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ZI DE ZI marți, 12 iunie 2018


Standul industriei de apărare din România la EUROSATORY 2018 pg. 26

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marți, 12 iunie 2018

semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 5 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 5 TURBOMECANICA S.A.: dividende 2017 .......................................................................... 6 IAR SA Brasov: riscuri .......................................................................................................... 6 Airbus, Bombardier și Investissement Québec sunt de acord cu încheierea parteneriatului din seria C începând cu 1 iulie 2018 ...................................................................................... 7 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 11 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE .............................................................................. 12 Century Arms, Inc din SUA ................................................................................................. 12 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 15 Nou record stabilit de o rachetă MBDA............................................................................... 15 MBDA equips its licorne pocket C2 with anti-drone capability .......................................... 16 The MMP missile sets a new range record .......................................................................... 17 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 17 Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE ........................................................................................ 17 ELDIG'S CHAIRMANSHIP PASSES FROM LEONARDO TO RHEINMETALL ......... 17 Lockheed Martin stia ceva… ............................................................................................... 18 Armata irakiană înlocuiește tancurile americane Abrams cu cele rusești T-90S MBT ....... 19 Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 20 Declarația comună UE-NATO: A treia ediție a Raportului privind progresele înregistrate 20 EDA Aviation Cyber Security Seminar to focus on priorities for cooperation ................... 20 Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 21 Daniel Robert Marin, eliberare funcție ................................................................................ 21 Ministrul Meleșcanu confirmă înlocuirea lui Hans Klemm din funcția de ambasador al SUA în România .................................................................................................................. 22 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 22 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 22 Câștigul salarial mediu lunar ................................................................................................ 23 Banca Internațională de Investiții ......................................................................................... 23 Să înțelegem mai bine ...................................................................................................... 24 Cap. RESURSE .................................................................................................................. 24 Engineer Interview Success: Practical Approaches to Making a Lasting Impression ......... 24 RACVIAC ............................................................................................................................ 25 Page 3 of 38

Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 26 Târguri, conferințe A&D: EUROSATORY 2018 ................................................................ 26 Fotografii obținute prin bunăvoința.................................................................................. 26 Dlui. Nicolae Mihăilesc,................................................................................................... 26 Director General al Fabricii de Arme Cugir..................................................................... 26 Situații extreme aviatice ....................................................................................................... 29 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE............................................................................... 29 fiecare știre reprezintă doar punctul de vedere al autorului acesteia, iar linkul conduce la sursa originală și la forma integrală a articolului.

Conținutul acestui newsletter este destinat să ofere un ghid asupra subiectelor de interes pentru domeniul de activitate A&D. Pentru căutarea și identificarea circumstanțelor specifice se recomandă consultanța de specialitate asigurată de Herald Insights.

The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.

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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 258,48 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0

240.00 230.00

200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00




























mil. euro


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TURBOMECANICA S.A.: dividende 2017 http://www.bvb.ro/infocont/infocont18/TBM_20180611140151_procedura-platadividende-2018-ro.pdf

Bursa de Valori Bucureşti 11.06.2018 14:14:07

Plata dividend 2017 Urmare a hotararii AGOA TURBOMECANICA S.A. din data de 26 aprilie 2018, Turbomecanica anunta plata dividendelor 2017, prin intermediul Depozitarului Central si BRD incepand cu data de 29 iunie 2018 („Data Platii”), catre actionarii Turbomecanica S.A. inscrisi in Registrul Actionarilor la data de 8 iunie 2018. Dividendul brut este de 0,0242 lei pentru o actiune, iar impozitul pe dividende aferent va fi retinut la sursa in cotele prevazute de lege. Comisioanele percepute de BRD si Depozitarul Central pentru plata dividendelor nete in RON sunt suportate de Turbomecanica S.A. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

IAR SA Brasov: riscuri

Riscul valutar: Societatea este expusă fluctuaţiilor cursului de schimb valutar pentru disponibilităţile, creanţele şi datoriile înregistrate în alte valute, în principal USD şi Euro. Societatea are tranzacţii şi în alte monede decât moneda funcţională (Ron), şi anume în euro şi dolari. Societatea, în funcţie de disponibilităţile sale, la un moment dat, în diferite valute, cumpără acele valute de care are nevoie pentru efectuarea plăţilor importurilor de completare active necesare de la diferiţi furnizori. Societatea nu a utilizat instrumente financiare derivate de protecţie împotriva fluctuaţiilor de curs. Riscul de rată a dobânzii: Fluxurile de numerar operaţionale ale societăţii nu sunt afectate de variaţiile înregistrate pe piaţa bancară a ratei dobânzii, deoarece, în prezent societatea, pentru garanţiile bancare emise are contracte negociate cu costuri fixe. Expunerea IAR S.A. la riscul modificărilor ratei dobânzii la depozitele sale bancare este nesemnificativă, în special datorită nivelului redus al dobânzilor la depozitele bancare în lei. Riscul de lichiditate: Conducerea societăţii a asigurat şi asigură un management prudent al riscului de lichiditate, urmărind în permanenţă menţinerea de numerar suficient, astfel încât să-şi poată onora la termen toate plăţile ajunse la scadenţă. Mediul legislativ: Reglementările și instabilitatea politică, produsele și serviciile pe care societatea le valorifică atât pe plan intern cât și extern sunt destinate în principal utilizatorilor bugetari care fac parte din Sistemele naționale ale forțelor de siguranță și securitate. De aceea volumul contractelor depinde de alocațiile bugetare.

