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ZI DE ZI vineri, 20 iulie 2018


21 iulie: Ziua Aviaţiei Române şi a Forţelor Aeriene

pg. 30

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vineri, 20 iulie 2018

semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 6 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 6 Elicopterele de atac AH-1Z Viper şi cele de transport UH-1Y Venom au mai facut un pas spre Armata Română. ............................................................................................................. 7 Care este legătura între Avioane Craiova și avioanele F-16? ................................................ 7 Revizia avionului prăbușit la Bacău a fost efectuată la Avioane Craiova în 2015 ................ 8 Insights ................................................................................................................................... 8 Boeing Signs Commitment with Customer for 100 737 MAX Airplanes ........................... 10 BAE to Provide Flight Controls for Next-generation F-16s in UAE ................................... 10 Undisclosed Customer Orders 10 A320neo Aircraft ........................................................... 10 Embraer and Kenya Airways Sign Comprehensive Spare Parts Support Contract ............. 11 Boeing Signs Commitments for 40 High-Capacity 737 MAX 8s, 53 MAX 8 Airplanes .... 11 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate factorilor specifici pieții avioanelor comerciale (20 - început #270) ................................................................. 13 Turkish Aerospace eyes more Atak deals after Pakistan win .............................................. 14 Cap. NAVAL ....................................................................................................................... 15 Bulgarian Parliament greenlights naval patrol vessel acquisition project ............................ 16 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 16 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 17 Saab Launches New Anti-Ship Missile System ................................................................... 19 Cap. NATO/OTAN ............................................................................................................ 19 Cum s-a decis la Summit-ul NATO de la Bruxelles adaptarea la o nouă lume si ce are de facut România (1/3) .............................................................................................................. 19 Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 20 Antitrust: Commission fines Google €4.34 billion for illegal practices regarding Android mobile devices to strengthen dominance of Google's search engine ................................... 20 Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of joint control over Noustique by Puig International and BSH .......................................................................................................... 20 Concentrations : La Commission autorise l'acquisition d'Aluminium Dunkerque par Liberty Industries France .................................................................................................................. 21 Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of sole control over ZKW by LG Electronics ..... 21 Antitrust: Commission sends Supplementary Statement of Objections on predatory pricing to Qualcomm ........................................................................................................................ 21

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Capital Markets Union: Commission provides guidance on protection of cross-border EU investments ........................................................................................................................... 22 CARIFORUM ...................................................................................................................... 22 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 23 Programul european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP) (8/11) ......... 23 Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (1/11) .............................................. 24 Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 25 Apelului matinal - interviu cu ministrul Apărării Mihai Fifor ............................................. 25 Acte normative adoptate sau de care Guvernul a luat act în ședința din 19 iulie 2018 ........ 26 Maria Magdalena Grigore, eliberare funcție ........................................................................ 27 Maria Magdalena Grigore, SdS la MAE .............................................................................. 27 Ovidiu Marcel Sîrbu, SdS la MT ......................................................................................... 27 Sorin-Valeriu Naș, SdS la MMACA .................................................................................... 27 Victor Stelian Fedorca, eliberare funcție.............................................................................. 27 Victor Stelian Fedorca, președinte ANFPISDR ................................................................... 28 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 28 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 28 Cap. MacroE ...................................................................................................................... 29 Romania - IMF Country Report No. 18/148 (11/11) ........................................................... 29 Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 30 20 iulie - Ziua Aviaţiei Române şi a Forţelor Aeriene ......................................................... 30 Târguri, conferințe A&D: Farnborough Air Show 2018...................................................... 31 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .................................................................................................... 32 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (27 - început din 14.06.2018) .......................... 32 BAE Systems #22................................................................................................................. 35 Offset agreement (1)............................................................................................................. 35 Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (12 început #278) ........................................................................................................................ 36 Three ways airlines can use customer data to improve passenger experience ..................... 39 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE............................................................................... 41 Cap. DIVERSE ................................................................................................................... 42 Internshipul........................................................................................................................... 42 fiecare știre reprezintă doar punctul de vedere al autorului acesteia, iar linkul conduce la sursa originală și la forma integrală a articolului.

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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 251,61 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0

240.00 230.00

200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00


















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Elicopterele de atac AH-1Z Viper şi cele de transport UH-1Y Venom au mai facut un pas spre Armata Română. Ce performanţe au cele 45 de aparate https://adevarul.ro/news/eveniment/video-elicopterele-atac-ah-1z-viper-celetransport-uh-1y-venom-mai-facut-pas-armata-romana-performante-cele-45-aparate1_5b507f61df52022f7568ad18/index.html

Adevărul 19 iulie 2018, 15:18 Valentin Bolocan

Americanii par să se desprindă în câştigătorii bătăliei cu francezii de la Airbus pentru contractul de dotare a Armatei Române cu elicoptere. Concret, Joel Best, unul dintre responsabilii companiei americane Bell Helicopter, a declarat că a fost finalizat studiul privind modul în care se va face transferul de tehnologie către IAR Ghimbav. Este vorba de 21 de elicoptere de transport UH-1Y Venom şi de 24 de elicoptere de atac AH-1Z Viper care vor fi produse pentru Armata Română. Modelele pleacă în misiuni în tanderm şi sunt identice cu cele aflate în dotarea puşcaşilor marini din United States Marine Corps. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Care este legătura între Avioane Craiova și avioanele F-16? http://www.gds.ro/Local/2018-07-19/care-este-legatura-intre-avioane-craiova-siavioanele-f-16/

Gazeta de Sud - Craiova acum 1 zi Ramona OLARU

Armata are în dotare aparate F-16 și urmează să mai cumpere, astfel că trebuie școliți și piloții de pe astfel de avioane

După modernizarea care va avea loc în fabrica de avioane de la Craiova, avioanele armatei se vor numi „Super Șoim“. Concret, reprezentanții uzinei spun că vor modifica întreaga configurație a actualelor IAR 99 Șoim, astfel încât piloții care vor fi școliți pe noul „Super Șoim“ vor fi apți să piloteze apoi avioanele F-16 cu care s-a dotat armata. Avioanele IAR 99 Șoim produse în trecut la Avioane Craiova vor fi modernizate tot la uzina din Bănie, astfel încât cockpitul să semene cu cel al unui F-16 Ministerul Apărării Naționale a anunțat, zilele trecute, că va demara un program de modernizare a celor 21 de avioane IAR 99 și IAR 99 Șoim aflate în dotarea Armatei Române. Aparatele de tip școală pe care sunt instruiți piloții militari din România vor fi modernizate la Craiova, iar după modificările aduse în uzina de profil din Bănie, acestea vor purta denumirea de IAR 99 Super Șoim. Potrivit datelor date publicității de MApN, valoarea totală a proiectului ar costa 124 de milioane de euro fără TVA, iar programul de aduce a aparatelor armatei la stadiul de „Super Șoim“ a fost aprobat în ședința CSAT din data de 4 aprilie 2018. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 7 of 42

Revizia avionului prăbușit la Bacău a fost efectuată la Avioane Craiova în 2015 http://www.gds.ro/Local/2018-07-18/revizia-avionului-prabusit-la-bacau-a-fostefectuata-la-avioane-craiova-in-2015/

Gazeta de Sud - Craiova 18 iulie 2018 Ramona OLARU

Avioanele IAR 99 Șoim aflate în dotarea Armatei române au fost produse la Craiova și tot aici se fac reviziile generale

Aparatul de zbor IAR 99 Șoim care s-a prăbușit luni avea o vechime de 12 ani și ieșise din garanție de aproximativ un an. Iată care este procedura de avizare după ce se face o revizie tehnică la un aparat IAR 99 Șoim. Avioanele tip școală ale Armatei Române au dotări vechi de 22-30 de ani. Au apărut detalii noi legate de avionul militar de tipul IAR 99 Șoim care s-a prăbușit luni, în apropiere de baza aeriană de la Bacău. Aparatul de zbor a fost produs la Craiova și a ieșit pe poarta fabricii în mai 2006, iar în luna iunie 2015 s-a încheiat revizia generală efectuată tot la fabrica de avioane din Craiova, potrivit datelor obținute de GdS de la companie. „Este un avion care a trecut toate testele după ce sa efectuat revizia generală, care a avut loc tot la Avioane Craiova, iar în iunie 2015 a fost predat beneficiarului. La revizia generală a avut loc o reparație capitală. Se verifică toate comenzile, mecanismele, care se reconfigurează. Este ca un avion nou, doar că structura este una veche. Acel avion era un aparat sigur. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Insights        

Undisclosed Customer Orders 10 A320neo Aircraft Embraer and Kenya Airways Sign Comprehensive Spare Parts Support Contract Viva Aerobus firms up order for 25 A321neo, 16 A321neo upconversions Saab announces participation in DARTeC aviation research consortium Spirit AeroSystems Advances Use of Robotics for Quality Inspection of LargeScale Aerospace Structures BAE to Provide Flight Controls for Next-generation F-16s in UAE AW109 GrandNew light twin enters Irish VIP market Kratos Receives Sole Source, Single Award $109 M Maximum Value 3 Year Production Contract for AFSAT BQM-167A High Performance Unmanned Aerial Target Drone Systems Page 8 of 42

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Air Transat Selects P&W GTF Engines to Power 17 A321neo Family Aircraft from AerCap AW169 Helicopter Grows Stronger in UK EMS Market With Selection by Magpas Air Ambulance

AirAsia X orders 100 A330neo jets from Airbus for RM122bil The Star Online03:23

Airbus hands over Empire Test Pilot School H125 to QinetiQ HeliHub14:15 Thu, 19 Jul

Airbus Introduces New 'BelugaXL' Plane That Looks Like a Flying Whale Maxim00:25

Airbus retains some European resolve as Boeing pushes up its aircraft delivery prediction for… Blue Swan Daily04:04

Airbus-Boeing duel intensifies; small jets make a haul Business Times Online01:01

As the Farnborough Air Show ends, Boeing emerges clearly ahead The Seattle Times02:51

