ZI DE ZI joi, 2 august 2018
Boeing investește într-un nou centru de cercetări aerospațiale
pg. 7
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joi, 2 august 2018
semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 6 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 6 ANALYSIS: Airbus Helicopters on target with HForce sales ............................................... 7 Boeing to Establish New Aerospace & Autonomy Center .................................................... 7 NH90 Sea Lion – in teste ....................................................................................................... 9 A cata oara?!........................................................................................................................... 9 Leonardo Delivered 93 Helicopters in First Seven Months of 2018...................................... 9 F-15X Super Eagle ............................................................................................................... 10 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 11 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate cercetării/dezvoltării (29 - început #270) ............................................................................................................... 13 LOCKHEED MARTIN - Raport Anual 2017 - despre Sikorsky (36 - început cu #263) .... 14 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE .............................................................................. 16 ATF Is Classifying .50 Cal Bolt Action AR Uppers As Firearm ......................................... 16 Kuwait - Munitions .............................................................................................................. 19 The story of M4 Carbine (2, a început cu 297) .................................................................... 19 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 20 Cap. ITC ............................................................................................................................... 21 Exclusive Report on Military Smart Weapons Market with CAGR of +6% by 2023 ......... 21 Enhanced Vision Systems Market Key Players by Astronics, Elbit Systems, Esterline, Honeywell, L-3, MBDA, Opgal, Collins, Thales and United by Forecast to 2023 ............. 22 U.S. Army Black Hawks to receive upgraded Doppler navigation systems ........................ 22 Rockwell Collins' Pro Line Fusion avionics and air data systems chosen for AVIC MA700 turboprop regional aircraft ................................................................................................... 23 Radar Approach Control System (RAPCON) ...................................................................... 23 MBDA .................................................................................................................................. 24 Cap. NAVAL ....................................................................................................................... 25 Fincantieri şi SUA, un exemplu de clarviziune si succes .................................................... 26 France confirms Fincantieri-STX shipyard deal, cautious on defense merger .................... 26 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 27 Ground Based Ballistic Missile Defence Systems Market Report 2018-2028 .................... 29 Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE ........................................................................................ 30 GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (6 - început cu #293) .............................. 30 Page 3 of 42
US Army Selects Lockheed Martin as Integrated Systems Developer for Autonomous Convoy Program .................................................................................................................. 32 The Swiss Army is reportedly introducing a modernized version of its Duro 4x4 tactical vehicle. ................................................................................................................................. 32 Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 32 Serbia continuă înzestrarea şi modernizarea forţelor sale de apărare şi securitate .............. 32 Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (10/11) ............................................ 33 Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 34 Gafă a ministrului Apărării, care a vorbit aseară despre ”rachetele balistice de la Deveselu” / Fifor s-a corectat în această dimineață: A fost în cel mai rău caz o eroare de interpretare 34 BALISTICE si ANTIBALISTICE ....................................................................................... 34 Patriot de încă un miliard de dolari. Ministrul Apărării Mihai Fifor, vizită oficială în SUA în septembrie ........................................................................................................................ 34 Secretarul de stat Mircea Dușa s-a întâlnit cu o delegație a Dietei Japoniei ........................ 35 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 36 România își golește «portofelul» la shopping de armament ................................................ 36 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 36 Rezervele internaţionale – iulie 2018 ................................................................................... 37 BIRD acordă României un împrumut de 50 de milioane de euro pentru îmbunătățirea managementului riscurilor de dezastre ................................................................................. 38 Cap. MacroE ...................................................................................................................... 38 Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (3, a început cu #296) ................................................................................................................... 38 Key features of the recent macroeconomic and financial environment in Romania (2) .. 38 Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 39 Raytheon names Sally Sullivan vice president, U.S. Business Development and Ed Fortunato, vice president, Government Relations ................................................................ 39 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .................................................................................................... 40 Maior: România poartă "discuţii serioase" pentru un acord cu compania de armament Bell Helicopters ........................................................................................................................... 40 devăratul sabotaj al dezvoltării: activitatea în Cercetare s-a prăbușit. Odată cu creșterea numărului de doctorate ......................................................................................................... 40 Sindicatele din industria de apărare solicită trecerea la MAPN ........................................... 41 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE............................................................................... 41 Aerospatiale SA330 Puma în US Navy................................................................................ 41
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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS
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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 249,25 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0
240.00 230.00
200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00
mil. euro
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ANALYSIS: Airbus Helicopters on target with HForce sales https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/analysis-airbus-helicopters-on-target-withhforce-s-450758/?cmpid=NLC|FGFG|FGFDN-2018-0801GLOBnews&sfid=70120000000taAm
Despite an initial setback, Airbus Helicopters is gradually seeing momentum build for its HForce modular weapons system and has ambitions for the concept that even encompass a sale to the USA. Launched in 2016, HForce is means of arming any helicopter in the airframer's range, with the exception of the H175. At its core is a Rockwell Collins mission computer, coupled to which is a Thales Scorpion helmet-mounted display. Beyond that, however, is a selected menu of weapons and sensors, ranging all the way from a simple 12.6mm podded machine gun at one end, to guided missiles at the other. Although HForce is platform agnostic, Airbus Helicopters has initially confined the integration work to three platforms: the H125M light-single; H145M medium-twin; and H225M heavy-twin. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Boeing to Establish New Aerospace & Autonomy Center http://boeing.mediaroom.com/2018-08-01-Boeing-to-Establish-New-AerospaceAutonomy-Center
Boeing Company CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Aug. 1, 2018
New research and development facility brings together engineering teams to accelerate development of future mobility solutions 100,000 square foot facility scheduled to open in 2020 Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced plans to open the new Boeing Aerospace & Autonomy Center in Cambridge, Mass., becoming the first major tenant of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) new mixed-use district in Kendall Square. Under the agreement, Boeing will lease 100,000 square feet of research and lab space inside a new 17-floor building at 314 Main Street in Cambridge. The new center will house employees from Boeing and subsidiary Aurora Flight Sciences, who will focus on designing, building and flying autonomous aircraft and developing enabling technologies. The investment in the new center follows the recent creation of Boeing NeXt. This new organization unites researchers and projects across the company to shape the future of travel and transport, including the development of a next-generation airspace management system to enable the safe coexistence of piloted and autonomous vehicles. Employees at the center will help develop new technologies in support of Boeing NeXt programs. "Boeing is leading the development of new autonomous vehicles and future transportation systems that will bring flight closer to home," said Greg Hyslop, Boeing chief technology officer. "By investing in this new research facility, we are creating a hub where our engineers can collaborate with other Boeing engineers and research partners around the world and leverage the Cambridge innovation ecosystem." Page 7 of 42
