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ZI DE ZI marți, 31 iulie 2018


Programul Sikorsky la 40 de ani pg. 23

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marți, 31 iulie 2018

semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 5 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 5 Insights ................................................................................................................................... 6 Boeing sare în ajutorul Antonov şi îl salvează de la faliment ................................................ 7 First Apache, Chinook Helicopters for India Complete Inaugural Flights ............................ 7 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate surselor de finanțare (27 - început #270) ................................................................................................................. 9 Availability of Government and Other Sources of Financing............................................ 9 LOCKHEED MARTIN - Raport Anual 2017 - despre Sikorsky (34 - început cu #263) .... 10 Cap. ITC ............................................................................................................................... 11 Northrop Grumman Delivers First Gallium Nitride (GaN) G/ATOR System to US Marine Corps .................................................................................................................................... 11 Cap. NAVAL ....................................................................................................................... 13 In vizita la Vard .................................................................................................................... 14 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 15 Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE ........................................................................................ 17 GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (4 - început cu #293) .............................. 17 Fabrica Roman Braşov îşi pune ultima speranţă în Armata Română .................................. 18 Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 18 Federica Mogherini appoints new chairs for EDA Steering Boards .................................... 18 Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (8/11) .............................................. 20 Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 21 Dan-Alexandru Groza, SG la MDRAP ................................................................................ 21 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 21 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 21 Cap. MacroE ...................................................................................................................... 22 Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (1, a început cu #296) ................................................................................................................... 22 Macroeconomic stability and security are part of a self‐reinforcing nexus ..................... 22 Cap. RESURSE .................................................................................................................. 23 Legea muntelui ..................................................................................................................... 23 Page 3 of 27

Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 23 Sikorsky Black Hawk 40th Anniversary .............................................................................. 23 Igor Sikorsky ........................................................................................................................ 24 Situații extreme aviatice ....................................................................................................... 24 Bell 429 GlobalRanger ..................................................................................................... 24 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .................................................................................................... 25 Industria de apărare, sector pe cale de dispariţie .................................................................. 25 fiecare știre reprezintă doar punctul de vedere al autorului acesteia, iar linkul conduce la sursa originală și la forma integrală a articolului.

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The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.

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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 246,92 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0

240.00 230.00

200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00




















mil. euro


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Insights Airbus Helicopters discussing H145M/C-17 combo with undisclosed prospective‌ IHS Jane's14:27 Mon, 30 Jul

Airbus reports half-year 2018 financial results Airline Economics18:52 Mon, 30 Jul

Airbus signs agreement for two H145Ms with Luxembourg Helicopter Investor19:30 Mon, 30 Jul

Airbus Starts Production of H160 Helicopter Barron's Online20:50 Mon, 30 Jul

Airline Routes-July 30, 2108 Air Transport World00:29

Astronautics completes MFDS software upgrade HeliHub11:05 Mon, 30 Jul

CALSTAR to add base in Santa Cruz County HeliHub11:35 Mon, 30 Jul

Camp Pendleton Inducts Last AH-1W Super Cobra for IMP upgrade HeliHub12:05 Mon, 30 Jul

Camp Pendleton inducts last AH-1W SuperCobra Vertical Magazine15:48 Mon, 30 Jul

Dare MedFlight installs Skytrac high-resolution camera on H145 Vertical Magazine20:50 Mon, 30 Jul

Doric confirms first A380 secondary market deal Airline Economics13:48 Mon, 30 Jul

EASA welcomes new rules on mental fitness of air crew HeliHub12:15 Mon, 30 Jul

First Apache, Chinook helicopters for India take first flights UPI22:13 Mon, 30 Jul

First Ultra Long Range Airbus A350 XWB Rolls Out of Paintshop Airways News17:09 Mon, 30 Jul

Forced Landing for Ghana Gold Delivery HeliHub20:19 Mon, 30 Jul

FreeFlight sensor to provide ADS-B position source for HH-60G helicopter fleet Vertical Magazine19:09 Mon, 30 Jul

Fuel costs, plane delivery delays hit InterGlobe profit Reuters.co.uk19:21 Mon, 30 Jul

