ZI DE ZI miercuri, 1 august 2018
Șantierul de la Mangalia este cel mai mare din portofoliul Damen pg. 15
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miercuri, 1 august 2018
semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 5 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 5 Turkey and Ukraine plan to jointly manufacture the new Antonov An-188 military cargo aircraft. ................................................................................................................................... 6 Insights ................................................................................................................................... 6 Airbus shows off H145M HForce in push for further sales ................................................... 7 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate competiției și nivelului de acces la piață (28 - început #270) ....................................................................... 9 LOCKHEED MARTIN - Raport Anual 2017 - despre Sikorsky (35 - început cu #263) .... 10 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE .............................................................................. 11 3D-printing unlicensed guns could lead to jail time ............................................................ 11 The USA’s M4 Carbine Controversies ................................................................................ 12 The story of M4 Carbine (1, a început cu 297) .................................................................... 12 Cap. ITC ............................................................................................................................... 13 Israeli Startup IDRRA Announces Platform for Vendor Risk Management ....................... 13 Cap. NAVAL ....................................................................................................................... 14 Achiziții militare în “Anul Flotei” ....................................................................................... 15 SA FACEM MANGALIA CUNOSCUTA IN LUME ........................................................ 15 Cele trei pentru Canada ........................................................................................................ 16 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 17 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 18 The capability sustainment programme (CSP) of the advanced Brimstone air-to-surface missile................................................................................................................................... 20 The French government is greenlighting the development of a new generation air-to-air missile................................................................................................................................... 20 The Indian government is upgrading New Delhi’s air-defense systems. ............................. 21 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 21 Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE ........................................................................................ 22 GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (5 - început cu #293) .............................. 22 Les premiers DURO I WE de l’armée sur le terrain ............................................................ 23 Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 24 Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (9/11) .............................................. 24 Page 3 of 30
Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 25 Ministrul Apărării a anunţat data la care România va plăti aproape un miliard de dolari pentru al doilea sistem de rachete Patriot ............................................................................. 25 Ana-Maria Ciobanu, eliberare funcție .................................................................................. 26 Gabriel Florin Pușcău, fulger funcție ................................................................................... 26 Ana-Maria Ciobanu, SG la MS, 245/246 ............................................................................. 26 Paul Stănescu, la conducerea operativă a Guvernului.......................................................... 27 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 27 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 27 Cap. MacroE ...................................................................................................................... 28 Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (2, a început cu #296) ................................................................................................................... 28 Key features of the recent macroeconomic and financial environment in Romania (1) .. 28 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE............................................................................... 29 MBDA la Farnborough 2017 ............................................................................................... 29 Un sumar inedit al RO.A&D 296 ......................................................................................... 29 fiecare știre reprezintă doar punctul de vedere al autorului acesteia, iar linkul conduce la sursa originală și la forma integrală a articolului.
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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS
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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 247,93 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0
240.00 230.00
200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00
mil. euro
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Turkey and Ukraine plan to jointly manufacture the new Antonov An-188 military cargo aircraft. https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/
Defense Industry Daily Parties involved in negotiations include Turkey’s defense procurement office, TAI, Antonov and Ukraine’s umbrella defense entity Ukroboronprom. Turkish officials have made clear that for any co-production deal to go ahead the aircraft must be brought to full compliance with NATO standards. The An-188 multi-purpose military transport aircraft is a modification of An-70 medium-range transport aircraft, which was unveiled at the Paris Air Show in 2015. The plane will be equipped with four D436-148FM three-shaft high by-pass turbofan engines and an advanced glass cockpit with the latest flight navigation and communication equipment. Featuring short take-off and landing (STOL) capability, the jet-powered aircraft will be able to perform take-off and landing on different airfields, including unpaved runways and short runways with a length of 1000 yards. The An-188 features a flight distance of up to 4784 miles, a cruising altitude of up to 40000 feet, and a speed of up to 497 mph depending on aircraft and engine type and variant.
