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ZI DE ZI vineri, 27 iulie 2018


Boeing: contractări la Farnborough Air Show 2018

pg. 14

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vineri, 27 iulie 2018

semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 5 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 5 Primul simulator de zbor Boeing din estul Europei va funcționa la București ...................... 6 Insights ................................................................................................................................... 6 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate produselor avansate tehnologic (25 - început #270) ............................................................................................... 8 Airbus reports Half-Year 2018 (H1) financial results ............................................................ 8 Boeing Showcases the Future of Aerospace with Successful Farnborough Airshow, Announcing $100 Bn in Orders and Commitments ............................................................. 14 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE .............................................................................. 14 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 14 Cap. ITC ............................................................................................................................... 15 Comtech Awarded in Excess of $12.5 M of Orders from US Army ................................... 15 Cap. NAVAL ....................................................................................................................... 16 Avocaţii de la Reff & Asociaţii au acordat consultanţă juridică pentru grupul olandez Damen în preluarea şantierului naval Mangalia ................................................................... 17 NSWC Philadelphia Turbine Refurbish Contract Expected to Save Navy Millions ........... 17 The Global Naval Vessels and Surface Combatants and related MRO Market 2018-2028 17 În ape tulburi ........................................................................................................................ 18 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 19 LE MINISTÈRE DES ARMÉES LANCE LE PROGRAMME DES MISSILES AIR-AIR MICA NG ............................................................................................................................. 21 Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE ........................................................................................ 23 GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (2 - Extras) ............................................. 23 General Dynamics Receives Delivery Order to Upgrade 100 Abrams Main Battle Tanks . 25 Epuizată de alergat după contracte în Asia şi năpădită de buruieni, fabrica Roman Braşov îşi pune ultima speranţă în Armata Română ........................................................................ 25 Cap. NATO/OTAN ............................................................................................................ 26 Comandantul Comandamentului NATO pentru operații speciale, în vizită de lucru la M.Ap.N................................................................................................................................. 26 Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 26 Vizita prim-ministrului Viorica Dăncilă în Muntenegru ...................................................... 26 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 27 Page 3 of 34

Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (6/11) .............................................. 27 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 28 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 28 Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 29 Situații extreme aviatice ....................................................................................................... 29 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .................................................................................................... 30 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (32 - început din 14.06.2018) .......................... 30 Tom Enders dezminte că este interesat de o fuziune între Airbus şi BAE Systems ............ 32 Declarațiile liderului Cartfel Alfa Dâmbovița: Fabricile de armament dâmbovițene produc și vând armament în afara legii? .......................................................................................... 33 fiecare știre reprezintă doar punctul de vedere al autorului acesteia, iar linkul conduce la sursa originală și la forma integrală a articolului.

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The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.

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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 254,94 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0

240.00 230.00

200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00


















mil. euro


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Primul simulator de zbor Boeing din estul Europei va funcționa la București https://romanialibera.ro/economie/primul-simulator-de-zbor-boeing-din-estul-europeiva-functiona-la-bucuresti-743387

România Liberă Mihai Diac Actualizat: 26.07.2018 - 13:37

La București se va deschide un centru de instruire pentru piloți echipat cu un simulator de zbor Boeing - primul de acest tip din estul Europei. ... Aparatul va fi instalat la Școala Superioară de Aviație Civilă (SSAvC) și va fi primul simulator de zbor de acest model care va funcționa în estul Europei. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Insights 2018 CHC Safety & Quality Summit sessions and schedule announced Vertical Magazine15:19 Thu, 26 Jul

A220 has treble-figure annual production potential FlightGlobal13:17 Thu, 26 Jul

Airbus Canada Now Accepting Nominations for the 2018 Innovation in Safety Award HeliHub21:01 Thu, 26 Jul

Airbus Helicopters Canada accepting nominations for Innovation in Safety Award Vertical Magazine15:29 Thu, 26 Jul

Boeing begins assembly of second and third Chinook Block 2 EMD aircraft IHS Jane's00:22 Thu, 26 Jul

Boeing Explains Why It's Taking Its Time on '797' Business Case Industry Week17:01 Thu, 26 Jul

Boeing uses advanced composites for extra Chinook lift with Block 2 rotor blades IHS Jane's11:47 Thu, 26 Jul

Contract for 'Renzi Airbus' scrapped - Conte Ansa18:09 Thu, 26 Jul

Enstrom attends EAA AirVenture Vertical Magazine15:39 Thu, 26 Jul

FAA hits 100,000 Remote Pilot Certificates issued Vertical Magazine22:41 Thu, 26 Jul

First Airbus A350-1000 Lands In The US (+Photos) Airways News15:40 Thu, 26 Jul

Hamilton Sundstrand awarded $65M contract for MV-22 & CV-22 Generator Support HeliHub21:31 Thu, 26 Jul

Kaman announces K-MAX leasing partnership with Rainier Heli Vertical Magazine16:10 Thu, 26 Jul

PICTURE: RAF Chinooks boost French mission in Mali FlightGlobal16:18 Thu, 26 Jul

Swansea University leverages VABS for morphing helicopter blades Vertical Magazine15:49 Thu, 26 Jul

This is what first, business, and economy class looks like on a double-decker Airbus A380 Business Insider UK11:06 Thu, 26 Jul

Two New Airbus A330-200 Delivered to Hi Fly Aviation Pros17:09 Thu, 26 Jul

UT Health reveals new helicopter design HeliHub13:05 Wed, 25 Jul

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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate produselor avansate tehnologic (25 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports

Airbus extras Technologically Advanced Products and Services The Company offers its customers products and services that are technologically advanced, the design, manufacturing, components and materials utilised can be complex and require substantial integration and coordination along the supply chain. In addition, most of the Company‘s products must function under demanding operating conditions. Throughout the lifecycle of our products, Airbus performs checks and inspections, which may result in modifi cations, retrofi ts or other corrective actions each of which may have an adverse effect on production, operations, in-service performance or financial condition. Even though the Company believes it employs sophisticated design, manufacturing and testing practices, there can be no assurance that the Company‘s products or services will be successfully developed, manufactured or operated or that they will perform as intended. Certain of Airbus‘ contracts require it to forfeit part of its expected profi t, to receive reduced payments, to provide a replacement launch or other products or services, to provide cancellation rights, or to reduce the price of subsequent sales to the same customer if its products fail to be delivered on time or to perform adequately. No assurances can be given that performance penalties or contract cancellations will not be imposed should the Company fail to meet delivery schedules or other measures of contract performance — in particular with respect to new development programmes such as the A350-900 and -1000 XWB, A400M, H175 or H160 and to modernisation programmes such as the A320neo and the A330neo. See ―— Programme-Specifi c Risks‖ below. In addition to the risk of contract cancellations, the Company may also incur signifi cant costs or loss of revenues in connection with remedial action required to correct any performance issues detected in its products or services. See ―— Management‘s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations — Signifi cant programme developments, restructuring and related financial consequences in 2015, 2016 and 2017‖. Moreover, to the extent that a performance issue is considered to have a possible impact on safety, regulators could suspend the authorisation for the affected product or service. Any signifi cant problems with the development, manufacturing, operation or performance of the Company‘s products and services could have a signifi cant adverse effect on the Company‘s financial condition and results of operations as well as on the reputation of the Company and its products and services.