Avionics technician at work Skies Magazine18:10 Thu, 19 Jul

Bell 429 Celebrates over 330 000 hours of operation HeliHub14:55 Thu, 19 Jul

Bell Commercial Deliveries Surge in Second Quarter Aviation International News19:33 Thu, 19 Jul

Boeing awarded $264M contract for MH-47 Support Services HeliHub21:18 Thu, 19 Jul

Boeing dominates, beats Airbus in orders at Farnborough Airshow Fox News00:40

Boeing, Airbus orders soar as Farnborough show closes USA Today EU00:21

Chinooks arrive in Mali IHS Jane's16:29 Thu, 19 Jul

Daily briefing: Boeing gets 528 orders at the Farnborough Airshow compared to 431 for Airbus Daily Mail00:10

DAILY BRIEFING: Boeing gets 528 orders at the Farnborough Airshow compared to 431 for arch-rival Airbus This is Money00:10

First ground test of Safran‟s hybrid electric propulsion system Vertical Magazine20:10 Thu, 19 Jul

HAI aids human external cargo operators with FAA exemptions Vertical Magazine22:21 Thu, 19 Jul

Helicopter noise 'elder abuse' Stuff.co.nz03:24

Leonardo AW109 GrandNew light twin enters Irish VIP market Vertical Magazine15:19 Thu, 19 Jul

Magpas Air Ambulance selects AW169 to replace MD Explorer HeliHub20:08 Thu, 19 Jul

Mosquito XE285 co-designer identified as crash victim Vertical Magazine16:39 Thu, 19 Jul

New CAMTS-CAMTS EU dual accreditation awarded Vertical Magazine16:29 Thu, 19 Jul

NH90 Sea Lion starts Qualification phase HeliHub14:35 Thu, 19 Jul

Sloane Helicopters opens up Irish corporate market with AW109 GrandNew sale HeliHub15:56 Thu, 19 Jul

Super Jumbo's not dead yet, insists Airbus, despite airlines turning to smaller planes for short-haul routes This is Money00:10

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Boeing Signs Commitment with Customer for 100 737 MAX Airplanes http://www.asdnews.com/news/aerospace/2018/07/19/boeing-signs-commitmentwith-customer-100-737-max-airplanes

Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) Date: Jul 19, 2018

Boeing [NYSE: BA] and an unidentified customer reached an agreement during the 2018 Farnborough International Airshow for an additional 100 737 MAX airplanes, the company announced. The commitment carries a list-price value of $11.7 billion and will be reflected on Boeing's Orders and Deliveries website once it is finalized. "We are honored that so many customers continue to see the unmatched value of the 737 MAX airplane family and are coming back to place repeat orders. This is a significant commitment that reflects the strong demand for the MAX and the health of the single-aisle market," said Ihssane Mounir , senior vice president of Commercial Sales & Marketing for The Boeing Company. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

BAE to Provide Flight Controls for Next-generation F-16s in UAE http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/07/19/bae-provide-flight-controlsnextgeneration-f16s-uae

Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: BAE Systems PLC (LSE: BAES.L) Date: Jul 19, 2018

Digital Flight Control Computer is the latest high integrity control BAE Systems will provide for F-16 aircraft BAE Systems has been selected by Lockheed Martin to provide flight controls to upgrade next-generation F-16 aircraft for the United Arab Emirates. The company will provide the F-16s with its advanced Digital Flight Control Computer, which receives demand inputs from the pilots‟ control stick and rudder pedals, and monitors current flight conditions from on-board sensors. It also rapidly computes and transmits commands to all actuators throughout the aircraft, including rudders, stabilizers, and spoilers to maintain controlled flight. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Undisclosed Customer Orders 10 A320neo Aircraft http://www.asdnews.com/news/aerospace/2018/07/19/undisclosed-customer-orders10-a320neo-aircraft

Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: Airbus, an EADS N.V. company (Paris: EAD.PA) Date: Jul 19, 2018

A customer has signed a Memorandum of Understanding for 10 A320neo aircraft at the 2018 Farnborough International Airshow. Featuring the widest single aisle cabin in the sky, the efficient A320neo Family incorporates the very latest technologies including new generation engines and Sharklets, which together deliver more than 15 percent fuel and CO2 savings from day one and 20 percent by 2020 as well as 50 percent noise reduction. With more than 6,100 orders received from over 100 customers, the A320neo Family has captured some 60 percent of the market.

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Embraer and Kenya Airways Sign Comprehensive Spare Parts Support Contract http://www.asdnews.com/news/aviation/2018/07/19/embraer-kenya-airways-signcomprehensive-spare-parts-support-contract

Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (NYSE: ERJ) Date: Jul 19, 2018

Embraer and Kenya Airways announced today at the 2018 Farnborough Airshow the signing of a multi-year contract for the Embraer Collaborative Inventory Planning (ECIP) program. Under this contract, Embraer will take over the planning and replenishment of a sizeable portion of Kenya Airways‟ spare parts stock covering the 15 Embraer E190 aircraft operated by the airline. ECIP is part of a suite of services that Embraer offers or has under development to support the worldwide growing fleet of Embraer aircraft through TechCare, the new Embraer platform that assembles the entire portfolio of products and solutions to deliver the best experience of services and support. Main benefits of program include guaranteed availability of parts, optimised inventory with reduced inventory holding cost, fixed spare parts prices, short replenishment lead times and a door-to-door delivery service. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Boeing Signs Commitments for 40 High-Capacity 737 MAX 8s, 53 MAX 8 Airplanes http://www.asdnews.com/news/aerospace/2018/07/18/boeing-signs-commitments40-highcapacity-737-max-8s-53-max-8-airplanes

Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) Date: Jul 18, 2018

Boeing [NYSE: BA] and four customers have signed commitments for a total of 93 737 MAX airplanes, including a carrier that has committed to 40 of the high-capacity version of the MAX 8 airplane. The commitments, valued at nearly $11 billion at current list prices, were announced at the 2018 Farnborough International Airshow. The agreements will be reflected on Boeing's Orders and Deliveries website when they have been finalized. The four unidentified customers hail from the airline and airplane leasing industries. "Today's announcement is yet more proof of the strong demand that we continue to see around the world for the 737 MAX airplane family," said Ihssane Mounir , senior vice president of Commercial Sales and Marketing for The Boeing Company. "The best-in-class capabilities of the 737 MAX - its superior efficiency, reliability and passenger comfort – are driving the long-term success of this popular program." The 737 MAX family is designed to offer customers exceptional performance, with lower per-seat costs and an extended range to open up new destinations in the single-aisle market. The MAX family provides operators a 14-percent improvement over today's most efficient single-aisle airplanes. The high-capacity MAX 8 variant, which can accommodate 200 seats, offers up to a 20-percent fuel efficiency improvement per seat. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate factorilor specifici pieții avioanelor comerciale (20 început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports

Airbus extras Commercial Aircraft Market Factors Historically, order intake for commercial aircraft has shown cyclical trends, due in part to changes in passenger demand for air travel and the air cargo share of freight activity, which are in turn driven by a range of economic variables, such as gross domestic product (“GDP”) growth, private consumption levels or working age population size. Other factors, however, play an important role in determining the market for commercial aircraft, such as (i) the average age and technical obsolescence of the fl eet relative to new aircraft, (ii) the number and characteristics of aircraft taken out of service and parked pending potential return into service, (iii) passenger and freight load factors, (iv) airline pricing policies and resultant yields, (v) airline financial health and the availability of outside financing for aircraft purchases, (vi) evolution of fuel price, (vii) regulatory environment, (viii) environmental constraints imposed upon aircraft operations and (ix) market evolutionary factors such as the growth of low-cost passenger airline business models or the impact of ecommerce on air cargo volumes. The market for commercial aircraft could continue to be cyclical, and downturns in broad economic trends may have a negative effect on its financial condition and results of operations. The commercial helicopter market could also be infl uenced by a number of factors listed above. The civil & parapublic and oil & gas market softness has led to a postponement of investments in the acquisition of new

Din punct de vedere istoric, preluarea de comenzi pentru aeronavele comerciale a arătat tendințe ciclice, datorate în parte schimbărilor în cererea pasagerilor pentru călătoriile aeriene și cotei de transport aerian de marfă din activitatea de transport aerian, care sunt la rândul lor influențate de o serie de variabile economice, cum ar fi creșterea produsului intern brut ("PIB"), nivelul consumului privat sau mărimea populației în vârstă de muncă. Alți factori joacă totuși un rol important în determinarea pieței aeronavelor comerciale, cum ar fi (i) vârsta medie și uzura tehnică a flotei în raport cu noile aeronave, (ii) numărul și caracteristicile aeronavelor scoase din uz și parcate în așteptarea unei potențiale reveniri în funcțiune, (iii) factorii de încărcare a pasagerilor și mărfurilor, (iv) politicile companiilor aeriene de stabilire a prețurilor și randamentele rezultate, (v) sănătatea financiară a companiilor aeriene și disponibilitatea finanțării externe pentru achizițiile de aeronave, (vi) evoluția prețului combustibilului, (vii) reglementările, (viii) constrângerile de mediu impuse asupra operațiunilor și aeronavelor (ix) factorii de evoluție ai pieței, cum ar fi creșterea modelelor de afaceri aeriene de pasageri cu costuri reduse sau impactul comerțului electronic asupra volumelor de marfă aeriană. Piața aeronavelor comerciale ar putea continua să fie ciclică, iar tendințele declinului economic general poate avea un efect negativ asupra situației sale financiare și a rezultatelor operațiunilor. Piața comercială a elicopterelor ar putea fi, de asemenea, influențată de mai mulți factori enumerați mai sus. Mărirea pieței civile și parapublice și a pieței de petrol și gaze a dus la amânarea investițiilor în achiziționarea de noi platforme de către jucători de elicoptere offshore și la reducerea orelor de trecere. Schimbările

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platforms by offshore helicopter players and a reduction of fl ight hours. Structural changes of the oil & gas segment are not anticipated at current oil price levels. The uncertainty on the lead time of the market recovery may have an impact on Airbus Helicopters financial results and could lead to cancellations or loss of bookings and services.

structurale ale segmentului de petrol și gaze nu sunt anticipate la nivelurile actuale ale prețului petrolului. Incertitudinea privind timpul de recuperare a pieței poate avea un impact asupra rezultatelor financiare ale Airbus Helicopters și ar putea duce la anularea sau pierderea rezervărilor și serviciilor.