The construction of the new research facility is part of MIT's broad strategy to foster vibrancy and diversity in Kendall Square, which is often referred to as the most innovative square mile in the world. Through its Kendall Square Initiative, the university will develop six buildings to house a blend of lab and research, office, housing and retail space. "It's fitting that Boeing will join the Kendall/MIT innovation family," said MIT Provost Martin Schmidt. "Our research interests have been intertwined for over 100 years, and we've worked together to advance world-changing aerospace technologies and systems. MIT's Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics is the oldest program of its kind in the United States, and excels at its mission of developing new air transportation concepts, autonomous systems and small satellites through an intensive focus on cutting-edge education and research. Boeing's presence will create an unprecedented opportunity for new synergies in this industry." Employees from Aurora Flight Sciences' existing research and development center in Kendall Square will move into the new center and operate it on behalf of Boeing once complete. "Today, Aurora's Kendall Square team is already building innovative autonomous systems," said John Langford, Aurora Flight Sciences founder, chief executive officer and MIT alumnus. "By expanding Aurora's 30-year relationship with MIT, and working with Boeing, we are creating a collaborative space where engineers, students and researchers can work together to create technologies that will define the next-century of air mobility." Financial terms of the new lease agreement and development of the new facility were not disclosed. The new agreement builds on a century-long relationship between Boeing and MIT to advance aerospace innovation. Last year, the company announced its role as lead sponsor of an $18 million project to replace MIT's Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel. Aurora Flight Sciences, A Boeing Company, is an innovative technology company striving to create smarter aircraft through the development of versatile and intuitive autonomous systems. Operating at the intersection of technology and robotic aviation, Aurora leverages the power of autonomy to make manned and unmanned flight safer and more efficient. Headquartered in Manassas, Virginia, Aurora has more than 550 employees and operates in six locations, including research and development centers in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Luzern, Switzerland; manufacturing facilities in Bridgeport, West Virginia, and Columbus, Mississippi; and offices in Dayton, Ohio, and Mountain View, California. Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in more than 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training. Page 8 of 42
NH90 Sea Lion – in teste https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/nh90-sea-lion-in-teste
Romania Military Marius Zgureanu 1 august 2018 - 6:00
Este vorba de al doilea prototip, destinat marinei germane, care tocmai a avut primul zbor Second Prototype of German Navy NH90 Sea Lion Helicopter Performs First Flight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTg09Tkkv3A 00.99 PM DEFENSE NEWS Publicat pe 16 iul. 2018 Sweden NH90 Anti-Submarine Warfare training https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF1iTj6Zy0I Airbus Helicopters Publicat pe 17 dec. 2015 aici NH-90 ASW suedez: ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
A cata oara?! https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/a-cata-oara
Romania Military George GMT 1 august 2018 - 6:20
In 2017 Gripen C/D, avioane noi, fusese declarat castigator in Bulgaria. Totul a fost anulat insa de premierul Borisov… Nobody knew for sure, dar, vorba ceea din batrani, incercarea moarte n-are. Ciudat este faptul ca de fiecare data bulgarii ridica coada tot mai proeminent, daca in negura vremii (cand au inceput ei sa lanseze competitii pentru 8+8 avioane multirol) se discuta de F 16 SH si Kfir Block 60 israeliene, mai apoi au dat-o si in bimotoare, iar astazi (in luna iunie, parlamentul a aprobat un nou plan de achizitie pentru avioane menite sa inlocuiasca MiG 29) avem o adevarata menajerie de aparate luate in calcul. In fapt, cu exceptia celor rusesti si chinezesti nu cred sa fi scapat careva producator de agerul ochi al parlamentului bulgar. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Leonardo Delivered 93 Helicopters in First Seven Months of 2018 93 helicopters delivered as at the end of July 2018 https://www.helis.com/database/news/leonardo-balance-2018-july
HELIS Leonardo, August 01, 2018 - Rome – Leonardo informs that the number of Helicopter delivered from the beginning of the year to the 31st of July 2018 is equal to 93 units, up from 85 delivered in the first seven months of 2017. AgustaWestland helicopters are manufactured at Cascina Costa Italy, Philadelphia USA, Yeovil UK and Świdnik Poland. Among the most relevant deliveries of the period were Norway AW101, the upgraded Merlin for the Royal Navy and AW169 ambulances for Babcock and SAS.
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F-15X Super Eagle https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/f-15x-super-eagle
Romania Military Marius Zgureanu 2 august 2018 - 6:12
Nu, nu va fi asta – Advanced Eagle! Deocamdata e mai mult un concept, un studiu lansat de Boeing pentru a raspunde nevoii fortelor aeriene americane de a umple un gol ce va fi lasat in curand de posibila retragere din uz a aproximativ 230 de aeronave F-15 C/D, dar si de numarul prea redus de F-22 Raptor, acompaniat de intarzierea in livrarile de aeronave F-35, acestea din urma avand insa nevoie de suprematie aeriana pentru a opera la adevarata capacitate pentru care au fost concepute. Si ca sa incepem cu o clarificare, F-15X se pare ca nu va contine elemente stealth specifice lui F-15 Silent Eagle prezentat acum un deceniu si nici elemente ―lowobservability‖. Este mai degraba un derivat monoloc al F-15 QA (36 de bucati comandate de Qatar ce vor intra curand in uz, cu o optiune de inca 36 de bucati) imbogatit cu cerinte de modernizare emise de USAF pentru F-15 C/D/E, unele déjà identificate in programul F-15 C2040. F-15 x va include: ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 10 of 42
Insights Aersud Elicotteri and CNSAS sign for helicopter rescue development and safety Vertical Magazine18:29 Wed, 01 Aug
Bell to Display 505 Jet Ranger X During LABACE HeliHub21:20 Wed, 01 Aug
Boeing to establish new Aerospace & Autonomy Center Vertical Magazine15:38 Wed, 01 Aug
CB Ananthakrishnan assumes charge as Director (Finance) of HAL The Financial Express14:06 Wed, 01 Aug
EASA approves United Rotorcraft EMS interior STC for AW139 and AW169 HeliHub11:17 Wed, 01 Aug
First Apache and Chinook for India make first flights HeliHub11:07 Wed, 01 Aug
Former Vector facility to close under StandardAero restructuring Vertical Magazine15:58 Wed, 01 Aug
Heli-Mart moves to expanded Irvine facility Vertical Magazine15:58 Wed, 01 Aug
Leonardo collaborates with Politecnico di Milano on sustainable helicopter technologies HeliHub12:07 Wed, 01 Aug
Leonardo revises 2018 guidance in H1 results Helicopter Investor12:38 Wed, 01 Aug
Metro Delivers New Aircraft to University of Chicago HeliHub11:47 Wed, 01 Aug
MRO shop for the MTR390-Enhanced engine powering the Tiger helicopter obtains approval Airline Economics18:51 Wed, 01 Aug
New business development professional joins LMS Vertical Magazine19:10 Wed, 01 Aug
New Chinese Autonomous Aircraft Completes Test Flights HeliHub21:20 Wed, 01 Aug
PG&E Adds new helicopters to support utility infrastructure projects HeliHub11:37 Wed, 01 Aug
Quickstep to collaborate with Triumph Group Vertical Magazine15:18 Wed, 01 Aug
ROTAK Helicopters build $2.2M hangar at Anchorage International Airport HeliHub21:20 Wed, 01 Aug
SUU Aviation partners with Whirly-Girls to promote female helicopter pilots Vertical Magazine15:28 Wed, 01 Aug
US Army discloses timelines for Block 3 Chinook IHS Jane's12:38 Wed, 01 Aug
World Helicopter Day to take off at Redcliffe Airport open day Vertical Magazine15:48 Wed, 01 Aug
World‘s First MRO Shop for the MTR390-Enhanced Engine Powering the Tiger Helicopter Obtains Approval Aviation Pros16:48 Wed, 01 Aug
World‘s First MTR390-Enhanced MRO Shop Obtains Approval Bart International20:25 Wed, 01 Aug
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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate cercetării/dezvoltării (29 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports
Airbus extras 2. Business-Related Risks (cont) Major Research and Development Programmes The business environment in many of the Mediul de afaceri din multe dintre segmentele Company‘s principal operating business principale de afaceri ale Companiei se segments is characterised by extensive caracterizează prin costuri extinse de cercetare research and development costs requiring și dezvoltare care necesită investiții signifi cant up-front investments with a high semnificative în avans cu un nivel ridicat de level of complexity. The business plans complexitate. Planurile de afaceri care stau la underlying such investments often baza acestor investiții adesea prevăd o contemplate a long payback period before perioadă lungă de amortizare înainte de these investments are recouped, and recuperarea acestor investiții și își asumă un assume a certain level of return over the anumit nivel de rentabilitate pe parcursul course of this period in order to justify the acestei perioade pentru a justifica investiția initial investment. There can be no inițială. Nu pot exista garanții că ipotezele assurances that the commercial, technical comerciale, tehnice și de piață care stau la and market assumptions underlying such baza acestor planuri de afaceri vor fi îndeplinite business plans will be met, and și, în consecință, perioada de rambursare sau consequently, the payback period or returns rentabilitatea prevăzută în acest plan. Dezvoltarea cu succes a programelor noi contemplated therein achieved. Successful development of new depinde, de asemenea, de capacitatea programmes also depends on the Companiei de a atrage și de a menține inginerii Company‘s ability to attract and retain aerospațiali și alți profesioniști cu competențele aerospace engineers and other tehnice și experiența necesare pentru a-și professionals with the technical skills and satisface nevoile specifice. Cererea pentru experience required to meet its specific astfel de ingineri poate depăși adesea oferta în needs. Demand for such engineers may funcție de piață, rezultând o concurență intensă often exceed supply depending on the pentru profesioniști calificați. Nu pot exista market, resulting in intense competition for asigurări că societatea va atrage și va păstra qualified professionals. There can be no personalul necesar pentru a-și desfășura assurances that the Company will attract activitatea cu succes. and retain the personnel it requires to Eșecul atragerii și reținerii unui astfel de personal sau o creștere a ratei salariilor conduct its operations successfully. Failure to attract and retain such personnel Companiei ar putea afecta negativ situația or an increase in the Company‘s employee financiară a companiei și rezultatele turnover rate could negatively affect the operațiunilor. Company‘s financial condition and results of Nu se poate oferi nici o asigurare că Societatea va atinge nivelul anticipat al randamentelor operations. No assurance can be given that the obținute din aceste programe și alte proiecte Company will achieve the anticipated level de dezvoltare ceace ar putea afecta negativ of returns from these programmes and other situația financiară a Companiei și rezultatele development projects, which may negatively operațiunilor și competitivitatea acesteia. affect the Company‘s financial condition and results of operations and competitiveness.