Insights 3D-Printed Guns Are Unchecked and Untraceable. Starting Tomorrow, Anyone Can Download the Plans to Make One TIME22:36 Tue, 31 Jul
3D-printing unlicensed guns could lead to jail time Toronto Star02:44
A Federal Judge Launches a Futile, Unconstitutional Effort to Block Blueprints for 3DPrinted Guns National Review Online03:12
As India’s Rafale Controversy Rages, Reforms on Defense Acquisitions Needed The Diplomat21:40 Tue, 31 Jul
Automakers need to help car dealers control the costs of tools Automotive News21:21 Tue, 31 Jul
Battlefield photos provide ammunition for drawings of first World War The Irish Times07:05 Tue, 31 Jul
BOJ seeks to make its ammunition last longer as options dwindle Reuters.co.uk13:28 Tue, 31 Jul
Bryce Harper is available and the Dodgers have the ammunition LA Sports Hub (Weblog)16:36 Tue, 31 Jul
Concurrent Technologies Corporation Innovative Ammunition Manufacturing Technology
GlobeNewswire21:10 Tue, 31 Jul
Despite Trump’s Rhetoric, U.S. Defense Firms Pitch Moving Production To India Breaking Defense00:25
Fact Check: Can You Make an AR-15 With a 3D Printer? Weekly Standard20:28 Tue, 31 Jul
Guilty conscience can't be supressed: Swamy on Cong mouthpiece calling 'Rafale: Modi's Bofors' DNA India21:11 Tue, 31 Jul
Israel Prefers Old F-15s to F-35s Popular Mechanics00:21
Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order, Halts Cody Wilson’s Publication of 3-D Gun Files Page 6 of 30
NDA bought customised war machines for IAF: Pon Radhakrishnan Deccan Chronicle03:35
North Korea is still producing ballistic missiles after summit NBC News01:23
North Korea Still Requires Deterrence and Diplomacy The National Interest20:39 Tue, 31 Jul
Now There's a Water Gun That Shoots Liquid Bullets and Refills Itself Gizmodo UK22:10 Tue, 31 Jul
NRA Calls Out Politicians, Media for 3D Printed Gun Misinformation The Washington Free Beacon01:12
NRA on Undetectable Guns: Illegal for 30 Years NewsMax01:33
NRATV host: Opposition to 3D printed guns is just “a way to scare ordinary people away from supporting the Second… Media Matters for America00:22
Airbus shows off H145M HForce in push for further sales Gareth Jennings, Bakony Combat Training Center, Hungary - IHS Jane's https://www.janes.com/article/82052/airbus-shows-off-h145m-hforce-in-push-forfurther-sales#.W17tVAUpK0I.linkedin
Jane’s Defence Weekly 29 July 2018
Airbus Helicopters is capitalising on the recent export success of its H145M HForce to Hungary with a series of in-country customer and prospective customer demonstrations of the battlefield rotorcraft and modular weapons system combination. Speaking to reporters in Hungary on 27 July, senior programme officials noted that the sale of 20 of the armed battlefield support helicopters to Hungary earlier in the year had acted as a catalyst for a series of demonstrations at the country’s Bakony Combat Training Center (BCTC), about 80 km southwest of Budapest.
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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate competiției și nivelului de acces la piață (28 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports
Airbus extras 2. Business-Related Risks (cont) Competition and Market Access The markets in which the Company operates are highly competitive. In some areas, competitors may have more extensive or more specialised engineering, manufacturing and marketing capabilities or better access to funding than the Company. In addition, some of the Company’s largest customers and/or suppliers may develop the capability to manufacture products or provide services similar to those of the Company. This would result in these customers/suppliers marketing their own products or services and competing directly with the Company for sales of these products or services, all of which could signifi cantly reduce the Company’s revenues. Further, new players are operating or seeking to operate in the Company’s existing markets which may impact the structure and profitability of these markets. In addition, enterprises with different business models could substitute some of the Company’s products and services. There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to compete successfully against its current or future competitors or that the competitive pressures it faces in all business areas will not result in reduced revenues, market share or profi t. In addition, the contracts for many aerospace and defence products are awarded, implicitly or explicitly, on the basis of home country preference. Although the Company is a multinational company which helps to broaden its domestic market, it may remain at a competitive disadvantage in certain countries, especially outside of Europe, relative to local contractors for certain products. The strategic importance and political sensitivity attached to the aerospace and defence industries means that political considerations will play a role in the choice of many products for the foreseeable future.
Piețele în care operează Compania sunt extrem de competitive. În anumite domenii, concurenții pot avea capacități de inginerie, producție și marketing mai extinse sau mai specializate sau un acces mai bun la finanțare decât Compania. În plus, unii dintre cei mai mari clienți și / sau furnizori ai Companiei pot dezvolta capacitatea de a produce produse sau de a oferi servicii similare cu cele ale Companiei. Acest lucru ar determina ca acești clienți / furnizori să comercializeze propriile produse sau servicii și să concureze direct cu Compania pentru vânzarea acestor produse sau servicii, toate acestea putând reduce semnificativ veniturile companiei. Mai mult, noii jucători operează sau doresc să opereze pe piețele existente ale Companiei, ceea ce ar putea avea impact asupra structurii și profi bilității acestor piețe. În plus, întreprinderile cu diferite modele de afaceri ar putea înlocui unele dintre produsele și serviciile companiei. Nu poate exista nici o asigurare că societatea va fi capabilă să concureze cu succes împotriva concurenților săi actuali sau viitori sau că presiunile concurențiale cu care se confruntă în toate domeniile de activitate nu vor avea ca rezultat reducerea veniturilor, a cotei de piață sau a profitului. În plus, contractele pentru multe produse aerospațiale și de apărare sunt acordate, implicit sau explicit, pe baza preferințelor țării de origine. Deși Compania este o companie multinațională care ajută la extinderea pieței interne, aceasta poate să rămână în dezavantaj competitiv în anumite țări, în special în afara Europei, față de contractorii locali pentru anumite produse. Importanța strategică și sensibilitatea politică a industriei aeronautice și de apărare înseamnă că considerentele politice vor juca un rol în alegerea multor produse în viitorul apropiat.