Turkish Aerospace eyes more Atak deals after Pakistan win https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/farnborough-turkish-aerospace-eyesmore-atak-deals-450461/?cmpid=NLC|FGFG|FGDAY-20190719&sfid=701w0000000vuCn


Turkish Aerospace is confident of more international sales for its T129 attack helicopter, given the demanding process that Pakistan put the rotorcraft through prior to its recent 30 aircraft order. A schedule has yet to be set for deliveries as there remain export license formalities that need to be sorted out with the Turkish and Italian defence ministries, said Gorkem Bilgi, corporate marketing manager at Turkish Aerospace. Rome is involved because the T129 is largely based on the Leonardo Helicopters AW129 Mangusta. In addition, the helicopter‟s T800 engines are produced by a joint venture between Honeywell and Rolls-Royce – the Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Company.


Bilgi spoke with FlightGlobal in the company‟s static display. Once these formalities are sorted out, Bilgi says that deliveries can commence in three months. The deal involves the helicopters, logistics, training, and weapons. He says the Pakistan deal is a watershed for Turkey‟s aerospace industry. “Following Pakistan there are a lot of countries that we are negotiating with,” he says. “Pakistan is a tough customer. We went to the Himalayas for high altitude tests, we went to desert for testing in hot conditions at 52C. They tested the helicopter for four years. It‟s kind of a diploma – if you sell a helicopter to Pakistan, then all countries are interested.” ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Bulgarian Parliament greenlights naval patrol vessel acquisition project https://sofiaglobe.com/2018/07/19/bulgarian-parliament-greenlights-naval-patrolvessel-acquisition-project/

The Sofia Globe July 19, 2018 in Bulgaria

Comments Off on Bulgarian Parliament greenlights naval patrol vessel acquisition project

Bulgaria‟s National Assembly voted on July 19 overwhelmingly in favour of an updated version of a project to acquire 2 patrol vessels for the navy for a sum close to a billion leva. The vote was 135 in favour, nine against and with one abstention. The only parliamentary group to oppose the project was the Bulgarian Parliament‟s smallest, the populist Volya party. The acquisition project envisages two new patrol vessels, which when acquired will mean the decommissioning of 3 Soviet-made Bulgarian Navy ships. Defence committee head Konstantin Popov opened the debate by urging a vote in favour, saying that then the good news could be conveyed to the Navy currently participating in the multinational Briz 2018 exercise at Bulgaria‟s Black Sea coast. The proposal updates the project approved by a previous National Assembly in June 2016. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Insights Bulgarian Parliament Voted for Two New Naval Vessels Novinite13:26 Thu, 19 Jul

HMS Naval Base Clyde goes to Glasgow Pride Helensburgh Advertiser22:09 Thu, 19 Jul

Intel reports warn of terrorists attack near LoC, Amarnath Yatra; claim ISI training LeT, Hizbul men to target naval… Firstpost05:36 Thu, 19 Jul

Naval commander meets IGP The Nation02:49

Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Awards Hillard Heintze a Five-Year Delivery Order for Workplace Violence… GlobeNewswire00:02 Thu, 19 Jul

Naval officers to be sentenced next week Fiji Times02:23

President Ilham Aliyev met with Chairman and CEO of Naval Group in Paris Azeri-Press Agency20:30 Thu, 19 Jul

This May Be The Most Sexually Suggestive Naval Screw-Up In Military History Task & Purpose15:38 Thu, 19 Jul

U.S. naval ships have right to traverse Taiwan Strait: official Focus Taiwan11:59 Thu, 19 Jul

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Saab Launches New Anti-Ship Missile System http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/35044

Israel Defense Ami Rojkes Dombe 18/07/2018


The RBS15 missile family is jointly produced by Saab and Diehl Defense GmbH & Co. KG and serves with various navies, coastal batteries and air forces from Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland, Croatia, Thailand and an undisclosed country. The name Gungnir is from Scandinavian mythology and refers to the Norse god Odin‟s spear which never missed its target. RBS15 Gungnir is the system level name whilst in the air-launched configuration the missile is called the RBS15 Mk4 Air. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. NATO/OTAN Cum s-a decis la Summit-ul NATO de la Bruxelles adaptarea la o nouă lume si ce are de facut România (1/3) http://www.zf.ro/opinii/cum-s-a-decis-la-summit-ul-nato-de-la-bruxelles-adaptarea-lao-noua-lume-si-ce-are-de-facut-romania-17360051

Ziarul Financiar miercuri, 12:20 Florin Luca1 Secretar General al Fundatiei Europene Titulescu

Summit-ul NATO ce a avut loc in perioada 11-12 iulie 2018 la Bruxelles a fost evenimentul euro-atlantic ce a starnit cea mai mare pasiune din partea mass-media si a publicului larg in ultima perioada. Fiind invitat sa particip la o serie de dezbateri importante din cadrul Summit-ului, am avut ocazia sa interactionez cu inalti oficiali NATO (1), şefi de state sau de guverne (2), ministri / parlamentari (3). In paralel, am avut cateva întâlniri individuale cu înalţi demnitari ai NATO / oameni de stat (inclusiv cu Paolo Alli, Presedintele Adunarii Parlamentare a NATO si Joseph Day, Liderul Senatorilor Liberali din Canada), lideri ai unor mari organizatii internationale specializate pe probleme de securitate si mi-am putut exprima public punctul de vedere in legătura cu viitorul Alianţei Nord-Atlantice. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... 1


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Cap. EUROPA Antitrust: Commission fines Google €4.34 billion for illegal practices regarding Android mobile devices to strengthen dominance of Google's search engine http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express.htm#

EUROPA The European Commission has fined Google €4.34 billion for breaching EU antitrust rules. Since 2011, Google has imposed illegal restrictions on Android device manufacturers and mobile network operators to cement its dominant position in general internet search. In particular, Google: (i) has required manufacturers to preinstall the Google Search app and browser app (Chrome), as a condition for licensing Google's app store (the Play Store); (ii) made payments to certain large manufacturers and mobile network operators on condition that they exclusively preinstalled the Google Search app on their devices; and (iii) has prevented manufacturers wishing to pre-install Google apps from selling even a single smart mobile device running on alternative versions of Android that were not approved by Google (so called "Android forks"). Google must now bring the conduct effectively to an end within 90 days or face penalty payments of up to 5% of the average daily worldwide turnover of Alphabet, Google's parent company. Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: "Today, mobile internet makes up more than half of global internet traffic. It has changed the lives of millions of Europeans. Our case is about three types of restrictions that Google has imposed on Android device manufacturers and network operators to ensure that traffic on Android devices goes to the Google search engine. In this way, Google has used Android as a vehicle to cement the dominance of its search engine. These practices have denied rivals the chance to innovate and compete on the merits. They have denied European consumers the benefits of effective competition in the important mobile sphere. This is illegal under EU antitrust rules." For more information, see full press release, which is available in all languages. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Giulia Astuti – +32 229 55344)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of joint control over Noustique by Puig International and BSH http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express.htm#

EUROPA The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control over Noustique Perfumes, S.L. of Spain, by Puig International, S.A. of Switzerland and BSH Hausgeräte GmbH ("BSH") of Germany. Noustique is active in the development and promotion of a new product in the perfume sector. Puig International is active in the manufacture and distribution of fragrances and cosmetics. BSH manufactures and distributes home appliances via its global and local brands. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns given the lack of horizontal overlaps and vertical relationships between the companies' activities. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competitionwebsite, in the public case register under the case number M.8891. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Giulia Astuti – +32 229 55344) Page 20 of 42

Concentrations : La Commission autorise l'acquisition d'Aluminium Dunkerque par Liberty Industries France http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express.htm#

EUROPA La Commission Européenne a approuvé, en vertu du règlement européen sur les concentrations, l'acquisition d'Aluminium Dunkerque (France) par Liberty Industries France (France), contrôlée par Liberty House Group (Royaume-Uni). Aluminium Dunkerque fabrique de l'aluminium primaire en France. Liberty House Group est actif dans la production, le négoce et le recyclage d'acier et d'aluminium ainsi que dans la fabrication de produits d'ingénierie à valeur ajoutée, dans le monde entier. La Commission a conclu que la concentration envisagée ne soulèverait pas de problème de concurrence, compte tenu de son impact très limité sur la structure du marché. La transaction a été examinée dans le cadre de la procédure simplifiée de contrôle des concentrations. De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur le site internet concurrence de la Commission, dans le registre public des affaires sous le numéro d'affaire M.8939. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Giulia Astuti – +32 229 55344)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of sole control over ZKW by LG Electronics http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express.htm#

EUROPA The European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the acquisition of ZKW Holding GmbH and Mommert Gewerbeimmobilien Verwaltungs GmbH, both of Austria (together "ZKW"), by LG Electronics, Inc. of South Korea. ZKW is a manufacturer of automotive lighting that develops and produces lighting systems for the full range of automotive vehicles. ZKW mainly produces front lighting systems for original equipment manufacturers in the European Union. LG Electronics is aproducer and supplier of electronics, mobile communications devices and home appliances on a global level. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns given the negligible overlap between the companies' activities in the European Economic Area. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.8938. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Giulia Astuti – +32 229 55344)

Antitrust: Commission sends Supplementary Statement of Objections on predatory pricing to Qualcomm http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express.htm#

