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ZI DE ZI miercuri, 11 iulie 2018


Expoziția “Militari americani și francezi pe frontul românesc în Marele Război” pg. 27

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miercuri, 11 iulie 2018

semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 5 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 5 Planurile românești sunt suspendate pentru elicoptere Airbus ............................................... 6 JetBlue signs commitment for 60 A220-300 aircraft, converts 25 A320neo orders to larger A321neo ................................................................................................................................. 6 Insights ................................................................................................................................... 7 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 – Principalele realizări în 2017 (13 - început #270) ............. 10 Cap. NAVAL ....................................................................................................................... 12 Singapore refreshes fleet ...................................................................................................... 12 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 13 KBRwyle Defends U.S. and Ally Battlespace with $133M Army PATRIOT Contract ..... 15 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 16 Cap. NATO/OTAN ............................................................................................................ 17 Participarea ministrului apărării naţionale la Summit-ul NATO de la Bruxelles ................ 17 NATO and EU leaders sign joint declaration....................................................................... 17 NATO Summit set to begin in Brussels ............................................................................... 18 Defence Expenditure of NATO Countries (2011-2018) ...................................................... 20 NATO Engages: The Brussels Summit Dialogue ................................................................ 20 Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 21 Premierul Viorica Dăncilă, în vizită de lucru la Bruxelles .................................................. 21 Programul european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP) (1/11) ......... 22 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 23 Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 23 Deputat Hărătău Elena ......................................................................................................... 23 Ce ne-a scăpat: ..................................................................................................................... 23 Reprezentanții ROMARM la Comisie pentru apărare, ordine publică şi siguranţă naţională ........................................................................................................................... 23 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 24 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 24 BNS: Doar jumătate dintre angajatori au schimbat contractele de muncă pentru a compensa transferul sarcinii contribuţiilor sociale de la angajator la angajat ....................................... 25 Cap. INVESTIȚII............................................................................................................... 25 Page 3 of 36

Stimularea investițiilor cu impact major în economie ......................................................... 25 Cap. MacroE ...................................................................................................................... 26 Romania - IMF Country Report No. 18/148 (4/11) ............................................................. 26 Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 27 Un eveniment cu rezonanță și în sfera decidenților A&D ................................................... 27 Expoziția “Militari americani și francezi pe frontul românesc în Marele Război” .............. 27 Comunicat de presă al domnului deputat Dorel Căprar ................................................... 27 Impresii ale doamnei ministru Ana Birchall .................................................................... 28 Câteva fotografii de la domnul Manole Viorel, Director Executiv Patromil ................... 28 Târguri, conferințe A&D: Farnborough International Airshow ........................................... 29 Boeing to Showcase the Future of Aerospace at Farnborough International Airshow .... 29 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .................................................................................................... 32 A330neo nearing first delivery four years after launch ........................................................ 32 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .................................................................................................... 33 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (20 - început din 14.06.2018) .......................... 33 Harris Corp. #15 ................................................................................................................... 34 Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (5 început #278) ........................................................................................................................ 35 fiecare știre reprezintă doar punctul de vedere al autorului acesteia, iar linkul conduce la sursa originală și la forma integrală a articolului.

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The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.

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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 246,72 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0

240.00 230.00

200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00


















mil. euro


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Planurile românești sunt suspendate pentru elicoptere Airbus Romanian plans on hold for Airbus Helicopters https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/romanian-plans-on-hold-for-airbushelicopters-450005/


Airbus Helicopters remains locked in an impasse with the Romanian government over a possible order for new rotorcraft which has left the manufacturer's industrial plans in the country on hold. The airframer had intended to launch production of the H215 heavy-twin at the new facility in Brasov via Airbus Helicopters Industries, a local company it created to run the plant; final assembly activities were due to start last year. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Airbus Helicopters rămân blocate într-un impas cu guvernul român cu privire la o comandă posibilă pentru noi elicoptere care au lăsat în așteptare planurile industriale ale producătorului în țară. Producătorul intenționase să lanseze producția de bimotor greu H215 la noua unitate din Brașov, prin intermediul companiei Airbus Helicopters Industries, o companie locală creată pentru a conduce fabrica; activitățile de asamblare finală urmau să înceapă anul trecut. Cu toate acestea, producătorul declară că, fără o comandă de la București, nu este în măsură să justifice începerea producției. "Nu vedem o nevoie pentru o dezvoltare industrială suplimentară", a declarat directorul executiv al Airbus Helicopter Bruno Even, vorbind la Londra la un briefing media de astăzi. Chiar și spune că situl ar avea nevoie de "volum semnificativ" sub forma unui ordin din partea României pentru cel puțin 16 elicoptere "pentru a justifica investiția inițială". "Mai întâi avem nevoie de un angajament, atunci vom face investiția", adaugă el. "În caz contrar, noi nu investim în lunile sau anii următori". Odată ce fabrica va fi în plină desfășurare, spune Even, ar putea fi folosită pentru a aborda piața mondială, nu doar România. După ce a trecut prin procese de achiziție în alte țări din Europa de Est - mai ales în Polonia - Airbus Helicopters au asigurat recent un ordin din partea Ungariei pentru 20 elicoptere bimotor H145M echipați cu HForce. Este probabil ca Budapesta să aibă o "cerință suplimentară" pentru mai multe nave rotor, spune Even, însă în acest stadiu nu este sigur ce categorie de elicoptere va fi necesară, spune el. Preluarea contractului actual este prioritatea imediată, Even adaugă, deși refuză să precizeze programul de predare.

JetBlue signs commitment for 60 A220-300 aircraft, converts 25 A320neo orders to larger A321neo https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2018/07/jetblue-signscommitment-for-60-a220-300-aircraft--converts-25-a.html

Airbus 10July 2018

JetBlue today became the first customer for the newly-rebranded Airbus A220 aircraft, signing a Memorandum of Understanding for 60 firm orders for the larger A220-300 model. In addition, the airline converted 25 of its current orders for Airbus A320neo aircraft into orders for the larger A321neo. JetBlue‟s A321neos and A220s will be powered by Pratt & Whitney GTF engines. Page 6 of 36

“JetBlue‟s selection of the A220 aircraft as a complement to its growing A320 Family fleet is a tremendous endorsement – both of the A220 itself and of the way these two aircraft can work together to provide airline network flexibility and a great passenger experience,” remarked Eric Schulz, Chief Commercial Officer for Airbus. “JetBlue will be able to leverage the unbeatable efficiency of both the A321neo and the A220-300, as well as taking advantage of the roomiest and most passenger-pleasing cabins of any aircraft in their size categories.” “We are evolving our fleet for the future of JetBlue, and the A220-300‟s impressive range and economics offer us flexibility and support our key financial and operating priorities,” said Robin Hayes, the airline‟s chief executive officer. “As JetBlue approaches our 20th anniversary, the A220, combined with our A321 and restyled A320 fleet, will help ensure we deliver the best onboard experience to customers and meet our long-term financial targets as we continue disciplined growth into the future.” Complementing the A320 Family, the A220-100 and A220-300 models cover the segment between 100 and 150 seats and offer a comfortable five-abreast cabin. With the most advanced aerodynamics, CFRP materials, high-bypass engines and fly-bywire controls, the A220 delivers 20 percent lower fuel burn per seat compared with previous generation aircraft. The type will serve a worldwide market for smaller single-aisle airliners, estimated at around 6,000 such aircraft over the next 20 years. Airbus manufactures, markets and supports A220 aircraft under the recently finalized “C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership” (CSALP) agreement. “The CSALP partnership between Airbus, Bombardier and Investment Quebec is committed to bringing the world the very best aircraft in the 100- to 150-seat market, and JetBlue‟s choice of the A220-300 shows that our team is producing a winner,” said Philippe Balducchi, Chief Executive Officer of CSALP. “We look forward to the A220 serving JetBlue and its customers well for many, many years.”

