ZI DE ZI vineri, 3 august 2018
Florence Parly: "Exporturile de arme sunt modelul economic al suveranității noastre". pg. 26
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vineri, 3 august 2018
semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 6 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 6 Chinese-developed AC312E helicopter passes stability flight test ........................................ 7 Insights ................................................................................................................................... 7 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate xxx (30 - început #270)....................................................................................................................................... 9 LOCKHEED MARTIN - Raport Anual 2017 - despre Sikorsky (37 - început cu #263) .... 10 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE .............................................................................. 11 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 11 The story of M4 Carbine (3, a început cu 297) .................................................................... 12 Cap. ITC ............................................................................................................................... 13 Rohde & Schwarz increases its commitment to cybersecurity and network security with LANCOM Systems .............................................................................................................. 13 Cap. NAVAL ....................................................................................................................... 15 NAVAL GROUP ................................................................................................................. 16 USS Tulsa enters PSA .......................................................................................................... 16 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 16 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 17 Timely Defenders: Keeping Patriots in Shape ..................................................................... 19 Raytheon’s Standard Missile Naval Defense Family (SM-1 to SM-6) ................................ 19 SM-2 Block IIIA missiles for Denmark ............................................................................... 19 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 20 Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE ........................................................................................ 21 GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (7 - început cu #293) .............................. 21 Croatian company DOK-ING .............................................................................................. 23 Major contract extension expected ....................................................................................... 23 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 24 Cap. NATO/OTAN ............................................................................................................ 25 Vizita în România a ministrului apărării al Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord, Gavin Williamson ...................................................................................................... 25 French armed forces minister reveals arms export details, roadblocks to lawmakers ......... 26 Page 3 of 38
Cap. EUROPA .................................................................................................................... 27 Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (11/11) ............................................ 27 Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 28 Diamescu Andrei-Marius general-maior – cu două stele, la trecerea în rezervă ................. 28 Crișu Nina-Carmen, eliberare funcție .................................................................................. 28 Jeacă Dumitru, eliberare funcție........................................................................................... 28 Jeacă Dumitru, prefect CT ................................................................................................... 28 Dan-Paul Iamandi, prelungirea împuternicirii ..................................................................... 29 Acte normative adoptate sau de care Guvernul a luat act în ședința Guvernului României din 02 august 2018 ............................................................................................................... 29 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 32 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 32 Formularul 631 ..................................................................................................................... 33 Cap. MacroE ...................................................................................................................... 33 Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (4, a început cu #296) ................................................................................................................... 33 Key features of the recent macroeconomic and financial environment in Romania (3) .. 33 Cap. RESURSE .................................................................................................................. 34 Autorizarea ca firme de audit ............................................................................................... 34 Engine Yearbook 2019 ......................................................................................................... 34 Școala Superioare de Aviație Civilă - buget 2018 ............................................................... 34 Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 34 Stevenage’s MBDA wins gold award for support of troops and veterans ........................... 34 Raytheon names Sally Sullivan VP, US Business Development and Ed Fortunato, VP, Government Relations .......................................................................................................... 35 Fincantieri Marine Group Announces CEO Succession ...................................................... 36 Luigi Matarazzo to head up Fincantieri's Merchant Ships Business Unit............................ 36 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE............................................................................... 37 « Mission impossible » pour un hélicoptère Caracal de l’armée de l’Air ............................ 37
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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS
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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 249,49 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0
240.00 230.00
200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00
mil. euro
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Chinese-developed AC312E helicopter passes stability flight test http://www.china.org.cn/business/2018-08/03/content_58003937.htm
china.org.cn Xinhua, August 3, 2018
The Chinese-developed AC312E light civilian helicopter has passed its stability flight test, a key performance test for helicopters, its developer announced Thursday.
AC312E, a light twin-engine civilian helicopter, completes plateau testing in southwest China's Yunnan province in November, 2017. [Photo/people.cn] The model has undertaken multiple flight tests totalling 18 hours, including those for stability and cooling of its propulsion system, at a civil airport in Jiamusi, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, according to Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). It represents a major step for AC312E on its validation flight test journey as a new helicopter model, the AVIC said. The AC312E, a light twin-engine helicopter, is being developed by AVIC Hafei in Harbin, capital of Heilongjiang. The maximum take-off weight of the aircraft is 4.25 tonnes, with a maximum payload of 1.7 tonnes. It can carry nine passengers. The AC312E series may be extended to include four specialist models for emergency medical services, search and rescue, business transport, and law enforcement, according to its developer. AVIC is among the world's leading helicopter manufacturers with more than 50 models in 12 series and annual production of more than 300 aircraft.
Insights Leonardo revises 2018 guidance in H1 results Helicopter Investor12:38 Wed, 01 Aug
Penzance Heliport granted unanimous planning consent Vertical Magazine15:32 Thu, 02 Aug
Made in India aircraft soon? High-level panel set up to explore aircraft building under Make In India The Financial Express10:28 Thu, 02 Aug
BA jet involved in two emergency landings: A British Airways Airbus A320 sparked alerts at‌ BBC19:53 Thu, 02 Aug
World‘s largest passenger plane drops in to Larnaca Cyprus Mail16:12 Thu, 02 Aug
Engine fire on landing on Jazeera Airways Airbus Air10122:01 Thu, 02 Aug
Leonardo renegotiating A220 supply terms with Airbus FlightGlobal15:02 Thu, 02 Aug
The New Mission: Impossible Has Some of the Craziest Aerial Stunts Ever Filmed Air & Space Magazine16:01 Thu, 02 Aug
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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri datorate xxx (30 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports
Airbus extras 2. Business-Related Risks (cont) Digital Transformation, Continuous Programmes In order to improve current operational performance while preparing for the future, in 2017 the Company launched the integration of its headquarters and corporate functions with the largest Division, Airbus Commercial Aircraft, and has initiated a wide-reaching digital transformation programme, Quantum. In parallel, continuous improvement and competitiveness programmes running in all businesses are pursued. Digital Transformation The Quantum transformation programme was launched to accelerate transformation of end to end operations and to defi ne our future set-up (operations, new services, new business model) driven by customer requirements. In the short to midterm Quantum will focus on accelerating and industrialising the most promising digitallyenabled performance improvement initiatives permitting a step change. In the longer term, Quantum will redesign end to end digital operations and enable new profi table business model and services for our customers. Quantum is supported by the Digital Transformation Office (DTO) and CTO organisations.
Pentru a îmbunătăți performanțele operaționale actuale în timp ce se pregătește pentru viitor, în 2017 Compania a lansat integrarea sediilor sale și a funcțiilor corporatiste cu cea mai mare divizie Airbus Commercial Aircraft și a inițiat un program de transformare digitală, denumit Quantum. În paralel, sunt continuate programe de îmbunătățire și competitivitate continuă în toate întreprinderile. Programul Quantum de transformare a fost lansat pentru a accelera transformarea integrală a operațiunilor și pentru a defini viitorul set-up (operațiuni, noi servicii, noul model de afaceri) determinat de cerințele clienților. Pe termen scurt și mediu, Programul Quantum se va concentra pe accelerarea și industrializarea celor mai promițătoare inițiative de îmbunătățire a performanțelor digitale care permit o schimbare pasivă. Pe termen lung, Quantum va reproiecta integral operațiunile digitale și va permite un nou model de afaceri și servicii profesionale pentru clienții noștri. Programul Quantum este susținut de Organizația Digital Transformation Office (DTO) și CTO.
