ZI DE ZI vineri, 31 august 2018
Ministrul german de finanțe îndeamnă la fuziuni europene în domeniul apărării pg. 22
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vineri, 31 august 2018
Cap. AERONAUTICĂ .................................................................5 BVB - industria aeronautică .....................................................5 First ANA A380 rolls out of final assembly line in Toulouse ....6 British-armed F-35B Lightning jet takes to the skies ...............6 Korean-Developed Light Civil Helicopter Makes Maiden Flight in France ..................................................................................7 Insights ....................................................................................7 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - prezentarea Companiei (47 început #270) .........................................................................10 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE ............................................12 Retractable gun gives French special forces’ Caracal greater punch .....................................................................................12 Cap. ITC ...................................................................................13 SOITEC and MBDA to acquire DOLPHIN INTEGRATION assets ....................................................................................13 About Dolphin Integration ...................................................14 About Soitec ........................................................................14 About MBDA .......................................................................15 Next Generation Cyber Security Market Report 2018-2028 ..15 Cap. NAVAL .............................................................................16 German shipbuilders push for government favor against European rivals ......................................................................17 Cap. RACHETE ........................................................................18 Israel: new advanced precision missiles for IDF artillery .......20 Cap. EUROPA ..........................................................................20 Ministrul apărării naționale, la Reuniunea informală a miniștrilor apărării din statele membre ale UE .......................20 Ministrul german de finanțe îndeamnă la fuziuni europene în domeniul apărării ...................................................................22 Page 3 of 31
Is your country expensive? ....................................................22 Cap. DECIZIONAL ...................................................................23 Program de activitate a CURȚII de CONTURI pe Semestrul II al anului 2018 ........................................................................24 Curtea de Conturi și-a publicat programul de controale. ....24 Cap. FINANȚE..........................................................................25 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................25 Execuția bugetului general consolidat aferentă perioadei 1.01 - 31.07.2018 ...........................................................................26 Cap. MacroE.............................................................................26 Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (16, a început cu #296) .............26 VI. Euro adoption ................................................................26 Cap. EVENIMENTE..................................................................27 Raytheon Company Appoints Roy Azevedo President, Space and Airborne Systems ...........................................................27 Richard R. Yuse to Retire from Raytheon ...........................28 About Raytheon's Space and Airborne Systems business .29 About Raytheon ..................................................................29 Situații extreme aviatice .........................................................29 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE ............................................30 What’s next for hypersonics? .................................................30 fiecare știre reprezintă doar punctul de vedere al autorului acesteia, iar linkul conduce la sursa originală și la forma integrală a articolului.
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The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.
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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS
Cap. AERONAUTICĂ BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 250,03 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0
200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00
mil. euro
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First ANA A380 rolls out of final assembly line in Toulouse https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2018/08/first-ana-a380-rollsout-of-final-assembly-line-in-toulouse.html
Airbus 30 august 2018
British-armed F-35B Lightning jet takes to the skies https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-armed-f-35b-lightning-jet-takes-to-theskies
Ministry of Defence UK
Britain’s new stealth fighter jet, the F-35B Lightning, has carried out its first trials Page 6 of 31
armed with UK-built weapons, showcasing the major role that the UK plays in the supersonic aircraft and bringing it a step closer to operations on the frontline. Defence Minister Stuart Andrew revealed that a British F-35 Lightning jet reached the landmark milestone whilst he was on a visit to the Defence Electronics and Components Agency (DECA) in Wales. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Korean-Developed Light Civil Helicopter Makes Maiden Flight in France https://www.rotorandwing.com/2018/08/29/korean-developed-light-civil-helicoptermakes-maiden-flight-france/#.W4d4vQ2_klU.linkedin
Rotor & Wing International Dan Parsons August 29, 2018