Insights AeroBrigham to Exhibit Marion County 407 at APSCON HeliHub15:34 Tue, 10 Jul

AeroTex UK leverages VABS for simulation of composite rotor blades Vertical Magazine15:39 Tue, 10 Jul

Airbus chief backs Theresa May's Brexit stance as plane-maker gives boost to Belfast The Irish Independent04:44

Airbus pays Era $40 Million linked to EC225 HeliHub16:04 Tue, 10 Jul

Airbus secures USD 5.4bn contract from JetBlue for A220-300 jets The Financial Express04:14

Airbus to pay ERA $42 million in H225 settlement Helicopter Investor11:18 Tue, 10 Jul

Airbus to sell 60 smaller planes to JetBlue France 2401:47

Airbus unveils its 'new' series of jets, the A220s Traveller.com.au03:34

ATP and Snap-on Industrial announce new partnership Vertical Magazine15:49 Tue, 10 Jul

Bell Boeing to begin US Navy CMV-22B production work HeliHub14:04 Tue, 10 Jul

Bell Training Academy opens Floyd Carlson Airfield Vertical Magazine15:59 Tue, 10 Jul

Bombardier‟s C Series aircraft renamed by Airbus Global News04:10

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Bombardierâ€&#x;s C-Series becomes Airbusâ€&#x;s A 220 Radio Canada International02:03

BSO selects CNC Technologies to deploy airborne mission suites for new H125s Vertical Magazine15:29 Tue, 10 Jul

Heli Union wins Spanish Civil Guard training contract HeliHub15:04 Tue, 10 Jul

Hospital Wing is first U.S. HEMS operation to eliminate paperwork with Flightdocs Vertical Magazine15:09 Tue, 10 Jul

JetBlue Strikes $5.4 Billion Deal to Buy Smaller Airbus Jets Skift02:03

LCI delivers third AW169 to Elitaliana Helicopter Investor19:01 Tue, 10 Jul

Lockheed awarded $10M contract for MH-60S, CH-53/E and V-22 aviation tires HeliHub20:55 Tue, 10 Jul

Meeker-Airfilm receives STC for single and dual pole mount for AStar/TwinStar Vertical Magazine18:50 Tue, 10 Jul

Milestone MQ-8C Fire Scout initial operational test and evaluation complete Vertical Magazine15:39 Tue, 10 Jul

NHV awarded offshore contract by Siemens Gamesa Vertical Magazine15:19 Tue, 10 Jul

Rostec Started Aerodynamic Tests of VRT500 Copter HeliHub14:34 Tue, 10 Jul

Russian Helicopters reveals 2017 production data HeliHub20:55 Tue, 10 Jul

SLRD blocks Sky Helicopters tour flight plans HeliHub20:45 Tue, 10 Jul

So You Own a Helicopter, Are Tours the Ticket? Just Helicopters18:51 Tue, 10 Jul

Thai AF threatens legal action as drone flies near cave-evacuation helicopter HeliHub20:45 Tue, 10 Jul

Triple J breakfast host's shock at spotting 'gun' in luggage Traveller.com.au03:54

Welcome A220: Former CSeries Completes its Rebranding AirlineGeeks04:19

Whirly-Girls Announces 2018 Conference Scholarship Recipients HeliHub14:54 Tue, 10 Jul

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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 – Principalele realizări în 2017 (13 început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports

Airbus extras

After an intensive flight test campaign, the A350-1000 received certification from the European Aviation Safety Agency and Federal Aviation Administration. The first delivery followed in February 2018.

După o campanie intensă de testare a zborurilor, modelul A350-1000 a primit certificarea de la Agenția Europeană de Siguranță a Aviației și Administrația Federală a Aviației. Prima livrare a urmat în februarie 2018.

The A330neo successfully performed its maiden flight. This fuel-efficient aircraft is the latest generation of the market-leading A330 widebody product line. Entry-intoservice is planned for 2018.

A330neo a efectuat cu succes zborul său de început. Această aeronavă eficientă din punct de vedere al consumului de combustibil este cea mai recentă generație a liniei lider de piață A330. Intrarea în serviciu este prevăzută pentru 2018.

In 2017, the Vahana urban air mobility vehicle was assembled and underwent ground tests. This revolutionary, selfpiloted vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) passenger vehicle flew for the first time in January 2018.

În 2017, vehiculul de mobilitate urbană Vahana a fost asamblat și a fost supus unor teste la sol. Acest vehicul autopilotat revoluționar, cu decolare și aterizare pe verticală (VTOL) a zburat pentru prima dată în ianuarie 2018.

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The configuration of the “Racer” highspeed demonstrator rotorcraft was unveiled at the Paris Air Show. Developed as part of the Clean Sky 2 European research programme, it would have a cruise speed of over 400 km/hour.

Airbus’ A340 laminar flow “BLADE” test demonstrator aircraft made its successful first flight. Part of the EU-sponsored Clean Sky “BLADE” project, the technology aims to reduce wing friction by 50% and CO2 emissions by up to 5%.

Configurația rotorului de mare viteză "Racer" a fost prezentată la Salonul de la Paris. Dezvoltat ca parte a programului european de cercetare Clean Sky 2, ar avea o viteză de croazieră de peste 400 km/oră.

Aeronava pentru teste A340 cu flux laminar" BLADE" a AIRBUS a făcut cu succes primul său zbor. Parte a proiectului BLADE sponsorizat de Clean Sky, tehnologia are drept scop reducerea frecării aripilor cu 50% și cea a emisiilor de CO2 cu până la 5%.

The 50th A400M was delivered, to the Cel de-al 50-lea A400M a fost livrat, forțelor German Air Force, marking a key aeriene germane, marcând o piatră de hotarmilestone. This new-generation airlifter is cheie. Acest avion de transport de nouă generație fast becoming the backbone of Europe‟s devine rapid coloana vertebrală a flotei de Page 11 of 36

military transport fleet.

transport militare a Europei.

The Airbus-built EUTELSAT 172B satellite became the first high-capacity satellite to use electric thrusters to reach its final orbit.

Satelitul EUTELSAT 172B construit de Airbus a devenit primul satelit de mare capacitate care utilizează propulsoarele electrice pentru a ajunge pe orbita finală.

