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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS
luni, 20 august 2018
Cap. AERONAUTICĂ .................................................................6 BVB - industria aeronautică .....................................................6 IAR Braşov, afaceri de 75 mil. lei în S1/2018, minus 12%, cu un profit de 10 mil. lei, minus 32% ...........................................7 IAR Braşov, afaceri de 75 mil.lei în S1 2018, cu 11% sub nivelul din S1 2017, şi profit de 10 mil.lei.................................7 AEROSTAR: Disponibilitate raport S1 2018 ............................7 AEROSTAR: Raport semestrial S1 2018 ................................7 Aerostar Bacău, profit de 45 mil. lei în S1/2018 ......................8 Aerostar Bacău, profit de 45 mil. lei, plus 80% ........................8 Profitul Aerostar Bacău a crescut cu peste 80% .....................8 TURBOMECANICA S.A. -Raport semestrial S1 2018.............8 German army study sees need for dozens more light helicopters: sources .................................................................9 Insights ..................................................................................10 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri (38 - început #270) ................................................................12 Strategy ...............................................................................12 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE ............................................15 Director nou la UM SADU ......................................................15 The story of M4 Carbine (11, început #297) ..........................15 Shopify Bans Firearm And Accessory Sales – Firearm Industry Fights Back ..............................................................16 Online gun sales to cease after Shopify changes policy, refuses to answer retailer questions ...................................17 About Spike‟s Tactical .........................................................18 About Rare Breed Firearms ................................................18 Page 3 of 40
Franklin Armory also issued a press release regarding the Shopify ban. ........................................................................18 Insights ..................................................................................19 Cap. NAVAL .............................................................................20 UK restarts frigate competition - but will anyone take part? ..21 CACI Closes $84M Buy of General Dynamics Business Unit; Ken Asbury, Jack London Quoted .........................................21 CACI acquires naval business from General Dynamics ........21 CACI Raises Fiscal Year 2019 Guidance ..............................22 Cap. RACHETE ........................................................................24 Mihai Fifor: Săptămâna viitoare aprobăm hotărâre de guvern pentru achiziţionarea sistemului de lansare de rachete antinavă .......................................................................................26 Mihai Fifor: Săptămâna viitoare aprobăm hotărâre de guvern pentru achiziţionarea sistemului de lansare de rachete antinavă .......................................................................................26 Ministerul Apărării cumpără baterii de coastă de pe care se vor lansa rachete antinavă.....................................................26 Interviu cu Didier Philippe, vicepreşedintele MBDA...............27 Didier Philippe, vicepreședintele MBDA, interviul despre domeniul apărării ...................................................................28 Didier Philippe , vicepresedinte MBDA, interviu despre domeniul apararii ...................................................................29 LOCKHEED MARTIN and MBDA Deutschland receive second request for proposal to develop TLVS for Germany ..............29 Insights ..................................................................................30 Cap. EUROPA ..........................................................................31 România este din nou campioana Uniunii Europene la creşterea preţurilor, în luna iulie ............................................31 Cap. DECIZIONAL ...................................................................32 Delegația Congresului SUA condusă de Devin Nunes ..........33 Cap. FINANȚE..........................................................................35 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................35 Page 4 of 40
Northrop Grumman Board Declares Quarterly Dividend .......36 Dividendele General Dynamics: la ce concluzii putem ajunge (1, început cu #307) ...............................................................36 Cap. INVESTIȚII .......................................................................37 Israel Antitrust Authority Approves Elbit-IMI Merger ..............37 Cap. MacroE.............................................................................37 Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (9, a început cu #296) ...............37 Totuși, exporturile de bunuri au continuat să înregistreze o creștere robustă ..................................................................37 Cap. RESURSE........................................................................38 Riscuri legate de prezența agenților chimici ..........................38 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE ..............................................................38 Viorel Manole, director PATROMIL, la DCNews. Informații despre înzestrarea armatei ....................................................38 Piranha și Eurospike, programe România. Viorel Manole: Industria dispare încet! Există obligații ..................................38 România, programe Eurospike și Piranha. Viorel Manole, semnal de alarmă: Există obligații! ........................................39
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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS
Cap. AERONAUTICĂ BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 253,53 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0
200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00
mil. euro
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IAR Braşov, afaceri de 75 mil. lei în S1/2018, minus 12%, cu un profit de 10 mil. lei, minus 32% http://www.zfcorporate.ro/burse-fonduri-mutuale/iar-brasov-afaceri-de-75-mil-lei-ins1-2018-minus-12-cu-un-profit-de-10-mil-lei-minus-32-17434356
Ziarul Financiar Articol publicat în ediţia tipărită a Ziarului Financiar din data de 17.08.2018 joi, 21:41 Autor: Dan Grigore Ivan
Cheltuielile cu personalul au fost de 12,85 mil. lei, plus 24,81%. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
IAR Braşov, afaceri de 75 mil.lei în S1 2018, cu 11% sub nivelul din S1 2017, şi profit de 10 mil.lei http://www.zfcorporate.ro/auto-transporturi/iar-brasov-afaceri-de-75-mil-lei-in-s12018-cu-11-sub-nivelul-din-s1-2017-si-profit-de-10-mil-lei-17430986
Ziarul Financiar joi, 11:51 Autor: Roxana Rosu
Producătorul de aeronave IAR Braşov (simbol bursier IARV) a încheiat primul semestru cu o cifră de afaceri de 75,2 milioane lei, cu 11% sub nivelul din perioada similară a anului trecut, în timp ce profitul net s-a diminuat cu circa 30%, la 10,1 milioane lei. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
AEROSTAR: Disponibilitate raport S1 2018 http://www.bvb.ro/infocont/infocont18/ARS_20180814084458_Disponibilitate-raportsemestrul-1-2018.pdf
Bursa de Valori Bucureşti 14.08.2018 8:48:59
“Consiliul de Administraţie al S.C. AEROSTAR S.A. BACAU informeazã acţionarii şi investitorii interesaţi cã “Raportul semestrial la data de 30 iunie 2018” elaborat în conformitate cu reglementãrile contabile aplicabile, va fi transmis catre BVB si ASF si publicat pe website-ul societatii la adresa: www.aerostar.ro./secţiunea Relatia cu investitorii /Raportãri periodice/ Anul 2018 pe data de 16 august 2018, ora 800. De asemenea, raportul se poate obţine şi de la sediul social al societãţii din Bacãu, str. Condorilor nr. 9, cabinet preşedinte şi director general.” PREŞEDINTE AL CONSILIULUI DE ADMINISTRAŢIE, GRIGORE FILIP
AEROSTAR: Raport semestrial S1 2018 http://www.bvb.ro/infocont/infocont18/ARS_20180816074136_Raport-semestrial-la30-iunie-2018.pdf 16.08.2018 7:46:33 ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Aerostar Bacău, profit de 45 mil. lei în S1/2018 plus 80%, la afaceri de 160 mil. lei http://www.zfcorporate.ro/burse-fonduri-mutuale/aerostar-bacau-profit-de-45-mil-leiin-s1-2018-plus-80-la-afaceri-de-160-mil-lei-17430675
Ziarul Financiar joi, 11:01 Autor: Cristina Bellu
Aerostar Bacău (ARS), companie ce activează în domeniul fabricaţiei de produse de aviaţie şi mentenanţă, a raportat în S1/2018 un profit net de 45 mil. lei, echivalentul unei creşteri de 80%, şi afaceri de 160 mil. lei, în scădere uşoară, de 1,6%, faţă de aceeaşi perioadă a anului trecut. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Aerostar Bacău, profit de 45 mil. lei, plus 80% afaceri de 160 mil. lei în S1/2018, mai mici cu 1,6% http://www.zfcorporate.ro/burse-fonduri-mutuale/aerostar-bacau-afaceri-de-160-millei-in-s1-2018-mai-mici-cu-1-6-dar-un-profit-de-45-mil-lei-plus-80-17434359
Ziarul Financiar Articol publicat în ediţia tipărită a Ziarului Financiar din data de 17.08.2018 joi, 21:44 Autor: Dan Grigore Ivan
Aerostar distribuit investitorilor un dividend brut per acţiune de 0,094 lei, reprezentând o sumă totală îndreptată către acţionari de 14,31 milioane lei. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Profitul Aerostar Bacău a crescut cu peste 80% ÎN PRIMELE ŞASE LUNI DIN 2018, http://www.bursa.ro/in-primele-sase-luni-din-2018-profitul-aerostar-bacau-a-crescutcu-peste-80-procente-351705&s=companii_afaceri&articol=351705.html
Bursa 17.08.2018 R.A.
