ZI DE ZI luni, 8 octombrie 2018
PROTECTOR: astăzi conferința regională București Ilfov, la Hotel Pullman - World Trade Center pg. 41
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luni, 8 octombrie 2018
semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ................................................................................................. 6 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................... 6 Florinel Stancu: Fabrica de Avioane Craiova va fi implicată în programele de înzestrare destinate realizării capabilităților operaționale ale Armatei Române ...... 7 Guvernul român evaluează în prezent elicopterele Bell AH-1Z şi UH-1Y, în cadrul programului de înzestrare în domeniul apărării ....................................................... 7 Guvernul evaluează elicopterele Bell AH-1Z şi UH-1Y, în cadrul programului de înzestrare a armatei ................................................................................................ 7 Two Trends Reshaping The Engine Aftermarket .................................................... 8 French DGA launches Tiger Mk3 and NH90 SOF studies ...................................... 8 Premium AEROTEC, Faurecia, Solvay and ENGEL open platform for thermoplastic composites research with ITA-Augsburg as part of IRG CosiMo ............................ 9 Après sa modernisation au standard 3, l‘hélicoptère d‘attaque Tigre pourra communiquer avec les dronesPosté dans Forces terrestres ................................ 11 Airbus Corporate Helicopters Making a Hard Launch at NBAA ............................ 12 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 (73 - început #270) .................................................. 14 Pour remplacer Tom Enders, Airbus devrait nommer le Français Guillaume Faury .............................................................................................................................. 17 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE ............................................................................. 18 Cornel Murg numit prin ordin de ministru administrator special la Fabrica de Arme Cugir. .................................................................................................................... 18 UM Sadu ar putea RELUA producţia de FRIGIDERE ........................................... 18 Strike Industries Improved Flat Trigger for GLOCK Pistols ................................... 18 US Army to reboot next generation squad weapons program?............................. 19 ATF NFA EForm System Is Back Online .............................................................. 19 State Department cleared $70 billion in foreign military sales requests for FY18 . 20 Raytheon, Saab demonstrating new guided Carl-Gustaf munition for US Army ... 20 Cap. Cyber&ITC ....................................................................................................... 21 Northrop Grumman awarded $17.5 Million Contract for Fifth Generation Upgrade of E-8C Joint STARS Central Computers ................................................................. 21 The internet of battlefield things is coming. Are IT pros ready? ............................ 21 The Digital Enterprise: moving from experimentation to transformation ................ 22 General Dynamics Awarded $465 Million Contract for Life Cycle Product Line Management from the U.S. Army .......................................................................... 22 Taking a Closer Look at Cybersecurity in the Aviation Ecosystem for NCSAM .... 23 Page 3 of 56
Cap. NAVAL ............................................................................................................. 25 Naval Group .......................................................................................................... 25 Insights.................................................................................................................. 25 Cap. RACHETE ........................................................................................................ 28 $9.9 Billion in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 (1, DE LA #342) .......................................... 28 REGIONAL DEFENSE ...................................................................................... 28 Northrop Grumman: IBCS will be able to manage integrated fires [INTERVIEW] . 31 MBDA confirms plans for VL MICA NG ................................................................. 31 India, Russia ink $5 billion S-400 defence deal during Vladimir Putin‘s visit ......... 31 Sisteme antiaeriene S-300 in Siria: Parisul avertizeaza Moscova fata de o posibila escaladare militara ................................................................................................ 32 Cap. Vehicule pentru luptă ....................................................................................... 33 Military Armoured Vehicles Market Set to Grow to $26.2Bn by 2028, Says New Study ..................................................................................................................... 33 EID supplies communications for Portuguese Army Light Armoured Vehicles ..... 33 General Dynamics European Land Systems Awards Ray Service Contract ......... 34 Cap. EUROPA .......................................................................................................... 35 Participarea secretarului de stat pentru armamente, Andrei Ignat, la Conferința ‖Fondul European de Apărare............................................................................... 35 Scrisoare de intenție (17, din #326) ...................................................................... 35 către președintele Antonio Tajani și cancelarul Sebastian Kurz ........................ 35 La grande divergence industrielle du couple franco-allemand .............................. 36 Is your country expensive? ................................................................................... 37 Cap. FINANȚE.......................................................................................................... 39 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 39 România a atras 1,75 miliarde euro de pe piețele externe printr-o emisiune de euroobligațiuni în două serii, cu maturități de 10 ani și 20 ani ............................... 40 Cap. INVESTIȚII ....................................................................................................... 41 Naissance d‘un champion français de l‘intelligence économique: l‘ADIT rachète Geos ..................................................................................................................... 41 Cap. EVENIMENTE .................................................................................................. 41 PROGRAMUL NAȚIONAL DE AWARENESS ...................................................... 41 ―PROTECTOR – AFACERI ÎN SIGURANȚĂ‖.................................................... 41 Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention ............. 42 International Military Helicopter Conference ......................................................... 43 Garda Națională din Alabama se mută la Craiova ................................................ 43 Northrop Grumman BWI Campus Celebrates Manufacturing Day with STEM Students from Baltimore-area High Schools ......................................................... 44 UTI sărbătorește 28 de ani de prezență continuă pe piața din România .............. 45 Târguri, conferințe A&D:........................................................................................ 46 Page 4 of 56
General Dynamics at AUSA 2018: Accelerating Innovation to Advance the U.S. Army's Mission .................................................................................................. 46 Situații extreme aviatice ........................................................................................ 47 Mikoyan MiG-29UB ........................................................................................... 47 Un avion de vânătoare cu reacţie MIG-29 s-a prăbuşit langa Moscova ................ 47 Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE .............................................................................................. 48 Military Electro Optical And Infrared Systems Market ........................................... 48 The key players in this market are ..................................................................... 48 Wes Bush on Practically Passionate Podcast ....................................................... 50 Why Lockheed Martin? ......................................................................................... 51 Întâlnire crucială la Moreni, în urma căreia s-a conturat... .................................... 51 Strategie nouă a sindicatelor din Apărare ............................................................. 51 MORENI: Sindicatele din industia de apărare a ţării au conturat strategia pentru anul 2019 .............................................................................................................. 52 SUA: Un raport recunoaşte `vulnerabilităţi semnificative` în complexul industrial de apărare.................................................................................................................. 52 Intalnire cu Jérôme CHEVROLET, GEFCO Roumanie ......................................... 52 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE ............................................................................ 54 H225M: 100.000 ore de zbor ................................................................................ 54 MBDA.................................................................................................................... 54 Intervenție H135 .................................................................................................... 55 Cap. ETICA ÎN AFACERI ......................................................................................... 55 PETROBRAS reaches US$1.78 billion FCPA resolution with DOJ & SEC ........... 55 Energy / Utilities ................................................................................................ 55 STRYKER reaches US$7.8 million settlement with SEC to resolve FCPA offenses .............................................................................................................................. 56 Pharmaceuticals /Medical Devices /Health........................................................ 56
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Cap. AERONAUTICĂ BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 253,97 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00
240.00 230.00
200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00
mil. euro
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Florinel Stancu: Fabrica de Avioane Craiova va fi implicată în programele de înzestrare destinate realizării capabilităților operaționale ale Armatei Române http://www.oltenasul.ro/florinel-stancu-fabrica-de-avioane-craiova-va-fi-implicata-inprogramele-de-inzestrare-destinate-realizarii-capabilitatilor-operationale-ale-armatei-romane/
Atribuirea contractului pentru modernizarea aeronavelor IAR-99 din dotarea Ministerului Apărării Naționale în configurația IAR-99 Super Șoim se va realiza în urma derulării unei proceduri de achiziție, în conformitate cu prevederile Ordonanței de urgență a Guvernului nr. 114/2011. Având în vedere drepturile de proprietate intelectuală aferente aeronavelor IAR-99, a fost propusă realizarea programului prin implicarea Avioane Craiova S.A., fapt ce va duce la renașterea fabricii, noi locuri de muncă la Craiova și o contribuție mai mare din partea fabricii la bugetul local. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Guvernul român evaluează în prezent elicopterele Bell AH1Z şi UH-1Y, în cadrul programului de înzestrare în domeniul apărării https://www.stiripesurse.ro/ministerul-apararii-guvernul-roman-evalueaza-in-prezent-elicopterele-bellah-1z-si-uh-1y-in-cadrul-programului-de-inzestrare-in-domeniul-apararii_1294100.html
Știri pe surse Alexandra Cruceru, Redactor 05/10/2018
Ministrul Apărării, Mihai Fifor, a discutat cu reprezentanţii companiei Bell Helicopter despre posibilităţile de colaborare viitoare cu forţele armate şi industria de apărare românească, în cadrul programului de înzestrare în domeniul apărării, cu accent pe două dintre elicopterele Bell - AH-1Z Viper şi UH-1Y Venom. În vizita făcută săptămâna trecută în SUA, ministrul Mihai Fifor s-a întâlnit cu reprezentanţii companiei Bell, iar discuţiile s-au axat, cu precădere, asupra posibilităţilor de cooperare în domeniul industriei de apărare. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Guvernul evaluează elicopterele Bell AH-1Z şi UH-1Y, în cadrul programului de înzestrare a armatei https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/economie/companii/guvernul-discutii-avansate-pentru-elicopterelebell-ah-1z-si-uh-1y-in-cadrul-programului-de-inzestrare-a-armatei-1008506
Digi24 05.10.2018
Conform reprezentanţilor companiei, Guvernul român evaluează în prezent elicopterele Bell AH-1Z şi UH-1Y în cadrul programului de înzestrare în domeniul apărării. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 7 of 56
Two Trends Reshaping The Engine Aftermarket https://www.mro-network.com/maintenance-repair-overhaul/two-trends-reshapingengine-aftermarket
MRO Network Lee Ann Shay Sep 13, 2018
Tight shop capacity and a shortage of key parts is causing short-term concern, but two other factors will have longer effects. HAMBURG--A few mega trends are reshaping the engine MRO market, but two stand out as dominate factors because their force will have lasting effects, says a Lufthansa Technik executive speaking at Aviation Week Network‘s Aero-Engines Europe. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
French DGA launches Tiger Mk3 and NH90 SOF studies https://www.janes.com/article/83570/french-dga-launches-tiger-mk3-and-nh90-sofstudies#.W7jk1sTmxtk.linkedin
Jane’s Nicholas Fiorenza, 04 October 2018
The Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA), the French defence procurement agency, announced on its website on 3 October that it had launched studies into the upgrade of the Tiger combat helicopter and the Eurofl'eye panoramic camera for the special operation forces (SOF) version of the NH90. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Premium AEROTEC, Faurecia, Solvay and ENGEL open platform for thermoplastic composites research with ITAAugsburg as part of IRG CosiMo https://www.premium-aerotec.com/en/media/press-releases/premium-aerotec-faurecia-solvay-andengel-open-platform-for-thermoplastic-composites-research-with-ita-augsburg-as-part-of-irg-cosimo/
