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ZI DE ZI miercuri, 8 august 2018


Naval Group și Șantierul Naval Constanța propun Gowind 2500 Forțelor Navale Române pg. 33

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miercuri, 8 august 2018

semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ........................................................................................................ 6 BVB - industria aeronautică ................................................................................................... 6 Bell Helicopter vrea să producă la Ghimbav elicoptere pentru Ministerul de Interne ........... 7 Sikorsky quietly launches the S-100 helicopter ..................................................................... 7 Russia Begins Delivery of Ka-52 Helicopters to Egypt ......................................................... 8 Insights ................................................................................................................................... 8 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri (33 - început #270) ........... 10 LOCKHEED MARTIN - Raport Anual 2017 - despre Sikorsky (37 - început cu #263) .... 13 What Is The Future For Traditional Pneumatic Systems? ................................................... 15 Combining Information and Operational Technology ......................................................... 15 Boeing is currently in the process of manufacturing several F-15 fighter jets for Qatar. .... 16 The Swedish government is authorizing its Defense Materiel Administration to finalize the purchase of the Patriot air-defense system. .......................................................................... 16 The US State Department is determined to approve a possible foreign military sale to Latvia. ................................................................................................................................... 16 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE .............................................................................. 17 The story of M4 Carbine (6, a început cu 297) .................................................................... 17 Kalashnikov: Around the World. Hungarian AKs (Part 1/3) ............................................... 19 Practical Accuracy of the AK in 7.62 and 5.56 by 9-Hole Reviews .................................... 19 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 20 Cap. ITC ............................................................................................................................... 21 DISA’s new chief of staff to focus on mission partners ...................................................... 21 The next step for the Army’s network? The cloud............................................................... 21 Top 100 Cyber Security Companies: Ones to Watch in 2018 ............................................. 22 Companies Listed ............................................................................................................. 24 Raytheon builds massive radar development facility complete with robotic helpers .......... 28 Overcoming the New "Bio-Hazards" of the Spying Game .................................................. 29 Northrop Grumman Wins $95 Million Award from Department of Homeland Security to Develop Next-Generation Biometric Identification Services System .................................. 30 Cap. NAVAL ....................................................................................................................... 32 Marina Română merită ce e mai bun! Naval Group și Șantierul Naval Constanța propun Gowind 2500 Forțelor Navale Române ............................................................................... 33 Naval Group si Santierul Naval Constanta propun Gowind 2500 Fortelor Navale Romane .............................................................................................................................................. 33 Page 3 of 46

Propunerea Șantierului Naval Constanța, în parteneriat cu francezii de la Naval Group: corvetele din clasa Gowind 2500 pentru dotarea Forţelor Navale ....................................... 34 Northrop Grumman Supports Final Critical Design Review for the USCG Offshore Patrol Cutter .................................................................................................................................... 35 NAVAL GROUP ................................................................................................................. 36 About us ........................................................................................................................... 36 Total employee count ....................................................................................................... 36 Recent senior management hires ...................................................................................... 37 Affiliated Companies ....................................................................................................... 37 Din nou despre LRPV-urile pentru Norvegia ...................................................................... 37 Concerte şi artificii spectaculoase la Şantierul Naval Damen, de Ziua Marinei .................. 38 Insights ................................................................................................................................. 38 Cap. RACHETE ................................................................................................................. 39 MICA NG ............................................................................................................................. 41 Cap. DECIZIONAL ........................................................................................................... 41 Fifor: În septembrie va fi făcută plata pentru al doilea sistem Patriot, în valoare de 2.486 de miliarde lei............................................................................................................................ 41 Fifor: Sperăm ca în septembrie să anunţăm o cooperare cu companii recunoscute pentru producţia de vaccinuri la Institutul ''Cantacuzino'' ............................................................... 42 Cap. FINANȚE ................................................................................................................... 42 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur .............................................................. 42 Cap. MacroE ...................................................................................................................... 43 Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (7, a început cu #296) ................................................................................................................... 43 Cap. EVENIMENTE ......................................................................................................... 45 Report: Mossad behind Attack on Syrian Weapons Scientist .............................................. 45 Cyber Intelligence Europe Conference ................................................................................ 45 International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2018" ........................ 46 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE............................................................................... 46 Eurocopter Puma Mk2 in Royal Air Force ......................................................................... 46 Cap. DIVERSE ................................................................................................................... 46 16 și 17 august 2018, zile libere ........................................................................................... 46

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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 249,32 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0

240.00 230.00

200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00




















mil. euro


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Bell Helicopter vrea să producă la Ghimbav elicoptere pentru Ministerul de Interne http://www.bzb.ro/stire/bell-helicopter-vrea-sa-produca-la-ghimbav-elicoptere-pentruministerul-de-interne-a127927

Bună Ziua Brașov Autor: Ovidiu VRÂNCEANU Publicat la 06 august 2018

Contract de 22 de noi elicoptere specializate pentru situaţii de urgenţă „Bell Helicopter este în mod cert interesată de această oportunitate. Avem un elicopter celebru, Bell 412, care arată foarte asemănător cu UH-1Y Venom, dar e un elicopter diferit, e mai mic, nu are acelaşi raport putere/greutate şi nu e înarmat pentru luptă, dar este folosit de mai multe armate moderne. Canadienii îl folosesc sub denumirea de Griffin, este implicat chiar acum în Afganistan”, a declarat într-un interviu acordat HotNews.ro, Joel Best, Director Global Business Development Europe în cadrul Bell...... Contract dorit şi de Airbus „România are nevoie de elicoptere pentru misiuni de căutare şi salvare, precum şi pentru operaţiuni medicale, pentru care Airbus propune elicopterul uşor H135. Aşteptăm cu interes licitaţia Ministerului de Interne", a precizat Serge Durand, şeful Airbus România în iulie....... ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Sikorsky quietly launches the S-100 helicopter http://helihub.com/2018/08/07/sikorsky-quietly-launches-the-s-100-helicopter/

HELIHUB 7 Aug, 18, Source: HeliHub.com

As Sikorsky has developed various helicopter models over the years, so each has been given an ―S‖ designation. Many are well known, such as the S-76 and S-92, and others which only ever existed as office drawings and did not make it to hardware. There are also likely to be numbers in the series which have been skipped, prompted by the Marketing Department. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Russia Begins Delivery of Ka-52 Helicopters to Egypt http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/35187

Israel Defense Ami Rojkes Dombe 6/08/2018 [Source: Egy_military]

Image: Google

Satellite images reveal that Egypt has received at least 12 Russian Ka-52 attack helicopters, as part of a larger order of 42 helicopters. It should be noted that these helicopters are not the ones designated for the helicopter carriers purchased from France, which are part of a separate deal.

Insights Aerometals gains new IBF certification Shephard.co.uk16:39 Tue, 07 Aug

Aerometals Receives FAA STC Approval for Airbus H130 IBF System Aviation Pros16:09 Tue, 07 Aug

Aerometals receives FAA STC approval for H130 IBF system Vertical Magazine15:19 Tue, 07 Aug

Airbus delivered 63 A320-family jets in July FlightGlobal17:47 Tue, 07 Aug

Airbus Unveils Orders and Deliveries for July 2018 Airways News00:04 Tue, 07 Aug

CHC Helicopter and Sikorsky sending students to CHC‘s Safety & Quality Summit Vertical Magazine22:12 Tue, 07 Aug

Demand for trainers drives manufacturing gains Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association16:00 Tue, 07 Aug

Fire activity impacts aircraft and crews Vertical Magazine21:22 Tue, 07 Aug

GAMA: Sales Up For Training Aircraft AVweb22:32 Tue, 07 Aug

Leonardo reports sale of 93 helicopters for 2018 HeliHub11:24 Mon, 06 Aug

LIFESTAR celebrates 25th anniversary Vertical Magazine21:52 Tue, 07 Aug

Maverick Helicopters Kauai now open Vertical Magazine15:29 Tue, 07 Aug

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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri (33 început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports

Airbus extras 2. Business-Related Risks (cont) Programme-Specific Risks In addition to the risk factors mentioned above, the Company also faces the following programme-specific risks (while this list does not purport to be exhaustive, it highlights the current risks believed to be material by management and that could have a signifi cant impact on the Company‘s fi nancial condition and results of operations): A320neo programme. In connection with the A320neo programme, the Company faces the following main challenges: the transition from A320ceo (current engine option) to A320neo (new engine option) that began in 2016 continued with 181 deliveries in 2017; management of the internal and external supply chain pressure as a result of the industrial ramp-up; ensuring maturity and high quality service support for a growing number of operators of A320neo. The main focus will be with the further ramp-up for Airbus and both engine suppliers. For both engine suppliers, challenges are to (i) meet the delivery commitments in line with agreed schedule and ensure sufficient engine availability; (ii) fix in-service maturity issues in line with Airbus and customer expectations and mitigate the associated consequences. A400M programme. In 2017, Airbus continued with development activities toward achieving the technical capabilities. In addition, Airbus entered into discussions with OCCAR and the customer Nations that resulted in the signature of a Declaration

Pe lângă factorii de risc menționați mai sus, Compania se confruntă și cu următoarele riscuri specifice fiecărui program (în timp ce această listă nu are scopul de a fi exhaustivă, subliniază riscurile actuale considerate importante de către conducere și care ar putea avea un impact semnificativ cu privire la situația financiară și rezultatele operațiunilor societății):

În legătură cu programul A320neo, Compania se confruntă cu următoarele provocări principale: tranziția de la modelul A320ceo (opțiunea motor curent) la A320neo (opțiune motor nou) care a început în 2016 a continuat cu 181 livrări în 2017; gestionarea presiunii interne și externe a lanțului de aprovizionare ca rezultat al creșterii industriale; asigurarea unui suport matur și cu servicii de înaltă calitate pentru un număr tot mai mare de operatori A320neo. Accentul principal va fi creșterea susținută a activității a Airbus și a furnizorilor pentru cele două motoare. Pentru furnizorii celor două motoare, provocările trebuie: (i) să respecte angajamentele de livrare în conformitate cu programul convenit și să asigure disponibilitatea unui număr suficient de motoare; (ii) să corecteze problemele de scadență în conformitate cu așteptările Companiei și ale clienților Airbus și să atenueze consecințele asociate..

