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ZI DE ZI joi, 26 iulie 2018


LEONARDO a obținut "Certificarea sistemelor de management antimită"

pg. 47

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joi, 26 iulie 2018

semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 5 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 5 ROMAERO: buget 2018 aprobat ........................................................................................... 6 La Braşov se vor face elicoptere americane ........................................................................... 6 Insights ................................................................................................................................... 7 MIG-urile 21 Lancer zboară din nou, la două săptămâni de la accidentul aviatic în care a murit un pilot .......................................................................................................................... 7 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate creșterii producției (24 - început #270) ................................................................................................................. 9 Lockheed Martin: The Future of Work ................................................................................ 10 Cap. ITC ............................................................................................................................... 10 Global Commercial Avionics Market and Technology Forecast to 2026 ............................ 10 Project EAGLE sets its sights on helping autonomous aircraft see ..................................... 12 Cap. NAVAL ....................................................................................................................... 15 2018 FIRST-HALF FINANCIAL RESULTS ..................................................................... 16 U.S. Government Awards Lockheed Martin Contract to Begin Production of Multi-Mission Surface Combatant for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ............................................................... 18 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 19 Israel Set to Approve $8B Missile Defense Plan ................................................................. 21 Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE ........................................................................................ 22 GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (1 - Extras) ............................................. 22 IVECO-OTO MELARA CONSORTIUM (CIO) SIGNS CONTRACT WITH THE ITALIAN MINISTRY OF DEFENCE FOR 10 CENTAURO II ARMOURED VEHICLES .............................................................................................................................................. 23 LEONARDO LAUNCHES LEAP2020 PROGRAMME TO OPTIMISE ITS SUPPLY CHAIN ................................................................................................................................. 24 Cap. NATO/OTAN ............................................................................................................ 26 Unde duc discuțiile despre creșterea bugetelor pentru apărare ............................................ 26 Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 26 Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (5/11) .............................................. 26 Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 27 Vizita prim-ministrului Viorica Dăncilă în Muntenegru ...................................................... 27 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 29 Page 3 of 48

Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 29 Northrop Grumman Reports Second Quarter 2018 Financial Results ................................. 30 Declarația unică trebuie depusă până marți, 31 iulie 2018 .................................................. 34 Amenzi contravenționale...................................................................................................... 34 Cap. RESURSE .................................................................................................................. 34 Asigurări pentru accidente de muncă ................................................................................... 34 Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 35 Ziua Arhivelor Militare ........................................................................................................ 35 Air Missile Defence Technology Conference ...................................................................... 35 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .................................................................................................... 37 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (31 - început din 14.06.2018) .......................... 37 Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (16 sfârșit - început #278) ........................................................................................................... 40 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE............................................................................... 43 Livraison de la frégate Bretagne .......................................................................................... 43 GE/Safran: A Jet-Engine Pure-Play ..................................................................................... 44 FINCANTIERI begins work in Genoa on the second ship for Virgin Voyages .................. 44 BIAS 2018 la Romaero SA .................................................................................................. 45 BRIMSTONE ....................................................................................................................... 45 Armée de l'Air : la nacelle héliportée bientôt opérationnelle ............................................... 46 Giuseppe Giordo .................................................................................................................. 46 AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s. ................................................................................. 46 Cap. ETICA ÎN AFACERI .............................................................................................. 47 LEONARDO IS THE 1ST COMPANY AMONG THE TOP TEN GLOBAL PLAYERS IN THE AD&S SECTOR TO OBTAIN ISO 37001:2016 "ANTI BRIBERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS" CERTIFICATION ............................................................. 47 fiecare știre reprezintă doar punctul de vedere al autorului acesteia, iar linkul conduce la sursa originală și la forma integrală a articolului.

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The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.

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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 254,32 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0

240.00 230.00

200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00


















mil. euro


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ROMAERO: buget 2018 aprobat Guvernul României Hotărâre privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Societatea ROMAERO - S.A., aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei Nr. 538 din 17-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 644 din 24 Iulie 2018 Articol unic. Se aprobă bugetul de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Societatea ROMAERO - S.A., aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei, prevăzut în anexa care face parte integrantă din prezenta hotărâre.

La Braşov se vor face elicoptere americane Bell a finalizat studiul pentru transferul unei linii de producţie la IAR Ghimbav http://www.bzb.ro/stire/la-brasov-se-vor-face-elicoptere-americane-bell-helicopter-afinalizat-studiul-pentru-transferul-unei-linii-de-productie-la-iar-ghimbav-a127328

Bună Ziua Brașov Autor: Ovidiu VRÂNCEANU Publicat la 20 iulie 2018

Joel Best (foto stânga), unul dintre responsabilii companiei americane Bell Helicopter, a declarat că a fost finalizat studiul privind modul în care se va face transferul de tehnologie către IAR Ghimbav. Este vorba de 21 de elicoptere de transport UH-1Y Venom şi de 24 de elicoptere de atac AH-1Z Viper care vor fi produse pentru Armata Română. Modelele pleacă în misiuni în tandem şi sunt identice cu cele aflate în dotarea puşcaşilor marini din United States Marine Corps. Mai mult, Joel Best a precizat că în curând se va semna şi memorandumul de înţelegere pentru un parteneriat de lungă durată. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Insights Boeing is being contracted to support the Navy’s fleet of T-45 training aircraft. The cost-plus-fixed-fee order has a value of $12.2 million and provides for nonrecurring engineering efforts to support the integration of an Automatic Backup Oxygen system into the aircraft. The T-45 Goshawk is used by the US Navy to train its pilots for the transition to modern fighter jets and carrier landings. Last year the Navy decided to equip the trainers with new oxygen monitoring systems following a rash of incidents during which pilots appeared to suffer from oxygen deprivation. Work will be performed at the company‘s location in St. Louis, Missouri, and is expected to be completed in August 2019 Bell and Subaru collaborate on commercial 412 helicopter upgrade Vertical Magazine03:53 Tue, 17 Jul

Boeing begins assembly of second and third Chinook Block 2 EMD aircraft IHS Jane's00:22

Department of Defense with Bell Helicopter







KTRE, Texas20:44 Mon, 02 Jul

Inertial Navigation System (INS) Market to lead in North America | key Players: Boeing (US),… Industry Today11:27 Wed, 11 Jul

Mi-171A2 will be tested in highlands and high temperatures Vertical Magazine15:48 Wed, 25 Jul

Safran & Bell Helicopter Collaborating On Future eVOTL Air Taxi CleanTechnica10:06 Tue, 26 Jun

Waypoint delivers 3 AW169s to Emerald Pacific Airlines Vertical Magazine15:08 Tue, 24 Jul

Waypoint leases three AW169s to Taiwan Helicopter Investor19:11 Tue, 24 Jul

When The Heat Is Not On Just Helicopters16:31 Tue, 24 Jul

MIG-urile 21 Lancer zboară din nou, la două săptămâni de la accidentul aviatic în care a murit un pilot https://global-def.com/2018/07/24/mig-urile-21-lancer-zboara-din-nou-la-douasaptamani-de-la-accidentul-aviatic-in-care-a-murit-un-pilot/

Global Defense News - România Written by globaldefenseinfo on iulie 24, 2018

MIG-urile 21 Lancer au primit astăzi undă verde pentru zbor. Comisia de anchetă din Ministerul Apărării Naționale a terminat raportul preliminar făcut după tragedia aviatică din 7 iulie de la Baza Borcea. Concluziile nu au fost făcute decomandată publice. Acest raport trebuie să primească mai întâi viza ministrului Mihai Fifor. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 7 of 48

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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate creșterii producției (24 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports

Airbus extras Industrial Ramp-Up As a result of the large number of new orders for aircraft recorded in recent years, the Company is in the process of accelerating its production in order to meet the agreed upon delivery schedules for such new aircraft. The Company‘s ability to further increase its production rate will be dependent upon a variety of factors, including execution of internal performance plans, availability of raw materials, parts (such as aluminium, titanium and composites) and skilled employees given the high demand by the Company and its competitors, conversion of raw materials into parts and assemblies, and performance by suppliers and subcontractors (particularly suppliers of engines and buyer-furnished equipment) who may experience resource or financial constraints due to ramp-up. Management of such factors is also complicated by the development of new aircraft programmes in parallel, across Airbus and the two Divisions, which carry their own resource demands. Therefore, failures relating to any or all of these factors could lead to missed or delayed delivery commitments, and depending on the length of delay in meeting delivery commitments, could lead to additional costs and customers‘ rescheduling or terminating their orders. The associated risks may increase as the Company and its competitors announce further production rate increases. Signifi cant efforts have been made to improve supply chain stability and performance. Specifi c areas of risk with suppliers of engines and of cabin equipment continue to be carefully managed.

Ca urmare a numărului mare de comenzi noi pentru aeronavele înregistrate în ultimii ani, Compania este în proces de accelerare a producției pentru a respecta programul de livrare convenit pentru astfel de aeronave noi. Abilitatea Companiei de a-și spori în continuare creșterea ratei de producție va depinde de o serie de factori, printre care se numără executarea planurilor interne de performanță, disponibilitatea materiilor prime, a pieselor (cum ar fi aluminiul, titanul și compozitele) și a angajaților calificați, și a concurenților săi, prelucrarea și transformarea materiilor prime în părți și ansambluri și performanța furnizorilor și subcontractanților (în special furnizorii de motoare și echipamentele mobilate de cumpărători), care ar putea întâmpina constrângeri legate de resurse sau financiare din cauza creșterilor de producție. Gestionarea unor astfel de factori este, de asemenea, complicată de dezvoltarea de programe noi de aeronave în paralel, de-a lungul Airbus și cele două divizii, care au propriile resurse solicitate. Prin urmare, eșecurile legate de oricare dintre acești factori sau toți acești factori ar putea duce la angajamente nereușite sau întârziate și, în funcție de întârzierea îndeplinirii angajamentelor de livrare, ar putea conduce la costuri suplimentare și la reeșalonarea sau oprirea comenzilor clienților. Riscurile asociate pot crește, pe măsură ce Compania și concurenții săi anunță creșterea ulterioară a ratei de producție. S-au făcut eforturi semnificative pentru a îmbunătăți stabilitatea și performanța lanțului de aprovizionare. Zonele de risc specifice cu furnizorii de motoare și echipamentele de cabină continuă să fie gestionate cu atenție.