HAI considers rebrand Helicopter Investor19:50 Mon, 30 Jul

IndiGo hopes to resolve issues with Pratt and Whitney engines soon The Hindu Business Line19:40 Mon, 30 Jul

Kaman annonces new K-Max Leasing Partnership HeliHub11:55 Mon, 30 Jul

Kaman partners with Rainier for new K-MAX leasing Aerospace Technology13:47 Mon, 30 Jul

Lockheed Martin to provide radar for Japan’s Aegis Ashore BMD systems IHS Jane's18:49 Mon, 30 Jul

Lockheed selected to lead autonomous convoy program UPI20:13 Mon, 30 Jul

Lockheed wins Army contract for self-driving military convoy systems Washington Examiner21:19 Mon, 30 Jul

No Boeing to Airbus switchover due to trade dispute: AerCap CEO FlightGlobal02:22

Penzance Heliport Project Recommended for Approval HeliHub12:35 Mon, 30 Jul

PICTURES: Indian air force Apache, Chinook make flight debuts FlightGlobal14:46 Mon, 30 Jul

PICTURES: SIA's first A350-900ULR rolls out of paintshop FlightGlobal09:04 Mon, 30 Jul

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Boeing sare în ajutorul Antonov şi îl salvează de la faliment https://adevarul.ro/international/in-lume/boeing-sare-ajutorul-antonov-salveazafaliment-1_5b5f2781df52022f75cc92f3/index.html

Adevărul 30 iulie 2018, 18:07 Ion Gaidau

Producătorul american de avioane civile şi militare Boeing a decis să ajute omologul său ucrainean Antonov, care trece printr-o criză gravă în urma pierderii importurilor ruseşti în 2014, după anexarea Peninsulei Crimeea de către Rusia şi izbucnirea conflictului armat din sud-estul Ucrainei. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

First Apache, Chinook Helicopters for India Complete Inaugural Flights http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/35128

Israel Defense 30/07/2018

Deliveries of 22 AH-64E Apaches and 15 CH-47F(I) Chinooks will begin in 2019 Boeing and India recently took a significant step toward modernizing the Indian Air Force’s helicopter fleet by completing the first flights of Apache and Chinook helicopters destined for delivery next year. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate surselor de finanțare (27 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports

Airbus 2. Business-Related Risks (cont)

Availability of Government and Other Sources of Financing Since 1992, the EU and the US have operated under an agreement that sets the terms and conditions of financial support that governments may provide to civil aircraft manufacturers. In late 2004, however, the US sought to unilaterally withdraw from this agreement, which eventually led to the US and the EU making formal claims against each other before the World Trade Organization (“WTO”). While both sides have expressed a preference for a negotiated settlement that provides for a level playing fi eld when funding future aircraft developments, they have thus far failed to reach agreement on key issues. The terms and conditions of any new agreement, or the final outcome of the formal WTO proceedings, may limit access by the Company to risk-sharing-funds for large projects, may establish an unfavourable balance of access to government funds by the Company as compared to its US competitors or may in an extreme scenario cause the European Commission and the involved governments to analyse possibilities for a change in the commercial terms of funds already advanced to the Company. In prior years, the Company and its principal competitors have each received different types of government financing of product research and development. However, no assurances can be given that government financing will continue to be made available in the future, in part as a result of the proceedings mentioned above. Moreover, the availability of other outside sources of financing will depend on a variety of factors such as market conditions, the general availability of credit, the Company’s credit ratings, as well as the possibility that lenders or investors could develop a