* Cheltuielile pentru investiţiile efectuate în primul semestru au însumat 12,35 milioane de lei, reprezentând 7,7% din cifra de afaceri * Dividendele aflate în sold, la 30 iunie 2018: 15,80 milioane de lei ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
TURBOMECANICA S.A. -Raport semestrial S1 2018 http://www.bvb.ro/FinancialInstruments/SelectedData/NewsItem/TBM-Raportsemestrial-S1-2018/D26EF
Bursa de Valori Bucureşti 13.08.2018 7:33:23 Cod IRIS: D26EF Nr 14 / Data : 13.08.2018 COMUNICAT
Conducerea Societatii TURBOMECANICA SA, cu sediul in Bucuresti, B-dul Iuliu Maniu, nr.244, sector 6, reprezentata legal prin Presedinte CA Ing. VIEHMANN Radu, informeaza investitorii si actionarii societatii ca pe web-site-ul Page 8 of 40
societatii: www.turbomecanica.ro, este disponibil raportul semestrial la 30.06.2018, insotit de urmatoarele documente: -Raportul de gestiune la 30.06.2018; -Situatia pozitiei financiare la 30.06.2018; -Situatia rezultatului financiar la 30.06.2018; -Indicatori economico– financiari la 30.06.2018; -Declaratie conducere; Raportul semestrial este disponibil si prin accesarea linkului de mai jos: TBM_20180813071053_Raport-S1-2018.pdf TBM_20180813071053_H1-report-TBM.pdf
German army study sees need for dozens more light helicopters: sources https://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-military-helicopters/german-army-studysees-need-for-dozens-more-light-helicopters-sources-idUSKBN1L11CZ
Reuters Andrea Shalal AUGUST 16, 2018 / 3:03 PM BERLIN (Reuters) -
The German military needs dozens of new light helicopters to cover shortfalls in flight hours for pilot training and carry out other missions, a new study completed by the German army found, according to sources familiar with the document. The report, which has not been publicly released, concluded that the various military services needed about 70 to 80 new light helicopters, according to the sources, but no decisions about a procurement program have been made.
German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen hinted at potential new orders of light helicopters during a visit to a helicopter air base last month, but gave no details. The study could eventually lead to dozens of new orders for the H145M light utility helicopter built by European aircraft maker Airbus, which has already supplied 15 of the helicopters to German special forces, the sources said. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 9 of 40
Insights AAMS Statement in Response to NASEMSO “Borders in the Sky” HeliHub13:32 Fri, 17 Aug
Airbus renews partnership with USP of São Carlos HeliHub14:22 Fri, 17 Aug
Bodies of climbers killed in Tajikistan Mi-8 helicopter crash landing transported to Russia Russian Aviation15:41 Fri, 17 Aug
Diplomatic row jeopardizes $1.5B helicopter deal between Turkey and Pakistan HeliHub22:00 Wed, 15 Aug
GAO releases report on USAF plans to replace personnel recovery helicopter fleet Vertical Magazine01:23 Sat, 18 Aug
German military helicopter tender faces possible delay -ministry Reuters.co.uk18:57 Mon, 13 Aug
Germany expecting delay in CH-53G replacement tender HeliHub22:40 Thu, 16 Aug
Helibras highlights 40 years of leadership HeliHub13:22 Fri, 17 Aug
HeliOffshore SIP Delivers the Data to Make the Frontline Safer HeliHub13:02 Fri, 17 Aug
President Trump signs defense bill with $9.6 billion for UAS spending Vertical Magazine18:19 Fri, 17 Aug
Qatar on track to receive Apaches from 2019 IHS Jane's16:08 Mon, 13 Aug
Saab Receives Order for Self-Protection Systems HeliHub14:02 Fri, 17 Aug
Sikorsky awarded $10M contract for MH-60 Analysis HeliHub19:03 Fri, 17 Aug
Thai Aviation Services S-76D Fleet Achieves 10,000 Flight Hours HeliHub13:52 Fri, 17 Aug
Thursday UAE operator EDIC Horizon orders Bell 429 simulator HeliHub11:04 Thu, 16 Aug
VHA receives FAA STC on composite Bell 206L main rotor blades Vertical Magazine15:18 Fri, 17 Aug
Wildfires in Canada: 100+ helicopters fighting fires in B.C. as province declares state of… Vertical Magazine15:27 Thu, 16 Aug
Wiltshire Air Ambulance cleared of Novichok contamination HeliHub14:32 Fri, 17 Aug
Wiltshire Air Ambulance‟s helicopter and airbase cleared of contamination Vertical Magazine15:58 Fri, 17 Aug
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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - riscuri pentru planul de afaceri (38 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports
Airbus extras
Strategy In 2017, the Company has further pushed forward its restructuring, in accordance with the strategy introduced in 2013 and summed up in the statement “we make it fly”. The Company has been further integrated by merging its Group structure with the commercial aircraft activities of Airbus. The merger of Airbus Group and Airbus paves the way for an overhaul of the corporate set-up, simplifi es the Company‟s governance, eliminates redundancies and supports further effi ciencies, while at the same time driving further integration of the entire Group. The Company changed its name to Airbus SE. The two Divisions, “Defence and Space” and “Helicopters” remain integral parts of the Company and will derive considerable benefi t from the merger through more focused business support and reduced costs. Airbus Defence and Space continued to reshape its portfolio and refocus on military aircraft, missiles, launchers and satellites. The Company pursued the divestment process of the businesses that do not fi t with the new strategic goals and have better futures in more tailored ownership structures. The Company completed the divestment of its defence electronics business. The divestment is part of the strategic review of the Airbus Defence and Space business portfolio. Airbus Helicopters also reshaped its portfolio and divested its Vector Aerospace business. The eight strategic paths of the Company‟s strategy remain as follows:
1. Remain a leader in commercial aerospace, strengthen market position and profitability The commercial aircraft business aims to be largely selfsufficient going forward, rather than attempting to rely on a balanced Group portfolio. Focus upon on-time, oncost and on-quality deliveries is paramount given the huge backlog execution challenge. Airbus aims to further strengthen through focusing on digitalisation, innovation, services and a more global approach.