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Lockheed Martin: The Future of Work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-Kgl-I0MOc

YouTube LockheedMartinVideos Publicat pe 23 iul. 2018

Great design is timeless, but the future always beckons. Opening new doors to new possibilities. Empowering us to imagine new solutions to the world's most complex challenges. Explore some of the ways Lockheed Martin engineers will innovate, collaborate and develop new ideas in the future. Humans and machines working together in factories of the future, testing and sustaining platforms with digital twins and advanced integrated solutions delivery are all apart of this not-so-distant future. ...video varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. ITC Global Commercial Avionics Market and Technology Forecast to 2026 https://www.asdreports.com/market-research-report-462624/global-commercialavionics-market-technology-forecast

Aerospace & Defence - Network Published: Jul 2018 Pages: 239 Publisher: Market Forecast Report code: ASDR-462624

Global Commercial Avionics market is estimated at around USD 80 Billion and is expected to grow to USD 116 Billion by 2026 at a CAGR of around 4.14%. The cumulative market is expected to surpass USD 800 Billion during the forecast period. Fixed wing is expected to contribute to majority of the market. The report has been segmented into Fixed Wing, Rotary Wing, Business Jets and Commercial Unmanned Platforms. The Fixed wing segment is further classified into Communication Systems, Monitoring Systems, Flight Control Systems, Weather Systems, Aircraft Collision Avoidance Systems and Flight Management Systems. Page 10 of 48

The key drivers of the market include upgrades to synchronise to the Global Airspace initiatives, Cost Optimization, Increased In- Flight Connectivity and the overall increase in passenger traffic. Airlines are investing into upgrading the In- Flight Connectivity to enhance passenger experience, a clear example is of Turkish Airlines, wherein the airline has opted to line fit 50 of its future fleet with personalized home theatre experience. The fleet is expected to be 25 B787-9s and 25 A350-900s which is expected to be delivered by June 2019. The key challenge includes the interoperability of the existing systems and the retro fit systems in the existing aircraft families specifically for initiatives driven by the FAA and EU. This has been a key challenge for the overall sector. A competitive strategy model which affects the existing market has been analysed and cover in the report in the Porter‘s five forces model apart from the PESTLE which has been covered in the report. The report ―Global Commercial Avionics Market Forecast to 2026‖ provides historical data and forecast until 2026. The market forecast section provides segment wise forecast across each of the segments, regions and fitment. An in-depth Scenario analysis has been covered in the report which includes three scenarios and their impact on each of the segments have been covered in the report in the chapter Scenario Analysis. The in- depth coverage of the report across its sections are:  Market Overview: This section covers definition of the market and the current and the future technologies. The section also deals with the Regional demand and supply and future integrated airspace programs.  Market Analysis: This chapter deals with the key drivers, restraints and challenges of the market and their expected effect on the market. The existing regulations are expected to drive the market in both the retro fit and the line fit market.  Supplier Mapping: In the chapter titled ―Avionics Supplier Mapping‖, the individual programs and the key suppliers across sub components in the program have been mapped. The suppliers have been mapped for 14 programs.  Market Forecast: The market forecast section has four sub segments which are market forecast by region, by Fitment, by Sub System and by End User. The forecast period is from 2018-2026.  Scenario Analysis: A detailed scenario analysis has been captured as a part of this chapter, three scenarios have been considered. The assumptions of each scenario and the expected market impacts have been covered in this chapter.  Opportunity Analysis: This chapter covers the high growth markets and the areas the companies should be focussing on to maximize the revenues. The opportunities have been classified as High, Medium and Low Opportunities.  Company Profiles: Detailed Company profiling have been covered for the key players in the market, the company profiles include company information (Including products and Services), Company Financials, Contracts won, alliances and a detailed SWOT of each of companies.

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Project EAGLE sets its sights on helping autonomous aircraft see https://www.airbus.com/innovation/Eagle-eyes.html

Airbus 25July 2018

Alone pilot, an injured hiker. Faced with an unexpected humanitarian flight, the pilot engages his helicopter‘s image-processing system; it flies them to a hospital while the pilot divides his time between the radio, his patient, and the final approach. This is the future as seen by Airbus‘ experts in autonomous solutions. In developing groundbreaking technology for self-piloting aircraft, they envision safer and more efficient means of transport—and the benefits that go with it. Before a car can drive or a helicopter fly by itself, it needs images of the environment around it—onboard technology for image collection and analysis, linked to its central processing system and autopilot modes. At its helicopters division, Airbus is developing EAGLE as the ―eyes‖ of autonomous aircraft. While it may not be applied on fully autonomous vehicles yet, EAGLE (Eye for Autonomous Guidance and Landing Extension) is an important step in making them available.

What is EAGLE? EAGLE is a real-time video processing system for aircraft. In flight, it collects data from various sources, such as cameras, and analyses it by means of a computer algorithm that has been ―trained‖ to use the imagery in conjunction with the autopilot. ―It‘s a complete loop,‖ explains Nicolas Damiani, Senior Expert in Systems Simulation at Airbus Helicopters. ―EAGLE provides information to the autopilot. The autopilot displays how it intends to manage the trajectory to the target point. And the pilot monitors the parameters to make sure they are coherent with the image that is being Page 12 of 48

acquired by EAGLE.‖ The ultimate goal? Fully automating the approach, thereby reducing pilot workload during this critical phase. What is EAGLE, in tangible terms? EAGLE is comprised of cameras and a computer. The present prototype, for example, uses three cameras inside a gimbal gyrostabilised pod. The cameras are extremely high definition; each produces around 14 million pixels. Why three? Damiani‘s team set EAGLE an ambitious test-case: detect a helipad 2,000 metres away on a shallow four-degree slope approach. The resolution needed to zero in on such a target explains the combination of cameras. As the aircraft (in the test, an H225) starts its approach, the camera with a narrow field of view sends its input to the system. Medium-range, the system switches to the camera with a larger field of view, again switching during the landing to one with a fish-eye lens. The optronics are pure prototype at this stage. ―EAGLE is compatible with different camera options,‖ says Damiani. ―Because we need to analyse 14 million pixels at around 30 Hz, its interface is made for high-resolution video stream. But EAGLE is also capable of using input from standard cameras.‖ This may mean using a simpler optical part based on cameras that are installed on today‘s helicopters, to automate approaches when it isn‘t necessary to see the target in such detail. Three cameras, so what? EAGLE also comprises a many-core processor that is able to equate advanced algorithms. These are the centre of the project‘s focus, because before EAGLE can be industrialised, the algorithms and the processing unit – made of 768 shading units dedicated to graphics – as well as 12 processors must first be certified. ―As soon as an algorithm is based on image processing, it is difficult to get it certified because it relies on technologies that are currently hard to confirm,‖ says Damiani. ―The paradox is that the algorithms, especially those that are working on machine learning, are based on training the algorithm to learn by itself. In the end, even if the performance is good, it‘s very difficult to predict its result because of operational conditions that differ from the image sets used for the training.‖ In other words, the algorithm may demonstrate a high level of problem-solving, but nobody really knows at the end what computations it had been running. Research and development To function in practice, EAGLE applies mathematic algorithms to detect the expected (helipads, for example) and others based on artificial intelligence for the unexpected (―intruders‖ like birds, private drones, etc.). Spotting a helipad uses algorithms that are not based on machine learning—a helipad‘s standard shape is one the algorithm can count on. In the case of seeing and tracking intruders, developers are investigating deep learning algorithms. ―The problem is that before the algorithm can become intelligent, you have to train it,‖ says Damini. ―You have to get data on different approaches, in different environmental conditions.‖ In other words, a huge amount of data that is expensive to acquire and annotate—so as to ―explain‖ the data to the convolutional neural networks (artificial neural networks used in machine learning, usually to analyse visual imagery). To facilitate training the algorithm, Damiani‘s team is developing an approach where 90% of the training could be done through simulation. Real-world data might be mandatory to complete the learning process, but simulators may be a cost-efficient complement. The project‘s next steps are to certify the product to make it available operationally, and to research additional algorithms and optronics, with the aim of developing a small, low-cost and accurate ―eye‖ associated to a powerful ―brain.‖ Page 13 of 48

By using computer technology in the service of autonomous flight, Airbus seeks to offer its customers more and better solutions. Systems such as EAGLE are at the heart of Airbus‘ aim to provide global vertical flight solutions. Optimising flight trajectories, reducing pilot workload—technology that lets them focus on their missions and, sometimes, take easy decisions in unexpected situations. Research and development To function in practice, EAGLE applies mathematic algorithms to detect the expected (helipads, for example) and others based on artificial intelligence for the unexpected (―intruders‖ like birds, private drones, etc.). Spotting a helipad uses algorithms that are not based on machine learning—a helipad‘s standard shape is one the algorithm can count on. In the case of seeing and tracking intruders, developers are investigating deep learning algorithms. ―The problem is that before the algorithm can become intelligent, you have to train it,‖ says Damini. ―You have to get data on different approaches, in different environmental conditions.‖ In other words, a huge amount of data that is expensive to acquire and annotate—so as to ―explain‖ the data to the convolutional neural networks (artificial neural networks used in machine learning, usually to analyse visual imagery). To facilitate training the algorithm, Damiani‘s team is developing an approach where 90% of the training could be done through simulation. Real-world data might be mandatory to complete the learning process, but simulators may be a cost-efficient complement. The project‘s next steps are to certify the product to make it available operationally, and to research additional algorithms and optronics, with the aim of developing a small, low-cost and accurate ―eye‖ associated to a powerful ―brain.‖ By using computer technology in the service of autonomous flight, Airbus seeks to offer its customers more and better solutions. Systems such as EAGLE are at the heart of Airbus‘ aim to provide global vertical flight solutions. Optimising flight trajectories, reducing pilot workload—technology that lets them focus on their missions and, sometimes, take easy decisions in unexpected situations.

