ZI DE ZI miercuri, 12 decembrie 2018
Oshkosh Defense a obținut un contract de 1,69 miliarde USD pg. 18
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miercuri, 12 decembrie 2018
semn Cap. AERONAUTICĂ ................................................................................................. 5 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................... 5 Achiziția centralizată de elicoptere și simulatoare de zbor ...................................... 6 ROMATSA are buget aprobat ................................................................................. 6 Americanii blocheaza vanzarea F 16 israeliene catre Croatia ................................ 7 Mini indexable boring bar ........................................................................................ 7 Instrumente de marcare, curățare ........................................................................... 7 Mașini CMM cu 5 axe.............................................................................................. 8 Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE ............................................................................. 10 Standardizarea armamentelor europene (12) ....................................................... 10 Cap. CYBER&ITC .................................................................................................... 11 Brexit and ICT Policy (12) ..................................................................................... 11 4. Implications of Brexit for EU27 innovation and deployment of 5G ................. 11 Cap. NAVAL ............................................................................................................. 14 Hervé Guillou, necesitatea unei soluții europene de apărare navală .................... 14 Cap. RACHETE ........................................................................................................ 17 Azerbaijan: cumpără sisteme apărare aeriană MICA ............................................ 17 Cap. VEHICULE PENTRU LUPTĂ ........................................................................... 18 SUA: contract cu Oshkosh Defense de 1,69 miliarde USD pentru 6.107 JLTV .... 18 Oshkosh Corporation Honored As One Of The Best Places To Work By Glassdoor For Second Consecutive Year .............................................................................. 18 Maroc: contract de 1,259 miliarde USD pentru 162 tancuri Abrams ..................... 20 Cap. EUROPA .......................................................................................................... 21 Starea Uniunii Europene 2018 (59, din #326) ....................................................... 21 EVOLUȚIA SITUAȚIEI ECONOMICE................................................................ 21 Is your country expensive? ................................................................................... 21 Economia europeană de la începutul mileniului (#27) .......................................... 22 2.1 Household income recovering ..................................................................... 22 Cap. FINANȚE.......................................................................................................... 25 Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 25 Proiectele documentelor care vor sta la baza pregătirii adoptării monedei euro au fost finalizate ......................................................................................................... 26 Page 3 of 29
Cap. EVENIMENTE .................................................................................................. 27 Tragedia C-130 din 2017: Investigația arată spre Forțele Aeriene și Marina SUA (5) .............................................................................................................................. 27 Cap. REȚELE DE SOCIALIZARE ............................................................................ 28 MBDA: Programul de ucenicie .............................................................................. 28
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The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.
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Cap. AERONAUTICĂ BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM): Valoare totală de piaţă: 247,9 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație 290.00 280.00 270.00 260.00 250.00 240.00
230.00 220.00
200.00 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00
mil. euro
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Achiziția centralizată de elicoptere și simulatoare de zbor Parlamentul României Lege pentru aprobarea Ordonanței de urgență a Guvernului nr. 68/2018 privind achiziția centralizată de elicoptere și simulatoare de zbor aparținând Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, pentru gestionarea situațiilor de urgență Nr. 300 din 10-Decembrie-2018 Președintele României Decret privind promulgarea Legii pentru aprobarea Ordonanței de urgență a Guvernului nr. 68/2018 privind achiziția centralizată de elicoptere și simulatoare de zbor aparținând Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, pentru gestionarea situațiilor de urgență Nr. 1213 din 07-Decembrie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 1049 din 11 Decembrie 2018