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pentru a continua cu extrase:

zz Raport de evaluare IAR SA pt rascumparare actiuni SIF III Transilvania revizuit 29.05.2018.pdf http://www.iar.ro/files/userfiles/files/raportari%20conform%20cerintelor%20pietei%20de%20capital/alte%20rapoarte%2 0privind%20activitatea%20societatii/Raport%20de%20evaluare%20IAR%20SA%20pt%20rascumparare%20actiuni%20S IF%20III%20Transilvania%20revizuit%2029.05.2018.pdf

Airbus, Bombardier și Investissement Québec sunt de acord cu încheierea parteneriatului din seria C începând cu 1 iulie 2018 Airbus, Bombardier and Investissement Québec agree C Series Partnership closing effective July 1, 2018 http://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2018/06/airbus--bombardierand-investissement-quebec-agree-c-series-part.html

Airbus 08June 2018

· Airbus to acquire majority stake in the C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership, effective July 1, 2018 · All regulatory approvals required for the closing of the transaction have been obtained · Partnership head office, leadership team and primary final assembly line located in Mirabel, Québec (representing some 2,200 employees and subcontractors), with the support of the C Series global supply chain · Partnership brings together two complementary product lines, with 100150 seat market segment projected to represent 6,000 new aircraft over the next 20 years · Addition of Airbus’ global reach to create significant value for C Series’ customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and communities · Significant C Series production efficiencies anticipated by leveraging Airbus’ production ramp-up expertise · Growing market for C Series to support second Final Assembly Line in Alabama, serving U.S. customers

• Airbus să achiziționeze participația majoritară în Parteneriatul cu Seria C Limited Aircraft Limited, în vigoare din 1 iulie 2018 • Au fost obținute toate aprobările de reglementare necesare pentru închiderea tranzacției • Sediul de parteneriat, echipa de conducere și linia primară de asamblare finală situată în Mirabel, Québec (reprezentând aproximativ 2.200 de angajați și subcontractori), cu sprijinul lanțului global de aprovizionare din seria C • Parteneriatul reunește două linii de produse complementare, segmentul de piață cu o capacitate de 100-150 locuri proiectat să reprezinte 6 000 de noi aeronave în următorii 20 de ani • Adăugarea de acoperire globală a companiei Airbus pentru a crea o valoare semnificativă pentru clienții, furnizorii, angajații, acționarii și comunitățile Seriei C. • Creșterea semnificativă a eficienței producției în seria C, anticipată prin valorificarea expertizei de producție a companiei Airbus • Creșterea pieței seriei C pentru a susține a doua linie de asamblare finală în Alabama, care deservește clienții din S.U.A.

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Amsterdam / Montreal, June 8, 2018 – Having received all required regulatory approvals, Airbus SE (EPA: AIR), Bombardier Inc. (TSX: BBD.B) and Investissement Québec (IQ) have agreed to close the C Series transaction effective on July 1, 2018. The transaction by which Airbus will acquire a majority stake in the C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership (CSALP) was initially announced in October 2017. The Mirabelbased partnership, which was originally established between Bombardier and IQ, will benefit from Airbus’ global reach, scale, procurement organization and expertise in selling, marketing and producing the C Series – a state-of-the-art jet aircraft family in the 100-150 seat market. Airbus will work with its partners Bombardier and IQ to fully unlock the C Series’ potential and create significant new value for customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and the communities in which the partnership operates. The partnership’s head office, primary assembly line and related functions will be based in Mirabel, Québec. As previously announced, Bombardier will continue with its current funding plan of CSALP. Due to the early closing of the partnership, the terms of this plan are updated according to the following schedule: Bombardier will fund the cash shortfalls of CSALP, if required, during the second half of 2018, up to a maximum of US$225 million; during 2019, up to a maximum of US$350 million; and up to a maximum aggregate amount of US$350 million over the following two years, in consideration for non-voting participating shares of CSALP with cumulative annual dividends of 2%. Any excess shortfall during such periods will be shared proportionately amongst CSALP’s Class A shareholders. Airbus will consolidate CSALP effective from July 1, 2018 onwards. Further financial information on the transaction will be provided later this year. The C series program continues to ramp up. Having delivered 17 aircraft in 2017, it is gearing up to double its deliveries in 2018. With the C Series’ demonstrated in-service performance and the finalization of this partnership, the parties expect increased demand to support a second C Series Final Assembly Line in Mobile, Alabama, dedicated to supplying U.S.-based customers. The C Series is positioned to capture a large percentage of the estimated 6,000 aircraft needed in this market segment over the next 20 years. Airbus Chief Executive Officer Tom Enders said: “This partnership extends our commitment to Québec and to all of Canadian aerospace, and we are very glad to welcome so many C Series teammates into the extended Team Airbus. The strength of the entire Airbus organization will be behind the C Series. Not only will that enable this outstanding aircraft to fulfill its market potential, but we are convinced the addition of the C Series to our overall aircraft product offering brings significant value to Airbus, our customers and shareholders.” “This marks the beginning of a very exciting new chapter for the C Series and the Canadian Aerospace industry,” said Alain Bellemare, Bombardier President and Chief Executive Officer. “The C Series is widely recognized as the most advanced and efficient aircraft in its class and this partnership will ensure its commercial success. Airbus’ unmatched global scale, strong customer relationships and operational expertise are necessary ingredients for unleashing the full value of the aircraft. Together, we will create tremendous new value and opportunities for airlines, suppliers, shareholders and employees.” “By combining the world’s most innovative and efficient aerospace technology – designed and engineered in Québec – with Airbus’ market and expertise, we are creating a brand new dynamic in a promising segment,” noted Québec’s Deputy Premier, Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation and Minister responsible for the Digital Strategy Dominique Anglade. “Above all, we are ensuring the growth of Page 8 of 38