The prototype for Korea Aerospace Industries’ new light civil helicopter (LCH) flew for the first time last month in southern France, where flight testing is ongoing. Developed by KAI, the LCH is based on an Airbus Helicopters H155 and flew two months ahead of schedule, according to Airbus. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Insights Air.one and VREF join forces to bring on-demand aircraft values to consumers Vertical Magazine15:48 Thu, 30 Aug
Airbus to participate at Land Forces 2018 Vertical Magazine15:28 Thu, 30 Aug
Army, Bell Collaborate to Advance Micro-Unmanned Aerial System Technologies Aviation Pros00:52
Asia To Lead Pilot Demand Over The Next Two Decades [Infographic] Forbes14:38 Wed, 29 Aug AUVSI reports nearly 2,000 waivers granted to operate beyond Part 107 Vertical Magazine22:12 Wed, 29 Aug
Aviation leaders among speakers for IAWA’s 30th Annual Conference Vertical Magazine15:58 Thu, 30 Aug
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Bristow Group To Present At The 2018 Barclays CEO Energy HeliHub16:07 Thu, 30 Aug
Columbia Helicopters moves their ELITE AS355 HeliHub15:57 Thu, 30 Aug
Helicopter Online Ground School announces accident prevention webinar Vertical Magazine16:10 Wed, 29 Aug
HELP Appeal helps to fund new helipad upgrade at Raigmore Hospital Vertical Magazine15:30 Wed, 29 Aug
Homewood, Manitoba, honors flight of first Canadian helicopter Vertical Magazine15:40 Wed, 29 Aug
Indian Navy Receives Approval for New Helicopters Aviation International News17:18 Thu, 30 Aug
JETcopter to test innovative propulsion system for VTOL aircrafts HeliHub15:49 Wed, 29 Aug
Norwegian Navy tests NH90 helicopter landings on ships in open sea HeliHub15:39 Wed, 29 Aug
Pakistan's Imran Khan under fire for lavish helicopter commute The National16:18 Wed, 29 Aug
Raytheon Awarded $60M Contract for CH-53 and V-22 Support HeliHub19:29 Thu, 30 Aug
RCAF helicopters begin troop transport in Mali Skies Magazine15:50 Wed, 29 Aug
Ridiculous! Pakistan PM Imran Khan takes helicopter to work; minister says it's cheaper than car Business Today16:19 Thu, 30 Aug
Rotortrade announces strong mid-year results Vertical Magazine16:08 Thu, 30 Aug
RS Helicopter set to start H125 operations in Nepal HeliHub19:29 Thu, 30 Aug
Russian helicopter maker ready to cooperate with China HeliHub21:40 Wed, 29 Aug
Silicon Valley takes a (careful) step toward autonomous flying The Seattle Times04:52 Wed, 29 Aug
SkyRyse launches as first technology-enabled air mobility service in the U.S. Vertical Magazine15:20 Wed, 29 Aug
TAI completes ground testing of new T625 prototype HeliHub21:40 Wed, 29 Aug
US Army using modelling, simulation tools to reduce costs in JMR TD IHS Jane's21:22 Wed, 29 Aug
US delivers new Chinook to Turkey despite F-35 problem HeliHub21:40 Wed, 29 Aug
USATS announced a forthcoming rotary wing training course
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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - prezentarea Companiei (47 început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports
Airbus extras 1.1.2 Commercial Aircraft (cont) Market (cont) Ciclicitate Cyclicality. Despite an overall growth trend in air travel, aircraft order intake can vary significantly from year to year and within different regions, due to the volatility of airline profitability, cyclicality of the economy, aircraft replacement waves and occasional unforeseen events which can depress demand for air travel. However, new product offerings and growth across the market has resulted in good levels of order activity in recent years. In the last seven years, order totals exceeded record Airbus Commercial Aircraft deliveries thus strengthening both order book and backlog totals. Despite some cyclicality in airline demand, Airbus Commercial Aircraft aims to secure stable delivery rates from year to year, supported by a strong backlog of orders and a regionally diverse customer base. At the end of 2017, the backlog stood at 7,265 aircraft, representing around nine years of production at current rates. Through careful backlog management, close monitoring of the customer base and a prudent approach to production increases, Airbus Commercial Aircraft has successfully increased annual deliveries for 15 years running, even through the economic crisis of 20082009.
În ciuda unei tendințe globale de creștere a ratei călătoriilor aeriene, câștigurile pot varia semnificativ de la an la an și în diferite regiuni, datorită -volatilității profitabilității companiilor aeriene, -ciclicității economiei, -valurilor de înlocuire a aeronavelor și, ocazional, -evenimentelor neprevăzute care pot reduce cererea de călătorii. Cu toate acestea, ofertele de produse noi și creșterile pieței au avut ca rezultat un nivel bun al activității de comandă în ultimii ani. În ultimii șapte ani, totalul comenzilor a depășit recordul livrărilor de aeronave comerciale Airbus, consolidând astfel atât totalul biletelor, cât și numărul total de solicitări. În ciuda unei anumite ciclicități a cererii pentru transportul aerian, Airbus Commercial Aircraft își propune să asigure rate de livrare stabile de la an la an, susținute de o rezervă puternică a comenzilor și de o bază de clienți diversă la nivel regional. La sfârșitul anului 2017, numărul de rezerve a fost de 7.265 de aeronave, reprezentând aproximativ nouă ani de producție la prețurile curente. Printr-o atenție sporită a managementului, monitorizarea strictă a bazei de clienți și o abordare prudentă a creșterii producției, Airbus Commercial Aircraft a mărit cu succes livrările anuale timp de 15 ani, chiar și în timpul crizei economice din 2008-2009.
Reglementare / dereglementare. Regulation / Deregulation. National and international regulation (and deregulation) of international air services and major domestic air travel markets affect demand for passenger aircraft as well. In 1978, the US deregulated its domestic air
Reglementarea (și dereglementarea) națională și internațională a serviciilor aeriene internaționale și a piețelor mari de călătorii aeriene interne afectează și cererea de aeronave de pasageri.