Traditional Cost-Saving and Competitiveness Programmes To improve competitiveness in soft Pentru a îmbunătăți competitivitatea pe piețele markets, offset costs and achieve profi soft, compensarea costurilor și atingerea tability targets, among other things, the obiectivelor de profitabilitate, printre altele, Company and its Divisions have launched Compania și diviziile sale au lansat în ultimii ani several restructuring, cost saving and mai multe programe de restructurare, de competitiveness programmes over the reducere a costurilor și de competitivitate. past several years. These include Boost Acestea includ creșterea competitivității pentru Competitiveness in Commercial Aircraft, Divizia Commercial Aircraft, adaptarea Diviziei Adapt in Helicopters and Compete in Helicopters și competiția pentru Divizia Defence Page 9 of 38
Defence and Space. In addition to the risk of not achieving the anticipated level of cost savings, effi ciency gains and other benefi ts from these programmes, the Company may also incur higher than expected implementation costs. In many instances, there may be internal resistance to the various organisational restructuring and cost reduction measures contemplated. Restructuring, closures, site divestitures and job reductions may also harm the Company‘s labour relations and public relations, and have led and could lead to work stoppages and/or demonstrations. In the event that these work stoppages and/or demonstrations become prolonged, or the costs of implementing the programmes above are otherwise higher than anticipated, the Company‘s fi nancial condition and results of operations may be negatively affected.
and Space. În plus față de riscul de a nu atinge nivelul anticipat de reduceri de costuri, de câștiguri de eficiență și de alte beneficii de la aceste programe, Compania poate, de asemenea, să suporte costuri de implementare mai mari decât cele preconizate. În multe situații, poate exista o problemă internă rezistența la diversele măsuri de restructurare organizațională, reducerea costurilor luate în considerare. Restructurarea, închiderea, renunțarea la locurile de muncă și reducerile de locuri de muncă pot, de asemenea, să dăuneze relațiilor de muncă și relațiilor publice ale societății și au condus și ar putea duce la opriri și / sau demonstrații de muncă. În cazul în care aceste lucrări de întrerupere și / sau demonstrații devin prelungite sau costurile de implementare a programelor de mai sus sunt altfel mai mari decât se anticipase, situația financiară a Companiei și rezultatele operațiunilor pot fi afectate negativ.
LOCKHEED MARTIN - Raport Anual 2017 - despre Sikorsky (37 început cu #263) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97
Securities and Exchange Commission - USA p41 2016 compared to 2015 RMS‘ net sales in 2016 increased $4.4 billion, or 48%, compared to 2015. The increase was primarily attributable to higher net sales of approximately $4.6 billion from Sikorsky helicopter programs, which was acquired on November 6, 2015. Net sales for 2015 include Sikorsky‘s results subsequent to the acquisition date, net of certain revenue adjustments required to account for the acquisition of this business. This increase was partially offset by lower net sales of approximately $115 million for IWSS programs due to decreased volume on various programs; and approximately $70 million for training and logistics programs due to the divestiture of our LMCFT business, which reported sales through the May 2, 2016 divestiture date. RMS‘ operating profit in 2016 increased $62 million, or 7%, compared to 2015. Operating profit increased approximately $85 million for training and logistics programs due primarily to the divestiture of our LMCFT business which generated operating losses through its May 2, 2016 divestiture date; about $30 million for our IWSS programs due to investments made in connection with a next generation radar technology program awarded during 2015; and approximately $55 million for C4USS programs due primarily to higher reserves for performance matters on an international program in 2015. These increases were partially offset by a decrease of $70 million as a result of a higher operating loss from Sikorsky, inclusive of the unfavorable impacts of intangible asset amortization and other adjustments required to account for the acquisition of this business; and about $25 million for other Page 10 of 38
matters. Adjustments not related to volume, including net profit booking rate adjustments and reserves, were about $155 million higher in 2016 compared to 2015. Backlog Backlog increased in 2017 compared to 2016 primarily due to a new multi-year award at Sikorsky. Backlog decreased in 2016 compared to 2015 primarily due to sales being recognized on several multi-year programs (primarily in Sikorsky) related to prior year awards.
Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE Insights Bill puts F-35 sale to Turkey on hold ekathimerini.com21:03 Thu, 02 Aug
Daily Deals: up to $250 off Apple Watch, $150 4K drone, $60 Sony Bluetooth speaker, and more iDownloadBlog23:14 Thu, 02 Aug
Denmark requests SM-2 Block IIIA standard missiles Shephard.co.uk16:32 Thu, 02 Aug
Deputy allegedly sold shotguns he stole from dead man's home New York Post21:13 Thu, 02 Aug
French armed forces minister reveals arms export details, roadblocks to lawmakers Defense News22:04 Thu, 02 Aug
From Gun Kits To 3D Printed Guns, A Short History Of Rogue Gun Makers Task & Purpose22:43 Thu, 02 Aug
Planning Australia‘s Plan B: increasing defence spending will only provoke China The Strategist23:00 Thu, 02 Aug
Russia Wants to Sell Some of Its Most Deadly Cruise Missiles to Vietnam, China and India The National Interest11:03 Thu, 02 Aug
Secretary of State‘s Assistant: Sale of S-400 to Turkey ‗Catastrophic for US‘ Fars News Agency12:11 Thu, 02 Aug
Street Fighter 5, Absolver, Tekken 7, more free to play this weekend on Steam VG24723:14 Thu, 02 Aug
The Government Declares: You Have to Pick a Gender to Buy A Gun Pluralist21:23 Thu, 02 Aug
The Scaremongering Over 3D Guns Has Little to Do With Reality RealClearPolitics04:36
The weapon that landed India in US-Russia crossfire The Economic Times13:28 Thu, 02 Aug
UAE Press: Sanctions on Iran will cripple its militarism Emirates News Agency08:22 Thu, 02 Aug
US Army awards $3.9 billion for CHS-5 | Hellfire for Kuwait | Netherlands order Mk54 conversion … Defense Industry Daily20:10 Thu, 02 Aug
US defense bill could impact arms exports to Middle East Al-Monitor00:05
Why Was the State Department Ever Involved With the Debate Over 3D-Printed Guns? Slate23:03 Thu, 02 Aug
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The story of M4 Carbine (3, a început cu 297) https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-usas-m4-carbine-controversy-03289/
Defense Industry Daily Nobody Loves Me but My Mother – and She Could Be Jivin’ Too…
XM29 OICW Prototype There have been sporadic attempts to field more modern weapons during its tenure, including the unwieldy 20-or-so pound, 2 barrel, ―someone watched Predator too many times‖ XM-29 OICW, and more recently the aborted contract for the G36derived XM-8 weapon family from Heckler & Koch. Still, the M4‘s designers could never sing B.B. King‘s famous tune. The M16/M4 family has achieved a great deal of success, and garnered many positive reviews for its features and performance. Even its critics acknowledge that it has many positive attributes. The M4 has also attracted criticism – and at least 1 comprehensive fix. According to briefing documents obtained by Gannett‘s Army Times magazine: “USMC officials said the M4 malfunctioned three times more often than the M16A4 during an assessment conducted in late summer 2002 for Marine Corps Systems Command at Quantico, VA. Malfunctions were broken down into several categories, including “magazine,” “failure to chamber,” “failure to fire,” “failure to extract” and “worn or broken part,” according to the briefing documents. During the comparison, the M4 failed 186 times across those categories over the course of 69,000 rounds fired. The M16A4 failed 61 times during the testing. The Army conducted a more recent reliability test between October 2005 and April 2006, which included 10 new M16s and 10 new M4s… On average, the new M16s and M4s fired approximately 5,000 rounds between stoppages, according to an Army official who asked that his name not be released.” In a subsequent letter to the magazine, M4 manufacturer Colt argued that the US Army had disagreed with the USMC study, then added that the Army and Colt had worked to make modifications thereafter in order to address problems found. Gannett‘s Army Times magazine also obtained a copy of Project Manager Soldier‘s Weapons Assessment Team‘s July 31, 2003, report: Page 12 of 38
“The executive summary said that M16s and M4s “functioned reliably” in the combat zone as long as “soldiers conducted daily operator maintenance and applied a light coat of lubricant.” Soldiers had their own comments, however, which were also included in the report and relayed in the magazine article. 3rd ID soldier: “I know it fires very well and accurate [when] clean. But sometimes it needs to fire dirty well too.” 25th Infantry Division soldier: “The M4 Weapon in the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan was quick to malfunction when a little sand got in the weapon. Trying to keep it clean, sand free was impossible while on patrols or firefights.” 82nd Airborne Division soldier: “The M4 is overall an excellent weapon, however the flaw of its sensitivity to dirt and powder residue needs to be corrected. True to fact, cleaning will help. Daily assigned tasks, and nonregular hours in tactical situations do not always warrant the necessary time required for effective cleaning.” 75th Ranger Regiment member, SOCOM: “Even with the dust cover closed and magazine in the well, sand gets all inside; on and around the bolt. It still fires, but after a while the sand works its way all through the gun and jams start.” The 507th Maintenance Company, ambushed outside Nasariyah in 2003 during the opening days of the ground invasion of Iraq, might concur with all of the above. The post-incident report released by the US Army had this to say: “Dusty, desert conditions do require vigilance in weapons maintenance… However, it is imperative to remember that at the time of the attack, the 507th had spent more than two days on the move, with little rest and time to conduct vehicle repair and recovery operations.”