Cap. NAVAL Singapore refreshes fleet https://www.monch.com/mpg/news/maritime/3733-sing.html

Mönch - Germania As it faces the approaching retirement of its VICTORY-class corvettes, which will reach the end of their operational life by 2025, the Republic of Singapore Navy is relying on two new classes of surface vessel as well as the Type 218SG submarine to inject fresh capability into its small but powerful fleet. At the forefront of thinking as far as surface vessels are concerned is the Multi-Role Combat Vessel (MRCV), a mission-configurable warship to be introduced into service, “after 2020.” Although no formal specification has yet been issued, MONCh understands that the vessel is intended to play „mothership‟ host to at least three UAS (nominally the Boeing/Insitu SCANEAGLE) and two unmanned surface vessels (Rafael‟s PROTECTOR). The intention of the Navy‟s leaders is to provide themselves with an integrated sensor „umbrella‟ – consisting of facial and voice recognition capabilities as well as more traditional CCTV and video coverage – out to a range of 150km from the mother ship. With an eye towards enhancing capabilities – speed of response as well as absolute payload capacity – in humanitarian/disaster relief operations, the Navy is also seeking a Joint Multi-Mission Ship (JMMS), providing it with twice the payload and a much faster loading/offloading capacity that its current logistics vessels. The timescale for the JMMS (for which no specifications have yet been made public) is a similarly ambitious “after 2020.”

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KBRwyle Defends U.S. and Ally Battlespace with $133M Army PATRIOT Contract https://www.kbr.com/about/newsroom/press-releases/2018/07/09/kbrwyle-defendsus-and-ally-battlespace-with-$133m-army-patriot-contract Wire Release HOUSTON July 9, 2018 KBR, Inc. (NYSE: KBR)

announced today that its global government services business, KBRwyle, has been awarded a $133 million task order by the U.S. Army's Lower Tier Project Office to provide technical and engineering services to the PATRIOT missile system. KBRwyle will provide engineering and technical analysis support of the PATRIOT missile system as well as adjunct systems. KBRwyle will support all engineering changes; modification retrofits; technical upgrades; Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) improvements; and training development for the U.S. and its allies. The PATRIOT system provides air and missile defense protection from lower tier threats for ground combat forces and high-value assets. The most mature weapon system of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS), the PATRIOT counters short and medium-range tactical ballistic missiles, air-breathing threats, such as fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, and unmanned systems, such as cruise missiles and unmanned air vehicles. This work will be primarily performed in Huntsville, Alabama. The task order award period is five years with a six-month extension option. "KBRwyle has provided uninterrupted systems engineering support to the PATRIOT missile system for almost four decades," said Byron Bright, President, KBR Government Services U.S. "We are honored to carry on our work with the Army to continuously enhance the PATRIOT's performance to protect U.S. forces and allies against evolving threats." The Army awarded this time-and-materials task order under the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) Expedited Professional and Engineering Support Services (EXPRESS) contract. KBRwyle won a seat on the contract in October 2014. KBRwyle delivers mission critical, trusted services that help the U.S. maintain its unique and indispensable battlespace advantage. It supports several military critical air and missile defense systems, including the Cruise Missile Defense System (CMDS), Counter-Rockets, Artillery, and Mortar System (C-RAM), and Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD). Estimated revenue associated with this contract award will be booked into the backlog of unfilled orders for KBR's government services business segment. About KBR, Inc. KBR is a global provider of differentiated professional services and technologies across the asset and program life cycle within the Government Services and Hydrocarbons sectors. KBR employs approximately 34,000 people worldwide (including our joint ventures), with customers in more than 75 countries, and operations in 40 countries, across three synergistic global businesses:  Government Services, serving government customers globally, including capabilities that cover the full life-cycle of defense, space, aviation and other government programs and missions from research and development, through systems engineering, test and evaluation, program management, to operations, maintenance, and field logistics  Technology, including proprietary technology focused on the monetization of hydrocarbons (especially natural gas and natural gas liquids) in ethylene and petrochemicals; ammonia, nitric acid and fertilizers; oil refining and gasification Page 15 of 36


Hydrocarbons Services, including onshore oil and gas; LNG (liquefaction and regasification)/GTL; oil refining; petrochemicals; chemicals; fertilizers; differentiated EPC; maintenance services (Brown & Root Industrial Services); offshore oil and gas (shallow-water, deep-water, subsea); floating solutions (FPU, FPSO, FLNG & FSRU); program management and consulting services KBR is proud to work with its customers across the globe to provide technology, value-added services, integrated EPC delivery and long term operations and maintenance services to ensure consistent delivery with predictable results. At KBR, We Deliver. Visit www.kbr.com Forward Looking Statement The statements in this press release that are not historical statements, including statements regarding future financial performance, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. These statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the company's control that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: the outcome of and the publicity surrounding audits and investigations by domestic and foreign government agencies and legislative bodies; potential adverse proceedings by such agencies and potential adverse results and consequences from such proceedings; the scope and enforceability of the company's indemnities from its former parent; changes in capital spending by the company's customers; the company's ability to obtain contracts from existing and new customers and perform under those contracts; structural changes in the industries in which the company operates; escalating costs associated with and the performance of fixed-fee projects and the company's ability to control its cost under its contracts; claims negotiations and contract disputes with the company's customers; changes in the demand for or price of oil and/or natural gas; protection of intellectual property rights; compliance with environmental laws; changes in government regulations and regulatory requirements; compliance with laws related to income taxes; unsettled political conditions, war and the effects of terrorism; foreign operations and foreign exchange rates and controls; the development and installation of financial systems; increased competition for employees; the ability to successfully complete and integrate acquisitions; and operations of joint ventures, including joint ventures that are not controlled by the company. KBR's most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K, any subsequent Form 10-Qs and 8-Ks, and other U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings discuss some of the important risk factors that KBR has identified that may affect the business, results of operations and financial condition. Except as required by law, KBR undertakes no obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-looking statements for any reason.

Insights KBRwyle Defends US and Ally Battlespace with $133M Army PATRIOT Contract

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Cap. NATO/OTAN Participarea ministrului apărării naţionale la Summit-ul NATO de la Bruxelles http://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/15974_Participarea-ministrului-ap%C4%83r%C4%83riina%C5%A3ionale-la-Summit-ul-NATO-de-la-Bruxelles

Ministerul Apărării Naţionale COMUNICAT NR. 200 Data: 10.07.2018

Ministrul apărării naţionale, Mihai Fifor, însoțit de șeful Statului Major al Apărării, general Nicolae Ciucă, se vor afla, în perioada 10-12 iulie, la Bruxelles, Regatul Belgiei. Programul primei zile include participarea celor doi oficiali la o masă rotundă dedicată apărării europene, organizată în marja Summit-ului de Fundația Conferinţei de securitate de la München, în seria evenimentelor European Defence Roundtable, și găzduită de Reprezentanța Bavariei la Uniunea Europeană. Agenda de discuții va include teme referitoare la evoluțiile înregistrate în cooperarea UE-NATO, partajarea echitabilă a cheltuielilor în cadrul Alianței și relația NATORusia. În perioada 11-12 iulie, ministrul Fifor și generalul Ciucă vor reprezenta Ministerul Apărării Naționale în delegaţia oficială a României la Summit-ul NATO. În cadrul lucrărilor Summit-ului, vor fi analizate  stadiul implementării măsurilor strategice decise la Summit-urile Aliate anterioare din o Țara Galilor, din 2014, o Varșovia, din 2016,  modalitățile de întărire a posturii NATO de apărare și descurajare, de sporire a capacității Alianței de proiectare a stabilității în vecinătatea sa  perspectivele de consolidare a cooperării NATO cu Uniunea Europeană, de o manieră complementară,  adaptarea structurii de comandă a NATO la noul mediu de securitate, dezvoltarea capacității de reacție a forțelor aliate și facilitarea mobilității acestora în Europa. În marja Summit-ului, ministrul Mihai Fifor va participa la un dineu de lucru al miniştrilor aliați ai apărării, dedicat posturii de apărare şi descurajare a NATO. *** În prima zi a Summit-ului, la noul sediu al Alianței Nord Atlantice, va fi organizată o paradă militară, în cadrul căreia elicoptere militare din țări NATO vor trece la verticala Cartierului General. Forțele Aeriene Române vor participa cu trei elicoptere IAR 330 Puma Socat, care vor purta în zbor drapelul tricolor. De asemenea, trei militari ai Brigăzii 30 Gardă vor reprezenta România în cadrul detașamentului de paradă care va defila prin fața tribunei oficiale.

