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ZI DE ZI marți, 4 septembrie 2018


Conducerea Blue Air: Răcaru înlocuit cu Puiu

pg. 33

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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS


marți, 4 septembrie 2018


Cap. AERONAUTICĂ .................................................................5 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................... 5 Russia Plans New Helicopter Carriers, Attack Rotorcraft ....................................... 6 U.S. Navy Awards Boeing $805 million MQ-25 Contract ........................................ 6 Spirit AeroSystems Recognizes 10 Suppliers for Superior Performance ................ 7 Reliance Group rejects allegations, says its Rafale offsets just Rs 66 bn ............... 8 business-standard.com................................................................................... 8 Insights.................................................................................................................... 8 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - prezentarea Companiei (49 - început #270) .......... 10 Engine Fleet Management Program a Wise Investment for Regional Airlines ...... 11 At Boeing Factory, Unfinished 737s Pile Up ......................................................... 12

Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE ............................................13 IDF Commando Brigade Switching to M4 Assault Rifles ...................................... 13 MOD. 96 BERYL ASSAULT RIFLE / MSPO 2018 ................................................ 13 Oricine poate produce arme de plastic cu o imprimantă 3D. Nu sunt detectabile la aeroport................................................................................................................. 15

Cap. ITC ...................................................................................15 Raytheon Awarded $60 Million For CH-53, V-22 FLIR Systems ........................... 15 German Cabinet approves new cybersecurity agency .......................................... 16 Garmin announces availability of multiple software upgrades............................... 16 Advanced Interference Mitigation System (AIMS) ................................................. 17

Cap. NAVAL .............................................................................19 Şantierul Naval Constanţa a raportat pierderi de peste 5 mil. lei în primul semestru, la afaceri de 40 mil. lei .......................................................................................... 20 Şantierul naval Uljanik din Croaţia, în criză ........................................................... 20

Cap. RACHETE ........................................................................21 Northrop Grumman Highlights Missile Defence Capabilities at MSPO 2018, Kielce, Poland ................................................................................................................... 23 Cu doar 3995 USD: Global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems Market Forecast to 2027 .................................................................................................................. 24

Cap. EUROPA ..........................................................................26 Ministrul apărării naționale s-a întâlnit cu directorul executiv al EDA, la sediul M.Ap.N. ................................................................................................................. 26 Page 3 of 38

Is your country expensive? ................................................................................... 27 Insights.................................................................................................................. 27

Cap. DECIZIONAL ...................................................................28 Cap. FINANȚE..........................................................................29 Uzina Automecanica Moreni - buget 2018 aprobat ............................................... 29 Arsenal-Reșița - buget 2018 aprobat .................................................................... 29 Fabrica de Pulberi Făgăraș - buget 2018 aprobat................................................. 30 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 30 Proiecte în dezbatere publică................................................................................ 31

Cap. MacroE.............................................................................32 Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (17, a început cu #296) ......................................................................... 32 Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (18, a început cu #296) ......................................................................... 32

Cap. EVENIMENTE..................................................................33 Un fost pilot preia conducerea Blue Air după plecarea lui Gheorghe Răcaru ....... 33 Ugis Romanovs appointed as Managing Director of Patria Group company Milrem SIA in Latvia .......................................................................................................... 33 Târguri, conferințe A&D:........................................................................................ 34 MSPO – Polonia 2018 ....................................................................................... 34

Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE ..............................................................35 Analiza Industriei A&D în 2017 și prognoza pentru 2018 (2, început cu #317) ..... 35

Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE ............................................36 fiecare știre reprezintă doar punctul de vedere al autorului acesteia, iar linkul conduce la sursa originală și la forma integrală a articolului.

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The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.

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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS


Cap. AERONAUTICĂ BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 260,86 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00


240.00 230.00

200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00





























mil. euro



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Russia Plans New Helicopter Carriers, Attack Rotorcraft https://www.rotorandwing.com/2018/08/31/russia-plans-new-helicopter-carriersattack-rotorcraft-coming-years/

Rotor & Wing International Eugene Gerden | August 31, 2018

As it upgrades and expands land forces aviation, Russia also is investing in naval aviation, including plans to modernize the flagship Ka-27 naval helicopter and to start designing new models.

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U.S. Navy Awards Boeing $805 million MQ-25 Contract http://boeing.mediaroom.com/2018-08-30-U-S-Navy-Awards-Boeing-805-million-MQ25-Contract?sf196665719=1

Boeing Company Boeing will provide the carrier-based unmanned aerial refuelers to extend the range of deployed fighters Boeing was awarded the engineering and manufacturing development contract to provide four aircraft. Boeing plans to perform the MQ-25 work in St. Louis. “As a company, we made an investment in both our team and in an unmanned aircraft system that meets the U.S. Navy’s refueling requirements,” said Leanne Caret, president and CEO, Boeing Defense, Space & Security. “The fact that we’re already preparing for first flight is thanks to an outstanding team who understands the Navy and their need to have this important asset on carrier decks around the world.” MQ-25 is designed to provide the U.S. Navy with a much-needed refueling capability. According to the U.S. Navy, the MQ-25 Stingray will allow for better use of combat strike fighters by extending the range of deployed Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet, Boeing EA-18G Growler, and Lockheed Martin F-35C aircraft. MQ-25 will also seamlessly integrate with a carrier’s catapult and launch and recovery systems. Boeing has been providing carrier aircraft to the U.S. Navy for more than 90 years

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Boeing [NYSE: BA] will build the U.S. Navy’s first operational carrier-based unmanned aircraft, the MQ-25 aerial refueler, through an $805 million contract awarded today.

Spirit AeroSystems Recognizes 10 Suppliers for Superior Performance https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/spirit-aerosystems-recognizes-10suppliers-for-superior-performance-300705417.html

PR News wire Spirit AeroSystems [NYSE :SPR ] recognized 10 suppliers for superior performance at its annual supplier recognition banquet in Wichita. Awards were given in seven categories: Strategic Partner of the Year; Collaboration Values Partner; Transparency Values Partner; Inspiration Values Partner; Performance Partner; Emergent Support Partner; and Indirect Supplier of the Year.

