa, Dus rodoff the randears still have the red nose? Haw dus he mack tosy? I like Santa. I like your hat. I wut a dsi. I wut sum muny. Love, Savannah Dear Santa, I wut to ask you over dus roodoff lev? POS I have bin good. I wut a Batcav for Decmber. Love, Caleb Dear Santa, Will I get a lot of toys? Will you get me an ipot tuch? Yes or no? Do the dear ever get hungry? How dos your beard get so wite? Love, Odin Dear Santa, How dow you give grs and boys toos in on nit? I woot a DS. I woot brb dol jet. Love, Riley Dear Santa, I have bin gid tis Desmr. I wud a poprs. Love, Chase Dear Santa, I hav bpin var goon thes yer. I w a ww woreshir. Love, Donavin Dear Santa, I wat a Kred Yoshicart. I wot a penguin sfd anml. I wot a Kirby toy. Love, Kelsan Dear Santa, I wut to hav the green modasisl toys. How do you mac toys? How do you mac yor randrs fly? I like you Santa. Wry Do yor randes liv? Love, Dominic Dear Santa, I want a 3DS a kingpig aagrs brid toy also a new mortal kombat game. Is roodofs nose still red? From, Damien Dear Santa, I want a grlu for Chnistmas. War do the rader leve? I have been gud this yr. Love, Christopher Dear Santa, How do you moc the nos son? I wot to pet the randiw. I wut to hav a stuft Gumin Sepr. Love, Ava Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys. Ware do the reindeer live? I have been good this yaer. Can I get a Pony for Crismas? Love, Heaven Dear Santa, Ds Rodof have a red nos? Wy do yoo wr a red cot? Hw do you dlvr pec in one nit? Love, Lexi Dear Santa, Mae I hav a Tran lae aut? Thak you Santa. Love, Grayson Dear Santa, I like the hats that you make. I have ben good for my Mom. Can I ples have a Troisforms and can I have lagos and can I have a Plagran? Love, Brian Dear Santa, I wout to pet the radrs. I wout a coocoo brd be cos I bin good. Love, Tess Dear Santa, My favr color is purple. I like you. I wat a bat toy. I wat a cat and dog toy. Love, Olivia Dear Santa, I bin good. Can I hav a gun pes? Love, Michael Dear Santa, Wiy is your bird white? Wiy is Rofnof red! I wut my bobcat to hev a kitten. Love, Jerin Argenta-Oreana Mrs. Swanson Kindergarten Dear Santa, I like presents. Please bring me a laptop. Love, Peyton Dear Santa, I like Chhristmas soon. I please bring me a phone. Love, Adam Dear Santa, I like you coat. Please bring me a Spiderman video game. Love, Myles

Dear Santa, I like your sled. Please bring me a firetruck. Love, Logan

swing with her. Merry Christmas Madison

Dear Santa, I like your hat. Please bring me a computer. Love, Angelina

Dear Santa Claus, I like it when you give me candy in my stocking! M and M's are my favorite! I like it when you give me presents. This year for Christmas I want a Barbie doll and a Barbie dress. I have been a good girl this year! I clean up my room and my brother has been good too but sometimes he throws fits! Merry Christmas Brooke

Dear Santa, I like snow. Please bring me a bike. Love, Tommy Dear Santa, I like your boots. Please bring me a T-Rex. Love, Jamie Dear Santa, I like your belt. Please bring me a Batman helicopter. Love, Olivia H. Dear Santa, I like snow. Please bring me a Sonic toy. Love, Levi Dear Santa, I like your reindeer. Please bring me a doll. Love, Angie Dear Santa, I like toys. Please bring me a yellow star for my Christmas tree. Love, Vishnu Dear Santa, I like Rudolph. Please bring me a computer. Love, Lauryn Dear Santa, I like Rudolph. Please bring me a rain bow light. Love, Liv Dear Santa, I like race cars. Please bring me a dinosaur. Love, Wylie Dear Santa, I like Mrs. Clous. Please bring me a toy elephant. Love, Olivia F. Dear Santa, I like toys. Please bring me a trans-former. Love, Dillon Dear Santa, I like presents. Please bring me a new dollhouse. Love, Kayleigh

Dear Santa Claus, I want to know more about the North Pole. How cold is it there? Is there snow there all the time? For Christmas I want a big ship (boat). My uncle has one and it's a big big one I want one like that. I could take it to the beach. I have been a good boy this year. I am really good! Merry Christmas Austin Dear Santa Claus, I want you to get me a lot of presents and a lot of good stuff! I will give you a bunch of cookies and gingerbread men and I will give you a great big hug and maybe I might even eat with you! I have been a good boy this year! I like my new school and I love to play a lot with my friends and Santa's toys. I would like a big big big train set and I think it's on sale! I would like to see the North Pole and I want to go a lot. I like you a lot! Merry Christmas Caden Dear Santa Claus, I want a car for Christmas! I have been a good boy this year! I help my mom at home. I am good at school and I always stay on green. Merry Christmas Cesar Dear Santa Claus, Do you ride bikes? Do you need a new bike? For Christmas I would like a new bike. I would like presents for Christ-mas. I have been a good boy this year! I am always good at school and I stay on green! Merry Christmas Adam Atwood-Hammond Mrs. Davis 1st Grade

Dear Santa, I like your beard. Please bring me a watch. Love, Connor

Dear Santa, I want a basketball jersey. I want a basketball. I want a basketball cap. Love, Kaden

Dear Santa, I like sprinkles. Please bring me a bike with a kickstand and horn. Love, Brady

Dear Santa, Can you tell me how the baby reindeer is. I please want anything. Love, Thomas

Dear Santa, I like your dolls. Please bring me a camouflage helicopter. Love, Dylan

Dear Santa, What kind of cookies do you like? And can the reindeer really fly? Can I please have a super Mario doll and a cat? Your Friend, Leah

Dear Santa, I like snow. Please bring me a singing dog. Love, Gracie Dear Santa, I like toys. Please bring me a elf. Love, Lucy Dear Santa, I like Legos. Please bring me a Lego Batman. Love, Jordan Dear Santa, I like you. Please bring me a Barbie doll. Love, Piper Atwood-Hammond Mrs. Beck Kindergarten Dear Santa Claus, I like you Santa! What is the North Pole like? I want a Nerf gun for Christmas. My brother Cooper would like a bell for his bike! I have been a good boy this year even though I wrestle with my brother. Merry Christmas Noah Dear Santa Claus, I like you Santa! I have been a good girl this year. I share with my brother, sister, Mommy and Daddy. I am also very good at school too. I stay on green everyday at school. What is your favorite reindeer? I think it's probably Rudolph! I like the cartoon. For Christams I want a lollipop, a Sponge-bob book that is really scary and a Barbie book! Merry Christmas Chloe Dear Santa Claus, I like that you bring toys to all the girls and boys! I think that's very nice! For Christmas I want Mater's Big Monster Truck book, a lollipop, and a pointer! I have been a good boy this year! Merry Christmas Landon Dear Santa Claus I love you Santa because you bring us presents! For Christmas I want a princess doll house. I have been a good girl this year. I help my Mom and my Dad. I clean my bedroom and I am nice to everyone! I also make lots of pictures for my Mom and Dad! Merry Christmas Lilly Dear Santa Claus, I like you Santa Clause because you bring us presents every year. P.J. is a good elf but this morning I found him and he was on the shelf and he must have flown to the cabinet and got out some Oreo's and then flown back to the shelf to watch movies and eat cookies. For Christmas I want a brand new Batman Bat Castle. I have been a good boy this year. I help my mom and dad with my brother and sister. I can even pick up my baby sister and bring her to my mom. I really like Comet, Dancer, Vixen, Blitzen, Rudolph, and all the other Reindeers. Merry Christmas Jayce Dear Santa Claus, I love you Santa Claus even though I never see you. Can I have something beautiful for Christmas? My brother really likes Cars so much he would like anything Cars. I would like for you to get a nice dress for my Momma for Christmas! I have been a good girl this year! I am nice to my brother and I play with him. Merry Christmas Jasmine Dear Santa Claus, I love you very much! I love all the presents you give me and Rudolph the red nose reindeer. I love Christmas it I love it very much because you get to put Christmas trees up and stuff like that. For Christmas I want a Moxi girl and a Monster High doll! I also want a Rudolph the red nose reindeer stuff animal! I am a good girl and I love school! I love the whole world! Merry Christmas Adisyn Dear Santa Claus, I like you and the reindeers and the toys! For Christmas I really want a dirt bike, four wheeler, and a DS! I would also like a dog too. I have been a good boy sometimes and I want to do good! Merry Christmas AJ Dear Santa Claus, I like you Santa Claus because you are so big! I can't wait to go and see you! For Christmas I want a Ballerina Barbie and a baby I can dress up. I have been a good girl this year! I am good to my sister I play outside with her and

Dear Santa, We all love you. Please can I have a pillow pet? Love, Hayley Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Can I please have a D.S.? Love, Hanna Dear Santa, Can I please have a Mario doll? Do you want some cookies? Can I please have a real cat and a Toy Story ham toy? Love, Parker Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? Can I please have a D.S.i? Love, Kelsie Dear Santa, How are your baby reindeer doing? Please can I have a toy football helmet? Can I have a jersey? Your Friend, Logan Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? Can I please have a Lego Ninja? Love, Sean Dear Santa, Can I please have a football? Can the reindeer really fly? I hope they take flying lessons. Love, Travis Dear Santa, How do you fly? Can I please have a Penelope cat and Sponge Bob toys? Your Friend, Jacob Atwood-Hammond Mrs. Hutchcraft Kindergarten Dear Santa, I am going to leave some candy out for your reindeer, and some cookies for you. Also, last time when you came, you forgot to eat all of the cookies I left for you. I want a Santa hat, scissors, and a piece of Play-Dough. And my own little lights for my own little blue Christmas tree. And that's all. And my brother would like a Micky Mouse book. Brody Dear Santa, I have a big sister and I want you to leave her an elf hat. We have a really big one at home, and I think she wants one. I want you to bring me a really big tooth-shaped pillow so I can lay on it. And it needs to be fuzzy. And can you bring a purple Christmas tree for my mom? Kaylee Dear Santa, I want a dart gun that shoots 50 miles high in the air. And I liked seeing you on the firetruck. Also, I have been good this year. Dalton Dear Santa, Thank you for coming to my house last year. I want a pointer just like Mrs. Hutchcraft has in her classroom. I want to point to things at my house so my family can see what I'm talking about. I have been very good this year. Ashylnn Dear Santa, Can you bring me a cat, please? I would like it to be a girl. My brother also wants some Hot Wheels and a camera card. And I want a camera card, too. They are at Target. We will leave you some Santa-shaped cookies. Morgan Dear Santa, I want a really cool castle for Christ-mas. I don't know if I've been really good, but I think I've been good enough for you to come see me. I will leave you all the good cookies and three glasses of milk! Ben Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman toy. Could you bring a red Nintendo DS for my brother, Damien? We also want a couple of games. I would like some mittens in my stocking. You can also bring something for my mom and dad. You can pick it out, but my Mommy likes combing hair so maybe bring something for her hair. Dakota Dear Santa, I want a red bike with four wheels. I also want a Spiderman toy. My mom also wants a laptop and my dad wants a movie. I have been really good. I even make my own bed and clean my room! I will leave you some cookies and milk. Kaden

Dear Santa, I want a big John Deere tractor that I can ride on. I love John Deere stuff and green is my favorite color. I would also like for you to tell the elves and the reindeer that I said "Hi." And my dad would like a semi, and my mom would like something with Tinkerbelle on it. Preston Dear Santa, I love Rudolph's red nose. I want to know what you feed your reindeer and what your favorite kind of cookie is. For Christmas, I want the cookie LaLa Loopsy Silly Hair. I also want a new tea set, because I have a glass one and it keeps breaking. I'm going to give you chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookies. Emma Dear Santa, I want you to come back to the hotel so I can have lunch with you again. And I want a LaLa Loopsy hair doll and a Bratz hair doll so I can color her hair. And I want a piano and a guitar pick so I can play the guitar. And a guitar. My mom wants white fuzzy boots. I have been good this year and I am going to leave you some chocolate milk and I'm going to make you purple and blue star cookies. And I will leave a carrot for the deer. Alexis Dear Santa, I am going to leave you milk and cookies. I want a baby toy, a Barbie, and a bunny. I have been so good. I have helped my mommy do laundry. Thank you for the presents that you left last year. Dajsha Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? I've been kind of good. I would like the wresting ring for Christmas. I'm going to play with it with my brother. I would also like you to leave me a cookie. I want a wolverine costume, too. My mom, dad, sister, and my brother would like icing cookies. Richard Atwood-Hammond Mrs. Strack 1st Grade Dear Santa, How are you? I want Lego Cops with the Lego Robbers. Thank You, Lyle Dear Santa, Can I please have a DS and an I Pod Touch. I also want Gi-Jo Legos ,Star Wars, Harry Potter Castle, and Ninja Legos. Can I have a real jet pack and a real light sabor. I love you Santa. How are you doing and how are the rein-deer? Love, Jared Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? For Christmas I want a picture of you. I also want a Go Go Kitty. Love, Ava Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Could you tell Rudolph Hi for me? I want a toy monster truck, legos, a DS, colored pencils and a wildcat shirt. Merry Christmas, Dawson Dear Santa, Are the Reindeer doing well? I want a DS. I want Go Go Kitty and a peace sign jacket for Christmas. Love, Bailey Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? I am going to leave out cookies for you. Can I please have a Lego Star Wars? I also want a robot car. Merry Christmas, Chance Dear Santa, I want a pair of slippers and an Ameri-can Girl Doll for Christmas. You are really nice Santa! Merry Christmas, Love, Emma Dear Santa, How are you? Are the reindeer doing well? I want a Ninja, and Star Wars legos set for Christmas. Merry Christmas, Sabon Dear Santa, I like you! Can I please have a dirt bike. I also want a Ninja go training please. Merry Christmas, Levi Dear Santa, How are you? How are the reindeer doing? All I want for Christmas is a DSi and next year I want a DSI Xl. Merry Christmas, Regann Dear Santa, How are you? Are the reindeer doing well? I want a robot for Christmas. I also want a toy remote control Monster truck please. Your Friend, Lane Dear Santa, How are you? Are the reindeer doing well? I want toy Armey men for Christmas. Your Friend, Tanner Dear Santa, How are you? Are the reindeer doing well? For Christmas I want Lego City. My mom and dad would like to get a Wii. Merry Christmas, Jonny Dear Santa, I love you. I want a talking reindeer for Christmas. I also would like a mini motor bike to play with. I want a scary mask too so that I can scare my sister with it. I also want more time with my mom! Love, Jacob Baum, Decatur Mrs. Blades 1st Grade Dear Santa, I have been good this der. Please rbrnge me a toy piretr yer. Your friend, Boston Dear Santa, I have been very good this your. Plesa breing me a T.V. Breing Serenity baby Alive. Bring Donovan a Power Ranger. Bring Destinee bookbag. Your frind, Jayda Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Please bring me a i-Pad. Bring my brother a new computer. Your frend, Kadyn Dear Santa, I have been very good all day! So. I was wondring if I could have a red wii. Your friend, Takiya Dear Santa, I have been very good. This year I wunt a make up and a laptop and a iPhone and a iPod and a xBox 360 and a Monster High Set. Your frind, Breanna Dear Santa, Can you baing me a Monster High Set and I have been very good today. All a my cousin Rap present are you going to get some more present. Belacardi Dear Santa, I have been very good. I been wanting a I-pad and a phone and a Xbox 360. I will miss you very much. From Kylie Dear Santa, I wry a make up fim good. From Destiny


SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2011 been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a race car for my family. I would like toys and fruits! You will find 8 carrots for the reindeer and 8 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christ-mas. Love, Sami

Letters to Santa Listing of Schools Argenta - Oreana Atwood-Hammond Baum, Decatur Bement Ben Franklin, Decatur Bond, Assumption Brush College, Decatur Cerro Gordo Dennis, Decatur Durfee, Decatur French, Decatur Harris. Decatur Harristown Heartland, Decatur Holy Family, Decatur Hope Academy, Decatur

Illiopolis Johns Hill, Decatur Kid’s Castle Learning Center, Decatur Maroa-Forsyth McGaughey, Mt. Zion Meridian Primary Muffley, Decatur Oak Grove, Decatur Our Lady of Lourdes, Decatur Parsons, Decatur Pershing, Decatur South Shores, Decatur St. Mary’s, Taylorville St. Patrick’s, Decatur Warrensburg/Latham

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Please bring me a T.V. bring me a laptop. Bring me a xbox 360. Bring me a i-Pad. Your frind, Jayden Baum, Decatur Mrs. Weddle 1st Grade Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a Mobigo. Thank you. Your friend, Janiah Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me Spiderman, a new TV. Thank you. Your friend Omarius Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a Red Ranger. Thank you. Your friend, Fredaryl Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a J B Doll. Thank you. Your friend, Leila Dear Santa Claus, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a Snuggie. I would like a blue one. Thank you. Your friend, Mary Jo Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a cell phone. Thank you. Your friend, Evan Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a happy naper dog and a happy napper. Thank you. Your friend, Maci Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me an easy Bake oven. Thank you. Your friend, Keilani Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me make-up. Thank you. Your friend, Danielle Dear Santa, I have tride to be good. Will you please bring me a IPad 2. Thank you. Your friend, Zada Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a Nintendo DS. Thank you. Your friend, Jai'zyra Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me night vision goggles. I hana you. Your Friend, KJ Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a phone. Thank You. Your friend, Brandon Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a Xbox 360. Thank you. Your friend, Jaden Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a mini bike. Thank you. Your friend, Gavyn Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a D.S. with Mario cart. Thank you. Your friend, James Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. Please bring me a playstation 2. Thank you. Your friend, Matthew Dear Santa, I have tred to be good. Please bring me a new J B Doll. Your friend, Kayla Baum, Decatur Mr. Winters Kindergarten

been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring glass of sand for my family. I would like action figure Roben and action figure Batman! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Daniel Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Jeremiah. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring candles for my family. I would like a dump truck and a car! You will find 2 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Jeremiah Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Emilee. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring new furniture for my family. I would like a necklace and new clothes! You will find 5 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Emilee Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Makaelyn. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring bikes for my family. I would like a hamster and high heels! You will find 9 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behav-ior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Makaelyn Dear Santa Hello! My name is Alexis. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a puppy for my family. I would like Barbie dolls and a Barbie house! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 1 cookie for you in the dinning room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Alexis Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Ariyah. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring paddle balls for my family. I would a race car and Barbie dolls! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 6 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Ariyah Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Jabrea. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring books for my family. I would a dog and toys! You will find 9 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christ-mas. Love, Jabrea Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Maggie. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring game system for my family. I would a Wii system and games! You will find 9 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cookies for you in the fire place with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Maggie Dear Santa, Hello! My name is London. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring stuff animals for my family. I would a boots and new shoes! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 2 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, London

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Sebastian. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring Just Dance 4 for my family. I would like Super Mario D's and WWE (Alex)! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 6 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Sebastian

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Joelen. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring books for my family. I would Zombie land and Ballons! You will find 3 carrots for the reindeer and 2 cookies for you in the dinning room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Joelen

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Carter. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a com-puter for my family. I would like Toys and Robot! You will find 1 carrot for the reindeer and 2 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behav-ior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Carter

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Ka'mariya. I am 6 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a flat screen TV for my family. I would like a DSI and cooking mama! You will find 5 carrots for the reindeer and 4 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Ka'Mariya

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Meleah. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a new car for my family. I would like a game system and a game! You will find 3 carrots for the reindeer and 2 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas! Love, Maleah

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Jillian. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring money for my family. I would like a DSI and race game! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 2 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Jillian

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Daniel. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Sami. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Nicklaus. I am 6 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a new TV for my family. I would like new clothes and toys! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Nicklaus Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Wyles. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring bikes for my family. I would like toys and computer games! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 2 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Wyles

Dear Santa, Please bring me some dragons and dinosaurs. I would also like some cartoon movies. I will make you some chocolate cookies with lots of chocolate. Love, Jared Dear Santa, Please bring me a present wrapped in snowman paper. I would also like a new Barbie and a doll house. I will leave you some chocolate cookies with strawberry milk. Love, Bailey Dear Santa, Please bring me a T-Rex and a train. My sister would like a new Barbie. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Merry Christmas! Love, Gunnar Bement Mrs. Waters Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want a guinea pig for Christmas. I will name it Tweetie! I like your elves! Joie Dear Santa, I like you Santa. I want you to bring me a DSXL. You are a good Santa. Landon

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Brandon. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good boy this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring a new car for my family. I would like a go-cart and Spiderman Web! You will find 4 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cookies for you in the kitchen with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Brandon

Dear Santa, I will put cookies and a picture out for you on Christmas. I would like skirts, dresses and a pair of ice skates this year. I love you. Quinn

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Serenity. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring an oven for my family. I would like toys and Barbies! You will find 5 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cookies for you in the dinning room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Serenity

Dear Santa, I want a new Wii pad this year so I can play Scooby Doo on it. I liked to see you on the train yesterday. I hope you make good toys. Kodee

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Briahna. I am 5 years old. I am a kindergartner at Baum School. I have been a good girl this year and hope you will visit me on Christmas Eve. Please bring DSI for my family. I would like a DSI games and a computer You will find 3 carrots for the reindeer and 3 cookies for you in the living room with my Good Behavior Book! Have a safe journey and Merry Christmas. Love, Briahna Bement Mrs. Grimes Pre-K Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me a girl Barbie doll. I would also like some Zuzu pets and a baby doll. I will hold your hand. Love, Saiya Dear Santa, Ho, ho, ho! I would like for you to bring me a Cinderella doll and a leap frog movie for Christmas. I will let Rudolph eat my grass. Love, Riley Dear Santa, Please bring me new tractors and one I can ride down the sidewalk. Please bring my sister new Barbie dolls. Love, Holden Dear Santa, Please bring me a work bench and a cleaning trolley. I also like lollipops. I will make you some cookies to eat and milk to drink. Love, Brayden Dear Santa, I would like a Finn McMissile, Light-ning McQueen, and Bumblebee for Christmas. Love, Cloud Dear Santa, I would like a Nintendo DSi, a power wheels jeep and a scooter. Please bring my sister Shelby an iPod. My mom will make you some cookies. Love, Cliff Dear Santa, Could you please bring me a new drum set and Toy Story Squinkies. I would also like a guitar. I would love to tell you some jokes. Love, Ian Dear Santa, Please bring me a star for my tree. I would like the Barbie dream townhouse and my sisy would like a scary face Barbie. Please bring Denny some legos and my mommy a pretty ring. Love, Brook Dear Santa, I would like a Nintendo DSi and baseball cards. Please bring Luke a new army costume and Mark wants a horse and a cow. My mom wants a new bed. Love, John-Paul Dear Santa, Please bring me Andre the Giant (wrestling guy) and a new wrestling ring. Bring my brother Kade something good. My mommy and daddy are too big, but please get the some presents too. Love, Tyce Dear Santa, Please bring your reindeer to my house. How is your cherry nose? I want a Papa pig; he eats hamburgers and gets fat. Please bring Keaton his own chap stick. Love, Leigha Dear Santa, Please bring me G.I.Joe action figures and a Crayola color wonder coloring set. Please bring Hayley a house for her Ninja Turtle. I will leave you some cookies and milk and the reindeers something else. Love, Kylie Dear Santa, Please bring me a Hot Dog for Christ-mas. I also want a new pink bike and toy story talking animals. Taylor would like a purple present. Mommy makes chocolate cookies every day. I will leave you some. Love, Maggie Dear Santa, Please bring me a Magic Fairy Dora and some Barbie dolls. Paige, mommy and I will make you some cookies. Love, Jordin Dear Santa, Could you please bring me a girl guitar and some make up. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Love, Faith Dear Santa, Please bring me a remote control car. I broke my other one you got me last Christmas. I would also like a Riffle Golden boy gun. That will be all. Love, Max Dear Santa, Please bring me a Lalaloopsy for Christmas. Please bring my brother a toy truck and my sister a Barbie. We will leave you some Santa Claus cookies. Love, Zoey

Dear Santa, I love you Santa. Would you bring me Hot Wheels, monster trucks and Cars 2 cars? Thanks. Evan

Dear Santa, I like your reindeer and I want to see them. Please give me a bunny and a hamster for Christmas. I will name the bunny fluffy and the hamster Hammy. Why is there too much snow at the North Pole? Lilli Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I want you to bring me a cool computer. I wish I could ride in your sleigh with you. Alex



Dear Santa, This year I was very good. I was very good because I play gaem. I would really like you to bring me gaem for Christmas. I promise to leave you coockeise milk. Love, Azaria Dear Santa, This year I was very good. I was very good because I cleb up my clothes in my room. I would areally like to bring me xbox 350 go for Christmas. I promise to leave you cookeise and mile. Love, Jtavian Dear Santa, This year I was very good I was very good because picks and I picks people papers. Like you to bring me a car for cristmas. I promise to leave you milk and coockeise. Love, Fabian Dear Santa, This year I was very good. I was very good because I did my homework. I would really like you to bring me dsi. I promise to leave you milk and coockeise. Love, Jimmy Dear Santa, This year I was very good. I was very good because I red my books. I would really like you to bring me for Christ-mas a spidermn web shoodr. I promise to leave you cookis. Love, Jeramiah Dear Santa, This year I was good. I was good because I lisuning. I would really like you to bring me a gocort for Christmas. I promise to leave you cookies and milk. Love, Preston Dear Santa, This year I was pretty good. I was pretty good because I was pretty good and help my dad. I would really to bring me xbox 360 for Christmas. I promise to leave you a cack. Love, Tashon Dear Santa, This year I was very good. I was very good because I help clen up my room. I would really like you to bring me xbox 360 for Christmas. I promise to leave you milk and coces and graps. Love, Joshua

Dear Santa, Please bring me an I Pad. I like your reindeer. On Christmas Eve I will leave you chocolate chip cookies and milk. Hayden Dear Santa, I like you and your toys. I would like a Barbie and a Barbie dress to wear to school I need a nice scarf and hat too. Thank you for bringing my toys. I love Mrs. Claus and your reindeer that can fly. Mackenzie Santa, I like you Santa. I like your reindeer too. Bring me a monster truck for Christmas fun. Cole Dear Santa, Please give me presents all weekend. I like toys. Your reindeers fly by magic. Cloee Dear Santa, I want Barbi doll stuff. Are you going to have a great time on Christmas? I will. Skye Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I want a battlegon. I will give you cake with milk. Ryan Dear Santa, I love you dear Santa. I want a heart necklace and an I Pad. Thank you Santa. I like your wife. Dessari

Dear Santa, This year I was good. I was very good because I was very very good. I would really like you to bring me a Tpin mike for Christmas. I promise to leave you milk and cookes. Love, Camron Dear Santa, This year I was good. I was very good because I play little sistr. I would really for christs pigaszl. I promise to leave you brchgonoc Love, Markerpf Dear Santa, This year I was very good. I was very good because I did homework. I would really like you to bring me a 3DtonDS for Christmas. I promise to leave you milk and cookeise. Love, Conner Dear Santa, This year I wus kind of good. I was king of good because I am nius. I would really like you to bring me a DSi for bhristmous. I promise to leave you milk and cuces. Love, Andrew Ben Franklin, Decatur Mrs. Schwartz 1st Grade Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I will give you cookies and milk. I will give the reindeer apples and carrots. I would like toy wrestlers, please. Thanks you and Merry Christmas. Love, Stefand Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a play wig. I will give you cookies and milk. I will give your reindeer apples and carrots. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you. Love, Zailey

Dear Santa, This year I was very good I was very good I was good at home. I clet my roon. I wuld really like you to bring me bab doll and acupcack make. I promise to leave you cookese and milk. Love, Janaysha

Dear Santa, I would like a DS for Christmas and a talking dog that has a leash. I will give you cookies and milk on Christmas Eve. I was a good girl. Caroline Dear Santa, I want a bow and arrow for Christmas and a microscope gun. I hope the reindeer find my house on Christmas Eve. Triston

Dear Santa, This year I was pretty good. I would really like you to bring me vido game for Christmas. I promise to leave you cookeys and milk. Love, Damien

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Dear Santa, I want a Christmas horn that blows. You are nice Santa. Lilyan Santa, I want a Barbie for Christmas. I like your magic sled. I love you. Phoenix Ben Franklin, Decatur Jill Robertson 1st Grade

Happy Holidays from The Macon County Fairgrounds

Dear Santa, This is year I was kind of good. I was kind good win I hit my frind I said sorrey. I would really like you to bring me capcack I make for Christmas. I promise to leave you millk and cooik. Love, Makayla Dear Santa, This year I was pretty good. I was praetty good because I cleand my room and I did not get askt to. I would really like you to bring me a helicopter for Christmas. I promise to leave you coockeise and milk. Love, Jacob Dear Santa, This year I was very good. I was very good because I clean my room. I would really like you to bring me new a scooter. I promise to leave you coockeise and carrots. Love, Haley Dear Santa, This year I was very good. I was very good because I cled my room. I would really like you to bring me a moped for Christmas. I promise to leave you cookess and milk. Love, Mckayla Dear Santa, This year I was good. I was very good bekus I help a girl I did my howrk. I would really like you to bring me Jep for Christmas. I promise to leave you milk and oeyow. I love Santa bekus he is nis and very good. Me and my dad we wud cept. Love, Breanna Dear Santa, This year I was pretty good. . I was pretty good because I help a frin. I would really like you to bring me xbox 360. I promise to leave you graps and cholit. Love, Saryl Dear Santa, This year I was very good. I was very good because I cleand my room. I would really like you to bring me a headband for Christmas. I promise to leave you coockies and milk. Love, Ciara Dear Santa, This year I was very good. I picked up my room. I would really like you to bring me an xbox 360 for chrimas. I promise to leave you cookies and milk. Love, Nakkiya

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4 LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a toy vacuum cleaner. I will give you cookies and milk. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Stonie Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a Wii game. I will give you cookies and milk. I will give the reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Twaza Dear Santa, I am trying to be good I would lik a psp game. I will give you cookies. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Alereon Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a bank bed. I will give you cookies and milk. I will give the reindeer carrots and apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Ella Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a DS game. I will give you candy and milk. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Jokayloh Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a Mongoose bike. I will give you ccokies and milk. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christ-mas. Love, Mashawn Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a PSP game. I will give you cookies and millk. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Amarion Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a x-box 360. I will give you cookies and milk. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Darrin Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a Psp game. I will give you cookies and milk. I will give the reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Maurlin


Dear Santa, Thanek you four the presents last year. I would like a minichr moder sikel and a stik to the wall trak have a safe ride. Lave, Mason Dear Santa, Thank you for my presents last year. I would like a xbox and a glose this year. Have a safe trip. Love, Austin Dear Santa, Thank you for my presents last year. I would like a trtl. I wunt a wugl pet. From Wren Dear Santa, Thake you for all those presins last year. Can I ples have a mllt itrl irplane and a cputre. Have a happy day. Love me. Mackenzie Dear Santa, Thank you for my presents last year. I would like a barbye and a unicorn ths year. Love Santa. Have a safe trip. Love, Elsie Dear Santa, Thank you for the presents. I want a amaricken girl doll. Love, Tatum Dear Santa, Thank you for my presents last year. I would like a psp games, a frisby, and a nerf gun. Also I want a turtle and lots of candy. P.S. have a safe trip. From Will. Dear Santa, Thank you for those presents last year. I would like more Bilda bare close plese. And I whut a wugl pet. Love, Brenna Dear Santa, Thank you for my presenk last year. I would like cat dog and skuk this year. Have a safe trip. Love from Joshua Dear Santa, I wut Legos. Stas for my pels. Hav a saf trip. And I wut xbox 360 and I wut GI Joes. Fum Sam Dear Santa, I want a ipad and a car two gam and a lev up gam. Frum Connor

Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a baby alive doll, please. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry and Christmas. Love, Emily

Dear Santa, For chrismis I want every Lego Spungob set. I want every super hero squad games for DS games. Have a nise trip. From Matthew

Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a baby alive doll. I will give you cookies and milk. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christ-mas. Love, Martasia Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a toy boat. I will give you cookies and milk. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Michael

Bond, Assumption Miss Cox 1st Grade

Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a PSP game. I will give you cookies and milk and your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Keshyia Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like an Xbox 360. I will give you cookies and milk and your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a Xbox 360. I will give you cookes and milk. I will give your reindeer some apples. Thank you and Merry Christ-mas. Love, Travon Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I want a PSP game please. I am going to give you a sandwich. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Shamarion Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I will give you chips and cookies. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Shondrea Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a Wii game, please. I will give you some cookies and milk. Give your reindeer apples. Tahnk you and Merry Christ-mas. Love, Kapone Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like an X-Box. I will give you cheese and crackers. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christ-mas. Love, Dasear Dear Santa, I am trtig to be good. I will give you some candy. I will give your reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christ-mas. Love, Kamanee Dear Santa, I am trying to be good. I would like a Baby Alive doll. I will give you cookies and milk. I will give you reindeer apples. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Serenity Bond, Assumption Mrs Collins 1st Grade Dear Santa, I hop you have a saf trip. Thank you for the toys last yir. Can you get me a nrf gun. Can you get ma o cuneitr. Can you get ma fon. Can you get me a I pod. Can you get me a nuw drt bike. Love, Landon. Dear Santa, Thak you for my presins last yere. I wnte a bike, a guni pig, a drte bike, an Amaukingril dole. A ice crem dot maker. Love, Peyten

Dear Santa, I want drums, bike, skateboard, yellow jeans, black jeans, blue jeans, onange jeans, black jeans, chess, purple jeans, DC hat, black and green shoes, DC snow pants. PS3. Dirt bike. Baseball bat, GI Joes, base ball mit, dc gloves, ice skates. Sincerely, Mark Dear Santa, I want a teran terak. I want a montr truks. I want a ps2. I want a intendoo 3DS. I want a rascar trak. I want a dert bike rider. I want dotr dred. I want thos blue nits from sams. I want a soard. Sincerely, Ethan Dear Santa, I wunt a big big fishin pool and a xbox 360 four Christmas plees. Sincerely, Kolby Dear Santa, Krismis I wut a eesl, wii, clok, fisheenpl, bingo bord. Sincerely, Michael Dear Santa, For krismis I wnt a green latrn and cating un rku and a elf on the shelf and a wii and a batman and a supr-man. Sincerely, Braden Dear Santa, I wish for a mokencblecar thet has a gus on it and a mokenchle car thet has a hooks on it an a mokinchlhelockotere and will have a two guns and a tan ck. Sincerely, Collier Dear Santa, I want a smart board. I want a baskbol. I want a skooll. I want a pet. I want a sled. I want a gun. I want a big bed. I want a ice cream. I want a flag. I want a pisl. I want bol. I want car. Sincerely, Payton Dear Santa, I want a toy fiish, I want a xbox 360, I want a toy pirit, I want a woody, I want a buzz, I want homework. Sincerely, William Dear Santa, I wante a sta wors wii. I wante dokder dred. I wante a transformer bike. I wante a pet hamster. I wante a sord wii. I wante a x-box 3-60. I wante a mot cintrole tuck. I wante transformer 2. I wante play dowe. I wante a pet purite. I wante a t-v in my room. I want a d-s. Sincerely, Will Dear Santa, I wunt a I pod tuch and a reel horse a baby horse and I want a two two. And eat my cookee. I love you Sandos. Sincerely, Alayna Dear Santa, I want sorry sliders. I want a la chrca scooder. I want a baby doll. I want a bad kity book. I want lip glos. I want head bands. Sincerely, Tiffany Dear Santa, I wunt a bike and a reel for weelr and a reemotkor and a nu home and a reemotrobot. Sincerely, Joseph Dear Santa, I want a monster truck. I want a red wii. I want a blak wii. I want a skat-bord. I want a dog. I want a reel helnit. Sincerely, Dakota

Dear Santa, 3DS. Avin and the chicmakshipe reke the move. Avin and the chicmukshipe rek the wii game. Avin and the chicmakship reke the DS game. Pig in the cup. TV. Soom pool. Books. Sincerely, Brynn Dear Santa, I want cars 2 for ps3. I want madden nfl12. I want monopoly from cars. I want a 3ds. I want cars the video game. I want a bears football. I want cars the movie. I want cars 2 the movie. I want Mario party 3. I want some scary movies. I want some scary toys. Sincerely, Ayden Dear Santa, I cuke momy for my dees. I wunt a ipod for crismis. I wunt a horse for my umarcki grledoc. I wunt a camra with zoon. I want a crayola bade and a chockbude. Sincerely, Carsyn Dear Santa, For Christmas I wush and DSi finis and frn inth seloi thseish. Sincerely, Thomas Dear Santa, I whunt a marnstre truck. And I whant a buzz and woody toy. I whant a skat bord. Sincerely, James Bond, Assumption Ms. Hilligoss Kindergarten Dear Santa, Please briv me a cat and Dset. Love, Daegan Dear Santa, Please geve rolrscats. Cat Babe. Hors. Markers. Fish. Gum. Stamp. Bike. Macup. Love, Gracie Dear Santa, Please have a skaitbord. Love, Ruby Dear Santa, Please give me a skateboard scooter and train. Thank you. Love, Jason

Dear Santa, Please broeeng a scoitbord. Love, Hayden Dear Santa, I went bad cat. I went top. I have a ren. Love, Conner Dear Santa, Please big me pic DS. Love, Elizabeth Dear Santa, Please santa som brbset. Love, Aurora Dear Santa, Please bree me ds and a rackstar barbee and sum gaims for my ds. Love, Paige Dear Santa, Please brin me a boby bed. Love, Abby Dear Santa, Please giv me markers, brbe moxgrl, bublgm, brbdol. Love, Carmon Dear Santa, Please gev me a brbee ad a som bulgum. Love, Ruby Dear Santa, Please bring stft unicorn, hat mittens, net top fan. Love, Samantha Dear Santa, Please scootr, scatbord, hlikoptr. Love, Ryan Dear Santa, Please snd poctnlf, black scatbord. Love, Jay Dear Santa, Plse give me scatbord, tony hawc scavetg lfnded sbidrao Fe. Love, Sida Dear Santa, Ollrii, lala llo, mnerino, dortllnt Love, Garrett

Dear Santa, I won't a dirt bike, ex box 360, and shoos, bird, psp, fish, hug, sled, wwe car, and a net. I love you. Love, Colby

Dear Santa, I wonder if you have a big stuffed dinosaur. I would like it if you do. I want a pet stuffed turkey and dog and monkey. How about a stuffed hamster? Thank you Santa, Doyle

Dear Santa, I want a resling ring. I want a angry bird. I want a flip over car. Cooper

Dear Santa, I would like a cop car that I could ride in. I really want a flying helicopter, air versus land, air hog. Do you have a farting Santa? I would like one in my room. Thank you Santa, Max Dear Santa, I want a gumball machine, candy cane, a stuffed elephant, and a stuffed Santa Claus. I love a like bell I can tap and it will ring and stamps like my teacher. Thank you Santa, Gwyneth

Dear Santa, I will like a trampoline for my family cause I like to do flips on it. And also I would like a hot pink bike with black pegs on the back. Can we see the real Santa like you? Or is he fake? Thank you Santa, Kaitlyn

Have A Fire-Safe Holiday!

Jensen Home Furnishings

Hickory Point Fire Protection District

400 N. Webster Taylorville, Il.

Forsyth, IL

Dear Santa Claus, I wold like a Smart bord and a ipad and a club penjuin code and a karaoke mashene. Love, Tucker

Merry Christmas!

Crist Termite & Pest Solutions Inc.

Dear Santa, Please bring me a computer. I would like a Bob the Builder movie too. Also a new teddy bear. Thank you Santa, Peyton

Dear Santa, I want a toy robot, and a toy bug. I want a new Polar Express train. Thank you Santa, John Dear Santa, I want an ipod so I can play games. I want a baby that has a bottle and pees when it drinks. I'll need diapers too. Can I have a baby doll? Thank you Santa, Delainy Dear Santa, I want a Barbie house, Barbie dolls and a Bumble bee like on Transformers. I want a pink bike. Tell me how do you drive your sleigh? Thank you Santa, Katelynn Dear Santa, I want a four wheeler, a toy motorcy-cle, and a toy house, a boy computer. Thank you Santa, Eithan Dear Santa, I want SpongeBob with Crabby Patty and 3 horses, a chicken to sleep with, and a cow that's stuffed. Tell me are you real? I want a monkey. Thank you Santa, Ireland Dear Santa, I want a small bailer with a small tractor. Thank you Santa, Keegan Bond, Assumption Mrs. Seitz 1st Grade

207 N Oak Arthur, IL 61911

Merry as m Christ

David Crist (217) 543-2890

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year May Cocagne & King 1353 E. Mound Rd. Decatur, IL 217-875-2655

Season’s Greeting from

Kemmerer Village 941 N. 2500 East Rd. Assumption, IL 217-226-4451

Dear Santa, I wood like a Hot Wheel race track. I like Angry Birds boms. I wood like a poster plese. Mario kart seven for me plese Santa. I wood like a cars two game plese Santa. Tommy Dear Santa Claus, I want a DS. I want a car and a truck and I want vareey nice book and a munkeey. I want a tool box. Love, Logan

Dear Santa, I want a Xbox Live and I want a wii, wii games, supr Mario and Harry Potter and just danse Mario cart. Scotty

Dear Santa, I want a Doctor Dreadful Zombie lair, a hot wheels. Where is your workshop? How do your reindeer fly? Thank you Santa, Drew

Dear Santa, I want a bulldog, baby ulive and a nal set a moxie. I love you Santa. Cat poster and a pillow pet and a DsI. How do you make your randeer fly? I like La La Loopsa Jade

Dear Santa, I want some new Wii games. Please bring a new train. Thank you Santa, Bryan

Dear Santa, I want a new bike and a new skate board and roller skates and a new dart gun, a new snowball maker so I can throw snowballs at my Dad. Thank you Santa, Maddix

Dear Santa, Please bring me an Ipod for my Taylor Swift music Thank you Santa, Katie

Dear Santa, I want a Batman and Robin toys and for Emma to be safe and I want a Smurfs toys and a Smurfs dolls and the Smurfs move and a Smurfs set of the Smurfs villaje inclooding eve Smurfs. Love, Sam

Dear Santa, I wish I could have new stuffed animals because mine are breaking and need stitching. Thank you Santa, Jenni

Dear Santa, I wood like a jeep and a puppy and a Ipod and a Ipad and a baby doll and a peqwin stuff ainmol and a Smrfe stuff ainmol and a monkey and a Jane stuff ainmul. Love, Maycee

Dear Santa, I want a gumball machine, a nerf gun. Thank you Santa, Boman

Dear Santa, I wunt a X-box with gams. Wwe resleng game. Arme. Ds games. Landen

Dear Santa, I want pokemon white and I want a truk and a 3ds game pokemon and a bord game and a ds game. I want a toy snake. I want another remote. I want Batman city. Love, Arin

Dear Santa, I want a real ipod so I can play games and listen to songs on it, a real com-puter, and calendar stuff like at school. Thank you Santa, Alana

Dear Santa, I wish I could have Legos. My little brother wish he could have Legos, too. I want a black Spiderman suit and a red suit. My big brother wants Spiderman 3. Thank you Santa, Harrison

Dear Santa, I wish for a Barbie bike and Barbie movies, a snuggly bunny, and a Barbie book. Thank you Santa, Jadyn

Dear Santa, May I pleas have more Ds games. And may I pleas have a nother mrmad baorbiey. And may I pleas have a reackorder. Love, Isabelle

Dear Santa, I want Star Wars Legos and I want a Ironman video game. I want a Ben Ten video game and ipad touch. Thank you Santa, Hunter

Bond, Assumption Mrs. Just Kindergarten

Season’s Greetings


Dear Santa, I want a rel tank and a solder suit and a call dutey for a play stashin. Dylan

Dear Santa, I still want the five airrows but I don't want the com pownd bow. PS. And a Monster truck train. And Mario cart for my DS. Christian

Dear Santa, I vont for present rok geta. I love u. From Yana

Dear Santa, Thank you for my presents last year. I would like a hapy napr peegun and a Santa doll this year. I hope you have a safe trip. Love, Cheyenne

Dear Santa, I would like to tell you I like Santa. I want a computer and a TV when it's Christmas. Thank you Santa, Payton

Dear Santa, I wish for a remote control gator. Please bring a nerf gun too. Thank you Santa, Lane

Dear Santa, Batman. Love, Nathen

Dear Santa, You r far a waye from us. I hope you giv ol the boes and gils gifs. From Seth

Dear Santa, I must thak you frum last year beekuz you gove me the best present in my hol life. I love you bee kuz you bee nise to all uv the cis. Luve, Logan.



Dear Santa, A Baby horse, and a big horse and a kitin poster and a kitin I fone and a DS I fone. I pod touch, Just Danse kids, Just Danse 1, Just Danse 2, Just Danse 3. Bailey Dear Santa, I want a joke book and a LaLaLoopsay doll and if you can get me a reel puppy dog with a dog bone too and a necklis with Hello kitty on it and a stufft animul that is a puppy with a toy bone too. I love you Santa Love, Layna

Have A Wonderful, Blessed Holiday.