NATO and EU leaders sign joint declaration https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_156759.htm?selectedLocale=en

NATO | OTAN Last updated: 10 Jul. 2018 12:37

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker met in Brussels today (10 July 2018) to sign a new Joint Declaration on cooperation between NATO and the European Union. "Facing a complex and uncertain security environment, we Page 17 of 36

must work together to keep our nations and citizens safe. And that is exactly what we are doing," said Mr. Stoltenberg.

The Declaration, which comes two years after an initial agreement made in Warsaw, states that NATO and the European Union are strengthening cooperation in a range of areas, including military mobility, counter-terrorism, resilience to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear-related risks, and promoting the women, peace and security agenda. The two organisations have already stepped up cooperation in recent years, including on maritime security, countering hybrid threats and fighting terrorism. NATO and the EU now exchange real-time warnings on cyber-attacks, participate in each other's exercises, and work together in responding to the refugee and migrant crisis. The Declaration welcomes the EU's efforts on security and defence, which are complementary and not an alternative to NATO. "We… need to ensure the fullest possible involvement of non-EU Allies in our cooperation and avoid creating new barriers," said Secretary General Stoltenberg, recalling that after Brexit, 80% of defence spending in NATO will come from non-EU Allies. President Tusk and President Juncker will attend two meetings at the NATO Summit, which starts in Brussels tomorrow (11 July).

NATO Summit set to begin in Brussels https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_156597.htm?selectedLocale=en

NATO | OTAN Last updated: 10 Jul. 2018 13:24

The leaders of 29 NATO Allies and many partner nations will meet in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday (11 and 12 July 2018) for a Summit at the Alliance‟s new headquarters. Together, they will take decisions to strengthen NATO‟s deterrence and defence, step up in the fight against terrorism, and achieve fairer burden-sharing. On Wednesday, defence spending and burden-sharing will be high on the agenda. In 2014, NATO Allies agreed to stop the cuts, start to increase and move towards spending 2% of GDP on defence within a decade. Since then, Allies have made major progress. “We expect 8 Allies to spend at least 2 percent of GDP on defence this year, compared to just 3 Allies in 2014,” said NATO Secretary General Jens Page 18 of 36

Stoltenberg. He noted that Allies are also investing billions in new equipment and stepping up their contributions to missions and operations. “We estimate that European Allies and Canada will add an extra 266 billion US dollars to defence between now and 2024,” he said.

Leaders will also take decisions to step up NATO‟s role in the fight against terrorism. They will agree to launch a new training mission in Iraq, with hundreds of NATO trainers. Military schools will also be set up to increase the professionalism of Iraqi forces. In addition, Allies will agree more support for key partners in the Middle East and North Africa, including Tunisia and Jordan. To strengthen NATO‟s deterrence and defence, leaders are expected to adopt a Readiness Initiative – the „Four Thirties‟. “This is a commitment to have by 2020: 30 mechanised battalions; 30 air squadrons; and 30 combat vessels, ready to use within 30 days or less,” said the Secretary General. Allies will also agree a new NATO Command Structure, including a new command for the Atlantic in Norfolk, Virginia, a command for military mobility in Europe in Ulm, Germany, and a Cyber Operations Centre. In addition, Allies will discuss NATO‟s response to hybrid threats and agree to set up new counter-hybrid support teams to help Allies at risk. Allies are also set to invite Skopje to start accession talks. Once the historic agreement on the name issue is finalised and implemented, NATO will be able to invite the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to become NATO‟s 30th member under its new name: the Republic of North Macedonia. Later on Wednesday, Allies will address key security challenges with leaders from Finland and Sweden, as well as the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission. Leaders will also meet with close partners, Georgia and Ukraine, on Thursday to discuss regional challenges, defence reforms and NATO‟s continuing support. The Summit will close with a meeting on Afghanistan, where NATO Resolute Support partners will join Allies. “Our presence in Afghanistan is vital to ensuring the country never again becomes a safe haven for international terrorism,” said the Secretary General. Leaders are expected to agree to extend funding for the Afghan forces beyond 2020 and express their support for President Ghani‟s peace initiative and reform efforts. This is NATO‟s 29th Summit. The first one was in December 1957, and the most recent took place in Warsaw in July 2016. The Summit is the seventh hosted in Brussels, and fifty-four official delegations will participate. This includes all 29 NATO Allies, 20 partner countries and representatives from the United Nations, the European Union, the World Bank and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

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Defence Expenditure of NATO Countries (2011-2018) https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_156770.htm?selectedLocale=en

NATO | OTAN Press Release (2018) 091 Last updated: 10 Jul. 2018 10:23

NATO collects defence expenditure data from Allies on a regular basis and presents aggregates and subsets of this information. Each Ally‟s Ministry of Defence reports current and estimated future defence expenditure according to an agreed definition of defence expenditure. The amounts represent payments by a national government actually made, or to be made, during the course of the fiscal year to meet the needs of its armed forces, those of Allies or of the Alliance. In the figures and tables that follow, NATO also uses up-to-date economic and demographic information available from the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission (DG-ECFIN), and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

In view of differences between both these sources and national GDP forecasts, and also the definition of NATO defence expenditure and national definitions, the figures shown in this report may diverge considerably from those which are quoted by media, published by national authorities or given in national budgets. Equipment expenditure includes expenditure on major equipment as well as on research and development devoted to major equipment. Personnel expenditure includes pensions paid to retirees. The cut-off date for information used in this report was 2 July 2018. Figures for 2017 and 2018 are estimates.

NATO Engages: The Brussels Summit Dialogue https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_156845.htm?selectedLocale=en

NATO | OTAN Last updated: 10 Jul. 2018 22:13

As political and military leaders from NATO member and partner nations gather at NATO‟s Summit on July 11-12, a conference on the NATO grounds will look at some of the main challenges facing the Alliance. The „NATO Engages‟ event will bring together current and next generation leaders to take an in-depth look at new and emerging security concerns, ask how NATO can adapt to them, and analyse what this means for NATO‟s collective security guarantee for its one billion people.