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LOCKHEED MARTIN - Raport Anual 2017 - despre Sikorsky (35 început cu #263) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97
Securities and Exchange Commission - USA p29: International Business In 2017, international customers accounted for 28% of RMS’ net sales. Our RMS business segment continues to experience international interest in the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System. We perform activities in the development, production, modernization, ship integration, test and lifetime support for ships of international customers such as Japan, Spain, Republic of Korea, and Australia. We have ongoing programs in Canada and Chile for combat systems equipment upgrades on Halifaxclass and Type 23 frigates. In our training and logistics solutions portfolio, we have active programs and pursuits in the United Kingdom, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Canada, Singapore, and Australia. In addition, Sikorsky adds a significant international component to the RMS business segment with an installed base of over 1,000 aircraft internationally. We have active development, production, and sustainment support of the S-70i Black Hawk and MH-60 Seahawk aircraft to foreign military customers, including Chile, Australia, Denmark, Taiwan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Colombia. Commercial aircraft are sold to customers in the oil and gas industry, emergency medical evacuation, search and rescue fleets, and VIP customers in over 30 countries. p30: For the year ended December 31, 2015, operating profit includes $45 million of operating loss at Sikorsky, which is less than 1% of consolidated operating profit in 2015. Sikorsky’s operating loss is net of intangible amortization and adjustments required to account for the acquisition of this business in the fourth quarter of 2015 (see “Note 3 – Acquisitions and Divestitures” included in our Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for more information). p31: Product Sales Product sales increased $3.5 billion, or 9%, in 2017 as compared to 2016. The increase was primarily due to higher product sales of about $2.1 billion at Aeronautics, $680 million at RMS and $425 million at MFC. The increase in product sales at Aeronautics was primarily attributable to higher sales for the F-35 program due to increased production volume, higher sales for the C-130 program due to increased deliveries and aircraft configuration mix and higher volume on aircraft modernization for the F-16 program, partially offset by lower sales for the C-5 program due to fewer aircraft deliveries. The increase in product sales at RMS was primarily due to certain adjustments recorded in 2016 required to account for the acquisition of Sikorsky and higher volume on training and logistics services programs. Higher product sales at MFC were primarily due to higher sales for tactical missile programs due to product configuration mix and increased deliveries (primarily Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)), higher sales for air and missile defense systems due to contract mix (primarily PAC-3), higher volume on certain programs (primarily THAAD), and increased deliveries for fire control programs (primarily Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN ®) and SNIPER®). Product sales increased $5.5 billion, or 16%, in 2016 as compared to 2015. The increase was primarily due to higher product sales of about $3.7 billion at RMS and approximately $1.8 billion at Aeronautics. The increase in product sales at RMS was Page 10 of 30
primarily attributable to sales from Sikorsky, which was acquired in the fourth quarter of 2015. This increase was partially offset by lower net sales for training and logistics programs due to the divestiture of our Lockheed Martin Commercial Flight Training (LMCFT) business, which reported sales through the May 2, 2016 divestiture date. The increase at Aeronautics was primarily attributable to the F-35 program due to increased volume on aircraft production and the C-130 program due to increased aircraft deliveries. p31: Service Sales ... Service sales increased $1.2 billion, or 21%, in 2016 as compared to 2015, primarily due to an increase in service sales of about $700 million at RMS and approximately $360 million at Aeronautics. The increase in service sales at RMS was primarily attributable to sales from Sikorsky, which was acquired in the fourth quarter of 2015. The increase in service sales at Aeronautics was primarily attributable to increased sustainment activities (primarily the F-35 and F-16 programs).
Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE 3D-printing unlicensed guns could lead to jail time https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2018/07/31/3d-printing-unlicensed-gunscould-lead-to-jail-time.html By LAUREN KRUGELThe Canadian Press Tues., July 31, 2018
ublic Safety Canada says it’s closely monitoring U.S. moves that would allow designs for 3D-printed guns to be posted online, but there are rules already in place to prevent unauthorized weapons from being made. “Regardless of manufacturing method, a business licence is required to produce a firearm and all firearms are subject to the Firearms Act, the Criminal Code and their associated regulations,” the department said in a statement. In this 2013 file photo, Cody Wilson shows off the first completely 3D-printed handgun, The Liberator, at his home in Austin, Texas. (TNS FILE PHOTO) It adds it’s illegal to make or possess a firearm without the right licence and registration certificate. “The Firearms Act requires that a business, museum, or organization must have a firearms business licence to manufacture ammunition, firearms, restricted or prohibited weapons, or prohibited devices. A business licence is valid only for the activities specified on the licence.”
Anyone who makes weapons or ammunition knowing they aren’t authorized to do so could face up to 10 years in prison, according to the section of the Criminal Code that deals with weapons trafficking. Page 11 of 30
The legal wrangling in the U.S. around 3D-printed firearms dates back to 2013, when Texas-based Defence Distributed started publishing downloadable gun blueprints online. The plastic guns are easy to hide and difficult to trace. The State Department ordered company founder Cody Wilson to cease, but the U.S. government settled with his company in late June, allowing the files to be posted again as of Wednesday. Eight states have challenged the administration’s move, arguing it threatens public safety. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Twitter Tuesday that he is looking into the matter, has spoken to the National Rifle Association and that it “doesn’t seem to make much sense!” Kerry Stevenson, editor and founder of the 3D printing blog Fabbaloo, said the level of alarm over the release of the 3D-printed gun designs is unwarranted. “These files have been informally available for a couple of years now and anybody who really, really wanted them would surely have found them already,” he said.