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2018 FIRST-HALF FINANCIAL RESULTS https://www.naval-group.com/en/news/2018-first-half-financial-results/

Naval Group - Franța 20.07.2018

  

Sales amount to €1.87 billion (+10% vs first-half 2017), of which 29% on international markets Order intake of €1.92 billion Increase in EBITA1 to €126.9 million and return on sales of 6.8%. Annual forecast confirmed

Naval Group’s General Management Committee met on 17 July 2018 to examine the accounts of the 1st half of 2018, closed on 30 June.

Commenting these results, Frank Le Rebeller, Executive Vice President Finance, Legal and Purchasing, indicated in particular: ―The results for the first half of 2018 (in accordance with IFRS standards and more specifically the IRFS 15 standard) show an increase in our sales and an improvement, as foreseen, of our profitability. They demonstrate the success of our progress plan and confirm the improvement of our operational control. Several major milestones in the French and international programs have been successfully achieved, in particular the launch of the FREMM Normandie frigate, the continuation of the launch campaign for the F21 torpedo, with three successful consecutive launches, and the transfer of the subsections of the first Brazilian submarine to its assembly hall. Furthermore, the group has received notification of the order for the 5th submarine of the Barracuda program.‖

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Order intake: €1.92 billion The order intake over the first half of 2018 accounts for €1.92 billion, bringing the backlog at the end of June 2018 to €13.8 billion. The main orders come from both France and international markets. They relate to all of the company‘s sectors, from new-build programmes to services or equipment. The main notifications relate to the nuclear attack submarine (SSN) program, the FREMM frigate program and the refit of the La Fayette-class frigates, as well as an additional order in relation to the Australian Future Submarine (AFS) program. The first half of 2017 benefitted from a particularly high level of order intake due to the notification of the medium-size frigate (FTI) program. Activity: sales up by 10% to €1.87 billion The half-yearly sales accounts for €1.87 billion, representing an increase of almost 10.2% compared to the first half of 2017 (restated according to the IFRS 15 standard). This is bolstered by the major French national programs, principally the Barracuda nuclear attack submarines and the FREMM multi-mission frigates. The international markets benefitted from the strong contribution of Brazil and Australia. Services have also contributed significantly, in particular through the modernisation programme for the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier and the M51 adaptation programme for the SSBN Le Téméraire. Profitability: significant increase in EBITA and operating profit EBITA (earnings before interest, taxes and amortisation) is €126.9 million. The return on sales ratio increased from 3.8% for the first half of 2017 (restated according to the IFRS 15 standard) to 6.8% for the same period in 2018. This sharp progress demonstrates the operational improvement of the programmes and the effectiveness of the actions undertaken for over three years. The consolidated net income, group share amounts to €104.6 million, which corresponds to an increase of almost €39 million compared to the first half of 2017 (restated according to the IFRS 15 standard). This strengthens the group‘s capacity to finance its future growth. Perspectives: maintaining efforts to control costs and lead times Throughout the 2018 reporting period, Naval Group will pursue its initiative to continuously improve the competitiveness of its offers and current programmes, both in France and on international markets, driven in particular by the control of costs and lead times. The improvement in profitability in 2017 should continue through 2018 and the consolidated net income group share is expected to increase by around 10%. Press contacts  Emmanuel Gaudez Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 59 55 69 Mob.: +33 (0)6 61 97 36 63 emmanuel.gaudez@naval-group.com  Klara Nadaradjane Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 59 Mob.:+33 (0)6 45 03 11 92 priyaklara.nadaradjane@naval-group.com  Videos and photos available at www.salledepresse.com

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U.S. Government Awards Lockheed Martin Contract to Begin Production of Multi-Mission Surface Combatant for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia https://www.epicos.com/article/297073/us-government-awards-lockheed-martincontract-begin-production-multi-mission-surface

EPICOS Jul 23, 2018 SOURCE: Lockheed Martin

The U.S. government awarded Lockheed Martin an Undefinitized Contract Action (UCA) award for the production of the Multi-Mission Surface Combatant for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Lockheed Martin is being awarded a contract totaling $450 million to begin the detailed design and planning for construction of four Multi-Mission Surface Combatants (MMSC) that will be built at Fincantieri Marinette Marine shipyard in Marinette, Wisconsin. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) will acquire four Multi-Mission Surface Combatants as part of a larger agreement between the United States and KSA to enhance global security and stimulate economic progress in the two regions. "We are pleased the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has selected the Multi-Mission Surface Combatant to support its Royal Saudi Naval Forces fleet," said Joe DePietro, vice president, Lockheed Martin Small Combatants and Ship Systems. "The MMSC provides the Royal Saudi Naval Forces a lethal and highly maneuverable multimission surface combatant, which features the flexibility of the Freedom-variant Littoral Combat Ship steel mono-hull with expanded capabilities that include an integrated Mk41 Vertical Launch System, an increased range of 5,000 nautical miles and speeds in excess of 30 knots, making it capable of littoral and open ocean operation, and able to confront modern maritime and economic security threats." ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... View source version on Lockheed Martin: https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2018-0720-U-S-Government-Awards-Lockheed-Martin-Contract-to-Begin-Production-of-MultiMission-Surface-Combatant-for-Kingdom-of-Saudi-Arabia

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Israel Set to Approve $8B Missile Defense Plan http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/35106

Israel Defense 25/07/2018 [Additional source: CTech]

According to the Yedioth Ahronoth daily, the 10-year plan will allocate massive resources to the IDF for the protection of the entire Israeli home front, increasing the IDF's missile arsenal and developing and purchasing advanced defensive measures The David's Sling system. (Photo: United States Missile Defense Agency / Wikipedia) Israel‘s security cabinet is set to authorize on Sunday an $8 billion (NIS 30 billion) armaments plan intended to bolster Israeli defenses in the face of the growing aerial threats in the region, Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported Tuesday. The report cited an unnamed government official who called the plan "unprecedented" in Israeli history. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (1 - Extras) http://investorrelations.gd.com/~/media/Files/G/General-DynamicsIR/documents/annual-reports/2017-gd-annual-report.pdf PART I ITEM 1. BUSINESS (Dollars in millions, except per-share amounts or unless otherwise noted) BUSINESS OVERVIEW COMBAT SYSTEMS Our Combat Systems group offers combat vehicles, weapons systems and munitions for the U.S. government and its allies around the world. We are a platform solutions provider offering market-leading design, development, production, modernization and sustainment services. With extensive, diverse and proven product lines, we have the agility to deliver tailored solutions to meet a wide array of customer mission needs. Comprised of three business units, European Land Systems, Land Systems, and Ordnance and Tactical Systems, the group‘s product lines include: • wheeled combat and tactical vehicles; • main battle tanks and tracked combat vehicles; • weapons systems, armament and munitions; and • maintenance, logistics support and sustainment services. Wheeled combat and tactical vehicles: The group provides a full spectrum of vehicles to a global customer base. The eightwheeled, medium-weight Stryker combat vehicle continues to prove itself as one of the most versatile vehicles in the U.S. Army‘s fleet, combining mobility and survivability into a deployable and responsive combat support vehicle. There are 11 Stryker variants, with 85% commonality across the fleet. We are working with the Army to convert all nine of its Stryker Brigade Combat Teams to our patented doubleV-hull configuration, which significantly improves protection for soldiers. We are modernizing the Stryker by upgrading the vehicles‘ power train, suspension and network capabilities, with the first of these vehicles delivered in September 2017. Page 22 of 48

We continue to innovate and demonstrate ways in which the Stryker can be modified to help the Army meet its urgent operational needs. In 2015, the Army identified a requirement to increase the lethality of Strykers, and through internal research and development (R&D) and an accelerated acquisition effort, we are adding a 30millimeter, remotelyoperated cannon to 83 Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicles. We delivered the first prototype in 2016, 15 months after the initial contract award. The first production vehicle was sent to the Germany-based 2nd Cavalry Regiment in December 2017. Another example is our Stryker Maneuver SHORAD Launcher (MSL) vehicle, which we quickly developed to address the Army‘s directed requirement to counter closer-in air and missile defense threats by integrating an air defense system missile launcher into a reconfigured Stryker vehicle. The group has a market-leading position in light armored vehicles (LAVs) with more than 13,000 vehicles delivered around the world. We offer advanced technologies combined with combat-proven survivability. We are upgrading the Canadian Army‘s fleet of LAVs to increase mobility, survivability and lethality, as well as enhancing the vehicles‘ surveillance suite. We also have a $10 billion contract to provide wheeled armored vehicles along with associated logistics support for a Middle Eastern customer through 2024. We deliver high-mobility, versatile Pandur and Piranha armored vehicles. The Pandur family of vehicles serves as a common platform for various armament and equipment configurations and the Piranha is a multi-role vehicle well-suited for a variety of combat operations. In 2017, we received a contract from the Austrian Army to supply Pandur 6x6 armored vehicles. We are delivering more than 300 Piranha vehicles in six variants to the Danish Ministry of Defence for its armored personnel carrier program, as well as sustaining the vehicles in the future. The Spanish Army selected the Piranha as its 8x8 armored fighting vehicle, and we are now performing extensive technological trials in anticipation of a production contract. In addition, we are producing Piranha armored vehicles for Ireland, Romania and Switzerland. The group offers a range of light tactical vehicles to global customers. The Flyer is a lightweight, modular vehicle built for speed and mobility that allows access to previously unreachable terrain in demanding environments. We are delivering this family of vehicles for the U.S. Special Operations Command and the Army‘s Ground Mobility Vehicle programs. Outside the United States, the Duro and Eagle vehicles offer a range of options in the 6- to 15-ton weight class. We are upgrading Duro tactical vehicles for the Swiss Army through 2022 and delivering Eagle armored patrol vehicles to the Danish Army, with initial deliveries scheduled for 2018.