În 2017, Airbus a continuat activitățile de dezvoltare pentru a atinge capacitățile tehnice. În plus, la data de 5 februarie 2018, Airbus a purtat discuții cu OCCAR și cu națiunile client care s-au finalizat cu semnarea unei declarații de intenție ("DOI"), convenind asupra unei reamenajări

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of Intent (―DOI‖) on 5 February 2018 agreeing on a global re-baselining of the contract, including a revised aircraft delivery schedule, an updated technical capability roadmap and a revised retrofit schedule. The DOI represents an important step towards reaching a contractually binding agreement also mitigating the commercial exposure while satisfying customer needs with regard to capabilities and availability of the aircraft. Challenges remain on development of contractual technical capabilities and the associated costs, on securing suffi cient export orders in time, and on cost reductions. The key capabilities to be achieved remain cargo management and aerial delivery, self-defence and protection, and air to air refuelling. In addition, the A400M programme continues to face challenges in the management of the retrofi t campaign as well as providing support to enable high levels of in-service availability. A350 XWB programme. In connection with the A350 XWB programme, the Company faces the following main challenges: ensuring satisfaction of operators and high quality support to their operations; maintaining supply chain performance and production ramp-up; controlling and reducing the level of outstanding work in final assembly line; managing recurring costs during the ongoing ramp-up; maintaining customisation and ramp-up of Heads of Version; maintaining the development schedule in line with learning curve assumptions beyond the initial ramp up phase of A350-1000 XWB to ensure entry in service; maintaining attention on engine development; and customer support for new type in service.

globale a contractului, inclusiv a unui program revizuit de livrare a aeronavelor, o foaie de parcurs actualizată privind capacitățile tehnice și un program revizuirii revizuite. DOI reprezintă un pas important spre atingerea unui acord cu caracter obligatoriu din punct de vedere contractual care atenuează, de asemenea, expunerea comercială, satisfăcând în același timp nevoile clienților în ceea ce privește capacitățile și disponibilitatea aeronavei. Provocările persistă asupra dezvoltării capacităților tehnice contractuale și a costurilor aferente, la asigurarea în timp util a unor comenzi de export suficiente și la reducerea costurilor. Capacitățile cheie care trebuie atinse sunt gestionarea încărcăturii și aeriene livrarea, autoapărarea și protecția, și realimentarea aerului în aer. În plus, programul A400M continuă să se confrunte cu provocări în gestionarea campaniei retroactive și oferă suport pentru a permite un nivel ridicat de disponibilitate în funcționare.

În legătură cu programul A350 XWB, Compania se confruntă cu următoarele provocări principale: asigurarea satisfacției operatorilor și susținerea de înaltă calitate a operațiunilor acestora; menținerea performanței lanțului de aprovizionare și a creșterii producției; controlul și reducerea nivelului de muncă remarcabilă în linia de asamblare finală; gestionarea costurilor recurente în timpul creșterilor rapide de activitate; menținerea personalizării și a creșterii Heads of Version; menținerea programului de dezvoltare în conformitate cu ipotezele curbei de învățare dincolo de faza inițială de rampă A350-1000 XWB pentru a asigura intrarea în exploatare; menținerea atenției asupra dezvoltării motorului; și suport pentru clienți pentru noul tip în serviciu.

A380 programme. In connection with the A380 programme, În legătură cu programul A380, compania se the Company faces the following main confruntă cu următoarele provocări principale: Page 11 of 46

challenges: secure future order flow; ramp down the yearly production rate towards deliveries in 2019 and further reduce fixed costs to the new delivery level; make continued improvements to lower the resources and costs associated with designing each customised Head of Version aircraft for customers; and manage maturity in service. A330 programme. In connection with the A330 programme, the main challenge the Company faces is to manage the transition to A330neo. The A330neo development progresses after fi rst fl ight took place in 2017 with attention on the engine development. H225 programme and AS332 L2 fl eet. In connection with the H225 programme and the AS332 L2 fl eet, the Company faces the following main challenges: since the crash in April 2016 of a H225 in Norway, the Company is dealing with protective measures validated by EASA who lifted the fl ight suspension on 7 October 2016 and by UK and Norwegian aviation authorities on 7 July 2017 to put the fl eet back into fl ight operations; providing assistance to the investigation team and the authorities ahead of the publication of the fi nal accident report; working with the relevant stakeholders to allow the return to service of aircraft, following-up with retrofi ts and dealing with customer claims. H175 programme. In connection with the H175 programme produced in cooperation with Avic, the Company faces the following main challenges: after the delivery of the fi rst H175 in VIP confi guration in 2016, the Company is working on the certifi cation of the Public Services variant and the delivery of the 3 fi rst H175 in Public Services confi guration planned for 2018, as well as on the maturity plan of the aircraft and with the associated industrial ramp-up.

siguranța fluxului de ordine în viitor; reducerea ritmului anual de producție către livrările în 2019 și reducerea în continuare a costurilor fixe la noul nivel de livrare; să realizeze îmbunătățiri continue pentru a reduce resursele și costurile asociate cu proiectarea fiecărui aer personalizat pentru clienți; și să gestioneze maturitatea în serviciu.

În legătură cu programul A330, principala provocare cu care se confruntă Compania este de a gestiona trecerea la A330neo. Dezvoltarea A330neo progresează după primul avion în 2017, cu o atenție deosebită dezvoltării motorului.

În legătură cu programul H225 și cu flota AS332 L2, Compania se confruntă cu următoarele provocări principale: de la prăbușirea, în aprilie 2016, a unui H225 în Norvegia, compania se ocupă de măsuri de protecție validate de EASA care au ridicat suspensia de flăcări 7 octombrie 2016 și de către autoritățile britanice și aviatice din Norvegia la 7 iulie 2017 pentru a readuce flota în operațiunile de zbor; acordarea de asistență echipei de anchetă și autorităților înainte de publicarea raportului final de accident; să colaboreze cu părțile interesate relevante pentru a permite reluarea în exploatare a aeronavelor, urmărirea retrospectivă și tratarea cererilor clienților.

În legătură cu programul H175 realizat în colaborare cu Avic, Compania se confruntă cu următoarele provocări principale: după livrarea primului H175 în confi gurarea VIP în 2016, Compania lucrează la certificarea variantei Serviciilor Publice și livrarea primei prime H175 în configurarea serviciilor publice planificată pentru 2018, precum și planul de maturitate al aeronavei și cu rampa industrială asociată.

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NH90 and Tiger programmes. In connection with the NH90 and Tiger programmes, the Company is delivering according tocontracts whilst negotiations for the end of some contracts andsome new contract amendments are still ongoing. In connection with multiple fl eets entering into service it faces the challenge of assuring support readiness.

Border security. In connection with border security projects, the Company faces the following main challenges: meeting the schedule and cost objectives taking into account the complexity of the local infrastructures to be delivered and the integration of commercial-off-the-shelf products (radars, cameras and other sensors) interfaced into complex system networks; assuring effi cient project and staffing; managing the rollout including subcontractors and customers. Negotiations on change requests and schedule re-alignments remain ongoing.

În legătură cu programele NH90 și Tiger, Compania livrează conform contractelor, în timp ce negocierile pentru încheierea unor contracte și unele noi modificări ale contractului sunt în curs de desfășurare. În legătură cu punerea în funcțiune a mai multor flote, aceasta se confruntă cu provocarea de a asigura pregătirea pentru sprijin.

În ceea ce privește proiectele de securitate la frontieră, Compania se confruntă cu următoarele provocări principale: îndeplinirea obiectivelor programelor și a costurilor, ținând cont de complexitatea infrastructurilor locale care urmează a fi livrate și de integrarea produselor comercializate (radare, camere și alți senzori) interfațați în rețele complexe de sisteme; asigurarea unui proiect eficient și a personalului; gestionarea lansării, inclusiv a subcontractanților și a clienților. Negocierile privind cererile de modificare și re-alinierea programului continuă.