Speaking on the eve of the event, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said: “Our Summit comes at a time when some are questioning the strength of the transatlantic bond. And I would not be surprised if we have robust Page 20 of 36

discussions.Including on defence spending. Different views are normal among friends and Allies. But I am confident we will agree on the fundamentals”. „NATO Engages‟ will assemble experts and leaders from the media, government, NGOs, politics, think tanks and business to discuss international security in the 21stCentury. The event‟s themes include defence and security, deterrence and dialogue as well as how NATO can project stability in today‟s world. Recent events have highlighted modern security threats, from cyberattacks to use of chemical substances, from home-grown terrorism to state failure. „NATO Engages‟ will take an innovative perspective on all these issues using a range of engaging formats including a crisis simulation, a digital forensics demonstration and virtual reality exhibits. The „NATO Engages‟ event has been organized by the consortium of the Atlantic Council, German Marshall Fund (GMF), Munich Security Conference (MSC), and Women in International Security (WIIS) in partnership with NATO. Event proceedings can be followed at: nato-engages.org

Cap. EUROPA Premierul Viorica Dăncilă, în vizită de lucru la Bruxelles http://gov.ro/ro/stiri/premierul-viorica-dancila-in-vizita-de-lucru-la-bruxelles&page=1

Guvern România Marți, 10 Iulie

Prim-ministrul României, Viorica Dancilă, va efectua, în perioada 9-10 iulie 2018, o vizită de lucru la Bruxelles, prilej cu care va avea întrevederi cu  președintele Comisiei Europene, Jean-Claude Juncker.  doamna Corina Creţu, comisar european pentru politică regională,  domnul Phil Hogan, comisar european pentru agricultură și dezvoltare rurală,  domnul Günther Oettinger, comisar european pentru buget și resurse umane. Vizita la Bruxelles urmărește intensificarea dialogului Guvernului României cu instituțiile europene, în perspectiva preluării de către țara noastră a președinției Consiliului UE, de la 1 ianuarie 2019.


Înaltul oficial român va reitera angajamentul ferm al autorităților române de a asigura un mandat de succes, va evidenția obiectivul României de a contribui, de o manieră constructivă, la definirea și promovarea interesului comun european, la asigurarea Page 21 of 36

unității și coeziunii între statele membre, precum și la reapropierea cetățenilor de Uniunea Europeană. Vor fi abordate, de asemenea, aspecte prioritare ale agendei europene, cu accent pe politica de coeziune și politica agricolă comună. Cei doi oficiali au agreat necesitatea asigurării unui consens general pentru susținerea obiectivelor pe care România și le-a propus înainte și în timpul Președinției Consiliului UE, fiind necesară implicarea tuturor actorilor instituționali, sociali și politici. În cadrul discuțiilor, oficialul român a prezentat prioritățile Președinției României a Consiliului UE cu privire la principalele dosare aflate pe agenda europeană, precum procesul de reflecție privind viitorul UE, discuțiile pe marginea viitorului Cadru Financiar Multianual și negocierile privind Brexit. Prim-ministrul Viorica Dăncilă a arătat disponibilitatea deplină a României pentru canalizarea eforturilor viitoarei Preşedinţii române a Consiliului UE în direcția asigurării unui progres substanțial în viitorul Cadru Financiar Multianual 2021-2027, dosar de importanță majoră pentru Uniune. Totodată, a subliniat importanţa menţinerii unei abordări a Comisiei Europene în sensul unor propuneri privind viitorul Cadru Financiar, care să asigure faptul că politica de coeziune și politica agricolă comună rămân principalele politici investiționale ale Uniunii, evidențiind, în context, așteptarea ca rolul important al acestora să fie reflectat corespunzător în nivelul alocărilor aferente acestora. Totodată, prim-ministrul a prezentat ultimele evoluții în ceea ce privește reforma și modificările din sistemul judiciar și a arătat ca finalizarea MCV rămânere un obiectiv important pe agenda guvernamentală.

Programul european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP) (1/11) European defence industrial development programme (EDIDP) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/623534/EPRS_BRI(2018) 623534_EN.pdf

Think Tank - defence - PE 29 June 20181

The European Union is facing new security threats amid growing uncertainty about the reliability of some of its allies. As a consequence, it has embarked on a general scalingup of its defence capabilities. A European defence action plan has been agreed and a European Defence Fund created to provide financial support, ranging from the research phase to the acquisition phase of military equipment and technologies. The present legislative proposal for EDIDP, which would be part of that fund, is destined to provide the European defence industry with financial support during the development phase of new products and technologies in areas selected at European level. A provisional agreement was reached in trilogue negotiations on 22 May 2018, and Parliament is due to vote on the dossier during its July 2018 plenary session. Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Defence Industrial Development Programme aiming at supporting the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the EU defence industry 1

This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.

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Introduction With the exception of some of its Member States, Europe is lagging severely behind the United States, Russia and China in a number of defence-related fields. In his political guidelines of July 2014, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker identified European defence policy as one of 10 key political priorities for the European Union. The European defence industrial development programme (EDIDP) initiative is part of the response. Security and defence policies are fields in which public expectations for more EU action have been identified for a number of years now. The European Parliament, the Council and the European Council have repeatedly requested action in these fields, including through making financial support available. The general objective the Commission would like to attain with the EDIDP initiative is to foster an innovative and competitive European defence industry. There are a number of specific objectives, including better exploitation of defence research results, a contribution to reducing the gaps between research and development, and encouragement for cooperation between undertakings, including small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs), when developing technologies or products relating to the defence priorities agreed between the EU Member States. The present EDIDP proposal is of pilot nature only, as it will cover no more than the years 2019 to 2020, and this with limited funding. The aim is to start a process which would then be stepped up in 2021 under the next multiannual financial framework (MFF), which is expected to allow for substantially higher funding. A follow-up proposal would be made at an appropriate moment, and would build on the present initiative as well as the lessons learned from it.

Cap. DECIZIONAL Deputat Hărătău Elena Camera Deputaților Hotărâre privind validarea unui mandat de deputat Nr. 44 din 09-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 581 din 09 Iulie 2018 Se validează mandatul de deputat al doamnei Hărătău Elena, declarată supleant la alegerile din 11 decembrie 2016 în Circumscripția electorală nr. 4 Bacău, pe lista Partidului Social Democrat, pe locul devenit vacant ca urmare a demisiei domnului Vlase Petru Gabriel.

Ce ne-a scăpat: Reprezentanții ROMARM la Comisie pentru apărare, ordine publică şi siguranţă naţională http://www.cdep.ro/relatii_publice/site2015.text_presa?pid=16006

Camera Deputaţilor COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ

19 iunie 2018

primit de la preşedintele Comisiei pentru apărare, ordine publică şi siguranţă naţională, domnul deputat Dorel Gheorghe Căprar (Grup PSD) Marţi, 19 iunie, am avut, în cadrul Comisiei pentru apărare, ordine publică şi siguranţă naţională, o întâlnire cu o delegaţie a Companiei ROMARM, condusă de domnul Director General Marius Ioana. Page 23 of 36

Tema principală a întâlnirii s-a axat pe dezbaterile asupra propunerilor Companiei ROMARM, referitoare la dezvoltarea programelor de înzestrare a Armatei României. Membrii Comisiei pentru apărare, ordine publică şi siguranţă naţională au avut posibilitatea să solicite informaţii şi să adreseze întrebări legate de proiectele pe care intenţionează să le deruleze în viitor Compania ROMARM în cadrul parteneriatului cu Armata României, dar şi stadiul derulării unor proiecte aflate în stadiu de implementare. Proiectele prezentate au în vedere, pe de o parte, continuarea colaborării cu Armata României în ceea ce priveşte programele de înzestrare cu echipamente şi tehnică de luptă de ultimă generaţie, iar pe de altă parte, sunt vizate o serie de proiecte care privesc dezvoltarea şi tehnologizarea la cel mai înalt nivel a industriei româneşti de apărare, în acelaşi timp cu punerea în valoare a capacităţilor de producţie naţionale şi a potenţialului de resurse umane. Cu această ocazie, membrii Comisiei şi-au arătat disponibilitatea continuării întâlnirilor noastre în vederea informării reciproce şi dezvoltării cooperării, în contextul în care considerăm că forţele armate române au nevoie în continuare de programe viabile de înzestrare, iar investiţiile tehnologice şi umane în industria naţională de apărare trebuie să fie un element definitoriu care să contribuie la menţinerea şi creşterea gradului de securitate a României.

Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur

4 iul.2018 4.6617 5.2929 4.0071 161.8927


5 iul.2018 4.6619 5.2862 3.9898 160.5949

6 iul.2018 4.6616 5.2685 3.9821 160.6453

9 iul.2018 4.6590 5.2793 3.9604 160.8545

10 iul.2018 4.6587 5.2641 3.9738 160.1035





5.5 5

5.1993 4.6695










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grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

BNS: Doar jumătate dintre angajatori au schimbat contractele de muncă pentru a compensa transferul sarcinii contribuţiilor sociale de la angajator la angajat https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-finante_banci-22559450-bns-doar-jum-tate-dintre-angajatorischimbat-contractele-munc-pentru-compensa-transferul-sarcinii-contribu-iilor-sociale-angajatorangajat.htm de DP HotNews.ro Marţi, 10 iulie 2018, 12:02

Numai 50% din angajatorii din mediul economic au operat modificări ale contractelor individuale de muncă în vederea compensării transferului sarcinii contribuţiilor sociale de la angajator la angajat, avertizează Blocul Naţional Sindical (BNS), potrvit Mediafax. Astfel, 24% din angajatorii activi nu au operat nicio modificare a contractelor individuale de muncă, nici măcar pentru un singur contract, transmit reprezentanţii BNS printr-un comunicat de presă. Sindicaliştii spun că pe 31 martie 2018, erau înregistrate 2.196.895 de contracte de muncă cu timp complet cu salariul de încadrare egal cu salariul minim, adică 41,13% din totalul contractelor de muncă cu timp complet. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. INVESTIȚII Stimularea investițiilor cu impact major în economie Guvernul României Hotărâre privind modificarea și completarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 807/2014 pentru instituirea unor scheme de ajutor de stat având ca obiectiv stimularea investițiilor cu impact major în economie Nr. 476 din 28-Iunie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 580 din 09 Iulie 2018 Art. I. Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 807/2014 pentru instituirea unor scheme de ajutor de stat având ca obiectiv stimularea investițiilor cu impact major în economie, publicată în Page 25 of 36

Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 714 din 30 septembrie 2014, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, se modifică și se completează după cum urmează: 1. La articolul 2, alineatul (1) se modifică și va avea următorul cuprins: " Art. 2. (1) Acordarea ajutoarelor de stat pentru stimularea investițiilor cu impact major în economie în cadrul prezentei scheme se face cu respectarea prevederilor privind ajutorul de stat regional din Regulamentul (UE) nr. 651/2014 al Comisiei din 17 iunie 2014 de declarare a anumitor categorii de ajutoare compatibile cu piața internă în aplicarea articolelor 107 și 108 din tratat, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, denumit în continuare Regulament, și este exceptată de la obligația notificării către Comisia Europeană." 2. La articolului 4, alineatul (3) se modifică și va avea următorul cuprins: " (3) Bugetul mediu anual al schemei este de 638 milioane lei, respectiv echivalentul a aproximativ 145 milioane euro." 3. La articolul 4, după alineatul (3) se introduce un nou alineat, alineatul (4), cu următorul cuprins: " (4) Bugetul maxim anual al schemei care poate fi angajat cuprinde pe lângă bugetul prevăzut la alin. (3) sumele stabilite cu această destinație, dar neutilizate în anii anteriori, în limita creditelor de angajament și bugetare aprobate prin legile bugetare anuale." 4. Articolul 5 se modifică și va avea următorul cuprins: " Art. 5. Numărul total estimat al întreprinderilor care urmează să beneficieze de ajutor de stat în baza schemei este de 300." 5. La articolul 13 alineatul (2), litera c) se abrogă. 6. Articolul 14 se modifică și va avea următorul cuprins: " Art. 14. În cazul în care întreprinderea solicitantă demarează investiția anterior depunerii cererii de acord pentru finanțare, întreaga investiție nu este eligibilă."

Cap. MacroE Romania - IMF Country Report No. 18/148 (4/11) http://www.imf.org/en/Countries/ROU

Fondul Monetar Internațional despre România 5. Growth surged to 6.9 percent in 2017, driven by private consumption, and the labor

market has tightened.

Page 26 of 36

Cap. EVENIMENTE Un eveniment cu rezonanță și în sfera decidenților A&D Expoziția “Militari americani și francezi pe frontul românesc în Marele Război” http://www.cdep.ro/pls/parlam/structura2015.mp?idm=61&cam=2&leg=2016&pag=12

Camera Deputaţilor Comunicat de presă al domnului deputat Dorel Căprar

Page 27 of 36

Impresii ale doamnei ministru Ana Birchall http://www.anabirchall.ro/personal/participarea-la-expozitia-cu-titlul-militari-americanisi-francezi-pe-frontul-romanesc-in-marele-razboi/

blog Posted on Jul 10, 2018 in Cultural, International, Personal


Pentru mine a fost un privilegiu să fiu astăzi prezentă la expoziția cu titlul “Militari americani și francezi pe frontul românesc în Marele Război”, în compania a doi dintre cei mai importanți parteneri strategici ai României: SUA și Franța. Evenimentul a avut loc în Sala Bizantină a Cercului Militar Naţional. În intervenția pe care am susținut-o, am transmis că avem datoria să învățăm din trecut pentru a ne construi prezentul, dar mai ales viitorul. Felicitări organizatorilor pentru inițiativă!

Câteva fotografii de la domnul Manole Viorel, Director Executiv Patromil

Page 28 of 36

Mulțumim domnului Viorel Manole pentru inițiativa sa de a ne semnala evenimentul. Apreciem viitoarele inițiative ale celor care răsfoiesc zi de zi newsletter-ul, de a ne transmite la heraldcons@gmail.com, în scopul publicării, fotografii, comunicate și știri de interes pentru comunitatea RO.A&D.

Târguri, conferințe A&D: Farnborough International Airshow Herald Insights Boeing to Showcase the Future of Aerospace at Farnborough International Airshow http://boeing.mediaroom.com/2018-07-09-Boeing-to-Showcase-the-Future-ofAerospace-at-Farnborough-International-Airshow

Boeing Company CHICAGO, July 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/

New special exhibit will feature Boeing's "The Future Is Built Here" interactive displays  737 MAX 7 and 787 scheduled for flight displays  CH-47 Chinook and F-15E Strike Eagle among defense platforms on static display  Cargo Village to feature Boeing Global Services exhibit and  CargoLogicAir 747-8 Freighter Page 29 of 36