Leonardo Rome 24/07/2018 18:06

The contract, which includes vehicles, spares and logistic support, is for the first tranche of a total 136 units. The contract value to Leonardo is approximately 92 million Euros Centauro II is a latest-generation wheeled armoured vehicle which combines high performance with maximum crew protection. The vehicle can be employed for national security missions and peace-keeping operations Page 23 of 48

Leonardo is responsible for the complete vehicles’ turret defence system, including observation, targeting and communications systems Today the Iveco-Oto Melara Consortium (CIO), which is 50% owned by Leonardo, signed a contract worth 159 million Euros with the Italian Ministry of Defence for the acquisition of the first 10 new Centauro IIarmoured vehicles. The signing ceremony took place at Palazzo Guidoni, the headquarters of the Italian Secretariat General of Defence and of the National Armaments Directorate. It was attended by the Secretary General of Defence and National Armaments Director, Aerial Squadron Marshall Carlo Magrassi, the Italian Army Chief of Staff, General Salvatore Farina, and the Director of the Land Armaments, Lieutenant General Francesco Castrataro. This is the first tranche out of a total 136 units. The contract also includes spares and logistic support. 

The contract value for Leonardo amounts to approximately 92 million Euros. The company will be responsible for the development and integration of the complete turret defence system, including the observation, targeting and communications systems. Centauro II is a major step forward compared to the Centauro I in terms of power, situational awareness, mobility, ergonomics, shooting behaviour and communications, all while providing maximum crew protection. It is a latestgeneration wheeled armoured vehicle that can operate in any number of scenarios: from national security missions to peacekeeping and support operations and in other operational theatres in which the Armed Forces need to intervene.

LEONARDO LAUNCHES LEAP2020 PROGRAMME TO OPTIMISE ITS SUPPLY CHAIN http://www.leonardocompany.com/en/-/leap2020

Leonardo Rome 25/07/2018 08:30

The LEAP2020 programme (Leonardo Empowering Advanced Partnership 2020) is a new model for Leonardo’s supply-chain which will drive growth in the Aerospace, Defence and Security sector. Visible results in scale and quality are expected in the short and long term Profumo: “LEAP2020, one of the strategic drivers of our Industrial Plan, is an innovative approach to supply chain management, creating a virtuous circle that will strengthen both Leonardo and the industrial structure of the country system” In its initial phase, the programme will focus on strategic suppliers, those which the Company spends around 1 billion Euros with Page 24 of 48

Leonardo has launched the LEAP2020 (Leonardo Empowering Advanced Partnerships 2020) programme, an initiative outlined in the Company’s 2018-2022 Industrial Plan which will create a new model for the relationship between Leonardo and its suppliers. The project‘s aim is to drive the growth of Leonardo‘s supply chain in terms of both scale and quality, starting with the Company‘s Italian supply chain but extending internationally. Named to evoke the concepts of momentum and progress, LEAP2020 will see Leonardo and its suppliers sharing future challenges and opportunities, enabling Leonardo to improve its performance in areas such as quality and on-time delivery. ―The LEAP2020 programme, one of the initiatives in our 2018-2022 Industrial Plan, is an innovative approach to supplier management‖ said Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo, adding ―It will create a virtuous circle that will strengthen the Company and, more broadly, the industry as part of country system as well as presenting more consolidation opportunities in the sector. The project is based on an open platform that, starting with one-to-one relationships with each supplier, will lead to real, mutually beneficial partnerships‖. In its initial phase, LEAP2020 will focus on suppliers which are considered of strategic importance to Leonardo, those that the Company spends around 1 billion Euros with and which supply to multiple Leonardo divisions. The programme defines a model for the selection of a new ―growth partner‖ based on an independent assessment of a supplier in terms of capability, competitiveness, transparency, traceability and sustainability. Clusters of similar suppliers will be created (from peers to ―national and international champions‖) and for each cluster Leonardo will establish an approach tailored to drive their growth in size and levels of quality. Leonardo is looking to grow alongside suppliers which offer high levels of technology and capabilities, offering support, closer integration and new business opportunities. The LEAP2020 programme will generate benefits in the short term, with larger gains, in some cases in the region of 20% improvements in deliveries and quality, expected in 2020. The programme will help meet the objectives of Leonardo‘s Industrial Plan which credibly foresees medium to long-term growth with a strong focus on execution. Wider benefits of the programme will include more solid and sustainable relationships between Leonardo and its best-performing partners, a strengthening of the supplier base in identified high-impact categories, and a level of promotion for the companies who play a part in Leonardo‘s productive eco-system. The long-term partnerships will also benefit from capacity-building initiatives aimed at transferring technical and management skills and improving supplier‘s business relations with the sector‘s main international players. Overall, LEAP2020 is a win-win approach that offers meaningful opportunities for both Leonardo and its suppliers. Leonardo will be able to improve the sustainability, performance and capability of its business, allowing it to more effectively meet the requirements of its customers, achieve important cost savings and streamline its purchasing activity. On the supplier‘s side, the ―country system‖ will benefit from better-performing and more innovative companies with a stable investment horizon, better able to compete in the global marketplace.

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Cap. NATO/OTAN Unde duc discuțiile despre creșterea bugetelor pentru apărare https://global-def.com/2018/07/19/unde-duc-discutiile-despre-cresterea-bugetelorpentru-aparare/

Global Defense News - România Written by globaldefenseinfo on iulie 19, 2018

Donald. Donald Trump a făcut și de această data titlurile la summitul NATO. Prima zi a început prost. Liderul de la Casa Albă a spus despre Germania, țara care nu alocă 2% din Produs Intern Brut pentru Apărare, că „a devenit captivă‖ Federației Ruse. A rostit aceste cuvinte chiar în timp ce lua masa cu secretarul general al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. EUROPA Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (5/11) Modernising trade defence instruments http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/621884/EPRS_BRI(2018) 621884_EN.pdf

Think Tank - defence - PE EU Legislation in Progress July 2018 Briefing1

In 2011 the Commission proceeded with a new reform initiative based on the results of an external evaluation study on the EU's TDIs. In 2012 a new public consultation was carried out. It generated more than 300 replies, mainly from EU producers, but also from importers, business associations and national governmental authorities. Throughout 2012 the Commission organised a number of meetings, conferences and civil society dialogues. The Commission's impact assessment accompanied the legislative proposal of April 2013, and Parliament's secretariat published an initial appraisal in October 2013. The changes the proposal would bring The Commission proposal focused on amendments aimed, i) at increasing transparency and predictability; ii) enhancing the Commission's ability to deal with the threat of retaliation; iii) improving the effectiveness and enforcement of AD/AS measures; iv) optimising review practice; and v) codifying certain practices mandated by the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU and the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Moreover, the Commission intended to adopt guidelines on administrative practices regarding major aspects of the investigation procedure that would not be subject to legislative amendments and are set out in its accompanying communication. Increasing transparency and predictability Currently, the EU may impose AD or AS duties at any time between 60 days and 15 months from the official announcement date of an investigation. If it is decided that duties will be imposed, this will only be announced one day before they come into effect. To increase predictability for EU importers, the Commission proposed, i) limited pre-disclosure to interested parties – including a summary of the proposed measures and the dumping/subsidy and injury 1

This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.

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margin calculations for each cooperating exporter and the Union industry – two weeks before the imposition of provisional measures. Parties would be granted a deadline of three working days to provide comments on the accuracy of the calculations. The Commission furthermore proposed, ii) the non-imposition of provisional duties during a two-week period following the pre-disclosure. This rule has also been referred to as the shipping clause, the idea being to exclude goods from the proposed measures if they have already been shipped. It should allow importers who had placed goods in transit prior to the AD investigation to pass through customs clearance without paying the AD/AS duties that will be imposed after the two weeks' notice has elapsed;5 and iii) an advance notice in the event of non-imposition of provisional measures, two weeks ahead of the nine-month deadline to impose provisional measures. Enhancing the EU's capacity to deal more effectively with threats of retaliation In order to protect EU producers considering lodging a complaint against the threat of retaliatory measures by exporting countries, the Commission proposed to consider the threat of retaliation as 'special circumstances' which under the current legal framework allow it to initiate investigations of its own (ex officio) without an official request from EU industry, if there is sufficient prima facie evidence of injurious dumping/subsidisation. For the purpose of ex-officio investigations, the Commission proposal introduced an obligation for Union producers of a 'like product' to cooperate. Such an obligation would be necessary in order to ensure that Commission staff had access to the data required for the investigation.

Cap. DECIZIONAL Vizita prim-ministrului Viorica Dăncilă în Muntenegru http://gov.ro/ro/stiri/vizita-prim-ministrului-viorica-dancila-in-muntenegru&page=1

Guvern România Prim-ministrul Viorica Dăncilă, aflată într-o vizită oficială în Muntenegru, a fost primită astăzi, 25 iulie 2018, de către preşedintele muntenegrean Milo Đukanović. Întâlnirea a prilejuit reconfirmarea nivelului deosebit al relaţiilor bilaterale şi a permis discutarea şi aprofundarea aspectelor de interes comun ale agendei bilaterale, europene şi internaţionale. Premierul român a transmis felicitări pentru progresele remarcabile realizate de Muntenegru pe calea sa europeană și euroatlantică, în special prin îndeplinirea obiectivului de aderare la NATO, proiect pe care România l-a susținut puternic în toată această perioadă. Șeful Executivului a subliniat că, și pentru România, apartenența la Alianță a deschis calea către un proces consistent de reformă, oferind garanțiile de stabilitate și securitate care s-au dovedit ulterior extrem de benefice, inclusiv pentru succesul negocierilor de aderare la UE. Ambii oficiali au subliniat semnificaţia deosebită, inclusiv în plan regional, a alăturării Podgoriţei la Alianţa Nord-Atlantică, atât sub aspectele valorilor democratice ale NATO şi stabilităţii, cât şi din perspectiva consolidării rezilienţei regionale într-o perioadă marcată de incertitudini şi dificultăţi. În cadrul dialogului cu preşedintele Milo Đukanović, premierul Viorica Dăncilă a exprimat convingerea că Muntenegru va continua, în următorii cinci ani, să se apropie decisiv de obiectivul cheie al aderării la Uniunea Europeană. Totodată, a subliniat aprecierea pentru progresele substanțiale obținute de această țară în parcursul său european și a exprimat încrederea că, pe perioada mandatului României la Președinția Consiliului UE, Muntenegru va realiza paşi decisivi în relația Page 27 of 48