Premium AEROTEC 04.10.2018
IRG CosiMo new facilities and first piece of equipment were unveiled by State Minister Franz Josef Pschierer from the Bavarian ministry of economics, energy and technology during an Opening Ceremony on Friday 28 September 2018. These new infrastructures were set up less than two months after Faurecia Clean Mobility, Premium AEROTEC, Solvay and ENGEL started IRG CosiMo (Industry Research Group: Composites for Sustainable Mobility), the industry‘s first private consortium focusing on the development of thermoplastic materials and process technologies in aerospace and automotive. The first piece of equipment is a 1000 t press with tool handling system complemented by different equipment for thermoplastic processing. This press will be part of a full production line. This is already complemented by a small scale blank heating and overmolding system which will be substituted by a full scale equipment later on in the project. Global transportation market trends such as rapidly increasing volumes, high cost pressure in the global competition, a need for lightweight yet competitive designs and digitalization bring the need for new materials and processing technologies. Dr. Thomas Ehm, CEO of Premium Aerotec stated: ―This project is key for the next technological step in designing and producing modern fuselages. We will not only research the application of this material but also investigate how a modern digitalized factory will look like.‖ ―Thermoplastic composites offer distinct advantages around forming, joining, design, functionality and economics. Success factors such as cost reduction, scalability to high volume and production of larger parts still need to reach industrial scale. IRG CosiMo was setup to address these‖ said Fabrizio Ponte, Vice President of Strategy, Business Development and Communication for Solvay Composite Materials global business unit. IRG CosiMo is unique as it combines companies along the whole thermoplastic composites process chain, from the materials and semi-finished products (Solvay) followed by specially adapted processing machinery (ENGEL) to applications in automotive (Faurecia) and aerospace (Premium Aerotec). Agile project organization realized by ITA Augsburg will enable a compact project structure leading to timely realization. ―We are proud to have helped to organize the project and expect major effects of synergies between automotive and aerospace for new products like drones or air taxis in high volume applications‖ said Prof. Dr. Stefan Schlichter, Managing Director of ITA Augsburg. IRG CosiMo is open to integrating new partner companies and to collaborating with institutes of the research campus Augsburg (Augsburg university (MRM, ISSE), DLRZLP, Fraunhofer IGCV) to jointly develop critical complementary aspects such as digitalization, material research and parts functional design. In the technology center Augsburg (TZA) the consortium has found a place where joint research can be conducted and where the machines for the technology platform can be installed. ―In order to cover the demand in lightweight technology of both, the automotive industry as well as the aviation industry, we need to consider modular Page 9 of 56
concepts for the processing, where also sophisticated data handling is managed‖ emphasized Dr. Norbert Müller, head of the ENGEL‘s center for lightweight composite technologies. Premium AEROTEC, Faurecia and ITA Augsburg are also part of a large project consortium which is funded in frame of the Campus Carbon 4.0 program of the Free State of Bavaria. This project called CC4.0 CosiMo aims for developing new materials and processes using in-situ polymerization of Polyamide 6 from Caprolactam for high volume applications in the automotive sector. Hassine Sioud, General Manager Business Unit Ultra lightweight structures and Battery powercase Systems at Faurecia Clean Mobility - Zero Emission Division, said: ―IRG CosiMo confirms Faurecia’s determination to shape the future of mobility. We believe thermoplastic composites are key to answering the latest regulations on vehicle weight as the environmental impact of automobiles can be significantly reduced through the use of innovative materials, enhancing function integration while helping to meet customers’ needs with optimized solutions and design freedom.‖ About Solvay Composite Materials Solvay is an advanced materials and specialty chemicals company, committed to developing chemistry that addresses key societal challenges. Solvay innovates and partners with customers worldwide in many diverse end markets. Its products are used in planes, cars, batteries, smart and medical devices, as well as in mineral and oil and gas extraction, enhancing efficiency and sustainability. Its lightweighting materials promote cleaner mobility, its formulations optimize the use of resources and its performance chemicals improve air and water quality. Solvay is headquartered in Brussels with around 26,800 employees in 61 countries. Net sales were € 10.1 billion in 2017, with 90% from activities where Solvay ranks among the world‘s top 3 leaders, resulting in an EBITDA margin of 22%. Solvay SA (SOLB.BE) is listed on Euronext Brussels and Paris (Bloomberg: SOLB.BB - Reuters: SOLB.BR) and in the United States its shares (SOLVY) are traded through a level-1 ADR program. Financial figures take into account the announced divestment of Polyamides. For further information see: www.solvay.com About ITA Augsburg – Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg ITA Augsburg is an affiliated institute to Augsburg University and part of ITA Group (RWTH Aachen University). It focuses on processing of fibers to nonwoven web based composites, e. g. recycled carbon fibers. Furthermore processing of thermoplastic matrices in injection molding and in-situ polymerization based processes lie in the scope of ITA Augsburg. For further information see: www.ita-augsburg.de About Faurecia Faurecia has grown to become a major player in the global automotive industry. With 290 sites including 30 R&D centers and 109,000 employees in 35 countries, Faurecia is now a global leader in its three areas of business: automotive seating, interior systems and clean mobility. Faurecia has focused its technology strategy on providing solutions for smart life on board and sustainable mobility. In 2017, the Group posted value-added sales of €17.0 billion. Faurecia is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange. With clean mobility Faurecia is one of the premium partners in IRG CosiMo and represents all demands coming from the automotive and truck industry. For further information see: www.faurecia.com About Premium AEROTEC Premium AEROTEC is a global player in the aerospace industry and generated revenues of 2 billion euros in 2017. The company‘s core business lies in the Page 10 of 56
development and production of metal and carbon fiber composite aircraft structures. The company has sites in Augsburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Nordenham and Varel in Germany, as well as in Braşov in Romania. For further information see: www.premium-aerotec.com About ENGEL As a machine manufacturer with a high degree of automation and system solutions expertise, ENGEL AUSTRIA, headquartered in Schwertberg, Austria, understands the key success factors that support the cost-effective production of fibre-reinforced plastic composites in large quantities. Since 2012, ENGEL has bundled its expertise in lightweight composites in its own technology center. With nine production plants and 30 sales and service subsidiaries worldwide, the family-owned company founded in 1945 currently employs 6,600 people. In the 2017/18 financial year, ENGEL generated sales of 1.51 billion euros.
Après sa modernisation au standard 3, l’hélicoptère d’attaque Tigre pourra communiquer avec les dronesPosté dans Forces terrestres http://www.opex360.com/2018/10/05/apres-sa-modernisation-au-standard-3-lhelicoptere-dattaquetigre-pourra-communiquer-avec-les-drones/ Laurent Lagneau, 05-10-2018
En mai dernier, la ministre des Armées, Florence Parly, avait annoncé le lancement du programme visant à porter l‘hélicoptère d‘attaque Tigre au standard 3 (ou Mk3) à l‘occasion de sa modernisation à mi-vie [mid-life upgrade, MLU]. Ce qui était attendu étant donné que, à cette fin, l‘Organisme conjoint de coopération en matière d‘armement [OCCAr] avait notifié, en 2015, et au nom de la France, de l‘Allemagne et de l‘Espagne, un contrat d‘étude à Airbus Helicopters.
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Airbus Corporate Helicopters Making a Hard Launch at NBAA https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/business-aviation/2018-10-04/airbuscorporate-helicopters-making-hard-launch-nbaa Mark Huber, October 4, 2018
Airbus Corporate Helicopters (ACH) is making its formal North American launch in a week-and-a-half at NBAA-BACE 2018. The company made its debut in Europe last year.
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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 (73 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annual-reports.html#annualreports
Airbus Products and Services Military Aircraft -A400M — Heavy military transport. The A400M is designed to be the most capable new generation airlifter on the market today. It is designed to meet the needs of the world‘s armed forces and other potential operators for military, humanitarian and peacekeeping missions in the 21st century. The A400M is designed to do the job of three different types of military transport and tanker aircraft conceived for different types of missions: Tactical (short to medium range airlifter capability with short, soft and austere field operating performance), strategic transport (longer range missions for outsized loads) as well as tactical tanker. A total of 174 aircraft have been ordered so far by the seven launch customer nations Belgium, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Spain, Turkey, the UK and one export customer, Malaysia. Type Certificate and Initial Operating Clearance have been achieved in 2013. Since then, 57 units have been delivered to six nations by the end of 2017. The A400M is already deployed operationally since 2014 and military capability is expected to grow over time. Multi-role tanker transport — A330 MRTT. The A330 MRTT, a derivative of the Airbus A330 family, offers military strategic air transport as well as air-to-air refueling capabilities. Its large tank capacity is sufficient to supply the required fuel quantities without the need for any auxiliary tanks. This allows the entire cargo bay to be available for freight, with the possibility of incorporating standard LD3 or LD6 containers, military pallets and/or any other type of load device in use today, as well as the full cabin available for personnel transport. The A330 MRTT is
extras Produse și servicii Avioane militare - A400M - Transport militar greu. Modelul A400M este proiectat să fie cel mai capabil transportator aerian de generație nouă care există pe piață. Acesta este conceput pentru a răspunde nevoilor forțelor armate ale lumii și a altor potențiali operatori pentru misiunile militare, umanitare și de menținere a păcii în secolul XXI. Modelul A400M este conceput pentru a face treaba a trei tipuri diferite de aeronave militare de transport și cisternă concepute pentru diferite tipuri de misiuni: Tactice (capacitate aeriană scurtă până la medie cu performanță de operare pe teren scurt), transport strategic (pentru încărcăturile exagerate), precum și cisterne tactice. Un total de 174 de avioane au fost comandate până la acest moment, de Belgia, Franța, Germania, Luxemburg, Spania, Turcia, Marea Britanie și un client de export, Malaezia. Certificatul de tip și Certificatul inițial operațional au fost realizate în 2013. De atunci, până la sfârșitul anului 2017, au fost livrate 57 de unități către șase națiuni. A400M este deja operațional începând cu 2014, iar capacitatea militară este de așteptat să crească în timp. Transport de cisterne multi-rol - A330 MRTT. Modelul A330 MRTT, derivat din familia Airbus A330, oferă servicii de transport aerian strategic militar, precum și capacități de alimentare cu combustibil pentru aeronave. Capacitatea mare a rezervorului este suficientă pentru a furniza cantitățile de combustibil necesare, fără a fi nevoie de rezervoare auxiliare. Acest lucru permite ca întregul compartiment de marfă să fie disponibil pentru transportul de marfă, cu posibilitatea de a încorpora în prezent containere standard LD3 sau LD6, paleți militari și / sau orice alt tip de dispozitiv de încărcare utilizat astăzi, precum și cabina plină disponibilă pentru transportul de persoane. Modelul A330 MRTT este echipat
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equipped with state of the art refueling systems, including an Aerial Refueling Boom System (ARBS) and under-wing refueling pods. At the end of 2017, the A330 MRTT programme has a total of 56 aircraft firm orders by eight customers, of which 29 already delivered and in service in four nations. Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft. The Eurofighter Typhoon multi-role combat aircraft (also referred to as Typhoon) has been designed to enhance fleet efficiency through a single flying weapon system capable of fulfilling both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. The Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH shareholders are Airbus Defence and Space (46% share), BAE Systems (33% share) and Leonardo (21% share). With regard to series production, the respective production work shares of the participating partners within the Eurofighter Typhoon consortium stand at 43% for Airbus Defence and Space, 37.5% for BAE Systems and 19.5% for Leonardo. Airbus Defence and Space develops and manufactures the center fuselage and the right wing and leading edge slats for all aircraft, and is in charge of final assembly of aircraft ordered by the German and Spanish air forces. In addition Airbus Defence and Space is responsible for the development of the flight control system and the identification and communication sub-systems. Airbus Defence and Space signed longterm global sustainment and material availability contracts for the Eurofighter Typhoon weapon system with the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. The new agreement on Contract 1, effective 1 January 2017, runs for five years and is the second phase of sustainment for the Eurofighter Typhoon weapon system for all core nations forming the baseline for all in-service activities. The new Contract 3, also effective from 1 January 2017, runs as well for five years and is the first milestone on the way to performance based logistics securing for the first time material availability for the Spanish and German air forces. At the
