180822 RO.A&D 309

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ZI DE ZI miercuri, 22 august 2018


F-22 Raptor, KC-135 Stratotanker: în România

pg. yyy

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miercuri, 22 august 2018


Cap. AERONAUTICĂ .................................................................6 BVB - industria aeronautică .....................................................6 IAR SA Brasov: Convocare AGAO 24.09.2018 .......................7 ROMAERO: Raport semestrial 2018 .......................................7 Romaero a raportat pierderi de 14,13 milioane lei în primul semestru ..................................................................................7 Primul avion de luptă al Iranului...............................................8 Bell 407GXi Pilot Review .........................................................8 Beyond Visual Line of Sight flights launch at Grand Sky .........9 KONGSBERG ........................................................................10 Insights ..................................................................................10 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - prezentarea Companiei (40 început #270) .........................................................................12 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE ............................................12 The story of M4 Carbine (13, început #297) ..........................12 Cap. ITC ...................................................................................14 Boeing is being contracted to upgrade the current IRST system on the Navy's F/A-18E/F aircraft. ..............................14 The US Army is awarding Six3 Intelligence Solutions with a modified intelligence support contract. ..................................15 Cap. NAVAL .............................................................................16 Convocare AGA la Şantierul Naval 2 Mai S.A. Mangalia ......17 Navă de transport containere electrică şi complet autonomă construită la Brăila .................................................................17 Britain's MoD plans to restart its future frigate contest for the Royal Navy. ...........................................................................17 Cap. RACHETE ........................................................................18 S-75 Volhov si KUB spre o noua tinerete?! ...........................20 Page 3 of 32

The major manufacturer of Shoulder-fired Weapons ............20 Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE ....................................................21 Salvarea Roman SA vine de la nemți ....................................21 Cap. NATO/OTAN ....................................................................21 Mihai Fifor: Atunci când aduci în România avioanele F-22, le aduci într-o ţară partener de încredere ..................................21 Cap. DECIZIONAL ...................................................................22 Andi Nodiț, eliberare funcție...................................................23 Constantin Adrian, eliberare funcție.......................................23 Cap. FINANȚE..........................................................................23 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................23 Dividendele General Dynamics: la ce concluzii putem ajunge (3, început cu #307) ...............................................................24 Cap. EVENIMENTE..................................................................25 Ingelin Drøpping - Executive Vice President in Kongsberg Defence&Aerospace. .............................................................25 Situații extreme aviatice .........................................................26 Mil Mi-2................................................................................26 Suedia: Un avion de vânătoare Gripen s-a prăbușit după ce a lovit o pasăre .........................................................................27 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE ..............................................................27 În Dâmbovița, Sindicaliștii din Apărare pun tunurile pe directori ...............................................................................................27 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE ............................................28 Cap. RESPONSABILITATE CORPORATISTĂ ........................29 Northrop Grumman Describes Global Corporate Responsibility Activities in 2017 Report .................................29 Cap. ETICA ÎN AFACERI .........................................................31 What is the 5th Anti Money laundering Directive? .................31

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Cap. AERONAUTICĂ BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 255,24 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0



200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00





























mil. euro


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IAR SA Brasov: Convocare AGAO 24.09.2018 http://www.bvb.ro/infocont/infocont18/IARV_20180821120848_0-Raport-curent--Convocator-AGOA-24-25-09-2018.pdf

Bursa de Valori Bucureşti 21.08.2018 12:21:15

1. Revocarea / alegerea unui administrator provizoriu al Societatii IAR SA si stabilirea duratei mandatului acestuia 2. Alegerea administratorilor provizorii ai societății începând cu data de 12.10.2018 și stabilirea duratei mandatului acestora 3. Alegerea președintelui Consiliului de Administrație al societății ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

ROMAERO: Raport semestrial 2018 http://www.bvb.ro/info/Raportari/RORX/RORX-Raport%20semestrial%202018.pdf

Bursa de Valori Bucureşti 21.08.2018 11:35:00

În primele 6 luni ale anului 2018, ROMAERO a înregistrat pentru prima dată în ultimii 5 ani o valoare pozitivă a indicatorului EBITDA, pe fondul unei creșteri cu cca. 80% a veniturilor operaționale concretizată într-o creștere de cca. 64% a cifrei de afaceri nete, simultan cu scăderea la cca. 80% a nivelului de cheltuieli pentru 1.000 Lei venituri din exploatare, rezultatul fiind reducerea la jumătate a pierderii bugetate pentru această perioadă a anului. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Romaero a raportat pierderi de 14,13 milioane lei în primul semestru https://romanialibera.ro/economie/romaero-a-raportat-pierderi-de-1413-milioane-leiin-primul-semestru-748359