cu UE. La rândul său, președintele Milo Đukanović a prezentat stadiul negocierilor de aderare ale țării sale la UE, exprimându-și speranța că, până la încheierea Președinției rotative a României la Consiliul UE, se vor face progrese semnificative în capitolele de negociere deschise în prezent. În context, prim-ministrul Viorica Dăncilă a subliniat că Balcanii de Vest reprezintă o prioritate a mandatului României la Președinția Consiliului Uniunii Europene, precizând că partea română va continua să susţină activ parcursul european al statului Muntenegru, inclusiv prin transfer de expertiză şi alte mecanisme adecvate. Demnitarul român s-a referit şi la importanța continuă acordată politicii de extindere pe baza meritelor proprii şi menţinerii respectului pentru valorii europene de către statele candidate şi a reconfirmat continuarea abordării ţării noastre pentru politica de extindere. Ambii demnitari au reconfirmat voinţa de a acţiona pentru consolidarea relaţiilor comerciale şi economice, prin proiecte concrete, astfel încât acestea să se încadreze nivelului relaţiilor politice foarte bune şi contactelor inter-umane excelente dintre cele două state. Cu precădere, președintele muntenegrean a insistat asupra domeniilor culturii și economiei, ca fiind prioritare pentru fundamentarea relațiilor bilaterale. Ambii oficiali au convenit intensificarea cooperării sectoriale în domeniile energiei, cu accent pe interconectivitate, precum și în domeniile turism, educație, cultură. Pentru creșterea numărului de turiști dintre cele două state, a fost subliniată necesitatea înființării unei curse aeriene directe între România și Muntenegru. Președintele Đukanović a evocat, de asemenea, buna cooperare în domeniul sănătății, afirmând că, în prezent, o serie de pacienți din Muntenegru sunt tratați în spitalele românești. În acest context, prim-ministrul român a mulțumit autorităților de la Podgorița, domnului Đukanović în special, aflat atunci în fruntea guvernului, pentru sprijinul acordat autorităților române în cazul accidentului de autocar din 2013 Aflată în vizită oficială în Muntenegru, prima vizită la nivel de prim-ministru de la proclamarea independenței statului muntenegrean, la 3 iunie 2006, doamna primministru Viorica Dăncilă a avut o întrevedere astăzi, 25 iulie 2018, cu omologul muntenegrean Duško Marković. Agenda discuţiilor a reconfirmat nivelul de excelenţă dezvoltat în relaţiile bilaterale şi a permis abordarea, într-un dialog constructiv şi pragmatic, a temelor de cooperare de pe agenda bilaterală, colaborarea în cadrul NATO, stadiul parcursului european al Muntenegru, precum şi cele mai recente evoluţii din regiune. Cei doi înalţi demnitari au exprimat interesul pentru adâncirea relaţiilor în toate domeniile de interes comun, cu accent pe cooperarea economică, creşterea schimburilor comerciale şi aprofundarea cooperării sectoriale în domeniul energiei, cu accent pe interconectivitate, precum și mediu, turism afaceri interne. In acest sens, s-a convenit intensificarea dialogului ministerial, fiind propusă o întâlnire între miniștrii energiei. Mai mult, a fost exprimată intenția de a activa contactele bilaterale la nivel de lucru și de a pregăti platforme de contact direct între comunităţile oamenilor de afaceri din cele două ţări, fiind stabilită organizarea unui forum economic comun. Prim-ministrul Viorica Dăncilă a reliefat importanţa pe care viitoarea Preşedinţie română a Consiliului Uniunii Europene, în primul semestru al anului viitor, o va acorda continuării politicii de extindere a UE şi a reconfirmat susținerea fermă pentru aderarea Muntenegrului la UE, cât mai curând posibil, în baza meritelor proprii și îndeplinirii criteriilor de aderare. Totodată, premierul Dăncilă a reafirmat disponibilitatea deplină a țării noastre de a oferi expertiza și asistența tehnică relevantă în acest proces, continuând schimbul de experiență derulat cu succes până în prezent prin intermediul mecanismelor şi instrumentelor de cooperare bilaterală, în domeniile de interes pentru partea Page 28 of 48

muntenegreană în cadrul negocierilor de aderare. În acest sens, s-a agreat inițierea cooperării directe între miniștrii afacerilor europene din cele două țări. Demnitarul român a transmis aprecierea deosebită pentru opţiunea strategică limpede a statului Muntenegru şi a remarcat că, la un an de la aderarea în NATO, procesul consistent de reformă deschis se va constitui şi într-un beneficiu pentru succesul negocierilor de aderare la UE. Partea română a apreciat că integrarea Muntenegrului în NATO constituie o contribuţie la stabilitatea Balcanilor de Vest şi la eliminarea ameninţărilor de securitate din acest areal. Ambele state rămân fidele Tratatului Alianţei Nord-Atlantice şi susţin integral valorile, principiile şi obiectivele aliate, recent reconfirmate prin Declaraţia Finală a Alianţei, adoptată la Bruxelles, 12 iulie 2018. Totodată, partea română a exprimat convingerea că participarea sporită a statului Muntenegru la iniţiativele relevante de cooperare regională, cum ar fi proiectele dezvoltate sub egida Strategiei Uniunii Europene pentru Regiunea Dunării reprezintă o continuare firească a consolidării parcursului european al întregii regiuni. În finalul întrevederii, doamna prim-ministru Viorica Dăncilă a adresat omologului muntenegrean Duško Marković invitația de a efectua o vizită oficială în România.

Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur

19 iul.2018 4.6549 5.2150 4.0128 156.9985


20 iul.2018 4.6562 5.2019 3.9954 157.3290

23 iul.2018 4.6512 5.2182 3.9767 157.1331

24 iul.2018 4.6367 5.2019 3.9677 156.1953

25 iul.2018 4.6282 5.2026 3.9551 156.6016





5.5 5

5.1993 4.6695










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grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Northrop Grumman Reports Second Quarter 2018 Financial Results http://investor.northropgrumman.com/static-files/ff48d83d-c6a3-40d2-a3587963ca8a4261

Northrop Grumman FALLS CHURCH, Va. – July 25, 2018

• Q2 Sales Increase 10 Percent to $7.1 Billion • Q2 EPS Increase 24 Percent to $3.93 • Backlog Increases to $52.2 Billion • 2018 EPS Guidance Increased to $16.60 to $16.85 Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) reported second quarter 2018 sales increased 10 percent to $7.1 billion, which includes sales of $400 million for recently acquired Orbital ATK (―Innovation Systems‖) for the period of June 7, 2018 through June 30, 2018. Second quarter 2018 net earnings increased 24 percent to $689 million, or $3.93 per diluted share, compared with $555 million, or $3.16 per diluted share, in the prior year period. Second quarter 2018 net earnings include earnings for Innovation Systems since the deal close, which were more than offset by a full quarter of net interest expense related to the acquisition and deal-related costs. ―With this quarter‘s addition of Innovation Systems to our portfolio, along with robust internal investment, we continue to strengthen our foundation for long-term profitable growth. We also continue to return cash to our shareholders. We raised the dividend during the quarter, and we resumed share repurchases. I‘m confident that our company is well positioned for the future,‖ said Wes Bush, chairman and chief executive officer. ―Our second quarter results reflect solid operational performance across the enterprise, and the addition of Innovation Systems. We are off to a strong start executing well-laid plans for integrating our new, fourth sector. We welcome the Innovation Systems team and are excited about their future contributions to continued value creation for our shareholders, customers and employees,‖ said Kathy Warden, president and chief operating officer.

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The company‘s second quarter 2018 results reflect the adoption of Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, and Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2017-07, Compensation Retirement Benefits (Topic 715): Improving the Presentation of Net Periodic Pension Cost and Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost, using the full retrospective method. Schedules 4 and 5 at the end of this release present comparable prior period consolidated and segment financial information recast to reflect the adoption of these standards. Second quarter 2018 sales increased 10 percent, due to the acquisition of Innovation Systems and higher Aerospace Systems and Mission Systems sales, partially offset by lower sales at Technology Services. Second quarter segment operating income increased 3 percent due to higher sales, partially offset by lower margin rates at Mission Systems and Technology Services. In addition, last year‘s second quarter benefited from a $54 million claim related to certain costs incurred in prior years (the ―Cost Claim‖). Second quarter 2018 operating income and margin rate declined to $823 million and 11.6 percent, respectively, due to higher unallocated corporate expense and lower net FAS (service)/CAS pension adjustment, partially offset by higher segment operating income. Unallocated corporate expense increased $53 million, primarily due to the Innovation Systems acquisition, which resulted in $23 million of nonrecurring transaction costs and $21 million amortization of purchased intangibles in the second quarter. Second quarter interest expense increased $68 million, and Other, net increased $13 million due to a $24 million increase in interest income. These changes reflect the company‘s issuance in October 2017 of $8.25 billion of debt to finance the Innovation Systems acquisition. The company‘s second quarter effective tax rate declined to 18.8 percent from 31.7 percent in the prior year period. The lower tax rate reflects the benefit of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which reduced the federal statutory tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent. In addition, the company‘s second quarter 2018 effective tax rate reflects $22 million of tax benefits associated with research credits. Page 31 of 48

Second quarter 2018 cash provided by operating activities increased $368 million to $875 million compared with $507 million in the prior year period. After capital expenditures of $199 million, second quarter 2018 free cash flow was $676 million. Year to date through June 30, 2018, cash provided by operating activities increased $570 million to $638 million compared with $68 million in the prior year. The increase is principally due to improved trade working capital performance. After capital expenditures of $504 million, free cash flow through June 30, 2018 was $134 million.