Din 1992, UE și SUA au funcționat în cadrul unui acord care stabilește termenii și condițiile de sprijin financiar pe care guvernele le pot furniza producătorilor de aeronave civile. Cu toate acestea, la sfârșitul anului 2004, SUA au încercat să se retragă unilateral din acest acord, ceea ce a dus în cele din urmă ca SUA și UE să facă reclamații formale în fața Organizației Mondiale a Comerțului ("OMC"). În timp ce ambele părți și-au exprimat dorința pentru o reglementare negociată, care să prevadă o abordare echilibrată în ceea ce privește finanțarea viitoarelor dezvoltări ale aeronavelor, SUA și UE nu au reușit până acum să ajungă la un acord privind chestiuni cheie. Termenii și condițiile oricărui acord nou sau rezultatul final al procedurilor oficiale ale OMC pot limita accesul Societății la fonduri de împărțire a riscurilor pentru proiecte mari, pot determina un echilibru nefavorabil de acces al Societății la fondurile guvernamentale în comparație cu concurenții săi din SUA sau poate, într-un scenariu extrem, să determine Comisia Europeană și guvernele implicate să analizeze posibilitățile de modificare a termenilor comerciali ai fondurilor deja avansate către Companie. În anii anteriori, Compania și principalii săi concurenți au primit diferite tipuri de finanțări guvernamentale pentru cercetarea și dezvoltarea produselor. Cu toate acestea, nu se poate garanta că finanțarea guvernamentală va continua să fie disponibilă în viitor, și datorită procedurilor menționate mai sus. În plus, disponibilitatea altor surse externe de finanțare va depinde de o varietate de factori, cum ar fi condițiile pieței, disponibilitatea generală a creditelor, ratingurile de credit ale Companiei, precum și posibilitatea ca creditorii sau investitorii să poată dezvolta o percepție negativă asupra Societății pe termen lung sau

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negative perception of the Company’s longor short-term financial prospects if it incurred large losses or if the level of its business activity decreased due to an economic downturn. The Company may therefore not be able to successfully obtain additional outside financing on appropriate terms, or at all, which may limit the Company’s future ability to make capital expenditures, fully carry out its research and development efforts and fund operations.

pe termen scurt în cazul în care a suferit pierderi mari sau dacă nivelul activității sale a scăzut din cauza unei recesiuni economice. Prin urmare Compania nu poate să obțină cu succes finanțări suplimentare externe în condiții adecvate sau deloc, ceea ce ar putea limita capacitatea viitoare a Companiei de a face cheltuieli de capital, să-și îndeplinească integral eforturile de cercetare și dezvoltare și operațiunile de finanțare.

LOCKHEED MARTIN - Raport Anual 2017 - despre Sikorsky (34 început cu #263) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97


Securities and Exchange Commission - USA p26: Business Segment 2018 Financial Trends Rotary and Mission Systems (RMS) We expect RMS’ net sales to decrease in Ne așteptăm ca vânzările nete ale RMS să scadă the low-single digit percentage range as față de anul 2017 într-un interval procentual cu o compared to 2017 driven primarily by singură cifră, datorită în primul rând volumului lower volume in our Sikorsky business redus al activității noastre Sikorsky, parțial datorită partially offset by higher volume in our programul offset care implică un volum mai mare training and logistics services and al serviciilor noastre de instruire și logistică și în integrated warfare systems and sensors liniile integrate de sisteme de război și senzori (IWSS) lines of business. Operating profit (IWSS). Profitul operațional este de așteptat să is expected to increase in the low double crească într-un intervalul procentual sub două digit percentage range driven by cifre, datorită îmbunătățirilor performanței pe liniile performance improvements in the IWSS de afaceri C4WS și C4ISR și a Sistemelor de and C4ISR and Undersea Systems and submarin (C4USS). De asemenea, se așteaptă ca Sensors (C4USS) lines of business. marjele de profit operațional să se îmbunătățească Operating profit margins are also față de nivelurile obținute în2017. expected to improve from 2017 levels. p27: Acquisition of Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation On November 6, 2015, pursuant to a Stock În data de 6 noiembrie 2015, în baza unui Purchase Agreement, dated as of July 19, Acord de achiziționare de acțiuni, semnat la 2015 by and between us and United data de 19 iulie 2015 de către și între noi și Technologies Corporation (UTC) and United Technologies Corporation (UTC) și certain wholly-owned subsidiaries of UTC, anumite filiale deținute în întregime de UTC, we completed the acquisition of Sikorsky am încheiat achiziția Sikorsky Aircraft Aircraft Corporation and certain affiliated Corporation și anumite subsidiare (denumite în companies (collectively “Sikorsky”) for $9.0 mod colectiv "Sikorsky") pentru suma netă de billion, net of cash acquired. Sikorsky, a 9,0 miliarde USD. Sikorsky, o companie global company primarily engaged in the globală implicată în principal în proiectarea, design, manufacture, service and support of fabricarea, service-ul și suport pentru military and commercial helicopters, has elicopterelor militare și comerciale, a devenit o become a wholly-owned subsidiary of ours, filială deținută în LOCKHEED MARTIN, aliniată sub segmentul de business RMS. aligned under the RMS business segment. Page 10 of 27