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LOCKHEED MARTIN - Raport Anual 2017 - despre Sikorsky (36 ĂŽnceput cu #263) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97
Securities and Exchange Commission - USA pag.32 Service Costs Service costs increased approximately $365 million, or 6%, in 2017 compared to 2016, primarily due to increased service costs of about $265 million at Aeronautics, $150 million at MFC and $110 million at RMS. This increase was partially offset by lower service costs of about $160 million at Space. Higher service cost at Aeronautics were primarily due to increased sustainment activities (primarily the F-35 and F-16 programs) and higher cost for the C-130 program due to timing of expenses for sustainment programs. Higher service costs at MFC were primarily attributable to higher sustainment activities (primarily PAC-3 and Hellfire). The increase in service costs at RMS was primarily attributable to higher Sikorsky sustainment activities for international programs. Lower service costs at Space were primarily due to lower space transportation programs due to a reduction in launchrelated events, partially offset by increased volume on government satellite services. Service costs increased approximately $1.2 billion, or 25%, in 2016 compared to 2015, primarily due to increased service costs of about $670 million at RMS and approximately $400 million at Aeronautics. The increase at RMS was primarily attributable to service costs generated by Sikorsky, which was acquired in the fourth quarter of 2015. The increase at Aeronautics was primarily attributable to increased sustainment activities (primarily the F-35 and the F-22 programs). Restructuring Charges 2016 Actions During 2016, we recorded severance charges totaling approximately $80 million related to our Aeronautics business segment. The charges consisted of severance costs associated with the planned elimination of certain positions through either voluntary or involuntary actions. Upon separation, terminated employees receive lump-sum severance payments primarily based on years of service, the majority of which are expected to be paid over the next several quarters. As of the end of the first quarter of 2017, we had substantially paid the severance costs associated with these actions. 2015 Actions During 2015, we recorded severance charges totaling $82 million, of which $67 million related to our RMS business segment and $15 million related to businesses that were reported in our former IS&GS business prior to our fourth quarter 2015 program realignment. The charges consisted of severance costs associated with the planned elimination of certain positions through either voluntary or involuntary actions. Upon separation, terminated employees receive lump-sum severance payments primarily based on years of service. As of December 31, 2016, we substantially paid the severance costs associated with these actions. In connection with the Sikorsky acquisition, we assumed obligations related to certain restructuring actions committed to by Sikorsky in June 2015. Net of amounts we anticipate to recover through the pricing of our products and services to our customers, we incurred and paid $40 million of costs in 2016 related to these actions pag.40 Rotary and Mission Systems As previously described, on November 6, 2015, we acquired Sikorsky and aligned the Sikorsky business under our RMS business segment. The 2015 results of the Page 14 of 42
acquired Sikorsky business have been included in our financial results from the November 6, 2015 acquisition date through December 31, 2015. As a result, our consolidated operating results and RMS business segment operating results for the year ended December 31, 2015 do not reflect a full year of Sikorsky operations. Our RMS business segment provides design, manufacture, service and support for a variety of military and commercial helicopters, ship and submarine mission and combat systems; mission systems and sensors for rotary and fixed-wing aircraft; sea and land-based missile defense systems; radar systems; the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS); simulation and training services; and unmanned systems and technologies. In addition, RMS supports the needs of government customers in cybersecurity and delivers communication and command and control capabilities through complex mission solutions for defense applications. RMS‘ major programs include Black Hawk and Seahawk helicopters, Aegis Combat System (Aegis), LCS, CH-53K development helicopter, VH-92A helicopter program, Advanced Hawkeye Radar System, and The Command, Control, Battle Management and Communications (C2BMC) contract. During the fourth quarter of 2017, we realigned certain programs within the RMS business segment to align with changes in management structure. RMS‘ operating results included the following (in millions):
2017 compared to 2016 RMS‘ net sales in 2017 increased $753 million, or 6%, compared to 2016. The increase was primarily attributable to approximately $680 million for Sikorsky helicopter programs due to certain adjustments recorded in 2016 required to account for the acquisition and higher volume on certain helicopter programs; and about $160 million for training and logistics services programs due to higher volume. These increases were partially offset by a decrease of about $50 million for IWSS programs due to lower volume. RMS‘ operating profit in 2017 was comparable with 2016. Operating profit increased about $105 million for Sikorsky helicopter programs due to certain adjustments recorded in 2016 required to account for the acquisition. This increase was offset by a decrease of $100 million for C4USS programs due to a net $95 million increase for charges for performance matters on the EADGE-T contract and $20 million for IWSS programs primarily due to a performance matter on the VLS program, partially offset by higher risk retirements (primarily LCS). Adjustments not related to volume, including net profit booking rate adjustments, were about $55 million lower in 2017 compared to 2016.
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Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE ATF Is Classifying .50 Cal Bolt Action AR Uppers As Firearm https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/07/30/breaking-news-atf-is-classifying-50cal-bolt-action-ar-uppers-as-firearm
The Firearm Blog Posted 2 days ago by Nicholas C
Thanks to a friend of mine for alerting me to an issue concerning Safety Harbor Firearms and other manufacturers of .50cal uppers received a letter from the ATF. The letter claims that bolt action .50 cal AR uppers can possibly be considered firearms. I reached to Walter Keller of Safety Harbor Firearms and he agreed to share the letter with TFB.
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So what does this letter say?