Aerospace Systems

Aerospace Systems second quarter 2018 sales increased 11 percent, principally due to higher Manned Aircraft sales. Higher volume for restricted activities and the F-35 program were the primary drivers of higher Manned Aircraft volume. Autonomous Systems and Space sales were also higher than the prior year period. Autonomous Systems sales included higher volume for several programs, partially offset by lower Global Hawk volume. Space sales included higher restricted and Ground Based Strategic Deterrent volume, partially offset by lower James Webb Space Telescope and intercompany volume. Page 32 of 48

Aerospace Systems second quarter 2018 operating income increased 12 percent due to higher sales and $69 million of positive performance adjustments on multiple restricted programs, partially offset by a negative performance adjustment on the James Webb Space Telescope program. In addition, last year‘s second quarter operating income included a benefit from the Cost Claim. Innovation Systems

Innovation Systems second quarter 2018 sales and operating income above reflect operating results from June 7, 2018 through June 30, 2018.

Mission Systems

Mission Systems second quarter 2018 sales increased 1 percent principally due to higher Sensors and Processing volume and higher volume for Advanced Capabilities programs, partially offset by lower Cyber and ISR volume. Higher Sensors and Processing sales are primarily due to higher volume on restricted programs, the Scalable Agile Beam Radar program, F-35, and communications programs. Higher Advanced Capabilities volume reflects higher volume for several programs, including IBCS; partially offset by lower volume for JRDC and follow-on activity. Cyber and ISR sales decreased primarily due to lower volume on restricted ISR programs. Mission Systems second quarter operating income decreased 8 percent, and operating margin rate decreased to 12.2 percent. Lower operating income includes a forward loss provision for an Advanced Capabilities program, which was partially offset by improved performance on Sensors and Processing programs and Cyber and ISR programs. In addition, last year‘s second quarter operating income included a benefit related to the Cost Claim. Technology Services

Technology Services second quarter 2018 sales decreased 10 percent due to the completion of several programs, including JRDC, and lower volume on the KC-10 program as it nears completion. These declines were partially offset by higher volume on several other programs, including the Special Electronic Mission Aircraft program and international activities. Technology Services second quarter 2018 operating income decreased 24 percent and operating margin rate declined to 9.1 percent. These declines reflect lower sales Page 33 of 48

volume, as well as a negative adjustment due to a notice of termination received for the Virginia Information Technologies Agency program. In addition, last year‘s second quarter operating income included a benefit from the Cost Claim.

Declarația unică trebuie depusă până marți, 31 iulie 2018 http://www.mfinante.ro/acasa.html?method=detalii&id=999603515

Ministerul Finanţelor Publice 2018-07-25 |

Termenul limită de depunere a Declarației unice este 31 iulie a.c. online, prin intermediul aplicației care poate fi accesată la adresa https://declunica.anaf.ro/, cu numele de utilizator și parola contului personal din Spațiul Privat Virtual, prin certificat digital calificat sau prin intermediul portalului e-guvernare.ro. De asemenea, Declarația Unică se poate depune și în format hârtie direct la registratura administrațiilor fiscale ale ANAF, sau prin poștă, prin scrisoare recomandată cu confirmare de primire. Până în prezent au depus Declarația Unică un număr de peste 600.000 de persoane fizice, din care online 190.000, de 3,5 ori mai multe decât anul trecut. Declarația unică se completează și se depune de către persoanele fizice care realizează, individual sau într-o formă de asociere, venituri din România şi/sau din străinătate, și de cele care datorează impozit pe venit și contribuții sociale obligatorii. Persoanele care nu realizează venituri și aleg să plătească contribuția de asigurare de sănătate au, de asemenea, obligația de a depune Declarația Unică.

Amenzi contravenționale Parlamentul României Lege privind măsuri de eficientizare a achitării amenzilor contravenționale Nr. 203 din 20-Iulie-2018 Președintele României Decret pentru promulgarea Legii privind măsuri de eficientizare a achitării amenzilor contravenționale Nr. 595 din 20-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 647 din 25 Iulie 2018

Cap. RESURSE Asigurări pentru accidente de muncă Parlamentul României Lege pentru modificarea și completarea unor acte normative în domeniul asigurării pentru accidente de muncă Nr. 198 din 20-Iulie-2018 Președintele României Decret privind promulgarea Legii pentru modificarea și completarea unor acte normative în domeniul asigurării pentru accidente de muncă Nr. 590 din 19-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 646 din 25 Iulie 2018 Page 34 of 48

Cap. EVENIMENTE Ziua Arhivelor Militare https://www.facebook.com/Arhivele-Militare-Na%C8%9Bionale-Rom%C3%A2ne410956052317962/

facebook MESAJUL ȘEFULUI STATULUI MAJOR AL APĂRĂRII Cunoașterea trecutului instituției militare constituie un punct de plecare pentru acțiunile generațiilor actuale și viitoare, a cărui acuratețe și valoare de întrebuințare depinde de dăruirea și profesionalismul cu care dumneavoastră, specialiștii în gestionarea dovezilor nealterate ale istoriei, îndepliniți această nobilă misiune. În baza Înaltului Decret Regal nr. 380 din 17 martie 1867, se înființează Depozitul General al Războiului, prima instituție militară de profil, ulterior la 26 iulie 1920 se înființează Depozitul de Arhivă al Secției 6 Istorie din Marele Stat Major, moment ce marchează începutul dezvoltării sistemului arhivistic în conformitate cu exigențele conservării, cercetării și valorificării tezaurului arhivistic și a tradițiilor militare ale Armatei României, tradiție continuată în prezent de Arhivele Militare Nationale Române. Arhivele militare păstrează vie istoria modernă, o bucată din sufletul neamului românesc. Știm că în ultimele două veacuri România a participat la numeroase conflicte, din care două mondiale, iar Armata a constituit garantul suveranității naționale și nu trebuie să uităm jertfa de sânge a înaintașilor. Pe lângă profunda cunoaștere a istoriei, atenția la detalii și munca laborioasă este nevoie de o mai mare deschidere către cei ce își doresc să cunoască mai îndeaproape tradițiile și istoria Armatei Romane, valorificarea parteneriatelor cu instituțiile universitare și de cultură și, nu în ultimul rând, informatizarea datelor aduce în actualitate, ne facilitează accesul la informații fără a afecta direct valorosul material arhivistic. Toate acestea împreună cu adaptarea mentalității și a modului de pregătire al personalului vor permite transferul rapid al informațiilor, diminuând, în același timp, birocrația și timpul de așteptare. La ceas aniversar aduc mulțumiri personalului care își desfășoară sau și-a desfașurat activitatea în această dificilă specialitate, și vă adresez sincerele mele urări de sănătate, bucurie și împliniri profesionale și personale, alături de cei dragi. La mulți ani! ȘEFUL STATULUI MAJOR AL APĂRĂRII General Nicolae-Ionel CIUCĂ

Air Missile Defence Technology Conference https://www.asdevents.com/event.asp

Aerospace & Defence - Network 23 - 24 October, 2018 - Prague, Czech Republic We are delighted to announce our 3rd Annual Air Missile Defence Technology conference taking place in Prague on the 23rd and 24th October 2018. With today's militaries facing multiple, simultaneous and varied threats, operators have crucial requirements for flexible and adaptable systems that are able to counter the ever changing battlespace environment. In conjuncture with this, constrained budgets mean the importance of allied cooperation is more prevalent than ever and interoperability Page 35 of 48

between systems and national partners is crucial for any future planning. This is evident with the spread of the Aegis Ashore missile network, NATO Integrated Missile Defence (NIAMD) system and, on a bi-lateral level, Project Apollo. This year's Air Missile Defence Technology conference will provide the perfect forum to assist the learning and development of Air Missile Defence OEMs, system integrators, niche component manufacturers, technical engineers, programme managers, and platform operators through briefing and panel discussions focusing on the latest national developments and technical innovations. Benefits of Attending  Host nation presentations: Hear from the Czech Armed Forces on their Air and Missile Defencecapability development at a time of widespread modernisation  Develop an international perspective on Air Missile Defence Technology (AMDT) with additional presentations from nations such as the UK, Lithuania, Hungary, NATO and USA  Listen to technical briefings from industry experts including Lockheed Martin and Diehl Defence - as well as a dedicated exhibition space to showcase the latest technologies.  Benefit from a comprehensive approach: AMDT 18 will cover the full spectrum of air defence: from detection and surveillance to counter-UAS capabilities  Explore ways in which interoperability between nations and technological systems can be developed to maximise the proficiency of Air Missile Defence strategies and capabilities

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LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (31 - început din 14.06.2018) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97


Securities and Exchange Commission - USA Space Our Space business segment, previously Segmentul nostru de afaceri spațiale, cunoscut known as Space Systems, is engaged in the anterior ca Space Systems, este implicat în research and development, design, cercetarea și dezvoltarea, proiectarea, engineering and production of satellites, ingineria și producția de sateliți, sisteme de strategic and defensive missile systems and rachete strategice și defensive și sisteme de space transportation systems. Space transport spațiu. Spațiul oferă o conștientizare provides network-enabled situational situațională bazată pe rețea și integrează awareness and integrates complex space sisteme globale complexe și bazate pe sol, and ground-based global systems to help pentru a ajuta clienții noștri să adune, să our customers gather, analyze, and analizeze și să distribuie în siguranță datele securely distribute critical intelligence data. critice de informații. Spațiul este, de asemenea, Space is also responsible for various responsabil pentru diferite sisteme și servicii classified systems and services in support clasificate în sprijinul sistemelor vitale de of vital national security systems. Space‘s securitate națională. Programele majore ale major programs include the Trident II D5 programului spațial includ: rachete balistice Page 37 of 48

Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM), AWE, Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (Orion), Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS), Global Positioning System (GPS) III, Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF), and The Mobile User Objective System (MUOS). Operating profit for our Space business segment includes our share of earnings for our investment in ULA, which provides expendable launch services to the U.S. Government. Space‘s operating results included the following (in millions):

2017 compared to 2016 Space‘s net sales in 2017 increased $64 million, or 1%, compared to 2016. The increase was attributable to approximately $810 million due to a full year of net sales from AWE in 2017 compared to four months of sales in 2016, which we began consolidating during the third quarter of 2016. This increase was partially offset by a decrease of approximately $300 million for space transportation programs due to a reduction in launch-related events; about $255 million for government satellite programs (primarily AEHF and SBIRS) due to lower volume; and approximately $190 million across other programs (including the Orion program) due to lower volume. Space‘s operating profit in 2017 decreased $296 million, or 23%, compared to 2016. Operating profit decreased about $127 million due to the pre-tax gain recorded in 2016 related to the consolidation of AWE; about $95 million for lower equity earnings from ULA; about $30 million for space transportation programs due to a reduction in launch-related events; a net decrease of

