ZI DE ZI joi, 19 iulie 2018
Naval Group: rezultate financiare pentru primul semestru 2018 pg. 15
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joi, 19 iulie 2018
semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 6 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 6 Elicoptere pentru situații de urgență....................................................................................... 7 Leonardo, parteneriat în Marea Britanie pentru un nou avion de luptă ................................. 7 Leonardo, partnership in Uk per nuovo jet da combattimento ........................................... 7 Leonardo, ce va face fosta Finmeccanica cu engleza Bae ..................................................... 7 Insights ................................................................................................................................... 9 Poroshenko says about need of helicopters of Airbus Helicopters for Ukrainian Armed Forces ................................................................................................................................... 10 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri financiare ale pieții datorate taxelor (19 - început #270)..................................................................................................................................... 12 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE .............................................................................. 12 Uzina Mecanică Cugir, buget 2018 aprobat ......................................................................... 12 Cap. ITC ............................................................................................................................... 13 De bagat la cap! Radarele israeliene interzise in NATO… ................................................. 13 Cap. NAVAL ....................................................................................................................... 14 French firm Naval Group releases financial results from first half of 2018 ........................ 15 Cum se face supravegherea coastei ...................................................................................... 16 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 16 Administrația Porturilor Maritime ....................................................................................... 17 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 18 Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 20 Vice-President Katainen to attend SuomiAreena public debate forum to discuss defence and trade ...................................................................................................................................... 20 Le plan Juncker dépasse son objectif initial de 315 milliards d'euros d'investissements ..... 20 Trade: Commission imposes provisional safeguard measures on imports of steel products 21 Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of joint control over Elica PB India by Elica and Whirlpool ............................................................................................................................. 21 Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Coveris' rigid plastic packaging business by Lindsay Goldberg ................................................................................................................. 22 EU budget: Stepping up the EU's role as a security and defence provider .......................... 22 EU budget: Stepping up the EU's role as a security and defence provider ...................... 24 Budget de l'UE: 4,8 milliards d'euros de financement pour la sécurité, pour une Europe qui protège .................................................................................................................................. 25 Page 3 of 48
A Europe that protects: EU works to build resilience and better counter hybrid threats ..... 26 Countering the illicit arms trade: new proposal for an integrated EU approach .................. 27 Commission holds second negotiating round with parliament and Council on a mandatory Transparency Register .......................................................................................................... 27 Annual inflation up to 2.0% in the euro area ....................................................................... 28 June 2018: Stable at 2.0% in the EU ................................................................................ 28 Programul european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP) (7/11) ......... 29 Views ................................................................................................................................ 29 POLITICA DE SECURITATE ȘI APĂRARE COMUNĂ (6/6) ........................................ 30 Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 31 Marius Constantin Borănescu, ambasador în Africa de Sud ................................................ 31 Gențiana Șerbu, ambasador în Cuba .................................................................................... 31 Karin Kneissl, Ministrul Federal al Austriei pentru Europa, Integrare și Afaceri Externe .. 32 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 34 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 34 Sistemul de raportare contabilă la 30 iunie 2018 ................................................................. 35 Cap. MacroE ...................................................................................................................... 35 Romania - IMF Country Report No. 18/148 (10/11) ........................................................... 35 Cap. RESURSE .................................................................................................................. 36 Proiect Hotărâre privind stabilirea preţului maxim de vânzare a gazelor naturale din producţia internă ................................................................................................................... 36 Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 36 Târguri, conferințe A&D: Farnborough 2018 ...................................................................... 36 Situații extreme aviatice ....................................................................................................... 39 Eurocopter AS 355NP Ecureuil 2 .................................................................................... 39 MiG-21 ............................................................................................................................. 40 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .................................................................................................... 42 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (26 - început din 14.06.2018) .......................... 42 ManTech International #21 ................................................................................................. 44 Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (11 început #278) ........................................................................................................................ 45 Cap. DIVERSE ................................................................................................................... 46 Universitatea Tehnică și compania STABRIS au dezbătut soluții pentru adaptarea la noua legislație pentru prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal .................................................... 46 Antrenamente pentru aniversarea Zilei Aviației și a Forțelor Aeriene ................................ 47 Proiecte de acte normative aflate în dezbatere publică ........................................................ 48 Se pregătește cea mai mare grevă la Ryanair, va afecta aproape 50.000 de clienți ............. 48
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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 2571,87 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0
240.00 230.00
200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00
mil. euro
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Elicoptere pentru situații de urgență Guvernul României Ordonanță de urgență privind achiziția centralizată de elicoptere și simulatoare de zbor aparținând Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, pentru gestionarea situațiilor de urgență Nr. 68 din 17-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 623 din 18 Iulie 2018
Leonardo, parteneriat în Marea Britanie pentru un nou avion de luptă Leonardo, partnership in Uk per nuovo jet da combattimento http://liguria.bizjournal.it/2018/07/leonardo-partnership-uk-jet-combattimento/
Biz Journal - Italia 17 iulie 2018 19:00
Premierul britanic Theresa May a anunțat lansarea unui nou avion de luptă, ca parte a unui proiect care implică Bae Systems, Rolls-Royce, Leonardo și producătorul de rachete MBDA Primul ministru britanic, Theresa May, a anunțat lansarea unui nou avion de luptă, ca parte a unui proiect care implică Bae Systems, Rolls-Royce, Leonardo și producătorul de rachete MBDA . „Astăzi - a spus mai - Pot anunța că guvernul va finanța cu BAE Systems, Leonardo, MBDA si Rolls Royce, noua fază a viitorului sistem de aer Combat Inițiativa Tehnologie, printr - un parteneriat care va fi numit Echipa Tempest.“ Premierul a precizat că participanții vor investi 2 miliarde de lire sterline în acest proiect.
Leonardo, ce va face fosta Finmeccanica cu engleza Bae http://www.startmag.it/economia/leonardo-finmeccanica-bae-tempest/ de Michelangelo Colombo
Toate detaliile privind programul de construcție a unui nou luptător între Bae, Leonardo-Finmeccanica și Rolls-Royce Tutti i dettagli sul programma per la costruzione di un nuovo caccia fra Bae, Leonardo-Finmeccanica e Rolls-Royce Mișcarea britanică pentru Leonardo, fosta Finmeccanica. Premierul britanic Teresa May a anunțat un program nou de 2 miliarde de lire sterline (aproximativ 2,3 miliarde de euro) pentru construirea unui nou luptător, la care va participa și Leonardo, grupul italian care activează în domeniul aerospațial și al apărării. Mossa britannica per Leonardo, l‟ex Finmeccanica. Il premier britannico Teresa May ha annunciato un nuovo programma da 2 miliardi di sterline (circa 2,3 miliardi di euro) per la costruzione di un nuovo caccia, cui parteciperà anche Leonardo, il gruppo italiano attivo nell‟aerospazio e nella difesa. Cuvintele lui THERESA MAI „Astăzi - a declarat, ieri, Theresa May - Eu pot anunța că guvernul va finanța cu BAE Systems, Leonardo, MBDA si Rolls Royce, noua fază a lupta al viitorului Sistemul de aer inițiative tehnologice, printr-un parteneriat care va fi numit Tempest Team“. LE PAROLE DI THERESA MAY “Oggi – ha detto ieri Teresa May – posso annunciare che il governo finanzierà con Bae Systems, Leonardo, Mbda e Rolls Royce, la nuova fase della Future Combat Air System Technology Initiative, attraverso una partnership che verrà denominata Team Tempest”. ACTORII ȘI PROTAGONISTII Page 7 of 48
Astfel, promotorii și beneficiarii proiectului vor fi doar industriile: campionul național Bae Systems, motoristul Rolls-Royce, Leonardo cu activitățile din domeniul avionic în Marea Britanie, în special în Edinburgh. Mbda este compania de rachete din care Leonardo deține 25%. ATTORI E PROTAGONISTI Dunque promotori e beneficiari del progetto saranno solo le industrie: il campione nazionale Bae Systems, il motorista Rolls-Royce, Leonardo con le attività nell‟avionica in Gran Bretagna, in particolare a Edimburgo. Mbda è la società missilistica di cui Leonardo detiene il 25 per cento. ANALIZA SOLE 24 ORE El a scris Gianni Dragoni, un jurnalist al Il Sole 24 Ore industria aerospațială și de apărare Expert: „ In timp ce Eurofighter a fost dezvoltat de către patru țări (Marea Britanie, Germania, Spania și Italia), de vânătoare pentru noile inițiative sunt fragmentate. Anul trecut Franța și Germania au anunțat o colaborare. Mișcarea lui May ar putea să împrospăteze jocurile și să conducă la o convergență între țările europene, așa cum a solicitat șeful Airbus Defense and Space, Dirk Hoke. " L‟ANALISI DEL SOLE 24 ORE Ha scritto Gianni Dragoni, giornalista del Sole 24 Ore esperto di aerospazio e difesa: “Mentre l‟Eurofighter è stato sviluppato da quattro paesi (Gran Bretagna, Germania, Spagna e Italia), per il nuovo caccia le iniziative sono frammentate. L‟anno scorso Francia e Germania hanno annunciato una collaborazione. La mossa di May potrebbe sparigliare i giochi e portare a una convergenza tra i paesi europei, come sollecitato dal capo di Airbus Difesa e Spazio, Dirk Hoke”. Ce a spus guvernul italian Secretarul britanic al Apărării, Gavin Williamson, a dezvăluit un model complet al vânătorii prin clarificarea imediată a scopului: "să rămână, chiar și după Brexit, lideri mondiali în lupta aeriană". Pentru aceasta, Ministerul Apărării britanic va aloca 2 miliarde de lire sterline până în 2025. CHE COSA HA DETTO IL GOVERNO INGLESE il segretario alla Difesa del Regno Unito Gavin Williamson, che ha svelato un modello in scala reale del caccia chiarendo da subito l‟obiettivo: “rimanere, anche dopo la Brexit, leader mondiali nel combattimento aereo”. Per questo, l‟MoD britannico stanzierà 2 miliardi di sterline fino al 2025. RĂSPUNSUL BRITANIC pentru AXA FRANCO-GERMANĂ Potrivit observatorilor, noul luptător este răspunsul englez la programul lansat în vara trecută de Franța și Germania. În aprilie, inițiativa Parisului și a Berlinului a devenit oficială prin prezentarea modelului de aeronavă pe care vor funcționa Airbus și Dassault. Acum, Regatul Unit relansează o investiție de aproximativ 2 miliarde de lire sterline pentru dezvoltarea și construcția unei aeronave care va trebui să funcționeze din 2035, dat fiind faptul că retragerea Eurofighter este așteptată în jurul anului 2040. LA RISPOSTA BRITANNICA ALL‟ASSE FRANCO-TEDESCO Il nuovo caccia – secondo gli osservatori – è la risposta inglese al programma lanciato la scorsa estate da Francia e Germania. Ad aprile l‟iniziativa di Parigi e Berlino è stata ufficializzata con la presentazione del modello del velivolo su cui lavoreranno Airbus e Dassault. Adesso il Regno Unito rilancia con un investimento di circa 2 miliardi di sterline per lo sviluppo e la costruzione di un velivolo che dovrà essere operativo dal 2035, dato che il ritiro degli Eurofighter è previsto intorno al 2040. WILLIAMSON despre TEMPEST Tempest, a declarat Williamson, poate fi folosit cu versiunea pilot sau fără pilot și va fi complementar F35. "F-35 și Typhoon sunt două aeronave complementare multi-rol și vor forma flota de luptă a lui Raf, punând Regatul Unit în fruntea tehnologiei de luptă a aerului". Deși noul program are toate caracteristicile pentru a reprezenta o alternativă la aeronava franco-germană, posibilitatea altor colaborări rămâne deschisă, a precizat Williamson. TEMPEST VISTO DA WILLIAMSON Page 8 of 48
Il Tempest, ha detto Williamson, potrà essere utilizzato con pilota o in versione unmanned e sarà complementare all‟F-35. “L‟F-35 e il Typhoon sono due velivoli multiruolo complementari e formeranno la flotta da combattimento della Raf, ponendo il Regno Unito in prima linea per quanto riguarda la tecnologia per il combattimento aereo”. Nonostante il nuovo programma abbia tutti i caratteri per rappresentare un‟alternativa al velivolo franco-tedesco, resta aperta la possibilità di altre collaborazioni, ha specificato Williamson. COMENTARIU DE PARFUMO (LEONARDO) "Sunt încântat că Leonardo va continua să joace un rol important în capacitățile de luptă ale Regatului Unit după Typhoon", a comentat anunțul. "Ne străduim să fim în centrul celor mai mari programe de apărare ale Europei și să luăm în considerare această activitate în Marea Britanie, care a fost creată în contextul colaborărilor viitoare, ca un program care ar putea fi dezvoltat inclusiv în Italia", a adăugat Profumo. IL COMMENTO DI PROFUMO (LEONARDO) “Sono contento che Leonardo continuerà a giocare un ruolo integrale nelle capacità combat air del Regno Unito dopo il Typhoon”, ha commentato l‟ad. “Ci sforziamo di essere al cuore dei maggiori programmi europei per la difesa e consideriamo questa attività del Regno Unito, che è stata creata tenendo a mente future collaborazioni, come un programma che potrebbe svilupparsi includendo l‟Italia”, ha aggiunto Profumo.