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Thanks to someone submitting a request to import .50 BMG uppers, the ATF took a closer look at them. Now the letter only mentions ―.50 BMG upper assemblies‖ in the beginning. Barreled Actions = Receivers
Then they segue into bolt action rifles. If you think of a traditional bolt action rifle, the serialized portion of the gun is the barreled action. So now the ATF is saying a bolt action upper assembly should be classified as such regardless that it sits on a serialized AR lower. Non-Standard AR Uppers = Firearms
Near the end of the letter the ATF goes on to say they have previously determined that non-standard AR type upper receivers are considered firearms even when attached to an AR-type receivers. This is a little concerning. I wonder what previous examples are they referring to? The closest example I can think of is the FN SCAR platform. The upper receiver is the serialized portion of the firearm and it attaches to something that resembles an AR-type receiver. However the lower is not a serialized component. Therein lies the rub. This passage does not mention anything about bolt action receivers. I can see how they could come to the conclusion that bolt action receivers are traditionally considered the firearm and therefore need to be serialized. But now this bleeds over into AR style firearms? The passage above could then be construed that any AR upper can be considered a firearm. This is a slippery slope. If this is the case and all AR receivers are considered firearms then they will need to be transferred via 4473. And of course you can‘t just order them online and have them shipped to your house. Lets hope it does not come to this. But lets take a look at some other issues with this letter. Specifically manually operated AR uppers. Does this mean the upper receiver of guns like the Troy Pump Action Rifle are now themselves firearms? What about a straight pull BCG like the Lantac E-BCG? By installing this have you now ―redesigned‖ the upper receiver and made a firearm? Making your own firearm in of itself is not illegal but doesn‘t there need to be a component of manufacturing? Simply assembling components is not manufacturing. Otherwise 80% lowers wouldn‘t be a thing Something else that is interesting is the fact that the ATF was instructed to no longer issue open letters just like the infamous Open Letter of 2015 regarding the redesigning of braces as stocks when shouldered. However this letter, just like SB Tactical‘s ATF clarification letter earlier this year, specifically addresses Safety Harbor Firearms and only their products. So rather than issuing a generalized open letter, they are simultaneously sending letters out to similar manufacturers. I will try to reach out to Spider Firearms and see if their letter is the same as Safety Harbor‘s Page 18 of 42
Edit: I reached to to Spider Firearms and McCutchen Firearms. They both confirmed that they received the same letter that Safety Harbor received. Andrew McCutchen sent me a copy of his letter and it is the same, word for word. Another thought I had was if this issue could extend to pistols. The Pachmayr Dominator shares similar characteristics that could fall into the realm of this letter. If the ATF presses this new interpretation and enforces it, what happens to all the manually operated AR upper assemblies out in customers hands? Could this issue bleed over to semi auto upper assemblies? Hopefully we will hear more about this matter and keep you updated.
Kuwait - Munitions http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/07/31/kuwait-munitions
Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Date: Jul 31, 2018
The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Kuwait of three hundred (300) AGM-114R Hellfire missiles, and related equipment, for an estimated cost of $30.4 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today. The Government of Kuwait has requested to buy three hundred (300) AGM-114R Hellfire missiles, one (1) Warhead Section Assembly and one (1) Rocket Motor. Also included in the sale are missile containers, nineteen (19) M261 2.75 tube rocket launchers, spare and repair parts, repair tools, personnel training, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistical support services and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated cost is $30.4 million. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
The story of M4 Carbine (2, a început cu 297) https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-usas-m4-carbine-controversy-03289/
Defense Industry Daily It seemed like a routine request. Order more M4 carbines for US forces in the FY 2007 supplemental, FY 2008 budget, and FY 2008 supplemental funding bills. It has turned into anything but a routine exercise, however – with serving soldiers, journalists, and Senators casting a very critical eye on the effort and the rifle, and demanding open competition. With requests amounting to $375 million for weapons and $150 million in accessories, they say, the Army‘s proposal amounts to an effort to replace the M16 as the USA‘s primary battle rifle – using specifications that are around 15 years old, without a competition, and without considering whether better 5.56 mm alternatives might be available off the shelf. The M4 offers a collapsible buttstock, flat-top upper receiver assembly, a U-shaped handle-rear sight assembly that could be removed, and assortment of mounting rails for easy customization with a variety of sight, flashlight, grenade launchers, shotgun attachments, etc. It achieves approximately 85% commonality with the M16, and has become a popular weapon. It has a reputation for lightness, customizability, and, compared to its most frequent rival the AK-47, a reputation for accuracy as well. The carbine‘s reputation for fast-point close-quarters fire remains its most prominent feature, however. After Action Reviews done by the Marines after the early phases of Page 19 of 42
Operation Iraqi Freedom revealed that urban warfare scenarios made employment of the M16A2 difficult in some situations; Marines were picking up short AK-47s with folding butt-stocks, or scrounging pistols for use inside buildings. Like its predecessor the M16, the M4 also has a reputation as an excellent weapon – if you can maintain it. Failure to maintain the weapon meticulously can lead to jams, especially in sandy or dusty environments. Kalashnikovs may not have a reputation for accuracy, or lightness – but they do have a well-earned reputation for being able to take amazing amounts of abuse, without maintenance, and still fire reliably. The Israeli ―Galil‖ applied these lessons in 5.56mm caliber, and earned a similar reputation. Colt‘s M16 and M4 have never done so.
The original order for the M4 Carbine in the mid-1990s was a small-scale order, for a specifically requested derivative of the Army‘s primary battle rifle, to equip units who would otherwise have relied on less accurate 9mm submachine guns. As such, its direct development and sole-source contract status raised little fuss. Subsequent contracts also raised little scrutiny. So, what changed? 1. Extended combat in dusty, sandy environments that highlighted the weapon‘s weak points as well as its comparative strengths, leading to escalating volumes of complaints; 2. The emergence of alternatives that preserve those strengths, while addressing those weak points; 3. The scale of the current request for funding.
Insights A jet sale to Egypt is being blocked by a US regulation, and France is over it Defense News21:31 Wed, 01 Aug
Better Buy: Raytheon Company vs. Huntington Ingalls The Motley Fool03:07
Congress finalizes $717 billion defense budget authorization months ahead of schedule Military Times23:52 Wed, 01 Aug
Court Orders Halt to Download of Designs for 3-D Printable Guns The Epoch Times03:18
Culture of jointness: Increase professional expertise in defence acquisition else it will be… The Times of India00:04
Following Israel‘s participation: Glasgow pledges to reject military exhibits Middle East Monitor03:17
From gun kits to 3D printable guns, a short history of rogue gun makers The Conversation (US)22:51 Wed, 01 Aug
From gun kits to 3D printable guns, a short history of rogue gun-makers Page 20 of 42
Public Radio International23:42 Wed, 01 Aug
Germany Weighs Hiring Foreigners for Understaffed Military NewsMax05:08
Homemade Guns Are a Much Bigger Threat Than 3D-Printed Firearms Slate00:44
How America supplies the world with weapons Big Think22:22 Wed, 01 Aug
Navy evaluates sensors, designs and weapons for new frigate Fox News23:33 Wed, 01 Aug
ParaZero's Parachute System Protects Drone Payloads from Damage The Drive23:31 Wed, 01 Aug
Sale of S-400 to Turkey ‗catastrophic for US‘ – Pompeo‘s assistant RT23:33 Wed, 01 Aug
The Difficulty of Navigating Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea and Iran The National Interest23:30 Wed, 01 Aug
The NRA's Convenient Hypocrisy On 3D-Printed Plastic Guns HuffPost (US)22:45 Wed, 01 Aug
The Very Good Reason Why the 3D-Printed Gun Plans Need to Be Available Slate00:44
US Congress Passes $716Bln Defense Spending Bill for 2019 Sputnik23:21 Wed, 01 Aug