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Reliance Group rejects allegations, says its Rafale offsets just Rs 66 bn https://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/reliance-group-rejectsallegations-says-its-rafale-offsets-just-rs-66-bn-118090300018_1.html

business-standard.com 03.09

Due to the rupee devaluation, the original Rs590 billion cost of the Rafale deal has already gone up to Rs 650 billion, but most calculations are working off the old figure

The Reliance Group, accused by the Opposition of influence peddling in its selection by Dassault as its Indian offset partner, has rejected allegations that it has benefited from Rs 300 billion worth of offset orders. It says its offset business from Dassault will amount to just Rs 66 billion. The 7.85 billion euro (Rs 590 billion) contract for 36 Rafale fighters that the government signed with Dassault on September 23, 2016, makes the vendor liable for discharging offsets worth 50 per cent of the contract value, or about Rs 300 billion. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Insights Army, Bell Collaborate to Advance Micro-Unmanned Aerial System Technologies Aviation Pros00:52 Fri, 31 Aug

Bristow commences new contract in Barents Sea Vertical Magazine15:59 Fri, 31 Aug

Garmin announces availability of multiple software upgrades Vertical Magazine22:22 Fri, 31 Aug

Helitech expands by 10 percent, reflecting optimistic industry outlook Vertical Magazine15:38 Fri, 31 Aug

Hiratagakuen strengthens Japan’s aeromedical operations with new H145 Vertical Magazine15:49 Fri, 31 Aug

Honeywell Awarded $20M Contract for CH-47 Engine Support HeliHub21:31 Mon, 03 Sep

Lockheed Awarded $12M Contract for Apache Refurbishment HeliHub18:32 Fri, 31 Aug

Lockheed Awarded $12M Contract for Procurement of 5 TSS for AH-1Z HeliHub21:31 Mon, 03 Sep

Med-Trans Corp acquires Life Star from Stormont Vail Health Vertical Magazine15:18 Fri, 31 Aug

PN Sea King crash leaves one dead and three missing, says report IHS Jane's19:20 Mon, 03 Sep

Rescuers find missing Mi-8 helicopter in Irkutsk Region, 3 dead Russian Aviation13:36 Mon, 03 Sep

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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 - prezentarea Companiei (49 început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annualreports.html#annualreports

Airbus extras 1.1.2 Commercial Aircraft (cont) Market (cont) Geographic differences. The high proportion of single-aisle aircraft in use in both North America and Europe refl ects the predominance of domestic short-range and medium-range fl ights, particularly in North America due to the development of hubs following deregulation. In comparison with North America and Europe, the Asia-Pacific region uses a greater proportion of twinaisle aircraft, as populations tend to be more concentrated in fewer large urban centres. The tendency towards use of twin-aisle aircraft is also reinforced by the fact that many of the region’s major airports limit the number of fl ights, due either to environmental concerns or to infrastructure constraints that limit the ability to increase fl ight frequency. These constraints necessitate higher average aircraft seating capacity per fl ight. However, Airbus Commercial Aircraft believes that demand for single-aisle aircraft in Asia will grow over the next 20 years, particularly as domestic markets in China and India and low-cost carriers continue to develop in the region. Aircraft economics will also help to drive aircraft size, with airlines looking to reduce the cost per seat through higher density aircraft cabins and the use of larger aircraft types and variants where possible.

Diferențele de ordin geografic Proporția ridicată aaeronavelor cu un singur culoar aflate în utilizare atât în America de Nord, cât și în Europa reflectă predominanța flotelor domestice cu rază scurtă și medie, în special în America de Nord, datorită dezvoltării huburilor după dereglementare. În comparație cu America de Nord și Europa, regiunea Asia-Pacific folosește o proporție mai mare de aeronave cu două culori, deoarece populația tinde să fie mai concentrată, în mai puține centre urbane mari. Tendința spre utilizarea aeronavelor cu aripă dublă este, de asemenea, consolidată de faptul că multe dintre aeroporturile principale din regiune limitează numărul de zboruri, fie datorită preocupărilor legate de mediu, fie datorită constrângerilor de infrastructură care limitează capacitateade a mări frecvența de zbor. Aceste constrângeri necesită o capacitate medie mai mare pentru fiecare zbor. Cu toate acestea, Airbus Commercial Aircraft crede că cererea pentru aeronave cu un singur culoar în Asia va crește în următorii 20 de ani, în special pe măsură ce piețele interne din China și India și transportatorii cu costuri reduse continuă să se dezvolte în regiune. Economia aeronavelor va contribui, de asemenea, la creșterea dimensiunii aeronavelor, companiile aeriene urmărind să reducă costul pe loc prin cabinele de aeronave cu densitate mai mare și utilizarea de tipuri și variante de aeronave mai mari, acolo unde este posibil.

Competition. Airbus Commercial Aircraft has been operating in a duopoly since Lockheed’s withdrawal from the market in 1986 and Boeing’s acquisition of McDonnell Douglas in 1997. As a result, the market for passenger aircraft of more than 100 seats has been divided between Airbus Commercial Aircraft and Boeing. According to the manufacturers’

Competiția Airbus Commercial Aircraft funcționează întrun duopol, după retragerea lui Lockheed de pe piață în 1986 și achiziționarea lui Boeing de către McDonnell Douglas în 1997. Ca urmare, piața aeronavelor de pasageri cu mai mult de 100 de locuri a fost împărțită între Airbus Commercial Aircraft și Boeing. Conform cifrelor publicate de producători în

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published figures for 2017, Airbus Commercial Aircraft and Boeing, respectively,accounted for 48% and 52% of total commercial aircraft deliveries, 55% and 45% of total net orders (in units), and 55% and 45% of the total year-end backlog (in units). Airbus Commercial Aircraft’s deliveries (718 in 2017) were the 15th year in a row of increased production. Nevertheless, the high technology and high value nature of the business makes aircraft manufacturing an attractive industry in which to participate, and besides Boeing, Airbus Commercial Aircraft faces aggressive international competitors who are intent on increasing their market share. Regional jet makers Embraer and Bombardier, coming from the less than 100-seat commercial aircraft market, continue to develop larger airplanes (such as the new E190-E2 programme launched by Embraer). Additionally, other competitors from Russia, China and Japan will enter the 70- to 150seat aircraft market over the next few years, and today are studying larger types. In October 2017, Airbus SE and Bombardier Inc. agreed to form a partnership in relation to the C-Series. The transaction remains subject to regulatory approvals, as well as other conditions usual in this type of transaction. Completion of the transaction is currently expected for the second half of 2018.