Trident II D5 Flotei (FBM), AWE, Orion, vehicul multiplu de echipă Orion, sistem SBIRS, sistem de poziționare globală III, frecvență extrem de înaltă și Sistemul de obiective pentru utilizatorul mobil (MUOS). Profitul operațional pentru segmentul de afaceri Spațiu include partea noastră din câștigurile obținute pentru investiția noastră în ULA, care oferă servicii de lansare pentru guvernul S.U.A. Rezultatele operaționale ale spațiului au inclus următoarele (în milioane):

Vânzările nete ale spațiului în 2017 au crescut cu 64 milioane de dolari sau cu 1% față de 2016. Creșterea a fost atribuită aproximativ 810 milioane USD datorită anului complet de vânzări nete de la AWE în 2017, comparativ cu patru luni de vânzări în 2016, în al treilea trimestru al anului 2016. Această creștere a fost parțial compensată de o scădere de aproximativ 300 de milioane USD pentru programele de transport în spațiu datorită reducerii evenimentelor legate de lansare; aproximativ 255 milioane USD pentru programele guvernamentale prin satelit (în primul rând AEHF și SBIRS) din cauza volumului redus; și aproximativ 190 milioane dolari în alte programe (inclusiv programul Orion) din cauza volumului redus. Profitul operațional al spațiului în 2017 a scăzut cu 296 milioane de dolari, sau 23% față de 2016. Profitul operațional a scăzut cu aproximativ 127 milioane USD, datorită câștigului înainte de impozitare înregistrat în 2016 în legătură cu consolidarea AWE; aproximativ 95 milioane USD pentru venituri mai mici din capitaluri proprii ale ULA; aproximativ 30 milioane de dolari pentru programele de transport în spațiu datorită reducerii evenimentelor legate de lansare; o scădere netă de aproximativ 25 de milioane de dolari aferentă taxelor înregistrate în 2017 pentru aspecte legate de performanță în anumite Page 38 of 48

about $25 million related to charges recorded in 2017 for performance matters on certain commercial satellite programs; and about $25 million for government satellite programs (primarily SBIRS and AEHF) due to a charge for performance matters and lower volume. Adjustments not related to volume, including net profit booking rate adjustments and changes in reserves, were about $20 million higher in 2017 compared to 2016.

2016 compared to 2015 Space‘s net sales in 2016 increased $304 million, or 3%, compared to 2015. The increase was attributable to net sales of approximately $410 million from AWE following the consolidation of this business in the third quarter of 2016; and approximately $150 million for commercial space transportation programs due to increased launch-related activities; and approximately $70 million of higher net sales for various programs (primarily FBM) due to increased volume. These increases were partially offset by a decrease in net sales of approximately $340 million for government satellite programs due to decreased volume (primarily SBIRS and MUOS) and the wind-down or completion of mission solutions programs. Space‘s operating profit in 2016 increased $118 million, or 10%, compared to 2015. The increase was primarily attributable to a non-cash, pre-tax gain of approximately $127 million related to the consolidation of AWE; and approximately $80 million of increased equity earnings from joint ventures (primarily ULA). These increases were partially offset by a decrease of approximately $105 million for government satellite programs due to lower risk retirements (primarily SBIRS, MUOS and mission solutions programs) and decreased volume. Adjustments not related to volume, including net profit booking rate adjustments, were approximately $185 million lower in 2016 compared to 2015.

programe comerciale prin satelit; și aproximativ 25 de milioane de dolari pentru programele guvernamentale prin satelit (în primul rând SBIRS și AEHF) din cauza unei taxe pentru problemele de performanță și un volum mai mic. Ajustările care nu au legătură cu volumul, inclusiv ajustările ratei de rezervare a profitului net și modificările rezervelor, au fost cu aproximativ 20 milioane USD mai mari în 2017 față de 2016.

Vânzările nete ale spațiului în 2016 au crescut cu 304 milioane de dolari sau cu 3% față de 2015. Creșterea sa datorat vânzărilor nete de aproximativ 410 milioane de dolari de la AWE ca urmare a consolidării acestei activități în al treilea trimestru al anului 2016; și aproximativ 150 milioane USD pentru programe comerciale de transport spațial, datorită activităților de lansare sporite; și aproximativ 70 milioane de vânzări nete mai mari pentru diverse programe (în principal Mecanisme de îndosariere cu furturi) datorită volumului crescut. Aceste creșteri au fost parțial compensate de o scădere a vânzărilor nete de aproximativ 340 milioane USD pentru programele guvernamentale prin satelit din cauza scăderii volumului (în primul rând SBIRS și MUOS) și a reducerii sau finalizării programelor de soluții de misiune. Costul operațional al spațiului în 2016 a crescut cu 118 milioane USD, sau 10%, comparativ cu 2015. Creșterea sa datorat, în primul rând, unui câștig înainte de impozitare de aproximativ 127 milioane USD în legătură cu consolidarea AWE; și aproximativ 80 milioane USD din venituri din capitaluri proprii provenite din asociații în participațiune (în primul rând ULA). Aceste creșteri au fost parțial compensate de o scădere de aproximativ 105 milioane USD pentru programele guvernamentale prin satelit datorită pensionărilor cu risc scăzut (în special programele SBIRS, MUOS și soluțiile de misiune) și volumul redus. Ajustările care nu au legătură cu volumul, inclusiv ajustările ratei de rezervare a profitului net, au fost cu aproximativ 185 milioane USD mai mici în 2016 față de 2015.

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Equity earnings Total equity earnings recognized by Space (primarily ULA) represented approximately $205 million, $325 million and $245 million, or 21%, 25% and 21% of this business segment‘s operating profit during 2017, 2016 and 2015.

Backlog Backlog decreased in 2017 compared to 2016 primarily due to lower orders for government satellite programs, partially offset by higher orders on the Orion program. Backlog increased in 2016 compared to 2015 primarily due to the addition of AWE‘s backlog.

Totalul câștigurilor din capitalul propriu recunoscut de Spațiu (în primul rând ULA) a reprezentat aproximativ 205 milioane dolari, 325 milioane dolari și 245 milioane dolari, sau 21%, 25% și 21% din profitul operațional al acestui segment de activitate în 2017, 2016 și 2015.

Rata de întârziere a scăzut în 2017 față de 2016, în principal datorită comenzilor mai mici pentru programele guvernamentale prin satelit, parțial compensate de comenzile mai mari ale programului Orion. Rata de întârziere a crescut în 2016 față de 2015, în primul rând datorită adăugării restanțelor AWE.

Schimbarea schimbării în timp ce se schimbă: Creșterea gândirii militare disruptive (16 - sfârșit - început #278) Changing change while it changes: The rise of disruptive military thinking https://othjournal.com/2018/06/13/changing-change-while-it-changes-the-rise-ofdisruptive-military-thinking-part-3/

Over the Horizon - USA 13.06.2018

Multe dintre procesele mecanice de planificare aparent de succes din ultimele două secole ne rețin acum. Nu ne gândim în mod critic la metodologiile noastre; armata trebuie să încorporeze practici reflexive și abilitatea de a transforma procesele într-o formă mai flexibilă și dinamică a sensului și a acționa într-o realitate complexă. An interview with Ben Zweibelson

Ben Zweibelson will be speaking at SPADE 2018, IBM’s invite-only, signature event for defense and intelligence. This year’s theme is Re-Thinking Defense and Security in the Digital Age. Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 of this design interview. Ben Zweibelson is a retired US Army Infantry officer. He is currently a doctoral student at the Australian National University, and Program Director of Joint Special Operations University, under the U.S. Special Operations Commander (SOCOM). The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Special Operations Command, the Joint Special Operations University, the United States Government or the Australian National University.

Which service might be better suited for design thinking? I would qualify that this is really as a domain question. Is military design, the process, and the effects it might accomplish best expressed through the land domain, the air domain, the maritime domain, space or cyberspace? For civilians unfamiliar with domains, our militaries traditionally categorize and frame complexity using physics-based, engineering friendly and

Care serviciu ar putea fi mai potrivit pentru gândirea de proiectare? Aș considera că aceasta este într-adevăr o întrebare importantă. Sunt proiectarea militară, procesul și efectele pe care le-ar putea realiza cel mai bine exprimate prin domeniul terestru, domeniul aerian, domeniul maritim, spațiul sau spațiul cibernetic? Pentru civilii care nu cunosc tipurile de arme, militarii noștri clasifică în mod tradițional și încadrează complexitatea folosind metafore orientate spre fizică, inginerie