România Liberă Iulian Budușan 2018 - 09:48

Veniturile totale bugetate pentru acest an se ridică la 116,29 milioane lei, cu peste 65% mai mari faţă de cele realizate anul trecut, de 70,41 milioane lei. Compania şi-a bugetat totodată investiţii de 27,39 milioane lei în acest an, de aproape nouă ori mai mari faţă de investiţiile realizate anul trecut, de 3,16 milioane lei. Romaero, companie controlată de Ministerul Economiei, are în prezent circa 800 de salariaţi şi o valoare de piaţă de 144,02 milioane lei, cu valoarea activelor de peste 800 milioane lei şi datorii de peste 300 milioane lei acumulate în ultimii zece ani. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Primul avion de luptă al Iranului https://jurnalul.antena3.ro/stiri/externe/video-primul-avion-de-lupta-al-iranului784373.html

Antena3 Iranul a prezentat marţi primul său avion de luptă cu ocazia unei parade militare, potrivit unor imagini difuzate de televiziunea de stat iraniană, relatează AFP. În imaginile difuzate de televiziune apare preşedintele Hassan Rohani în cabina piloţilor din avionut numit "Kowsar". Evenimentul a avut loc cu prilejul Zilei naţionale a industriei apărării.

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Bell 407GXi Pilot Review https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/business-aviation/2018-08-16/pilot-reportbell-407gxi#

Aviation International News Alexa Rexroth - August 16, 2018, 6:44 AM

"The upgraded engine coupled with the new avionics system demonstrated their immense value throughout our flight and the enhancement they would provide to multi-mission profiles." Standing on the right-hand side of a Bell 407GXi, I leaned in to see what—upon first glance—looked strikingly similar to Garmin's G1000H flight deck. The screens, powered off, had barely a streak on their glass, and this was my first reminder that I was indeed looking at something new. As soon as the screens came to life, it became apparent that these were more powerful Garmin displays. The new G1000H NXi integrated avionics system immediately indicated its upgraded status from its predecessors with a bright and crisp display that initialized within a few seconds. At Bell Helicopter’s Fort Worth facility, Tim Otteson, a Bell demo pilot, walked me through the features of the Bell 407GXi and the G1000H NXi. The Garmin upgrade, along with a Rolls-Royce 250-C47E/4 Fadec turboshaft engine, sets the 407GXi apart from the previous 407GXP.

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Beyond Visual Line of Sight flights launch at Grand Sky http://grandskynd.com/news/news-release-beyond-visual-line-sight-flights-launchgrand-sky/?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=es 20 august 2018

Grand Sky, the first and only fully operational commercial unmanned aerial systems (UAS)-focused research and development park in the U.S., announced beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) flight operations for large UAS have begun at the park.

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KONGSBERG http://www.kongsberg.com/ Mechanical or Industrial Engineering KONGSBERG is an international, knowledge-based technology corporation that develops advanced systems and technologies for the maritime, offshore, defence and aerospace industries. We are more than 7000 colleagues in more than 30 countries worldwide with global operations. Our headquarter are in Kongsberg, Norway. The group consists of four business areas: Kongsberg Maritime, Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace Systems and Kongsberg Digital. We are a worldwide knowledge-based environment and a well-organised performance-based culture. We work closely together with customers and research groups to develop advanced systems and technology for defence, the maritime sector, offshore and space. Hence we create value for our customers, owners, employees and society at large. Kongsberg Gruppen is founded on 200 years of experience and on the core values of determination, innovation, reliability and cooperation. Our vision statement is: World Class – Through people, technology and dedication.

KONGSBERG este o corporație internațională bazată pe cunoaștere, care dezvoltă sisteme și tehnologii avansate pentru industria maritimă, offshore, de apărare și aerospațială. Suntem peste 7000 de colegi din peste 30 de țări din întreaga lume cu operațiuni globale. Sediul nostru se află în Kongsberg, Norvegia. Grupul este alcătuit din patru domenii de activitate: Kongsberg Maritime, Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace Systems și Kongsberg Digital. Suntem un mediu bazat pe cunoaștere la nivel mondial și o cultură bine organizată bazată pe performanță. Colaborăm îndeaproape cu clienții și grupurile de cercetare pentru a dezvolta sisteme și tehnologii avansate pentru apărare, sectorul maritim, offshore și spațiu. Prin urmare, noi creăm valoare pentru clienții, proprietarii, angajații și societatea în general. Kongsberg Gruppen este fondată pe 200 de ani de experiență și pe valorile de bază ale determinării, inovării, fiabilității și cooperării. Declarația noastră de viziune este: Clasa Mondială - Prin oameni, tehnologie și dedicare.