The USA’s M4 Carbine Controversies https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-usas-m4-carbine-controversy-03289/
Defense Industry Daily July 31/18: SOCOM SURG
The US Special Operations Command is procuring upgrades for its M4A1 rifles. Sig Sauer is set to supply SOCOM with the Suppressed Upper Receiver Group (SURG). The five-year firm-fixed-price contract has a value of $48 million. The M4 Carbine is the latest member of the M16 family, offering a shorter weapon more suited to closequarters battle, or to units who would find a full-length rifle too bulky. SURG is a 5.56mm, integrally suppressed upper receiver. This short stroke gas piston upper features a 6.75? barrel with a permanently attached 19 baffle, Titanium suppressor. It has two gas settings for use with sub and supersonic ammunition. Short stroke gas pistons eliminate carbon blow-back into the rifles chamber, and also reduce the heat problem created by the super-hot gases used to cycle the M4. The majority of work will be performed at the company’s location in Newington, New Hampshire and is expected to be completed by July 2023.
The story of M4 Carbine (1, a început cu 297) https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-usas-m4-carbine-controversy-03289/
Defense Industry Daily The 5.56mm M-16 has been the USA’s primary battle rifle since the Vietnam war, undergoing changes into progressive versions like the M16A4 widely fielded by the US Marine Corps, “Commando” carbine versions, etc. The M4 Carbine is the latest member of the M16 family, offering a shorter weapon more suited to close-quarters battle, or to units who would find a full-length rifle too bulky.
In 2006 an Army solicitation for competitive procurement of 5.56mm carbine designs was withdrawn, once sole-source incumbent Colt dropped its prices. The Page 12 of 30
DoD’s Inspector General weighed in with a critical report, but the Army dissented, defending its practices as a sound negotiating approach that saved the taxpayers money. As it turns out, there’s a sequel. A major sequel that has only grown bigger with time. The M4/M16 family is both praised and criticized for its current performance in the field. In recent years, the M4 finished dead last in a sandstorm reliability test, against 3 competitors that include a convertible M4 variant. Worse, the 4th place M4 had over 3.5x more jams than the 3rd place finisher. Was that a blip in M4 buys, or a breaking point? The Army moved forward with an “Individual Carbine” competition, but as the results started to show the M4 again lagging – even with ammunition changed to a round specially formulated to make the M4 shine – the Army abruptly stopped the process once again, stating that the performance superiority of the competing gun was not better to a degree making it worthwhile. The Army stated after the tests that only a result that was twice as good as the existing gun’s performance would signify an actionable performance difference. More recently, the Marines have considered adding various after-market upgrades to the platform in order to increase accuracy, learning from the private sector and competitive shooting circuit what appears to be providing the best bang.
Cap. ITC Israeli Startup IDRRA Announces Platform for Vendor Risk Management http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/35093
Israel Defense 23/07/2018
Supply chain/vendor threats have become a central risk that organizations must mitigate. Protecting the organization itself, while important, does not address the risk that comes from third parties or their sub-contractors. An attacker that is looking for a way into an organization will enter through the weakest link that will bring the attacker to his/her desired targets within the organization. As part of risk management, the information security market is developing solutions along two lines – technical scanning and business process evaluation. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Achiziții militare în “Anul Flotei” https://jurnalul.antena3.ro/editorial/achizitii-militare-in-anul-flotei-782405.html
Antena3 Dan Constantin 31 Iul 2018 - 08:13
Duminică, o paradă militară de Ziua Marinei a etalat forța flotei Rusiei, suport pentru ambițiile de mare putere renăscute sub președințiile lui Putin. La Sevastopol, la o distanță mai mică de 400 de kilometri de Constanța, se află o importantă grupare de nave și trupe ale Flotei Mării Negre.
