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ZI DE ZI luni, 15 octombrie 2018


SUA: pregătiri pentru un nou prototip de vehicul de luptă pg. 26

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luni, 15 octombrie 2018

semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ................................................................................................. 6 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................... 6 ASF aproba prospectul Romaero Baneasa pentru majorarea capitalului social cu 1,84 mil. lei .............................................................................................................. 7 Avioanele F-35 rămân la sol ................................................................................... 7 U.S. Army calls for prototype proposals for Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft program................................................................................................................... 7 Pioneering intelligent innovation for our customers ................................................. 8 Helicopter industry leaders applaud passage of FAA Reauthorization Act 2018 .... 8 AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 (77 - început #270) .................................................. 10 FAA: 665 helicopter bird strikes over the last 3 years ........................................... 11 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE ............................................................................. 12 Polish Military University of Land Forces Expands Their Laser Based Training capability ............................................................................................................... 12 POTD: A scope mount is born .............................................................................. 12 PSQ-18 Grenade Launcher Sight – Night Vision IR Illuminator On a Budget ....... 13 Taylor Freelance Goliath +20 Glock Magazine Extension .................................... 13 Bavarian Police Adopt FN SCAR-L ....................................................................... 13 MFA Mizil, gata pentru realizarea aruncătoarelor de 120 mm............................... 14 Cap. Cyber&ITC ....................................................................................................... 15 The Intelligence Network - Safeguarding society in the digital world .................... 15 The Cyber Intelligence Cycle is Changing ............................................................ 15 New virtual marksmanship and squad immersive trainers are headed to dozens of Army locations next year ....................................................................................... 16 Modernization at the Tip of the Spear ................................................................... 16 The Spanish Ministry of Defense is selecting the Orbiter 3 UAV for overseas missions. ............................................................................................................... 17 Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program ...................................................... 17 General Electric is being awarded with a eight-year IDIQ contract to support the Air Force's ATTAM program. ...................................................................................... 18 Cap. NAVAL ............................................................................................................. 20 FINCANTIERI e LEONARDO concordano i principi guida per rafforzare la collaborazione nel settore navale rilanciando la joint venture ORIZZONTE SISTEMI NAVALI .................................................................................................. 20 A 243-a aniversare a US Navy .............................................................................. 20 Page 3 of 41

Cap. RACHETE ........................................................................................................ 23 $9.9 Billion in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 (6, de la #342) ............................................. 23 V. OTHER PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS ............................................................... 23 VI. SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 25 Cap. Vehicule pentru luptă ....................................................................................... 26 Decision coming soon on who will build prototypes for a new Army light tank ...... 26 The US Army is searching for a new combat vehicle to defeat the toughest adversaries ........................................................................................................... 26 Raytheon High-Energy Laser Mission Scenarios .................................................. 27 Cap. NATO/OTAN .................................................................................................... 28 To up fighter readiness levels, Pentagon looks to retire older planes and fix supply chains.................................................................................................................... 28 Cap. EUROPA .......................................................................................................... 28 Asigurarea securității armelor, protejarea cetățenilor ............................................ 28 On Air, Issue 20: Safe operations of drones in Europe ......................................... 29 Cap. DECIZIONAL ................................................................................................... 31 Klaus Iohannis în Italia .......................................................................................... 31 Martin Selmayr, Secretarul General al Comisiei Europene ................................... 31 Colegiul Național al Institutului Revoluției Române din Decembrie 1989 .............. 31 Nineta Bărbulescu, ambasador în Australia, Vanuatu și Samoa ........................... 32 Iulia Cîrcei revine ca SG la ANOFM, iar Marcel-Dumitru Miclău pleacă ............... 32 Puțaru Adriana, prefect GR ................................................................................... 33 Proiecte de lege şi propuneri legislative primite la Senat ...................................... 33 Cooperare cu EUROPOL ...................................................................................... 33 Cap. FINANȚE.......................................................................................................... 34 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 34 Următorul buget multianual ar putea da Europei securitate, afirmă comisarul european pentru buget, Günther Oettinger ........................................................... 35 Cap. INVESTIȚII ....................................................................................................... 35 Deputy Defense Secretary Shanahan hints at future shifts in space investments 35 Cap. EVENIMENTE .................................................................................................. 36 ESPN-R Safety Workshop .................................................................................... 36 Târguri, conferințe A&D:........................................................................................ 36 Air Missile Defence Technology Conference ..................................................... 36 Helitech International ......................................................................................... 37 Airbus Helicopters to showcase corporate brand at NBAA 2018 ....................... 37 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE ............................................................................ 38 Guillaume Faury declarație ................................................................................... 38 Denis Muilenburg, CEO Boeing, salută numirea de la Airbus ............................... 38 Page 4 of 41

Cap. Responsabilitate organizațională ..................................................................... 39 CSA Industry Leaders 2018 (18, început #328) .................................................... 39 Consumer Services/ Restaurants & Leisure Facilities/ Sodexo SA ................... 39 Cap. DIVERSE ......................................................................................................... 41 Chinese Officer Is Extradited to U.S. to Face Charges of Economic Espionage ... 41

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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS


Cap. AERONAUTICĂ BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Documentatie majorare capital social (decizie ASF, prospect, anexe) 12.10.2018 9:29:00 http://www.bvb.ro/FinancialInstruments/Details/FinancialInstrumentsDetails.aspx?s= RORX Valoare totală de piaţă: 248,57 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 MIL EUR0



200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00





























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ASF aproba prospectul Romaero Baneasa pentru majorarea capitalului social cu 1,84 mil. lei https://www.orange.ro/info/news/zf/article/2774613

Orange Sursa: zf.ro 12.10.2018

Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara (ASF) a aprobat prospectul aferent emisiunii de actiuni in vederea majorarii capitalului social al Romaero Baneasa (RORX) cu 737.594 de actiuni, care urmeaza sa se desfasoare intr-o singura etapa, perioada de derulare fiind cuprinsa intre 15 octombrie si 13 noiembrie 2018, potrivit informatiilor de pe bursa.

Avioanele F-35 rămân la sol https://twitter.com/defense_news/status/1050445933559787520

U.S. Army calls for prototype proposals for Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft program https://www.verticalmag.com/news/u-s-army-calls-for-prototype-proposals-for-futureattack-reconnaissance-aircraft-program/

Vertical Magazine Oliver Johnson October 5, 2018

The U.S. Army has officially begun the competition for a new armed scout aircraft, having issued a formal program solicitation for a Future Attack Reconnaissance Competitive Prototype (FARA CP). Sikorsky has said it will submit a proposal for the U.S. Army’s Future Armed Reconnaissance Competitive Prototype program based on its X2 technology. The S-97 Raider is advancing rapidly through its test flight schedule as the company prepares its submission. Lockheed Martin ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 7 of 41

Pioneering intelligent innovation for our customers https://www.rolls-royce.com/products-and-services/civil-aerospace/futureproducts.aspx#section-overview

Rolls-Royce Our engines are hugely competitive in today’s market, but to keep pace with everchanging, global demands, we know our future generation of engines need to be led by constant, thoughtful innovation.