Airbus reports Half-Year 2018 (H1) financial results https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2018/07/airbus-reports-halfyear-2018--h1--financial-results.html

Airbus · Commercial aircraft environment robust, backlog underpins ramp-up plans · H1 financials reflect mainly A350 XWB performance and delivery phasing · Revenues € 25 billion; EBIT Adjusted € 1.2 billion · EBIT (reported) € 1.1 billion; EPS (reported) € 0.64 · 2018 guidance maintained Page 8 of 34

Airbus SE (stock exchange symbol: AIR) reported Half-Year (H1) 2018 consolidated financial results and maintained its guidance for the full year. ―The first half financials reflect the back-loaded deliveries due to A320neo engine shortages, while on the positive side there was a strong improvement on the A350 programme,‖ said Airbus Chief Executive Officer Tom Enders. ―A320neo aircraft deliveries picked up during the second quarter but challenges remain to meet our full year targets. Market demand remains strong for the expanded Airbus portfolio that now includes the A220 at the smaller end. The recent Farnborough Airshow underlined this, with new business for over 400 single-aisle and wide-body aircraft announced. Our operational focus in commercial aircraft remains squarely on securing the production ramp-up. On our largest military programme, the A400M, we are making progress operationally, on improving capabilities as well as in negotiations with governments for the necessary contract amendment.‖ Net commercial aircraft orders increased to 206 (H1 2017: 203 aircraft) with gross orders of 261 aircraft including 50 A350 XWBs and 14 A330s. The order backlog by units totalled 7,168 commercial aircraft as of 30 June 2018. During July‘s Farnborough Airshow, Airbus announced orders and commitments for a total of 431 aircraft although these are not yet reflected in the order book. Net helicopter orders totalled 143 units (H1 2017: 151 units). Airbus Defence and Space saw good order momentum, particularly in Space Systems, while there are encouraging prospects for European military cooperation programmes in Military Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Systems. Consolidated revenues were stable at € 25.0 billion (H1 2017: € 25.2 billion (1)), reflecting the commercial aircraft delivery mix and perimeter changes as well as the weakening of the US dollar. Deliveries totalled 303 commercial aircraft (H1 2017: 306 aircraft), comprising 239 A320 Family, 18 A330s, 40 A350 XWBs and six A380s. Airbus Helicopters delivered 141 units (H1 2017: 190 units) with revenues mainly reflecting the perimeter change from the sale of Vector Aerospace in late 2017. Revenues at Airbus Defence and Space reflected the stable core business and solid programme execution as well as the perimeter change mainly related to the divestment of Defence Electronics in February 2017 and Airbus DS Communications, Inc. in March 2018. Consolidated EBIT Adjusted – an alternative performance measure and key indicator capturing the underlying business margin by excluding material charges or profits caused by movements in provisions related to programmes, restructuring or foreign exchange impacts as well as capital gains/losses from the disposal and acquisition of businesses – totalled € 1,162 million (H1 2017: € 553 million(1)). Airbus‘ EBIT Adjusted of € 867 million (H1 2017: € 257 million (1)), reflected mainly the strong improvement on the A350 programme and the A320neo ramp-up and transition. A total of 110 A320neo aircraft were delivered (H1 2017: 59 aircraft) with more NEO (new engine option) versions delivered than CEO (current engine option) versions in the second quarter. The ramp-up is ongoing. Engine manufacturers are working to meet their commitments and resources and capabilities have been mobilised internally. A recovery plan is in place and the number of stored aircraft has started to decline from the end of May peak but risks remain to meet the 800 aircraft delivery target, which is challenging. On the A350 programme, the first A350-1000s were delivered to Qatar Airways and Cathay Pacific in the half-year. Good progress was made on the recurring cost curve compared to a year earlier as the programme ramps up to the targeted monthly production rate of 10 aircraft by year-end. The A350‘s industrial system is now reaching a mature level with the focus remaining on recurring cost convergence. Route proving flights have now been completed on the Page 9 of 34

A330neo with more than 1,000 flight hours accumulated by the test aircraft fleet. The first delivery is expected end summer. In July, the BelugaXL transport aircraft completed its maiden flight. Airbus Helicopters‘ EBIT Adjusted increased to € 135 million (H1 2017: € 80 million(1)), reflecting solid underlying programme execution which compensated the lower deliveries. Airbus Defence and Space‘s EBIT Adjusted was € 309 million (H1 2017: € 298 million(1)), reflecting the stable core business and solid programme execution. On a comparable basis the Division‘s EBIT Adjusted was broadly stable. On the A400M programme, a total of eight aircraft were delivered compared to eight in the first half of 2017. A provision update of € 98 million during the first half of 2018 mainly reflected price escalation. Progress was made toward achieving military capabilities. Airbus continues to work with the Launch Customer Nations to finalise a contract amendment by year-end. Consolidated self-financed R&D expenses totalled € 1,403 million (H1 2017: € 1,288 million). Consolidated EBIT (reported) was stable at € 1,120 million (H1 2017: € 1,211 million(1)), including Adjustments totalling a net € -42 million. These comprised: · The € 98 million A400M provision increase due to an update for escalation assumptions; · A negative € 21 million resulting from the first H160 helicopters; · A negative impact of € 40 million from the dollar pre-delivery payment mismatch and balance sheet revaluation; · A total of € 40 million in other costs, including compliance and merger and acquisition costs; · A net capital gain of € 157 million from divestments in Airbus Defence and Space. Consolidated net income(2) of € 496 million (H1 2017: € 1,091 million (1)) and earnings per share of € 0.64 (H1 2017: € 1.41(1)) included a negative impact from the foreign exchange revaluation of financial instruments partly offset by the positive revaluation of certain equity instruments. The finance result was € -303 million (H1 2017: € +72 million(1)). Net income also reflects a higher effective tax rate from the reassessment of tax assets and liabilities. Consolidated free cash flow before M&A and customer financing amounted to € 3,968 million (H1 2017: € -2,093 million), reflecting the continued ramp-up while deliveries reflect the engine situation. Consolidated free cash flow of € -3,797 million (H1 2017: € -1,956 million) included around € 0.3 billion of net proceeds from divestments at Airbus Defence and Space. Cash flow for aircraft financing was limited in the first half of 2018. The consolidated net cash position on 30 June 2018 was € 8.1 billion (year-end 2017: € 13.4 billion) with a gross cash position of € 17.8 billion (year-end 2017: € 24.6 billion). Outlook As the basis for its 2018 guidance, the Company expects the world economy and air traffic to grow in line with prevailing independent forecasts, which assume no major disruptions. The 2018 earnings and guidance are prepared under IFRS 15. The 2018 earnings and Free Cash Flow guidance is before M&A. It now includes the A220(3) integration. · Airbus targets to deliver around 800 commercial aircraft, without the A220 Family. · On top, around 18 A220 deliveries are targeted for H2. Page 10 of 34