EUROPA The European Commission has sent a Supplementary Statement of Objections to Qualcomm Inc. This is a procedural step in the Commission's ongoing investigation under EU antitrust rules looking into whether Qualcomm engaged in 'predatory pricing'. The Commission sent a Statement of Objections to Qualcomm in December 2015 detailing its concerns. In particular, the Commission's preliminary view is that between 2009 and 2011 Qualcomm sold certain UMTS baseband chipsets at prices below cost, with the intention of eliminating Icera, its main competitor in the leading Page 21 of 42

edge segment of the market at that time. UMTS chipsets are key components of mobile devices. They enable both voice and data transmission in third generation (3G) cellular communication. The Supplementary Statement of Objections sent today focuses on certain elements of the "price-cost" test applied by the Commission to assess the extent to which UMTS baseband chipsets were sold by Qualcomm at prices below cost. The sending of a Supplementary Statement of Objections does not prejudge the outcome of the investigation. More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number AT.39711. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Giulia Astuti – +32 229 55344)

Capital Markets Union: Commission provides guidance on protection of cross-border EU investments http://europa.eu/rapid/midday-express.htm#

EUROPA The Commission has today issued guidance to help EU investors to invoke their rights before national administrations and courts and to help Member States to protect the public interest in compliance with EU law. Today's Communication aims to strengthen the business environment for EU investors. This is a crucial element in supporting more investment in the EU single market. EU law does not solve all problems investors may face in their activities. However, the Communication clarifies that EU law protects EU investors' rights, and investors can enforce these rights before national administrations and courts. EU investors can no longer rely on intraEU bilateral investment treaties ('intra-EU BITs'). As the Commission has consistently stated, these treaties are illegal as they overlap with the EU single market rules and discriminate between EU investors. In a recent judgment (on the Achmea case), the Court of Justice of the European Union confirmed that investor-State arbitration in intra-EU BITs is illegal. Following this judgment, the Commission has intensified its dialogue with all Member States, calling on them to take action to terminate the intraEU BITs. A full press release and MEMO can be found online. (For more information: Johannes Bahrke: +32 229 58615; Letizia Lupini: +32 229 51958)

CARIFORUM Președintele României Decret privind supunerea spre ratificare Parlamentului a Acordului de parteneriat economic dintre 2 statele CARIFORUM , pe de o parte, și Comunitatea Europeană și statele membre ale acesteia, pe de altă parte, semnat la Bridgetown la 15 octombrie 2008 Nr. 562 din 18-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 629 din 19 Iulie 2018


The Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) is a subgroup of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States and serves as a base for economic dialogue with the European Union. It was established in 1992. Its membership comprises the 15 Caribbean Community states, along with the Dominican Republic. In 2008, they signed an Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union, though Guyana and Haiti had expressed reservations and did not attend the signing ceremony. Tensions within the group have grown over issues of trade and immigration; the Dominican Republic, with the group's largest economy, has expressed reservations over its current structure.

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Insights Programul european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP) (8/11) European defence industrial development programme (EDIDP) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/623534/EPRS_BRI(2018) 623534_EN.pdf

Think Tank - defence - PE 29 June 20183

Stakeholders’ views Asociația AeroSpace și Industria de Apărare subliniază necesitatea EDIDP. Comitetul consideră că suma de 500 milioane EUR este adecvată, însă consideră că fondurile disponibile ar trebui să crească în următorul MFF. Statele membre ar trebui să aibă un cuvânt mai pronunțat în program, iar atenția acordată IMM-urilor este laudabilă. The AeroSpace and Defence Industries association underlines the need for the EDIDP. It considers €500 million to be appropriate, but believes that the available funds should be increased in the next MFF. Member States should have a greater say in the programme, and the attention given to SMEs is laudable. Asociațiile naționale din industria de apărare din Estonia, Finlanda, Danemarca, Norvegia și Suedia salută pachetul de apărare, inclusiv EDIDP, și insistă asupra mai multor puncte: The national defence industry associations of Estonia, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden welcome the defence package including the EDIDP, and insist on several points:  În loc să se concentreze exclusiv pe firmele din UE, participarea terților nu ar trebui exclusă;  instead of concentrating solely on EU firms, third-party content should not be ruled out;  este necesar un echilibru geografic în UE;  a geographical balance in the EU is needed;  criteriul de atribuire "excelență" nu are sens și, prin urmare, trebuie definit;  the award criterion „excellence‟ is meaningless and therefore needs to be defined;  Agenția Europeană de Apărare ar trebui să devină membru al comitetului care asistă Comisia, nu numai să fie un observator;  the European Defence Agency should become a member of the committee that assists the Commission, not just be an observer;  cel mai bun mod de a sprijini IMM-urile nu este acela de a aloca un procentaj din costurile proiectului, ci de a asigura transparența procesului, elaborând un cod de conduită pentru antreprenorii principali pentru a garanta participarea IMM-urilor.  the best way to support SMEs is not to earmark a percentage of project costs for them, but to ensure that the process is transparent, while drawing up a code of conduct for prime contractors to guarantee SME participation. Federația Asociațiilor Europene de Tehnologii din domeniul Apărării prezintă observații cu privire la propunerea FED, pe care o salută, dar adaugă o serie de puncte critice: The Federation of European Defence Technology Associations comments on the EDF proposal, which it welcomes, but adds a number of critical points: 3

This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.

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       

pentru ca fondul să fie eficient, consideră că este necesar să se armonizeze și sincronizeze proiectele de dezvoltare a capacităților; in order for the fund to be effective it deems it necessary to harmonise and synchronise capability development projects; ar trebui să fie implicată o finanțare privată, deoarece este importantă transformarea în economia în ansamblu; private funding should be involved as spin off into the wider economy is important; finanțarea UE ar trebui să se concentreze pe faza timpurie a dezvoltării capacităților; EU funding should be concentrated on the early phase of capability development; ar trebui înființat un birou de sprijin care să ofere consultanță statelor membre și societăților în probleme financiare cooperative și private. a support office should be established to advise Member States and companies on cooperative and private financial matters.

Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (1/11) Modernising trade defence instruments http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/621884/EPRS_BRI(2018) 621884_EN.pdf

Think Tank - defence - PE EU Legislation in Progress July 2018 Briefing4

OVERVIEW Trade defence instruments (TDIs) play a vital role in countering unfair trade practices from third countries and in levelling the playing field for EU companies, notably in times of mounting global overcapacity in a number of sectors. In April 2013, the Commission adopted a proposal to modernise the EU's basic Anti-dumping and Anti-subsidy (AD/AS) Regulations. The reform was intended to enhance the transparency and predictability of investigations and increase the effectiveness and enforcement of AD/AS measures. Parliament adopted its position on the proposal in 2014, but the procedure was deadlocked in the Council until November 2016. Following interinstitutional negotiations, a political agreement was achieved in December 2017. After the Council‟s adoption of its first-reading position in April 2018, the text was formally adopted by Parliament in May 2018.

Instrumentele de protecție comercială (TDI) joacă un rol esențial în combaterea practicilor comerciale neloiale din țările terțe și în stabilizarea condițiilor de concurență pentru companiile din UE, în special în perioadele de creștere a supracapacității globale în mai multe sectoare. În aprilie 2013, Comisia a adoptat o propunere de modernizare a regulamentelor de bază antidumping și antisubvenție (AD/AS) ale UE. Reforma a fost destinată să sporească transparența și predictibilitatea investigațiilor și să sporească eficacitatea și executarea măsurilor AD/AS. Parlamentul și-a adoptat poziția cu privire la propunere în 2014, dar procedura a fost blocată în cadrul Consiliului până în noiembrie 2016. În urma negocierilor interinstituționale, a fost încheiat un acord politic în decembrie 2017. După adoptarea de către Consiliu a poziției sale la prima lectură în aprilie 2018, textul a fost adoptat formal de Parlament în mai 2018. În 2016, a fost lansat procedura legislativă


This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.

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In 2016, the legislative procedure on the reform of the methodology for calculating AD duties was launched as a second pillar of the TDI reform. See also our 'EU Legislation in progress' briefing on that proposal: Protection from dumped and subsidised imports. Trade defence instruments (TDIs) The anti-dumping (AD) instrument, the most frequently used TDI, addresses imports of goods from non-EU countries sold at prices lower than the 'normal value', if they harm or threaten to harm the EU industry concerned. The second most commonly used TDI, the anti-subsidy (AS) instrument, aims to offset the price- distorting effect on imports of subsidies granted by non-EU exporting countries. According to the Commission, at the end of 2016, 90 definitive AD and 12 definitive AS measures were in force, and AD and AS duties accounted for 0.27 % of total EU imports. The third TDI is the safeguard instrument. Global safeguard measures can be imposed on account of a sudden and sharp surge in imports causing serious injury to domestic industry, without the need to provide evidence of unfair practice. Provisional measures can be imposed much faster and they apply equally to all sources of the imports concerned. The safeguard instrument is however not subject to the current legislative reform process.

privind reforma metodologiei de calculare a taxelor AD, ca al doilea pilon al reformei TDI. A se vedea, de asemenea, briefing-ul nostru privind "Legislația UE în curs" privind propunerea respectivă: Protecția împotriva importurilor care fac obiectul unui dumping și subvenționate. Instrumentul antidumping (AD), cel mai frecvent utilizat TDI, vizează importurile de mărfuri provenite din țări din afara UE vândute la prețuri mai mici decât "valoarea normală", în cazul în care acestea dăunează sau amenință să dăuneze industriei UE în cauză. Al doilea instrument cel mai des utilizat TDI, instrumentul antisubvenții (AS), vizează compensarea efectului de denaturare a prețurilor asupra importurilor de subvenții acordate de țările exportatoare din afara UE. În opinia Comisiei, la sfârșitul anului 2016, au fost în vigoare 90 de măsuri definitive AD și 12 măsuri AS definitive, iar taxele AD și AS reprezentau 0,27% din totalul importurilor UE. Al treilea TDI este instrumentul de salvgardare. Pot fi impuse măsuri globale de salvgardare din cauza creșterii bruscă și accentuate a importurilor, cauzând un prejudiciu grav industriei naționale, fără a fi necesar să se facă dovada unor practici neloiale. Măsurile provizorii pot fi impuse mult mai rapid și se aplică în mod egal tuturor surselor importurilor în cauză. Cu toate acestea, instrumentul de salvgardare nu face obiectul procesului legislativ actual de reformă.