the C Series and securing the more than 2,000 jobs attached to it in Mirabel. In addition to maintaining the C Series’ head office, engineering and R&D activities in Québec, this partnership positions Montréal as Airbus’ largest research and development centre outside Europe, representing tremendous opportunities for our entire aerospace industry.” “The C Series team in Québec is proud to participate in this opportunity to drive the success of this amazing aircraft,” said Philippe Balducchi, CEO of the C Series partnership. “Our teams have worked tirelessly to merge cultures and bring operations together well ahead of schedule and are confident in our ability to make this win-win partnership a thriving commercial success. The composition of the C Series leadership team reflects our principles of bringing together the best talent that both sides have to offer. We are ready to turn outward and help our customers get their hands on the hottest aircraft in its segment.” *** About Bombardier With over 69,500 employees across four business segments, Bombardier is a global leader in the transportation industry, creating innovative and game-changing planes and trains. Our products and services provide world-class transportation experiences that set new standards in passenger comfort, energy efficiency, reliability and safety. Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, Bombardier has production and engineering sites in 28 countries across the segments of Transportation, Business Aircraft, Commercial Aircraft and Aerostructures and Engineering Services. Bombardier shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD). In the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017, Bombardier posted revenues of $16.2 billion US. News and information are available at bombardier.com or follow us on Twitter @Bombardier. About Airbus Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2017 it generated revenues of € 59 billion restated for IFRS 15 and employed a workforce of around 129,000. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airliners from 100 to more than 600 seats. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport and mission aircraft, as well as one of the world’s leading space companies. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This press release includes forward-looking statements, which may involve, but are not limited to: statements with respect to our objectives, guidance, targets, goals, priorities, market and strategies, financial position, beliefs, prospects, plans, expectations, anticipations, estimates and intentions; general economic and business outlook, prospects and trends of an industry; expected growth in demand for products and services; product development, including projected design, characteristics, capacity or performance; expected or scheduled entry-into-service of products and services, orders, deliveries, testing, lead times, certifications and project execution in general; competitive position; the expected impact of the legislative and regulatory environment and legal proceedings on our business and operations; available liquidities and ongoing review of strategic and financial alternatives the impact and expected benefits of the transaction with Airbus described herein, on our operations, infrastructure, capabilities, development, growth and other opportunities, geographic reach, scale, footprint, financial condition, access to capital and overall strategy; and the impact of such transaction on our balance sheet and liquidity position. Page 9 of 38

Forward-looking statements can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “may”, “will”, “shall”, “can”, “expect”, “estimate”, “intend”, “anticipate”, “plan”, “foresee”, “believe”, “continue”, “maintain” or “align”, the negative of these terms, variations of them or similar terminology. Forward-looking statements are presented for the purpose of assisting investors and others in understanding certain key elements of our current objectives, strategic priorities, expectations and plans, and in obtaining a better understanding of our business and anticipated operating environment. Readers are cautioned that such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. By their nature, forward-looking statements require management to make assumptions and are subject to important known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause our actual results in future periods to differ materially from forecast results set forth in forward-looking statements. While management considers these assumptions to be reasonable and appropriate based on information currently available, there is risk that they may not be accurate. The assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements made in this press release in relation to the transaction with Airbus discussed herein include the following material assumptions; the fulfillment and performance by each party of its obligations pursuant to the transaction agreement and future commercial agreements and absence of significant inefficiencies and other issues in connection therewith; the realization of the anticipated benefits and synergies of the transaction in the timeframe anticipated; our ability to continue with our current funding plan of CSALP and to fund, if required, any cash shortfalls; adequacy of cash planning and management and project funding; and the accuracy of our assessment of anticipated growth drivers and sector trends. For additional information with respect to the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements made in this press release, refer to the Strategic Priorities and Guidance and forward-looking statements sections in Overview, Business Aircraft, Commercial Aircraft, Aerostructures and Engineering Services and Transportation in the MD&A of our financial report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017. With respect to the transaction with Airbus discussed herein specifically, certain factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the failure by either party to satisfy and perform its obligations pursuant to the transaction agreement and future commercial agreements and/or significant inefficiencies and other issues arising in connection therewith; the impact of the announcement of the transaction on our relationships with third parties, including commercial counterparties, employees and competitors, strategic relationships, operating results and businesses generally; the failure to realize, in the timeframe anticipated or at all, the anticipated benefits and synergies of the transaction; our ability to continue with our current funding plan of CSALP and to fund, if required, the cash shortfalls; inadequacy of cash planning and management and project funding. Certain other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, risks associated with general economic conditions, risks associated with our business environment (such as risks associated with “Brexit”, the financial condition of the airline industry, business aircraft customers, and the rail industry; trade policy (including potential changes to or the termination of the existing North American Free Trade Agreement between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico currently in discussion); increased competition; political instability and force majeure events or natural disasters), operational risks (such as risks related to developing new products and services; development of new business; the certification and homologation of products and services; fixed-price and fixed-term Page 10 of 38