cu sisteme de realimentare de ultimă oră, incluzând Aerial Refueling Boom System (ARBS) și puncte de alimentare sub aripa. La sfârșitul anului 2017, programul A330 MRTT avea un total de 56 de comenzi ferme de aeronave de către opt clienți, dintre care 29 au fost deja livrate și au intrat în serviciu în patru națiuni. Aeronava de luptă Eurofighter Typhoon. Avionul de luptă multi-rol, Eurofighter Typhoon, (denumit și Typhoon) a fost conceput pentru a spori eficiența flotei printrun singur sistem de arme zburătoare, capabil să îndeplinească misiunile aer-aer și aerpământ. Actionarii Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH sunt Airbus Defense and Space (46%), BAE Systems (33%) și Leonardo (21%). În ceea ce privește producția în serie, cotele de producție ale partenerilor participanți din cadrul consorțiului Eurofighter Typhoon se ridică la 43% pentru Airbus Defense and Space, 37,5% pentru BAE Systems și 19,5% pentru Leonardo. Airbus Defense and Space dezvoltă și fabrică fuselajul central și șinele de pe partea dreaptă și de vârf, pentru toate avioanele, și se ocupă de asamblarea finală a aeronavelor comandate de forțele aeriene germane și spaniole. În plus, Airbus Defense and Space este responsabil de dezvoltarea sistemului de control al zborului și a subsistemelor de identificare și comunicare. Airbus Defense and Space a semnat contracte globale de susținere și disponibilitate pe termen lung pentru sistemul de arme Eurofighter Typhoon cu Regatul Unit, Spania, Italia și Germania. Noul acord privind Contractul 1, care este în vigoare la 1 ianuarie 2017, este valabil pe o perioadă de cinci ani și este a doua fază de susținere a sistemului de arme Eurofighter Typhoon pentru toate națiunile centrale care constituie baza pentru toate activitățile în serviciu. Noul Contract 3, de asemenea valabil începând cu 1 ianuarie 2017, rulează de asemenea timp de cinci ani și reprezintă primul punct de referință pe calea logisticii bazate pe performanță, asigurând, pentru prima dată disponibilitatea materială a forțelor aeriene spaniole și germane. La sfârșitul anului 2017, un număr de 599 de avioane Eurofighter Typhoon au fost
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end of 2017, a total of 599 Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft had been ordered by eight customers (UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Kuwait), with a total of 532 aircraft delivered. Export opportunities are being actively developed together with the other shareholders of the Eurofighter consortium. C295 — Light and Medium military transport/mission aircraft. The C295 is the work horse of tactical military transport, conducting logistical missions including the transport and delivery of personnel and cargo as well as medical evacuations. The aircraft are deployed in demanding environments (meteorological conditions, operational complexity, etc.), such as peacekeeping on the Sinai Peninsula. The aircraft are offered in varied versions and configurations beyond the traditional airlifter version, for example maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare, airborne early warning and control, firefighting and intelligence surveillance reconnaissance (ISR), etc. In more than 30 years in service, this family of aircraft has proven to be robust, reliable, highperforming, efficient, flexible, easy to operate in any environment, and at low operating costs. 490 orders had been recorded for both CN235 and C295 types together at the end of 2017, with 22 aircraft ordered in 2017. Customer Services. Airbus Defence and Space offers and provides various services for and related to military aircraft. Throughout the lifetime of our aircraft, Military Aircraft Services includes integrated logistics support, in-service support, maintenance, upgrades, training or flight hour service. For example, the A330 MRTT contract with the UK Ministry of Defence through the AirTanker consortium includes alongside 14 aircraft the provision for all necessary infrastructure, training, maintenance, flight management, fleet management and ground services to enable the Royal Air Force to fly air-to-air refueling and transport missions
comandate de opt clienți (Marea Britanie, Germania, Italia, Spania, Austria, Arabia Saudită, Oman și Kuweit), cu un total de 532 de aeronave au fost livrate. Oportunitățile de export sunt dezvoltate în mod activ, împreună cu ceilalți acționari ai consorțiului Eurofighter. C295 - Avioane ușoare și medii militare de transport / misiune. C295 este ”calul de bătaie” al transportului tactic militar, care desfășoară misiuni logistice, inclusiv transportul și livrarea personalului și a încărcăturii, precum și evacuările medicale. Aeronavele sunt desfășurate în medii prielnice (condiții meteorologice, complexitate operațională etc.), cum ar fi menținerea păcii pe Peninsula Sinai. Aeronavele sunt oferite în versiuni și configurații variate, dincolo de versiunea tradițională, pentru servicii diverse cum ar fi pentru patrulare maritimă și anti-submarin, avertizarea și controlul timpuriu în aer, inspecția în caz de incendiu și recunoașterea supravegherii de informații (ISR) etc. În mai mult de 30 de ani de funcționare, această familie de aeronave s-a dovedit a fi robustă, fiabilă, performantă, eficientă, flexibilă, ușor de operat în orice mediu și la costuri reduse. La sfârșitul anului 2017 au fost înregistrate 490 de comenzi pentru ambele tipuri de combustibil CN235 și C295, cu 22 de aeronave comandate în 2017. Serviciile pentru clienții Airbus Defense and Space pune la dispiziție diverse servicii pentru aeronavele militare și legate de acestea. Pe tot parcursul vieții aeronavelor noastre, Serviciile militare de aeronave includ asistență logistică integrată, asistență în exploatare, întreținere, modernizare, instruire sau ore de zbor. De exemplu, contractul A330 MRTT cu Ministerul Apărării din Marea Britanie prin consorțiul AirTanker include, alături de 14 aeronave, asigurarea infrastructurii necesare, instruirea, întreținerea, gestionarea zborurilor, gestionarea flotelor și serviciile de la sol pentru a permite Forțelor Aeriene Regale să zboare, pentru alimentarea cu combustibil și misiunile de transport la nivel
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worldwide. Customer services go beyond the fleet of aircraft currently in production at Airbus Defence and Space, conducting upgrade programs for aircraft such as the Tornado and P-3 Orion. Airbus Defence and Space maintains a network of Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul centers strategically located throughout the world for greater proximity to the customer, for example in Seville or Manching in Europe, in Mobile, Alabama (US) or at subsidiaries in Saudi Arabia or Oman.
mondial. Serviciile pentru clienți depășesc flota de aeronave aflate în prezent în producție la Airbus Defense and Space, desfășurând programe de upgrade pentru aeronave precum Tornado și P-3 Orion. Airbus Defense and Space întreține o rețea de centre de întreținere, reparații și revizii amplasate strategic în întreaga lume, pentru o mai mare apropiere de client, de exemplu în Sevilia sau Manching în Europa, în Mobile, Alabama (SUA) sau la filialele din Arabia Saudită sau Oman .
Pour remplacer Tom Enders, Airbus devrait nommer le Français Guillaume Faury https://actu.fr/occitanie/toulouse_31555/pour-remplacer-tom-enders-airbus-devraitnommer-francais-guillaume-faury_18813645.html/amp 28 septembrie, Hugues-Olivier Dumez
Guillaume Faury pourrait finalement devenir président exécutif dès cette année. Le conseil d‘administration d‘Airbus pourrait prendre une décision finale lors de sa réunion du mardi 13 novembre 2018, précise l‘agence de presse Reuters.
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Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE Cornel Murg numit prin ordin de ministru administrator special la Fabrica de Arme Cugir. https://opiniatransilvana.ro/cornel-murg-numit-prin-ordin-de-ministru-nouladministrator-special-la-fabrica-de-arme-cugir/
Opinia transilvana SCRIS DE REDACTIE ÎN 28 SEPTEMBRIE 2018
Șeful de cabinet al Prefecturii Alba este noul administrator special al Fabricii de Arme Cugir. Cornel Murg a fost numit în această funcție prin ordin de ministru al Economiei. Murg îl înlocuiește pe actualul secretar de stat Bogdan Cătălin Andronic. Fabrica de Arme Cugir este din 2004 o filială a Companiei Naționale ROMARM. La conducerea FAC se află social democratul Nicolae Mihăilesc. Cornel Murg are planuri concrete pentru eficientizarea activității fabricii de la Cugir.
UM Sadu ar putea RELUA producţia de FRIGIDERE https://www.gorj-domino.ro/um-sadu-ar-putea-relua-productia-de-frigidere/
Gorj Domino Iuliu Goiceanu 4 oct., 2018
Parlamentari de Gorj, șeful Companiei Romarm, ministrul Economiei şi primarul Constantin Bobaru au purtat discuţii, săptămâna trecută, la Bucureşti, despre viitorul Uzinei Mecanice Sadu. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Strike Industries Improved Flat Trigger for GLOCK Pistols https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/10/03/strike-industries-improved-flattrigger-for-glock-pistols
The Firearm Blog Hrachya H 07.10.2018
Strike Industries continues developing and releasing new products designed for Glock pistols. They have recently announced that their new Improved Flat Trigger is now available for purchase. Let‘s first watch the demo video of this product. Now let‘s see how the company describes this new trigger: ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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US Army to reboot next generation squad weapons program? https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/10/04/new-draft-next-generation-squadweapons
The Firearm Blog Matthew Moss 07.10.2018
We still don't have any new imagery to represent what the NGSW might look like so here is the belt-fed Textron LSAT prototype we all know and love (AAI Textron) The NGSAR is dead, long live the NGSW. We haven‘t heard much from the US Army about its next generation infantry weapons programme since the announcement of six contract awards for the Next Generation Squad Automatic Rifle (NGSAR) back in June. Just a week before the Association of the United States Army (AUSA)‘s 2018 annual meeting Army Contracting Command has released a new draft Next Generation Squad Weapons Prototype Opportunity Notice (PON).
WHAT DOES THE NEW PON ASK FOR? ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
ATF NFA EForm System Is Back Online https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/10/04/eforms-back-online
The Firearm Blog 06.10.2018 Pete
When we last left our dear readers, I was sharing my hopes and dreams when it comes to the National Firearms Act (NFA) and the process that is required to both transfer and make NFA regulated weapons. Aside from scrapping the law in its entirety, it seems that we all have just to hope for a swifter and easier process. Today, the ATF has announced that the EForms system for Form 1 ―Making‖ applications is back online for both entities and individuals, a category not included in past iterations of the system. The announcement seen on the EForm home page also states that the ATF is working hard to restore Form 4 ―Transfer‖ applications to the system. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 19 of 56
State Department cleared $70 billion in foreign military sales requests for FY18 https://www.defensenews.com/global/2018/10/05/state-department-cleared-70billion-in-foreign-military-sales-requests-for-fy18/
Defense News 4568 By: Aaron Mehta 2 days ago
Interest in American weapons remains strong abroad. (PJIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images) WASHINGTON — The U.S. State Department approved just under $70 billion in foreign weapon orders in fiscal year 2018, as the Trump administration stepped up its focus on increasing defense sales abroad. The $69.7 billion in potential sales, spread over 70 individual notifications, fell short of last year‘s record figure, during which the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of $75.9 billion. But domestic industry is unlikely to be bothered by the slightly lower total, as the number shows America‘s dominance on the defense export market remains solid. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Raytheon, Saab demonstrating new guided Carl-Gustaf munition for US Army https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/raytheon-saab-demonstrating-newguided-carl-gustaf-munition-for-us-army-300725038.html Oct. 5, 2018
Advanced munition enables ground troops to precisely engage multiple targets
Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) and Swedish aerospace and defense firm Saab are demonstrating a new guided munition for the Carl-Gustaf man-portable, shoulderlaunched weapon system under a U.S. Army contract. There will be three all-upround test firings against threat-representative targets. This new munition answers a U.S. Special Operations Command requirement to increase the capability of the multirole Carl-Gustaf weapon system built by Saab. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Cap. Cyber&ITC Northrop Grumman awarded $17.5 Million Contract for Fifth Generation Upgrade of E-8C Joint STARS Central Computers https://www.epicos.com/article/329389/northrop-grumman-awarded-175-millioncontract-fifth-generation-upgrade-e-8c-joint
EPICOS 04.10.2018
Northrop Grumman Corporation has been awarded a $17.5 million contract for a fifth generation upgrade to the central computers on 16 aircraft in the E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint STARS) fleet. This effort serves as a low-risk pathfinder for the U.S. Air Force to continue to enhance fleet capability while it develops the follow-on Advanced Battle Management System. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
The internet of battlefield things is coming. Are IT pros ready? https://www.c4isrnet.com/opinion/2018/10/03/the-internet-of-battlefield-things-iscoming-are-it-pros-ready/ Paul Parker, 3 octombrie 2018
A platoon of war fighters is slowly advancing through hostile terrain. They‘ve studied their enemy and their environment. They know what to look for, and what to look out for.