ROMATSA are buget aprobat Ministerul Finanțelor Publice Ordin pentru aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 și a situației centralizate privind veniturile și cheltuielile din bazele de cost pe anul 2018 ale Regiei Autonome „Administrația Română a Serviciilor de Trafic Aerian - ROMATSA― Nr. 3693 din 29-Noiembrie-2018 Ministerul Transporturilor Ordin pentru aprobarea bugetului de venituri și cheltuieli pe anul 2018 și a situației centralizate privind veniturile și cheltuielile din bazele de cost pe anul 2018 ale Regiei Autonome „Administrația Română a Serviciilor de Trafic Aerian - ROMATSA― Nr. 1736 din 09-Noiembrie-2018 M. Of. Partea I nr. 1049 din 11 Decembrie 2018
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Americanii blocheaza vanzarea F 16 israeliene catre Croatia https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/americanii-blocheaza-vanzarea-f-16-israeliene-catre-croatia
Romania Military George GMT 11 decembrie 2018 - 6:28
Motivul pare a fi supararea administratiei Trump pentru ca Israelul n-a cerut aprobarea inainte de a semna contractul, asa cum trebuia sa faca. Ne mai aducem aminte ca cele doua tari (Croatia si Israel) au batut palma la inceputul anului pentru 12 aparate contra sumei de 500 milioane de dolari. Este vorba de aparate F 16C/D Barak. Atunci americanii n-au comentat nimic, desi au ofertat si ei Croatia cu F 16. De fapt ofertele au fost de F 16 la mana a doua din Israel (C/D), Grecia (C/D), Statele Unite (nu mai stiu ce model) si Suedia cu Gripen C/D. ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Mini indexable boring bar https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/big-kaiser-miniindexable-boring-bar-121118/
Aerospace Manufacturing&Design December 11, 2018
Hoffman Estates, Illinois – Big Kaiser’s 4mm Mini Indexable Boring Bar is ideal for small component machining. The Mini Indexable Boring Bar helps meet the increasing demand for successfully boring small parts in industries such as medical and aerospace, such as machined medical implant devices and micro-sized components. The main advantage of this product is the cost savings of replacing just the indexable insert in production versus replacing the entire bar where the cutting edge is integral to the bar. The inserts can be easily exchanged without disturbing the overall geometry of the tool, providing optimized cutting results. Indexable inserts feature sharp cutting edges that help lower cutting forces and vibration and inserts with special developed cutting geometry for carbon steel, alloy steel and aluminum are available. To date, Big Kaiser has one of the smallest indexable inserts in the market.
Instrumente de marcare, curățare Marking, cleaning tools https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/heimatec-andreasmaier-amf-marking-tools-072518/
Aerospace Manufacturing&Design Page 7 of 29
Prospect Heights, Illinois – Heimatec Inc., the North American importer of precision live tools, angle heads, and multispindle drill heads, announces immediate availability of marking and cleaning tools from its European partner Andreas Maier, under the AMF brand. AMF marking tools are used for the permanent marking of workpieces made from all types of metal and thermoplastic substrates. They are typically mounted in toolholders for use in the spindle of a CNC machine tool. Marking surfaces is achieved by a combination process of pressure and material displacement. These tools can function with or without rotation and usually without height adjustment on the spindle, resulting in a high-speed, highly efficient marking process and no degradation of the substrate. Very thin material as well as cylindrical workpieces can be easily marked, using AMF tools. Cost savings are said to be substantial, compared to conventional marking or labeling. Key design feature of the AMF marking tool is its needle, which achieves the surface marking with clarity and at high speed. AMF cleaning tools are used for the cleaning of workpieces, tooling, and the interior of CNC machines. They are typically clamped in toolholders and mounted directly onto the machine spindle. Using through-spindle coolant or compressed air, the cleaning tool removes swarf and other debris from workpieces, clamping tools, rotary tables, and other fixtures before the next workpiece blank is loaded. The machine spindle can remain stationary or in slow rotation mode during the cleaning process. Models are available in horizontal or vertical styles to suit the machine spindle configuration and feature adjustable jet nozzles for precise cleaning and coolant or compressed air conservation. Kits can be furnished complete with tools, gage, and all fastening hardware or sold separately.