Insights Air Arabia planning 100-jet deal for Airbus A320s or Boeing 737s Business Times Online08:01 Tue, 21 Aug

Aircraft Briefs-Aug. 21, 2018 Air Transport World22:44 Tue, 21 Aug

Boeing completes autonomous synchronised flight tests HeliHub15:49 Tue, 21 Aug

CHC Brasil Holds Regional Safety and Quality Summit in Rio de Janeiro HeliHub11:08 Tue, 21 Aug

Devon Air Ambulance buy Airbus H145 HeliHub21:37 Mon, 20 Aug

Diplomatic row jeopardizes $1.5B helicopter deal between Turkey and Pakistan HeliHub22:00 Wed, 15 Aug

EatSleepFly names new female owner Vertical Magazine15:18 Tue, 21 Aug

Enstrom certifies Appareo Vision 1000 Vertical Magazine15:28 Tue, 21 Aug

FAA approves Robinson R66 cargo hook Vertical Magazine15:48 Tue, 21 Aug

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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - prezentarea Companiei (40 început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports

Airbus extras Summary Financial and Operating Data CONSOLIDATED REVENUES BY DIVISION FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2017, 2016 AND 2015

Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE The story of M4 Carbine (13, început #297) https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-usas-m4-carbine-controversy-03289/

Defense Industry Daily M4 Carbine Contracts Announced to Date The following contracts concern the M4 Carbine and its variants directly; other than spare parts or magazines, all other related contracts for accessories etc. were excluded. We also excluded M16 contracts that did not also include M4s. No announced DefenseLINK contracts have fit these criteria since February 2009, though some sole-source orders may be found in other venues. The FBO.gov June 14/11 presolicitation may lead to additional announced orders. March 6/14: US Army Contracting Command at Picatinny Arsenal, NJ awards $16.3 million in contracts as a firm-fixed-price, multi-year contract for M4 rifle bolts under the M4 product improvement program. Each request will be competed between Colt Defense LLC in West Hartford, CT (W15QKN-14-D-0027) and FN Manufacturing LLC in Columbia, SC (W15QKN-14-D-0026), though 6 bids were received. The contract runs until Feb 28/18. Jan 7/13: Colt Defense LLC in West Hartford, CT receives $14 million firm-fixed-price contract for the M4 Product Improvement Program replacement barrel and front sight assembly. Work location will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Dec 30/16. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with 6 bids Page 12 of 32

received by the US Army Contracting Command in Warren, MI (W56HZV-13-D0040). Dec 19/12: From FBO.gov, amended solicitation #W15QKN-13-R-0039, originally issued Nov 27/12: “…requirement for up to a total of 350,000 Replacement Bolts used in the conversion of the M4 Carbine to the M4A1 Carbine. To meet continuous requirements for FY13 through FY17, the United States Government intends to award one or more four-year IDIQ contracts with Firm Fixed Price (FFP) orders based on Other Than Full and Open competition… Competition for this requirement shall be other than full and open, and limited to the United States and its territories, island possessions and protectorates, in accordance with the license agreement between the US Government and Colt Defense LLC, limiting distribution of the Technical Data Package (TDP). The authority to limit competition is in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1), as implemented by FAR 6.302-1(a)(2)(ii)(A), only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. FAR 6.302-1(a)(2) applies when supplies or services required by the agency are available from only one responsible source, or for DoD, NASA and the Coast Guard, from only one or a limited number of responsible sources, and no other type of supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. The maximum contract ceiling price for the total anticipated contract award is $21,350,000.00. The maximum quantity of units is 350,000. The anticipated award date for this action is 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013.‖ Nov 16/12: The GAO dismisses Colt’s protest. Oct 9/12: Colt protests again. For the 2nd time in 5 months, Colt lodges a protest of the US Army’s efforts to upgrade its M4 carbines to M4A1s. This protest is aimed at the amended Sept 21/12 solicitation. Military.com. July 24/12: Colt Protests, Wins. The US Government Accountability Office’s ruling forces the US Army to rework the original M4A1 upgrade competition that Remington had won (q.v. April 25/12 entry), so vendors in the competitive range could re-submit. Colt protested both Remington Defense’s win, and the miscalculation of royalties Colt would receive. More than 6,000 soldiers in the 101st Airborne have already received the rifles, but the Army will need to resolve these protests if it wishes to begin installing conversion kits in summer 2013. The M4A1 includes a heavier barrel, a full automatic trigger assembly, and ambidextrous fire controls. A free-float forward rail, which improves accuracy is widely available on civilian guns, might receive a contract by the end of 2014. What’s conspicuous by its absence is a more reliable firing system. Col. Scott Armstrong of PM Soldier Weapons: “There were 11 [vendors] that competed in that; they went through nearly a year of testing…. None of the offerers completed the first phase or outperformed the current bolt and bolt carrier group on the M4A1 configuration. Areas that the competitors really fell short in were reliability, durability as well as high temperature and low temperature conditions. The M4A1 bolt outperformed [the competition] in all of those areas.” April 25/12: M4s from Remington. Remington Arms Company, LLC in Ilion, NY receives an $83.9 million firm-fixed-price contract for 24,000 M4A1 carbines. Remington is positioned for any future carbine competition, if there is one, with the ACR. Meanwhile, its “R4” seems to have found a production niche, now that Colt no longer owns all rights. This is the 1st non-Colt M4 contract, and Remington beat 5 other bids – presumably including Colt. Page 13 of 32