Cap. ITC Northrop Grumman Delivers First Gallium Nitride (GaN) G/ATOR System to US Marine Corps https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/releases/northrop-grumman-delivers-firstgallium-nitride-gan-gator-system-to-us-marine-corps

Northrop Grumman BALTIMORE – July 26, 2018

Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) has delivered the first AN/TPS-80 Ground/Air Task-Oriented Radar (G/ATOR) that incorporates advanced high power and high efficiency gallium nitride (GaN) antenna technology, further improving the system’s operational capabilities. This system was delivered ahead of schedule and is the seventh G/ATOR system delivered in the low rate initial production (LRIP) phase of the program.

Four G/ATOR systems preparing for fielding located at Northrop Grumman’s Stoney Run test range in Baltimore, Md.

GaN technology provides cost savings and multiple performance benefits including enhanced system sensitivity and increased reliability. All subsequent G/ATOR LRIP and full rate production systems will now incorporate this advanced GaN technology. Delivery of the first GaN G/ATOR system follows the delivery of six LRIP systems to the Marines that began in early 2017. Utilizing two of those six systems, the Marine Corps achieved G/ATOR Initial Operational Capability (IOC) of the air surveillance mission in February of this year. The remaining four systems will establish IOC for the counter-battery mission later this year. As a result, G/ATOR systems, trained Marines and associated logistics support are now in operational service with Marines. “The Marine Corps are the first to take delivery of a production ground based multi mission AESA radar that incorporates this advanced GaN technology,” said Roshan Roeder, vice president, land & avionics C4ISR division, Northrop Grumman. “The incorporation of this advanced technology in production radars is unique to the Marine Corps and enables G/ATOR to provide additional mission capability to the warfighter at an affordable cost.” Both the Marine Corps and Northrop Grumman continue to make detailed preparations to successfully execute the full rate production program, which is scheduled to begin in early 2019.

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Additionally, given the AN/TPS-80’s open architecture design, Northrop Grumman was awarded a contract through the Office of Secretary of Defense Strategic Capabilities Office in 2016 to support the addition of a fire control mission. The AN/TPS-80 G/ATOR is an advanced Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) multi-mission radar that provides comprehensive real time, 360 degree situational awareness against a broad array of threats including fixed wing aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, unmanned autonomous systems (UAS), and rockets, artillery and mortar. It is rapidly deployable worldwide to meet United State Marine Corps needs and includes the latest cyber and digital beam forming technology that enables the radar to perform multi-mission tasks at significantly lower operation and maintenance costs compared to existing USMC radar systems. Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, space, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit news.northropgrumman.com and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information.

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In vizita la Vard https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/in-vizita-la-vard

Romania Military Cristian Ganciu 30 iulie 2018 - 6:00

La sfarsitul lunii iulie, Fincantieri a organizat, pentru presa, o vizita de documentare la santierele Vard din Tulcea si Braila. Cum programul nu-mi permitea sa merg la amandoua, l-am vizitat pe cel de la Tulcea. Aveam si motive in plus: tata a lucrat 10 ani in santier, unul din locurile mele preferate de joaca a fost zona halelor de montaj (in constructie, pe vremea aia), in liceu ma strecuram in santier sa vad lucrarile de reparatii la pescadoare. Dupa 1990 am tot intrat in santier si am avut ocazia sa-l vad in diferite etape, cu Aker, cu STX OSV, cu Vard si, mai recent, cu Fincantieri, asa ca aveam o oarecare idee despre ce a facut fiecare companie, ca investitii in santier La santier am fost asteptati de o echipa condusa de dl.Mauro Leboffe, vicepresedinte executiv Vard si coordonator al santierelor Vard Tulcea si Braila, si de dl.Laurentiu Rusinoiu, directorul general al Vard Tulcea. Cristian Ganciu ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (4 - început cu #293) http://investorrelations.gd.com/~/media/Files/G/General-DynamicsIR/documents/annual-reports/2017-gd-annual-report.pdf EXTRAS