commitments and production and project execution; pressures on cash flows and capital expenditures based on project-cycle fluctuations and seasonality; our ability to successfully implement and execute our strategy and transformation plan; doing business with partners; product performance warranty and casualty claim losses; regulatory and legal proceedings; environmental, health and safety risks; dependence on certain customers and suppliers; human resources; reliance on information systems; reliance on and protection of intellectual property rights; and adequacy of insurance coverage), financing risks (such as risks related to liquidity and access to capital markets; retirement benefit plan risk; exposure to credit risk; substantial existing debt and interest payment requirements; certain restrictive debt covenants and minimum cash levels; financing support provided for the benefit of certain customers; and reliance on government support), market risks (such as risks related to foreign currency fluctuations; changing interest rates; decreases in residual values; increases in commodity prices; and inflation rate fluctuations). For more details, see the Risks and uncertainties section in Other in the MD&A of our financial report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors that may affect future growth, results and performance is not exhaustive and undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. Other risks and uncertainties not presently known to us or that we presently believe are not material could also cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in our forward-looking statements. In addition, there can be no assurance that the anticipated strategic benefits and operational, competitive and cost synergies of the transaction with Airbus will be realized in their entirety, in part or at all. The forward-looking statements set forth herein reflect management’s expectations as at the date of this report and are subject to change after such date. Unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws, we expressly disclaim any intention, and assume no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

Insights Airbus confirms C Series control LARA17:09 Mon, 11 Jun

Airbus Takes Over CSeries July 1 AVweb20:41 Mon, 11 Jun

Aircraft Propeller Service Wins Airbus Casa 295 MRO Contract Aviation Pros17:04 Mon, 11 Jun

Airwork’s MRO services support over 300,000 hours of flight Vertical Magazine15:29 Mon, 11 Jun

Alpine Aerotech welcomes new member to sales team Vertical Magazine22:43 Mon, 11 Jun

Astro Aerospace partners with Paterson Composites to build autonomous Passenger Drone Vertical Magazine15:59 Mon, 11 Jun

Australia Adds Aircraft for Single-pilot Rating Aviation International News18:58 Mon, 11 Jun

Becker Avionics receives award from Rockwell Collins Vertical Magazine16:09 Mon, 11 Jun

Beyond the FRAT: Understanding risk management Vertical Magazine16:09 Mon, 11 Jun

China’s Spring Airlines to use A320neos on longer routes Air Transport World22:32 Mon, 11 Jun

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Dallas Avionics Enables Cross-Band Communications HeliHub15:34 Mon, 11 Jun

EBACE Interview: Philip Queffelec on buyer trends and Switzerland’s helicotper market Helicopter Investor13:08 Mon, 11 Jun

First flight lands at life-saving new helipad Vertical Magazine15:39 Mon, 11 Jun

Flying Taxi Startup Aims to Make Drone-Like Helicopters Popular Skift00:52 Mon, 11 Jun

Hawaiian Airlines receives its first U.S.-produced aircraft Airbus23:59 Mon, 11 Jun Helitech returns with focus on innovation and emerging technologies Vertical Magazine16:59 Mon, 11 Jun

Jazeera Airways recieves first Airbus A320neo in Mideast Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)16:00 Mon, 11 Jun

Jazeera takes delivery of first A320neo in Middle East Trade Arabia19:24 Mon, 11 Jun

Mercyhealth REACT Has New Helicopter in Service HeliHub15:54 Mon, 11 Jun

Multi-million fighter jet contracts are underway | France doubles VBMR-L order | Airbus tests… Defense Industry Daily16:19 Mon, 11 Jun

PICTURES: Airbus delivers to Hawaiian the first US-built Neo narrowbody FlightGlobal00:33

PICTURES: Airbus delivers to Hawaiian the first US-built Neo narrowbody FlightGlobal00:33

PICTURES: Hawaiian receives first US-built A32neo-family aircraft FlightGlobal01:13

PICTURES: Hawaiian receives first US-built A32neo-family aircraft FlightGlobal01:13

Sloane Helicopters appoints new head of engineering Vertical Magazine17:09 Mon, 11 Jun

SureFly Hybrid Electric Multi-Copter Enters FAA Type Certification Process HeliHub15:54 Mon, 11 Jun

Time to recharge: LGen Alain Parent retires after 39 years in the RCAF Vertical Magazine17:19 Mon, 11 Jun

TSB releases report into R44 helicopter crash Vertical Magazine21:02 Mon, 11 Jun

United Rotorcraft receives China CAAC Validation for Bell 407 HeliHub16:04 Mon, 11 Jun

Vistara, IndiGo need to make domestic network denser: Airbus India president Livemint.com01:52 Mon, 11 Jun


Century Arms, Inc din SUA Fotografii obținute prin bunăvoința Dlui Willian Sucher, Vice-Președinte Century Arms, Inc.