Mașini CMM cu 5 axe 5-Axis CMM machines for smart factory production https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/aims-cmm-5-axissmart-factory-072318/
Aerospace Manufacturing&Design Dayton, Ohio – Demand for 100% part inspection and the ability to process big data and measure complex features in a smart factory environment is impacting mainstream manufacturing. Advanced Industrial Measurement Systems (AIMS) has engineered coordinate measurement machines (CMMs) that can perform fast, accurate inspections and gather intelligence.
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AIMS will demonstrate its Revolution Series HB Shop Floor CMM fitted with a Renishaw 5-axis PH20 probe head at IMTS 2018 in booth #135836. Visitors can see AIMS’ lab-grade Revolution Series LM demonstrated at IMTS 2018 at Renishaw’s booth #135509.The LM is fitted with a Renishaw 5axis REVO 2 which is able to collect work piece data with 2D and 3D tactile probes, a surface roughness measurement probe or non-contact vision probe. The HB has a polymer cast base that includes vibration resistance and thermal stability. The only 5-axis mobile CMM in the industry, the HB monitors data process flow in real time because the PH20 quickly obtains high-density points for feature size, location, and form for accurate and actionable data. The hard bearing machine doesn’t require air and can be moved on to the shop floor to gather data at the point of use. The lab-grade LM is built with linear motors that work off permanent magnets that don’t wear out. Electronic signals are sent to the motor, using the natural force of the magnet to generate a small magnetic field that interacts with the magnets. The result is precise positioning and reliability along with little to no maintenance. The LM has a granite work plate and aluminum mobile bridge for higher rigidity and lower inertia. AIMS engineers will be available to talk about the HB and LM along with the OEM’s total aftermarket support program and retrofit services along with Renishaw MODUS software. AIMS will also display custom gauging designed and built by CMI, a division of AIMS.
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Cap. ARME DE FOC și MUNIȚIE Standardizarea armamentelor europene (12) European armaments standardisation
Parlamentul European STUDY Requested by the SEDE Subcommittee PE 603.872 - October 2018 Policy Department for External Relations Directorate General for External Policies of the Union
Licencing of weapons systems to third countries has an important industrial perspective, as countries seek to develop weapons systems in their country as much as possible in order to support the domestic defence industrial and skills base. Work share programmes may not always be the most economically efficient arrangements. Country-specific military requirements also conspire to lead to the duplication of weapons systems in Europe, although the identification of common military requirements between states can allow for a degree of national customisation while avoiding high degrees of duplication and improving military interoperability.
In this respect, it should be stated that weapons systems can greatly differ between countries even though the systems bear the same name. The case of the NH90 helicopter is instructive here. Established in 1992 as a multinational programme initially involving France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, the NH90 programme was designed to avoid duplication and to ensure sizeable economies of scale for production by harmonising military requirements. The reality, however, has been that Page 10 of 29
even with the NH90 label 23 different versions of the helicopter were produced at multiple production sites, which diluted the potentially huge volume of production and related economic efficiencies (Bellais, 2018: p. 102). Therefore, there also remains a strong case for the identification of common requirements for weapons systems at the EU level. Figure 3 – Main Battle Tanks used by the EU-28, 2018
Cap. CYBER&ITC Brexit and ICT Policy (12) Parlamentul European STUDY Requested by the ITRE committee PE 626.057- July 2018 PE 626.057 IP/A/ITRE/2018-02
4. Implications of Brexit for EU27 innovation and deployment of 5G Presentation by GĂŠrard POGOREL
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continuă mâine
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Cap. NAVAL Hervé Guillou, necesitatea unei soluții europene de apărare navală https://bfmbusiness.bfmtv.com/mediaplayer/video/je-crois-a-l-idee-darmee-europeenne-herve-guillou-1112-1124411.html
BFM Business - Franța Mise en ligne le 11/12/2018
"Je crois à l'idée d'armée européenne", Hervé Guillou - 11/12 Hervé Guillou, PDG de Naval Group, était l'invité de 12h l'Heure H, du mardi 11 décembre 2018. - 12h l'heure H, présenté par Hedwige Chevrillon, sur BFM Business.