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The Digital Enterprise: moving from experimentation to transformation https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-digital-enterpise-moving-from-experimentationto-transformation While enormous resources are being spent on digital transformation programs by the private sector, the results are underwhelming. According to estimates, this year over $1.2 trillion will be spent by companies worldwide on their digital transformation efforts and yet analysis suggests that only 1% of these efforts will actually achieve or exceed their expectations.
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General Dynamics Awarded $465 Million Contract for Life Cycle Product Line Management from the U.S. Army https://www.epicos.com/article/330125/general-dynamics-awarded-465-millioncontract-life-cycle-product-line-management-us
EPICOS 05.10.2018
General Dynamics was awarded a contract for the U.S. Army Life Cycle Product Line Management (LCPM) Program from the U.S. Army Contracting Command in Orlando, Florida. The five-year indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract is a hybrid, cost-plus fixed fee, firm fixed price, and time and material award worth $465 million. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Taking a Closer Look at Cybersecurity in the Aviation Ecosystem for NCSAM https://connectedaviationtoday.com/closer-look-cybersecurity-in-the-aviationecosystem-ncsam/?utm_source=LinkedIn&utm_campaign=CAT#.W7pyzWgzY2x Oct 2, 2018
October is here and that means it‘s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). To observe this important month, the Connected Aviation Today team compiled some of our favorite articles we‘ve published on cybersecurity in the aviation ecosystem. With the growing importance of data and connectivity in the industry, a comprehensive and thoughtful cybersecurity approach is a must for every part of the aviation space.
Here‘s a collection of articles that dive into cybersecurity‘s growing role in aviation: Applying Aviation Safety Practices to Cybersecurity From Top to Bottom: A New Approach for Cybersecurity in Airports From the Ground Up: Ingraining Best Practices Airport Cybersecurity What Airports Need to Know: Creating a Comprehensive Approach to Cybersecurity Insights on the Growth of Cybersecurity in Airports from ACI World ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Cap. NAVAL Naval Group https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6454023621986914304
Insights Submarine talks on track, say Australian DoD and Naval Group IHS Jane's13:23 Fri, 05 Oct
Naval Group, ĂŽn avangarda constructorilor de nave militare (video) Stiripesurse.ro11:09 Tue, 02 Oct
Naval Group: Talks with Australia still underway for sub buy Defense News18:30 Tue, 02 Oct
Command A Naval Fleet In Battle Group 2 On Nintendo Switch Nintendo Insider17:42 Mon, 01 Oct
Fincantieri, accordo con Naval Group ha logica, governi devono valutare - Massolo Reuters16:07 Sat, 08 Sep
French Naval Group and Germany‘s ThyssenKrupp square off in Egyptian warship deal Defense News00:42 Thu, 13 Sep
French Naval Group proposes Azerbaijan version of Offshore Patrol Vessel 90 Trend News Agency14:17 Fri, 28 Sep
Group asks Naval Academy to reinstate fired professor Stripes18:48 Thu, 13 Sep
Naval Group competes for corvette contract in Brazil IHS Jane's23:02 Tue, 11 Sep
Naval Group establishes local subsidiary in Egypt IHS Jane's19:51 Fri, 07 Sep
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Cap. RACHETE $9.9 Billion in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 (1, DE LA #342) https://www.mda.mil/global/documents/pdf/budgetfy19.pdf
The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) - USA
REGIONAL DEFENSE The FY 2019 President‘s Budget reflects the Department‘s commitment to building regional missile defense forces that are interoperable with systems deployed by international partners. MDA responded to the U.S. Forces Korea Commander‘s urgent requirement requesting integration of the Lower Tier and Upper Tier missile defense systems to improve defensive capability through a more efficient and effective use of the systems available in theater. This requirement is supported by United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) and approved by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). MDA continues this urgent work for the U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM) Joint Emergent Operational Need (JEON). In coordination with the Army‘s Lower Tier Program Office, MDA began a concerted effort in May 2017 to develop an integrated, phased approach to incrementally field capability. This JEON will deliver improved BMDS capability to the Korean Peninsula, including integration of existing BMD assets to improve engagement options and coverage. We continue to support the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) designed to protect U.S. deployed forces and NATO allies in Europe from ballistic missile attacks from the Middle East. EPAA Phase 2, including Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System Romania is mission-capable today. MDA will further enhance defensive coverage for NATO Europe against mediumand intermediate-range threats with the completion of EPAA Phase 3, including deployment of an Aegis Ashore site in Poland and the delivery of the Standard Missile (SM)- 3 Block IIA and associated Aegis BMD weapon system upgrades for Aegis BMD ships and Aegis Ashore sites. The U.S. Navy will continue to operate the Aegis Ashore site in Romania as an integral part of NATO’s BMD architecture, which includes a forward-based Army Navy/Transportable Radar Surveillance System (AN/TPY 2) in Turkey, BMD-capable Aegis destroyers homeported in Rota, Spain, SM-3 interceptors, and a commandand-control node operated from Ramstein Air Base, Germany. MDA proposes funding the development, testing, operations and sustainment of the Aegis BMD Program. Page 28 of 56
The request includes: • Aegis BMD (PE 0603892C). MDA requests $767.5 million in FY 2019. The program includes the integration of the SM-3 Block IIA into the Aegis BMD weapon system, transition of the Kinetic Warhead hardware commonality effort to system integration testing, and preproduction of allup-rounds to support initial deployment for EPAA Phase 3. MDA is strongly committed to maintaining and enhancing the Aegis BMD weapon system capability alignment with Navy requirements to improve performance against SRBM, MRBM, and IRBM threats. Utilizing improved radar discrimination, Aegis BMD will increase capability against longer range and more sophisticated threats. MDA continues software development for Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Baseline 9.C2 (BMD 5.1) in support of EPAA Phase 3 and the IAMD Baseline 10 (BMD 6.0). The BMD 6.0 computer upgrade will integrate BMD capability with Advanced Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) data, also known as the AN/SPY-6, for enhanced engagement capability and increased raid capacity. Additionally, MDA continues upgrading the SM-3 Block IB hardware and software to leverage the capability of the SM-3 Block IIA. • Aegis BMD Testing (PE 0604878C). MDA is requesting $95.8 million in FY 2019. Aegis BMD Flight Test Program performs comprehensive testing of Aegis BMD components and demonstrates their interoperability with the BMDS. Using accredited modeling and simulation (M&S) the ground test program provides the evidence required for MDA and the Combatant Commanders to transition the capability to the operational capacity baseline. MDA plans to conduct flight tests using Aegis BMD weapon system 5.1 and the SM-3 Block IIA missiles. These development and operational tests support the U.S. Navy certifications as well as EPAA commitments. MDA will also conduct a flight test using Aegis Baseline 9.C2 SW demonstrating a data collection test against an MRBM with countermeasures. • Aegis Procurement. MDA requests $820.8 million in FY 2019 in procurement, including associated hardware and support costs. We request $708.7 million to procure 37 SM-3 IB missiles and six SM-3 IIA missiles and $15M to complete combat system and combat structure adaption for the Aegis Ashore site in Poland. Each variant can be used on Aegis BMD ships and at the Aegis Ashore sites in Romania and Poland. The total SM-3 IB missile buy, across the FYDP, is 204 missiles. The total SM-3 IIA buy across the FYDP is 39 missiles. The request contains a five-year Multiyear Procurement, for SM-3 IB missiles, beginning in FY 2019 and ending in FY 2023. The procurement budget also requests $97.1 million for Aegis BMD weapon systems consisting of Aegis shipset equipment, software and installation materials. • Operation and Maintenance (O&M). MDA is requesting $83.8 million in FY 2019 to fund Aegis maintenance and support. The Aegis BMD program will perform missile recertification, repair efforts, demilitarization, and Ordnance Assessment / Surveillance. This funding supports BMD Computer Program, Ship Equipment, Aegis Ashore - Romania sustainment, and Fleet integration support. Also key to regional defense capability, Terminal Page 29 of 56
High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) is a globally transportable, ground-based missile defense system that defends against short-, medium-, and intermediaterange ballistic missiles in the terminal stage of flight, both inside and outside the atmosphere. THAAD provides Combatant Commanders a rapidly deployable capability to deepen, extend, and complement BMDS homeland and regional defenses. MDA supports forward-deployment of one THAAD battery in Guam and one THAAD Battery in the Republic of Korea (ROK). • Terminal Defense (PE 0603881C). MDA is requesting $214.2 million for THAAD development efforts in FY 2019. Our THAAD development efforts include software upgrades to address threat packages and defense planning, as well as improved capability to engage SRBM, MRBM and IRBM threats. Our development and integration will provide enhanced debris mitigation capability, improved interoperability with other BMDS elements, and expanded defended area footprints via remote operation of THAAD launchers. We will also complete developmental efforts to replace current global positioning system antennas to ensure the integrity and availability of positioning, navigation, and timing data for the THAAD weapon system. Finally, we continue efforts associated with the USFK JEON that provides enhanced THAAD capability against specific USFK threats, improved radar energy allocation, improved THAAD performance against debris and in complex environments, and an accelerated initial capability to increase its defended area. • Terminal Defense Testing (PE 0604876C). MDA is requesting $61.0 million for THAAD Testing in FY 2019. THAAD will participate in an operational flight test to demonstrate regional / theater integrated air and missile defense capabilities. This flight test incorporates THAAD Software Build 3.0, to include increased debris mitigation Phase 2, which will further demonstrate, in an operational scenario, THAAD‘s ability to conduct coordinated engagements with the Aegis BMD and PATRIOT weapon systems operating with command and control, battle management and communications (C2BMC) and forward-based AN/ TPY-2 while engaging an IRBM with countermeasures. The operational flight test will also demonstrate interoperability with Patriot and respond to the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act for interoperability between US BMDS systems. We will also initiate pre-mission planning for a flight test to be conducted in FY 2020, to include key longlead activities such as range safety and weapon system performance analysis. • THAAD Procurement. MDA is requesting $874.1 million in FY 2019 for THAAD interceptor procurement, obsolescence mitigation and equipment. MDA plans to procure 82 THAAD interceptors in FY 2019 for a total buy of 196 THAAD interceptors across the FYDP. • Operations and Maintenance (O&M). MDA will sustain and support the THAAD weapon system. MDA requests $92.6 million in FY 2019 to support the maintenance and upkeep of all BMDS unique items in fielded THAAD Batteries, as well as for all THAAD training devices. In FY 2019 and throughout the FYDP MDA plans to provide support to seven THAAD batteries, including batteries deployed to Guam and ROK. Page 30 of 56
Northrop Grumman: IBCS will be able to manage integrated fires [INTERVIEW] https://www.defence24.com/geopolitics/northrop-grumman-ibcs-will-be-able-tomanage-integrated-fires-interview
Defense24 5 października 2018, 17:41