Hey kids! Visit me at the Decatur Memorial Hospital Children’s Play Area at Hickory Point Mall!

www.herald-review.com Dear Santa, I want a new AMarckin grl doll and a nuther baby doll and how do you make your randeer fly? Jayne Dear Santa, I want a xbox 360. I want cars. Can I have green eggs and ham 3D DS? Can I have Goosebumps and the dvd. I want a PS3. Love, Jaxon Dear Santa, I want a DS and DS games. I want a wii game. I want a game toy. RJ Bond, Assumption Miss Signall Kindergarten Dear Santa, What kind of reindeer do you like? For Christmas I would like a baby doll please. I would also like a zombie lab also please. Can I also have make-up please? I would like some sparkly shoes too. I would like one, two or three stuft animals. I'v been realy good for a password jurnle. That's what I whant! Love, Jilyan Dear Santa, What is your favorit kind of cokies. Thank you for coming every year. I like you Santa. I like roodhalf. I want a nearf gun. A real bowinarow. I like you to get me a toy monster truk. I would like a toy forweeler. I would lik a toy dirt bike. A toy race car. A toy sports-modl two tralers. I want a toy snowball gun. Love, Evan Dear Santa, Dees and do g what is yor fofrit dir. Have I bin hape or note how ar you ar doing and chenchformrs twins and what is yor fovrit thang how ar you. How do you like yr lif. What is yor fovrit thing. How mene der art ha. Love, Twomas Dear Santa, Thank you for coming every Christmas evey. I want a trasforma. I wanta toy snake. New game for my xbox. Wanta racing game. New game for wii. I arrn man stuff. A new Labtop. Btr move. Donky kong game for m xbox. Love, Carter Dear Santa, This is what I want for Christmas a doll and a Barbie car. I really want both. I want a beanbag and a new bike for my brother a basket ball my sister likes Barbie dolls for my little brother toy cars which reindeer do you like best? Is rodolph real? My mom likes flower pots. Love, Carly Dear Santa, Thank you for coming each year. Thank you for my baby stroller last year. I would like a piollow pet this year. I would like tons of dolls this year. Thank you Santa for all you are doing. I lik you Santa. Love, Neelie Dear Santa, I am thankful for the reindeer. I want a little dirt bike for Christams. I want a train for Christams. I want a ex-box 360. I want a black monster truck. I like Santa. I like Rudolph. I like Blintzen. Love, Daniel Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a forweeler dirt bike x box 360 and Thank you for the nearf gun last year. And I want a toy hamster and a toy raccoon toy snake and a toyfish and a toymouse and a toy wizard and a water gun. A toy monster truck remote controle cumarow a pet toy rabbit water bottle. I hope you be carful on your way hear. Love, Jagger Dear Santa, Thank you for cameing to Christmas every year. I want Hot wheels and Hats basketball and ABC puzzle a flashlight and a Lago Star Wars a D.S. and shoes a Lago snaps a Play stasthon Lage cars to a cars DVD2. Love, Gabriel Dear Santa, Are you having a great time at the North Pole? If you would get me a play monster truck and a race car track and car penciles and Rudolph the rednosed reindeer puppet. Thank you for the gifts every year. Love, Locuin Dear Santa, Is Rodof real? Please could I have a zombie lab. Please cant have a toy motor cicle. Please can I have a real little Bowanareow. Please can I a remot contreal car with a ramp. Pleas can I have a Batman toy. Pleas can I have a Mareo reamot controal car. Please can I have a Lepster 1. Please can I have a Bumbolbee ring and optamas prime ring. Please can I have toot-past. Please can I have a supper man toy. Have a safe to my house and back. Love, Cole Dear Santa, I woud like barbies and stuffed Ani-mals and clothes and baby dolls and sled and D.S. and a pillow pet and a happy napper and shoes and baby doll clothes and Barbie clothes and Books and a play school bus and a soccer ball and stuffed animals clothes and a fake Bingo Bord and and a stuffted santa and my favorite reindeer is Rudolphy. Love, Makenzie Dear Santa, Thank you for coming each year! Thank you for baby last year. I what a rocking horse this year. I what Christ-mas tree little one this year. I what to get a flower pot for my mom. I what Gagie to have a drum set. I what Neveha to have a plowpet. I what to have a guitar. I what a drum this year. I what a guitar. I what a machafan. Love, Natalia Dear Santa, Thanks for kuming ever year. I want a dx I want bind room I want a poster. I want a clock I want a little trampling I want a watll bottle I want a water gone. I want a Pollow Pet. I wanta glassis I want a bike and a sckooter I wanta big ball I want a book I want a mask I want a yarn and a hamster and a pool and a bookbaing and a kote. Love, Alyse Dear Santa, I am so glad Santa didn't hit the incoming plane. Optumas prime toy, Nerf gun, casle with a guy, Lego batman, How do you live so long Santa Claus? 3DS Super Mario bros. 4, DSI, Hot Weels racecar, Stormtrooper off of Star wars, to dinosaur t-rex. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, Wat kind ov koocies do you like? But I went a toy drt bike and a toy mohtrster truck and a toy car and a toy for wealer and a I wan toy hot weals. Be caerful driving your slay. Love, Alec Dear Santa, Thak you fur the candy. This year I want a snowman toy and batman wii game plese be cafar and a switshirt. Love, Gavin Dear Santa, Wunt rander is your favret? I wunt a fuzzy cat. And stopys bunny. Lololopes big one. Happy naprs Unicorn. Stufft tede baer. Hanu Montan doll. Jesse and wade and bozi. Hanu Montanu pjamus. Hanu Montanu micrfon. I wish you drive safe. Love, Jackie Dear Santa, What is your favorite reindeer? Could I have a Barbie car. And a flower scooter, and a dog. Baby doll, a toy reindeer, a strooler with a

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2011 baby and a blanket, a little bed, a play kitchen, a little baby crib. A little house, a tea set, brats, a little snowmen that you can play with a bounse house with balls. A flower pot with roses in it for Grandpa. A wak up box and mear for Granma. A shirt for Dad. A shirt and papant for mom. Thank you. Love, Lea Dear Santa, Santa want is your reindeer. My favi is a roadof. I want a stuffed panda bear. I want dog puppet. Love, Kai Dear Santa, Can I have a toy Panda Bear Rodoph Santa can I have clock Santa can I have new mitins a new bouncy ball Santa can I have a new crayons a purple pople with a pink bow. Love, Niah Dear Santa, Nrfgun Tannsformers Many ou game I love you. Puppy cat snowball gun How fast they are. Now pinslles a brid feetar. Love, Charlie Dear Santa, Can I have barbies and games and Barbie clothes and Doll clothes and clothes and teddy bear and stuffed animals and shoes and make up set and baby dolls and baby doll clothes and a Dollhouse and a basketball and a buz lightyear game and a coat and cow girl boots and a buz light year that lights up and a blow up chrismas tree and a How up bounce house and my favert Rian-dear is Rudolph. Love, Jocie Brush College, Decatur Ms. Berger 1st Grade Dear Santa, I have been good for my mom and dad. Thank you for my presents for Christ-mas. Would you please bring my mom and sisters some Barbie dolls? Would you please bring my brother some water guns? Merry Christmas. Love, Precious Dear Santa, I have been really good for my mom and dad. I have also been really nice to my brothers and sisters. Would you please bring me some army stuff? My mom wants an angel. Merry Christmas. Love, Dayton Dear Santa, Are your elves working hard? I bet you are. Is Rudolph's nose still red? Bring me a wii with some head phones. Also please bring my sister some pink eyeshadow. Merry Christmas. Love, Brandon Dear Santa, Is the sleigh still working? Is Mrs. Claus doing good? I have been really good this year. Please bring me a B.B. gun. Also, please bring my grandma necklace. Merry Christmas. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, I hop Mrs. Claus is doing good I hope Rudolph's nose is still red. I hope you a break from all this hard work please some head phones and a wii. Also, pleas bring brother a coo toy from Mc Donald's. Merry Christmas. Love, Patience Dear Santa, Are your reindeer working? Is Mrs. Claus felling good? Are you elves working hard? Please bring me an xbox 360 and a skateboarding game. Also, please bring my brother some toy cars. Merry Christmas. Love, Christian Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good this year. Do the reindeer feel good? Please bring me a playstation 3. also please my brother a Mickey Mouse Rockstar. Merry Christmas. Love, Hunter Dear Santa, I hope your deer are all okay. I hope you bring lots of toys. I hope the elves are okay. I love you Santa. Please bring me a baby doll. Please bring my mom a teddy bear. Merry Christmas. Love, Jamie Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I have been good. I hope you have been fine. Please bring me a scooter. Also, please bring my sister a scooter. Merry Christmas. Love, Za'mauria Dear Santa, Is Rudolph's nose still red? Are you elves working hard? Are you reindeer working? Please bring me a Barbie. Also please bring my mom a necklace that has a heart with diamonds. Merr Christmas. Love, Jacey

Dear Santa, I hope you are having a good time. How is Mrs. Claus? Please bring me zombie game for my DS. Also please bring my sister a cats game. Merry Christmas. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, How have the elves been this year? I have been very good for my mom and dad. Would you please bring my brother a dual disk? He has also been good this year. Merry Christmas. Love, Alex Cerro Gordo Mrs. Cearlock 1st Grade Dear Santa, What are some of your elves. I like Christmas. I want a Brbe. Katelyn Dear Santa, You are the best. I was wundring if I culd hav a toy tran. Thomas Dear Santa, You are cool. Can I pleas have a 4 wealer whith a ceay. Konnor Dear Santa, Which Rendeer do you like. How are you? You are cool. I want a power skooder. How many reindeer do you hav? Jotsyre Dear Santa, I like you! I want a car. I want a truck. I want a car box. Romeo Dear Santa, How ar you? Pless can I have a DS and a fido game, and a stuff animal and a pet frog and a Spi helucptr and a rug and a game. Noah Dear Santa, Mae I ples have a toy mostr truck. How many reindeer do you have? How do you make the toys. How are you? Terrance Dear Santa, How do you make the toys? You are cool. I wat a tom and jare move. Royce Dear Santa, You are cool. Can I pleas h ave a dall? May I pleas h ave a babbydall. May I please have a dall that can sing. May I have a green egg and ham book. KayeLee Dear Santa, I want a trasfmr ostmis. You are cool and my brufr wuat a tranfrom you. Ty Dear Santa, I Love Santa! You are good. I want a babey alive. Nicole

Dear Santa, I want a truck and one of your rander. Can you get me a dog. Chase Dear Santa, I want a kit of makeup and a doll. Attley Cerro Gordo Mrs. Cockrum Kindergarten A MP3 player and a monster truck for Gage. Pricaeus A DS player and Jacob a spiderman toy. Olivia A remote control monster truck and a giant lego thing for my brother. Ian A DSI and a remote control cop car for Gavin. Tyler

Remote control car, legos, remote control truck for brother. Daemien

Cerro Gordo Mrs. Thoms Kindergarten Barbie, nintento DS, dog bucket for mom. Makenna Remote control helicopter, train, tractor, another doll for Reese. Cortlen

American Girl Doll, Barbie doll, Wii, nerfgun for my brother. Fallon

Flipping car, tractor set, bike for Davin. Brandon

A new crown for my Repunsel doll and toy tiger monster truck for Hayden. Clover A DS and a motor boat for Tyler. Gavin A DSI XL and a skateboard for my cousin. Gage A purple figet and a toy elf for Lexi. Addie A Barbie house and a Kelsie A drum with sticks and a new drum for my brother Josh. Tyler A remote control airplace and a stuffed animal for my sister. Remington Cerro Gordo Mrs. Durbin Kindergarten Barbie doll, Barbie doll for my sister. Camrin Remote control monster truck, pocket kife for dad. Owen Sock monkey, Transform for my brother James Sleeping beauty van, sleeping beauty castle to my sister. Lacey

Legos, John Deere tractor, Dora shirt for sister. Dylan Barbie, bike for grandpa. Emily Skateboard, skateboards for brother & sister. Christian

New stroller for baby dolls, bed for baby dolls, stuffed white kitty cat, fake car for my brother. Bella

A play white kitty and the same white kitty for my sister. Miryam

Fire truck, firehouse, candy for sister, brother, dad. Jonathan Car, computer, picture frame for mom. Camron Barbies, doll house, new candle for mom. Jadyn

Dennis, Decatur Mrs. Mower Kindergarten Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get some cany cane pens. Love, Caylinn Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a Barbie doll. Love, Leilah Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a Blue Flash. Love, Gage Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a jump rope. Love, Mae'Shell Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a Dragon Balls toy. Love, Phillip

Football, Star wars lunchbox, Battery piggy bank for mom Zaydyn

H ave Yo u r s e l f a Merr y Little Christmas


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Barbie house, for my sister. Taylor

Transformer BumbleBee, punching bag for my cousin. Cameron

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Batman and Joker, two face for my brother. Josh Barbie doll, Barbie doll for my cousin. Haylei Big Dinosaur, cell phone for mom. Gavin

Happy Holidays

The Blue Mound Leader (217) 692-2323

Vacation Barbie, toothpaste for mom and dad. Angelina

Cotton candy maker, crayon maker, Transformer for brother. Gracie

Doll with wings that sings, rose for my mom. Sammy


Make up set, new dress, new tool box for dad. Lezlie

A big, white teddy bear and a Barbie set for Clover. Lexi

Dear Santa, Can you bring me a Amukrin Girl Doll? I love you. How many reindeer do you have? Josie

Merry Christmas

Remote control jeep, hot wheel for Patrick. Caleb

Track for cars, toy monster truck, rifle for my dad, baby stuff for my mom. Davin

Batman lego game, giraffe for my sister. Kris

Dear Santa, I want a toy semi and I want a toy that comes with 2 race cars. Zander


A remote control police car and a remote control car for Tyler. Hayden

Dear Santa, I love you! I want a Lego set. I want a cool car! Santa I will set some cookis on the table for you! Kenny

Dear Santa, You are cool. Can you pleas giv me a singing Tory doll. Can you please give me the move Barbe Prinssess Charm School. Addison


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Happy Holidays Appetizers • Burgers • Sandwiches Daily Lunch Specials

4335 W. Main


Dear Santa, How are you doing? Is Rudolph's nose still red? Is Mrs. Claus feeling good? Please bring me a toy dinosaur. Also please bring my brother a spideraman toy. Merry Christmas. Love, Wyatt Dear Santa, Are the elves working hard? Is Ru-dolph's nose still red? I hope Mrs. Claus is not tired. Please bring me a PSP. Also please bring my mom a nice necklace. Merry Christmas. Love, Malaiiha Dear Santa, How is Miss Claus? How are your reindeer? How are the elves? Please bring me a doll. Also please bring my sister a toy rose. Merry Christmas. Love, Kagjynn Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? I have been good. Is Rudolph the reindeer doing good? Please bring me a WWE wres-tler. Also please bring my brother a new wrestler. Merry Christmas. Love, Trestan Dear Santa, I hop you have the elves working at the shop. How is Mrs. Claus? I hope she is good. Please bring me handcuffs. Also please bring my sister a doll. Merry Christmas. Love, Brayden Dear Santa, I hope your are having a good time working. I hope the reindeer bring me a PSP. Please bring my brother a PSP. Merry Christmas. Love, Landen Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus? I hope you are doing good. I have been good. Are the elves still on strike? I hope not. Please bring me a bee bee gun and an airsoft pellet gun. Also, please bring my brother a toy car. Merry Christmas. Love, Bryce Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Is Rudolph's nose still red? Are the elves working hard? Please bring me a puppy. Also please bring my sister a doll. Merry Christ-mas. Love, Brooke Dear Santa, Are your rein doing okay? Are you elves workng hard? Is Mrs. Claus doing good? Please bring me a car set. Please bring my mom 2 foot scrubbers. Merry Christmas. Love, Kenzie Dear Santa, Are your reindeer okay? We miss you a lot. Christmas is fun. Please bring me a touchscrren. Please bring my nana Mary $10. Also please bring my mom and dad a new outfit. Is Rudolph's nose still red? Merry Christmas. Love, Tijah

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! 1363 Bear Road, Decatur, IL 62522



6 LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have some popcorn and a baby doll. Love, Nashari

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2011 Durfee, Decatur Mrs. Carver Kindergarten

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get a Barbie doll Love, Emma

Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a car and a tv. Love, Louis

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get a D.S. player. Love, Haley

Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a x-box 360 and a roabot. Love, Jamar

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a jump rope for my sister and I. Love, Shamarie

Dear Santa, I have bin good. Can I please have a superman and a teddy bear. Love, Mikal

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have some Transformers. Love, Ayden

Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a teddy bear and a robot. Love, Kylar

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get a real baby penquin. Love, Faith

Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a Ben Ten alien. Love, Jack

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get Spongebob Legos. Love, Gedrych

Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a teddy bear and a moxie girl. Love, Aylasna

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get a princess set. Love, Lorelei

Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a game and a ligntening mcqueen. Quamar

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get a quitar. Love, Cheyenne

Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a Barbie doll and shoes. Love, Lacey

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get some Xbox video games. Love, Lebryant Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get a big Transformer. Love, Jadyn Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get a Playstation. Love, Peytin Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like to have a Monster Truck. Love, Sevante Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get a Tianna Doll. Love, Meloniece Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to feed the reindeer. Love, Khari Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to get a motorcycle. Love, Marquis Dennis, Decatur Mrs. Simpson Kindergarten Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a game. Love, Aidin Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a game. Love, Howard Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a bike. Love, Jermale Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a computer. Love, Malilna Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a book. Love, LaDonna Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a DS. Love, April Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a Jack Sparow game for DS. Love, Malachi Dear. Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a robot. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a motorcycle. Love, Londan Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a truck. Love, Lexi Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a Monster High Ghost girl. Love, Ava Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a baby do.l Love, Janierria Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a bicycle. Love, Crystal Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have Optimus Prime. Love, Collin Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a toy computer. Love, Conner Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a motorcycle and a motorcycle house. Love, Raylee Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a bike helmet. Love, Lia Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a green car. Love, Marqueius Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a kid's motorcycle bike. Love, Segr Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a doll. Love, Layla Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a computer. Love, Terrell Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a Mini Loopsy. Love, Chelsea Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a pair of earrings. Love, Maggie Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love to have a Holly Pocket. Love, Syriana

Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a robot and a car. Love, Scott Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a xbox and a car. Love, Jamarion Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a baby and a Barbie and a hochs. Love, Niazjah Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a ds and a sonic culrs and a tedd br Love, Michel Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a tran and a Barbie. Love, Storm Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a buk and a jump rop. Love, Alicia Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a car and a kite. Love, Ratepgn Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a tee br and a roxe girl. Love, Aubrey Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a robot and a ted beer. Love, Damelin Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a hat and a car. Love, Deahgelo Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a sonic drilling and a car. Love, Parnell Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a eleant or a car. Love, Joshu Dear Santa, I have been naughty. Can I please have a robot and a game. Love, Chris Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a Barbie and a baby alive. Live, Alana Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a doll and a bow. Love, Shaquayla Durfee, Decatur Ms. Dotson Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited I Christmas!!! For would like a Barbie and Barbie house for caristmas!. Merry Christmas, Nxkeria Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas!!! I would like a DSI and Bratz game for Christmas. Merry Christmas. Nyeshia Dear Santa, I have been! I am excited good Christmas!!! For would like a bike and wonld I Christmas!! Merry Christmas, Camiya Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas!!! I would like a baseball and car for Christmas! Merry Christmas, Kdibida Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas!!! I would like a Barbie house and car for christm. Merry Christmas, Ignterio Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas!!! I would like a super hero and hot wheels for Christmas! Merry Christmas Jayme Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas!!! I would like a Barbie and scooter for Christmas! Merry Christmas Kenny Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas!!! I would like a bike and Barbie house for Christmas. Merry Christmas Auttma Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas!!! I would like a Barbie and lipster for Christmas! Merry Christmas! Jaqunera Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas! I would like a bike and Barbie doll for Christmas. Merry Christmas. Zamari Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas!!! I would like a car and helicopter for Christmas! Merry Christmas Sihcere Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas!



I would like a bike and Barbie for Chrisms. Merry Christmas. Emily Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas! I would like a x-box for Christmas Merry Christmas Jason Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas!!! I would like a bike for Christmas. Merry Christmas Taleyah Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas! I would like a xbox for Chrismas. Merry Christmas Lucas Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas!! I would like a kear for chris. Merry Christmas, Bietn Dear Santa, I have been good! I am excited for Christmas! I would like a car and race car for Christmas. Merry Christmas Aldcha Dear Santa, We good have! I am excited and Christmas! I would fo a motorcycle and bike for Christmas. Merry Christmas Reggie Dear Santa, I have been good. I am excited for Christmas! I would like puzzle and bike for cristas. Merry Christmas. Takoe Durfee, Decatur Mrs. Ellis 1st Grade Dear Santa, Do you have a pet? You are good. How do you make toys? How dare you doing Santa? Can you bring me a ballerina jewelry box? Thank you, Antonia Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? What kind of cookies and milk do you want? Can I please get a bike. Can I please get a book? Thank you, Joshua Dear Santa, I want a Dsi. I want an umbrella. I want some outfits. Thank you, India Dear Santa, Do you like cookies? Could you bring me a race car? Would you bring me a Xbox? I want a DS2 and a motorcycle. Thank you, Ayric Dear Santa, What kind of cookies do you like? Can I have a dog, please, and a doll? Thank you, Adriana Dear Santa, I been good at school. I like to play. I like you. I want an Ipad and a motorcy-cle. Thank you, Jesus Dear Santa, My name is Malik. How is Rudolph? Please bring me a PSP and a sonic game for the PSP. And a new bike. And can you please let me be on the good list? P.S. I am sorry I been bad at home. Thank you, Malik Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Is she doing ok? Are you doing ok? Please can u bring me a dirt bike? Please, oh, and can I have a new bike? Thank you, Gage Dear Santa, How are you? What kind of cookies do you like? How is Mrs. Claus? How is Rudolph? Rudolph, his nose glows. That is cool. Can I please have a locket? P.S. I will be better. I don't know if I am being good. Thank you, Adrian Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Please bring me a Barbie. Please bring me a Barbie car. Please bring me a real car. Thank you, Santa. I have been good. Your friend, Charisma Dear Santa, I have not been good and I will try my best. I want you to bring me tectext. I will be good. I like Christmas. I will listen to my mom. I want a skateboard. What kind of cookies do you like? I hope you are healthy. Thank you, Delone Dear Santa, What kind of cookies do you like? How is Mrs. Claus? Can you please give me a Wii? I been good. Happy Christmas. Can you please give me a Barbie? Love, Janyia

Dear Santa, Please bring me a doll house and mobile home. Help my mom. Love, Savanna Dear Santa, Please bring me cupcake kitchen and playhouse. Be good I promse. Love, Kenraylee Dear Santa, Please bring me a train set and bike. I will help my mom. Love, Joe Dear Santa, Please bring me a doll house and camera. I will bake cupcakes. Love, Jamaria

Durfee, Decatur Mrs. Heldings Kindergarten

Merry Christmas

Dear Santa, Please bring me a bike ad train set. I will fold clothes. Love, Christian

ABC Preschool!



Dear Santa, Please bring me a basketball and a bat. I will clean my room. Love, Carter Dear Santa, Please bring me Barbie head and Candy land. I will pick up the house. Love, McKinnley Dear Santa, Please bring me operation and Brbe head. I will listen to the teacher. Love, Yasmin

Children to Children

Vivian Women’s Center, Inc. Anthony Amie M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Board Certified Obstetrics/Gynecology 1750 E. Lake Shore Dr. Ste. 320, Decatur, IL 62521 (217) 422-0560 Fax: (217) 422-0872

Heart to Heart


Dear Santa, Please bring me a castle and a pirate ship. I am going to be good. Love, Alex Dear Santa, Please bring me a skateboard and a lite brite. I will fold clothes. Love, Jamarion

Merry Christmas from

Mari-Mann Herbs 1405 Mari-Mann Lane Decatur, IL (217) 429-1404 www.marimann.com

Dear Santa, Please bring me Barbie and operation. I will fold clothes. Love, Shaniah Dear Santa, Please bring me SpongeBob Squarepants and a bike. Love, Anthony Dear Santa, Please bring me a train set. I will help my mom. Love, Jonathan Dear Santa, Please bring me Easy Bake oven and dol. Love, Shalkeria Dear Santa, Please bring me Easy Bake oven and Trampoline. Love, Ramiah Dear Santa, Please bring me a playhouse and candy land. I am going to sit down. Love, Christopher


Dr. Mayra Arzon 1 Memorial Dr. • Suite 101 875-0690

Dear Santa, Please bring me Rapunzel and a skateboard. I will make smart choice. Love, Shania Durfee, Decatur Mrs. Layton 1st Grade Dear Santa, I wot a Ben10 toy ples. I ben on white. Do you like woking? Love, Malachi Dear Santa, I want a IPOD. I was good. How are you? Love, Christopher

Happy Holidays!

from McAtee Financial Centre! One Ashland Ave. Mt. Zion, IL 62549 217-864-9100 www.mcateefinancial.com

Dear Santa, I want a Ipod and Dsi and moxie doll and ezey bake ovin. I was good. Do you like to woke. Love, Markayla Dear Santa, I will Ipad. I will a Barbie doll. I bin notey. Love, Emeri

Dear Santa, Can I have a psp and a Ipod a game. I have be good. How do you go to all homes? Love, Carson Dear Santa, I wut a psp ples. I wut a Ipad. Wut do you lic. Love, Isaiah Dear Santa, Ples can I get a dsi. I bin good. I want a rascar game. Do you like working there. Love, Naphtali Dear Santa, Ples bring me a football. I wt a dsi. I have bin good. Love, Devin Dear Santa, I want a ipot. I want a Dsi. I have ben good. My terchers is nice. Do you like to wrk for

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Merry Christmas from the Pizza Factory Employees and Matthew, Joshua, Hannah & Calli Crawford

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Barbie head and a doll. I will help cook. Love, Na'kiyah Dear Santa, Please bring me a castle and a football. I will help clean. Love, Chuyler

Dear Santa, I wot a football woonufon. Can I get some Jordan shoos. I been good. Wood you come to my hous. Love, Jordan

Happy Holidays

Dear Santa, Please bring me a morph man and a lite brite. I will do dishes. Love, Faheem

Dear Santa, I wunt a helicopter ples. I be good. Do you know no chabr. Love, Joey

Dear Santa, Please bring me a remote control car. Please bring me a new bike. Thank you, Yanni

Dear Santa, Pleas can I get a ipod and a cuputr. I have a tuch fon. I have bin good. Love, Sondra

Dear Santa, Please bring me blocks and a guitar. I will clean my toys. Love, Laider

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Is she good? How are you, Santa? Are you good, too? Can you bring me a present? I've been nice. Your friend, Kaylynn

Dear Santa, I want a dirt bike. I want a motorcycle. I want a race car. Thank you, Cori

Dear Santa, I want a Ipod ples. Do you like ther. I have bin good. Love, Jordan

Dear Santa, I want a psp pleas. I have been good. Do you like working there santa. Love, Troy

Dear Santa, Can you get me a Dsi Xi 3D ples. I ben good. How old is you? Love, Shaundell

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Please can you give me an xbox 360. A pogo stick. A motorcycle. Thank you, Quantel

Dear Santa, I wot a psp. I wut exbox. I wut a futboll hemt. I be gud. Love, Aiden

Dear Santa, Please bring me a bike and train set. I will help cook. Love, Cole

Dear Santa, Can you bring me a race car? And a dirt bike? Oh, I want a motorcycle. I will try to be good. Your friend, Kemareon

Dear Santa, Please give me an xbox 360. Please give me a race car. I've been good. Your friend, Christopher

Dear Santa, I will at Dsi. Dsi ro fun. I will be good. Love, Nariyah

Dear Santa, Please bring me a guitar and bike. I will clean the house. Love, Sincere

Dear Santa, I want a moxie doll plase. I been good some time. Im sorry. Do you like being Santa. Love, Willow

Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus? Thank you, Santa. Can you bring me a Barbie? Can you bring me a new bike? Your friend, Alacia

Dear Santa, U wut a Ipod ples. I wut a ez bake uvn ples. Can I have mack up ples. I ben good. Do you like wreck? Love, Jamiah

Dear Santa, Pleas can I get a ipod and a dsi touch fon and a coputr. I have bin good. Love, Cierra Dear Santa, I wut a car. I wut a dsi. I have been good. Love, Thomas

Dear Santa, Hi Santa. I like you. I like to play. Can you please bring me a DSI? Thank you, Brylyn

Dear Santa, Can you please bring me an xbox 360? What kind of cookies do you like? Can you please give me an Ipod touch? Your friend, Garrett

kids. Love Shammion

of Macon Co. Inc.

397 W. 1st Dr. - 428-4400 Open Christmas Eve & Christmas Night 11 am - 11 pm 4 pm - 11 pm

www.herald-review.com French, Decatur Mrs. Tozer/Mrs. Shepherd Kindergarten Dear Santa, Can I get a truck? Can I get a Batman toy. I did good at school. I wash dishes for my mom and dad. Love, Jeremiah Dear Santa, I want a new Dora doll. I love Santa. Love, Kaitlyn Dear Santa, How long do it take to get to the North Pole? Santa, I have been. I been helping mom make her bid. Can I get a puppy for Christmas? Love, Camron Dear Santa, I want a toy dinosaur and a toy trick. What favorite cookies do you like? Love, Cordell Dear Santa, Can I get a monster truck? Love, Emir Dear Santa, I want a doll house. How many rein-deers on your sleigh? How do you get down the chimney? Love, Samaria Dear Santa, I want a puppy and clothes for the puppy. I want a Barbie doll with clothes. How do you get to the North Pole? Love, Jacoria Dear Santa, I want a car. I want a gingerbread house. How to make the sleigh fly? Love, Jauonte Dear Santa, How do your sleigh move? I want a IPod cause I don't got no real phone. They fake. I want some play-doh. Love, Tohae Dear Santa, I want a JB doll. How many deer do you got? Santa Claus, I like the North Pole. Love, Iyanisha Dear Santa, I want spiderman shoes and Ninja blacks. I am gonna leave chocolate chip cookies and white milk. Love, Avery Dear Santa, I want an Xbox 360 cause I want to play football games. I want chocolate chips cookies. It is snowing now! Love Jaylin Dear Santa, I want a Penguin. Happy Naper and pajamas and clothes. Love Serenity Dear Santa, I want a big Power Ranger with a sword and Elmo with drums. I want Legos. Love, Derrion Dear Santa, I like a baby doll and a bottle and a Barbie doll Love, Makena Dear Santa, I want a Barbie car and Baby doll that can talk. I make Santa gingerbread cookies. Love, Niasia Dear Santa, I like playdoh. How many reindeers you got? I want a remote control car. Love, Tayshaun Dear Santa, I want 2 spinning blay-blay things and another Batman game. Bring mama another jacket and daddy some cologne spray. Love, Tavarez Dear Santa, How many reindeers do you have? How do you get to the North Pole? I would like to get a Barbie doll and a Barbie beach set and a swimming suit for her. Love, Aria Dear Santa, How many elves and reindeer you get? I want a phone so I can call people. Love, Damjian Dear Santa, I want a Batman shoes and a train. Love, Jamarion Dear Santa, I love you! I want Chincilla. What is all your reindeers's names? Love Camryn Dear Santa, Can I have a toy dog and a bike? How many reindeer do you have? Can I h ave a Batman set? Love, Kgmarion Harris, Decatur Mrs. Bradshaw Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Would you pleas bring me a 3-story dream townhouse for Christmas? Also, my mom needs some new clothes. Thank you Santa, Kapriece Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. I would love to have an X-box 360 for Christmas. Also, please bring my mom a new necklace. Thank you Santa, David Dear Santa, I have been good for my mom and dad this year. I want an Easy bake oven for Christmas. Also, would you please bring my mom some new makeup and a new dress? Thank you Santa, Rayne Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. Would you please bring me an ultimate Optimus prime? Also my dad would love a new TV for Christmas. Thank you Santa, Nick Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. I would love an easy bake oven for Christmas. Also, please bring my mom a real phone. Thank you Santa, Nevaeh Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Would you please bring me an easy bake oven for Christmas? Also, my dad needs some new eye glasses. Thank you Santa, Michelle Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I would love to have a monster high dawn of the dances for Christmas. Also, could you bring my mom and dad a new car? Thank you Santa, Brynn Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Would you please bring me a WWE Flex Force colossal crash down arena? Also, my mom needs some new shoes. Thank you Santa, Quardarius Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Would you please bring me a Mongoose Outer limit bike for Christmas? Also my mom needs a new phone. Thank you Santa, EliJonn Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I would love to have Pirates of the Caribbean the black pearl Lego set for Christmas. Also my grand-

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2011 ma needs a new phone. Thank you Santa, Roy

mom needs a new purse. Thank you Santa, Braydon

Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I would love to have an easy bake oven for Christmas. Also my mom needs a new toaster. Thank you Santa, Elisabeth

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Would you please bring me the Play-Doh Scoops n treats for Christmas? Also my mom would love to have a new purse. Thank you Santa, Ranita

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Would you bring me an easy bake oven for Christmas? Also please bring my mom a new purse. Thank you Santa, Na'Kasiah Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to have a Play-doh doctor drill n fill for Christmas. Also my mom wants a real leopard. Thank you Santa, Addison Dear Santa, I have been a really good girl this year. I would love an easy bake oven for Christmas. Also my mom wants a new Paper Jamz ProMic. Thank you Santa, Shalay Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Would you please bring me an Adven-tures DC super friend's bat cave for Christmas? Also please bring my mom a new Barbie. Thank you Santa, Isaiah Dear Santa, I have been very good for my mom and dad this year. I would love to have a la la loopsy silly hair doll for Christmas. Also would you please bring my mom a new necklace? Thank you Santa, Selena Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love for you to bring me a Airtlogs the Real Lightning McQueen for Christmas. Also will you bring my mom a new coat and ring? Thank you Santa, Camryn Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. Would you please bring me a Fran-cesco convertible? Also my mom would love a new living room table. Thank you Santa, Thomas Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Would you bring me a fisher price doodle bear for Christmas? Also my dad needs a new computer and my mom needs some new pillows. Thank you Santa, Arianna Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Would you please bring me a fisher price doodle bear? Also my mom would like a new cooking bowl for Christmas. Thank you Santa, Jaidan Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I would love to have a Innotab the learning AppTablet for Christmas. Also would you bring my sister a Dora Fiesta Favorites kitchen? Thank you Santa, Samuel Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Would you please bring me a Fisher price doodle bear for Christmas? Also I want my grandma to feel better. Thank you Santa, Laney Dear Santa, I have been good for my mom and dad this year. I want a Francesco Converti-ble for Christmas. Also my mom needs some new snow boots. Thank you Santa, Rylan Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Would you please bring me a X-box 360 for Christmas? Also my mom and dad needs a new computer. Thank you Santa, Jamareon Harris, Decatur Mrs. Durbin Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to have a Brilliant creations beginner laptop for Christmas. Also would you please bring my mom a new phone? Thank you Santa, Maria Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Would you please bring me a Trans-forming Rumble Rig for Christmas? Also my mom needs a new purse. Thank you Santa, Ahmaad Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love to have a Francesco Convertible. Also would you bring my brother a Green Lantern Ring Blast jet? Thank you Santa, Jamarrion Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. Would you please bring me an Easy bake oven for Christmas? Also my mom needs a new purse. Thank you Santa, Simeya Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Would you bring me an easy bake oven for Christmas? Also my mom needs some more pictures for our walls. Thank you Santa, Sabria Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I really want an Easy bake oven. Would you please bring my mom some new clothes? Thank you Santa, Lea'Niyah Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. Would you please bring me a star wars figure for Christmas? Also my mom needs a new mirror. Thank you Santa, Devon Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I really want a Francesco Convertible for Christmas. Also would you bring my mom a new car, so she doesn't have to wait? Thank you Santa, Caleb Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Would you please bring me a Printable hair doll for Christmas? Also my mom would love a new car. Thank you Santa, Lanaya Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. I would love an Ironman Action figure. Also please bring my mom a new necklace and my dad a new flashlight. Thank you Santa, Jake Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. Would you please bring me a bey blade extreme for Christmas? Also my grandma would like some new tools, and my mom needs a car. Thank you Santa, Jakobee

Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Would you please bring me a Dora Fiesta Favorites Kitchen for Christmas? Also my mom needs a new stove. Thank you Santa, Messiah Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I really want a Vortex Nitron for Christmas. Would you bring my mom a ring and my dad a Christmas car with money? Thank you Santa, Kaden Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. I really want a Hasbro Easy bake oven. Would you please bring my mom a new necklace and a new ring? Thank you Santa, Shamyla Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. Would you bring me a Easy bake oven for Christmas? Also my mom would love some new pink clothes. Thank you Santa, Tamiya Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I would love to have Pirates of the Caribbean Lego set for Christmas. Also would you bring my mom a new treasure box for Christmas? Thank you Santa, Dakota Dear Santa, I have been very good for my mom and dad. I would love to have the Ninja go Ice Dragon attack. Would you please bring my mom a new purse and my dad a new phone charge? Thank you Santa, ShannonPaul Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. I would love to have a Lego Harry Potter. Also my mom needs some new shampoo. Thank you Santa, Khay'lon Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Would you bring me a Princess Ultimate Dream Castle for Christmas? Also I would like for you to bring my dad some new cooking pots and my mom some new baking stuff. Thank you Santa, Katelyn

Dear Santa, How do you go down each chimney and deliver all of the presents in one night? I want a Barbie doll, Bead Zues and Apple Game. I love you because you give me presents. Love, Colby Dear Santa, Way do you have ellfy to help you make toys? Could you give me a pillo pet one day. I love you Santa! Cuod I have a nathr DS. Mry Crismis Santa. Love, Gracelyn Dear Santa, How do your deer flie? I whunt three nrf guns. I whunt lago set. I whunt a dsi xl. I love you. Love, Wade Dear Santa, Why is roodof the only one with a red nose? For Cirsmiss I wood like a tedy bere and some dsi games and a Santa doll. I love you Santa. Marry Cirsmiss! Love, Lacey Dear Santa, How do your rander fly? Can you bren me a DSI, a Barbie, and a Princess. I love you. Your friend, Candace Dear Santa, How do your reindeers fly? I want a mini dirt bike, a new Halo game, and a new stuffed animal. Have a good Christmas. Love, Brylin

Dear Santa, How do reindeer talk? I would like three Lego guys, a huge bag of Skittles, and a hot wheel. I wish you a Merry Christmas. Love, Ares Dear Santa, How do reindeer fly? I want a Dirt bike, remote controlled Jeep, and a Kirby Mass attack game for my DS. I LIKE YOU, Santa. Love, Chase Der Santa, How do your randiir fliy. I wat a four wheeler. Ples git me a remote control car. I wat a play stashin. Will you let mey see your littll elfs and your randirr. Matthew C. Dear Sata, How dus Sata des fliy? For Crismis I want a Ipad and Mario cart dash. I love you Sata! Love, Dylan!

Harristown Mrs. Pierson 1st Grade

Dear Santa, Haw many elvs do yoy have? I whunt a Lego Simi. And the towe Plrit spres. And the Lego Crismis set. Mare Crismis. Love, Evan

Dear Santa, How did you get your majic so quicle? Please bring me a didecon rasing DS game and 1000 dolrs. Please bring me a big present. You are the best ever be cus we don't even have to pay. Love, Tyler

Der Santus How does Red Nose how does his nose glow? I wunt Wuggle the babe Dino-saur, and I would like a speaker to it. Love, Kavan

Dear Santa, How do you get down the chimy? Please bring me the move cars 2. please bring me an ipod. Please bring me the long strice CS6. You are very very friendle. Love, Dale Dear Santa, Wiy dus Rudolph get calld names? Please bring me a spinet helkopdr and a big tank and sum rel bocagons and a lago cars 2 set. You are the best santas ever and Mis Clos is too. Love, Bill Dear Santa, Wut is the North Pole like? I wod lik a ipad tuch. I wod lik a fone and sum dees gams. You are the best prsin. Love, Mason Dear Santa, Where is the North Pole? Please bring me an xbox 360 two cuntrolers and a psp and the game modrn war far2. you are the best Santa. Love, Mark Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? Please bring me lots of legos in the aleein police big pac. Please bring me a dino pewee pilo pet. You are very nice. Love, Matthew Dear Santa, Are the rander nis? Ples bring me an es bake oven. I want a Jingl bell. I want an American doll. I belev in you. Love, Jordan Dear Santa, How do you make your reindeer fly? Please bring my dad and I Call of Duty Mondrun War fair 3. Please bring me a paint ball gun and blue paint. Please bring Mario 64 for my DS. I like your long beerd. Love, Damian Dear Santa, How do you know where kids live? Please being me lego police and an aleaen ship and truk. Please bring me a camra and a play stashne 3. I like yu becas you are nis to kids. Love, Jacob Dear Santa, How do you make your toys? Please bring me a laptop and a puppy. Please bring me a barbe pony. I like you glasses. Love, Jalynn Dear Santa, How do you get yourself to get through the chimney? Please bring me a very big present. Please bring me a majicle thing that has a lot of tricks. I would likea monster truck. I love you. Love, Shea Dear Santa, How did you get that big long berd? Please bring me a puppe and a lap top. Please bring me a toy fone. All I want for Christmas are my two front teth. I love you verey much. Love, Jaci Dear Santa, How do you know if kids are good or bad? I want toos. I wunt cares 2. I also wunt thu buzz wings. You are nice. Love, Chauncy Dear Santa, Wher do the randeer go to slep? Please bring me a labtop and a doll houws for my sister with a car. For my mom I want to get her a ring. I love you be cus you have to go a rownd tawn to get presents for cids. Love, Brooklynne Dear Santa, How do you make toys? Please bring me a laptop and a litl toy truc four my babe brutr. Please bring a cavashin four my mom. You are speshl. Love, Ashlee

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I would like a WWE Colossal Crash-down Arena for Christmas. Would you please bring my dad some new tools? Thank you Santa, Nick

Dear Santa, How do you get down the cheme with your big bag of the toys? Please bring a laptop for me and a little kentin for me and a barbe fomr for me. I like your rander. Love, Madyson


Der Santa, How dous Saintus rander fliy? Santu I like Mario stuff. Soopr Mario Party 8 and a sled. Happy Crmis! Frum, Jacob

Dear Santa, I want a real puppy and a Dora Kitchen. Thank you. Love, Jordan Dear Santa, I want a stuffed puppy and a toy elf. I a cup to take to school to drink from. A new backpack for school. Love, Kali

Der Sanntu, How duse uor randare fli? Can you ples bring me a DSi and sum games and iPhone4? I love you. Love, Katelyn

Dear Santa, I would like a Ipod, bop it game. Thank you for my presents last year. Love, Taryn

Harristown Mrs. Sites Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want Xbox 60 games, Psi, teddy bear and a new book bag. Thankful he brings presents to me. Love, Darius

Dear Santa, I would an easy bake oven, new dresses and skirts. Also new shoes. Love, Eva Dear Santa, I wonder a zombie lab, a remote control helicopter. A Cars 2 xbox 360 game. And a remote control race car. I love you Santa. Love, Cody

Dear Santa, I want a tiny flying airplane and a blaster and a toy dog. I like Christmas Eve and I like you too. I like the presents you give me. Love, Colin Dear Santa, A zombie lab, crafts, paints. Scrapbook and toys for stuffed dog. I want you to give gifts to other kids. Love, Morgan Dear Santa, Wants pop goes Thomas train steam train, Thomas the train pillow big, for my brother a cars 2 video game. Love, Alex

Dear Santa, I have fun with Daddy. I would like batman video game an a spiderman video game and a batman book with other guys. Love, Collin Dear Santa, I would like a teddy bear, a fake phone and a toy boat. I hope you liked your cookie last year. Also a cowboy outfit. Love, Roman

Dear Santa, How cold does it get at the North Pole? I want three Lego sets, three storm troopers, and a Big Boy Hunting set. Thank you for all that you do. Love, Matthew

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Would you please bring me the princess ultimate dream castle for Christmas? Also would you bring my mom a princess doll? Thank you Santa, Rakyiah

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would like a Barbie Camper for Christmas. Also would you please bring my mom a new ring? Thank you Santa, Shideria

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I would love to have a motorbike for Christmas. Also my

Harristown Mrs. Purtilar 1st Grade


Dear Satus, Why does Rodof have a red nos? I will want a DSI. I will wut a jump rope. I will wut a pillow pet. Mare Cismis! Mare Cismis, Klarissa! Deere Santa, How do your randeere fly? I want a DSI XL. I want a Lego set and a nrfe gon. Marey Crismis! Form, Ethan

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Dear Santa, Roller skates, xbox, cowboy game, cowboy outfit, boots and new shoes, and a computer. Love, Hunter

Dear Santa, I want a toy, a baby doll. I want a toothbrush. I want a camera, and a new bike. I love Santa. Merry Christmas, Madison

Dear Santa, I would a xbox 360, a laptop, a stuffed cat and puzzles. Thank you for my gifts last year. Love, Alana

Dear Santa, I want a remote control car, and a DS, and a Mario game too. A penguin toy. Merry Christmas, Gage

Dear Santa, You are nice and you can come to my house, bring an xbox with 1 controller. Love, Stanley

Dear Santa, I want Benton rock. I want a Christmas tree please. Merry Christmas, Caleb

Dear Santa, I don't know what I want but I know you will bring me things I like. Love, Chloe

Dear Santa, I want Dora, a choo choo train, and a box. I like snowman. Santa is my best friend. Merry Christmas, Brooklyn

Dear Santa, I love you. I would like a toy dog that walks called Go Go my walking puppy, some clothes for my stuffed bear, and some dress up clothes for me and my sister. Thank you Santa. Love, Layla

Dear Santa, I want presents, I want a elf, and I want Santa, I want a candy cane. I want a doll. Thank you. Merry Christmas, Keigan

