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ZI DE ZI luni, 3 septembrie 2018


C4ISR: Northrop Grumman implicat în revigorarea industriei microelectronice pg. 16

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luni, 3 septembrie 2018


Cap. AERONAUTICĂ .................................................................6 BVB - industria aeronautică .....................................................6 AEROSTAR .............................................................................7 AVIOANE SA CRAIOVA ..........................................................7 Boeing va livra drone marinei militare americane ....................7 Indonesia Confirms Plan to Buy US-made Hercules C-130 Planes ......................................................................................7 The engine that can take you further - Pearl 15 ......................8 The Modernized Mi-26T2V Helicopter Takes its First Flight ....8 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - prezentarea Companiei (48 început #270) .........................................................................10 Cap. ITC ...................................................................................11 Şeful Romkatel: Am avut un profit operaţional de 2,7 mil. lei în 2017. ......................................................................................11 NextGenAM: Taking major steps into the next generation of industrial 3D printing ..............................................................12 Rockwell Collins to help U.S. Navy meet civil navigation standards on multiple aircraft.................................................14 Northrop Grumman: Electronics Resurgence Initiative (ERI) 16 Insights ..................................................................................16 Cap. NAVAL .............................................................................17 Despre corvete ......................................................................18 Nigeria: Homeland signs for sixth DAMEN 3307 Patrol Vessel ...............................................................................................18 Cap. RACHETE ........................................................................19 British-armed F-35B Lightning jet takes to the skies .............21 Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE ....................................................22 Armoured Vehicles Eastern Europe Conference ...................22 Page 3 of 39

Roman Brașov și nemții de la Rheinmetall vor construi un camion militar.........................................................................23 Cap. NATO/OTAN ....................................................................23 Erdogan afirmă că Turcia are nevoie de sisteme de apărare ruseşti S-400 ..........................................................................23 Cap. EUROPA ..........................................................................24 Prime Minister Sipilä and French President Macron announced initiatives on EU defence and AI .........................24 Mergers: Commission opens in-depth investigation into proposed acquisition of Gemalto by Thales ...........................25 Comisia Europeană elimină tarifele pe panourile solare chineze ..................................................................................26 Is your country expensive? ....................................................27 Cap. DECIZIONAL ...................................................................28 De ce a demisionat din guvern ministrul cercetării şi inovării Nicolae Burnete .....................................................................29 Să înțelegem mai bine ........................................................29 Cap. FINANȚE..........................................................................29 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................29 Cap. RESURSE........................................................................30 ROMAERO & Colegiul Tehnic de Aeronautică HENRI COANDĂ ...............................................................................30 ―PANAIT ISTRATI‖, Colegiul Tehnic din Brăila cu cele mai bune parteneriate...................................................................31 Cap. EVENIMENTE..................................................................31 Situații extreme aviatice .........................................................31 Mil Mi-8MTV ........................................................................33 Un elicopter moldovenesc a fost implicat într-un accident aeronautic în Afganistan .....................................................34 Un elicopter moldovenesc s-a prăbușit în Afganistan / 12 persoane au murit ...............................................................35 Moscova: Un Boeing 737 a ratat aterizarea si a luat foc. Zeci de răniți ...............................................................................35 Page 4 of 39

Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE ..............................................................35 Analiza Industriei A&D în 2017 an și prognoza pentru 2018 (1) ...............................................................................................35 Aerospace and defense 2017 year in review and 2018 forecast....................................................................................35 PwC .........................................................................................35 How are aerospace and defense companies performing today? ......................................................................................35 What challenges and opportunities do they face? .............35 PwC takes a look. ...................................................................35 Metodologie.........................................................................35 Aerospace and defense overview .......................................36 Figure 2: Profit fluctuations > $400 million ...............................37 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE ............................................37 OFFSHORE JOURNAL #4 ....................................................37 Just a few more days until SMM! ...........................................38 What will helicopters look like in the future? ..........................38 fiecare știre reprezintă doar punctul de vedere al autorului acesteia, iar linkul conduce la sursa originală și la forma integrală a articolului.

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The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.

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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS


Cap. AERONAUTICĂ BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 260,54 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0



200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00





























mil. euro


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AEROSTAR http://www.bvb.ro/infocont/infocont18/ARS_20180831145329_Raport-curent-31-08-2018.pdf

Bursa de Valori Bucureşti 31.08.2018 14:55:23

Tranzactii management - art. 19 Reg. (UE) 596/2014 Eveniment important de raportat Prin prezenta va aducem la cunostinta ca in data de 31.08.2018 am fost informati cu privire la tranzactia efectuata de GRIGORE FILIP in calitate de persoana care exercita responsabilitati de conducere sau persoane care au o legatura stransa cu aceasta fata de emitentul AEROSTAR S.A.

AVIOANE SA CRAIOVA http://www.bvb.ro/info/Raportari/AVIO/AVIO-Raport%20curent%20nr.%208%2031.08.2018%20.pdf

Bursa de Valori Bucureşti 31.08.2018 13:15:00

Raport curent 31.08.2018

Boeing va livra drone marinei militare americane http://www.ziare.com/international/america/boeing-va-livra-drone-marinei-militare-americane-1527642

ziare.com Vineri, 31 August 2018, ora 09:09

Boeing a castigat, in detrimentul concurentilor General Atomics si Lockheed Martin, un contract in valoare de 805 milioane de dolari si va proiecta, produce si livra pana in 2024 patru drone Stingray (MQ-25A) care vor putea fi lansate de pe portavioane. Daca primele drone se dovedesc performante, contractul ar putea fi extins pentru 72 de astfel de avioane fara pilot, in valoare de 13 miliarde de dolari, a precizat Pentagonul, citat de AFP. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Indonesia Confirms Plan to Buy US-made Hercules C-130 Planes http://www.asdnews.com/news/aviation/2018/08/31/indonesia-confirms-plan-buyusmade-hercules-c130-planes

Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: Antara News Date: Aug 31, 2018

Indonesia has confirmed a plan to buy Hercules C-130 planes and other transport planes from the United States to support the development of its defense architecture. Page 7 of 39

"In future, Indonesia plans to buy several primary weaponry systems, including Hercules C-130 planes, and other heavy-duty transport planes from the US," Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said, while paying a courtesy call on US Secretary of Defense James Mattis in Washington DC, on Tuesday. In the long run, Indonesia is committed to gradually improving its primary weaponry systems on a self-reliant basis and under a partnership scheme with friendly countries, Ryacudu stated. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

The engine that can take you further - Pearl 15 https://www.rolls-royce.com/products-and-services/civil-aerospace/businessaviation/pearl-15.aspx#/

Rolls-Royce The brand-new Rolls-Royce Pearl 15 engine, a powerhouse of the latest technologies. The Pearl 15 is the industry‘s most advanced business aviation engine, delivering greater power and efficiency for the Bombardier Global 5500 & 6500 aircraft and enabling top speeds of Mach 0.90. In addition to the most efficient core in business aviation, the engine also benefits from the world‘s most advanced health monitoring system, harnessing digital capability to make intelligent decisions.