Cap. DECIZIONAL Apelului matinal - interviu cu ministrul Apărării Mihai Fifor http://www.romania-actualitati.ro/apelului_matinal_interviu_cu_ministrul_apararii_mihai_fifor117615

România Actualități RADOR Ieri, 08:15 Vizualizari: 125

.... Realizator: Şi apropo de înzestrare, ştiu că există un program de înzestrare a Marinei, cu baterii de artilerie de coastă - este în lucru, nu ştiu dacă s-a aprobat, dar mai mult decât atât, aş vrea să ştiu dacă va funcţiona principiul off-set-ului. Primim ceva înapoi? Page 25 of 42

Mihai Fifor: Chiar mă bucur mult că aţi amintit această temă, pentru că a produs un pic de vânzoleală în ultimele zile, sunt tot felul de binevoitori care tind să se ocupe de astfel de probleme, dar, din păcate, o fac fără să se informeze înainte, dar suntem în lucru cu hotărârea de guvern referitoare la unul dintre programele majore de investiţii - repet - program major de investiţii, pentru că aceste programe majore sunt aprobate în CSAT şi în Parlament, ele sunt opt la număr, ne pregătim să îl conturăm pe cel deal nouălea. Revin la acesta cu bateriile de coastă, este vorba de sisteme de lansatoare de rachete, rachete antinavă, de care Marina Română are foarte mare nevoie pentru a proteja litoralul românesc. Repet, suntem în faza aproape finală cu hotărârea de guvern, care să fie dusă în aprobarea Guvernului României. Am întârziat poate un pic mai mult pentru că am dorit ca într-adevăr acest document să fie unul foarte bine elaborat, pentru ca la finalul achiziţiei care se va face, şi va fi o achiziţie transparentă, aşa cum face MApN de fiecare dată, la finalul acestei proceduri să putem să avem un produs cât se poate de bun, să fie cea mai bună alegere pentru ca Forţele Navale Române să aibă în dotare, zic eu, un echipament foarte modern şi un echipament extrem de performat. Speranţa, până la finele anului, este să putem încheia acest contract şi începând de anul viitor să derulăm achiziţia pentru bateriile de coastă. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Acte normative adoptate sau de care Guvernul a luat act în ședința din 19 iulie 2018 http://gov.ro/ro/guvernul/sedinte-guvern/informatie-de-presa-privind-proiectele-deacte-normative-adoptate-sau-de-care-guvernul-a-luat-act-in-edinta-din-19-iulie-2018

Guvern România I. PROIECTE DE LEGI 1.PROIECT DE LEGE pentru stabilirea cadrului legal, instituţional şi procedural necesar aplicării Deciziei nr. 406/2009/CE privind partajarea efortului statelor membre de a reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră, astfel încât să respecte angajamentele Comunităţii prin limitarea creşterii emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră până în anul 2020 II. ORDONANȚE DE URGENȚĂ 1.ORDONANŢĂ DE URGENŢĂ pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative în domeniul protecţiei mediului şi al regimului străinilor 2.ORDONANŢĂ DE URGENŢĂ pentru aprobarea Programului de investiţii în domeniul culturii, precum şi pentru modificarea unor acte normative III. HOTĂRÂRI 1.HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea amplasamentului şi declanşarea procedurilor de expropriere a tuturor imobilelor proprietate privată situate în coridorul de expropriere al lucrării de utilitate publică de interes naţional "Lucrări pentru punerea în funcţiune a capacităţii finale de producţie de 8.500 mii tone/an lignit la cariera Jilţ Sud" 2.HOTĂRÂRE pentru aprobarea indicatorilor tehnico-economici ai obiectivului de investiţii "Construire centru de instruire sintetică P+3. Clădire simulatoare de zbor şi spaţii conexe echipată cu un simulator de zbor FFS Boeing 737 NG” 3.HOTĂRÂRE pentru modificarea şi completarea Anexei nr. 3 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 969/2002 privind atestarea domeniului public al judeţului Cluj, precum şi al municipiilor, oraşelor şi comunelor din judeţul Cluj 4.HOTĂRÂRE privind modificarea datelor de identificare şi actualizarea valorii de inventar a unor bunuri aflate în domeniul public al statului şi în administrarea Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii Page 26 of 42

IV. MEMORANDUMURI 1.MEMORANDUM cu tema: Progresul înregistrat în privinţa punerii în aplicare a Memorandumului nr. 4284/14.03.2018 cu tema: Stabilirea unui mecanism de creştere a competitivităţii companiilor deţinute majoritar sau integral de stat prin intermediul procedurilor de achiziţie publică V. NOTE 1.NOTĂ privind Planul Anual de Lucru al Guvernului, iulie-decembrie 2018

Maria Magdalena Grigore, eliberare funcție Primul-Ministru Decizie privind eliberarea doamnei Maria Magdalena Grigore din funcția de secretar de stat la Ministerul Transporturilor Nr. 237 din 18-Iulie-2018

Maria Magdalena Grigore, SdS la MAE Primul-Ministru Decizie privind numirea doamnei Maria Magdalena Grigore în funcția de secretar de stat la Ministerul Afacerilor Externe Nr. 238 din 18-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 625 din 19 Iulie 2018

Ovidiu Marcel Sîrbu, SdS la MT Primul-Ministru Decizie privind numirea domnului Ovidiu Marcel Sîrbu în funcția de secretar de stat la Ministerul Transporturilor Nr. 239 din 18-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 625 din 19 Iulie 2018

Sorin-Valeriu Naș, SdS la MMACA Primul-Ministru Decizie privind numirea domnului Sorin-Valeriu Naș în funcția de secretar de stat la Ministerul pentru Mediul de Afaceri, Comerț și Antreprenoriat Nr. 240 din 18-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 625 din 19 Iulie 2018

Victor Stelian Fedorca, eliberare funcție Primul-Ministru Decizie pentru eliberarea domnului Victor Stelian Fedorca din funcția de consilier de stat în cadrul aparatului propriu de lucru al prim-ministrului Nr. 241 din 18-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 625 din 19 Iulie 2018

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Victor Stelian Fedorca, președinte ANFPISDR Decizie privind numirea domnului Victor Stelian Fedorca în funcția de președinte, cu rang de secretar de stat, al Autorității Naționale pentru Formare Profesională Inițială în Sistem Dual din România Nr. 242 din 18-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 625 din 19 Iulie 2018

Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur EUR GBP USD XAU

13 iul.2018 4.6589 5.2601 4.0064 159.9299

16 iul.2018 4.6550 5.2757 3.9774 159.1016

17 iul.2018 4.6572 5.2603 3.9685 158.6692

18 iul.2018 4.6541 5.2164 4.0032 157.4017

19 iul.2018 4.6549 5.2150 4.0128 156.9985





5.5 5

5.1993 4.6695





























Lei Lei 169 167 165 163


161 159 157 30-07-18


















grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

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Cap. MacroE Romania - IMF Country Report No. 18/148 (11/11) http://www.imf.org/en/Countries/ROU

Fondul Monetar Internațional despre România Annex II. Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) Risk 1. Tighter global financial conditions arising from abrupt change in global risk appetite, against backdrop of continued monetary policy normalization, increase global rates and term premia (short term)

2. Weakening of confidence in the Romanian economy due to policy uncertainty and divergence (short/medium term)

3. Excessive fiscal relaxation (short term)

Relative Likelihood and Transmission Channels ● Investors may sell Romanian financial assets after reassessment of risks. ● Outflows could arise from foreign holdings of government bonds and short-term debt financing requirements. ● Financial market volatility could lead to a rapid and significant rise in interest rates, a steepening of the yield curve, and currency depreciation. High ● Procyclical fiscal stance and growing macroeconomic imbalances may lead to a sharp slowdown when the cycle turns, economic disruption, and adverse market sentiment, reflected in consumption and investment decisions. High/Medium ● Loss of fiscal credibility and associated worsening of market sentiment, and public debt rises ● Romania enters EU's Excessive Deficit Procedure.

Expected Impact if Risk is Realized

Policy Response

● Increase in borrowing costs ● Risk of exchange rate overshooting and financial instability. ● NPLs rise due to weakened repayment capacity of borrowers of lei and FX loans.

● Utilize some of fiscal financing buffer until markets settle down. ● Allow for exchange rate flexibility while offsetting excessive market volatility

Medium ● Increase in borrowing costs ● Sudden capital outflows ● Slower growth and rise in unemployment

● Utilize some of fiscal financing buffer until markets settle down. ● Allow for exchange rate flexibility while offsetting excessive market volatility ● Communicate commitment to prudent medium term oriented policies

Medium ● Borrowing costs increase and private investment is crowded out, weighing on growth prospects ● Further widening of the current account deficit

● Restrain future public wage increases, cut lower priority expenditure ● Improve tax administration to raise more revenues

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Risk 4. Overheating pressures intensify (short term)

Relative Likelihood and Transmission Channels High/Medium ● Inflation sustains a protracted rise above the target, destabilizing inflation expectations. ● An adverse wageprice spiral develops.

Expected Impact if Risk is Realized Medium ● Purchasing power of households diminish, while external competitiveness of Romania deteriorates. ● Widening of current account deficit intensifies depreciation pressures.

5. Slippages in structural reforms (short/medium term)

High/Medium ● Bottlenecks in public administration continue to hamper public investment and EU funds absorption.

Medium ● Delay in muchneeded infrastructure upgrade would constrain growth prospects.

6. Structurally weak growth in the Euro area (medium term)

High ● Exports could fall, particularly if the Euro area enters into a protracted period of slower growth. ● FDI could drop as investors reassess future euro area demand for Romanian exports.