Polonia își va dezvolta propriile sisteme de apărare în viitor. Va fi posibil să se construiască sistemele de integrare pentru noile capacități poloneze din industria poloneză sau Polonia ar trebui să le cumpere de la Northrop Grumman? Poland will be developing its own defense systems well into the future. Will it be possible to build the integration systems for the new Polish capabilities in the Polish industry, or will the Poland need to purchase them from the Northrop Grumman? Northrop Grumman sa angajat cu PGZ să transfere tehnologia, iar o parte a transferului de tehnologie este de a antrena industria poloneză pentru a dezvolta această capacitate de integrare. Modul în care ne imaginăm că, de exemplu, senzorii polonezi sunt dezvoltați aici în Polonia și vom oferi asistență tehnică pentru a arăta producătorilor polonezi cum să dezvolte punctele de interfață. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
MBDA confirms plans for VL MICA NG https://www.janes.com/article/83587/mbda-confirms-plans-for-vl-mica-ng
Jane’s 360 Richard Scott, London - IHS Jane's Missiles & Rockets 05 October 2018
European missile house MBDA has confirmed plans to develop a vertical launch (VL) variant of the new-generation MICA NG missile, with the expectation that the new effector will offer double the range of the existing VL MICA missile. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
India, Russia ink $5 billion S-400 defence deal during Vladimir Putin’s visit https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/pm-modi-president-putin-begin-talks-atindia-russia-summit-missile-deal-likely/story-Wl1Y5IoW9B29EfJWrL5JLK.html
Hindustan Times Oct 05, 2018 23:58 IST
The two countries exchanged Memorandums of Understanding in the fields of space, nuclear energy, railways, among others and signed over eight agreements. INDIA Updated: India and Russia also signed seven other deals including those in the fields of railways, space and nuclear power as Modi underlined New Delhi‘s special relationship with Moscow.(Raveesh Kumar/Twitter Photo) In a huge boost to its defence forces on Friday, India signed a $5 billion deal for the Russian S-400 Triumf missile shield systems in a key pact at the summit talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Page 31 of 56
President Vladimir Putin, officials said. The agreement was signed in the presence of both the leaders at the 19th India-Russia annual bilateral summit. The S-400 missile defence system deal could attract American sanctions under the Countering America‘s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) that seeks to punish countries buying weapons from Russia. Moscow has been India‘s biggest arms supplier. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Sisteme antiaeriene S-300 in Siria: Parisul avertizeaza Moscova fata de o posibila escaladare militara https://www.agerpres.ro/politica-externa/2018/10/05/sisteme-antiaeriene-s-300-insiria-parisul-avertizeaza-moscova-fata-de-o-posibila-escaladare-militara--187978
AGERPRES Lilia Traci 5.10.2018
Decizia Rusiei de a livra armatei siriene baterii de apărare antiaeriană S-300 "contribuie la menţinerea riscului de escaladare militară", a declarat vineri Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al Franţei, citat de Reuters. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Cap. Vehicule pentru luptă Military Armoured Vehicles Market Set to Grow to $26.2Bn by 2028, Says New Study http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/10/02/military-armoured-vehiclesmarket-set-grow-262bn-2028-says-new-study
Aerospace & Defence - Network Oct 2, 2018
The new report, now available on ASDReports, evaluates the global military armoured vehicle market and forecasts its development between 2018 and 2028. The analysts believe that the Armoured Vehicle market will grow slowly but steadily over the forecast period as long term defence procurement programmes related to military armoured vehicles slow down. Whilst there are a number of programmes requiring new fleets of military armoured vehicle – The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Programme being a notable example - the study anticipates that the majority of spending over the next decade will be heavily focused on upgrading existing fleets of vehicles and their internal mechanisms. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
EID supplies communications for Portuguese Army Light Armoured Vehicles https://www.epicos.com/article/330126/eid-supplies-communications-portuguesearmy-light-armoured-vehicles
EPICOS 05.10.2018
EID is proud to announce the award of a new contract for delivering communication equipment to the Spanish Vehicle manufacturer URO Vehiculos Especiales S.A. The contract amounts to 4,8m€ and covers the supply of communication equipment for 139 VAMTEC vehicles. The contract will last for the next 24 months. URO was down selected as the supplier of the 4x4 Light Armoured Tactical Vehicles to the Portuguese Army after an International competitive tender managed by NSPA (NATO Support and Procurement Agency). ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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General Dynamics European Land Systems Awards Ray Service Contract http://www.gd.com/news/press-releases/2018/10/general-dynamics-european-landsystems-awards-ray-service-contract
General Dynamics October 5, 2018
General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) awarded Ray Service a contract exceeding 100.000.000 CZK during the NATO days in Ostrava on the 15th September, 2018. This award further strengthens the partnership between General Dynamics and Ray Service whose relationship dates back to 2010 when GDELS delivered 107 PANDUR 8x8 vehicles to the Czech Army. Ray Service was one of the key suppliers on that program utilizing their vast experience and capabilities in engineering and production of cable harnesses and electromechanical assemblies. In the last decade, GDELS has awarded contracts valued at over 500.000.000 CZK to Ray Service for electrical systems. Sven Nolle Vice President of Supply Chain Management at GDELS said: “We have a proven record of incorporating Czech industrial companies into the GD global supply chain. Ray Service is a prime example. This innovative Czech company has performed to the highest standards of quality and security in the industry and therefore fulfils the stringent requirements to be a supplier to GDELS” “This order is another example of the great partnership between both companies and we are looking forward to additional cooperation possibilities in the area of new land system programmes in the Czech Republic” said Jakub Gabriel, Managing Director and the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Ray Service. The government of the Czech Republic has a requirement to replace its legacy fleet of tracked armoured vehicles with modern infantry fighting vehicles. GDELS has been down-selected as a potential candidate for this competition with its modern tracked armoured vehicle ASCOD. The signature of the contract was also commented by Tomáš Kopečný, Director of Industrial Cooperation at the Department of the Ministry of Defence: “Ray Service partnership with GD is great example of how Czech defence companies can be included in the supply chain of large international OEM’s. Today’s significant order from GD is another, and surely not last evidence, that Czech companies and their technologies are competitive on the global defence market.‖ Finally, Dr. Thomas Kauffmann, Vice President International Business and Services at GDELS pointed out: “With this new contract, we clearly reconfirm our strong commitment to the Czech Army. The Czech Republic is one of GDELS’s home-markets and we are proud of having a vast and proven network of cooperation with various industry partners across the country, like Ray Service.” About the companies: General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS), headquartered in Madrid, Spain, is a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE:GD), and conducts its business through five European operating sites located in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain and Switzerland. With over 1,800 highly skilled technical employees, the company designs, manufactures and delivers land combat systems, including wheeled, tracked and amphibious vehicles, bridge systems, armaments and munitions, to global customers. More information is available at www.gdels.com. Ray Service, a.s. is a Czech innovative manufacturing and trading company providing outstanding solutions in cable harnesses, electromechanical assemblies, electronic equipment and cable components for a wide range of aviation and defence customers. The company is based in Stare Město and employs 240 people. In 2018 the turnover of the company will exceed 500mil. CZK.
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Cap. EUROPA Participarea secretarului de stat pentru armamente, Andrei Ignat, la Conferința ”Fondul European de Apărare – Factor determinant pentru Cercetare și Inovare în domeniul Apărării‖ http://www.dpa.ro/ce-facem/relatii-publice/comunicate
Departamentul pentru Armamente din MApN Comunicat 16 din 2018-10-04
În perioada 1-3 octombrie, o delegație a Departamentului pentru armamente, condusă de secretarul de stat Andrei Ignat, a participat la Conferința UE la nivel înalt „Fondul European de Apărare – Factor determinant pentru Cercetare și Inovare în domeniul Apărării‖ care s-a desfășurat la Viena, în Austria. Conferința organizată sub auspiciile președinției austriece a Consiliului Europei a constituit un moment de oportunitate pentru clarificarea aspectelor legate de procesul de elaborare a regulamentului european pentru EDF, precum și pentru stabilirea unor direcții potențiale de acțiune, în perspectiva preluării de la 1 ianuarie 2019, a dosarului de către România, pe timpul asigurării președinției rotative. Participarea reprezentanților Departamentului pentru armamente la conferință a constituit cadrul profesional adecvat pentru întâlniri, informări reciproce, schimburi de idei și discuții bilaterale cu participanți din alte state prezenți la eveniment, delegația română având ca obiectiv promovarea proiectelor și domeniilor de interes pentru entitățile de cercetare și cele din industria națională de apărare, în contextul PESCO și EDF, în scopul identificării unor parteneri interesați în dezvoltarea unor acțiuni de cooperare.
Scrisoare de intenție (17, din #326) către președintele Antonio Tajani și cancelarul Sebastian Kurz https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/soteu2018-letter-of-intent_ro.pdf
EUROPA 12 septembrie 2018 de Jean-Claude Juncker, președintele Comisiei Europene
Discursul din 2018 privind starea Uniunii și prezenta scrisoare de intenție pun bazele unui angajament comun al celor trei instituții ale noastre de a nu ne abate de la îndeplinirea promisiunilor pe care le-am făcut. Acest angajament le va demonstra cetățenilor europeni valoarea adăugată a Uniunii Europene în această perioadă crucială premergătoare alegerilor pentru Parlamentul European. Propunerile prezentate astăzi de Comisie țin seama de contribuțiile primite din partea Parlamentului European și a Consiliului și constituie punctul de plecare pentru dialogul interinstituțional desfășurat în temeiul Acordului-cadru privind relațiile dintre Parlamentul European și Comisie și al Acordului interinstituțional privind o mai bună legiferare. Acordăm o importanță deosebită interacțiunii cu Parlamentul European și cu Consiliul, precum și cu parlamentele naționale. Considerăm că schimburile noastre de opinii vor oferi o bază solidă pentru anul decisiv care ne așteaptă. Pentru a ne ajuta să ne respectăm angajamentele, să răspundem provocărilor importante rămase nesoluționate și să oferim cetățenilor europeni o perspectivă asupra viitorului Uniunii, Comisia este și va rămâne ferm angajată să lucreze pe baza principiilor noastre privind o mai bună legiferare. Dorim să ne implicăm în chestiunile majore și să Page 35 of 56
rămânem discreți în chestiunile de o mai mică importanță. Toate acțiunile noastre se vor ghida după principiile subsidiarității și proporționalității. Deciziile noastre se vor baza pe dovezi solide și suntem pregătiți să facem alegeri politice ori de câte ori va fi necesar. Anul 2019 va fi un unul crucial pentru Uniune și pentru stabilirea locului său în această lume din ce în ce mai lipsită de certitudini. Nu trebuie să contenim nicio clipă să le arătăm cetățenilor noștri că Uniunea Europeană există pentru a-i proteja, a-i ajuta să-și valorifice drepturile și a-i apăra. Că împreună putem realiza o Uniune mai unită, mai puternică și mai democratică. Că împreună putem modela lumea, putem exporta stabilitate, mai ales în Balcanii de Vest, și putem apăra ordinea internațională bazată pe norme și valorile noastre. În acest an de o importanță crucială, puteți conta pe faptul că, în calitatea sa de instituție politică susținută de funcționari publici foarte muncitori, Comisia își va îndeplini rolul de forță motrice. Iar noi contăm pe faptul că ne veți ajuta să facem din Summitul de la Sibiu din 9 mai 2019 un moment decisiv pentru obținerea de rezultate.