Cap. ITC Rohde & Schwarz increases its commitment to cybersecurity and network security with LANCOM Systems https://www.rohde-schwarz.com/about/news-press/details/press-room/press-releases-detailpages/rohde-schwarzincreases-its-commitment-to-cybersecurity-and-network-security-with-lancom-systemspress_releases_detailpage_229356-569745.html
Rohde & Schwarz
The Rohde & Schwarz technology group and network infrastructure manufacturer LANCOM Systems are joining forces to lay the foundation for continued, sustainable and above-average growth. Rohde & Schwarz will increase its interest in LANCOM to 100 percent. Together with its subsidiary Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH, the group is forging ahead with its strategy of becoming Europe's largest provider of network and cybersecurity solutions. Rohde & Schwarz has held a majority interest in LANCOM since November 2016. To consolidate the growth strategy of both companies, the Munich-based technology group is now increasing its interest in Germany's leading manufacturer of network infrastructure solutions for business and the public sector to 100 percent. LANCOM Systems will operate as an independent subsidiary within the group. LANCOM founder Ralf Koenzen and Co-Managing Director Stefan Herrlich will continue to run LANCOM's business and assume additional responsibilities within the group. Ralf Koenzen will head the newly founded Networks & CybersecurityDivision Page 13 of 38
at Rohde & Schwarz, which will also integrate Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity. Stefan Herrlich will become a member of the supervisory board of Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH. Rohde & Schwarz has been active in the field of IT security for over 20 years and since 2016 has been putting together a diverse and innovative portfolio for information and network security in this subsidiary. "The increased commitment of Rohde & Schwarz opens up further outstanding growth opportunities for LANCOM. We will use joint innovations to open up new markets and press ahead with the internationalization of our business," explains LANCOM founder and Managing Director Ralf Koenzen. "We are pleased to enter this long-term commitment with LANCOM with its great track record of success," says Bosco Novak, member of Rohde & Schwarz corporate management and supervisory board member of Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH. "In just a very short time, the partnership has resulted in highly exciting developments that we will benefit from even more in the future. In the age of Industry 4.0, we are also leading the way in securing networked infrastructures." The protection of digital communications and data plays an increasingly important role in times of global networking. Risks for companies, government authorities and critical infrastructures are rising dramatically. Accordingly, Rohde & Schwarz is increasingly committed to this future market as a trustworthy European supplier. The transfer of the shares is subject to the approval of the German Federal Cartel Office. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price. Further information: www.lancom-systems.com and www.cybersecurity.rohdeschwarz.com.
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NAVAL GROUP https://www.linkedin.com/company/naval-group/
USS Tulsa enters PSA Defense Industry Daily The US Navy‘s next Littoral Combat Ship is currently entering its post-shakedown availability (PSA). Austal is being awarded a cost-plus-award-fee order with a value of $14.8 million. The company will provide engineering and management services in support of the USS Tulsa (LCS 16), including work specification development, prefabrication efforts and material procurement. The USS Tulsa is an LCS-2 Independence class vessel which is a futuristic but practical high-speed trimaran, based on Austal designs and experience with vessels like the US Marines‘ Westpac Express high-speed transport. LCS 16 carries a General Dynamics designed combat system, and standard LCS weapon fittings. Work will be performed in Mobile, Alabama and San Diego, California. The PSA is expected to be completed by August 2019.
Insights Cruise Orders Mean Boom Times for Fincantieri The Maritime Executive20:54 Thu, 02 Aug
Detention warrants target FETÖ infiltrators in the Naval Forces Daily Sabah00:26
Fincantieri cuts steel for first Doha-class corvette Shephard.co.uk12:31 Thu, 02 Aug
Iran starts naval drills in Persian Gulf: report The Hill01:38
Iran Starts Naval Exercise Near Vital Strait, U.S. Says The Wall Street Journal02:06
Iran‘s naval exercise threatens strategic Straits of Hormuz Jerusalem Post00:35
Naval LCA tests arrestor hook Bangalore Mirror01:36
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Timely Defenders: Keeping Patriots in Shape https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/2007-updates-keeping-patriots-in-shape-02968
Defense Industry Daily Aug 02, 2018
Japan withdrawls PAC-3 Japan is currently withdrawing its PAC-3 air defense systems in light of easing relations with North Korea. The systems had been deployed in five prefectures across the country since August 2017 to counter the threat posed by North Korean missiles. PAC-3 is the current standard for new-build Patriot Missiles. The missile uses a ―hit-to-kill‖ approach, instead of the PAC-2‘s large fragmentation warhead, which allows it to pack more missiles per launcher (16 instead of 4). Its enhanced capabilities also allow it to be used for point defense against ballistic missiles, and its Config-3 ground systems also feature a range of improvements to the battery‘s radar, communications, electronics, and software. The missile batteries were returned to their respective Japan Air Self-Defense Force bases after Japanese officials decided that North Korea would be unlikely to fire ballistic missiles as tensions between Washington and Pyongyang have eased following the landmark summit between US President Donald Trump and North ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Raytheon’s Standard Missile Naval Defense Family (SM-1 to SM-6) https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/cat/logistics-support/support-maintenance/
Defense Industry Daily Aug 02, 2018 04:54 UTC
The US State Department is currently in the process of approving a possible foreign military sale to Denmark. The North-European country has requested the purchase of up to 46 SM-2 Block IIIA All-Up Rounds and other related equipment for an estimated cost of $152 million. SM-2 Block IIIA missiles have greater capability at even lower altitudes than previous SM-2 versions, a more powerful fragmentation warhead, and can use Interrupted Continuous Wave Illumination (ICWI) to improve performance against supersonic maneuvering anti-ship missiles. The missiles are provided as medium range (50 mile) rounds that can be fired from AEGIS rail launchers, AEGIS vertical launch systems, and Tartar rail launchers. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
SM-2 Block IIIA missiles for Denmark Defense Industry Daily The US State Department is currently in the process of approving a possible foreign military sale to Denmark. The North-European country has requested the purchase of up to 46 SM-2 Block IIIA All-Up Rounds and other related equipment for an estimated cost of $152 million. SM-2 Block IIIA missiles have greater capability at even lower altitudes than previous SM-2 versions, a more powerful fragmentation warhead, and can use Interrupted Continuous Wave Illumination (ICWI) to improve performance against supersonic maneuvering anti-ship missiles. The missiles are provided as medium range (50 mile) rounds that can be fired from AEGIS rail launchers, AEGIS vertical launch systems, and Tartar rail launchers. The deal would also include a telemetry omni-directional antenna, warhead dud capable missiles, the Mk13 Vertical Launching System Canisters and operator manuals. The system will be installed on the Royal Danish Navy's IVER HUITFELDT Frigate Class ships. In combination with the Anti-Air Warfare System (AAWS) combat system the missiles will enhance antiair warfare capabilities. The principal contractors will be Raytheon and BAE Systems. Page 19 of 38