Harristown Mrs. Sullivan Kindergarten Dear Santa, How did you get to be magic? May I please have a stuffed reindeer? Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Kaiden Dear Santa, How does your reindeer fly? May I have a Barbie doll? Thank you Santa. Love, Emma Dear Santa, Does your elves have big ear? Did you have a big elf and another elf that wanted to be a dentist? I would like an orange bike with a basket full of apples in case I got on a bike trip. Woe this is going to be a big job for Santa. Thank you Santa. Love, Collin Dear Santa, How do you know what time to leave the North Pole to get all of the pack-ages delivered? May I please have some stickers to play school with? I have been good. Thank you Santa. Love, Shelby Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? May I have a monster high doll? Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas. Love, Ariana Dear Santa, I sat on your lap. I wish I could ride on your sleigh. May I plese have a Trans-former. Thank you. Love, Alex Dear Santa, How do the elves make all of those toys? May I please have a stuffed snowman? Thanks and Merry Christ-mas. Love, Konnor Dear Santa, How do your elves make toys? How is Mrs. Claus? May I have a Zu Zu pet dr. toy? Thank you Santa. I will put out Christmas cookies for you an some milk. Love, Tiffany Dear Santa, Does Mrs. Claus cook cookies? May I have fire trucks, big fire trucks with sirens? Thank you Santa. Love, Cole Dear Santa, I think Santa is my Grandpa. May I have a DS game? Little tiny battle guys that turn into animals. Thank you Santa. Love, Corban Dear Santa, What do your reindeer eat? May I have a Hannah Montana Barbie? Thank you Santa. I will put chocolate cookies out for you. Love, Kadence Dear Santa, How does your reindeer fly, I really do want to know, it is so Magical. May I have Just Dance for Wii? Thanks Santa. Love, Jayla Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? May I have a DS? Thank you Santa. Love, Alee Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? May I have a tractor, John Deere, and a grain cart? Thank you Santa. Love, Jarrett Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? What do they eat? May I please have a yo-yo? Any color. Thank you. Love, Kaylee Dear Santa, How does Mrs. Claus make cookies? May I have a Justin Bieber doll from you? Thank you Santa. Love, Zara Heartland, Decatur Mrs. Kiefer/Mrs. Galka AM Dear Santa, I want a train that has some eyes so much. I want some more Capri sun. I just want to sing. That's all. Merry Christmas, Hayden Dear Santa, I want a pretty doll and a stroller, and a baby crib. I want some stuff animals. I have one names Louie. Merry Christmas, Sydney Dear Santa, I want a clock that tells time. I want a dog, so bad for Christmas. Merry Christmas, Areyana Dear Santa, I want a pink bike with a belt on it. I like Christmas and I like Santa Claus. Merry Christmas, Briana Dear Santa, I want a puppy dog, a baby stroller and a baby high chair. And a gold fish. A baby tool. Thank you. Merry Christmas, Hannah Dear Santa, I want a Christmas train, so bad. I want a red fire truck with eyes, his name is Red. Merry Christmas, Tyler Dear Santa, I want a green boat for Christmas. I want batman and Cars. Merry Christmas, Brian

Dear Santa, I want a monster truck, a lot of pre-sents, lots of toys. I want a car, more cars. Merry Christmas, Brady Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a train named Henry. I want Mickey Mouse that sings. I want a power ranger so bad. Merry Christmas, Dunlyn Dear Santa, I want Frankenstein dress with tights, and high heels that are black. I want them so bad. Merry Christmas, Nolee Dear Santa, I had two little baby panda's, my dog phoebe at the head off of one, and I lost the other one. I want some new ones for Christmas. I would like a little brown cat because you lost one and I have one. And a penguin pillow pet. Thank you. Merry Christmas, Charlotte Dear Santa, I want race car, I was going to get a toy drum but I already have one. I want a Spiderman robot. My sister had a Superman blow up toy a long, long time ago, and I want another one. Santa lives on Perry Street. Merry Christmas, Ti'zhon Dear Santa, I want a super duper car like what I have at home. I like a car that got's a motorcycle and veo game on it. I would like a new pillow pet cow. Dillon wants a new one too he might like a monkey. Merry Christmas, Darryn Dear Santa, I want batman and robin, I like super-heros. I want bat mobile and bat cave. I want a bad guy and a baby doll. Thank you for being nice to me. Merry Christmas, Lily Dear Santa, I'm good, I want more trains. I also want something new for my sister. Merry Christmas, Ty Dear Santa, I would like a choc ho train and another choc ho train. Also some dollies for Christmas. Merry Christmas, Kaliyah Dear Santa, I want to play blocks. I like chipmunks. I want wedgit blocks. Santa says ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas, Sebastian Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll and a toy sleigh and a fish pole. Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas, Ademya Dear Santa, I want a remote control dinosaur, so bad. I want a remote control helicopter. Merry Christmas, Christian Dear Santa, I like Superhero's. I like Spiderman and batman. I want cars. I have lots of cars. I want remote control cars too. Merry Christmas, Kaidden Dear Santa, I want a remote control super truck. Remote control cars. I like Spiderman. Merry Christmas, John Michael Heartland, Decatur Mrs. Kiefer/Mrs. Galka PM Dear Santa, I want a present. My Mom said she'll let me have a fake gun. A nerf gun. I have a haunted house. My sister Dev had a dream. I want you to get her a baby doll. Merry Christmas, Trenton Dear Santa, I know what your number is. I want a tractor, some snow! A monster truck, an airplane. And I want a digga! And uh…bus! Some rain just because so the wipers can wipe the rain off. Merry Christmas, Christian Dear Santa, I don't know yet..hmm. Please bring me Barbies and dress up clothes, American girl doll and clothes for the doll, Clothes for my Buddy dog. I have toys for Christmas, that's not all I want. Markers and crayons and a color book. Merry Christmas, Maryssa



Dear Santa, I want snow! I'll chocolate chips cookies! I want dress up clothes. I want princess dresses. Lipstick! Have a Happy New Year! Merry Christmas, Lainey Dear Santa, I want a big truck, a choo choo train, a Mario game. I'm a good boy because I helped put the tree up. That's it! Merry Christmas, Ryker Dear Santa, Doggie, paint, doll. I was good girl. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas, Katrina Dear Santa, I want Lightening McQueen and Mator their best buds. My brother loves Mator. Transformers like the ones on my shirt. And I want a gingerbread toy (Gingie). I want one more thing a big monster truck toy! All this to Santa! Merry Christmas, Braydon Dear Santa, I would like a St. Louis Cardinals hat, jersey, and baseball. I would also like playdo and cookie and mouse books. I will leave a BIG glass of milk with my favorite cookies! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas, Brylynne Dear Santa, I want a fire truck, farm set, pillow but I guess I do have at of pillows. And I want a soft blanket. That's it! Merry Christmas, Elias Dear Santa, My army dragon got lost so I need a few more. I got fast cars but I want more. Well we also need a doll for Ariel and she needs purses so she doesn't fight over them. Merry Christmas, Isiah Dear Santa, I need new Barbies, I had one and my dog chewed it up. Chew toys for Prince. Blue new boots this time. New coat, blue! Merry Christmas, Taylor Dear Santa, I want toys. I want new nail polish. I need siccors. I want TV to watch cartoons. I have sugar cookies and make you pancakes! Merry Christmas, Payton R. Dear Santa, I want Barbies, dollies. I want squeakies, a teddy bear, Play-Doh. I'll leave you gingerbread cookies! Merry Christmas, Madison Dear Santa, I want princess doll, princess town, princess desk, princess Santa. That's all I want. Merry Christmas, Audree Dear Santa, I need to get a new CD. I like to play with play-doe. New dresses please. Merry Christmas, Kylie Dear Santa, I want a soccer ball. I play basket-ball..so basketball. Eat cookies! I want a football. Merry Christmas, Jamarius Holy Family, Decatur Ms. Snyder Kindergarten Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? For Christmas, I would like a new pencil box and new shoes. Tell Rudolph I said hello! Love, Clayton Dear Santa, How is your wife? I would like a toy chicken and a pink toy unicorn for Christmas. Don't get stuck in the chimney! I'm going to tell my Mommy to leave carrots out for the reindeer. Love, Riley Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? For Christmas, I would like a Nintendo 3DS and Super Mario 3D Land. I really like you! Your Friend, Grover Dear Santa, How's the weather at the North Pole? For Christmas, I would like some Thomas the train toys and some Barbies. I really like you. Love, Madison Dear Santa, What kind of food do the reindeer like to eat? This Christmas, I would like some more Star Wars DS games. I will leave some cookies and milk for you. Merry Christmas! Patrik Dear Santa, Does Mrs. Claus ever come with you on Christmas Eve? I would like a Moxie doll and a St. Louis Cardinals poster! I will leave you cookies as a snack since you are so busy. Your Friend, Emma Hi Santa, Here's a joke. What did the ginger-bread man cross put on his bed? A cookies Sheet! This Christmas, I would like a Nintendo 3Ds and a Super Mario racetrack for Mario Kart. How are the elves doing? Have a Merry Christmas! Owen

chip cookies and milk! Merry Christmas! Aidan

B. Jones collection. Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Gabby

Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? Are you having a good day? For Christmas, I would like Squinky boys and an army tank. Be safe! Merry Christmas! Nathaniel

Dear Santa, Will you give me a Gumball machine for Christmas. I also want a Just Dance 3 game and a new real dog for Christ-mas. Merry Christmas! Love, Maddy

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I would like a Barbie and an iPad for Christmas. I'll leave you and the reindeer some food! Love, Brooklynn

Dear Santa, I want you to have a really good Christmas! I would like to have a D.S. XL cover that is orange. A Mario Race game and a Star Wars game. Love, Nolan

Dear Santa, Have the reindeer been growing this year? For Christmas, I would like a Baby Alive. I hope the reindeer have gotten faster this year! From, Cora Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would just like some toys. Your Friend, Dillon Dear Santa, How was last Christmas? For Christ-mas this year, I would like some new earrings and a new bike!. Please, please, please, pretty please don't get lost lost! Happy Christmas! Mia Holy Family, Decatur Ms. Sullivan 1st Grade Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? I would like a yoyo, a Barbie dollhouse, and a robot puppy dog. Have a Merry Christmas! Love, Carlie Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? Are they ready for Christmas? Be well making the toys this year. I would like to have the wrestling Match truck, Real Steel Action figure, and Fossil Fighter Champions DS game. How is Mrs. Clause doing? Love, Jack Dear Santa, How are your elves doing? How many elves do you have? I would like to have play couch to sit on and a chair to go with it. I want an American Girl Doll named Julie. Love, Becca Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Clause doing? You're doing a good job Santa! I would like a toy kitchen, a stuffed teddy bear, and a Barbie doll. I also want an Ipod touch. Love, Paloma Dear Santa, How many helpers do you have? Did somebody else pick your helpers? I like you very much Santa Clause! I would like to have an American Girl Doll named Julie. I also want an Ipod touch. Love, Joelle

Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? I would like to have an Ipad Touch. I also want a remote control airplane and a tele-scope. Love, Carson Dear Santa, How many toys do you have? I would like an IPod2 and a new D.S. I also want Monster High dolls. Love MiKayla Dear Santa, What is your favorite think to do in the winter? I would like a Play Station wand. A Dr. Dreadful toy. A new video game. Have nice Christmas! Love, J.B. Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? I would like to have a new Sleeping Beauty doll. Some clothes for my doll. I also want a toy kitchen set. Love, Zia Dear Santa, What colors do your elves wear? How many elves do you have? I would like to have an 8 ball, and a blue bouncy ball that is big and a new Christmas ornament. Have a Merry Christmas! What kind of cookies does Mrs. Clause make? P.S. I would also like a red sock monkey. Love, Cheyenne Dear Santa, I would like to have an Inotab. I also want an ICarley remote control that makes noises. I also want silly hair. Tell Mrs. Claus I said hi! Be careful when you fly. Love, Zoe

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? For Christmas, I would like an iPod and a little doll-house. I will leave you chocolate mlk and chocolate chip cookies! From, Piper

Dear Santa, I wanted to know how can you deliver all those presents in one night? I would like to have a yo-yo and a Ipod Touch and real candy cane to eat. I want a red and white peppermint one. Love, Conner

Dear Santa, I want a purple toy. I like Spongebob to play with. I like candy. Three cakes, chickens and puzzles! Merry Christmas, Shailynn

Dear Santa, How are Mrs. Claus and the reindeer doing? I would like a tiny Snow White doll, a Jessie doll, and lipstick for Christmas. I'll leave the reindeer some food to eat. Love, Grace

Dear Santa, I hope I'm on the "good list" this year. I would like to have my very own make up. I want winter clothes. I also want a real guitar. I also would like a penguin. I would feed him fish. Love, Camila

Dear Santa, I want a Batman doll, Batman toys, Batman games. I was a good boy at my Grandma Sharon's house. That's it. Merry Christmas, Brenden

Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? This Christmas, I would like a DS and some army guys. I'll leave food for the reindeer. Your Friend, Hudson

Dear Santa, How do you deliver all those presents in one night? I would like a real X-Ray machine to see your bones. I also want an Ipod touch and a pretend skeleton that's plastic. Love, Cohlman

Dear Santa, Me have a choo choo train. Me have a car, me have a four wheeler. We played nice, so I'm a good boy. Merry Christmas, Braxton

Dear Santa, Who is your favorite reindeer? My favorite reindeer is Rudolph. For Christmas, I would like an Easy Bake Oven and an iPad. I'll leave you a lot of good cookies because my mom is the best! Love, Emma

Dear Santa, I want cars. I want wrestlers. Legos. That's all. Merry Christmas, Ben

Dear Santa, My mom already got me a guitar. I want like ICarly clothes, princess clothes. I want new Barbies and Barbie clothes. I want new clothes for Colby from Santa and new shoes she'll love that, that'll be nice. Santa will surprise her! Merry Christmas, Payton S. Dear Santa, I want a tool set and a belt. I want a Mickey Mouse hat. Cars to play with. Bring Stephon a big car. Bring my sister dolls. Merry Christmas, Sharrif

Dear Santa, I want a bike. I want a dirt bike because dad didn't give me one so I'm getting one from you, and I want a new four wheeler. I want a guitar. Thanks for the gifts. Merry Christmas, Braden

Dear Santa, Happy Christmas! I want a Dora toy. I want some pink Sparkly heels, dress too. I am on the nice because I cleaned my room. Merry Christmas, Autumn

Dear Santa, I want a Dora camera and a Dora room. A fish tank for my daddy and I want Santa to bring me a princess frog. Merry Christmas, Ti'moria

Dear Santa, I will leave you cookies and chocolate milk. Rudolph will like carrots. A baby doll is what I want. I think that's all. Merry Christmas, Bailee

Dear Santa, I want a woody toy and Santa toys. I want a necklace toy and I want a princess Barbie, and Barbie make up. I'm going to leave you a cookie. Merry Christmas, Avery

Dear Santa, I want dolphins from Disney World. I want Woody from Toy Story, Buzz Lightyear. I want dresses and sparkly heels. Dora doll, that's it! Merry Christmas, Payton K.

Dear Santa, How does it feel to live in the North Pole? I would like a Sleeping Beauty movie and a real puppy for Christmas! I'll leave cookies and milk for you and reindeer mix for your reindeer! Love, Amber Dear Santa, How is the weather at the North Pole? This Christmas, I would like a singing CD. Don't get lost coming to my house! From, Danielle Dear Santa, Do you have a lot of elves helping you get ready? For Christmas, I would like a Victorious Barbie doll and a stuffed animal kitty cat. I hope you have a good Merry Christmas. Love, Erin Dear Santa, My brothers and I have been really good this year. I would like a Victori-ous doll and a princess doll. I'll leave you cookies and milk! Love, Adriana Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? This year for Christmas, I would like an iPad and some new little toy army men. I'll leave you chocolate

Dear Santa, I have been very good every year. I want a 3DS. From, Erianna Dear Santa, For Christmas, I want a laptop. I also want a cell phone. From, Slvyiah Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a DSi for Chrismas. I also want a Wii. From, Dezirae

Dear Santa, How does the reindeer fly? I would like a Nerf football to play with. I also want a real electric guitar that is red and black. I also would like a colored pencil set. Love, Chase

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a Chucky movie and tapping shoes. From, Shannon

Dear Santa, What are the names of your elves? I would like to have a real red guitar and Shazzaroo face painting kit and an American Girl Doll. You can get me Lulabella if you can. Have a Happy Christmas Santa! Love, Ella

Dear Santa, I have been very good. For Christmas I want an Ipod and American Doll. From, Leyunnah Dear Santa, I have been very good this Christmas. I want new Nikes. I also want a bike. From, Allen

Dear Santa, How do you wrap your presents so fast? I would like to have an electric guitar that is black. I also want ared bike and a remote control car. Have a Merry Christmas! Love, Colton

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. For Christmas I want a puppy. I also want Cars 2. From, Tamia Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want some laptop and a cell phone. From, Kaliana

Hope Academy, Decatur Miss Meyer 1st Grade

Happy Holidays from

Decatur Foundry and their Employees 1745 N. Illinois St. • Decatur, IL


Happy Holidays from

Lee Institute of Skin & Laser 606 W. Pershing Rd. Decatur, IL 62526 (217) 877-7171

Dear Santa, Who is Rudolph's father? I would like to have Leg-Mari cart racing set and a remote control Mario car. I also want a Hot Wheels camera car. Love, Caleb Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? I would like to have a remote control airplane and toy train. I also would like to have a Hot Wheels car. Love, Cameron

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a phone. From, Isaac

Happy Holidays from

Del Carmen’s Pizza East 221 N. 22nd St., Decatur, IL 62521

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Season’s Greetings from Scott State Bank

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Merry Christmas from

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Dear Santa, How are your reindeer doing? Have you watched the movie North Pole? I would like to have a Hugglepod, a Fidget and an Ipod Touch that is with a Dinosaur case. Love, JoLeigh Dear Santa, What do reindeer eat for lunch? I would like to have a new coloring book and crayons. I also want new chapter books to read. I like Junie

Merry Christmas from

The Sullivan Pharmacy 102 E. Harrison, Sullivan, IL 61951

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www.herald-review.com Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a Wii and a motor scooter. From, Elijah Dear Santa, I hav been good this year. I want a motor scooter and an Xbox360. From, Ajai Dear Santa, I have been very good. I want a DS. I also want a Playstation 3. From, Jamarion Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want an x box 360, a 3Ds, and a Playstation3 an Playstation2 Laptop cell phone. From, Azarion Dear Santa, I have been good. This year I want an Xbox 360 for Christmas. I want a 3DS. From, Jaylun Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want Barbies for Christmas. From, Nikia Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a laptop for Christmas. I also want an Xbox. From Nashaun Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. For Christmas. I want som jordans. I also want a puppy. From, Jaida Dear Santa, I have been good. Theis Crismis I also want a Xbox360. I also wanta game on TV. I have been sopr good. From, Robert Hope Academy, Decatur Mrs. Parks Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want a scooter and a baby doll. I want Bratz dolls with a car. From, Ahkeena Dear Santa, I want a motorbike and a Nintendo DSI. From, Jamarion Dear Santa, I like a Nintendo DSI. From, Anton Dear Santa, Me and my sister want a teddy bear. I want a new PSP and a game for it. From, I'Keryah Dear Santa, I want a doll that I can change her hair and a doll that can talk. From, Mariah

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2011 3D DS. What does vud the eat? From, Sincer Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a I pod touch and a 3D DS for Christmas. Ho Ho Ho. Merry Christmas. From, Aisha Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a phone, Ds, and a chalk board. From, Airona Dear Santa, I have been spectacular. I want a DS and a game set for Christmas. What are you doing today? From, Traymar Dear Santa, I have been good for you. Please bring me a new fish talk. Can I have a DS? How do your reindeer fly? From, Luv Dear Santa, I have been good. Would you please bring me a ninja toy and a game set. How do your reindeer fly? From, Trysten Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a bayblade and some rollerblades. Why do the reindeer fly? From, Mitchell Dear Santa, I have been good. Can you bring me a bike, some DS games, or a 3D DS? How do you bring all the kids presents. From, Ricardo Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a Ds and a Scooter for Christmas. I love you Santa. From, Trashiyah Dear Santa, I have been good for you. I want a baby doll please and a Ds. I love Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. From, AveTha Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like a toy robot and a 3D DS. What does Rudolph eat? From, Jahyem Dear Santa, I have been good for mommy. I would want lego ninja go toy and would you bring please and thank you and ipod touch? From, Kelton Dear Santa, I have been good. Can you bring me a xbox 360 and a connect? And a 3D DS. Thank you Santa. From, Travierre Hope Academy, Decatur Ms. Roe Kindergarten

Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo DS and an Xbox 360. From, Devon

Dear Santa, I want a game. I want a Spiderman. From, Malachi B

Dear Santa, I want an Xbox and a Wii. From, Brandon

Dear Santa, I would like a Leap Pad. You are very nice. From, Sharyah

Dear Santa, I want a Frisbee, a transformer and a Wii. From, Keanan

Dear Santa, You are nice. I want a DS like my sister. From, Emari

Dear Santa, I want a Lightning McQueen remote control car and a Buzz Lightyear. From, Hayvin

Dear Santa, Thank you for giving me toys. I want a Xbox 360. From, Lucas

Dear Santa, I want a Barbie movie, a baby doll, a Playstation, DS, and a Wii. From, Vera

Dear Santa, I would like a DS for Christmas. From, Kaliyaha

Dear Santa, I want a Razor to ride on the sidewalk and a toy. From, Jabarion Dear Santa, I would like an Xbox 360 and a Playstation 2. From, Colten

Dear Santa, I would like a toy car with a camera. I will draw you a picture. From, Samara Dear Santa, I want to have a present. I want nail polish. From, Kayla

Dear Santa, I want a Barbie house. From, Breyah

Dear Santa, Hi. Please bring me a walking dog. Thank you. From, Shyan

Dear Santa, I want a wii and a toy watch. From, Louis

Dear Santa, You are happy. Please bring me a DS. From, MarShawn

Dear Santa, I want a teddy bear and a Nintendo DS. From, Leona

Dear Santa, I would like a DS. I will make a card for you. From, Daryus

Dear Santa, I want a bike and a baby dollhouse. From, Amelia

Dear Santa, You are cute. I would like a Barbie doll. From, Couriana

Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie doll and a dollhouse and an IPad. From, Almarie

Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman doll house. Thank you. From, Chris

Dear Santa, I want Hot Wheels cars, Nintendo DS, 3DS and a PS3. From, Gregory Dear Santa, I want a bike, a Nintendo DSi and a Baby Alive. From, Tionne Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo DSi and a baby alive. From, Te'Airra Dear Santa, I want a new red and white bike. From, Amari Dear Santa, I want an Xbox 360 Kinect. From, Roman Hope Academy, Decatur Mrs. Pritts 1st grade Dear Santa, I have been good. Wil you give me a 3D DS. What does MrS ClauS do? From, Amare Dear Santa, I have been working hard. Would you bring me a bay blade? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Can you bring me a xBox360 and a connect? From, Devin Dear Santa, I have been good. Could you bring me smurf puppet and a city? Can you bring Mrs. Claus? From, Georgia Dear Santa, I have been good. Please bring me a Ninja toy. How are you doing? From, Talria Dear Santa, I have been doing really good. I want woody and buzz. I love your reindeer. From, Jamarea Dear Santa, I have been good for my mom. I want a touch phone and a DS. From, Caden Dear Santa, I have been good. For you can you give me a wii and Nintendo. How do you deliver all of the presents to the kids? From, Khimir Dear Santa, I have been good. Please can you bring me a

Dear Santa, I want a Xbox 360. I love you Santa. From, Elijah Dear Santa, I want a little bitty dirt bike with a person on it. From, Jacaree Dear Santa, I want a baby, Barbie, and Barbie house. From, Kahyla Dear Santa, I love you. I would like an Ipod. From, India Dear Santa, I like to have toys. I want an Easy Bake Oven. From, Johniya Dear Santa, I want a toy. I want a cart with food and Santa in it. From, Latisha Dear Santa, I would like Degadar. Thank you. From, Micah Dear Santa, I will leave you cookies. Please bring me a transformer. From, Malakai R Dear Santa, I want a race car track. Thank you. From, King Dear Santa, I will leave you a silly note. Please bring me a Xbox 360. From, Ahsaan Dear Santa, I want a sleigh. Thank you. From, Fancee Dear Santa, I love you. Please bring me a doll car. From, Gabryelle Illiopolis Mrs. Cummings 2nd Grade Dear Santa, Please eat my delicious cookies. How may present do you deliver on Christ-mas? I would like a camcorder and a Ipod that can download music videos. Please get my brother a remote control jeep. Have a holly jolly Christmas. Thank you for everything. Love, Grace

Dear Santa, Ho! Ho! Ho Santa! Santa what do you do when Rudolph gets sick? Santa can I have a kitten please. Santa can I have a Ipad. Santa can you get my mom a dress! Santa can you get my Dad a toy train. Good by Santa! Ho! Ho! Ho! Love, Hailey Dear Santa, Merry Christmas Santa! What do you do when some body's not asleep? I would love a 3-D dos. What do you do when you get sick? How do you make your sleigh fly? Can my mom have a ghn? How do you get down the chimney? Are you scared of nites? What happens when reindeer gets sick? Thank you for stopping by! Love, Marshall Dear Santa, Merry Christmas to you. Can you please give me a laptop? Can you please give me orbez? Can you please give me a hamster? I want Emily to have a guinea pig? Thanks for bringing me a power scooter last year. Tell Mrs. Santa Claus I said Hi. Love, Rayna Dear Santa, Merry Chistmus! What are the names of the reindeer? Can I please have a ds? Can I please have a Ipod. Can I please have a three story Barbie house. Can you please bring a gsee toy ipod for a boy to his house? His name is Brandon A.? Thank you for the present from last year. Love, Madison Dear Santa, Have a holey jolley Christmas. How many toys do you make? Can I please have a electric scootr? Can I please have an Ipod? Can you please bring me farm cars? Can ou get a Ipad for my family? Tahnk for the snuggie that you got me last year. I hope your doing great! Love, Luke Dear St. Nick, Aloha St. Nick. Do you use Dixon? I would like a Ipod, and robe. I would like a diamond for Mrs. Cummings. Thank you St. Nick. Love, Dustyn Dear Santa, Hi Santa! What do you snack on during Christmas Eve night? I would love to have a DSIXI, an Air hog or any Mario toy. I would love my mom to have a coffee maker. Have a great Christmas! Love, Parker Dear Santa, Say hi to Mrs. Claus. Can I please have a Ipad for Christmas. Can you get a child a toy jeep for Christmas? How do you make all of the houses in one night? I am Makenna. Thanks for the toys. Love, Makenna Dear Santa, Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas Santa. Can you please get me a guinea pig and a baby guppy fish? Can you please get me a foot spa, it's name obeez. I would like you to get my teacher an indoor pool. Thank you for the present last year. Love, Emily Dear Santa, Hello Santa you are awesome! How do you get down a chimney? Can you please get me a plastic Luigi and Mario? Can you please get a walking stick for my grandma? Thank you Santa! Merry Christmas Santa it is Alex! Love, Alex Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! What do you live in? May I have an Ipod, DS games and new Selena Gomez music. I need new PJ's for mom and I. What are the reindeer's names? Thank you for the last toys you gave me for Christmas. Love, Brae'lynn Dear Santa, Merry Christmas Santa! How do you get down the chimney? I would love to have a Ipad, Password Journal and a American Girl doll. I would also like a coat for a little boy who does not have one. Have a great Christmas Santa. Love, Daleny Dear Santa, Come on over! How do you get around the world in one night? Please give me a pickup truck with a cow trailer. Please give my big sister more Squinkies. Plese give my little sister more toys. Please eat my cakes and please give the reindeer oatmeal!!! Love, Joseph Dear Santa, Hello Santa! How do you get down the chimney Santa? I would live to give my grandma a necklace and my step dad Jason an Ipod Touch. I would love a Justin Bieber Make up box and Justin Bieber doll. Thank yiou Santa



for all the presents. Good Bye! Thank you bye bye! Love, Rebecca

ping mittins, smart bord and barbies. Thank you. Love Ella

legoomrs and a Baraie. I want a now bicke. I want a lololoopsee. Love, Grace

Dear Santa, Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas Santa! Is it true to drive your sleigh you need to have Christmas spirit? I would like an Iphone 3. I would like a leotard too. Give a warm coat to a family that's poor please. Merry Christmas Santa!!!! Love, Olivia

Dear Santa, I have bine very good, I have bine practasing piano. I wold lik a Barbie Dream hous. I wold like a new Barbie moovy, and a lalaloopsy. Thank you. Love, Elizabeth

Dear Santa, I'm been really good! I been helping my Mom and Dad. I want some my Little pet shops trampling and a gun or a bow. Can you please tell all of the reindeer Hi! Love, Madison

Dear Santa, Plez give my mom a ring a green ring plez. Give my brother a than. Give my baby brother a than. My dad want a firfitr house. I want a brbe pin. Vicky

Dear Santa, I have been really dood this year. I help my mom do the laundry. I would like to have a intindo 3dds. A lego box and a new truck. Love, Henry

Dear Santa, Merry Christmas Santa. How do you give every one presents in oine night? I have always wanted a robot and reindeer cookies. I wish that my Mom would get cookies too. Good bye Santa! Love, Jakob Dear Santa, Thank you for getting me all the presents! How many people are on the naughty list? Can I please have an American Girl Doll? Can I please have some Squeakies? Can I please have a snowglobe? Can Mrs. Cummings have a new box of crayons? Thank you for the snow globe. Tell Rudolph I said hi! Love, Beth Dear Santa, Hello, I Love you Santa! What are the names of the reindeer? Could you please get me a 96 box of crayons with a sharpener in the back. Iwould like Pand Bear, Panda Bear. What do you see with? A cd. Please if I been good could I have Just Dance Kids 2. I would like you to get for Russ is a 8 floor tree house. Tell Mrs. Claus that I said Hello. Thank you for the Zoo Zoo pets Santa. Love, Remi Dear Santa, Merry Christmas Santa! How do you get down the chimney Santa? Could I please have an I Phone ! I would love to get my Mom flowers. Thank you Santa !!!! Love, Brendan Dear Santa, Ho, Ho, Ho, have a great holiday Santa! How do you go down a chim-ney? I would love an Ipod and a I phone 3 please. A nice robe for my grandma and grandpa would be a nice present. Love, Madilyn Dear Santa, Merry Christmas Ho, Ho, Ho. It is Jaden. What do you do when you get sick? What do you do when a reindeer get's sick? Can I have a Xbox 360? Can I have a new phone? Can you give Seth a new I phone? Thank you Santa !!!! Love, Jaden Dear Santa, Merry Christmas to you Santa! I've been wondering….Do you have a house or an igloo? Could I please have new art supplies such as sketch paper and new colored pencils. My mom would like new p.js. Thaks for the Selena Gomez music you got last year. Love, Ashlyn Johns Hill, Decatur Mrs. Boyd 1st Grade Dear Santa, I was happy that it is snow. I want a doll house. I want a Barbie doll. I want word. Love, Humaira Dear Santa, I want a ds. I want a puppy. I want a gold fish. I want a dog. I want a Barbie doll. I want a Barbie dog. Love, Alivia Dear Santa, I have ben good at hom. I want some resling toys and a Batma toy and a DS ples! I want a green mahsen and a now sert. I want a nerf. Love, Kendel Dear Santa, I have been very good. I wuld like an E walk lego set, the Kings an bush set this yer. I'd like all legos. Love, Wyatt Dear Santa, I have been verea good. I helpd my Dad do the dishes. I want a barbee. I want some Liv dolls and I will want a LalaLoopsea. Thank you. Love, Olivia Dear Santa, I went a toy comptree. I went a bike. I went a Barbies Love, Royaltyn Dear Santa, I have ben very good this week! I help my mom clean. I want a LaLaLoopsy tree house,

Dear Santa, I help my borther tacke out the gobig. I want a wwe toy. I want a pogo stike. I want a new bike. I want a psp. I want a nerve gun Love, Kale Dear Santa, I helpd my dad clan the car. I want a bik, wwe 12, wwr reslr, wwe ring, and wwe t shrt. Love, Aaron Dear Santa, I been really good at my mom and my dad! I help my dad clen the kitchen and the bathroom and the living room and I bot a tree. I want a computer and a tack puppy and some books. Love, Ariana Dear Santa, I have been really good.This year! I been helping my dad do a lean up. I want legos and a fish. Thanks you. Love, Matthew

Dear Santa, I have bin good. I havint moovd my namto yellow. I have bin lising to my techr Mrs. Boyd. Santa can you git me a dxxl? I like Santa he is nis. Love Legana Dear Santa, I have been good. I am clanying my room. I want a iPod, loyloopsee, and a babby doll. Can you teel the randeer hi. Thank you. Love, Brianna Johns Hill, Decatur Miss Lugten 1st Grade Dear Santa, My name is Denise. I have been good all year. I would like Justin Bieber Blanket. I would also like plster of Justin Bieber. Your friend, Denise

Dear Santa, I have been really good this year! I want some

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Dear Santa, My name is Yadira. I have been gud all year. I would like DROID and a puppy. Tell mrs. Claus I said Hi. Your friend, Yadira

Dear Santa, I've been a really good girl this year. I would really like to have some toys, a baby doll, play dishes, clothes and a bike. Thank you Santa. Love, Raegan

Dear Santa, My name is Nyasia. I have been good all year. I would like a phone. I would also like a bike. Santa you are my friend. Your friend, Nyasia

Dear Santa, I've been a really good girl this year. I would really like a new house, some clothes, a bike, and a baby doll. Thank you Santa. Love, Faith

Dear Santa, My name is Gabino. I have been pretty good all year. I would like a Mario game. I would also like a Mario Kart wii. I like your raindeers and miss Santa. Your friend, Gabino

Dear Santa, I've been a really good girl this year. I would really like to have some toys, a house, a baby doll and a bike, and clothes. Thank you Santa. Love, Tatum

Dear Santa, My name is Ella. I have been good all year. I woud like littleist pet shops. I woud olso like some litteleist pet shop tiensees with a mistry pet and a pack of a lot of sqwinkes the mlifuslnt packigch. Your friend, Ella Dear Santa, My name is Rachel. I have been good all year. I would lik a puppy. I would also like a tramplen. Your friend, Rachel Dear Santa, My name is Jimmy. I have been good all year. I would like a lego book. I would also like a batman hous. I luv you Santa. You are my frend. Your friend, Jimmy Dear Santa, My name is Kaniah. I have been kind of goode all year. I woud like a fran of my titrs. I like your pets. I love you. Your friend, Kaniah Dear Santa, My name is Samani. I have been good all year. I would like DSI. I would also like X-Box 360. you are a cool dood. Your friend, Samani Dear Santa, My name is Bayleigh. I have been kiend ove good all year. I would like a dsi. I would also like a figit frend. See you nexe year. Mary chistmas. P.S. Tell roodof I sed hi. Your friend, Bayleigh Dear Santa, My name is Aidan. I have been kind of good all year. I would like a game I pod. I walk a so like puppy. I feck you are nise. Your friend, Aidan Dear Santa, My name is Trinity. I have been good all year. I would like a kitten. I wold also like a x-box and a DQ Blizzard Maker and a flute. I love you Santa. Your friend, Trinity Dear Santa, My name is Sakari. I have been good. I would like a birthday cake and I will also like a big moodrsyle. Santa I wish I had a big belly and fat nose like you. Your friend, Sakari Dear Santa, My name is Jordan. I have been kind of good all year. I would like a x-box and a playstation3. I would also a plasta-tion. Santa tell rodoff the red nose I said hi. Your friend, Jordan Dear Santa, My name is Jaymie. I have been pretty good all year. I would like a doodle bear. I would also like a bake pop kit. Santa I wish you a mery Cristmas. Your friend, Jaymie Dear Santa, My name is GiAnna. I have been good all year. I would like a puppy. I would also like a DQ Blizzard Maker and Doodle bear. Your pets Rock. I love you Santa. Your friend, GiAnna Dear Santa, My name is Malacki. I have been prite good all year. I would like a trampo-line. An a new DS game. And what ever you thenc of presins. Santa you rock. Your friend, Malacki Dear Santa, My name is Karley. I have been good all year. I would like a iphone. I would also like a ipad. I would also like wii games. I would also like a DQ Blizzard Maker. I would also like a flute. I would also like money. I would also like a 3D DsI. I would also like a phone. You have cool animals. Your friend, Karley Dear Santa, My name is Tejas. I have been ver, very good all year. I would like a reel dog. I would also lick to have a x-box 306. And I love you Santa. I wish I was just like you. Your friend, Tejas Dear Santa, My name is Charlie. I have been grate all year. I would lik a DQ Blizzard maker. I also would like a DsI. I want a sweter. Your frend, Charlie Dear Santa, My name is Morgan. I have been good all year. I would like robot animals. I would also like a DQ Blizzard maker. Tell Mrs. Claus and Rodof and frosty I said Hi. You have some cool pets. Your friend, Morgan Kid's Castle Learning Center Maynor Building Dear Santa, This is my 1st Christmas. I would like to have a soft toy football to match my binky. Love, Ryker Dear Santa, I would like a walking toy and a teddy bear to cuddle with. Love, Faith Dear Santa, This Christmas I would like a toy that plays music because I love to dance. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like music toys so I can dance. Love, Kylie Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like lots of books. I love looking at all the different colors and love hearing stories. Love, Gia

Dear Santa, I've been a really good boy this year. I would really like to have a toy truck, ball, and some blocks and clothes. Thank you Santa. Love, Kendrick Dear Santa, My name is Logan. I am two years old. My favorite toy is Buzz Lightyear. I want dinosaurs, bears, trucks, tools, and a football. Thank you. Merry Christ-mas. Love, Logan Dear Santa, My name is Eli and I am 3 years old. I have been a good boy this year. My favorite color is green. This year for Christmas I would like cars and trucks. I would also like a baseball bat, glove, and ball. Thank you and Merry Christ-mas. Love, Eli Dear Santa, My name is Issac and I am 4 years old. I have been a good boy this year. This year I would like the movie Happy Feet, a toy Spiderman, superman, and Batman. I also would like bubbles to play with. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Issac Dear Santa, My name is Aidan and I am 4 years old. My favorite color is green. I would like a volcano, battery truck, a new star Wars cup, and a Mickey Mouse night light for Christmas. I have been a good boy all year. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Aidan

Dear Santa, My name is Grayson. I am 3 years old. My favorite color is green. My favorite toy is tractors. For Christmas I want a combine, new jeans so I can get rid of my old jeans. Thank you. Love, Grayson Kid's Castle Learning Center Monroe Building Young Infants Dear Santa, I like to cuddle up in my bed while I'm sleeping. Could you bring me some new blankets to wrap up and cuddle in? My mommy likes to cuddle with me! Thank you. Love, Carsyn Dear Santa, I'm Broklin, as you know and I like to crawl around and play with all the different things on the floor, especially the toys. So could you please bring me lots of new toys to play with? Thank you. Love, Broklin Dear Santa, I would like to have some new pacifiers they are my security. A few more of those and some Blankets would be great. You could also bring me some toys that I can grasp in my fingers. Thank you Love, Emery Dear Santa, I would like to have a jumper for Christmas. I'm learning to use my legs and I want to be able to jump. Please get me a jumper to jump around in. Thank you. Love, Bryson Dear Santa, I love to look at books. I would really like to have some new books for Christmas. I want some new toys also. I'm a big girl now and need some new toys to explore. Thank you. Love, Kenzie Dear Santa, I'm new to looking at books, but I really like them. They are showing me lots of new things. I love to look at the pictures. Could you please bring me some books for Christmas? Thank you. Love, Jacob TWO'S

Dear Santa, I would like a ball and a truck for Christmas. Love, Connor Dear Santa, I would like a doll and kitchen stuff for Christmas. Love, Kaiyah Dear Santa, I want blocks and a truck for Christ-mas. Love, Alex Dear Santa, I've been a really good little girl this year. I would like a doll, baby clothes, kitchen dishes, & clothes. Thank you Santa. Love, Allison Dear Santa, I've been a really good little girl this year. I would like to have a housekeep-ing kitchen, doll, clothes, and dishes. Thank you Santa. Love, Aansai Dear Santa, I've been a really, really good boy this year. I would like to have a car, truck, clothes, bike and a stuffed animal. Thank you Santa. Love, Chase Dear Santa, My name is Alivia and I have been a good girl this year. All I want for Christmas is Barbie's, a pink automatic power wheel car, dress up clothes, a microphone and a Barbie car. Love, Alivia Dear Santa, My name is Ricky. I am 3 years old. My favorite color is blue. This year for Christmas I would like an Octopus toy and a big giraffe, a green monster truck, football guys, green lantern, a lizard, and start wars toys. My mommy says I've been a good boy all year. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Ricky Dear Santa, My name is Hannah. I am 3 years old. I have been a good girl this year. I want a blue teddy bear, new blankey, and toys for Christmas. Thank you Merry Christmas. HO HO HO. Love, Hannah Dear Santa, My name is Catelyn. I am three years old. My favorite color is pink. My favorite toy is my teddy bear. I would like to have underwear, elephants, lions, toys, a pillow, and blankeys. Love, Catelyn Dear Santa, My name is Koen. I am three years old. My favorite colors are red and blue. My favorite toy is a tractor. I would like to have Play-Doh, Mickey Mouse blanket, paint set, and a transformer outfit. Merry Christmas. Love, Koen Dear Santa, My name is Abby. I am three years old. My favorite colors are purple and pink. My favorite toy is a baby doll. For Christmas I want blankeys, clothes, underwear, and a new baby doll. Thank you. Love, Abby

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like to have a Spiderman and a potty chair. Thank you. Your friend, Carson Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like to have a tractor. Thank you. Your friend, Davontay Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a picture and a baby dolls and a hat. Thank you. Your friend, Alyvia Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like some Hello Kitty stuff, clothes and a purse. Thank you. Your friend, Audrey Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like to have a toy mower. Thank you. Your friend, Earl Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a fishy and a box of toys. Thank you. Your friend, Keyaira Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like to have a Mickey Mouse and a Spiderman toy. Thank you. Your friend, Laila Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Robot and some Dora. Thank you. Your friend, Yaretzi Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like to have a Spiderman. Thank you. Your friend, Jordan Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a purse and some Dora. Thank you. Your friend, Malayha Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like 3 Barbie's and maybe a Dora for Christ-mas this year, and that's all! Thank you. Your friend, Marley Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a purse and a Dora and a Barbie and some baby robots. Thank you. Your friend, Kyleigh Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like some wee-winkies (squinkies). Thank you. Your friend, Kyra Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like some Barbie's and some blocks to build with. Thank you. Your friend, Smariah TODDLERS

Dear Santa, My name is Jacob and I am 4 years old. For Christmas this year I would like some legos, especially the Dragon lighter. Thank you and Merry Christ-mas. Love, Jacob Dear Santa, My name is Gracyn and I am 4 years old. For Christmas this year I would like a water gun, a ramp with a skate-board, sunglasses, a vacuum, and my own dress up clothes. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Gracyn Dear Santa, My name is Dayton and I am 4 years old. For Christmas this year I would like anything Thomas the rain or Birdy the Bus. I have been a good boy this year. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love, Dayton Dear Santa, My name is Lainey. I am three years old. My favorite color is yellow. My favorite toy is strawberry shortcake. For Christmas I want a dream castle and a Dora Kitchen. Merry Christmas. Love, Lainey

Dear Santa, I would like some new toy cars for Christmas this year. I have been a good boy all year. Your friend, Antonio Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. I would like some new building blocks. Your friend, Justin Dear Santa, I would really like a new bike for Christmas. I promise I have been a good boy and mom's best little helper. Your friend, Noah Dear Santa, I have been a very, very good boy. I love to climb and jump. I would like to have a bounce house for Christmas please. Your friend, Zamir Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy. I'm even getting very good at cleaning up my toys. I want to go ice skating for Christmas. Your friend, Mikah

Dear Santa, This Christmas I would like my own soft toys to play with. Love, Owen

Dear Santa, I've been a really good boy this year. I would really like to have a toy truck, counting cookies game, puzzle, books and clothes. Thank you Santa. Love, Logan

Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. I have really started to grow and would like some new clothes. I also want a Barney. Your friend, Kaiyah Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. I would like a basketball hoop for Christmas. Your friend, Robert Dear Santa, I would please like a choo choo for Christmas. I have been a very good boy all year. Your friend, Zachary Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. I would please like some musical toys this year, and I really love shoes, (Hint, Hint) Your friend, Madison Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl all year. I would really like a big stuffed teddy bear for Christmas. Your friend, Madilyn Dear Santa, This year I would please like a new football. I have been a very good boy all year. Your friend, Jace Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy all year. For Christmas I would like some action figures please. Your friend, Gage

Santa, For Christmas I think I want a pink puppy. Love, Tessa Santa, I want lots and lots of Trucks for Christmas. Love, Joshua Santa, I would like to have Mickey Mouse toy please. Love, Schyli Santa, I want a bike and a BIG John Deere Tractor. Love, Doug

book. Love, Desmond Dear Santa, I would like to have a microphone, flashlight, a new fire truck and a new blanket. Thank you. Love, Bryson Dear Santa, I want a monster truck and a Mater. Thank you. Love, Dayton

Santa, Could you bring me a pink bike, thanks? Love, Madyson

Dear Santa, Can I have a new bike and I want to see Santa, and also I want to decorate the Christmas tree. Love, Tanner

Santa, I would like to have some blue clothes for Christmas. Love, Alanna

Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I want a dress and a Barbie. Love, Felicia

Santa, Could you bring me a little pink Barbie for Christmas? Love, Madalyn

Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I want to have a Holly Sleigh bells and the girl from Penguins. Love, Miranda

THREE'S Dear Santa, This Christmas I want an Elephant and a new

Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a fire truck and a dinosaur Love, Adam

Dear Santa, I would like a new baby doll for Christmas. I have been a very good girl all year. Your friend, Jenna Dear Santa, I have been a very big boy this year. I would like to have a fire truck for Christmas. Your friend, Christopher

300 N. State Hwy. 121 Mt. Zion, IL 62549 | 864-4877

Dear Santa, I would like to have a new Packer's jersey for Christmas. I've been a very good boy this year. Your friend, Hunter OLDER INFANTS Dear Santa, I have been very good al year; my favorite thing to do is look at books. I love books, ad I'm big enough this year for a trike. Thank you. Love, Micah Dear Santa, I have been so good this year. Mommy said I can have anything I want for Christmas. I really love to sing and dance. So could you please bring me some CD's and new shoes for dancing? Thank you. Love, Jaylen

Happy Holidays from

Horizon Properties Management Group 217-542-1400 • 227 S. Main St. • Decatur

Dear Santa, Thank you for my new home. Just in time for Christmas. My family loves it. How about new hot wheels so I can run around on the hardwood floors? I really like books too. Thank you. Love, Jesse



Dear Santa, I have been so good this year. Just ask my mommy. I would really like that Playschool Farm Set with all the cool animals. And some more new books. I've read all of my old ones already. Thank you. Love, Madison Dear Santa, I've been a very good boy this year. At least my teachers think so. I sure would like to have a trike for Christmas and also a Hot Wheels. I love fast cars. Thank you. Love, Landon Dear Santa, I'm Brylan. I love to build with the blocks at daycare. Could you bring me some for my house too? Oh and some books. I've read all the books at my house. The pop up books are my favorite. Thank you. Love, Brylan Dear Santa, It's me Brycen. I am always good. So would you please bring me some cool toy cars and also building blocks? I can play with my daddy on the floor with the blocks. And if you bring me some books about construction I can sit and read them with my mommy. Thank you. Love, Brycen

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y Holidays from pp our fam ily to yours!