Advance3: A New Era for 3-shaft jet engines Demonstrating efficiency improvements for future 3-shaft engines, Advance3 combines our new core architecture with a lightweight, low-pressure (LP) system, our composite fan, lean burn combustion and a raft of innovative manufacturing and materials technologies including 3D printing and CMCs. UltraFan® Enhanced with further technologies and innovative high-temperature materials, UltraFan pushes the Advance3 core overall pressure ratio to more than 70:1 for a typical large engine application. UltraFan also features a new geared architecture (power gearbox introduced between the fan and intermediate pressure compressor) to ensure that the fan, compressors and turbines all continue to run at their optimum speed.

Helicopter industry leaders applaud passage of FAA Reauthorization Act 2018 Vertical Magazine October 5, 2018 Oliver Johnson

On Oct. 3, the U.S. Senate passed a long-awaited reauthorization for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), securing funding for the agency for the next five years and enshrining a wide range of programs and measures affecting every branch of aviation. One key measure the bill includes is mandating crash resistant fuel systems (CRFS). A CRFS has only been available as an option for the H125 since 2014, but it has been standard on H125s manufactured in the U.S. since 2016. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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AIRBUS: Raport anual 2017 (77 - început #270) http://www.airbus.com/investors/financial-results-and-annual-reports.html#annualreports

Airbus Legal and Arbitration Proceedings Airbus is involved from time to time in various legal and arbitration proceedings in the ordinary course of its business, the most significant of which are described below. Other than as described below, Airbus is not aware of any material governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings (including any such proceedings which are pending or threatened), during a period covering at least the previous twelve months which may have, or have had in the recent past significant effects on the Company’s or Airbus’ financial position or profitability. Regarding Airbus’ provisions policy, Airbus recognises provisions for litigation and claims when (i) it has a present obligation from legal actions, governmental investigations, proceedings and other claims resulting from past events that are pending or may be instituted or asserted in the future against Airbus, (ii) it is probable that an outfl ow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle such obligation (iii) a reliable estimate of the amount of such obligation can be made. Although Airbus believes that adequate provisions have been made to cover current or contemplated general and specific litigation and regulatory risks, no assurance can be provided that such provisions will be sufficient.

extras Procesele legale și de arbitraj Airbus este implicat din când în când în diferite proceduri juridice și de arbitraj în cursul normal al afacerii sale. Cele mai importante sunt descrise mai jos. În afară de cele descrise mai jos, Airbus nu este conștient de nicio procedură materială guvernamentală, juridică sau de arbitraj (inclusiv orice procedură care este în așteptare sau amenințată), pe o perioadă care acoperă cel puțin ultimele douăsprezece luni care ar putea avea sau au avut efectele recente ale trecutului asupra poziției financiare sau a rentabilității companiei sau ale Airbus. În ceea ce privește politica de provizioane a Airbus, Airbus recunoaște provizioane pentru litigii și creanțe atunci când (i) are o obligație actuală față de acțiunile în justiție, investigații guvernamentale, proceduri și alte cereri rezultate din evenimente trecute, care sunt în curs sau pot fi instituite sau susținute în viitor împotriva Airbus, (ii) este probabil ca pentru îndeplinirea acestei obligații să fie necesară o parte din resursele care încorporează beneficii economice (iii) se poate face o estimare fiabilă a valorii acestei obligații. Deși Airbus consideră că au fost luate măsuri adecvate pentru a acoperi litigii generale și specifice și riscuri de reglementare actuale sau avute în vedere, nu se poate asigura că astfel de dispoziții vor fi suficiente.

WTO Although Airbus is not a party, Airbus is supporting the European Commission in litigation before the WTO. Following its unilateral withdrawal from the 1992 EU-US Agreement on Trade in Large Civil Aircraft, the US lodged a request on 6 October 2004 to initiate proceedings before the WTO. On the same day, the EU launched a parallel WTO case against the US in relation to its subsidies to Boeing. On 19 December 2014, the European Union requested WTO

OMC Deși Airbus nu este parte, Airbus sprijină Comisia Europeană în litigiu în fața OMC. În urma retragerii sale unilaterale din Acordul UE-SUA din 1992 privind comerțul cu aeronave civile de mare capacitate, SUA a depus la 6 octombrie 2004 o cerere de inițiere a procedurilor în fața OMC. În aceeași zi, UE a lansat un caz paralel al OMC împotriva Statelor Unite în legătură cu subvențiile acordate Boeing. La 19 decembrie 2014, Uniunea Europeană a solicitat

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consultations on the extension until the end of 2040 of subsidies originally granted by the State of Washington to Boeing and other US aerospace firms until 2024. On 1 June 2011, the WTO adopted the Appellate Body’s final report in the case brought by the US assessing funding to Airbus Commercial Aircraft from European Governments. On 1 December 2011, the EU informed the WTO that it had taken appropriate steps to bring its measures fully into conformity with its WTO obligations, and to comply with the WTO’s recommendations and rulings. Because the US did not agree, the matter is now under WTO review pursuant to WTO rules. On 23 March 2012, the WTO adopted the Appellate Body’s final report in the case brought by the EU assessing funding to Boeing from the US. On 23 September 2012, the US informed the WTO that it had taken appropriate steps to bring its measures fully into conformity with its WTO obligations, and to comply with the WTO’s recommendations and rulings. Because the EU did not agree, the matter is now under WTO review pursuant to WTO rules. Exact timing of further steps in the WTO litigation process is subject to further rulings and to negotiations between the US and the EU. Unless a settlement, which is currently not under discussion, is reached between the parties, the litigation is expected to continue for several years.

consultări în cadrul OMC cu privire la prelungirea, până la sfârșitul anului 2040, a subvențiilor acordate inițial de statul Washington Boeing și altor companii aerospațiale americane până în 2024. La data de 1 iunie 2011, OMC a adoptat raportul final al organului de apel în cazul în care Statele Unite au acordat finanțare Airbusului comercial comercial de la guvernele europene. La 1 decembrie 2011, UE a informat OMC că a întreprins măsuri adecvate pentru a-și aduce măsurile în deplină conformitate cu obligațiile OMC și pentru a se conforma recomandărilor și hotărârilor OMC. Deoarece SUA nu a fost de acord, chestiunea se află acum în revizuirea OMC în conformitate cu normele OMC. La 23 martie 2012, OMC a adoptat raportul final al organului de apel în cazul în care UE a evaluat finanțarea pentru Boeing din partea SUA. În data de 23 septembrie 2012, SUA au informat OMC că a întreprins acțiuni adecvate pentru ca măsurile să fie pe deplin conforme cu obligațiile OMC și să respecte recomandările și hotărârile OMC. Deoarece UE nu a fost de acord, problema este acum revizuită în conformitate cu normele OMC. Momentul exact al următorilor pași în procesul de soluționare a litigiilor în cadrul OMC este supus unor hotărâri suplimentare și negocierilor dintre SUA și UE. Cu excepția cazului în care se ajunge la o înțelegere, care nu este în prezent în discuție, între părți, litigiul va continua timp de mai mulți ani.