Un entretien majeur avec ceux qui font l'actualité, par Hedwige Chevrillon. BFM Business est la 1ère chaîne française d’'information économique et financière en continu, avec des conseils pour vos finances par des personnalités de référence dans le domaine de l’économie, des interviews exclusives de patrons, de politiques et d'experts. Rendez-vous sur le canal 46 de la TV SFR et en replay sur bfmbusiness.com. Video cu interviul înregistrat Page 14 of 29
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Cap. RACHETE Azerbaijan: cumpără sisteme apărare aeriană MICA Azerbaijan will buy French MBDA VL Mica air defense systems https://www.armyrecognition.com/december_2018_global_defense_security_army_n ews_industry/azerbaijan_will_buy_french_mbda_vl_mica_air_defense_systems.html 11 DECEMBER 2018
A source close to the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said that Baku and Paris have agreed in principle that France would supply air defense systems to Azerbaijan, eported the Turan news agency on 11 December. MBDA Systems, manufacturer of the air defense missiles, informed the Turan that negotiations on procurement had begun in 2014. The Azerbaijani side reportedly became acquainted with the tactical and technical data of these systems and was pleased. The value of the transaction was not reported.
Azerbaijan will buy French MBDA VL Mica air defense systems 925 The VL MICA (Vertical Launch MICA) is a short range, ground-based air defense system deploying the MICA fire-and-forget missile, currently the only missile in the world capable of being fitted with either a heatseeking homing head (VL MICA IR) or with an active radar (VL MICA RF). This unique capability ensures an outstanding kill probability, even in severe IRCM-ECM environments. Organisation of a typical VL MICA unit is based on a vehicle-mounted shelterprotected Tactical Operations Centre (TOC) also known as the Platoon Command Post (PCP). This is capable of carrying out all Command, Control and Coordination functions, including real-time engagement, mission planning, system monitoring and connection with the higher level of command. The TOC remotely controls a tridimensional radar mounted on a separate vehicle and three to six vertical launcher units also mounted on vehicles. The VL MICA has a high rate of fire and minimal response time (8 missiles can be launched in just 10 seconds), while the complex is able to simultaneously accompany up to 10 different targets and is controlled by a crew of 2 people. It can intercept a target at an altitude of up to 20 km.
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Cap. VEHICULE PENTRU LUPTĂ SUA: contract cu Oshkosh Defense de 1,69 miliarde USD pentru 6.107 JLTV US Army Places $1.69 Bn Order for 6,1071 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/11/28/us-army-places-169-bn-order6107-joint-light-tactical-vehicles
Aerospace & Defence - Network Source: Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE: OSK) Date: Nov 28, 2018
Oshkosh Defense, LLC, an Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE: OSK) company, announced today that the U.S. Army has placed a $1.69 billion order for 6,107 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV) and associated installed and packaged kits. Today’s delivery order marks the tenth order under the contract that was awarded to Oshkosh in August 2015. ―The JLTV is engineered with industry leading suspension and protection systems, as well as the ability to support a spectrum of mission kits and weapon systems required for the modern battlefield,‖ said George Mansfield, Vice President and General Manager of Joint Programs at Oshkosh Defense. ―This vehicle represents a technological leap forward that provides enhanced protection and extreme mobility both off-road and in dense urban terrain.‖ ...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
Oshkosh Corporation Honored As One Of The Best Places To Work By Glassdoor For Second Consecutive Year https://investor.oshkoshcorporation.com/investors/news-releases/news-releasesdetails/2018/Oshkosh-Corporation-Honored-as-One-of-the-Best-Places-to-Work-byGlassdoor-for-Second-Consecutive-Year/default.aspx
Oshkosh Corporation 05/12/2018
OSHKOSH, Wis.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK) today announced that it has been honored with a Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award, recognizing the Best Places to Work in 2019. The Employees’ Choice Awards program, now in its 11th year, relies solely on the input of employees, who elect to provide feedback on their jobs, work environments and companies via Glassdoor. This is the second consecutive year that Oshkosh Corporation has earned this award; achieving an overall rating of 4.3 out of 5. Oshkosh was ranked #65 out of the top 100 largest companies, with 830,000 companies on Glassdoor. ―Earning a Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award for the second consecutive year is something we’re extremely proud to accomplish. As we continue to grow our People First culture, we’re especially honored that this award is based on reviews and feedback from current and former team members,‖ said Robert H. Sims, Oshkosh Corporation Executive Vice President and Chief Administration & Human Resources Officer. ―In today’s tight labor market, job seekers are in the driver’s seat when it comes to deciding where to work and they want to know the inner workings of a company before accepting a new job. To help people find the best jobs and the best 1