· Before M&A, the Company expects EBIT Adjusted of approximately € 5.2 billion in 2018: Ø The A220(3) integration is expected to reduce EBIT Adjusted by an estimated € -0.2 billion. Ø Therefore, including A220(3), the Company expects EBIT Adjusted to be approximately € 5.0 billion. · Compared to 2017 Free Cash Flow before M&A and Customer Financing of € 2.95 billion, the Company expects Free Cash Flow to be at a similar level in 2018 before the A220 integration. Ø The A220(3) integration is expected to reduce Free Cash Flow before M&A and Customer Financing by an estimated € -0.3 billion(3). Ø In 2018, the Company expects the net cash impact of the A220 integration to be largely covered by the funding arrangement as laid out in the terms of the C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership, meaning limited cash dilution. Note to editors: Live Webcast of the Analyst Conference Call At 08:30 CEST today, you can listen to the Half-Year 2018 Results Analyst Conference Call with Chief Executive Officer Tom Enders and Chief Financial Officer Harald Wilhelm via www.airbus.com. The analyst call presentation can also be found on the company website. A recording will be made available in due course. For a reconciliation of Airbus‘ KPIs to ―reported IFRS‖ please refer to the analyst presentation.Note to editors: Live Webcast of the Analyst Conference Call Airbus Consolidated – Half-Year (H1) Results 2018 (Amounts in Euro)

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Glossary KPI

DEFINITION The Company continues to use the term EBIT (Earnings before interest and taxes). It is identical to Profit before finance cost and income taxes as defined by IFRS Rules. Adjustments Adjustments, an alternative performance measure, is a term used by the Company which includes material charges or profits caused by movements in provisions related to programmes, restructuring or foreign exchange impacts as well as capital gains/losses from the disposal and acquisition of businesses. EBIT Adjusted EBIT Adjusted – an alternative performance measure and key indicator capturing the underlying business margin by excluding material charges or profits caused by movements in provisions related to programmes, restructuring or foreign exchange impacts as well as capital gains/losses from the disposal and acquisition of businesses. EPS Adjusted EPS Adjusted is an alternative performance measure of basic earnings per share as reported whereby the net income as the numerator does include Adjustments. For reconciliation, see slide 19 of the Analyst presentation. Gross cash The Company defines its consolidated gross cash position as the sum of (i) cash and cash position equivalents and (ii) securities (as all recorded in the consolidated statement of financial position). Net cash position For definition of the alternative performance measure net cash position, see Registration Document, MD&A section 2.1.3. FCF For the definition of the alternative performance measure free cash flow, see Registration Document, MD&A section 2.1.3. It is a key indicator which allows the Company to measure the amount of cash flow generated from operations after cash used in investing activities. FCF before M&A Free cash flow before mergers and acquisitions refers to free cash flow as defined in the Registration Document, MD&A section 2.1.3 adjusted for net proceeds from disposals and acquisitions. It is an alternative performance measure and indicator that is important in order to measure FCF excluding those cash flows from the disposal and acquisition of businesses. FCF before M&A Free cash flow before M&A and customer financing refers to free cash flow before mergers and customer and acquisitions adjusted for cash flow related to aircraft financing activities. It is financing an alternative performance measure and indicator that may be used from time to time by the Company in its financial guidance, esp. when there is higher uncertainty around customer financing activities, such as during the suspension of ECA financing support. EBIT

Footnotes: 1) Where applicable, 2017 figures have been restated to reflect the adoption of the IFRS 15 accounting standard and new segment reporting as of 1 January, 2018. The new segment reporting reflects the merger of Headquarters into Airbus. Where applicable, ‗Airbus‘ refers to commercial aircraft and the integrated functions while ‗Airbus Consolidated‘ or ‗the Company‘ refers to Airbus SE. 2) Airbus SE continues to use the term Net Income. It is identical to Profit for the period attributable to equity owners of the parent as defined by IFRS Rules. 3) Based on preliminary data. Safe Harbour Statement: This press release includes forward-looking statements. Words such as ―anticipates‖, ―believes‖, ―estimates‖, ―expects‖, ―intends‖, ―plans‖, ―projects‖, ―may‖ and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. Examples of forward-looking statements include statements made about strategy, ramp-up and delivery schedules, introduction of new products and services and market expectations, as well as statements regarding future performance and outlook. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances and there are many factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These factors include but are not limited to: § Changes in general economic, political or market conditions, including the cyclical nature of some of Airbus‘ businesses; § Significant disruptions in air travel (including as a result of terrorist attacks); § Currency exchange rate fluctuations, in particular between the Euro and the U.S. dollar; § The successful execution of internal performance plans, including cost reduction and productivity efforts; § Product performance risks, as well as programme development and management risks; § Customer, supplier and subcontractor performance or contract negotiations, including financing issues; § Competition and consolidation in the aerospace and defence industry; § Significant collective bargaining labour disputes;

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§ The outcome of political and legal processes including the availability of government financing for certain programmes and the size of defence and space procurement budgets; § Research and development costs in connection with new products; § Legal, financial and governmental risks related to international transactions; § Legal and investigatory proceedings and other economic, political and technological risks and uncertainties. As a result, Airbus SE‘s actual results may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations set forth in such forward-looking statements. For a discussion of factors that could cause future results to differ from such forward-looking statements, see the Airbus SE ―Registration Document‖ dated 28 March 2018, including the Risk Factors section. Any forward-looking statement contained in this press release speaks as of the date of this press release. Airbus SE undertakes no obligation to publicly revise or update any forward-looking statements in light of new information, future events or otherwise.

Boeing Showcases the Future of Aerospace with Successful Farnborough Airshow, Announcing $100 Bn in Orders and Commitments http://www.asdnews.com/news/aerospace/2018/07/19/boeing-showcases-futureaerospace-with-successful-farnborough-airshow-announcing-100-bn-orderscommitments

Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) Date: Jul 19, 2018

Boeing (NYSE: BA) strengthened its position as the global leader of the aerospace industry, booking historic orders and showcasing its innovation and strategy for growth at the Farnborough International Airshow. At the close of the industry portion of the show, Boeing announced a total of $98.4 billion in orders and commitments for commercial airplanes at list prices and $2.1 billion in commercial and defense services orders and agreements. "Boeing led the way at Farnborough, demonstrating value for our customers, capturing important new business in products and services, and announcing the unique strength of our strategic partnership with Embraer. We also invested in our European communities, and launched our new Boeing NeXt organization—proving the future is built here, at Boeing," said Chairman, President and CEO Dennis Muilenburg. "We will continue to win in the marketplace thanks to our talented team, who innovate across our enterprise with One Boeing collaboration and deliver on our proven portfolio with relentless customer focus." ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE Insights Ammunition discharges during Mich. gun shop fire Detroit Free Press EU22:10 Thu, 26 Jul

Empty clip - Jamaican competition shooters lobbying for more ammunition for training Jamaica Gleaner07:36 Thu, 26 Jul

Fire guts Twin Lake area gun shop as ammunition goes off Grand Rapids Press, Michigan05:14 Thu, 26 Jul

Gun-rights group calls for dismissal of firearms advisory committee‘s vice-president The Globe and Mail00:22