Work will be performed in Ilion, NY until April 12/17. U.S. Army Contracting Command in Warren, MI manages the contract (W56HZV-12-D-0056). Oct 5/11: GTD, Inc. in Lola, MT, received an $8.6 million firm-fixed-price indefinitedelivery/ indefinite-quantity contract for M4/M4A1 Carbine Trigger Components. Work will be performed in Lola, MT, with an estimated completion date of Sept 30/16. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with 4 bids received by the U.S. Army Contracting Command in Warren, MI (W56HZV-11-D-0207). June 14/11: RFP. FBO.gov releases Presolicitation W56HZV-10-R-0593, covering 70,000 – 100,000 M4 and M4A1 carbines over 5 years. The Government expects to order 25-30% in each of years 1 and 2, and 13-17% in each of years 3 through 5. The contractor(s) winning the best value competition will also be required to provide ancillary equipment as specified by the contract, and will be paid only for produced items, not for setup and manufacturing costs. Bidding is restricted to firms in the U.S. & its territories, and the carbines will be produced in accordance with the M4/M4A1 Technical Data Package (TDP) and the license agreement between the U.S. Government and Colt Defense, LLC. That TDP is restricted/ export controlled, and requires submission of a Non-Disclosure Agreement. The TDPs will not be available until an NDA is submitted, and an FBO.gov solicitation is issued. Read ―Colt M4 Data Rights & The Individual Carbine Competition‖ for an analysis of how the Army reached this point, and what it could mean in practice.

Cap. ITC Boeing is being contracted to upgrade the current IRST system on the Navy's F/A-18E/F aircraft. Defense Industry Daily The cost-plus-incentive-fee contract has a value of $152.4 million and provides for the design, development and integration of the new Infrared Search and Track System (IRST) Block II. The IRST is designed to locate the heat emitted by aircraft engines without the use of active radar, which is easily detected by enemy planes and ships. It also helps countering stealth technology. The new IRST system will be embedded on a special centerline fuel tank as means of giving the fighter jet some parity with peer aircraft. Work will be performed at Boeing's facilities in Orlando, Florida and St. Louis, Missouri and is scheduled for completion by December 2021. Lockheed Martin is being tapped to support the US military with further engineering activities associated with the F-35's logistics system. The order is valued at $26.1 million and provides for the design, development, integration and testing of the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) Security Architecture and the ALIS Sovereign Data Management (SDM) system. ALIS gives F-35 Lightning II operators the ability to plan ahead, to maintain, to plan and sustain its systems over the life of the air vehicle. The system has been criticised in the past due to reliability and security concerns. Last year the USMC had to halt operations of a F-35 squadron due to unspecified 'anomalies' in the ALISsoftware. In addition, some experts have claimed that ALIS could offer an incredibly attractive Achilles heel for enemy hackers to sink their teeth into. This order combines purchases for the Air Force ($10.7 million), Marine Corps ($7.8 million), Navy ($1.9 million), and international partners ($5.4 million). Work will be performed at Lockheed's facilities in Forth Worth, Texas and Orlando, Florida. The order is expected to be completed in June 2020. Page 14 of 32