FAA: 665 helicopter bird strikes over the last 3 years https://www.verticalmag.com/news/faa-665-helicopter-bird-strikes-over-last-3-years/

Vertical Magazine October 5, 2018 Ed Brotak

Industria elicopterelor a raportat 665 de lovituri de păsări în Statele Unite în ultimii trei ani, potrivit cifrelor din Baza de date a Administrației Federale de Aviație a Strike. The helicopter industry reported 665 bird strikes in the United States over the last three years, according to figures from the Federal Aviation Administration Strike Database. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE Polish Military University of Land Forces Expands Their Laser Based Training capability http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/10/11/polish-military-university-landforces-expands-their-laser-based-training-capability

Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: Saab AB (OMX Stockholm: SAAB B) Oct 11, 2018

With the new system – the Laser Tactical Simulator (LTS), AWL is going to grow the number of participants in exercises and functionalities of their current GAMER live training system. The significant new functionality is the addition of the BT46 – the world-leading ballistic simulator that replicates weapon and ammunition parameters, time of flight, velocity, trajectory and impact point of a simulated projectile. The BT46 system is well-known also to Polish Leopard 2 MBT crews. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

POTD: A scope mount is born https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/10/10/potd-a-scope-mount-is-born/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=201810-14&utm_campaign=Weekly+Newsletter

The Firearm Blog 10.10.2018

Have you ever wondered how a scope mount is made? That is the story behind Today’s Photo of the Day. In the pictures you can see a “before” and “after”. You start with a block of aluminum, of alloy 7075 T651. Obviously this is the lump of metal to the left in the picture. This block of metal you then CNC machine according to your CAD drawings, and after the machining is done you have the part to the right. According to Wikipedia: ―T651 temper 7075 has an ultimate tensile strength of 570 MPa (83,000 psi) and yield strength of 500 MPa (73,000 psi). It has a failure elongation of 3–9%.‖ A mount CNC machined out of a single piece of metal makes a very robust construction. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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PSQ-18 Grenade Launcher Sight – Night Vision IR Illuminator On a Budget https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/10/11/psq-18-grenade-launcher-sight-night-vision-ir-illuminator-on-abudget/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=2018-10-14&utm_campaign=Weekly+Newsletter

The Firearm Blog Insight is well known for making weapon lasers like the PEQ-15. They also made a weapon laser sight for grenade launchers. The PSQ-18 and PSQ-18/A are the laser sights for the M203 and M320 grenade launcher. They have a laser pointer but they also have an integrated IR laser illuminator that works very well. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Taylor Freelance Goliath +20 Glock Magazine Extension https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/10/11/taylor-freelance-goliath-20-glockmagazine-extension

The Firearm Blog 11.10.2018 Robin Taylor, Taylor Freelance

This new Taylor Freelance product may look like just another magazine extension, however, it has a lot of interesting and innovative design features. The Goliath +20 aluminum Glock magazine extension is built to withstand extreme use, it is easily serviceable, it can be custom fitted to the magazine and it looks cool. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Bavarian Police Adopt FN SCAR-L https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/10/11/bavarian-fn-scar/

The Firearm Blog 11.10.2018 Matthew Moss

FN SCAR-L (FN) The Bavarian State Police have announced their adoption of the FN SCAR-L. The news was announced by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior through the Strategie & Technik blog. The contract was awarded at the beginning of September and the guns will be issued to the Bavarian Bereitschaftspolizei (riot or rapid reaction police). ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... Page 13 of 41

MFA Mizil, gata pentru realizarea aruncătoarelor de 120 mm http://www.bursa.ro/companii-afaceri/industria-de-aparare-mfa-mizil-gata-pentrurealizarea-aruncatoarelor-de-120-mm-355188&articol=355188.html

Bursa 12.10.2018

Industria de apărare se află în plin proces de revigorare odată cu alocarea a 2% din PIB pentru bugetul Ministerului Apărării Naţionale şi cu demararea celor opt programe pentru înzestrarea Armatei Române. Una dintre societăţile din acest domeniu este MFA Mizil, un brand puternic înainte de decembrie 1989, dar care s-a confruntat cu o situaţie fluctuantă după anul 1990, odată cu demararea procesului de privatizare. Activitatea sa principală este fabricarea, modernizarea, repararea şi vânzarea de vehicule militare de luptă. Compania a fost înfiinţată, 27 martie 1951, iar de-a lungul anilor a fabricat şasiuri pentru tancuri, vehicule de luptă pentru vânătorii de munte, tractor mediu de artilerie, vehicule de luptă blindate, arme de calibru autopropulsat de 120 mm şi 122 mm calibru şi a modernizat tancul T-55. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. Cyber&ITC The Intelligence Network - Safeguarding society in the digital world https://content.baesystems.com/theintelligencenetwork/uk/landing-10FH-286BN.html

BAE Systems We live in a world where increasingly people share first, think later. It’s an attitude that poses more than a few challenges. But what if a more open approach to sharing information and delivering transformative ideas could also help us to create a safer online environment for everyone?

Over the course of many hours of research and conversation, it’s become clear that in the face of an unprecedented threat, we cannot meet tomorrow’s challenges with yesterday’s thinking. It’s also apparent that the cyber security community is made up of imaginative, creative people who are passionate about helping to make the world – and not just their corner of it – a safer place.

The Cyber Intelligence Cycle is Changing http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/node/35852

Israel Defense Ami Rojkes Dombe 9/10/2018

Scenariile de atac, formularea regulilor, compensarea controlului - cyber-ul israelian piața de informații a crescut în ultimii ani. Interviu special cu directorii executivi ai companiei israeliene de informații cibernetice White Hat Attack scenarios, formulation of rules, compensating control – the Israeli cyber intelligence market has come of age in recent years. Special interview with the top executives of Israeli cyber intelligence company White Hat Cum s-a maturizat piața de informații cibernetice israeliene în ultimii ani? Ei bine, pentru a răspunde la această întrebare, am solicitat un interviu cu Sharon Nimirovski, proprietar și CEO al companiei White Cyber Intelligence. Am avut o discuție similară cu câțiva ani în urmă și m-am așteptat ca chat-ul actual să mă permită să înțeleg procesele pe care le-a parcurs această piață în ultimii ani. Page 15 of 41

How has the Israeli cyber intelligence market matured in recent years? Well, to answer this question, I applied for an interview with Sharon Nimirovski, owner and CEO of the White Hat cyber intelligence company. We had a similar chat a few years ago, and I expected the current chat would enable me to understand the processes this market has gone through in recent years. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

New virtual marksmanship and squad immersive trainers are headed to dozens of Army locations next year https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2018/10/11/new-virtual-marksmanshipand-squad-immersive-trainers-are-headed-to-dozens-of-army-locations-next-year/ Todd South, 12 octombrie 2018

A new virtual marksmanship trainer for squads is headed to 26 Army locations early next year and will soon be followed by an early version of the squad immersive trainer.