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Long waits for RCMP firearms forensics putting prosecutions at risk CBC.ca00:08

New ammunition, armament tested in Ukraine 112 Ukraine International16:28 Thu, 26 Jul

News Media Distort Statistics on US Firearms Ownership and Mass Shootings, Gun Expert Lott Says The Daily Signal20:37 Thu, 26 Jul

Orillia man facing several charges after OPP seize drugs, firearms Global News00:39

Over 200 rounds of ammunition, guns seized at house in Granville Jamaica Gleaner17:57 Thu, 26 Jul

Pro-gun group pursues campaign against firearms advisory committee member The Province, British Columbia23:52 Thu, 26 Jul

Pro-gun group pushes off firearms advisory body







Global News02:49

Qualcomm's terminated deal shows China has 'lots of ammunition' in trade war, says economist Stephen Roach CNBC19:19 Thu, 26 Jul

Rian Johnson Preemptively Deletes Twitter History For Fear Of ―Trolls Scrutinizing It For… The Playlist23:21 Thu, 26 Jul

Three arrested after drugs, cash and ammunition found at Wellingborough address Northampton Chronicle & Echo17:17 Thu, 26 Jul

Toronto wants to ban the sale of handguns and ammunition after mass shooting Business Insider UK07:35 Thu, 26 Jul

Ukraine's begins producing, testing new ammunition – Turchynov Interfax-Ukraine11:16 Thu, 26 Jul

Cap. ITC Comtech Awarded in Excess of $12.5 M of Orders from US Army http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/07/25/comtech-awarded-excess-125m-orders-us-army

Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: Comtech Telecommunications Corp. Date: Jul 25, 2018

Comtech Telecommunications Corp. (Nasdaq:CMTL) announced today that during its fourth quarter of fiscal 2018, its Command & Control Technologies group, which is part of Comtech‘s Government Solutions segment, received orders in excess of $12.5 million on the previously announced three-year $123.6 million contract to provide ongoing sustainment services for the AN/TSC-198A SNAP (Secret Internet Protocol Router (SIPR) and Non-classified Internet Protocol Router (NIPR) Access Point), Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs). SNAP terminals provide quick and mobile satellite communications capability to personnel in the field. The contract has been funded $29.5 million to-date. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Avocaţii de la Reff & Asociaţii au acordat consultanţă juridică pentru grupul olandez Damen în preluarea şantierului naval Mangalia http://www.zfcorporate.ro/business-legal/avocatii-de-la-reff-asociatii-au-acordat-consultantajuridica-pentru-grupul-olandez-damen-in-preluarea-santierului-naval-mangalia-17370903

Ziarul Financiar ieri, 15:39 Autor: Roxana Rosu

...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

NSWC Philadelphia Turbine Refurbish Contract Expected to Save Navy Millions http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/07/23/nswc-philadelphia-turbinerefurbish-contract-expected-save-navy-millions

Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: US Navy Date: Jul 23, 2018

The U.S. Navy projects saving of more than $100 million over the next five years following a contract award to refurbish propulsion gas turbine parts for surface combatants, the command announced July 19. Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD), a Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) field activity, awarded the contract to leverage and expand existing affordability and innovation initiatives - key NAVSEA enablers to maintaining the Navy's ships and ensuring the necessary funds are available to build the next generation of naval vessels. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

The Global Naval Vessels and Surface Combatants and related MRO Market 2018-2028 https://www.asdreports.com/market-research-companies-462261/global-navalvessels-surface-combatants-related-mro-market

Aerospace & Defence - Network Published: May 2018 Pages: 225 Publisher: Strategic Defence Intelligence Report code: ASDR-462261

Summary Global Naval Vessels and Surface Combatants and related MRO market will grow at a CAGR of 3.29%, to a value over US$69 billion by 2028. The demand is anticipated to be driven by high levels of expenditure by emerging economies in the Asia Pacific region, such as India and China. The North American region is expected to maintain its leading position, exhibiting a steady pace of growth over the forecast period. The naval vessels and surface combatants market is expected to be led by North America with a share of 40.4% over the forecast period, followed by Asia Pacific and Europe, respectively. The Middle Eastern market for naval vessels and surface combatants is projected to account for 4.8% of the global naval vessels and surface combatants market, followed by the Latin American and African markets. In terms of segments, the naval vessels and surface combatants and related MRO market is split into five segments: aircraft carriers, amphibious ships, corvettes, destroyers, and frigates. During the forecast period, corvette segment is expected to Page 17 of 34

account for the largest share of spending, accounting for 29.7% of the overall global market. The report "The Global Naval Vessels and Surface Combatants and related MRO Market 2018-2028" offers detailed analysis of the Global Naval Vessels and Surface Combatants and related MRO Market over the next ten years, and provides market size forecasts. Furthermore, it covers key technological and market trends in the industry, and analyzes factors influencing demand for naval vessels. Additionally, the report also highlights challenges faced by industry participants. In particular, this report provides the following analysis  Naval Vessels and Surface Combatants and related MRO demand drivers, trends and challenges.  Technological Developments in the Naval Vessels and Surface Combatants and related MRO market.  Insights into the Naval Vessels and Surface Combatants and related MRO market from a country/regional perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the markets.  Trend Analysis – Key Defense Market  Details of the top programs in each segment  Competitive landscape analysis Scope  The global naval vessels and surface combatants and related MRO market, valued at US$50.6 billion in 2018, is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.29% to value US$69.9 billion by 2028.  The market consists of five categories: Corvette, Frigate, Amphibious Ship, Destroyer and Aircraft carrier. The market is expected to be dominated by the Corvette followed by Frigate and Destroyers.  The North America region is forecasted to dominate the sector with a share of 40.4%, followed by the Asia Pacific and Europe. Russia, UK and France to account for major market share in the European region.

În ape tulburi http://www.zfcorporate.ro/auto-transporturi/in-ape-tulburi-17345594

Ziarul Financiar luni, 20:31 Autor: Mirabela Tiron

Cei mai mari cinci constructori de nave de pe piaţa locală, Daewoo Mangalia, Damen Galaţi, Vard Tulcea, şantierul naval Constanţa şi Vard Brăila, au avut anul trecut afaceri totale de circa 2,3 miliarde de lei (500 de milioane de euro), faţă de 3,3 miliarde de lei în anul anterior, arată calculele ZF pe baza datelor de la Ministerul de Finanţe. Trei din cei cinci producători au raportat afaceri în scădere. Doar şantierul Constanţa şi Vard Brăila au avut o creştere în cifra de afaceri. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 18 of 34


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LE MINISTÈRE DES ARMÉES LANCE LE PROGRAMME DES MISSILES AIR-AIR MICA NG http://www.defens-aero.com/2018/07/ministere-armees-programme-missiles-micang.html 26 Juillet 2018