The Modernized Mi-26T2V Helicopter Takes its First Flight http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/08/27/modernized-mi26t2v-helicoptertakes-its-first-flight

Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: Russian Helicopter

"The first successful flight shows that technical solutions used for upgrading the Mi26T2 helicopter in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense were right. We have managed to considerably reduce the load on the crew by automating the flight and landing of such a large and complex machine. Besides, the helicopter's survivability was considerably increased due to a modern onboard defensive aids," noted Russian Helicopters CEO Andrey Boginsky. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - prezentarea Companiei (48 început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annual-reports.html#annualreports

Airbus extras 1.1.2 Commercial Aircraft (cont) Market (cont) Alliances. The development of world airline alliances has reinforced the pattern of airline network development described above. According to data from Ascend, a UK-based aviation industry consultancy, one-third of the world‘s jetliner seats being fl own today are operated by just 15 airlines. In the 1990s, the major airlines began to enter into alliances that gave each alliance member access to the other alliance members‘ hubs and routings, allowing airlines to concentrate their hub investments while extending their product offering and market access.

Alianțe Dezvoltarea alianțelor companiilor aeriene mondiale a întărit modelul de dezvoltare a rețelei de companii aeriene descris mai sus. Potrivit datelor Ascend, o companie de aviație cu sediul în Regatul Unit, o treime din numărul locurilor de avion din lume aflate astăzi în circulație sunt operate de doar 15 companii aeriene. În anii '90, companiile aeriene majore au început să intre în alianțe care permiteau fiecărui membru al alianței accesul la centrele și rutele membrilor celeilalte alianțe, permițând companiilor aeriene să își concentreze investițiile în huburi, extindând în același timp oferta de produse și accesul pe piață.

Market segments. According to a study conducted by Airbus Commercial Aircraft, nearly 19,000 passenger aircraft with more than 100 seats were in service with airlines worldwide at the beginning of 2017. Currently, Airbus Commercial Aircraft competes in each of the three principal market segments for aircraft with more than 100 seats. ―Single-aisle‖ aircraft, such as the A320 Family, have 100 to more than 200 seats, typically configured with two triple seats per row divided by one aisle, and are used principally for short-range and mediumrange routes. ―Wide-body‖ aircraft, such as the A330 / A350 XWB Families, have a wider fuselage with more than 210 seats, typically configured with eight seats per row and with two aisles. The A330 / A350 XWB Families are capable of serving all short- to longrange markets. ―Very large aircraft‖, such as the A380 Family, are designed to carry more than 400 passengers, non-stop, over very long-range routes with superior comfort standards and with significantcost-per-seat benefits to airlines, although such aircraft can also be

Segmentele de piață Conform unui studiu realizat de Airbus Commercial Aircraft, aproape 19.000 de aeronave de pasageri cu mai mult de 100 de locuri se aflau în serviciul companiilor aeriene la nivel mondial la începutul anului 2017. În prezent, Airbus Commercial Aircraft concurează pe fiecare dintre cele trei segmente principale de piață pentru aeronavele cu mai mult de 100 de locuri. Avioanele cu un singur culoar, cum ar fi familia A320, au de la 100 până la mai mult de 200 de locuri, configurate în mod obișnuit cu două locuri triple pe rând, împărțite pe un singur nivel și sunt utilizate în principal pentru rute scurtă și medii. Aeronavele "cu corp larg", cum ar fi familiile A330 / A350 XWB, au un fuselaj mai largă, cu mai mult de 210 locuri, configurat în mod obișnuit cu opt scaune pe rând și cu două coridoare. Familiile A330 / A350 XWB sunt capabile să deservească toate piețele, de la rutele scurte la cele lungi. "Aeronavele foarte mari", cum ar fi familia A380, sunt concepute pentru a transporta peste 400 de pasageri, non-stop, pe rute cu rază foarte lungă de acțiune, cu standarde superioare de confort și cu avantaje

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used over shorter ranges in high-density (including domestic) markets. Freight aircraft, which form a fourth, related segment, are often converted ex-passenger aircraft. See ―— Regional Aircraft, Aerostructures, Seats and Aircraft Conversion — EFW‖. Airbus Commercial Aircraft also competes in the corporate, VIP business jet market with the ACJ. Airbus Corporate Jets (ACJ) creates the world‘s most rewarding fl ying experiences with customers by providing them with unique expertise, the finest service, best technology and highest standards of care in corporate aviation. Airbus continues to develop corporate jet versions of its modern airliner family, notably the ACJ319neo and ACJ320neo, as well as offering new variants, such as the ACJ330neo and ACJ350 XWB. The increased range of these aircraft extends Airbus‘ leadership in cabin comfort to even longer fl ights. Airbus‘ ACJ319neo will fl y eight passengers 6,750 nm/12,500 km or 15 hours, while the ACJ350 XWB can transport 25 passengers for 10,800 nm/20,000 km or 22 hours. More than 180 Airbus corporate jets are in service with companies, individuals and governments, and they are fl ying on every continent, including Antarctica.

semnificative cost-pe-scaun pentru companiile aeriene, pot fi utilizate și pe intervale mai scurte pe piețe cu densitate ridicată (inclusiv pe piața internă). Avioanele de marfă, care formează un al patrulea segment conex, sunt adesea convertite ca avioane de pasageri. A se vedea “Regional Aircraft, Aerostructures, Seats si Aircraft Conversion - EFW". De asemenea, Airbus Commercial Aircraft concurează cu ACJ pe piață VIO business jet. Airbus Corporate Jets (ACJ) creează cele mai ofertante zboruri din lume pentru clienții, oferindu-le expertiză unică, cele mai bune servicii, cea mai bună tehnologie și cele mai înalte standarde de îngrijire în domeniul aviației corporative. Airbus continuă să dezvolte versiuni de jet-uri corporate ale familiei sale moderne de aeronave, în special ACJ319neo și ACJ320neo, precum și noi variante, cum ar fi ACJ330neo și ACJ350 XWB. Gama vastă a acestor aeronave extinde poziția de lider a Airbus, în confortul cabinei chiar și atunci când vorbim despre zboruri mai lungi. Airbus ACJ319neo va transporta opt pasageri 6.750 nm / 12.500 km sau 15 ore, în timp ce ACJ350 XWB poate transporta 25 de pasageri pentru 10.800 nm / 20.000 km sau 22 de ore. Peste 180 de avioane corporate Airbus sunt în serviciul companiilor, persoanelor și guvernelor, și se deplasează pe toate continentele, inclusiv în Antarctica.