The squad advanced marksmanship trainer is an immediate development that will feed into a complete overhaul of how the Army and Marine Corps combines the crush of new virtual and augmented technologies with live training events. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Modernization at the Tip of the Spear https://www.dvidshub.net/news/294814/modernization-tip-spear 28 septembrie 2018

The European theater is an ever-changing landscape requiring constant adaptation to defend U.S. allies and deter potential aggression. To stay ready, U.S. Army Europe is focused on modernizing by exploring new technology, fielding upgraded equipment and adding additional capabilities. The fielding of next generation combat vehicles is one of the U.S. Army's six modernization priorities. In December, the 2nd Cavalry Regiment received the U.S. Page 16 of 41

...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

The Spanish Ministry of Defense is selecting the Orbiter 3 UAV for overseas missions. https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/

Defense Industry Daily The $3.6 million deal between Spain and Israeli company Aeronautics provides for the delivery of two Orbiter 3 systems, each comprising three UAVs. Orbiter can be ground or sea-launched from a catapult and uses a low acoustic signature electric motor for propulsion during missions of up to seven hours duration at a range of 100 km. On land, the UAS is recovered by means of a parachute and deployed airbag. The Orbiter 3 carries a triple sensor payload that is specifically designed to fulfil an intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR) role. The UAV can be assembled on 20 minutes, can fly-autonomous and will be used to protect Spanish bases and troops on overseas missions.

Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/

Defense Industry Daily The US Air Force is awarding a series of contracts for the development of a Launch System Prototype for the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program. The contracts are part of a portfolio that aims to leverage commercial launch solutions to meet National Security Space requirements. This includes the launch of the heaviest and most complex payloads the US military has to offer. The first contract is awarded to United Launch Alliances and is valued at $967 million. This covers the an initial investment for the development of ULA's Vulcan Centaur launch system. The Vulcan is being developed to replace both the Atlas-5 and Delta-4 families which will be phased out beginning in 2018. By 2023 ULA plans to introduce a more powerful Advanced Cryogenic Evolved Stage (ACES) to the Page 17 of 41

Centaur second stage. ACES, assisted by six solid rocket boosters will be able to outlift the existing Delta 4 Heavy. ULA's work will be performed at it's factories in Centennial, Colorado; Decatur, Alabama; and at Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Vulcan is expected to be ready for launch by end of March 2025. The second contract is valued at $791.6 million goes to Orbital Sciences Corp, which will develop the OmegA launch system. Orbital's OmegA rocket's initial intermediatepayload configuration consists of a solid-rocket booster a second stage powered by the company's Castor 300 or Castor 600 solid-rocket motor, and a third stage powered by two Aerojet RL-10C engines. By adding up to six strap-on boosters, OmegA will be capable of launching payloads of up to 22,266 lbs. to a geostationary transfer orbit, and payloads of up to nearly 17,200 lbs. to geostationary equatorial orbits. The OmegA will be produced at a variety of Orbital facilities including Chandler, Arizona; Magna and Promontory, Utah; Iuka, Mississippi; West Palm Beach, Florida; Sandusky, Ohio; and Michoud, Louisiana. The OmegA will be launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Orbit is expected to complete the rocket by December 31st, 2024. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

General Electric is being awarded with a eight-year IDIQ contract to support the Air Force's ATTAM program. https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/

Defense Industry Daily The contract has a ceiling of $250 million and provides for the development of next generation turbines. The Advanced Turbine Technologies for Affordable MissionCapability program aims to develop and demonstrate inlet, engine, exhaust nozzle, and integrated thermal management technologies that enable optimized propulsion system performance over a broad range of altitude and flight velocity. The new engine design will use adaptive fan blades and engine cores to generate high thrust when needed, and optimize fuel efficiency when cruising or loitering, in order to combine the best characteristics of high-performance and fuel-efficient jet engines. Work will be performed at GE's factory in Cincinnati, Ohio and is expected to be completed by October 2026. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. NAVAL FINCANTIERI e LEONARDO concordano i principi guida per rafforzare la collaborazione nel settore navale rilanciando la joint venture ORIZZONTE SISTEMI NAVALI http://www.leonardocompany.com/-/fincantierie-leonardo-orizzonte-sistemi-navali 9 octombrie 2018

Fincantieri e Leonardo hanno concordato i principi guida di un’intesa nel settore delle navi militari che permetterà ai due gruppi di competere su un mercato sempre più sfidante, valorizzando le reciproche competenze sviluppate in ambito nazionale in un’ottica di Sistema Paese

L’obiettivo è far assumere a Orizzonte Sistemi Navali la responsabilità del Sistema di Combattimento e della definizione dei requisiti dei sottosistemi, ivi compreso il Sistema di Comando e Controllo ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

A 243-a aniversare a US Navy https://www.linkedin.com/company/boeing-intelligence-&-analytics/

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Cap. RACHETE $9.9 Billion in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 (6, de la #342) https://www.mda.mil/global/documents/pdf/budgetfy19.pdf

The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) - USA

V. OTHER PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Command and Control, Battle Management and Communication (C2BMC) (PE 0603896C). MDA is requesting $475.2 million in FY 2019 for C2BMC. C2BMC provides persistent acquisition, tracking, cueing, discrimination, and fire-control quality data to Aegis BMD, GMD, THAAD, Patriot, and coalition partners to support homeland and regional defense. During a recent flight test, C2BMC demonstrated EPAA Phase 3 engage-on-remote capability by integrating overhead sensors, AN/TPY-2 and Aegis BMD within the regional communications architecture. We continue to support Warfighter command, control and battle management needs across the globe by providing the Combatant Commander with the BMD planner, situational awareness tools, and battle management capability to support global BMD situational awareness, BMDS Space Sensor Vision 13 coalition operations, weapons release authority for homeland defense, and control and tasking of forwardbased AN/TPY-2 radars. C2BMC operators and maintainers deploy forward in some of the world’s hottest threat spots and continue to provide around-the-clock support to the local commanders. In FY 2019, we will complete testing and deployment of C2BMC Spiral 8.2-3 and BMDS Overhead Persistent Infra-Red Architecture (BOA) 6.1, in support of EPAA Phase 3 / Aegis BMD Engage-on-Remote functionality. Initial deployments will be to CENTCOM / EUCOM followed by NORTHCOM / PACOM providing enhanced tracking capabilities to the warfighter. MDA will also initiate integration of a sea-based mobile sensor in the Spiral 8.2-3 timeframe that will provide enhanced tracking for emerging threats. We will continue development of C2BMC Spiral 8.2-5, which provides increased system level discrimination data, BOA 7.0, to provide advance threat warning capability, threat characterization solutions and support command & control integration of the LRDR into the BMDS by 2021 to support a robust homeland defense capability. C2BMC will initiate Increment 7 development tasks for Robust Post Intercept Assessment supporting our regional defense focus. Finally, we continue supporting incremental improvements to the BMDS to keep pace with emerging threats worldwide by investing in the development, integration and testing of advanced algorithms to improve track and discrimination capabilities and enhance the use of space based sensor data from sources such as the Space Based InfraRed System (SBIRS), using the BMDS OPIR architecture. C2BMC will update hardware/software to increase Cybersecurity through implementation of the DoD Cybersecurity Discipline Implementation Plan - Four Lines of Effort conducting over 63 cyber-focused tests and assessments involving multiple agencies over the FYDP to ensure the system is cyber-secure. Page 23 of 41