Entrés en service au milieu des années 90, les actuels missiles air-air MICA IR (infrarouge) et EM (électromagnétique) s'apprêtent à laisser leur place à la nouvelle génération (NG). En effet, ce mardi 24 juillet 2018, à l'issue du Comité ministériel d'investissement, la Ministre des Armées Florence Parly a lancé « la réalisation du programme d‘armement « MICA nouvelle génération » (MICA NG) », apprend-ton dans un communiqué de presse publié ce 25 juillet par la Direction générale de l'armement (DGA). « Ce programme de missiles permettra de renouveler la capacité d‘interception à moyenne distance, de combat rapproché et d‘autoprotection des Mirage 2000 et des Rafale de l‘armée de l‘Air et de la Marine nationale », explique le communiqué. Le développement des MICA NG permettra de retirer progressivement du service actif les actuels MICA IR/EM, entre 2018 et 2030, en fonction notamment de la date de péremption (année de fabrication, durée de vie de composants sensibles, contraintes aérodynamiques et environnementales, etc…). En parallèle du retrait des actuelles et (futures anciennes) versions, les MICA NG, qu'il soit IR ou EM, feront leur entrée dans les forces entre 2026 et 2031. « Les performances de ce nouveau missile permettront de faire face à l‘évolution des menaces et des protections adverses, pour assurer la protection du territoire national, l‘acquisition et le maintien de la supériorité aérienne et la protection de raids », détaille la DGA. Cette nouvelle génération de missiles air-air détiendra des innovations « dans les domaines des autodirecteurs et de la propulsion, des capacités sol-air au travers de la version VL MICA et une résilience aux normes ITAR » (Réglementation américaine sur le trafic d'armes au niveau international International Traffic in Arms Regulations). Cette dernière spécificité en particulier permettra à la France de se passer de ces normes américaines pour les futurs contrats à l'export, et ainsi s'éviter les situations comme Page 21 of 34

Puse în funcțiune la mijlocul anilor 1990, rachetele actuale MICA IR (infraroșu) și EM (electromagnetice) se pregătesc pentru a face loc noii generații (NG). Intr-adevar, marti, 24 iulie 2018, la sfarsitul Comitetului de Investitii Ministeriale, Ministrul Armatelor Florence Parly a lansat "realizarea programului de arme" MICA new generation "(MICA NG)," invata într-un comunicat de presă emis la 25 iulie de Direcția Generală a Armamentelor (DGA). "Acest program de rachete va reînnoi capabilitățile de interceptare, de luptă și de auto-protecție a Mirage 2000 și Rafale Air Force și a Marinei Franceze", a afirmat declarația. Dezvoltarea MICA NG va permite ca MICA IR / EM să fie eliminată treptat de la serviciul activ între 2018 și 2030, în funcție de data expirării (anul de fabricație, durata de viață a componentelor sensibile, constrângerile aerodinamice și de mediu etc.). ...). În paralel cu retragerea versiunilor actuale și viitoare, MICA NG, fie IR, fie EM, va intra în forțe între 2026 și 2031. "Performanțele acestei noi rachete vor permite să se confrunte cu evoluția amenințărilor și protecția inamicului, asigurarea protecției teritoriului național, achiziționarea și menținerea superiorității aerului și protecția raidurilor ", detaliază DGA. Această nouă generație de rachete aer-aer va avea inovații "în domeniile auto-direcției și propulsiei, capabilități terestre-aeriene prin VL MICA și rezistență la standardele ITAR" (Regulamentele americane privind comerțul cu arme) internațional Regulamentul privind traficul internațional de arme). În special, această ultimă specificitate va permite Franței să renunțe la aceste standarde americane pentru viitoarele contracte de export și, astfel, să evite situații precum cea pe care a avut-o cu câteva luni în urmă cu SCALP-EG care nu ar putea fi livrate în Egipt. Cu toate acestea, în ceea ce privește exporturile, comunicatul de presă subliniază

celle qu'elle a connu il y a quelques mois avec les SCALP-EG qui ne pouvaient être livrés à l'Egypte. Toujours en matière d'export, le communiqué souligne que « ces perspectives d‘exportations ont été prises en compte dans la négociation contractuelle pour mieux répartir les efforts de financement et les bénéfices attendus. Ainsi, une part très significative des coûts de développement du missile sont supportés par les industriels titulaires de ce contrat (MBDA, Safran et Thales) ». En effet, « les exportations sont partie intégrante du modèle économique de [la] souveraineté [française] en permettant à sa BITD (Base industrielle de technologie et de défense) de conserver sa capacité à couvrir tout le spectre des technologies critiques ». De fait, le Ministère des Armées ne souhaite plus être le seul et unique organisme à financer des systèmes d'arme qui seront exportés, et dont les retombées économiques de cet export reviendront uniquement aux entreprises. C'est pourquoi ce « marché d‘acquisition prévoit des redevances au profit de l‘Etat, ainsi qu‘un mécanisme de réduction du prix des missiles achetés par la France en cas d‘atteinte des objectifs d‘exportation ». « Le ministère des Armées se tient aux côtés des industriels français via une politique vigoureuse de soutien, tout en attendant un juste retour pour les finances publiques de l‘effort consenti par l‘Etat », assure le communiqué.

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că "aceste perspective de export au fost luate în considerare în negocierea contractuală pentru a distribui mai bine eforturile de finanțare și beneficiile așteptate. Astfel, o parte foarte importantă a costurilor de dezvoltare a rachetelor este suportată de producătorii care dețin acest contract (MBDA, Safran și Thales) ". Într-adevăr, "exporturile fac parte integrantă din modelul economic al suveranității [franceze], permițând BITD-ului să-și păstreze capacitatea de a acoperi întregul spectru de tehnologii critice". De fapt, Ministerul Forțelor Armate nu mai dorește să fie singura organizație care să finanțeze sistemele de arme care vor fi exportate și ale căror avantaje economice din acest export vor fi numai pentru companii. Acesta este motivul pentru care "contractul de achiziție prevede redevențe în beneficiul statului, precum și un mecanism de reducere a prețului rachetelor achiziționate de Franța în cazul realizării obiectivelor de export". "Ministerul Armatelor se află alături de industriașii francezi printr-o politică viguroasă de sprijin, în timp ce așteaptă o revenire echitabilă pentru finanțele publice a efortului depus de stat", se arată în declarație.

Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (2 - Extras) http://investorrelations.gd.com/~/media/Files/G/General-DynamicsIR/documents/annual-reports/2017-gd-annual-report.pdf PART I ITEM 1. BUSINESS (Dollars in millions, except per-share amounts or unless otherwise noted) BUSINESS OVERVIEW COMBAT SYSTEMS Our Combat Systems group offers combat vehicles, weapons systems and munitions for the U.S. government and its allies around the world. We are a platform solutions provider offering market-leading design, development, production, modernization and sustainment services. With extensive, diverse and proven product lines, we have the agility to deliver tailored solutions to meet a wide array of customer mission needs. Comprised of three business units, European Land Systems, Land Systems, and Ordnance and Tactical Systems, the group‘s product lines include: • wheeled combat and tactical vehicles; • main battle tanks and tracked combat vehicles; • weapons systems, armament and munitions; and • maintenance, logistics support and sustainment services. ... Tanks and tracked combat vehicles: Combat Systems‘ powerful tracked vehicles provide key combat capabilities to customers around the world. The Abrams main battle tank offers a proven, decisive edge in combat. We are maximizing the effectiveness and lethality of the U.S. Army‘s M1A2 Abrams tank fleet with the System Enhancement Package Version 3 (SEPv3), providing technological advancements in communications, power generation, fuel efficiency and improved armor. Internationally, the group is upgrading Abrams tanks for several U.S. allies, including Kuwait, Morocco and Saudi Arabia. In 2017, we received an award to upgrade up to 786 Abrams tanks to the SEPv3 configuration. Page 23 of 34