Insights Airbus A330 was flying so low over Derby people thought it was going to crash - but this is why Mirror.co.uk01:14
Airbus Adds 10 Suppliers to Skywise Data Platform Aviation International News00:00
Airbus reveals solar-powered drone completed successful test flight in Arizona Daily Mail00:11
Airbus: No need for us to respond with any new middle-of-the-market aircraft Blue Swan Daily05:16
Astronautics completes MFDS software upgrade for AB-212 Vertical Magazine15:08 Wed, 18 Jul
Boeing in talks with Airbus, others for German helicopter bid Reuters.co.uk19:55 Wed, 18 Jul
Boeing views MH-139‟s affordability as key to USAF UH-1N replacement success IHS Jane's11:26 Wed, 18 Jul
Bristow opens new SAR base at Lydd HeliHub15:17 Wed, 18 Jul
Canada‟s CH-148 Cyclone helicopter launches first operational deployment Vertical Magazine19:39 Wed, 18 Jul
CNC Technologies selected to Deploy Airborne Mission Suites for Agency‟s New Airbus H125 HeliHub15:37 Wed, 18 Jul
DART bucket rises to expectations during its testing phase Vertical Magazine14:48 Wed, 18 Jul
Equatorial Guinea orders oil-and-gas producers to cancel contracts with CHC Helicopter Vertical Magazine16:08 Wed, 18 Jul
FAA approves all-glass cockpit for MD530F HeliHub15:47 Wed, 18 Jul
Farnborough 2018: UK coastguard lauds S-92 search-and-rescue helo IHS Jane's21:30 Wed, 18 Jul
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GVH awarded EASA STC for H135 Aeromedical System HeliHub15:57 Wed, 18 Jul
GVH selected to design hoist light for Boeing HeliHub15:17 Wed, 18 Jul
H145 provides air ambulance services to remote communities in Wales Airbus18:14 Wed, 18 Jul
Leonardo AW169 grows stronger in U.K. EMS market with Magpas Air Ambulance Vertical Magazine18:59 Wed, 18 Jul
MD Helicopters creates MDHI Flight Training Academy HeliHub15:57 Wed, 18 Jul Metro delivers H125 to Broward County HeliHub15:07 Wed, 18 Jul
Royal Netherlands Air Force signs Boeing to Apache, Chinook services pact Vertical Magazine15:18 Wed, 18 Jul
Safran Appoints Executive Vice-President of Engineering HeliHub15:07 Wed, 18 Jul
Sikorsky honors U.K. Maritime and Coastguard Agency Vertical Magazine15:28 Wed, 18 Jul
StandardAero inducts first AE 1107C engine as part of new MRO agreement Vertical Magazine15:48 Wed, 18 Jul
Subaru returns to commercial helicopters after 23-year hiatus Nikkei Asian Review21:51 Wed, 18 Jul
Poroshenko says about need of helicopters of Airbus Helicopters for Ukrainian Armed Forces https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/518259.html
INTERFAX - Ucraina 15:0414.07.2018
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, during a meeting with representatives of the Airbus Helicopters company, which intends to supply Ukraine with 55 helicopters, has said that some of this aircraft could go for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and asked for detailing when implementing the contract. During a meeting with executive director of Airbus Helicopters Bruno Even, senior vice-president, director for Europe Airbus Helicopters Olivier Michalon and French ambassador to Ukraine Isabelle Dumont, the Ukrainian president noted the need for helicopters in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, especially in conditions of protecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, the presidential press service said. "Our Ukraine is now reflecting Russian aggression and the amount allocated to this contract is very significant. And we would ask that part of this contract, part of the helicopters, to be allocated for the Armed Forces of Ukraine," Poroshenko said and asked to take into account this wish for the preparation of the main agreement, the signing of which should take place in a month. Porosheno noted that he also instructed Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman and Interior Minister Arsen Avakov to work out this issue and, if necessary, clarify the configuration of helicopters for such purposes. "We have a full and united position of the Ukrainian side. I would be very grateful if we could make this detailing during the implementation of the contract," the president said, noting that Ukraine and France already have a positive experience of cooperation with French companies.
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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri financiare ale pieții datorate taxelor (19 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports
Airbus extras Tax Exposure As a multinational group with operations and sales in various jurisdictions, Airbus is subject to a number of different tax laws. It is the Company‟s objective to adhere to the relevant tax regulations and to ensure tax compliance in each country. Airbus‟ policy is to have its economic results taxed in a compliant manner in all countries where it creates value. The Company‟s decisions on its structure and on the transactions it enters into are based on its own fair interpretations of applicable tax laws and regulations. The Company aims for certainty on the tax positions it adopts, though in a complex environment with increasing uncertainty, there can be no assurance that the tax authorities will not seek to challenge such interpretations, consequently the Company or its affi liates could become subject to tax claims. The Company will always act to minimise the risk associated with a tax position, while aiming for tax effi ciency as described below. Where tax law is unclear or subject to interpretation, the Company may decide to take a written opinion from an independent third-party tax advisor, detailing the facts, risks and conclusions, so as to support the decision-making process, or to engage with tax authorities to secure alignment on interpretation of tax rules. The level of risk will be deemed to be acceptable where strong technical arguments exist to support the position and where stakeholders have been consulted appropriately according to the value at stake. In case weaknesses may be identifi ed in tax processes, the Company will act to remediate the issues in a timely manner to ensure continued compliance.
Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE Uzina Mecanică Cugir, buget 2018 aprobat Ministerul Finanțelor Publice Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Societatea „Uzina Mecanică Cugir“ - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM S.A. București Nr. 2455 din 02-Iulie-2018 Ministerul Economiei Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Societatea „Uzina Mecanică Cugir“ - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM S.A. București Nr. 649 din 30-Mai-2018 Ministerul Muncii şi Justiţiei Sociale Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Societatea „Uzina Mecanică Cugir“ - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM S.A. București Nr. 1765 din 11-Iunie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 607 din 16 Iulie 2018 Page 12 of 48
Cap. ITC De bagat la cap! Radarele israeliene interzise in NATO… https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/de-bagat-la-cap
Romania Military George GMT 18 iulie 2018 - 19:53
The NATO Air and Missile Defence Command and Control Security Accreditation Board (ASAB) a anuntat oficial Cehia ca daca va cumpara radare Elta EL/M-2084 3D, de la compania israeliana IAI, acestea nu vor fi integrate in arhitectura de aparare anti-aeriana a NATO pentru ca radarul nu este construit de catre o tara membra a Aliantei, informeaza Janes.com! ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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French firm Naval Group releases financial results from first half of 2018 https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2018/07/18/french-firm-naval-group-releasesfinancial-results-from-first-half-of-2018/
Defense News By: Pierre Tran 8 hours ago PARIS
The Suffren is the first of class for the Barracuda nuclear-powered attack submarines. (Naval Group)
French company Naval Group has reported a sharply higher operating profit in the first half of 2018 compared to a year ago, reflecting the company‟s productivity drive. A French contract for the fifth Barracuda nuclear-powered attack submarine was among the orders in the first half, which fell compared to a year ago. Operating profit rose to €126 million (U.S. $147 million) from a restated €64 million, marking 6.8 percent of sales, up from 3.8 percent, the company announced July 18. The figure for the first half of 2017 was restated from €84.7 million to meet official changes in financial reporting. Net-attributable profit rose to €104 million from €65.9 million, on sales of €1.9 billion, up from €1.7 billion. Some 29 percent of sales came from export deals. Naval Group has a target of boosting exports to half of annual sales, with the domestic market making up the other half. That rise in profitability showed “the success of our progress plan and confirm(s) the improvement of our operational control,” Frank Le Rebeller, executive vice president for finance, legal and purchasing, said in a statement with the results. Naval Group has pursued tighter control of programs and higher profitability over the last three years. Orders fell to €1.9 billion from €2.6 billion, reflecting a spike in orders a year ago when France launched a program for five FTI intermediate frigates worth €3.8 billion. The government would have paid a down payment at the start of the program. The orders in the first half included a contract signed in May for the fifth boat in the Barracuda class of submarines, as well as initial logistical support and obsolescence handling for the planned six-strong fleet, a company spokesman said. That fifth boat is named Rubis, which is also the name of the French Navy‟s present fleet of nuclear-powered attack submarines, which will be replaced by the Barracuda. Other orders included work on the firing system and cybersecurity on the FREMM multimission frigate as well as modification of the La Fayette light frigate, both sailed by the French Navy. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 15 of 48
Cum se face supravegherea coastei https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/cum-se-face-supravegherea-coastei
Romania Military Marius Zgureanu 19 iulie 2018 - 6:09
… varianta Elbit, de exemplu, ca tot sunt referinta la turelele de Piranha III si V destinate Romaniei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=r3ukT8Kof7c
Completarea pe partea de ASW cu detaliul… Seagull: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTzNtAAi6GE
Mai e mult pana departe pentru noi… ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Insights Amiri Naval Forces hold joint exercise with French navy Gulf Times00:01 Wed, 18 Jul
Australia to upgrade Garden Island naval facilities IHS Jane's16:48 Tue, 17 Jul
Chinese naval hospital ship's humanitarian mission successfully concludes PNG stop Xinhua Online17:17 Wed, 18 Jul
French firm Naval Group releases financial results from first half of 2018 Defense News23:02 Wed, 18 Jul
Guvern a aprobat o OUG prin care Damen poate prelua Santierul Naval Mangalia, desi nu figura pe ordinea de zi - UPDATE Ziare.com19:08 Tue, 17 Jul
Guvernul a aprobat un proiect de OUG care va permite olandezilor de la Damen să conducă Șantierul Naval Mangalia, chiar … HotNews.ro21:10 Tue, 17 Jul
Guvernul a dat OUG: olandezii de la Damen pot prelua managementul șantierului naval Mangalia Realitatea.net09:24 Wed, 18 Jul
Guvernul cedează olandezilor de la Damen Șantierul Naval Mangalia; Statul devine acționar majoritar Libertatea20:29 Tue, 17 Jul
Guvernul Dăncilă a cedat conducerea șantierului naval Mangalia firmei olandeze Damen în schimbul pachetului de control Group 4 Media19:26 Tue, 17 Jul
'Indianapolis' sheds new light on WWII naval disaster that cost nearly 900 lives Stripes22:40 Wed, 18 Jul
Intel reports warn of terrorists attack near LoC, Amarnath Yatra; claim ISI training LeT, Hizbul men to target naval… Firstpost05:36
Kulbhushan Jadhav case: Pakistan to file 2nd counter to India in ICJ on conviction of retired… Catch News13:27 Tue, 17 Jul
Mai face ceva statul pentru a salva Santierul Naval Mangalia? Vanzarea catre Damen s-ar putea amana pana la toamna Ziare.com12:37 Tue, 17 Jul
Naval Academy athletics constructing $20 million Physical Mission Center Stripes19:38 Wed, 18 Jul
Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Awards Hillard Heintze a Five-Year Delivery Order for Workplace Violence… GlobeNewswire00:02
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Naval Group remains focused on Central Europe Shephard.co.uk15:08 Tue, 17 Jul
Naval officer attacked by three drunken men DNA India04:00 Wed, 18 Jul
ULTIMA ORĂ Guvernul a modificat legislația pentru a ceda managementul Șantierului Naval Mangalia olandezilor de la Damen Profit.ro18:08 Tue, 17 Jul
Administrația Porturilor Maritime Guvernul României Hotărâre privind modificarea datelor de identificare și a valorilor de inventar ale unor bunuri imobile din domeniul public al statului, aflate în administrarea Ministerului Transporturilor și concesiunea Companiei Naționale „Administrația Porturilor Maritime“ - S.A. Constanța Nr. 478 din 05-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 616 din 18 Iulie 2018
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Cap. EUROPA Vice-President Katainen to attend SuomiAreena public debate forum to discuss defence and trade http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express.htm#
EUROPA 18.07.2018
Vice-President Jyrki Katainen will visit Pori, Finland on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 July to attend the SuomiAreena public debate forum. Today, he will participate in a working dinner with Mr Risto Siilasmaa, Chair of the Board of Directors of Nokia Corporation. Then, he will meet in a series of bilaterals Mr Kai Mykkänen, Minister for the Interior of Finland, Mr Timo Ritakallio, President and Executive Chairman of OP Financial Group, Mr Seppo Parvi, Deputy CEO of Stora Enso as well as Ms Merja Ylä-Anttila, upcoming CEO of the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE. In addition, he will participate in a working dinner with Mr. Mika Lintilä, Minister of Economy and Mr. Kai Mykkänen, Minister of the Interior as well as other Finnish political leaders. Later, Vice-President Jyrki Katainen will participate in a Citizens' Dialogue on European Defence (with several MEPs, Mr. Olli Ruutu, Deputy Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency, Mr. Jouni Ovaska, Chair of the European Movement Finland and moderated by General Esa Pulkkinen, Director General of EU Military Staff.) (For more information, Christian Spahr – Tel.: +32 229 56153; Siobhan Millbright – Tel.: +32 229 57361)
Le plan Juncker dépasse son objectif initial de 315 milliards d'euros d'investissements http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express.htm#
EUROPA 18.07.2018
La Commission européenne et le groupe de la Banque européenne d'investissement (BEI) ont tenu leur engagement de mobiliser 315 milliards d'euros d'investissements supplémentaires dans le cadre du plan d'investissement pour l'Europe, le plan Juncker. Soutenues par une garantie du budget de l'Union européenne et les ressources propres du groupe BEI, 898 opérations ont été approuvées, ce qui devrait générer 335 milliards d'euros d'investissements dans l'ensemble des 28 États Membres de l'UE. C'est plus que l'objectif initial de 315 milliards d'euros fixé en 2015, lors du lancement de l'EFSI, ce qui contribue à combler le déficit d'investissement provoqué par la crise économique et financière. 700 000 petites et moyennes entreprises devraient bénéficier d'un meilleur accès aux financements. Compte tenu du succès de l'EFSI, le Conseil européen et le Parlement européen ont convenu l'année dernière de prolonger sa durée et d'accroître sa capacité pour atteindre 500 milliards d'euros d'ici à la fin de 2020. Le président Jean-Claude Juncker a déclaré: «Le plan Juncker s'avère être une réussite. Nous avons dépassé l'objectif initial de 315 milliards d'euros d'investissements et le Fonds européen pour les investissements stratégiques devrait créer 1,4 million d'emplois et augmenter le PIB de l'UE de 1,3 % d'ici à 2020. Nous avons financé des projets qui n'auraient pas été possibles en l'absence de l'EFSI, et cela sans créer de nouvelles dettes: deux tiers des investissements proviennent du secteur privé. Du financement de la formation professionnelle destinée aux réfugiés en Finlande aux énergies renouvelables en Grèce, en passant par l'agriculture en Bulgarie, nous continuerons à utiliser le budget de l'UE pour ce qu'il fait le mieux: catalyser la croissance.» Vous pouvez suivre le Page 20 of 48
point presse du président Juncker et du président de la Banque européenne d'investissement, M. Werner Hoyer, sur EbS. (Pour plus d'informations, un communiqué de presse et une fiche d'informations sont à votre disposition en ligne ainsi que plusieurs fiches d'informations par pays et par secteur; Christian Spahr – Tel.: +32 229 56153; Siobhán Millbright – Tel.: +32 229 57361)
Trade: Commission imposes provisional safeguard measures on imports of steel products http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express.htm#
EUROPA 18.07.2018
Today the European Commission published a regulation imposingprovisional safeguard measures concerning imports of steel products. These measures will address the diversion of steel from other countries to the EU market as a result of the recently imposed US tariffs. The safeguard measures will come into effect on Thursday 19 July. Traditional imports of steel products will not be affected. Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström said: "The US tariffs on steel products are causing trade diversion, which may result in serious harm to EU steelmakers and workers in this industry. We are left with no other choice than to introduce provisional safeguard measures to protect our domestic industry against a surge of imports. These measures nevertheless ensure that the EU market remains open, and will maintain traditional trade flows. I am convinced that this strikes the right balance between the interest of EU producers and users of steel, like the automotive industry and the construction sector, who rely on imports. We will continue to monitor steel imports in order to take a final decision by early next year, at the latest." The provisional measures concern 23 steel product categories and will take the form of a Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ). Tariffs of 25% will only be imposed once imports exceed the average of imports over the last three years. In line with the World Trade Organisation rules, the measures concern imports from all countries. Exceptions are made for some developing countries and the European Economic Area countries: Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein. The provisional measures can remain in place for a maximum of 200 days. Definitive safeguard measures may be imposed as a result of further investigation that continues until the end of 2018. For more information, see full press release and the Commission regulation available online. (For more information: Enrico Brivio – Tel.: + 32 229 56172; Kinga Malinowska – Tel: +32 229 51383)
Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of joint control over Elica PB India by Elica and Whirlpool http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express.htm#
EUROPA 18.07.2018
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control over Elica PB India Private Limited of India by Elica S.p.A. of Italy and Whirlpool Corporation of the US. Elica PB India manufactures and sells kitchen appliances and sells a range of kitchen and related cooking devices in India. Elica manufactures and sells kitchen appliances and sells air treatment devices. Whirlpool manufactures and sells a range of appliances for refrigeration, laundry, kitchen, air conditioning and water and air purification. The Commission concluded Page 21 of 48
that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns given Elica PB India's lack of actual or foreseen activities within the European Economic Area. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.8997. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Giulia Astuti – +32 229 55344).
Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Coveris' rigid plastic packaging business by Lindsay Goldberg http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express.htm#
EUROPA 18.07.2018
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of control of the rigid plastic packaging business of Coveris Group (“Coveris Rigid”) of Germany and Luxembourg by Goldberg, Lindsay & Co., LLC (“Lindsay Goldberg”) of the US. Coveris Rigid manufactures and sells rigid plastic packaging solutions such as pots and containers, trays, closures, lids and sheets, of different materials and for use in various industries. Lindsay Goldberg is a private equity investment firm with 16 portfolio companies, none of which is active in the production and supply of rigid plastic packaging products in the European Economic Area. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns given the minimal horizontal overlaps and vertical links between the activities of the companies. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.8946. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Giulia Astuti – +32 229 55344).