MDA Engineering (PE 0603890C, Budget Projects MD24 and MD31). MDA is requesting $260.1 million in FY 2019 to perform the systems engineering required to design, build, test, assess, field and sustain the integrated BMDS. MDA Engineering defines BMDS architectures and functional requirements for integrated BMDS capabilities to defeat the evolving threats, analyzes architecture alternatives to address future threats, enables interoperability between U.S. forces and international partners, and drives future capability development from a system perspective to maximize the effectiveness of BMD technologies. MDA Engineering also performs pre- and post-mission analysis for BMD system tests, and assesses BMDS performance in order to deliver capabilities to the Warfighter. In FY 2019, MDA will conduct the engineering and technical assessment that underpins the EPAA Phase 3 Technical Capability Declaration (TCD). The TCD will provide confidence to the Warfighter that the Aegis Ashore site in Poland will operate as designed. MDA employs system and element-level models and simulations to verify BMDS performance and assess BMDS capability to engage and defeat complex threats across a spectrum of scenarios that cannot be demonstrated in flight tests. As a result, MDA is able to deliver to the Warfighter evolving, integrated, and layered BMDS performance and capabilities that have been thoroughly assessed and validated through testing and modeling and simulation. In this budget cycle, MDA is pursuing improvements to both systemlevel digital simulation and integrated systemlevel ground test simulations.

BMD Sensors (PE 0603884C). MDA is requesting $220.9 million in FY 2019 to develop advanced discrimination algorithms for the AN/TPY-2 and SBX to counter evolving threats, and the implementation of object classification updates for COBRA DANE and UEWR. The discrimination improvement efforts will develop and field integrated Element capabilities to improve the ability of the BMDS to discriminate between lethal and non-lethal objects. In FY 2019, MDA supports the development of future radar capabilities through system engineering, software development, and testing support. MDA continues to support M&S efforts that include enhanced sensor models, integration of digital simulations into the BMDS M&S architecture, verification, validation, and accreditation of radar models, and interoperability between hardware and 14 simulation models to reduce test costs. MDA requests $81.0 million in FY 2019, for sensors testing activities (PE 0604879C). This request also provides planning, analysis, and execution of BMDS flight and ground tests identified in the IMTP and encompassing pre-test efforts, such as digital and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HWIL) premission tests, and post-test efforts such as post-flight reconstruction. • BMD Radars Program Operations and Maintenance. O&M supports both homeland and regional defense missions. MDA is requesting $176.1 million in FY 2019 to sustain COBRA DANE, the Upgraded Early Warning Radars (UEWR), and the AN/TPY-2 radars. The services and combatant commands, with logistical support from MDA, operate AN/TPY-2 (Forward Based Mode) radars in Japan (two radars), Israel, Turkey, and United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) in support of regional defense. MDA continues to support the AN/TPY-2 radar (Terminal Mode) as part of a forward deployed THAAD batteries in Guam and South Korea.

Integrated Master Test Plan (IMTP). MDA, in conjunction with IMTP stakeholders, plans and executes a fully integrated test program that synchronizes the system under test with the warfighters trained to operate the system under varying wartime conditions against current and emerging Page 24 of 41

threats. For flight testing, the agency incorporates the nine operational realism criteria defined by the Ballistic Missile Defense System Response to National Defense Authorization Act Section 234, for Fiscal Year 2005, Increasing Operational Realism. Forty of the sixty-six flight tests in the BMDS Test Program are currently planned to achieve these criteria. For system-level ground testing, all tests culminate in operational testing with warfighters on console and independent operational assessments by the BMDS Operational Test Agency Team. This ensures that BMDS capabilities are credibly demonstrated and validated prior to delivery to the Warfighter. MDA works collaboratively with the Director, Operational Test & Evaluation; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Developmental Test and Evaluation; Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense; Service Operational Test Agencies and the Joint Interoperability Test Command to identify and incorporate all testing requirements into development of the IMTP, a comprehensive, highly integrated, complex, cost-effective series of flight tests, ground tests, wargames, and exercises. BMDS Target AN/TPY-2 Radar 15 This budget continues MDA’s longstanding support of U.S.-Israeli Cooperative BMD programs, to include the co-development of the David’s Sling Weapon System, Upper Tier Interceptor, and Arrow Weapon System Improvements. MDA works with the Israeli Missile Defense Organization on these programs in accordance with jointly signed international agreements. MDA is requesting a total of $500 million in support of U.S.- Israeli programs.

VI. SUMMARY MDA requests $9.9 billion in FY 2019 to strengthen and expand defenses for our nation, deployed forces, allies, and international partners against all ranges of increasingly capable missiles threats.

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Cap. Vehicule pentru luptă Decision coming soon on who will build prototypes for a new Army light tank https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/ausa/2018/10/10/decision-coming-soonon-who-will-build-prototypes-for-a-new-army-light-tank/#.W7ykdMVL9FM.twitter

Defense News Jen Judson, 10 octombrie 2018

The Army is expected to make a decision by the end of the year on which companies will build prototype vehicles as part of its light tank competition.

The requirement for a Mobile Protected Firepower vehicle to provide infantry brigade combat teams a protected, long-range, cyber-resilient, precision, direct-fire capability for early or forcible entry operations was first laid out in the Army’s combat vehicle modernization strategy released in October 2015. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...adversaries.