La grande divergence industrielle du couple francoallemand https://www.lesechos.fr/economie-france/conjoncture/0302346178109-la-grandedivergence-industrielle-du-couple-franco-allemand-2210865.php
Les Echos - Franța GUILLAUME DE CALIGNON Le 04/10 à 13:04Mis à jour à 18:26
Une étude du Trésor montre qu'entre 2000 et 2016, la production industrielle a reculé de 3 % en France alors qu'elle a bondi de 25 % outre-Rhin. L'Hexagone ne s'en sort que dans l'aéronautique et la pharmacie.
Entre 2000 et 2016, la production des constructeurs et équipementiers dans l'Hexagone a baissé de 28 % quand, sur la même période, celle de leurs concurrents outre-Rhin grimpait de 57 %. - THOMAS KIENZLE/AFP
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Is your country expensive? https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/WDN-201808241?inheritRedirect=true&redirect=%2Feurostat%2F
EUROSTAT 24/08/2018
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Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 1 oct.2018 4.6596 5.2337 4.0110 152.9099
2 oct.2018 4.6658 5.2495 4.0507 155.3537
3 oct.2018 4.6643 5.2437 4.0326 156.0686
4 oct.2018 4.6684 5.2700 4.0591 156.5097
5 oct.2018 4.6685 5.2946 4.0631 156.9483
5.5 5
4.6206 4.0976
168 166
164 162 160 AUR Y18
158 156 154 152
grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR
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România a atras 1,75 miliarde euro de pe piețele externe printr-o emisiune de euroobligațiuni în două serii, cu maturități de 10 ani și 20 ani http://www.mfinante.gov.ro/acasa.html;jsessionid=h8G8aLuIa566JJJgbG6ifWKBgfKq UXG0oYu2rUGs.slave2:server24?method=detalii&id=999608909
Ministerul Finanţelor Publice Ministerul Finanțelor Publice a atras în 4 octombrie a.c., de pe piețele financiare internaționale 1,75 miliarde euro printr-o emisiune de euroobligațiuni în două serii, din care 1,15 miliarde euro cu maturitatea de 10 ani lung şi cu o dobândă 2,875% și 600 milioane euro cu maturitatea de 20 ani lung şi cu o dobândă de 4,125%. "Emisiunea reflectă foarte clar percepția pozitivă a mediilor investiționale și a piețelor financiare referitor la perspectiva evoluției României pe termen mediu și lung. Cererea puternică, precum şi calitatea investitorilor, confirmă punctele forte ale României: fundamentele macroeconomice solide, coerența disciplinei fiscale și stabilitatea economicofinanciară. Vreau să subliniez faptul că emisiunea nu are ca scop finanţarea unor nevoi curente, aşa cum se vehiculează în spaţiul public, ci de a consolida rezerva în valută a Trezoreriei Statului şi de a minimiza costurile împrumuturilor pe termen lung", precizează dl Eugen Teodorovici, ministrul Finanţelor Publice. Emisiunea s-a bucurat de un interes ridicat din partea investitorilor fiind suprasubscrisă de peste 1,6 ori. Cele două serii au fost realizate la marje competitive, peste cotațiile de referință mid-swap. Pe parcursul zilei, MFP a redus gradual marja de risc de credit şi a stabilit randamentele finale. Astfel, pentru maturitatea de 10 ani s-a obținut un randament de 3,029%, iar pentru emisiunea de 20 ani s-a obținut un randament de 4,234%, în condițiile în care cotațiile din piața secundară a obligațiunilor de referință pentru aceste maturități au înregistrat o evoluție crescătoare. Strategia de execuție a emisiunii a permis reducerea succesivă a costurilor pentru ambele serii, pe fondul unei suprasubscrieri semnificative și a calității investitorilor care au plasat ordinele. Astfel, în cazul maturităţii de 10 ani, marja de risc de credit peste rata de referinţă mid-swap a fost redusă de la 215 la 195 puncte de bază, în timp ce pentru maturitatea de 20 ani, marja de risc de credit a fost redusă de la 280 la 270 de puncte de bază, ceea ce corespunde unei prime de emisiune de aprox. 10 puncte de baza pentru ambele transe, un rezultat remarcabil având în vedere volatilitatea din cursul zilei şi incertitudinele politice din Italia. Tranzacția face parte din planul de finanțare externă aferent anului 2018. Prin această emisiune România continuă să asigure necesarul de finanțare de pe piețele externe şi consolidează rezerva financiară în valută la dispoziția Trezoreriei Statului. Emisiunea a fost intermediată de BNP Paribas, Erste Group Bank AG, ING Bank NV și Société Générale și Unicredit. Oferta totală a depăşit 2,8 miliarde euro provenind din 265 ordine de subscriere din partea investitorilor. Baza investițională a tranzacției a fost diversificată atât din punct de vedere geografic, cât și al tipurilor de investitori pentru ambele serii. Pentru seria de 10 ani distribuția geografică a fost următoarea: UK (24%), Germania/Austria (20%), Centrul și Estul Europei (15%), România (11%), Sudul Europei (9%), Scandinavia (6), Franța (6%), Elveția (4%), Benelux (3%), SUA (1%) și alte zone (1%). În privința tipurilor de investitori, au predominat managerii de fonduri (62%), fiind urmați de bănci comerciale și bănci private (24%), fonduri de pensii și societăți de asigurare (11%) și alți investitori (3%). Pentru seria de 20 ani distribuția geografică a fost următoarea: UK (33%), Germania/Austria (24%), Scandinavia (11%), Elveția (9%), Centrul și Estul Europei (7%), România (4%), Franța (3%), SUA (3%), Sudul Europei (3%), Benelux (2%) și alte zone (1%). În privința tipurilor de investitori, au predominat managerii de fonduri (67%), fiind urmați de bănci comerciale și bănci private (17%), fonduri de pensii și societăți de asigurare (10%), bănci centrale (2%) și alți investitori (4%).
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Cap. INVESTIȚII Naissance d’un champion français de l’intelligence économique: l’ADIT rachète Geos https://portail-ie.fr/short/1949/naissance-dun-champion-francais-de-lintelligenceeconomique-ladit-rachete-geos 26 septembre 2018 par Ronan Wanlin
L‘ADIT devrait racheter le 15 octobre prochain la société Geos. Le leader français de l‘intelligence économique (45 millions d‘euros de chiffre d‘affaires) devrait ainsi s‘emparer de 92% du capital de son compatriote Geos, pour une somme encore inconnue, capital actuellement détenu par la société d‘investissement Halisol. C‘est donc un véritable champion bleu-blanc-rouge qui va voir le jour, avec plus de 70 millions d‘euros de Chiffre d‘Affaires cumulés et couvrant un éventail d‘activités du renseignement d‘affaires à la sécurité en zone à risque. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
ANCEX AFACERI ÎN SIGURANȚĂ 2018 – BUCUREȘTI – ILFOV CONFERINȚĂ REGIONALĂ! În data de 8 octombrie, la București, în sala de conferințe NEW YORK din cadrul hotelului PULLMAN BUCHAREST WORLD TRADE CENTER, va avea loc o nouă conferință, dedicată operatorilor economici din regiunea de dezvoltare BucureștiIlfov, implicați în tranzacționarea, comercializarea și furnizarea de produse și servicii supuse regimului de control al exporturilor sau unor restricții internaționale pe anumite destinații. https://www.protector-romania.ro/conferinta-regionala-constanta-2/ PROTECTOR Departamentul pentru Controlul Exporturilor (ANCEX) va participa la programul național de prevenție ‖Protector- Romania – Afaceri în siguranță‖, care constă dintr- o serie de opt conferințe regionale dedicate operatorilor economici care Page 41 of 56
tranzacționează, comercializează și furnizează produse și servicii supuse regimului de control al exporturilor sau unor sancțiuni internaționale. Programul național de conștientizare ‖PROTECTOR‖ s- a derulat cu cu succes la Constanța, în cadrul celei de-a cincea conferințe regionale ce a avut loc la 6 iunie 2018. A patra conferință regională ‖PROTECTOR – Afaceri în siguranță‖ s-a desfășurat la Timișoara, în ziua de 7 mai 2018. A treia conferință a avut loc la 12 martie 2018, la Craiova, și se adresează operatorilor economici din județele Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinți, Olt și Vâlcea. A doua conferință a avut loc la 13 noiembrie 2017, la Brașov, și se adresează operatorilor economici din județele Alba, Brașov, Covasna, Harghita, Mureș și Sibiu. Programul național de conștientizare ‖PROTECTOR‖ a debutat cu succes la Ploiești, în cadrul primei conferințe regionale ce a avut loc la 26 septembrie 2017.
Cine suntem noi? https://www.protector-romania.ro/about-us/
Protector este un program inter-instituțional, oferit de: Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, prin: o Departamentul pentru Controlul Exporturilor (ANCEX); o Oficiul pentru Implementarea Sancțiunilor Internaționale (OISI) Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, prin Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei Române, Direcţia Arme, Explozivi şi Substanţe Periculoase. Ministerul Finanţelor Publice, prin: o Agenția Naţională de Administrare Fiscală – Direcția Generală Antifraudă Fiscală, o Direcția Generală de Informații Fiscale, o Direcția Generală a Vămilor; Ministerul pentru Mediul de Afaceri, Comerț și Antreprenoriat; Ministerul Apărării Naționale, prin Departamentul pentru Armamente; Banca Naţională a României – Direcția Supraveghere; Oficiul Naţional pentru Prevenirea şi Combaterea Spălării Banilor Comisia Națională pentru Controlul Activităților Nucleare Camera de Comerț și Industrie a României Serviciul Român de Informații
Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention https://www.opcw.org/calendar/csp-23-and-rc-4
OPCW 19–20 November 2018 World Forum Convention Centre, The Hague The Conference of the States Parties consists of all 193 members of the OPCW. As the ‗principal organ of the Organisation‘, it has the general power to oversee the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), and to act to promote the object and purpose of the Convention. The CSP oversees the implementation of the CWC, promotes the treaty‘s objectives and reviews compliance with the treaty. The Conference is composed of representatives of all Member States of the OPCW, each of which has one vote. The CSP meets annually for one week in The Hague. Conferința de revizuire Page 42 of 56
21-30 noiembrie 2018 Forumul Lumea Forumului de la Haga Conferința de revizuire are loc o dată la fiecare cinci ani. Este o oportunitate pentru toate statele părți de a revizui operațiunile Convenției privind armele chimice și de a stabili o direcție strategică pentru OPCW în următorii cinci ani și după aceea.