2017, Airbus Commercial Aircraft și Boeing au reprezentat 48% și 52% din totalul livrărilor de aeronave comerciale, 55% și 45% din totalul comenzilor nete (în unități) și 55% % din întârziere totală la sfârșitul anului (în unități). Livrările Airbus Commercial Aircraft (718 în 2017) au fost al 15-lea an de creștere consecutivă a producției. Cu toate acestea, tehnologia de ultimă generație și valoarea înaltă a afacerilor fac ca fabricarea avioanelor să fie o industrie atractivă în care să participe și alți concurenți, pe lângă Boeing, Airbus Commercial Aircraft. Cele două companii se confruntă cu concurenți internaționali agresivi care intenționează să-și mărească cota de piață. Producătorii regionali de jet-uri Embraer și Bombardier, provenind de pe piața aeronavelor comerciale de mai puțin de 100 de locuri, continuă să dezvolte avioane mai mari (cum ar fi noul program E190-E2 lansat de Embraer). În plus, alți concurenți din Rusia, China și Japonia vor intra pe piața aeronavelor de la 70 la 150 de locuri în următorii ani. În octombrie 2017, Airbus SE și Bombardier Inc. au convenit să formeze un parteneriat în ceea ce privește seria C. Tranzacția rămâne supusă aprobărilor de reglementare, precum și altor condiții obișnuite în acest tip de tranzacție. Finalizarea tranzacției este așteptată pentru a doua jumătate a anului 2018.

Engine Fleet Management Program a Wise Investment for Regional Airlines https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/engine-fleet-management-program-wise-investmentfr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric-lefebvre/

LinkedIn Frédéric Lefebvre, 30 august 2018

Our regional airline customers tell us that managing their costs is always their biggest challenge. Since the late 1990s, we have been helping to address our airlines’ engine maintenance costs with our Fleet Management™ Program (FMP™). Both a commercial and technical solution, the FMP is an engine management program that also serves as a financial planning tool to help airlines manage cash flow more efficiently.

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Through the FMP, we provide a cost guarantee for the ongoing maintenance of customers’ engines, thereby assuming the financial risks of engine maintenance. Our FMP eliminates cost variability that would otherwise be required to be absorbed by the airline. In exchange for our cost guarantee, airlines follow certain set maintenance plans and best practices. In this sense, it is a win-win for both the airline and us. The airline enjoys better engine performance and more predictable costs, and P&WC leverages the full value and capability of its global service network and employee expertise. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

At Boeing Factory, Unfinished 737s Pile Up Supplier bottlenecks threaten production at aerospace giant’s factory near Seattle https://www.wsj.com/articles/at-boeing-factory-unfinished-737s-pile-up1535972401?mod=e2tw

The Wall Street Journal By Andrew Tangel and Doug Cameron

Boeing Co. BA -1.18% is facing a problem as it races to meet demand for singleaisle, fuel-efficient jets: where to store unfinished 737s piling up at a factory near Seattle. “Boeing is running out of space,” Renton public works administrator Gregg Zimmerman wrote to city council members in a July 27 memo about the taxiway plan. “They have encountered an emergency production challenge that threatens to interfere with their ability to keep their airplane production lines running.” A Boeing spokesman said the request for parking space was part of a “recovery plan” to get deliveries to match production rates. Mr. Zimmerman declined to comment. The unfinished airplanes illustrate a challenge to Boeing, the world’s biggest aircraft manufacturer by sales, as it tries to make enough of its new 737 Max jets to meet fast-growing demand. Boeing and rival Airbus SE together have more than $1 trillion in orders for planes, driven by a global boom in air travel that is adding 100 million passengers a year. Page 12 of 38

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Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE IDF Commando Brigade Switching to M4 Assault Rifles http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/35539

Israel Defense Ami Rojkes Dombe 3/09/2018


Israel Defense has learned that the IDF Commando Brigade will replace its current Tavor assault rifles with M4 Carbines. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

MOD. 96 BERYL ASSAULT RIFLE / MSPO 2018 http://fabrykabroni.pl/en/produkty/karabiny/szturmowy-wz-96-beryl/ The 5.56 mm Mod. 96 Beryl Assault Rifle is an individual selective fire automatic weapon for infantry, airborne and other troops. It is a reliable, accurate, enduring and robustly built rifle, resistant to the environmental challenges. Sights are open, U-notch type, fitted with integrated tritium-lit night sights, enabling accurate fire both during the day and after dark. For enhanced handling a new, ergonomic pistol grip and optional front grip (fixed to the handguard or detachable using the integrated RIS interface) were fitted.

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Beryl has a rifle grenade capability with bullet-trap grenades, enabling live rounds to be used for launching. The stock is rigid, telescoping with optional side-folding stock available. The upper and lower handguard integrated Picatinny rails (MIL-STD-1913 compatible) enable mounting of the different optoelectronic sights. Technical Data: Caliber:

5,56 x 45 mm NATO

Muzzle velocity ammunition):




Muzzle energy ammunition):




V0= 920 m/s E0= 1690 J

Firing mode:

Single, Burst (3 rds), Cyclic

Cyclic rate of fire:

700 rpm

Effective range:

600 meters

Sight settings:

100-1000 meters increments

Magazine capacity:

30 rounds

Method of operation:

gas-operated weapon

Number of lands in the bore:


Rifling pitch:

228 mm

DIMENSIONS: Length with stock extended:

980 mm

Length with stock retracted:

910 mm

Barrel length:

457 mm

Sighting radius:

372 mm Page 14 of 38




WEIGHTS: Weapon, empty:

ok. 3650 g

Magazine (30 rds) empty:

ok. 185 g

Magazine (30 rds) loaded:

ok. 554 g

Oricine poate produce arme de plastic cu o imprimantă 3D. Nu sunt detectabile la aeroport https://adevarul.ro/tech/gadget/oricine-produce-arme-plastic-imprimanta-3d-nudetectabile-aeroport-1_5b8cdeb0df52022f75139457/index.html

Adevărul 3 septembrie 2018 Acest articol a apărut în numărul 47 (27 august – 9 septembrie) al revistei NewMoney

Ziua în care o armă de foc letală poate fi descărcată sau copiată de oricine, de oriunde, la fel de ușor ca un episod piratat din Game of Thrones, a venit. Și a și trecut. Numai că povestea abia începe. Are 30 de ani și se descrie drept un criptoanarhist, un radical digital. Îi citează frecvent pe Nietzsche și pe Foucault, și îi place să fie considerat un băiat rău. Atât de rău încât Wired l-a inclus pe o listă a celor mai periculoși cinci oameni din internet. De două ori. E Cody Wilson, imaginea-emblemă a unei mișcări online de entuziaști ce folosesc imprimante 3D pentru a-și construi arme de plastic capabile să tragă gloanțe pe cât de reale, pe atât de letale. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. ITC Raytheon Awarded $60 Million For CH-53, V-22 FLIR Systems https://www.rotorandwing.com/2018/08/31/raytheon-awarded-60-million-ch-53-v-22flir-systems/

Rotor & Wing International Walt Evans August 31, 2018

Raytheon [RTN] took home a five-year $59.7 million contract by the U.S. Navy for support of its forward looking infrared (FLIR) system aboard the CH-53 and V-22 Osprey aircraft, the Department of Defense announced on Wednesday. A $16 million initial delivery order for the contract’s first year was issued “concurrently with the award,” the DoD said in a press release. The U.S. Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Weapon Systems Support pulled the $16 million from 2018 Navy working capital funds. Raytheon’s FLIR thermal-imaging technology allows aircraft pilots to see through lowvisibility conditions like rain, smoke, fog, and darkness. The technology was originally developed by Raytheon subsidiary Texas Instruments in 1963, and older generations of FLIR have been used by the military for decades.

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German Cabinet approves new cybersecurity agency https://www.fifthdomain.com/global/europe/2018/08/31/german-cabinet-approvesnew-cybersecurity-agency/ By: Sebastian Sprenger 3 days ago

In this May 4, 2017, file photo, a soldier walks into the Defence Ministry in Berlin. (Michael Kappeler/dpa via AP) COLOGNE, Germany – Germany is one step closer to getting its own version of a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, as officials here seek to bolster the country's cybersecurity posture. The Cabinet of Chancellor Angela Merkel this week approved the new organization, to be headed jointly by the Defense and Interior ministries. The outfit is slated to get a budget of €200 million ($230 million) between 2019 and 2022. The new “Agency for Innovation in Cybersecurity” will eventually have 100 employees. The German parliament, the Bundestag, will debate the proposal in the upcoming months. Once the funding is cleared, analysts will begin their work in earnest next year. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Garmin announces availability of multiple software upgrades https://www.verticalmag.com/press-releases/garmin-announces-availability-ofmultiple-software-upgrades/

Vertical Magazine 31 august 2018

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Garmin has announced the availability of multiple software upgrades and approvals across several products including the GTN 650/750 touchscreen navigators, the G500 TXi/G600 TXi and G500/G600 flight displays, as well as the GFC 600 and GFC 500 autopilots.

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Advanced Interference Mitigation System (AIMS) https://www.harris.com/solution/advanced-interference-mitigation-systemaims?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=es

Harris Corporation

The Harris Advanced Interference Mitigation System or AIMS employs a standard, open, and scalable architecture for configuring a defined set of technology building blocks to a wide range of applications. An AIMS-based solution is configured to the specific application, mitigating all interference problems as needed for mission Page 17 of 38

success without the unnecessary Size, Weight and Power or Cost (SWaP-C) overhead of a one-size-fits-all approach. AIMS uses our unrivaled interference cancellation technology to solve the hardest RF interference problems. Harris AIMS achieves interference mitigation performance that cannot be matched by any other solution. The AIMS solution is adaptable to provide exactly the right level of performance, matched to the customer’s specific set of problems and constraints. AIMS is scalable to provide electromagnetic interference protection for one to many victim receivers from one to many interference sources. AIMS can be applied to protect a wide range of spectrum, from HF to above X Band, for either narrowband or broadband signals. AIMS can remove up to 100 dB or more of interference before the signal reaches the victim receiver.

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Nakasone said during his first public remarks since taking command. “This is a dynamic force that comes and goes.�


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Şantierul Naval Constanţa a raportat pierderi de peste 5 mil. lei în primul semestru, la afaceri de 40 mil. lei https://www.zfcorporate.ro/burse-fonduri-mutuale/santierul-naval-constanta-controlat-de-familiabosinceanu-a-raportat-pierderi-de-peste-5-mil-lei-in-primul-semestru-la-afaceri-de-40-mil-lei-17505883

Ziarul Financiar Articol publicat în ediţia tipărită a Ziarului Financiar din data de 04.09.2018 ieri, 09:51 Autor: Cristina Bellu

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Şantierul naval Uljanik din Croaţia, în criză https://www.zfcorporate.ro/auto-transporturi/santierul-naval-uljanik-din-croatia-incriza-17506906

Ziarul Financiar Articol publicat în ediţia tipărită a Ziarului Financiar din data de 04.09.2018 ieri, 19:31 Autor: Catalina Apostoiu

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Northrop Grumman Highlights Missile Defence Capabilities at MSPO 2018, Kielce, Poland https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/releases/northrop-grumman-highlightsmissile-defence-capabilities-at-mspo-2018-kielce-poland