Cap. ITC Şeful Romkatel: Am avut un profit operaţional de 2,7 mil. lei în 2017. https://www.zfcorporate.ro/business-hi-tech/seful-romkatel-am-avut-un-profitoperational-de-2-7-mil-lei-in-2017-scaderea-profitului-net-la-0-5-mil-lei-determinatade-reevaluarea-activelor-17505602

Ziarul Financiar Articol publicat în ediţia tipărită a Ziarului Financiar din data de 03.09.2018 ieri, 20:07 Autor: Adrian Seceleanu

Ovidiu Stănescu, CEO al Romkatel: Profitul operaţional din 2017 a fost de 2,7 milioane de lei, comparabil cu cel din 2016 ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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NextGenAM: Taking major steps into the next generation of industrial 3D printing https://www.premium-aerotec.com/en/media/press-releases/nextgenam-taking-majorsteps-into-the-next-generation-of-industrial-3d-printing/

Premium AEROTEC 31.08.2018

Partner project involving Premium AEROTEC, Daimler, and EOS for developing series additive manufacturing reaches new mileston. One year ago, Premium AEROTEC, Daimler, and EOS jointly initiated the NextGenAM project to develop the basis of a future system for series production using 3D printing technologies. Now, the first pilot plant has been put into operation at Premium AEROTEC in Varel, northern Germany – a key milestone. Additive manufacturing (AM) is becoming an increasingly important factor in the industry, also with regard to series production. Against this background, the aerostructures supplier Premium AEROTEC, the automotive manufacturer Daimler, and EOS, the leading technology supplier in the field of industrial 3D printing, have joined forces in the NextGenAM project to fundamentally develop the next generation of additive manufacturing. Since the project officially began in May 2017, the NextGenAM team has checked the entire AM process to assess its potential for automation. Now the first pilot plant has been put into operation at Premium AEROTEC‘s technology center in Varel. Goal of the project is to develop a complete production cell capable of manufacturing aluminum components for the automotive and aerospace industries. The purposebuilt pilot facility currently consists of various machines for additive manufacturing, post-processing, and quality assurance. The innovation about the production chain is that the individual steps and the interaction of all additive and conventional process steps are fully automated and integrated, and manual steps have been eliminated. As a result, complex, lightweight and at the same time robust components can be manufactured and the high level of automation forms the basis for profitable production going forward. The pilot plant in detail Center of the pilot production chain is the EOS M 400-4 four-laser system for industrial 3D printing with metal materials. The system is used in combination with the peripheral solutions of the EOS Shared-Modules concept. The EOS M 400-4 in Varel is therefore equipped with a powder station and connected to a stand-alone setup and unpacking station. As a result, filling and emptying the system with the aluminum material, setting up the system to prepare a new build job, and unpacking the built components from the powder bed can be carried out independently of and parallel to the actual AM build process. This significantly increases productivity. The additively manufactured components are transported between the individual stations fully automated and under protective gas in a container on an automated guided vehicle. The downstream post-processing has also been extensively automated: A robot takes the build platform with the parts from the setup station and places it in a furnace for subsequent heat treatment. The same robot then removes the platform again and takes it to a three-dimensional optical measurement systemfor quality assurance purposes. Finally, the build platform is conveyed to a saw, which separates the parts from the platform, making the components ready for further use. Working together to design the future of additive manufacturing in series Page 12 of 39

The successful development of the automated process chain is the result of fruitful cooperation between all the project partners, each contributing their various skills and experience: EOS is the global technology and quality leader for high-end solutions in the field of industrial 3D printing. Premium AEROTEC was the first manufacturer in the world to supply serial 3D-printed structural components for Airbus aircraft. Up to now, titanium powder has been used as material for this. However, one of the aims of the NextGenAM project is also to qualify aluminum for use. The automotive manufacturer Daimler contributes its experience in the field of mass production – an essential aspect if the pilot plant is to be used to manufacture parts on a large scale. ―In this project we have already succeeded in significantly reducing the production cost per part, thus creating an economic perspective for large-scale digital 3D printing factories,‖ says Dr. Thomas Ehm, CEO of Premium AEROTEC. Dr. Tobias Abeln, Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at EOS, says: ―The integration of the AM process in an automated production line is an important milestone for the broad application of our technology in series production scenarios.‖ Jasmin Eichler, Daimler AG, Head of Research Future Technologies: ―3D printing is well on the way to establishing itself in the automotive sector as an additional manufacturing method with great versatility. With this collaborative pre- development project, we are taking a significant step towards achieving cost- effectiveness in metal 3D printing throughout the process chain. The project lays the cornerstone for the future realization of larger quantities in the automotive series production process – with the same reliability, functionality, longevity, and economy as for components from conventional production.‖ Outlook In the coming months, the pilot process chain will be further tested at the technology center in Varel and parts of the facility will be audited. In addition, production data will be collected and analyzed with the aim of collating precise data on process times, profitability, and cost optimization. The NextGenAM project is therefore moving continuously closer to its goal of producing highly complex aluminum components in series production in a particularly economical additive manufacturing process. For further information and video material, please go to: www.eos.info/nextgenam Premium AEROTEC1 is a global player in the aerospace industry and generated revenues of 2 billion euros in 2017. The company‘s core business lies in the development and production of metal and carbon fibre composite aircraft structures. The company has sites in Augsburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Nordenham and Varel in Germany, as well as in Braşov in Romania. For further information see: www.premium-aerotec.com. EOS is the world‘s leading technology supplier in the field of industrial 3D printing of metals and polymers. Formed in 1989, the independent company is pioneer and innovator for comprehensive solutions in additive manufacturing. Its product portfolio of EOS systems, materials, and process parameters gives customers crucial competitive advantages in terms of product quality and the long- term economic sustainability of their manufacturing processes. Furthermore customers benefit from deep technical expertise in global service, applications engineering and consultancy. www.eos.info Daimler AG is one of the world's most successful automotive companies. With its Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses, and Daimler Financial Services divisions, the Group is one of the leading global suppliers of premium cars and is the world's largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles. Daimler Financial Services offers financing, leasing, fleet management, insurance, investments and credit cards as well as innovative mobility services. The company 1


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founders, Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz, made history by inventing the automobile in 1886. As a pioneer of automotive engineering, Daimler sees shaping the future of mobility in a safe and sustainable way as both motivation and obligation.The company's focus therefore remains on innovative and green technologies as well as on safe and superior vehicles that both captivate and inspire. Daimler continues to invest systematically in the development of efficient powertrains – from high-tech combustion engines and hybrid vehicles to all-electric powertrains with battery or fuel cell – with the goal of making locally emission-free driving possible in the long term. The company's efforts are also focused on the intelligent connectivity of its vehicles, autonomous driving and new mobility concepts. This is just one example of how Daimler willingly accepts the challenge of meeting its responsibility towards society and the environment. Daimler sells its vehicles and services in nearly every country of the world and has production facilities in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. In addition to Mercedes-Benz, the world's most valuable premium automotive brand (source: Interbrand study "The Anatomy of Growth", 5.10.2016), as well as Mercedes-AMG, Mercedes- Maybach and Mercedes me, the brands smart, EQ, Freightliner, Western Star, BharatBenz, FUSO, Setra and Thomas Built Buses and the Daimler Financial Services brands: Mercedes-Benz Bank, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, Daimler Truck Financial, moovel, car2go and mytaxi. The company is listed on the Frankfurt and Stuttgart stock exchanges (ticker symbol DAI). In 2017, the Group had a workforce of more than 289,300 and sold around 3.3 million vehicles. The application of IFRS 15 and IFRS 9 in the 2017 financial year would have produced corporate sales of 164.2 bill. € and a corporate EBIT of 14.3 bill. €. Before the change to IFRS 15 and 9, corporate sales for the 2017 financial year as reported were 164.3 bill. € with a corporate EBIT for the 2017 financial year of 14.7 bill. €.