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transportation system, followed by Europe in 1985. The more recently negotiated “Open Skies Agreement” between the US and Europe, which became effective in 2008, allows any European or US airline to fl y any route between any city in the EU and any city in the US. Other regions and countries are also progressively deregulating, particularly in Asia. This trend is expected to continue, facilitating and in some cases driving demand. In addition to providing greater market access (which may have formerly been limited), deregulation may allow for the creation and growth of new airlines or new airline models, as has been the case with the no-frills / low-cost airline model, which has increased in importance throughout major domestic and intra-regional markets since deregulation (e.g., in the US and Europe). Airline network development: “hub” and “point-to-point” networks. Following deregulation, major airlines have sought to tailor their route networks and fl eets to continuing changes in customer demand. Accordingly, where origin and destination demand prove sufficiently strong, airlines often employ direct, or “point-to-point” route services. However, where demand between two destinations proves insufficient, airlines have developed highly efficient “hub and spoke”1 systems, which provide passengers with access to a far greater number of air travel destinations through one or more flight connections. The chosen system of route networks in turn affects aircraft demand, as hubs permit fl eet standardisation around both smaller aircraft types for the short, high frequency and lower density routes that feed the hubs (between hubs and spokes) and larger aircraft types for the longer and higher density routes between hubs (hub-to-hub), themselves large point-to-point markets. As deregulation has led airlines to diversify their route network strategies, it has at the same time therefore encouraged the development of a wider range of aircraft in
În 1978, SUA și-au dereglementat sistemul de transport aerian intern, urmate de Europa în 1985. Acordul "Open Skies" încheiat recent între SUA și Europa, care a intrat în vigoare în 2008, permite oricărei linii aeriene europene sau americane să parcurgă orice rută între orașele din UE și SUA. Alte regiuni și țări au, de asemenea, o dereglementare progresivă, în special în Asia. Se așteaptă ca această tendință să continue, facilitând și, în unele cazuri, chiar determinând o creștere a cererilor. Pe lângă asigurarea unui acces mai mare pe piață (care poate să fi fost anterior limitat), dereglementarea poate permite crearea și dezvoltarea de noi companii aeriene sau de noi modele de companii aeriene, așa cum s-a întâmplat cu modelul de companii aeriene low-cost, care a crescut în importanță pe piețele majore interne și intraregionale de la dereglementare (de exemplu, în SUA și Europa). Dezvoltarea rețelelor de companii aeriene: rețele "hub" și "point-to-point" În urma dereglementării, companiile aeriene mari au căutat să își adapteze rețelele de rute și flotele, la continuarea fluctuațiilor priving cererea clienților. În consecință, în cazul în care cererea de origine și de destinație se dovedește suficient de puternică, companiile aeriene folosesc adesea servicii directe sau "point-to-point". Cu toate acestea, în cazul în care cererea între două destinații se dovedește insuficientă, companiile aeriene au dezvoltat sisteme "hub and spoke"2 foarte eficiente, care oferă pasagerilor acces la un număr mult mai mare de destinații de transport aerian, prin una sau mai multe conexiuni de zbor. Sistemul ales pentru rețelele de rută afectează, la rândul său, cererea de aeronave, deoarece hub-urile permit standardizarea flotei în jurul ambelor tipuri de aeronave mai mici pentru rutele de scurtă durată, înaltă frecvență și densitate mai mică, care alimentează huburile (între huburi și spokes) și rutele de densitate mai mari între hub-uri (hub-to-hub), fiind mari piețe punct-la-punct. Dat fiind că dereglementarea a determinat companiile aeriene să-și diversifice strategiile
hub-and-spoke system - a system of air transportation in which local airports offer air transportation to a central airport where long-distance flights are available 2 sistem hub-and-spoke - un sistem de transport aerian în care aeroporturile locale oferă transport aerian către un aeroport central unde sunt disponibile zboruri la distanță
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order to implement such strategies (although the trend has been towards larger-sized aircraft within each market segment as discussed below). Airbus Commercial Aircraft, like others in the industry, believes that route networks will continue to grow through expansion of capacity on existing routes and through the introduction of new routes, which will largely be typified by having a major hub city at least at one end of the route. These new route markets are expected to be well served by the latest product offering, the A350 XWB. In addition, the A380 has been designed primarily to meet the significant demand between the major hub cities, which are often among the world’s largest urban centres (such as London, Paris, New York and Beijing). Airbus Commercial Aircraft has identified 58 major hub cities in its current market analysis, with this number expected to grow to over 95 by 2036. Airbus Commercial Aircraft believes that it is well positioned to meet current and future market requirements given its complete family of products.
rețelei de rute, a încurajat, de asemenea, dezvoltarea unei game mai largi de aeronave pentru a implementa astfel de strategii (deși tendința a fost spre aeronavele de dimensiuni mai mari în fiecare din segment de piață discutate mai jos). Airbus Commercial Aircraft, ca și alții din industrie, crede că rețelele de rute vor continua să crească prin extinderea capacității pe rutele deja existente și prin introducerea altora noi, care în mare parte vor fi standardizate prin faptul vor avea au un oraș hub cel puțin la un capăt al rutei. Aceste noi rute de piață sunt de așteptat să fie bine deservite de cea mai recentă ofertă de produse, A350 XWB. În plus, modelul A380 a fost conceput în primul rând pentru a satisface cererea semnificativă dintre orașele mari, care sunt adesea printre cele mai mari centre urbane din lume (cum ar fi Londra, Paris, New York și Beijing). Airbus Commercial Aircraft a identificat 58 de orase centrale majore in analiza actuala a pietei, numarul acestora fiind estimat sa creasca la peste 95 pana in 2036. Compania Airbus Commercial Aircraft considera ca este bine pozitionată pentru a satisface cerintele actuale si viitoare ale pietei, avand in vedere gama completa de produse.
Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE Retractable gun gives French special forces’ Caracal greater punch https://www.janes.com/article/82646/retractable-gun-gives-french-special-forcescaracal-greater-punch#.W4d4Y5CNcTE.linkedin
Jane’s Frédéric Lert, Cazaux, 29 august 2018
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Cap. ITC SOITEC and MBDA to acquire DOLPHIN INTEGRATION assets https://www.mbda-systems.com/soitec-and-mbda-to-acquire-dolphin-integrationassets/
MBDA Missile Systems Bernin (Grenoble) and Le Plessis-Robinson, France, August 21, 2018
The joint venture formed by Soitec and MBDA acquires Dolphin Integration, including all employees. The ownership of the joint venture is as follows: Soitec at 60% and MBDA at 40%. Dolphin Integration’s skillset to reinforce a full IP and service offering related to energy efficient solutions for chip design on FD-SOI. Dolphin Integration and MBDA to strengthen their existing industrial and commercial collaboration including a long-term pipeline for ASIC and SoC products. Soitec (Euronext Paris), a world leader in designing and manufacturing innovative semiconductor materials, and MBDA, announce the joint acquisition of Dolphin Integration.
Dolphin Integration is an industry recognized provider of semiconductor design, silicon IP and SoC (System-On-Chip) solutions for low power applications. Headquartered in Grenoble, Dolphin Integration was founded in 1985. It currently employs 155 people, including 130 design engineers. For the fiscal year ended March 31th, 2018, the company generated revenues of 17 million Euros. The joint venture formed by Soitec and MBDA acquires Dolphin Integration, including all employees. The resulting ownership of the joint venture is as follows: Soitec at 60% and MBDA at 40%. The transaction was authorized today by the Commercial Court of Grenoble. It comes as a prompt and positive outcome of Dolphin Integration insolvency proceedings. The company went into receivership on July 24, 2018. Page 13 of 31
Soitec and MBDA each provide complementary strategic support to Dolphin Integration. Soitec brings its engineered substrates expertise and unique low-power design methodology (body biasing) to accelerate Dolphin Integration design activities in lowpower electronic devices, where a growing number of critical chips are built on FDSOI technology. In addition, Soitec will strengthen Dolphin Integration’s position within the entire semiconductor ecosystem, to develop and promote products and services in several strategic markets, including mobile devices and infrastructure, data centers, and space and industrial applications. MBDA, a strategic customer of Dolphin Integration for defense applications since 2004, strengthens its existing industrial collaboration and long-term commercial pipeline for ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) and SoC (System on Chip) products. With the support of MBDA, Dolphin Integration will be able to advance its positions in aerospace and defense design. Soitec and MBDA confident in Dolphin Integration profitable growth. Soitec and MBDA together committed to a financial investment of around 6 million Euros including the acquisition of most of Dolphin Integration’s assets, the payment of certain liabilities and a significant cash injection to finance Dolphin Integration’s working capital requirements. Soitec and MBDA are confident in their ability to turnaround the financial position of Dolphin Integration. Dolphin Integration is expected to be fully consolidated into Soitec’s financial statements as of September 2018. “Dolphin Integration represents a strategic opportunity for Soitec to reinforce a full IP and service offering related to energy efficient solutions for chip design on FD-SOI. This is a major differentiating factor for FD-SOI and a key accelerator of FD-SOI adoption in major market segments,” highlighted Paul Boudre, CEO of Soitec. “MBDA investment will strengthen the French defense industrial base since it will provide Dolphin Integration with a more stable flow of defense related revenues and a closer technological collaboration that will allow it to enhance the access of its specialized microelectronics offering to the entire French and European defense industry,” said Antoine Bouvier, CEO of MBDA.
About Dolphin Integration Created in 1985, Dolphin Integration is an integrated circuit design center and exporter of integrated circuits and components (virtual, analog and digital) for high volume manufacturing. As a major contributor to the emergence of a microelectronics design and following the explosive growth trends in semiconductor design, Dolphin Integration’s mission is to become a global player within the specialized market of service design and optimization of integrated circuits for very low energy consumption. The company’s products focus on serving the needs of dynamic consumer and industrial markets such as IoT, mobile, and automotive, as well as those of the European defense design industry.
About Soitec Soitec (Euronext, Tech 40 Paris) is a world leader in designing and manufacturing innovative semiconductor materials. The company uses its unique technologies and semiconductor expertise to serve the electronics markets. With more than 3,000 patents worldwide, Soitec’s strategy is based on disruptive innovation to answer its customers’ needs for high performance, energy efficiency and cost competitiveness. Soitec has manufacturing facilities, R&D centers and offices in Europe, the U.S. and Asia. Soitec and Smart Cut are registered trademarks of Soitec. Page 14 of 31
For more information, please visit www.soitec.com and follow us on Twitter: @Soitec_EN
About MBDA MBDA is the only European group capable of designing and producing missiles and missile systems that correspond to the full range of current and future operational needs of the three armed for ces (land, sea and air). With a significant presence in five European countries and within the USA, in 2017 MBDA achieved revenue of 3.1 billion euros with an order book of 16.8 billion euros. With more than 90 armed forces customers in the world, MBDA is a world leader in missiles and missile systems. In total, the group offers a range of 45 missile systems and countermeasures products already in operational service and more than 15 others currently in development. MBDA is jointly owned by Airbus (37.5%), BAE Systems (37.5%), and Leonardo (25%).