Northrop Grumman Sept. 3, 2018 LONDON –– Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) is showcasing its missile defence, advanced armaments and defence electronics capabilities at Poland’s International Defence Industry Exhibition, MSPO. Poland has collaborated with the U.S. and our NATO allies since 1999 and has demonstrated its commitment to this strong, safe and secure alliance through nextgeneration missile defence capabilities like IBCS. MSPO takes place Sept. 4-7 in Kielce, Poland. The Northrop Grumman exhibits are at stand numbers F-27 and E-37. They include a demonstration of integrated air and missile defence (IAMD) and short-range air defence (SHORAD) capabilities. “Northrop Grumman is committed to Poland and to helping create innovative solutions to meet Poland’s national security needs. Through the acquisition of IBCS, Poland will have the most sophisticated and technologically advanced integrated air and missile defence system that will enable the use of multiple sensors and effectors on a network. Poland’s WISLA integrated air and missile defence system will be capable of employing short range air and missile defence systems being considered for NAREW and will provide any sensor, best shooter engagements,” said Tarik Reyes, vice president, missile defence and protective systems, Northrop Grumman. “We are excited to offer our range of core capabilities and continue building our presence in Poland to deepen our relationships with our key customers so that we can provide effective support for in-country business development activities.” The IAMD Battle Command System (IBCS) is a revolutionary command-and-control system developed to deliver a single, unambiguous view of the battlespace, as recently demonstrated over vast distances via the multi-node distributed test. This significantly enhances aircraft and missile tracking and improves the ability of combatant commanders and air defenders to make critical decisions within seconds. With a modular open systems architecture, IBCS allows integration of current and future sensors and weapon systems. IBCS enables “any sensor, best shooter” operations to optimize limited resources and facilitate flexible defense designs. Northrop Grumman’s SHORAD capabilities protect U.S. and allied forces from a wide range of manned and unmanned air and missile threats. Our capabilities utilize sensors, weapons and command control to acquire, track, verify, engage and defeat incoming threats. Northrop Grumman will also showcase its precision artillery, advanced tank ammunition and tactical missile capabilities that are well-suited to meet Poland’s modernisation needs. The Northrop Grumman Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AGM-88E) is a supersonic, medium-range, air-launched tactical missile that provides the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps and Italian Air Force with the latest and most advanced weapon system for engaging and destroying enemy air defences and time-critical, mobile targets. AGM-88E is compatible with Poland’s airframes and can provide advanced strike capability. The company is also displaying its Bushmaster Chain Guns and medium calibre ammunition. The Mk44 chain gun is well established in the Polish Army and is integrated on the Rozomak ground combat vehicle, representing the largest installed base of the 30x173mm chain guns worldwide. Additionally, Northrop Grumman’s Page 23 of 38

Precision Guidance Kit for 155mm artillery and Kinetic Energy Tungsten 120mm tank ammunition are compatible with Poland’s artillery projectiles and main battle tanks, and would provide advanced capabilities for those systems. Information will be available on the AN/TPS-80 Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar, the ground-based multi-mission active electronically scanned array radar developed and now in production for the U.S. Marine Corps. The Marine Corps achieved AN/TPS-80 Initial Operational Capability in early 2018. AN/TPS-80 incorporates the latest high efficiency Gallium Nitride antenna technology and provides comprehensive 360 degree, multi-threat detection and tracking. The AN/TPS-80 architecture is designed to support integration with IBCS. Northrop Grumman’s German subsidiary, Northrop Grumman LITEF, will highlight its range of Fibre Optic Gyros and Micro-electro-mechanical Systems Accelerometers as well as innovative Inertial Navigation and Reference Systems for air, land and maritime applications. Northrop Grumman has a well-established presence in Europe with more than 2,200 employees in the U.K., France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, space, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit news.northropgrumman.com and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information.

Cu doar 3995 USD: Global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems Market Forecast to 2027 https://www.marketforecast.com/reports/global-missiles-and-missile-defensesystems-market-forecast-to-2027-1056

MARKET FORECAST Report Code: MF170504 Published: November 22, 2017 Pages: 200 (US Letter) Analyst: Mr. Debo Sarkar

Global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems (MMDS) market, valued at US$55 billion in 2018, is projected grow at a CAGR of 6%, to value US$93 billion by 2027. The cumulative market for global expenditure on Missiles and Missile Defense Systems is valued at US$ 725.37 billion over the forecast period. Demand for missiles and missile defense systems is anticipated to be driven by the massive investment made by countries like US, China, Russia, Israel in the development of next generation missiles & missile defense systems and the large scale procurement of such systems by countries like Saudi Arabia, India, Japan and South Korea. The United States is the largest spender in the domain with China, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Japan and South Korea anticipated accounting for the bulk of spending. In terms of categories, missile defense systems (MDS) is expected to account for the highest proportion of spending, followed by markets for cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, air to air missile, directed energy weapons and anti satellite weapons. The market for missile defense systems is anticipated to be the largest category primarily due to the ongoing procurement of missile and air defense systems by countries of the Asia Pacific, North America and European regions. North America is expected to account for the largest share of the total global expenditure on missiles and missile defense systems followed by the Asia Pacific Page 24 of 38

Region where countries like China, India, South Korea and Japan are investing billions to procure missiles and missile defense systems. The report "Global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems Market Forecast to 2027" offers detailed analysis of the global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems market over the next ten years, and provides market size forecasts. Furthermore, it covers key technological and market trends in the industry and analyzes factors influencing demand for Missiles and Missile Defense Systems. In particular, it provides an in-depth analysis of the following:  Overview: Snapshot of the Missiles and Missile Defense Systems market during 2018-2027, including highlights of the demand drivers, trends and challenges. It also provides a snapshot of the spending with respect to regions as well as segments. It sheds light on the emergence on new technologies like Directed Energy Weapons & Anti Satellite Weapons (ASAT)  Market Dynamics: Insights into the technological developments in the Missiles and Missile Defense Systems market and a detailed analysis of the changing preferences of governments around the world. It also analyzes changing industry structure trends and the challenges faced by the industry participants.  Segment Analysis: Insights into the Missiles and Missile Defense Systems market from a segmental perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each segment.  Regional Review: Insights into modernization patterns and budgetary allocation for top countries within a region.  Regional Analysis: Insights into the Missiles and Missile Defense Systems market from a regional perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each region.  Trend Analysis - Key Defense Market: Analysis of the key markets in each region, providing an analysis of the Missiles and Missile Defense Systems segments expected to be in demand in each region.  Key Program Analysis: Details of the top programs in each segment expected to be executed during the forecast period.  Competitive landscape analysis: Analysis of competitive landscape of the global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems industry. It provides an overview of key defense companies, together with insights such as key alliances, strategic initiatives and a brief financial analysis. 