EU budget: Stepping up the EU's role as a security and defence provider http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-4121_en.htm
EUROPA European Commission - Press release Strasbourg, 13 June 2018
For the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027, the Commission is proposing to increase the EU's strategic autonomy, bolster the EU's ability to protect its citizens and make the EU a stronger global actor. A €13 billion European Defence Fund will provide the financial firepower for crossborder investments in state-of-the-art and fully interoperable technology and equipment in areas such as encrypted software and drone technology. In addition, the High Representative, with the support of the Commission, is proposing today a new €10.5 billion European Peace Facility, an instrument outside of the EU's longterm budget, which will help improve the EU's ability to prevent conflicts, build peace and guarantee international security. Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission, said: "The European Union has over the past couple of years taken steps in security and defence that seemed unthinkable before. We can now support research and cooperation to develop defence capabilities. We are taking measures that will facilitate the rapid movement of Member States' forces in Europe. Furthermore, with the Commission's support, I am Page 22 of 48
proposing the establishment of a European Peace Facility that will improve the financing of EU military operations and improve our support for actions by our partners.” Jyrki Katainen,Vice-President in charge of Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, said: "What we are proposing will help the EU take its destiny into its own hands. We are taking greater ownership in defending and protecting our citizens. For the first time in the history of the European Union, a part of the European budget is devoted to investing collectively to develop new technologies and equipment to protect our people. The European Defence Fund is a true European tool to encourage joint investments and amplify Member States' efforts in defence.” Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Commissioner for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, added:"The European Defence Fund is a game changer for defence cooperation in Europe. Based on the first initiatives tested these last two years, we are now scaling it up into an ambitious European instrument to support collaborative defence projects throughout their entire development cycle. The €13 billion Fund shows that this Commission is serious about building a Europe that defends and protects its citizens.” The European Defence Fund The new €13 billion European Defence Fund will provide €4.1 billion to directly finance competitive and collaborative research projects, in particular through grants. Beyond the research phase, €8.9 billion will be available to complement Member States' investment by co-financing the costs for prototype development and the ensuing certification and testing requirements. The Fund will place the EU among the top 4 defence research and technology investors in Europe, and act as a catalyst for an innovative and competitive industrial and scientific base. The main features of the European Defence Fund are: Financing of projects which help make the EU safer and which correspond to priorities agreed by Member States within the framework of the Common Security and Defence Policy and other regional and international organisations such as NATO; Only collaborative projects involving at least 3 participants from 3 Member States are eligible; The EU will only co-fund the development of common prototypes where Member States commit to buying the final product; Cross-border participation of SMEs and mid-caps is strongly incentivised by providing higher financing rates, favouring projects by consortia which include SMEs and, if necessary, launching dedicated calls for proposals; Targeting breakthrough innovation, with 5% of the funds dedicated to disruptive technology and innovative equipment allowing the EU to boost its long-term technological leadership; Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) projects may, if eligible, receive an additional co-financing bonus of 10%, but funding is not automatic. The European Peace Facility The High Representative, with the support of the Commission, is proposing with the European Peace Facility a new off-budget fund worth €10.5 billion that will draw together existing off-budget mechanisms devoted to security and defence to overcome existing gaps and limitations. It will increase the effectiveness of financing for Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) military missions and operations. It will facilitate the EU's contributions to peace operations led by partners and it will broaden the scope of the military and defence support the EU can offer. It will cover Page 23 of 48
expenditure that cannot be financed under the EU's budget because of its military and defence implications. Next steps A swift agreement on the overall long-term EU budget and its sectoral proposals is essential to ensure that EU funds start delivering results on the ground as soon as possible. Delays similar to those experienced at the beginning of the current 2014-2020 budgetary period would mean that calls for proposals for collaborative projects in areas such as metamaterials, encrypted software, drone technology or satellite communication would have to be delayed. An agreement on the next long-term budget in 2019 would provide for a seamless transition between the current long-term budget (2014-2020) and the new one and would ensure predictability and continuity of funding to the benefit of all. After obtaining the Commission's support, the High Representative will present the proposal for a European Peace Facility to the Council, who will need to take a decision on it by unanimity. Background In his political guidelines in June 2014, President Juncker made strengthening European citizens' security a priority. He announced the creation of a European Defence Fund in his 2016 State of the Union address. The Commission presented the first version of the European Defence Fund in June 2017, which has allowed defence cooperation at EU level to be tested by means of the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) for 2017-2019 and the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) for 2019-2020. Today's proposal on the European Defence Fund delivers on the commitment made in June 2017 to scale up initial funding in the period up to 2020 with a more substantial Fund. The European Defence Fund will complement other EU programmes, in particular the budget of €6.5 billion earmarked for the Connecting Europe Facility to enhance the EU's strategic transport infrastructures to make them fit for military mobility, and the new €100 billion research and innovation programme Horizon Europe. More information Legal texts and factsheets: Proposal for a Regulation establishing the European Defence Fund COM(2018) 476 Annex to the Proposal for a Regulation Impact Assessment SWD(2018) 345 Summary of the impact assessment Factsheet: The European Defence Fund Factsheet: The European Peace Facility Questions and Answers: The European Peace Facility More information on the EU budget for the future can be found here
EU budget: Stepping up the EU's role as a security and defence provider http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEX-18-4153_en.htm
EUROPA 13.07.2018
For the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027, the Commission is proposing to increase the EU's strategic autonomy, bolster the EU's ability to protect its citizens and make the EU a stronger global actor. A €13 billion European Defence Fund will Page 24 of 48
provide the financial firepower for cross-border investments in state-of-the-art and fully interoperable technology and equipment in areas such as encrypted software and drone technology. In addition, the High Representative, with the support of the Commission, is proposing today a new €10.5 billion European Peace Facility, an instrument outside of the EU's long-term budget, which will help improve the EU's ability to prevent conflicts, build peace and guarantee international security. Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission, said: "The EU has […] taken steps in security and defence that seemed unthinkable before. We can now support research and cooperation to develop defence capabilities. We are taking measures that will facilitate the rapid movement of Member States' forces in Europe. […] I am proposing the establishment of a European Peace Facility that will improve the financing of EU military operations and improve our support for actions by our partners."Jyrki Katainen,Vice-President in charge of Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, said: "What we are proposing will help the EU take its destiny into its own hands. We are taking greater ownership in defending and protecting our citizens. For the first time in the history of the EU, a part of the European budget is devoted to investing collectively to develop new technologies and equipment to protect our people. […].” Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Commissioner for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, added:"The European Defence Fund is a game changer for defence cooperation in Europe. […] we are now scaling it up into an ambitious European instrument to support collaborative defence projects throughout their entire development cycle. The €13 billion Fund shows that this Commission is serious about building a Europe that defends and protects its citizens.” A press release and factsheets and FAQs are available online. (For more information: Lucía Caudet – Tel.: +32 229 56182; Maja Kocijancic – Tel.: +32 229 86570; Victoria von Hammerstein – Tel.: +32 229 55040; Esther Osorio – Tel.: +32 229 62076)
Budget de l'UE: 4,8 milliards d'euros de financement pour la sécurité, pour une Europe qui protège http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEX-18-4153_en.htm
EUROPA 13.07.2018
La Commission propose d'augmenter considérablement le financement de la sécurité, de 3,5 milliards d'euros actuellement à 4,8 milliards d'euros dans le prochain cadre budgétaire à long terme de l'UE pour 2021-2027. Face à des menaces internationales de plus en plus complexes, les fonds européens peuvent aider notre Union à relever les défis futurs en matière de sécurité et à être mieux équipée pour répondre aux urgences. Les 2,5 milliards d'euros du Fonds pour la sécurité intérieure (FSI) renforcé s'ajoutent à près de 1,2 milliard d'euros pour un démantèlement plus sûr des activités nucléaires dans certains États membres, ainsi qu'à 1,1 milliard d'euros pour renforcer les agences européennes dans le domaine de la sécurité. Le premier vice-président Frans Timmermans a déclaré: "Se sentir en sécurité chez soi ou dans la rue est l'un des droits de l'homme les plus élémentaires; les Européens attendent de leur gouvernement et de leur Union qu'ils garantissent cette sécurité. Un cadre de financement de la sécurité plus souple et plus adapté aux besoins des États membres assurera, comme il se doit, une meilleure protection des Européens." Le commissaire Dimitris Avramopoulos, chargé de la migration, des affaires intérieures et de la citoyenneté, a déclaré: "Pour la sécurité de nos citoyens, nous devons accroître nos efforts – et notre budget doit en faire autant. C'est Page 25 of 48
pourquoi nous augmentons le budget de la sécurité d'un tiers pour les années à venir, à 4,8 milliards d'euros. Nous aidons ainsi les États membres à mieux se préparer aux futurs défis sécuritaires et aux urgences. Nous construisons une Europe plus sûre et plus robuste pour nos citoyens. Une Europe qui protège." Le commissaire Julian King, chargé de l'Union de la sécurité, a déclaré: "Nous devons préparer une réponse forte face aux terroristes, aux criminels et aux menaces sécuritaires qu'ils posent – multidimensionnelles, transfrontalières et en évolution permanente. Cette réponse ne doit pas être redondante par rapport aux efforts des Etats membres; elle doit plutôt les compléter et créer des ponts à l'intérieur de l'UE et au-delà de ses frontières. C'est précisément ce que nous proposons aujourd'hui avec un Fonds pour la sécurité intérieure clairement renforcé, pour une Europe plus robuste comme fondement d'une authentique et efficace Union de la sécurité."Un communiqué de presse, un mémo ainsi que des textes juridiques et des fiches d'information sur le futur financement de la sécurité sont disponibles en ligne. (For more information: Natasha Bertaud – Tel.: +32 229 67456; Tove Ernst – Tel.: +32 229 86764; Katarzyna Kolanko – Tel.: +32 229 63444)
A Europe that protects: EU works to build resilience and better counter hybrid threats http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEX-18-4153_en.htm
EUROPA 13.07.2018