Additional modernization efforts include integrating multiple engineering changes into the SEPv3 to design and develop SEPv4 prototypes with upgraded sensors. The ASCOD is a highly versatile tracked combat vehicle with multiple versions, including the Spanish Pizarro and the Austrian Ulan. Currently the group is producing the British Army‘s AJAX armoured fighting vehicle, a next-generation version of the ASCOD. In addition to production, the group will provide in-service support for the AJAX vehicle fleet. With six variants, AJAX offers advanced electronic architecture and proven technology for an unparalleled balance of protection, survivability and reliability for a vehicle in its weight class. In 2017, the AJAX vehicles underwent extensive testing trials in preparation for delivery to the British Army, including successful manned live firing trials. The vehicle is scheduled to begin entering into service in 2020. With our large installed base of wheeled and tracked vehicles around the world and the expertise gained from our innovative research, engineering and production programs, we are well-positioned for vehicle modernization programs, support and sustainment services and future development programs. Weapons systems, armament and munitions: Complementing these military-vehicle offerings, the group designs, develops and produces a comprehensive array of sophisticated weapons systems. For ground forces, we manufacture M2/M2-A1 heavy machine guns and MK19/MK47 grenade launchers. The group also produces legacy and next-generation weapons systems for shipboard applications. For airborne platforms, we produce weapons for fighter aircraft, including high-speed Gatling guns for all U.S. fixed-wing military aircraft. Our munitions portfolio covers the full breadth of naval, air and ground forces applications across all calibers and weapons platforms for the U.S. government and its allies. In North America, the group maintains a market-leading position in the supply of Hydra-70 rockets, large-caliber tank ammunition, medium-caliber ammunition, mortar and artillery projectiles, tactical missile aerostructures, and highperformance warheads; military propellants; and conventional bombs and bomb cases. The Combat Systems group emphasizes operational execution and continuous process improvements to enhance our productivity. In an environment of uncertain threats and evolving customer needs, the group is focused on innovation, affordability and speed-to-market to deliver increased performance and survivable, mission-effective products. Revenue for the Combat Systems group was 19% of our consolidated revenue in 2017 and 18% in 2016 and 2015. Revenue by major products and services was:

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General Dynamics Receives Delivery Order to Upgrade 100 Abrams Main Battle Tanks http://www.gd.com/news/press-releases/2018/07/general-dynamics-receivesdelivery-order-upgrade-100-abrams-main-battle

General Dynamics July 25, 2018 STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich.

The U.S. Army has signed a delivery order for General Dynamics Land Systems to upgrade 100 more M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks to the state-of-the-art M1A2 System Enhancement Package Version 3 (SEPv3) configuration.

The delivery order is part of an Army Requirements Contract signed in December 2017 through which the Army can upgrade up to 435 M1A1 Abrams tanks to the M1A2 SEPv3 configuration. The M1A2 SEPv3 configuration features technological advancements in communications, reliability, sustainment and fuel efficiency, plus upgraded armor. Work on this delivery order will be performed at Land Systems locations in Scranton, Pa., and Tallahassee, Fla., and at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, the only operational tank plant in the country. Initial pilot M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams tanks were delivered to the Army in October 2017. Land Systems is a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD). General Dynamics Land Systems provides innovative design, engineering, technology, production and full life-cycle support for land combat vehicles around the globe. The company‘s extensive experience, customer-first focus and seasoned supply chain network provide unmatched capabilities to the U.S. military and its allies. More information about General Dynamics Land Systems is available at www.gdls.com.

Epuizată de alergat după contracte în Asia şi năpădită de buruieni, fabrica Roman Braşov îşi pune ultima speranţă în Armata Română http://www.economica.net/epuizata-de-alergat-dupa-contracte-in-asia-si-napadita-deburuieni-platforma-roman-brasov-isi-pune-ultima-speranta-in-armata-romana_156336.html

Economica.net 25 iul, 22:01 Anemona Andone

După ce s-a amăgit cu exporturi de sute de camioane în Asia, fabrica Roman Braşov îşi pune ultima speranţă tot în România, unde vrea să prindă contracte noi cu Armata. Are însă nevoie de un partener, din cauză că este în insolvenţă şi nu are suficienţi bani pentru a plăti garanţiile la licitaţiile mari. Deşi România alocă tot mai mulţi bani pentru apărare, unul dintre partenerii tradiţionali ai Armatei, producătorul de camioane Roman Braşov, pare că-şi dă ultima suflare. ECONOMICA.NET a fost la faţa locului pentru a vedea cum se prezintă fabricantul român care se pregătea acum un an de o revenire spectaculoasă şi anunţa posibile exporturi de sute de camioane în Taiwan şi Pakistan. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. NATO/OTAN Comandantul Comandamentului NATO pentru operații speciale, în vizită de lucru la M.Ap.N. http://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/15992_Comandantul-Comandamentului-NATO-pentruopera%C8%9Bii-speciale,-%C3%AEn-vizit%C4%83-de-lucru-la-M.Ap.N.

Ministerul Apărării Naţionale COMUNICAT NR. 218 Data: 26.07.2018 Biroul presă NATO

Secretarul de stat pentru politica de apărare, planificare și relații internaționale, Mircea Dușa, șeful Statului Major al Apărării, generalul Nicolae Ciucă, şi viceamiralul Colin Kilrain, comandantul Comandamentului NATO pentru operații speciale, au avut o întâlnire joi, 26 iulie, la sediul Ministerului Apărării Naționale. În cadrul întâlnirii, cele două delegaţii au abordat tematici referitoare la situaţia de securitate din regiunea Mării Negre, cu accent pe iniţiativele derulate la nivel aliat ca parte a măsurilor de întărire a posturii de apărare și descurajare, precum şi discuţii referitoare la înfiinţarea unei Componente Terestre de Comandă de nivel corp de armată pe teritoriul României, subiecte care s-au aflat pe agenda Summit-ului NATO de la Bruxelles. În context, secretarul de stat român a subliniat necesitatea asigurării coerenţei în procesul de planificare şi implementare a răspunsului aliat în situaţii de criză sau conflict și a evidenţiat modul în care România îşi îndeplineşte angajamentele asumate, inclusiv prin alocarea a două procente din PIB pentru cheltuielile de apărare. Mircea Duşa a apreciat în mod deosebit atât contribuţia Statelor Unite ale Americii, prin Parteneriatul Strategic, cât și a Comandamentului NATO pentru operaţii speciale, la dezvoltarea Forţelor pentru operaţii speciale române, concretizate prin operaţionalizarea Comandamentului Forţelor pentru operaţii speciale, respectiv inaugurarea, la data de 1 iunie 2018, a Şcolii de Aplicaţie a Forţelor pentru Operaţii Speciale în România. Ambele părţi au apreciat importanța Forţelor pentru operaţii speciale în actualul context de securitate şi contribuția acestora la efortul aliat pentru asigurarea securității și stabilității, precum şi excelentele relaţii de cooperare existente între Forţele pentru operaţii speciale române şi structurile similare din SUA, respectiv Comandamentul NATO pentru operaţii speciale, în special în zonele de conflict. Întâlnirea a avut loc în marja vizitei Comandantului Comandamentului NATO pentru operații speciale în România, prilejuite de absolvirea primei promoții a „Cursului întrunit de calificare operator forțe pentru operații speciale‖ a Școlii de Aplicație a Forțelor pentru Operații Speciale (S.A.F.O.S.), de la Târgu Mureş.