Rockwell Collins to help U.S. Navy meet civil navigation standards on multiple aircraft https://www.rockwellcollins.com/Data/News/2018-Cal-Yr/GS/20180830-Navy-civil-navigationstandards-multiple-aircraft.aspx

Rockwell Collins Open architecture flight management software enables Required Navigation Performance Area Navigation (RNP-RNAV) capabilities for worldwide civil airspace access FACE™ conformant software can be installed on new and existing solutions without changing hardware Rockwell Collins is helping multiple U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps aircraft obtain safety-critical Required Navigation Performance Area Navigation (RNP-RNAV) capabilities through a contract issued by the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Air Combat Electronics program office (PMA-209). Under the agreement, Rockwell Collins will supply its Mission Flight Management Software (MFMS-1000) and Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV) Calculator (LPVC-1000) applications, which will enable these aircraft to meet RNPRNAV requirements and obtain global airspace access and perform GPS approach procedures. These procedures improve airspace utilization and reduce congestion, delays and fuel burn while improving safety by providing more precise aircraft navigation. ―Pilots will now be able to comply with civil flight procedures while operating in the continental U.S., Europe and other areas of the world where adherence to the latest Page 14 of 39

Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management rules are required,‖ said Heather Robertson, senior director for Rockwell Collins. ―The MFMS1000 software is also certified conformant to the FACE™ Technical Standard, resulting in a hardware-agnostic solution portable to any avionics system. This will be the first time military aircraft will have a low risk means to implement RNP-RNAV compliance without the need for an expensive and time-consuming avionics system upgrade.‖

Rockwell Collins has decades of experience in developing flight management system solutions certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and by multiple international civil aviation authorities. This contract continues a long tradition of supplying successful civil flight management capability to multiple U.S. Navy aircraft such as the P-3C Orion, C-2A Greyhound, E-2C Hawkeye and the VH-60N presidential helicopter. The MFMS-1000 solution is built to meet all of the Navy‘s functional requirements and provides additional features for future applications. Rockwell Collins has successfully supplied Flight Management System (FMS) solutions in more than 50 civil and military aircraft types using open architecture standard designs first deployed over 20 years ago. Adhering to newer open standards allows the solution to be deployed beyond traditional fixed and rotary-wing aircraft and into tilt-wing and unmanned aircraft while using the same software core. About Rockwell Collins Rockwell Collins (NYSE: COL) is a leader in aviation and high-integrity solutions for commercial and military customers around the world. Every day we help pilots safely and reliably navigate to the far corners of the earth; keep warfighters aware and informed in battle; deliver millions of messages for airlines and airports; and help passengers stay connected and comfortable throughout their journey. As experts in flight deck avionics, cabin electronics, cabin interiors, information management, mission communications, and simulation and training, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of products and services that can transform our customers‘ futures. To find out more, please visit www.rockwellcollins.com..

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Northrop Grumman: Electronics Resurgence Initiative (ERI) Northrop Grumman, along with other industry and academic partners, was chosen for the Electronics Resurgence Initiative (ERI), to push the limits of microelectronics technology https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/releases/northrop-grumman-one-of-theorganizations-selected-for-darpas-1-5-billion-electronics-resurgence-initiative

Northrop Grumman August 30, 2018 BALTIMORE

Northrop Grumman One of the Organizations Selected for DARPA’s $1.5 Billion Electronics Resurgence Initiative The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has selected Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) as one of the performers for its Electronics Resurgence Initiative (ERI). The decision was announced by DARPA during the first annual ERI Summit in San Francisco, California, in July. Northrop Grumman is helping lead a resurgence in the microelectronics industry through groundbreaking research. The five-year research initiative led by DARPA‘s Microsystems Technology Office is potentially worth upward of $1.5 billion over five years, shared among all participants. Established by DARPA in 2017, the initiative is comprised of existing programs as well as six new programs – two for each of the three key research thrusts. The initiative has been crafted to spark the next wave of U.S. semiconductor advancement, particularly in the areas of microsystem materials, designs, architectures and integration. ERI is meant to increase momentum for innovation in the microelectronics industry while maintaining technical superiority and advancing national defense. Northrop Grumman, along with subcontractor JITX, headquartered in Berkeley, California, was one of 11 chosen research teams to perform on the Intelligent Design of Electronic Assets program, one of the efforts part of the ERI. The company will attempt to create an automated electronic circuit layout generator that enables users with no experience to create circuit designs ready for manufacturing within 24 hours. The technology could reduce design times for electronic circuitry from potentially years to a single day. ―Northrop Grumman is at the forefront of microelectronics and next generation computing,‖ said Vern Boyle, vice president, advanced technologies, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems. ―Our ERI partnership with DARPA is an important step toward maintaining the nation‘s leadership in electronics and improving national security.‖ Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, space, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit news.northropgrumman.com and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information.

Insights Şeful Romkatel: Ne-a depăşit şi Albania în cursa de trecere la televiziunea digitală terestră Dan Tomin, Tiberiu Csaki şi Ioana Cârciog şi-au vândut cu 1 mil. euro acţiunile de la Romkatel către nemţii de la Kathrein

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Nakasone said during his first public remarks since taking command. ―This is a dynamic force that comes and goes.‖


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Despre corvete https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/despre-corvete

Romania Military George GMT 31 august 2018 - 6:45

Incepem cu sfarsitul La inceputul lunii octombrie (pe 2 parca) este limita depunerii ofertelor finale ale celor patru companii. Ofertele tehnice finale si pretul propus. Pe 23 octombrie ar trebui anuntat castigatorul. Nu este foarte clar (adica nu sunt inca sigur) daca cerintele pentru corvete sunt similare cu cele pentru fregate, dar cel mai probabil ca vor fi. Speram ca toate cele patru companii sa depuna oferte, desi timpul este foarte, foarte scurt, atat timp cat DpA a remis configuratia tehnica finala (dorita de partea romana) vineri, pe 24 august. Cum scriam si cu alte ocazii, termene foarte scurte. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... GeorgeGMT

Nigeria: Homeland signs for sixth DAMEN 3307 Patrol Vessel https://magazine.damen.com/markets/defence-security/homeland-signs-for-sixthdamen-3307-patrol-vessel/