Next Generation Cyber Security Market Report 2018-2028 https://www.asdreports.com/market-research-report-466133/next-generation-cybersecurity-market-report
Aerospace & Defence - Network Published: Aug 2018 Pages: 164 Publisher: Visiongain Report code: ASDR-466133
Securitatea informatică a devenit unul dintre cele mai importante segmente ale securității naționale în ultimii ani, în locul proliferării software-ului de atac avansat și a modului în care tot mai multe sisteme esențiale vin să se bazeze pe digitalizare. Acest lucru este valabil mai ales în sectorul infrastructurilor critice, în care sistemele moderne de control industrial (ICS) și sistemele SCADA s-au dovedit a fi deosebit de vulnerabile. Analysis of Leading Companies – Cisco Systems – IBM Corporation – Symantec Corporation – McAfee LLC – Trend Micro – Juniper Network – Kaspersky Lab – Fortient Inc – Palo Alto Network – Nextgen Software – Trinary IT Services – Happiest Minds ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Nakasone said during his first public remarks since taking command. “This is a dynamic force that comes and goes.�
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German shipbuilders push for government favor against European rivals https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2018/08/30/german-shipbuilders-pushfor-government-favor-against-european-rivals/
Defense News By: Sebastian Sprenger 11 hours ago
The "Braunschweig" small frigate of the German Navy's First Flotilla stands at its base on January 19, 2016 in Kiel, Germany. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) COLOGNE, Germany – German shipbuilding advocates are pressing the government to insulate the military surface ship sector from international competition in a bid to boost the industry segment here. At issue are thousands of jobs in northern Germany, plus, proponents contend, a capability sector so critical to national security that it deserves an exemption from European acquisition requirements. The campaign is expected to pick up steam as a key naval program, the MKS-180 multirole frigate, proceeds toward a second call for offers by the German Ministry of Defense later this year. Up for grabs is a $4 billion deal to build an initial batch of four ships. The two contenders are a Dutch-led team headed by Damen Shipyards and one led by German Naval Yards Kiel, which is owned by a French-Lebanese investor. Both bids have German firms as partners: Lürssen's subsidiary Blohm+Voss in the case of Damen, and ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems with GNYK. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Israel: new advanced precision missiles for IDF artillery https://www.armyrecognition.com/august_2018_global_defense_security_army_new s_industry/israel_new_advanced_precision_missiles_for_idf_artillery.html
Army Recognition 30 AUGUST 2018
The Israeli Ministry of Defense announced the signing of a contract for hundreds of millions of shekels with the Israeli Military Industries (IMI) for the purchase and development of advanced precision missiles, JerusalemOnLine reports.
...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Cap. EUROPA Ministrul apărării naționale, la Reuniunea informală a miniștrilor apărării din statele membre ale UE http://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/16023_Ministrul-ap%C4%83r%C4%83rii-na%C8%9Bionale,-laReuniunea-informal%C4%83-a-mini%C8%99trilor-ap%C4%83r%C4%83rii-din-statele-membre-ale-UE
Ministerul Apărării Naţionale COMUNICAT NR. 249 Data: 30.08.2018
Ministrul apărării naţionale, Mihai Fifor, a participat, în zilele de 29 și 30 august, la Viena, la Reuniunea informală a miniştrilor apărării din statele membre ale Uniunii Europene. În prima zi a activităţii, discuțiile s-au focalizat pe Balcanii de Vest, cu accent pe angajamentele politicii de securitate şi apărare comună (PSAC) față de această regiune, precum şi pe implicarea partenerilor regionali în proiectele şi inițiativele PSAC. La sesiune au participat adjunctul Secretarului General al NATO şi adjunctul pentru operații de menținere a păcii al Secretarului General al ONU, care au expus eforturile depuse la nivelul celor două organizații în contextul demersurilor de stabilizare şi dezvoltare a Balcanilor de Vest, precum şi perspectivele de cooperare cu UE. În acest context, ministrul Mihai Fifor a exprimat sprijinul țării noastre pentru procesele aflate în derulare în Balcanii de Vest ce au ca finalitate stabilizarea Page 20 of 31
regiunii, consolidarea securității, dezvoltarea şi înscrierea partenerilor din aceasta zonă pe parcursul european. Ministrul apărării naționale a reconfirmat angajamentul României privind susținerea eforturilor operaționale derulate sub egida UE în cadrul operației ALTHEA din Bosnia-Herțegovina şi a evidenţiat interesul țării noastre pentru includerea Balcanilor de Vest în rândul priorităților pe durata mandatului țării noastre la Preşedinția Consiliului Uniunii Europene.