PART I ITEM 7. MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT With approximately 60% of our revenue from the U.S. government, our financial performance is impacted by U.S. government spending levels, particularly defense spending. Over the past several years, U.S. defense spending has been mandated by the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA). The BCA establishes spending caps over a 10-year period through 2021. On February 9, 2018, the Congress approved increases to the BCA spending caps and a budget for fiscal years (FY) 2018 and 2019. The FY 2018 defense budget totals $700 billion, which includes $629 billion in the base budget in compliance with the modified BCA spending caps and $71 billion for overseas contingency operations, representing an increase of more than 10% over FY 2017 spending levels. The FY 2019 defense budget totals $716 billion. However, federal agencies and programs do not receive funding at the new levels until the corresponding appropriations bills are approved. The Congress has not yet passed the FY 2018 defense appropriation bill. As a result, we have been operating under a series of continuing resolutions (CRs), which have funded government agencies at FY 2017 spending levels, since the beginning of the government’s fiscal year. As of the filing of this Form 10-K on February 12, 2018, the current CR, signed Page 17 of 27

into law on February 9, 2018, funds the government through March 23, 2018. We do not anticipate that these CRs will have a material impact on our results of operations, financial condition or cash flows The long-term outlook for our U.S. defense business is influenced by the relevance of our programs to the U.S. military’s funding priorities, the diversity of our programs and customers, our insight into customer requirements stemming from our incumbency on core programs, our ability to evolve our products to address a fastchanging threat environment and our proven track record of successful contract execution. International demand for military equipment and information technologies presents opportunities for our non-U.S. operations and exports from our North American businesses. While the revenue potential can be significant, there are risks to doing business in foreign countries, including changing budget priorities and overall spending pressures unique to each country. In our Aerospace group, we continue to experience strong demand across our product portfolio. We expect our continued investment in the development of new aircraft products and technologies to support the Aerospace group’s long-term growth. Similarly, we believe the aircraft services business will be a strong source of revenue as the global business-jet fleet grows. Across our portfolio, we focus on expanding operating earnings and the efficient conversion of earnings into cash. We emphasize effective program execution and the flexibility and agility to respond to changing circumstances in our business environment, and look for opportunities to drive cost reduction across our business.

Fabrica Roman Braşov îşi pune ultima speranţă în Armata Română https://psnews.ro/fabrica-roman-brasov-isi-pune-ultima-speranta-in-armata-romana-223379/

PS News Maria Ion Postat la 26 iulie 2018, 20:30

După ce s-a amăgit cu exporturi de sute de camioane în Asia, fabrica Roman Braşov îşi pune ultima speranţă tot în România, unde vrea să prindă contracte noi cu Armata. Are însă nevoie de un partener, din cauză că este în insolvenţă şi nu are suficienţi bani pentru a plăti garanţiile la licitaţiile mari. Deşi România alocă tot mai mulţi bani pentru apărare, unul dintre partenerii tradiţionali ai Armatei, producătorul de camioane Roman Braşov, pare că-şi dă ultima suflare. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. EUROPA Federica Mogherini appoints new chairs for EDA Steering Boards https://www.eda.europa.eu/info-hub/press-centre/latest-news/2018/07/27/federica-mogherini-appointsnew-chairs-for-eda-steering-boards

European Defence Agency EDA Brussels - 27 July, 2018

Following consultations with Member States, Federica Mogherini, the Head of the European Defence Agency (EDA), has appointed three new chairs for the EDA Steering Boards in R&T Directors, National Armaments Directors and Capability Directors compositions, with effect from 1 December 2018:  R&T Directors: Dr Luisa Riccardi (Italy)  National Armaments Directors: Deputy Defence Minister Atanas Zapryanov (Bulgaria)  Capability Directors: Major General Eric Schevenhoven (The Netherlands) Page 18 of 27

“I thank the outgoing chairmen - Deputy Minister Daniel Koštoval, Lt Gen Erhard Bühler and Dr Bryan Wells - for their commitment and outstanding work delivered over the past three years in these important positions”, Jorge Domecq, the EDA Chief Executive, stated. “I am sure that with their vast professional experience and personal qualities, the incoming chairs will continue on this path and be excellent chairpersons. Presiding over the Steering Boards at the level of R&T Directors, National Armaments Directors, and Capability Directors, both the outgoing and incoming chairpersons play key roles in supporting the EDA in the definition and implementation of the latest EU defence initiatives, especially the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD), the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and the European Defence Fund (EDF).”