The US Army is searching for a new combat vehicle to defeat the toughest adversaries https://www.businessinsider.com/here-are-three-possibilities-for-the-armys-next-gencombat-vehicle-2018-10 10 octombrie 2018

As the US Army pursues accelerated modernization to meet the potential future demands of high-intensity warfighting against top adversaries like Russia and China, the service is searching for a new next-generation combat vehicle to replace the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle produced by BAE Systems. The Next-Generation Combat Vehicle (NGCV) program is the second highest priority for the recently-established Army Futures Command. This brand new four-star command is dedicated to the research and development of future weapons systems for this new era of great power competition. Page 26 of 41

"The Russians and the Chinese have used the last 15 years to modernize their forces," Brig. Gen. Ross Coffman, director of the NGCV cross-functional team, told reporters Tuesday, "We need to do the same." Replacing the Bradley Fighting Vehicle is the top priority for the Next-Generation Combat Vehicle program

...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Raytheon High-Energy Laser Mission Scenarios https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-miBH10bdCs

YouTube 10.10.2018

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Cap. NATO/OTAN To up fighter readiness levels, Pentagon looks to retire older planes and fix supply chains https://www.defensenews.com/air/2018/10/11/to-up-fighter-readiness-levelspentagon-looks-to-retire-older-planes-and-fix-supply-chains/ Aaron Mehta, 12 octombrie 2018

With Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis issuing new guidance demanding readiness for tactical air assets increase in just one year, the Pentagon is openly acknowledging that older planes will have to be retired and cannibalized for parts to make it happen. The department will also look to overhaul how it handles its supply chain, according to the department’s No. 2 official.

...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. EUROPA Asigurarea securității armelor, protejarea cetățenilor Camera Deputaților Hotărâre privind adoptarea opiniei referitoare la Comunicarea comună către Parlamentul European și Consiliu - Elemente pentru o Strategie a UE împotriva armelor de foc, a armelor de calibru mic și a armamentului ușor și a muniției aferente „Asigurarea securității armelor, protejarea cetățenilor― JOIN (2018) 17 Nr. 63 din 10-Octombrie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 865 din 12 Octombrie 2018

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On Air, Issue 20: Safe operations of drones in Europe https://www.easa.europa.eu/newsroom-and-events/news/air-issue-20-safeoperations-drones-europe

EASA European Aviation Safety Agency 28.09.2018

Patrick Ky EASA takes on new responsibilities The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) welcomes the adoption by the Council of the European Union of updated aviation safety rules for Europe which include a new mandate for EASA. This new mandate consolidates EASA’s scope to cover the full spectrum of the aviation landscape and reinforces the European aviation system as a whole, with the possibility for EASA and European Member States to work closer together in a flexible way. Patrick Ky, EASA Executive Director said: "Într-un sector care se confruntă cu o transformare tehnologică fără precedent, a fost important să se ofere EASA instrumentele și temeiurile juridice adecvate pentru a sprijini dezvoltarea industriei aviatice, în special în domenii precum dronele și digitalizarea. În același timp, trebuie să păstrăm aspirațiile societății europene pentru o lume sigură și ecologică ". ―In a sector facing unprecedented technological transformation, it was important to provide EASA with the proper tools and legal foundation to support the development of the aviation industry in particular in domains like drones and digitalisation. At the same time we need to preserve the aspirations of the European society for a safe and environmentally friendly world.‖ The so-called new Basic Regulation formalises EASA’s role in the domain of drones and urban air mobility, enabling the Agency to prepare rules for all sizes of civil drones and harmonize standards for the commercial market across Europe. The regulation enlarges the Agency’s role in areas such as in environmental protection, research and development, or international cooperation. The new mandate also gives EASA a coordinating role in cybersecurity in aviation. The regulation was published in the EU Official Journal on 22 nd August 2018 and entered into force on 11th September 2018.

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Cap. DECIZIONAL Klaus Iohannis în Italia http://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/comunicate-depresa/prima-zi-a-vizitei-de-stat-a-presedinteluiromaniei-domnul-klaus-iohannis-in-republicaitaliana-14-octombrie-a-c

Președinte România 14 Octombrie 2018

Martin Selmayr, Secretarul General al Comisiei Europene http://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/comunicate-depresa/primirea-secretarului-general-al-comisieieuropene-domnul-martin-selmayr

Președinte România 12 Octombrie 2018

Președintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis, a primit vineri, 12 octombrie a.c., la Palatul Cotroceni, o delegație a Comisiei Europene din care au făcut parte domnul Martin Selmayr, Secretarul General, și doamna Clara Martinez Alberola, șef de cabinet al Președintelui Comisiei, domnul Jean-Claude Juncker.

Colegiul Național al Institutului Revoluției Române din Decembrie 1989 http://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/comunicate-de-presa/decrete-semnate-depresedintele-romaniei-domnul-klaus-iohannis1539345514

Președinte România 12 Octombrie 2018

Președintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis, a semnat vineri, 12 octombrie a.c., decretul privind numirea unor membri în Colegiul Național al Institutului Revoluției Române din Decembrie 1989: 1. Ion Leonida Horia Caramitru; 2. Radu Filipescu; Page 31 of 41

3. 4. 5. 6.

Nicoleta-Lorena Giurcanu (Matei); Teodor Doru Mărieş; Florian Răzvan-Mihalcea; Dan Voinea

Nineta Bărbulescu, ambasador în Australia, Vanuatu și Samoa http://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/comunicate-de-presa/decrete-semnate-depresedintele-romaniei-domnul-klaus-iohannis1539351990

Președinte România 12 Octombrie 2018

Președintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis, a semnat vineri, 12 octombrie a.c. Decret privind acreditarea doamnei Nineta Bărbulescu, ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Australia, și în calitate de ambasador extraordinar și plenipotențiar al României în Republica Vanuatu și în Statul Independent Samoa

Iulia Cîrcei revine ca SG la ANOFM, iar Marcel-Dumitru Miclău pleacă Primul-Ministru Decizie privind revocarea unor decizii ale prim-ministrului Nr. 274 din 12-Octombrie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 867 din 12 Octombrie 2018 Având în vedere dispozițiile art. 36 din Legea nr. 188/1999 privind Statutul funcționarilor publici, republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, precum și plângerea prealabilă formulată de doamna Iulia Cîrcei, înregistrată la Cabinetul primministrului cu nr. 5/5356 din 27 septembrie 2018 și la Secretariatul General al Guvernului cu nr. 17.720/T.G. din 28 septembrie 2018, în temeiul art. 19 din Legea nr. 90/2001 privind organizarea și funcționarea Guvernului României și a ministerelor, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, precum și al art. 1 alin. (6) și art. 7 alin. (1) din Legea contenciosului administrativ nr. 554/2004, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, prim-ministrul emite prezenta decizie. Articol unic. Începând cu data intrării în vigoare a prezentei decizii se revocă:  Decizia prim-ministrului nr. 255/2018 privind aplicarea mobilității pentru doamna Iulia Cîrcei din funcția publică de secretar general al Agenției Naționale pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă în funcția publică de inspector guvernamental în cadrul Secretariatului General al Guvernului și  Decizia prim-ministrului nr. 256/2018 privind exercitarea, cu caracter temporar, prin detașare, a funcției publice vacante de secretar general al Agenției Naționale pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă de către domnul Marcel-Dumitru Miclău, publicate în Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 771 din 6 septembrie 2018. Page 32 of 41

