THE BUZZ Compiled from H&R staff and news service reports
Feb. 15 birthdays Actor Allan Arbus, 93; former Illinois Congressman John Anderson, 89; former Defense and Energy Secretary James Schlesinger, 82; actress Claire Bloom, 80; author Susan Brownmiller, 76; songwriter Brian Holland, 70; rock musician Mick Avory (The Kinks), 67; jazz musician Henry Threadgill, 67; actress Jane Seymour, 60; singer Melissa Manchester, 60; actress Seymour Lynn Whitfield, 58; “Simpsons” creator Matt Groening, 57; model Janice Dickinson, 56; actor Christopher McDonald, 56; reggae singer Ali Campbell, 52; actor Joseph R. Gannascoli, 52; musician Mikey Craig (Culture Club), 51; College and Pro Football Hall of Famer Darrell Green, 51; country singer Michael Reynolds (Pinmonkey), 47; actor Michael Easton, 44; rock musician Stevie Benton (Drowning Pool), 40; actress Renee O’Connor, 40; actress Sarah Wynter, 38; rock singer Brandon Boyd (Incubus), 35; rock musician Ronnie Vannucci (The Killers), 35; actress Ashley Lyn Cafagna, 28; actress Amber Riley (TV: “Glee”), 25.
Kenney salutes John Regan on 100th birthday/D2
What does it take to keep a relationship healthy? Wednesday
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Herald& Review
Questions or comments regarding this section? Contact Life Editor Jeana Matherly at 421-6974
Area schools
Illinois State Scholars The Illinois Student Assistance Commission recognized 17,335 students from 749 different high schools from across the state as 201112 “Illinois State Scholars.” The winners rank in the top 10 percent of high school seniors. Selection is based on SAT, ACT and/or Prairie State achievement exam scores and/or class rank at the end of the junior year. While the prestigious recognition does not include
monetary award, recipients are encouraged to cite the honor on applications for college admission and scholarships, in addition to completing the application for federal student aid. Students from Bond, Clark, Clay, Christian, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland and DeWitt counties are recognized today. Other counties will be recognized on the following Tuesdays.
Mulberry Grove
Martinsville Kayla Connelly Cara Cribelar
Kayla Connelly
Joanna Brewer Deanna Phipps
Cara Cribelar
Joanna Brewer
Deanna Phipps
Show choirs to compete The 25th annual Sullivan Show Choir Invitational will be Saturday, Feb. 19, starting at 7:30 a.m. in Sullivan Hugh School. Show choirs will compete in four divisions: junior high school, unisex, prep varsity and high school mixed. There also will be a solo competition; winning male and female soloists will perform at 7:30 p.m. before the final competition. Schools entered are Troy, Mo.; Elletsville, Ind.; Hanover, Ind.; Mount Zion, Manteno, O’Fallon, Watseka, Franklin Middle School, Herscher, Springfield Southeast and CreteMonee. The Sullivan Singers, New Generation and Sullivan Singers Jr. will perform, with the Sullivan Singers Jr. at noon, the New Generation at 5:30 p.m. and the Sullivan Singers at 11 p.m.
Sarah Bower
Michaela Cline
Quintin Davis
Erin Emmett
Ryan Endsley
Abby Esker
Nathan Fritz
Faith Haugh
Jonathan Hawkins
Timothy Hiser
Geri Lanham
Brianna Roy Rankin
Aleta Smith
Ashley Smith
Alexa Wagner
Colton Adamick
Chelsie Evans
Lauren Karnowski
Katie Holzhauer
Abbigail Flamm
Logan Lippert
Colton Adamick Clair Brendel Chelsie Evans Abbigail Flamm Isaac Gilmore Ashley Holden Katie Holzhauer Ashley Horsfall Peter Huston
Katelynn Mollett Lauren Karnowski Logan Lippert Katelynn Mollett Caitlin Nance Melissa Phillips Alexander Simmonds Mallory Smith Nori Stone Kevin Wade
Pet of the Week Brutus, a wirehaired terrier mix, is available for adoption at Love at First Sight in Hickory Point Mall, Forsyth. Born Nov. 12, Brutus has been neutered, is current on vaccines, has had deworming and flea prevention treatments and has an identification chip. The fee is $273. Call 877-5683.