US Senate approves delay in delivery of F-35 jets Daily Sabah01:36
Cap. ITC Exclusive Report on Military Smart Weapons Market with CAGR of +6% by 2023 https://www.openpr.com/news/1155335/Exclusive-Report-on-Military-Smart-Weapons-Market-with-CAGR-of-6-by2023-Report-Studied-Focusing-On-Top-Companies-Like-The-Boeing-Company-Denel-SOC-Ltd-KongsbergGruppen-Lockheed-Martin-Corporation-MBDA-Orbital-ATK-Raytheon-Company-Textron-Inc.html
07-31-2018 07:07 PM CET
The weapons that are guided by the various technologies such as the computer, lasers, and others, in order to direct them correctly towards the target, are known as smart weapons. These weapons are highly efficient and accurate. Thus, the demand for this kind of weapons is increasing around the globe boosting the smart weapons market. Air-to-ground missiles, surface-to-air missiles, and smart bombs are some of the majorly used smart weapons. Increasing terrorism, civil strife, and cross border hostilities increased the adoption of smart weapons in military. Increased governments spending on military enhancement, pose a huge demand for smart weapons globally. The Military Smart Weapons market is expected to grow at +6% of CAGR between 2018 and 2023. Top Key Studied In This Research are: The Boeing Company, Denel SOC Ltd, Kongsberg Gruppen, Lockheed Martin Corporation, MBDA, Orbital ATK, Raytheon Company, Textron Inc ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 21 of 42
Enhanced Vision Systems Market Key Players by Astronics, Elbit Systems, Esterline, Honeywell, L-3, MBDA, Opgal, Collins, Thales and United by Forecast to 2023 https://www.openpr.com/news/1154333/Enhanced-Vision-Systems-Market-Key-Players-by-Astronics-ElbitSystems-Esterline-Honeywell-L-3-MBDA-Opgal-Collins-Thales-and-United-by-Forecast-to-2023.html
07-31-2018 11:39 AM CE
Market Highlights: Enhanced vision systems market is estimated to exhibit high growth potential during the forecast period. One of the major market growth drivers for enhanced vision systems market is the reliable operability of aircrafts. Situational awareness and aircraft safety has been improved with the help of enhanced vision systems resulting into minimizing of accidents. Another factor driving the market growth is demand for safety enhancing technologies from flight operators due to increase in air traffic. Enhanced vision systems market comprises of segments like technology, components and platform. Based on component, the display segment is projected to account for the largest share of enhanced vision systems market during the forecast period. Display units are one of the crucial components of the enhanced vision systems. They serve as a screen for graphical representation of data collected from various sensors onboard. This is another factor driving the growth of the display segment in enhanced vision systems market. According to Market Research Future Analysis, enhanced vision systems market has been valued at USD 262 Million by the end of forecast period with 4% of CAGR during forecast period 2018 to 2023. Key Players: Market Research Future (MRFR) recognizes the following companies as the key players in the enhanced vision systems market: Astronics Corporation (U.S.), Elbit Systems Ltd. (Israel), Esterline Technologies Corporation (U.S.), Honeywell International, Inc. (U.S.), L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. (U.S.), MBDA (U.K.), Opgal (Israel), Rockwell Collins, Inc. (U.S.), Thales Group (France), United Technologies Corporation (U.S.) ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
U.S. Army Black Hawks to receive upgraded Doppler navigation systems https://www.epicos.com/article/301240/us-army-black-hawks-receive-upgradeddoppler-navigation-systems
The U.S. Army has selected BAE Systems to provide touch screen computer display units (CDU) as an upgrade to the company‘s ASN-128 Doppler GPS Navigation System on Black Hawk helicopters. The self-contained, all-weather, day or night navigation system enables Black Hawk pilots to view real-time flight plan data. Page 22 of 42
This task order, which was awarded to BAE Systems under a current $226 million indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract, will bring touch-screen navigation system control to UH-60A/L Black Hawks. The Army plans to use the ASN-128 systems through 2035, and the upgrades will support safer operation for pilots by minimizing heads-down tasks. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Rockwell Collins' Pro Line Fusion avionics and air data systems chosen for AVIC MA700 turboprop regional aircraft http://www.asdnews.com/news/aerospace/2018/07/31/rockwell-collins-pro-linefusion-avionics-air-data-systems-chosen-avic-ma700-turboprop-regional-aircraft
Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: Rockwell Collins Date: Jul 31, 2018
Rockwell Collins has signed master contracts with AVIC Aircraft Co., Ltd (AVIC Aircraft), a subsidiary of Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Ltd. (AVIC), to supply its Pro Line Fusion® advanced avionics system and air data systems for MA700 turboprop regional aircraft. AVIC has also chosen Rockwell Collins‘ HGS™-3500 Head-up Guidance System – an innovative, all-in-one compact head-up display (HUD) solution – as an airline-selectable option. The MA700 is expected to perform its first flight in November 2019 and receive certification by 2021. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Radar Approach Control System (RAPCON) https://www.harris.com/solution/radar-approach-control-systemrapcon?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=es
Harris offers its field-proven Mobile Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) system as a solution to meet the need for a modern global rapid response Air Traffic Control (ATC) system. A modular and scalable radar system providing full airspace control to support ATC requirements This RAPCON system includes a Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) subsystem and a Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR), a Precision Approach Radar (PAR) Subsystem, and an Operations Subsystem. The combination of the PSR and SSR Page 23 of 42
portion of the system is also known as a TASR (Terminal Air Surveillance Radar) subsystem. The modularity of our RAPCON design ensures that independent and scalable elements can be rapidly deployed providing full airspace control capabilities to support terminal and en-route Air Traffic Control (ATC) requirements and meet critical mission needs.
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Fincantieri şi SUA, un exemplu de clarviziune si succes https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/fincantieri-si-sua-un-exemplu-de-clarviziune-si-succes
Romania Military Nicolae Hariuc 1 august 2018 - 11:25
A face afaceri la nivel global înseamnă să ai echipe de management, infrastructură şi facilităţi pe toate pieţele. De aceea, de la Mediterană la Marea Nordului, din America până în Asia, Fincantieri – lider occidental în construcţia de nave – are o prezenţă directă şi operaţională şi este pregătit să răspundă solicitărilor pentru produse avansate şi mai sofisticate. Grupul italian are capacitatea de a-şi exporta şi a-şi aplica expertiza şi cultura în toată lumea, în cele 20 de şantiere pe care le are, pentru orice fel de produs sau serviciu. Graţie experienţei de 230 de ani în construcţia de nave, Fincantieri a dobândit reputaţie şi experienţă în toate domeniile, intrând pe pieţe noi şi construind poveşti de succes. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
France confirms Fincantieri-STX shipyard deal, cautious on defense merger https://www.reuters.com/article/us-stx-m-a-fincantieri-lemaire/france-confirmsfincantieri-stx-shipyard-deal-cautious-on-defense-merger-idUSKBN1KM4E8
Reuters AUGUST 1, 2018 / 12:45 PM / UPDATED 13 HOURS AGO Crispian Balmer ROME (Reuters) Writing by Crispian Balmer and Francesco Guarascio; editing by Catherine Evans, Jason Neely and David Evans
France hopes Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri’s (FCT.MI) takeover of STX France will be wrapped up soon, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Wednesday, but sounded a more cautious note on any defense naval merger. Speaking in Rome after meeting two Italian ministers, Le Maire said France had not changed its position on the STX deal, quelling concerns the takeover could be hampered by tenser relations with Italy‘s new anti-establishment government. ―Italy and France share the same desire to wrap up the STX-Fincantieri merger, which will produce one of the biggest civilian shipbuilders in the world,‖ Le Maire told reporters after talks with his Italian counterpart Giovanni Tria and Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Ground Based Ballistic Missile Defence Systems Market Report 2018-2028 http://www.asdnews.com/ Top Companies, Forecasts & Analysis For Boost Phase, Midcourse Phase, Terminal Phase & Other Systems
Aerospace & Defence - Network Published: Jun 2018 Pages: 395 Publisher: Visiongain Report code: ASDR-462255