International Military Helicopter Conference https://www.asdevents.com/event_register.asp?id=19051
Aerospace & Defence - Network The early bird registration rates are about to expire for the International Military Helicopter Conference. The event takes place in London, United Kingdom on 5 - 7 February, 2019 Early bird registration ends October 12th - Save £ 400.00 To register for this event go to the registration page and select your ticket: https://www.asdevents.com/event_register.asp?id=19051 If you have any questions on attending or how to register for this event do not hesiatet to contact me. Kind Regards, Stefan Koopman ASDEvents.com / ASDMedia BV Veemkade 356 - 1019HD Amsterdam - The Netherlands ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Garda Națională din Alabama se mută la Craiova https://evz.ro/garda-nationala-craiova.html
Evenimentul Zilei Alin Brăileanu 28 septembrie 2018
O companie de sprijin în luptă a Gărzii Naționale din Alabama ar putea să fie dislocată la Brigada Multinaţională din Sud-Estul Europei, de la Craiova. În timpul vizitei oficiale în SUA, ministrul Apărării Naţionale, Mihai Fifor, s-a întâlnit joi cu guvernatorul Statului Alabama, Kay Ivey, la Capitoliul din Montgomery. La întrevedere a participat și comandantul Gărzii Naţionale din Alabama, general-maior Sheryl Gordon.
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Northrop Grumman BWI Campus Celebrates Manufacturing Day with STEM Students from Baltimore-area High Schools https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/releases/northrop-grumman-bwi-campuscelebrates-manufacturing-day-with-stem-students-from-baltimore-area-high-schools
Northrop Grumman 5.10.2018 BALTIMORE – Oct. 5, 2018
Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) welcomed 31 students from Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High School, Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women and North County High School to its BWI campus on Monday to celebrate Manufacturing Day. Manufacturing Day is a nationwide event designed to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. Through partnerships with Baltimore-area schools, Northrop Grumman continues to further science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education and encourage students to consider careers as manufacturing assemblers, technicians and engineers. ―Today‘s manufacturing is highly advanced and requires skilled, creative and STEMliterate workers to make some of the most relied upon products in the world,‖ said Melissa Sandlin, manager, corporate citizenship, Northrop Grumman. ―Through events like this, we are investing in our future workforce and introducing students to some of the diverse manufacturing career paths they can follow.‖
Northrop Grumman employees and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students from Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High School (Baltimore City), Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women (Baltimore City), and North County High School (Anne Arundel County) teamed-up at Northrop Grumman’s BWI campus to celebrate Manufacturing Day on Monday, Oct. 1. Led by Northrop Grumman employees, students created Rube Goldberg machines designed to flip a light switch using household items.
Led by Northrop Grumman engineers, students created Rube Goldberg machines, devices designed to highlight a series of reactions that result in the completion of a simple task in a complicated fashion. Students were given a kit of materials including PVC piping, duct tape, dominos, marbles and magnets and were challenged to create a solution to flip a light switch and illuminate a light emitting diode (LED) light. Page 44 of 56
―Projects like this help simulate an environment that our manufacturing employees and engineers work in every day,‖ said Jenna Paukstis, director, Baltimore manufacturing, Northrop Grumman. ―We work in teams, often with limited resources and a tight deadline. In order to achieve our goals, we need to draw upon creativity and overcome challenges along the way. These are all skills that we want to foster in students who will be the next manufacturing employees at Northrop Grumman and leaders in the defense of our nation.‖ To view more pictures from Manufacturing Day 2018, click here. Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, space, strike, and logistics and modernization to customers worldwide. Please visit news.northropgrumman.com and follow us on Twitter, @NGCNews, for more information.
UTI sărbătorește 28 de ani de prezență continuă pe piața din România http://www.uti.eu.com/comunicate-presa/uti-sarbatoreste-28-de-ani-de-prezentacontinua-pe-piata-din-romania/
UTI Din 5 octombrie 1990, UTI a evoluat permanent, dezvoltând soluții și produse tehnologice complexe și oferind clienților săi servicii performante. La aniversarea a 28 de ani, UTI intră într-o nouă etapă de dezvoltare. Cei 28 de ani ai UTI reprezintă o perioadă animată de curajul de a explora teritorii necunoscute, de a transforma idei în competențe diversificate și în proiecte îndrăznețe, dezvoltate de echipe de profesioniști perseverenți și pasionați de tehnologie, dar și de abilitatea de adaptare a companiei la condițiile economice fluctuante. Acumularea treaptă a unui portofoliu impresionat de competențe și expertiză tehnologică i-a permis companiei să devină unul dintre cei mai puternici jucători pe piața de sisteme integrate din România. Echipa de specialiști dedicați și know-how-ul tehnologic extins au fost fundamentele evoluției companiei în sectoare extrem de competitive. În această perioadă, am construit, etapă cu etapă, o companie românească solidă, ne-am respectat principiile în vremuri marcate de crize economice, de o concurență acerbă, de lipsa unor investiții strategice la nivel național și de efortul de a ne adapta contextului politic și economic autohton. Chiar și în aceste condiții am reușit să facem performanță, să ne transformăm soluțiile, serviciile și produsele pentru a răspunde nevoilor de business ale clienților. Anul 2018 marchează o redescoperire a valorilor fundamentale ale UTI: spiritul antreprenorial, creativitatea, identificarea și adaptarea portofoliului de soluții la oportunitățile de piață. Planurile de viitor ale companiei vizează completarea si diversificarea soluțiilor, serviciilor și produselor, dar și eficientizarea proceselor interne: „Ne vom concentra asupra activităților de cercetare și dezvoltare a proprietății intelectuale, pentru a genera produse noi care să completeze portofoliul existent de soluții. În același timp, la nivel organizațional, vom continua să luăm centralizat toate deciziile importante de business, pentru a reduce riscurile.‖, declară Răzvan Petrescu, Președinte al Consiliului de Administrație al UTI Grup Ca în fiecare an, aniversarea UTI este un bun prilej de a celebra talentul și implicarea angajaților UTI care s-au remarcat prin loialitate față de companie, profesionalism și Page 45 of 56
pasiune și de a le mulțumi pentru cei 10, 15, 20 și 25 de ani de performanță în cadrul companiei. Respectând tradiția ultimilor ani, organizăm Ziua Porților Deschise pentru copiii și membrii familiilor angajaților în principalele sedii UTI din București și din țară.
Târguri, conferințe A&D: Herald Insights General Dynamics at AUSA 2018: Accelerating Innovation to Advance the U.S. Army's Mission https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/general-dynamics-at-ausa-2018accelerating-innovation-to-advance-the-us-armys-mission-300724751.html Griffin III Technology Demonstrator: Ready to be unveiled at AUSA, the Griffin III displays concepts designed for the next generation of warfighting in complex urban and restrictive terrain. The Griffin III provides Soldiers a revolutionary leap in lethality and stand-off, a modular turret that accommodates several weapon system configurations, scalable protection for Multi-Domain Operations and an integrated Active Protection System (APS).
...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Situații extreme aviatice https://aviation-safety.net/index.php
Aviation Safety Mikoyan MiG-29UB https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=216021 Date: 05-OCT-2018 Time: 11:00 LT
Type: Mikoyan MiG-29UB Owner/operator: Flight Research Institute Registration: 84 C/n / msn: 6414 Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2 Aircraft damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair) Location: near Ostrovets, Kolomna region Russia Phase: En route Nature: Training Departure airport:Zhukovsky Narrative: The jet fighter crashed during a training flight in a forest. Both occupants ejected safely. "Due to a technical malfunction that occurred during the flight, the aircraft became uncontrollable, the pilots ejected, the plane fell in the Kolomna region. The pilots survived," said the air traffic control services. The crashed MiG-29 is an experimental plane that has not yet been commissioned.
Un avion de vânătoare cu reacţie MIG-29 s-a prăbuşit langa Moscova https://www.agerpres.ro/politica-externa/2018/10/05/rusia-un-avion-de-vanatoaremig-29-s-a-prabusit-langa-moscova--187755
AGERPRES Adriana Matcovschi 5.10.2018
Reprezentanţi ai Institutului au declarat că piloţii au condus avionul departe de clădiri civile, acesta prăbuşindu-se într-o zonă nelocuită. Piloţii au reuşit să se catapulteze, potrivit TASS. Avionul efectua un zbor de antrenament, în timpul căruia ar fi survenit o problemă la sistemul de navigare. Potrivit agenţiei TASS, care citează o altă sursă din cadrul Institutului "Gromov", cauza preliminară a accidentului o constituie un incendiu la unul dintre motoare. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Cap. OPINII/ANALIZE Military Electro Optical And Infrared Systems Market Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Segments and Regional Analysis By Airbus, BAE, Elbit Systems, Excelitas, Finmeccanica, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and Thales https://www.openpr.com/news/1283228/Military-Electro-Optical-And-Infrared-Systems-Market-GlobalIndustry-Size-Share-Trends-Segments-and-Regional-Analysis-By-Airbus-BAE-Elbit-SystemsExcelitas-Finmeccanica-Lockheed-Martin-Northrop-Grumman-Raytheon-and-Thales.html 5 octombrie 2018
Global Military Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems Market Report Information by Type (Image Intensification, Laser, and Infrared), by Sensor Technology (Scanning, Starring, Multispectral, and Hyperspectral), by Platform (Airborne, Land-based, and Naval), and by Region - Forecast To 2023.
The key players in this market are Airbus Group(France), BAE Systems Plc. (U.K), Elbit Systems Ltd (Israel), Excelitas Technologies (U.S.), Finmeccanica SpA (Italy), FLIR Systems Inc. (U.S.), Lockheed Martin Corporation (U.S.), Northrop Grumman Corporation (U.S.), Raytheon Company (U.S.), and Thales Group (France). Intended Audience • Distributor & Supplier companies • End-Users • Consultants and Investment bankers • Government as well as Independent Regulatory Authorities Page 48 of 56
Military Electro-Optical Infrared Systems Market – Market Overview EO/IR systems are an essential part of military industries. They are used by military platforms such as airborne, land-based, and naval. Some of the airborne EO/IR systems are optic sights, observation systems, helmet mounted displays, and night vision systems. Land-based includes night vision goggles, weapon mounted sights, vehicle mounted optronics devices, thermal imagers, laser rang finders, and designators. Naval based EO/IR systems are infrared imaging and detectors, thermal imagery systems, optronics mast systems, and surveillance and tracking systems. These systems aid in the war field scenario with better visibility, tracking, and targeting of enemy locations. The military market shifted toward LWIR systems to provide armored vehicles with upgraded thermal imaging capacities and improved target detection, recognition, and identification of the range. These have adapted low-light cameras for better performance in poor conditions while consuming less power and providing significant output. The use of laser range finders aid in day or night conditions and in nearly all battlefield conditions including haze, smoke, fog, and rain. Also, a shift toward EO/laser guidance systems is trending toward the military special missions, which provide imaging cameras that act both as a sight and target seeker for small weapons and missile systems. The growing demand for vetronics is driving the market because of the rising demand, the changing nature of warfare, and advances in technology in vehicle electronics. The introduction of the InGaAs detector system has allowed imaging in the SWIR without the necessity of an external cooling system. Also, upgradation and development in EO/IR systems and technology have enabled 360 degree rotation, 24-hour situational awareness, automated object detection, and guidance for defense gunnery. Industry/ Innovation/ Related News: April 19, 2017: To provide military aircrews with enhanced protection from new and emerging threats, BAE Systems and Leonardo DRS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to offer advanced threat detection capabilities for U.S. Army fixedand rotary-wing aircraft. The two companies will collaborate to develop an advanced infrared-based threat warning system to meet current and evolving operational requirements for Army aircraft survivability. September 19, 2017– Lockheed Martin recently completed its 300th Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) for the F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter. EOTS is an imaging sensor which allows the F-35 to identify, track and designate targets. The 300th EOTS was completed under the 10th Low-Rate-Initial Production (LRIP) contract, and each system was delivered on time or ahead of schedule. Military Electro-Optical Infrared Systems Market – Competitive Analysis In-house manufacturing capabilities, a global footprint network, product offerings, investment in R&D, newer technology, and a strong client base have become the key areas to obtain a competitive edge over the competitor. The global economic recovery, growth of the aviation sector, new aircraft orders, R&D and investments in fuel efficient engines, and the lucrative retrofit market have opened up the opportunity for aerospace industry players to compete and grow. The global military EO/IR systems market is highly competitive and vendors compete on the basis of cost, product quality, reliability, and aftermarket service. To survive and succeed in such an intensely competitive environment, it is crucial for vendors to provide cost-effective and high-quality EO/IR systems with the latest technology and materials.