DAMEN Magazine - Olanda 26 / 08 / 2018

Homeland Integrated Offshore Services has signed a contract with Damen Shipyards Group for another Damen 3307 Patrol Vessel. The vessel will be another milestone collaboration between the companies, who have been in cooperation since Damen delivered Homeland’s first 3307 Patrol Vessel in 2014. The vessel named, Guardian 6, will join its sister vessels in the Gulf of Guinea providing security services to oil majors operating in the region. It will perform roles such as deterring and intervening in piracy attacks. Additionally, it will carry out crew transfers and equipment deliveries. Homeland is approved and registered by the Government of Nigeria to provide private maritime security services. The Damen 3307 Patrol Vessel is based on Damen‘s proven Fast Crew Suppler (FCS) 3307 and benefits from the design‘s outstanding seakeeping behaviour, rapid acceleration and high top speed. Fitted out as standard, the vessel can carry up to sixteen military personnel along with their equipment. Homeland has selected a number of optional custom features for their vessel. This includes incorporation of a Fast Rescue Craft, Fuel Trax electronic fuel monitoring system and a selfcleaning fuel separator. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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British-armed F-35B Lightning jet takes to the skies https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-armed-f-35b-lightning-jet-takes-to-theskies

Ministry of Defence UK 30 August 2018

Britain‘s new stealth fighter jet, the F-35B Lightning, has carried out its first trials armed with UK-built weapons, showcasing the major role that the UK plays in the supersonic aircraft and bringing it a step closer to operations on the frontline.

Defence Minister Stuart Andrew revealed that a British F-35 Lightning jet reached the landmark milestone whilst he was on a visit to the Defence Electronics and Components Agency (DECA) in Wales. The Welsh site is set to become a global repair hub for the cutting-edge aircraft, providing crucial maintenance, repair, overhaul and upgrade services for F-35 avionics, electronic and electrical components, fuel, mechanical and hydraulic systems. The jet, which was flown by a British pilot from RAF 17 Squadron, took to the skies from Edwards Air Force base in southern California for the momentous flight carrying ASRAAM air-to-air missiles. Defence Minister Stuart Andrew said: The F-35 Lightning fleet has moved another step closer to defending the skies and supporting our illustrious aircraft carriers with this landmark flight. Exceptional engineering from the UK is not only helping to build what is the world‘s most advanced fighter jet, but is also ensuring that it is equipped with the very best firepower. This flight by a British pilot, in a British F-35 jet with British-built weapons is a symbol of the major part we are playing in what is the world‘s biggest ever defence programme, delivering billions for our economy and a game-changing capability for our Armed Forces. The trials were the first-time UK weapons have flown on a British F-35, and represent a key part of the work-up towards Initial Operating Capability in December. The ASRAAM missiles, built by MBDA in Bolton, are just some of the essential parts the UK is supplying the F-35 programme. ASRAAM stands for ‗Advanced Short Page 21 of 39

Range Air-to-Air Missile‘. The missiles will enable pilots to engage and defend themselves against other aircraft ranging in size from large multi-engine aircraft to small drones. British companies are building 15% by value of all 3,000 F-35s planned for production. It is projected that around £35 billion will be contributed to the UK economy through the programme, with around 25,000 British jobs also being supported. The F-35B Lightning multi-role fighter jet is the first to combine radar evading stealth technology with supersonic speeds and short take-off and vertical landing capability. The fighter jets will be jointly manned by the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy and can operate from land and sea, forming a vital part of Carrier Strike when operating from the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers. 617 Squadron, based at RAF Marham, will carry out their own weaponry flights in the next few months.

Cap. VEHICULE BLINDATE Armoured Vehicles Eastern Europe Conference https://www.asdevents.com/event_register.asp?id=18886&desc=Armoured+Vehicles +Eastern+Europe+Conference

Aerospace & Defence - Network 25 September, 2018 - 26 September, 2018, Bucharest, Romania Optimising Eastern Europe's Armoured Vehicle Capability Through Increased Interoperability, Collaboration and Investment We're seeing the highest defence spending since the Cold War in Eastern Europe according to Jane's Defense Budgets Report, with predictions that the region will see the fastest defence spending growth in the world in 2018 . Of particular note, Europe has emerged as the leading spender globally in the military ground vehicle market. In addition to an ongoing migrant crisis, Europe is at pains to guard itself against a resurgent Russian threat, following its intervention in Ukraine 4 years ago. Given the versatility of roles, speed and mobiity that armoured vehicles can provide an armed force, it is therefore unsurprising that Eastern Bloc nations are prioritising the modernisation of their mechanised units.

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Roman Brașov și nemții de la Rheinmetall vor construi un camion militar https://romanialibera.ro/economie/roman-brasov-si-nemtii-de-la-rheinmetall-vorconstrui-un-camion-militar-750033

România Liberă Sorin Bolojanu Actualizat: 31.08.2018 - 11:26

La dimensiunea contractului pentru Apărare, era de așteptat ca interesul marilor jucători din industries să fie uriaș. Lupta cea mare se dă între italienii de la IVECO și nemții de la Rheinmetall, acum parteneri cu Roman Brașov. „Sigur că putem să facem părțile de caroserie la Brașov. Am putea avea și un parteneriat cu un nume mare precum Rheinmetall. Până una-alta, Roman este chiar simbolul camionului în România, că e el civil ori militar―, spunea, acum nici o lună, Carol Rugacs, directorul fabricii brașovene. Parteneriatul germano-român pentru producerea autocamioanelor militare, autocisternelor, autofurgoanelor, autotractoarelor, remorcilor și semiremorcilor necesare dotării Armatei va contribui semnificativ la relansarea producției de platforme de transport militar și civil în România. De asemenea, joint venture-ul va determina crearea a peste 1.000 de locuri de muncă în companiile românești, precum și înalt calificarea resursei umane implicate în programul de echipare a armatei. Transferul tehnologic și de cunoștințe către companiile locale pentru producerea, în România, a platformelor de transport și crearea unor subansamble complexe, va stimula pe termen mediu și lung, dezvoltarea industriei de apărare și a componentei de mentenanță. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. NATO/OTAN Erdogan afirmă că Turcia are nevoie de sisteme de apărare ruseşti S-400 https://www.agerpres.ro/politica-externa/2018/08/31/erdogan-afirma-ca-turcia-arenevoie-de-sisteme-de-aparare-rusesti-s-400--168623

AGERPRES autor: Angela Sârbu, editor: Sorin Popescu, editor online: Ady Ivaşcu

''Turcia are nevoie de sisteme S-400. Acordul în legătură cu acest subiect este încheiat şi, cu voia Domnului, noi le vom obţine în cel mai scurt timp posibil'', a afirmat Erdogan în cadrul unei ceremonii cu caracter militar. Aceste declaraţii survin în timp ce relaţiile dintre Ankara şi Washington au devenit puternic tensionate în ultimele săptămâni şi Washingtonul şi-a exprimat preocuparea în legătură cu faptul că Turcia, ţară membră a NATO, se echipează cu armament rusesc. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. EUROPA Prime Minister Sipilä and French President Macron announced initiatives on EU defence and AI https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/10616/paaministeri-sipila-jaranskan-presidentti-macron-julkistivat-aloitteet-eu-n-puolustuksesta-ja-tekoalysta 30.8.2018 16.07

Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and President of France Emmanuel Macron met in Helsinki on 30 August. Prime Minister Sipilä and President Macron discussed topical EU matters, such as trade policy, multiannual financial framework negotiations, migration and the development of the Economic and Monetary Union, EMU, and single market. In connection with the meeting, declarations were issued on the development of the EU defence cooperation and on utilisation of artificial intelligence, AI.