LOCKHEED MARTIN - Raport Anual 2017 - despre Sikorsky (37 început cu #263) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/936468/000093646818000009/lmtq4201710k.htm#s8C2FE C11A01E9DF29DD472DCE3EBEC97


Securities and Exchange Commission - USA pag 72 Acquisition of Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation On November 6, 2015, we completed the acquisition of Sikorsky from United Technologies Corporation (UTC) and certain of UTC‘s subsidiaries. The purchase price of the acquisition was $9.0 billion, net of cash acquired. As a result of the acquisition, Sikorsky became a wholly-owned subsidiary of ours. Sikorsky is a global company primarily engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and support of military and commercial helicopters. Sikorsky‘s products include military helicopters such as the Black Hawk, Seahawk, CH-53K, H-92; and commercial helicopters such as the S-76 and S-92. The acquisition enables us to extend our core business into the military and commercial rotary wing markets, allowing us to strengthen our position in the aerospace and defense industry. Further, this acquisition will expand our presence in commercial and international markets. Sikorsky has been aligned under our RMS business segment. To fund the $9.0 billion acquisition price, we utilized $6.0 billion of proceeds borrowed under a temporary 364-day revolving credit facility (the 364-day Page 13 of 46

Facility), $2.0 billion of cash on hand and $1.0 billion from the issuance of commercial paper. In the fourth quarter of 2015, we repaid all outstanding borrowings under the 364-day Facility with the proceeds from the issuance of $7.0 billion of fixed interest-rate long-term notes in a public offering (the November 2015 Notes). In the fourth quarter of 2015, we also repaid the $1.0 billion in commercial paper borrowings. Allocation of Purchase Price to Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed We accounted for the acquisition of Sikorsky as a business combination, which requires us to record the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at fair value. The amount by which the purchase price exceeds the fair value of the net assets acquired is recorded as goodwill. The following table summarizes the fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date, including the refinements described in the previous paragraph (in millions):

The fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed were determined using income, market and cost valuation methodologies. The fair value measurements were estimated using significant inputs that are not observable in the market and thus represent a Level 3 measurement as defined in Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 820, Fair Value Measurement. The income approach was primarily used to value the customer programs and trademarks intangible assets. The income approach indicates value for an asset or liability based on the present value of cash flow projected to be generated over the remaining economic life of the asset or liability being measured. Both the amount and the duration of the cash flows are considered from a market participant perspective. Our estimates of market participant net cash flows considered historical and projected pricing, remaining developmental effort, operational performance including company-specific synergies, aftermarket retention, product life cycles, material and labor pricing, and other relevant customer, contractual and market factors. Where appropriate, the net cash flows are adjusted to reflect the uncertainties associated with the underlying assumptions, as well as the risk profile of the net cash flows utilized in the valuation. The adjusted future cash flows are then discounted to present value using an appropriate discount rate. Projected cash flow is discounted at a required rate of return that reflects the relative Page 14 of 46

risk of achieving the cash flows and the time value of money. The market approach is a valuation technique that uses prices and other relevant information generated by market transactions involving identical or comparable assets, liabilities, or a group of assets and liabilities. Valuation techniques consistent with the market approach often use market multiples derived from a set of comparables. The cost approach, which estimates value by determining the current cost of replacing an asset with another of equivalent economic utility, was used, as appropriate, for property, plant and equipment. The cost to replace a given asset reflects the estimated reproduction or replacement cost, less an allowance for loss in value due to depreciation. The purchase price allocation resulted in the recognition of $2.8 billion of goodwill, all of which is expected to be amortizable for tax purposes. Substantially all of the goodwill was assigned to our RMS business. The goodwill recognized is attributable to expected revenue synergies generated by the integration of our products and technologies with those of Sikorsky, costs synergies resulting from the consolidation or elimination of certain functions, and intangible assets that do not qualify for separate recognition, such as the assembled workforce of Sikorsky. Determining the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed requires the exercise of significant judgments, including the amount and timing of expected future cash flows, long-term growth rates and discount rates. The cash flows employed in the DCF analyses are based on our best estimate of future sales, earnings and cash flows after considering factors such as general market conditions, customer budgets, existing firm orders, expected future orders, contracts with suppliers, labor agreements, changes in working capital, long term business plans and recent operating performance. Use of different estimates and judgments could yield different results.

What Is The Future For Traditional Pneumatic Systems? Electric systems could become more prominent in future aircraft. https://www.mro-network.com/manufacturing-distribution/what-future-traditionalpneumatic-systems

MRO Network Alex Derber Aug 06, 2018

The Boeing 787 is sometimes called the ‗plastic plane‘ due to its substantial use of carbon fiber, but it also pioneered greater use of electric systems. .... ―With the arrival of ‗more electric‘ aircraft, there is now a consideration between traditional pneumatic or a more electric function,‖ says Bill Dolan, VP engineering for UTC Aerospace Systems, which makes the 787‘s ETS. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Combining Information and Operational Technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmiedt3dofg

YouTube LockheedMartinVideos Publicat pe 6 aug. 2018 ABONAT(Ă) 132 K

Our Manufacturing Technology team is working to ensure that we are combining information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) to effectively and efficiently complete work and perform with excellence.

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Boeing is currently in the process of manufacturing several F-15 fighter jets for Qatar. Defense News Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Defense Affairs Dr. Khalid bin Mohamed al-Attiyah recently inaugurated the F-15QA production line at the company‘s plant in Missouri. Qatar‘s new F-15s will come with a totally remodeled cockpit featuring large panel touch screen displays and a new HUD display developed by BAE systems. The F-15QA, is identical to the F-15SA that Boeing is building for the Royal Saudi Air Force. It has a fly-by-wire flight control system, digital electronic warfare (EW) suite, an infrared search and track (IRST) system, and the Raytheon APG-63(v)3 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. In a typical escort configuration, the Advanced Eagle can carry 16 AIM-120 AMRAAM, four AIM9X Sidewinder short-range missiles; and two High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles. Neither the Qatari MoD nor Boeing disclosed when deliveries of the F-15 (Qatar Advanced) Eagle will begin, but it has been disclosed that they will run through to the end of 2022. The Middle-Eastern nation ordered a total of 36 fighter jets at a cost of $12 billion.

The Swedish government is authorizing its Defense Materiel Administration to finalize the purchase of the Patriot air-defense system. Defense News This authorization paves the way for the delivery of four fire units, missiles, spare parts, maintenance systems, training, and technical support. The USA‘s MIM-104 Phased Array Tracking Radar Intercept on Target (PATRIOT) anti-air missile system offers an advanced backbone for medium-range air defense, and short-range ballistic missile defense, to America and its allies. The latest PAC-3 configuration boosts a number of advanced capabilities allows it to be used for point defense against ballistic missiles. The North-European country is acquiring the missile system as part of a US foreign military sale at a cost of $3.2 billion.

The US State Department is determined to approve a possible foreign military sale to Latvia. Defense News The Eastern-European nation is looking to purchase 4 UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters and related equipment for an estimated cost of $200 million. UH-60M Black Hawk is a medium-lift, rotary-wing helicopter, essentially a modernized version of the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter. The Black Hawk features a glass cockpit featuring fly-by-wire Common Avionics Architecture System (CAAS) and a digitized 1553 bus-based avionics suite. The airframe is powered by two General Electric T700-GE-701D engines that generate a maximum take-off power of 2,974kW and one engine inoperative (OEI) power of 1,447kW. The UH-60M can fly at a maximum cruise speed of 280km/h and offers a maximum range of 511km. Some of the major features include wire strike protection system, anti-plow keel beams, rotor de-icing provisions, active vibration control system, foldable stabilizer and tail pylon. The deal includes the four helicopters in standard USG configuration with designated unique equipment and other systems ranging from embedded GPS to FLIR systems. Page 16 of 46

Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE The story of M4 Carbine (6, a început cu 297) https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-usas-m4-carbine-controversy-03289/

Defense Industry Daily The Cry for Competition: How Much Is That HK In the Window? The HK416 isn‘t the only alternative out there by any means – but it has been a catalytic alternative. In an analogous situation, limited USMC deployment of mineresistant vehicles like Force Protection’s Cougar and Buffalo in Iraq, and the contrast between v-hulled casualties and Hummer casualties, led to a cascade that now looks set to remove the Hummer from a front-line combat role. The technology to deal with insurgencies that used land-mines has been proven for over 30 years – but awareness of that fact didn‘t rise within the US military and among its political overseers until an obvious counter-example was fielded. One that demonstrated proven alternatives to the limited options people had previous been shown. Likewise, the use of the high-commonality HK416 has served to sharpen awareness that the M4 might not be the best option on offer for US forces. Couple that with a major buy that looks set to re-equip large sections of the US military with a new battle rifle, and the question ―what if we can do better?‖ starts to take on real resonance. The Army‘s $375 million sole-source carbine procurement, on the basis of specifications that have not been changed to reflect these realities, is starting to raise hackles – and attract a wide spectrum of opponents. Gannett‘s Army Times quoted former Army vice chief of staff Gen. Jack Keane (ret.), who tried at the end of his tenure to update the USA‘s infantry rifle with the XM-8 project, as saying: “We are not saying the [M4 and M16 are] bad,” said “The issue for me is do our soldiers have the best rifle in their hands… The fact of the matter is that technology changes every 10 or 15 years and we should be changing with it. And that has not been our case. We have been sitting on this thing for far too long.” An aide to Sen. Tom Coburn [R-OK] agreed, and added that the substantial price reduction created by the mere threat of an open competition in 2006 was evidence that Colt had been using its sole-source status to overcharge the government. The Senator has sent a formal letter to the Secretary of the Army requesting an open competition in order to ensure both the best deal, and the best off-the shelf rifle that incorporates modern improvements. The winner could well be Colt, said Coburn‘s aide – but they should have to prove it, and earn it. ―This is supposed to be a battle rifle.‖ He said. ―We‘re supposed to have a rifle that just doesn‘t jam.‖ Impossible, of course – but one that jams far less often, and requires far less maintenance to avoid jams, while offering all of the M4‘s compactness and add-on ease… that would represent a significant step forward. Ironically, even Colt may have a better system ready to go. In a letter to Army Times magazine, Colt COO James R. Battaglini (US Marine Corps Maj. Gen., ret.) said: “The gas piston system in the H&K 416 is not a new system. Rifles were being designed with these systems in the 1920‟s. Colt proposed a piston operated weapon to the Army in the early 1960‟s. Today Colt Defense has the ability and expertise to manufacture in great numbers piston system carbines of exceptional quality should the U.S. military services initiate a combat requirement for this type of weapon” Unfortunately, fighting the Army for improvements is no easy task. Colt CEO William Keys, who is also a retired USMC General, explained out to Army Times that Colt has to build what the US Army asks for, to the Army‘s exact specifications: Page 17 of 46