The European Commission and the High Representative propose today further steps to build on the work already carried out in response to hybrid and Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats, following up on the European Council's invitation to take this work forward and report on progress after the Salisbury attack. They also report on the implementation of the Joint Framework on countering hybrid threats. In addition, the Commission is taking stock of the progress made on key security files, including the CBRN Action Plan. High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini said: "In times of new challenges around the world, we are reinforcing our work within the European Union to counter hybrid threats – be it in the field of cyber, on disinformation or counter intelligence. Together with our Member States and partners, such as NATO, we are working to strengthen our capabilities to address these challenges and build up our resilience to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear-related risks, to effectively protect our citizens." Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos said: "Security has been our priority since day one – but we need to do more to deny hostile foreign actors and terrorists the means and the space to act. Today, we are further accelerating our efforts to their access to lifethreatening chemical substances – building a more resilient Europe, fully equipped to face complex and dynamic security threats." Commissioner for Security Union, Julian King said: "The Salisbury attack was a stark reminder that the threat posed by chemical, biological radiological and nuclear risks is very real. Today, we are following up our CBRN Action Plan from last year to be better prepared for such threats as well as other hybrid threats, which can cause serious harm and spread instability. We need to be especially vigilant in view of upcoming elections."The Commission is also presenting today the Security Union progress report, an EU Action Plan to improve the security of rail passengers and a Report of the High-Level Expert Group on Radicalisation. A press release and factsheets on hybrid threats and the Security Union are available online. (For more information: Maja Kocijančič – Tel.: +32 229 86570; Natasha Bertaud – Tel.: +32 229-67456; Tove Ernst - +32 229-86764) Page 26 of 48
Countering the illicit arms trade: new proposal for an integrated EU approach http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEX-18-4153_en.htm
EUROPA 13.07.2018
The High Representative and the Commission adopted today a Joint Communication proposing elements for a comprehensive EU Strategy against illicit firearms and small arms and light weapons (SALW). Illicit weapons are contributing to global terrorism and conflicts, thwarting the EU's development, humanitarian and stabilisation efforts in parts of the EU's neighbourhood and Africa. Within the European Union, illicit firearms are fuelling organised crime and amplifying the impact of terrorist attacks. A broad range of governmental agencies, including police, customs, border guards, armed forces, export control and judicial authorities are required to act in a more integrated manner to tackle such transnational threats. Today's Joint Communication aims to guide collective EU action inside the EU and abroad, to prevent and curb the illicit acquisition of firearms by terrorists, criminals and other unauthorised actors, as well as to promote accountability and responsibility with regard to the legal arms trade. The elements proposed today for the new Strategy takes into account the evolving security context and relevant elements, such as the growing threat of terrorism inside the EU, technological and legislative developments. It entails a set of actions to be taken at national, regional and international level and would replace the one that was adopted by the European Council in 2005. Please see the full text of the Joint Communication here. More information is available on the EEAS and Commission website. (For more information: Maja Kocijancic – Tel.: +32 229 86570; Esther Osorio – Tel.: +32 229 62076)
Commission holds second negotiating round with parliament and Council on a mandatory Transparency Register http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEX-18-4153_en.htm
EUROPA 13.07.2018
Yesterday evening, 12 June, in Strasbourg, negotiators from the three EU institutions continued their discussions on strengthening the EU Transparency Register, and committed to make further progress towards a common interpretation of the key issue of conditionality. The three institutions discussed ways to make their interactions with interest representatives conditional on the registration of such representatives in the Transparency Register. Establishing this principle will provide citizens with more information about who seeks to influence the EU legislative process, allowing them to better scrutinise how EU decision-making works. Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermanssaid: "Being on the Transparency Register must be a pre-condition for lobbyists to get access to lawmakers. The Commission has applied this principle for almost four years, and it works. Now we must agree on the practicalities for extending it to other European decision-makers. Further work is needed to ensure that we can agree on how all three institutions commit to meaningful implementation of the principle 'no registration, no meeting'". At the meeting the three institutions reiterated their common ambition to reach a meaningful improvement on the status quo, and their commitment to ensure the transparency of the negotiating process itself. More information is available in a press release here. (For more information: Natasha Bertaud – Tel.: +32 229 67456; Tim McPhie – Tel.: +32 229 58602) Page 27 of 48
Annual inflation up to 2.0% in the euro area http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/2995521/9083143/2-18072018-APEN.pdf/f40c2316-3e09-48cf-80dc-5a52341953d7
EUROSTAT 120/2018 - 18 July 2018
June 2018: Stable at 2.0% in the EU Euro area annual inflation rate was 2.0% in June 2018, up from 1.9% in May 2018. A year earlier, the rate was 1.3%. European Union annual inflation was 2.0% in June 2018, stable compared with May 2018. A year earlier, the rate was 1.5%. These figures are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. The lowest annual rates were registered in Ireland (0.7%), Greece (1.0%) and Denmark (1.1%). The highest annual rates were recorded in Romania (4.7%), Estonia (3.9%) and Hungary (3.2%). Compared with May 2018, annual inflation fell in three Member States, remained stable in two and rose in twenty-two. In June 2018, the highest contribution to the annual euro area inflation rate came from energy (+0.76 percentage points, pp), followed by services (+0.57 pp), food, alcohol & tobacco (+0.53 pp) and non-energy industrial goods (+0.10 pp).
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Programul european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP) (7/11) European defence industrial development programme (EDIDP) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/623534/EPRS_BRI(2018) 623534_EN.pdf
Think Tank - defence - PE 29 June 20181
Advisory committees The legal basis used for the EDIDP proposal, Article 173 TFEU, provides for the mandatory consultation of the Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The Committee‟s draft opinion was prepared by rapporteur Antonello Pezzini (Employers – Group I / Italy) together with co-rapporteur Éric Brune (Workers – Group II / France). The EESC adopted its opinion in plenary by a very large majority (133 in favour, 2 against, 5 abstentions) on 7 December 2017. The EESC broadly supports the launch of the EDIDP as a means to increase Europe‟s strategic autonomy and to develop a solid common European industrial and technological base. It underlines the importance and potential of PESCO and stresses the importance of maintaining coordination with NATO. As for the governance of EDIDP, an advisory committee of industry experts from the Member States should set priorities for its work programme, and a management committee that includes the Member States should be put in place. The EESC advocates a good geographical balance between Member States, significant involvement of SMEs, not least by means of dedicated small projects, and the creation of transparent opportunities for all EU businesses to take part in the EDIDP programme. A project should only be funded if there are at least three separate companies from at least three Member States participating. The Committee considers the present EDIDP proposal as being a first step to build on, and advocates increased funding, including by drawing on the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI). The EESC hopes for the development of a widespread European culture of defence and security.
National parliaments National parliaments can raise objections to proposals. The deadline for the submission of reasoned opinions on the grounds of subsidiarity was 8 September 2017.3 The very few criticisms from national parliaments were concerned with the reduction of funding for other projects, such as Galileo, to shift resources to the EDIDP, and with the need to have a minimum of three Member States participating in a given project, rather than two. All national parliaments either supported the initiative, or did not publish a reasoned opinion, by which they tacitly signalled support. The Commission was therefore under no obligation to reconsider its proposal.
This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.
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POLITICA DE SECURITATE ȘI APĂRARE COMUNĂ (6/6) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/fiches_techniques/2017/N53899/ro.pdf
Think Tank - defence - PE Jérôme Legrand 06/2018
2017: UN AN CRUCIAL PENTRU IMPLEMENTAREA PSAC? Consiliul European a analizat progresele realizate în martie 2017 și a evidențiat înființarea Capabilității militare de planificare și executare (CMPE), o nouă structură ce urmărește îmbunătățirea capacității UE de a reacționa mai rapid, mai eficient și într-o manieră mai uniformă în planificarea și desfășurarea misiunilor militare neexecutive. De asemenea, a remarcat progresele înregistrate în alte domenii, printre care: posibilitatea ca PESCO să devină un sistem modular integrat, care să permită statelor membre să colaboreze mai mult în domeniul securității și apărării pe bază de voluntariat; posibilitatea unui proces anual coordonat de revizuire privind apărarea (CARD) condus de statele membre, care ar putea contribui la o perspectivă mai clară la nivelul UE asupra unor aspecte precum cheltuielile pentru apărare și investițiile naționale, precum și eforturile pentru cercetarea în domeniul apărării, ceea ce ar permite o mai bună identificare și rezolvarea neajunsurilor; o activitate continuă și în alte domenii, cum ar fi consolidarea setului de instrumente de reacție rapidă a UE, inclusiv grupurile tactice de luptă ale UE și capabilitățile civile, consolidarea capacităților de susținere a securității și dezvoltării, conștientizarea situațională și dezvoltarea capabilităților de apărare. La 7 iunie 2017, Comisia a prezentat o comunicare intitulată „Lansarea Fondului european de apărare”, în care își prezintă în detaliu propunerile de a stimula și a structura investițiile în domeniul apărării în UE. Ea propune un sprijin direct pentru cercetare, pentru cofinanțarea dezvoltării și sprijinirea achiziționării de produse din domeniul apărării de către statele membre ale UE. Susținerea acestui sector este exprimată prin proiectul de Regulament privind un Plan european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP). Cu ocazia primei aniversări a SGUE, VP/ÎR Mogherini a publicat un raport privind implementarea acestuia, care salută progresele rapide realizate, inclusiv în ceea ce privește cooperarea cu NATO și lansarea de către Comisie a Fondului european de apărare. În ceea ce privește relațiile UE-NATO, VP/ÎR a informat cu privire la progresele realizate în următoarele domenii: lupta împotriva amenințărilor hibride; traficul de ființe umane, capacitățile de apărare; industria apărării și cercetarea în domeniul apărării; și parteneriatele. La 11 decembrie 2017, Consiliul a adoptat Decizia de instituire a PESCO și lista sa de 25 de participanți. La 6 martie 2018, statele membre au adoptat o decizie a Consiliului privind o listă de 17 de proiecte PESCO, ce cuprindea domenii cum ar fi formarea, dezvoltarea capacităților și disponibilitatea operațională în domeniul apărării. Proiectele individuale vor fi conduse de grupuri diferite de state membre participante. O foaie de parcurs pentru punerea în aplicare a PESCO a fost, de asemenea, adoptată în aceeași zi, cu scopul de a oferi o direcție strategică și orientări cu privire la modul de a structura viitoarele lucrări privind atât procesele, cât și guvernarea. Consiliul va adopta un ansamblu comun de reguli de guvernare pentru proiecte până la sfârșitul lunii iunie. În calitate de susținător entuziast și inițiator al acestor chestiuni, în raportul său anual privind punerea în aplicare a PSAC (decembrie 2017), Parlamentul European a salutat „voința politică demonstrată recent de a face PSAC mai eficientă” și în special dorința de a se angaja față de PESCO, față de instituirea unui proces CARD, lansarea unui FED, extinderea propusă a acțiunii pregătitoare privind cercetarea în domeniul apărării, precum și în ceea ce privește propunerea legislativă privind Page 30 of 48
EDIDP. Acesta a solicitat, de asemenea, să se aloce fonduri suficiente și să se facă investiții coordonate în domeniul securității și apărării. În același raport, Parlamentul a invitat, de asemenea, VP/ÎR și Comisia să „dea curs solicitărilor Parlamentului privind elaborarea unei Cărți albe a UE privind securitatea și apărarea, în contextul pregătirii următorului cadru financiar multianual (CFM), astfel cum s-a solicitat în rezoluțiile Parlamentului din 22 noiembrie 2016, 23 noiembrie 2016 și 16 martie 2017”; De asemenea, Parlamentul a propus ca Subcomisia pentru securitate și apărare să devină o comisie parlamentară de sine stătătoare, astfel încât să se garanteze că procesul decizional cu privire la aspecte legate de PSAC este „mai democratic și mai transparent”. În ceea ce privește partea EDF legată de dezvoltarea capabilităților, EDIDP, propunerea de regulament prezentată de Comisie în iunie 2017, a fost analizată de Comisia pentru industrie, cercetare și energie (ITRE) a Parlamentului, împreună cu Comisia pentru afaceri externe (AFET) și Subcomisia pentru securitate și apărare (SEDE) în calitate de comisii „asociate”. În urma acordului la care s-a ajuns cu Consiliul în luna mai, un vot în plen ar trebui să aibă loc înainte de vara anului 2018. Parlamentul continuă să acționeze, la nivelul său și în limita competențelor sale, pentru a cataliza și a susține îndeplinirea efectivă și vizibilă a obiectivelor UE, în calitatea sa de furnizor de securitate, răspunzând așteptărilor cetățenilor UE.