Samantha Watson
Jessie Wheeler
Justin Wright
Faith Haugh Jonathan Hawkins Timothy Hiser Geri Lanham Taylor Lester Nicholas Olsen Brianna Roy Rankin Alena Shelton
Sarah Bower Michaela Cline Quintin Davis Erin Emmett Ryan Endsley Abby Esker Nathan Fritz Allison Hart
Aleta Smith Ashley Smith Alexa Wagner Samantha Watson Jessie Wheeler Justin Wright
Jordan Hanners
Morgan Davidson Jordan Hanners
Dakota Strange
Jerald Worthington
Dakota Strange Jerald Worthington
First Call for Help First Call for Help connects people who have a service or item to donate with individuals who need a service or item. This week, requests include: NEEDS: ■ A home being renovated was recently burglarized, and the water heater and all fixtures were stolen from the kitchen and bathroom. The tenant cannot afford to buy replacements. If anyone could offer rebates from hardware stores, assistance or any unwanted/gently used fixtures please contact First Call for Help. ■ An elderly lady needs a wheelchair. She has had 14 surgeries and is using a cane, but she can no longer get around as easily as she used to. If you have a “Need” or a “Have,” please contact First Call for Help at 475-2255, by email at or by posting on the Web at First Call for Help, a United Way of Decatur and Mid-Illinois program, is an information and referral service sponsored partially by The Human Service Agency Consortium.
Morgan Davidson
Brandon Beckham
Brett Amling
Trevor Gullett
Marissa Kircher
Kristen Poole
South Fork Kimberly King
Clay City
Stefanie Borntreger
North Clay
Jesse Clifton
Stefanie Borntreger Jesse Clifton
Oblong Kelsey Maus Tabitha Songer Katelyn Hosselton Katelyn Hosselton
Morgan Healy
Natalie Yates
Morgan Healy Natalie Yates
Jonah Zink Jonah Zink
Kelsie Hostettler
James Rinehart
Mariah Schoonover
Clayton Henson
Brandon Beckham Joy Gorrell Clayton Henson Kelsie Hostettler Kristen Poole James Rinehart
David Kirkbride
Brett Amling Trevor Gullett Marissa Kircher David Kirkbride Quintan Miller Mariah Schoonover Quintan Miller
Joy Gorrell
Marshall Logan Morecraft Whitney Stepp
Jared Abshire Austin Bottrell Cassandra Burton Louis Cella Kelsi Champley Alexander Driskell Kenneth Engeling Erynn Hendricks Matthew Hooper John Hutson Paul King Alexandra Knight Kirsten Marucco Cortney McKinney Shannon Mitchell Lanae Ringler Margaret Shride Justin Southworth Robert Spurling Matthew Steele
THE DISH H&R news service reports
LIZ STILL HOSPITALIZED: Elizabeth Taylor’s treatment for congestive heart failure will likely cause her to spend another few days in a Los Angeles hospital, a spokeswoman for the actress said. She said Taylor was resting comfortably and had been receiving family and friends in her room throughout the weekend at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Taylor Taylor, 78, was admitted late last week and was being treated for symptoms caused by congestive heart failure, a condition she disclosed in 2004. “At this stage, with her history, they’re going to want to keep her in for a while just to make sure they’ve fixed what they needed to fix,” Morrison said. Taylor has appeared in more than 50 films and won Oscars for her performances in “Butterfield 8” (1960) and “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” (1966). Her diagnosis for congestive heart failure, compounded with spinal fractures and the effects of scoliosis, left her nearly bedridden. She has also battled pneumonia, ulcers, amoebic dysentery and bursitis, and she had a benign brain tumor removed in 1997. In recent years, she has had to use a wheelchair when out in public. PACEMAKER FOR MUTI: Doctors at Northwestern Memorial Hospital say a common heart rhythm disturbance caused Chicago Symphony Orchestra music director Riccardo Muti to faint during a rehearsal. Muti Cardiologist Bradley Knight said doctors have implanted a standard pacemaker to help ensure it doesn’t happen again. Knight says the 69-year-old Muti has superb heart function overall and that the pacemaker should correct the problem. Muti suffered a broken jaw and facial fractures when he fell from the podium Feb. 3, and he has been hospitalized since then. NEW MUSIC DUE: Bluegrass legend Ralph Stanley is releasing a collection of hymns and spirituals. Nashville’s Rebel Records says the album, called “A Mother’s Prayer,” will be out April 19. Considered the foremost artist of Appalachian music, the 84year-old Stanley will draw on stark ballads Stanley and the church music of his youth. Some of the selections will be a cappella, while the Grammy-winning Clinch Mountain Boys will back him up on others. Stanley is best known for his music in the Coen Brothers film “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” in 2000. His song “O, Death” on the soundtrack earned him two Grammy awards.