Cap. EUROPA Vizita prim-ministrului Viorica Dăncilă în Muntenegru http://gov.ro/ro/stiri/vizita-prim-ministrului-viorica-dancila-inmuntenegru1532598552&page=1

Guvern România Prim-ministrul Viorica Dăncilă a transmis felicitări Președintelui Parlamentului de la Podgorița1 pentru succesul înregistrat prin recenta aderare la NATO, efort susținut puternic inclusiv la nivelul legislativului muntenegrean. Prim-ministrul a subliniat că 1


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Muntenegru are în România un aliat şi un prieten adevărat şi a salutat contribuţia acestei țări la misiunile şi activităţile NATO. Prim-ministrul a abordat cu interlocutorul său o serie de aspecte aflate pe agenda bilaterală: intensificarea dialogului politic la nivel înalt, inclusiv în cadrul Grupului Parlamentar de Prietenie şi al structurilor relevante din cele două parlamente, dinamizarea cooperării sectoriale prin identificarea unor noi oportunităţi de interes reciproc şi constituirea de platforme de cooperare în domeniul economic, consolidarea cooperării punctuale între instituţiile din cele două state, furnizare de expertiză în domeniul afacerilor europene, colaborarea în cadrul formatelor regionale. De altfel, la convorbiri au participat și membrii muntenegreni ai Grupului Parlamentar de Prietenie cu România. Cu referire la aspectele regionale, ambele părţi au evidenţiat contribuţia dimensiunii parlamentare la pregătirea statelor din Balcanii de Vest vizate de procesul de extindere, în vederea îndeplinirii criteriilor necesare pentru aderare, pe baza meritelor proprii. În final, doamna Prim-ministru Viorica Dăncilă i-a adresat Președintelui Parlamentului din Muntenegru, Ivan Brajović, invitația de a efectua o vizită în România.

Insights Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (6/11) Modernising trade defence instruments http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/621884/EPRS_BRI(2018) 621884_EN.pdf

Think Tank - defence - PE EU Legislation in Progress July 2018 Briefing2

Effectiveness and enforcement The EU often exercises self-restraint when imposing a lower level of AS or AD duties on account of the LDR. The Commission proposed to remove the LDR so as to level the playing field for EU industry, i) in AS cases, ii) in cases where 'structural raw material distortions' exist, and iii) in anti-circumvention cases.6 In the event of 'structural raw material distortions', for example when downstream EU producers are denied access to necessary raw materials and thus put in a disadvantageous competitive position by a foreign government's export restrictions, such self-restraint appears contradictory. The same holds for subsidised exports to the EU, where lower AS duties may even encourage governments to continue subsidising their economic operators. Compared with peer countries that use TDIs, the EU takes the longest time to impose provisional measures: nine months from the date of initiation. Australia, Canada, India, and the USA routinely impose provisional measures within five months or earlier. EU producers have therefore claimed that this long time-frame results in EU TDIs having a low deterrent effect.7 In its accompanying communication, the Commission thus pledged to seek to reduce, in general, the time-frame for deciding on provisional measures by two months but fell short of making this a legislative proposal. Optimising the review practice The Commission proposed that duties collected during expiry review investigations would be reimbursed whenever the review concludes that the 2

This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.

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measures are not to be maintained. Codifying the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU and the WTO In recent years the Court of Justice and General Court of the EU and the WTO dispute settlement body have handed down rulings that were set to be codified, as occurred in 2016/2017. The changes concerned the definition of Union industry, the consequences for exporting producers found not to be dumping or to be dumping at de minimis levels in an original investigation, how to tackle changed circumstances in review investigations, the treatment of related companies in anti-circumvention investigations, the conditions for the registration of imports and the basis for choosing a sample of Union producers. Publication of guidelines The Commission also intended to adopt guidelines on four core elements of AD/AS investigation: the calculation of the injury margin, the choice of the analogue country in investigations concerning imports from non-market economies, the Union interest test, and expiry reviews. According to the Commission, these guidelines would result from administrative experience. However, the plan to adopt guidelines before a legislative act on the modernisation of TDIs has raised issues of timing and content among Member States and Members of the European Parliament. Guidelines on the Union interest test in particular were considered as defining essential elements of that concept, and hence to be a matter for the legislative, rather than executive power. Ultimately, the Commission did not pursue the idea of adopting guidelines before a legislative act. Advisory committees In this area of exclusive competence for the European Union, neither the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) nor the Committee of the Regions (COR) are consulted.

Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur


20 iul.2018 4.6562 5.2019 3.9954 157.3290

23 iul.2018 4.6512 5.2182 3.9767 157.1331

24 iul.2018 4.6367 5.2019 3.9677 156.1953

25 iul.2018 4.6282 5.2026 3.9551 156.6016

26 iul.2018 4.6273 5.2112 3.9502 155.9039





5.5 5

5.1993 4.6695










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168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18

158 156 155.9039

154 152


















grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Cap. EVENIMENTE Situații extreme aviatice https://aviation-safety.net/index.php

Aviation Safety acc. date



Sukhoi Su-22


Cessna 150B


Beechcraft 58 Baron






Vietnam Air Force


Nghia Dhan district





Mecklenburg County, Matthews, NC



Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG)


near Juan de Ayolas Airport (SGAY), Misiones


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LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (32 - ĂŽnceput din 14.06.2018) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97


Securities and Exchange Commission - USA Environmental Matters We are a party to various agreements, proceedings and potential proceedings for environmental cleanup issues, including matters at various sites where we have been designated a potentially responsible party (PRP). At December 31, 2017 and 2016, the total amount of liabilities recorded on our consolidated balance sheet for environmental matters was $920 millionand $1.0 billion. We have recorded receivables totaling $799 million and $870 million at December 31, 2017 and 2016 for the portion of environmental costs that are probable of future recovery in pricing of our products and services for agencies of the U.S. Government, as discussed below. The amount that is expected to be allocated to our non-U.S. Government contracts or that is determined to not be recoverable under U.S. Government contracts has been expensed through cost of sales. We project costs and recovery of costs over approximately 20 years. We enter into agreements (e.g., administrative consent orders, consent decrees) that document the extent and timing of some of our environmental remediation obligations. We also are involved in environmental remediation activities at sites where formal agreements either do not exist or do not quantify the extent and timing Page 30 of 34