By Region o NA, o EU, o Asia, o ME, o RoW By Technology o Missile Defense Systems (MDS), o Cruise Missiles, o Ballistic Missiles, o Air-to-Air Missile, o Directed Energy Weapons, o Anti Satellite Weapons, By End-Use o Land Based, o Sea Based, o Air Based Page 25 of 38

Companied listed:  MBDA  Raytheon  China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation  Almaz Antey  Rafael Advanced Defense Systems  Lockheed Martin  Boeing  Kongsberg Defense Systems  Saab  Northrop Grumman  Rheinmetall Defense  Thales

Cap. EUROPA Ministrul apărării naționale s-a întâlnit cu directorul executiv al EDA, la sediul M.Ap.N. http://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/16026_Ministrul-ap%C4%83r%C4%83riina%C8%9Bionale-s-a-%C3%AEnt%C3%A2lnit-cu-directorul-executiv-al-EDA,-lasediul-M.Ap.N.

Ministerul Apărării Naţionale COMUNICAT NR. 252 Data: 03.09.2018

Ministrul apărării naţionale, Mihai Fifor, împreună cu secretarul de stat Mircea Dușa și cu șeful Statului Major al Apărării, Nicolae Ciucă, a avut luni, 3 septembrie, la sediul M.Ap.N., o întâlnire cu directorul executiv al Agenţiei Europene de Apărare (EDA), Jorge Domecq, aflat în vizită în România. Subiectul principal al discuţiilor a fost dezvoltarea dialogului cu EDA în contextul eforturilor privind preluarea şi exercitarea de către țara noastră a mandatului la Preşedinţia Consiliului Uniunii Europene. „Apreciem în mod deosebit faptul că vă aflaţi astăzi în România, într-o perioadă atât de importantă pentru noi – pregătirea pentru preluarea Preşedinţiei Consiliului UE. Este un rol care generează responsabilităţi suplimentare pentru ţara noastră, dar care oferă totodată oportunităţi de promovare la nivel european a unor priorităţi concrete în domeniile de acţiune ale EDA”, a spus ministrul Mihai Fifor. De asemenea, cei doi oficiali au făcut un schimb de idei referitoare la rezultatele recentei reuniuni a miniştrilor apărării din ţările membre ale UE, care a avut loc săptămâna trecută la Viena, şi pe principalele paliere de interes - Cooperarea structurată permanentă (PESCO), Revizuirea coordonată anuală a apărării (CARD), Planul de dezvoltare a capabilităţilor militare (CDP), cercetarea în domeniul apărării şi eforturile Comisiei de sprijinire financiară a proceselor de dezvoltare a capabilităţilor. Pe agenda convorbirilor au figurat şi subiecte legate de Programul european de dezvoltare industrială în domeniul apărării (EDIDP) şi Fondul european de apărare (EDF), mobilitatea militară, relaţiile NATO-UE, dar şi despre priorităţile României pe durata Preşedinţiei Consiliului UE în domeniul politicii de securitate şi apărare comună (PSAC), precum şi activităţile ce vor fi organizate în cooperare cu EDA în acest context.

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Is your country expensive? https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/WDN-201808241?inheritRedirect=true&redirect=%2Feurostat%2F

EUROSTAT 24/08/2018


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Uzina Automecanica Moreni - buget 2018 aprobat Ministerul Finanțelor Publice Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Uzina Automecanica Moreni - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM - S.A. București, aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei Nr. 2940 din 27-August-2018 Ministerul Economiei Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Uzina Automecanica Moreni - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM - S.A. București, aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei Nr. 960 din 26-Iulie-2018 Ministerul Muncii şi Justiţiei Sociale Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Uzina Automecanica Moreni - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM - S.A. București, aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei Nr. 1978 din 06-August-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 756 din 03 Septembrie 2018

Arsenal-Reșița - buget 2018 aprobat Ministerul Finanțelor Publice Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Societatea Arsenal-Reșița - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM - S.A. București, aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei Nr. 2939 din 27-August-2018 Ministerul Economiei Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Societatea Arsenal-Reșița - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM - S.A. București, aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei Nr. 961 din 26-Iulie-2018 Ministerul Muncii şi Justiţiei Sociale Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Societatea Arsenal-Reșița - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM - S.A. București, aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei Nr. 1977 din 06-August-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 756 din 03 Septembrie 2018

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Fabrica de Pulberi Făgăraș - buget 2018 aprobat Ministerul Finanțelor Publice Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Societatea „Fabrica de Pulberi Făgăraș“ - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM - S.A. București, aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei Nr. 2942 din 27-August-2018 Ministerul Muncii şi Justiţiei Sociale Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Societatea „Fabrica de Pulberi Făgăraș“ - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM - S.A. București, aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei Nr. 1979 din 06-August-2018 Ministerul Economiei Ordin privind aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 pentru Societatea „Fabrica de Pulberi Făgăraș“ - S.A. - filiala Companiei Naționale ROMARM - S.A. București, aflată sub autoritatea Ministerului Economiei Nr. 962 din 26-Iulie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 756 din 03 Septembrie 2018

Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 28 aug.2018 29 aug.2018 30 aug.2018 31 aug.2018 4.6474 4.6489 4.6430 4.6440 5.1253 5.1318 5.1669 5.1764 3.9723 3.9852 3.9704 3.9789 155.0496 154.2313 153.5967 154.4121


3 sep.2018 4.6375 5.1491 3.9970 154.4114





5.5 5





4.6206 4.0976






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168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18