For a complete schedule of TV listings, go to
Illinois State Scholars Mattoon
Hannah Austin
Kaitlyn Bradd
Lauren Buck
Paul Calio
Rex Colgrove
Lauren Cox
Christopher Havlik
Michael Heller
Doug Henness
Jenna Jackley
Laura Baker
Diane Bridges
Abbie Higgins
Timothy Cooper
Chloe Morris
Dylan Etayo
Jessica Tarbox
William Leitch
Shannon Lowry
Anastacia Peadro
Lindsay Quick
Haley Westfall
Patrick Grimm Abbie Higgins Chloe Morris Jessica Tarbox Haley Westfall
Laura Baker Diane Bridges Timothy Cooper Dylan Etayo Tallulah Gill Jordan Good Dalton Lee
Tallulah Gill
We want your stories Whether it has something to do with your job, home, school or community, people of all ages in Central Illinois are looking toward the future. We would like to know what you believe the future has in store for you and share it with us in an essay. The newspaper is planning its annual Outlook special sections on March 20 and 27 and the theme is "Building for the Future." We plan to report about the hopes and dreams of the people in the community where you live, work and learn. However, we would also like you to tell us about your future in your own words. Send your stories to Managing Editor Dave Dawson by email at ddawson@herald-review. com or conventional mail at 601 E. William St., Decatur, IL 62523. Essays should be less than 300 words and they should be in our possession by 5 p.m. Friday, March 11. Please include daytime and evening phone numbers. The stories do not have to be limited to individuals. If your community or business has a vision of the future, share that, too.
Emily Rardin
Tiffany Wolf
Hannah Austin Kaitlyn Bradd Lauren Buck Paul Calio Rex Colgrove Lauren Cox Christopher Havlik Michael Heller Doug Henness Jenna Jackley
Micah Wolfe
Philip Zike
Dalton Lee William Leitch Shannon Lowry Anastacia Peadro Lindsay Quick Emily Rardin Tiffany Wolf Micah Wolfe Philip Zike
Dakota Czerwonka
Tyler Ingram
Alison Kimble
Dakota Czerwonka Tyler Ingram
Sara Stone
Alison Kimble Sara Stone
Robinson Kelsey Atteberry Joshua Avery Curtis Baker Samuel Buercklin Deena Condrey Emily Jenkins
Andrew Scott Cassidy Sowle Brendan Thompson Lindsey Watts Emily Williams Ellen Wilson
Olivia Deters
Kristina Kastl
Olivia Deters Kristina Kastl Tyler Pikowski
Tyler Pikowski
THE BUZZ Compiled from H&R staff and news service reports
Feb. 8 birthdays Composer-conductor John Williams, 79; former ABC News anchor Ted Koppel, 71; actor Nick Nolte, 70; comedian Robert Klein, 69; actor-rock musician Creed Bratton, 68; singer Ron Tyson, 63; actress Brooke Adams, 62; actress Mary Steenburgen, 58; author John Grisham, 56; actor Henry Czerny, 52; rock singer Vince Neil (Motley Crue), 50; rock singer-musician Sammy Llanas (The Neil BoDeans), 50; actress Mary McCormack, 42; rock musician Keith Nelson, 42; retired National Basketball Association player Alonzo Mourning, 41; actor Seth Green, 37; Green actor Josh Morrow, 37; rock musician Phoenix, 34; rock musician Jeremy Davis (Paramore), 26; rock musician Max Grahn, 23; actor Ryan Pinkston, 23; actress Karle Warren, 19.
Spay Day set The Humane Society of Decatur and Macon County, 2890 N. Martin Luther King Drive, will hold its seventh annual spay/neuter clinic on Tuesday, Feb. 15, for dogs and cats weighing under 50 pounds. The event is targeted for low income and unemployed pet owners. For applications, call 876-0000. Pet owners are asked to pay $20. Stray and feral cats can be brought in at no cost. Proof of vaccinations are required. About 30 volunteers and 25 staff members from Northgate Pet Clinic will be involved. Dogs weighing more than 50 pounds, will be spayed or neutered at a later date.
Fallstrom: Despite some letdowns, Cubs still No. 1 for fan/D2
Heart Month: Tips for staying on the healthy track/Wednesday
Herald& Review
Questions or comments regarding this section? Contact Life Editor Jeana Matherly at 421-6974
Decatur-Macon County schools
Illinois State Scholars The Illinois Student Assistance Commission recognized 17,335 students from 749 different high schools from across the state as 2011-12 “Illinois State Scholars.” The winners rank in the top 10 percent of high school seniors. Selection is based on SAT, ACT and/or Prairie State achievement exam scores and/or class rank at the end of the junior year. While the prestigious
recognition does not include monetary award, recipients are encouraged to cite the honor on applications for college admission and scholarships, in addition to completing the application for federal student aid. Decatur and Macon County students are recognized today. Other Herald & Review area students will be recognized on the following Tuesdays.