“If we have a change that we think would help the gun, we go to the Army… which is not an easy process, by the way. We spent 20 years trying to get [an extractor] spring changed. They just said „well, this works good enough.‟ “ Sen. Coburn‘s letter to Secretary of the Army Peter Green took a dim view of this entire situation: “I am concerned about the Army‟s plans to procure nearly a half a million new rifles outside the any competitive procurement process… There is nothing more important to a soldier than their rifle, and there is simply no excuse for not providing our soldiers with the best weapon – not just a weapon that is “good enough”… In the years following the Army‟s requirements document [DID: for the M4 in the early 1990s], a number of manufacturers have researched, tested, and fielded weapons which, by all accounts, appear to provide significantly improved reliability. To fail to allow a free and open competition of these operational weapons is unacceptable… I believe the Army needs to rapidly revise its rifle and carbine requirements. Free and open competition will give our troops the best rifle in the world…” The positions were, and are, clear. The US Army says the M4 isn‘t broken, and adds that an Army-wide fix would cost $1 billion. Critics contend that these costs may be exaggerated given some of the potential solutions, and add that an army already planning to spend $525 million to re-equip the force with M4s has a moral and financial imperative to see if a better rifle exists. Meanwhile, calls about the M16/M4 had been coming in from Oklahoma, and other Senators and representatives had also been hearing from constituents on this matter. By 2007, a second letter from the Senate was likely if the Army dug in its heels – and that letter would have had far more signatures at the bottom. In the end, however, legislative tactics forced the Army‘s hand. The issue finally came to a head when Sen. Coburn [R-OK] exercised his ability as a Senator to block nomination of the proposed new Secretary of the Army, until the US Army relented and agreed to testing at the Army‘s Aberdeen Test Center in Maryland. Secretary Geren was confirmed shortly thereafter, in July 2007. The tests were conducted. The M4 finished last. The Army declared that performance to be acceptable. By 2010, however, there were noises about an ―Individual Carbine Competition‖, which became a full solicitation. A number of firms are lining up to provide new designs for the Army‘s next-generation carbine, including Colt. Some of them even offer alternate caliber options that could make a real difference to lethality at range, a serious need in environments like Afghanistan. By August 2011, known competitors and designs included:  Colt: CM901 multicaliber rifle (5.56mm through 7.62mm)  ADCOR: B.E.A.R. Elite (5.56mm)  FN USA: SCAR-16 (5.56mm)  HK USA: HK416 (5.56mm).  Remington: Adaptive Combat Rifle multi-caliber (5.56mm, 6.5mm Grendel, or 6.8mm) Smith & Wesson was also reported to be entering the competition, but eventually decided not to take part. The bigger question is whether this competition, like the ones before it, will ultimately prove to be an expensive mirage. As of April 2013, in the words of the old magic 8ball, ―signs point to yes.‖ Though one could also use ―outlook not so good.‖

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Kalashnikov: Around the World. Hungarian AKs (Part 1/3) https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2017/12/26/kalashnikov-around-worldhungarian-aks-part-1/

The Firearm Blog Posted December 26, 2017

Kalashnikov Media has started a video series called ―Kalashnikov: Around the World‖. The purpose of these videos is to tell about the Kalashnikov rifles made in different countries of the world. This video series consists of short videos briefly teasing separate rifles (like AMP-69 that we posted about earlier) and more comprehensive ones in a format of an interview where Vladimir Onokoy, the technical consultant of Kalashnikov Concern, is the host and Pavel Pticin, the founder of ak-info.ru website, is the guest. Images by Kalashnikov Media and Vladimir Onokoy The interview videos start with ones telling about Hungarian AKs. You can find below the link to the Part 1. Watch the video first then let‘s discuss what we learned from it or read the article then watch the video for a more in-depth information. The video is partially in English and the part that is in Russian has English subtitles. https://kalashnikov.media/en/media/videolibrary/4516678 Hungary was one of the first countries besides the Soviet Union to start manufacturing AK rifles. Hungarian specialists (along with Chinese and Czechoslovakian ones) traveled to the Soviet Union in 1953 to learn the manufacturing technology of the rifles. The first Hungarian AKs were mass produced in 1959-1960. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Practical Accuracy of the AK in 7.62 and 5.56 by 9-Hole Reviews https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/08/05/practical-accuracy-of-the-ak-in-762-and-5-56-by-9-hole-reviews/

The Firearm Blog Posted 2 days ago

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Over the years, conducting trials in different countries, I had countless opportunities to test the accuracy of an AK in multiple calibers. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions regarding AK accuracy, and despite people putting out good information out there, a lot of folks still think that Kalashnikov rifle can‘t hit the broad side of a barn past 100 yards. The Russian military accuracy requirement for an AK is 15 centimeters (about 5 MOA). I‘ve never seen an AK that would shoot worse than 4 MOA, and some guns are capable of consistent 1.5-2 MOA groups, with the majority of weapons demonstrating 3-4 MOA groups. For anyone who is into Kalashnikovs, this is just common knowledge, but it was not always like that. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Insights 12 arrested for making, selling guns in Hunan China.org.cn03:03

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Embassy on Israeli jets at Croatia's offensive celebration B9210:28 Mon, 06 Aug

Lockheed Martin claims both USAF hypersonic programmes FlightGlobal19:17 Tue, 07 Aug

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Rocket Lab Signs Deal for 10 Dedicated Electron Launches Parabolic Arc02:14

Senate Democrats, with Few Exceptions, are a Gang of War-Mongers CounterPunch11:58 Tue, 07 Aug

Strictly regulate sale of semi-automatics, accessories, and ammo, urge US trauma doctors BrightSurf.com02:04

Taiwan allocates 21.3% of proposed defense budget to indigenous arms Focus Taiwan10:38 Mon, 06 Aug

The 1986 Plastic Gun Panic Reason03:27

The Good Old Days of the Cold War: U.S.-Soviet Cooperation on Nonproliferation War on the Rocks11:06 Tue, 07 Aug

USAF reveals intentions to acquire light attack fighter fleet FlightGlobal19:40 Mon, 06 Aug

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Cap. ITC DISA’s new chief of staff to focus on mission partners https://www.c4isrnet.com/disa/2018/08/07/disas-new-chief-of-staff-to-focus-onmission-partners/

Defense News By: Maddy Longwell 8 hours ago

Col. Bradley Barnhart has been named DISA's new chief of staff, the agency announced Aug. 6. (Staff Sgt. Matt Davis/Air Force)

The Defense Information Systems Agency has named Air Force Col. Bradley Barnhart as its new chief of staff. The announcement was made Aug. 6. He will replace DISA‘s previous chief of staff, Col. Joel Lindeman. DISA oversees the operation of DoD networks and IT, as well as significant parts of federal communications, mobility, satellite communications and cloud services. Most recently, Barnhart served as commander of the 844th communications group and director of communications for the Air Force District of Washington, Joint Base Andrews. As chief of staff, Barnhart will manage DISA‘s 8,000 member organization and $12 billion budget. In a statement, Barnhart said he will focus on building trust with DISA‘s mission partners and ensuring the agency meets its commitments. ―I will always have an open door,‖ he said. ―But please also come armed with ideas on how we can improve our customer relationship with our mission partners. There is always more to be done in this area, and my goal, just like the director‘s, is to make DISA the trusted information technology and cyber provider to connect and protect the war fighter in cyberspace.‖

The next step for the Army’s network? The cloud https://www.c4isrnet.com/it-networks/2018/08/07/the-next-step-for-the-armysnetwork-the-cloud/

Defense News By: Mark Pomerleau 10 hours ago

The next step in the Army‘s plan to build a next-generation tactical network is to focus on cloud computing in the tactical environment. After a major review of its network in 2017, the Army decided to halt programs that would not address operational requirements, fix existing programs that were critical to operational shortfalls and pivot to a new acquisition methodology that allows for Page 21 of 46

the rapid insertion of new technology. Now, the Army is creating a common operating environment that enables soldiers from the command post to the vehicle to dismounted patrol to access the same information, a move leaders say will improve mission command.