• Who are the leading 17 Ground Based Ballistic Missile Defence Systems companies? Examine competitive positioning, capabilities, product portfolios, services, focus, strategies, M&A activity, and future outlook for the following companies: – Almaz Antey – ASELSAN AS – BAE Systems – Bharat Dynamics Limited – Bharat Electronics Limited – The Boeing Company – Eurosam GIE – Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) – Kongsberg Gruppen ASA – Lockheed Martin Corporation – MBDA – Northrop Grumman Corporation – Orbital ATK Inc – Rafael Advanced Defense Systems – Raytheon Company – Roketsan – Saab Group ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (6 - început cu #293) http://investorrelations.gd.com/~/media/Files/G/General-DynamicsIR/documents/annual-reports/2017-gd-annual-report.pdf EXTRAS
Following is a discussion of operating results and outlook for each of our business groups. For the Aerospace group, results are analyzed by specific types of products and services, consistent with how the group is managed. For the defense groups, the discussion is based on the lines of products and services each group offers with a supplemental discussion of specific contracts and programs when significant to the group‘s results. Additional information regarding our business groups can be found in Note R to the Consolidated Financial Statements in Item 8 COMBAT SYSTEMS Review of 2017 vs. 2016
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The increase in the Combat Systems group‘s revenue in 2017 consisted of the following:
Revenue was up across the Combat Systems group in 2017. Revenue from U.S. military vehicles increased due to higher volume on the Army‘s Abrams and Stryker programs, including work to produce Abrams M1A2 System Enhancement Package Version 3 (SEPv3) tanks and upgrade Stryker vehicles with an integrated 30millimeter cannon and additional upgrades. Weapons systems and munitions revenue was up due primarily to increased production of several products, including bombs and Hydra-70 rockets for the U.S. government. Revenue from international military vehicles increased due to the ramp up in production on the British AJAX armoured fighting vehicle program and several international light armored vehicle (LAV) programs, offset largely by lower revenue on a large combat-vehicle contract in the Middle East as the group transitions from engineering to production. The Combat Systems group‘s operating margin increased 80 basis points driven by improved operating performance across the group‘s portfolio. Operating earnings in 2016 included the impact of a loss on the design and development phase of the AJAX program. Review of 2016 vs. 2015
The Combat Systems group‘s revenue decreased in 2016 due primarily to lower international military vehicles revenue driven by decreased volume on the large combat-vehicle contract in the Middle East and the timing of work on the group‘s contract to upgrade and modernize LAV III combat vehicles for the Canadian Army. These decreases were offset partially by higher volume on the group‘s contract to deliver Piranha vehicles to the Danish Ministry of Defense. The Combat Systems group‘s operating margin decreased 70 basis points in 2016 due primarily to the loss on the design and development phase of the AJAX program. The impact of this loss was offset partially by favorable contract mix and improved operating performance. 2018 Outlook We expect the Combat Systems group‘s 2018 revenue to increase between 3 and 4% from 2017. Operating margin is expected to be in the mid- to high-15% range.
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US Army Selects Lockheed Martin as Integrated Systems Developer for Autonomous Convoy Program http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/35145
Israel Defense 1/08/2018
The company will lead a three-year effort to develop, integrate and test unmanned prototype systems for supporting leader/follower convoy activities within an asymmetric threat environment
Photo: Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin was selected by the US Army's Tank Automotive Research, Development, and Engineering Center (TARDEC) as the Integrated Systems Developer for its Expedient Leader Follower (ExLF) program. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
The Swiss Army is reportedly introducing a modernized version of its Duro 4x4 tactical vehicle. http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/
Defense Industry Daily Duro is a high-mobility military tactical vehicle initially developed by Bucher-Guyer in the mid-90s. vehicles are available in 4×4 and 6×6 configurations and are built with both protected armor and non-armor, and with overall weights ranging from 7t to 25t. The vehicle designed as a modular vehicle that could be easily fitted with interchangeable bodies, including fully-enclosed bodies and various shelters. The Duro can be equipped with a variety of self-defense measures ranging from 7.62 mm machine gun to 40mm grenade launchers. Switzerland is currently in the process of upgrading some of its 3000 Duro vehicles which it received between 1994 and 2002. General Dynamics European Land Systems will modernize about 2200 of those vehicles through the second quarter of 2022.
Cap. EUROPA Serbia continuă înzestrarea şi modernizarea forţelor sale de apărare şi securitate http://www.mediafax.ro/social/monitorul-apararii-si-securitatii-serbia-continuainzestrarea-si-modernizarea-fortelor-sale-de-aparare-si-securitate-17377957
Monitorul Apărării și Securității Serbia optează pentru „neutralitate militară‖ şi continuă să îşi dezvolte sistemul de apărare şi securitate pe această bază, în funcţie de analiza provocărilor, riscurilor şi ameninţărilor la adresa securităţii sale. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 32 of 42
Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecČ›ie comercială (10/11) Modernising trade defence instruments http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/621884/EPRS_BRI(2018) 621884_EN.pdf
Think Tank - defence - PE EU Legislation in Progress July 2018 Briefing1
Council. At the eighth trilogue meeting, on 5 December 2017, the three delegations arrived at a provisional agreement. EU ambassadors confirmed the outcome of the final political trilogue, on 20 December 2017. The provisional agreement The provisional agreement includes a pre-disclosure period of three weeks, conditional on provisions to prevent stockpiling (the Commission is obliged to register goods during the pre-disclosure period). No duties will be imposed during this period. There will be a review of the three-week notice provision, two years after entry into force, which could entail adjustments if significant stockpiling is found. The EU will be able to set higher AD tariffs owing to the LDR reform based on the introduction of a single threshold of raw material distortions. The LDR will be adapted in AD cases if raw material distortions are found to exist; in such cases, raw materials, whether unprocessed or processed, including energy supplies, for which a distortion is found must account, taken individually, for not less than 17 % of the cost of production of the product concerned. Social and environmental standards will be considered as a cost factor. A list of ILO conventions will be attached to the regulation as an annex. There is a comprehensive but adaptable definition of raw material distortions. The Commission may amend and expand the items constituting the definition based on the OECD's Inventory on export restrictions on industrial raw materials. In AS cases, duties will correspond to the subsidy margin, but if the Union interest so requires, AS duties will be the amount adequate to remove the injury, if this is lower than the subsidy margin. Duties collected during expiry reviews that result in the expiry of the measure will be reimbursed on request from national customs authorities. As for exofficio investigations in the event of a threat of retaliation, the non-operative text (recital 6) provides that 'special circumstances should include threat of retaliation by third parties'. The operative text clarifies that in case of ex-officio investigations, EU industry is required to cooperate, although no penalty for failure to cooperate is set out. As for the duration of investigations, AD investigations are shortened from a maximum duration of 15 to 14 months. The duration of AS investigations remains unchanged at 13 months. Provisional measures in AD probes need to be imposed within 7 to 8 months, down from 9 months in the current legislative text. For AS probes, the current 9 months will remain unchanged. Costs for EU industry arising from the implementation of international social and environmental commitments will be reflected in the calculation of definitive duties. New rules including a minimum target profit above 6 % will apply for the calculation of the injury margin. Common undertakings (amicable offers) with non-EU businesses will be subject to compliance with core international labour and environmental standards by the exporting country. Trade unions i) will be able to request investigations jointly with Union industry, and ii) are recognised as an interested party during investigations and the Union interest test. An upgraded SME Help Desk will provide assistance for SMEs.
This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.