Dr Luisa Riccardi1 currently serves as a Technology Innovation Department Director at the Italian Ministry of Defence where she is responsible for the overall military research and technology development strategy plans and policies. She is also in charge of harmonizing the objectives set forth in the National Military Research Programme with the Italian National Research Plan and the country’s overall research and technology policy. Prior to her current assignment, Dr Riccardi served as the first Director of the newly established litigation Department of the Secretariat General of Defense/National Armaments Directorate in the Italian MoD.

Lieutenant General Atanas Zapryanov is Deputy Minister of Defence of Bulgaria. He previously held several important command and staff positions in the Signal Troops of the Bulgarian Army, among others platoon commander, company commander, deputy battalion commander, chief of staff and deputy commander of the 95th Signal regiment of the second army in Plovdiv, chief of staff, deputy director and director of the Signal Troops Directorate to the General Staff of the Bulgarian Army. He also served as a Deputy Chief of Staff of the Bulgarian Army for resources (until 2006), and as the military representative of the Chief of General Staff in NATO military committees and the European Union (until 2010).

Major General Eric Schevenhoven has been Director of Plans of the Defence Staff in the Dutch Ministry of Defence since 1 September 2015. In this position, he also fulfils the role of Dutch Capability Director for NATO and the EU and is a member of 1


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the Defence Research Council (RDO), the National Aviation and Aerospace Centre Advisory Council (NLR) and the Coastguard Council. Major General Schevenhoven started his military career in 1980 at the Royal Military Academy in Breda. During his career, he served among others as Deputy Director Governance in NATO's ISAF Headquarters in in Kabul /Afghanistan (2011-2012) and as National Deputy for the Netherlands in the Joint Strike Fighter Program Office in Washington D.C. (20072010). More information  EDA governance

Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (8/11) Modernising trade defence instruments http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/621884/EPRS_BRI(2018) 621884_EN.pdf

Think Tank - defence - PE EU Legislation in Progress July 2018 Briefing2

Legislative process In April 2013, the Commission adopted a proposal to modernise the AD and AS instruments. Parliament voted on amendments in February 2014 and adopted its position in April 2014 (during the previous parliamentary term). At that time, Parliament was ready to negotiate with the Council to come to a first-reading agreement, but the Council was not able to agree on a common position. Meanwhile the Commission, and Parliament, in a May 2016 resolution and a July 2016 resolution, reiterated the importance of moving forward on the subject. Parliament's Committee on International Trade (INTA) held workshops for Members and stakeholders in 2012 and 2013. Parliament's position In its position of April 2014, Parliament rejected the idea of a two-week pre-disclosure to parties prior to the imposition of provisional measures, in an attempt to make impossible any form of speculative imports (i.e. goods that are imported shortly before the imposition of duties – and then stored inside the EU to be sold later, effectively circumventing the effect of AD/AS duties). Parliament also opposed the reimbursement of duties collected during expiry reviews in the event that, after the reviews, duties were not to be maintained. It argued that the non-application of the lesser-duty rule (LDR) in AD cases should be extended to a variety of situations, such as when EU complainants represent a diverse and fragmented industry, largely composed of SMEs, when the exporting country provides subsidies to the exporting producers; or when the exporting country fails to have sufficient social and environmental standards. The benchmarks for social standards would be the core International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions to be set out in an annexe to the regulation, and those for environmental standards would be the multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) to which the EU is party. However, the LDR would still apply where, although 'structural raw materials distortions' have been found to exist, the exporting country is considered a least-developed country (LDCs) on the basis of Regulation No 978/2012. Parliament called for the extension of ex-officio investigations to cases where the EU industry is diverse and fragmented and largely composed of SMEs. Parliament introduced amendments to the legislative proposal regarding the strengthening of the supportive role of the SME Help Desk; these went beyond the 2

This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.