―The declaration on developing defence cooperation continues the active collaboration between Finland and France in this sector. While I visited Paris in June 2016, then President of France François Hollande and I adopted a declaration in which we encouraged EU Member States to intensify their defence cooperation,‖ Prime Minister Sipilä said. After that, rapid and important steps have been taken in EU defence cooperation, including the creation of the permanent structured cooperation (PESCO). It means European acquisition projects and harmonisation of the capability requirements, for example. ―The ambition of developing European defence means first and foremost responsibility for our citizens. We are now taking determined steps in the right direction. Finland, like France, has been active in each stage of the development. And we will continue our joint efforts,‖ Prime Minister Sipilä said. Today's declaration provides support to the increase in appropriations for EU defence cooperation and to the strengthening of PESCO and industrial participation. It is the view of both countries that besides crisis management, EU defence cooperation must also strengthen the protection of the Union and its citizens. The declaration also refers to the European intervention initiative introduced by France that aims to strengthen Europe‘s ability to respond, alongside the actions of Page 24 of 39

the EU and NATO, to crises affecting its own security. The intervention initiative is intergovernmental cooperation aiming to intensify, for its part, the structural cooperation of the EU. Finland has expressed its interest to join the initiative. Digitalisation and innovations also featured strongly in the meeting of Prime Minister Sipilä and President Macron. Finnish expertise was presented to President Macron at Aalto University. ―I was particularly pleased to begin our meeting at the University with innovations on our agenda. I hope that the Finnish way of doing things aroused interest and we can continue our close cooperation,‖ Prime Minister Sipilä said. In the EU, Finland and France have strongly highlighted the importance of digitalisation and innovations. They play a key role in efforts to develop the EU's competitiveness and to create new jobs. The declaration given this morning by Prime Minister Sipilä and President Macron challenges the EU to reinforce its activities in the field. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Mergers: Commission opens in-depth investigation into proposed acquisition of Gemalto by Thales http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-4602_en.htm

EUROPA Brussels, 23 July 2018 IP/18/4602

The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess the proposed acquisition of Gemalto by Thales under the EU Merger Regulation. The Commission is concerned that the merger could lead to higher prices and reduce choice and innovation for customers of hardware security modules. Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: "Our society is increasingly dependent on data security solutions to secure all sorts of social, commercial or personal information. We are opening this in-depth investigation to ensure that the proposed transaction between Thales and Gemalto would not lead to higher prices or less choice in hardware security modules for customers looking to safely encrypt their data". The proposed transaction would combine the two largest suppliers of hardware security modules used for enterprise key management solutions, both in the European Economic Area (EEA) and at global level. A hardware security modules (HSM) is a dedicated hardware appliance running on encryption software to generate, protect, and manage encryption keys used to protect data in a secure tamper-resistant module. The combined entity would become by far the largest player in the market for HSMs in Europe and worldwide. The Commission's competition concerns Thales and Gemalto currently closely compete against each other in the market for hardware security modules at the European and global level. At this stage, the Commission is concerned that the proposed transaction would eliminate the competitive constraint that Thales and Gemalto exercise on each other and on the other few players that would remain in the market and would risk creating a dominant player at the European and global level. The Commission is also concerned that by reducing the number of players in the market and by lowering the merged entity's incentives to compete effectively, the transaction could lead to higher prices and reduce innovation. The Commission will now carry out an in-depth investigation into the effects of the transaction to determine whether its initial competition concerns are confirmed. The Page 25 of 39

Commission will in particular further assess: (i) the extent to which the parties are close competitors, (ii) the potential response of the merged entity's competitors, and (iii) the ability of software-based solutions to reach the same security level as hardware security modules, and therefore compete with the latter. The transaction was notified to the Commission on 18 June 2018. The Commission now has 90 working days, until 29 November 2018, to take a decision. The opening of an in-depth investigation does not prejudge the outcome of the investigation. Companies and products Thales, based in France, is a global group active in aeronautics, space, ground transportation, defence and security. Gemalto, based in the Netherlands, is an international digital security company active in mobile platforms and services, mobile embedded software & products, smart cards, identification documents, government programmes, machine to machine communication (Internet of Things), and enterprise security. Merger control rules and procedures The Commission has the duty to assess mergers and acquisitions involving companies with a turnover above certain thresholds (see Article 1 of the Merger Regulation) and to prevent concentrations that would significantly impede effective competition in the EEA or any substantial part of it. The vast majority of notified mergers do not pose competition problems and are cleared after a routine review. From the moment a transaction is notified, the Commission generally has a total of 25 working days to decide whether to grant approval (Phase I) or to start an in-depth investigation (Phase II). There are currently five other on-going Phase II merger investigations: the proposed acquisition of MKM by KME, the proposed acquisition of Alstom by Siemens, the proposed acquisition of Solvay's nylon business by BASF, the proposed acquisition of Tele2 NL by T-Mobile NL, the proposed acquisition of Shazam by Apple and the proposed merger of Praxair and Linde. More information will be available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.8797.

Comisia Europeană elimină tarifele pe panourile solare chineze https://www.zfcorporate.ro/energie/comisia-europeana-elimina-tarifele-pe-panourilesolare-chineze-17505629

Ziarul Financiar Articol publicat în ediţia tipărită a Ziarului Financiar din data de 03.09.2018 ieri, 20:22 autor: Catalina Apostoiu

Comisia Europeană a decis la sfârşitul săptămânii trecute să elimine tarifele antidumping pe panourile solare chineze pentru a proteja interesele utilizatorilor şi importatorilor şi a facilita atingerea ţintelor „verzi― ale UE, relatează Euractiv. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Is your country expensive? https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/WDN-201808241?inheritRedirect=true&redirect=%2Feurostat%2F

EUROSTAT 24/08/2018

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De ce a demisionat din guvern ministrul cercetării şi inovării Nicolae Burnete https://www.zfcorporate.ro/profesii/de-ce-a-demisionat-din-guvern-ministrul-cercetariisi-inovarii-nicolae-burnete-17505677

Ziarul Financiar Articol publicat în ediţia tipărită a Ziarului Financiar din data de 03.09.2018 ieri, 21:06

Ministrul cercetării şi inovării, Nicolae Burnete a demisionat vineri dimineaţă din guvernul Dăncilă, el precizând că decizia sa este „irevocabilă şi cel puţin la acest moment nu va face subiectul unei conferinţe de presă.― ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Să înțelegem mai bine


Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 27 aug.2018 28 aug.2018 29 aug.2018 30 aug.2018 31 aug.2018 4.6416 4.6474 4.6489 4.6430 4.6440 5.1320 5.1253 5.1318 5.1669 5.1764 3.9959 3.9723 3.9852 3.9704 3.9789 154.7487 155.0496 154.2313 153.5967 154.4121






5.5 5





4.6206 4.0976






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168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18

158 156 154 152

153.5018 31-12-18




























grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Cap. RESURSE ROMAERO & Colegiul Tehnic de Aeronautică HENRI COANDĂ https://www.linkedin.com/in/oana-rahimpour-3a6b3a2a/detail/recent-activity/


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“PANAIT ISTRATI”, Colegiul Tehnic din Brăila cu cele mai bune parteneriate http://obiectivbr.ro/content/%E2%80%9Cpanait-istrati%E2%80%9D-colegiul-tehnicdin-br%C4%83ila-cu-cele-mai-bune-parteneriate-0 01 SEP, 2018

Colegiul Tehnic “Panait Istrati” din Brăila are în prezent cele mai bune parteneriate cu operatorii economici locali din domeniul Mecanică şi oferă cele mai atractive calificări în acest domeniu, iar statistice arată că peste 70% din absolvenţii şcolilor profesionale se angajează chiar în primele luni de la terminarea cursurilor. ... În parteneriat cu Şantierul Naval Vard Brăila şi Dunav, elevii se pot califica în meseria de sudor sau cea de lăcătuş construcţii metalice. În funcţie de prezenţă şi de rezultatele şcolare, elevii pot primi, pe lângă bursa profesională de 200 de lei şi o bursă suplimentară cuprinsă între 250 şi 350 de lei. Angajarea tinerilor la sfârşitul şcolii este garantată atât prin contractele avantajoase financiar, pe care Şantierul Naval Brăila le oferă, cât şi prin specificul celor două calificări, care oferă absolvenţilor posibilitatea de a lucra în domeniul naval sau în cel al construcţiilor oriunde în Europa sau, de ce nu, America. ... Părinţii elevilor care au terminat deja în iulie 2018 anul I de calificare au semnat la începutul şcolarizării un contract de pregătire cu firma. Astfel, elevii au beneficiat de rechizite la începutul anului şcolar, de o masă caldă în perioada practicii prin servicii de catering, de asigurare de sănătate şi echipament de protecţie, toate gratuite, dar şi de o dublare a bursei profesionale, aşa încât au primit 400 lei lunar pe durata celor 10 luni de şcoală. În cei doi ani care urmează, vor primi încă 100 lei lunar, pentru fiecare an de pregătire, vor putea lucra în vacanţe, dacă doresc, după împlinirea vârstei de 16 ani, cu contract de ucenicie şi vor fi angajaţi, imediat după absolvire, cu contract de muncă pe o perioadă nedeterminată. Colegiul Tehnic ―Panait Istrati‖ din Brăila - şcoală care pune accent pe pregătirea practică a absolvenţilor săi - are încheiate , în anul şcolar 2018 - 2019, parteneriate cu 14 operatori economici pentru calificări solicitate de aceştia, oferă un număr de total 225 de locuri şi aşteaptă elevi care vor să înveţe o calificare ce le va aduce un viitor sigur pe piaţa muncii. Înscrierile au loc în perioada 31 august – 7 septembrie 2018 la sediul din Str. Plantelor, Nr. 13 -15. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. EVENIMENTE Situații extreme aviatice https://aviation-safety.net/index.php

Aviation Safety acc. date








DTA Xeeleex Gyro


Private owner




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acc. date








Aerospool WT-9 Dynamic


Private Owner





light plane




near Umpferstedt



Mil Mi-8MTV


Valan International Cargo Charter


Shaheen Corps headquarters, northern Balkh province



Diamond DA40 Star




Maury County, Mount Pleasant, TN



Piper PA-32R Lance


Lake Huron near Mackinac County Airport (83D), St Ignace, MI




South of Crete Municipal Airport (KCEK), Crete, NE





Richard Lloyd Jones Jr Airport (KRVS), Tulsa, OK



Tailwheel airplane


Rexburg-Madison County Airport (KRXE), Rexburg, ID





Hatz Classic




near IgualadaÒdena Airport (LEIG), Barcelona, Catalonia


Aeroprakt A22 Foxbat




Cato Ridge, Durban



British Aerospace Jetstream 41


Yeti Airlines


KathmanduTribhuvan Airport (KTM/VNKT)






near Cochranton, Crawford County, PA



Antonov An2T




Cambrai-Niergnies Airport (LFYG)



Savannah VG



Blois, Loir-et-Cher


Hooley Jet Eze




East of Covington Municipal Airport (M04), Covington, TN



Beechcraft F33 Bonanza




Taquaraçú de Minas, MG


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acc. date









Airbus A320271N


Go Air


near Bengaluru (Bangalore) International Airport (BLR/VOBL)


Boeing 7378AS (WL)




Adler/Sochi Airport (AER)



Westland Sea King

Pakistan Navy


off S. Sindh province






Burgas airport




Sturgate Airfield (EGCS), Gainsborough, Lincolnshire



Light Aircraft


Piper PA-28 Cherokee


Space City Aviators


Vermillion Parish, near Kaplan, LA



Piper PA-25235 Pawnee




El Espinal, Tolima



Luscombe 8A



Clark County, OH



Cubcrafters CC11-160 Carbon Cub SS


Fairfield County, west Lancaster, OH



Titan T-51 Mustang


NE of Stayner, Clearview, ON



Beech 95B55 (T42A) Baron


near Waupaca Municipal Airport (KPCZ), Waupaca, WI



Bombardier CRJ-701ER (CL-6002C10)


Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, TX (DFW/KDFW)


N71BN ?


Performance Products Plus Inc


American Eagle, opb ExpressJet Airlines

Mil Mi-8MTV https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=214975 ASN Wikibase Occurrence # 214975 Last updated: 2 September 2018 This information is added by users of ASN. Neither ASN nor the Flight Safety Foundation are responsible for the completeness or correctness of this information. If you feel this information is incomplete or incorrect, you can submit corrected information. Date: 02-SEP-2018 Page 33 of 39


07:30 LT

Type: Owner/operator: Registration: C/n / msn: Fatalities: Aircraft damage: Location:

Mil Mi-8MTV Valan International Cargo Charter ER-MHR 95952 Fatalities: 12 / Occupants: 14 Written off (damaged beyond repair) Shaheen Corps headquarters, northern Balkh province Afghanistan Phase: Take off Nature: Military Departure airport: Shaheen Corps headquarters Destination Faryab province airport: Narrative: A Mil Mi-8MTV helicopter crashed during takeoff from the Shaheen Corps headquarters in Afghanistan. A post-impact fire erupted. Several occupants were killed or injured. On board the helicopter were three Ukrainian crew members, four public order police soldiers, four army soldiers, and two national police soldiers. The helicopter was reportedly chartered by the Afghanistan Army. A total of twelve occupants died in the crash, two pilots and ten passengers. Sources: https://www.khaama.com/helicopter-crashes-in-afghan-army-base-in-balkh-province-05873 https://www.pajhwok.com/en/2018/09/02/3-including-foreign-pilot-killed-balkh-copter-crash http://www.caa.md/rom/news/item226/ www.rferl.org

1018 incidente în această bază de date cu acest tip de aeronavă, începând din 1966, ceea ce înseamnă că media anuală a incidentelor este de 19,58.