2 pagini de date integrate pentru abonații RO.A&D INTEGRATE NEWS

The US Army is awarding Six3 Intelligence Solutions with a modified intelligence support contract. Defense Industry Daily The $125.8 million modification provides for a variety of intelligence support services to US troops in Afghanistan and the Operation Resolute Support director of intelligence. The company's mission solutions include biometrics, identity intelligence (I2), counterintelligence; command, control, communications, computers, and combat systems intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (C5ISR); and Cyber security and enterprise architectures. There are currently 16.000 US troops deployed in Afghanistan. When Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with soldiers in July he reiterated that the Taliban cannot win on the battlefield, cannot wait us out, and will ultimately have to settle their differences with the Afghan government at the negotiating table. Work will be performed in Kabul and is estimated to be completed by end of February, 2020.

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Nakasone said during his first public remarks since taking command. ―This is a dynamic force that comes and goes.‖


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Convocare AGA la Şantierul Naval 2 Mai S.A. Mangalia https://www.ziuaconstanta.ro/diverse/stiri-calde/actionarii-de-la-santierul-naval-2-mais-a-mangalia-convocati-in-sedinta-de-adunare-generala-ordinara-ce-se-afla-peordinea-de-zi-document-668322.html

ZIUA - Constanţa  

alegerea adminsitratorilor provizorii ai societăţii, stabilirea duratei mandatului administratorilor provizorii şi indemnizaţiei,  numirea audotiorului financiar şi  fixarea duratei minime a contractului de audit financiar la 3 ani, ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...


Navă de transport containere electrică şi complet autonomă construită la Brăila http://obiectivbr.ro/content/nav%C4%83-de-transport-containere-electric%C4%83%C5%9Fi-complet-autonom%C4%83-construit%C4%83-la-br%C4%83ila

Obiectiv Vocea Brăilei 22 AUG, 2018 Dragoş G. TUDOSE

Încă o comandă specială pentru navaliştii brăileni • corpul acestui vas va fi construit în şantierul de la Brăila urmând a fi trimis apoi pentru armare completă şantierului Vard Brevik în Norvegia, de unde se va face livrarea finală • cu o lungime de 80 metri, va fi prima navă electrică şi complet autonomă destinată transportului de îngrăşăminte chimice • vasul va face parte din flota norvegienilor de la Yara, cel mai mare producător de îngrăşăminte chimice la nivel mondial ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Britain's MoD plans to restart its future frigate contest for the Royal Navy. Defense Industry Daily In February, Britain launched the competition to find a contractor interested in building five frigates, at a total cost of no more than £1.25 billion (roughly $1.6 billion). But the process had to be abandoned in late July when the DE&S said it had failed to attract sufficient compliant bids. A MoD spokesperson said that the government is determined to move ahead with the Type 31e program and that a Prior Information Notice has been issued so that the acquisition process does not lose any momentum. Jane's described the Type 31e as a ―credible frigate‖ that will cover ―maritime security, maritime counter-terrorism and counter-piracy operations, escort duties, and naval fire support sitting between the high-end capability delivered by the Type 26 and Type 45, and the constabulary-oriented outputs to be delivered by the five planned River-class Batch 2 OPVs‖. There are currently two designs that will we likely contenders. One is the Arrowhead designed by Babcock and the Leander designed by BAE Systems. The Royal Navy is currently in the process of replacing its aged Type 23s with new Type 26 ASWs, the remainder of Type 23s will be replaced by the new Type 31e frigates.

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S-75 Volhov si KUB spre o noua tinerete?! https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/s-75-volhov-si-kub-spre-o-noua-tinerete

Romania Military George GMT 22 august 2018 - 6:00

Asteptam cu totii sa vedem operationala (din 2020) prima baterie Patriot, iar mai apoi noile baterii SHORAD (vedem de la cine). Si, odata cu inceperea operationalizarii noilor sisteme anti-aeriene si anti-racheta, poate multi dintre voi se asteptau ca ......citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

The major manufacturer of Shoulder-fired Weapons include:

 S Saaaabb A AB B  TThhee R Raayytthheeoonn C Coom mppaannyy  LLoocckkhheeeedd M Maarrttiinn  R Raaffaaeell A Addvvaanncceedd D Deeffeennssee S Syysstteem mss  TThhaalleess G Grroouupp  M MB BD DA AH Hoollddiinnggss  JJS SC CS SP PA AB Baazzaalltt  N Naam mm moo A AS S  K KB BP P IInnssttrruum meenntt D Deessiiggnn B Buurreeaauu  JJS SC CK KB BM M  N Noorriinnccoo ((C Chhiinnaa N Noorrtthh IInndduussttrriieess C Coorrppoorraattiioonn))  D Deenneell S SO OC C LLttdd  R Rookkeettssaann A A..S S