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Cap. RACHETE Nou record stabilit de o rachetă MBDA https://www.dcnews.ro/nou-record-stabilit-de-o-racheta-mbda_596103.html

DCnews.ro Darius Muresan 11 iun 2018 / 18:32

În luna mai a acestui an, Armata franceză a efectuat o campanie de trageri pentru antrenament, în vederea pregătirii următoarei desfășurări operaționale a rachetei MMP. În paralel, s-au efectuat o serie de trageri suplimentare pentru a testa capacitatea sistemului dincolo de raza normală de acțiune. „Rezultatul a fost că două trageri au atins o rază de peste 5.000 de metri, ambele fiind reușite. Aceste trageri, în care ghidajul a fost fixat pe țintă înainte de tragere, confirmă performanța excepțională a secvenței de achiziție a țintei și de ghidaj MMP. Acestea vor contribui la consolidarea încrederii viitorilor utilizatori, care ar putea fi nevoiți să reacționeze în mod eficient în condiții operaționale extrem de dificile. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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MBDA equips its licorne pocket C2 with anti-drone capability https://www.mbda-systems.com/press-releases/mbda-equips-licorne-pocket-c2-antidrone-capability/

MBDA Missile Systems 11/06/2018

Licorne is now the first C2 system • Licorne este acum primul sistem C2 capabil să capable of incorporating anti-drone încorporeze resurse anti-drone alături de resources alongside traditional air activele tradiționale de apărare aeriană, cum defence assets, such as gun and missile ar fi sistemele de arme și rachete systems • Sistemul licorne compact oferă forțelor  The compact Licorne system offers desfășurate în prim-plan un prim nivel de forward-deployed forces a first level of coordonare cu sistemele VSHORAD co-ordination with VSHORAD systems  Licorne integrates with higher • Licorne se integrează cu niveluri de comandă command levels to support the upscaling mai înalte pentru a susține creșterea sistemelor of air defence systems for more de apărare aeriană pentru operații mai extinse extensive operations MBDA’s Licorne pocket air defence command and control (C2) system has become the first fielded C2 to integrate anti-drone and traditional air defence capabilities. 

©MBDA Sidonie DESCHAMPS 2018

Licorne is a very lightweight C2 solution with the ability to co-ordinate very short range air defence (VSHORAD) systems, such as those of the Mistral family. A highly mobile C2, it is derived from the IMCP and PCP systems family currently in use with armed forces in export markets, using the same software components, architecture and human machine interfaces (HMI). In order to deliver an effective response to the emergence of asymmetric threats, and particularly mini-drone attacks on deployed ground-to-air assets or other military assets inside the protected zone, Licorne can now also deploy anti-drone measures, and co-ordinate them with the traditional air defence assets. To achieve this, MBDA has supplemented its C2 with a set of data link detectors and jammers originally developed to provide security for events or prisons, which have been adapted to military needs. For detection, Licorne uses a mobile radio frequency detection unit produced by Cerbair to intercept mini-drone data link transmissions. Once the threat has been detected and located, Licorne allows operators to activate countermeasures using a network of field-deployed jammers developed by KEAS. Licorne’s scalable architecture is designed to enable the system to provide a first level of co-ordination for the VSHORAD systems used by rapid reaction forces, airborne units and amphibious units. Licorne provides surveillance, detection and identification functions with a high level of connectivity. It can be used in association with passive infrared 360° surveillance sensors, lightweight radars or ESM and acoustic sensors. Pocket C2 Licorne provides all the functions expected of a C2, including multisensor data fusion; real-time ranging; shared tactical position calculation; and even uploading battery sensor images to upper command levels using standard NATO military data link protocols such as JREAP-C.

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The MMP missile sets a new range record https://www.mbda-systems.com/press-releases/mmp-missile-sets-new-range-record/

MBDA Missile Systems 10/06/2018

In May this year, the French Army conducted a training campaign of firings in preparation for the next operational deployment of the MMP missile. In parallel, a number of additional firings were made to test the capacity of the system beyond its normal operating range. © Laurent Guichardon – MBDA

The result was that two firings were made over a range of 5,000 metres, both of which were completely successful. These firings, in which the seeker was locked onto the target before firing, confirm the exceptional performance of the MMP acquisition and guidance sequence. They will contribute to building the confidence of future users, who may have to respond effectively under highly challenging operational conditions. The MMP programme plans a total inter-force installed base of 400 firing units and 1,950 missiles by 2025. The first hardware to be delivered is currently in use for user training. The weapons system is expected to be deployed or external operations before the end of this year.

Insights Difesa: Mbda, il missile MMP segna un nuovo record di gittata Agenzia Nova Le nouveau missile MMP de MBDA explose les performances La Tribune.fr Coopération sur le Tigre : vers un camouflet de l'Allemagne à la France ? La Tribune.fr


Leonardo Paris 11/06/2018 15:19

Leonardo’s Defence Systems Division Managing Director Gianpiero Lorandi has passed the Chairmanship of the European Land Defence Industry Group (ELDIG), to Thomas Weise, Rheinmetall Group’s Head of EU and NATO Affairs. The handover took place during Eurosatory on Leonardo’s stand. ELDIG’s Chairmanship rotates within the Group member companies every two years. ELDIG serves as a sectorial group for the land defence industry under the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD), which represents more than 3,000 companies in 19 nations with 847,700 employees.