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proposal made by the Commission in its communication. The Commission had proposed to upgrade the SME Help Desk without legislative change which would not have led to a legally binding commitment. To enhance transparency, Parliament called on the Commission to share with the European Parliament and the Council, in its annual report, additional information relating to the application and implementation of the AD/AS Regulations as part of an interinstitutional dialogue, including on the use of TDIs by third countries targeting Union industry, and the activities of the Hearing Officer and the SME Help Desk. Moreover, Parliament called on the Commission to adopt provisional measures within 6 months and to reduce the overall duration of investigations wherever possible to 9 but in any case to 12 months for AD, and wherever possible to 9 but in any case to 10 months for AS investigations.

Cap. DECIZIONAL Dan-Alexandru Groza, SG la MDRAP Primul-Ministru Decizie privind exercitarea, cu caracter temporar, a funcției publice vacante din categoria înalților funcționari publici de secretar general al Ministerului Dezvoltării Regionale și Administrației Publice de către domnul Dan-Alexandru Groza Nr. 243 din 30-Iulie-2018

Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 24 iul.2018 4,6367 5,2019 3,9677 156,1953


25 iul.2018 4,6282 5,2026 3,9551 156,6016

26 iul.2018 4,6273 5,2112 3,9502 155,9039

27 iul.2018 4,6315 5,2136 3,9844 156,1958

30 iul.2018 4,6248 5,1935 3,9572 155,5298





5.5 5

5.1935 4.6695










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168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18

158 156 154


152 27-08-18



















grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Cap. MacroE Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (1, a început cu #296) Macroeconomic stability – a stepstone towards security and diplomatic standing Recent developments in Romania http://www.bnro.ro/Prezentari-si-interviuri--1332.aspx

Banca Națională a României Mugur Isărescu, Guvernatorul BNR

Macroeconomic stability and security are part of a self‐reinforcing nexus Stabilitatea și securitatea macroeconomică fac parte dintr-o relație de auto-susținere reciprocă Economic policy and development depend Politica economică și dezvoltarea depind de cât on how secure the environment is, both in de sigur este mediul, atât în termeni reali, cât și în termeni de percepție ... real and perception terms, … … while one cannot imagine a secure ... în timp ce nu se poate imagina un mediu sigur fără o economie sănătoasă, environment without a healthy economy, i.e. an economy with no significant internal adică o economie fără dezechilibre interne sau externe semnificative or external imbalances  Internal: price stability, financial  Pe plan intern: stabilitatea prețurilor, stabilitatea financiară, sustenabilitatea stability, sustainability of government’s strategiei fiscale a guvernului fiscal position  External: sustainable current account  Pe plan extern: deficitul de cont curent sustenabil, rezerve internaționale adecvate deficit, adequate international reserves Macroeconomic stability is not properly Stabilitatea macroeconomică nu este evaluată în mod corespunzător până când nu este pierdută valued until it is lost Currency and banking crises (whatever Crizele monetară și bancară (indiferent de cum their trigger) – particularly against the s-au declanșat) - în special în contextul unei background of high debt burden and when poveri mari a datoriei și al suprapunerii unor overlapping weak institutions – lead to instituții slabe - conduc la migrarea de capital capital flight (both financial and human), (atât financiar, cât și uman), creșterea sărăciei și Page 22 of 27

increased poverty and marginalisation, and mounting social tension --> insecurity Macroeconomic stability enhances the country’s position in the diplomatic arena, but at the same time it can greatly benefit from domestic and international networking that would smooth the flows of trade, ideas and factors

marginalizării și creșterea tensiunii sociale --> insecuritate Stabilitatea macroeconomică întărește poziția țării pe arena diplomatică, dar în același timp poate în mare măsură aduce beneficii din relațiile interne și internaționale care ar ușura mișcarea fluxurilor comerciale, ideilor și factorilor

Cap. RESURSE Legea muntelui Parlamentul României Lege muntelui Nr. 197 din 20-Iulie-2018 Președintele României Decret privind promulgarea Legii muntelui Nr. 589 din 19-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 659 din 30 Iulie 2018

Cap. EVENIMENTE Sikorsky Black Hawk 40th Anniversary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfIqR0TRdlk

YouTube LockheedMartinVideos Publicat pe 30 iul. 2018

In 1978, Sikorsky delivered the first Black Hawk to the U.S. Army. Over the last four decades, the Black Hawk has steadfastly flown in and out of countless combat zones and natural disaster areas to save lives and deliver critical supplies. Learn more about this impressive helicopter and share your story with us by using #MyBlackHawkStory on Twitter or Instagram.