276.731 USD/buc.
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companies, the Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Awards recognize employers at the top of their game,‖ said Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, Glassdoor Chief Economist. ―For employers, we know that a satisfied and engaged workforce helps drive financial performance. Glassdoor Best Places to Work winners are strategically investing in company culture, career growth opportunities and more, which also serves as a major recruiting advantage.‖
On Glassdoor, current and former employees voluntarily and anonymously share insights and opinions about their work environments by sharing a company review, designed to capture a genuine and authentic inside look at what a specific job may be like at a particular company. When sharing a company review on Glassdoor, employees are asked to rate their satisfaction with the company overall, and key workplace factors like career opportunities, compensation and benefits, culture and values, senior management and work/life balance. In addition, employees are asked to describe the best reasons to work at their companies as well as any downsides. Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work were determined using company reviews shared by U.S.-based employees between October 23, 2017 and October 21, 2018. To be considered for the large category, a company must have had at least 1,000 or more employees and have received at least 75 ratings across each of the eight workplace attributes from U.S.-based employees during the period of eligibility. The final list is compiled using Glassdoor’s proprietary algorithm, led by its Economic Research Team, and takes into account quantity, quality and consistency of reviews. In addition to being honored with a Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award for the second consecutive year, Oshkosh Corporation has also been named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies (2016, 2017, 2018) by Ethisphere Institute and a Military Friendly® Employer by Victory Media. Earlier in 2018, Oshkosh Corporation was named one of the World’s Most Admired Companies by FORTUNE, as well as one of Barron’s ―100 Most Sustainable Companies‖ and a RobecoSAM Industry Mover in the 2018 Sustainability Yearbook. For the complete list of the Glassdoor Best Places to Work winners in 2019, please visit: https://www.glassdoor.com/Award/Best-Places-to-Work-LST_KQ0,19.htm. About Oshkosh Corporation Founded in 1917, Oshkosh Corporation is more than 100 years strong and continues to make a difference in people’s lives. Oshkosh brings together a unique set of integrated capabilities and diverse end markets that, when combined with the Company’s MOVE strategy and positive long-term outlook, illustrate why Oshkosh is a different integrated global industrial. The Company is a leader in designing, manufacturing and servicing a broad range of access equipment, commercial, fire & emergency, military and specialty vehicles and vehicle bodies under the brands of Oshkosh®, JLG®, Pierce®, McNeilus®, Jerr-Dan®, Frontline™, CON-E-CO®, London® and IMT®. Today, Oshkosh Corporation is a Fortune 500 Company with manufacturing operations on four continents. Its products are recognized around the world for Page 19 of 29
quality, durability and innovation, and can be found in more than 150 countries. As a different integrated global industrial, Oshkosh is committed to making a difference for team members, customers, shareholders, communities and the environment. For more information, please visit www.oshkoshcorporation.com. ® , ™ All brand names referred to in this news release are trademarks of Oshkosh Corporation or its subsidiary companies. About Glassdoor Glassdoor combines all the latest jobs with millions of reviews and insights to make it easy for people to find a job that is uniquely right for them. As a result, Glassdoor helps employers hire truly informed candidates at scale through effective recruiting solutions like job advertising and employer branding products. Launched in 2008, Glassdoor now has reviews and insights for over 830,000 companies located in more than 190 countries. For more information, visit glassdoor.com. Glassdoor® is a registered trademark of Glassdoor, Inc.