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ELDIG represents over 100,000 employees and it aims to strengthen the land industries’ position in Europe and support the relationship and dialogue with EU authorities and institutions. “These last two years have been quite intense and productive, which allowed us to accomplish our goals satisfactorily regardless of this period of significant change in the European defence and security industry. Following the launch in June 2017 of a European defence Fund, ELDIG succesfully supported cooperation of the initiatives funded by the European Union and implemented by the European Defence Agency”, said Gianpiero Lorandi, former Chairman of ELDIG. “We have worked to transform ELDIG, in order to improve the integration of our Sectorial Group into the wider ASD dynamics. Now I am happy to handover the lead of ELDIG to Dr.Thomas Weise of Rheinmetall and wish him well with the challenges ahead. I also want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the members of ELDIG for their professionalism, for their friendly cooperation and for the impressive results achieved during Leonardo’s presidency”. ASD Secretary General, Jan Pie, commented: “Cooperation is the core of our Association and its industry representatives are essential in this effort. Therefore, I would like to warmly thank Mr Lorandi for the excellent work he has done during his chairmanship. It was fortunate for us to rely on his leadership in our discussion related to European Defence, especially to European Land Defence Industry. I would also like to congratulate Dr. Thomas Weise of his assumption of the chair of the ELDIG. I am confident that under Mr Weise’s guidance, we will continue to strengthen ASD’s development as a driving force for our sector”.

Lockheed Martin stia ceva… https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/lockheed-martin-stia-ceva

Romania Military George GMT 11 iunie 2018 - 6:18

…presupunem noi, daca compania americana a venit chitita la BSDA 2018 sa ne propuna sa cumparam JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle) care a pierdut competitia de inlocuire a “batranului” HUMVEE in fata celor de la Oshkosh cu familia de vechicule 4×4 blindate L-ATV. Necazul LMului s-a produs prin 2015 si de atunci au ramas cu masinuta in curte asteptand momentul. De altfel la Bucuresti Lockheedul a anuntat oficial ca va propune Armatei Romane varianta lor din programul JLTV, ramane doar de vazut daca Romania isi va permite sa finanteze demararea productiei unui vehicul care nu se afla in productia de serie. Page 18 of 38

...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Armata irakiană înlocuiește tancurile americane Abrams cu cele rusești T-90S MBT Iraqi Army Replaces US Abrams Tanks with Russian T-90S MBTs http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/34533

Israel Defense 11/06/2018 Dan Arkin |

Source: Iraqi Ministry of Defence Thirty-nine Russian T-90S tanks have been delivered to Iraq’s 35th Brigade of the 9th Armored Division. The new MBTs will equip two battalions that previously operated M1A1 Abrams tanks, according to Jane’s. The Iraqi Ministry of Defense announced the decision to swap the US-made tanks for Russian ones on June 6. It said the units’ officers and crews had been retrained with Russian assistance and their Abrams tanks transferred to the Division’s 34th Brigade. It was confirmed in 2017 that Iraq had ordered 73 tanks in the basic T-90S standard and the associated T-90SK command variant. The Iraqi MoD announced in February 2018 that 36 had been delivered.

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Cap. EUROPA Declarația comună UE-NATO: A treia ediție a Raportului privind progresele înregistrate EU-NATO Joint Declaration: Third Progress Report published https://www.eda.europa.eu/info-hub/press-centre/latest-news/2018/06/11/eu-natojoint-declaration-third-progress-report-published

European Defence Agency EDA Brussels - 11 June, 2018

Last week, the third progress report on the implementation of the common set of proposals on the implementation of the Joint Declaration, signed in Warsaw in July 2016, was presented to the EU and NATO Councils. In addition to the 42 proposals adopted on 6 December 2016, 32 new actions were added on 5 December 2017 including on topics such as counter-terrorism, women, peace and security and military mobility. EDA is involved in the implementation of 30 out of these 74 actions. The new progress report covers the period January-June 2018 and elaborates on the main achievements of EU-NATO cooperation – also in view of the upcoming meeting of the European Council on 28-29 June and the NATO Summit on 11-12 July – and highlights the added value of EU-NATO cooperation in different areas aimed at strengthening the security of citizens. The next common progress report is foreseen in a year’s time (June 2019). Declarația: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/35578/third-report-ue-nato-layout-en.pdf

EDA Aviation Cyber Security Seminar to focus on priorities for cooperation https://www.eda.europa.eu/info-hub/press-centre/latest-news/2018/06/08/eda-aviation-cyber-securityseminar-to-focus-on-priorities-for-cooperation

European Defence Agency EDA Brussels - 08 June, 2018

La 13 iunie, Agenția Europeană de Apărare (EDA) organizează un Seminar de Securitate în domeniul Aviației Cyber, în contextul mai larg al punerii în aplicare a Declarației Comune UENATO, care va reuni comunitățile militare de aviație civilă și militară și de apărare cibernetică cu intenția să dezvolte o înțelegere comună a provocărilor actuale și viitoare privind securitatea cibernetică în domeniul aviației, cu un accent deosebit pe cerințele militare. On 13 June, the European Defence Agency (EDA) organises an Aviation Cyber Security Seminar, in the wider context of the implementation of the EU-NATO Joint Declaration, that will bring together the civil and military aviation and Page 20 of 38