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Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE Salvarea Roman SA vine de la nemți Compania brașoveană va produce, împreună cu importatorul Rheinmetall MAN, „camioane românești la standarde germane‖ https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/salvarea-roman-sa-vine-de-la-nemti-companiabrasoveana-va-produce-impreuna-cu-importatorul-rheinmetall-man-camioaneromanesti-la-standarde-germane

Romania Military Razvan Mihaeanu 21 august 2018 - 14:02

MHS Truck & Bus, unic importator și partener de service al vehiculelor militare și militarizate Rheinmetall MAN în România, a semnat un parteneriat de tip jointventure cu fabrica de autocamioane, Roman, pentru a produce, în România, platforme de transport auto multifunctionale, în funcție de necesitățile de echipare ale Armatei Române. Pentru integrarea industriei românești în programul de echipare a Armatei Române cu vehicule militarizate, MHS Truck & Bus va colabora, pe lângă Roman Brașov, cu mai mulți furnizori locali, a comunicat compania. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. NATO/OTAN Mihai Fifor: Atunci când aduci în România avioanele F-22, le aduci într-o ţară partener de încredere https://www.agerpres.ro/politica/2018/08/20/mihai-fifor-atunci-cand-aduci-in-romaniaavioanele-f-22-le-aduci-intr-o-tara-partener-de-incredere--162934

AGERPRES autor: Dorina Matiş, editor: Antonia Niţă, editor online: Ada Vîlceanu

Ministrul Apărării Naţionale, Mihai Fifor, a declarat luni, la Baza Aeriană de la Câmpia Turzii, la sosirea celor două avioane F-22 Raptor, că aducerea în România a celui mai avansat avion de luptă în acest moment dovedeşte că ţara noastră este un partener de încredere şi un aliat de nădejde. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 21 of 32


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Andi Nodiț, eliberare funcție Primul-Ministru Decizie privind încetarea, la cerere, a exercitării, cu caracter temporar, prin detașare, de către domnul Andi Nodiț a funcției publice vacante din categoria înalților funcționari publici de secretar general adjunct al Ministerului pentru Relația cu Parlamentul Nr. 252 din 21-August-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 721 din 21 August 2018

Constantin Adrian, eliberare funcție Primul-Ministru Decizie privind constatarea încetării de drept a raportului de serviciu al domnului Constantin Adrian, inspector guvernamental în cadrul Secretariatului General al Guvernului Nr. 251 din 21-August-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 721 din 21 August 2018

Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 14 aug.2018 16 aug.2018 17 aug.2018 20 aug.2018 21 aug.2018 4.6590 4.6586 4.6569 4.6483 4.6434 5.2228 5.2037 5.1960 5.1896 5.1688 4.0854 4.0976 4.0889 4.0737 4.0320 156.9480 155.3364 154.7175 155.6363 154.7773






5.5 5

5.1631 4.6695



4.6206 4.0976



USD Y18 3.7170


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168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18

158 156 154































grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Dividendele General Dynamics: la ce concluzii putem ajunge (3, început cu #307) General Dynamics: o privire profundă asupra preferatului meu furnizor aristocrat de dividende General Dynamics: A Deep Due-Diligence Dive On My Favorite Dividend Aristocrat https://seekingalpha.com/article/4199580-general-dynamics-deep-due-diligence-divefavorite-dividend-aristocrat

Blog Aug. 15, 2018 5:39 PM ET Chuck Walston

Management I consider CEO Phebe Novakovic’s leadership to be superb. Since Novakovic took the helm in 2013, operating margins have increased from 11.7% to over 13%. One example of the management team's exemplary performance is reflected in the Aerospace segment. Since Novakovic’s tenure began thorough 2017, that business boasts an industry leading 18.6% operating margin. During the same time period, Dassault, Bombardier, and Textron Aviation (manufacturers of Cessna) tallied average operating margins well below 10%. Turning to the bane of many investors, share buybacks: General Dynamics eschews hard share buyback programs, opting for a more opportunistic approach. Nonetheless, the company has rewarded shareholders with nearly $10 billion in dividends and share buybacks over the last three years. Management has stated current share buybacks will be limited to efforts designed to prevent an increase in the float. In it's stead, there has been a repeated emphasis on paying off the debt funded to complete the CSRA acquisition. Last but not least, I applaud General Dynamics' decentralized structure. Less than 150 employees work in the company’s headquarters. GD instills a degree of entrepreneurship among lower management while holding them accountable for financial targets.