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SA FACEM MANGALIA CUNOSCUTA IN LUME https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/sa-facem-mangalia-cunoscuta-in-lume
Romania Military George GMT 31 iulie 2018 - 5:26
Directorul General de la Mangalia discută planurile pe termen lung ale Damen în România Ceremonia de deschidere După cum s-a raportat pe larg în presă, tranzacția pentru șantierul cunoscut anterior drept Daewoo Mangalia Heavy Industries (DMHI), dintre Grupul de Șantiere Navale Damen (Damen Shipyards Group) și Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME), s-a încheiat la 20 iulie. Guvernul român va păstra o cotă 51%. Damen, cu o cotă de 49%, este acum responsabil pentru managementul operațional al șantierului cunoscut acum drept Damen Shipyards Mangalia (Șantierul Naval Damen Mangalia). Page 15 of 30
Să facem cunoștință cu Chris Groninger Șantierul (de la Mangalia n.r.), cel mai mare din portofoliul Damen, este condus de Chris Groninger. Istoricul lui Chris include amenajarea șantierului naval Damen din Vietnam și care funcționează cu succes de patru ani. Înainte de a lucra la Damen, Chris a fost contabil public încadrul KPMG timp de şapte ani. Prima sa funcție în cadrul Damen a fost de business controller. De aici, a fost un pas mic până la a deveni directorul financiar al Damen Shipyards Gorinchem – o funcție prin care Chris a interacționat cu diverse șantiere navale Damen din jurul lumii. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Cele trei pentru Canada https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/cele-trei-pentru-canada
Romania Military George GMT 31 iulie 2018 - 6:00
Type 26 Global Combat Ship Programul canadian care prevede (Canadian Surface Combatant – CSC) constuctia a 15 fregate a ajuns in faza in care s-au depus deja (pe 20 iulie) ofertele. Fara a intra prea mult in amanunte, trebuie mentionat ca, oricine ar castiga, compania canadiana Irving Shipbuilding va fi contractorul principal. Suma pusa pe masa de guvern este una enorma, intre 55 si 60 de miliarde de dolari canadieni, o suma in euro cuprinsa intre 35,6 si 39 miliarde de euro… Cam 2,3 miliarde de euro per nava! Si nu discutam aici de nave dezvoltate de la zero (proiecte noi), toate trei fiind ori deja in activitate, ori in faza de constructie. Trecand peste suma, cele trei oferte acceptate apartin urmatoarelor companii: ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Insights Russian Helicopters delivers 5th medevac Ansat to GTLK Vertical Magazine15:39 Tue, 31 Jul Boeing to modernize Indian Air Force helicopter fleet Financial News.co.uk14:20 Tue, 31 Jul Penzance Heliport Project Recommended for Approval HeliHub12:35 Mon, 30 Jul FAA Inspector Wanted: Experience Required, but Rarely Utilized Just Helicopters03:35 Tue, 31 Jul Airbus Helicopters discussing H145M/C-17 combo with undisclosed prospective… IHS Jane's14:27 Mon, 30 Jul High priority: FinnHEMS Vertical Magazine15:59 Tue, 31 Jul China’s first autonomous helicopter completes flight tests Helicopter Investor19:11 Tue, 31 Jul High priority: FinnHEMS Vertical Magazine15:59 Tue, 31 Jul Russian Helicopters delivers 5th medevac Ansat to GTLK Vertical Magazine15:39 Tue, 31 Jul Boeing to modernize Indian Air Force helicopter fleet Financial News.co.uk14:20 Tue, 31 Jul FAA Inspector Wanted: Experience Required, but Rarely Utilized Just Helicopters03:35 Tue, 31 Jul Peach to be first to introduce Airbus A321LR in Asia Japan Today23:52 Tue, 31 Jul EASA certifies Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 Aerospace Manufacturing & Design14:00 Tue, 31 Jul Aeroflot Takes Delivery of New Airbus A321 Russian Aviation13:26 Tue, 31 Jul Elior flying high with new food and drink offer at Airbus FM World14:35 Tue, 31 Jul Airbus’ iflyA380 app for smarter travel now available for Android users Airbus16:17 Tue, 31 Jul This Airbus aircraft Zephyr can stay aloft for 14 days without landing Zee Business14:38 Tue, 31 Jul Peach to be first to introduce Airbus A321LR in Asia Japan Today23:52 Tue, 31 Jul Yesterday Thales, Airbus Are in Talks to Build Spain's New Spy Satellites Bloomberg17:20 Tue, 31 Jul Airbus’ iflyA380 app for smarter travel now available for Android users Airbus16:17 Tue, 31 Jul Global Helicopters Market 2018 Key Players: Airbus Helicopters, Robinson Helicopter, Russian… Industry Today14:59 Tue, 31 Jul This Airbus aircraft Zephyr can stay aloft for 14 days without landing Zee Business14:38 Tue, 31 Jul Elior flying high with new food and drink offer at Airbus FM World14:35 Tue, 31 Jul How Estonia took a digital lead ComputerWeekly14:14 Tue, 31 Jul EASA certifies Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 Aerospace Manufacturing & Design14:00 Tue, 31 Jul Wizz Air announces 2 new routes to Lisbon & Kharkiv and 9th allocated aircraft Incentive Travel & Corporate Meetings13:48 Tue, 31 Jul Aeroflot Takes Delivery of New Airbus A321 Russian Aviation13:26 Tue, 31 Jul DroneRise – Gab707 joins DroneDJ, new UK drone rules, PHASA-35 and Airbus’ Zephyr drones DroneDJ13:06 Tue, 31 Jul
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The capability sustainment programme (CSP) of the advanced Brimstone air-to-surface missile https://www.linkedin.com/company/mbda/
The French government is greenlighting the development of a new generation air-to-air missile. https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/
Defense Industry Daily This program will renew the MICA of the Mirage 2000 and Rafale fighters in use by the Air Force and Navy. The MICA NG will be developed come in IR and electromagnetic variants and will replace the current MICA, whose withdrawal of service is expected between 2018 and 2013. The MICA NG is the first weapons Page 20 of 30
program launched under France’s 2019-2025 Military Program Law. A Rafale can carry up to six Mica missiles. A Rafale pilot can release the MICA when intercepting an aircraft beyond visual range and can also fire the weapon from its rails when locked in a dogfight. The Rafale will also carry the Meteor missile to hit aircraft beyond visual range. The new missiles are scheduled for delivery between 2026 and 2031.