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BAE Systems and Raytheon are the two leading vendors in the manufacture of EO/IR systems for military and law enforcement agencies. Their focus is primarily on the implementation of lightweight, compatible technologies, and reliable systems. Early Diners Are Offered Free Customization- Up to 20% Get Attractive Discount @ www.marketresearchfuture.com/check-discount/1287 Military Electro-Optical Infrared Systems Market – Segments For the convenience of the report and enhanced understanding; The Military ElectroOptical Infrared Systems Market is segmented in to 3 key dynamics Segmentation by Type: Image Intensification, o Laser, o Infrared. Segmentation by Sensor Technology: o Scanning, o Starring, o Multispectral, o Hyper spectral. Segmentation by Platform: o Airborne, o Land-based, o Naval. In 2014, global naval platforms totalled 8,000 including combat ships, submarines, and aircraft carriers. This is likely to grow at the rate of 2.01%, with 3,800 new naval platforms in the next 20 years. The Middle East and North Africa have grown by 25% in the naval platforms market and are expected to invest $56 billion for new crafts and carries in the next 20 years. Also, APAC is likely to procure 114 submarines by 2032, which will contribute to the market. In 2014, U.S. defense spending was USD 600 billion and it is expected to decline by USD 560 by 2020 because of budget cuts. This is expected to impact on the procurement programs such as only 174 surface ships and submarines will be delivered in the next 20 years. Also, the Latin America military aircraft market declined by 5% in 2014 and 52 new combat ships and submarines are expected to be delivered by 2031, which is impacting the market with slow growth. Ask for your specific company profile and country level customization on reports.
Wes Bush on Practically Passionate Podcast https://news.northropgrumman.com/news/presentations/wes-bush-on-practicallypassionate-podcast
Northrop Grumman October 05, 2018
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Wes Bush Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Northrop Grumman Corporation Wes Bush, chairman and chief executive officer, Northrop Grumman, recently sat down with Alex Strathdee, a former Northrop Grumman intern, and Rishav Khanal on their podcast Practically Passionate, to talk about how he became CEO of Northrop Grumman. AUDIO
Why Lockheed Martin? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztl3px-j2fM
YouTube LockheedMartinVideos Publicat pe 3 oct. 2018
At Lockheed Martin, our employees do things for undersea, outer space and everywhere in between. Jump start your career with us today! https://lmt.co/2O1RrXx
Întâlnire crucială la Moreni, în urma căreia s-a conturat... Strategie nouă a sindicatelor din Apărare http://www.jurnaldedambovita.ro/jdb_articol--strategie-noua-a-sindicatelor-dinaparare,48113.html
Jurnal de Dâmbovița VIOLETA STANCIU 05.10.2018
„S-a luat în discuţie şi offset-ul vizavi de achiziţiile mari pe care România le face în momentul de faţă, de aproape 10 miliarde de dolari, în perioada următoare. Offset-ul, din punctul nostru de vedere, lipseşte cu desăvârşire deşi avem exemple de ţări, cum este Polonia care are offset şi de 120%‖, a declarat Constantin Bucuroiu ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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MORENI: Sindicatele din industia de apărare a ţării au conturat strategia pentru anul 2019 http://stirimuntenia24.ro/dambovita/moreni-sindicatele-din-industia-de-aparare-a-tariiau-conturat-strategia-pentru-anul-2019-277957/
Gazeta Dâmboviței 5.10.2018
„Ne-am întâlnit, la Moreni, cele patru federaţii sindicale care fac parte din industria de apărare. Este vorba de Federaţia Naţională Solidaritatea Metal, a Industriilor, Federaţia Naţională a Sindicatelor Unirea, Federaţia Naţională a Sindicatelor Libere din Industrie. S-a luat în discuţie, ca probleme deosebite, elaborarea unei organigrame de avarie pentru stabilirea numărului maxim de personal în ceea ce priveşte Legea 232/2016, dar s-a vorbit şi despre salarizarea personalului din industria de apărare… şi ce trebuie făcut. De asemenea, s-a luat în discuţie şi offsetul vizavi de achiziţiile mari pe care România le face în momentul de faţă, de aproape 10 milarde de dolari, în perioada următoare. Offset-ul, din punctul nostru de vedere, lipseşte cu desăvârşire deşi avem exemple de ţări, cum este Polonia care are offset şi de 120%. Vă daţi seama, polonezi fac achiziţii din exterior dar, în contrapartidă, industria poloneză de resort realizează produse pentru cei de la care cumpără în proporţie de 120%. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
SUA: Un raport recunoaşte `vulnerabilităţi semnificative` în complexul industrial de apărare https://www.stiripesurse.ro/sua-un-raport-recunoaste-vulnerabilitati-semnificative-incomplexul-industrial-de-aparare_1293992.html
Știri pe surse Denisa Miron, Colaborator 05/10/2018
Preşedintele american, Donald Trump, va primi vineri un raport oficial despre starea complexului industrial de apărare al SUA care recunoaşte "vulnerabilităţi semnificative" în această reţea responsabilă de producerea şi menţinerea arsenalului ţării, transmite EFE. "Complexul nostru industrial de apărare are "vulnerabilităţi semnificative" (...) care cer acţiuni imediate", a spus într-o convorbire cu jurnaliştii un înalt oficial american care a dorit să-şi păstreze anonimatul. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Intalnire cu Jérôme CHEVROLET, GEFCO Roumanie http://www.ccifer.ro/ro/single-news/n/intalnire-cu-jerome-chevrolet-gefco-roumanie/
CCIFER Membrii CCIFER 26 septembrie 2018
Cine sunteti ? Cariera mea in GEFCO a inceput acum 11 ani ca director general al GEFCO Ukraina; In 2013 am devenit director general al GEFCO Bulgaria si in 2015, director general al GEFCO Romania. Dincolo de gestionarea activitatii GEFCO in cele doua tari deja mentionate, sunt de asemenea director al zonei Balcanilor. Page 52 of 56
De ce este România atrăgătoare pentru investitori? GEFCO Romania s-a deschis in anul 2005, in contextul oportunitatilor pe care piata le oferea la acea vreme. Aderarea Romaniei la blocul comunitar a jucat de asemenea un rol foarte important in aceasta mutare. In prezent, mediul economic stabil, forta de munca foarte calificata si pozitia geografica strategica a tarii reprezinta aspecte esentiale care incurajeaza investitiile straine in Romania. Care este tendinţa actuală a sectorului în care activaţi? Universul logisticii continua sa evolueze intr-o maniera fulminanta, insa GEFCO propune clientilor solutii inovative pentru a securiza si eficientiza procesul de aprovizionare. GEFCO România este lider național pe partea de transport vehicule finite, transportând anul trecut peste 60% din producția locală. Drept urmare, trendul crescător din acest an în industria auto reprezintă pentru noi in continuare o mare oportunitate de dezvoltare. Daca vorbim in general de piata de transport si logistica, putem afirma ca exista o crestere a activitatii in acest sector, iar noi in acest an punem accent pe dezvoltarea serviciilor de depozitare și pe industria farmaceutică, primind recent si certificarea GDP (Good Distribution Practice), care atestă că GEFCO îndeplinește cerințele din Ghidul Comisiei Europene privind bune practici de distribuție a produselor farmaceutice pentru uz uman. Câteva cuvinte pentru CCIFER "GEFCO Romania, subsidiara a grupului GEFCO SA, cu sediul la Paris este mandra de a fi membra a CCIFER, participand si sustinand activ actiunile organizatiei, consolidand in acest mod prezenta franceza in Romania."
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Cap. REÈšELE DE SOCIALIZARE H225M: 100.000 ore de zbor https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6454302474185560064
MBDA https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6453913638557356032
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Intervenție H135 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6454330314637471744
Cap. ETICA ÎN AFACERI PETROBRAS reaches US$1.78 billion FCPA resolution with DOJ & SEC https://www.traceinternational.org/TraceCompendium/Detail/594?class=casename_searchresult&type=1
Trace International Energy / Utilities On 27 September 2018, Brazilian State-owned oil and gas company Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (―Petrobras‖) resolved DOJ and SEC FCPA enforcement actions stemming from a massive bribery and corruption scheme perpetrated by former Petrobras senior executives. From at least 2003 to 2012, Petrobras officials facilitated the payment of hundreds of millions in bribes to Brazilian politicians through various bribery and kickback schemes with its contractors and suppliers, and then falsified its books, records, and filings to defraud investors and regulatory bodies. Petrobras entered into a non-prosecution agreement with the DOJ requiring Petrobras to pay a total criminal penalty of US$853.2 million, reflecting a 25% discount off of the bottom of the applicable U.S. Sentencing Guidelines fine range for the company‘s full cooperation and remediation. Under the NPA, Petrobras is required to pay 10% of the total criminal penalty to both the DOJ and the SEC (US$85.3 million to each) and the remaining 80% (US$682.6 million) to Brazil‘s Ministerio Publico Federal. The SEC‘s portion will be placed into a ―Fair Fund‖ for harmed Petrobras investors. The SEC issued a consensual cease-and-desist order against Petrobras requiring a total payment of US$933.5 million, consisting of US$711 million in disgorgement Page 55 of 56
and US$222.5 million in prejudgment interest. Petrobras will receive a credit for the amount it pays to the class action settlement fund in the matter of In re Petrobras Securities Litigation, No. 14-cv-9662 (S.D.N.Y.), up to US$933.5 million.
STRYKER reaches US$7.8 million settlement with SEC to resolve FCPA offenses https://www.traceinternational.org/TraceCompendium/Detail/224?class=casename_searchresult&type=1
Trace International Pharmaceuticals /Medical Devices /Health On 28 September 2018, the SEC issued a consensual cease-and-desist order against Stryker Corp. for violations of the books and records and internal accounting controls provisions of Sections 13(b)(2)(A) and (B) of the Exchange Act. The violations stem from Stryker‘s subsidiary operations in India, China, and Kuwait. The SEC found that Stryker‘s internal accounting controls were not sufficient to detect the risk of improper payments in sales of Stryker products within these countries, such as the following: In India, Stryker dealers are alleged to have issued inflated invoices to various hospitals, who then passed the invoices on to patients and their insurers for payment. In China, Stryker‘s wholly owned subsidiary did not properly vet, approve, or train over 21 sub-distributors and falsified records to hide the sub-distributors‘ involvement in the sales process. In Kuwait, from 2015–2017, Stryker‘s primary Kuwaiti distributor made over US$32,000 in improper payments to Kuwaiti health care providers disguised as ―per diems‖ to attend Stryker events, when Stryker had directly paid lodging, meal, and transportation costs for these individuals. Stryker neither admitted nor denied the SEC‘s findings and was ordered to pay a civil penalty of US$7.8 million and to retain an independent compliance consultant for at least 18 months to aid Stryker in remediation efforts. This is the second FCPA-related cease-and-desist order from the SEC to which Stryker has been subject; in 2013 the company agreed to pay more than US$13.2 million to resolve allegations that it had violated the FCPA‘s books-and-records and internal controls provisions. d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S http://www.competitiveintelligence.ro
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