cyber defence communities, with the intent to develop a common understanding of current and future cyber security challenges for aviation, with a particular focus on military requirements. The seminar, which will take place at the Eurocontrol premises in Brussels, shall provide a substantial overview of current and future developments in aviation and related cyber security risks, with the intent to promote cross-fertilization between aviation and cyber defence communities. Moreover, it will offer a forum for EDA participating Member states to engage with expert representatives from relevant civil and military organisations, in view of facilitating the identification and prioritisation of opportunities for intergovernmental cooperation and dual-use approaches to cyber security in military aviation. The envisaged outcome of the seminar is the identification and prioritisation of concrete areas requiring urgent engagement, in view of addressing them in a coordinated and collaborative manner. Speakers include representatives from:  the European Air Group (EAG)  the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU)  the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM)  the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)  the European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE)  EUROCONTROL, NATO and the NATO-Eurocontrol ATM Security Coordination Group (NEASCOG)  the German Armed Forces Cyber Command  and the European Defence Agency (EDA).

Cap. DECIZIONAL Daniel Robert Marin, eliberare funcție Primul-Ministru Decizie privind eliberarea domnului Daniel Robert Marin, la cerere, din funcția de secretar de stat la Ministerul Afacerilor Interne Nr. 216 din 11-Iunie-2018

Experiență Profesională: 11.05.2017 – prezent – Ministerul Afacerilor Interne – Secretar de Stat pentru Relația cu Parlamentul și Relații Internaționale, rol care vizează coordonarea activităților de afaceri europene și de relații internaționale din cadrul MAI, respectiv asigurarea susținerii în Parlamentului României a proiectelor normative privind activitatea MAI. Ianuarie 2017 – mai 2017 – MAI – Direcția Generală Management Operațional - Director General Adjunct, rol care a vizat, printre altele, coordonarea la nivel național a activităților agențiilor de aplicare a legii din România în cadrul ciclului de politici de securitate UE (National EMPACT1 Coordinator), planificare strategică și operațională a misiunilor MAI, inclusiv în plan extern, precum și analiza, evaluarea și prognozarea evoluțiilor factorilor de natură a înfluența climatul de securitate internă, inclusiv prin raportare la contextul internațional. Decembrie 2015 – decembrie 2016 – Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Office (Marea Britanie) – Consilier special MAI (Special adviser) pentru cooperare strategică cu România în domeniul prevenirii și combaterii traficului de persoane; Decembrie 2010 – decembrie 2016 – Ambasada României la Londra, Marea Britanie – Consilier Diplomatic / Atașat de Afaceri Interne al MAI, rol în care, printre altele, am dezvoltat proiecte de

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cooperare strategică ce au asigurat detașarea a 52 ofițeri români pentru suport operativ în cadrul mai multor agenții britanice de aplicare a legii; Decembrie 2007 – decembrie 2010 – MAI – Direcția Generală de Informații și Protecție Internă; succesiv: Director Adjunct, Director, Director General Adjunct, funcții în care, printre altele, am contribuit la dezvoltarea capacității instituționale, inclusiv prin realizarea de proiecte cu finanțare UE, un exemplu fiind implementarea unui nou sistem de management al informațiilor;


Ministrul Meleșcanu confirmă înlocuirea lui Hans Klemm din funcția de ambasador al SUA în România https://romanialibera.ro/international/ministrul-melescanu-confirma-inlocuirea-luihans-klemm-din-functia-de-ambasador-al-sua-in-romania-734558

România Liberă Mihai Diac Actualizat: 11.06.2018 - 18:59

Ministrul de Externe, Teodor Meleşcanu, a confirmat, luni, la Palatul Parlamentului, înlocuirea lui Hans Klemm din funcția de ambasador al SUA la Bucureşti, informează Mediafax.

Ministrul Meleșcanu a evitat să dezvăluie numele viitorului ambasador, dar a precizat că acesta va fi o persoană ”care vorbeşte limba română”. "Aşteptăm să vedem dacă i se oferă agrementul şi după aceea vă pot spune şi numele. În orice caz e o persoană care cunoaşte limba română”, a declarat Meleşcanu, întrebat cine îi va lua lui Hans Klemm ca ambasador al SUA la Bucureşti. Totodată, Meleşcanu a evitat să evalueze activitatea lui Hans Klemm. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 6



5.5 5

5.1993 4.6679










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5 iun.2018 4.6531 5.3227 3.9770 165.2421


6 iun.2018 4.6513 5.3079 3.9535 164.6495

7 iun.2018 4.6564 5.2998 3.9379 164.4251

8 iun.2018 4.6582 5.3124 3.9589 165.4022

11 iun.2018 4.6586 5.2837 3.9518 164.5724


171 169.0228


169 167 165 163 AUR Y18


159 159.8479





























grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Câștigul salarial mediu lunar http://www.insse.ro/cms/sites/default/files/com_presa/com_pdf/cs04r18_0.pdf

Institutul Național de Statistică   

În luna aprilie 2018, câştigul salarial mediu nominal brut a fost de 4512 lei, cu 0,5% mai mare decât în luna martie 2018 Câştigul salarial mediu nominal net a fost de 2713 lei, în creştere faţă de luna precedentă cu 9 lei (+0,3%) Valorile cele mai mari ale câştigului salarial mediu nominal net s‐ au înregistrat în activităţi de servicii în tehnologia informaţiei (inclusiv activităţi de servicii informatice) (6437 lei), iar cele mai mici în hoteluri şi restaurante (1563 lei)