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Cap. DECIZIONAL Gafă a ministrului Apărării, care a vorbit aseară despre ”rachetele balistice de la Deveselu” / Fifor s-a corectat în această dimineață: A fost în cel mai rău caz o eroare de interpretare https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-22597830-gaf-ministrului-rii-care-vorbit-asear-despre-rachetelebalistice-deveselu-fifor-corecteaz-aceast-diminea-fost-cel-mai-caz-eroare-interpretare.htm
HOTNEWS de G.S. Miercuri, 1 august 2018, 10:19
Ministrul Apărării a declarat marți seara la Antena 3 că la baza de la Deveselu sunt ‖rachete balistice‖, care nu ar putea să-l ‖încânte‖ vreodată pe Vladimir Putin. La baza de la Deveselu nu sunt rachete balistice, ci interceptoare, baza fiind centrul unui sistem defensiv. Miercuri dimineață, Mihai Fifor a revenit asupra afirmațiilor susținând că ‖a fost în cel mai rău caz o eroare de interpretare‖. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
BALISTICE si ANTIBALISTICE https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/balistice-si-antibalistice
Romania Military Cristian Ganciu 1 august 2018 - 19:22
N-am crezut vreodata ca voi ajunge sa iau apararea unui pesedist din guvernul HE HE ! Aseara, pe un post de televiziune, ministrul apararii, Mihai Fifor, a dat o duda, spunand ca la Deveselu avem rachete balistice, in loc sa spuna ―rachete antibalistice‖ sau ―sistem antibalistic‖. Si de aici a inceput nebunia, gafa venind in continuarea unui sir parca nesfarsit de gafe ale ministrilor, in frunte cu Dancila. Fifor a avut ideea neinspirata sa spuna ca s-a inteles gresit cand putea, foarte usor, sa motiveze ca a comis o eroare, fiind obosit dupa numeroasele deplasari prin tara, intalniri etc. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Cristian Ganciu
Patriot de încă un miliard de dolari. Ministrul Apărării Mihai Fifor, vizită oficială în SUA în septembrie http://www.gandul.info//politica/mihai-fifor-ministrul-apararii-vizita-sua-septembrieromania-plateste-un-miliard-dolari-sistem-rachete-patriot-17377268
Gândul România va plăti încă 1 miliard de dolari pentru achiziţionarea celui de-al doilea sistem de rachete Patriot din Statele Unite, la începutul lunii septembrie, anunţă ministrul Apărării Mihai Fifor. Acesta se va întâlni, în aceeaşi lună, la Washington DC cu omologul său american Jim Mattis. Ministrul Apărării Mihai Fifor a anunţat marţi, că România are banii, aproximativ un miliard de dolari, pentru a plăti pentru al doilea sistem Patriot, imediat ce scrisoarea de acceptare va veni din SUA, plata urmând a fi făcută, probabil, la începutul lunii septembrie. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 34 of 42
Secretarul de stat Mircea Dușa s-a întâlnit cu o delegație a Dietei Japoniei http://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/15999_Secretarul-de-stat-Mircea-Du%C8%99a-s-a%C3%AEnt%C3%A2lnit-cu-o-delega%C8%9Bie-a-Dietei-Japoniei
Ministerul Apărării Naţionale COMUNICAT NR. 225 Data: 01.08.2018
Secretarul de stat pentru politica de apărare, planificare şi relaţii internaţionale, Mircea Dușa, a avut miercuri, 1 august, la sediul Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, o întrevedere cu o delegaţie a Dietei Japoniei. Întrevederea a avut loc în marja vizitei de documentare pe care parlamentarii japonezi o desfăşoară în România, unul dintre obiectivele acesteia fiind vizitarea facilității de la Deveselu.
Secretarul de stat Mircea Duşa a evidenţiat, în cadrul întâlnirii, caracterul exclusiv defensiv al Componentei sistemului de apărare antibalistică de la Deveselu, precum şi faptul că aceasta reprezintă o garanţie de securitate la ameninţările din regiune, fiind în acelaşi timp şi o capabilitate esenţială a NATO pentru postura de apărare şi descurajare. Pe timpul discuţiilor, a fost abordată situaţia de securitate internaţională, cu accent pe regiunile de interes pentru ambele ţări, şi au fost evidenţiate modalităţile de cooperare atât în plan bilateral, cât şi în formatele de cooperare Japonia-NATO şi Japonia-UE. Oficialul român a apreciat cooperarea Japoniei cu Alianța Nord-Atlantică în domenii precum sprijinul păcii, gestionarea crizelor, apărarea cibernetică sau lupta împotriva terorismului şi, în mod deosebit, contribuţia acesteia la Fondurile NATO de Asistenţă. Totodată, a salutat semnarea, cu ocazia Summit-ului UE-Japonia din 17 iulie, a acordului de Parteneriat Strategic între Uniunea Europeană şi Japonia, care va permite consolidarea cooperării în domeniul securităţii şi apărării. În timpul întrevederii, secretarul de stat Mircea Duşa a menţionat, de asemenea, implicarea activă a României în promovarea securităţii şi stabilităţii, precum şi investiţiile în domeniul apărării aflate în derulare la nivelul Armatei României, în contextul acordului politic de alocare şi menţinere a 2 procente din PIB pentru cheltuielile de apărare. Ambele părţi au apreciat importanța dialogului politico-militar în actualul context de securitate şi menţinerea unui nivel constant al acestuia, în sprijinul eforturilor pentru asigurarea securității și stabilității internaţionale.
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Cap. FINANȚE România își golește «portofelul» la shopping de armament https://www.capital.ro/romania-isi-goleste-portofelul-la-shopping-de-armament.html
Capital Autor: Cosmin Bucşe miercuri, 01 august 2018
Țara noastră s-a angajat față de SUA, principalul aliat extern în materie de securitate, să aloce 2% din PIB, în zece ani (2017-2026), pentru modernizarea armatei, în principal pentru achizițiile de tehnică militară. Acest procent înseamnă zeci de miliarde de dolari pe care România trebuie să îi cheltuiască pe arme. Capital a contabilizat contractele deja încheiate, procedurile în lucru și perspectivele, dar și posibilitatea ca economia românească să beneficieze întrucâtva de sumele uriașe care vor fi cheltuite. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur
26 iul.2018 4,6273 5,2112 3,9502 155,9039
27 iul.2018 4,6315 5,2136 3,9844 156,1958
30 iul.2018 4,6248 5,1935 3,9572 155,5298
31 iul.2018 4,6283 5,1922 3,8497 154,7323
1 aug.2018 4,6255 5,1949 3,961 155,6619
5.5 5
5.1922 4.6695
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168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18
158 156 154
vgrafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR
Rezervele internaţionale – iulie 2018 http://www.bnro.ro/page.aspx?prid=15036
Banca Națională a României 01.08.2018
La 31 iulie 2018, rezervele valutare la Banca Naţională a României se situau la nivelul de 31.378 milioane euro, față de 31.766 milioane euro la 30 iunie 2018. În cursul lunii au avut loc următoarele operaţiuni: Intrări de 1.462 milioane euro, reprezentând modificarea rezervelor minime în valută constituite de instituţiile de credit, alimentarea conturilor Ministerului Finanţelor Publice și altele; Ieşiri de 1.850 milioane euro, reprezentând modificarea rezervelor minime în valută constituite de instituţiile de credit, plăţi de rate şi dobânzi în contul datoriei publice denominate în valută şi altele. Rezerva de aur s-a menţinut la 103,7 tone. În condiţiile evoluţiilor preţurilor internaţionale, valoarea acesteia s-a situat la 3.467 milioane euro. Rezervele internaţionale ale României (valute plus aur) la 31 iulie 2018 au fost de 34.845 milioane euro, faţă de 35.349 milioane euro la 30 iunie 2018. Plăţile scadente în luna august 2018 în contul datoriei publice denominate în valută, directe sau garantate de Ministerul Finanţelor Publice, însumează circa 188 milioane euro. Notă: Seriile cronologice aferente rezervelor internaționale (disponibile începând din aprilie 2005) pot fi accesate în diferite formate (html, xls, xml și csv) în cadrul Bazei de date interactivă. Următorul comunicat de presă va fi publicat pe 3 septembrie 2018. Calendar de diseminare: http://www.bnr.ro/Calendar-984.aspx Arhiva comunicatelor de presă: http://www.bnr.ro/Rezervele-internationale-4149.aspx.