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Cap. EVENIMENTE Ingelin Drøpping - Executive Vice President in Kongsberg Defence&Aerospace. https://kongsberg.com/en/kds/news/2018/august/new%20executive%20vice%20presi dent%20for%20the%20space%20and%20surveillance%20division/ 21 august 2018

Ingelin Drøpping is appointed new Executive Vice President for the Space & Surveillance division in Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace. Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace is a business area in Kongsberg Gruppen, with more than 2 500 employees, and a revenue of 6.3 BNOK in 2017.

Drøpping currently holds the position as Vice President Connectivity and Digital Service Portfolio in Panasonic Avionics, and has extensive management experience from various positions in Panasonic Avionics, Seamless AS, Agera Norge AS and Telenor ASA. Drøpping currently holds the position as Vice President Connectivity and Digital Service Portfolio in Panasonic Avionics, and has extensive management experience from various positions in Panasonic Avionics, Seamless AS, Agera Norge AS and Telenor ASA. Drøpping is a civil engineer from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and holds an Executive MBA from Stockholm School of Economics. Drøpping commences the new position December 1st, and Eirik Tord Jensen will continue as acting Executive Vice President for the division until this date. Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace is the largest Space organization in the Nordic countries, and continues to grow. Drøpping will be responsible for further developing the division world wide. She will report to President of Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, Eirik Lie, and be a part of his management team. Page 25 of 32

Situaศ ii extreme aviatice https://aviation-safety.net/index.php

Aviation Safety acc. date



Saab JAS 39C Gripen


Cessna 150M







Swedish Air Force


Mรถljeryd, Ronneby


Hangar Sud


Lozada, Cรณrdoba


Skyranger Microlight



Hawling Airfield



Mil Mi-2

Polish Army


Latkowo Airbase






near Rue, Somme



MD 369FF Lifter

N530MJ *

Trinity Aviation LLC


Williamson County between Granger and Circleville, TX



Piper PA-31 Navajo




Verneuil-sur-Vienne, near Limoges



Air Tractor AT-400


Ross Seed Co DBA


Grand Forks County, Grand Forks, ND



Socata Rallye



Pound Lane, Raymonds Hill, Blackpool Corner, Axminster, Devon



Robin DR.400



Corlier altiport (LFJD), Ain



Gulfstream IV

SMB Aircraft LLC


Teterboro Airport, NJ



Skyranger J2.2(2)



Manor Farm, Hawling, near Bourton-on-theWater, Gloucestershire




Mil Mi-2 https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=214586 Date: 21-AUG-2018 Time: 7 PM

Type: Mil Mi-2 Owner/operator: Polish Army Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2 Aircraft damage:Unknown Location: Latkowo Airbase Poland Phase: Landing Nature: Military Page 26 of 32

Narrative: Aterizare dificilă în timpul zborului de antrenament. 430 incidente în această bază de date cu acest tip de aeronavă, începând din 1968, ceea ce înseamnă că media anuală a incidentelor este de 8,6.

Suedia: Un avion de vânătoare Gripen s-a prăbușit după ce a lovit o pasăre https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-22663034-suedia-avion-toare-gripen-dup-lovit-pas-pilotulreu-catapulteze.htm

HOTNEWS de R.M. Marţi, 21 august 2018, 15:18

Un avion de vânătoare suedez, un Jas Gripen produs de grupul Saab, s-a prăbușit marți în sudul Suediei, după ce s-a ciocnit cu o pasăre, au anunțat autoritățile, care au precizat că pilotul a reușit să catapulteze înainte de impact, scrie AFP. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE În Dâmbovița, Sindicaliștii din Apărare pun tunurile pe directori http://www.jurnaldedambovita.ro/jdb_articol--sindicali-537-tii-din-aparare-pun-tunurilepe-directori,47730.html