158 156 154 152

153.5018 31-12-18




























grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Proiecte în dezbatere publică Ministerul Finanţelor Publice http://www.mfinante.ro/pagina.html;jsessionid=aq-aGvN0TUTBScaPhCNhtC5s592k6N2tshzDCyZ.slave2:server22?categoriebunuri=proiecte-actenormative&pagina=acasa&locale=ro&menu=Transparenta Proiect OUG cu privire la rectificarea bugetului de stat pe anul 2018 - publicat în data de 03 septembrie 2018 Anexa 1 Anexa 2 Anexa 3 Anexa 4 Anexa 5 Anexa 6 Anexa 7 Nota de fundamentare Proiect Hotărâre privind aprobarea amendamentelor convenite între Guvernul României şi Banca Internaţională pentru Reconstrucţie şi Dezvoltare, prin schimbul de scrisori semnate la Bucureşti la 30 mai 2018, 14 iunie, 2018 şi 26 iunie 2018 la Acordul de împrumut (Proiectul privind modernizarea sistemului de asistenţă socială) dintre România şi Banca Internaţională pentru Reconstrucţie şi Dezvoltare, semnat la Bucureşti la 8 iulie 2011- publicat în data de 03 septembrie 2018 Nota de fundamentare Proiect OUG pentru rectificarea bugetului asigurărilor sociale de stat pe anul 2018 - publicat în data de 03 septembrie 2018 Anexa 1 Anexa 2 Nota de fundamentare Proiect Hotărâre pentru aprobarea normelor metodologice de aplicare a Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr.50/2018 privind implementarea Programului guvernamental "INVESTEŞTE ÎN TINE" - publicat în data de 03 septembrie 2018

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Cap. MacroE Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (17, a început cu #296) Macroeconomic stability – a stepstone towards security and diplomatic standing Recent developments in Romania http://www.bnro.ro/Prezentari-si-interviuri--1332.aspx

Banca Națională a României Mugur Isărescu, Guvernatorul BNR

In most non‐EA NMS a wait‐and‐see approach seems to prevail Initial target Date of setting the initial target BG 2010 2004 – Pre‐accession EconomicProgramme CZ HU PL RO

2009/2010 2008 2008/2009 2014

2003 – Czech Republic’s Euro AccessionStrategy 2003 – Pre‐accession EconomicProgramme 2003 – Pre‐accession EconomicProgramme 2007 – Convergence Programme

Current position Intention to join ERM II by July 2019 No target date No target date No target date No target date

Stabilitatea macroeconomică - un pas în direcția reputației diplomatice și de securitate (18, a început cu #296) Macroeconomic stability – a stepstone towards security and diplomatic standing Recent developments in Romania http://www.bnro.ro/Prezentari-si-interviuri--1332.aspx

Banca Națională a României Mugur Isărescu, Guvernatorul BNR

Recent statements regarding euro adoption in non‐euro EU countries Bulgaria “We are ready to join the waiting room for the euro”. (Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister, January 2018)

Croatia “We don’t want to specify the exact dates, but we want Croatia to become a euro zone memberwithin two government terms in office [7 to 8 years]” (Andrej Plenkovic, Prime Minister, 30 October 2017) Czech Republic “Adopting the euro today would be like being the last to arrive at a party, one where all the foodand drink has gone and the other guests are looking for someone to help pay the bill”. (Mojmír Hampl, Vice Governor of the Czech National Bank, 21 May 2018)

Declarații recente privind adoptarea monedei euro în țările din afara UE Bulgaria "Suntem gata să intrăm în sala de așteptare pentru aderarea la euro". (Boyko Borissov, primministru, ianuarie 2018) Croaţia "Nu vrem să specificăm datele exacte, dar dorim ca și Croația să devină membru al zonei euro în termen de 2 mandate guvernamentale [de la 7 la 8 ani]" (Andrej Plenkovic, prim-ministru, 30 Octombrie 2017) Republica Cehă "Aderarea acum la euro ar fi ca și cum ați fi ultimul care ajunge la o petrecere, una în care toate alimentele și băuturile au dispărut, iar ceilalți invitați caută pe cineva care să ajute la plata notei". (Mojmír Hampl, viceguvernator al Băncii Naționale a Cehiei, 21 mai 2018)

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Hungary “Like the Czechs or the Poles, we will not enter the waiting room for the euro, which is arequirement to fix the exchange rate two years before adoption (of the euro)”. (Mihály Varga,Finance Minister, March 2018) Poland “We’re certainly not racing to the eurozone; it’s going through problems and has a lot oflimitations. […] We’re in no hurry to give up our advantages, including the flexibility to react topotential crises.” (Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister, December 2017)

Ungaria "Ca și cehii sau polonezii, nu vom intra în sala de așteptare pentru euro, care este o cerință de fixare a cursului de schimb cu doi ani înainte de adoptare (a monedei euro)". (Mihály Varga, ministru al finanțelor, martie 2018) Polonia "Desigur, nu ne îndreptăm spre zona euro; trece prin probleme și are multe limitări. [...] Nu ne grăbim să renunțăm la avantajele noastre, inclusiv flexibilitatea de a reacționa la eventualele crize "(Mateusz Morawiecki, prim-ministru, decembrie 2017)

Cap. EVENIMENTE Un fost pilot preia conducerea Blue Air după plecarea lui Gheorghe Răcaru https://www.zfcorporate.ro/profesii/un-fost-pilot-preia-conducerea-blue-air-dupaplecarea-lui-gheorghe-racaru-17507010

Ziarul Financiar Articol publicat în ediţia tipărită a Ziarului Financiar din data de 04.09.2018 ieri, 20:44 Autor: Roxana Rosu

Gheorghe Răcaru, care a condus Blue Air din 2004, a decis să se retragă din funcţie, după 48 de ani în industria aviaţiei, în locul lui fiind nominalizat Marius Puiu, tot fost pilot. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Ugis Romanovs appointed as Managing Director of Patria Group company Milrem SIA in Latvia https://www.patria.fi/en/media/news/ugis-romanovs-appointed-managing-directorpatria-group-company-milrem-sia-latvia

PATRIA Finlanda 31.08.2018

Ugis Romanovs, 42, has been appointed as Managing Director of Milrem SIA to develop defence sector services for the Latvian market. Ugis Romanovs will start in the position in the beginning of September 2018. Romanovs has a very solid experience in defence sector and has worked in the Latvian National Armed Forces in various positions for many years. After his military career Romanovs has acted as a lecturer, researcher, military adviser and consultant in the defence sector. He holds a Master’s Degree in Page 33 of 38