2. Preserve leading position in European defence, space and government markets by focusing on military aircraft, missiles, space and related services Defence can no longer be a tool to manage and hedge against commercial cycles, but the Company seeks to remain strong and actively shape its defence, space and governmental business. The focus will involve (i) developing high-performing businesses such as missiles, launchers, combat and transport aircraft, entering into new growth areas when they are backed by government funding, and (ii) focusing on productivity improvements both through internal means and in the context of European optimisation to enable efficiencies and improve Airbus‟ positioning on export markets. In 2017, Airbus Aerial, a new drone service business, was launched. The new company, based in the US, leverages some of Airbus Defence and Space key Page 12 of 40
competencies (satellite imagery, data analytics, small & high-altitude UAV and cloud computing) to analyse and distribute powerful, actionable data to customers. Airbus is working with its customers to define and address the future of European air combat, in addition to future air power more broadly.
3. Pursue incremental innovation potential within product programmes while pioneering and fostering disruptions in our industry, and developing necessary skills and competencies required to compete in the future Airbus innovates every day to increase its value propositions by enhancing product performance, creating new customer benefits, and reducing costs. Our cutting-edge technologies and scientific excellence contribute to global progress, and to delivering solutions for society‟s challenges, such as environmental protection, mobility and safety. After many new product developments in recent years, the majority of the Company‟s revenues are generated today in segments where we have competitive, mature products that are far from the end of their lifecycle. Innovation will therefore target maintaining, expanding and continually leveraging the competitiveness of these products. In addition, Airbus raised its ambitions to pioneer and disrupt the aerospace industry in areas that will shape the market and our future and made a substantial effort in breakthrough innovation.
4. Exploit digitalisation to enhance our current business as well as pursue disruptive business models Digitalisation will support Airbus‟ transformation by focusing on five main axes: (i) enabling high employee engagement, (ii) achieving digital operational excellence, (iii) mastering our product data value chain and turning product data into insight, (iv) capturing the end-user experience and (v) driving our business agility. Airbus has initiated a wide-reaching digital transformation programme called Quantum. Quantum is the programme that drives Airbus‟ digital transformation. Scaling up and accelerating proven digital initiatives, to deliver breakthroughs in endto-end operational performance and customer satisfaction across our business; it is also about accelerating innovation and growth through both new services and business models. Quantum is fundamental to Airbus success, now and into the future. A prime example of how Airbus leads disruption in the aerospace industry is Urban Air Mobility, “UAM”: w e expect a large-scale market to emerge by adding the third dimension to transport options in megacities. This will require new end-to-end solutions combining electrical Vertical Take Off and Landing “eVTOL” vehicles, selfpiloting/automation, and a digital, services driven economy with new mobility-asaservice business models and seamless integration into other transport systems. Starting around 2014, Airbus has made significant progress on technical solutions (e.g., eVTOL vehicle demonstrators) and business aspects (disruptive strategy, ondemand helicopter transport, policy making support) and has become a precursor in the field. But the race for entry into service of the first fully certified transport system has just begun.
5. Adapt to a more global world as well as attract and retain global talents With over 75% of our backlog and 70% of our revenues coming from outside Europe, Airbus is, more than ever, a global company. The constant effort to globalise our Page 13 of 40
businesses, especially in countries with substantial growth, has paid off. This global footprint is also reflected in the diversity of our staff and skills. Locally, products may need to be adapted and will have to be serviced, but the main logic going forward is that the industry will retain its “global products for local markets” dynamic. Greenfield approaches have proven to give Airbus a controlled entry and real citizenship, whilst partnerships and acquisitions are complementary tools.
6. Focus services on and around the Company‟s platforms The strategy going forward is to focus on services where Airbus can differentiate and add value for its customers according to the motto “no one knows our products better than we”, aiming at developing long-term customer intimacy and bringing competitive advantage to its customers. As services are executed locally, the portfolio will be adapted to the increasingly global customer base. Cooperation with military customers is set to increase substantially through maintenance and support services thanks to the new platforms in the still growing fleet, which will include about 600 Eurofighters, over 150 A400M aircraft, around 500 NH90s and over 150 Tiger helicopters. In Commercial Aircraft, the installed base is expanding rapidly, and new innovative services (power by the hour, maintenance, training) are being offered successfully.
7. Strengthen the value chain position Airbus‟ core capability is to master programme management and architect / integrator capabilities in order to market, design, develop, manufacture and service large-scale aeronautics / space platforms and integrated systems. As Airbus is based on a strong platform prime role, managing the supplier base towards delivering to the final customer is key. We aim to strengthen and optimise selected strategic value chain areas to protect our intellectual property, manage risks, increase profit, access services and differentiate our offerings. Airbus‟ suppliers provide a large proportion of the value in our products, necessitating a robust supply-chain governance framework. This is supported by processes and tools that foster partnership, risk mitigation and supplier performance development. In order to secure our value chain position and maintain a competitive advantage, Airbus re-assesses its make or buy strategy and M&A strategy to better control its strategic know how and capture more of the value chain. Airbus launched Nacelle In-Sourcing for A320 UTAS nacelles in order to build competence in Ultra-high Bypass Ratio engine integration, where the integration itself will provide a significant part of future performance gain.
8. Focus on profitability, value creation and market position; no need to chase growth at any cost; actively manage portfolio Thanks to strong organic growth potential, mainly in the commercial airplane business, Airbus is going through a series of production ramp-ups with associated financial needs. On top of that, targeted investments are expected to help to position Airbus for the future. The financial strength of the Company is vital for mastering these challenges, and to ensure that we have enough room for manoeuvre for further strategic moves. As a prerequisite, the Company must remain attractive for investors, notably compared to its peers.