The Indian government is upgrading New Delhi’s air-defense systems. https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/
Defense Industry Daily The capital will receive a new missile defense system, a reconfigured no-fly zone and refined protocols that regulate the termination of rogue planes. The new National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System-II (NASMS-II) will be procured from the US at a cost of roughly $1 billion. NASAMS is a medium-range, network-centric air defense system designed and developed jointly by Raytheon and Kongsberg. The system is armed with 3D Sentinel radars, short and medium range missiles, launchers, fire-distribution centers and command-and-control units. The system can identify, engage and destroy aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and UAVs. The system is network centric with an open architecture which increases survivability in case of electronic attacks. The missile system can engage 72 targets simultaneously in active and passive modes. The primary weapon of the system is the AIM120 AMRAAM. If the purchase goes through India will join the RNoAF, the Dutch Army, the Spanish Army and the US Capital Region which are all currently deploying the NASMS.
Insights Farnborough 2018: Hypersonic arms race pushes Raytheon development Shephard.co.uk15:26 Sat, 21 Jul
India eyes the Raytheon/Kongsberg National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System The Defense Post19:51 Tue, 31 Jul
It’s time for the West to reveal who they sell their arms to The Independent16:08 Mon, 23 Jul
Ministry of Defence Under-Secretary meets Raytheon CEO Emirates News Agency11:28 Tue, 31 Jul
Raytheon net sales up 5.5pc in Q2 Trade Arabia10:11 Tue, 31 Jul
Raytheon's Post Earnings Selloff Was Unjustified Seeking Alpha01:46 Tue, 31 Jul
Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed meets Raytheon chief The National13:25 Tue, 31 Jul
The StormBreaker bomb that can blast its way through bad weather Daily Mail23:00 Fri, 27 Jul
UAE, Raytheon discuss cooperation Trade Arabia10:31 Tue, 31 Jul
US Air Force awards Raytheon $96 million for Miniature Air- Launched Decoy missile production PR Newswire (Press Release)17:08 Tue, 31 Jul
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Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (5 - început cu #293) http://investorrelations.gd.com/~/media/Files/G/General-DynamicsIR/documents/annual-reports/2017-gd-annual-report.pdf EXTRAS
PART I RESULTS OF OPERATIONS INTRODUCTION An understanding of our accounting practices is necessary in the evaluation of our financial statements and operating results. The following paragraphs explain how we recognize revenue and operating costs in our business groups. We account for revenue in accordance with Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, which we adopted on January 1, 2017. Priorperiod information has been restated for the adoption as further discussed in Note T to the Consolidated Financial Statements in Item 8. In the Aerospace group, we record revenue on contracts for new aircraft when the customer obtains control of the asset, which is generally upon delivery and acceptance by the customer of the fully outfitted aircraft. Revenue associated with the group’s completions of other original equipment manufacturers’ (OEMs) aircraft and the group’s services businesses is recognized as work progresses or upon delivery of services. Fluctuations in revenue from period to period result from the number and mix of new aircraft deliveries, progress on aircraft completions and the level of aircraft service activity during the period. 20 General Dynamics Annual Report 2017 The majority of the Aerospace group’s operating costs relate to new aircraft production on firm orders and consist of labor, material, subcontractor and overhead costs. The costs are accumulated in production lots, recorded in inventory and recognized as operating costs at aircraft delivery based on the estimated average unit cost in a Page 22 of 30
production lot. While changes in the estimated average unit cost for a production lot impact the level of operating costs, the amount of operating costs reported in a given period is based largely on the number and type of aircraft delivered. Operating costs in the Aerospace group’s completions and services businesses are recognized generally as incurred. For new aircraft, operating earnings and margin are a function of the prices of our aircraft, our operational efficiency in manufacturing and outfitting the aircraft, and the mix of large-cabin and mid-cabin aircraft deliveries. Additional factors affecting the group’s earnings and margin include the volume, mix and profitability of completions and services work performed, the volume of and market for pre-owned aircraft, and the level of general and administrative (G&A) and net research and development (R&D) costs incurred by the group. In the three defense groups, revenue on long-term government contracts is recognized generally over time as the work progresses, either as the products are produced or as services are rendered. Typically, revenue is recognized over time using costs incurred to date relative to total estimated costs at completion to measure progress toward satisfying our performance obligations. Incurred cost represents work performed, which corresponds with, and thereby best depicts, the transfer of control to the customer. Contract costs include labor, material, overhead and, when appropriate, G&A expenses. Variances in costs recognized from period to period reflect primarily increases and decreases in production or activity levels on individual contracts. Because costs are used as a measure of progress, year-over-year variances in cost result in corresponding variances in revenue, which we generally refer to as volume. Operating earnings and margin in the defense groups are driven by changes in volume, performance or contract mix. Performance refers to changes in profitability based on adjustments to estimates at completion on individual contracts. These adjustments result from increases or decreases to the estimated value of the contract, the estimated costs to complete the contract or both. Therefore, changes in costs incurred in the period compared with prior periods do not necessarily impact profitability. It is only when total estimated costs at completion on a given contract change without a corresponding change in the contract value that the profitability of that contract may be impacted. Contract mix refers to changes in the volume of higherversus lower-margin work. Additionally, higher or lower margins can be inherent in the contract type (e.g., fixed-price/cost-reimbursable) or type of work (e.g.,