În context, Mihai Fifor a reiterat rolul important pe care România îl asumă în regiune, având în vedere angajamentul substanțial și contribuția militară constantă atât pe palierul UE - în misiunea EUFOR Althea din Bosnia-Herțegovina, dar și pe linia NATO - în cadrul KFOR din Kosovo. „România susține eforturile de realizare a reformelor și etapele pe care statele din regiune trebuie să le parcurgă pentru a avansa cât mai rapid în aderarea la structurile europene și euro-atlantice”, a spus ministrul apărării naționale. În cadrul sesiunii de joi, 30 august, discuţiile miniştrilor apărării au vizat iniţiativele în derulare la nivel european pentru consolidarea securității şi apărării la nivelul UE, în perspectiva pregătirii agendei reuniunii Consiliului Afaceri Externe, care va avea loc în luna noiembrie. Au fost abordate subiecte referitoare la constituirea Facilității europene pentru pace (FEP), revizuirea Capabilității militare de planificare şi conducere a operațiilor UE (MPCC), respectiv la implementarea Cooperarii structurate permanente (PESCO) şi asigurarea coerenţei cu celelalte inițiative din domeniul apărării promovate la nivelul UE (CARD, EDF). Cu acest prilej, Mihai Fifor a exprimat deschidere pentru continuarea evaluărilor privind lansarea Facilității europene pentru pace şi identificarea celor mai bune soluţii pentru creşterea eficienţei operaţiilor conduse de Uniunea Europeană. Referitor la revizuirea Capabilității, ministrul român al apărării a exprimat aprecierea pentru activitatea MPCC şi a susţinut continuarea demersurilor în vederea înregistrării de progrese privind atingerea capabilităţii operaţionale a acestei structuri. Cu privire la Cooperarea Structurată Permanentă, ministrul Fifor a reiterat sprijinul ferm al României pentru implementarea PESCO şi continuarea eforturilor pentru asigurarea coerenței acestei inițiative cu CARD şi EDF. De asemenea, ministrul apărării naționale a susţinut adoptarea, în acest an, a unei decizii privind condiţiile de participare a statelor terţe la proiectele PESCO şi a evidenţiat susţinerea pentru eforturile de detaliere a angajamentelor Cooperării structurate permanente, dar cu sublinierea importanţei menţinerii caracterului inclusiv al iniţiativei. În contextul reuniunii ministeriale, Mihai Fifor a avut o întrevedere bilaterală cu Contele Howe, ministru adjunct al apărării al Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord și vice-lider adjunct al Camerei Lorzilor din Parlamentul britanic. Consultările s-au focalizat pe intensificarea cooperării dintre cele două țări, precum şi asupra perspectivelor evoluţiei relaţiei dintre România și Marea Britanie în etapa post-Brexit.
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Ministrul german de finanțe îndeamnă la fuziuni europene în domeniul apărării German finance minister urges European defence mergers http://www.euronews.com/2018/08/29/german-finance-minister-urges-european-defence-mergers
euronews last updated: 29/08/2018 @ Copyright : JOACHIM HERRMANN(Reuters) Leigh Thomas; editing by John Irish
JOUY-EN-JOSAS, France (Reuters) - German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz called on Wednesday for mergers within the European defence industry to get a better bang for the buck on procurement spending. Scholz told a business conference outside Paris that governments were concentrating too much procurement spending on local companies and said weapons systems were too fragmented across Europe. "We must support mergers not only under the leadership of our own national champions, so we will achieve a better integrated defence policy that would provide internal security and turn the EU into a serious player within the global military architecture," Scholz said in a speech. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Is your country expensive? https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/WDN-201808241?inheritRedirect=true&redirect=%2Feurostat%2F
EUROSTAT 24/08/2018
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Program de activitate a CURȚII de CONTURI pe Semestrul II al anului 2018 http://www.curteadeconturi.ro/CA/Program_sem_II_admin_publica_centrala.pdf
Curtea de Conturi EXTRAS Administraţia Prezidenţială, Agenţia Naţională de Integritate, Autoritatea Naţională de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal, Autoritatea Naţională pentru Restituirea Proprietăţilor, Consiliul Concurenţei, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne o Agenţia Naţională Antidrog o Academia de Poliţie ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Ministerul Apărării Naţionale o Universitatea Naţională de Apărare Carol I o Romtehnica SA Agenţia pentru Agendă Digitală şi Societatea de Radiocomunicaţii Ministerul Economiei o Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenții și Mărci o CN ROMARM SA UZINA MECANICĂ SADU BUMBEȘTI JIU UZINA MECANICĂ CUGIR SA UZINA MECANICĂ ORĂȘTIE SA UZINA MECANICĂ MIJA SA UZINA AUTOMECANICA MORENI SA CARFIL SA BRAȘOV UZINA DE PRODUSE SPECIALE DRAGOMIREȘTI SA UZINA MECANICA SA BUCUREȘTI ELECTROMECANICA PLOIEȘTI (ELMEC PLOIEȘTI) FABRICA DE ARME CUGIR SA http://www.curteadeconturi.ro/CA/Program_sem_II_admin_publica_locala..pdf