Boeing (NYSE: BA) today announced its plans to reveal the exciting future of air and space travel at the 2018 Farnborough International Airshow, which takes place July 16-22. From hypersonic travel to the future of autonomous flight to manned space flight, Boeing will visually present the innovations that will revolutionize the way humans travel around the world and into space. Boeing will also highlight its awardwinning portfolio of commercial and defense products and its broader services business that offers unmatched lifecycle value. This "One Boeing" approach has produced a strong and steady commercial, defense and services order book this year, as the company continues to compete and win across the full spectrum of its capabilities. "Boeing is leading the drive to innovate and win with the clear vision that 'the future is built here,'" said Chairman, President and CEO Dennis Muilenburg. "We come to Farnborough building on the foundation of an exceptionally consistent and strong year, and do so on the first anniversary of our services business. We are excited to highlight these future technologies as well as our core product offerings with a unique new exhibit that will be open throughout the show." Visitors can immerse themselves in a large 360-degree theater and board nextgeneration aircraft through virtual and mixed reality devices. The interactive exhibit showcases Boeing's latest family of aircraft and services, and gives visitors a first look at what the company is developing in its second century of aerospace innovation. The exhibit (P7) will be located opposite Hall 1. Flying and Static Displays On the airfield, the 737 MAX 7, which is scheduled to enter service in 2019, will make its air show debut with flying displays from July 16-19. Technology advancements allow the MAX 7 to fly 1,000 nautical miles farther and carry more passengers than its predecessor, the 737-700, while having 18 percent lower fuel costs per seat. Boeing's flying display will also include a Biman Bangladesh 787-8 featuring the breakthrough capabilities and innovations that have made the 787 extremely popular with operators and passengers. Since 2011, almost 700 super-efficient Dreamliners have been delivered to operators, flying more than 250 million people while saving an estimated 25 billion pounds of fuel. Other commercial airplanes on display at the show include an Air Italy 737 MAX 8, a Qatar Airways 777-300ER, CargoLogicAir and Qatar Airways 747-8 Freighters, and a Royal Air Maroc 767 Boeing Converted Freighter, which will be at the Cargo Village from July 16-18. Boeing is also participating in the Cargo Village to showcase its family of freighters and lifecycle commitment through Services. The U.S. Department of Defense is scheduled to display several Boeing platforms, including the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter, the CH-47 Chinook heavy-lift helicopter, the F-15E Strike Eagle and the C-17 Globemaster military transport aircraft.

Leadership Presence Senior Boeing leaders at the show will include Chairman, President and CEO Dennis Muilenburg, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of Enterprise Performance & Strategy Greg Smith and the heads of the company's three business units:  Boeing Commercial Airplanes President and CEO Kevin McAllister;  Boeing Defense, Space & Security President and CEO Leanne Caret;  Boeing Global Services President and CEO Stan Deal. Other senior Boeing executives at the show will include:  Marc Allen, President, Boeing International;  Heidi Capozzi, Senior Vice President, Human Resources; Page 30 of 36

    

Ted Colbert, Chief Information Officer, Senior Vice President, Information Technology & Data Analytics; Greg Hyslop, Chief Technology Officer, Senior Vice President, Engineering, Test & Technology; Tim Keating, Executive Vice President, Government Operations; Phil Musser, Senior Vice President, Communications; Jenette Ramos, Senior Vice President, Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Operations.

Media Briefings and Information Boeing will hold a series of briefings for news media during the show, as listed below. Media attending the show should check the briefing schedule daily for updates at the Boeing media chalet in row B 1-6 and the Boeing-sponsored Media Centre. Follow #BoeingFIA @Boeing on Twitter; Boeing on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube; or online for news and features from the show. News media should visit http://boeing.mediaroom.com for schedule updates on briefings and events as well as news releases and background information. News media may also subscribe to Boeing updates via email:  Email emily.r.langton@boeing.com with "Farnborough Media Updates" in the subject line, followed by your name and media affiliation. You can opt-out of the email updates by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email1. Note: All times listed below are local to Farnborough. Tuesday, July 17 – Wednesday, July 18 The 737 MAX 7 will be available for tours to accredited members of the news media:  Tuesday, July 17 – 11.00 – 11.30, the digital and analytics enabled jet. Preview the industry-changing applications that are enabling fundamental shifts to information infrastructure in the age of digital evolution.  Wednesday, July 18 – 11.00-11.30 Tuesday, July 17 09.30 Future of Travel and Transport – Boeing Exhibit Theatre, P7 opposite Hall 1 Chief Technology Officer Greg Hyslop and HorizonX Vice President Steve Nordlund will unveil Boeing's vision of next-generation commercial mobility systems and plans for shaping the global infrastructure that will enable piloted and autonomous air vehicles to safely co-exist in the same ecosystem. 10.30 2018 Commercial Market Outlook – Boeing Media Chalet Theatre Boeing Commercial Marketing Vice President Randy Tinseth will reveal the 2018 Commercial Market Outlook (CMO), the latest 20-year forecast of expected demand for commercial airplanes and services. The CMO is one of the longest-published and most accurate forecasts in the aviation industry. 11.45 The Compelling Future of Air Cargo – Conference Theatre, Cargo Village Boeing Commercial Marketing Vice President Randy Tinseth will provide the air cargo market outlook and Boeing's analysis of the latest growth trends in the cargo industry. 12.30 U.S. Navy P-8 Media Briefing – Boeing Media Chalet Theatre Capt. Tony Rossi, United States Navy, will provide an update on the P-8 antisubmarine and anti-surface warfare aircraft. 15.00 V-22 Joint Program Office Media Briefing – Lloyd Room, Media Centre Hall 1A V-22 Program Manager Col. Matthew G. Kelly, United States Marine Corps, will provide an update on the current status of the V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft. Page 31 of 36

About Boeing Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in more than 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training. With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 140,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide. Contacts: Paul Bergman (Commercial) +1 206-724-7292 paul.r.bergman2@boeing.com Todd Blecher (Defense, Space & Security) +1 703-414-6033 todd.h.blecher@boeing.com Chantal Dorange (Europe) +34 91 7688406 chantal.dorange@boeing.com Megan Hilfer (HorizonX, Technology) +1 206-465-5379 megan.e.hilfer@boeing.com Katie Zemtseff (Services) +1 206 390-7589

Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE A330neo nearing first delivery four years after launch https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/analysis-a330neo-nearing-first-deliveryfour-years-448915/?cmpid=NLC|FGFG|FGFIN-2018-0710GLOB&sfid=70120000000taAh


Just 1,400 days after Airbus disclosed – to a Farnborough air show audience – its intention to re-engine its popular A330 family, the first customer aircraft carried out its maiden flight from Toulouse. Its original 42-month development schedule had always been ambitious, but the A330neo nevertheless appears set for service entry just four years after launch, compared with five for the A320neo. TAP Portugal is scheduled to take belated delivery of the first A330neo during the summer, but Airbus is initially using TAP's aircraft to round off the certification campaign, carrying out tests of the cabin interior – the "Airspace" layout originally developed for the A350. The Portuguese carrier is taking 14 A330-900s including 10 on direct order from Airbus. Two of them were rolled out in the carrier's livery at the beginning of March. Introduction of its first aircraft, MSN1819, into the development fleet – followed by its maiden flight on 15 May – marked the final stages of the A330900 flight-test programme, which commenced on 19 October last year. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (20 - început din 14.06.2018) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97