Maroc: contract de 1,259 miliarde USD pentru 162 tancuri Abrams Morocco - Abrams Tank Enhancement, Support, and Equipment http://www.asdnews.com/news/defense/2018/11/29/morocco-abrams-tankenhancement-support-equipment
Aerospace & Defence - Network The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Morocco of enhancements to one hundred sixty-two (162) Abrams tanks for an estimated cost of $1.259 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on November 28, 2018.
...citește varianta integrală și originală urmărind link-ul ...
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Cap. EUROPA Starea Uniunii Europene 2018 (59, din #326) EVOLUȚIA SITUAȚIEI ECONOMICE https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/soteu2018-brochure_ro_1.pdf
EUROPA 12 septembrie 2018 de Jean-Claude Juncker, președintele Comisiei Europene
Is your country expensive? https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/WDN-201808241?inheritRedirect=true&redirect=%2Feurostat%2F
EUROSTAT 24/08/2018
In timp ce rata globală a inflației poate fi considerată ca fiind moderată în UE de la începutul mileniului (așa cum se arată în capitolul 1.1), variații semnificative de preț sunt vizibile la un nivel detaliat. Între 2000 și 2017, prețurile din UE au crescut cu 36% în general. Cele mai mari creșteri au fost înregistrate pentru "băuturi alcoolice și tutun" pentru "educație", unde prețurile au crescut cu 90%. "Locuințe, apă, electricitate și gaze" și "rate de peste 55%. Prețurile pentru "îmbrăcăminte și încălțăminte" sunt aproape stabile, în timp ce prețurile pentru "comunicații" sunt mai mici de 20%. Privind la produse detaliate, cele mai mari creșteri au fost observate în special pentru tutun (154% entre 2000 și 2017), „bijuterii, ceasuri“ (96%), „gaz“ (94%), precum și „solid combustibili "și" energie termică Page 21 of 29
"(ambele + 89%). Prețuri mai scăzute s-au înregistrat, de exemplu, în "autovehicule" (+ 9%), mobilier (+ 22%), "cărți" (+ 27%) și "vin" (+ 30%). Pe de altă parte, prețurile pentru „echipamente vizuale, fotografice și de prelucrare a informațiilor audio“, a scăzut cu 70%, „echipamente si servicii de telefonie“, cu 25% și „jocuri și jucării“, cu 22%. Prețurile pentru "cafea" (34%), "lapte, brânză și ouă" (38%), "carne" (41%) și "pâine și cereale" (+ 44%) a crescut de aproape la Sami au viteza creșterea globală a prețurilor în UE în perioada 2000-2017.