Curtea de Conturi și-a publicat programul de controale. https://romanialibera.ro/economie/curtea-de-conturi-si-a-publicat-programul-decontroale-descinderi-la-presedintie-si-sri-749015
România Liberă Adrian Bărbulescu 24.08.2018 - 13:56
Curtea de Conturi și-a publicat pentru prima dată programul de activitate pentru perioada următoare şi lista instituţiilor centrale şi locale care vor fi auditate în semestrul al doilea al anului. ”Curtea de Conturi a României a aprobat, prin Hotărârea nr. 315/9 august 2018, pentru prima dată, publicarea Programului de activitate al Curţii de Conturi pe site-ul instituţiei. Programul de activitate al Curţii de Conturi pe anul 2018 - semestrul II cuprinde acţiunile structurilor centrale şi teritoriale cu privire la entităţile care urmează să fie auditate până la sfârşitul anului pe cele trei tipuri de audit public extern: financiar, de conformitate, respectiv de performanţă”, a transmis, vinerei, Curtea de Conturi. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 24 of 31
Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 24 aug.2018 27 aug.2018 28 aug.2018 29 aug.2018 30 aug.2018 4.6377 4.6416 4.6474 4.6489 4.6430 5.1407 5.1320 5.1253 5.1318 5.1669 4.0089 3.9959 3.9723 3.9852 3.9704 153.5018 154.7487 155.0496 154.2313 153.5967
5.5 5
4.6206 4.0976
168 166
164 162 160 AUR Y18
158 156 154 152
153.5018 31-12-18
grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR
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Execuția bugetului general consolidat aferentă perioadei 1.01 - 31.07.2018 http://www.mfinante.ro/pagina.html?pagina=acasa
Ministerul Finanţelor Publice 2018-08-30
Ministerul Finanțelor Publice a publicat execuția bugetului general consolidat aferentă perioadei 1.01-31.07.2018. Aceasta poate fi consultată la rubrica Buletin MFP.
Cap. MacroE Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (16, a început cu #296) Macroeconomic stability – a stepstone towards security and diplomatic standing Recent developments in Romania http://www.bnro.ro/Prezentari-si-interviuri--1332.aspx
Banca Națională a României Mugur Isărescu, Guvernatorul BNR
VI. Euro adoption Nominal convergence criteria today The degree of convergence is to be assessed in relation with the following criteria: -Price stability -Sustainability of the government financialposition -Exchange rate stability -Convergence in LT interest rates A “high degree of sustainable convergence” is required by the MaastrichtTreaty before a Member State is able to adopt the euro -The recent experience of Bulgaria shows that both the EC and the ECB put anever higher emphasis on assessing the sustainability of meeting the criteria Fulfilling the Maastricht criteria is no longer enough -Nominal convergence criteria cannot be sustainably met unless competitiveness, financial stability and fiscal equilibrium are ensured -“The bigger picture” gained ground (the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure) and real convergence criteria came to the forefront
Criteriile de convergență nominală de astăzi Gradul de convergență trebuie evaluat în funcție de următoarele aspecte: -Stabilitatea pretului -Sustenabilitatea poziției financiare guvernamentale -Stabilitatea ratei de schimb - Convergența dobânzilor ratelor pe termen lung. Un "grad înalt de convergență durabilă" este impus de Tratatul de la Maastricht, pentru ca un stat membru să poată adera la moneda euro Experiența recentă a Bulgariei arată că atât CE, cât și BCE au pus accent tot mai mare pe evaluarea durabilității îndeplinirii criteriilor Îndeplinirea criteriilor de la Maastricht nu mai este suficientă - Criteriile de convergență numerică nu pot fi îndeplinite în mod durabil decât dacă există și competitivitate, stabilitate financiară și echilibrul fiscal - "Imaginea de ansamblu" a câștigat teren (Procedura de dezechilibru macroeconomic) iar criteriile de convergență reală au ajuns în prim plan.
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Cap. EVENIMENTE Raytheon Company Appoints Roy Azevedo President, Space and Airborne Systems http://raytheon.mediaroom.com/2018-08-29-Raytheon-Company-Appoints-Roy-Azevedo-President-Space-and-AirborneSystems?WT.mc_id=linkedin_socialmedia_N/A&utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=N/A&linkId=5618 0167
Raytheon - USA WALTHAM, Mass., Aug. 29, 2018
Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) Chairman and CEO Thomas A. Kennedy announced today the appointment of Roy Azevedo as President, Space and Airborne Systems, effective September 1, 2018. Azevedo, 57, has been elected a corporate officer and has been named to the Raytheon Corporate Leadership Team. He succeeds Richard R. Yuse, who informed the company of his intention to retire from Raytheon on December 31, 2018. Yuse will serve as a senior advisor to the company during the interim period prior to his retirement.