Insights 4 questions with Raytheon‘s top missile systems executive Defense News18:19 Mon, 30 Jul
Better Buy: Raytheon Company vs. Huntington Ingalls The Motley Fool03:07 Thu, 02 Aug
Bolton missile firm Mbda wins top award The Bolton News17:38 Thu, 02 Aug
India eyes the Raytheon/Kongsberg National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System The Defense Post19:51 Tue, 31 Jul
MBDA opens £50m high-tech manufacturing facility in Bolton The Manufacturer11:56 Wed, 04 Jul
New MBDA production site formally opened in UK IHS Jane's10:40 Tue, 03 Jul
Raytheon names Sally Sullivan vice president, U.S. Business Development and Ed Fortunato, vice… PR Newswire (Press Release)22:00 Wed, 01 Aug
Raytheon to produce miniature jammer missile for US Air Force Aerospace Manufacturing & Design14:11 Wed, 01 Aug
Short-Range Air-Defense Missile System Market 2018: Global Analysis by Key Players – BAE… Industry Today13:58 Tue, 03 Jul
Stevenage‘s MBDA wins gold award for support of troops and veterans The Comet, Hertfordshire19:09 Wed, 01 Aug
The StormBreaker bomb that can blast its way through bad weather Daily Mail23:00 Fri, 27 Jul
UAE, Raytheon discuss cooperation Trade Arabia10:31 Tue, 31 Jul
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Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE GENERAL DYNAMICS – Annual Report 2017 (7 - început cu #293) http://investorrelations.gd.com/~/media/Files/G/General-DynamicsIR/documents/annual-reports/2017-gd-annual-report.pdf EXTRAS
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Our total backlog is equal to our remaining performance obligations under contracts that meet the criteria in ASC Topic 606 as discussed in Note B to the Consolidated Financial Statements in Item 8. Our total estimated contract value, which combines total backlog with estimated potential contract value, was $88 billion on December 31, 2017. COMBAT SYSTEMS
The Combat Systems group‘s total backlog was $17.6 billion at the end of 2017, down slightly from $17.8 billion at year-end 2016. The group‘s backlog includes the amount of work remaining on two significant multi-year contracts awarded in 2014: • $5.9 billion to provide wheeled armored vehicles and logistics support to a Middle Eastern customer through 2024. • $4.1 billion from the U.K. Ministry of Defence to produce AJAX armoured fighting vehicles scheduled for delivery to the British Army through 2024 and related inservice support. The group also has additional international military vehicle production contracts in backlog, notably: • $540 for LAVs for several non-U.S. customers, including $350 for the upgrade and modernization of LAV III combat vehicles for the Canadian Army. • $430 to produce over 300 armored personnel carriers for the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization. • $355 to upgrade Duro tactical vehicles for the Swiss government through 2022. • $190 to produce Piranha 3+ vehicles in five variants and provide associated program support for an international customer. The group received $1.9 billion of orders for Abrams main battle tank modernization and upgrade programs for the Army and U.S. allies in 2017, ending the year with backlog of $2.1 billion. For the Army, backlog included $620 to produce M1A2 SEPv3 tanks, deliver M1A2 SEP components, and provide associated program support, and $365 to design and develop SEPv4 prototypes with upgraded sensors. For U.S. allies, backlog included $825 to modernize Abrams main battle tanks for Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. An additional $870 for Abrams tank programs is included in our estimated potential contract value at year-end Page 22 of 38
The U.S. Army‘s Stryker wheeled combat-vehicle program represented $510 of the group‘s backlog on December 31, 2017, with vehicles scheduled for delivery through 2019. The group received $500 of Stryker orders in 2017, including awards to produce double-V-hull vehicles, upgrade vehicles with an integrated 30-millimeter cannon and provide support and engineering services. The Combat Systems group‘s backlog on December 31, 2017, also included $2.6 billion for multiple weapons systems and munitions programs, including $360 to produce Hydra-70 rockets for the Army. The group‘s estimated potential contract value was $3.2 billion on December 31, 2017, compared with $4.7 billion at year-end 2016. Estimated potential contract value decreased in 2017 due to a customerdirected restructuring of a combat-vehicle contract in the Middle East.
Croatian company DOK-ING Defense Industry Daily Jane‘s reports that the Israeli defense manufacturer IAI is currently jointly developing a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) with the Croatian company DOK-ING. In futuristic warfare scenario, CBRNE weapons cause hazardous effects including contamination of environment & terrain. CBRN UGVs can be used for detection, sample collection and marking of contaminated zones without risk of exposing personnel, which gives them a certain edge over conventional manned NBC recce vehicles. Details of the IAI and DOK-ING produced platform are currently in the embryonic stages. However, IAI General Manager for Robotic Systems Division Meir Shabtai explained that it would be suitable for military applications as well as the civil market. Under the collaboration agreement, DOK-ING will be providing the platform and IAI will be incorporating its autonomous capability.
Major contract extension expected https://www.rheinmetall-defence.com/en/rheinmetall_defence/public_relations/news/latest_news/index_17728.php
Rheinmetall Defence 25 Jul 2018
Rheinmetall to supply more than 1000 logistic trucks to the Australian Defence Force Rheinmetall today welcomed the Commonwealth of Australia‘s announcement for the future delivery of new military trucks and modules to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) under the LAND 121 Phase 5B program. Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles Australia (RMMVA) will deliver more than 1000 high mobility logistics trucks and more than 800 modules to the ADF under the new program, which is an extension of the current LAND 121 Phase 3B Project. Deliveries will start in 2019 and will run to 2024. Michael Wittlinger, the Head of the Rheinmetall‘s Logistics Vehicles business unit and a member of the Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles Board, said the company was committed to establishing a high quality logistics backbone for the ADF. ―We are proud to continue our successful cooperation with the ADF. We will work with our network of Australian partners and suppliers to ensure the Australian Army can deploy these high mobility trucks, modules and trailers to military operations across Australia,‖ Mr Wittlinger said. Under the LAND 121 Phase 3B program, RMMVA is currently delivering protected and unprotected military logistic trucks and modules from its Brisbane-based integration facility. The vehicles are tested and verified at the Australian Automotive Page 23 of 38
Research Centre‘s 1000 hectare site near Anglesea, 125km south-west of Melbourne. Marco Van Lieshout, the Chief Operations Officer of Rheinmetall‘s Australian business, said the vehicles, trailers and modules delivered to the Commonwealth would see continued close collaboration and expertise supplied by all partners to the LAND 121 Phase 5B program. ―Australian content is a critical part of the Project LAND 121 Phase 5B program, and will see the involvement of SMEs from across Queensland, NSW, South Australia and Victoria,‖ Mr Van Lieshout said. Rheinmetall Defence is one of the world‘s leading suppliers of defence technology, including wheeled and tracked military vehicles, weapons, ammunition, simulation solutions, command and control technology, force protection systems and sensor technologies. RMMVA has more than 150 employees in four locations in Australia delivering defence services to the ADF including project management, systems engineering and integration, through life support, repair and maintenance as well as spares management.