Cap. DECIZIONAL Marius Constantin Borănescu, ambasador în Africa de Sud http://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/comunicate-de-presa/decrete-semnate-depresedintele-romaniei-domnul-klaus-iohannis1531923910
Președinte România Președintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis, a semnat miercuri, 18 iulie a.c. Decret privind acreditarea domnului Marius Constantin Borănescu, ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Republica Africa de Sud, și în calitate de ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Republica Seychelles, cu reședința la Pretoria;
Gențiana Șerbu, ambasador în Cuba http://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/comunicate-de-presa/decrete-semnate-depresedintele-romaniei-domnul-klaus-iohannis1531923910
Președinte România
Președintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis, a semnat miercuri, 18 iulie a.c. Decret privind acreditarea doamnei Gențiana Șerbu, ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Republica Cuba, și în calitate de ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Commonwealth Dominica și în Federația Sfântul Cristofor și Nevis, cu reședința la Havana; Page 31 of 48
Karin Kneissl, Ministrul Federal al Austriei pentru Europa, Integrare și Afaceri Externe http://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/comunicate-de-presa/primirea-ministrului-federalpentru-europa-integrare-si-afaceri-externe-al-austriei-doamna-karin-kneissl
Președinte România 18 Iulie 2018 | Austria
Președintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis, a primit-o miercuri, 18 iulie a.c., pe doamna Karin Kneissl, Ministrul Federal pentru Europa, Integrare și Afaceri Externe al Republicii Austria, cu prilejul vizitei oficiale pe care aceasta a efectuat-o la București, la invitația omologului român. Discuțiile cu ministrul austriac au vizat consolidarea și diversificarea cooperării bilaterale, la toate nivelurile, în perspectiva exercitării succesive de către Austria și România a Președinției Consiliului Uniunii Europene, precum și cooperarea în plan regional, european și internațional. Președintele Klaus Iohannis a salutat dialogul politic substanțial avut cu Președintele Austriei, domnul Van der Bellen, la Ruse, în luna mai, alături de omologul bulgar, și și-a exprimat deschiderea pentru continuarea acestui format pe timpul Președinției austrice a Consiliului Uniunii Europene. Totodată, Președintele României și-a exprimat speranța că desfăşurarea la București a Summitului Inițiativei celor Trei Mări, în perioada 17-18 septembrie 2018, va reprezenta o nouă oportunitate pentru a-l întâlni pe omologul austriac. Cei doi interlocutori au salutat cooperarea economică foarte solidă dintre cele două țări, subliniind importanța asigurării unui mediu economic predictibil, care să favorizeze construirea de noi legături de afaceri.
Președintele României și Ministrul Federal al Austriei pentru Europa, Integrare și Afaceri Externe au apreciat buna cooperare în ceea ce privește coordonarea mandatelor succesive la Preşedinţia Consiliului UE şi au exprimat interesul pentru îndeplinirea obiectivului comun de avansare a agendei europene, în sensul promovării unei Europe unite, fără diviziuni, centrată pe obținerea de rezultate concrete, în interesul cetăţenilor. În acest context, Președintele Klaus Iohannis a subliniat nevoia de creștere a relevanței Uniunii Europene ca actor global. Cei doi înalți oficiali au exprimat susținere pentru continuarea procesului de extindere a Uniunii în Europa de Sud-Est, cu acele state care îndeplinesc criteriile de aderare, pe baza principiului meritelor proprii, fiind discutată coordonarea eforturilor pe timpul celor două Președinții ale Consiliului Uniunii Europene. http://gov.ro/ro/stiri/intrevederea-premierului-viorica-dancila-cu-ministrul-afacerilorexterne-din-austria-karin-kneissl&page=1
Guvernul României - statistici Prim-ministrul Viorica Dăncilă a primit-o astăzi, la Palatul Victoria, pe Karin Kneissl, ministrul afacerilor externe al Republicii Austria, aflată în vizită în România. Page 32 of 48
În cadrul convorbirilor a fost subliniat nivelul bun al relațiilor dintre România și Republica Austria atât în plan bilateral, cât și la nivel UE.
Au fost menționate relațiile economice bilaterale solide, dar și potențialul încă neexploatat, de natură să stimuleze intensificarea schimburilor economice și a investițiilor. Totodată, șeful Executivului de la București și ministrul afacerilor externe austriac au discutat despre noul cadru legislativ referitor la parteneriatul public-privat și la achizițiile publice, accentul fiind pus pe o posibilă cooperare româno-austriacă în domeniul medical. Înaltul oficial român a menționat și cooperarea bună dintre cele două state în domeniul educației profesionale – învățământul dual – precizând că aceasta favorizează adaptarea necesară la cerințele pieței muncii. În context, a oferit informații despre Autoritatea Naţională pentru Formare Profesională Iniţială în Sistem Dual din România, instituție nou înființată pentru a răspunde solicitărilor privind forţa de muncă calificată. Întrevederea a prilejuit, totodată, reconfirmarea voinței comune pentru cooperare în domeniul afacerilor europene, în vederea asigurării unei tranziții eficiente de la
Președinția Austriei la Președinția României la Consiliul Uniunii Europene. Discuțiile au evidențiat așteptări și poziții comune privind o serie de dosare de actualitate, precum extinderea UE sau securitatea energetică europeană. Oficialul român a reiterat importanța respectării de către toate statele membre a accesului nediscriminatoriu la securitatea socială, în corelație cu libertatea fundamentală de circulație a cetățenilor europeni în spațiul comunitar.
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Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur
12 iul.2018 4.6596 5.2731 3.9902 159.7419
13 iul.2018 4.6589 5.2601 4.0064 159.9299
16 iul.2018 4.6550 5.2757 3.9774 159.1016
17 iul.2018 4.6572 5.2603 3.9685 158.6692
18 iul.2018 4.6541 5.2164 4.0032 157.4017
5.5 5
5.1993 4.6695
169 167 165 163 AUR Y18
161 159 157
157.4017 30-07-18
grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR
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Sistemul de raportare contabilă la 30 iunie 2018 Ministerul Finanțelor Publice Ordin pentru aprobarea Sistemului de raportare contabilă la 30 iunie 2018 a operatorilor economici, precum și pentru modificarea și completarea unor reglementări contabile Nr. 2531 din 11-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 623 din 18 Iulie 2018
Cap. MacroE Romania - IMF Country Report No. 18/148 (10/11) http://www.imf.org/en/Countries/ROU
Fondul Monetar Internațional despre România 9. The external debt continues the downward trend. After peaking in 2012 at 74.6% of GDP, the gross external has been gradually declining to 49.7% of GDP in 2017. Private sector deleveraging, both in banking and non-banking sector, has been the main driver of the declining debt. The short-term debt accounted for 27% of total external debt in 2017, and is largely covered by the intercompany lending which stands at 29% of total external debt. Public external debt at 17.2% of GDP, remains low by international standards.
10. The external debt is expected to further decline over the medium term. The external debt is expected to decline to around 41% of GDP in 2023, largely driven by nominal GDP growth and modest borrowing plans. The projected current account path remains sustainable, and debt dynamics in the scenario with key variables at their historic level is very similar to the baseline. The roll-over risk of the non-banking sector is limited, as almost all short-term exposure stems from inter-company lending. Page 35 of 48
11. Staff analysis indicates that Romania’s debt dynamics is resilient to most of the shocks, except sharp currency depreciation. The debt continues to decline under the interest rate, the growth rate, current account or combined shock scenarios, although at a slower pace. However, a stress scenario with 30% depreciation indicates that the external debt would increase sharply to over 70% of GDP in 2019, and thereafter gradually decline to around 60% of GDP in 2023.