The Army is setting its sights on tactical cloud computing as it continues to modernize its network. (Photo by Jen Judson/Staff)

To do that, the Army will rely on the cloud and on Aug. 1, service leaders held a tactical cloud computing day for members of industry in Raleigh, NC. ―What we‘re trying to solve is distributed mission command from home station into the tactical edge … to improve rapid decision making in a very lethal, high tempo fight,‖ Maj. Gen. Peter Gallagher, the Army‘s network cross functional team lead, told C4ISRNET during an interview. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Top 100 Cyber Security Companies: Ones to Watch in 2018 https://www.asdreports.com/market-research-content-458159/top-cyber-securitycompanies-ones-watch

Aerospace & Defence - Network Published: May 2018 Pages: 290 Publisher: Visiongain Report code : ASDR-458159

Market Leaders And Innovative Disruptors in Cloud, Endpoint, Net, App, Data, Security Operations & Identification Management • Do you need definitive Cyber Security industry analysis? • Succinct cyber security company profiles? • Technological insight? • Clear competitor analysis? • Actionable business recommendations? Read on to discover how this definitive report can transform your own research and save you time. Page 22 of 46

The aim of the report is to provide an evaluation of the 100 significant major companies in the global Cyber Security industry by detailing their involvement in the market. The report does not claim to include every significant company involved within the market in 2018, but details the leading players showing the most potential within the cyber security market space. If you want to be part of this growing industry, then read on to discover how this report could help you maximise your investment potential. Report highlights The report focuses on providing profiles of the leading and most innovative companies in the cyber security sector and analysing their role in the market and their cyber security based offerings This report aims to look at cyber security companies from an end user perspective. The report will highlight the market overview, the leading 100 companies in the cyber security ecosystem & SWOT analysis of the cyber security market. The report is aimed at business executives who wish to gain an overview and information about the cyber security market‘s leading companies‘ landscape. We believe this will help our clients to understand the industry, technology, market segmentation and geographic breakdown, evaluate suppliers, and map potential usage to the available technologies. Our research will help you to understand the rapidly evolving cyber security market. The report not only profiles the major cyber security companies such as • Symantec • Kaspersky lab • McAfee • VMWare • TrendMicro Plus major defence contractors benefitting from government cyber security contracts • Lockheed Martin Corporation • Raytheon • BAE Systems PLC • IBM • Cisco Systems But also 90 other smaller and innovative companies potentially disrupting the incumbents within the cyber security competitive landscape. The report serves as a guide for Chief Executive Officers, Chief Information Officers, IT Analysts, Software Vendors, Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs), Large Enterprises, Software Developers, Cyber Security Executives, Cyber Security Market Players, and Service Providers to: • Use as a guide for evaluating the potential of the Cyber Security market; • Inform themselves about Cyber Security benefits and issues; • Understand the provider landscape and the offerings; • Anticipate potential IT development and opportunities in the Cyber Security market. Key questions answered • What does the future hold for the cyber security industry? • Where should you target your business strategy? • Which applications should you focus upon? • Which disruptive technologies should you invest in? • Which companies should you form strategic alliances with? • Which company is likely to success and why? • What business models should you adopt? • What industry trends should you be aware of? Page 23 of 46

Target audience • Leading cyber security companies • Suppliers • Contractors • Technologists • R&D staff • Consultants • Analysts • CEO‘s • CIO‘s • COO‘s • Business development managers • Investors • Governments• Agencies • Industry organisations • Banks

Companies Listed 1. Absolute Software Corporation 2. Accenture 3. ActivIdentity 4. Adaptive Methods 5. Adobe Systems 6. Advatech Pacific Inc 7. Agnitio 8. Airbus Defence & Space 9. Airbus Group SE 10. Akamai Cloud Security Solutions 11. Akamai Technologies, Inc. 12. Alfresco 13. AlienVault 14. Allianz 15. Amazon Web Services 16. Anthem 17. Aon 18. Apcon 19. AppAssure. 20. Apple, Inc. 21. Arbor Networks 22. Argon ST 23. Arkoon Network Security 24. Arturai 25. AT&T Inc 26. Aurora Flight Sciences 27. Autodesk 28. Avast 29. Avaya Devconnect 30. AVG Technologies Page 24 of 46

31. Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG 32. AWS Security Services 33. BA Internet Solutions 34. BAE Intelligence and Security 35. BAE Systems Applied Intelligence 36. BAE Systems plc 37. Bain & Co 38. Barclays Bank 39. Barracuda Networks, Inc 40. Bay Dynamics 41. Bayshore Networks, LLC 42. Belden Inc 43. Berkeley Varitronics 44. Bitdefender 45. Blue Coat 46. Boeing Capital 47. Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA) 48. Boeing Company 49. Boeing Cyber Engagement Center (CEC) 50. Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS) 51. Boeing Information Solutions 52. Boeing Shared Services Group 53. Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. 54. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 55. Box 56. Bromium 57. BT Group plc

58. CACI International 59. Canonical 60. Carbon Black 61. Cassidian Cybersecurity 62. CDN Solutions 63. Centrify Corporation 64. CertainSafe 65. Check Point Software Technologies Ltd 66. China Telecom Cloud Computing Corporation 67. Cisco Security Group 68. Cisco Systems, Inc. 69. Clavister 70. Clearswift 71. Clearwater Compliance 72. Cloudera 73. Cloudflare 74. Coalfire 75. Code DX 76. Code42 77. Cognizant Technology Solutions 78. Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) 79. Conexsys 80. Contact Solutions 81. Contrail Security 82. Core Security 83. CoreLabs 84. Corero Network Security, Inc 85. Credant Technologies. 86. Crossbeam 87. Crowdstrike. 88. CYAN Networks 89. Cybera 90. CyberArk 91. Cyphort 92. Cyren 93. DarkMatter 94. DB Networks 95. Decision Lab 96. Deep Instinct 97. Deep Root Analytics 98. Dell Federal Systems LP 99. Dell Inc. 100. Dell SecureWorks 101. Deloitte Consulting LLP 102. Deutsche Telekom AG 103. Diebold Nixdorf 104. Dolby 105. DRS Technologies Inc 106. DXC Technology Page 25 of 46

107. Easy Solutions 108. Elderwood Group, 109. Eletrobras 110. EMC Corporation 111. Engility Holdings, Inc. 112. Eurocopter 113. Expedia 114. EY 115. F5 116. FedEx 117. Finjan Blue, Inc. 118. Finjan Holdings 119. Finjan Mobile, Inc. 120. Finjan, Inc. 121. Finmeccanica S.p.A. 122. FireEye, Inc. 123. FluencySecurity 124. Follett 125. Forcepoint 126. Fortinet, Inc. 127. F-Secure Corporation 128. Fujitsu 129. GE 130. Gemalto 131. Genentech 132. General Dynamics Corporation 133. Genesys 134. Global Technical Systems 135. Google 136. Guidance Software 137. Gulfstream Aerospace. 138. Hastings Direct 139. HCL Comnet 140. Herjavec Group 141. Hewlett-Packard (HP) 142. High-Tech Bridge 143. HP Enterprise Services (HPE) 144. Huawei 145. IBM Corporation 146. IBM Security 147. IDolody 148. Incedo 149. Infosys, Optiv 150. Insight Technology, Inc., 151. Intel Corporation 152. intelligence AG 153. InterContinental Hotels Group 154. Ionic Security

155. IPC 156. IT Security 157. Jones & Frank 158. JP Morgan Chase 159. Juniper Networks 160. KACE Networks 161. Kaspersky Lab 162. Keypoint Government Solutions 163. Kollmorgen ElectroOptical 164. KPMG 165. Kroll 166. L-3 Communications 167. L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. 168. L3 Technologies Holdings, Inc. 169. Lastline 170. Leidos 171. Lenovo 172. Leonardo 173. Level 3 174. LinkedIn 175. Lockheed Martin Corporation 176. Lockheed‘s Global Services and Information Systems 177. Maersk 178. Malwarebytes 179. Mandiant 180. McAfee LLC 181. McAfee, Inc. 182. Microsoft Corporation 183. Microsoft Partner 184. Mimecast 185. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) 186. MobileIron Inc. 187. Morgan Advanced Materials PLC 188. Morphick, Inc. 189. MPC 190. NASDAQ 191. National Geographic 192. NBC Sports Group 193. NCP engineering 194. Netasq 195. Netflix 196. Netskope 197. New York Times Page 26 of 46

198. Nexusguard 199. Northrop Grumman Corporation. 200. Novell 201. NTT 202. O2 203. Okta 204. OPSWAT 205. Optiv 206. Oracle/Sun 207. Orbital ATK 208. PA Consulting 209. Palantir Technologies, Inc 210. Palo Alto Networks Inc. 211. Panda Security 212. Patriot One Technologies 213. Percipient Networks 214. Perot Systems 215. Ping Identity 216. Primera Blue Cross 217. Proofpoint, Inc., 218. PwC 219. QRadar 220. Qualcomm 221. Qualys 222. Quest Software 223. Rackspace 224. Radware 225. Raytheon Company 226. Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems 227. Raytheon SI Government Solutions Inc 228. Red Canary 229. Ricardo 230. Roche 231. Rosneft 232. RSA Security 233. RUAG Cyber Security 234. Saudi Aramco 235. Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), 236. SecuEra 237. Securecast 238. SecureWorks Inc 239. Security Compass 240. SELEX ES 241. SENGEX 242. Sera-Brynn, LLC 243. Serco Inc.

244. Shell 245. SignalSense 246. SkyHigh Networks 247. Sonian 248. SonicWall Inc. 249. Sony Corporation 250. Sony Pictures Entertainment 251. Sophos Ltd. 252. Sourcefire, Inc. 253. Spartan 254. SpeechPro 255. Splunk 256. Sqrrl Data 257. SRA International 258. SurfEasy 259. Symantec Corporation 260. Synergy Systems 261. Synnex 262. Tanium 263. Target 264. Taringa 265. Tasc Inc 266. Tata Communications 267. Tech Mahindra 268. Telco Systems 269. Telstra 270. Texas Hospital Association 271. Thales Group 272. Thoma Bravo 273. Toshiba 274. TrendMicro, Inc.