Insights 144 Saudi-led armored vehicles destroyed in western coast over June Saba Net23:54 Fri, 06 Jul
Armored Vehicles Market 2018-2023 Global Indusry Analysis By SUV, Sedan, Limousine, Bus/Van,… Industry Today11:27 Tue, 10 Jul
Army destroys 85 Saudi-led coalition armored vehicles over June Saba Net19:01 Wed, 04 Jul
Bright Lines Cargo moves armored vehicles American Journal of Transportation19:16 Tue, 17 Jul
DSC planned to mobilize soldiers, tanks and armored vehicles against candlelight demonstrators The Hankyoreh09:46 Sat, 07 Jul
Iveco Defence Vehicles, shareholder of the Iveco - Oto Melara Consortium (CIO), … IHS Jane's12:47 Wed, 25 Jul
Iveco, Leonardo consortium lands Italian contract for armored vehicles UPI23:51 Thu, 26 Jul
Lebanon sinks old armored vehicles to create underwater dive park The Times of Israel19:40 Sat, 28 Jul
Practika R&D center, Luch design bureau, Turkey's Aselsan promoting new arms system for wheeled armored vehicles Interfax-Ukraine18:53 Tue, 24 Jul
Russia tops world rating automotive, armored vehicles
TASS14:28 Wed, 01 Aug
Russia‘s Armata tanks to give way to armored vehicles based on new physical principles TASS13:58 Thu, 12 Jul
Russian defense firm to offer Tigr armored vehicles with enhanced anti-mine protection TASS16:09 Wed, 25 Jul
Ukrainian Army's armored vehicles hold combat drills in Donbas 112 Ukraine International16:37 Tue, 10 Jul
Yemeni forces destroy 85 military, armored vehicles of Saudi-led coalition in June AhlulBayt News Agency10:08 Thu, 05 Jul
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Cap. NATO/OTAN Vizita în România a ministrului apărării al Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord, Gavin Williamson http://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/16001_Vizita-%C3%AEn-Rom%C3%A2nia-a-ministrului-ap%C4%83r%C4%83rii-alRegatului-Unit-al-Marii-Britanii--%C8%99i-Irlandei-de-Nord,-Gavin-Williamson
Ministerul Apărării Naţionale COMUNICAT NR. 227 Data: 02.08.2018
Ministrul apărării naționale, Mihai Fifor, s-a întâlnit joi, 2 august, la sediul M.Ap.N., cu ministrul apărării al Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord, Gavin Williamson, aflat în vizită oficială în România. Pe durata întrevederii, cei doi oficiali au abordat subiecte de actualitate privind cooperarea bilaterală în domeniul apărării, dar și teme importante ale agendei Alianţei Nord-Atlantice. În acest context, au avut un schimb de opinii cu privire la extinderea şi diversificarea cooperării dintre România şi Marea Britanie atât în cadrul aliat, cât şi bilateral, în beneficiul forţelor armate ale celor două state. De asemenea, au fost analizate modalitățile concrete de implementare a deciziilor celui mai recent Summit al NATO, care a avut loc luna trecută la Bruxelles, cu accent pe intensificarea eforturilor aliate pe palierul descurajării și apărării, al reformei structurii de comandă a Alianței Nord-Atlantice și pe cel al proiectării stabilității.
Un alt subiect abordat de cei doi miniștri a fost viitorul cadru al colaborării Marii Britanii cu Uniunea Europeană, Mihai Fifor afirmând faptul că țara noastră va sprijini ideea menținerii unor relații strânse, inclusiv din perspectiva securității şi apărării. Ministrul român al apărării a mulțumit omologului său pentru angajamentul constant şi solid al Marii Britanii în România, pe toate cele trei dimensiuni operaţionale terestră, aeriană şi maritimă, ca dovadă a trendului ascendent al relației bilaterale.
Tot astăzi, cei doi oficiali s-au deplasat în Baza 57 Aeriană de la Mihail Kogălniceanu, unde s-au întâlnit cu militarii din compunerea detașamentului Forțelor Aeriene Regale ale Marii Britanii dislocat în România pentru executarea misiunilor de poliție aeriană întărită, precum și cu personal din Forțele Aeriene Române care își desfășoară activitatea în Baza 57 Aeriană. Page 25 of 38
*** În anul 2018, Forţele Navale Britanice au participat cu nave ultramoderne (distrugătorul T45 HMS Duncan) la misiuni specifice de antrenament în Marea Neagră, în timp ce Forțele Terestre ale Marii Britanii au avut o participare constantă la exerciții comune cu militari români. Forțele Aeriene Britanice, care anul acesta împlinesc 100 ani de la înființare, au dislocat în Baza 57 Aeriană de la Mihail Kogălniceanu, pentru al doilea an consecutiv, un detașament de avioane Eurofighter Typhoon, în vederea instruirii împreună cu militari din forțele aeriene și navale ale României, în scopul creșterii interoperabilității la nivel aliat şi executării unor misiuni de poliție aeriană consolidată, între 1 mai și 31 august. De asemenea, ofiţeri britanici de stat major încadrează funcții în Comandamentul Diviziei Multinaționale de Sud-Est şi în Unitatea NATO de Integrare a Forțelor/NFIU de pe teritoriul României.
French armed forces minister reveals arms export details, roadblocks to lawmakers https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2018/08/02/french-armed-forces-ministerreveals-arms-export-details-roadblocks-to-lawmakers/
Defense News Pierre Tran 7 hours ago
PARIS — This year‘s tally of French arms exports will include design studies for attack submarines for Australia as well as helicopter and Rafale fighter jet deals sealed with Qatar, according to Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly. ―A certain number of significant contracts were concluded this year,‖ she told the Committee for National Defense and Armed Forces of the lower-house National Assembly, according to recently released transcripts from July 4. “Arms exports are the economic model of our sovereignty.” The helicopter deal with Qatar is worth some €1 billion (U.S. $1.2 billion), while a large submarine design contract with Australia is expected to be signed ―at the beginning of autumn,‖ she said. That signing will show the Australian program deserves to be named ―contract of the century,‖ despite those who said the value has so far failed to meet expectations, she asserted. ..... Export deals require bank support, but commercial banks are ―rather nervous‖ about lending for arms contracts, reflecting regulatory pressure and demands for corporate social responsibility from shareholders, she said. Parly pledged to discuss financial support with the Economy and Finance Ministry, particularly to help small and medium enterprises. Bpifance, the state-backed lender, is the main actor in financial support for selling weapons to foreign clients. The Armed Forces Ministry will recruit 400 staff to handle applications for arms export licenses, with 267 personnel for the Direction Générale de l‘Armement procurement office and 133 for the armed services, said Parly. That recruitment will gradually rise between 2019 and 2022, with a major drive in 2023, she said. There have been ―a few bugs‖ in the Sigale software used to process license applications, but these are being fixed, she said. Parliamentarian Jean-Michel Jacques said the delay in handling applications has led to many companies losing deals. Export will be a key factor in the midlife upgrade of the MBDA Mica air-to-air missile. Innovation in guidance and propulsion systems, surface-to-air capabilities in the vertical launch version ―and its resilience to (U.S. International Traffic in Arms Page 26 of 38
Regulations) give strong export potential for the Mica Next Generation,‖ the Armed Forces ministry said in a July 24 statement.