Cap. RESURSE Proiect Hotărâre privind stabilirea preţului maxim de vânzare a gazelor naturale din producţia internă http://www.mfinante.ro/acasa.html?method=detalii&id=999602949
Ministerul Finanţelor Publice 2018-07-18
Pentru asigurarea unui mediu concurențial corect pentru sectorul de gaze naturale din Romania și stoparea creșterii necontrolate a prețurilor gazelor naturale din producția internă, reprezentanții Ministerului Finanțelor Publice și Ministerului Energiei s-au întâlnit miercuri, 18 iulie, la sediul MFP, pentru a analiza posibilitatea instituirii unor forme de control al prețurilor gazelor naturale practicate de către producătorii interni, până la data 30.06.2021. Pentru eliminarea efectelor negative asupra consumatorilor casnici, având în vedere că după 1 aprilie 2017 s-a liberalizat complet prețul de vânzare al gazelor naturale, iar tendința de creștere a fost continuă și constantă, aceasta fiind în prezent 29,5%, în timp ce pentru luna martie 2019 se estimează o creștere de 33,75%, se impune adoptarea unui act normativ care să plafoneze prețul gazelor naturale. Proiect Hotărâre privind stabilirea preţului maxim de vânzare a gazelor naturale din producţia internă Nota de fundamentare
Cap. EVENIMENTE Târguri, conferințe A&D: Farnborough 2018 Herald Insights £343 million funding for electric planes announced at Farnborough Airshow Aerospace Manufacturing11:56 Tue, 17 Jul
13 pictures of military aircraft, missiles on the tarmac at Farnborough Defense News17:19 Wed, 18 Jul
A320neo Family takes centre stage at the Farnborough Airshow Airbus21:14 Wed, 18 Jul
Agent 007 James Bond‟s next ride? Flying cars grab Farnborough Airshow‟s spotlight GeekWire01:55 Tue, 17 Jul
Airbus leads the day at opening of Farnborough Air Show Digital Journal02:12 Tue, 17 Jul
Airbus starts Day Two at Farnborough Airshow with 100 jet deal Daily Post12:37 Tue, 17 Jul
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An-178 makes demonstration flight at Farnborough Airshow Ukrinform10:55 Wed, 18 Jul
Artificial Intel, Buying Software And Old Planes: Farnborough Air Show Breaking Defense00:31 Wed, 18 Jul
Aston Martin reveals its flying vehicle design v3.co.uk11:47 Wed, 18 Jul
Aston Martin unveils „sports car for the skies‟ at Farnborough Airshow ArabNews16:38 Wed, 18 Jul
Aston Martin's Volante gives flying cars a luxurious twist The National07:05
Boeing v Airbus: Rivals fight for dominance in day of £32bn deals at Farnborough Airshow Daily Mail00:03 Tue, 17 Jul
Bombardier debuts new cabin design at Farnborough airshow Trade Arabia11:25 Tue, 17 Jul
Brexit cloud hanging over Farnborough Airshow Sky News16:14 Tue, 17 Jul
Brexit looms over Farnborough Airshow Deutsche Welle08:44 Tue, 17 Jul
Experience Virtual Flight at Farnborough Air Show With Airbus VRFocus13:07 Wed, 18 Jul
Factbox - Airbus and Boeing aircraft deals at Farnborough Airshow Reuters.co.uk12:37 Wed, 18 Jul
Factbox: Airbus and Boeing aircraft deals at Farnborough Airshow Reuters19:09 Wed, 18 Jul
Farnborough Air Show Briefs-July 16, 2018 Air Transport World00:31 Tue, 17 Jul
Farnborough Air Show Briefs-July 17, 2018 Air Transport World22:41 Tue, 17 Jul
Farnborough Air Show Briefs-July 18 Air Transport World20:11 Wed, 18 Jul
Farnborough Airshow 2018 - Airbus kicks off day three with an order for six A330neos Routesonline12:15 Wed, 18 Jul
Farnborough Airshow 2018 - Vietjet signs for an additional 100 Boeing 737 MAXs Routesonline14:26 Wed, 18 Jul
Farnborough Airshow 2018 day three - Vietjet signs for an additional 100 Boeing 737 MAXs Routesonline16:37 Wed, 18 Jul
Farnborough Airshow Day 2 Aviation International News15:45 Tue, 17 Jul
Farnborough Airshow Day 2: New Airbus jetliner orders, and mission training capabilities spotlighted Airbus20:38 Tue, 17 Jul
Farnborough Airshow Day 2: Small Jet Maker Shows Teeth Seeking Alpha13:45 Wed, 18 Jul
Farnborough Airshow opens with US$46.4 bln in deals China.org.cn06:44 Wed, 18 Jul
Farnborough Airshow: Brexit? What Brexit? Deutsche Welle23:12 Wed, 18 Jul
Farnborough Airshow: Jetmakers see brisk start to air show; UK unveils Tempest fighter jet Zee Business08:45 Tue, 17 Jul
Farnborough Day 2 Recap: Embraer Wins Big Airways News23:32 Tue, 17 Jul
Farnborough: Airbus Unveils Market Forecast and Strategy Airways News14:28 Tue, 17 Jul
Farnborough: ALC Orders 75 737 MAX and Three 787 Aircraft Airways News14:18 Tue, 17 Jul
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Farnborough: Belavia to Lease 4 737 MAX 8s From ALC Airways News12:58 Tue, 17 Jul
Farnborough: Embraer Reveals Blockbuster Orders For E1, E2 Jets Airways News17:30 Tue, 17 Jul
Farnborough: VietJet Orders 100 Boeing 737 MAX Aircraft Airways News14:49 Wed, 18 Jul
Farnborough: Volga-Dnepr Announces Major 747-8F and 777F Order Airways News12:28 Tue, 17 Jul
Gallery: Farnborough Air Show 2018 Air Transport World03:03 Tue, 17 Jul
Hamburg Aviation: Networking at Farnborough Airshow 2018 The Manufacturer14:07 Wed, 18 Jul
How Airbus racked up £20billion on first day of Farnborough Airshow Bristol Live12:12 Tue, 17 Jul
Jet Airways to buy 75 Boeing 737 Max planes for Rs 60,244 crore at Farnborough Air Show Zee Business08:05 Wed, 18 Jul
Let‟s Have A Look At The “Tempest” UK‟s 6th Generation Combat Aircraft Mock-Up Unveiled At The… The Aviationist13:17 Tue, 17 Jul
Luxurious inter-city travel 'flying taxi' concepts revealed Catch News12:47 Tue, 17 Jul
Man rescued from Alexandra Road house fire near Farnborough Airshow Get Surrey21:30 Tue, 17 Jul
Ministry of Defence delegation visits Farnborough Airshow in UK Emirates News Agency18:30 Tue, 17 Jul
Morocco Touts Economic Zones for Aerospace Investment Morocco World News20:35 Wed, 18 Jul
Name, logo of Nigeria‟s National Carrier to be unveiled at Farnborough Airshow Vanguard, Nigeria13:56 Wed, 18 Jul
New Bombardier atmosphere cabin debuts at Britain's Farnborough Air Show Bernama - Malaysian National News Agency05:04 Tue, 17 Jul
Order predictions for Farnborough Airshow 2018 Aircraft Interiors International17:08 Tue, 17 Jul
Q‟s Got Nothing on This: Aston Martin Introduces a Personal Aircraft Concept at Farnborough Airshow Robb Report03:32 Tue, 17 Jul
Reports of 'house fire' near Farnborough Airshow - live updates Get Surrey16:38 Tue, 17 Jul
Rolls-Royce demonstrates the future of engine maintenance Aerospace Manufacturing18:38 Tue, 17 Jul
Rolls-Royce unveils hybrid flying taxi at Farnborough Airshow The Hindu Business Line09:56 Tue, 17 Jul
Scenes from the 2018 Farnborough Airshow USA Today EU18:35 Wed, 18 Jul
Team Shadow unveiled at Farnborough Airshow (video)) Shephard.co.uk13:46 Wed, 18 Jul
The future is electric Airbus12:46 Tue, 17 Jul
These pictures show firefighters rescuing man from blaze near Farnborough Airshow Get Surrey13:37 Wed, 18 Jul
Turkish aviation industry shines at Farnborough Airshow Daily Sabah14:13 Tue, 17 Jul
Turkish aviation soars at Farnborough Airshow Daily Sabah16:53 Tue, 17 Jul
Turkish jet trainer becomes star of Farnborough Airshow Yeni Şafak14:37 Tue, 17 Jul
Ukraine's An-178 makes demo flight at Farnborough Airshow 2018 UNIAN14:56 Tue, 17 Jul
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Video: Aston Martin unveils 'sports car for the skies' Reuters17:08 Wed, 18 Jul
Video: Bumper deals at Farnborough as Theresa May tries to calm Brexit nerves Reuters17:01 Tue, 17 Jul
Video: Rising oil price spurs jet buying bonanza Reuters19:42 Tue, 17 Jul
Situații extreme aviatice https://aviation-safety.net/index.php
Aviation Safety
acc. date
Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport (TUPJ), Beef Island
Cessna 150
Eurocopter AS 355NP Ecureuil 2
Heliluck Aviation Co
Wang Saeng, Chonnabot District, Khon Kaen Province
Rockwell Commander 114TC
Bratislava M. R. Stefanik Airport (LZIB BTS)
Indian Air Force (IAF)
Mehra Palli, Himachal Pradesh
Gippsland GA-8 Airvan
Tropic Airlines
Mundo Maya airport
Cessna TP337G Pressurized Skymaster
near Haslach
Military aircraft
near Al Mshaweh, northern al-Hasakah province
Eurocopter AS 355NP Ecureuil 2 Date: Time:
18-JUL-2018 09:30 LT
Type: Owner/operator: Registration: C/n / msn: Fatalities: Aircraft damage: Location: Phase: Nature:
Eurocopter AS 355NP Ecureuil 2 Heliluck Aviation Co HS-PNG 5766 Fatalities: 4 / Occupants: 4 Written off (damaged beyond repair) Wang Saeng, Chonnabot District, Khon Kaen Province En route Private
Page 39 of 48
Departure airport: Saraburi Destination airport:Khon Kaen Narrative: The helicopter crashed in adverse weather conditions and was destroyed by a post impact fire. All four occupants died in the crash. Sources:
https://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1505622/three-die-in-helicopter-crashin-khon-kaen https://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1505622/ http://www.rotorspot.nl/current/hs-c.php
97 incidente în această bază de date cu acest tip de aeronavă, începând din 1983, ceea ce înseamnă că media anuală a incidentelor este de 2,8.
MiG-21 Date: Time:
18-JUL-2018 13:20 LT
Type: MiG-21 Owner/operator: Indian Air Force (IAF) Fatalities: Fatalities: 1 / Occupants: 1 Aircraft damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair) Location: Mehra Palli, Himachal Pradesh India Phase: En route Nature: Military Departure airport: Pathankot Air Force Station Destination airport:Pathankot Air Force Station Narrative: The fighter jet was on a routine mission and it took off from Pathankot Air Force Station at 12:20 p.m then crashed one hour later under unknown circumstances. The pilot died in the crash. Sources:
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www.timesofindia.com https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/mig-21-crashes-in-kangradistrict-of-himachal-118071800531_1.html?utm_source=SEO&utm_medium=ST
907 incidente în această bază de date cu acest tip de aeronavă, începând din 1963, ceea ce înseamnă că media anuală a incidentelor este de 16,5.
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LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (26 - început din 14.06.2018) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97
Securities and Exchange Commission - USA Business Segment Results of Operations We operate in four business segments: Aeronautics, MFC, RMS and Space. We organize our business segments based on the nature of the products and services offered. The financial information in the following tables includes the results of businesses we have acquired from their respective dates of acquisition and excludes businesses included in discontinued operations (see “Note 3 – Acquisitions and Divestitures” included in our Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements) for all years presented. Net sales of our business segments exclude intersegment sales as these activities are eliminated in consolidation. Operating profit of our business segments includes our share of earnings or losses from equity method investees because the operating activities of the equity method investees are closely aligned with the operations of our business segments. United Launch Alliance (ULA), results of which are included in our Space business segment, is one of our largest equity method investees. Operating profit of our business segments excludes the FAS/CAS pension adjustment described below; expense for stock-based compensation; the effects of items not considered part of management‟s evaluation of segment operating performance, such as charges related to goodwill Page 42 of 48
impairments (see “Note 1 – Significant Accounting Policies” included in our Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements) and significant severance actions (see “Note 15 – Restructuring Charges” included in our Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements); gains or losses from significant divestitures (see “Note 3 – Acquisitions and Divestitures” included in our Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements); the effects of certain legal settlements; corporate costs not allocated to our business segments; and other miscellaneous corporate activities. These items are included in the reconciling item “Unallocated items” between operating profit from our business segments and our consolidated operating profit. Our business segments‟ results of operations include pension expense only as calculated under U.S. Government Cost Accounting Standards, which we refer to as CAS pension cost. We recover CAS pension cost through the pricing of our products and services on U.S. Government contracts and, therefore, the CAS pension cost is recognized in each of our business segments‟ net sales and cost of sales. Since our consolidated financial statements must present pension expense calculated in accordance with FAS requirements under U.S. GAAP, which we refer to as FAS pension expense, the FAS/CAS pension adjustment increases or decreases the CAS pension cost recorded in our business segments‟ results of operations to equal the FAS pension expense. As a result, to the extent that CAS pension cost exceeds FAS pension expense, which occurred for 2017, 2016 and 2015, we have a favorable FAS/CAS pension adjustment. Summary operating results for each of our business segments were as follows (in millions):
The following segment discussions also include information relating to backlog for Page 43 of 48
each segment. Backlog was approximately $99.9 billion, $96.2 billion and $94.8billion at December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015. These amounts included both funded backlog (firm orders for which funding has been both authorized and appropriated by the customer) and unfunded backlog (firm orders for which funding has not yet been appropriated). Backlog does not include unexercised options or task orders to be issued under indefinite-delivery, indefinitequantity contracts. Funded backlog was approximately $73.6 billion at December 31, 2017. Management evaluates performance on our contracts by focusing on net sales and operating profit and not by type or amount of operating expense. Consequently, our discussion of business segment performance focuses on net sales and operating profit, consistent with our approach for managing the business. This approach is consistent throughout the life cycle of our contracts, as management assesses the bidding of each contract by focusing on net sales and operating profit and monitors performance on our contracts in a similar manner through their completion. We regularly provide customers with reports of our costs as the contract progresses.