Puțaru Adriana, prefect GR Guvernul României Hotărâre privind încetarea exercitării, cu caracter temporar, în condițiile legii, a funcției publice de subprefect al județului Giurgiu de către doamna Puțaru Adriana Nr. 798 din 10-Octombrie-2018 Guvernul României Hotărâre privind exercitarea, cu caracter temporar, în condițiile legii, a funcției publice de prefect al județului Giurgiu de către doamna Puțaru Adriana Nr. 799 din 10-Octombrie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 865 din 12 Octombrie 2018

Proiecte de lege şi propuneri legislative primite la Senat https://www.senat.ro/UploadFisiere/b990f277-ca97-4444-be3c-4723f31d83a0/11a7329557b8-401d-bc49-3761891f60fc-2.1.Termene%20pentru%20amendamente.pdf

Senat România pentru dezbatere şi adoptare, în perioada 2 octombrie 2018 - 8 octombrie 2018  Proiect de lege privind aprobarea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr.33/2017 pentru modificarea şi completarea art.11 din Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr.22/2009 privind înfiinţarea Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Administrare şi Reglementare în Comunicaţii  Propunere legislativă pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii nr.80/1995 privind statutul cadrelor militare  Propunere legislativă pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii nr.1/1998 privind organizarea şi funcţionarea Serviciului de Informaţii Extene  Propunere legislativă pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii nr.191/1998 privind organizarea şi funcţionarea Serviciului de Protecţie şi Pază  Propunere legislativă pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii nr.92/1996 privind organizarea şi funcţionarea Serviciului de Telecomunicaţii Speciale

Cooperare cu EUROPOL http://www.mfinante.gov.ro/pagina.html;jsessionid=O8up3SDYLY_XOAZ0eooMhmYJcTWRrru0VtxTxfob.slave2:server23&jsessionid=aWk3bM_AdgybJKylj1TYsgR9VghQ vc2HVMRhJx5Z.slave2:server23?categoriebunuri=proiecte-acte-normative&pagina=acasa&locale=ro&menu=Transparenta

Ministerul Finanţelor Publice Proiect de lege pentru modificarea și completarea Legii nr.56/2018 privind cooperarea autorităţilor publice române cu Agenţia Uniunii Europene pentru Cooperare în Materie de Aplicare a Legii (Europol) - publicat în data de 12 octombrie 2018 Nota de fundamentare

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Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 8 oct.2018 4.6671 5.3093 4.0651 156.0610


9 oct.2018 4.6668 5.3104 4.0705 155.4073

10 oct.2018 4.6628 5.3405 4.0590 154.9233

11 oct.2018 4.6674 5.3320 4.0391 156.1948

12 oct.2018 4.6590 5.3145 4.0221 157.6505





5.5 5





4.6206 4.0976





































168 166

164 162 160 AUR Y18

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grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

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Următorul buget multianual ar putea da Europei securitate, afirmă comisarul european pentru buget, Günther Oettinger https://www.stiripesurse.ro/urmatorul-buget-multianual-ar-putea-da-europeisecuritate-afirma-comisarul-european-pentru-buget-g-nther-oettinger_1296030.html

Știri pe surse George Traicu 12/10/2018

Trimisul special al AGERPRES, Constantin Balaban, transmite: Următorul buget multianual ar putea da Europei securitate, pentru că ar demonstra că, în pofida diferenţelor de opinie, Europa poate acţiona împreună în vremuri dificile, poate ajunge la un acord pentru cetăţenii săi şi pentru lume, a declarat vineri comisarul european pentru buget, Günther Oettinger. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

Cap. INVESTIȚII Deputy Defense Secretary Shanahan hints at future shifts in space investments https://spacenews.com/deputy-defense-secretary-shanahan-hints-at-future-shifts-inspace-investments/ Sandra Erwin — October 10, 2018

Shanahan: ―As we build out the budget, where would you plug the space money? Would you plug it into the Army, or do you plug into the Air Force, or into a Space Development Agency?‖

Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said discussions are underway on how DoD should budget funds for space technologies as the Pentagon embarks on a reorganization of space forces. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. EVENIMENTE ESPN-R Safety Workshop https://www.easa.europa.eu/newsroom-and-events/events/espn-r-safety-workshop-0

EASA European Aviation Safety Agency 17.10.2018

The European Safety Promotion Network Rotorcraft (ESPN-R) and the International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST) will host the rotorcraft Safety Workshop during Helitech International. Leading experts from various stakeholders will provide updates regarding safety enhancing programmes, thereby also seeking feedback from the audience. Finally the (interactive) workshop on human factors will work along some helicopter accident cases with related human factors topics. The vital importance of safety in rotary wing operations is highlighted by this Safety Workshop and as such it will be an ideal platform to discuss helicopter safety issues and to further enhance the safety awareness.

Târguri, conferințe A&D: Herald Insights Air Missile Defence Technology Conference https://www.asdevents.com/event.asp

Aerospace & Defence - Network We are delighted to announce our 3rd Annual Air Missile Defence Technology conference taking place in Prague on the 23rd and 24th October 2018. With today's militaries facing multiple, simultaneous and varied threats, operators have crucial requirements for flexible and adaptable systems that are able to counter the ever changing battlespace environment. In conjuncture with this, constrained budgets mean the importance of allied cooperation is more prevalent than ever and interoperability between systems and national partners is crucial for any future planning. This is evident with the spread of the Aegis Ashore missile network, NATO Integrated Missile Defence (NIAMD) system and, on a bi-lateral level, Project Apollo. This year's Air Missile Defence Technology conference will provide the perfect forum to assist the learning and development of Air Missile Defence OEMs, system integrators, niche component manufacturers, technical engineers, programme managers, and platform operators through briefing and panel discussions focusing on the latest national developments and technical innovations. Benefits of Attending  Host nation presentations: Hear from the Czech Armed Forces on their Air and Missile Defence capability development at a time of widespread modernisation  Develop an international perspective on Air Missile Defence Technology (AMDT) with additional presentations from nations such as the UK, Lithuania, Hungary, NATO and USA ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Helitech International http://www.helitechinternational.com/en/About-Helitech-International/

Helitech International Helitech International is the largest helicopter exhibition in Europe dedicated to helicopter products, parts, accessories and services. The show brings together leading manufacturers, suppliers, buyers and engineers in the industry. Working in association with the European Helicopter Association, Helitech International is an annual event which is held in world class venues in major European city locations offering a greater platform for new launches, product showcases and networking. Helitech International 2018 will return to the Amsterdam RAI, 16-18 October 2018.