275. Tripwire, Inc. 276. True North Automation 277. Tumblr 278. TV5Monde 279. Twitter 280. Uber 281. Ultra Electronics Holdings 282. Unicredit 283. Unisys 284. vArmour 285. Vector 286. Vencore Holding Corp. 287. Veracode 288. Verizon 289. Vigilant 290. Virtual Armour 291. VK.com 292. VMware 293. Warburg Pincus 294. Watch Guard 295. Webroot 296. Websense 297. Wipro 298. WPP 299. X15 Software 300. Yahoo 301. YTN 302. Zimperium 303. Zurich Insurance 304. Zurich Ireland

Organisations mentioned 1. Applied Computer Security Associates (ACSA) 2. Bank of England 3. CBEST 4. Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) 5. Computing Research Association's Committee on the Status of Women 6. n Computing Research (CRA-W) 7. DARPA 8. Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) 9. Defense Intelligence Agency 10. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) 11. Department of Homeland Security 12. Estonian Ministry of Defense 13. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 14. HIPAA 15. Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) 16. INTERPOL Page 27 of 46

17. ISA Security Compliance Institute (ISCI) 18. Joint IED Defeat OrganisationMinistry of External Affairs 19. Ministry of Home Affairs 20. NASA 21. National Security Agency (NSA) 22. NATO 23. NCSC 24. NIST 25. People‘s Liberation Army (PLA) 26. Redstone Arsenal 27. Sandia National Laboratories 28. Security Industry Association 29. Singapore‘s INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) 30. SOC 31. UK Highways Agency 32. UK MODUK Skills Funding Agency 33. US Air Force 34. US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) 35. US Army Regional Cyber Center-Europe, 5th Signal Command 36. US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 37. US Department of Defense 38. US Department of Defense (DoD) 39. US Department of Defense Chief Information Office 40. US Department of Homeland Security 41. US Department of Justice 42. US DOD Manpower Data Centre 43. US Government‘s Office of Personnel Management (OPM 44. US Marine Corps (USMC) 45. US Marine Corps Enterprise Network 46. US National Reconnaissance Office 47. US Navy (USN) 48. US Navy Information Dominance Force‘s Shore Modernization and Integration Directorate 49. US. Navy 50. World Anti-Doping Agency 51. World Bank

Raytheon builds massive radar development facility complete with robotic helpers https://www.defensenews.com/land/2018/08/07/raytheon-builds-massive-radardevelopment-facility-complete-with-robotic-helpers/

Defense News By: Jen Judson 13 hours ago

ANDOVER, Mass. — Raytheon has built a new massive radar development facility — complete with robotic helpers — to assemble and test its newest radars, but the facility‘s design will take the company‘s radar work well into the future. Meeting visitors at the door of the $72 million addition to Raytheon‘s Andover, Massachusetts, radar production facility is a small square robot flashing purple light, Page 28 of 46

offering a verbal welcome before scooting off to its docking station across the expansive room.

An automated guided vehicle brings parts and tools over to the robotic arm that helps build enormous SPY-6 radars in Raytheon's new state-of-the-art radar development facility, which officially opened in August 2018. (Courtesy of Raytheon)

The Automated Guided Vehicle whisks past an enormous, yellow robotic arm that takes on a life of its own as it inspects the side of an array with a laser, chooses a tool and a part, and gets to work assembling a component. Raytheon will build its AN/SPY-6 radars under contract with the U.S. Navy in the new facility. The company brought its first array under contract there in June, only 18 months after the company decided to begin the project to build the new 30,000square-foot center. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Overcoming the New "Bio-Hazards" of the Spying Game http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/35167

Israel Defense Ami Rojkes Dombe | 6/08/2018

One of the greatest paradoxes of the security world is the fact that anything that is good for terrorists is good for spies as well. One element wants to do evil, the other wants to do good, but as far as the technological aspect is concerned, both are expected to be harmed by the implementation of biometric identification monitoring technologies in the municipal domain Dawn Meyerriecks, Deputy Director of the CIA's Science & Technology Division, recently told CNN that "Digital surveillance, including closed-circuit television and wireless infrastructure in about 30 countries is so good that physical tracking is no longer necessary, but the CIA is spying back. "As of six months ago, the Agency has been pursuing nearly 140 artificial intelligence projects. That way, agents can try to figure out where they are being surveilled and how they might evade the camera eye. Social media and digital tracking in cell phones and other pieces of technology also present a problem.

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Image: Bigstock That is forcing CIA officials to 'live their cover' even more than before, and take steps to trick the digital trackers. Maybe the data says 'you went to see a movie with your family,' but maybe that's not where you actually are. It'll look like your normal pattern of life." ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Northrop Grumman Wins $95 Million Award from Department of Homeland Security to Develop Next-Generation Biometric Identification Services System https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/releases/northrop-grumman-wins-95million-award-from-department-of-homeland-security-to-develop-next-generationbiometric-identification-services-system

Northrop Grumman Cyber MCLEAN, Va. – Feb. 26, 2018 –

Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) has been awarded a $95 million contract by the Department of Homeland Security‘s (DHS) Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM) to develop increments one and two of the Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology (HART) system. Northrop Grumman will serve as systems developer and integrator for this 42-month effort. HART is the organization‘s next-generation recognition program, replacing the Automated Biometric Identity System (IDENT) built in the 1990s. HART is a more robust system than its predecessor and when fully implemented will perform multimodal biometric identification of individuals to enable both national security and public safety as well as benefits and services. Supporting DHS and its mission partners, HART will help the government keep pace with the growing sophistication of threats to our homeland. ―Northrop Grumman is proud to support the DHS in taking this critical biometric identity technology to the next level,‖ said Bobby Lentz, vice president, global cyber Page 30 of 46

solutions, cyber and intelligence mission solutions division, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems. ―As threats continue to evolve, HART will offer a more accurate, robust way to identify adversaries in a secure, affordable manner that scales to future needs and ensures interagency data sharing. We‘re applying advanced, proven technologies to deliver a system that performs well into the future and is poised to grow to meet tomorrow‘s homeland security needs.‖ When fully implemented, the Northrop Grumman-developed HART will feature multimodal processing and matching technology that uses a combination of face, finger and iris biometrics meeting DHS accuracy requirements. A keen focus on safeguarding personally identifiable information as well as ensuring the critical sharing of data across interagency partners underpins the technology. Using HART‘s scalable architecture, the technology will allow for vastly increased transaction volumes, new modalities and mission growth for the nation‘s largest biometric system. IDENT, originally developed in 1994, is currently the DHS-wide system for the storage and processing of biometric and limited biographic information for DHS national security, law enforcement, immigration, intelligence and other DHS missionrelated functions. The Office of Biometric Identity Management supports the Department of Homeland Security's responsibility to protect the nation by providing biometric identification services that help federal, state and local government decision makers accurately identify the people they encounter and determine whether those people pose a risk to the United States. Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit news.northropgrumman.com and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information.

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Nakasone said during his first public remarks since taking command. ―This is a dynamic force that comes and goes.‖


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Marina Română merită ce e mai bun! Naval Group și Șantierul Naval Constanța propun Gowind 2500 Forțelor Navale Române https://www.stiripesurse.ro/marina-romana-merita-ce-e-mai-bun-naval-group-iantierul-naval-constan-a-propun-gowind-2500-for-elor-navale-romane_1282100.html

Știri pe surse Florin Pușcaș, Redactor Publicat: 07/08/2018

Naval Group, lider european în construcția de nave militare, și Șantierul Naval Constanța, partenerul strategic al Marinei Române, propun corvetele din clasa Gowind 2500 pentru dotarea Forţelor Navale Române. Corvetele din gama Gowind se remarca prin modularite și prin capacitatea de a fi adapte cu ușurință cerințelor clientului, fie că e vorba de caracteristici tehnice sau echiparea cu armament de ultimă generație. Grație experientei unice si celor mai performante tehnologii militare dezvoltate, Naval Group a fost selectată să construiască 12 corvete Gowind® 2500 pentru Malaezia, Egipt și Emiratele Arabe Unite. Corvetele comandate sau în curs de construcție se remară prin caracteristicile tehnice superioare și echipamentele de luptă de ultimă generație utilizate de companie, dar evidențiază și expertiza semnificativă a constructorului francez de nave militare în ceea ce privește stabilirea unor parteneriate inovatoare, ambițioase și sustenabile cu partenerii locali, care implică un amplu transfer de tehnologie. În 2011, Malaezia a fost prima țară care a contractat șase corvete din gama Gowind. Acestea sunt construite de partenerul local Boustead Naval Shipyard cu asistență tehnică franceză. Marina Egipteană a comandat în 2014 patru corvete Gowind 2500. Prima corvetă a fost realizată în Franța, la Lorient, și livrată Egiptului anului trecut, iar celelalte sunt construite în Alexandria, în baza unui acord de transfer tehnologic. Anul trecut, Naval Group a semnat un nou contract pentru a livra două corvete Emiratelor Arabe Unite. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Naval Group si Santierul Naval Constanta propun Gowind 2500 Fortelor Navale Romane http://www.ziare.com/stiri/armata/naval-group-si-santierul-naval-constanta-propungowind-2500-fortelor-navale-romane-1524558

ziare.com de Comunicat de presa Marti, 07 August 2018, ora 10:51

..... Corvetele Gowind 2500 comandate de Egipt au 102 metri lungime, 16 metri latime si un deplasament de 2.600 de tone. Pe langa sistemul de rachete suprafata-aer 16 VL Mica si opt rachete anti-nava Exocet MM40 Block 3, corvetele Marinei Egiptene sunt echipate cu un tun de 76 mm, doua tunuri rapide de 20 mm si tuburi lanstorpile. Printre alte caracteristici se numara si un hangar care gazduieste un elicopter de 10 tone. Corvetele sunt construite pentru un echipaj format din 80 de persoane. Sistemul de propulsie diesel 10MW ofera o viteza maxima de 25 de noduri si o autonomie de 3700 de mile marine la o viteza de 15 noduri. Marina Regala Malaeziana a avut cerinte cu totul diferite in ceea ce priveste corvetele: acestea pot atinge o viteza maxima mai mare si au spatiu suplimentar pentru echipaj. Corvetele comandate de Marina Regala Malaeziana au o lungime de Page 33 of 46