..... France sold military equipment worth €6.7 billion last year, half the €13.9 billion in 2016. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Cap. EUROPA Modernizarea instrumentelor de protecție comercială (11/11) Modernising trade defence instruments http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/621884/EPRS_BRI(2018) 621884_EN.pdf
Think Tank - defence - PE EU Legislation in Progress July 2018 Briefing1
The Commission may extend the application of the regulation to imported dumped/subsidised goods linked to the exploration/extraction of natural resources and in a Member State's continental shelf or exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The Commission is to adopt an implementing act laying down the conditions for related duties and procedures. This provision is intended to close the 'maritime loophole'. INTA approved the provisional agreement in its meeting of 23 January 2018 by 29 votes to five with three abstentions. The Council formally adopted its first-reading position on 16 April 2018. INTA voted on its recommendation for second reading on 17 May 2018, supported by 30 votes to four (with two abstentions). Since no amendment to the agreed text was tabled, on 30 May 2018 the EP approved it in second reading without a vote in line with its Rules of Procedure (Rule 67a(5)). The agreed text entered into force as Regulation (EU) 2018/825 one day after its publication in the Official Journal on 7 June 2018.
This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the Parliament.
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Cap. DECIZIONAL Diamescu Andrei-Marius general-maior – cu două stele, la trecerea în rezervă http://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/comunicate-de-presa/decrete-semnate-depresedintele-romaniei-domnul-klaus-iohannis1533196755
Președinte România Președintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis, a semnat joi, 2 august a.c.,Decret privind înaintarea în gradul de general-maior – cu două stele, la trecerea în rezervă, a domnului general de brigadă-cu o stea Diamescu Andrei-Marius din Ministerul Apărării Naționale;
Crișu Nina-Carmen, eliberare funcție Guvernul României Hotărâre privind încetarea exercitării, cu caracter temporar, prin detașare în condițiile legii, a funcției publice de prefect al județului Giurgiu de către doamna Crișu Nina-Carmen Nr. 578 din 02-August-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 675 din 02 August 2018
Jeacă Dumitru, eliberare funcție Guvernul României Hotărâre privind încetarea exercitării, cu caracter temporar, prin detașare în condițiile legii, a funcției publice de subprefect al județului Constanța de către domnul Jeacă Dumitru M. Of. Partea I nr. 675 din 02 August 2018
Jeacă Dumitru, prefect CT Guvernul României Hotărâre privind exercitarea, cu caracter temporar, prin detașare în condițiile legii, a funcției publice de prefect al județului Constanța de către domnul Jeacă Dumitru Nr. 580 din 02-August-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 675 din 02 August 2018 Page 28 of 38
Dan-Paul Iamandi, prelungirea împuternicirii Primul-Ministru Decizie privind prelungirea împuternicirii domnului general de brigadă cu o stea Dan-Paul Iamandi pentru a îndeplini atribuțiile funcției de inspector general al Inspectoratului General pentru Situații de Urgență Nr. 249 din 02-August-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 675 din 02 August 2018
Acte normative adoptate sau de care Guvernul a luat act în ședința Guvernului României din 02 august 2018 http://gov.ro/ro/guvernul/sedinte-guvern/informatie-de-presa-privind-proiectele-de-acte-normativeadoptate-sau-de-care-guvernul-a-luat-act-in-edinta-guvernului-romaniei-din-02-august-2018
Guvern România I. ORDONANŢE 1.ORDONANŢĂ pentru modificarea şi completarea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 40/2015 privind gestionarea financiară a fondurilor europene pentru perioada de programare 2014-2020 2.ORDONANȚĂ privind pachetele de servicii de călătorie și serviciile de călătorie asociate, precum și pentru modificarea și completarea unor acte normative II. HOTĂRÂRI 1.HOTĂRÂRE pentru modificarea lit. a) şi b) ale articolului unic din Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 946/2017 privind stabilirea contingentului pe tipuri de lucrători nouadmişi pe piaţa forţei de muncă în anul 2018 2.HOTĂRÂRE pentru modificarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 1218/2006 privind stabilirea cerinţelor minime de securitate şi sănătate în muncă pentru asigurarea protecţiei lucrătorilor împotriva riscurilor legate de prezenţa agenţilor chimici 3.HOTĂRÂRE privind modificarea şi completarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr.153/2018 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului-cadru privind stabilirea locurilor de muncă, a categoriilor de personal, a mărimii concrete a sporului pentru condiţii de muncă prevăzut în anexa nr.II la Legea-cadru nr.153/2017 privind salarizarea personalului plătit din fonduri publice, precum şi a condiţiilor de acordare a acestuia, pentru familia ocupaţională de funcţii bugetare "Sănătate şi asistenţă socială" 4.HOTĂRÂRE privind modificarea denumirii, codului de clasificaţie, datelor de identificare şi actualizarea valorii de inventar ale unor bunuri imobile aflate în domeniul public al statului şi în administrarea Ministerului Sănătăţii prin Institutul de Psihiatrie Socola Iaşi 5.HOTĂRÂRE privind stabilirea cadrului instituţional şi a unor măsuri pentru punerea în aplicare a Regulamentului (UE) 2015/2283 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului din 25 noiembrie 2015 privind alimentele noi, de modificare a Regulamentului (UE) nr.1169/2011 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului şi de abrogare a Regulamentului (CE) nr.258/97 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului şi a Regulamentului (CE) nr.1852/2001 al Comisiei precum şi a Regulamentului de punere în aplicare (UE) 2018/456 al Comisiei privind etapele procedurale ale procesului de consultare pentru stabilirea statutului de aliment nou în conformitate cu Regulamentul (UE) 2015/2283 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului privind alimentele noi Page 29 of 38
6.HOTĂRÂRE pentru aprobarea normelor metodologice privind stabilirea salariilor de bază pentru funcţiile didactice de conducere de director şi director adjunct din învăţământul preuniversitar de stat, precum şi pentru stabilirea categoriilor de unităţi de învăţământ preuniversitar de stat în care se normează funcţiile de conducere didactice auxiliare şi nivelul salariilor de bază aferente acestora 7.HOTĂRÂRE privind decertificarea definitivă din declaraţia finală de cheltuieli şi aplicaţia de plată a soldului final, a unor cheltuieli aferente proiectelor finanţate prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial ''Mediu'' 2007-2013, Programul Operaţional Sectorial ''Transport'' 2007-2013, Programul Operaţional Sectorial ''Creşterea Competitivităţii Economice'' 2007-2013 şi Programul Operaţional ''Asistenţă Tehnică'' 2007-2013 8.HOTĂRÂRE pentru aprobarea metodologiei standard de evaluare a riscurilor de corupţie în cadrul autorităţilor şi instituţiilor publice centrale, împreună cu indicatorii de estimare a probabilităţii de materializare a riscurilor de corupţie, cu indicatorii de estimare a impactului în situaţia materializării riscurilor de corupţie şi formatul registrului riscurilor de corupţie, precum şi pentru aprobarea metodologiei de evaluare a incidentelor de integritate în cadrul autorităţilor şi instituţiilor publice centrale, împreună cu formatul raportului anual de evaluare a incidentelor de integritate 9.HOTĂRÂRE privind înscrierea unui imobil în inventarul centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului şi darea acestuia în administrarea Ministerului Justiţiei 10.HOTĂRÂRE privind declasificarea informaţiilor cuprinse în documentele referitoare la activitatea Ministerului Apelor şi Pădurilor 11.HOTĂRÂRE privind înscrierea în inventarul centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului şi darea în administrarea Ministerului Finanţelor Publice - Agenţia Naţională de Administrare Fiscală - Direcţia Generală Regională a Finanţelor Publice Bucureşti, a unui imobil şi a terenului aferent, trecut în domeniul public al statului, ca urmare a procedurii de dare în plată 12.HOTĂRÂRE privind modificarea şi completarea anexei nr. 43 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 1.705/2006 pentru aprobarea inventarului centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului 13.HOTĂRÂRE privind modificarea datelor de identificare şi actualizarea valorilor de inventar ale bunurilor aflate în domeniul public al statului şi în administrarea Spitalului General Căi Ferate Galaţi, unitate