Economia europeană de la începutul mileniului (#27) https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/digpub/european_economy/bloc-1.html?lang=en
EUROSTAT 2.1 Household income recovering Evoluția puterii de cumpărare a gospodăriilor populației poate fi măsurată prin variația venitului disponibil al gospodăriilor, ajustat în funcție de inflație. Cu toate acestea, trebuie remarcat faptul că acest indicator, care reflectă evoluția mediei, nu oferă informații privind disparitățile de venituri. În termeni reali, venitul disponibil al gospodăriilor a crescut în UE în total cu 16% între 2000 și 2009. În urma crizei financiare, acesta a scăzut cu aproximativ 3% în perioada 2009-2013 și apoi a crescut cu 5% între 2013 și 2016. În total, venitul disponibil al gospodăriilor a crescut cu aproximativ 18% între 2000 și 2016, ceea ce înseamnă o rată medie de creștere de 1% pe an. Aruncați o privire spre diagrama interactivă de pe partea dreaptă pentru a vedea cum sa schimbat venitul gospodăriilor din țara dvs. din anul 2000! În plus, pentru a afla mai multe despre diferențele de venituri din țara dvs., aruncați o privire la vizualizarea interactivă pentru a vedea unde este situat venitul dvs. lunar net în comparație cu alții din țara dvs.! Aruncați o privire spre diagrama interactivă de pe partea dreaptă pentru a vedea cum sa schimbat venitul gospodăriilor din țara dvs. din anul 2000! În plus, pentru a afla mai multe despre diferențele de venituri din țara dvs., aruncați o privire la vizualizarea interactivă pentru a vedea unde este situat venitul dvs. lunar net în comparație cu alții din țara dvs.! Ponderea cheltuielilor cu pensiile în creștere Legat de îmbătrânirea populației, beneficiile sociale legate de pensii ca pondere în PIB au crescut în mod constant în UE de la 11,6% în 2008 la 13,0% în 2014. Chiar dacă același tipar se observă în zona Page 22 of 29
euro și într-o mare majoritate Statele membre ale UE, există încă diferențe semnificative între statele membre: în 2015, cele mai mari cote de prestații sociale aferente pensiilor au fost observate în Grecia (17,8% din PIB), Italia (16,5%) și Franța (15,0%); cel mai mic în Irlanda (5,5%), Lituania (6,8%) și Letonia (7,7%).
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Cap. FINANȚE Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 5 dec.2018 4.6542 5.2303 4.1053 163.1645
6 dec.2018 4.6556 5.2298 4.1091 163.3760
7 dec.2018 4.6480 5.2128 4.0896 163.1706
10 dec.2018 4.6495 5.1788 4.0769 163.4400
11 dec.2018 4.6528 5.1549 4.0873 163.9719
5.5 5
168 166 164 162 160 AUR Y18
158 156 154 152
grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR
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Proiectele documentelor care vor sta la baza pregătirii adoptării monedei euro au fost finalizate http://gov.ro/ro/stiri/proiectele-documentelor-care-vor-sta-la-baza-pregatirii-adoptariimonedei-euro-au-fost-finalizate&page=1
Guvern România Marți, 11 Decembrie
Reuniunea Comisiei Naţionale de fundamentare a Planului naţional de adoptare a monedei euro, în cadrul căreia au fost discutate proiectele finale ale documentelor ce vor sta la baza pregătirii trecerii la moneda unică europeană, a avut loc astăzi la Palatul Victoria. Raportul de fundamentare al Planului naţional de adoptare a monedei euro și Planul naţional de adoptare a monedei euro sunt rezultatul consultărilor cu reprezentanţi ai partidelor politice parlamentare, guvernatorul Băncii Naţionale a României, Mugur Isărescu, conducerea Academiei Române, consilieri din cadrul Administraţiei Prezidenţiale, precum și reprezentanţi ai sindicatelor, patronatelor şi structurilor asociative. Șeful Executivului a apreciat activitatea Comisiei și a mulțumit membrilor săi pentru seriozitate și implicare. ‖Munca dumneavoastră și fundamentarea temeinică pe care ați făcut-o dovedesc, încă o dată, cât este de important ca România să fie bine pregătită pentru adoptarea monedei euro. Sper, de asemenea, să ne putem baza pe expertiza dumneavoastră și în alte proiecte importante pentru România‖, a afirmat prim-ministrul Viorica Dăncilă. În contextul discuțiilor pe marginea raportului de fundamentare, majoritatea covârșitoare a membrilor Comisiei au aprobat ca obiectiv realist pentru adoptarea monedei euro de către România orizontul de timp 2024-2026. Acest document analizează în detaliu modul în care funcționează zona euro, cum poate influența acest lucru intrarea