Military Leadership and Security and a Bachelor’s Degree in Education at the Latvian National Defence Academy. ”Ugis Romanovs has a wide experience in the defence sector, and we believe that he will expand our capabilities to a new level and create a new market area for us according to our growth strategy,” says Ingvar Pärnamäe, Managing Director of Milrem LCM. “In the past few years Latvia has acquired a wide range of military capabilities that have unprecedented sustainment requirements for the Latvian Defence Forces. Milrem SIA in Latvia will offer sustainment methods and tools particularly tailored to the Latvian operational requirements and is ready to become an integral part of the National Defence System,” explains Romanovs. “We will “hit the ground running” as we can offer various sustainment approaches, tools and experiences collected through the years by Patria and Milrem in Estonia,” he adds. Milrem SIA is a subsidiary of Milrem LCM OÜ, which is a subsidiary of Patria and a part of its International Support Partnerships business unit. Patria owns 60% of Milrem LCM and 40% is owned by Mootor Grupp. Milrem LCM provides services for the defence and security sector offering life cycle support services for heavy and armored vehicles, weapon systems and other military equipment in Estonia. The company provides maintenance and repair works for the Estonian Defence Forces' XA-180, XA-188 and CV90 as well as other military vehicles in Tallinn and in Võru. Further information: Ingvar Pärnamäe, Managing Director, Milrem LCM, phone +372 53 423 016, ingvar.parnamae@milrem.ee Patria is an international provider of defence, security and aviation life cycle support services and technology solutions. Patria provides its aerospace and military customers with equipment availability, continuous performance development as well as selected intelligence, surveillance and management system products and services. Patria’s mission is to give its customers confidence in all conditions, and the vision is to be the #1 partner for critical operations. Patria has several locations including Finland, Sweden, Norway and Estonia. Net sales totaled EUR 467.7 million in 2017, and Patria employs 2,800 professionals. Patria is owned by the State of Finland (50.1%) and Norwegian Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS (49.9%). Patria owns 50% of Norwegian Nammo, and together these three companies form a leading Nordic defence partnership.

Târguri, conferințe A&D: Herald Insights

MSPO – Polonia 2018

Nu sunt înregistrate firme românești printre expozanți. Page 34 of 38

Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE Analiza Industriei A&D în 2017 și prognoza pentru 2018 (2, început cu #317) Aerospace and defense 2017 year in review and 2018 forecast https://www.pwc.com/us/en/industrial-products/publications/assets/pwc-aerospacedefense-2017-review-2018-forecast.pdf

PwC One trend we have been watching for several years is a shift in operating margin. The top quartile now reports operating margin on par or better than the industry average, due mostly to significant improvements at Boeing and Airbus, the industry’s two largest companies. Boeing’s operating margin is now 11%, slightly better than the industry average, while Airbus is less than half of that, at 5.1%, which included a nonrecurring charge for A400M. Only the third quartile reported a decrease in operating profit and operating margin, which was mostly attributable to Korea Aerospace Industries’ performance. The improvement in the top quartile profitability was significantly influenced by Boeing’s performance. Profit improvement in the second quartile was primarily due to the absence of restructuring charges at Triumph Group ($1.1 billion profit improvement) and Cobham ($1.2 billion profit improvement).

O tendință pe care am urmărit-o de mai mulți ani este o schimbare a marjei de funcționare. Quartiletul de top raporteazăacum o marjă de exploatare mai bună decât media din industrie, datorată în principal îmbunătățirilor semnificative aduse de Boeing și Airbus, cele mai mari companii din industrie. Boeing este acum cu 11%, mai bun decât media din industrie, în timp ce Airbus este la mai puțin de jumătate din aceasta, la 5,1%, care include o taxă non-recurentă pentru A400M. Doar pentru cel de-al treilea trimestru s-a raportat o scădere a profitului operațional și a marjei de operare, fapt determinat, în cea mai mare parte, de performanța Coreea Aerospace Industries. Îmbunătățirea profitabilității top quartile a fost influențată în mod semnificativ de performanța lui Boeing. Îmbunătățirea profitului în al doilea trimestru a fost datorată, în primul rând absenței taxelor de restructurare la Triumph Group (îmbunătățirea profitului cu 1,1 miliarde dolari) și a Cobham (îmbunătățireaprofitului cu 1,2 miliarde USD).

Prospects continue to be bright for commercial aerospace. Growth in revenue passenger miles accelerated to 7.6% in 2017 (see Figure 11), more than

Perspectivele continuă să fie luminoase pentru industria aerospațială comercială. Creșterea veniturilor pasagerilor s-a accelerat la 7,6% în 2017 (a se vedea Figura 11), mai mult decât

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twice global GDP growth. And that’s on top of the two preceding years above 6% growth and greater than 5% growth since the Great Recession of 2008-2009. This growth is driving demand for new equipment and aftermarket in the near and long term. Also, new aircraft deliveries increased 3%, and the industry set a new record of 1,481 large aircraft deliveries in 2017 (see Figure 10), 45 more than 2016 and a 45% increase since 2011, and further production increases are planned for narrowbodies. Book-to-bill was back above 1:1 in 2017, after a modest dip in 2016, which resulted in new record backlog in excess of 13,000 aircraft and approximately nine years of production at current rates.

dublul creșterii PIB-ului global.Și aceasta este deasupra celor doi ani anteriori, de peste 6% creștere și peste e 5% creștere de la Marea Recesiune din 2008-2009.Această creștere conduce la cererea pentru echipamente noi și pentru o piață a pieselor de schimb pe termen scurt și lung. De asemenea, livrările de noi aeronave au crescut cu 3%, iar industria a stabilit un nou record de 1.481 livrări mari de aeronave în 2017 (vezi Figura 10), cu 45 mai multe decât în 2016 și o creștere de 45% începând din 2011, iar piața este în continuă creștere. Book-to-bill a fost de peste 1: 1 in 2017, dupa o scadere modesta in 2016, ceea ce a dus la un nou record de peste 13.000 de avioane si aproximativ noua ani de productie la tarife curente.


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