Les premiers DURO I WE de l’armée sur le terrain https://www.vbs.admin.ch/content/vbs-internet/fr/die-aktuellsten-informationen-desvbs/die-neusten-medienmitteilungen-des-vbs.detail.nsb.html/71698.html Berne, 26.07.2018
L’acquisition de DURO I WE vient de franchir une étape importante. Les premiers véhicules sont arrivés. Dans le programme d’armement complémentaire 2015, le Parlement fédéral a approuvé la modernisation du transporteur de troupe DURO I (DURO I WE). La production en série a démarré en septembre 2017. L’entreprise GDELS-Mowag de Kreuzlingen a livré les 40 premiers DURO modernisés à armasuisse fin mai. La Base logistique de l’armée (BLA) va à présent remettre les DURO modernisés à la troupe au fur et à mesure. Ces véhicules seront utilisés pour la première fois par l’école de recrues durant l’été 2018. L’utilisation intensive que les écoles de recrues feront de ces véhicules au cours des prochains mois permettra aussi de mieux connaître le système global DURO I WE. Avant d’être remis à la milice, les DURO ont servi lors des cours d'introduction du personnel de l’armée de métier. Les expériences réalisées avec le véhicule d'intervention multifonctions sont positives. Remise échelonnée Page 23 of 30
Dans une première phase, les véhicules seront en priorité attribués aux Formations d’application Infanterie, Blindés/Artillerie et Logistique. Les autres Formations d’application seront servies dans une deuxième phase. Le gros de la troupe sera approvisionné à partir de 2019, lors des cours de répétition.
Production suisse Plus de 170 sous-traitants répartis dans toutes les régions de Suisse sont associés au processus de production du constructeur. Le calendrier prévoit la livraison d'environ 330 véhicules de série sur les 2220 commandés au total d’ici fin 2018. La dernière livraison est attendue pour le 2e trimestre 2022. Le programme de modernisation Le programme de modernisation du DURO prévoit notamment l’assainissement du véhicule porteur, une nouvelle motorisation avec filtre à particules, une nouvelle installation électrique du véhicule, un nouvel éclairage du véhicule, la modification de l’installation de freinage, l’intégration de l’ABS (système d’antiblocage de roue) et de l’ESP (correcteur électronique de trajectoire) et une nouvelle superstructure de transport de personnes avec arceaux de sécurité et système de ceinture à 4 points
Cap. EUROPA Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (9/11) Modernising trade defence instruments http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/621884/EPRS_BRI(2018) 621884_EN.pdf
Think Tank - defence - PE EU Legislation in Progress July 2018 Briefing1
It also called for more transparency including regarding common undertakings (amicable offers) with non-EU businesses and for the consideration of social and environmental standards to be applied to them. Parliament called for the use of dumped/subsidised goods linked to resource exploration/extraction in Member 1
This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.
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States' continental shelves or exclusive economic zones (EEZ) be treated as an import under this regulation. Parliament opposed the Commission proposal to publish guidelines or 'any document aimed at clarifying the established practices of the Commission' before the TDI reform comes into force on the basis of existing powers without amendment to the proposed regulation. Instead, Parliament introduced an amendment requiring that the Commission publish such guidelines only after the entry into force of the new regulation and only after proper consultation with Parliament and the Council. Council position In the Council, discussions relating to this proposal were stalled for more than three years. In particular, more 'free-trade' oriented EU Member States and/or those fearing possible retaliation had preferred to stay with the current application of the LDR. On 13 December 2016, the Slovak Presidency was able to gather the Member States' representatives in Coreper behind a Council negotiating position (as envisaged by the European Council meeting in October 2016) giving a mandate to the Presidency to enter into trilogue negotiations with Parliament. The Council negotiating position, among other things, provides for a period of pre- disclosure of four weeks after the publication of information concerning the imposition of provisional AD and AS measures during which provisional duties will not yet be applied. As for AD cases, it modifies the definition of raw materials distortions in the context of the LDR by adding two new thresholds (deviations fromthe LDR can be triggered if it is found that the raw material distortions, including energy, represent at least 27 % of the total cost of production of the product concerned, and taken individually at least 7 %); this provision would limit deviations from - the LDR to cases where (price-distorted) raw materials account for a substantial share in production costs. The Union interest test would apply, so that the modified LDR does not undermine the overall interest of the EU. The Council position contains