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Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE Director nou la UM SADU http://www.gorj-domino.ro/director-nou-la-conducerea-unei-unitati-importante-dinjudet/
Gorj Domino Iuliu Goiceanu 19 aug., 2018
Uzina Mecanică Sadu are un nou manager interimar. După ce, la începutul lunii august, Ilie Lăudat şi-a dat demisia, conducerea a fost preluată de inginerul Constantin Tănăsoiu. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
The story of M4 Carbine (11, început #297) https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-usas-m4-carbine-controversy-03289/
Defense Industry Daily FY 2007 – 2008 Army holds test – M4 last by far. Sept 17/08: Competition. Military.com’s Christian Lowe reports that that the Army issued a solicitation to industry in August 2008, asking companies to submit proposals that would demonstrate “…improvements in individual weapon performance in the areas of accuracy and dispersion… reliability and durability in all environments, modularity and terminal performance.” The intervening years have seen a number of new carbine designs hit the market, as well as a number of “personal defense weapons” that attempt to deliver carbine-class firepower in a weapon only slightly larger than a pistol. Most use calibers other than 5.56mm or 9mm, however, which has prevented their adoption for use by pilots, vehicle crew, and other specialists who need an extremely compact weapon. The Army solicitation also asks for ideas on a “subcompact” variant that would fit in this category. The article quoted Richard Audette, project manager for Soldier weapons at the US Army‟s Picatinny Arsenal. The Army is currently working on its carbine requirements document, and is trying to write it in a way that does not exclude other calibers: “We’re at the point now where we’re going to go out and compete… We’re looking for anyone that has a world-class carbine… We’re interested in any new technologies out there… We want to know about everything that’s out there, regardless of caliber… If you’ve got a 6.8 [mm caliber weapon], we’re interested in that and seeing what that brings to the table.” What the Army will insist upon, however, is production capacity. Colt can churn out 10,000 M4s per month, and in June 2009 the M4s blueprints will no longer be a Colt exclusive. Experience with ongoing M16 orders suggests that this will expand production capacity, and drive down prices. In contrast, manufacturers of weapons in promising new calibers like 6.8mm have not received large military orders to ramp up their production capacity to the same levels. Producibility is certainly a valid concern. It must be part of any fair and reasonable competition. It can also be abused to become a back door method of ratifying existing decisions, while adopting the veneer of competition. Which will it be in this case? Only time will tell. Page 15 of 40
July 11/08: Demonstration. Military.com reports that about 30 legislative aides signed up to attend a July 11 demonstration at Marine Corps Base Quantico. Congressional and industry sources report that the event feature the standard 5.56mm M4 carbine, plus the FN SCAR Mk17 7.62mm (SCAR MK16 is the 5.56mm version that was tested by the Army), – and a modified “M4-style MURG (Modified Upper Receiver Group)” rifle capable of firing a new 6.8mm special purpose cartridge round, among others. Attendees included FN-USA, HK, LWRC who offers receiver group switchouts like HK‟s and adds a 6.8mm version, Barrett (REC-7 6.8mm ), and Bushmaster. All reportedly avoided commercial sales pitches, and stuck to facts and demonstrations. Complaints persist from troops on the front lines regarding the current 5.56mm round/riling combination‟s lethality. The ballistic characteristics of calibers around 6.8mm have yet to feature a breakthrough military purchase in the face of 5.56mm standardization, but these calibers are gaining growing recognition for their balance of size (can be used with M16 magazines), light weight, and knock-down power. Participants reportedly had the opportunity to observe the effects of different caliber rounds in translucent ballistic jelly, which simulates human tissue, and to fire the weapons involved. Sens. James Coburn [R-OK] and Ken Salazar [D-CO] remain very active in this area, but the number of participants suggests that their efforts may be gaining traction in spite the Army. Military.com | American Mohist .
Shopify Bans Firearm And Accessory Sales – Firearm Industry Fights Back https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/08/15/shopify-bans-firearm-sales
The Firearm Blog Last Monday night, Shopify changed their policy about what items can be sold via their e-commerce platform. Shopify is banning the sale of firearms and firearm related accessories. “Restricted Items” means: Certain Firearms an automatic firearm that has not been rendered inoperable a semi-automatic firearm that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine, with one or more of the following items: magazine capable of accepting more than 10 rounds bump stock rapid fire trigger activator or trigger crank barrel shroud thumbhole stock threaded barrel capable of accepting a flash suppressor, sound suppressor or silencer grenade or rocket launcher flash suppressor, sound suppressor or silencer pistol grip (or in the case of a pistol, a second pistol grip) forward pistol grip a semi-automatic firearm that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds firearms without serial numbers ghost guns and 3D printed guns, including blueprints for such guns any part, component or kit for any firearm or gun listed above Page 16 of 40
Certain Firearm Parts 80% or unfinished lower receivers magazine capable of accepting more than 10 rounds bump stock grenade or rocket launcher pistol grip (or in the case of a pistol, a second pistol grip) forward pistol grip barrel shroud* thumbhole stock* threaded barrel capable of accepting a flash suppressor, sound suppressor or silencer* flash suppressor, sound suppressor or silencer* rapid fire trigger activator or trigger crank any part, component or kit for a firearm part or including a firearm part listed above *only if for use with a semi-automatic firearm Earlier today, August 14, Spike‟s Tactical sent out a press release about their response to Shopify‟s new policy change. Follow the The Firearm Blog News Channel
Online gun sales to cease after Shopify changes policy, refuses to answer retailer questions APOPKA, Fla. – A change in policy announced Monday night by Shopify, an ecommerce platform used by more than 600,000 merchants to conduct online sales, will essentially shut down the sale of guns, gun parts and accessories over the internet by retailers who use Shopify. Spike’s Tactical, a Florida-based gun manufacturer, has built their entire website and online sales portal exclusively using the Shopify platform and conducts millions of dollars in sales through Shopify each year. “This decision will have significant ramifications to our business and should concern every online retailer and Second Amendment supporter,” said Cole Leleux, general manager of Spike’s Tactical. Some of the new amended rules in Shopify’s Acceptable Use Policy now include banning the sale of semi-automatic firearms that have an ability to accept a detachable magazine and are capable of accepting more than 10 rounds. Additionally, unfinished lower receivers are also prohibited, according to the new rules. Most of Spike’s Tactical’ s products include AR-15 parts and full rifles, which would fall under those new restrictions. One of the things that makes this more challenging for businesses like Spike’s Tactical, is that Shopify’s platform is entirely proprietary, meaning the information stored on their platform cannot be easily transferred to another online platform. “We have invested more than $100,000 in the development of our Shopify store, which will disappear once these policies go into effect,” said Leleux. Page 17 of 40
As for when these new policies will go into effect, that remains a mystery. When representatives from Spike’s Tactical reached out to Shopify to try to learn more, Shopify refused to answer any questions and directed Spike’s Tactical team members to the Shopify legal department, which at the time of this news release, has yet to respond. Ironically, when challenged by left-leaning critics about selling Breitbart products in 2017, Shopify CEO Tobias Lütke said, “We don’t like Breitbart, but products are speech and we are pro free speech. This means protecting the right of organizations to use our platform even if they are unpopular or if we disagree with their premise, as long as they are within the law.” It now seems that Shopify has reversed course on their previous belief, as our products are not only legal, but also used by many law enforcement agencies, Leleux said. Another gun company, which will also feel the pain of Shopify’s recent decision is Rare Breed Firearms. Rare Breed announced the launch of their new Spartan lower receiver last week and the product is also sold online exclusively through Shopify. “We have spent the last three years developing the Rare Breed brand and more than $40,000 developing our Shopify site,” said Lawrence DeMonico, president of Rare Breed Firearms, an Austin, Texas based firearms company. “Depending on how this policy is rolled out, this is a move that could put companies like ours out of business, and we will undoubtedly be looking to pursue legal options.” Any other gun manufacturers or retailers who are also experiencing issues related to this new policy are encouraged to contact Spike’s Tactical, as they are looking at legal options to potentially file a class action lawsuit.