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Dear Santa, I'm always a good girl, ask mommy. I like to play with baby dolls. May I please have a dolly for Christmas? Books are my favorite too. Could you bring me soft or wooden books? My big sister can read them to me. Thank you. Love, Emerson YOUNG 3'S Santa, I have been good, I want a brown horn. Love, Jatone Santa, I want a toy and a bike for Christmas. Thanks. Love, Jaylen Santa, I just want some Toy Story presents. Love, Ethan Santa, I have been good this year and I want an octopus. Love, Marshawna Santa, I would like to have a buzz light year and a woody. Love, Avery Santa, Please bring me a pink bike, I would like one for Christmas. Love, Madelynn Santa, For Christmas I want some more Babies. Thank you. Love, Amea

Happy Holidays! from:

Santa, I want a baby for Christmas. Love, Mylee Santa, Can I have some Dora toys, please? Love, Mia

James Blocher D.D.S. 2965 N. Main St. Decatur, IL 217-872-2791

Happy Holidays from

Staley Credit Union

Dear Santa, I would love a big soft rattle. I love the loud noise it makes. Love, Gwendolyn Dear Santa, My name is Carter. My mommy, daddy and sissy make sure I'm a happy baby. I would like some bouncy balls, teething toys, and a push toy to help me learn to walk. Love, Carter





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www.herald-review.com Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want a monster truck for me and Dayton and toy robot and I want to talk to Santa. Love, Anthony Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like to have a green shoe horn, Stomppie and a mud Monster truck, a dinosaur puzzle, a Santa game, and another basketball hoop. Love, Jackson Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a Santa for and a police car. Love, Jerrin Dear Santa, This year I want a Monster Truck Love, Braydon Dear Santa, I would like to have a tower, train, tractor, car and tracks for Christmas. Love, Braden Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would want a Santa, snowman and a train. Love, Calvin Dear Santa, For Christmas this year may I have a marshmallow gun, and a Race car truck? Love, Kamden Dear Santa, For Christmas I want an airplane and a helicopter, and a bell and a movie. Your Friend. FOUR'S Dear Santa, I would like a cat. I am a princess and I would like a princess dress up outfit, and a cooking kitchen. Please bring me a new TV. That's all, thank you. Your friend, Carlei Dear Santa, I would like one of your Reindeer, and a dog with a red nose. Thank you. Your friend, Spencer Dear Santa, I would like a big giant pencil. Please bring me a toy to look like you for my brother. Thank you. Your friend, Lorenzo Dear Santa, Thank you for my new brother. I would also like a new car. Please bring me some Barbies. Thank you. Your friend, Savannah Dear Santa, I want a football, I would also like John Cena. Thank you. Your friend, Jamarius Dear Santa, I would like a doll and Justin Beiber and that's it. Your friend, Calen Dear Santa, I would like to have Justin Beiber, a skate board, some roller skates and a helmet. Thank you. Your friend, Andrew Dear Santa, Can you bring me a skate board? Your friend, Kendall Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie and a La La Lucky, thank you. Your friend, Cealah Dear Santa, I would like Barbie's, kid's movies and spider. I would like a doctor set. Thank you for my daddy. Jason would like a La La Lucky. Your friend, Hannah Dear Santa, I would like a kids map and broom. I would also like a La La Lucky. Thank you, sir. Your friend, Lyllianne Dear Santa, I would like a La La Lucky. I want you to get me a Barbie car for my babies. I want to sit on your lap. I would like a tree house for la la Lucky, and a new doctor. Your friend, Emma Dear Santa, I would like to have a la la Lucky, and a game, a kids broom and a mop, oh and a Barbie car. Your friend, Faith SCHOOL-AGERS Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is an I Pad, new bike and T-pain Mike. Thank you, Shea Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a Nintendo 3DS and a flex-force wrestling ring, with Flex force wrestlers and that fake shark toy with the controller, a bey blade set with bey blades and the Michael Jackson experience for wii. Thank you, Matthew Dear Santa, I love Shatonya that's my mom. Love, Tonae Dear Santa, I want a set of make up because my mom let me wear makeup. I want a new doll house for Christmas. I want some more polly pockets and some Barbie's. Thank you Santa. Love, Kamryn Dear Santa, Can I please have a real Dinosaur, I like Christmas and Rudolph the red nose reindeer and I like your bag and I know you sneak in the house and bring presents. I love the snow when it falls down because it was on my bus. Love Jaylen, or you can call me Bam Bam. Dear Santa, I am five years old. I want a Barbie doll house with lots of Barbies and a Barbie bath tub. I bet Mrs. Claus bakes the best cookies. Thank you Santa, Chloe Dear Santa, I am five years old, I want a Barbie beetle and a doll house. Hello kity stuffed animal and Hannah Montana Book. Oh and a doll. Thank you Santa. Love, Ryleigh Dear Santa, How are you? Are you cold over thare? Is rodoph? I want an Xbox 360 and a Xbox kenext and I want a la la loopsy doll. I want an ipod tuch. I love you so much. From Chloe Dear Santa, I am five years old. I want a Barbie doll house with lots of Barbie's and a Barbie bath tub. I bet Mrs. Claus bakes the best cookies. Thank you Santa. Love Chloe Dear Santa, I am 11 years old. I want a zebra pillow pet and a phone. Thank you for every year, I also want to go see the new twilight movie. I love when Christmas comes by because I get to see my family. Thank you Santa. Love, Morgan

Dear Santa, Hi my name is Logan. And what I want for Christmas is Pictionary Man, Disney Universe for XBOX 360 and for my PS3. The rest of it is on my Christmas list. P.S. but it's not very much. Thank you. Love, Logan Dear Santa, I am 10 years old of roller skates that are light blue and white. I would also like a new pair of gym shoes to have during gym class because I don't have any that aren't torn up. I would like some new paints, markers and crayons so I can color like my dad doe. I would also like some new clothes to have for school. My dad bought me a DS so can I please have more games and also can you get something for my mom too. Thank you Santa. Love, Makayla Dear Santa, I am 11 years old. I want a doll house and a stuff animal of a dog and a pillow pet. Just dance 2 and a play station and a new wii and a cat. Every year I go to my aunts and we get lots and lots for toys. Thank you. Love, Megan Dear Santa, I would like a lap top for Christmas. I would like to have wii games too. Games like Just Dance 3, just dance summer party and just dance kids 2 and the Black Eyed peas, the experience, I have a DSi but I want a 3DS. I do want some DSi and 3 DS games but really for DSi because I don't have a 3DS. But for DSi I want pirates of the Carabians and Super Mario Brother. That is really all I want. Thank you, Mekhi Maroa-Forsyth Mrs. Bland 1st Grade Dear Santa, For christmas I would like some roller blades. Some new movies like Rio, Cars 2 and Zookeeper and I would also like just Dance 3 Wii game. Thank you. Your Friend, Paige S. Dear Santa, What I would like for Christmas is: a 20Q, flip flop fun, a microscope, a safe (to protect things from my sister), an underwater camera, a keyboard, a car race track, metal detector, spy kit, nigh vision goggles, a guitar a John Wayne cuckoo clock for my Dad, flight simulator and rocket launcher. Santa, how jolly is your tummy? Are you funny? Who is your favorite elf? Are the elves ears pointy? Is Mrs. Claus baking cookies? Some people don't believe you are real. Can an elf come to my house with you? Your friend, Coletin James T. Dear Santa, I have been a really good boy. I've kept my room clean and I have been making my bed everyday. Mech tech ultimate optimus prime, legends omega supreame, legends bumble bee and star scream mach 5 saw blade launcher. Your friend, Ryan C. Dear Santa, I was very good this year. I would like a baby husky. Please Your friend, Anna Jean N. Dear Santa, I hope you have a good Christma. I hop you have the Lego Set that one that I want. I want the one that has a Dinosaur! Your friend, Max B. Dear Santa, My name is Megan, I am seven years old. I would like an I-Pod for Christ-mas and a cat toy. I will have cookies and milk for you. Your friend, Megan H. Dear Santa, I like your present. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Thank you for all of your presents. You are the best friend ever, you feel like a friend. I want a American Look Like Doll and more Legos and a mini pillow pet unicorn, Just Dance 3, my own computer, I Pad, my own jewelry box. Your friend, Ryane T. Dear Santa, My name is Adrian. I am six years old. I am in first grade at MFGS. These are some of the gifts I would like to have for Christmas. 1. RV Lego City 2. Lego Indiana Jones whatever pack 3. Wii pirate Lego 4. Club penguin toy, whichever 5. D.S. Thank you Santa. Your friend, Adrian V. Dear Santa, This Christmas I wish for a Beyblade, Legos, Boxes, Wii Games, Movies, Snuggie, and DS Games. I hope you will be able to visit the soldiers over seas. Have a Merry Christmas. Your friend, Jacob B. Dear Santa, I would like to have a trampoline and a bar that I can do flips on with a mat under it. I have been good. Thank you Santa. Your friend, Livia Lin B.

mas Santa! Your friend, Max Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? How do you deliver all the presents in one day? Could you please bring me a Beyblade, a DS, and a video game? Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Logan Dear Santa, How do you get in my house? How do the reindeer fly? Could you please bring me a Barbie, a new scooter, and new roller skates? Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas! Love, Chelzee Dear Santa, How small are the elves? How do you get all the presents delivered in one night? Could you please bring me a Beyblade toy, a 3D-DS, and a Dr. Dreadful Zombie Lab? Thank you Santa! Your friend, Andrew Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? How small are your elves? Could you please bring me a Dr. Dreadful Zombie Lab, a Barbie, and an American Girl Doll? Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Emily Dear Santa, How do you make the reindeer fly? How is it at the North Pole? Could you please bring me the Dr. Dreadful Zombie Lab, a Beyblade toy, and a DS? Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas. Your friend, Donald Dear Santa, How do you get to the North Pole? How do your reindeer fly? Could you please bring me a DS-a pink one, a fake reindeer, and some books? I love you Santa! Your friend, Lexi Dear Santa, When can I come with you to the North Pole? How small are your elves? Could you please bring me a marble jar like my sister, a real horse, and a computer? I love you Santa. I hope you have a good Christmas too! Your friend, Demi Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? How do the elves make so many presents in one night? Could you please bring me a DS, Mr. Dreadful Zombie Lab, and a Beyblade? I hope you have a good Christmas Santa. Your friend, Ty Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly with all the heavy toys in the back of your sleigh? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Is she good? Could you please bring me a Beyblade, a Wii game, and a baseball? Merry Christmas Santa! I love you. Your friend, Ethan Dear Santa, Do you really have Rudolph? How big is your sleigh? Could you please bring me a WWE Stadium, a DSI XL, and a WWE table, chairs, ladder and 2 medium size figures? Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Ben Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? How do the elves make the toys? Could you please bring me some marble, Barbie dolls, and some books? Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Sanjana Dear Santa, Do your elves have parents? How does Rudolph the reindeer fly? Cold you please bring me wrestling shows, a space toys, and Dr. Dreadful Zombie Lab? Merry Christmas Santa! I love you. Your friend, Grant Dear Santa, Are the elves really small? How do you make the reindeer fly? Could you please bring me a Nerf gun, Skylanders video game, a Just Dance Three Wii game? I love you Santa! Merry Christ-mas! Love, Aiden Dear Santa, How do the reindeer fly? How do the elves fly around? Could you please bring me an American Girl doll, an American Girl doll with cookie dough, and a stuffed animal reindeer-a boy and a girl? Thank you for all the presents! Your friend, Abi Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? Do they eat magic corn? How do you get down the chimney without getting burnt? Could you please bring me some Hershey chocolates, a little playground for my backyard, and a trampoline? Could you bring my baby sister Macie a play-house? Santa you are the best! I love you! Your friend, Tia Dear Santa, Why do you want people to not see you? How do your reindeer fly? Could you please brig me a Frigid friend, roller skates, and a Secret diary? Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Laci Maroa-Forsyth Mrs. Peters 2nd Grade

Dear Santa, For Christmas I want: Spark Scooter, V.V. Matchbox Cars, Electric Scooter, Indiana Jones Legos, Army Men, Police Lego Game, Candy Canes, New Ornaments. Your friend, Sebastian Lee H.

Dear Santa, I wish for a kitten and a puppy dog. I hope you have good time seeing Christmas trees. Love, Anna

Dear Santa, I would like a WWE Truck. Please. I like you. I have been good. Your friend, Cash P.

Dear Santa, May I please have a DSIXI, Star wars legos, Star Wars the old reapublick, beyblades, and $100. Love, Pat

Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a Fireman hat, mask, hose, and a big fire truck. Your friend, Tristan L.

Dear Santa, I like Christmas because its about Jesus and You. I want a 3ds and the games sonic the Headch Hog and super Mario 3D land. But we don't have a chimney. I love you. I want a helicopter with a camra. Love, Johnathan

Dear Santa, I would like a toy Dinosaur, and I would like a DSI game. Thank you Santa. Your friend, Chethan M. Maroa-Forsyth Mrs. Gibson 1st Grade Dear Santa, How do the reindeer fly? How do the elves build toys? Could you please bring me a spooner board, Pokemon trading cards, and some clay so I can make clay people? Merry Christmas Santa! Your friend, Leah Dear Santa, What is it like at the North Pole? What is it like in your shop where you build the toys? Could you please bring me a computer, a school set that goes with my dolls, and Moxi girls? Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Callie Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? How is Mrs. Claus? Could you please bring me a Barbie, an IPod, and a make up kit? I love you Santa! Your friend, Amanda Dear Santa, How do your deer fly? Can you get me what I want for Christmas? Could you please bring me: 1. a princess cash register, 2. a Barbie and 3. that Barbie hairstyling thing? Have a nice Christ-mas Santa! Your friend, Ava Dear Santa, How do the reindeer fly? How tiny are the elves? Could you lease bring me a skateboard, a Nerf gun, and a learning set? Merry Christ-

Dear Santa, I think I want a puppy and my sister wants a cat. She is 3 years old. I really want a toy train for my sister and I to play with I hope Rudolph is good. Check him please. Merry Christmas Santa. Love, Jillian Dear Santa, I wish that I had a toy car that re-charged. Love, Zash Dear Santa, I really would like a gogo my walk along puppy and DS for Christmas. I hope Rudolph is ok. Are the reindeer ready to fly? Have a happy holiday. Thank you. From, Faith Dear Santa, May I please have Battlefield 3, uncharted 3, a husky! And a yellow lab! May I please have a Albert Pujols bat Jersey signed rookie card chrome! A David Freese bat jersey signed rookie card,chromd! A Lance Berkman bat jersey signed Lance Berkman bat jersey signed rookie card chrome~ A Jon Jay bat jersey signed rookie card chromed. From, Cole Dear Santa, I would like a Ipad@. I thnk it would be fun! How dark is is there? How are you doing? Hopefully good. Love, Rob Dear Santa, I only want one thing for Christmas. An ipod touch. How is Mrs. Clas doing? How are the reindeer doing? Love, Abbey




Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a power ranger toy, will truck toy an double sonic DS game, and super Mario 3D. Love Deloent

Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys you gave me. For Christmas I would like a big Femick missile with machine guns. Love, Elijah

Dear Santa, I know someone who saw you her name is Anna. Can I see you? May I please have a stamp? Can you seriously see us day and night? May I please have connect 4 launchers? How are the reindeer? Love, Luke Dear Santa, How are you? Are the reindeer ready to fly? I hope you have a Merry Christ-mas. From, Audrey

Dear Santa, Thank you for my parents. For Christ-mas I would like an American Girl Doll. Love, Brylee

Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! I wish for an ipad 2 utau nails, American girl doll. I saved some cookies for you and some milk. I hope you enjoy seeing Christmas trees. How is Rudolph? Love, Jocelyn Dear Santa, How are you I would like to have a lego space Air Hog Spy plane and one of those Air Hog Sharks plase. Come over for some cookie's and milk and a skateboard. Love, Connor Dear Santa, May I please have an Xbox 360, MWB, Ipod touch and Knectiresin2. How are the rindeer doing. Love, Joshua Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! For Christmas I want a bike 24 inch. I have been good all year. I will leave food for you and your reindeer. The food is milk and cookis and maybe some brownes. Love, Lorelei Dear Santa, How are you Santa? I've been a good boy. So can I please have a xbox 360, a lap top and a ipad? Love, Harrison Dear Santa, I would like a leap pad, ann an ipad. Have a very happy Christmas. Love, Carley Dear Santa, I hope you have lots of fun giving out toys and seeing all the Christmas trees. Do the elves ride the reindeer? Love, Emma Dear Santa, I love you! I know that you don't have much time, but may I please have a 4 wleer and a xbox 360. From Dalton

Dear Santa, Thank you for my parents. For Christ-mas I would like the new Batman cave. Love, Bryson McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Bagley Kindergarten Dear Santa, I love you. I love yer dear to. I like Ms cos to. Love, Gianna Dear Santa, I love! Luss! Aer. Love, Kaylee Dear Santa, How does Rudolph's nose glow. Love, Matthew Dear Santa, I love you. I like you. Love, Evan Dear Santa, I love you. Love, Chris Dear Santa, I want a new lunch box. Love, Katie Dear Santa, I want a SMRWY. Love, Noah Dear Santa, I want an Ipod. I love yoo raender. Love, Alexis Dear Santa, I love you. Love, Victoria Dear Santa, You mak the best cismis evr. Love, Peyton Dear Santa, I love you. I want an ipod. Love, Kathy Dear Santa, I like Santa. Love, Cait

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I really want a ipod touch this year. My sister wants a ipod touch too. Can you please get that for me and my sister? If you do come I will leave some cookies and milk out and carrots for the randeer. From, Amber

Dear Santa, Are yo happy? Love, Keaton

Dear Santa, I want a Ipad2, a Ds, Iphone2 and a Iphone4s for my sister. How are you Santa and how are your elfs? Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. I have been a good girl. Love, Van

Dear Santa, i wut a lod ul stuff bu I wut you. Love, Hunter

Dear Santa, About what time do you go out on Christmas and deliver presents? I think we are going to give you candy like we did last year and maybe some carrots for your reindeer. For Christmas can I please have a camera and a Barbie lifeguard and a portable CD player and maybe a laptop. From Rachel Maroa-Forsyth Mrs. Scherer 1st Grade Dear Santa, Thank you for letting us have presents for Christmas. For Christmas I would like an Ipod Touch. Love, Luke Dear Santa, Thank you for God. For Christmas I would like my two front teeth. Love, Addison Dear Santa, Thank you for my presents. For Christmas I would like a camcorder. Love, Ella Dear Santa, Thank you for my presents. For Christmas I would like a bouncy ball. Love, Brooklyn Dear Santa, Thank you for my presents. For Christmas I would like toys. Love, Logan Dear Santa, Thank you for my family. For Christ-mas I would like Barbies. Love, Reagan Dear Santa, Thank you for my shoes. For Christ-mas I would like boots with high heels. Love, Latoria Dear Santa, Thank you for my puppy toy. For Christmas I would like a fancy dress. Love, Dakota Dear Santa, Thank you for my toys. For Christmas I would like an Xbox 360. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys. For Christmas I would like a toy dog. Love, Gillian Dear Santa, Thank you for my food. For Christmas I would like games. Love, Tyler Dear Santa, Thank you for my fish. For Christmas I would like a Barbie with hair. Love, Cami Dear Santa, Thank you for living. For Christmas I would like a scooter that turns into a back pack and a skateboard. (4 wheels) Love, Jonathon Dear Santa, Thank you for last year's gifts. For Christmas I would like a backpack that turns into a skooter and a skateboard. Love, Zachary Dear Santa, Thank you for Last year's gifts. For Christmas I would like a "DS". Love, Ammar Dear Santa, Thank you for last year's toys. For Christmas I would like a DSI. Love, Brock Dear Santa, Thank you for my birthday. For Christmas I would like some new shirts. Love, Mckenzi Dear Santa, Thank you for my mom and dad. For Christmas I would like some shoes. Love, Abby

Dear Santa, I love you. Love, Hannah

Dear Santa, Are you boe gud. Love, Avery Dear Santa, I want a toy chain saw. Love, Chance Dear Santa, I like you. Love, Isabella Dear Santa, I wod like cand land. Love, Mason Dear Santa, I love you. Love, Joshua Dear Santa, I wut dol has and krismis tre and ben babe. Love, Rachel McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Buckley 1st Grade Dear Santa, I would like a spy gear vedo car it sps on people. And a x box you play games. And a dirt bike that has a twist grip. Your friend, Boston Dear Santa, DK slep anmle becase I make videos. I wont a bowser slep anmle because it will do the same tingas. I want a boo slep anmle case I make videos. Your friend, Mason Dear Santa, I wat a baby doll bkus I can good it. Frostoe bkus I can play gams with him. Toy pet bkus him can be funny. Your friend, Mahryah Dear Santa, Hiy Santa, r you having a good day. I want a bunny becuzz I do not have 1. Tory doll becuzz she is pritey. Poney that walk becuzz it's cute. Your friend, Joie Dear Santa, I wunt a bike for crismis. I wunt sum socks, I wunt a xbox 360. I go to the stor to se Santa clas. Your friend, Hayden Dear Santa, Angry birds the fat birds so I can complet my clocksin. A boomring and the boomring is a angry bird it can opin its mouth. Soccer bumprs beckase you can blow them up. Your friend, Matthew

my nals. Your friend, Molly Dear Santa, I want a spy cran bekus it spys on my famle. I want a 3ds so I can ply Mario kart 7. I want a toy batm so I can play with it. Your friend, Caleb Dear Santa, I hope you have a good crismis. I wut crbe. Crbe is coot. Fat briad bee cuse he can oh most bruk ene theng. Luigi is frum Mareo bros. Your friend, Allan Dear Santa, I would like achinfigr Puss in Boots cus I can pley with it. A wach that tass time. And a Leapster that I can play with. Your friend, Kameron Dear Santa, I want boxing glus to wear. I will do sum wrcot. I wat a thrs hamr and a thrs hlmit so I can add to my cletin. Your friend, Sam Dear Santa, I want a stuft snml roodof with big eiys. I will snugl it. And a ipod. I will danst to the songs and meoosic. And a black. I will sngl it. Your friend, Hannah Dear Santa, I hope you and your elvs have a good Christmas. Here is what I would like for Christmas. I would like a I pod toch. I will hear music with it with a case. I would like a Nidetendo d.s. with games and a charger and I can play games on it. I would like a laptop too. Good by Santa. Your friend, Macy Dear Santa, I want a amkeny girl doll. They are a grate toy to play with. I want a angry bird. They are best and they are in a game and I want one. I want a Joston bebeer doll. It is a teip of Rock Star and he is grat. I have been praying to your how is Mrs. Clas doing. Well I no that. You are doing grat. Happy holday. Your friend, Bracie Dear Santa, I want a ninjago so I can badl. I want some boxing fluffs so I can fite. I want a cool super man toy. Your friend, Luke Dear Santa, I want mitins and I want gloves and I want a blacit. I want a stuft anmle. Your friend, Jake McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Cravatta 1st Grade Dear Santa, I lik you. I lik for you to brine me numbrje. Can I plese have a jum farc. I want a lanten. Lov, Gillian Dear Santa, I will give you coocees and millke. I want a clip on brds that go on yr yeshoodre. I want a now befotant is penk. I want a leapfrog. Love Hartlee Dear Santa, Merry Christmas, Santa. I want a x-box 360. A phon would be good. And the game Ethic Micky. Love, Jak Dear Santa, I love you Santa. Can I have a Ipod tuch. Can you give me a 3D DS please. Can I pleas have a ba baby dall dress. Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Lindsey Dear Santa, I love Santa. Please can you give me a pupuy. Please Santa can you give me a drum. Can you give me a bare. Love, Chloe Dear Santa, I like you. Can you bring me a Ipod. Can you bring me a Dsi. Can you bring me Zombieland. Love, Chiren Dear Santa, I want Santa to live in my hart! I want a panit gun. Can you bring me a rifl. Santa can you give me a xbox60. Santa Rocks and Rolls! Love Lucas Dear Santa, I will leave you cookes. Can I pleas hav a walke take. Can I pleas have a Ipod. Can I pleas hav a pupae. Merry Christ-mas. Love, Eva Dear Santa, I like the close that you wear. Can you please bring me the Deth Star. Could you give me Angry Birds. Love, Mika Dear Santa, Santa you are one of the best persin in the wold. Can you please give me a bike with tow bikes attach. And a jet scooder. I woud love a wage baby. Sincerely, Sofia Dear Santa, I love you very much. I loved the stuf from last yir. I loved the Bakugon from you. Merry Christmas. I want Sky Landrs and Mario Cart for weii. Love, Mason Dear Santa, I like you. Can you bring me a gtare. Plees bring a gtar case. Plees bring a ipad. Frum, Will Dear Santa, Mery Cristmas Santu. Can I have a ipod. Plees can I have a Lego set. I want to have a new shirt. I like whut you whar. Luve, Evan!

Dear Santa, I want a fishing pool you can fish with it. I want a 3D D.S. you can play super Mario 3D land. I want a computer you can play on game fudge. Your friend, Jamie

Dear Santa, I like you Santa. Can you get sum Legos? And Pokemon toys too. And a Mario rase track. I no that you and yore elfs are bissy but Merry Christmas to you and yore elfs. Love, Xander

Dear Santa, I want legos because you can bild them. I want books because you can read it. I want a ninja houe becase you can play with it. Your friend, Nicholas

Dear Santa, Can I Please have a skater and a iPod. Please Santa and a Ds game. I would be glad. Love, Ashley

Dear Santa, I wluld like six pet turtleduvs and two bays and a pikcter of roodoff and a toy bluej and a toy perit and toy crnal because I like them. Your friend, Lola Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas Leap pod because you get to play games. Doll stuff because you get to play whith the. All the Junie B. books becase I love June B. Hi Santa I am so glad to see you. By by. Marey Christmas Santa. Thank you Santa. Your friend, Emma Dear Santa, Marry Christmas! I want a ds3d beecuse it is fun. I want apellowpet beecuse thay are fulufey. I want a Aumurucan gril doll bedset beecuse thay are fun. Your friend, Morgan Dear Santa, i hope you have a verey nise Christmas. I whunt a Ipodd. I whunt a toy bunny that can hop. I whunt a go go pup. Your friend, Sloane Dear Santa, I wunt a ipd becus I can lisin to mioe and I can play game. And a lipglose becus I can put it on my lips. I wunt nl polies becus I can pant

Dear Santa, Mere Christmas Santa. I wut Lego Star Wars. I wut Doctor Dreadful Zombie-land. I wnt the spidrman gluvs. Love Gabriel Dear Santa, Can I have a new bike and a toy car and a ipod. That's what I what for Christ-mas Sant. Love, Jessi Dear Santa, I love you Santa. This year I want make up and a dsi and a barbey. I like you Santa. Love, Kayla Dear Santa, You are the best guy in the world. I want zombeiland. I want DS games. I want Trarnsformors. Love, Carter Dear Santa, I want candland and please my on Christmas tree. And me my sister want a person playhouse. Love, Isabelle Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys. I want a bare. I want cheacrs. I want a book. Have good Brthday. Love, McKenna





Letters To Santa

Dear Santa, Mrry Crismus Santa. I want Supre More Brthers for wii. Please give me Lago Star Wars Death Star. Santa can you please give me a rmote conchle hellocoptre. Santa you are cool. Love, Weston

Dear Santa, I love Santa. I like you Santa. Merry Christmas Santa. Love, Kaitlynn McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Ditty Kindergarten Dear Santa, I would like a Dr. Dreadful zombie Lab, A Bop It XLT, Harry Potter Legos, a remote control boat, a remote control motorcycle and remote control cars. Love, Carter Dear Santa, Can I have a DS? Can I have a blan-ket? Can I have a doll? Can I have a book? Love, Lyndsey Dear Santa, I want a Santa Chocolate Bar. I want a bear. I want a dress. I want a basket-ball. I want candy. I want a swing set. Love, Taylor Dear Santa, My brother has a BB Gun and I want one too. I want Harry Potter Legos. Have a good day. Love, Logan Dear Santa, I like you because you give everybody presents. I like you because you give everybody presents. I like you because you give m and my sister presents. I like it when I see you at the place but I do not know it is called. I want a Black Ops game. I want the new Mario Kart game. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, I want a new computer and a girl Lego set. I want a new dolphin necklace. Love, Carmendy Dear Santa, Can I please have hair things? Can I please have a toy dog? Love, Abby Dear Santa, I want a Barbie for Christ-mas. I want a real dog Love, Maddie Dear Santa, I want a microphone, a computer, new Christmas ornaments, a stuff animal kind of like Carter's (parrot), Littles Pet Shop, Princess Castle, LetterPeople Puppets, jewels, IPod, stickers, a shell, earrings, lipstick, jewelry, Barbies, bookmarks, paint, camera and new jammies. Love, Madeline Dear Santa, I want Lego Ninjago, the white one. I want Lego Ninjago, the blue one. I want Optimus Prime with his trailer. I want Lego Ninjago, the black one. Love, Joshua Dear Santa, I want a Barbie Doll Dream House, a Cinderella Bracelet, a new dress, a soccer ball, a toy rabbit, the LetterPeo-ple songs, the LetterPeople puppets, a toy parrot, a princess crown and dress-up shoes. Love, Demi Dear Santa, I want Dr. Dreadful. I want a new microphone that is my size like last Christmas because

mine broke. I want a big track Misty Island, Harry Potter Legos and LetterPeople puppets. Love, Luke

a purple Christmas tree in my room! I want to know if there will be a rainbow in the sky? Love, Zoey

Dear Santa, I want a cell phone, IPAD, a purse, a camera, a Barbie house that makes noise and has a Jucuzzi. Love, Rory

Dear Santa, I love you, Santa. I want these watches that are flat and you snap them on your wrist and they fit. I want some pajamas that have snowflakes on them and I want the movie os some Letter Persons. I think I want a shirt with all the Letter Persons. I want a stuffed animal butterfly. I want a clipboard that I can write on in the car. We have to write on our knees when we go on trips and it's not that easy. I would like some cards that have the people here at school with their name and picture. I like surprises, too. I would also like some flashcards to do a little bit of Math. I will give you some cookies. They will be in the kitchen. I know you watch people behave in the airplanes. What's the job that the elves do? Love, Caroline

Dear Santa, I want a chandelier for my new bed-room downstairs. I want My Little Ponies. I want my own computer. I want a new playset. I want a bowl of marbles and a little Christmas Tree for downstairs in my room. Love, Gracie Dear Santa, I want a boy doll. Want a dress and barrettes. Love, Ellacyn Dear Santa, I want a Lalaloopsy. I want…it is like a princess big house. I have an Elf on the Shelf. My Elf on the Shelf does silly things. I hope you keep my daddy safe. My sister loves Elmo. Love, Lydea Dear Santa, I want my own computer, more dolls, another real cat and a stuffed animal cat. Love, Marina Dear Santa, I want Optimus Prime and his trailer and Transformer Dark of The Moon Mechtech Ultimate Optimus Prime. I want Transformer named RECON Ironhide. That is all I want…Transformers because they are my favorite things. Love, Mason Dear Santa, I want three castles, a camera, a big blue dinosaur toy and a laptop and one more thing even I will have an Xbox 360. Love, Jordan Dear Santa, I want a trampoline. I want an Xbox 360. Will really wants one too. And one more thing.. the next one is Harry Potter Legos. Love, Lucas Dear Santa, I hope the kids that do not have homes get presents and I hope they can get food. I want a Dr. Zombie Lab. I hope I get a BB gun. Love, Bryndon Dear Santa, I want Dr. Dreadful Zombie Lab, Transformers… Optimus Prime with his trailer, John Cena where he gets on top of the wrestling thing and falls and that is it. I'm done. Love, Avery McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Fitzgerald Kindergarten Dear Santa, I love you, Santa. I want a bike. I want a Barbie doll. I want a baby doll. I want new shoes. I want a new coat and rain boots. I want a Barbie computer and a play phone. I want a new shirt. I will put the cookies on the fireplace. Please do not go in my room. You can go in my mommy's room and my brother's room. I will give you a kiss when I go in the mall to see you! Love, Makenna Dear Santa, Hello. Santa. I want a doll that looks like Tinkerbell and a dancing doll. I want a puppet that looks like Pinno-chio. The cookies and milk is on the table. One of our Christmas trees is going to be in the living room. I have

my own bike. My cookies are on the piano. My Santa notes from school are on the refrigerator. How did you make those presents so fast? I already have some from the North Pole. I haven't opened them yet. I don't know how they got there. Love, Haiden

Dear Santa, I like you. Would you give me a present and a Star Wars Light Saber. That's it! The tree is by the presents. That's it! Love, Drew L

Dear Santa, Can I have an American Girl Doll for Christmas? Any one you bring will be OK. And a new stuffed animal, puppy. How do the reindeer fly? Thank you. Love, Cole

Dear Santa, I want a motor scooter. It's one that I can ride. I want a Barbie house and Barbies. I want a bike with a seat and a kitty. Just a toy kitty. And I want a toy car and a truck. I can put the cookies on my table. Please put the presents under my tree. I wonder if you want to bring me some candy canes? If you want to bring me a necklace I would like that. I want a rubber snake. If you like to bring me some more presents I will open them all! Love, Chloe

Dear Santa, I hope you bring me lots of presents. I've been good. I want Tinkerbell stuff. I hope you bring me a candy cane, too. I want some stencils because we don't have any left. I have a question…why do you bring people presents. My name is Charlotte. Love, Charlotte

Dear Santa, I like you. I think you have a red shirt and I know everything about you. There is a tree in our yard you landed on and it looks like it got bent. I'm wishing for a sleeping bag, an ipad, headphones, a motorcycle, a pool table and hockey table, and a microphone. Please leave my presents by the Christmas tree. Thank you. Love, Nathan

Dear Santa, I want a real light saber. I also want a Kong Zoo and a Kong Zoo Tank. In the top of my garage is my orange box and you will find the Santa notes there. Do your elves die if you touch them? Love, Timmy

Dear Santa, I want for Christmas, a DS. I want a Sonic toy and Silver. I want a Knuckles from Sonic. And I want a Harnuckles that is soft. And I want a Hard Silver that is soft. I want a Hard Sonic. That's all. Santa, you know what my mommy's car looks like. It's gray. It will be outside my new house. The cookies will be on top of the chimney. Santa Claus, you know Sonic, your elf? When I am bad he don't go to your place. Love, Kagan

Dear Santa, I have been good. I would like the Nerf Gun Dart Blaster. I would also like a Mario game for my DS. For Christmas I would also like the third Pirates of the Caribbean. All of my brother's stock-ings and mine are in my room. Do your elves have to go through doggie doors? Love, Josiah Dear Santa, I like your reindeers. I want a hair design kit that you design line then it becomes real and you put it in your hair. I also want that big cat that has white and brown spots. My house has white lights I saw your movie on TV. Love, Peyton

Dear Santa, I want a Toy Story play set with Lotso and Woody and Buzz and the Aliens. And I want Optimus Prime., the Transformer and the Bumblebee. And I want a white Cars 2 car and a green girl's car from Cars 2 (the cars that race). And I want a bag of Lego Cars 2 toys. And I want a Dog Hudson car. And I want some Star Wars guys. And I want a big Optimus Prime with his trailer from "Transformers, Dark of the Moon". That's it. The cookies are for our family. In a few days we're going to buy some other cookies for you, Santa. I want to know how you deliver all those toys in one night? Love, Tyson

Dear Santa, I love you! I want a kid car that I can drive by myself. I also want a toy rocking unicorn and stuffed Santa. My house has be fireplace. Do your reindeer fly with pixie dust? Love, Elyse Dear Santa, Santa, I hope you bring presents. I want a DS. That's the only think. You know where to put the presents. Thank you! Love, Breck

Dear Santa, Please can I have a CD player and a new bike? I need a bike because my old bike makes noise when I ride it. I want a bear that sings a song. I can't remem-ber what the song is. I want a monkey stuffed animal. I've wanted that my entire lift. Under my tree can you leave a bb gun? How do the reindeers fly? I'm going to leave my cookies on the coffee table. Love, Brennan

Dear Santa, I left you some cookies and milk. I leave them in the living room. The stockings are in the TV room. I want a toy cat for Christmas. I want a princess movie, Cinderalla. I want a new Christmas bike. Addie wants a toy plane. I left your reindeer a carrot. Do the elves color toys or paint toys? Love, Isabelle Dear Santa, I hope you can make it to my house. I know you sent my elf to my house. Her names is Christina. I'm wishing for a scooter…one wheel on the front and one wheel on the back, and a Barbie Dream House. That's it! I like to leave cookies by Christina so you can get them by my elf. Please leave the presents under my tree. Love, Rylie

Dear Santa, I'm going to leave cookies. I got that letter

Dear Santa, I want a tractor and a toy bounce house and

Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a Barbie Doll. Monster High and Justin Bieber doll. The cookies will be on the chair. How do your reindeers fly? Thank you, Santa. Love, Olivia

wants neuw boots. Love, Emma

Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want American doll clothes, a computer, and Legos. How are you? Love, Isabelle Dear Santa, I want 3 thigs for Chritmas. I want a DS games. I want a phon. I want pokeball. Say hello to Rudolph. Love, Alyssa

McGaughey, Mt. Zion Ms. Hanson 1st Grade Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want a new skateboard, Xbox 360, and a numchucks. Love, Jadon Dear Santa, How are you doing? I want three things for Christmas. I want an Ipod. I want an X box Kinect. I want a skateboard. Love, Grace

Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want Star Wars Lagos, Knex, and Checkers. How is Rudolph? Will he be pulling the sleigh? Give Mom and Dad a Christmas tree. Love, Sam Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want two Monst High bags. I want a new baby doll. My Mom wants a msag char. Love, Dakota Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want the Ningog Ice Ninja, I want the General Grevias, and the GI Joe Mole. How is Rudolph doing? Love, Noah

Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want a Leapster pad. I want games for it. I want an Ipod touch. Love, Kaylie Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want a Xbox360 a TV and a Nintindo 3D DS I want an a Ipod too. Love, Ben Dear Santa, I want four things for Christmas. I want A Dsi xl, Beyblades, Pokenon cards (black and white) and a Beyblade stadium. Love, William

Dear Santa, I want tree things for Christmas. I want a new DS and a new bed and a new maro gams. Love, Tye Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want Legos, I want Power Ranger gams, I want tene go swod. Love Colin Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want an Ipod, a sparkle butterfly back and games for my DSI. My Mom wants a purple dack. Love, Chloe

Dear Santa, How are you? I wnt three things for Christmas. I want PomPom, make up cit, and a boll that you can get in. Love, Riley

Dear Santa, I want 3 things for Christmas. I want Xbox with Sonic and DS with Sonic. How are you?

Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want a Xbox 360, a puppy, and cable T.V. How is Rudoph? I'll get out cookies and milk too. How are you? Love, Callie

Dear Santa, How are you? I want 3 things for Crimas. I want Xbox 360, an Agry bird, and Star Wars the clone wars. Love, Lenn McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Jenkins Kindergarten

Dear Santa, I want five things for Christmas. I want a Pillow and a DS game for my DS . I want a baby doll. I will leve out cookies. Love, Lindsay

Dear Santa, I have a Christmas list. Guess what I have on it. The first thing I want is snake tongs. I want Thomas Tank and Play. I ride bus #21. Yesterday I went out to have cookies and punch with Santa Claus. Love, Braidyn

Dear Santa, How are you? I want thee for Christmas. I want a 3D DS and Wrestlers. I want a Pakeman toys. I want a pakman toys. Love, Aiden

Dear Santa, Can I have a DS? Can I have a stuffed animal snake? What do your elves eat? How many elves do you have? How cold is it there? Merry Christmas. Love, Julian

Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want a golden rocket. I want a tv. I want a smart board. How are you doing? Love, Nathan Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. I want Pokemon stuffed animals. I want Pokemon cards. I want hot wheels. Love, Mac Dear Santa, I want five things for Christmas. I want a American Girl doll. I want a Barbie doll. I want puzzles. How is Rudolph doing. My Mom

Dear Santa, Can you give me a stuffed animal puppy? Can you tell me stuff that you do at the North Pole? Can you give me new clothes? Can you give my mom new flower? I like Santa. I like my brother. I like my mom and dad. I like my Christmas tree. I like the stars at night. Can you give me a marker board? Can you give new coloring book? Can you give me a box full of crayons? Merry Christmas. Love, Karson

From Central Illinois Auctioneers

Merry Christmas from Foulks

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from you that said, "Drew is on the Official Nice List". I saw that Rudolph signed it and you. I'm wishing for a truck that has a semi on it, that holds cars on top of it and the trailer. So I hope I'll see you this Christmas! I think that's all. Love, Drew

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14 LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa, I would like a DS for Christmas. I would like a poster. I would like a play computer. I would like a webkin. Do you know all about the North Pole? Do you know about the reindeer? What are the reindeer names? Do you know all about a flying sleigh? I would like games for my DS. Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Issac Dear Santa, I am leaving you cookies and milk. I would like a three wheeler and a bike. I would also like some cars. Merry Christmas. Love, Leondis Dear Santa, What do your reindeer eat? How many elves do you have? I want Sky landers I want Dr. Dreadful's Zombie man. I would also like ninjas, PokĂŠmon Black & white, a Thor hammer, and a Captain America Disc Launcher. I would also like for you to have a really, really, really nice trip to our houses. Love, Alex Dear Santa, I would like a piano. I also want Elf on a Shelf and Maracas. How many elves do you have? I would also like a teddy bear for my sister. I would like a new computer for my mommy. I want a new phone for my daddy. I would also like a new pencil and a new radio. Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Gabrielle Dear Santa, I want a clock. Hi! I like you. I have been good this year. Merry Christmas! Love, Grace Dear Santa, I want a toy treasure chest to put my Barbies in. I also want a new coloring book. I like Christmas. How many elves to you have? What does the North Pole look like? Have a Merry Christ-mas. Love, Angelynn Dear Santa, I would like a Rapunzel doll. I would like a new skateboard. I would like a new dress. I would like roller skates. I would like a new pencil. I would like a Rapunzel puzzle. I have been trying to be good. Merry Christmas. Love, Madalyn Dear Santa, I like you. Love, Bradley Dear Santa, Please get me a tree house. Get me a new bike without training wheels. Get me a new toy. Get me a new Christmas tree and that's it. Love, Joshua Dear Santa, I want a guitar. I want a drum. I want a new air hog. There's only one more thing. It's this mini car that goes up to 100 mph. how do you make the toys? Love, Caleb Dear Santa, I would like roller skates. I would like a bouncy ball. I would like a stuffed dog. I would like doll house. Love, Emelia Dear Santa, I want a grow frog. I want a carpet for my bedroom. I want a new book. I want a bucket to take to the beach. I want some art work. I want ice skates. Love, Hillary Dear Santa, I want a doll. I want a bike. I want a pet guinea pig. I want a Strawberry Shortcake House. I want a book. I want letter people. I want new pajamas. I want a notebook. I want to give my toys away to the people that have no shelter or food. Love, Alivia Dear Santa, I want an American girl doll. I want her name to be Jolie. I want her to have a braid. I want her to have blond hair. I want her to have a pretty dress on. I want it to be pink and sparkly. I want her to have pink high heels for shoes. I want her to have a pink diamond bracelet on and light pink gloves. I want her to hold a red rose. I want her to have purple flower earrings with hearts in the middle. I want red hearts on the tips of her shoes. I want a pink bow in her hair. I want her to have a headband with rainbow flowers all around. Can I have a best friend that comes with her? I want the best friend to have a purple sparkly dress on. The best friend should have orange glass heel slippers. I want her name to be Cole. I want her to have on white tights. I want a purple rose in her hair. I want her to have a blue rose in her hand. I want her to have on a rainbow tiara. I want her to have a butterfly pink bracelet. I want a dog that's the best friend's dog. I want the dog to have a red sparkly dress. I want her to have a sparkly rainbow collar. Can Jolie have a stuffed Animal doll? Can she have a black sparkly dress and can her hair be black? I want her hair to be in pigtails. I want her to have hot pink glass slippers. Can she please have a green rose in her hand and heart shaped yellow bows on the pigtails? Love, Anna Dear Santa, I want cookies. I want new gloves. I want a new hat. My brother, Mason, wants trains. I want a Barbie. I love you. Love, Alexa Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas a short Polar Express. I would like a garbage truck. Love, Ashton Dear Santa, I would like a new American girl doll. I would like two little lollaluzies and on big one. I would like a big dream castle. I would like Arby's little circle balls. I would like a new princess oven. I would like to have a new dress up shirt. I already saw Santa Claus yesterday. I told you about all the stuff I wanted. Love, Kelcie Dear Santa, I would want a Lego car set. I would want a tow truck and a play set of cars. I don't have a chimney for you Santa. Love, Mason McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Koehn 1st grade Dear Santa, I hope that you have a safe trip this year. I would like a toy ambulance, fire truck, police car and helicopter please. Stay warm and don't forget to feed the reindeer lots. Love, RJ Dear Santa, May I have a new game for my D.S. and may I have an American girl doll? May I please have a bunny? I have been a good girl. How are the rendeer? I canst wait to see you. Santa I like your suit because my favorite color is red. Love, Madeline Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Merry Christ-mas. Can I please have a telescope? I wish you have a holly jolly Christmas. Can I please have a pet rabbit? Can I please have a play four-wheeler? Love, Robert Dear Santa, Can I have aml? Will you watch kids? Can I have zuzu pet and dogi. Thank you for being so jolly. Love, Gavin Dear Santa, I am good and grace is too. She is lots of


love. How are you? Merry Christ-mas. Love, Alexis Dear Santa, Can I have a four wheeler? Can I please have a fake football field? My brother and I will play on it. Love, Davin Dear Santa, Can I please have a beyblade set with the beyblade at my moms? Can I please have some flashcards at my dads? How are you doing? I have been good. Love, Riley Dear Santa, Can I please have a telescope? Can I please have an electric guitar? Santa I have been good. Thank you for being so jolly. From, Ashton Dear Santa, May I please have a memory game? How are you doing? May I please have a DS? My mom wants a pet. Love, Olivia Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I wish for a American girl doll. I wish for a computer. I wish for a laptop computer. My brother is wishing for a Spidrman costume. My mom is wishing for a DS. My dad is wishing for stuff for his car. Love, Grace Dear Santa, How is Rudolf? I can't wait to see you. I want an ipad and an ipod tuche. I've been good. Love, Ian Dear Santa, Can I have some bonkr please? Can I have some more games plase? I have been a good girl. Love, Ella Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a laptop. How are you doing? I want a new bike. I want a Christmas tree. Love, Logan Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I would like zoobles for Christmas. How are you doing? Merry Christmas. Love, Adrienne Dear Santa, Can I please have a toy? Can I please have some games like Head bands? Can I have books? Merry Crihristmas. Love, Raine Dear Santa, I hope I see you soon. How are the reindeer? Can I please oh please have a puppy? I wish for a Xbox 360. I want an electric scooter. Merry Christmas. Love, Camille Dear Santa, Can I please have a pet? I wish for a puzzle. I wish for head barz. How are you doing? Thank you for being so jolly. How are your reindeer? Love, Kennedy Dear Santa, Penbo has a baby will you bring this to me? I want a cow girl with a horse. And books. You are nice. How do you make your reindeer fly? Love, Ava Dear Santa, Can I please have a ZuZu pet princess carriage? I think my mom will want more coffee. My brother needs more diapers. My dad needs tools. Thank you, Faith Dear Santa, Thank you for being jolly. How are your reindeer doing? I really, really, really, really want a leopard gecko or a gold fish. I want a spy car. I want a new pair of roller skates. I want a new motorcycle for my mom. Love, Bryan Dear Santa, I wish for a Xbox 360, a remot cunrol car and a telluskope and a pet hamster. My mom wnts a new kithn flor. Thank you. Love, Dalton McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Mills 1st Grade Dear Santa, Will you wake me up on Christmas? Please bring me a Ipod. Please bring a Ipod for my brother to have fun. Love, Andrew Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! May I please have a lot of stuffed animals. Luve, Alexys Dear Santa, Haelv yore. Please can I have a remote controlled truck. Merry Christmas! Dillon Dear Santa, I love Santa. Please will you give me a toy story character. Please will you give my mom a necklace. Love Kylee Dear Santa, Will you wake me up? Please will you give me a MP3 player? Will you bring some jewelry for grandma? Love, Hall Dear Santa, How are the elves. Please bring me a puppy. Please bring my mom a neck-lace. Merry Christmas! Love, Gavin Dear Santa, How are you doing? Please can I have a 3ds. My sister wants a Dora game. Love, Allyson Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Please can I have a 3dds. Please can you give my dad a fishing pole. From, Azariah Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? Please can I have the toy ipod. Please can my baby brother Emmett have a baby book. Love, Jadyn Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Please can I have some roller skates. Can my sister have earrings. Can my mom have some jewelry. Can my dad have some tools. Love, Emma Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Please bring me wwe 12 for Wii. Please bring my uncul a phone. Merry Christmas! Love, Cameron Dear Santa, I love you Santa. Please can you get me a baby doll? Please can you get my sister a camera? Mary Christmas. Love, Hannah Dear Santa, Merry Christmas Santa! Please bring me a MP three player. Please bring my mom a necklace. Love, Chloe Dear Santa, How are the elves? Please get me a 3DDS. Please get my mom a dolphin necklace. You are the best Santa. Love, Ian



Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? Please can I have the American gril doll desk. Please can owen get a blue clues dvds. I love you Santa. Love, Abigail Dear Santa, Will you wak me up. Please bring me a stuft pink bunny. Please bring my stistr Lydia a white stuft bunny. Marry Christmas. Love, Sophia Dear Santa, Can you wake me up on Christmas eve? Please can you bring me a computer game. Can you my mom new furniture. Love, Lucas Dear Santa, How are the elves? Please give me a basketball thing that the ball comes down. Plese bring my sister a World Series hat. Marry Christmas. Love, Garrett Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Can I please have a ipod touch. Please bring a necklace for my mom. Love, Camren Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Please can I have a pair uv shoes. My little sister wants a baby doll. From, Bradley Dear Santa, Please wake me up on Christmas. Please get me a star wars lego set. Please get my mom a candle. Marry Christmas Santa. From, Connor Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Pleas bring me a Blizzard. Pleas bring my mom a Christmas hat. From, Mylie McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Orris Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want an American Girl doll for Christmas. Her name is Julie and I want her to wear a dress. I live in Mt. Zion. Love, Maci Dear Santa, I want a Barbie beach set with a beach house and a pool with Mermaid Barbies and a slide and a diving board. I love you for making toys me at your workshop. Love, Celeste Dear Santa, I want a Justin Bieber doll that sings and a paper jam microphone with an Amp with speakers. Am I being good at school and at my house? Love, Aiden Dear Santa, I want glitter to put on paper to make a turkey and a Christmas tree. I want a polka dot dress. I know where you live‌ the North Pole. Love, Madeline Dear Santa, I want Christmas earrings and new paint brushes. I would also like to ask for a toy for Lilly. Love, Renee Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo 3DS and a new Harry Potter game for the DS. I saw you in your office last Christmas, but didn't get to tell you what I wanted. Love, Dylan Dear Santa, I want a zombie that has stuff that comes out of it that you can eat and an angel for my mom. I know that you ride in a sleigh. Love, Patrick Dear Santa, I want a remote control excavator and a digger. I also want a pretend dirt pile to dig with my digger and excavator. I was wondering if I could get a red Christmas hat like yours with a white ball. Love, Corbin Dear Santa, I want a computer and an xbox. I would also like two racing cars with two remotes and a new bat. Thank you for bringing me presents. Love, Sam Dear Santa, I want a nerf gun and a toy dinosaur. I would also like an xbox and a boxing toy. Where do you live in the North Pole/ Love, Gavin Dear Santa, I want the movies Pricess charm school, Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked, and the Muppets. I would also like a Play-doh cake maker. What do your elves look like? Love, Ellie Dear Santa, I want shrinky dinks and for my dad I want snakes so that it is a surprise since it is Christmas. Love, Sophie Dear Santa, I just want this for Christmas: letter factory leapster game and letter people leapster game. I like when you bring me presents. Love, Will Dear Santa, I want Barbie dolls and a lala lucy. It is a doll that you can play with its hair and it makes sounds. I saw you at the Christmas parade where my house it at. Love, Jaiden Dear Santa, I want an American girl doll that is Hawaiian and a lala loopsie doll. Thank you for my toys. Love, Emilee Dear Santa, I want a ipod touch and a baby doll and I want a sled. Where do you live and who are your reindeers? Love, Ava Dear Santa, Will you give me presents like a big monster truck with a remote and an airplane that has a controller that flies outside and in your house? Thank you for getting me presents. Love, Dalton Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll and new markers. Happy Christmas Santa. Love, Maddie Dear Santa, I want car stickers like the ones that Patrick and Celeste have on their BEE book and purple Zu Zu pet. I love you Santa. Love, Josie Dear Santa, You are the best Santa I have ever met. I want Legos like star wars and a skateboard. Love, Riley Dear Santa, I want a toy that is army guys and this guy that is from star wars. Thank you for not letting me to on the Naughty list. Love, Oliver McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Patrick 1st Grade Dear Santa, I Would like a now toy for Mydog A bone Will be good for me. I Would like a blay blade and a big box of Power Rangers for Christmas, Hey how is Mrs Claus. Is she making you cookies. I want a three DS. I want the game

Mario Cart that you will be giving me. Signed, Joshua Dear Santa, I want a toy car. How are you doing in the North Pole and how are your reindeer? I hope you bring me a lot of toy. How is the weather? Signed, Drew Dear Santa, I would like a lava lamp and a remote control helilopter and a hot wheels RC car and a computer. Where do the reindeer go when you are done with all the houses. My mom wants a candle. My dad wants a watch. Signed, Jaden Dear Santa, I am giving you a gift so can you come to my house last and stay so I can give my gift to you, please. Make shore to eat some Milk and cookies. Can I have books, please. What is your favret thing to do? Are you Magecal? Do you have children. Do you have any cats or dogs? My sisters want a angry Bird and My little Brother wants somthing doggy realated, thank you. Write back, please. Signed, Hope Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? What I want for Chrismas is a DS game. What kind of cookies do you like? What is your favorite color? How are you? I hope you have a very good Chrismas. Signed, Dalia Dear Santa, What is your favorite cookie? I want Barbies. My Brother Wants an Xbox the game, Halo. My Dad wants a leg lamp. My Dog wants a tennisball. Surprise my mom. Signed, Olivia Dear Santa, I want a ball. I want a new toy. I want a Jacket. Happy Christmas. Signed, Kaleigh Dear Santa, I would like a go cart. My sistr would like a Barbie. My brothe Would like a go cart too. What is Your favorite cookie? How is Mrs Claus doing? Signed, Chase Dear Santa, I want an IPod touch for Christmas. What Rind of cookies do you like? Is Mrs claus taking care of You? My dad was in the Marines. I Love christmas. Signed, Justin Dear Santa, I hope you have a good Christmas. I want an IPod touch. What is your favorite kind of cookes and What is your favorite color? Signed, Josslyn Dear Santa, I want, well this is funny. I want a phone. I want a drum set. What type of cookie do you like? How is Mrs. Claus doing? Signed, Aidan Dear Santa, For christmas I would like a new game for my Ds. It is a game called Little pet Shop 3. can you get it for me ples. Signed, Brooklyn Dear Santa, I walkeed to Santa's house. I would like a LeapPad. Do you like Christmas trees? Signed, Alexia Dear Santa, Are your elves really magic? Can you please give me a video game? My brother wants a Lizard for a Pet. Signed, Sam Dear Santa, Thank you to give every one a toy in Christmas. I want a game for Christ-mas. Signed, Calvin Dear Santa, What is your favorite cookie? I wunt an American Girl doll. I hope my sister gets what she wants. I will love my presents. Christmas is my favorite holiday. whut is your favorite color. I wunt a DS IXL. I've been saving money to get one of those. Is Mrs. Claus doing? How are the reindir doing? Signed, Boston Dear Santa, I would like a Easy Bake oven and a Barbie town House and Orbie soothing spa and a singing tori and a I Pod touch and a DS game. What is yor favorit color? How is Mrs. Claus? Signed, Jillian Dear Santa, I want to know if the reindeer are doing well and Mrs. Claus? Hey Santa can I have a walkie talkie? I want a remote controlled airplane and a secret spy kit. Have a Merry Christmas. Signed, Ieuan Dear Santa, I love Christmas. May I have a puzzle for Christmas or a book. Signed, Hunter Dear Santa, I am so excited for Christmas! Please bring me a Lala Loopsy doll, play mobil speed boat, pool, and stage. Don't forget about my dog Tinkerbelle! She loves squeaky toys! Love, Abbie McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Reynolds 1st Grade Dear Santa, Get me a go go puppy. Amican girl doll. I want a new baby cat. Hailey Dear Santa, Ipod, lip stick, a sleeping vest. Dareing shouse. Skinny jeans, zebra laggining. Twist a ball crayands a toto perfurem. Pee sightn sock. Victoria Dear Santa, How is the North Pole. And the elves. And Mrs. Claus. How is the reindeer. And how is cookies and the milk. I wood lik a American girl and sum clos wite it. From, Madison Dear Santa, I want a sturd anmie a choc ho train a tuy a car a football a pupput, anger bird, bom big. Santa you are cool. A big doo hazrd. Froom, Mason Dear Santa, Santa how big ar the elves ears? I want a xbox 360 and I want a electric scooter and a chalk board. From, Mylin Dear Santa, How are the liettle elves and Mrs. Claus? How aare the cookies when you eat them? Can you bring me a Liettle go go pupey? Claire Dear Santa, I want a scate board and a bay blade and som choclit milke and som choclit coocks. Ethan Dear Santa, I wunt a Santa platesf ormy mom. I wunt a controller. Tanner Dear Santa, I forgot your reindeer name but not Rodoff? Happy crismis Santa. I wunt a furreal friend because I ben baging four it. Lainey Dear Santa, How are the elves? What did you name them?

How is Mrs. Claus? Can I have a Fur real friend? Can I pleas have a Justin Birber shirt? From Anna Dear Santa, Ho ho ho! Where do you live for Christmas? I want a soccer ball. And I want a I pod. I want a underarmor close. From, Dylan Dear Santa, How small are your elves. Have a very good Christmas. How do you give presnts to evryone? I want a ds tar wars game. Harry potter legos, star wars legos, ds game. Zach Dear Santa, I whant a Monster high doll. Whant a toy that says ho ho ho and it's a Santa. From Kayla Dear Santa, How old are you and how old are your elves? And the North Pole must be very cold. And I think you are in. Have you ridden your reindeer? And how old is Mrs. Claus? I want an Amierican girl and a hamster. From, Katie Dear Santa, I like you because you give me prensints. I want aunt a cammera. Kyle Dear Santa, I am seven years old. How old are you? You are the best. Were do you live? Can I get a ipod tutch? Can I have a puppy that will talk and walk? From, Madison Dear Santa, I wish I cood pet roodof. Do you like my choclit cookes? I wood like a babey reindeer. I want a pictr of Mickey Mouse. From, Nathan Dear Santa, Have a happy Christmas. Is Mrs. Claus doing well? How are you doing? Ho, ho, ho. From, Peyton Dear Santa, How can your sled fly? How many elves do you have? How can you deliver all the presents, wen you oly have the night. From, Milloon McGaughey, Mt. Zion Miss Selby Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want lots of Barbie's. Have a good Christmas. Hayley Dear Santa, I like you. I would like a beautiful little zebra. Love, Gracie Dear Santa, I would like a new motorcycle that has a remote control. I would like if you gave me a Santa with stuff inside it, like candy or something. From, John Dear Santa, Can I have a Wii draw for Christmas? Love, Easton Dear Santa, I want a Xbox. I want a Wii game. From, Dillan Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is ferry wings and a guitar. I love Santa. From, Olivia Dear Santa, Am I on the good list? Can I have a control race car? From, Jayger Dear Santa, I want a big rocket. From, Hayden Dear Santa, I want a toy airplane and something for my mom and dad and sister. From, Mason Dear Santa, I want Zombie brain that you eat. I want that stuff that you put the blue stuff in your mouth and you get to eat the zombie brain. It's not squishy but it's on TV. I don't know what it's called though. I want hot wheels carwash and I want hot wheels cars. And I want a remote control car. That's all From Nick Dear Santa, I like you. Love, Savana Dear Santa, I want a spy watch so I can spy on everything my watch sees. I want a zombie brain that can have a spoon and eat the zombie brain and it has a burp cup. From, Noah Dear Santa, I like Santa. Love, Samantha Dear Santa, I want an IPOD and a phone. I want a computer. I want a SpongeBob game. I want an electric scooter and I want a dog. From, Kendra Dear Santa, Want those Dairy Queen ice cream machines. I want a toy giraffe with a longer neck that he real ones have. I want a zoo zoo pet contraption thing that has these little cars for the zoo zoo pets. And that's all. From, Alexis Dear Santa, I want maybe a helicopter. And maybe a monster truck or something. And cars. Maybe a ball. From, Iago Dear Santa, I would like a candle for my mom. A stuffed kitten and a lemonade stand and a candle for me and a stuffed dog. On the TV they say they have a cookie maker and I think that's what they call it. Can I have one of those? Love, Asile Dear Santa, I like toy. From, Hunter Dear Santa, I get to eat with the teacher. I want a dog. Love, Alexis W McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Snyder Kindergarten Dear Santa, I really, really want a Christmas Lego police set, a Super Mario 3D Land for my DS, and Mario Sonic at the 2000 Games. I will leave you cookies just like last year. Love, Chase Dear Santa, I would like craft kits, baby dolls a baby riding toy for Tripp. My brother and I say "Merry Christmas!" Love, Kolbi Dear Santa, I want a Transformer Septacon, another Septacon, and I want something for my baby brother, like a stuffed animal. I have a big list at home. Merry Christ-mas and I will leave you something. Love, Lucas

Dear Santa, I love Christmas! I would like Brushin' Baby with a toothbrush, a big Frisbee for Alvin my dog, a little Frisbee for Simon, and a dress and purse for my mo. Does Rudolph really have shiny nose? Love, Audri Dear Santa, I want a real kitty, and Ipod, and a dog for Christmas. My brother wants a toy to make gummy insects. Merry Christ-mas, Santa! Love, Mackenzie Dear Santa, I want a this brain thing that you can drink the brain out of it, Power Ranger Samari toys, the golden one, and my dad wants a thing that makes deer noises. How do you get into my house? Love, Cade Dear Santa, I want a Happy Napper, and Stompie slippers. I will leave you Santa cookies. Merry Christmas. Love, Klaire Dear Santa, I want the Angry Birds game, an Ipod, and a DS game. How do you go down the chimney? Love, Kyle Dear Santa, I want some drums, a Santa toy, and toy bunny rabbit. Do you have a wife? What does she do at the North Pole? Love, Quinn Dear Santa, I want a dog, a cat, and a magic wand. How do you know what we want? Merry Christmas! Love, Brooke Dear Santa, I want a Sponge Bob game, a Frisbee, and Legos. Thank you for bringing me toys. Merry Christmas! Love, Zachary Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie doll, a DS, and Barbie DVD. How do your reindeer fly? Love, Savannah Dear Santa, I want a DS, an Xbox, and games to go with them. How does Rudolph's nose glow? Merry Christmas. Love, Alex Dear Santa, I would like an Ipod, an Ipod touch, and a cat. Merry Christmas. I will leave you a card. Love, Destiny Dear Santa, I would the Angry Birds DS games, a tractor, and a Autobot. Merry Christ-mas. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, I want a Vizuer friend, and a cat. Merry Christmas on I next Christmas I would like an Ipad. Love, Madison Dear Santa, I want a toy cat, a plane that comes with a remote, and a real phone. What house do you visit first? What time do you come to my house? Merry Christ-mas. Love, Owen Dear Santa, I want a Zombie Land, a real dog and a real cat. Happy Christmas, Santa. Love Jeuliyan Dear Santa, I want a Diamond Castle Barbies, and my brother wants a tractor. Merry Christmas! Love, Bailey Dear Santa, I would like a motorcycle that flips over and it is remote controlled, and helicopter with a remote controlled that goes in the air 100 feet. I will leave you cookies. How do you reindeer fly? Love, Mason McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Taylor Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want a shark boat with the eyes that light up. Merry Christmas! Love, Lucas Dear Santa, I want a gecko to put in a glass cage. Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Ella Dear Santa, I want a big present from Santa. Merry Christmas! Love, Sophie Dear Santa, My friends are very nice to me and they play with me every day. My tree is super pretty. Love, Ian Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll. I want a Slinky. I want a stuffed animal doggie. Love, Emily Dear Santa, I want a cat. Merry Christmas! Love, Steele Dear Santa, I want a Fidget friend, an American girl doll, and a Barbie. Merry Christmas! Love, Markie Dear Santa, I want a stuffed animal Mario. Merry Christmas! Love, Gage Dear Santa, I want a Hello kitty toy. I know about your secret star. Merry Christmas! Love, Hanna Dear Santa, I want a black dune buggy and it's a truck. Merry Christmas! Love, Matthew Dear Santa, I like you. I love you. I want a big diamond ring. Merry Christmas. Love, Leeah Dear Santa, I want some Legos and Helio toys. Merry Christmas! Love, Grady Dear Santa, I want some squinkies. Love, Abby Dear Santa, I want a remote control helicopter. I want a camera on it. Merry Christmas to you! Love, Connor Dear Santa, I want a purple folder, a purple bed, and a lot of purple things. Merry Christmas! Love, Lily Dear Santa, I want a Spider Man toy and an army man toy. Have a good trip. Love, Anthony Dear Santa, Can I have new clothes? Can I have a new ballerina costume? Merry Christ-mas! I love you, Santa. Love, Elena

www.herald-review.com Dear Santa, Can I please have a brand new race car toy? Merry Christmas and have a great sleigh ride! Love, Isaac Dear Santa, I would like hair extensions that you get to decorate on line. Have a happy Merry Christmas. Love, Delaney Dear Santa, I want a pair of boots. Merry Christ-mas! Love, Brysyn Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Ho Ho! I want a yellow bike. I will give Rudolph a carrot. Love, Averi Dear Santa, I want some Squinkies. I want some new dress up clothes. Merry Christmas! Love, Camille McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Warren Kindergarten Dear Santa, I like you and I want a Barbie van and a princess video game and a cupcake maker. I have been good. Denver Dear Santa, Do you like me? I want a doll and a butterfly. My mom says I am good sometimes. Ella Dear Santa, I want a squeaky thing with Cars 2. The squeaky thing gets squeakies out. I don't know if I have been good. Nathan Dear Santa, I want big Lego set that has Star Wars. I have been good all the time at my house. Parker Dear Santa, I want a Hot Wheels race track. I have been goo at lunch and at snack, too. Carson Dear Santa, I like you. I want a real dog. I have been good. I have been listening. Taylor Dear Santa, I like you, Santa. I want a bouncy ball and a toy dinosaur. I have been good. I cleaned up at my house. Teagan Dear Santa, I want play toys. Jaymeson Dear Santa, I wish it was Christmas all ready and I'll have a lot of fun in the snow. I want a Happy Napper and I want a electric dirt bike. I have be good because I am really nice to people. Tyson Dear Santa, I want a dog. I have been good. I have been following my mom's directions. Logan Dear Santa, I want a Hello kitty toy. I have been good. I have been playing with my brother nice. Ava Dear Santa, I really want a new Barbie house. I have been good. I haven't been begging my mom for things. Mallory Dear Santa, I want a pillow pet. I have been good. I have been playing with my dog nicely. Daphne Dear Santa, I want a racecar track. I have been good. I have been following directions. Canon Dear Santa, I want more Skylander people for the game. I have been good. I listen to my mommy. Gabe Dear Santa, I want an Xbox. I have been good at home, at school not very much. Bryson Dear Santa, Am I on the good list or the naughty list? I have been trying to be good. I did my brother's chores. I want a ZhuZhu pet. Brooklan Dear Santa, I love you. I want toy Jessie and a Pillow pet. I have been goo. I have been doing what my mommy tells me to do. Alexis

Chipmunks CD and a toy airplane. Merry Christmas Nicholas Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? How are the reindeer? I've bee good this year. I would like some clothes, furniture and a swim suit for my Lalahoopsy doll. Merry Christmas! Caitlyn B. Dear Santa, I tried to be good this year. I will leave you a gift. I would like a teddy bear, a Barbie house and a necklace for Mommy. Merry Christmas! Madison Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? How are you? I have been good this year. Please bring me a remote control car. Gabe M. Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? May I have a laptop. May I have a cat? May I have squnkies. May I have a phone. May I have a DS game. May I have books. May I have money. May I have a mpthree player. May I have an ipod. Hannah Dear Santa, How old are you? Can I please have a pogo stick and a drum? Merry Christ-mas!!! From Kaylynn Dear Santa, Where do your elves work? Do you feed your reindeer? Can you give me a go cart, a cell phone, a camera, Xbox 360, a bass guitar, and Xtra math laptop! And a Zhu-Zhu pet set. From Gabe J. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I want a bey blade. How are the reindeer. Nathan Dear Santa, How are the elves? Merry Christmas! Will you please get me different colored frogs and turkey toy and a real fish in a bowl? Love, Angelina Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus doing? Where do elves work? Where do your reindeer stay? Can I have an Ipod? Can I have a Dagepad. Merry Christmas! Micah Dear Santa, How od the reindeer fly? I tried to be good all year. I want a BeyBlaydey wii game. I want a dirt bike. I wanta Zombie land the brain - and Zombie barf. I want a bebe gun. I want a radio. I want a Star wars movie. I want a pair of spy glases. I want a pair of ice skates. Love, Carson Dear Santa, How are your raindear? How are you? Will you please bring me a tinker bell doll? I have been nice to my sister. Merry Christmas! Mikayla Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I hope the reindeer are happy. How is Mrs. Clous? Is she making cookies for you? Where are the elves working at? I want a new Super Mario game please Santa. I want new barbies please Santa. I love you Santa. From Caitlyn H. Dear Santa, I will make you green cookies. Can you please get me a transformer? His name is ultimate Optimus Prime. Have Merry Christmas! Ethan Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Could I plez have a Standup microphone, a Monster High Girl, a Hello Kitty Squinkies set, and a light-up remote control car. From, Alexandra Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus doing? Where do the elves work? I want new ice skates, a American Girl, a real cell phone, a stuffed elf, a guitar case, and laptop. P.S. How are the deer? Love, Vanessa Dear Santa, How is the reindeer doing? How is Mrs. Claus? How are you doing? Will you please give me dagedars, a remote control Mustang and a big wheeled remote control truck? Jacob Dear Santa, How old are you? Merry Christmas Mrs. Claus! Can I please have a DS? I want a pair of ice skates, some clothes, the bears jersey Brian Urlacher, Jay Cutler, Matt Forte and Devon Hester, a game for the Xbox 360. Love, Brayden

Dear Santa, How old are you? How is Mrs. Claus doing? May I please have a go-cart, goo, and a DSi? From, Sam

Dear Santa, I want a IPod touch and I want a DSI and a case for it. I have been good. Am I on the good list or the bad list? I haven't been begging to play at my friend's house. Joelie

Dear Santa, I am going to leave you ginger bread cookies. How are the elves? I need a movie. I would like the Christmas movie Charlie Brown Christmas. From, Aidan

Dear Santa, I want DS. I have been good. I have gotten a Santa Note every day. Shishir

Meridian Mrs. Aukamp 1st Grade

McGaughey, Mt. Zion Mrs. Weirman 1st Grade Dear Santa, We have been a very good class this year! We work very hard and follow directions! We would like some magnets, board games, snacks and stickers for our classroom. We hope you have a very Merry Christmas! Love, Mrs. Weirman's 1st Graders Dear Santa, I want a phone and a laptop and a DS. How is Rudolf? I want a puppy. How is Mrs. Claus? By Toney Dear Santa, You are nice! Thank you for the presents you gave me last year. I want an Alvin and the

Dear Santa, Haw is Roodof. Can i hav a ipod? Can my sistr hav a 3DS? Can my MoM ples hav a par of dimind erangs? Can my DaD hav a shrt? Merry Chri stmas! Love, Emily G. Dear Santa, How aer the Elfs? May I have a Justen beber Doll? May I have a new skert May I have new hie hels May my dad have a buccuners nekeles? Merry Chrimess Love, Sydney H. Dear Santa, His is misis claus? may I Hav Some thasind dolrs? Santa may I hav a I pod? My mom rilee Liks some makup? My bruthr kan hav a buss? Santu may I hav a DsI Season's/Greetings Love, Dylan H. Dear Santa, Is the slay wriking? Can i plees hav a videeo game for my x box that is lego stowrz2? Can i plees hav a 3DS and soopr moreeuoow 3d Land? Can i pleez hav a pilo pet frog to pleez. Merry Christmas Love. Link H. Dear Santa, is your elfs doing well? Can I plese have a now christmas tree ornmit? Mae I have a nethr reemote cuntrol car? A christmas decrashin for my mom and dad wold be nise. And a dimind ring for my gradma wold be nise too. Happy Holidays!! Love, Trinity H. Dear Santa, how are yow? I wud lik mune to donate for sik kids. May i ples hav a telscop? Happ Holidays! Love, Wesley J. Dear Santa! How are you santa and Mrs. Claus. can I hav a facke litl cre that you cood driv that has a big badry that is a Brbe-cre. I will hav any toys. Merry Christmas Love, Hailey K. Dear Santa How aer you feilng? Can I PleeS have a ball? Can I PleeS have a game for my 3 dS? My Grad Pa he wants a glof club. merr christ mas Love, Bryton M. Dear Santa How is roodof? Can I git a deer? I wut 3 lagoes can I santa? Can my gpampa hav a Jeep? I wat a polr xepres trane? Happy Holidays Love, Alex M. Dear Santa, Do you have elfs help you? I woob Like sum Ds gams ples. Three rumot centrol 4 wilrs wood be nis. can my dad ples have sum tools. can my mom ples have som swetrs? Happy Holidays! Love, Roy R. Dear Santa. How is blsin? Can I hav a jump house? Can I hav a tramplen? Can I hav new cat? Can my cat hav a new bed? Happy Holidays! Love, matt S.

my mom have some new wrok shous. happy holidays! Love, Hailey W.

TV. I would like some of my presents hidden. I have a cat and he does not like strangers. I promise I will leave you cookies. I will leave carrots for the reindeer. I would also like a cupcake maker. Love, Kloei

Meridian Mrs. Barringer 2nd Grade

Dear Santa, When you come in my house will you please take your boots off when you come in? You can have Mt. Dew. It's in a box right by the fridge. Santa how do the reindeer fly? Santa I would like a MW3 for the PS3 and Battlefield 3 for the PS3 too. My brother would like guitar lessons and new guitar picks too. We will leave out cookies for you to eat. Love, Riley

Dear Santa, There are cookies on the stove and theres milk on the stove too. So if you are hungry go to the stove. And may I please have Doctor Dreadful Zombie Lab and Air Swimmers Extreme, and a real hamster? And can Mom have a computer, and can Buddy have a Frisbee? Merry Christmas, Kameron Dear Santa, May I have a movie name Moma Mia. And can I have an Illini bedspread? I like Comet and Cupid. And can I also have a Password Journal? How can you have all those elves? I will ask my mom to leave cookies out for you. Do you like hot cocoa or hot chocolate? I hope I get good presents. You can play with my dog Rex. The cookies, milk and hot cocoa are on the table. Your friend, Kassidy Dear Santa, If the reindeer are hungry there's food for them in the fridge. I hope you leave me a note. Don't forget to give my dogs a bone. Give me a Mp3 player. Try not to make the dogs bark. They are loud. Please give me Saints Row 3. I also want a tablet, and I would like 20 dollars. Love, Addison

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I've been thinking about what I want for Christmas. Now, I know what I want for Christmas. I want the monster high dolls Sara Scream and Abbey Bomi-nable and a dsi. Truly, Savannah Dear Santa, I have reindeer food in the grass. Make sure your reindeer get the reindeer food. I left cookies on the table and milk. Make sure I don't wake us up. I hop I get chocolate in my stocking. I hope I get presents. I want to have a video game and a chemistry set and Legos. Truly, Matthew

Dear Santa, When you come in hide the presents. How do your reindeer fly? I want a dragon toy. Be careful my dog will bark at you! We will leave cookies out. Merry Christmas! How are the reindeer doing? I want a toy cat set. I want a toy T-rex and a bell from your sleigh. I want a toy bat too. I Love You Santa !!! I will leave rootbeer for you. Merry Christmas! Madeline Dear Santa, I will leave some milk for you. I don't have any cookies. But there will be brownies on the stove and some milk for Christmas. I want a DSiXL, and a Pacman for a DS, and Mario Party for a DS. Have a Merry Christmas! Love, Robbie Dear Santa, There will be enough cookies for you. I would like a Rcxd Car and a com-puter. I also want a tv and a Playstation with MW3, and Call of Duty Black Ops, and a camera. I like you. Truly, Nick Dear Santa, I will leave out milk and cookies. Don't wake my dog Toby. He will bite! I would like some cars, and I would like a Pillow Pet. Love, Trey

Merry Christmas to all from

Dear Santa, You can help yourself to milk and cookies. You need to be quiet. I want Dsixl, a 3D DS, and a John Cena Action Figure. I moved to a different home. My family wants something too. Love, Riley D. Dear Santa, If I were to forget to put milk on the table for you, there will be milk in the fridge. Try not to wake up my dog. He will wake everyone, up but please leave him some small doggy bones. So now heres what I want: a DS, a Zhu-Zhu pet, a DS game. I also would like a Monster High Doll named Clawdeen Wolf. Love, Jocelyn Dear Santa, Hi my name is James. I am 8 years old. I am in second grade. I would like a horse, and i-pod, and a pair of bib overalls. I have been good this year. Love, James Dear Santa, I have been good this year but some-times I lose my temper. Don't mind my dog; his name Is Ozzie. He is a Saint Bernard. What my brother would like is a camera that takes videos. My dad will like a new house. Linzie would like an air freshner. Cody would like a phone. I would like a Monster High Doll. Love, Denai

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Happy Holidays from the staff at

Moundford Terrace 3750 N. Woodford St. Decatur, IL


Dear Santa, I am going to set cookies out for you. Please come to my house on Christmas. May I have the game Uno Attack? Can I please have a Basketball? Please put No Chocolate in my Christmas stock-ing! Also, can I please have a cupcake maker? Do you like hot chocolate or cocoa? Merry Christmas, Katy

Dear Santa, Aer you good santa? Can i have a campr for Aumerikun gril dolls? Can i have a Justin beber car? Can i have a Justin beber pillow? Merry Christmas! Love, Ashley W.

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I only have a few things that I want for Christmas. Could I please have a DSI3D and Super Mario Brothers 3D Land, clothes, and some surprises. Thanks! Hope you have a Merry Christmas. By the way, I don't have a fireplace so you might want to come through the front door. And don't worry I'll have cookies and milk for you and reindeer food for the reindeer. Your Friend, Alexi

Dear Santa How are you feeling? May i plese have a i pod tauch? Can i have some polly pockets? Can

Dear Santa, How are you doing? Well I am doing fine and my Birthday was October 22nd. I want a new

Season’s Greetings FIRESTONE Mastercare Service Center 400 N. Main • 429-5227 Hrs: M-F 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Happy Holidays! from your friends at

Christy Foltz 740 S. Main Street 217-428-8601

From Our Family To Yours . . .

Dear Santa, How is mrs. cloase? I woud want a rale dog and a cat that,s rale 2. may I have a i pod touch phone 4 my sister. may I have a D.S. 4 my bruther. Merry Christmas Santa!!! Love, Jadalin! B Dear Santa, How is all of the randeer? May i have a stufd munkee? May i have a reemotd tran? Can you give my cusn a I'fone? Can you give my mom sum jewelry? Merry Greetings! Love, Mason B. Dear Santa, Haw are the elvs doing? I plees wt more? can I hav a I potuch? I Wt a three DS? can I hav a Drt bik? can I hav a Forwlir. can I hav a cra. can I hav Drtt bik pads. Season's Greetings! Love, Brayden B. Dear Santa, is Mrs Clos do ing well? M ay I please have a D.S.I? and a violin please. I wud like a fone. A gife for my sisters Erice and Carosn for Carosn a ball and for Erica a bell. Merry Christmas! Love, Julia C.

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Merry Christmas! (217) 428-1100

Dear Santa, How our the raddrs felen? Plees kan I hav a 3DS? plees kin I hav a rmot Car? Can I hav a fla shlit for my mom? Merry Christmas Love, Timothy G.


Dear Santa, Where do your elves work? How are your reindeer too? Can I please have a laptop and a new Barbie doll and new secret book and a Standup microphone. Love, Becca

Dear Santa, I want a new toy. It is a Rudolph and a new Barbie doll. I have been good a lot. I do not hit my little brother. Maggie

Dear Santa, I love when you give me presents. I took a picture with you and you are the best Santa. I want a remote control car. I want a pretty Barbie. I have been good. I have been playing nicely with my sister. Mia

Dear Santa, How is Rudoff doing? can you please get me a drut bike? Can you get me Ds games? can you please get my bruther a toy phone? can you please me a xbox? Merry Christmas? Love, Gregory G.



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16 LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa, Thank you for my elf. When you come in my house I have cats and you might jump. Thank you for the gifts from last year. I set cokes out for you and some milk and I left some reindeer food out for you. Tell Rudolph I said "Hi". I've been good at school and home. You are a great person to the world. I still have my American Girl Doll. The Christmas tree is in the play room. I hope you enjoy my house. Merry Christmas! Love, Haley Dear Santa, Las year I love my old toys. But, how are you doing Santa? How are your reindeer doing Santa? I will leave some cookies for you. What I want for Christmas is a football, and a basket-ball, and a laptop and a DS and a baseball bat, and a TV for the Wii. Thank you. Love, Gage Meridian Mrs. Boland Kindergarten Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Alpha Scoop, D.S., a pillow pet, clothes, a puppy, a toy dog, and a play gun. Love, Bronson Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like clothes and hair strips. Love, Jasmine Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a white DSI, a play station, an X Box 360. Love, Patrick Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a DSI Monster High game. A hamster, hair strips, and a Start Board. Love, Jenna Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a DS, cat, clothes, games, little upside house, and a four wheeler. Love, Isabelle Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a board game, a race car. Love, Craig Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a DSI. Love, Jholy Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a DS, a baby doll car, and a DSI. Love, Naomi Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Barbie, Spy glasses, a toy dog and a DVD. Love, Roxie Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a four wheeler. Love, Dylan Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a fish and a turtle. Love, Annalyse Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a DSI and baby. Love, Paige Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a fish, Barbie, DS and DSI. Love, Elaina Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a DS, DSI, shoes, Star Board, Alpha scoop, spy kids, and a DVD. Love, Connor Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a toy gun, and a toy soldier. Love, Zane Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like an upside down house. Love, Chris Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a pillow pet and a baby stroller. Love, Alexis Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a DSI, an elephant game. Love, Karlie Meridian Mrs. Boyer 1st Grade Dear Santa, Can you give me skats? I have ben vere good. Santa I missed you! Can you give me a toys monkey? Can your rander fly? Can you give me toy robot? Jessica Dear Santa, Can I have a DS? Dus your rander reley fly? Haw is Mis Clos doing? I always am nis to evrebudy. Eliza Dear Santa, Can you please bring me a John Deer truck, David Hart Smith Tyson Kidd, Xbox 360, and a Call of Duty 2? Hows the rain deer? Is Mrs. Santa ready> Dylan Dear Santa, I would like a computer and a spy plain and M3D and a MP3 player. Im good. What is yur faoivt coockie? Markus Dear Santa, Can I have a DS? How are the rander? I leisn a lot in school. Faith Dear Santa, Dus Mrs. Clos make good cookes? Can I have a toy car? I was good this year. Can I have a xbox 360? Can I have marocart? Ashton Dear Santa, I love Santa. I am good. All I want is a toy car. Jesse Dear Santa, How are the elfs? Can I have a DSI and a micrfone and a book? I have ben vere good. Alyssa Dear Santa, Can I ples have a violin and a drum and a mickrfone? How are your rander? I have bin good this yer. Maddy Can I have a MW3 and Moreo cart? How are the Rander? I have bin good at school. Matthew Dear Santa, How are the Randaer? I rily want stompes. I am good at school. Alexis Dear Santa, I want a new DS. Can you get me a microfone2. I have bin good. How are the Randares? Mallorie


Dear Santa, Do you have cole for the bad kids? Can I have please have a psp and a dsi? Can I please have a xbox and spy gear. I am good kid. Jackson Dear Santa, Can you please bring ipod and a 3DS please. I'm very good. Do yor elfs help you? Landon Dear Santa, I would like a DSI and a DS and a compter and a PSP game spy car xbox. Do the reindeer drink hot coco? I have done my best at home and school. Brett Dear Santa, Can I have a borbe har? Can I have a DS? Can I have a mreo game? How ara your rader? Im good at hom. Madison Dear Santa, Iv ben a good girl. Can I have a dsi? Can I have games for my dsi? How is roodallf? Mariah Dear Santa, I want a DS. How are your reindeers doing? Ihave ben good. Quentin Dear Santa, I want a gift. Plese can I have a muve callod the white wolf? Who are the reindeers? Kaylin Dear Santa, I want a gift. Plese bring me a brbey. Can your reindeer fly? Sara Meridian Mrs. Calvert 1st Grade Dear Santa, Ples can you give me a brstone brbie. My sister whad like mobey. How dus the elvs make the toys. My dad whud like a van. My mom whad like ermufs. Emmy Dear Santa, I want a xbox. Do you have a big beerd? I want you to git Chris a unisickle! I want you to git my brather a resling rinck. Skylar Dear Santa, I want a remote control helicopter. My bruther wants a remote control lane. My mom wunts some culone. What do you do at the nrothpoll. Bratcher Dear Santa, I wont a nooa bicke Santa ples. Santa are you rele? My bruthr want a noow footbol. My sistr want a noow blancit my dad want a noow boock. Kyle Dear Santa, I wut a ipod. Haw do you go all aroud the rth. Wesley wuts mune to help pepl. Mom wuts dishis. Dad wuts a bo and arrow. Wyatt Dear Santa, I want a noo tram pulling. My mom wants a noo vacyoum clenre. Brad wants a noo tv. What do you do Santa. Hunter Dear Santa, I want a dsi. My dad want a ipad. My mom want a neclis. Can you bring it rile fast. I lov you Santa. Chris Dear Santa, I want a DSi plees. My Mom will want a braslit pleez. My Dad will want a drill ples. My baby bruvr want some bloks plees. Santa wood you want a presit to? Jarrin Dear Santa, I wunt a baskuball. My sistr wunts a doll. My cats wunt a lazr. My dog wunts a noow ball. My Dad wunts a snowblor. My mom wunts noow dishis. Santa how ammy elfz do you have? Jackson Dear Santa, I wont to have a toy niju. I wont my mom to have disshis. I wont Patrik to have a truk. Santa do you have a good crismis. I hope so. Santa I think you are a very nis giy. Braden Dear Santa, Can I have a fijit frend for Cristmas? And can I get my cat a pice of yarn? I was good this year. Can my mom have a snowbaybie? Avril Dear Santa, I want a new bike. And a bone for my dog. Can my sister have a new bed-spred? I'm a gril and my name is Katelyn. I have ben good this year. Katelyn Dear Santa, Can I have anipad. Alyssa wold like a doll hous and stiker books. Garrett wold like pickup stiks. Santa is cool. Can I have now earreing. Abby I want a labtop for Chrismas. How old are you? Can you get something for my dog? Mysistr whud like something for Chrismas. Buttrcupluk whuod like some apple treats. Zoe Dear Santa, I want a dog. My mom wants a ring. My dad wants a truk. My bruthrs want a dog to. I am going to bake you cookes. Are you going to bring cande canes? Jaldyn Dear Santa, I ben cind of good so I would like a dsi. Can you bring my dogs a new bone? Can you bring my mom a new ring. Anthony Dear Santa, I wunt a laptop ples. I wunt you to giv Avril a big hug ples. Do you have a hat. I wd like you to git mom a neclis. Grace Dear Santa, I wood like to have a bicke thack you. My dad wood like wates thack you. How many elphs do you have. My mom wood like to have a neckls thack you. Jacob Dear Santa, I wunt ples a monstr trak ples and thank you. Hay do you like cande? Mi Dad wud like a flashlite ples and thank you. Dehvyn Dear Santa, I want a ipad. My mom wud like jelrune. My bruther wud like a Play tv. I hope you have a good christms. How do randeer fly? Daniel Dear Santa, I wont a truck for crismis plze. I wont my Dad to have a woch. I wont my sistr to have some books. I wont you to have a good crismis. I wont my mom to have a bracelet. Owen Meridian Mrs. Carr 2nd Grade Dear Santa, What I would like for Chrismas is some tractors and a ipod touch and Mario Brothers Dsi



game and a cel phone. One more thing I want for Chrismas is a ipad. Sincerely, Tucker

Dear Santa, I would like a baby doll that sings. Your Friend, Gwen

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would ike a cars movie and a spiderman2 movie and I would like to pass 3rd Grove and a wizards of waverly place movie and some ds games and a good luck chorlie movie and wrestling toys and a xmen movie. Sant list from Jacob

Dear Santa, I would like Santa to give me a RXT car. Your Friend, Dalton

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Is she ok? How are you? How are the reindeer? Are you busy this year? I would like for x-mas is some roller skates and some zoo zoo pets. And an I pod for my Grandpa. I broke his. An a ipad for me. And I would like a kitten. Your Friend, Angelique Dear Santa, What is your favorite cookie? And what should I give the reindeer? I would like a dsixl, and a xbox 360 game called Call of Dity Modern Warfare 3. I would like a spy watch. Sinserely, Trenton Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus? How is the elf? I would like for Christmas a lego set, a wrok shop, a Lego city, plan legos, a Harry Potter set, a lego ninjago set, air guitar, dsi, psp games, a lego hecpter,k ds games, a remote car. Your Friend, Kayden Dear Santa, How do you get all the presents to all the houses? I want for Christmas a xbox 360 with games, a airbrush for me, to paint for my mom, a camera to tack pictures. From, Alex Dear Santa, When is Misses Claus birthday? What is your favorite color? When is your birthday? May I have a few DS games. A Barbie Princss Charm School. From, Eloise Dear Santa, How is the reindeer? How is Mrs. Clause, Can I have a Barbie car, Can I have a DS? Can I have a ipod? Can I have a wii? Can I have a pilo pet. Can I have a pee wee pillow pet. From, Abby Dear Santa, How are you? How are the renedeer, the elves, and Mrs. Claus? Thank you for the toys I got last year. Chloe liked her toys to. This year I would like a GoGo Walking Pyppy, and may I have a bow and arrows, and a target. May I please have a new pair of jeans. Can Chloe have Roo from Winnie the Poo, and a couple books. May I also have a Tea Cup Pig. Your Friend, Maria Dear Santa, Santa what is your favorite food Santa? I would like the lego deathf star. Santa what is your favorite reindeer? Santa have I been naughty or good? From, Caleb Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus? I would like cookie the dog. I would like Diary fo the Wimpy Kid. From Ashley Dear Santa, Is frosty the snowman real? I hope you have fun. This year I would like a Zoo Zoo pet set, Barbies sets, American girl doll, wii, Just dance 3 and school stuff and a Ipad please. Your friend, Kiersten Dear Santa, How are the reindeer I would like all the Zoo Zoo pets. From, Tori Dear Santa, How are you this year? Have you been busy this year? This year for Christmas I would like a lava lamp , ipod, money, canvases, a new paint set, and a few surprises. How is Mrs. Claus? Are the reindeer ready to fly? I hope you get this letter. Your Friend, Delaney Dear Santa, I would like to know how is Mrs. Claus doing? What about the reindeer? Have the elves ben working hard? Can you bring me a little pyppy pleas? You also bring me an mp3 plaer a xbox 360 and little toy bmx bike and ipod touch with pictures. Your Friend, Anthony Dear Santa, I would like a Fijit friend. How is Mrs. Claus? My mom would like a new phone. My dad would like a lap top. My brother would like an ipod speaker. My sister Molly would like a wolf hound. I would lie an Ipod touch. And I would like to feel better. Sincerely, McKenna Meridian Mrs. Felter Kindergarten Dear Santa, I want a hotwheel track. My Mom needs a headband. Your Friend, Zander Dear Santa, I would like a Hotwheels track with cars. Your Friend, Conner Dear Santa, I would like a jet plane and my sister wants a doll. Your Friend, Will Dear Santa, I would like a blue bike and a play-house. Your Friend, Claire Dear Santa, I would like a new Rapunzel dress and a Justin Bieber doll that signs with a Justin Bieber shirt. Your Friend, Kristina Dear Santa, I would like a remote controlled truck and a race car. Your Friend, Bradley Dear Santa, I would like a Transformer and a fake shark. Your Friend, Landon Dear Santa, My Mom wants a bracelet. I need a helicopter. Your Friend, Owen Dear Santa, I need a remote control monster truck and a skateboard. Your Friend, Jacob Dear Santa, A star for our tree and some cars. Your Friend, Micah Dear Santa, I would like Pokemon cards, an iphone, and a tiger. Mom needs a candle. Your Friend, Cooper Dear Santa, I would like my face painted. I would give you a tree. Your Friend, Kyndall Dear Santa, I would like some face paint and a real live horse. Your Friend, Camryn Dear Santa, I would like a hotwheels car and track. I like lots of stuff. Your Friend, Aden

Dear Santa, I would like some candy. Your Friend, Isabella Dear Santa, I would like a chalkboard and art supplies. Your Friend, Paige Dear Santa, I would like a toy doll and a dollhouse. Yours Friend, Amellia Meridian Ms. Merano Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a basketball and a baseball bat. Your Friend, Caden

Dear Santa, Hi How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? I've been really good. I am 8 years old. How are the reindeer? What I want for Christmas is an Ipod to jam with. An Oregon trash can and an Oregon blanket to be as snug as a bug. Sincerely, Drew Dear Santa, Hi! How are you doing? My name is Chloe. And I am 7 years old. How is Rudolph and Comet ding? Dose Rudolf really have a red nose. Here's tree things I really want for Christmas. Is a game boy ipad, American Girl doll. Sincerely, Chloe Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? Hi my name is Kimberly. I am 8 years old. I have been good. Could you please get me some chapter books, school stuff and sparckle boots? I will have some cookies andmlk. And how is Rudolf? Sincerely, Kimberly

and a paint ball gun, please, thank you! PS There will be carrots on the table for the reindeer and cookies and milk for you. Sincerely, Grant Dear Santa, Hi! Santa how are you? Could you please get me a bouncy house. And if Mrs. Claus does not come I will leave something for her. I have a question for you. How do the reindeer fly and why do the elves have funny ears? P.S. There will be carrots in the yard. Sincerely, Mason Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I've been a good boy this year. I'm already 7 years old!!!! Some fo the things I would like for Christmas are cars2, Jeep Wrangler and ahorse trailer to go with it, and a Nissan Cube matchbox car. PS I will have carrots and cookies. Sincerely, Cole

Dear Santa Claus, Hi! How are you? I have been good this year. How are the reindeer doing? Here are things I want for Christmas a Ipod and a four wheeler

Dear Santa, I want Barbie dolls and a baby doll. Your Friend, Madison

Happy from Holidays

Dear Santa, I want a whole box of toys and a tractor for mom and dad. Your Friend, Caden

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Dear Santa, I would like a bike. Your Friend, Payton

We fix it right, guaranteed.