Medium ● Lower growth, higher unemployment ● Potential widening of the current account deficit

Policy Response ● Tighten monetary and fiscal policies to reduce aggregate demand, within a prudent policy mix. ● Restrain wage increases ● Accelerate supplyside boosting structural reforms to raise potential output ● Improve EU projects implementation apacity ● Improve investment prioritization, trengthen public investment review process, improve procurement framework ● Strengthen anticorruption efforts ● Allow limited use of automatic stabilizers to work as a sharp fiscal deterioration could worsen market sentiment ● Improve competitiveness through strengthening structural reforms to raise exports beyond Euro area

Cap. EVENIMENTE 20 iulie - Ziua Aviaţiei Române şi a Forţelor Aeriene http://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/15985_20-iulie---Ziua-Avia%C5%A3iei-Rom%C3%A2ne%C5%9Fi-a-For%C5%A3elor-Aeriene

Ministerul Apărării Naţionale COMUNICAT NR. 211 Data: 19.07.2018

Cu ocazia sărbătoririi Zilei Aviaţiei Române, Zilei Forţelor Aeriene și praznicului Sfântului Mare Proroc Ilie Tesviteanul, ocrotitorul spiritual al temerarilor zborului, Statul Major al Forţelor Aeriene organizează vineri, 20 iulie, o serie de manifestări dedicate evenimentului și sărbătoririi Centenarului Marii Uniri. Astfel, de la ora 10.00, la Monumentul Eroilor Aerului, din Piaţa Aviatorilor, va avea loc, în prezența secretarului de stat pentru politica de apărare, planificare și relații internaționale, Mircea Dușa, și a șefului Statului major al Apărării, generalul Nicolae Ciucă, o ceremonie militară şi religioasă cu depuneri de coroane de flori, în memoria eroilor aviatori. Cu acest prilej, aeronave militare din dotarea Forțelor Aeriene Române, Ministerului Afacerilor Interne și Serviciului Român de Informaţii, precum și aeronave F-15 aparținând Statelor Unite ale Americii (care participă, în această perioadă, la exerciţiul româno-american DACIAN EAGLE 2018) vor survola monumentul. Între orele 09.00 și 16.00, la Muzeul Naţional al Aviaţiei Române va fi organizată Ziua Porţilor Deschise în cadrul căreia va fi vizionată expoziția „Aeronautica română și Marea Unire”, ce cuprinde avioane militare, staţii de radiolocaţie, tehnică de artilerie antiaeriană şi rachete sol-aer, machete, uniforme, decoraţii şi documente de arhivă. Activități similare vor avea loc în toate unităţile din subordinea Statului Major al Forţelor Aeriene.

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Târguri, conferințe A&D: Farnborough Air Show 2018 Herald Insights A „supersized‟ Airbus performance on the Farnborough Airshow‟s Day 4 Airbus21:20 Thu, 19 Jul

Aero unveils new fighter aircraft at Farnborough Airshow Radio Prague14:18 Thu, 19 Jul

Air Italy‟s Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft centre of... The Peninsula08:45 Thu, 19 Jul

Air race and fighter jet demo scheduled for Farnborough Airshow, Thursday July 19 Get Surrey13:38 Thu, 19 Jul

Airbus and Boeing thrive as orders come in at Farnborough Airshow City AM22:30 Thu, 19 Jul

Airbus wins new business for 431 commercial aircraft at Farnborough Airshow 2018 Airbus14:38 Thu, 19 Jul

As the Farnborough Air Show ends, Boeing emerges clearly ahead The Seattle Times02:51

Aston Martin's Volante gives flying cars a luxurious twist The National07:05 Thu, 19 Jul

Boeing dominates, beats Airbus in orders at Farnborough Airshow Fox News00:40

CFM logs $15.7 billion in orders at 2018 Farnborough Airshow Safran18:08 Thu, 19 Jul

Daily briefing: Boeing gets 528 orders at the Farnborough Airshow compared to 431 for Airbus Daily Mail00:10

DAILY BRIEFING: Boeing gets 528 orders at the Farnborough Airshow compared to 431 for arch-rival Airbus This is Money00:10

Exclusive views and corporate hospitality at Farnborough Airshow is bigger than ever at Aviator Incentive Travel & Corporate Meetings14:09 Thu, 19 Jul

Eyes on the skies: Farnborough Airshow in pictures: The big, the fast, the noisy BBC16:18 Thu, 19 Jul

Farnborough 2018: Aero Vodochody-IAI's F/A-259 Striker IndraStra Global14:48 Thu, 19 Jul

Farnborough Air Show Briefs-July 19 Air Transport World19:23 Thu, 19 Jul

Farnborough Airshow 2018 - latest news and order updates Routesonline17:57 Thu, 19 Jul

Farnborough Airshow 2018 day four - Boeing secures 100 737 MAX order; Hi Fly showcases its… Routesonline14:16 Thu, 19 Jul

Farnborough Airshow 2018 day four - Boeing secures 100 737 MAX order Routesonline13:46 Thu, 19 Jul

Farnborough Airshow 2018 mid-week highlights (video) Shephard.co.uk13:37 Thu, 19 Jul

Farnborough Airshow: Six aircraft that are grabbing attention CNBC13:04 Thu, 19 Jul

Farnborough: Hi Fly A380 Arrives at FIA18 Airways News18:51 Thu, 19 Jul

Farnborough: VietJet To Order 50 A321neos Airways News13:59 Thu, 19 Jul

Incredible video shows new LM-100J Super Hercules inverting at Farnborough Air Show Business Insider UK18:18 Thu, 19 Jul

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LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (27 - ĂŽnceput din 14.06.2018) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97


Securities and Exchange Commission - USA The cost information in the reports is accumulated in a manner specified by the requirements of each contract. For example, cost data provided to a customer for a product would typically align to the subcomponents of that product (such as a wing-box on an aircraft) and for services would align to the type of work being performed (such as aircraft sustainment). Our contracts generally allow for the recovery of costs in the pricing of our products and services. Most of our contracts are bid and negotiated with our customers under circumstances in which we are required to disclose our estimated total costs to provide the product or service. This approach for negotiating contracts with our U.S. Government customers generally allows for the recovery of our costs. We also may enter into long-term supply contracts for certain materials or components to coincide with the production schedule of certain products and to ensure their availability at known unit prices. Many of our contracts span several years and include highly complex technical requirements. At the outset of a contract, we identify and monitor risks to the achievement of the technical, schedule and cost aspects of the contract and assess the effects of those risks on our estimates of total costs to complete the contract. The Page 32 of 42

estimates consider the technical requirements (e.g., a newly-developed product versus a mature product), the schedule and associated tasks (e.g., the number and type of milestone events) and costs (e.g., material, labor, subcontractor, overhead and the estimated costs to fulfill our industrial cooperation agreements required under certain contracts with international customers). The initial profit booking rate of each contract considers risks surrounding the ability to achieve the technical requirements, schedule and costs in the initial estimated total costs to complete the contract. Profit booking rates may increase during the performance of the contract if we successfully retire risks surrounding the technical, schedule and cost aspects of the contract which decreases the estimated total costs to complete the contract. Conversely, our profit booking rates may decrease if the estimated total costs to complete the contract increase. All of the estimates are subject to change during the performance of the contract and may affect the profit booking rate. We have a number of programs that are designated as classified by the U.S. Government which cannot be specifically described. The operating results of these classified programs are included in our consolidated and business segment results and are subjected to the same oversight and internal controls as our other programs. Our net sales are primarily derived from long-term contracts for products and services provided to the U.S. Government as well as FMS contracted through the U.S. Government. We account for these contracts, as well as product contracts with non-U.S. Government customers, using the percentage-of-completion method of accounting, which represent substantially all of our net sales. We derive our remaining net sales from contracts to provide services to non-U.S. Government customers, which we account for under the services method of accounting. Under the percentage-of-completion method of accounting, we record sales on contracts based upon our progress towards completion on a particular contract as well as our estimate of the profit to be earned at completion. Cost-reimbursable contracts provide for the payment of allowable costs plus a fee. For fixed-priced contracts, net sales and cost of sales are recognized as products are delivered or as costs are incurred. Due to the nature of the percentage-of-completion method of accounting, changes in our cost of sales are typically accompanied by a related change in our net sales. Changes in net sales and operating profit generally are expressed in terms of volume. Changes in volume refer to increases or decreases in sales or operating profit resulting from varying production activity levels, deliveries or service levels on individual contracts. Volume changes in segment operating profit are typically based on the current profit booking rate for a particular contract. In addition, comparability of our segment sales, operating profit and operating margins may be impacted favorably or unfavorably by changes in profit booking rates on our contracts accounted for using the percentage-of-completion method of accounting. Increases in the profit booking rates, typically referred to as risk retirements, usually relate to revisions in the estimated total costs that reflect improved conditions on a particular contract. Conversely, conditions on a particular contract may deteriorate, resulting in an increase in the estimated total costs to complete and a reduction in the profit booking rate. Increases or decreases in profit booking rates are recognized in the current period and reflect the inception-to-date effect of such changes. Segment operating profit and margins may also be impacted favorably or unfavorably by other items. Favorable items may include the positive resolution of contractual matters, cost recoveries on restructuring charges, insurance recoveries and gains on sales of assets. Unfavorable items may include the adverse resolution of contractual matters; restructuring charges, except for significant severance actions, which are excluded from segment operating results; reserves for Page 33 of 42