110 metri, un deplasament de 3,100 de tone si pot acomoda un echipaj format din 138 de persoane. Armamentul este si el diferit fata de cel comandat de Marina Egipteana. Corvetele Marinei Regale Malaeziene sunt echipate cu tunuri de 30 mm si rachete anti-nava NSM produse de compania norvegiana Kongsberg. Atat corvetele comandate de Marina Egipteana, cat si corvetele comandate de Marina Regala Malaeziana vor fi echipate cu sistemul de management al luptei de ultima generatie SETIS - rezultatul experientei indelungate a Naval Group in proiectarea sistemelor integrate, multi-misiune si de lupta. Datorita sistemul SETIS, care ofera cele mai bune solutii de gestionare si de luare a deciziilor, Gowind® 2500 asigura suprematia in lupta pe mare si face fata cu succes atat amenintarilor conventionale, cat si celor asimetrice. Naval Group este unul dintre putinii constructori la nivel mondial de portavioane, submarine nucleare si nave militare de ultima generatie. Cu actionar majoritar statul francez, Naval Group este principalul furnizor al Marinei Franceze. Cu o vasta experienta in contracararea amenintarii prezentate de submarinele rusesti in Atlantic si Mediterana, Marina Franceza este cea mai prezenta in Marea Neagra, in cadrul unor misiuni si exercitii NATO. Santierul Naval Constanta este unul dintre cele mai mari santiere de constructii, reparatii si conversii de nave din Europa, ocupand o suprafata de aproximativ 800.000 mp. Este auditat international in privinta capabilitatii de a construi nave militare de tipul corvetelor, dar si de dimensiuni mult mai mari. Santierul Naval Constanta este partenerul strategic al Fortelor Navale Romane in reparatia si modernizarea celor mai importante nave, deruland mai multe programe in acest sens cu Marina Romana. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Propunerea Șantierului Naval Constanța, în parteneriat cu francezii de la Naval Group: corvetele din clasa Gowind 2500 pentru dotarea Forţelor Navale https://tomisnews.ro/propunerea-santierului-naval-constanta-in-parteneriat-cu-francezii-de-lanaval-group-corvetele-din-clasa-gowind-2500-pentru-dotarea-fortelor-navale/

Tomis news 7 august 2018 Marius Florian

Anul trecut, Naval Group a semnat un nou contract pentru a livra două corvete Emiratelor Arabe Unite. Page 34 of 46

„Grație experientei unice si celor mai performante tehnologii militare dezvoltate, Naval Group a fost selectată să construiască 12 corvete Gowind® 2500 pentru Malaezia, Egipt și Emiratele Arabe Unite. Corvetele comandate sau în curs de construcție se remară prin caracteristicile tehnice superioare și echipamentele de luptă de ultimă generație utilizate de companie, dar evidențiază și expertiza semnificativă a constructorului francez de nave militare în ceea ce privește stabilirea unor parteneriate inovatoare, ambițioase și sustenabile cu partenerii locali, care implică un amplu transfer de tehnologie”, precizează cei doi parteneri printr-un comunicat comun. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... http://www.cronicavip.ro/general/naval-group-si-santierul-naval-constanta-propungowind-2500-fortelor-navale-romane http://www.ziuanews.ro/revista-presei/santierul-naval-constanta-alaturi-de-navalgroup-intra-in-competitia-constructiei-de-corvete-militare-980920

Northrop Grumman Supports Final Critical Design Review for the USCG Offshore Patrol Cutter https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/releases/northrop-grumman-supports-finalcritical-design-review-for-the-uscg-offshore-patrol-cutter

Northrop Grumman August 06, 2018 CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.

The Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter. Rendering courtesy Eastern Shipbuilding Group.

Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) supported Eastern Shipbuilding Group (ESG) in their Final Critical Design Review (FCDR) for the U.S. Coast Guard‘s (USCG) Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) Program. Northrop Grumman serves as ESG‘s C4ISR and control systems integrator for OPC, with responsibilities that include the integrated bridge, navigation, command and control, computing network, data distribution, machinery control, and propulsion control system design and production. ―Northrop Grumman has been a trusted member of the ESG team since the inception of the OPC program,‖ said Joey D‘Isernia, president, ESG. ―Their expertise in systems design and integration has contributed to ESG‘s ongoing success in achieving the USCG‘s requirements for the OPC platform.‖ ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 35 of 46

NAVAL GROUP Defense & Space Paris cedex 15 52,425 followers https://www.linkedin.com/company/naval-group/

LinkedIn About us Naval Group believes that the sea is central to our planet‘s future. As a world leader in naval defence and an innovator in the energy sector, the Group is developing advanced technology and solutions to secure the future and sustainably develop the planet's potential. Its leadership is built on a proven ability to meet customer needs by combining exceptional know-how with unique industrial resources. DCNS designs and builds submarines and surface combatants, develops associated systems and infrastructure, and offers a full range of services to naval bases and shipyards. The Group has also expanded its focus into civil nuclear engineering and marine renewable energy. As a responsible corporate citizen, DCNS was one of the first major defence groups to achieve full certification to ISO 14001. The DCNS Group employs 13,200 people and generates annual revenues of €2.9 billion. www.navalgroup.com Company details Website http://www.naval-group.com Headquarters Paris cedex 15 Company type Public Company Company size 10,001+ employees Specialties Construction navale, Energies marines renouvelables, Nucléaire civil, and cybersécurité 2 Office locations Siège (Main) 40-42 rue du docteur FInlay, Paris cedex 15, 75732, fr Latitude 20 280, Avenue Aristide Briand, Bagneux, Île-de-France 92220, fr

Total employee count Based on LinkedIn data. Excludes subsidiaries.

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Recent senior management hires 

Frederic M. Chief Procurement Officer November 2017

Aurore Neuschwander Vice President Strategy November 2017 

Vincent GEIGER Vice president RESEARCH September 2017 

Alexandra Pieton COO July 2017

Affiliated Companies NAVAL GROUP AUSTRALIA

Din nou despre LRPV-urile pentru Norvegia https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/din-nou-despre-lrpv-urile-pentru-norvegia

Romania Military Cristian Ganciu 7 august 2018 - 6:30

La inceputul lunii iulie va spuneam ca santierul naval Vard Tulcea va construi 3 LRPV-uri pentru Garda de Coasta a Norvegiei. Articolul il gasiti AICI: Foarte pe scurt, este vorba despre nave cu lungimea de 136m, latimea (la linia de plutire) de 22m, capacitate de navigare prin gheata. Navele sunt destinate sa inlocuisca navele clasei Nordkapp, avand ca misiuni declarate: patrularea pe distante mari, supraveghere, search & rescue, curatarea deversarilor de hidrocarburi. Livrarea navelor catre Garda de Coasta a Norvegiei urmeaza sa aiba loc esalonat, in 2022, 2023 si 2024, in primul trimestru al fiecarui an. Santierul Vard Tulcea va construi corpurile navelor pe care va trebui sa le livreze catre santierul Vard Langsten, cu cca. un an inainte de termenele mentionate mai sus, pentru a-i da timp sa efectueze asamblarea finala, armarea si probele, inainte de livrarea catre beneficiarul final.

Noua clasa de nave Stiam ca norvegienii au solicitat ca navele sa fie construite, din ratiuni de securitate, intr-un santier norvegian ceea ce m-a facut sa cred ca nu erau simple nave de Page 37 of 46

adunat titeiul din apa iar datele gasite despre navele clasei Nordkapp mi-au confirmat ca norvegienii se gandesc la o utilizare duala, pentru timp de pace si, inarmate suplimentar, pentru timp de razboi. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Concerte şi artificii spectaculoase la Şantierul Naval Damen, de Ziua Marinei https://www.monitoruldegalati.ro/stirea-zilei/concerte-si-artificii-spectaculoase-lasantierul-naval-damen,-de-ziua-marinei.html

Monitorul - Galaţi Veronica AFTENE Marți, 07 August 2018 11:07

Şantierul Naval din Galaţi se află la ceas aniversar, anul acestă împlinindu-se 125 de ani de la înfiinţarea acestuia. Şantierul gălăţean s-a dovedit, încă de la înfiinţare, unul din pilonii economiei locale şi naţionale. Patronatul şantierului gălăţean, Grupul Damen, s-a decis ca anul acesta, să ofere angajaţilor, colaboratorilor şi clienţilor, o petrecere ca-n poveşti pentru a marca aniversarea celor 125 de ani. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Insights Accord Naval Group-Fincantieri: Paris ne veut pas de précipitation Reuters15:05 Wed, 01 Aug

Fincantieri, Tria e Le Maire: avanti alleanza con Naval Group ASCA News13:20 Wed, 01 Aug

French firm Naval Group releases financial results from first half of 2018 Defense News23:02 Wed, 18 Jul

Governments receive plans for industrial tie-up between Fincantieri, Naval Group Defense News17:59 Thu, 12 Jul

LEAD 1-Accord Naval Group-Fincantieri-Paris ne veut pas de précipitation Reuters.fr14:57 Wed, 01 Aug