ManTech International #21 https://washingtontechnology.com/toplists/top-100-lists/2018/mantech.aspx
Washington Technology - USA Top 100 Revenue:
Defense revenue:
Civilian revenue:
$271,976 ,000
  
Current Revenue Rank Historical Revenue
2017 revenue: 2017 earnings : 2016 revenue:
2016 earnings:
Headquarters: Fairfax, Va. Web address: http://www.mantech.com/Pages/Home.aspx Ticker:
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Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (11 - început #278) Changing change while it changes: The rise of disruptive military thinking https://othjournal.com/2018/06/11/changing-change-while-it-changes-the-rise-ofdisruptive-military-thinking-part-2-of-3/
Over the Horizon - USA 11.06.2018
Multe dintre procesele mecanice de planificare aparent de succes din ultimele două secole ne rețin acum. Nu ne gândim în mod critic la metodologiile noastre; armata trebuie să încorporeze practici reflexive și abilitatea de a transforma procesele într-o formă mai flexibilă și dinamică a sensului și a acționa într-o realitate complexă. An interview with Ben Zweibelson
Ben Zweibelson will be speaking at SPADE 2018, IBM’s invite-only, signature event for defense and intelligence. This year’s theme is Re-Thinking Defense and Security in the Digital Age. Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 of this design interview. Ben Zweibelson is a retired US Army Infantry officer. He is currently a doctoral student at the Australian National University, and Program Director of Joint Special Operations University, under the U.S. Special Operations Commander (SOCOM). The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Special Operations Command, the Joint Special Operations University, the United States Government or the Australian National University.
Is the military design movement stove piped or insular? To answer this question, we ought to first talk about some differences between what we in the military would call „civilian design‟ and how military organizations differ from businesses. Civilian design includes „human centric design,‟ which most military professionals are unfamiliar with. Civilians using human centric design might simply call it „design‟ and find the „civilian‟ prefix a decidedly military position on what must be „design.‟ Alternatively, some inside the military might find that the human centric design methodology, designed originally for user experience and product development in capitalistic-based economies, as something inappropriate for use within a military setting (beyond the obvious application to military users and the sale of products for military use). So, we have quite a bit of confusion on where we stand with the definition of the term „design‟ depending on where you sit, a company, an academic institution, or the military. Civilian design or human centric design processes are quite prolific in the business world and outside of the militaries. Additionally, they are used in militaries for military deliverables, and sometimes they are even applied directly to military problem solving, although I find those applications a bit misunderstood and problematic. Design saturates military activities despite our general lack of awareness about the different design processes afoot. Virtually every item used by the military is nested in industrial design or human centric design, whether it is a user experience, a new weapon system optic, or a new military requirement. In part, the term „design‟ becomes as muddled and confusing as many „planning terms‟ used by our militaries. We have some of examples of industrial design and human centric design used within military contexts, but military design isn‟t really used anywhere outside the military. This likely because most organizations outside the military don‟t find themselves confronting complexities that involve armed conflict or security considerations that exceed traditional economic activities. I am not suggesting that a business that uses design is dealing with a less complex operating environment than the military, but I draw a distinction between the two environments for content and the form of design each entity requires. Only a military organization and their rivals require a military form of design to address the complexity of armed conflict. Those groups also need human centric and industrial design for applications within that Page 45 of 48
same complexity…so all forms of design continue to overlap, be in tension, and interplay together. Militaries are not very clear about what they see as military design, while civilian industry and academia do not readily differentiate between the different types of design. Specific to its unique mission, the military must consider how, as an organization, it can reflectively operate and critically transform through necessary innovation, while maintaining a decisive advantage over adversaries. Furthermore, military organizations must address how to share design concepts and experimentation across the international community, as well as across design disciplines into industrial design settings and human-centric design settings. Currently, all organizations lean to single-discipline stove piping, where design for sociology ends up largely in sociological circles, design for postmodernism ends up in a postmodern philosophical stove pipe, human centric design (HCD) for business applications gets stove piped in development of education and academia, and the actual business practices of HCD tend to get stove piped within company intellectual property concerns. Subsequently, the lack of trans-disciplinary design across military, industrial, and human centric methodologies becomes sort of a design „tower of Babel‟ situation, where even if different designers encounter each other at a conference or engagement, they talk past one another, not realizing key differences in perspectives and definitions. I always start with, “what does design mean to you?” as a critical initial question to help me orient where I am, and where the other person is in this complex design world. The other more interesting thing about stove piping is that in industry and academia the military is often cast as „the giant state machine‟ or the „vast assemblage of legacy power‟ and so-on. The purest practitioners, and therefore usually the most stove piped people of those disciplines, are often horrified that the military is even considering using some of their concepts. We might be considered heretics or at least incompetent to use their tools, because we are not from within their established order. The irony is not lost on me. For example, systems theorists demand that the military, if we are to use systems theory, subscribe to systems theory and disregard those outside the discipline, such as postmodernists. The same is true of sociologists. As a military design practitioner, at the end of a busy day, I may be called a heretic from all of these different design discipline groups, because all design is supposed to be in accordance with their own single-discipline interpretation of what design ought to be. So, we are all contributing a bit to the stove pipes, but recently I have seen quite a bit of effort across the disciplines for some “breaking of these silos,” to borrow the title of a recent military design conference hosted this past January in Ottawa by the Canadian military and their academia.
Cap. DIVERSE Universitatea Tehnică și compania STABRIS au dezbătut soluții pentru adaptarea la noua legislație pentru prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal http://www.tuiasi.ro/stiri/stabris-tuiasi-conferinta-2018
TV Iași În data de 17.07.2018, firma STABRIS Iași, în parteneriat cu Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iași (TUIASI), Facultatea de Economie și Administrarea Afacerilor (FEAA) și Facultatea de Informatică de la Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași (UAIC) a organizat „CONFERINȚA STABRIS – GDPR: preocupări, probleme, soluții”, care a reunit specialiști din Iași și București cu competență Page 46 of 48
națională în problematica prelucrării datelor cu caracter personal, precum și reprezentanți ai mediilor academic și de afaceri. Evenimentul a avut loc în sala de conferințe a Camerei de Comerț și Industrie Iași, între orele 0900-1300. Organizatorii au dorit ca, prin temele și discuțiile cu caracter aplicativ, conferința să constituie un eveniment de referință în plan regional, în cadrul căruia cunoștințele și experiențele practice dobândite după intrarea în vigoare a Regulamentului (UE) 2016/679, de către specialiștii în consultanță ai STABRIS și ceilalți experți invitați, să fie prezentate public în scopul facilitării preluării acestora și utilizării la nivelul organizațiilor interesate de asigurarea conformității cu prevederile RGPD.
În deschiderea manifestării au luat cuvântul managerul STABRIS – ec. dr. Cristian Obreja, rectorul TUIASI, prof. univ. dr. ing. Dan Cașcaval, și prodecanul FEAA, prof. univ. dr. Costel Istrate. Managerul STABRIS, ec. dr. Cristian Obreja, a subliniat importanța parteneriatelor pe care firma STABRIS le are cu Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” și cu Facultatea de Informatică și FEAA de la UAIC, care, în anul 2018 s-au materializat deja prin organizarea a două evenimente pe teme de interes public: „Conferința STABRIS – managementul securității organizației” (30 ianuarie 2018) și „Conferința STABRIS – RGPD: preocupări, probleme, soluții” (17 iulie 2018). Managerul STABRIS a mai apreciat că astfel de activități comune între mediul privat și cel academic sunt foarte utile și constituie oportunități de comunicare între universități și angajatori, legate de domeniile de nișă în care există nevoie de absolvenți bine pregătiți. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Antrenamente pentru aniversarea Zilei Aviației și a Forțelor Aeriene http://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/15982_Antrenamente-pentru-aniversarea-ZileiAvia%C8%9Biei-%C8%99i-a-For%C8%9Belor-Aeriene
Ministerul Apărării Naţionale COMUNICAT NR. 208 Data: 18.07.2018
Aparate de zbor din dotarea Forțelor Aeriene Române, Ministerului Afacerilor Interne și Serviciului Român de Informații participă în zilele de 18 și 19 iulie la zboruri de antrenament în pregătirea ceremoniei dedicate Zilei Aviației și a Forțelor Aeriene Române, ce va avea loc vineri, 20 iulie, începând cu ora 10.00, la Monumentul Eroilor Aerului din București. Page 47 of 48
La antrenamente vor participa avioane de tip F-16 Fighting Falcon, C-27J Spartan, C-130 Hercules, precum și elicoptere IAR-330 Puma, MI-17/18 și EC-135. De asemenea, la repetiții participă și avioane de vânătoare F-15 Eagle aparținând Forțelor Aeriene ale Statelor Unite ale Americii ce participă la exercițiul Dacian Eagle 2018 desfășurat la Câmpia Turzii. Persoană de contact pentru detalii suplimentare: locotenent-colonel Ionuț Neamu, tel. 0724348252.
Proiecte de acte normative aflate în dezbatere publică http://dlaj.mapn.ro/
Ministerul Apărării Naţionale Ordin pentru stabilirea criteriilor de sprijinire a asociaţiilor şi fundaţiilor de utilitate publică, cu reprezentare la nivel naţional, care îşi desfăşoară activitatea în domeniile de responsabilitate ale Ministerului Apărării Naţionale fisiere disponibile:
(data afisarii: 2018-07-17)
Hotărâre pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative privind stabilirea cuantumului şi condiţiilor de acordare a compensaţiei lunare pentru chirie. fisiere disponibile:
(data afisarii: 2018-07-16)
Se pregătește cea mai mare grevă la Ryanair, va afecta aproape 50.000 de clienți https://www.profit.ro/stiri/social/se-pregateste-cea-mai-mare-greva-la-ryanair-va-afecta-aproape-50-000-de-clienti-18280129
Profit.ro Ryanair, cea mai mare companie aeriană low-cost din Europa, a anunțat miercuri că va anula peste 12% din zboruri din cauza grevei piloților, programată în perioada 2526 iulie, transmite Reuters.
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