Airbus Helicopters to showcase corporate brand at NBAA 2018 12 octombrie 2018 Airbus is gearing up to demonstrate what sets it apart from the competition and will be showcasing its dedicated corporate brand – Airbus Corporate Helicopters (ACH) – in North America at this year’s NBAA trade show, taking place at the Orlando Convention Center from Oct. 16 to 18.

―Our customers come to Airbus Helicopters for a very specific customer experience, especially those in this segment,‖ said Chris Emerson, president of Airbus Helicopters, Inc. and head of the North America region. ―They rely on our products’ ability to combine modern technology with new transportation possibilities and look to us to provide a unique leisure and business environment. We continue to raise the bar in this important segment through our ACH offer and will be emphasizing this at NBAA.‖ ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...

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Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE Guillaume Faury declarație https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6455475693349269504


Denis Muilenburg, CEO Boeing, salută numirea de la Airbus https://twitter.com/BoeingCEO/status/1049480270699749376

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Cap. Responsabilitate organizațională CSA Industry Leaders 2018 (18, început #328) http://www.robecosam.com/en/sustainability-insights/about-sustainability/corporatesustainability-assessment/industry-leaders.jsp

ROBECOSAM - DJSI Consumer Services/ Restaurants & Leisure Facilities/ Sodexo SA http://www.robecosam.com/images/IndustryLeader_DJSI2018_Sodexo_SA.pdf

Member of DJSI World, DJSI Europe Country: France Index market cap*: 10,025USD millions Source: S&P Global BMI, 31 July 2018 Sodexo SA leads the Restaurants & Leisure Facilities industry in RobecoSAM’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment based on its Total Sustainability Score in 2018. This report provides a broad overview of the performance of the Restaurants & Leisure Facilities industry and the relative positioning of Sodexo SA at the dimension and criteria level.

Sodexo SA conduce industria de Restaurante și facilități de agrement în evaluarea corporativă a durabilității RobecoSAM, pe baza Scorului său total de sustenabilitate în 2018. Acest raport oferă o imagine de ansamblu asupra performanței industriei de Restaurante și facilităților de agrement și poziționarea relativă a Sodexo SA la anumite dimensiuni și criterii.

Industry Drivers The restaurant and leisure facilities industry continues to be subject to scrutiny over accountability and transparency in its supply chain, including issues of worker welfare, food safety, sustainability and accurate labeling. Labor issues relating to fair wages and working conditions risk attracting increased attention from regulators and a range of other stakeholders in both developed and emerging markets, putting pressure on existing franchising, licensing and accountability systems. Furthermore, health-conscious consumers in developed markets are pushing companies towards greater innovation in their product and service offerings. Environmental challenges such as energy and water consumption need to be tackled globally, while data from

Direcții de acțiune ale domeniului de activitate Industria de restaurante și a facilităților de agrement continuă să facă obiectul unei analize a responsabilității și a transparenței în lanțul său de aprovizionare, inclusiv aspecte legate de bunăstarea lucrătorilor, siguranța alimentară, durabilitatea și etichetarea corectă. Problemele legate de salarii și condițiile de muncă riscă să atragă atenția sporită din partea autorităților de reglementare și a altor părți interesate, atât pe piețele dezvoltate, cât și pe cele emergente, exercitând presiuni asupra sistemelor existente de franciză, licențiere și responsabilitate. Mai mult, consumatorii conștienți de sănătate de pe piețele dezvoltate împing companiile către o mai mare inovare în ofertele lor de produse și servicii. Provocările legate de mediu, cum ar fi consumul de energie și de apă, trebuie abordate la nivel mondial, în timp ce datele din locații deținute de întreprinderi și de franciză trebuie consolidate pentru ca întreprinderile să își poată implementa efectiv programele globale de sustenabilitate.

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company-owned and franchised locations must be consolidated for companies to effectively implement their global sustainability programs. Company Performance RobecoSAM has selected the most relevant criteria in each sustainability dimension based on their weight in the assessment and their current or expected significance for the industry. The spider chart below visualizes the performance of the industry leader against the best score achieved in each criterion and the median industry score.

Performanța companiei RobecoSAM a selectat cele mai relevante criterii pentru fiecare dimensiune a durabilității, pe baza ponderii lor în evaluare și a semnificației lor curente sau prevăzute, pentru industrie. Diagrama în forma unei pânze de păianjen de mai jos prezintă performanța liderului în industrie, față de cel mai bun punctaj obținut la fiecare criteriu și scorul mediu al industriei.

urmăriți graficul care exprimă media pentru firmele de top din acest domeniu de activitate.

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Cap. DIVERSE Chinese Officer Is Extradited to U.S. to Face Charges of Economic Espionage https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/10/us/politics/china-spy-espionage-arrest.html

The New York Times Oct. 10, 2018 Katie Benner WASHINGTON

Un oficial de informații chinez a fost arestat în Belgia și extrădat în Statele Unite pentru a se supune acuzațiilor de spionaj, au declarat miercuri oficialii Departamentului de Justiție o escaladare majoră a efortului administrației Trump de a contracara spionajul chinezesc. A Chinese intelligence official was arrested in Belgium and extradited to the United States to face espionage charges, Justice Department officials said on Wednesday, a major escalation of the Trump administration’s effort to crack down on Chinese spying. Extrădarea marți a ofițerului, Yanjun Xu, director adjunct al diviziei principale a agenției de informații din China, Ministerul Securității de Stat, este prima dată când un oficial chinez de informații a fost adus în Statele Unite pentru a fi judecat public în instanța de judecată. Oficiali ai forțelor de ordine au declarat că domnul Xu a încercat să fure secrete comerciale de la companii precum GE Aviation din Cincinnati, în Evendale, Ohio, unul dintre furnizorii mondiali de vârf pentru motoarele comerciale și militare. The extradition on Tuesday of the officer, Yanjun Xu, a deputy division director in China’s main spy agency, the Ministry of State Security, is the first time that a Chinese intelligence official has been brought to the United States to be prosecuted and tried in open court. Law enforcement officials said that Mr. Xu tried to steal trade secrets from companies including GE Aviation outside Cincinnati, in Evendale, Ohio, one of the world’s top jet engine suppliers for commercial and military aircraft. A 16-page indictment details what appears to be a dramatic international sting operation to lure Mr. Xu to what he believed was a meeting in Belgium to obtain proprietary information about jet fan blade designs from a GE Aviation employee, only to be met by Belgian authorities and put on a plane to the United States. China has for years used spycraft and cyberattacks to steal American corporate, academic and military information to bolster its growing economic power and political influence. But apprehending an accused Chinese spy — all others charged by the United States government are still at large — is an extraordinary development and a sign of the Trump administration’s continued crackdown on the Chinese theft of trade secrets. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ... d i s t r i b u i t o r H E R AL D I N S I G H T S http://www.competitiveintelligence.ro

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