Jurnal de Dâmbovița 20.08.2018 00:20 VIOLETA STANCIU

*„Activitatea conducerilor acestor societăţi nu prea se vede, s-au învăţat să aducă sindicatul nucleu, să aducă sindicatul comenzi militare, iar dumnealor, directorii, să stea cu salarii mari‖, a declarat liderul sindical Constantin Bucuroiu, adăugând că veniturile acestora pot ajunge chiar până la 13.500 lei *„Directorilor le fac recomandarea să pună osul la treabă, în aşa fel încât să aducă contracte şi comenzi, să ducem şi noi salarizarea acolo unde trebuie, să nu mai plătim un inginer cu salariu de femeie de serviciu de la Primăria Moreni. Inginerul de la Uzina Automecanica Moreni trebuie să fie plătit ca specialist în industria de apărare‖, a mai spus Bucuroiu ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. RESPONSABILITATE CORPORATISTĂ Northrop Grumman Describes Global Corporate Responsibility Activities in 2017 Report https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/releases/releases-20180820

Northrop Grumman FALLS CHURCH, Va. Aug. 20, 2018

Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) released its 2017 Corporate Responsibility Report (CRR), highlighting the company’s ongoing commitment to corporate responsibility including diversity and inclusion; employee engagement; support for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education; environmental sustainability; supplier diversity and ethics. This is the 11th year the company has published a corporate responsibility report. ―Global corporate responsibility, environmental sustainability, and social and corporate governance are fundamental to our business and our interactions with customers, employees, suppliers and the communities where we operate,‖ said Wes Bush, Northrop Grumman’s chairman and chief executive officer. ―Building a best culture remains our objective and we achieve this by making continual progress on engagement, diversity and inclusion; staying true to our corporate values; and maintaining our steadfast commitment to high standards of ethics, integrity, compliance and exemplary corporate governance.‖ The 2017 CRR is consistent with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. GRI is a third-party organization that has developed a widely-used environmental, social and governance reporting framework. The report is also evaluated by an independent external review panel that provides feedback and advice from a stakeholder perspective. The CRR is available online at: http://www.northropgrumman.com/CorporateResponsibility/Documents/pdfs/2017noc-cr-report.pdf ―Each year we publish this report and examine our corporate responsibility activities with the objective of informing our stakeholders of our progress and seeking areas where we can improve,‖ said Sandra Evers-Manly, Northrop Grumman’s vice president of global corporate responsibility, and president of the Northrop Grumman Foundation. ―The global environment we operate in is ever diverse and changing. The corporate responsibility report helps us to keep pace with these dynamic conditions and gives us the opportunity to sustain our dedication to our values which are fundamental to our operations.‖ Some 2017 report highlights include:  We continue to make progress toward achieving the goals of our five-year diversity plan. Among our achievements, female leaders increased from 25.2 percent in 2016 to 26.3 percent in 2017.  As we grow our business, we do so with sustainability in focus. In 2017 we exceeded our greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal and we maintained our commitment to achieve a 30 percent reduction by 2020.  Our annual training and ethics communications continued to support our values-based ethics program that allows our Northrop Grumman employees to maximize individual and company success.

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Northrop Grumman is a leading Pageglobal 30 of security 32 company providing innovative

Northrop Grumman and the Northrop Grumman Foundation continued their commitment to education by investing more than $20 million in STEM programs. Among our initiatives, for the first time the Northrop Grumman Foundation partnered with EarthEcho International, whose mission is to inspire young people worldwide to act now for a sustainable future. systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, space, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit news.northropgrumman.com and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information.

Cap. ETICA ÎN AFACERI What is the 5th Anti Money laundering Directive? https://www.baesystems.com/en/cybersecurity/feature/the-5th-aml-directive

BAE Systems 1

The latest EU anti money laundering directive aims to improve transparency in identifying the beneficial ownership of trusts and companies, disrupt criminal abuse of the virtual currencies and prepaid cards, apply enhanced due diligence on transactions to and from high-risk countries. Further, it gives Financial Intelligence Units better access to information and facilities cooperation across nations through interconnected registers. The Directive also obliges all EU member states to create maintain central bank and payment account registers or central retrieval systems. For more information, read the European Commission’s Fact Sheet on the 5th Anti Money laundering Directive. The 5th AML Directive was signed into law on the 30th of May 2018, giving the Member States 18 months to transpose it into their national laws. However, regulators warn the changes do not stop here. The new Directive extends the focus around Beneficial Owner (BO) transparency by introducing registration of BO of all companies, trusts and legal arrangements. The obliged entities are now required to report any discrepancies they find between the information held on those registries and what they identified during the Customer Due Diligence (CDD) or Know Your Customer (KYC) process. Moreover, the central registers of corporates will be open to the public – who do not need to show the legitimate interest to view them. This step - public access - will further improve the maintenance of accuracy of the information contained in the registries. d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S http://www.competitiveintelligence.ro

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AML = Anti-Money Laundering

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