About Spike’s Tactical Spike’s Tactical was founded the day before 9/11 by Mike and Angela Register and is headquartered in Apopka, Florida. The family-owned business employs around 40 people and all products are made exclusively in the USA and assembled in Florida. Spike’s Tactical is regarded as one of the premier AR-15 manufacturers in the world. Their mission is to build the highest quality products and offer them at the best possible price to the consumer. Spike’s Tactical weapons are designed to military specifications for civilian, law enforcement and military use. All products manufactured by Spike’s Tactical feature a manufacturer’s lifetime warranty.
About Rare Breed Firearms Rare Breed Firearms was established in 2016 to develop innovative, visually appealing and highly functional firearm designs. Rare Breed Firearms is based in Austin, Texas and is veteran-owned and operated. Through friendly competition, their goal is to drive innovation and bring new designs to the market.
Franklin Armory also issued a press release regarding the Shopify ban. Minden, NV, August 14, 2018– Reputable firearms manufacturer and industry innovator, Franklin Armory®, received word late Monday evening that their ecommerce provider, Shopify, will soon interrupt their lawful commerce of firearms and components due to a sudden change in Shopify’s “Acceptable Use Policy (AUP.)” The new AUP was presented without warning and included a new definition of “Restricted Items” to include flash suppressors, threaded barrels, pistol grips, and even magazines larger than 10 rounds. All of these items are legal to use in a majority of states across the country, yet Shopify is interfering with Franklin Armory®’s lawful interstate commerce. Page 18 of 40
Because of their lawful commerce in firearms, Franklin Armory® has previously been discriminated against by financial services companies such as Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, First Data, Intuit, and Pay Pal. Social media companies such as Facebook, Google, Youtube, and Twitter have also operated under discriminatory policies to throttle down the reach of firearms manufacturers. Counsel for Franklin Armory®, Jason Davis, stated, “The firearms industry is under an unprecedented attack from the leading facilitators of interstate commerce that deny legitimate firearm businesses access to important structural supports of modern business.” Jay Jacobson, President of Franklin Armory®, went on to say, “History is replete with examples of discriminatory practices employed against various societal segments. In almost every case, our nation has legislated equal protection for those segments to prevent unfair practices and discrimination. If Congress does not act soon to provide equal protection to all businesses, it is not too much of a leap to see how only approved businesses or people will be able to buy or sell in future financial markets.”
Insights 2 Banks Dropped From $600 Million Project Over Anti-Gun Stances The Epoch Times23:10 Sun, 19 Aug
ATF study reveals where criminals in Baltimore are getting their guns Hot Air (Weblog)22:40 Sun, 19 Aug
Award for Royal Navy sailors who defied missile threat to protect merchant ships Royal Navy15:59 Sun, 19 Aug
Baghdad gun shops thrive after Iraqi rethink on arms control Reuters.co.uk15:18 Sun, 19 Aug
Baghdad gun shops thrive after Iraqi rethink on gun control Independent Journal Review18:27 Sun, 19 Aug
Baghdad gun shops thrive after Iraqis rethink gun control policies Public Radio International17:05 Sun, 19 Aug
BULLETS AND BLOODSHED: Smoke and mirrors won't stop gangs and guns Canoe04:04 Sun, 19 Aug
Business in Brief: Three Interviewed for Top Bank of Israel Job Haaretz21:59 Sun, 19 Aug
How long will the Knighthawk fly? | „Big Lizzie‟ sails stateside | Has Germany clipped its… Defense Industry Daily18:13 Sun, 19 Aug
Iranian Regime Leaders Vexed by European Union Stance on US Sanctions The Algemeiner20:09 Sun, 19 Aug
Israel regulator okays defence firm Elbit's bid to buy IMI Reuters12:57 Sun, 19 Aug
Kremlin: Indonesia applied for loan to buy Russian Su-35 Fighter Jets UAWire00:12 Sun, 19 Aug
Labour brands SNP meeting with arms firm 'deeply disturbing' Morning Star20:48 Sun, 19 Aug
Legal loophole allows criminals to buy guns from abroad The Telegraph02:11
Russia‟s Su-35 Super-Flanker: Mystery Fighter No More Defense Industry Daily18:13 Sun, 19 Aug
S-400: the weapon system with potential to hit air-borne targets and break alliances Asian Tribune09:17 Sun, 19 Aug
US supplied bomb that killed 40 children on Yemen school bus
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Nakasone said during his first public remarks since taking command. “This is a dynamic force that comes and goes.�
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UK restarts frigate competition - but will anyone take part? https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2018/08/17/uk-restarts-frigate-competition-butwill-anyone-take-part/
Defense News By: Andrew Chuter 2 days ago LONDON -
Britain‟s Ministry of Defence is restarting its contest to build five general purpose frigates for the Royal Navy after it terminated the original competition due to insufficient interest from industry. The Defence Equipment & Support organisation, the MoD‟s procurement arm, has issued a “prior information notice” informing potential bidders it is moving forward with the Type 31e program, and plans a short period of market engagement with companies or consortia that have expressed interest starting on Aug 20. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
CACI Closes $84M Buy of General Dynamics Business Unit; Ken Asbury, Jack London Quoted https://www.govconwire.com/2018/08/caci-closes-84m-buy-of-general-dynamicsbusiness-unit-ken-asbury-jack-london-quoted/
GovCon Wire - USA Jane Edwards August 17, 2018
CACI International (NYSE: CACI) has closed its purchase of CSRA‟s former systems engineering and acquisition services business unit from General Dynamics (NYSE: GD) for $84M to expand support work for the U.S. Navy. Arlington, Va.-based CACI said Thursday it expects the acquisition to add approximately $150M to its revenue for fiscal 2019 and be accretive to its earnings per share in FY 2019. Ken Asbury
General Dynamics inherited the unit that offers support services to Naval Sea Systems Command and other naval offices through the Falls Church, Va.-based company‟s $9.7B purchase of CSRA in April. The acquired business has approximately 960 employees and at least 89 percent of them hold security clearances. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
CACI acquires naval business from General Dynamics https://insidedefense.com/insider/caci-acquires-naval-business-general-dynamics
Inside Defense - USA August 16, 2018 | Marjorie Censer
CACI International said today it has purchased General Dynamics' Navy systems engineering business, which GD had acquired through its purchase of CSRA. The new business adds almost 1,000 employees to CACI, Ken Asbury, CACI's chief executive, said in a call with analysts today. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 21 of 40
CACI Raises Fiscal Year 2019 Guidance http://investor.caci.com/file/Index?KeyFile=394671842
CACI International Inc - USA Company Release 8/16/2018 7:15 AM ET ARLINGTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--
Acquires the Systems Engineering and Acquisition Support Services Business Unit Supporting the U.S. Navy From General Dynamics Brings Decades of Premier Ship Systems Expertise CACI International Inc (NYSE: CACI) announced today that it has completed its acquisition of the Systems Engineering and Acquisition Support Services Business Unit (SE&A BU) of CSRA LLC, a managed affiliate of General Dynamics Information Technology, Inc. This is a highly specialized provider of comprehensive engineering services to the U.S. Navy. The acquisition unites two businesses with long-term customer relationships, complementary capabilities, and premier technical credentials, expanding CACI‟s legacy work for the U.S. Navy. We are raising the FY19 guidance we issued on August 15, 2018 as a result of the acquisition. With a purchase price of $84 million, the transaction is expected to add approximately $150 million to CACI‟s Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) revenue, with EBITDA margins in line with CACI‟s existing business. And it is expected to be GAAP accretive to CACI‟s FY19 earnings per share. Through this acquisition, CACI gains a multi-decade legacy of support for the lifecycles of virtually every major U.S. naval shipbuilding platform. This includes program support, integrated lifecycle planning and support, systems engineering and integration, system design and development support, and test and evaluation services. The acquisition brings a strong pipeline of business with customers that include the Naval Sea Systems Command and other Navy commands and offices, and grows CACI‟s business in its Surveillance and Reconnaissance and Logistics and Material Readiness markets. Their workforce includes approximately 960 highly credentialed professionals, more than 89 percent of whom possess security clearances. Dr. J.P. (Jack) London, CACI Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board, said, “This acquisition reinforces our commitment to sustain and enhance CACI‟s decades of quality service to the U.S. Navy. Their dedicated and highly skilled professionals are a solid fit with our culture of ethics, integrity, innovation, and ingenuity. CACI‟s mergers and acquisitions strategy continues to deliver long-term value to our customers and shareholders.” Said Ken Asbury, CACI President and Chief Executive Officer, “The acquisition of the Systems Engineering and Acquisition Support Services Business Unit will support CACI‟s growth and amplify our position as a leading solutions and services provider to the U.S. Navy. This team brings us an exceptional track record of winning major Navy programs of record, unrivaled subject matter expertise, and deep customer relationships, which gives us a significant competitive edge in pursuing large-scale, enduring opportunities across the Navy. We welcome these highly skilled and talented employees to CACI.” CACI Raises Its FY19 Guidance The table below summarizes our FY19 guidance and represents our views as of August 15, 2018.