Securities and Exchange Commission - USA Business Segment 2018 Financial Trends Aeronautics We expect Aeronautics‟ 2018 net sales to increase in the mid-single digit percentage range as compared to 2017 driven by increased production and sustainment volume on the F-35 program. Operating profit is expected to increase in the low-single digit percentage range, resulting in slightly lower operating profit margins. Missiles and Fire Control We expect MFC‟s net sales to increase in the mid-single digit percentage range in 2018 as compared to 2017 driven primarily by key contract awards and volume in tactical missile programs. Operating profit is expected to increase in the low-single digit percentage range in 2018 as compared to 2017 due primarily to new development volume associated with recent key contract awards. Accordingly, operating profit margin is expected to slightly decrease from 2017 levels. Rotary and Mission Systems We expect RMS‟ net sales to decrease in the low-single digit percentage range as compared to 2017 driven primarily by lower volume in our Sikorsky business partially Page 33 of 36

offset by higher volume in our training and logistics services and integrated warfare systems and sensors (IWSS) lines of business. Operating profit is expected to increase in the low double digit percentage range driven by performance improvements in the IWSS and C4ISR and Undersea Systems and Sensors (C4USS) lines of business. Operating profit margins are also expected to improve from 2017 levels. Space We expect Space's 2018 net sales to decrease in the mid-single digit percentage range compared to 2017, driven by lower volume resulting from program lifecycles on government satellite programs and lower cost on follow-on contracts. Operating profit in 2018 is expected to be comparable to 2017. As a result operating profit margin is expected to increase slightly from 2017 levels.

Harris Corp. #15 https://washingtontechnology.com/toplists/top-100-lists/2018/harris.aspx

Washington Technology - USA Top 100 Revenue:


Defense revenue:


Civilian revenue:


  

Current Revenue Rank Historical Revenue

2017 revenue: 2017 earnings : 2016 revenue:

2016 earnings:

Headquarters: Melbourne, Fla. Web address: https://www.harris.com/ Ticker:


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Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (5 - început #278) Changing change while it changes: The rise of disruptive military thinking https://othjournal.com/2018/06/06/changing-change-while-it-changes-the-rise-ofdisruptive-military-thinking-part-1-of-3/

Over the Horizon - USA 06.06.2018

Multe dintre procesele mecanice de planificare aparent de succes din ultimele două secole ne rețin acum. Nu ne gândim în mod critic la metodologiile noastre; armata trebuie să încorporeze practici reflexive și abilitatea de a transforma procesele într-o formă mai flexibilă și dinamică a sensului și a acționa într-o realitate complexă.

An interview with Ben Zweibelson

Ben Zweibelson will be speaking at SPADE 2018, IBM’s invite-only, signature event for defense and intelligence. This year’s theme is Re-Thinking Defense and Security in the Digital Age. Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 of this design interview. Ben Zweibelson is a retired US Army Infantry officer. He is currently a doctoral student at the Australian National University, and Program Director of Joint Special Operations University, under the U.S. Special Operations Commander (SOCOM). The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Special Operations Command, the Joint Special Operations University, the United States Government or the Australian National University.

What are common challenges in the Care sunt provocările comune ale armatei, că military that good design can remedy? un design bun poate remedia? The term „good‟ usually indicates a value, Termenul "bun" indică, de obicei, o valoare, which is then going to be nested in our own care va fi apoi imbrăcată în propria noastră paradigm on framing and making sense of paradigmă de încadrare și de înțelegere a reality. For much of the military, our realității. Pentru o mare parte a armatei, paradigm is such: we need to understand paradigma noastra este asa: trebuie sa the problem and gather information, we then intelegem problema si sa adunam informatii, conduct analysis towards optimization (best apoi facem analiza spre optimizare (cel mai course of action, most desired end-state, bun curs de actiune, cel mai dorit sfarsit, most dangerous/likely enemy option, etc) optiunea cea mai periculoasa / probabil inamic, based on our established paradigm of what etc) paradigma stabilită a realității noastre și a reality is and how it is supposed to function. modului în care ar trebui să funcționeze. Apoi, We then generate solutions and rank them generăm soluții și le clasificăm folosind propriul using our own value system (including nostru sistem de valori (inclusiv lucruri precum things like „good‟). Next, we run simulations "bun"). În continuare, rulați simulări pentru a to determining which solution should be determina soluția care trebuie testată. În cele tested. Finally, we test the solution, din urmă, testăm soluția, determinăm acțiunile determine our actions, conduct those noastre, desfășurăm acele activități planificate planned activities and then implement și apoi implementăm feedbackul. feedback. Those processes work in certain Aceste procese funcționează în anumite medii, environments but they fall apart in complex dar se destramă în medii complexe dinamice. dynamic environments. Yet much of our Cu toate acestea, o mare parte din discuțiile professional military discussion on critical noastre militare profesionale privind gândirea thinking involves questioning the content critică implică interogarea conținutului și a and output of our methodologies, and not rezultatelor metodologiilor noastre, și nu a the method itself. We question the „what‟ but metodei în sine. Întrebăm "ce", dar nu "de ce" not the „why‟, and we tend to distort the și avem tendința de a distorsiona "cum" în „how‟ into supporting what we really wanted susținerea a ceea ce am vrut cu adevărat să to do in the first place before the problem facem în primul rând înainte ca problema să se even came along. So, this is our biggest fi întâmplat. Deci, aceasta este cea mai mare challenge today- not specific enemies or provocare astăzi - nu dușmani specifici sau noi Page 35 of 36

new threats; our biggest challenge that design can help us with is our lack of real critical thinking, reflective practice and ability to transform ourselves towards a more flexible and dynamic form for sensemaking and acting in complex reality. For complex problems, there is no “end state” other than we either run out of time, money, interest, or patience, to paraphrase design pioneer Horst Rittel. We establish the end state based upon the political ends and then we assign our decision-making logic based on our systems, processes, resources, and time. This is artificial, but really any decision-making methodology is going to involve taking a complex reality and framing essential parts of it so that we can comprehend it and communicate ideas on how to act on it collectively in some way that gives us advantage over rivals. However, traditionally, militaries approach complexity by seeking control to enable prediction in places that this is just not possible. Instead of changing our thinking to how complex systems act, we continue to wrestle with the impossible, demanding that complex systems obey our linear logics and mechanical decision-making models. In the 21st century, this is becoming untenable for militaries.

amenințări; cea mai mare provocare cu care ne poate ajuta designul este lipsa noastră de gândire critică reală, de practici reflexive și de capacitatea de a ne transforma într-o formă mai flexibilă și mai dinamică pentru sens și acțiune în realitate complexă. Pentru probleme complexe, nu există nici o "stare finală", în afară de faptul că nu avem niciun timp, bani, interes sau răbdare, pentru a parafraza pionierul de design Horst Rittel. Noi stabilim starea finală bazată pe scopurile politice și apoi atribuim logica noastră de luare a deciziilor pe baza sistemelor, proceselor, resurselor și timpului nostru. Acest lucru este artificial, dar într-adevăr orice metodologie de luare a deciziilor va implica a lua o realitate complexă și a încadra părți esențiale ale acesteia, astfel încât să o putem înțelege și să comunicăm idei despre cum să acționăm în mod colectiv într-un fel care ne oferă avantaje față de rivalii . Cu toate acestea, în mod tradițional, militarii abordează complexitatea prin căutarea unui control care să permită prezicerea în locuri unde acest lucru nu este posibil. În loc să ne schimbăm gândirea la modul în care acționează sistemele complexe, vom continua să ne luptăm cu imposibilul, cerând ca sistemele complexe să respecte logica noastră liniară și modelele mecanice de luare a deciziilor. În secolul 21, acest lucru devine inutil pentru militari.

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