Banca Internațională de Investiții Parlamentul României Lege privind participarea României la majorarea de capital a Băncii Internaționale de Investiții Nr. 124 din 07-Iunie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 478 din 11 Iunie 2018 Președintele României Decret pentru promulgarea Legii privind participarea României la majorarea de capital a Băncii Internaționale de Investiții Nr. 444 din 06-Iunie-2018 Page 23 of 38

M. Of. Partea I nr. 478 din 11 Iunie 2018 Se aprobă majorarea capitalului deținut de România, în calitate de membru la Banca Internațională de Investiții, cu suma de 4.000.000 euro, conform deciziei Consiliului de administrație al Băncii Internaționale de Investiții de creștere a capitalului subscris vărsat la Banca Internațională de Investiții cu 100.000.000 euro în limita capitalului subscris și nevărsat al statelor membre. Contravaloarea în lei a sumei de 4.000.000 euro se asigură de la bugetul de stat, prin bugetul Ministerului Finanțelor Publice, iar plata către Banca Internațională de Investiții se efectuează într-o singură tranșă, până la data de 31 decembrie 2018.

Să înțelegem mai bine 2015: Banca Internaţională de Investiţii (International Investment Bank – IIB), instituţie supranaţională de dezvoltare cu sediul la Moscova, are în plan să investească în acţiuni ale companiilor româneşti, după ce în ultimii ani s-a axat pe acordarea de împrumuturi, achiziţia de titluri de stat şi obligaţiuni municipale. Valoarea totală a finanţării acordate companiilor româneşti de către IIB a ajuns la 35 milioane de euro în prezent, printre firmele finanţate recent numărându-se producătorul de cabluri Romcab şi Agricover. Banca a atras recent 111 milioane de lei (25 mil. euro) de pe piaţa locală de capital printr-o emisiune de obligaţiuni pe trei ani. Ieri, 15 octombrie, a fost prima zi de tranzacţionare a obligaţiunilor IIB pe bursa de la Bucureşti. Banca Internațională de Investiții este o bancă multilaterală de dezvoltare înființată în 1970 pentru a promova dezvoltarea economică și cooperarea statelor membre. Banca își desfășoară activitățile pe baza unui acord interguvernamental de constituire a băncii, înregistrat la Secretariatul Națiunilor Unite. Sediul central este situat în Moscova, Rusia. Biroul regional european se află în Bratislava, Slovacia.

Cap. RESURSE Engineer Interview Success: Practical Approaches to Making a Lasting Impression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bb6aYDzG9I

YouTube Lockheed Martin Videos Publicat pe 11 iun. 2018

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Job interviews are stressful enough without having to establish a positive and professional self-representation during the interview process. Recruiters are looking for the ideal candidate while you are trying to come across as friendly and trustworthy while explaining how you’re the perfect candidate, so practice makes perfect. The competition is tough, so it’s no wonder your confidence should be your focus. This webinar will deliver practical, step-by-step, proven strategies and interview tips to help you build confidence, become persuasive, and walk into a room locked and loaded, ready to formulate impressive answers to common interview questions. Along with the answers and swagger to pull it off, we will give you the opportunity to perfect your skills before your interview.

Interviurile la locul de muncă sunt destul de stresante, fără a trebui să se stabilească o reprezentare auto-pozitivă și profesională în timpul procesului de interviu. Recrutorii caută candidatul ideal în timp ce încercați să vă întâlniți ca fiind prietenoși și de încredere în timp ce explicați cum sunteți candidatul perfect, astfel încât practica este perfectă. Competiția este dură, deci nu este de mirare că încrederea dvs. ar trebui să vă fie în centrul atenției. Acest webinar va furniza strategii practice practice, pas cu pas, și sfaturi de interviu pentru a vă ajuta să construiți încredere, să deveniți convingătoare și să intrați într-o cameră blocată și încărcată, pregătită să formuleze răspunsuri impresionante la întrebările comune de interviu. Împreună cu răspunsurile și cuvintele pentru a le trage, vă vom oferi ocazia să vă perfecționați abilitățile înainte de interviu.

RACVIAC Guvernul României Hotărâre privind aprobarea normativelor de cheltuieli aferente organizării Seminarului internațional pe tema Securității energetice sub egida Centrului pentru Cooperare în Domeniul Securității - RACVIAC, în perioada 12-15 iunie 2018, la Mediaș Nr. 412 din 08-Iunie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 480 din 11 Iunie 2018

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Târguri, conferințe A&D: EUROSATORY 2018 Herald Insights Fotografii obținute prin bunăvoința Dlui. Nicolae Mihăilesc, Director General al Fabricii de Arme Cugir

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Situații extreme aviatice https://aviation-safety.net/index.php

Aviation Safety acc. date



Mil Mi-17


Cozy Mk 4 Fish Eagle


Boeing 737-86N (WL)


McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle


Cessna 421C


Cessna T182T Turbo Skylane






Bulgarian Air Force


Krumovo airbase, S of Plovdiv





Baakens Valley, Port Elizabeth



Garuda Indonesia


Medan-Kualanamu International Airport (KNO/WIMM)


US Air Force (USAF)


At sea, S of Okinawa





Plant City Airport (KPCM), Plant City, FL





North of Monroe Municipal Airport (KEFT), Monroe, WI



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d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S


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