disputes; asset impairments; and losses on sales of certain assets. Segment operating profit and items such as risk retirements, reductions of profit booking rates or other matters are presented net of state income taxes. As previously disclosed, we have a program to design, integrate, and install an air missile defense C4I systems for an international customer that has experienced performance issues and for which we have periodically accrued reserves. In 2017, we revised our estimated costs to complete the program, EADGE-T, as a consequence of ongoing performance matters and recorded an additional charge of $120 million ($74 million or $0.25 per share, after tax) at our RMS business segment. As of December 31, 2017, cumulative losses, including reserves, remained at approximately $260 million on this program. We are continuing to monitor the viability of the program and the available options and could record additional charges in future periods. However, based on the reserves already accrued and our current estimate of the costs to complete the program, at this time we do not anticipate that additional charges, if any, would be material. We have two commercial satellite programs at our Space business segment, for which we have experienced performance issues related to the development and integration of a modernized LM 2100 satellite platform. These commercial programs require the development of new satellite technology to enhance the LM 2100â€&#x;s power, propulsion and electronics, among other items. The enhanced satellite is expected to benefit other commercial and government satellite programs. We have periodically revised our estimated costs to complete these developmental commercial programs. We have recorded cumulative losses of approximately $305 million as of December 31, 2017, including approximately $135 million ($83 million or $0.29per share, after tax) recorded during the year ended December 31, 2017. While these losses reflect our estimated total losses on the programs, we will continue to incur unrecovered costs each period until we complete these programs and may have to record additional loss reserves in future periods, which could be material to our operating results. While we do not currently anticipate recording additional loss reserves, the programs remain developmental and further challenges in the delivery and integration of new satellite technology, anomalies discovered during system testing requiring repair or rework, further schedule delays and potential penalties could require that we record additional reserves. We do not currently expect to be able to meet the delivery schedule under the contracts and have informed the customers. The customers could seek to exercise a termination right under the contracts, in which case we would have to refund the payments we have received and pay certain penalties. However, we think the probability that the customers will seek to exercise any termination right is remote as the delay beyond the termination date is modest and the customers have an immediate need for the satellites. Our consolidated net adjustments not related to volume, including net profit booking rate adjustments and other matters, net of state income taxes, increased segment operating profit by approximately $1.5 billion in both 2017 and 2016 and $1.7 billion in 2015. The consolidated net adjustments in 2017 were comparable to 2016, with increases in profit booking rate adjustments at our Aeronautics and Space business segments, offset by decreases at our MFC and RMS business segments. The decrease in our consolidated net adjustments in 2016 compared to 2015 was primarily due to a decrease in profit booking rate adjustments at our MFC and Space business segments, partially offset by an increase at our RMS business segment. The consolidated net adjustments for 2017 are inclusive of approximately $790 million in unfavorable items, which include reserves for performance matters on the EADGE-T contract, Vertical Launching System (VLS) program and other programs at RMS and on commercial satellite programs at Space. The consolidated net Page 34 of 42

adjustments for 2016 are inclusive of approximately $530 million in unfavorable items, which include reserves for performance matters on an international program at RMS and on commercial satellite programs at Space. The consolidated net adjustments for 2015 are inclusive of approximately $550 million in unfavorable items, which include reserves for performance matters on the EADGE-T contract at RMS and on commercial satellite programs at Space.

BAE Systems #22 https://washingtontechnology.com/toplists/top-100-lists/2018/bae-systems.aspx

Washington Technology - USA Top 100 Revenue:


Defense revenue:


Civilian revenue:


  

Current Revenue Rank Historical Revenue

2017 revenue: 2017 earnings : 2016 revenue:

2016 earnings:

Headquarters: Arlington, Va. Web address: https://www.baesystems.com/en/home# Ticker:


Offset agreement (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offset_agreement

Wikipedia extras Compensațiile pot fi definite ca dispoziții ale unui acord de import între o companie străină exportatoare sau, eventual, un guvern care acționează în calitate de intermediar și o entitate publică importatoare, care obligă exportatorul să desfășoare activități pentru a îndeplini un al doilea obiectiv al entității importatoare, distinct de achiziția de bunuri și / sau servicii care formează tranzacția de bază. Stimularea exportatorului rezultă din condiționarea tranzacției de bază până la acceptarea obligației de compensare. Acordurile de compensare implică adesea comerțul cu bunuri și servicii militare și se numesc alternativ:  compensații industriale,  cooperare industrială, Page 35 of 42

 compensări,  beneficii industriale și regionale,  echilibre,  juste retour sau echilibru, pentru a defini mecanisme mai complexe decât contra-comerțul. De asemenea, contra-comerțul poate fi considerat una dintre multele forme de compensare a apărării, pentru a compensa o țară cumpărătoare. Principala diferență dintre compensarea generică și contractele comerciale, ambele practici comune în comerțul internațional de apărare, este implicarea banilor. În contra-comerț, bunurile sunt plătite prin bartere sau alte mecanisme fără schimbul de bani, în timp ce în alte compensații de apărare banii sunt măsura și mijlocul de schimb. ...  Australia: Departamentul Apărării (Defense Material Organization) este responsabil de compensare. Pragul este de 5 milioane de dolari australieni. Multiplicatorii merg de la 1 la 6. Prin regula, Australia nu accepta compensatii indirecte (civile), cu exceptia cazului in care astfel de compensatii aduce beneficii industriei de aparare australian.  Austria: Acordurile de compensare sunt negociate de Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labor, de la caz la caz; procentul de compensare este peste 100%, până la 200% (și uneori chiar mai mult) din valorile contractuale. Austria are una dintre cele mai mari cereri din lume pentru compensări de cantitate nominală. Cu toate acestea, multiplicatorii pot ajunge până la 10. Valoarea minimă a vânzării pentru compensări obligatorii este de 726.000 de euro. Această politică de compensare ridicată, aplicată achiziției EADS Eurofighter Typhoons în 2002 și încă în desfășurare, a fost modificată în 2008-9, când Austria a semnat the voluntary EU Code of Conduct on Offset. Modificările relevante sunt reducerea cantității compensate la 100% (adică valoarea contractului de cumpărare), valoarea multiplicatorilor și funcția de monitorizare a Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports  Bahrain nu are o politică de compensare. Regatul importă aproximativ 80% din armele sale din SUA prin intermediul FMS5, iar restul achizițiilor de arme provin din Regatul Unit. Cu toate acestea, se așteaptă curând o politică de compensare specifică.

Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (12 - început #278) Changing change while it changes: The rise of disruptive military thinking https://othjournal.com/2018/06/13/changing-change-while-it-changes-the-rise-ofdisruptive-military-thinking-part-3/

Over the Horizon - USA 13.06.2018

Multe dintre procesele mecanice de planificare aparent de succes din ultimele două secole ne rețin acum. Nu ne gândim în mod critic la metodologiile noastre; armata trebuie să încorporeze practici reflexive și abilitatea de a transforma procesele într-o formă mai flexibilă și dinamică a sensului și a acționa într-o realitate complexă. An interview with Ben Zweibelson Ben Zweibelson will be speaking at SPADE 2018, IBM’s invite-only, signature event for defense and intelligence. This year’s theme is Re-Thinking Defense and Security in the Digital Age. Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 of this design interview. Ben Zweibelson is a retired US Army Infantry officer. He is currently a doctoral student at the Australian National University, and Program Director of Joint Special Operations University, under the U.S. Special Operations Commander (SOCOM).



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The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Special Operations Command, the Joint Special Operations University, the United States Government or the Australian National University.

In some of your published design work, you discuss design and swarm theory. How does swarm theory impact the military? Our way of doing everything in the military is largely fixated on a centralized hierarchy of authority, control, and execution. Anything that threatens that or challenges it is immediately discarded or assimilated. Assimilation means that something new is pulled into the existing system and anything disruptive or offensive to the legacy architecture is discarded. This even includes design, as in 2009 the U.S. Army essentialy assimilated select elements of the original Israeli Systemic Operational Design (SOD) and discarded those elements that it found disagreeable. The U.S. Army‟s version of military design, now termed “Army Design Methodology (ADM)” ended up being entirely assimilated into reductionist linear planning for analytic optimization, with some random design terms sprinkled across it to produce a fanciful take on design. With ADM, the centralized military hierarchy dominated and won, dismantling and basically consuming the innovation and reflective practice qualities of the first design movement. The reason I raise this is because the larger military community has done the same with swarm theory. We have assimilated swarm techniques but only if they obey the hierarchy. Nearly everything written for military audiences including an extensive study by the RAND Corporation took swarm theory and nested it in a technical or tactical sense while maintaining the centralized military hierarchy of command and control at operational and strategic levels. For example, an infantry platoon can disperse a swarm of drones on the battlefield, but they still work for that platoon leader, who works for the company commander, who works for the battalion commander, and so on and so forth. The technical level of drone employment may end up using local conditions and swarm maneuvers, but there

În unele dintre lucrările de proiectare publicate, discutați despre teoria designului și a roiurilor. Cum influențează teoria roiului asupra armatei? Modul nostru de a face totul în armată este în mare parte fixat pe o ierarhie centralizată a autorității, a controlului și a execuției. Orice lucru care amenință sau provoacă acest lucru este imediat eliminat sau asimilat. Asimilarea înseamnă că ceva nou este tras în sistemul existent și orice lucru distructiv sau ofensator pentru arhitectura moștenită este aruncat. Aceasta include chiar și designul, deoarece în 2009 armata americană a asimilat în esență elementele selecționate ale originalului sistematic de design operațional israelian (SOD) și a aruncat acele elemente pe care le-a găsit dezagreabile. Versiunea militară a armatei americane, denumită acum "Metodologia de proiectare a armatei (ADM)", a fost complet asimilată în planificarea liniară reductivistă pentru optimizarea analitică, cu niște termeni ai designului aleatoriu presărat peste ea, pentru a obține un design fantezist. Cu ADM, ierarhia militară centralizată a dominat și a câștigat, dezmembrat și practic consumând inovația și calitățile de reflexie ale primei mișcări de design. Motivul pentru care ridic acest lucru este că comunitatea militară mai mare a făcut același lucru cu teoria roiului. Am asimilat tehnici de roi, dar numai dacă ascultă de ierarhie. Aproape tot ce a fost scris pentru publicul militar, inclusiv un studiu extins al corporației RAND, a luat teoria roiurilor și a imortat-o într-un sens tehnic sau tactic, menținând în același timp ierarhia militară centralizată de comandă și control la nivel operațional și strategic. De exemplu, un pluton de infanterie poate dispersa un roi de drone pe câmpul de luptă, dar ei încă lucrează pentru acel conducător al plutonului, care lucrează pentru comandantul companiei, care lucrează pentru comandantul batalionului și așa mai departe. Nivelul tehnic al ocupării cu dronă poate să se termine folosind condițiile locale și manevrele de rotire, dar nu există o relație fractală care să depășească această aplicație tehnică sau chiar tactică. Roșul devine un truc tehnic pentru ca sistemul centralizat de