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Igor Sikorsky https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Sikorsky

Wikipedia Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky (May 25, 1889 – October 26, 1972), was a Russian-American aviation pioneer in both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. His first success came with the S-2, the second aircraft of his design and construction. His fifth airplane, the S-5, won him national recognition as well as F.A.I. license number 64. His S-6A received the highest award at the 1912 Moscow Aviation Exhibition, and in the fall of that year the aircraft won for its young designer, builder and pilot first prize in the military competition at Saint Petersburg.

...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Situații extreme aviatice https://aviation-safety.net/index.php

Aviation Safety acc. date



Airbus A320-232


Quad City Challenger II


Bell 429 GlobalRanger



Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner


Piper PA-60602P Aerostar






off the coast of Israel



Bonfield Township near Talon Lake, Rutherglen, ON


Reignwood Star Aviation


near Jixiangsi bridge, Beijing



Air Canada


Tokyo/Narita International Airport (NRT/RJAA)





Greenville Municipal Airport (3B1), Greenville, ME



operator Wizz Air

Bell 429 GlobalRanger Date: Time:

30-JUL-2018 11:00 LT

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Type: Bell 429 GlobalRanger Owner/operator: Reignwood Star Aviation Registration: B-70QC C/n / msn: 57157 Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 4 Aircraft damage:Written off (damaged beyond repair) Location: near Jixiangsi bridge, Beijing China Phase: En route Narrative: The helicopter crashed in a parking lot after a loss of control. There were no injuries on the ground. The four occupants received minor injuries. Reignwood Star Aviation is a local charter operator.

12 incidente în această bază de date cu acest tip de aeronavă, începând din 2015, ceea ce înseamnă că media anuală a incidentelor este de 4.

Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE Industria de apărare, sector pe cale de dispariţie http://www.monitorfg.ro/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=12680:industria-de-aprare-sector-pe-cale-de-dispariie&catid=43:tiri-locale&Itemid=29

Monitorul - Făgăraș   

S-a limitat numărul de angajaţi din industria de apărare prin HG la 923 Investiţiile în Armată au crescut, dar industria autohtonă de apărare moare încet Angajaţii din industria de apărare nu şi-au primit salariile restante aferente perioadei ianuarie-aprilie 2018 Cei peste 8000 de angajaţi din industria de apãrare se aflã în pericolul de a nu mai fi remuneraţi odatã cu apariţia HG 230/2018 care condiţioneazã numãrul de salariaţi din acest sector de activitatea de producţie. Pentru perioada ianuarie-aprilie 2018, angajaţii societãţilor din industria de apãrare nu şi-au primit salariile. De la cele douã fabric din Țara Fãgãraşului sînt în cauzã 271 de salariaţi. Acest sector de activitate Page 25 of 27

dispare încet încet, în timp de Armata face investiţii de miliarde de euro, dar cu investitori strãini Fabricile nu mai au comenzi Industria de apãrare a ultimilor ani se aflã într-un proces continuu de diminuare a comenzilor la nivelul operatorilor economici. Situaţia se explicã prin scãderea numãrului de comenzi primite din partea beneficiarilor interni: Ministerul Apãrãrii Naţionale, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne ºi celorlalte componente ale forţelor sistemului naţional de apãrare (FSNA), precum ºi din partea beneficiarilor externi. Prin urmare, ministerul de resort a aprobat un numãr mediu maxim de personal care desfãşoarã activitãţi conform Legii nr. 232/2016 şi a lergislaţiei europene. Sumele necesare asigurãrii plãţilor salariale sînt prevãzute în bugetul de stat pe anul 2018, prin bugetul Ministerului Economiei, în cuantum de 35.373 mii lei pentru un numãr mediu maxim de personal de 923 salariaţi propus prin HG semnat d epremierul Viorica Dãncilã în mai 2018 ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S


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