Un elicopter moldovenesc a fost implicat într-un accident aeronautic în Afganistan http://www.caa.md/rom/news/item226/

Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă a Republicii Moldova Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă a Republicii Moldova a fost informată că, la data de 2 septembrie 2018, în Afganistan, la ora 3 UTC, elicopterul MI-8 MTV cu numărul de înregistrare ER-MHR al companiei aeriene Valan International Cargo Charter s-a prăbușit la scurt timp după decolarea de la baza aeriană militară din Mazar-i-Sharif. La bordul elicopterului se aflau 3 membri ai echipajului cetățeni ai Ucrainei și 11 pasageri cetățeni ai Afganistanului. Potrivit informației preliminare, în urma accidentului au decedat 2 membri ai echipajului și 10 pasageri. Datele se concretizează, fiind pornită investigația pentru obținerea informațiilor suplimentare și stabilirea tuturor circumstanțelor zborului. 02.09.2018 11:23

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Un elicopter moldovenesc s-a prăbușit în Afganistan / 12 persoane au murit https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-22681874-elicopter-moldovenesc-afganistan-12-persoanemurit.htm

HOTNEWS de N.O. Duminică, 2 septembrie 2018, 20:45

Un elicopter moldovenesc contractat de NATO s-a prăbușit duminică în Afganistan, la scurt timp după decolarea de la baza aeriană militară din Mazar-i-Sharif, relatează deschide.md, citând washingtonpost.com și Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă a Republicii Moldova. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Moscova: Un Boeing 737 a ratat aterizarea si a luat foc. Zeci de răniți https://www.dcnews.ro/mosova-un-boeing-737-a-ratat-aterizarea-si-a-luat-foc-zeci-de-ranii_611003.html

DCnews.ro Dan Carp 01 sep 2018 / 12:47

Un Boeing 737 venind de la Moscova a luat foc, în noaptea de vineri spre sâmbătă, după ce a ratat aterizarea pe aeroportul din Soci, făcând 18 răniţi, au anunţat autorităţile ruse, citate de France Presse. Avionul companiei ruse Utair, care transporta 166 de pasageri şi şase membri ai echipajului, a alunecat de pe pistă într-un râu la aterizare, o aripă i-a fost deteriorată şi a luat foc. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE Analiza Industriei A&D în 2017 an și prognoza pentru 2018 (1) Aerospace and defense 2017 year in review and 2018 forecast https://www.pwc.com/us/en/industrial-products/publications/assets/pwc-aerospacedefense-2017-review-2018-forecast.pdf

PwC How are aerospace and defense companies performing today? What challenges and opportunities do they face? PwC takes a look.

Metodologie Datele noastre sunt extrase din rapoartele financiare din anul fiscal 2017, rezultate pentru cele mai mari 100 de companii din industria aerospațială și de apărare (A & D) pe venituri (a se vedea Anexa A) și alte informații disponibile publicului, cum ar fi site-urile companiei și comunicatele de presă. Page 35 of 39

Termenul limită pentru publicare a fost 1 aprilie 2018. Companiile A & D includ cele care generează majoritatea veniturilor din activități aerospațiale sau de apărare sau, în cazul companiilor diversificate, acele segmente care se raportează, care generează majoritatea veniturilor obținute din activitățile de cercetare și dezvoltare. Rezultatele sunt raportate în dolari americani. Valutele străine au fost convertite la cursurile de schimb medii pentru anii care se încheie la 31 decembrie 2017, respectiv la 31 decembrie 2016. Raportul nostru exprimă, de asemenea, punctul de vedere al PwC asupra temelor care afectează industria, dezvoltate prin interacțiunile cu clienții noștri și cu alți lideri din industrie și analiști.

Aerospace and defense overview 2017 review The aerospace and defense industry reported record profits of $77 billion in 2017, an 18% increase over the prior year, and surpassing the previous record set in 2014 by 5%. Industry revenue was $728 billion, an increase of 4% over 2016, and nearly matching the record revenues of $729 billion in 2014. Boeing‘s operating profit exceeded $10 billion, a first for any A&D company. Boeing‘s $4.4 billion profit improvement exceeded the total profits for all but two other companies (GE Aviation and Lockheed Martin). Boeing‘s performance catapulted it back to become the industry‘s most profitable company by a large margin, an honor which was taken by GE Aviation in 2016. GE Aviation retained second place, with a 9% profit improvement to $6.6 billion. The top 100 A&D companies, by revenue, reported $728 billion in revenue and $77 billion in operating profit in 2017. Operating margin improved by 130 basis points to 10.6%. Industry operating margin has reached double digits only once before in 2014. The improvement in operating profit and operating margin were broad based. There were 13 companies with profit fluctuations greater than $400 million.

Industria aerospațială și de apărare a raportat profituri înregistrate de 77 miliarde dolari în 2017, o creștere de 18% față de anul precedent și depășind recordul anterior stabilit în 2014 cu 5%. Venitul din industrie a fost de 728 miliarde de dolari, o creștere de 4% față de 2016, și se apropie aproape de veniturile record de 729 miliarde de dolari în 2014. Profitul operațional al Boeing a depășit 10 miliarde de dolari, fiind primul pentru orice companie A&D. Boeing a îmbunătățit profitul cu 4,4 miliarde de dolari, depășind profitul total pentru toate celelalte două companii (GE Aviation și Lockheed Martin). Performanța lui Boeing l-a catapultat pentru a deveni cea mai profitabilă companie din industrie cu o marjă mare, o onoare avută de GE Aviation în 2016. GE Aviation a păstrat al doilea loc, cu o îmbunătățire a profitului de 9%, la 6,6 miliarde de dolari. Primele 100 de companii A&D, după venituri, au raportat 728 miliarde dolari în venituri și 77 miliarde dolari în profit operațional în 2017. Marja de funcționare s-a îmbunătățit cu 130 de puncte de bază, până la 10,6%. Marja de exploatare a industriei a atins cifra dublă cu o singură dată înainte de 2014. Îmbunătățirea profitului operațional și a marjei operaționale a fost largă. Au existat 13 companii cu fluctuații ale profitului mai mari de 400 milioane USD.

Figure 1: Key industry metrics (US$ billions)

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Figure 2: Profit fluctuations > $400 million

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