Dear Santa, I would like a ipod and a robe for my American Girl doll. Your Friend, Kunzie Dear Santa, I would like a race car and a x. Your Friend, Dylan Dear Santa, I would like a guitar and a teddy bear. Your Friend, Rose Dear Santa, Can I have a Barbie doll and a toy cat. Your Friend, Skylea Dear Santa, I want a Barbie car. Your Friend, Natalie Dear Santa, I want a Justin Bieber doll and a baby doll. Your Friend, Ciara Dear Santa, I want a Johnny Skeleton toy and a Power Ranger dragon. Your Friend, Jaxon Dear Santa, I want a black dress and an American Girl doll. Your Friend, Marley Dear Santa, I would a Barbie doll that goes in water and a bear. Your Friend, Maddy Dear Santa, I want a basketball. Dear Santa I want a basket. Your Friend, Preston

Merry Christmas to All Our Customers

Dear Santa, I want a doll that walks and a dog with a leash. Your Friend, Katherine Dear Santa, I want a baby doll and a Barbie doll. Your Friend, Danaysha Dear Santa, I want toys. I love Santa Claus. Your Friend, Matthew Dear Santa, I want Monster High toys. Your Friend, Lydia Dear Santa, I want some trucks. Your Friend, Andrew Meridian Mrs. Minotts 2nd Grade Dear Santa Claus, Hi, My name is Amanda. I like you your nose. I would like a Blue Ipod. I've been extra good. I want a DS I that's black. I want a gae called Super Mario Brothers. I wish I would see Rudolf. I wish I was an elf. P.S. I love cookies. Love, Amanda Dear Santa Claus, Hi! How are you? And how is Mrs. Claus? My name is Kelsea. I have been a good girl this year. I would like a real kitten thats black and white please. I would like a Monster high claudeen-wolf. And a Monster high Ghoul sleep over set. How is blitzen? I am 8 years old. Sincerely, Kelsea Dear Santa, Hi how are you? How is Rudolf, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Doner, Blitzen? Here are some of the things I want for Christmas a 3DS DSi, Dsixl. Does Rudolf really have a red nose? PS. I woud love to be you. Sincerely, Aleita Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? And how is Rudolf? Can I have a real puppy dog and a real kitten and a real camera please and thank you.. PS. There will be cookies and milk. There will be carrots for the reindeer. Sincerely, Mackenzie

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www.herald-review.com Dear Santa, Hi how are you? I've been very good this year! My name is Mitchel. Do you get cold a lot? I want a flat bill yan-kee's hat, a portable DVD player, and money. Please get my family stuff too. Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Mitchel Dear Santa, Hi how are you? I like a slot car remote. I have been good this year. Here are some things I want for Christmas. I want an Elf on the shelf and an ipod case and plugins so I can plug it in and a dir bike pipe. PS I got the ipod but I don't have the thing that I asked for. Sincerely Tanner Dear Santa, Hi how are you? How are the reindeer? Too. I'v been good this year. This is what I want for Christmas. A real puppy, a real phone and a mobigo. Those are the three things that I want for Christmas. How is Mrs. Claus too? I am 7. I have 3 sisters. There names re Ella Lizzie and Eva. They have been good too. There will be carrots for the reindeer in the yard. I will leave cockies and milk. Senserly, Lucille Dear Santa, Hi How are you? I am 8 years old. My name is Keegan. Please can I have a 3DS with Mario Cart 7 and also Mario 3D land and I will put carrots on the roof for the reindeer and cookies but save some for Mrs. Santa. PS Have a good day too Santa. Have a great Christmas Sincerely, Keegan Dear Santa, Hi! How are you Santa? How are the reindeer even Rudolf. I'm Bobby. Im 7 years old. I want a puppy and play-station 3 and uncharted 3. Sincerely, Bobby Dear Santa, Ho How are you? How are the rein-deer? Can I please have a Justin Beber never say never CD, and Ipod touch too please and a Justin Beber doll that sings please. PS I will leave letters for you. Thank you. Sincerely, Sieara Dear Santa Claus, How are the reindeer doing? How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? Tell Vixen, Dasher, Prancer, comet and cupid they're all in a movie. I want an ipod touch and I have been good this year. I want a Britney build a bear and all of the magic tree house books. PS I wrote you a note for you. Hohohohohohoho Sincerely, Haylee Dear Santa, I want a skate board for Christmas and a dsiXL and a dsi. Santa, how are your elves doing. How are you doing? Christmas is my favorite holiday. Sincerely, Tyler Meridian Mrs. Rambo Kindergarten Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Wii, Barbie, and Squinkies for girls. I would also like some games for the Wii, Dancing Wii and Barbie Wii. Love, Emma

Dear Santa, I wunt a Sese and Rocky doll, has are you Santa I am good happy Christmas. Kinze Dear Santa, I want a guine pig. I want a book. Alyze Dear Santa, Do you make toys. Can I have a golf club? Dillon Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I am happy you are coming to toune. I love Roodoffe and Comite, Kyoopid, Done, Vixin, Blinsin. From Lora Dear Santa, I want a dirt bike and a hill mit. I love you and I love Miss Clos. From Hunter Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a in p three player. How are youer rane deer dong. For Christmas I want a DS game. Andrew Dear Santa, I feel good today. Do you like Christ-mas? I have been good this year. This yea can you get me a watch? From Jacob Dear Santa, I want a nicer phone. Were is the north pol? I want a reel guinea pig. Callo Dear Santa, I want a guinea pig. I want a camera hotwels. I want a aer hawks helackop-ter. You're the best man ever. Kolby Dear Santa, Wot to know abote you? Is Rodfoo rel? I love Christmas? I love Santa. I want a guinea pig. I want to know if I been bad or good. Audrey Dear Santa, Can you beng a 3 ps thanck you for bresinc. Can I have a lif time of corndogs. Joshua Dear Santa Claus, Can you get me Ds games for girls. What are you doing? Can you see our Christmas tree from the north pole? I like Santa. Love, Aracel Dear Santa, How old are you? How munch elfs do you hav? How munch do have? I want sorry sliders. From Mearai Dear Santa, I want to havea 3DS. I want to no if I was good? How are you? Frum Gavin Dear Santa, How dus the raandeare fly. I want to no how you fly. I want a cat. From Zoe

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Barbie and a Go Go Kitty. Love, Lauren

Dear Santa, I wna toy for my dog Christmas. How do you make reindeer fly? From Olivia

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Barbie. Love, Naomi

Dear Santa, I wut a box uv scatbords. I wut a Box uv Biks. I wat a Box uv airplaces. Love, Matt

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a stuffed pet puppy. Love, Audrey Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a toy train and a Wii. Love, Mason Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a toy dog on a leash, Monster High dolls, and a Barbie. Love, Anabelle Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a DSI. Love, Jaxon Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Buzz Lightyear that makes sounds and a Wii. Love, Keegan Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Batman DS game, stuffed puppy and Squinkies for boys. Love, Hunter Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like Squinkies for boys and a DS. Love, Lucky Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Hello Kitty Monopoly game, and a Fijit Friend. Love, Tara Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a toy dog on a leash and Squinkies for girls. Love, Lainy Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a dog, a Barbie, Monster High dolls, and Squinkies for girls. Love, Laura Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Wii Mario golf toy, Buzz Lightyear, DSI, Super Mario Brothers DSI game. Love, Eric Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Santa Claus bear, a Wii and DSI. Love, Quincy Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a toy Buzz Lightyear. Love, Colton Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Barbie, Wii game and a toy white dog on a leash. Love, Maddy Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like boardgame, Wii, Squinkies for boys, and a toy tractor. Love, Treyton Meridian Mrs. Swigert 1st Grade

Meridian Mrs. Trimble 2nd Grade Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Are any of your reindeer sick? Can my step mom have a iPad? Can my dad have a 4 wheeler? Can I have a iPad? Can my mom have a ornament that has her name Kim on it. Can my sisater have a iPod too? Merry Christmas Your Friend, Paige Dear Santa, I had a very good year. I have some things I want for Christmas. It is the lego city police station and an iPod touch. My brother wants more Ya-Gi-Oh. My other brother wants a Ps3. Merry Christmas Sincerely, Alex Dear Santa, How do the reindeer fly? I wanted a Bitty baby letter E. Can I have bitty baby clothes? Can I have a cat toy for Spot? I want a laptop too. I have a gift by the tree. I would like an iPod 2 please! Your Friend, Caitlynn Dear Santa, Are you getting ready for Christmas? I hope you have a great time. Can I have a DSi and Mario cart game for DSi? Merry Christmas. Love, Kolbee Dear Santa, I have been very very good this year. I have been grounded for a few days. The first present I would like to have please is a DS in 3D. Also I 'd like a glow book and some moon dough, pet fish, pet bulldog and a santa claus bubble blower. Your Friend, Smantha Dear Santa Claus, Please say hello to your reindeer. I want a DSi, iPod, a stuff dog, and a laptop. I would also like a bubble machine and a stuffed cat. Merry Christmas. Thank you. Love, Heidi Dear Santa, I would like two things, Kanani, and a Kindle. Emily would like Molly and Jackson would like Tech Deck skate-boards, ramps and bikes. Merry Christmas! Madison

deer. I would like Beyblades and Transformers. How is Rudolf? Merry Christmas. Jonathan Dear Santa, Are you busy with the reindeer? Are you getting presents ready for Christ-mas? How old are you? Thank you for giving us presents. I wish I could see your reindeer! I can't wait for Christ-mas to come!! How many presents do you drop off at everyones house? I would like some diamond jewelry please. Merry Christmas. Love, Lizzie Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I have a question, can I have a iPad, and an iphone4? Have a Merry Christmas. From Tanner Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? Could you bring me an iPad? I hope your reindeer are ready to fly. Is it cold there at the North Pole? Are you and the elves busy? Merry Christmas. From Graham Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good this year. Can I please have a spongebob toy? I would also like a ufo toy. Thank you, Nicolas Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. Can you please bring me a 4 wheeler? I want one very badly please bring me one. Merry Christmas Your Friend, Storm Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a Lego Ninjago and Binlo. Thank you, James Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Santa, I would like something, I would like a shotgun and a iphone 3 and a card organizer. Merry Christmas. Lucas Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. May I have GI Joes, an ipod, and a laptop? Merry Christmas! Love Jackson Muffley, Decatur Mrs. Ann-Marie Hillyer 1st Grade Dear Santa, I am so glad that Christmas is coming up! I have tryied my best to be a good girl! What I would like for Christmas is some books! Happy Christmas! If you can tell Jesus happy birthday I would be very happy! I will be sure to leave you some food and some for your reindeer. Mabye it will be cookies and milk! And sprinkles for your reindeer. I will be sure to leave the key for my door to my house. Your friend, Gracie Dear Santa, I am happy that Chrismis is coming. I want a nrth gun and a spiy set, alsew a ipod shafl. Thak you. I like roodoff becus his nos. I wll leve some cookys for you and melk for you and some caris for yer randers leve sum cookys for miss clos. The cookys will be all the chrismis colrs. Your friend, Carson Dear Santa, I tride to be a good girl in first grade. For Christmas I will like a math book for Christmas and a stuffed bear and a hamster for Christmas. Tell your elfs I said hi. I will leave you milk and cookies. Tell Jesus hi on Christmas day. And I will leave your reindeer carrots. My sister might bring your raindeers food. I hope you get to come to my house. I will leave you under my Christmas tree a present. I will make you a nother Christmas list and I don't think I have a chimney. I hope you have a merry Christmas! Your friend, Makayla


yor rander. Mareey Christmas. Your friend, Reagan

Dear Santa, I want M3P. I want dust. I want glusz. I want me! I want crasz. I want papls. Your friend, Madison

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I will make sure to bake you some cookis and milk and carrots for your reindeer. For Christmas I want a bike a drumset and a kenectec my own room and a dog. Your friend, Nyzier Dear Santa, I want for Christmas is a xbox360 kenelect and a some book and I want game and Iso so happy I glad that is here Christmas? And a Jack box and a vido game I love Christmas and a playhase and a bike. Your friend, KJ Dear Santa, I want a riodud and a xbox360 and sume eraing for my momy and my dad will kie a nadr watch for my dad. Your friend, Sydney

Dear Santa, I am happy that Chismas is almt here! I gave a four star today! Plaea Santa be a good boy Santa! I love you Santa. Your friend, ShaMara Dear Santa, I wanta blacks sard of omens and a bsixl and a air hogs spinet. I live Crismis. Crismis is my favrit holeday. Santa my stocking is there one that has a capital K on it. My baby bruthers stocking has a J on it. I trid to be a good boy this year. I will leve coockes and milk. Your friend, Kaden Dear Santa, I am very glad that Chrsmas is coming up. I love Chrsmas beeecus I get to play outside. I like Chrismas I get hot choclit. I am very happy! I get to have fun! I like to play outside in the snowe. I like Chrsmas very much. Your friend, Anaya Dear Santa, I wan 3 Motr hie dols. I have bin tryiig to bee a good girl. Mereek Christmas. I want some Hello Kittty Shoos. I want a cat. Your friend, Alli

Dear Santa, Saitlin, priscot, bear sohga, theyruh, halp. Ethal Dear Santa, I wut a tech deck for Christmas and fia shekl6. do you held the elfs. Shane

Dear Santa, Christmas is omas haer. I thride to be good boy this yeye. I will leve coces fur you and I wll leve the raiders cierist too. I wish I cood have a toy car plees and thank you and a psp cus my mom brock it. We got a Chrismas and muisier tree ok. I love y Santa. Takne you Santa. Your friend, Jason

Dear Santa, I am a good boy. I am glad Christmas is ahmost here. I see you are ahmost here. I love you Santa Clos. I hav ben a good boy. I hav a good dog. I hav a good sistr. I hav a good Mom a Dad. I hav a good Grampol. I hav a good Gramall. I hav good ukol Eric. Your friend, Gairrit

Muffley, Decatur Carol Kennedy 1st Grade Dear Santa, I want the game Skylander for xbox 360. I want a Krusty Krab Lego set and I want a Hero fatry wich doter. I want sper car from spongbob and a hero fatry rino. I have bin very good. I want razer e spark scooter. Your friend, Jordan C. Dear Santa, I want a DS for Christmas. I want a PSP for Christmas. I want a Justin Bieber book. I want a doll house. I want I Pod. I will be good Santa. Your friend, Armanie Dear Santa, I have bine good. Santa I Love You! I whant a pillow pet that comes out as a pet. I whant a toy elfin. Sant a I love your randers too. I Whanta Batey below. I whant my own campater. I love your hous. It looks kiwt. I what a Justin Bieber bol. I whant a goldfish. Your friend, Hanah

Seasons Greetings To you and yours from your John Deere Dealer CROSS BROS. Mt. Pulaski • 792-5086 Clinton • 935-8558

Dear Santa, I love Christmas. I want Wody twistr and Wila. I will be shur to leve coke and meilk out for you. I haved tried my best to be good this yeur. I am happy that Christmas eve is comeing vevy soon. I love you Santa. You are the best. Your friend, Tessa Dear Santa, You sent one of your elf to are school now lets get startit. For Xmas I want a Xbox 360 and a drum set. Thank you Santa and Mrs. Clous. I love you Santa. Ho ho ho marry xmas. I made two paprs. Your friend, Jemoi Dear Santa, I wish can I have a pupuy. I love Santa, so much. I wish for a tear set. I wish for a dolly. I wish for Santa Cloos. I wish for a toy. I wish for a top. I love you Santa Claos. I wish for a Shos for my mom. I like Christmas. Christmas is the best. I love Christmas so much. Your friend, Jutariah Dear Santa, Today I want a gun. I love Christmas. I like to play on Chrstmas. I can eat on Chrstmas. I con go see Chrstmas. This yer I have bin nis. I want a toy. Your friend, Derik

Merry Christmas from Gaitros Dental Center 1080 E. Mound Rd.,Decatur, IL 62526 217-875-5020


Dear Santa, I am happy that you are coming. I triyd to be a good girl this yere. I wood like a baby dall and a chaptr book and a 3D DS. I will be shr to leev some cuokees and millk and carits for

Merry Christmas from

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Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus and the elves and the rein-


Season’s Greetings to All Our Customers

Dear Santa, I like what kind of thing you diliver to every house. I want to say please and thank you for evergthing. I would like a piggy bank that can organize. It goes penney nikle dime quarter. Blake Dear Santa, This is wut I wut for crismis. Xbox and wut ever tos and thas ool. Dominic

Dear Santa, I wut the game for Chrismas. I wut xb360. I wut on. I wut the Ken. I wut the Kat. I wut the kon. I wut thet. I wunt unguns. Your friend, Sam

Dear Santa, Santa I am help Christmas is coming up! I tryicd my best to be a good girl. I wish four a doll house and I wish four a DSiXL four a ball mereu. Christmas has fun. I love Chrstmas I was leave you so cokies and malk I love you Santa. Your friend, Alanna

Dear Santa, I love Santa. I want a new flatscreen TV. I want a new diuosranal game. I want a new spiget. I love Christmas. I have been good. Your friend, Aidan

Dear Santa, I love Christmas. I will be good Santa, Dear Santa I love you? I will be. Your friend, Jenya

Dear Santa, I'm happy that Christmas is almost here. Today I wate new jacks and a black gloves 6/7 size and plax too on Crristmas. Your friend, Sam H.

Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good this year. I want an iPod, DSi and laptop. How are you? Is Mrs. Claus doing good? How is she? How do the reindeer fly? Merry Christmas. Love, Alexis Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good this year. I want this stuff for chirstmas I want an iPad and Laptop and an I phone4. Have a Merry Christmas Santa Brayden



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18 LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa, I want a 3 DS for Christmas. I want a bunny too. I want a cotton candy maker with the cones. I want a LaLa Loopsy silly hair doll. I want a LaLa Loops DS game, Justin Bieber cosert ticit. I will be good today. Santa pleas tell Mrs. Claws to bake me a cake for Christmas. Thank yiu for reading my Christmas list. Your friend, Madison P.


Thank you for the gifts. Love, Ayden

best Santa ever. I would like some Barbies, an ipod, and a sleeping bag. I would like to give you some fruit and a thank you note. I will leave Dear Santa, some carrots for your reindeer. I love you and your reindeer. I want a motor cycle Your Friend, Ja'Caijah and a jump rope. I will leave som cookies and milk. Thank you for the presents. Dear Santa, Love, Zaman I like you Santa Claus. How the reindeers? I'll leave you some cookies and crackers. Carrots for I love you Santa. Please can I have some toys? I the reindeer. I want an ipod and a bike. Thank Dear Santa, would like a computer. you for the gifts. Can you get me a babydoll and a hat? Iwill like a Your Friend, CaMyia Your Friend, Derimus hanah pj an a hanah baby-doll, Justin Bieber babydoll. I want an Amarcin Girl doll. Will you Dear Santa, Oak Grove, Decatur get me a Dsi? I want a doll for Christmas. Mrs. Hughes Your friend, Demeshiona Love, Ashley Kindergarten Class Dear Santa, I want a play station, a Dsi, a computer, a mini moder sidle, a dragon close please. A radio, a playstation game Mega war far 2. Thak for the stuff you gave me last Christmas. Your friend, Tristan Dear Santa, I want a blak dog. Your friend Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a figit, a xia-xia, a book, a doll, a game, a dog, a shirt, a puzzle, a hede band. I bin a good girl this yere, I do a good job at school. I hop you have fun at the shop. Your friend, Julia

When will it be Christmas? Can you bring us a present? I want a baby doll. Can the reindeer really fly? My sister wants a baby doll and a dog. My brothers want presents too. Love, Bryana I love you Santa. I will give you some milk with cookies. Please can I have some presents? I have been okay. I would like a bike and a truck. Thank you for buying the presents. Love, Tyrell

Dear Santa, I want Ben 10 video games. Ben 10 movies and other Ben 10 stuff. What is your address? Your friend, Seth C. Dear Santa, I want a Fire truck. I want a Dog. I want a bake shop bakery. I wants it toy. I work hana. Mini modersikle. I want a car. I want a cat. I lyck Christmas. I want clothes. A cocoa puff shirt. I want a flag. Mrs. Cose thanks. Your friend, Zhakir

Dear Santa, Thank you for being so nice to the students in room 12 at Oak Grove School. We really appreciate you. We have been busy learning our numbers, counting to 100 and are starting to learn to read. We try to be good everyday! Kadarion is absent today. Please do not forget about him. Love, Mrs. Hughes and Room 12 at Oak Grove School

Dear Santa, I would like a DS and 3D games for it. I want crayons for Christmas. Love, Weston

Dear Santa, You are a nice guy. My Nana would love a new purse. I could really use a blue car. Thank you for my stuff. Love, Airrie'on

Dear Santa, I am going to make you cookies. I want a ball game and a fire turck for Christ-mas. Thank you for the toys. Love, Michael

Dear Santa, I like your boots. My Mom would love a new computer. I could really use a power wheeler. Thank you for my big dolly. Love, Branna

Dear Santa, I want a Wii game. I want a play snose ball. I want a doll house, a big one. I am good. I got no marks. I want an IPad. I know you are going to be busy in your workshop! Hi Santa! Your friend, Halle Be safe coming down the chimney at Christmas. I want a video game and a doll please. What do Dear Santa, the reindeer eat and how to they fly? I'll give you Can I have a Figit and a drumm. If you donte your favorite cookies! Have a nice Christ-mas minde a dyesiexel plys. I want a Wii. I will lyv Santa. cookys. Are you ok with that? I have bin a good Signed Me, Rachael girl. Am I on the good list? Your friend, Ella Dear Santa, I want cars and a remote. Thank you. Dear Santa, Love, Joseph I want a Bik. I want a snow brod. I want a DSI. I want a IPod. I want a PSP. Dear Santa, Your friend, Labron I would like new clothes and a dog treat for my puppy. I want a stuffed animal. I will leave you Dear Santa, cookies. Thank you for the presents. Thank you for the toys last Christmas. I want a Love, Emily race car track for Chrismas and a car that you can control. I want a resling ring for Chrismas Dear Santa, and a daga dar. Last a PSP with Maden 12 for I want baby doll with the stroller you can push Christmas. I am going to try to be xtra good for with a car seat and a motor-scooter and a Barbie Chrismas. car. Thank you for the toys. Have a good day Your friend, Paul Santa. Tyiounna Dear Santa, Can you get me a DSI. I want a marcin girl doll. Dear Santa, I want a cat, I want a hed band, I want a pupi. I thank you for the presents. I would like a DS Iwan a esebake, Spunjbob the moove. and Spiderman. Milk is out for you. Your friend, Alayna Love, Damarion Muffley, Decatur Mrs. Prasun Kindergarten Dear Santa, How do you get in our door? Please give me presents. I have been good. I want a toy ambulance, a watch, and a toy bus. I can lay out some cookies and I will put out milk for you. Thanks you Santa. Your Friend, Dartavius Dear Santa, How's your elves doing? How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus? I want a toy walking dog, a Barbie doll with a swimming pool, and a baby do.. Thank you for giving me toys. Your Friend, Selena


DECATUR, ILLINOIS You know what I want? The Harry Potter Part One. Love, Lon

elves make the right toys. William

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Have I been a good boy? Who does the most Could you bring me as many toys as you did last work is it one of your elves? How many reindeer year? Thank you. do you have? Love, Brodie Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a T-rex. Santa how do you make it around I like your reindeer. Can I have a toy Rudolf that the world? I want Pop and Hop. can shine at night? Brody Love, Rylie Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a Jessie with a pull string. Why do you I love Santa, Can I have a singing dress for live at the North Pole? Why do reindeer help Rapunzel? you? I have beed good. Carol Stephanie Dear Santa, I love you. Can I please have a pet bunny? Love, Sophia Dear Santa, Is Mrs. Claus making cookies? I want a real bunny, a black one and a cage. Love, Madison

Dear Santa, I am good. What does Rudolf look like? What do the reindeers eat? I want an I pod touch. Matt

Dear Santa, The deer are good. I want an American Girl doll a lion, a tiger, and a fox stuffed animals. Is your wife good? Are your elves good/ Gabi

Dear Santa, Where do your reindeer sleep at night? I know what I want for Christmas, a video camera. How do your reindeer fly. Emma

Dear Santa, I like your reindeer. I want an easy bake oven. Love, Kyla

Dear Santa, Thank you Santa for all you have done. I want DSIXL for Christmas. I want DSIXL Heart gold the video game. Sal

Dear Santa, How are the rendeer? I wish you can deliver presents to the children! I want everyone to be good. Joe

Dear Santa, I love your reindeer. Can you bring me a big slinky? Love, David

Dear Santa, I want a ball gloves. How do you get around the word? I want a bike. I want Harry Pottr legos. Elliott

Dear Santa, Im good. I want a suitcase. Does one of your reindeer have a red nose? I want a pet I want a hamster. Cameron

Dear Santa, I love you. I want a DSi. Love, Aralynn

Dear Santa, I like your reindeer. Would you bring me a pillow pet? Love, Claire

Dear Santa, I like your reindeer. Santa, I want a large transDear Santa, former. You are nice. My Grandma would love some flow- Love, Jayson ers. I could really use a fake computer. Thank you for the lip glosses. Dear Santa, Love, Kanarreyah I like your reindeer. Can you please get me an xDear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, box 360 with 3 controllers? Can I have a Nerf gun for Crismis? I want 4 How are you doing? Santa is fun. Please bring I like your red shirt and your reindeer. My cousin, Love, Cayden games. It is Sprider Man game. And a Cal me an Xbox. Thank you Santa. Kaylen, would like a Koala bear. I could really use Doody 4 game and a Bat Man game. A Wii. I Your Friend, Kenyon a toy wiener dog. Thank you for my dog Max. Dear Santa, want a Rse. I Love Santa. Love, Kylee I love you. I would like a Happy Napper. Your friend, Argion Dear Santa, Love, McKenna How are the reindeer? I will leave cookies and Dear Santa, Dear Santa, milk for you and a carrot for the reindeer. I want I like your boots. My cousin would like boxing I want some Blae Blaes for Chrstmas. And Ipad a DSI. Than-kyou for the gift. gloves. I could really use an I Pad to play games Dear Santa, and a Colacdy for Christmas. I want play Your Friend, Emma on. Thank you for the car seat for my baby. I want Mrs. Claus to make cookies. Can I have a stashan and a DS3 for Christmas. I want a red Love, Kymairea baby that is Rapunzel? Wii for Christmas. I love you Santa. Dear Santa, Love, Mia Your Friend, Laron How do you get to everyone's house in one Dear Santa, night? And how do you get down the chimney? I You are nice. My mommy would love a present. I Dear Santa, Dear Santa, want Dairy Queen Blizzard maker, a baby doll, could really use some toys. Thank you for the I like your reindeer. I want a remote controlled I want a WWE Game 2012 I want a diensor. I and a Barbie. Thank you for giving me presents. tractor. fish that flies in the air. want a play house of Niets. I want a Col of Your Friend, Breaunna Love, Kadien Love, Brian Doodey game. I want a play stashan 3. I want PSP. I want a Mareoaw 3D land. I want a Ipad. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Our Lady of Lourdes, Decatur Your friend, Colton P. I want to leave sugar cookies and milk for you. I like your boots. My Mom would love shapes to Mrs. Valdahl The carrots are for your reindeer. I want an Xbox, make things. I could really use some pictures of 1st Grade Dear Santa, a Bocca gun, and a Bebe. Thank you Santa. my family. Thank you for the stuffed bunny. I want a Are Swimmer for Chrismis. Your Friend, Tucker Love, Madison Dear Santa, Your friend, Cole S. I like you Santa. It is fun to get toys. I like toys. It Dear Santa, Dear Santa, is good to have toys. I would like to have a tramDear Santa, How was your reindeer? I want a DSI and a Bar- You are nice. My Mom and Dad would really like poline. I want a psp. I want a torcar. I want a tar pop. I wante tar bie doll. Thank you for my toys. some cups. I could really use some makeup. Marshall resr. I want toy dog. I want a Xbox game. Your Friend, Justyce Thank you for the makeup. Your friend, Kaleb Love, Makayla A. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Could you show me a picture of your reindeer Dear Santa, How are you? I want a Barbie with puppies and a Dear Santa, fly? I wourd like a big dog stuffed animal. I want a Ipod touch. I want cars. I want mostr Barbie pool. I like your boots. My sister would love a Barbie Annika chuck. I want a car sate. I want a play hows. I Your Friend, Baylie car. I could really use a Barbie doll. Thank you want a towy elfeh. I did hard work. for the guitar. Dear Santa, Your friend, Andrew Dear Santa, Love, Makayla H. For Christmas I want a skate board. I love you! How do you get in my door? I wish for an ipod, You are the best Santa. I want to know how do Dear Santa, Hot Wheels, and a bike. I want to make cookies Dear Santa, you mae your reindeer fly. I love you Santa. I whant a towy Santa. for you Santa and leave milk for you too. I love you. My brother Chandler would like a kit- Abraham Your Friend, Derek Your Friend, Antonio ten. I could really use a puppy. Thank you for the makeup. Dear Santa, Muffley, Decatur Dear Santa, Love, Makenna I want an ipad. I want a kitten . I want fake nails. Mrs. Lawary How is the reindeers? How is the elves? How is How do your reindeer fly in the sky? Kindergarten you? Please bring me wrestling toys. How is your Dear Santa, Alexis wife? Thank you for presents. You are nice. My Mom and Dad could really use Dear Santa, Your Friend, Zacoby a computer. I would love to have a sister. Thank Dear Santa, Please bring me some toys. I will leave you cookyou for the D.S.I. I want a pet for Christmas. I did very good at ies and milk. Dear Santa, Love, Nataja school. Why is Christmas special? Love, Keyunce Please bring me a Barbie for Christmas. How are Rama the reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus? Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Your Friend, Jamaya I like your hat and coat. My Daddy would love Dear Santa, I will leave cookies. Please I want a Wii game some glasses. I could really use ten fashion Bar- I want a good dog sled. I want a xbug. Do you and wrestling guys game. Thank you for bringing Dear Santa, bies. Thank you for the purse. have a cat? me toys. I will leave cookies for you. Please bring an ipod Love, Rihanna Maria Love, Ja'Camon please. The carrots are for your reindeer. How is Mrs. Claus doing? How do you get down all of Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Santa, those chimneys? I like your boots. My brother would like a drum I want a star wars lite saber. How do your elves I miss you doesn't that sound sweet? I want a Your Friend, Riley set. I would love to have a baby doll. Thank you work? I never know if you are making sure if your Barbie doll. I needed a new one of trelmbea use for the clothes. it go broken, too torn. I hope you bring a Justin Dear Santa, Love Ruthie, Biebr poster. Thank you for getting me all the I like you Santa. I put reindeer food out. Please toys you get me. I leav you some mill and cook- bring a Batman toy. Thank you for the presents. Dear Santa, ies and carrots foor Rudolph. Your Friend, Amaurie I like your boots. My sister would like a stuffed Love, Cienna animal. I could really use a stuffed animal, too. Dear Santa, Thank you for the SpongeBob clock. Dear Santa, I would like a wrestling toy and a DSI. Thank you Love, Sydney Sorry for saying give me that hat back. I wish to Santa. get presents. I would like real sandats Barbie doll Your Friend, Giovanni Dear Santa, elo thes in a do set and balloons for my mommy. You are nice. I like your toys. My mom would like Love, Gwennie Dear Santa, a flower and a surprise. I would like a TransI want an Exploder's gun for Christ-mas. How former toy. Thank you for the flowers and all the I want a puppy and a cou. I have been good and are your reindeer? My mom will leave cookies. presents and all the toys. I share my toys with my brother. Thank you. Your Friend, Mason Love, Tristan 1355 N. Rt. 48 Love, Juerney Decatur, 217-428-9350 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? Can you watch me? I You are very sweet and nice. My brother would I want a fire truck please. have been good. How is your wife doing? Please love a Santa hat. I would love to have a motorcyLove, Tristan bring me a Playstation 3. I would also like a PSP cle - a little one with wheels. Thank you for the new. Thank you for all my stuff. dirt bike with a person on it. Dear Santa, Your Friend, Shylon Love, William Thanks you for all the toys last year. What is your favorite cookie? What kind fo milk do you want Dear Santa, Dear Santa, for Christ-mas? I want a dora toy and a baby pig. I want an ipod, slippers, and a dog toy for Cleo. I You are nice and I love your boots. Could you I have been a good tirl this year. want food toys so I can play grocery store. How bring a helicopter for Ty Ty. I would like one too. Ryinn do you get in my house? I left you some cookies For me. Thank you for getting us stuff. and milk. How do the reindeer pull your sleigh? Love, Zabreon Dear Santa, Thank you for giving me allof these things. I would like some stuffed pillows and a little fire Your friend, Corbyn Our Lady of Lourdes, Decatur truck. Thank you Santa for giving me the toys. Mrs. Miller Trevor Dear Santa, Kindergarten Please give me some toys. I would like a Barbie Dear Santa, and a Barbie house. How do you get all of those I left you cookies and milk. Please bring me toys? Thank you for the toys. Dear Santa, some presents. I would like a Barbie and a barbi- Your Friend, Khalis Is Mrs. Claus baking cookies ecause I want one. I ehouse. Thank you for the presents. want a battle course. Love, Jayla Dear Santa, Love, Gavin I would like some Barbies with a swimming pool, Dear Santa, a kite, and a necklace. I will give you some cook- Dear Santa, We will leave cookies for you. How do you get in ies and chocolate milk. Thank you for the toys. I I like Rudolf and is Mrs. Santa making cookies? my house? like when you give me presents. Can I have a Happy Napper? Brandon Your Friend, Kamie Love, Kaitlyn Dear Santa, Toy mom and dad. A rat toy. Red resr. Toy Dog. Toy Dad. Toy Mom. Towy Roodef. Towy hrt. Towy brd. Towy ABC. Your friend, Mary

Dear Santa, What are your reinydeers names? I want an art project to do for Christmas. I liked the other presents that you gave to me. Layo

Dear Santa, Is Rudolf real? Will you please get me a smurDear Santa, fette stufey for Christmas? How many reindeer I want a couple of games. I want toys for my cat. do you have? Will you get me a Hamster for I have been good. How do your reindeer fly? Christmas? Luke Lauren

Dear Santa, I like that you can fly. My Dad would love a race car. I could really use a race car. Thank you for Dear Santa, the robot. I like your reindeer and I really wish I could have Love, Bruce one. I really want a big Barbie house even bigger than mine at home. Dear Santa, Love, Alana You are a nice person. My cousin, Blake, would like Spider Man and my cousin Kyle would like a Dear Santa, remote control car. I could really use a remote I want to see Mrs. Claus make cookies in the control boat. Thank you for the four wheeler. North Pole. I would like 5 paint brushes and 5 Love, Carter paints please for my art. Love, Haley Dear Santa, I like your jacket. My brother would like a video Dear Santa, game. I could really use a little toy car that you Is Mrs. Clause making food for the reindeer? could really drive. Thank you for the Transformer Can I have a Barbie Beetle? cars. Love, Ryleigh Love, Colton Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a Happy Napper. I love you. You are really nice. My Dad would like new Love, Calie clothes. I would really like some toys. Thank you for the Barbie camper. Dear Santa, Love, Courtney I like making you cookies. I'd like cha cha crabs for Christmas. Dear Santa, Love, Colleen I like your suit. My sister would love a baby doll. I could really use an action figure. Thank you for Dear Santa, the cars. God bless you. Can Santa give me a sword and a Love, Darion shield? Love, Zayn Dear Santa, You are cute. My Mom would like new shoes. I could really use new roller skates. Dear Santa, Thank you for my Barbie house. I like Dasher. I want a DS. Love, Destiny Love, Hayden Dear Santa, I like your coat. My baby sister would like some rocking things. I could really use new clothes. Thank you for bringing me presents on Christmas. Love, Janighya

Dear Santa, I have been very good. Santa is one of your Reindeer called Rudolf? I love your reindeer. Merry Christmas Santa! Christian

Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a two wheel scooter, a latap, a pup, a dog, and a lot of snow. Have I been naughty or nice? Is Santa reall? Martin Dear Santa, I want an Ipad. I have many questions. How do the reindeer fly? Diego


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Dear Santa, Please bring me army men and a skateboard.