"We have entered a period of significant change and opportunity in the space and airborne systems area, fueled by global demand and exponential advancements in technology," said Thomas A. Kennedy, Chairman and CEO of Raytheon. "Over the course of his nearly 30-year career at SAS, Roy has developed a deep understanding of our SAS portfolio and customers. This, combined with his extensive experience in leading new and emerging strategic technologies in the company, will serve us well as we grow this mission area globally." Azevedo most recently served as vice president and general manager of the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems mission area within SAS, where he was responsible for electro-optical/infrared sensors, active electronically scanned array/scanning radars, and various special mission aircraft solutions to provide customers with actionable information for strike and persistent surveillance. Since joining Raytheon in 1989, Azevedo has served in roles of increasing responsibility for the Space and Airborne Systems business. He has held several Raytheon leadership positions over the course of his Raytheon career, including vice president and general manager of the Secure Sensor Solutions mission area, where he oversaw development and production of airborne fire control radars, GPS/GNS Page 27 of 31
products and secure processors. Prior to his role at S3, he was vice president of Advanced Concepts and Technology, a focus area within SAS responsible for the development and implementation of new and emerging system concepts, products and strategic technologies. Earlier, Azevedo served as deputy vice president and general manager for the Electronic Warfare Systems business area within SAS. EWS is a world leader in the development and production of electronic warfare solutions for strategic and tactical aircraft, helicopters and surface ships for the U.S. Air Force and Navy, and their international counterparts. While serving in EWS, Azevedo oversaw product lines including towed decoy systems, radar warning receivers, selfprotect jamming pods, infrared missile warning sensors and integrated electronic warfare suites. Azevedo received his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Northeastern University in Boston. He currently serves on the board of directors for Raytheon Saudi Arabia.
Richard R. Yuse to Retire from Raytheon Azevedo succeeds Richard R. Yuse, who has announced plans to retire from the company at the end of the year.
"For more than four decades, Rick Yuse has served our customers and company with distinction. His contributions are too vast to capture in any simple statement; simply put, his work has helped transform Raytheon into the global technology and cybersecurity leader it is today," said Kennedy. "On behalf of our Board of Directors and our global team, I want to thank Rick for his outstanding leadership and immeasurable dedication to our customers and our employees. We will miss him, and wish him all the best." Yuse joined Raytheon in 1976, holding positions of increasing responsibility on a variety of programs. He began his career with Raytheon's Equipment Division business, working on assignments ranging from system architecture and design, to flight test director and program manager, including managing the Cobra Dane program, the world's first phased array radar. He was named vice president of Raytheon's Missile Defense business area in 2002, where he was responsible for programs such as the Ballistic Missile Defense System, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, known as THAAD, Upgraded Early Warning Radar, and the Sea-Based XBand Radar. He was ultimately named vice president of Integrated Air Defense for Integrated Defense Systems, responsible for all air defense programs on a variety of domestic and international programs. In May 2007, Yuse was elected a corporate officer by the Raytheon board of directors and named President, Raytheon Technical Services Company, where he helped establish Raytheon's position as a global leader in training services and mission support for government and commercial customers. In 2010, Yuse was named President of Raytheon's Space and Airborne Systems business. Yuse earned both his bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering from Northeastern University, where he is now a member of the university's Corporation Governing Board. Since 2015, Yuse has served as the director of the Space Foundation Board.
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About Raytheon's Space and Airborne Systems business Headquartered in McKinney, Texas, Space and Airborne Systems is a leading provider of radar and sensor systems on airborne and space-based platforms. The business also provides communications, electronic warfare, high-energy laser solutions and special mission aircraft for the network-centric battlefield. Research advancements range from linguistics to quantum computing. The business employs 13,300 employees and had revenue of $6.430 billion in 2017.
About Raytheon Raytheon Company, with 2017 sales of $25 billion and 64,000 employees, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, civil government and cybersecurity solutions. With a history of innovation spanning 96 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration, C5I™ products and services, sensing, effects, and mission support for customers in more than 80 countries. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts. http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/08/29/rtn-appoints-roy-azevedopresident-space-airborne-systems
Situații extreme aviatice https://aviation-safety.net/index.php
Aviation Safety acc. date
Ethiopian AF
near Mojo
near Subotica-Bikovo airport
DHC-6 Twin Otter 300
Dragon Ultralight Trike
Beech B60 Duke
Henry Leasing Co LLC
Eglin Air Force Base/Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport (KVPS), FL
Airbus A321231 (WL)
Philippine Airlines
Davao Airport (DVO/RPMD)
Beechcraft A36 Bonanza
Potawatomi County, NE of Manhattan, KS
Cessna 310J
Morehead-Rowan County Regional Airport (KSYM), Morehead, KY
Vans RV-9
Aiguille de Beaupré, Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Savoie
Cessna 510 Citation Mustang
H&M Bay Inc.
Georgetown Delaware Coastal Airport, DE (GED)
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acc. date
Boeing 73785P (WL)
Caribbean Airlines
near Argyle International Airport (SVD/TVSA)
Cessna 150F
Benton Field Airport (O85), Redding, CA
Air Tractor AT-301
Phoenix Equipment Inc
southwest of Hutchinson, Reno county, KS
Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE What’s next for hypersonics? https://www.defensenews.com/newsletters/tv-next-episode/2018/08/06/whats-nextfor-hypersonics/?linkId=56169438
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