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(In millions except for tax rate and earnings per share)
Current Fiscal Year 2019 Guidance
Previous Fiscal Year 2019 Guidance
$4,700 - $4,900
$4,550- $4,750
Net income
$234 - $244
$230 - $240
Effective corporate tax rate
Diluted earnings per share
$9.14 - $9.53
$8.98 - $9.38
Diluted weighted average shares
CACI provides information solutions and services in support of national security missions and government transformation for Intelligence, Defense, and Federal Civilian customers. A Fortune World‟s Most Admired Company, CACI is a member of the Fortune 1000 Largest Companies, the Russell 2000 Index, and the S&P SmallCap600 Index. CACI‟s sustained commitment to ethics and integrity defines its corporate culture and drives its success. With approximately 19,800 employees worldwide, CACI provides dynamic career opportunities for military veterans and industry professionals to support the nation‟s most critical missions. Join us! www.caci.com. There are statements made herein which do not address historical facts, and therefore could be interpreted to be forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are subject to factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results. The factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated include, but are not limited to, the successful integration of the SE&A BU’s operations and employees, actual revenue and earnings realized by the SE&A BU and the performance of the SE&A BU, and the risk factors set forth in CACI’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017, and other such filings that CACI makes with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. Any forward-looking statements should not be unduly relied upon and only speak as of the date hereof. CACI-Company News
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Mihai Fifor: Săptămâna viitoare aprobăm hotărâre de guvern pentru achiziţionarea sistemului de lansare de rachete anti-navă https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-22653693-mihai-fifor-mna-viitoare-aprob-hot-rreguvern-pentru-achizi-ionarea-sistemului-lansare-rachete-anti-nav.htm
HOTNEWS de R.M. Miercuri, 15 august 2018, 16:28
Ministrul Apărării Naţionale, Mihai Fifor, a declarat miercuri, la Constanţa, la festivităţile dedicate Zilei Marinei Române, că săptămâna viitoare viitoare va fi aprobată hotărârea de guvern pentru achiziţionarea sistemului de lansatoare mobile de rachete anti-navă. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Mihai Fifor: Săptămâna viitoare aprobăm hotărâre de guvern pentru achiziţionarea sistemului de lansare de rachete anti-navă https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/comentarii-e2808bmihai-fifor-saptamana-viitoareaprobam-hotarare-de-guvern-pentru-achizitionarea-sistemului-de-lansare-derachete-anti-nava
Romania Military Razvan Mihaeanu 15 august 2018 - 20:16
Toate aceste programe pornesc de la dorinţa de a întări capacitatea de reacţie imediată a Forţelor Navale, de a consolida poziţia strategică a României la Marea Neagră. În acelaşi timp, condiţia de bază de la care s-a plecat în proiectarea acestor programe strategice de înzestrare, a fost de implicare maximă a industriei naţionale de apărare, atât în producerea acestor capabilităţi de înaltă tehnologie, dar şi pe întreg ciclu de mentenanţă al tehnicii, care va intra, astfel, în dotarea Marinei Militare” – a declarat ministrul Fifor. …continuarea articolului pe Hotnews, via Dan.
Ministerul Apărării cumpără baterii de coastă de pe care se vor lansa rachete antinavă https://evz.ro/ministerul-apararii-cumpara-baterii-de-coasta-de-pe-care-se-vor-l.html
Evenimentul Zilei Autor: Cora Muntean, Feri Predescu miercuri, 15 august 2018
La ceremonii a participat președintele Klaus Iohannis, multe alte oficialități, precum și ambasadorul SUA, Hans Klemm. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Interviu cu Didier Philippe, vicepreşedintele MBDA cel mai mare producător de rachete european. ”Am solicitat amendarea proiectul de lege pentru cumpărarea de către MApN a bateriilor de coastă”/ Partea I https://global-def.com/2018/08/15/interviu-cu-didier-philippe-vicepresedintele-mbdacel-mai-mare-producator-de-rachete-european-am-solicitat-amendarea-proiectul-delege-pentru-cumpararea-de-catre-mapn-a-bateriilor-de-coast/
Global Defense News - România Written by globaldefenseinfo august 15, 2018
Mai multe companii din lume sunt interesate de proiectul lansat de MApN pentru cumpărarea bateriilor de coastă, echipamente care să crească gradul de siguranță la Marea Neagră. Printre firmele interesate este și compania MBDA, cel mai mare producător de rachete din Europa şi numărul 2 mondial. Didier Philippe, vicepreşedintele MBDA, spune că acest proiect este strâns legat de achiziţia celor patru corvete. Motivul este simplu, spune el, ”nu se justifică existența unor tipuri de armament diferite”
Reprezentantul MBDA spune că proiectul inițial pentru cumpărarea de baterii de coastă a fost făcut în aşa fel încât nu permite calificarea companiei sale în competiţie. Compania trimis amendamente la Ministerul Apărării. România alocă un buget de peste 130 de milioane de euro pentru acest program. Didier Philippe: Există o legătură foarte strânsă între programul pentru achiziția corvetelor și cel al bateriilor costale. Nu are rost să ai sisteme diferite pentru cele două. Procedura pentru achiziția corvetelor a început și cuprinde modernizarea celor două fregate. Aceleași rachete ar trebui să fie și pe corvete, și pe fregate, iar pentru protejarea anti-navă, pe bateriile costale. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...pentru patrulele rapide din Emiratele Arabe Unite.