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BIRD acordă României un împrumut de 50 de milioane de euro pentru îmbunătățirea managementului riscurilor de dezastre http://www.mfinante.ro/acasa.html?method=detalii&id=999604199
Ministerul Finanţelor Publice România a semnat astăzi, 1 august 2018, un Acord de împrumut cu Banca Internațională pentru Reconstrucție și Dezvoltare în valoare de 50 de milioane de euro, pentru Proiectul de îmbunătățire a managementului riscurilor de dezastre. Acordul a fost semnat din partea României de ministrul Finanțelor Publice, dl. Eugen Orlando Teodorovici și din partea BIRD de managerul de țară pentru România și Ungaria, Regiunea Europa și Asia Centrală, dna. Tatiana Proskuryakova. Scopul împrumutului este îmbunătăţirea rezilienţei infrastructurii de urgenţă şi răspuns la dezastre și sporirea capacității instituţionale pentru planificarea investiţiilor vizând reducerea riscurilor la dezastre și adaptarea la schimbările climatice. Prin consolidarea și reabilitarea clădirilor Inspectoratului General pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă se asigură o reacție mai rapidă şi mai eficientă în cazul producerii dezastrelor naturale, ceea ce va conduce la diminuarea impactului social asupra populației afectate. Împrumutul este acordat pe o perioadă de până la 8 ani, cu 6 ani de graţie, rambursarea se va face între 1 noiembrie 2024 și 1 mai 2026, în 4 rate de capital semi-anuale și este disponibil până la 31 decembrie 2024. Proiectul va fi coordonat de Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, prin Unitatea de Coordonare a Proiectului din cadrul Departamentului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă, iar Inspectoratul General pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă va fi Unitatea de Implementare a Proiectului.
Cap. MacroE Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (3, a început cu #296) Macroeconomic stability – a stepstone towards security and diplomatic standing Recent developments in Romania http://www.bnro.ro/Prezentari-si-interviuri--1332.aspx
Banca Națională a României Mugur Isărescu, Guvernatorul BNR
Key features of the recent macroeconomic and financial environment in Romania (2)
European Commission assessment (July 2018, Country Report) Real GDP growth accelerated in 2017 to a post‐crisis high on the back of booming private consumption, spurred by wage hikes in both the public and private sector and indirect tax cuts The public deficit has been increasing due to pro‐cyclical fiscal policy The current account deficit has widened since 2014, on the back of robust consumption‐led import growth After 2 years of falling consumer prices,
Creșterea reală a PIB-ului s-a accelerat în 2017 până la o creștere post-criză pe fondul creșterii consumului privat, stimulată de creșterea salariilor în sectorul public și privat și reducerea impozitelor indirecte Deficitul public a crescut din cauza politicii fiscale pro-ciclice Deficitul de cont curent sa lărgit din 2014, pe fondul unei creșteri puternice a importurilor determinate de consum După 2 ani de scădere a prețurilor de consum,
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inflation is picking up The NBR has started to reverse its very accommodative monetary policy stance The banking sector remains well‐capitalised and its overall health, including asset quality, has continued to improve However, in the absence of structural reforms and fiscal consolidation, Romaniaʼs buoyant economic growth risks setting the stage for a hard landing
inflația crește BNR a început să-și schimbe poziția sa față de o politică monetară foarte adaptabilă Sectorul bancar rămâne bine capitalizat, iar sănătatea sa generală, inclusiv calitatea activelor, a continuat să se îmbunătățească Cu toate acestea, în absența reformelor structurale și a consolidării fiscale, creșterea economică puternică a României riscă să creeze condițiile unei aterizări dure
Cap. EVENIMENTE Raytheon names Sally Sullivan vice president, U.S. Business Development and Ed Fortunato, vice president, Government Relations https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/raytheon-names-sally-sullivan-vicepresident-us-business-development-and-ed-fortunato-vice-president-governmentrelations-300690457.html
PR News wire ARLINGTON, Va., Aug. 1, 2018 /PRNewswire/
Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) has named Sally Sullivan vice president of U.S. Business Development, and Ed Fortunato vice president of Government Relations. Sullivan and Fortunato will report to John D. Harris II, vice president, Business Development for Raytheon Company, and Chief Executive Officer, Raytheon International, Inc. "Sally is an experienced business leader with a strong track record of driving growth throughout her career," Harris said. "The breadth and depth of Ed's experience— from the aerospace and defense industry to the U.S. military—will serve the company and our customers well." Sullivan was most recently the executive vice president for the Homeland Security Group at CSRA Inc., acquired by General Dynamics in April 2018. She previously held senior leadership positions at ManTech International Corporation, Bechtel National, Inc., and Northrop Grumman Corporation. Sullivan earned a bachelor's degree from Texas Tech University. Fortunato joins Raytheon from Orbital ATK, where he was senior vice president of Government Relations. Orbital ATK was acquired by Northrop Grumman in April 2018. His previous assignments include leading Washington Operations for Honeywell International Inc. and managing legislative affairs in the Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Army. Fortunato earned his MBA from George Washington University and a bachelor's degree from George Mason University. About Raytheon Raytheon Company, with 2017 sales of $25 billion and 64,000 employees, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, civil government and cybersecurity solutions. With a history of innovation spanning 96 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration, C5I™ products and services, sensing, effects, and mission support for customers in more than 80 countries. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Mass. Follow us on Twitter. Page 39 of 42
Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE Maior: România poartă "discuţii serioase" pentru un acord cu compania de armament Bell Helicopters http://www.economica.net/maior-romania-poarta-discutii-serioase-pentru-un-acordcu-compania-de-armament-bell-helicopters_156664.html
Economica.net 01 aug, 08:34 Agerpres
Ambasadorul României în Statele Unite, George Cristian Maior, a declarat într-un interviu acordat luni publicaţiei americane Politico că se poartă ''discuţii serioase'' cu compania de armament Bell Helicopters pentru producţie în România şi pentru achiziţionarea de elicoptere de atac. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
devăratul sabotaj al dezvoltării: activitatea în Cercetare s-a prăbușit. Odată cu creșterea numărului de doctorate http://cursdeguvernare.ro/adevaratul-sabotaj-al-dezvoltarii-activitatea-cercetare-sprabusit-odata-cu-cresterea-numarului-de-doctorate.html
Curs de Guvernare Mariana Bechir , 1.8.2018
România este singura țară din regiune care a înregistrat o scădere a numărului de cercetători, în perioada 2005 – 2015. În timp ce în Ungaria, numărul acestora a crescut cu 59%, în România, efectivele de astfel de angajați s-au prăbușit cu 24%. Evoluția numărului de cercetători, în regiune, perioada 2005 – 2015:
Media europeană de creștere a numărului de cercetători a fost de 35%. Cu mențiunea că indicatorul la care ne referim este salariați cercetători în echivalent normă întreagă, iar datele sunt luate din statisticile Eurostat. Politicile haotice din domeniu Punctul de inflexiune în România a fost în 2005 – 2006, când numărul cercetătorilor în echivalent normă întreagă a scăzut de la 22.958, la 19.021. Profesorul Mircea Miclea (foto), ministru al Educației în acea perioadă, oferă două posibile explicații: o cohortă mai însemnată de pensionări și o modificare legislativă din perioada ce a precedat alegerile din decembrie 2004: ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 40 of 42
Sindicatele din industria de apărare solicită trecerea la MAPN https://www.gazetadambovitei.ro/ecomonie/sindicatele-din-industria-de-apararesolicita-trecerea-la-mapn/
Gazeta Dâmboviței 31 iulie 2018
Întâlnirea recentă dintre liderul de sindicat de la Uzina Automecanica Moreni, Constantin Bucuroiu şi ministrul Economiei, Dănuţ Andruşcă, a fost un fiasco total! Ce puţin aşa ne-a lăsat să înţelegem reprezentantul sindicaliştilor din industria de apărare, Constantin Bucuroiu care ne-a dezvăluit faptul că la Ministerul Economiei este o degringoladă totală, un meci continuu, cu lovituri sub centură, între Secretariatul de Stat pe Industria de Apărare şi Romarm, cu consecinţe dezastruoase pentru industria autohtonă de profil. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE Aerospatiale SA330 Puma în US Navy https://www.helis.com/database/modelorg/US-Navy-Puma/
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