în subordinea Ministerului Transporturilor şi modificarea Anexei nr.16 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr.1705/2006 pentru aprobarea inventarului centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului 14.HOTĂRÂRE privind trecerea din domeniul public al statului în domeniul privat al statului a unui imobil aflat în administrarea Ministerului Tineretului şi Sportului Complexul Sportiv Naţional Izvoru Mureşului, în vederea scoaterii din funcţiune, casării şi demolării 15.HOTĂRÂRE privind revocarea dreptului de folosinţă gratuită al Federaţiei Române de Judo asupra unei părţi dintr-un imobil aflat în proprietatea publică a statului şi în administrarea Ministerului Tineretului şi Sportului - Direcţia Judeţeană pentru Sport şi Tineret Prahova şi actualizarea Anexei nr. 30 a Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 1705/2006 pentru aprobarea inventarului centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului 16.HOTĂRÂRE privind actualizarea valorilor de inventar şi modificarea datelor tehnice şi comasarea unor imobile cuprinse în Anexa nr. 30 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 1705/2006 pentru aprobarea inventarului centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului, administrate de Ministerul Tineretului şi Sportului – Clubul Sportiv "Viitorul" Vaslui şi Clubul Sportiv "Ceahlăul" Piatra Neamţ Page 30 of 38
17.HOTĂRÂRE privind actualizarea valorilor de inventar ale unor bunuri aflate în administrarea Centrului de Cultură "George Apostu" din Bacău, instituţie publică din subordinea Ministerului Culturii şi Identităţii Naţionale 18.HOTĂRÂRE privind decertificarea definitivă a cheltuielilor cuprinse în declaraţia finală de cheltuieli şi aplicaţia de plată a soldului final aferentă Programului operaţional Regional 2007-2013 19.HOTĂRÂRE pentru aprobarea indicatorilor tehnico-economici ai obiectivului de investiţii "Sală de sport competiţională de nivel internaţional, Bază sportivă Turda", realizat prin Compania Naţională de Investiţii "C.N.I." - S.A. 20.HOTĂRÂRE pentru modificarea Anexei nr. 1 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 965/2002 privind atestarea domeniul public al judeţului Dolj, precum şi al municipiilor, oraşelor şi comunelor din judeţul Dolj 21.HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea stemei comunei Uda, judeţul Argeş 22.HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea stemei comunei Vama Buzăului, judeţul Braşov 23.HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea stemei comunei Belciugatele, judeţul Călăraşi 24.HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea modelului steagului comunei Dobrun, judeţul Olt 25.HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea modelului steagului comunei Rociu, judeţul Argeş 26.HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea modelului steagului oraşului Victoria, judeţul Braşov 27.HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea modelului steagului oraşului Însurăței, judeţul Brăila 28.HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea modelului steagului comunei Comăna, judeţul Braşov 29.HOTĂRÂRE privind înființarea Societății Editura Didactică și Pedagogică SA ca urmare a reorganizării Regiei Autonome „Editura Didactică și Pedagogică‖ prin transformare 30.HOTĂRÂRE privind suplimentarea bugetului Ministerului Apelor și Pădurilor din Fondul de intervenție la dispoziția Guvernului pentru realizarea în regim de urgență a unor lucrări de investiții de prevenire și înlăturare a efectelor calamităților naturale produse de inundații în perioada iunie-iulie 2018 pe cursurile de apă din județele Alba, Argeș, Bacău, Brașov, Caraș-Severin, Covasna, Gorj, Harghita, Ialomița, Maramureș, Mureș, Neamț, Suceava, Vâlcea 31.HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea Strategiei Naționale pentru Locuri de Muncă Verzi 2018-2025 și a Planului de acțiuni pentru implementarea Strategiei Naționale pentru Locuri de Muncă Verzi 2018-2025 32.HOTĂRÂRE privind stabilirea zilelor de 16 și 17 august 2018 ca zile libere 33.HOTĂRÂRE privind încetarea exercitării, cu caracter temporar, prin detașare în condițiile legii, a funcției publice de prefect al județului Giurgiu de către Crișu NinaCarmen 34.HOTĂRÂRE privind încetarea exercitării, cu caracter temporar, prin detașare în condițiile legii, a funcției publice de subprefect al județului Constanța de către Jeacă Dumitru 35.HOTĂRÂRE privind exercitarea, cu caracter temporar, prin detașare în condițiile legii, a funcției publice de prefect al județului Constanța de către Jeacă Dumitru III. MEMORANDUMURI 1.MEMORANDUM cu tema: Strategia de administrare a datoriei publice guvernamentale 2018-2020 2.MEMORANDUM cu tema: Aprobarea revizuirii Programului INTERREG IPA de Cooperare Transfrontalieră România-Serbia 2014-2020, în vederea transmiterii acestuia către Comisia Europeană şi mandatarea Viceprim-ministrului, Ministrul Dezvoltării Regionale şi Administraţiei Publice să realizeze eventualele revizuiri Page 31 of 38
ulterioare ale acestei variante a Programului, ca urmare a procesului de negociere cu Comisia Europeană, şi să retransmită documentul către Comisia Europeană 3.MEMORANDUM cu tema: Implementarea Sistemului EESSI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information - Schimbul Electronic de Informaţii de Securitate Socială) în România 4.MEMORANDUM cu tema: Concluziile analizei de impact asupra transferului de competenţe de la nivel central la nivel local în domeniul tineretului şi sportului 5.MEMORANDUM cu tema: "Concluziile analizei de impact asupra transferului de competențe de la nivel central la nivel local în domeniul turism" 6.MEMORANDUM cu tema: Aprobarea organizării concursurilor/examenelor pentru ocuparea posturilor vacante din cadrul Curţii Constituţionale (cu încadrarea în creditele bugetare aprobate prin Legea bugetului de stat nr.2/2018) 7.MEMORANDUM cu tema: Decizie vizând situația amplasamentului Esplanada în vederea dezvoltării unui program de reconversie funcțională
Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 27 iul.2018 4,6315 5,2136 3,9844 156,1958
30 iul.2018 4,6248 5,1935 3,9572 155,5298
31 iul.2018 4,6283 5,1922 3,8497 154,7323
1 aug.2018 4,6255 5,1949 3,961 155,6619
2 aug.2018 4,6217 5,2026 3,9799 155,6655
5.5 5
5.1922 4.6695
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168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18
158 156 154
grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR
Formularul 631 Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală Ordin pentru aprobarea Procedurii de stabilire și de regularizare a contribuției de asigurări sociale de sănătate și a contribuției de asigurări sociale datorate de persoanele fizice, precum și a formularului 631 „Decizie de impunere anuală pentru stabilirea contribuției de asigurări sociale de sănătate și a contribuției de asigurări sociale― Nr. 1701 din 04-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 672 din 02 August 2018
Cap. MacroE Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (4, a început cu #296) Recent developments in Romania http://www.bnro.ro/Prezentari-si-interviuri--1332.aspx
Banca Națională a României Mugur Isărescu, Guvernatorul BNR
Key features of the recent macroeconomic and financial environment in Romania (3)
International Monetary Fund assessment (June 2018, Art. IV) Romania recorded strong economic growth România a înregistrat o creștere economică in 2017, with record low unemployment and puternică în 2017, cu un nivel record minim al șomajului și un sector financiar îmbunătățit an improving financial sector Private consumption boosted by fiscal Consumul privat stimulat defacilități fiscale și stimulus and wage increases led the strong creșteri ale salariilor a condus la o creștere growth, while investment lagged and puternică, în timp ce investițiile au rămas în urmă și reformele structurale au încetinit structural reforms slowed Both the government deficit and current În 2017, atât deficitul public, cât și deficitul de account deficit widened, respectively to cont curent s-au mărit, respectiv la 2,8% și 3,4% din PIB 2.8% and 3.4% of GDP in 2017 Page 33 of 38
Reflation is quickly gathering pace. While the National Bank of Romania‘s inflation target was met in 2017, headline inflation has risen since January above the upper end of the band, reaching 5.2 percent (y/y) in April 2018 The NBR tightened the corridor around the policy rate in October‐November 2017, and raised the policy rate for the first time since 2008, by 25 basis points each in January and February With signs of overheating, there is a risk that the current policy trajectory increases macroeconomic volatility, undermines the capacity to withstand adverse shocks, and eventually slows down convergence toward the advanced EU countries.