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Didier Philippe, vicepreședintele MBDA, interviul despre domeniul apărării https://www.defenseromania.ro/didier-philippe-vicepre-edintele-mbda-interviuldespre-domeniul-apararii_592984.html
Defense Romania Darius Muresan 15 aug 2018 / 15:30 EXCLUSIV
Didier Philippe Didier Philippe va vorbi în cadrul unui interviu despre domeniul apărării și prezența MBDA în România. Didier Philippe, vicepreședintele MBDA, compania numărul unu în producția de rachete tactice în Europa, vorbește despre industria de apărare. Prezența la Electromecanica Ploiești, unde MBDA vrea să producă rachete, programul VSHORAD / SHORAD, Exocet, dar și multe alte subiecte de interes vor fi abordate de înaltul reprezentant al MBDA. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Didier Philippe , vicepresedinte MBDA, interviu despre domeniul apararii https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_ZUM4tjHjg
YouTube DCNEWS RO Transmis în flux live pe 15 aug. 2018
LOCKHEED MARTIN and MBDA Deutschland receive second request for proposal to develop TLVS for Germany https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2018-08-16-Lockheed-Martin-and-MBDADeutschland-Receive-Second-Request-for-Proposal-to-Develop-TLVS-for-Germany
Lockheed Martin Schrobenhausen and Dallas, Aug. 16, 2018
The German Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) has issued a second Request for Proposal (RFP) to the TLVS bidders consortium - an MBDA and Lockheed Martin joint venture - to develop TLVS, Germany‟s future Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) system. “This second RFP is based on the first RFP. It addresses the results of our negotiations and aligns the TLVS offering with Germany‟s new approach to acquisition reform, called Agenda Rüstung, focusing on military capabilities, transparency and risk management to ensure a successful contract,” said Dietmar Thelen, managing director of the TLVS joint venture. This is a significant milestone toward achieving a contract award and is the culmination of months of close collaboration between the TLVS joint venture and the German customer. “The comprehensive negotiations phase decisively increased our common understanding regarding risks and possible solutions and will ensure the TLVS Page 29 of 40
tender fully addresses BAAINBw requirements,” said Gregory Kee, managing director of the TLVS joint venture. The Lockheed Martin and MBDA joint venture, announced in March, is expected to become the prime contractor for the new system and is anticipated to add several hundred high-tech jobs in Germany and the United States. The joint venture remains committed to submitting a proposal in response to the RFP in anticipation of a contract award in 2019. With its netted-distributed capability and open plug and fight interface, TLVS is the most advanced, networked 360° IAMD system in the world, and it is the only system with the ability to flexibly react to changing threats using force that is tailored to the mission. TLVS will transform Germany‟s defense capabilities and enable the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Framework Nation to set an important precedent in how neighboring nations address persistent global threats for years to come. About Lockheed Martin Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 100,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. About MBDA With a significant presence in five European countries and within the USA, in 2017 MBDA achieved revenue of 3.1 billion euros with an order book of 16.8 billion euros. With more than 90 armed forces customers in the world, MBDA is a world leader in missiles and missile systems. MBDA is the only European group capable of designing and producing missiles and missile systems that correspond to the full range of current and future operational needs of the three armed forces (land, sea and air). In total, the group offers a range of 45 missile systems and countermeasures products already in operational service and more than 15 others currently in development. MBDA is jointly owned by Airbus (37.5%), BAE Systems (37.5%), and Leonardo (25%).
Insights Fifor: Săptămâna viitoare, HG pentru achiziționarea sistemului de rachete anti-navă Romania Libera Fifor, anunt privind achizitia sistemului de instalatii mobile de lansare de rachete antinava - Ziare.com Fifor: Săptămâna viitoare vom aproba HG pentru derularea achiziţiilor sistemului de instalaţii ... - News.ro (Comunicat de Presă) Mihai Fifor: Săptămâna viitoare aprobăm HG pentru achiziţionarea sistemului de lansare de rachete anti-navă - Agerpres https://s3.amazonaws.com/filecache.drivetheweb.com/mr5mr_lockheedmartin/17845 8/DSC_2734-1.jpg http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/08/16/lockheed-martin-mbdadeutschland-receive-second-request-proposal-develop-tlvs-germany
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Cap. EUROPA România este din nou campioana Uniunii Europene la creşterea preţurilor, în luna iulie http://www.zfcorporate.ro/retail-agrobusiness/performanta-de-nedorit-romania-estedin-nou-campioana-uniunii-europene-la-cresterea-preturilor-in-luna-iulie-17445556
Ziarul Financiar Articol publicat în ediţia tipărită a Ziarului Financiar din data de 20.08.2018 ieri, 21:14 Autor: Iulian Anghel
România a fost pe primul loc în UE în ceea ce priveşte rata anuală a inflaţiei din iulie 2018, înregistrând o creştere de 4,3% a Indicelui Armonizat al Preţurilor de Consum (IAPC), arată datele comunicate de Eurostat, oficiul de statistică al Uniunii Europene. România îşi păstrează această poziţie încă din luna aprilie 2018. Biroul de statistică al Comisiei Europene - Eurostat - ia în calcul IAPC, astfel că în raportarea citată apare o inflaţie de 4,3% în iulie 2018 în România, în loc de 4,6% cât fusese Indicele Preţurilor de Consum (IPC). Cele mai mari rate anuale au fost înregistrate în România (4,3%), Bulgaria (3,6%), Ungaria (3,4%) şi Estonia (3,3%), iar la polul opus - cu cele mai mici rate anuale - se află Grecia, cu o inflaţie anuală în luna iulie de 0,8%, Danemarca (0,9%) şi Irlanda (1%).
In luna iulie, rata anuală a inflaţiei în zona euro a fost de 2,1%, comparativ cu 2%, cât înregistra în iunie 2018, iar în aceeaşi perioadă a anului precedent rata inflaţiei a fost de 1,3%. Inflaţia anuală a Uniunii Europene a fost de 2,2% în iulie 2018, în creştere faţă de iunie, când inflaţia a fost de 2,1%, iar cu un an mai devreme a fost de 1,5%. În perioada analizată, cea mai mare contribuţie la rata anuală a inflaţiei din zona euro a venit din sectorul energetic (+0,89 puncte procentuale - pp), urmat de servicii (+0,64 pp), produse alimentare, alcool şi tutun (+0,49 pp) şi bunuri nealimentare (+0,12 pp).
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Delegația Congresului SUA condusă de Devin Nunes președintele Comitetului Permanent pentru Informații din Camera Reprezentanților a SUA http://gov.ro/ro/stiri/primirea-de-catre-prim-ministrul-viorica-dancila-a-delegatieicongresului-sua-condusa-de-devin-nunes-pre-edintele-comitetului-permanent-pentruinformatii-din-camera-reprezentantilor-a-sua&page=1
Guvern România Prim-ministrul României, Viorica Dăncilă, a primit astăzi, 14 august 2018, vizita unei delegații a Congresului SUA condusă de Devin Nunes, președintele Comitetului Permanent pentru Informații din Camera Reprezentanților a Statelor Unite ale Americii.