Marina Română merită ce e mai bun! Naval Group și Șantierul Naval Constanța propun Gowind 2500 Forțelor Navale Române Stiripesurse.ro12:47 Tue, 07 Aug

NATO, cu ochii pe Marea Neagra. Naval Group si Santierul Naval Constanta, pregatite sa raspunda nevoilor Marinei Romane Ziare.com13:01 Fri, 13 Jul

NATO, cu ochii pe Marea Neagră. Naval Group și Șantierul Naval Constanța, cu cea mai bună ofertă pentru Marina Română Stiripesurse.ro13:07 Fri, 13 Jul

Naval Group arrête l'hydrolien et ferme son usine de Cherbourg BFMTV21:46 Thu, 26 Jul

Naval Group met fin à ses investissements dans l'hydrolien Reuters.fr12:36 Fri, 27 Jul

Naval Group remains focused on Central Europe Shephard.co.uk15:08 Tue, 17 Jul

Naval Group revenues up 10% in first half of 2018 IHS Jane's19:50 Tue, 24 Jul

President Ilham Aliyev met with Chairman and CEO of Naval Group in Paris Azeri-Press Agency20:30 Thu, 19 Jul

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MICA NG Missile d’Interception, de Combat et d’Autodéfense – MICA, mai cunoscut. https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/mica-ng

Romania Military George GMT 8 august 2018 - 6:00

Stirea este scurta dar implicatiile ar putea fi mari pentru Romania. Astfel, Franta s-a hotarat sa lanseze productia noi rachete MICA NG (raza +40km), am mai scris despre asta, si sa-si inlocuiasca intregul stoc de rachete MICA cu noua NG (intre 2018 si 2030). Doar ca ca din 2018 incepe retragerea MICA din aviatia franceza, introducerea MICA NG va demara abia din 2026.

Noua racheta va dispune, ca si predecesoarea sa, de doua variante de ghidare, infrarosu (IIR) si radar (RF). Livrarile, pentru Franta, vor avea loc intre 2026 si 2031. Intersant este faptul ca noua NG va avea exact aceleasi dimensiuni cu MICA clasica, astfel va putea fi folosita fara a fi nevoie de modificari pe avioane sau lansatoarele de la sol/nave. Cam aceasta este stirea, implicatiile pentru noi sunt mai profunde si au legatura atat cu programul naval (unde NAVAL Group si Fincantieri ofera VL Mica) cat mai ales cu programul SHORAD, program care prevede achizitionare a 21-22 baterii solaer impreuna cu un stoc de rachete (apreciem noi) de peste 300 de rachete (in cazul in care am cumpara VL Mica, o baterie are patru masini lansatoare a patru rachete fiecare, deci 21x4x4=336 rachete pentru un singur plin). ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. DECIZIONAL Fifor: În septembrie va fi făcută plata pentru al doilea sistem Patriot, în valoare de 2.486 de miliarde lei https://www.agerpres.ro/justitie/2018/08/07/fifor-in-septembrie-va-fi-facuta-platapentru-al-doilea-sistem-patriot-in-valoare-de-2-486-de-miliarde-lei--157257

AGERPRES autor: Florentina Peia, editor: Andreea Rotaru, imagini: Dan Mihalcea, redactor video: Alberta Forgiarini, grafician: Liliana Iordan, editor online: Anda Badea

"Am început procedurile în mai multe programe esenţiale de înzestrare pentru Armata României, aflate în prezent în diferite faze de realizare. Intenţia noastră în acest domeniu este implicarea cât mai mare a industriei naţionale de apărare prin Page 41 of 46

operaţiuni compensatorii de tip offset. În programul sisteme de rachete sol - aer cu bătaie mare, cunoscute ca Patriot, care are ca obiectiv achiziţia a şapte sisteme de rachete sol - aer cu bătaie mare, (...) a fost făcută prima plată în valoare de 745 de milioane de dolari în luna decembrie a anului trecut, iar Departamentul de Apărare al SUA a atribuit deja contractul de începere a construcţiei primei unităţi Patriot pentru România. Urmează ca în luna septembrie a acestui an să fie făcută a doua plată, în valoare de 2.486 de miliarde de lei, practic plătim cel de-al doilea sistem", a explicat Fifor, într-o conferinţă de presă, cu prilejul prezentării bilanţului activităţii din primul semestru al acestui an. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Fifor: Sperăm ca în septembrie să anunţăm o cooperare cu companii recunoscute pentru producţia de vaccinuri la Institutul ''Cantacuzino'' https://www.agerpres.ro/politica/2018/08/07/fifor-speram-ca-in-septembrie-saanuntam-o-cooperare-cu-companii-recunoscute-pentru-productia-de-vaccinuri-lainstitutul-cantacuzino--157316

AGERPRES autor: Florentina Peia, editor: Andreea Rotaru, imagini: Dan Mihalcea, redactor video: Alberta Forgiarini, grafician: Liliana Iordan, editor online: Anda Badea

"În ceea ce priveşte Institutul Cantacuzino, cred că de fapt aceasta a fost şi este cea mai mare provocare a MApN pentru acest an. Faptul că în decembrie anul trecut neam asumat preluarea institutului înseamnă o imensă responsabilitate şi o capacitate de a restabili lucrurile şi de a le readuce pe făgaşul normal. (...) A fost instituţia de cercetare cu resursa umană cea mai rarefiată. Anul acesta am decis să scoatem la concurs peste 200 de posturi vacante pentru a acoperi necesarul de personal în cadrul institutului (...). Ţinta finală aprobată prin HG este ca Institutul Cantacuzino să fie deservit de 1.075 de posturi, iar anul acesta numărul de angajaţi să crească până la 570 de angajaţi", a spus ministrul într-o conferinţă de presă în care a prezentat un bilanţ al mandatului în primele şase luni ale anului. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur


1 aug.2018 4,6255 5,1949 3,9610 155,6619

2 aug.2018 4,6217 5,2026 3,9799 155,6655

3 aug.2018 4,6206 5,1905 3,9908 154,9644

6 aug.2018 4,6250 5,1861 4,0000 155,8101

6 aug.2018 4,6428 5,1933 4,0055 156,5112


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5.5 5

5.1861 4.6695
































168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18

158 156 154


152 27-08-18



















grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Cap. MacroE Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (7, a început cu #296) Macroeconomic stability – a stepstone towards security and diplomatic standing Recent developments in Romania http://www.bnro.ro/Prezentari-si-interviuri--1332.aspx

Banca Națională a României Mugur Isărescu, Guvernatorul BNR

Page 43 of 46

Robust growth of industrial output ...

Source: National Institute of Statistics

... associated mainly with car manufacturing Industrial production

Employees in industry contributions to the annual rate, pp annual rate, %

Ox: average annual growth rate in 2017, % Oy: average annual growth rate in Jan.�May 2018, %

mining energy production and supply other manufacturing sub�sectors auto and related industries (rubber, electrical equipment) industry (rhs) Source: National Institute of Statistics, National Bank of Romania calculations

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Cap. EVENIMENTE Report: Mossad behind Attack on Syrian Weapons Scientist http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/35197

Israel Defense 7/08/2018

The New York Times quoted a Middle Eastern intelligence official as saying the Israeli intelligence agency planted the bomb that killed Dr. Aziz Asbar on Saturday. According to the official, this was the fourth time in the last three years Israel has covertly killed a weapons engineer on foreign soil The Israeli intelligence agency Mossad was responsible for the assassination of Syrian scientist Dr. Aziz Asbar, a senior Middle Eastern intelligence official told The New York Times. ... The official also alleged that this was the fourth time in the last three years Israel has covertly killed a weapons engineer on foreign soil. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cyber Intelligence Europe Conference https://www.asdevents.com/data/media/E19001_agenda.pdf

Aerospace & Defence - Network

Cyber Security is still a major concern for many European governments. Cybercrime is at an all time high and with many leading European cities becoming ''Smart Cities'' this is creating new opportunities for criminals to attack city computer systems and infrastructures. Download Conference Agenda | Register to attend this Conference Our 6th annual Cyber Intelligence Europe conference and exhibition will be taking place in Amsterdam on the 5th - 6th September 2018. The Netherlands has been attacked in recent years by cyber criminals. In January 2018 the national tax office and banks experienced a DDoS attack on their websites. They were also hit by the Ransomware attack in 2017 that targeted many European computer systems. Cyber Intelligence Europe will provide in-depth presentations from leading government officials who create the cyber security strategies and policies for their nation. You will also hear case studies of successful threat intelligence work that stopped cybercrimes before they took place. Now in it's 6th year Cyber Intelligence Europe is the perfect opportunity to understand the challenges European governments face when dealing with cybercrimes on their infrastructures. Our event will also provide attendees with an insight into future threats that are predicted due to the constant development of IoT and Smart Cities.

Page 45 of 46

International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2018" http://www.incas.ro/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=369&Itemid=74

INCAS 25 - 26 October 2018, Bucharest, Romania Premiul "Nicolae TIPEI" - Regulament Premiul ―Gheorghe Vasilca‖ - Regulament Conference will be held in Bucharest, at INCAS, B-dul Iuliu Maniu no. 220, sector 6

Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE Eurocopter Puma Mk2 in Royal Air Force https://www.helis.com/database/modelorg/RAF-Puma-Mk-2/

Cap. DIVERSE 16 și 17 august 2018, zile libere Guvernul României Hotărâre privind stabilirea zilelor de 16 și 17 august 2018 ca zile libere Nr. 595 din 02-August-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 687 din 07 August 2018 d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S


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