Deflația se recuperează rapid. În timp ce ținta de inflație a Băncii Naționale a României a fost atinsă în 2017, inflația totală a crescut de la sfârșitul lunii ianuarie, atingând 5,2% în aprilie 2018 BNR a îngustat coridorul în jurul politicii ratei dobânzii în perioada octombrie-noiembrie 2017 și a majorat rata dobânzii pentru prima dată din 2008, cu 25 de puncte de bază în ianuarie și februarie Cu semne de supraîncălzire, există riscul ca traiectoria actuală a politicilor să crească volatilitatea macroeconomică, să submineze capacitatea de a rezista la șocuri adverse și, în cele din urmă, să încetinească convergența către țările avansate ale UE.
Cap. RESURSE Autorizarea ca firme de audit Camera Auditorilor Financiari din România Hotărâre pentru autorizarea ca firme de audit a unor persoane juridice Nr. 54 din 11-Iunie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 674 din 02 August 2018
Engine Yearbook 2019 To list your company for free in the directory pages of Aviation Week's Engine Yearbook 2019, please contact james.pozzi@aviationweek.co.uk
Școala Superioare de Aviație Civilă - buget 2018 Ministerul Transporturilor Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli modificat pe anul 2018 al Școlii Superioare de Aviație Civilă Nr. 1213 din 26-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 671 din 02 August 2018
Cap. EVENIMENTE Stevenage’s MBDA wins gold award for support of troops and veterans http://www.thecomet.net/news/business/stevenage-s-mbda-wins-gold-award-forsupport-of-troops-and-veterans-1-5634186 17:05 01 August 2018
MBDA has now achieved the gold award in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme, having held the silver award since 2014. It joins BAE Systems, Jaguar Land Rover and Airbus at the highest level of recognition.
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MBDA‘s UK managing director Chris Allam said: ―We are delighted to have secured the gold award, that highlights the outstanding work we do to support the armed forces and those who serve and have served within them. ―We recognise the role that employers like us play in providing opportunities for those who have protected our nation, and it is fantastic to gain recognition for the work that our staff have contributed. ―A key element of this support is the valuable contribution that service families and charities deliver on a daily basis – and it has been a real honour for many of our staff to contribute to this effort.‖ He added: ―MBDA and its predecessors have a long history of supporting the armed forces and of employing ex-service personnel. We gain hugely from their direct experience of the operational environment, and their personal appreciation of customer needs and aspirations. ―We are extremely proud to gain this recognition. and will continue our support of the armed forces and those who protect our country for many years to come.‖ ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Raytheon names Sally Sullivan VP, US Business Development and Ed Fortunato, VP, Government Relations http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/08/01/raytheon-names-sally-sullivanvp-us-business-development-ed-fortunato-vp-government-relations Source: Raytheon Corporation (NYSE: RTN) Date: Aug 1, 2018
Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) has named Sally Sullivan vice president of U.S. Business Development, and Ed Fortunato vice president of Government Relations. Sullivan and Fortunato will report2 to John D. Harris II, vice president, Business Development for Raytheon Company, and Chief Executive Officer, Raytheon International , Inc. "Sally is an experienced business leader with a strong track record of driving growth throughout her career," Harris said. "The breadth and depth of Ed's experience— from the aerospace and defense industry to the U.S. military—will serve the company and our customers well." Sullivan was most recently the executive vice president for the Homeland Security Group at CSRA Inc., acquired by General Dynamics in April 2018 . She previously held senior leadership positions at ManTech International Corporation, Bechtel National, Inc., and Northrop Grumman Corporation. Sullivan earned a bachelor's degree from Texas Tech University . Fortunato joins Raytheon from Orbital ATK, where he was senior vice president of Government Relations. Orbital ATK was acquired by Northrop Grumman in April 2018 . His previous assignments include leading Washington Operations for Honeywell International Inc. and managing legislative affairs in the Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Army. Fortunato earned his MBA from George Washington University and a bachelor's degree from George Mason University .
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Fincantieri Marine Group Announces CEO Succession https://www.marinelink.com/news/fincantieri-marine-group-announces-ceo-440240
Marine Link Posted by Joseph Keefe August 2, 2018
Dario Deste named Fincantieri Marine Group President and CEO Fincantieri Marine Group announced today that, following a successful six‐ year tenure as the company’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Francesco Valente has announced his intention to step‐ down from the position to assume another leadership role within the Fincantieri group. As a result, the Board has selected Dario Deste to assume the role of President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Valente and Mr. Deste are working together to ensure an orderly transition, which is expected to be completed before the end of the year. Francesco Valente joined Fincantieri in early 2012 as Senior Vice President for Business Development‐ Naval, before being appointed as President and CEO of Fincantieri Marine Group the following May. During his time in this role, Mr. Valente has led the company through a period of growth and sound operational discipline. Among the highlights are the acquisition of multiple commercial and government contracts, as well as the stable growth in employment and the receipt of several safety awards. Dario Deste has nearly 30 years of industry experience, including 11 years with Fincantieri. A former Navy officer, Mr. Deste has played a key role in developing the company‘s international presence. Since 2014 Dario has been CEO of Fincantieri Marine Systems North America, a company providing maintenance and repair support services on several US Navy programs. Under Dario‘s leadership the company has significantly grown its portfolio of products and customers. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Luigi Matarazzo to head up Fincantieri's Merchant Ships Business Unit http://www.seatrade-cruise.com/news/news-headlines/luigi-matarazzo-to-head-upfincantieri-s-merchant-ships-business-unit.html
Sea Trade Cruise - USA Luigi Matarazzo overseeing Fincantieri Group’s cruise strategy and planning, reporting directly to Giuseppe Bono Fincantieri Group has promoted shipbuilding veteran Luigi Matarazzo to senior evp of Fincantieri Merchant Ships Business Unit effective August 1. Throughout his 27-year career at Fincantieri, Matarazzo, better known as ‗Gigi‘, has held various roles within the company‘s Merchant Ships business unit and at corporate level, most recently appointed as evp New Building of that unit in March 2016. Page 36 of 38
In his new role, Matarazzo will oversee the builder group‘s cruise strategy and planning, reporting directly to Fincantieri ceo Giuseppe Bono. The Merchant Ship Business Unit is also responsible for mega yachts and special ships. In the cruise shipbuilding sector Matarazzo will oversee the business activities of both Fincantieri and Vard in addition to marketing, design, operations and all the group‘s merchant shipyards. Matarazzo has worked for Fincantieri since 1991 Starting his professional life at Fincantieri in 1991, Matarazzo joined the project engineering department for cruise vessels. In 1998 he has been appointed as chief designer and held a series of positions within the cruise project management team until 2006, when he assumed the responsibility of engineering and design for both Merchant and Cruise Ships Business units. Matarazzo completed the integration of the two engineering and design offices in 2007, subsequently assuming various assignments at corporate level until March 2016, when he was named evp of new buildings. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE « Mission impossible » pour un hélicoptère Caracal de l’armée de l’Air http://www.opex360.com/2018/08/01/mission-impossible-helicoptere-caracal-delarmee-de-lair/
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