Michael Birch
Maxwell Collins
Michael Birch Maxwell Collins
Blake Durbin
Savannah Hicks
Blake Durbin Savannah Hicks
Lindsay Stenger
Lindsay Stenger
St. Teresa
Temitope Adeoye
Jacob Boline
Nichole Book
Sydney Caldwell
Carissa Craven
James Curlin
Sydney Davis
William Grindy
Erik Harm
Daniel Hinze
Aidan Chamberlain
Samuel Gooding
Michael Pearson
Matthew Miller
Austin Miller
Ryan Scribner
Evan Thompson
Aidan Chamberlain Samuel Gooding Austin Miller Matthew Miller Michael Pearson Ryan Scribner Evan Thompson
Pet of the Week Hannah, a 2-year-old boxer-terrier mix, is available for adoption at the Homeward Bound Pet Shelter, 1720 E. Huston Drive. Hannah weighs about 40 pounds and loves to be walked and played with. She is shy at first meeting, then warms up to you. Hannah’s adoption fee has been waived. She is spayed, up to date on vaccines and flea and heartworm prevention, and has an identification chip. Hours are noon to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday. For more information, call 876-1266 or e-mail homewardboundpetshelter02@
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Maleah Holloway
Taylor Hull
Charles Long
Alexandra Lutz
Ethan Miller
Courtney Miner
Taylor Morthland
Alicia Priyatmo
Temitope Adeoye Jacob Boline Nichole Book Sydney Caldwell Carissa Craven James Curlin Sydney Davis
Derekah Williams
Claire Van Natta
Emily Villarreal
Ethan Miller Courtney Miner Taylor Morthland Alicia Priyatmo Claire Van Natta Emily Villarreal Derekah Williams
William Grindy Erik Harm Daniel Hinze Maleah Holloway Taylor Hull Charles Long Alexandra Lutz
Colin Chastain
Tanner Clawson
Kelsey Claypool
Taylor Coit
Mahmoud Elrakhawy
Nabeel Khan
Mitchell Lancaster
John Nevill
First Call for Help First Call for Help connects people who have a service or item to donate with individuals who need a service or item. This week, requests include: NEED
With the recent inclement weather, it has become a priority to make sure seniors are able to get in and out of their homes after bad weather hits. To help us in this effort, if you or your organization is able to shovel driveways for those seniors who could be snowed in, please contact First Call for Help with your contact information to be kept on file for future reference. If you have a “Need” or a “Have” please contact First Call for Help at 475-2255, by e-mail at or by posting on the Web at First Call for Help, a United Way of Decatur and Mid-Illinois program, is an information and referral service sponsored partially by The Human Service Agency Consortium.
Dakota Alger
Kaleb Damery
Dakota Alger Kaleb Damery
Ethan Johnson Ethan Johnson Miles Meador
Sangamon Valley
Casey Acree
Johnathon Franklin
Miles Meador
Zachary Rambo
Zachary Rambo
Bridget Ollesch
Mary Tomlovich
Colin Chastain Tanner Clawson Kelsey Claypool Taylor Coit Mahmoud Elrakhawy Nabeel Khan
Ariel Spengler Lindsay Tipsword
Ariel Spengler
Mitchell Gillen
Mitchell Lancaster John Nevill Bridget Ollesch Mary Tomlovich Rachel Vandermyde
Sabrina Hartwig Lindsay Tipsword
Joel Grabiel
Decatur Christian Patrick Sullivan
Casey Acree Johnathon Franklin Sabrina Hartwig Johnathan Kraft Patrick Sullivan
Myra Kaufman
Emily West
Mitchell Gillen Joel Grabiel Myra Kaufman Emily West Jesse Younger
Christian Slifer Johnathan Kraft
Rachel Vandermyde
Jesse Younger
Christian Slifer
More Macon County Scholars on D6
MARY HUNT Everyday Cheapskate
Don’t get stuck with lifelong debt There’s a lot of misunderstanding going on when it comes to student loans. Mostly, I believe, it’s because 18year-olds starting out their college careers in the financial aid office are naive, believing that somehow they’ll make so much money upon graduation that repayment will be both quick and easy. If I could meet with these students and their parents before they start taking on student loans, here’s what I would advise: 1. Borrow the very least you absolutely need to squeak by, not the most. Stick with federal loans, not private education loans. That means getting a job, maybe two, while you are in college so that as much as possible, you are paying as you go. This may be hard. Really hard. But that will be child’s play compared with how hard it will be to repay student debt after you graduate. 