of our obligations. Environmental cleanup activities usually span many years, which makes estimating the costs more judgmental due to, for example, changing remediation technologies. To determine the costs related to clean up sites, we have to assess the extent of contamination, effects on natural resources, the appropriate technology to be used to accomplish the remediation, and evolving environmental standards. We perform quarterly reviews of environmental remediation sites and record liabilities and receivables in the period it becomes probable that a liability has been incurred and the amounts can be reasonably estimated (see the discussion under ―Environmental Matters‖ in ―Note 1 – Significant Accounting Policies‖ and ―Note 14 – Legal Proceedings, Commitments and Contingencies‖ included in our Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements). We consider the above factors in our quarterly estimates of the timing and amount of any future costs that may be required for remediation activities, which results in the calculation of a range of estimates for a particular environmental site. We do not discount the recorded liabilities, as the amount and timing of future cash payments are not fixed or cannot be reliably determined. Given the required level of judgment and estimation, it is likely that materially different amounts could be recorded if different assumptions were used or if circumstances were to change (e.g., a change in environmental standards or a change in our estimate of the extent of contamination). Under agreements reached with the U.S. Government, most of the amounts we spend for environmental remediation are allocated to our operations as general and administrative costs. Under existing U.S. Government regulations, these and other environmental expenditures relating to our U.S. Government business, after deducting any recoveries received from insurance or other PRPs, are allowable in establishing prices of our products and services. As a result, most of the expenditures we incur are included in our net sales and cost of sales according to U.S. Government agreement or regulation, regardless of the contract form (e.g. costreimbursable, fixed-price). We continually evaluate the recoverability of our environmental receivables by assessing, among other factors, U.S. Government regulations, our U.S. Government business base and contract mix, our history of receiving reimbursement of such costs, and recent efforts by some U.S. Government representatives to limit such reimbursement. In addition to the proceedings and potential proceedings discussed above, California previously established a maximum level of the contaminant hexavalent chromium in drinking water of 10 parts per billion (ppb). Recently, this standard was successfully challenged by the California Manufacturers and Technology Association (CMTA) for failure to conduct the required economic feasibility analysis. In response to the court‘s ruling, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board), a branch of the California Environmental Protection Agency, withdrew the hexavalent chromium standard from the published regulations, leaving only the 50 ppb standard for total chromium. The State Board has indicated it will work to re-establish a hexavalent chromium standard. If the standard for hexavalent chromium is re-established at 10 ppb or above, it will not have a material impact on our existing remediation costs in California. Further, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) is considering whether to regulate hexavalent chromium. California is also reevaluating its existing drinking water standard of 6 ppb for perchlorate, and the U.S. EPA is taking steps to regulate perchlorate in drinking water. If substantially lower standards are adopted, in either California or at the federal level for perchlorate or for hexavalent chromium, we expect a material increase in our estimates for environmental liabilities and the related assets for the portion of the increased costs that are probable of future recovery in the pricing of our Page 31 of 34

products and services for the U.S. Government. The amount that would be allocable to our non-U.S. Government contracts or that is determined not to be recoverable under U.S. Government contracts would be expensed, which may have a material effect on our earnings in any particular interim reporting period. As disclosed above, we may record changes in the amount of environmental remediation liabilities as a result of our quarterly reviews of the status of our environmental remediation sites, which would result in a change to the corresponding environmental receivable and a charge to earnings. For example, if we were to determine that the liabilities should be increased by $100 million, the corresponding receivables would be increased by approximately $87 million, with the remainder recorded as a charge to earnings. This allocation is determined annually, based upon our existing and projected business activities with the U.S. Government. We cannot reasonably determine the extent of our financial exposure at all environmental sites with which we are involved. There are a number of former operating facilities we are monitoring or investigating for potential future remediation. In some cases, although a loss may be probable, it is not possible at this time to reasonably estimate the amount of any obligation for remediation activities because of uncertainties (e.g., assessing the extent of the contamination). During any particular quarter, such uncertainties may be resolved, allowing us to estimate and recognize the initial liability to remediate a particular former operating site. The amount of the liability could be material. Upon recognition of the liability, a portion will be recognized as a receivable with the remainder charged to earnings, which may have a material effect in any particular interim reporting period. If we are ultimately found to have liability at those sites where we have been designated a PRP, we expect that the actual costs of remediation will be shared with other liable PRPs. Generally, PRPs that are ultimately determined to be responsible parties are strictly liable for site cleanup and usually agree among themselves to share, on an allocated basis, the costs and expenses for investigation and remediation. Under existing environmental laws, responsible parties are jointly and severally liable and, therefore, we are potentially liable for the full cost of funding such remediation. In the unlikely event that we were required to fund the entire cost of such remediation, the statutory framework provides that we may pursue rights of cost recovery or contribution from the other PRPs. The amounts we record do not reflect the fact that we may recover some of the environmental costs we have incurred through insurance or from other PRPs, which we are required to pursue by agreement and U.S. Government regulation.

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Tom Enders, şeful Airbus, a încercat joi să clarifice recentele comentarii privind consolidarea pe piaţa europeană a avioanelor militare, declarând că nu vede în viitorul apropiat o fuziune corporatistă între activităţile din domeniul apărării ale Airbus, BAE Systems sau alte firme, transmite Reuters. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 32 of 34

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„Normele metodologice ale Legii 232/2016, Legea industriei de apărare, au fost finalizate în 2017, în luna septembrie, şi urmau să intre în aplicare deja… Faptul că Ministerul Economiei a întârziat foarte mult cu punerea în aplicare a normelor a condus la neînscrierea agenţilor economici în Registrul Special. Deci, agenţii economici din industria de apărare nu apăreau ca făcând parte din industria de apărare. În schimb, în această perioadă societăţile respective au produs armament şi muniţie, au făcut export de armament şi muniţie! Deci, total aiurea. Banii pe nucleu, care se dau pentru serviciile aduse industriei de apărare, nu s-au putut da pentru că nu suntem înscrişi în Registrul Special, dar în schimb s-a putut produce în continuare armament… nefiind înscrişi în acest registru. Deci sunt două lucruri care se bat cap în cap. Lucrul acesta este mai mult decât ilegal, este o porcărie pe care numai un minister care nu ştie ce vrea, poate s-o facă. Este inacceptabil aşa ceva… Normele finalizate, tu… Minister al Economiei, nu le pui în aplicare, în schimb agenţii economici produc şi vând… Cum au vândut în exterior dacă nu figurează ca producător de tehnică militară? Deci este o porcărie totală. Din cauza aceasta fabricile sunt afectate, pentru că nu şi-au primit banii pe nucleu în perioada ianuarie – aprilie 2018. Din cauza aceasta ne-am hotărât să dăm în judecată Ministerul Economiei. Urmează să ne întâlnim săptămâna viitoare cu colegii din filiale pentru a ne face strategia de acţiune în instanţă… şi pe ei‖, a declarat Constantin Bucuroiu, liderul de sindicat de la Uzina Automecanica Moreni. În Dâmbovița, din industria de apărare fac parte:  Automecanica Moreni,  Uzina Mecanică Mija și  Uzina de produse speciale Dragomiresti. Acestea ar vrae să treacă sub tutela Ministerului Apărării. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S


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