additions with respect to the calculation of the injury margin by defining a minimum target profit (5 %). It agrees with the Commission proposal to lay down provisions enabling importers to be reimbursed duties that were collected during expiry reviews but are ultimately not maintained. The Council position slightly shortens the investigation period, but by less than proposed by Parliament. Finally, it states that ex-officio investigations should be started, if a threat of retaliation is likely. In December 2016, following the Council's agreement on a negotiating position, the Commission announced its readiness to facilitate a compromise between the European Parliament and the Council. On 28 February 2017, INTA took the decision to enter into informal trilogue negotiations on the basis of the mandate adopted by plenary on 5 February 2014 with the aim of reaching an early second-reading agreement with the
Cap. DECIZIONAL Ministrul Apărării a anunţat data la care România va plăti aproape un miliard de dolari pentru al doilea sistem de rachete Patriot http://www.mediafax.ro/social/ministrul-apararii-anuntat-data-romaniaplati-aproape-miliard-dolari-doilea-sistem-rachete-patriot-fifor-mareaneagra-lac-rusesc-mare-deschisa-circula-siguranta-17377191 MEDIAFAX BUCUREŞTI , (Ieri, 22:20)
Fifor: Marea Neagră nu este un lac rusesc. Este o mare deschisă, în care se circulă în siguranţă Ministrul Apărării, Mihai Fifor, a anunţat, marţi, că România are banii, aproximativ un miliard de dolari, pentru a plăti pentru al doilea sistem Patriot, Page 25 of 30
imediat ce scrisoarea de acceptare va veni din SUA, plata urmând a fi făcută, probabil, la începutul lunii septembrie. „Suntem deja în al doilea an cu rachetele Patriot. Anul trecut am achiziţionat primul sistem de rachete Patriot. Acum suntem în faza în care suntem pregătiţi să plătim al doilea sistem. Suntem pregătiţi să facem această plată (încă un miliard de dolari n.r.). ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Ana-Maria Ciobanu, eliberare funcție Primul-Ministru Decizie privind încetarea exercitării, cu caracter temporar, de către doamna Ana-Maria Ciobanu a funcției publice temporar vacante din categoria înalților funcționari publici de secretar general al Ministerului Sănătății Nr. 244 din 31-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 667 din 31 Iulie 2018
Gabriel Florin Pușcău, fulger funcție Primul-Ministru Decizie privind unele măsuri referitoare la raportul de serviciu al domnului Gabriel Florin Pușcău, secretar general al Ministerului Sănătății Nr. 245 din 31-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 667 din 31 Iulie 2018
Ana-Maria Ciobanu, SG la MS, 245/246 Primul-Ministru Decizie privind exercitarea, cu caracter temporar, de către doamna Ana-Maria Ciobanu a funcției publice vacante din categoria înalților funcționari publici de secretar general al Ministerului Sănătății Nr. 246 din 31-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 667 din 31 Iulie 2018
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Paul Stănescu, la conducerea operativă a Guvernului Primul-Ministru Decizie pentru exercitarea unor atribuții Nr. 247 din 31-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 667 din 31 Iulie 2018
Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur
25 iul.2018 4,6282 5,2026 3,9551 156,6016
26 iul.2018 4,6273 5,2112 3,9502 155,9039
27 iul.2018 4,6315 5,2136 3,9844 156,1958
30 iul.2018 4,6248 5,1935 3,9572 155,5298
31 iul.2018 4,6283 5,1922 3,8497 154,7323
5.5 5
5.1922 4.6695
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168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18
158 156 154
grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR
Cap. MacroE Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (2, a început cu #296) Macroeconomic stability – a stepstone towards security and diplomatic standing Recent developments in Romania http://www.bnro.ro/Prezentari-si-interviuri--1332.aspx
Banca Națională a României Mugur Isărescu, Guvernatorul BNR
Key features of the recent macroeconomic and financial environment in Romania (1) NBR assessment Economic growth at a post‐crisis peak after two successive years of fiscal stimulus and increases in income Widening external imbalance, amid domestic absorption expanding beyond the potential of the economy - However, the share of the current account deficit in GDP remained below the 4% indicative threshold set forth in the EU macroeconomic imbalance procedure Upturn in the annual inflation rate, from negative readings in 2015 and 2016 to values above the upper bound of the variation band of the target Ongoing normalisation of the operational framework of monetary policy; gradual
Evaluarea BNR Creșterea economică după criză la un maxim după doi ani consecutivi de stimuli fiscali și creșteri ale veniturilor Extinderea dezechilibrului extern, pe fondul absorbției interne, care se extinde dincolo de potențialul economiei Cu toate acestea, ponderea deficitului de cont curent în PIB a rămas inferioară pragului indicativ de 4% stabilit în procedura UE dezechilibrul macroeconomic al Schimbarea sensului ratei anuale a inflației, de la citiri negative în 2015 și 2016 la valori peste limita superioară a benzii de variație a țintei Normalizarea continuă a cadrului operațional al politicii monetare; ajustarea treptată a poziției politicii monetare prin reducerea coridorului ratelor dobânzilor la facilitățile
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adjustment of the monetary policy stance by permanente narrowing the corridor of interest rates on Stabilitatea financiară robustă în economie, deoarece nu a fost identificat un risc sistemic standing facilities Robust financial stability in the economy, as sever no severe systemic risk was identified
Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE MBDA la Farnborough 2017
Un sumar inedit al RO.A&D 296
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