2. The minute you sign that student loan, begin to make monthly interest payments. Yes, I know you are not required to make any payments until six months after you graduate, but that is the foolish way to go. Unless you have a subsidized loan (rare these days), interest begins to accrue the minute you sign the paper. When you’re not paying, that accrued interest is added to the principal, so next month you’ll be accruing interest on the interest. That is called “compounding,” and it’s a killer when you are the borrower. I think the word “avalanche” should give you a visual illustration of what can happen. By making the small interest payments from the get-go, you’ll keep things under control. 3. The minute you graduate, begin making your scheduled payments. Don’t wait for six months, and do not look into forbearance or deferment, even if you think you might qualify. Delaying only makes the pain of repayment worse. Infinitely worse. Come up with your own three-year payment plan, not the lender’s 30year plan. 4. Do not buy a new car. Do not rent a fancy apartment. Do not do anything that would increase your debt load while you are carrying student debt. Do not believe you are entitled to a life of ease because you’ve just spent four years as a starving college student. You are not. In fact, you may need to consider moving back home to keep your cost of living low. Once freed of the debt, you’ll be in a position to get on with your life. If this all sounds scary, consider this alternative before you start borrowing money to pay for college: Opt for community college for the first two years. You’ll get the same basic general education courses that you’d take at a university, but for a fraction of the cost. Work as much as you can in those first two years to save up to pay for your last two years at a four-year college or university. That’s how you avoid student loans for life.|Everyday Cheapskate, Box 2135 Paramount, CA 90723.
For a complete schedule of TV listings, go to
Macon County schools
Illinois State Scholars Warrensburg-Latham
Heather Blythe
Drew Dunn
Macy Harre
Adam Hatcher
Eric Hollinden
Thomas Pelikan
Alyssa Riley
Dalton Van Fleet
Colton Zinn
Heather Blythe Drew Dunn Macy Harre Adam Hatcher Eric Hollinden Thomas Pelikan Alyssa Riley Dalton Van Fleet Colton Zinn
Mount Zion
Christopher Ames
Rebecca Boorstein
Ashley Byers
Bailey Claussen
Laura Downing
Christina Egbert
Tara Gogerty
Dylan Graff
Christopher Grimestad
Qixin Han
Alan Hogan
Krista Jesek
Jennifer Kappenman
Jack Lair
Hannah Lake
Anna Locke
Samantha Lynch
Sloane Lynch
Kathryn McDaniel
Gregory Miller
David Taschner
Christopher Ames Rebecca Boorstein Ashley Byers Bailey Claussen Laura Downing Christina Egbert Tara Gogerty Dylan Graff
Mclaine Parkinson
Jacob Smith
Grant Stoecker
Christopher Grimestad Qixin Han Alan Hogan Krista Jesek Jennifer Kappenman Jack Lair Hannah Lake Anna Locke
Samantha Lynch Sloane Lynch Kathryn McDaniel Gregory Miller Mclaine Parkinson Jacob Smith Grant Stoecker David Taschner
MILITARY Pvt. Andrew Y. Barber graduated from the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, Calif. He is the son of Charles and Carol Barber of Frankfort, Barber formerly of Mount Zion, and is a 2010 graduate of Lincoln-Way East High School,
non Spc. Adam F. Gist graduated from basic military training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. He is the son of Dan and Gist Rhonda Gist of Decatur and is a graduate of Eisenhower
High School.
non Air National Guard Airman Zachary S. Morgason graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Morgason Texas. He is the son of Scot Morgason of Peoria
and Angelique Fairbrother of Decatur. non Air Force Reserve Master Sgt. Rachel E. Reed has been promoted to the rank of master sergeant in the Air Force. She is the daughter of Roger and Sue Songer of Charleston and a graduate of Charleston High School. non Army Pfc. Jakeb D. Ault graduated from basic combat train-
ing at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. He is the son of Herbert Ault Mattoon and Ramona Woodard of Decatur and is a 2010 graduate of Mattoon High School. non Army National Guard Pvt. Tommy Lee D. Wright graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. He is the son of Beverly Cripps of Salem.
non The Herald & Review publishes military news free of charge. Information is published as space is available in the order it is received. Send information, with a contact name and phone number for verification, to: Military news, Herald & Review, 601 E. William St., Decatur, IL 62523, fax 421-7965 or e-mail