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geographically oriented metaphors such as domains. Historically, this reaches back into the origins of naval and land forces. The military denotes a land, maritime, air, and space domains. Most recently they added a cyber domain and potentially a ‗human domain,‘ although that is still a hotly contested topic inside of the military. For classical war periods, the land-air-maritime combinations had clear distinctions, and militaries could specialize services directly within these clear domain boundaries. Things are no longer that clear today, particularly with the increased proliferation of social media, technology, globalization, and the rise of alternatives to the traditional nation state form. The army has traditionally struggled with the most complex environment- that of the land domain. There is something uniquely complex about urban centers, and since humans biologically are land-dwelling creatures, we are most comfortable and have the strongest ties to the land, thus war started and is most commonly conducted with our feet solidly on the ground. At times, we could establish ‗ground‘ on the sea, with naval forces waging in a distinct environment that is its own domain. Later, the rise of air machines led to the air and later still a space domain where war could occur or be prevented. In all of these, I happen to have a biased perspective that the land domain continues to be the most challenging of the physical domains, if only because that is where all of the people are. By the nature of their domain, the Air Force and the Navy can operate in isolation within their respective domain. Aircrafts and naval vessels are more isolated, more controllable, and more predictable… although in warfare there are tremendous challenges in all domains and I do not want to imply that any Service ‗has it easier.‘ Yet things have changed over the past hundred years. The lines between domains are blurring. In cyberspace, those lines might not even be discernible, at least not in a physical domain sense…yet our militaries prefer to apply physical domain concepts, language, metaphors, and decision-making methodologies to the cyber domain all the

prietenoasă și geografică, cum ar fi domenii. Din punct de vedere istoric, aceasta se întoarce în originile forțelor navale și terestre. Armata desemnează un domeniu terestru, maritim, aerian și spațial. În ultimul timp, ei au adăugat un domeniu cibernetic și, eventual, un domeniu uman, deși acesta este încă un subiect hotărât în interiorul armatei. Pentru perioadele de război clasice, combinațiile terestre-aerian-maritime aveau distincții clare, iar militarii ar putea specializa serviciile direct în limitele acestor domenii clare. Lucrurile nu mai sunt atât de clare astăzi, în special datorită proliferării sporite a presei sociale, a tehnologiei, a globalizării și a creșterii alternativei la forma tradițională a statului național. Armata s-a luptat în mod tradițional cu cel mai complex mediu - cel terestru. Există ceva cu totul complex în ceea ce privește centrele urbane și, din moment ce oamenii sunt în mod biologic niște creaturi care locuiesc în pământ, suntem cei mai confortabili și avem cele mai puternice legături cu pământul, așa că războiul a început și cel mai frecvent este condus cu picioarele solide pe teren. Uneori, am putut stabili "pe sol" pe mare, forțele navale conducând într-un mediu distinct, care este propriul domeniu. Mai târziu, creșterea mașinilor aeriene a condus la aer și mai târziu un domeniu spațial în care războiul ar putea să apară sau să fie împiedicat. În toate acestea, se întâmplă să am o perspectivă părtinitoare asupra faptului că domeniul terestru continuă să fie cel mai provocator din domeniile fizice, numai pentru că aici se află toate persoanele. Prin natura domeniului lor, Forțele Aeriene și Marina pot opera în mod izolat în cadrul domeniului lor. Avioanele și vasele navale sunt mai izolate, mai controlabile și mai previzibile ... deși în război există provocări extraordinare în toate domeniile și nu vreau să spun că orice serviciu "este mai ușor". Totuși lucrurile s-au schimbat în ultimii o sută de ani. Liniile dintre domenii sunt estompate. În spațiul cibernetic, acele linii ar putea să nu fie nici măcar distinctive, cel puțin nu într-un sens fizic ... totuși, militarii noștri preferă să aplice în același timp concepte, limbaj, metafore și de luare a deciziilor în domeniul cibernetic. Dacă recunoaștem un domeniu uman, lucrurile sunt la fel de problematice și acolo.

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same. If we acknowledge a human domain, things are just as problematic there too. To date, the land armies have developed most of the design models. Initially, the Israeli Army generated SOD, and subsequently the U.S. Army and the Australian Army implemented their own adaptations. The U.S. Marine Corps followed suite, and arguably they have many land-domain concerns. Over time, military design has crept outwards and other services are developing their version of the concept. However, for me, in terms of where I see the most design development as well as the most complex contexts where a military organization really need design thinking, I see the cyber domain as the next vast frontier. Every military that has a cyber element must implement design at the highest level possible. Because only in cyberspace do all the domains‘ physical limitations disappear. It is completely different. Time and space do not have the same considerations in cyber as they do in the land and maritime domains. The ability to use swarm theory is vastly more sophisticated and intriguing in cyber, and if we were to agree to a ‗human domain,‘ this domain blurs the lines between all of the physical domains directly into the cyber medium in a way that military design could greatly appreciate in terms of complexity, multi-domain synthesis, and divergent thinking. However, to do this at the level necessary for a military organization transforming within an emergent complex context, we will need to think quite disruptively about our doctrine, set practices, rituals, language (and the metaphors behind those words), and the deeper paradigms at work that shape our interpretation of reality. Military design is still quite young in its development, so it really is anyone‘s field of opportunity. I expect that as high technology companies such as IBM interact with militaries along these blurred lines and multiple domains where complex challenges cannot be neatly isolated or categorized, both the militaries and those companies will need a common design discipline to communicate and share ideas. It likely

Până în prezent, armatele de teren au dezvoltat majoritatea modelelor de design. Inițial, armata israeliană a generat SOD, iar ulterior armata americană și armata australiană și-au implementat propriile adaptări. Corpul marin din S.U.A. a urmat o suită și, fără îndoială, au multe probleme de teren. De-a lungul timpului, proiectarea militară sa strecurat spre exterior, iar alte servicii își dezvoltă versiunea conceptului. Cu toate acestea, pentru mine, în ceea ce privește locul în care văd cea mai mare dezvoltare a designului, precum și cele mai complexe contexte în care o organizație militară are nevoie de gândire de proiectare, văd domeniul cibernetic ca fiind următoarea frontieră vastă. Fiecare militar care are un element cibernetic trebuie să implementeze proiectarea la cel mai înalt nivel posibil. Pentru că numai în spațiul cibernetic dispăreau toate limitele fizice ale domeniilor. Este complet diferit. Timpul și spațiul nu au aceleași considerente în domeniul cibernetic ca și în domeniile terestru și maritim. Abilitatea de a folosi teoria roiurilor este mult mai sofisticată și mai interesantă în cibernetică și, dacă vom fi de acord cu un "domeniu uman", acest domeniu estompează liniile dintre toate domeniile fizice direct în mediul cibernetic într-un mod în care designul militar ar putea foarte aprecia în termeni de complexitate, de sinteză multi-domeniu și de gândire divergentă. Cu toate acestea, pentru a face acest lucru la nivelul necesar pentru ca o organizație militară să se transforme într-un context complex, trebuie să ne gândim destul de disruptiv la doctrina, practicile, ritualurile, limbajul (și metaforele din spatele acestor cuvinte) și paradigmele profunde la locul de muncă care modelează interpretarea noastră a realității. Proiectarea militară este încă destul de tânără în dezvoltarea sa, deci într-adevăr este domeniul cuiva de oportunitate. Mă aștept ca companii de înaltă tehnologie, cum ar fi IBM, să interacționeze cu militarii de-a lungul acestor linii neclară și domenii multiple în care provocările complexe nu pot fi izolate sau clasificate cu ușurință, atât militarii, cât și companiile vor avea nevoie de o disciplină comună de design pentru a comunica și a face schimb de idei. Probabil nu poate fi o singură

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cannot be a single industrial design methodology or even a single humancentric design methodology as this complex system exceeds the purposes of those frames. I suspect that some version or evolution of military design, perhaps even a hybrid between industrial, human-centric, and military design might become a common ground for these advanced design engagements.

metodologie de proiectare industrială sau chiar o singură metodologie de proiectare orientată spre om, deoarece acest sistem complex depășește scopurile acestor cadre. Suspectez că o versiune sau o evoluție a designului militar, poate chiar un hibrid între designul industrial, uman și centrat, ar putea deveni un punct comun pentru aceste angajamente de design avansate.


Livraison de la frégate Bretagne https://www.meretmarine.com/fr/content/livraison-de-la-fregatebretagne#.W1YdAigdz25.twitter Publié le 23/07/2018 par Vincent Groizeleau

Alors que la Provence arrive ce lundi à Toulon, où elle est dorénavant basée, la Bretagne, cinquième des huit nouvelles frégates multi-missions (FREMM) françaises, a été livrée mercredi dernier par Naval Group à la Marine nationale. Elle s‘ajoute à l‘Aquitaine, présente dans la cité du Ponant depuis sa livraison fin 2012. La Normandie, en construction à Lorient, s‘y ajoutera en 2019. Brest compte également pour l‘instant les trois dernières frégates anti-sous-marines du type F70 ASM, les...

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GE/Safran: A Jet-Engine Pure-Play https://seekingalpha.com/article/4189003-ge-safran-jet-engine-pure-play Jul. 22, 2018 1:04 PM ET

FINCANTIERI begins work in Genoa on the second ship for Virgin Voyages https://www.fincantieri.com/en/media/press-releases/2018/fincantieri-begins-work-ingenoa-on-the-second-ship-for-virgin-voyages/

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BIAS 2018 la Romaero SA

BRIMSTONE https://www.mbda-systems.com/product/brimstone/

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Armée de l'Air : la nacelle héliportée bientôt opérationnelle http://www.air-cosmos.com/armee-de-l-air-la-nacelle-heliportee-bientotoperationnelle-113461

Giuseppe Giordo https://www.linkedin.com/in/giuseppe-giordo-89aa15100/

AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s. https://www.linkedin.com/company/aero-vodochody-aerospace-a.s./

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LEONARDO IS THE 1ST COMPANY AMONG THE TOP TEN GLOBAL PLAYERS IN THE AD&S SECTOR TO OBTAIN ISO 37001:2016 "ANTI BRIBERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS" CERTIFICATION http://www.leonardocompany.com/en/-/leonardo-anti-bribery-anticorruzione-iso-37001

Leonardo Rome 24/07/2018 17:30

Leonardo Spa is the first company among the top ten global players in the Aerospace, Defense and Security sector to obtain ISO 37001:2016 "Anti bribery management systems" certification, the first international standard for anticorruption management systems. The achievement demonstrates Leonardo's commitment to a responsible business conduct, driven by industry best practices and based on the continuous strengthening of risk management and internal control systems, in order to prevent, detect and respond to corruption. The certification was issued following a verification process conducted by RINA, an independent third party certification body accredited by Accredia (the Italian National Accreditation Body of certification and inspection bodies) and an Italian leader in conformity assessment. The assessment evaluated the structure and adequacy of the management systems of Leonardo Spa and, in a second phase, its application in various operating areas of the company. During the process, started at the beginning of the year, all the company's regulatory systems were verified, all the main company sites in Italy were inspected and the heads of the departments - Corporate and Divisional - exposed to risk areas were interviewed. The certification confirms the quality of the internal rules and control systems, and it is expression of the professionalism and skills of Leonardo‘s people, who contribute every day to reinforce the model of responsible business conduct, launched in 2014, based on full compliance with the rules and on zero-tolerance approach towards corruption. d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S


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