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you and the reindeer doing? You are the I like your reindeer. I think they are pretty cool.

www.herald-review.com Dear Santa, I've been good. What do you want for Christmas Santa? Can you leave me a njote? I would like a furreal dog. Kylee

Dear Santa, A toy! Barbie toy! Play with it! I want Tinkerbell and Dora. I like the mon-keys and Dora. I like the flower. Love, Emily

Dear Santa, I want an American Girl Doll. Her name is Ruthie what do you want for Christmas? I want a camera. Mary Kate

Dear Santa, Toy! Love, Jatavion

Dear Santa, I love you because you deliver gifts. Why do your elves make toys? Me elf, Dorthy is my friend. Joedyn Dear Santa, Thank you for the other toys! I want a Monster High Girl Doll! I want to know how many reindeer you have? Ava Parsons, Decatur Mrs. Ganley 1st Grade Dear Santa, Can I get a dino sword power ranger set? I loved to a new house. Kaiden Dear Santa, May I have a e-reader? I like to rede books. My sister wants a Felity box set. Thank you for my doll. Hannah Dear Santa, Can I have a Ipod? I will listen two music and take pictures. Who made your sled? Cun my sister have a touch fone? Janiya Dear Santa, I would like a new dress? A pink dress with sparkles. My broter wants a writing book. We have been good. I am thankful for my Mom an dad. Sierra Dear Santa, Can you please brng me a drum st? I hav bend goob. James Dear Santa, Will you please bnrg me a toy story more? Me mom is a gud mom. I like corn. Zakarega Dear Santa, Please bring me a car named Bumble-bee. I am good at my house. Dad wants a new cardinals checkbook. Brian Dear Santa, Can I please have a red power ranger toy? I pick up my toys. How do your elves make the toys? Elijah Dear Santa, Can I please have a DSP? My aunt needs drinking glasses. I love shrimp. Are you reel? Charles Dear Santa, Can you please bring me a play dog. I want my dog to run. My mom needs some makeup. My dad needs clothes. Talaiah Dear Santa, Please bring me makeup. My brother wats a wrestler. I am good at school and home. Charlotte Dear Santa, Please bring me a Nintendo. I don't know if I hav been good. I get all A's. Jerry Dear Santa, Miy I please have a wooden master sword? I will practice training outside. Why are toys so awesome? Thank you for what I wanted two years ago. Stephen Dear Santa, May I please have a Orbe maker? Please bring my mom a necklis. My mom has been good. Thank you for my life. Anastaci Dear Santa, Please may I have a Barbie doll? The Live Doll please. Why does Rudolph have a red nose? My dad wants a Xbox game. Charli Dear Santa, May I please have a xbox or a Wii? I want to play it with my frens. Do you like cookees and milk? Dmarion Dear Santa, Please bring me the new Ivy doll bekas I have bin dreeming about it. Do elvs liv with you? I love you. Ivy Dear Santa, Please bring me a santa toy and girl dolls. Do elvs make toys? Thank you for bringing me makeup. Kailee Dear Santa, Please bring me a Wii and a fone to play with my famle. Do you have fun with your reindeer? I love santa. Do you love me too? Deeantre Dear Santa, May I please have resling toys becus I want to play with my two bruthers. Do you give out yur toys? Thank you for my presents. Javaree Dear Santa, Please bring my mom a house and car so I can see her. How are you? Please bring my bruther a dsi so he wont play mine. Do you hd fun in the north pole? Matteson Dear Santa, Please bring me a mll so my mom and dad and my famley can play games. Do you play outside? Jessica Dear Santa, Can I hav play stac 3? My mom and not need anything. Tyson Dear Santa, Can you plase bring me a ease bake uven? I am seven years old. Victoria Pershing, Decatur Ms. Bart AM Class Dear Santa, I want some candy and sucker. I want a candy cane. I want a red race car and I will give it to my mama. Love, Ja'quavion Dear Santa, I want a Optimus Prime mac robot. I want a lego track and a dinosaur-a t-rex one. I want a red dragon and fire is going to blow out of his cheeks. Love, Nathen Dear Santa, I want a fire truck, ambulance, and a police car. I want a toy gun and trains with train tracks. I want the train to goes and goes on the tracks. What do you feed your reindeer? Love, Cornelius

Dear Santa, Please bring me a white dog. Not a toy white dog. I will play with him. I want a toy box. I want a choo choo train. Bring me a present with a dog in it. Love, Stephen Dear Santa, Please bring me a princess Barbie. Bring my baby sister a Dora toy. What do your reindeer eat? I love you Santa! Love, Asia Dear Santa, I want a Dora blanket. Sam's going to get something he likes. He doesn't know what he's going to get. I want you to bring me Mater and Lightening McQueen. I'm going to put in my toy box. Thank you and love you! Love, Kylie Dear Santa, I want a Dora doll and a pink bear. And candy with bubble gum. It has some in it and it pops out in your mouth and you can eat it. I want a Dora car for my Dora doll. I want a Dora bicycle and princess pool. I'm going to go swimming with my flower shorts on. I want a penguin and some Halloween stuff. I want to live at the snow place with you. Love, Pamela Dear Santa, I want some stuff for my brother and my sister and for me. I want a Trans-former and a water gun and a Nerf gun and a DSD and a PSP. Santa comes to our home and gives us presents. Thank you for bring me presents. Love, Nasir Dear Santa, I want a pink and purple bike. I will ride it outside. Please may I have a baby doll. That's it. I want my brother to have an Xbox 60 and a Playstation 2 and a candy corn and some gun. Love, Jade Dear Santa, Thank you for toys. Please bring me a Transformer. A big robot. I want an airplane that flies. It's at the store. And hard candy. Love, Kalel Dear Santa, I want a present that spills ice. It's a play toy. I saw it on TV. I want a white dog. I will play with it. I want toy shelves because I don't have shelves. I have one brother. I just want you to bring me something. Love, Caydence Dear Santa, I love you! You are kind and funny! Can you bring me three things: my brother wants an Optimus Prime toy and my sisters want a penguin. I want a Justin Beiber toy and I-Carly. I love you…Goodbye. Love, Patience Pershing, Decatur Ms. Bart PM Class Dear Santa, Can I get a bike? Can I have some candy canes? Can you bring Porcia a bike? For Mercedes, she wants a big bike. Blake wants a big bike too. Ethan wants a little bike. Love, Lexas Dear Santa, I want a pretty Barbie. I want a pretty Dora toy. My sissy would like a Barbie tool. Please bring my brother a toy. Love, Hannah Dear Santa, I want some purple toys. I want a dog. Please bring Miranda a purple shirt. There's a Christmas tree at my house. Love, Jayden W. Dear Santa, Could you come to my house and see if you can come to my birthday party? Please ask my Mom. Could you bring me some ballet shoes? Could you get my sister a big Dora Christmas thing? Could you bring my baby brother something to play with when he gets bigger and I can play with it with him? Love, Tomie Dear Santa, I want a Cinderella toy that she has a crown and a dress. Can you get a husband or something for Cinderella? I want a big dollhouse and it lights up everywhere. My brother likes to get Spidermans. He likes to go to the Santa Claus Store. Can you get a trumpet for me and my brother? Love, Destinei Dear Santa, I want to have a Christmas party, and I want to have Christmas from Santa Claus. I want some decorations for my Christmas tree. I want a little tree for my room. I want to show Samantha some toys. Love, Anniah Dear Santa, I love you and I want toys. I want a computer and a bucket of candy for Halloween. I would like a desk for my computer. I want my sister, Nattie-Bug, to get a Christmas tree and one for me. I want a bow for me and my sister. I want a phone and a yellow car. Can you bring a star for my tree? Love, Kaylin Dear Santa, I want a puppy and a phone and a bird. Please bring my brother a phone and my sister a puppy. Love, CaNiyah Dear Santa, I want a racer scooter. I want a new queen size bed. I would like a new TV in my room because Bentley doesn't have one. I want a new sports car that goes on a track. I want a new queen car that goes on a track. Please bring Bentley and me a new truck, a little one that you can push and has a trailer and boat on it. Love, Owen Dear Santa, I love you! I want you to bring me some presents with Hot Wheels. I want some trucks and cars too. My sister wants a girl DS game. My baby brother should have a rattle. Thank you for bringing me toys. Love, Antonio Dear Santa, I want a phone with games on it and I want blocks with a shark on it. I want a new toy fireplace. My baby sister would like a dog and Maddie would like babies. Love, Kage Dear Santa, I would like a new pink bear with a dress and all kids of clothes. I want some balloons and clothes for me too. My brother would like a Batman toy and a new mask. His Batman mask got chewed up by the dog. Love, Jayden M Dear Santa, I want a SpongeBob. I would like to have a Spiderman car. I would like for you to bring me a candy cane because I'm hungry. I'd like you to bring my sister Kayla to daycare. Love, Elijah Dear Santa, I would like lipstick and chapstick. I would like a Barbie doll. I would like a magical fairy

Dora. I want to have a party for you. Love, Jalaya Dear Santa, I want a toy. I want Power Rangers, pink and red and blue. I want a car. I will leave you some cotton candy. Love, Malachi Dear Santa, I want a big brown ball. I want a Princess and the Frog doll. Please bring me a Hello Kitty toy. I want my sister to have a Dora the Explorer toy. I want a SpongeBob toy too and a pink bike. What do your reindeer eat? Love, Kaimyn Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman toy that shoots out a chain. I bought a candy cane at the store. I want more candy like at the parade. A lot of candy. I'll give Santa hug because he gives us a whole bunch of presents. I'll say sorry to Santa because I bumped into him. Love, Dalten Dear Santa, I want to tell him I want a zebra and I camera to take pictures with. I want a school bus with people in it. I want a space station, space ship and alien. It's a circle and it flies in space. I saw it up in the sky when it was night time. I looked out the window. I want to Toy Story movie from family video. Love, Zachary Dear Santa, I wish I had a baseball but I don't have one. I want Santa Claus toys and stockings. I want a spider monkey sticker for my wall. I want a butterfly too and a Santa Claus book. I want a ballerina toy and I will play with it and touch the button. Love, Prudence Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a new lipstick in the white box for kids and wrapping paper as a present. I love you because you bring toys to me. I want you to bring me a new doll house with a big door for the dolls to go through. And dolls too! Love, Esther Pershing, Decatur Mrs. DeLuca Pre-K AM Class Dear Santa, I want a cop car and a cop gun and a cap walkie talkie. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, I want a baby doll and that is it. Oh, and a dolly doll. Love, Liberty Dear Santa, I just told Santa, a leap frog and a big choo choo train and a wii with a box. My brother wants that too. Love, Travis Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a flash light and I want you to bring me a train and a Lightening McQueen and a tool box with tools. Please, a toy city too. Love, Mason Dear Santa, I want a Mario toy. How about a Santa Claus toy? Please bring me a trick or treat bag because I threw the old one in the garbage. Love, Jacob Dear Santa, Look in my room. Look at my babies. I want a baby and a princess and the frog. Bye bye Santa. Love, Nazir Dear Santa, I want cars. Lightening Mcqueen. I want trains and big ball. Love, Alexander Dear Santa, I want a baby doll. That's it. Love, Kaily Dear Santa, I want a baby doll and I want a DS to play a game. I also want a Barbie doll and a stroller. Love, Shaveontae' Dear Santa, I would like a transformer; Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee. Y sister might like a new dolly to sleep with and a new Mickey ad Minnie. Love, Ethan C




Dear Santa, I want a skateboard. I want a doggy. Love, Darion

want my daddy and mommy to get spoiled too. Love, Tyren

Dear Santa, Santa bring me a Jessie and Bulls Eye and another Woody and Buzz. Love, Asaiah

Dear Santa, I want a guitar. Love, Zackary

Pershing, Decatur Ms. Heger AM Dear Santa, I want a Buzz Lightyear action figure, an Etcha-Sketch, a Samurai Castle and a Lightning McQueen car. Can u bring my mom sock monkey, and my dad a train set? I love you Santa. Love, Kaden

Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll and a bike. Love, Karson

Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman toy. Love, Esmon Dear Santa, I love you and I love when you bring presents to me. Love, Dominic Dear Santa, I want a pink car and a pink bunny who's not holding anything, just giving a hug. It will be pink like the car. A book that's pink with a lot of cats. The cats go to the pink car. Love, Haileigh

Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? I like you. For Christmas I want a dolly, and 2 trucks. I thnk that my mom would like a new drinking glass. Merry Christmas! Love, Katrina

Dear Santa, I want a coloring book with Cinderella and a kitchen set. Love, Savannah Dear Santa, I want a speed book and toys. Love, Tierance Dear Santa, I want a ball of magic, wall track for cars, Spiderman. Love, Michael

Dear Santa, I love you. Love, LaRon Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll. I want a baby alive. I want a tent, that's it. Love, Adriana Dear Santa, I want an Airplane and the controller to it. Love, Shamir Pershing, Decatur Mrs. DeLuca Pre-K PM Class Dear Santa, I want a Mr. Potato head, two big cars and an alligator toy too. Love, Ismahel Dear Santa, I want a Buzz light year and woody doll. Love, Brayden Dear Santa, I want clothes and a wrestler. Love, Darnell

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Dear Santa, I want a doggie. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, I want bubblegum, peanuts, Barbie doll and a coloring book. Love, Rahged Dear Santa, I want a doll, books and a duckie. Love, Ahleanah Dear Santa, I want purple ice skates. Love, Daterion Dear Santa, I want a princess doll and my mommy. Love, Heavenly Dear Santa, I want dolls, makeup and jewelry. Love, Brittney Dear Santa, I want new shoes, ummm new jacket, toys and books. Love, Shamyra Dear Santa, Ummm, I want a potato head and cars. Love, Tyler

Merry Christmas

Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo DS, car and pizza set. Love, Jayden


Dear Santa, I want a remote control car…that is black and a remote control car for my baby brother. Even my bus driver wants something too and I want my sister to get a baby doll and a Barbie. I

Happy Holidays!

Dear Santa, Uuummmmmm, I want a girl car. Love, Amir Dear Santa, I want a scarecrow. Love, Devon

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at

DeAngelo Brothers Inc. 217-423-0455

20 LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa, I want to know, how do your reindeer fly? For Christmas, I would really like to get a pillow pet, a Princess Castle, and a My Little Pony Castle. For my sister, bring an Easy-Bake Oven and for my brother a Samurai Castle. Love, Hannah Dear Santa, For Christmas, I want a new Barbie, a LeapPad, and Dora Kitchen set. For my little sister, bring a Let's Rock Elmo. Love, Emaree Dear Santa, For Christmas, I want a doll, a doll house and I really want a dog. Bring Lacey something with giraffes on it. Bring my dad a new pair of Nikes and a new hat. May mom would like a purple shirt and shoe.s. Bring my brother a new hat. Love,, Casey Dear Santa, Please bring me a kitchen set. I want a lot of Barbie's for my truck. I also want a Princess hat. My mom wants makeup. Love, Jeanessa Dear Santa, I want Monster High, and Moxy Girls Riding Horse. I also want a Dora Kitchen Set and Make Me Better Baby Doll. Please bring my mom some perfume and my dad some work shirts. Love, Jillianne Dear Santa, I want a Dora Kitchen and Dora Talking Backpack for Christmas. Love, Natalie Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? Can you please bring me an Optimus Prime Transformer, a Nerf Raider and a Lego Skull Truck? Bring my mom some new clothes and my dad a green remote control car. Love, Braden Dear Santa, Please bring me a DS game, a Dora Game, A Simon game and a Kitchen set. I also want a book about Santa Claus. I want to get my mom a new drinking glass, and my dad some tools. My brother already broke some of my stuff, but I would still get him a new truck. Love, Cadence Dear Santa, I want a Buzz Lightyear toy, a Diego track, a Lego City Police Bank. Bring my little sister a Barbie, and Mini Treehouse Play Set. Love, Logan Dear Santa, Please bring me a hot wheels wall track. Love, Lucas Dear Santa, Please bring me new doll and a doll-house. Thank you. Love, Brandy Dear Santa, Please bring me a police car, a new truck, and Tonka Titans Light & Sound fire Truck for Christmas. Bring my mom a pop. Love, Jatavious Dear Santa, Please bring me a Hair Design Barbie, a Fijit, Bratz on the Mic Tour Bus, and a Doodle Bear. Bring my brother a Voom, Voom, and my sister a monster High Dance Doll. My mom wants a necklace, a bracelet, and a ring. Love, Callie Dear Santa, Please bring me a Ben 10 game. Love, Camden Dear Santa, Please bring me a Laser Stunt Chaser, a Vortex Nitron Blaster and a Diego Dinosaur Transport. Bring my brother a WWE Colossal Crash Arean and a Simon Flash Game. Bring my mom a new winter jacket. Love, Keiran Dear Santa, Please bring me a Fijit toy, and a My Little Pony Castle. Bring my brothers some new coloring books. Love, Chloe Pershing, Decatur Ms. Heger PM Dear Santa, I want an Optimus Prime Transformer, a Barbie, and Magical Fairy Dora. Please, bring my mom more pots and pans. Bring my dad some more work tools. Bring my little brother Rock Star Mickey and the Bumble Bee Transformer and my 2 big brothers Monster Trucks. My big sister would like more books and more school work. Love, Rosalinda


Santa, go to the store and get the presents for us. Thank you! Love, Maritz

rush to the rescue, dump truck, a garbage truck. Thanks, Jason

Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a Bomb Blastin Master. I want for my sister Noemy a Baby Alive, and for my sister Britney I would like a Princess Ultimate Dream Castle. Love, Levi

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Spider-man video game for DS, transformer for DS, Batman, Superman, Incredible Hulk, and that's it. Thanks, Kaine

Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas a Shake'en Go World Grand Prix Raceway and I have my brother who wants a Spiral Speedway. Love, Emmanuel Dear Santa, I want for my Christmas present a Francesco Convertible. I have two brothers the big one wants a Swarm Fire-Blaster and the other one wants a Star wars Luke's land speeder. Love, Adrian Dear Santa, I would like for my Christmas present an Ultimate Optimus Prime and for my sister Jenny she wants a jet set dolls and my sister Monserrat wants a playful pup. Love, Jonathan Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a Berry Blossom Tink Doll. Love, Sarai Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas a fisher price ixl learning system. Love, Christian Pershing, Decatur Mrs. Lasater AM Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like Barbies, slippers that open and shut, a Woggle Pet, and some candy. Thanks, Aaliyah Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a DSP, a fire truck, a skateboard, and a cat. Thanks, DaSilas Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a princess Barbie and Barbies, a pink soccer ball, and presents. Thanks, Haasini Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a fire truck, presents, 2 trucks, and more trains. Love, Jackson Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a football, a toy, and some candy. Thanks, Kaylub Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a monster truck, a stop sign, a train, a puzzle and a ball, and some candy. Love, Nate Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a motorcy-cle, a truck that you can ride outside, a race car with a remote control, and a big truck that you can pick stuff up with. Thanks, Robin Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Barbie doll, and a scooter, and a Dora house and a Barbie doll house. Thanks, Devyn Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like Barbie dolls, a Dora house, and a scooter. Love, Zi Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Barbie house, a Dora house, paint to paint her toes and nails. Thanks, Shaunkiya Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like dinosaurs, Barbies, and mermaids. Love, Shelby Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a basket-ball, boots for snow, a bike, and I want snow trucks, and a soccer ball, and I want a football. Love, Colin Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a fire truck, a skateboard, a bicycle, Spiderman sheets, and a computer. Thanks, Chris Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a bike. Love, Araea

Dear Santa, I want a Lightning McQueen Power Wheels, a Hot Wheels Wall track, a fire truck, and Cars 2 Fully Loaded McMis-sile. For my mom, bring a Bop It XT, and a new can opener. Bring my dad a RC Car. My big sister wants a Optimus Prime Transformer. Love, Reyli

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a guitar, a purple truck, and a basketball. Love, TreMayne

Dear Santa, What kind of cookies do you like? I've been really good this year. I want a WWE Colossal Crashdown Arena, the Simon Flash Game, and a T-Pain Microphone. Bring a Hello Kitty Camera for my mom and give my dad a day off from working. Love, Jesus

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a cash register, a doll and that's it. Love, Bonnie

Dear Santa, I like your reindeer. Please bring me a new prissy dress, the Laugh & Learn Say Please Tea, the Picnic Set and the Vacuum Cleaner. Also I would like the Dora Fiesta Favorites Kitchen. Bring my big sister a pretty dress. My mom would like a new pair of boots and my dad a new pair of shoes. Love, Cilicia Dear Santa, Do you like Christmas tree cookies? For Christmas, I would like the Dora Fiesta Favorites Kitchen, a Baby Alive Doll, a Bratz on the Mic Doll, a My Little Pony RC Vehicle, and a Princess Disney Guitar. Bring my little sister a Laugh & Learn Say Please Tea Set and an Imaginext Mega T-Rex for big brother. Love, Natalia Dear Santa, I really like you. Please bring me a Barbie house with Barbies. Bring my mom some new perfume. Love, Frida Dear Santa, Please bring me the Monster High dolls, and Barbie Designable Hair extension Barbie. Bring my mom some new makeup and my dad some new tools. Love, Victoria Dear Santa, What kind of cookies do you like? I like all cookies. Please bring me a Justin Bieber Singing Doll, a Mini Lalapoopsy Treehouse Play Set and a Fisher-Price Kid Tough See yourself camera. For brothers bring big cars. Love, Leslie Dear Santa, I would like some transformers for Christmas. And also I want a Little People Wheelies. Love, Kevin Dear Santa, I wish for Christmas a fiesta favorites kitchen for Dora, and also I want for my brother Christian the big real Lighting McQueen. And for my little brother I want a Die-Cast car. Please

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like presents. Love, Devin

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a fire truck, a monkey and a dog. Thanks. Isaiah Pershing, Decatur Mrs. Lasater PM Class Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a game, a Hulk toy, a Spiderman toy, and a Santa toy for my brother. Love, Lorenzo Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like an MP3 player, a basketball, a basketball hoop. Thanks, Ethan Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a blue, red spiderman. Love, Giovanni Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Baby-Ice-Cream, a princess, an apple and some candy. Love, Abigail Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a barbage man truck, a I PAD, and that's it. Love, Cirstan Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a lot of games, 5 controllers, and presents and candy, and a fire truck. Thanks, Dalik Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like an MP3 player, a basketball, basketball hoop. Thanks, Ethan Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like Toy Story, Spiderman, a dump truck, elves, a big motorcycle, and some gum. Thanks, Jamar Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a big firefighter to



Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like leggos, Ernie Mann, a rocket, and a some candy. Love, Kaden Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like baby doll, and my baby. Thanks, Paytton Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a big Barbie, a real pony, a pool pet, a puppy dog. Thanks, Kiara Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like 2 toy truck, a car, a dinosaur, and a toy batman. Thanks, Salvatore Dear Santa, I want Christmas toys, pink toys. Love, Jasmin Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a horse, a cow and a pig. Love, Desi Dear Santa, I just want Batman stuff and cop cars. Love, Chase Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like batman, superman, and a blue ball. Love, J.T. Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a fishing pole, a Barbie doll, a Santa hat, and a Santa coat, and slippers because I get splinters in my foot. Love, Amagine Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new TV and a Barbie. Live, Bri'onna Pershing, Decatur Ms. McFadin AM Dear Santa, I want a Transformer Robo Robot and Optimus Prime. And for John John, I want a Transformer MechTech figure. I want a tent for Daddy and a Donkey Kong game for Mommy. JJ Dear Santa, Can I get a Rapunzel? For my mommy, markers. She likes markers. One blue and 2 reds and 2 purples. My brother wants a real cup for the kitchen. I want to get a doggie for you, Santa. Anicea Dear Santa, I want a hot wheels track. Please bring my brother a CARS movie, a Smurfs movie for Mommy and a dragon movie for my daddy. Byron Dear Santa, Do you want a lot of cookies? Do you want 4? Santa, I want a Fiesta Favorite Kitchen and a Barbie airplane. I want the Dream Castle for my sister. I want a train for my brothers. I have 4 brothers. I want a purple ring for my mommy. My daddy wants a phone. Mi'Auna Dear Santa, Santa, I love you so much. How do you like the cookies? Are they very good? Happy Merry Christmas! Ho,ho,ho! Please bring me a 3-Story Dream Townhouse. My sister wants a Barbie camper. My brother wants a truck. Please bring my mom a purple ring and a heart necklace. Please bring my daddy a TV. He doesn't have one at his house. Maybe a camera. It's not big so you don't have full hands. How do your reindeer fly? I love reindeer. Jerriana Dear Santa, Can you play with toys? I want a grocery store and a kitchen. I want an ABC train for my baby. She's not here yet. I want some boots for my grandma and grandpa. A watch for my daddy and gloves for my mommy. Rachel Dear Santa, Willyou buy me a toy? I want an Easy Bake oven for my sister. I want a doll for my other sister. I want a CARS racetrack. And bring a scooter for my big brother. Please bring my mommy a black dress and some gloves. Anton Dear Santa, I want the Smurfs movie the most. I want a Lion King for my brother. Bring Mommy chocolate. Candy for Daddy and Gabby. Gabe Dear Santa, I love your reindeer. Please bring me a Let's Rock Elmo. Please bring my mommy a pink ring. Please bring my daddy some tools. And my sisters a Barbie. And my brothers a bike. And me a Spiderman. I love you Santa. Jakeem Dear Santa, I love you. I miss you. Would you bring me a Rapunzel. Cole wants Buzz Lightyear and some cars. My mom wants some new shoes and a necklace and my daddy wants a sweatshirt and tennis shoes. And my big brother wants an Xbox 360 and a skateboarding game. Thank you, Santa Allyssia Dear Santa, I love you. How do you get presents in our house? Please bring me an Easy Bake oven. Please bring my brother a Paper Janz Pro Microphone. Please bring my mom a diamond ring. Please bring my dad some tools so he can work on our class. Love, Jayla Dear Santa, I can give you whatever you want. You said you want chicken and milk and cookies. Please bring me a Play Wonder Fashion Doll. My sister wants a Dream Castle. Bring my baby brother a pony. My mom wants a birthstone necklace and earrings. And my dad wants a coffee maker. I love you. Yionna Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? Sometimes Rudolf blinks his nose so your sleigh flies. Can I have new chairs? I really want a Lego City Police Bank and new pajamas. I want the Fifit Friends for all of my sisters. I want a new boy coat and a new tool for my dad. I want a blue ring for my mom. Thank you. Your friend, Christopher Pershing, Decatur Ms. McFadin PM Dear Santa, Please bring me a boat and an airplane and a popcorn machine for my mommy. Bring a socket set to Grandma. Thank you. Ja'Trevion Dear Santa, What cookies do you like? Do you like my mommy's cookies? I want a Toy Story game. Brylin

Dear Santa, Where is the North Pole? What kind of cookies do you like? Please Santa, please will you give me an Orbeez Mood lamp. Please bring Jill a Pucci Pup. Please give my brother, Timmy, a Made By Me No Spill Paint Center. Please give Brad a Poppin Park Bounce'n Ride. Please give my mom a pink heart necklace and my dad some tennis shoes. I love you. Audrey Dear Santa, Happy Christmas! Do you like choco-late cookies? Please give me a Metal Masters Triple Battle Set and my sister an Ultimate Optimus Prime. Give Thor to my big brother. Give my brother, Tyler, a Police Patrol Car that he can ride in. Please give my other big brother a Power Range Megazord. Please give my mommy a new watch. Your Friend, Taylor Dear Santa, Where are your reindeer? How do they fly? Please Santa, can you give me a Dora Fiesta Kitchen. Please give my brother a Holiday Garage & McQueen Pit Crew. Give my other brother a Captain American Shield. Give Kerrion a Little People Wheelies Stand'n Play rampway. Give my teacher a Let's Rock Microphone. Please give my mom a pink ring that's a circle with gold around it. Bring my dad some boots. Bring Tony some tennis shoes. Your friend, JaKerria Dear Santa, Where do you live at? Would you please bring me a Wooden train Railway set and Thomas the Tank Engine trains? And bring Vicky a pink bike. Please bring my baby brother and sister a CARS movie. Bring a purple ring for my mom. I think my dad wants a fireplace. Your friend, Vincent Dear Santa, I love your reindeer. I want a Pink Kenmore Kitchen and Magic Playdo Ice Cream Shoppe. Give my brothers and sisters a bike and tent. Give my mom Hello Kitty pajamas and a coat for Daddy. Sa'Nyiiah Dear Santa, What do your reindeer eat? I want a Zoobies Mamma & Babies Play Set and a Mini Lalaloopsy Tree House Play Set. I want a Let's rock Elmo for by baby sister, a black and white purse for my momma, and something pretty for my sister - jammies. And I was thinking for my dad - some shoes. Thank you, Tilia Dear Santa, Can I get a Lion King movie and a Wooden Kitchen Set? For my baby, can I have a My 1st Craftsman Excava-tor? I want a bike for Quamar and Buddy. I want to give my momma a scooter and pogo stick for J.R. He can get on it. Thank you. Dai'Shon

Dear Santa, I want you to bring me cars for Christ-mas. I want some trains too. Santa, what do you feed your reindeer? I would feed the reindeer cookies. I love you. Timothy

Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. I want you to bring me a Barbie doll and some clothes for Barbie. I love you. I want a purple shirt for me too. What kind of cookies do you like? I like purple cookies. Thank you. Emma

Dear Santa, What do you feed your reindeer? I would feed them me! I would like you to bring me a new guitar. Come back next year. Logan

Dear Santa, Thank you for giving me presents. I would like barbies, a Barbie house, and a Barbie car. What do you feed your reindeer? I love you. Amelie

Dear Santa, I want you to bring me some Barbie dolls, some Barbie clothes, and some clothes for me. What do you feed your reindeer? I would feed them reindeer noodles. Thank you. Quantaria

Dear Santa, What do you feed your reindeer? I think they would like pineapple and carrots. I would like you to bring me a guitar and a Ninja Turtle. Thank you. Caide

Dear Santa, I want you to bring me some dolls and cars and a toy Santa. I want some food and a kitchen and a picture of you. What do you feed your reindeer? I would feed them some hot chips and cookies. Merry Christmas. Lindsey

Dear Santa, I want some toys like a firetruck and apolice one. What kind of ice cream do you like? I like vanilla and chocolate. I love you. Takiya Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a car. I want a snowman too. See you next year. Avijot

Dear Santa, I want you to bring me some Barbie dolls. I want a Barbie car too. What kind of cookies do you like? I like chocolate cookies. Thank you. Emily

Dear Santa, I love you Santa, I want to get a big giant Barbie house. Give me drums for my brother. I want stickers and the things that you put in the water and they grow. I want to pet your reindeer and get food for them. I would feed them carrots and white apples for the reindeer. Please draw me a picture of the reindeer. I will see you tomorrow. I love you and your reindeer. Sanabil

Dear Santa, I want a big monster truck. How do you feed your ice cream to your reindeer? I like chocolate ice cream. I love you. Thank you. Emanie Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. I want you to bring me a doll. I have been a good girl. What are your favorite kind of cookies? I like chocolate chip cookies. Thank you. Isabel


Golden Prairie News

Happy Holidays

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Dear Santa, Can you please give me a present? I want a Lalaloopsy Tree House. My sister wants a Dora Fiesta Kitchen. Please bring my brother a microphone and my other brother a Simon Flas game. Bring my mommy some paja-mas. Bring pajamas for my brother, my other brother and me. I want lots of tools for my dad. Marissia

Dear Santa, Bring me a trip to Biltmore Estate, Asheville, N.C.

Dear Santa, Can I draw a picture of you? Can I call you on the telephone? I would like you to bring me a wagon so I can try to carry Sissy. I want Squinkies Bubble Pack for Sissy. I want a Xbox for my dad and I want my mom to get one of those heart things (necklace). For grandma, I want something for her to mix my food up in. I like you to bring us some towels to dry us off. Thanks you. Dillon

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Dear Santa, Will you give me presents? I want an Easy Bake oven. I want my brother and sisters to have Playdo. I want a doggie for my mommy and daddy. Thank you. LeeAnn

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Dear Santa, I want a Minnie Mouse and Playdo. Sophia Pershing, Decatur Mrs. O's AM

Best Wishes from

Dear Santa, I want a firetruck-a big firetruck. I want a John Deere with a steering wheel. I saw you at the mall. I would feed your reindeer ice cream. I will see you next year. Steven Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a Barbie and a Barbie car. I want some clothes for my Barbie too. What do you feed the reindeer? I would fee them noodles. See you next year. Caydence Dear Santa, I want you to bring me LaLa Loopzie. I want a Barbie too. I have been a good girl this year. What kind of cookies do you like? I like pink cookies best. Thank you. Kayleigh Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a Dora kitchen. I want you to bring Kane some drums. I want to feed your deer some cookies. I want some drums too-some girl drums. I have been a good girl this year. I love you. Thank you. Kaley Dear Santa, I want a Barbie house and pretty fingernails. I want a Baby Alive too. What do you feed your reindeer? I wouldfeed the reindeer fruit snacks. Thank you. Adriyah

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www.herald-review.com Dear Santa, I want tools with a tool box. And I want a tool thing that opens with the screws and all that. I want new spiderman shoes. I want to see you at the North Pole and at the mall. I want to say, give me a fireturck and blocks like at school, and hats and hammers. I will give the reindeer posicles, candy canes, and ice cream on cookies. I would feed you apples. I will give you all my food. Thank you. David Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a truck-a big truck. What are your favorite cookies? I like chocolate cookies. Do you wear a seatbelt on your reindeer when they fly? I will see you at the mall. Love, Zackary

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2011 kind of good. Merry Christmas. Thank you. Jill

crumbs and is nasty. Thank you! Delvecchio

Dear Santa, I love you. I can't wait till Christmas. Do you have a tree at your house? We have big tree at my house. I want a baby doll this year and I have been very good. My teacher helped me write this letter to you. I hope you like it. Happy Holidays to you, Mrs. Claus and your elves. Thank you! Aiyonna

Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll car and some Barbie dolls please. Brianna

Dear Santa, I want a computer for Christmas. I am excited to visit you and have my picture taken. Thank you for bringing me presents. Jericho "Happy Happy Santa ever" Sanabel

Pershing, Decatur Mrs. O's PM Dear Santa, I really want an easy bake oven for Christmas. What kind of cookies do you like? My favorite is chocolate chip cookies. Do your reindeer eat cookies? What do you feed them? Merry Christmas. Thank you for my presents. Angelica Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. I want a big pink car for me. Will you please bring a present for my mommy, too? I want to take a picture with you. I love you Santa Claus! Dasia Dear Santa, Please bring me a firetruck this year. My teacher helped me write this letter to you. The North Pole is far away, so I hope you get me letter. I like your reindeer. Thank you for bringing me presents. Marco Dear Santa, Hello. Can I please have a Nintendo DS for Christmas? Thank you. What is your favorite food? I like to eat cereal and chips. Merry Christmas! Jacobrianna Dear Santa, I want a Baby Alive with the stroller and bed. I would be so happy if you get me this for Christmas! I will give you a hug when I come to see you. My mommy will take a picture of us with Johnny. Thanks you, Santa Clause. Jasmine Dear Santa, I would like a bumble bee toy for Christmas. Do you have a santa doll you could bring me? Do the elves live with you at the North Pole? I would like to vist you and the elves. I like your reindeer, too. Merry Christmas! Noah Dear Santa, Hi. I am excited for you to visit. Can you bring me a necklace and a big house? Do you like gingerbread cookies? We are going to make some gingerbread men at school. I love you, Santa. Alexis Dear Santa, Could you bring me a baby doll and clothes for her please. I like Santa Claus cookies. Do you like cookies too? Thank you for bringing presents. Merry Christmas. Summer Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. I would like some new cars. Thank you. Ben Dear Santa, I like ninjas and legos. Can you bring me some for Christmas? Do you like pirate gingerbread men? I do! Do you have a Christmas tree with a star on top at your house? We have one at my house. I really like candy canes, too. I hope you put some in my stocking. Thanks and Merry Christmas! Nicholas Dear Santa, Hi. I love trucks and hope that you bring one to me. I have been a very good boy this year. Please tell your reindeer hello. I want to see you and your reindeer. I will leave you cookies and milk. Thank you! Shehab ] Dear Santa, Will you please put candy in my stocking? I have been really good. I hope you like our cookies. I like them. Thank you. Morad Dear Santa, I would like an Iron Man suit with the helmet. Do you like Oron Man? My teacher helped me write you this letter. I hope you get it in time. I have been kind of naughty this year, but I promise to try harder at being good. I love you. Hohoho, Santa! Merry Christmas. Jordin Dear Santa, Can you give me doughnuts? Do you like doughnuts? I like books and puzzles. I have been good, so I hope you can bring me somenew ones. Merry Christmas. Thank you for bringing me presents. Cristen Dear Santa, Hello. How are you? I have been a very good girl. Can you bring me a Barbie and baby doll for Christmas? Is it cold at the North Pole? What kind fo cookies do you like? I will leave you lots of cookies and something for your reindeer. What do your reindeer like to eat? I hope you have a Merry Christ-mas. Thank you! Mariam Dear Santa, I like to play cowboy and use ropes like a real cowboy. I catch my toys with my rope before my brother gets them. I would like a doggie for Christmas. Can you bring me a white doggie? I am going to name him Shadow. I want him to be little and cute. I am going to build you a snowman as soon as we get snow. I hope you like it. I will leave you milk and gingerbread men cookies that are pirates. They are my favorite. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Kayde Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. Be careful when you bring me presents. I hope your reindeer can pull the heavy sleigh. Your rein-deer might get tired and want to sleep. Do you let them take a nap? I would like a Christmas tree at my house. I would like a red car and white motorcycle. I have been a very good boys this year. Thank you for bringing me a new car and motorcycle. DeVontae Dear Santa, My name is Jill and I have been very good. Will you bring me Barbies and books for Christmas? What is your favorite book? Mine is my Tinkerbell book. Please bring my sister and brothers presents too. They have been

Pershing, Decatur Ms. Schoemperlen Pre-Kindergarten Dear Santa, I would like a new coat, hat and socks for Christmas. I want a new baby doll and clothes for her. My brother wants a new computer and some new clothes for my mommy. I will leave you some cookies! Love, Alexis Dear Santa, I have been a good boy and so has my rother Trenton. I want a reace car and a new scooter. My brother wants a new race car too. I want mommy to have a necklace and a car for my Daddy. Santa work hard and I will leave some cookies. I saw you in my bedroom with your reindeer the other day. Thank you for my present. Love, Tristan Dear Santa, I want a scorpion for a pet. I would like some tools so I can help hammer a house. Mommy wants a house and so does Daddy. You can bring my brother a new hat. I've been a good boy and want a lot of toys! I've missed you very much. Caleb Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I would like a baby doll and crib for Christmas. She will need some clothes and food. I will need a tricycle so I can give her a ride too! Please bring Mommy a new dress and Daddy some new pants. Love, Mia Dear Santa Claus, I've been a good girl and I want a doll that you can put make-up on her. I also want a toy car for Barbie that has four seats in it. Santa could you bring my brother some roller blades to play with and Mommy would like a computer.. I love you very much Santa! Serentity Dear Santa, Please bring me a Dora Kitchen and some earrings. My Mommy would like to have some rings for her fingers. Kisses, Jordyn Dear Santa Claus, I would like a Barbie for me. My brother Tim wants some skates. Please bring a necklace for my Mom! Thank you, Andrea Dear Santa, I want a new bike for Christmas because my other one is too little for me to ride. My sissy wants a new bike too! I've been good! My Mommy wants a new mirror for the bathroom and I don't know what my Daddy wants for Christma, bring him any-thing! Merry Christmas Olivia Dear Santa Claus, I want a faster airplane that can win the race! You can bring some tools for my Daddy because he's been good! I will leave cookies and cold water for you at my house. Merry Christmas. Jacob Dear Santa Claus, I want the airplane that has the eagles on the wings and flies. Could you bring my Mom a ring with flowers on it for Christmas? She really likes them! Thank you, Micah Hi Santa Claus! Could you please bring me a Doddle Bear so I can write on it? I would like a Barbie Doll too. My Dad likes ham-mers for presents and my Mom likes shoes. Thank You! Merry Christmas. Curissa Dear Santa Claus, I want a Robo Pet for Christmas. Love, Jazzmine Dear Santa, I want a puppy! Please and thank you! Love, Nathan Dear Santa, Please bring me some dora toys and clothes. Bring my Mommy some pajamas. I've been a good girl! Tanyah Dear Santa, I have been a nice boy and would like a new skateboard. I've never had one before. I want mommy to have a new car, the old one has

Merry Christmas from WARRENSBURG MINI STORAGE New Units Ready Now Affordable Prices • Short Term Leases Large boat and camper storage available at another location


Happy Holidays from Decatur Manor Healthcare


Chuck Jordan, Administrator and Dr. Rohidas Patil, Medical Director 1016 W. Pershing Rd. | Decatur, IL 217-875-0833

Dear Santa Claus, Please send me a Wack-A-Mole game and some puzzles for Christmas. My sister wants some slippers and maybe some plants for my Mommy. I will leave you some cookies for you and water for your reindeers. Thank you very much! Lilee Dear Santa, I would like to please have a race car. Please bring a Barbie for my little sister and one for my Mommy too! Love, Bryson Dear Santa, Please bring me a big, blue race car. My brother wants a blue race car too. Mommy would like a motorcycle. Bring all the presents to my grandma's house. Hugs to Santa, Jayden

Dear Santa Claus, Would you please bring me a Barbie house for my Mom's house? I have one at my Dad's but I want one here too. Could you bring my Mom a candle that smells like flowers because she loves them? Merry Christmas. Aaralyn Dear Santa Claus, I would like a car for Christmas. My sister wants a Barbie car but I just want a blue regular car. Thank you, Kemari Dear Santa, Could you bring me a dollhouse for Christmas please? I've been really good! My brother keeps bumping his head on things because he is just starting to walk so could you bring him a walker for Christmas too? I will leave you some candy under the tree. Love, Tamiya Dear Santa, My name is Brayden and I would like a video game for Christmas. I would also like crayons so that I can write, but only on paper. Could you bring my mommy high-heel shoes; I think she would like them in green? Thank you and Merry Christmas.

Dear Santa Claus, I love you Santa? Please can I have a Blizzard maker like the one at Dairy Queen? I will make Blizzards for everyone in my family and Ms. Schoemperlen! My mommy loves tiny Chrstmas trees, so could you bring her one of those? Merry Christmas. Bailey

Dear Santa, I want a present please! A Spiderman Spectacular toy is what it is called. Do you make those? Could you please bring one for my brother too so he won't play with mine? Thank you, Farrell

Dear Santa, I would like a little big car for Christ-mas. I want a bike that I can ride on. I love you, Timothy

Dear Santa Claus, How are the reindeer? I want a train for Christmas. Not a real one but a little one. You can bring a ball for my borther. I also want some snow please! Love, Tylyn

Dear Santa Claus, I'm trying to be good, but it's hard! Can I have a basketball and a hoop for Christmas? Mommy wants a new T.V. and Grandma and Grandpa want some new music. Love, Nicholas Dear Santa, Please bring me some race cars and a race track for Christmas please. My Daddy's been bad so you don't need to bring him anything. You can bring Mommy some cars so she can play with me. Thanks, Brylyn Dear Santa, Can I have a toy airplane and a Bumble Bee transformer? My sister wants some lipstick and you can give my Mom a new purse. My Dad wants a new phone. Love, Jacob Dear Santa Claus, I want a big police car. I have been a good boy at home and school. I want a fire truck too! Love, Johnny Dear Santa, I would like to have a toy lion and some dinosaurs. Merry Christmas. John Dear Santa, Me and my Sister want some games and clothes. Mommy and Dadd need clothes too! Love, Jaleeya Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a Christmas tree. I want a princess doll under it. Love, Jenna Dear Santa, Please bring me and my sister a doll for Christmas. Just bring a present for my Mom. Love, Taysia Dear Santa Claus, May I please have a robot for Christ-mas? My brother would like a fishing pole. Mommy took me to the mall to see you yesterday, do you remember me? Love, Phaylon Dear Santa Claus, I would like to have a music box and a new bike. Mommy wants a new movie and Sissy wants a new jump rope. I will leave you some chocolate chip cookies and some potato chips for the reindeer! Love, Kourtnae Dear Santa, I would like a car and some puzzles for Christmas. Could you bring my mommy a new car because my Daddy wrecks her black car all the time? Thank you, Vinnie Dear Santa Claus, I want a Buzz Light Year so I can make him fly in the air. Can you bring a special present for my mom, shaped like a triangle? Thank you, William

Pershing, Decatur Sandy Schwartz AM Dear Santa, Please bring me a remote control Lightning McQueen, Wrestlers and a werestling arena, Matchbox Shark Adventure and Cars 2 Tokyo Track Set. I love jelly beans, so does my mom. Can you bring my mommy candy? I will leave you cookies and candy. Love, Brandon Dear Santa, Can you bring me an Ultimate Easy Bake Oven, some babies and a baby bed? I really wan a Disney Guitar and some Barbies. Can you bring my mommy a dog? My brother wants a kitty. I will leave you juice and cookies! Love, Kaylynn Dear Santa, Can you bring me a Lightening McQueen car game, some legos and a Police Station? My little sister wants a Strawberry Shortcake doll and some Hello Kitty boots. My big sister wants boots, too! I will leave you candy! Love, Gabriel Dear Santa, Please bring me a new bike and a Battleship game. My brother wants some new legos and my Mommy wants some new shoes. I love you, Santa! I will leave you cookies! Love, DeAndre Dear Santa, Please bring me a Power Wheels truck, Rock Star Mickey, a guitar a V-Tech game. My Mommy wants a Strawberry Shortcake house, and Daddy wants a game. My sisters want some Hot Wheels and an alarm clock. My brother wants a bike and a swing set. I love you, Santa! Love, Donovan Dear Santa, I want a Trio Bat Cave and a Hot Wheels Super Stunt Builder. Daddy wants an X-Box with a Batman game and Mommy wants and IPod dock. I will leave you cookies! Love, Mason Dear Santa, I want cars that make noise and a Count and Crunch Cookie Monster. My sister wants Elmo, and my big sister wants new boots. My brother wants a wres-tler, and Mommy and Daddy want candy. Love, Stevie Dear Santa, I want cute babies and a Disney Princess Crriage and castle. I would like pink and purple legos to share with my sister. Can you bring me some Barbies, too? My brother wants a Ninja Lego Movie, Mommy wants a princess toy and Daddy wants a game. I will leave you cupcakes! Love, Makenzie


DECATUR, ILLINOIS Pershing, Decatur Sandy Schwartz PM

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Choo-Choo train and a big green truck. I alwo want a green car that drives fast. Andrew wants some play-doh! My Mommy wants a car, too! I like you, Santa! Love, Alex Dear Santa, Please bring me a new phone, some balls and a Leap pad. My mommy wants Minnie Mouse. I love you, Santa! Love, Trayvion Dear Santa, Please bring me a new phone, a scooter, a Vortx Nitron Blaster and some Thomas the tank trains. I also want a drum set and a computer. My Mommy and Daddy want a new car. I will leave you candy! Love, Kavion

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Sponge Bob game, a big drum set and a Remote control helicopter. My Daddy plays the drums and Mommy plays cymbals. I will leave you cookies! Love, Channing Dear Santa, Please bring me Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse's Princess Boutique. I also want a Dora guitar, and a Dora Pet Shop. Fabian wants Thomas the Tank Engine. I love you, Santa! Love, Britney Dear Santa, Please bring me some bubbles, play-doh, blocks and a sand box. My brother, Christian, wants bubbles, too! Love, Emerson

Dear Santa, Please bring me Disney Cars 2 portable DVD player, a basketball, some Ligtning McQueen cars and a new bike. Murante wants a car and Mommy and Daddy want a new house. I will leave you ice cream and chocolate milk. Love, Montavious Dear Santa, Please bring me a big doll house, a doctor's kit and some stuffed bears. My brother wants some new books. I love you, Santa! I will leave you cookies! Love, Anastaesia Dear Santa, Please bring me a talking Elmo, a big Mickey Mouse and a Hello Kitty toy. My Mommy likes candy, so does my brother & sister. I like you, Santa! Love, Savannah Dear Santa, Please bring me a Barbie Castle and some Barbie dolls. I would like a play kitchen with food, too! Please bring Daddy some candy and Grandma likes Barbie dolls. I will leave you candy! Love, Allie

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22 LETTERS TO SANTA Pershing, Decatur Mrs. Wrigley Pre-School AM Class


will leave salsa and chips for you and the reindeer. Kendrick

Dear Santa, I want a monster truck and a helicopter and an airplane and a star wars hat. Cookies and milk I'll leave for Santa. Nicholas

Dear Santa, I want a butterfly wand and bunch of things. Kyra Dear Santa, I want a Barbie Doll and a fire truck and a girl car and a big ol' girl dinosaur and a boy dinosaur. Layonna

Dear Santa, A baby doll and a Barbie and a ball and also I want for Christmas a table and chairs and one more thing and a silly boat. The reindeer will have grass to eat from me. Haylei

Dear Santa, I want my dad's chicken for Christmas. Please bring me cars and trucks. Jaylen

Dear Santa, I want a dollar, a penny, a nickel for Christmas. I would like cars for Christmas like the ones at school. Jaylon

Dear Santa, I want Hannah Montana music. I'd like markers. I'm leaving cookies for you Santa. Savanna

Dear Santa, I want a doll house. I want mommy to have a puppy. I want a cuckoo clock for daddy and mommy. Amery

Dear Santa, I'd like a Xbox, toys, books, movies, and that's it. Kimora

Dear Santa, I want a princess doll and a live puppy dog to my mommy. Felicia

Dear Santa, I want a girl skateboard. My mom wants a radio. I want a toy table and chairs. My mom wants a new bed. Heather

Dear Santa, I want a Dora Dolly and a Blues Clues Dog and a Santa Claus to play with. Arianna Dear Santa, Please bring me a toy for Christmas. Brennen

Dear Santa, I want a Choo Choo train and toys. Jeremiah Dear Santa, I would like anything for Christmas. I have been good at school. Brashawn

Dear Santa, I want a guitar, a race car with tracks. I want a big snake like at school. Casey Dear Santa, I want a big real elephant in the backyard to eat the grass and the bugs. Kaia

Dear Santa, I want a Mickey Mouse Rock Star. I've been a good boy. Kaleb Dear Santa, I want a Dora kitchen and a Dora play set and a Dora doll. Santa I've been good at home. Brianna

Dear Santa, Bring me a race track. I will leave you a note. Coltin

Dear Santa, I want a Princess for Christmas. And a radio Alyssa

Dear Santa, I want a dog toy for my dog, a Dora puzzle for me and a Dora house, a book for Oni. Please Santa give yourself a Clifford dog. One more thing for the reindeers, how about carrots. Haydyn Dear Santa, I want a Barbie and a car for Christmas. I want a real crayon and a real puzzle too. My cousins want a Barbie, a big and little car. I'd like a Barbie DVD so I can dance and sing with my cousins. Alexiyah

Dear Santa, I want a car with a doll and a house with a puppy and a princess. Bring my mom and dad new shoes. I'll send you another letter Santa. Joshlyn South Shores, Decatur Ms. Ellis 1st Grade

Dear Santa, I want a bouncy ball, and a Christmas tree with Santa Claus. Bring mom some new socks. Meemaw and Papa want two new flashlights. A play house with stuff I can put in it, clothes and puzzle pieces. Hannah S. Dear Santa, I want a big robot. I will leave reindeer treats and cookies for Santa. Jackson Dear Santa, I want make up and some puzzles, I want a new purse for mom. Please bring me some Lion King cowboy boots that light up. Make my mom go to sleep so I can stay up to see you. Abriel

Dear Santa, Some presents, some doll houses and people for Christmas. A big house for mom and dad. Ani

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a DS last Christmas. This year I would like a Lalaloopzy doll and a musical for Christmas. How do you see Santa? Love, Nevaeh

Dear Santa, Bring me toys for Christmas. Kishawna

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a bike last Christmas. This year I would like skates and a bike. How do you pick your reindeer? Love, Cameron

Pershing, Decatur Mrs. Wrigley Pre-School PM Class Dear Santa, Santa you sneak in our house. Would you bring me ice skaters? Daija

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a Justin Bieber song last year. This year I would like an IPAD and Zombie Lab. How do you make your cookies? Love, Jayla

Dear Santa, Will you bring me a scooter and pom poms? I will leave Santa a toy. Christina Dear Santa, I want a scooter for Christmas and a big real car that drives. Bring mommy a bracelet and a car. Destiny Dear Santa, I'd like a Barbie doll and a baby toy and a dog with a leash. Bring mommy a pair of shirts. Cereniti

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a police car last Christmas. This year I would like a game and a scooter. How do you pick reindeer? Love, Jamareon Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a Baby Alive doll last Christmas. This year I would like a laptop and Ipod. How do you pick your reindeer? Love, Lacey Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a DS game last Christmas. This year I would like a Blizzard Maker and Batman Lego 2 for DS. Dear Santa and Mrs. Claus I love you. Love, Colin

Dear Santa, I would like a Nerf Gun and a race car with a remote controller. I want mom to have markers and dad to have a Nerf Gun like me. Nathan

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me an army man last Christmas. This year I would like a Nintendo DSi XL and a remote control helicopter. How do you have magic to go down the chimney? Love, Travon

Dear Santa, Please bring my daddy and my mommy and Theresa and Grandma to come home. Marhya Dear Santa, I want a race car, dinosaurs and a lot of toys. I


Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a green phone last Christmas. This year I would like a real zombie play set and a DS. How do you pick your reindeer? Love, Will Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a DSi last Christmas. This year I would like an Ipod and Barbie doll. How do you pick reindeer? Love, Jalayah Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a PSP last Christmas. This year I would like a Hedbandz game and skateboard. Santa how do you travel? Love, Dezmen Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a make up box last Christmas. This year I would like a cell phone and DS for Christmas. How do you pick your Rudolph? Love, Torrie Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a laptop last Christmas. This year I would like an IPAD and the Hedbandz game for my first graders. How do you pick your elves? Love, Ms. Ellis South Shores, Decatur Mrs. Major Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have Justin Bieber and Dora for Christmas. Your friend, Misti Dear Santa, I have been good. Could I please have a DSI and drum for Christmas. Your friend, Logan W.