Cu această ocazie, înaltul oficial român a salutat sprijinul constant pe care Congresul SUA îl acordă Parteneriatului Strategic dintre România și Statele Unite ale Americii. Totodată, a reiterat importanța deosebită pe care România o acordă Parteneriatului Strategic cu Statele Unite ale Americii. Șeful Executivului a subliniat interesul părții române pentru intensificarea consultărilor și cooperării bilaterale pe toate temele de interes comun, discutând împreună cu interlocutorii americani viitoarea agendă politică bilaterală.
Pe lângă importanța consolidării dialogului politic, premierul Viorica Dăncilă a subliniat necesitatea dezvoltării dimensiunii economice a Parteneriatului Strategic, având în vedere potențialul mare de care România dispune, precum și interesul pentru o prezență crescută a investitorilor americani. În context, a apreciat dinamica relațiilor de cooperare în sectorul energetic și implicarea tot mai pronunțată a companiilor americane în domeniul explorării resurselor de hidrocarburi, în special în Marea Neagră. Șeful Guvernului României a trecut în revistă evoluțiile de interes cu privire la situația de securitate regională, evidențiind importanța strategică a regiunii Mării Negre pentru securitatea euro-atlantică în ansamblul său și accentuând, în context, necesitatea unei puternice legături transatlantice. De asemenea, a subliniat Page 33 of 40
importanța deciziilor adoptate la Summit-ul NATO de la Bruxelles din iulie 2018 pentru securitatea și stabilitatea flancului estic al Alianței. Șeful Executivului a menționat contribuțiile consistente ale României la securitatea euro-atlantică, evidențiind rezultatele pozitive în respectarea angajamentelor privind cheltuielile dedicate apărării. Totodată, a precizat că România va continua să acționeze ca un aliat responsabil, contribuind activ la promovarea securității în spațiul euro-atlantic și în afara sa. Subiectul extinderii Organizației pentru Cooperare și Dezvoltare Economică a figurat, de asemenea, pe agenda discuțiilor, premierul exprimând speranța că autoritățile americane se vor pronunța în favoarea extinderii Organizației și vor susține candidatura României.
https://nunes.house.gov/ Devin Gerald Nunes (October 1, 1973) is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for California's 22nd congressional district since 2003. A Republican, he serves as chairman of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and was a member of President Trump's transition team. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devin_Nunes
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Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur EUR GBP USD XAU
10 aug.2018 13 aug.2018 14 aug.2018 16 aug.2018 17 aug.2018 4.6567 4.6607 4.6590 4.6586 4.6569 5.1905 5.2200 5.2228 5.2037 5.1960 4.0594 4.0937 4.0854 4.0976 4.0889 158.0421 158.3943 156.9480 155.3364 154.7175 http://www.bnro.ro/default.htm
5.5 5
5.1631 4.6695
4.6206 4.0976
USD Y18 3.7170
168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18
158 156
154 154.7175
grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR
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Northrop Grumman Board Declares Quarterly Dividend https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/releases/northrop-grumman-boarddeclares-quarterly-dividend-6712086
Northrop Grumman August 15, 2018 FALLS CHURCH, Va.
The board of directors of Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) declared a quarterly dividend of $1.20 per share on Northrop Grumman common stock, payable Sept. 12, 2018, to shareholders of record as of the close of business Aug. 27, 2018. Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, space, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit news.northropgrumman.com and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information.
Dividendele General Dynamics: la ce concluzii putem ajunge (1, ĂŽnceput cu #307) General Dynamics: o privire profundă asupra preferatului meu furnizor aristocrat de dividende General Dynamics: A Deep Due-Diligence Dive On My Favorite Dividend Aristocrat https://seekingalpha.com/article/4199580-general-dynamics-deep-due-diligence-divefavorite-dividend-aristocrat
Blog Aug. 15, 2018 5:39 PM ET
Chuck Walston Long-term horizon, dividend growth investing, value
Summary General Dynamics' system of moats creates a nearly insurmountable obstacle to competitors. The Aerospace segment provides effective diversification not seen in most defense contractors . Dividend Aristocrats historically outperform broader indices. As a dividend growth investor, I can use General Dynamics' (GD) double-digit three, five and ten year dividend growth record as an argument for investing in the stock. I can point to a world that is in constant conflict as sign that the long term prospects for the company should prove positive. The shares sell for a reasonable valuation. That's a strong selling point in a market where bargains are hard to find, and where most Dividend Aristocrats go for a premium. However, after digging deeper into this prospective investment, I find the most compelling arguments center around the company's deep, wide moat and outstanding management team. Furthermore, unlike most companies in the defense industry, GD's Aerospace segment effectively diversifies the company's products into the civilian realm. Read on to discover my perspective.
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Cap. INVESTIȚII Israel Antitrust Authority Approves Elbit-IMI Merger http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/35336
Israel Defense 19/08/2018
“An examination of the merger found that it does not raise a reasonable risk of significant damage to competition,” the authority said in a statement on Sunday. “In particular, it was found that the overlap between the activities of Elbit and IMI is relatively marginal” ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Cap. MacroE Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (9, a început cu #296) Macroeconomic stability – a stepstone towards security and diplomatic standing Recent developments in Romania http://www.bnro.ro/Prezentari-si-interviuri--1332.aspx
Banca Națională a României Mugur Isărescu, Guvernatorul BNR
Totuși, exporturile de bunuri au continuat să înregistreze o creștere robustă Still, exports of goods continued to post robust growth Trade flows of goods Breakdown of exports of Breakdown of imports of goods goods
Note: BPM6‐compliant calculations.
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Cap. RESURSE Riscuri legate de prezența agenților chimici Guvernul României Hotărâre pentru modificarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 1.218/2006 privind stabilirea cerințelor minime de securitate și sănătate în muncă pentru asigurarea protecției lucrătorilor împotriva riscurilor legate de prezența agenților chimici Nr. 584 din 02-August-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 714 din 17 August 2018
Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE Viorel Manole, director PATROMIL, la DCNews. Informații despre înzestrarea armatei https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pkv8G4X8ksU
YouTube DCNEWS RO Transmis în flux live pe 14 aug. 2018
Piranha și Eurospike, programe România. Viorel Manole: Industria dispare încet! Există obligații https://www.dcnews.ro/piranha-i-eurospike-programe-romania-viorel-manoleindustria-dispare-incet-exista-obliga-ii_608188.html
DCnews.ro Darius Muresan 16 aug 2018 / 10:49
Viorel Manole, directorul PATROMIL, a vorbit în exclusivitate despre problemele pe care le întâmpină România ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 38 of 40
România, programe Eurospike și Piranha. Viorel Manole, semnal de alarmă: Există obligații! https://www.defenseromania.ro/romania-programe-eurospike-i-piranha-viorelmanole-semnal-de-alarma-exista-obliga-ii_593002.html
Defense Romania Tudor Curtifan 16 aug 2018 / 10:34
Viorel Manole, directorul PATROMIL, a vorbit în exclusivitate despre problemele pe care le întâmpină România în ceea ce privește offsetul achizițiilor militare. Viorel Manole a tras un semnal de alarmă în ceea ce privește obligațiile de offset și trenarea acestora, ceea ce duce la pierderea unor sume importante care ar putea să revitalizeze industria de apărare din România. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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