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is no fractal relationship beyond that technical or even tactical application. The swarm becomes a technical trick for the centralized legacy system to rely upon and maintain original forms. In contrast, we can look at things like the Arab Spring where rival organizations used social media to help fuel crowd-source activities. Similarly, we can see that much of the eco-terrorist Earth Liberation Front‟s activities appear to be swarm-like, relying on local conditions and decentralized actors seeking shared goals despite no strong chain of command in decision-making. In a civilian example, Zappos.com has transformed their entire management structure to meet their strategy of using a decentralized form instead of the legacy system of centralized hierarchical management. It‟s not just one technical section or one area piloting this type of management, they put into motion a systemic transformation across their entire company. When you look at how militaries are exploring swarm, they do not have any interest in doing these sorts of things…just ways to harness swarm theory to maintain other dominant power structures and decision-making methodologies. There is no fractal aspect, merely assimilation into the centralized hierarchy structure. The swarm is employed as a tool, but the manner in which the military operates isn‟t adapted to achieve the full potential of swarm capabilities, at least not currently. From a design and innovation perspective, we should look to disrupt the centralized structure of the military and look at how we can actually operate in a decentralized or swarm way? By disrupt, I mean identify a useful and systemic way to employ organizational change which achieves an advantage. The challenge is that „disruption‟ in military circles tends to get negative labels, particularly if sacred concepts and institutional rituals, which are nested in an organization‟s identity, are threatened. One area in particular is the codification of our military decision-making models that are enshrined into military doctrine. Changing these methodologies goes against generations of institutional military

moștenire să se bazeze și să mențină formele originale. În schimb, ne putem uita la lucruri precum primăvara arabă în care organizațiile rivale au folosit mijloace media sociale pentru a contribui la combustia activităților din surse multiple. În mod similar, putem observa că o mare parte a activităților Frontului de Eliberare a Teritoriului Ecotorism pare să fie asemănătoare cu rolurile, bazându-se pe condițiile locale și pe actorii descentralizați care doresc obiective comune, în ciuda unui lanț puternic de conducere în luarea deciziilor. Într-un exemplu civil, Zappos.com și-a transformat întreaga structură de management pentru a-și îndeplini strategia de a folosi o formă descentralizată în locul sistemului vechi al managementului ierarhic centralizat. Nu este vorba numai de o secțiune tehnică sau de o zonă care conduce acest tip de management, au pus în mișcare o transformare sistemică în întreaga lor companie. Când te uiți la modul în care militarii explorează roiurile, ei nu au nici un interes în a face aceste feluri de lucruri ... doar modalități de a valorifica teoria roiului pentru a menține alte structuri de putere dominante și metodologii de luare a deciziilor. Nu există un aspect fractal, pur și simplu asimilarea în structura ierarhică centralizată. Roșu este folosit ca un instrument, dar modul în care operează militar nu este adaptat pentru a atinge întregul potențial de capabilități de roier, cel puțin nu în prezent. Din perspectivă de proiectare și inovare, ar trebui să încercăm să perturbem structura centralizată a armatei și să vedem cum putem funcționa efectiv într-un mod descentralizat sau rotativ? Prin întrerupere, vreau să spun că identificăm o modalitate utilă și sistemică de a folosi schimbările organizaționale care să obțină un avantaj. Provocarea este că "perturbarea" în cercurile militare tinde să obțină etichete negative, mai ales dacă sunt amenințate concepte sacre și ritualuri instituționale, care sunt imbricate în identitatea unei organizații. Un domeniu, în special, este codificarea modelelor noastre de luare a deciziilor militare, care sunt consacrate doctrinei militare. Schimbarea acestor metodologii contravine generațiilor de procese militare instituționale, datează din influențele Designului Industrial și

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processes, dating back into the influences of Industrial Design and schools of management like Taylorism. General officers today are just like general officers of hundreds of years ago, they are the general, and they are the top. This is not an attack on senior leadership, it is just a critical reflection on what the military system is designed to produce. There is a paradox in that when a military mechanical system of factory-style categorization moves batches of career groups through a rather rigid career timeline, we end up with the very best of convergent processes. Ideally the most effective of an organization‟s freshman year group out-perform their peers and converge. Yet at senior levels, that is when those leaders are expected to „diverge‟ and innovate „outside of the box,‟ when likely they are conditioned in the opposite direction. This is also why swarm theory gets assimilated into the centralized hierarchy for military practices, and perhaps why the disruptive qualities of military design are also frequently assimilated into bolt-on additions to the set military planning process.

ale școlilor de management cum ar fi Taylorismul. Ofițerii generali sunt astăzi la fel ca ofițerii de rând cu sute de ani în urmă, ei sunt generalii și sunt cei de sus. Acesta nu este un atac asupra conducerii superioare, este doar o reflecție critică asupra a ceea ce sistemul militar este proiectat să producă. Există un paradox în faptul că, atunci când un sistem mecanic militar de clasificare în fabricație se transformă în loturi de grupuri de carieră printr-un calendar de carieră destul de rigid, ajungem la cele mai bune procese convergente. În mod ideal, cea mai eficientă dintre grupul de ani în vârstă al unei organizații își depășește performanțele și se converg. Cu toate acestea, la nivelurile superioare, atunci se așteaptă ca acești lideri să "se diferențieze" și să inoveze "în afara casetei", atunci când sunt probabil condiționați în direcția opusă. De aceea, teoria roiurilor se asimilează în ierarhia centralizată a practicilor militare și, probabil, de ce calitățile distrugătoare ale designului militar sunt, de asemenea, asimilate frecvent în adăugiri la procesul de planificare militară stabilit.

Three ways airlines can use customer data to improve passenger experience https://www.wearefinn.com/topics/posts/three-ways-airlines-can-use-customer-datato-improve-passenger-experience/

blog Robin Hopper, Senior Vice President Marketing, Guestlogix Posted: 06/07/2018

Why investing in systems which make intelligent use of customer data can lead to increased sales for airlines.

For airlines, as for many businesses, financial success is directly linked to how well they understand their customers, and how central they make the customer experience to their overall operations. Both of these components hinge on the proper use of customer data. Just as it is important to treat customers‟ personal data respectfully – ensuring compliance with the recent GDPR rules, for example – it is equally important to leverage that data to create better and more personalised passenger experiences. Page 39 of 42

Passengers want their data to be used in ways that make their journey better and easier - and will do business with airlines that act accordingly. The “culture shift” being required of airlines isn‟t as difficult as it sounds. In fact, getting your data in order will make life easier, not harder, and will give the entire airline organisation more visibility into passengers‟ needs, preferences and habits. That, in turn, enables airlines to use customer data in ways that directly improve passenger experience, like personalising food and beverage combinations during in-flight service. Owning the shift By owning the shift toward a more passenger-centric culture and applying your and your department‟s unique expertise to new technology, your investments will achieve real, measurable and incremental results in passenger experience, satisfaction and loyalty. And as the results validate the process, the business culture can start to shift across the organisation – but it starts with renewed focus on the passenger at the heart of everything. Incremental improvements for airline buyers It can sometimes seem like airlines get a bad reputation for anything and everything, including the limitations of their use of technology. That‟s partly why carriers are making more use of passengers‟ smartphones – like enabling them to track their baggage on the airline‟s app, for example. But you‟ll need more than basic investments in customer data (and mobile apps) to really personalise passenger experience and bring together different selling opportunities. And that‟s what‟s missing right now: the ability to connect passenger data and put it to use – not just at check-in or during the flight, but seamlessly, across the day of travel. The good news is that airlines don‟t have to “boil the ocean” to start making impactful changes to their systems and processes. Grounding passenger experience in data Here are three ways airlines are grounding passenger experience in customer data, and shifting their business culture to become more passenger-centric: - Hiring specialists from the retail space for senior roles on passenger experience teams. They might bring someone in from the digital team at Nike, for example – someone who hasn‟t been steeped in legacy airline thinking, but who understands how to use customer data to connect passengers, merchandise and revenue. Learn from these people. - Taking a pragmatic “order of operations” approach to change their business culture. Once everyone in a unit or department is “on board” with really making improvements to passenger experience, they start looking around them for data that is readily available – and there‟s plenty of it. - Gathering simple insights from readily-available data – for example, knowing the best-selling items on different routes – can help airlines understand passengers‟ purchasing habits and better manage inventory. Ultimately, airlines will want to integrate passenger systems and CRM systems for a single “source of truth” for data and decision-making but this doesn‟t happen overnight. Moving away from legacy systems and legacy thinking is almost guaranteed to be a gradual process. But airlines will need a “single source of truth” where different data streams can be connected, displayed and segmented. Airlines can also share product and sales data with retail partners and airports. Recent partnerships like the ones between Deliver and  Dubai Airports, or American and Grab, show  signs of this shift.  The president of Dubai Airports estimates they have about 15 minutes to get a passenger into their duty-free shops once they enter the airport. But that same Page 40 of 42

passenger will spend six to eight hours on average in the air – during which time they could be shopping on-board and picking up the items after the flight. Personalisation and upsell Imagine if a retail store knew the exact time a customer would arrive and depart, what their last five purchases were, how many unredeemed loyalty points they had, and so on. Airlines do possess this information – but yet they do nothing with it, while retailers with far less data are able to gain more from it, because they‟ve prioritised data and CRM systems for decades. A greater number of airlines are using existing data to improve their passenger experience and make more money. As an airline partner, we don‟t wait for the „ocean to boil‟ – we have built the technology airlines need to improve passenger experience, increase margins, be more inventory efficient and create new selling opportunities. But it all starts with the airline‟s own data. Taking control of your customer data opens up new possibilities which were impossible before. Not just big possibilities, like ancillary merchandising before and after the flight, but also smaller ones like a passenger pulling out a smartphone, opening an app and upgrading their seat on a packed flight. Imagine the selling opportunities that would open up if passengers had that sort of experience with your airline?



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