Dear Santa, I have been good. Could I please have Bumble Bee Optimus Prime. Your friend, Stevie

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a blue game boy last year. This year I would like a XBOX 360 and XBOX Kinect. How are you doing Santa? Love, Aidan

Dear Santa, I want a robot and cars for Christmas Ethan

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a ginger-bread cookie last Christmas. This year I would like a PSP and a Transformers toy. How do you pick up your rein-deers? Love, Tresean

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a remote control car last Christmas. This Christ-mas I would like a Blizzard Maker and a Zombie Lab. Santa, how cold is the North Pole? Love, Qynlan

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a black scooter and play-doh maker last Christmas. This year I would like a DSi XL and a Barbie doll house. Is Rudolph your favorite reindeer? Love, Damesheonnia

Dear Santa, I want a baby dinosaur and a mommy dinosaur for my brother. I want a baby for mommy and a Diego for my daddy. Mickee

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me princess checkers last Christmas. This year I would like a DSi and a snowflake Barbie doll. Do you eat cookies? Love, Javiann

Dear Santa, I have bn gd so kai hav hrs a nu cai have spfmct coru bab dog. Your friend, Jalen Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a toy gun and house for Christmas. Your friend, Kyeondez

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a pink DSi XL last Christmas. This year I would like a DSi XL and a Barbie doll house. How is the reindeers? Love, Julia

Dear Santa, Please bring mom a puppy dog. Aquarian and I want a Wizard Slushie Maker. You can eat them. La'Kel

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a PSP and checkers last Christmas. This year I would like a XBOX 360. How do you pick your reindeer? Love, Maddox

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a dinosaur last Christmas. This Christmas I would like Lego Halo men and all Star Wars. How do you pick your reindeers? Love, Parker

Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing me a guitar last Christmas. This Christmas I would like army men and accessories and enemies. Do you sell toy guns? Love, Elijah

Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have bab dool. Your friend, Anyia Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a gutar and a gumball machine. Your friend, Damonte Dear Santa, I have been good. Could I please have a baby doll for Christmas. Your friend, Abby Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have doll house and Bunny rabbit for Chrstmas. Your friend, Camylie Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a James and Thomas for Christmas. Your friend, Topher Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a roller skates and brothers money bag for Christmas. Do you like cookies? Your friend, Katie Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a phone and DSI for Christmas. Your friend, Shaylee Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a computer and Ipod. Your friend, Deaysha Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a Barbie and laptop for Christmas. Your friend, Shyla Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a bus and bear. Your frind, Nicholas Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a tractor and cybes for Christmas. How is Rudolph? Your friend, Logan P. Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a DSi and Xbox for Christmas. Are you having a good Christmas. Your friend, Trishana Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a 3D DSI and fake blood for Christmas. Your friend, Siegel Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a Bumble Bee for Christmas. Your friend, Jeffrey Dear Santa, I have been good! Could I please have a fairy

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and a teddy. Your friend, Brooklyn

South Shores, Decatur Ms. Roddis 1st Grade

Dear Santa, I have been good. Could I please have a Blizzard Machine and a Zombie Lab. Your friend, Isaiah Dear Santa, I have been good. Could I please have a skateboard and roller skates. Your friend, Audrey Dear Santa, I have been good. Could I please have a Barbie and dollhouse for Christmas. How is Rudolph? Your friend, Tyshona Dear Santa, I have been good. Could I please have a wrestling game and a helicopter. Your friend, Arty South Shores, Decatur Ms. Peck Kindergarten Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a ball and a bike. Your friend, CJ Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a kite and Xbox! Your friend, Izaiah Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a klok and a citen! Your friend, July Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a Figit friend a dog named Cookie. Your friend, Olivia Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a kloock and RC monstr trucks. Your friend, Garret

Dear Santa, I want a DS for Christmas. I also want a play station. I like those tow games a lot. Thanks Santa. Love, Charles Dear Santa, I want a video O's game to play. Would you bring my sister a Barbie doll? I will sit out cookies for you. Thanks, Ian Dear Santa, I want a PSP. Please bring something for my sister. I want the sam stuffed monkey like the one last year. I lost it. I want some more Match Box cars. I will leave cookies and milk for you. Love, Garrett

Dear Family, I have been good! I would like a robot and a bird. Lots of love, Landhres Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like cake and books. Your friend, Malika Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a heart and makeup. Your friend, Maddie Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like jelly beans and a dragon. Your friend, Marshall Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a dog and DS. Your friend, D'Auntray

Dear Santa, I want a toy car for Christmas. Try not to fall on the ice. I hope you enjoy the cookies. How are the reindeer. From, Alex Dear Santa, I want for Christmas, a dippin dot maker. I have been very good. I also want a WII game. I was wondering how cold it is in the North Pole? Thanks. Love, Alexis

Merry Christmas The


Secret Garden

1215 E. Pershing Rd. Decatur (217)875-9038 Dear Santa, I want a bike and an Xboc 360. I was good this year. How is the deer doing? Where is the North Pole? Love, Darrion

Davis Garage 262-3313 &

Dear Santa, I want a pillow pet. I also want a guitar. I want a Barbie. I have been good this year. I will leave you cookies and milk. How do reindeer fly? I also want a dog and a cat. I want clothes for my mom. Love, Rakiya

Scooters Custard 262-3022 Rte. 36, Hammond, IL

Wishes you a Happy Holiday

Dear Santa, I want a toy airplane. I was good this year. I also would like a toy car. Is it cold in the North Pole? Love, Dimetri

Season Wishing You A Happy Holiday!

Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a game and a toy car. Your friend, Jaykilen

Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a house and cookies. Your friend, Donte

Dear Santa, O want a WII for Christmas. I will set out cookies for you. I really want to see your reindeers. I been good half of the time. Love, Mykoreyion

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a new bike. I want to have a good Christmas. How are the reindeer? I hope my mom gets a good gift. My brother wants a toy truck. My dad wants an Xbox. My dogs want a new bed. How cold is it in the North Pole? I am going to give you cookies. Love, Bailey

Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a clok and a dog. Your friend, Tori

Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a Link game and a skootr. Your friend, Joey

Dear Santa, I want a toy car for Christmas and a train. I have been good. I am going to make cookies for you. How do you ride your sled? Love, Kolton

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Dear Santa, I have been good! I wou like GoGo Wt Me BFF. I wou like a Fijit friend. Your friend, Zoey Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a phone princess and headphone Santa give me it ok. I love it so I love you friend. Your friend, Asanti Dear Santa, I have been good! I like would like a kite and a car. Your friend, Tyrion Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a race track and a stuffed snake. Your friend, Christian

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Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a Fut Bal with Illini sise 5 and Descamse. Your friend, Tyler Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a sheprd set and a sowdres. Your friend, Lilly Dear Santa, I have been good! I would like a 3D DS and a wwgams. Your friend, Braxton Dear Santa, I have been good! I woodld like a rex and a slege. Your friend, Asa

The Herald & Review Would like to thank all the teachers and students For sending us your “Letters to Santa”. Over 125 classrooms participated. Without your letters and contributions, Our Children’s Coat Fund would not be possible. A Special thanks to our Platinum Sponsor and to all our wonderful advertisers. With your support, we purchased 300 coats this year. Platinum Sponsor: Kid’s Castle Learning Center 2580 N Monroe 4445 E Maynor Dr. Decatur, IL 62526 Decatur, IL 62521 217-872-6602 217-791-4418 www.kidscastlelearningcenter.com

Merry Christmas from the Herald & Review Classified Dept. Now In Two Locations:

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www.herald-review.com Dear Santa, I want a ball for Christmas. I been good this year. I will leave cookies. Is Santa real? Love, Ethan

Dear Santa, I want love and a walking pyppy, a stuffed seahorse that is pink and shelter for the needy. Love, Savannah

Plees may I have a sim welgeen truk? Can I plees have a little soft owl? Can I have a Ipod touch? Your friend, Aidan

Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie doll with brown hair and pink clothes. Have a nice trip home. Have you been feeding your reindeer? Love, Mikala

Dear Santa, I want an Abbey Bominale, a stuffed seahorse, and clothes for the needy. Love, Tessa

Dear Santa, I have been good. May I have a DS? Can I have a game? I would like a dog. How do the Raindeer fly? I am going to stay home this year. Your Friend, Isaac

Dear Santa, I want a Xbox for Christmas. I want a radio. I want a Barbie house. I want a Christmas dress up kit. I want a Hannah kit. I want a princess dress. I've been good. Love, Mckenzie Dear Santa, I want a white doll with a yellow dress. I want a Tinkerbell cat train. I want to see you for Christmas. Love, Terrianna Dear Santa, I want a pogo stick. I have been good this year. What are you doing? From, Lucas Dear Santa, I want a Dora piano. May I have a DS? I love Christmas. Your Friend, Jandayi Dear Santa, I want more games for Christmas. I want to ride a reindeer. Love, Alana Dear Santa, I want a DS. Also, please bring an Xbox 360 and toys and a play house. I will give you cookies and milk on a plate Santa. Love, Jabrii

Dear Santa, I want a dog, a stuffed animal bear and love for everyone. Love, Reagan Dear Santa, I want Lego Batman2, the Wii and peace for the world. Love, Michael Dear Santa, I want a walking puppy, I want a jelly lamp and love for the world. Love, Amber Dear Santa, I want an Xbox 360, a new Nerf gun, and love for the needy. Love, Bryson Dear Santa, I want a 3DS, an Exploder gun, and peache for the world. Love, Ben Dear Santa, I want a Fijit friend with a walking pyppy, and shelter for the needy. Love, Shelby Dear Santa, May I please have these things: chocolate bars for everyone, legos for me and a Chemistry set. From Liam

Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a laptop and a PSP. I will have milk and cookies on the table. I hope you have a safe trip back. Love, Dominic

Dear Santa, I want a dollhouse, a Barbie and love for everyone. Love, Ramiayah

Dear Santa, I want a microphone for Christmas. I want a jeep. I want a bike. I have been good. Love, Ahmaiya

Dear Santa, I want my own computer with a Star Wars lego game, and Christmas cards for others. Love, Jonah

Dear Santa, I love you Santa and I want a guitar, drums, and, art. I will be good for you. How does the reindeer fly? I will make you cookies and milk for you. I want a WII game too. Love, Jurney St. Mary's, Taylorville Sharon Peabody 1st Grade Dear Santa, How are you doing? Can I have paper and a set of crayons and a Lova lamp and hiar set and some Boos and Shoos and shirts and pans? Love, Jhia Dear Santa, How is the reindeer? Zombie Land and Klos and a kitn. Luf, Heather Dear Santa Claus, I try my best. Please can I have a doll and books. Love, Hailey Dear St. Nick, I want to know all about you. What reindeer to you have? I know you have Ruldolph, the rednosde reindeer. May I please have a Ipod tutch. From, Kellie Dear Santa, I wood like WWE gis and a roy rumbl ring. How many reindeer do you have? I wood like Nerf guns. Love, Tyler Dear Santa Claus, I want a ral ring. Love, Will Dear Santa Claus, How is Mrs. Claus? I wan an I pad and a flat screen TV in my room and a speshall preset. Love, Sophia Dear St. Nicholas, How are you doing? I want a drt bike and a TV plees. Love, Tyler Dear Santa, Ari you bisy feedeen Rudolph the reindeer. Would you bring me a ie totch? Love, Braxton Dear Santa, How are you doing? How many reindeer do you have? I want games. From your friend, Darrian Dear Santa Claus, Merry Christmas I been good this year Santa. How are the reindeer? I want a Barbie please. Love, Taylor Dear Santa Claus, Can you let me see Red nos the reindeer and can you gev me a ge-neipig. Yor frend, Hayden Dear Santa, Name all the reindeers. I want some books that has homework in them. Marry Christmas. Love, Alivia Dear Santa, How do the reindeer fly? I have been better this year. Can I please have a stuffed peacock? Love, Anna Dear Santa Claus, I like little puppies can I have it ples. I love you so much. Allison Dear Santa Claus, Are you busy at the northpole? Can I have a dirtbike for Christmas? Happy Christmas! Love, Dylan Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. I hope you have a good Christmas. What I want for Christmas is an Ipad an Mario video games and sports stuff and thank you. Love, Will St. Patrick's, Decatur Mrs. Olendorf 1st Grade Dear Santa, I want a Battle Gong, sky lander and love for the world. Love, Colton Dear Santa, I want a wii, a Dor Explorer talking doll, and love for everyone. Love, Willow Dear Santa, I want Queen Ann's Revenge, car, and love for everyone. Vik Dear Santa, I want my own Real kitten, a pink sound spa and shampoo for the needy. Love, Allie Dear Santa, I want for Christmas peace for the whole world. I want a walking puppy and a Rudolph stuffed animal. Love, Sarah

Dear Santa, I want police legos, plice gear and children to have love. Love, Isaiah Warrensburg-Latham Mrs. Bruce 1st Grade Dear Santa, Can I ples have a fijit and a dofin? How does the sleigh fly? Have fun on the sleigh. Love, Sierra Dear Santa, Can I have toy cars? How do the elfs make all the toys? I hope you have a safe flite. Love, Kwame Dear Santa, Santa can I have a jump rope? Santa can I have a barie doll that swims with dogs? Santa how do you get in our houses? Merry Christmas Santa Claus and Ms. Claus. Love, Danielle Dear Santa Claus, I want a brbey for Christmas. I want a bike for Christmas. How do you delever peses in one nite? How do you go donw the chimney? Merry Christ-mas. Love, Amber Dear Santa, I ples want a jum rope. How were the reindeer flying? Merry Christmas Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus. I love Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus and I love the reindeer and I live the elfes. Love, Colin Dear Santa, Can I please have the kre-o Optmis Prime? Do elvs work hard? Merry Christmas! Love, Vinnie Dear Santa, Can I plese have a Barbie? Can I plese have American Girl doll? What do the elfs do? Merry Christmas. Love, Lilly Dear Santa, Santa please can I have a rainbow ball? How does the elfs make the toys? Happy Holidays Santa. Love, Ava

Dear Santa, I have been nice. Can I plese have a lep pad? May I have a bed? May I have a dsi game! Is it far a way? Is it cold in the north pole? Your Friend, Mallory Dear Santa, I have bin mi best. Mae I have a xbox? Mae I have a playsashn? Mae I have a labtop! I luv you. I luv you and all your reindeer. Your Friend, Travis Dear Santa, I have een nice. Please breing me a tracton. Can I have a DS? Do the reindeer fly? Your friend, Jacob Dear Santa, I will be the beest kids. I want a presents ples. Can I have a doll ples? Can I ples have a doll ples? I will put up my Christmas three. I will leve a note. I now you have elvs. I love you Santa, Tabby Dear Santa, I havee ben good bkos I did dishes. May I have a xbox 360? Can I have a Mostray trok? Ples Can I have a new Kar? Is puppe paws real Sana? How did the elfs bild the toys? Your Friend, Logan Dear Santa, I do my best job. Can I ples have a dsi? Can I have a puppy? Can I have a flute? How do you ride your red sled! Your Friend, Siarra Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Can I have some ds gams? May I have a bobre? Can I plese have some books? We are giving corn to your raindear. Are the elves small? Is it far away? Your Friend, Caitlyn Dear Santa, I have bin being nice. May I have a ipad? Can I have a baby cloce? Plese I have a pink grtre? Will you have bechr stuff? Can I have a stuffst dog? Your Friend, Kora Dear Santa, I have ben good! May I have a brbe ball? Can I have an Ameriken grl doll? May I have a baby uliv? You are very nise. Will you givg me a map ware your home is? I will put out cookies. Your Friend, Mara Dear Santa, I have ben nics. May I plese have a Lego powr mine? Can I have a lego city? Wil you bring me a lego trane? Do you have lots of randear? Your Friend, Nolan Dear Santa, I have ben nice bekus I klend the kichin. Ples bring a ese bakr oven. Can I have a Clog? Can I have a Ipod? Is the North pole cold? Is the North pole far? Your Friend, Riley Warrensburg-Latham Mr. Edwards 1st Grade Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find dog under the tree this year. I also hope to find rac car. Merry Christmas Alana

Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find American girl doll Kit. I also hope to find the Hawaii America doll. Taylor

Dear Santa, I wood like a pantset and crowns. Does Rudolph have his horns yet? Merry Christmas. Love, Kole

Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find xbox 360 game disny adnvecher under the tree this year. I also hope to find a dart bick. Merry Christmas Connor

Dear Santa, Can you ples bring me a bike and a baby! Thak you. How do the reindeer fly? Love, Chloe Dear Santa, Will you please bring me a DS for Christmas? How do the elfs make that many toys? Hope you have a Happy New Year. Love, Addyson Dear Santa, May I pleyse have a WWecloslcrash-down mrenu and a Gutr? How do the elfs make all of the toys? Merry Christmas! Love, Landen Warrensburg-Latham Mrs. Douglas 1st Grade Dear Santa, I help my Mom and Dad. I have been nice. Can I have a figit? May I have a esiye bake oven? Will you bring me a game? How many elfs do you have? I have a elf on a shelf. How clod dus it get? How Logn dus it take to get back? Your friend, Elena Dear Santa, I have ben good this year. Can I please have a gogo walking puppy? I would like presto. May I have a Ken barbey? I hope you have a safe Christmas. You are the best Santa! Your Friend, Linley Dear Santa, I have been nice. I would like an aquarium? Plees bring me more ds gams? I like your sled. Your Friend, Tanner Dear Santa, I lisin to my Mom for klene up my room.

How did you get your red suit? I want a remote control car that comes right back to me. Brendon How do you get all the toys to peoples' houses? I want a brown and white puppy. I also want two bones and a bowl for my puppy. Gracie E. How did you become Santa? I want Pete the Cat book. I also want a camera so I can take pictures of my family. Clay How do you get all those present to everybody in one night? I would like my present to be a surprise. Ivy How do your reindeer fly? I want a house keeping kitchen. I would also like 2D and 3D games. Madilynn How did you get your black belt? I want a dinosaur train. Logan How do you fly? I want a car that goes on the wall. Landen How did you become Santa? I would like a surprise for my present. Alexa Who do you wear boots? I want a little fairy doll and a new guitar. Gracie R. How did you become Santa? I want a PSP game and an IPod. Jayden Could you please bring me the Hot Wheels Wall Tracks Track Set? I have some Hot Wheels cars at home. My family put up our Christmas tree last week. It is pretty. I love every decora-tion. Santa, how long did it take you to grow your beard? I like your beard. Happy Holiday! Adonnis Will you please bring me a remote control Lightning McQueen care and the Wii game that goes with it? I have seen both movie, Cars and Cars2. I really like the toys you bring me, Santa. I decorated my mom's car with yellow, blue, green, and red lights. She turns them on when it's dark. Santa, how do you get all those toys in bags and in your sleigh? I'll leave you treats-like cookies. Merry Christmas! Elijah May I please have an Imagine ext Dinosaur long-neck for Christmas? All my brothers will also have a dinosaur, so we can all play together. We like to make them walk. We'll see which dinosaur is the biggest. I have a Spiderman ornament for our Christmas tree. We put 2 candy canes on the smaller tree, a snowman and Santa ornaments. I really like to decorate with my family. Do you have lots of black boots to wear? If one gets wet you could have another pair to wear. Happy Christmas! Jacob Warrensburg-Latham Mrs. Hermann 1st Grade

Dear Santa, How can yre reindeer fly? I have been a very good boy this year. This year I would really like to have the Lego fire dragin and the set that come with it for Christmas. Your Friend, Alex

Dear Santa, Please may I have a baby doll and a real bunny? Does Rudolph's nose realy light up? I wish you a Merry Christmas. Love, Bristol

Dear Santa, Please can I have a mp3 player and a Barbie? How does the elfs make toys? Merry Christmas. Love, Natalie

a pretty good girl this year. I would like to have a doll and klos for Christmas. Love, Abby

Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find a dog under the treeh this year. Jadon

Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find Hawaii American girl doll under the tree this year. I also hope to find DS games. Merry Christmas Reese

Dear Santa, May I plees have a Star Wars bike? Does Ms. Claus do anything? Happy Christmas! Love, Hunter

Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find Kanany American girl doll under the tree this year. I also hope to find some of her stuff. Merry Christmis. Emrey Warrensburg-Latham Mrs. Graven Kindergarten

Dear Santa, How do you get to all the houses in one night? I have been a very good girl this year. This year I would really like to have a gutr and a drumset for Christ-mas. Your Friend, Morgan Binder

Dear Santa, Can you bring me a bike? How do the elvs make toys? Merry Christmas. Love, Boston

Dear Santa, Could I plees have the Litening Dragin? How do you delivevr all the presents? Have a safe flite. Love, Corran


Dear Santa, I ways good this year! I hope to find a 3D DS game and this year I also hope to find a DS game! I hop to find a puppy and kitten. Merry Christmas Grace

Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find a 3D DS under the tree this year. I also hope to find paper air Jam. Merry Christmas. Mason

Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find toy under the tree this year. I also hope to find a American grl dol. Merry Christ-mas. Sydney Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope ti find DS under the tree this year. I also hope to find nrf gun. Merry Christmis. Jakob Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find a America girl dol flot under the three this year. I also hope to fide a America girl doll. Merry Christmas Madison Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find wii gams under the tree. I also hope to fid a ds. Merry Christmas Owen Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hop to find a Ds Game super swirl bl under the tree. I also hop I find DS fossil fiters. Merry Christmas Preston Dear Santa, I wos good this year. I hop to find a 3D DS under the tree this year. I also hop to find a game for my ds. Merry Christmas From Honuqn Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find fon under the tree this yeer. I also hope to find ds. Merry Christmas Makayla Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find a resulr under the tree. I also hope to fond pappr air jam. Merry Chrismis. From, Isaac Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find a ds under the tree this year. I also hope to find a drck bick. Merry Christmas Daniel Dear Santa, I was good this year. I hope to find America gia dol under the tree this year. I also hope to find a guitar. Merry Christmas Emily



Dear Santa, How does Rudolph's nose shine? I have been

Dear Santa, How does Rudolph's nose shine? I have been a very good boy this year. This year I would really like to have a Lego City for Christmas. Love, Tanner Dear Santa, How can your Reindeer fly? I have been a very good boy this year. This year I would really like to have a Hot Wheels Wall Traks and Hot Wheels Trio for Christmas. Love, Dawson Dear Santa, How can your reindeer fly? I have been a very good boy this year. I would really like to have a car for Christmas. Love, Kaiser Dear Santa, How can your Reindeer fly? I have been a pretty good girl this year. This year I would really like to have a Brbie Doll home and a Umerin Givrl Doll for Christmas. Love, Daytona Dear Santa, How can your reindeer fly? I have been a pretty good boy this year. This year I would really like to have Mad-den 2011 NFL and a book about #34 on the Bears for Christmas. Love, Rory Dear Santa, How do you get to all the houses in one night? I have been a very good girl this year. I would like to have a Hanu Montana calendr and a camru for Christmas. Your Friend, Brynn Dear Santa, How do you get down the chimney? I have been a very good girl this year. This year I would really lik to have a rmote control Big Fat and an Umaricun Girl Doll for Chrismas. Your Friend, Stela Dear Santa, How do you get down the chimney? I have been a pretty good boy this year. This year I would really like to have a gutar and a baseball bat for Christmas. Love, Aidan Dear Santa, How does Rudolph's nose shine? I have been a very good girl this year. This year I would really like to have an Amarci Gril Doll and a monkey for Christmas. Love, Mekayla Dear Santa, How does Rudolph's nose shine? I have a very good girl. This year I would really like to have a dog and a doll for Christmas. Love, Lacey Dear Santa, How do you get to all the houses in one night? I have been a good girl this year. This year I would really like a midjit Fidjet and a baby one for Christmas. Love, Erin Dear Santa, How do you get to all the houses in one night? I have been a good girl this year. This year I would really like to have a puppy for Christmas. Your Friend, Savannah Dear Santa, How do you get back up the chimney? I have been a very good girl this year. I would live to have baby doll clos and a kindl fiyr for Christmas. Love, Mattie Dear Santa, How does Rudolph's nose shine? I have been a very good boy this year. I would love to have an Xbox 360 knekt and a Wii and a LeGo kings and a LeGo Hery Potr for Christmas. Love, Dennis Dear Santa, How do you get back up the chimney? I have been a very good boy this year? I would love to have an Xbox 360 and a dert bike for Christmas. Love, Jakob

Warrensburg-Latham Mrs. Kupper Kindergarten Dear Santa, May I please have the Optimus Prime Transformer for Christmas? And please bring a video game called Super Mario Brothers. I am hoping that Christmas will come. I will leave you milk and a straw. Get a lot of sleep, Santa. Love, Rolen Dear Santa, May I please have a Hot Wheels track that starts on the wall (it has sticky things to hold it up) and it goes to the floor. It is big. I do not need any cars. I already have them. I will play with the track and cars with my sister and brother. And, Santa, for my family, I would like a big low-up slide for outside. We'll have fun on it every summer. Is it hard for the reindeer to learn how to fly? We will leave Santa cookies with sprinkles on them for you. Be careful, Santa. Love, Ian Dear Santa, Could you please bring me a pink Barbie car for my Barbie doll to ride in? I don't need a new doll. I would like some hair extensions for my doll. And would you please bring me the "Littlest pet Shop?" It's fun to play with and I'll share it with my brother and friends. I am really excited about the things that will be in my stocking. My stocking is ping, blue, and white. Santa, we will leave you cookies and chocolate milk on top of the fireplace. And carrots for the reindeer. Have a nice Christmas. Love, Katie Dear Santa, Please may I have a WWE Transform-ing Rumble Rig for Christmas? It has a stadium ring, launcher, and other things. Also, the Rumberextra figures for the ring. At least 3 more. And if you can, please bring me Real Steel toys‌.already built transformers. Please remember my little sister at Christmas. Are your elves busy making toys? Have a safe trip, Santa. Love, Corbin Dear Santa, I have been wishing for an Action Agent Battle Station Playset and a Spiderman Webmaker. I got to see the Spiderman movie. And I am interest in Zombieland. It look lie a zombie head. The chin opens, and drink comes out. And also, air cars. They move with air. I need two of them. I have really been good this year. We always leave yo cookies to eat. Don't work too hard. I hope you don't miss my house on your trip. Love, Devun Dear Santa, May I have the "Cars 2" Air hogs Radio-Control Real Lightning Mcqueen toys. And I like Optimus Prime toys. I don't care which one. Maybe you could find me one for Christmas. We will decorate soon. I really like snowflakes, so I hope it snows for Christmas. I know you are making toys everyday. I'll leave you something to eat, Santa. Love, Skylar Dear Santa, May I have the Shake 'n Go Cars 2 World Grand Prix track for Christmas. I saw the movie Cars 2 and I liked it. And I really like the Hot Wheels Wall Tracks Track Set. The tracks can be on the wall. I like playing with my cars at home. W already have our lights up at our house and I put up the manger scene. I like getting presents for Christmas. I will leave you milk and cookies. Happy New Year! Love, Luke Dear Santa, Santa, can you please get me the Cars 2 movie for Christmas? I liked the Secret Agents in the movie. And Santa, can you please have in your bag a big Spiderman figure? I don't have one. I have decorated my whole tree inside my house. The tree is in our computer room. And I want, please the Shake 'n Go World Grand Prix Raceway from Cars 2. I'm saving cookies and I'll have milk for you Santa. My older sister likes Barbie dolls and my little sister likes baby toys. She has 2 teeth coming in. She needs chewy toys. Love, Elijah





Letters To Santa

Dear Santa, I really like the Star Wars Lego kits. Could you please bring me the Lego Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator Kit? And the Cars 2 Laptop? My grandparents gave me an ornament that is shaped like a key. Santa holds the ornament in his hand and the ornament flies up to my door and unlocks it. I have the movie "Santa Buddies". I like the movie. I will put cookies on my desk for you. I love you Santa. Love, Michael

Dear Santa, Hi Santa, it's Gracie. And these are the things I would like for Christmas, please. The LaLa Loopsy Silly Hair doll with dark pink hair, the Whirl N' Wear Charms Kit (I would like to make jewelry), and the dark pink Sing-A-Ma Jigs doll. My favorite thing to do at Christmas time is to decorate my own tree in my room. My favorite ornament is the letter G for my name. Santa, I want to know if you have a dog or a cat at the North Pole? Are you still sick? Last year when I saw you, you weren't feeling well. I love you, Santa. Love, Gracie Dear Santa, I have already visited you in Decatur, Illinois this year. But I would like to tell you what I would like for you to please bring me: a big Lala Loopsy doll with her eyes open and a grown-up Victoria doll. Our family decorated our house. We all have our own orna-ments. My favorite one is the one that has a princess inside the ornament. I will visit my grandparents over Christ-mas. I wish your elves could live with me and make me toys when I need them. Have a happy Christmas. Love, Jayden Dear Santa, May I please have a transformer for Christmas? Santa, why did you decide to make toys for all the boys and girls? I will leave you cookies and milk. Happy Christmas, Santa! Love, Andrew Warrensburg-Latham Miss Mattingly Kindergarten Dear Santa, Please could I have the Cars 2 action agent's deluxe vehicle & play set pack? I really want one or two blue cars in the set. And I really like wrestling, so would you bring me the WW Flex Force Crashdown Arena., WWE wrestling figures, and the WWE Transforming Rumble rig. I love, Santa, when you come to my house. I already have my Christmas tree decorated. I love the purple and red big ball ornaments. We will be at both my grandparent's house and at my house for Christmas. I will leave you pretzels and root beer for your trip. Love you Santa, Logan Dear Santa, Could you please bring me a Spin drive turbo loop road race set for Christmas? Dad and I can both play with it. And I would like to play with a remote control Subaru or a Mitsubishi car. I don't care what color it is. I already have


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my Christmas tree decorated. I like the round balls on it. I think we will have company for Christmas. I just love electric things. I'm excited about Christmas. Maybe we will leave you cookies, milk, and a little bit of cake. Don't work too hard. Love, Cameron

Dear Santa, My name is Jalyn, and I love Christ-mas. May I please have a nook reading tablet? I am 6 years old, so I need a nook for someone young. And I would like a DSi XL game system and a super Mario game to play with. Christmas is cool. And I love you, Santa. You are awesome. My Christmas tree is blue, and it is already decorated. I like the circle thingees on it that you slide on the tree. Can't wait until you come. Love, Jayln Dear Santa, Please bring me the WWE transform-ing rumble rig play set for Christmas and some extra wrestling figures. My brother and I can both play with this. And can I please have the power rangers mighty morphin vehicle? It is a transformer. I think Christmas is nice. I hope I can see you to talk to you. I like the lights on our Christmas tree. We will decorate our tree soon. I will leave you some food. Please get some rest, Santa. Love, Tristan Dear Santa, I would really like a dream castle and monster high figures. I also like Fijit friends. I like the purple one. It recog-nizes words and phrases, and it dances. Christmas is super fun. I didn't get to hear the reindeer's bells last Christmas, but my sister did. We will leave cookies and milk for you. You are nice, Santa. Love, Mason

games to go with it. And for exercise, please bring an arcade alley punching bag. I can use my bare fists, but I could use some boxing gloves. If it snows, my family goes outside to make snowballs and a snowman. We have snowball fights. Do you have snowball fights at the North Pole? We have already decorated our house for Christmas. Merry Christmas Santa. Love, Ayden

the kitten to be fluffy. I don't care what color it is. I also need a kitty box for it to potty in; a bowl with 2 holes - one for food and one for drinking. And just a blanket for the kitten to sleep with me in my bed and a little pillow for it to put his head on. Nothing else, Santa. I will really love the kitten when I get to see it. How are you doing, Santa? Take care of your reindeer. Merry Christmas. Love, Kinzie

Dear Santa, I have been watching TV and I saw a commercial for these gifts. I would really like for you to bring me a new Imaginext batman cave and the figure, and the Imaginext Mega T-Rex for Christmas. The T-Rex roars and fires launchers. We are making cookies for Christmas. We have already eaten some of them. My favorite ones are chocolate chip. We will leave some for a snack, Santa. We also have put up lights outside our house and have decorated our tree. Your reindeer need to be eating lots of food. What do they like to eat? Have a happy Christmas, Santa. Love, Camden Dear Santa, I thought that I might like a Nintendo 3DS game system for Christmas. And could you please bring me some of the following games for the 3DS: Mario3dland, SpongeBob, and Mario kart? And please…a football to play with my dad. I like setting out cookies and milk for you, Santa. We bake the cookies. I have some ornaments that I made decorating our tree. I know you have a long schedule, Santa, so get a lot of rest. Love, Caleb

Warrensburg-Latham Mrs. Young Kindergarten

Dear Santa, I would really like for you to try to find a remote-controlled shark for me for Christmas. I like watching sharks swim in the water. I saw a movie about a shark. And I would like to have a police car to play with…remote-controlled car with a siren. My grandma and I will decorate a Christ-mas tree. We hang ornaments on it. Make sure your reindeer are eating carrots to be strong. Have a good holiday. Love, Taylor

Dear Santa, I would really like for you to try to find a real computer for me. Not one that I go online, but one that I can play game on. I like to play Golden Eye and Call of Duty. And I have been waiting for a BB gun. My dad told me to wait until Christmas…so I did. And I may go hunting with my dad, so I need some hunting boots and camouflage clothes. Santa, I wish you could wake me up when you come, so I could see your reindeer. I could pet them, and I could ride on your sleigh to get some hay for your reindeer to eat. I don't want them to be so starved. Hope you and your reindeer stay warm. Love, Hunter

Dear Santa, My sister got a puppy for Christmas, and I would really like a puppy too…a Yorkiepoo. I will feed him food and water. I think I will call my puppy Buddy. My puppy will need a bed and a blanket and a pillow. I also need tennis shoes and snow boots. I like to play in the snow. I like your reindeer and the tracks they make. Do they play in the snow at the North Pole? Your elves probably like to play in the snow, also. I sometimes say prayers for you at night, Santa…I like you. Love, Madysen

Dear Santa, I wish I could have a Dora 3-D book and the 3-D glasses. And I would like a DSI game system with some math games and some fun games. I like Christmas because we do get new toys; we put up and decorate our Christmas tree. We have some SpongeBob decorations and SpongeBob has o a cute little hat. And our Christmas tree star lights up. I have been wondering if you have a lot of elves to help you. Do you have the reindeer when they are little? You are nice and I love you. Love, Claire

Dear Santa, I really, really would like for you to bring me a 3DS, it's like a DSi, for Christmas and some

Dear Santa, I just wish I could have a new kitten. My other two kittens went to a new home. I would like

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Dear Santa, Please bring me a set of drums and a guitar for Christmas. I would like a blue and red guitar if you can find one. I really like music and my favorite is Jason Aldean's music. And if you can, I would love to have an iPod to play games on. Getting presents and Christ-mas trees are the things I like about Christmas. I have a tree in my bedroom that has white lights. We also have a tree in our living room. The lights are white on the tree too. Do the elves make all of the presents for the kids? I bet you are all busy now. I wish you a good Christmas. Love, Jarrett

believe you finish your trip in one day. I bet you are tired. Merry Christmas, Santa. Love, Aprille

Dear Santa, Will you please bring me the Disney Dream Castle and the Disney dolls to go in it? I already have Cinderella and Arielle and I would like the girl doll from the movie Tangled. I love playing with my dolls. I am going to have a Christmas party at my house. We have a snowman decoration outside our house and our tree inside our house has yellow lights on it. I have a sparkly high heel shoe ornaments on our tree. I will leave you cookies with sprinkles. Happy holidays, Santa. Love, Victoria Dear Santa, Santa, I have a Christmas tree and baby Jesus on top of the roof of my house and there are pink lights on it. We have our tree up in our house. I would really like a Lego building set and the Spiderman with the black suit. He can shoot webs on you. We will visit some relatives for Christmas. I like you, Santa. Merry Christmas. Love, Luis

Dear Santa, Can you please bring me the Barbie 3-story Dream Townhouse for Christ-mas? I have a box full of barbies, but I need furniture for the townhouse. My grandmother and I will have fun playing with the house. And I would like and iPod that plays my favorite music. I love opening presents and I love Jesus' birthday at Christmas. We have a big Santa decoration hanging on our front door. We all decorated our Christmas tree. It's in our dining room. I have my Cinderella ornament and her glass slipper ornament hanging on the tree. Are you really, really busy now? Happy holidays, Santa. Love, Alonah Dear Santa, My whole family has been waiting for the Harry Potter movie Deathly Hallow, part 2. Can you please bring it for us? And, because I am a music lover, I would love to have a real piano. My favorite music is rock and roll. I already have two guitars. Maybe, when I am older I can have an electric guitar. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love the presents. We put up our tree at night and put all the lights and orna-ments on the tree. We will have the Christmas lights on for you. When is your birthday, Santa? Is it in Decem-ber? You are the bestest guy in the whole world. Love, Vinny Dear Santa, I would really like some new clothes for Christmas. A dress for school would be nice…I don't care what color it is. And please bring me an iPod that plays music. I would like a pink one if you can find one. I like to sled when it's cold and snowy. Last year my dad and I went down a big hill and went into a creek, but I didn't get wet. All of our decorations are up at my mom's house. I can't

Dear Santa, May I have the Orbeez jewelry maker and the Bizu design studio: the figures are animal bracelets to wear on your wrist? Also, could I have the moon dough snack shop? It has pretend popcorn, pretend ice cream, and pretend pretzels to play with. I have an elf at home that watches my brothers and me to see if we are good. I would love to hear your reindeer's little clickety-clack on the roof. We usually leave cookies and milk on a little chair for you. Happy Christmas and take care of your reindeer. Love, Ellie Dear Santa, Last year you left me 2 Mario stuffed animals. Could you please bring me more Mario stuffed animals this year? They are awesome and I like playing with them. And I would like a real Jet-Pack that I play. I like snow to make snowballs and jump on them and it goes splat. My whole house is deco-rated. It has a lot of lights. How do you get your Naughty and nice list so fast? Have a Ho, Ho, Ho, And Merry Christmas. Love, Aiden Dear Santa, Could you please bring me a golf set for a six year old? I also need a gold bag. I will play gold with my brother. And I would like a Nerf Vortex Vigilon gun. And if you can, a WWE Rumblers Rig Play Set. I will need 2 wrestlers so my brother and I can play together. I love the holiday of Christmas because if we didn't have it we wouldn't have Jesus' birthday. And I love getting presents. Merry Christmas, Santa. Have a safe trip. Love, Logan

Dear Santa, I love to play with action figures. So, may I have the green lantern test pilot pack and a captain America figure? Also, I would like a power ranger transformer or a power ranger sword. My Christmas tree has feather, lights, ornaments, and a star at the top. We will be at my house to open presents this year. I like to stay home and open presents. I bought presents for my family today at our school. I got to choose them. Take care of your reindeer, Santa. Love, Clayton Dear Santa, I would really like for you to bring me the WWE Colossal Crashdown arena and the 3 pack WWE wrestler figures. Also, can you please bring me a Nerf gun called Raider and I would also need ammunition for it. At Christmas I like for Santa to come and I also like to decorate the Christmas tree. Our tree has white branches and white lights. I love the ornament that has a stripe in the middle and it has polka dots all over it. Our family visits relatives on different days during Christmas time. I will leave you cookies. Do you and your elves ever make a snowman? I like to make snowmen. Merry Christ-mas. Love, Mason Dear Santa, I really like the green John Deere tractors and if you can I would like one for Christmas. Also, I would like a forage wagon set that has a yellow top on it. I would also like a John Deere four wheeler. I helped decorate our big Christmas tree in our living room. We have some ornaments on our tree that are pictures of me and my sister when we were babies. Our family will go to our grandparents and to Vickie's to open presents at Christmas time. Thanks Santa, for helping my parents with my presents. Have a safe trip. Love, Owen Dear Santa, Can you please try to give me an iPod phone for Christmas? I just want to use it for a phone. Also, I would like a radio controlled helicopter and a Nerf gun. I can play with these with my friend. We will have our stockings hanging from our Christmas tree. We also like to eat pizza over the Christmas break. Are you working hard Santa? You are my good friend, Santa. Have a good trip. Love, Jordan

Dear Santa, Can you please bring me a Barbie Makeover Nintendo Ds game? You can create your own


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person on the game and you can give them a makeover. I would also like a Liv Spa Play Set. You can dress the dolls, (I have 2), give them manicures, and fix their hair. Christmas is really nice. You bring us presents and we get to eat yummy Christmas treats. Does Rudolph really have a bright light up red nose? Have a good year Santa. Love, Sophia





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