României în zona euro și gradul de pregătire al economiei românești pentru implementarea acestui obiectiv. Studiul prezintă trei scenarii care arată perioada de timp în care România ar putea ajunge la o masă critică de convergență reală și structurală de 70%, 75%, respectiv 80%, în funcţie de două rate de creştere medii anuale: O rată de creștere de 4%, plecând de la media ratelor de creştere PIB real din perioada 2000-2017 şi O rată mai optimistă, de 5%, plecând de la ipoteza că România îşi va îmbunătăţi contribuţia factorilor de producţie la creşterea potenţială şi că va implementa reforme structurale favorabile creşterii economice În cazul unei ţinte stabilite de 70% din media ZE19, România poate atinge acest nivel în 6 ani dacă înregistrează o rată de creştere medie de 4% pe an sau în 4 ani cu o rată de creștere de 5%. În scenariul în care România îşi propune să atingă 75% din media ZE19(nivel cel mai indicat pentru economia României, după cum rezultă din Raport), aceasta se poate realiza într-un interval de 9 ani (dacă se păstrează rata medie de creştere istorică de 4% pe an) sau în 6 ani în contextul unei creşteri cu o rată medie de 5% pe an. De asemenea, membrii Comisiei de pregătire a aderării României la moneda euro au subliniat faptul că pe lângă atingerea acestor indicatori sunt extrem de importante două aspecte pentru pregătirea temeinică și atingerea unei convergențe reale, astfel încât aderarea la moneda euro să producă beneficii pentru societate. În primul rând, este vitală creșterea competitivității și asigurarea unei creșteri economice sustenabile, bazată pe produse cu tehnologie înaltă, cu valoare adăugată mare şi cu inovare. În egală măsură, este importantă pregătirea intrării României în mecanismul european al ratelor de schimb – ERM II, etapă premergătoare aderării la zona euro. Page 26 of 29
Informații suplimentare: Comisia Naţională a avut mandatul de a elabora: Raportul de prezentare a situaţiei actuale din punctul de vedere al criteriilor de convergenţă şi fundamentare a Planului Naţional de adoptare a monedei euro. Proiectul Planului Naţional de adoptare a monedei euro; Urmare a consultărilor permanente în acest format și a documentelor finalizate, va fi propusă partidelor parlamentare o declarație politică de asumare a Planului Național de adoptare a monedei euro.
Cap. EVENIMENTE Tragedia C-130 din 2017: Investigația arată spre Forțele Aeriene și Marina SUA (5) Investigation blames Air Force and Navy for systemic failures in fatal Marine Corps C-130 crash that killed 16 https://www.militarytimes.com/2018/12/05/investigation-blames-air-force-and-navyfor-systemic-failures-in-fatal-marine-corps-c-130-crash-that-killed-16/
Military Times - USA By: Valerie Insinna and Geoff Ziezulewicz 06.12.2018
Other corrosion-preventing material required by the Navy at the time — such as permatreat coating or epoxy primer — was also not applied, the report states. And because Warner Robins destroyed its work documents after two years, the investigation could not prove whether the organization had properly tested the blade for corrosion damage using a Navy-specific processes involving a borescope or eddy current inspection that would help detect flaws beneath the surface. ―Since only approximately five percent of C-130 blades are a Navy/Marine Corps asset, it is uncertain whether sufficient steps are embedded in the work flow process to ensure that Navy/Marine Corps critical requirements, such as borescope inspections and permatreat/epoxy primer coatings, are satisfied,‖ the report states. A Navy team visited Warner Robins for a two-day process audit in August 2017 and noted several problems, many of which could result in Navy and Marine Corps components being separated from their paperwork — raising the potential that Navyspecific practices were not followed.. ―While some differences (among the services’ maintenance processes) can be expected, common processes will yield consistent results,‖ the auditors wrote. ―The biggest concern is that differences can lead to missed or incorrectly applied repairs. Action should be taken by NAVY/AF to standardize the process.‖ They found that propeller work control documents are color-coded for each service and aircraft, but that many of the documents did not reflect the proper color paper for each service, and that such records weren’t accompanying the blades through the overhaul process. ―The work control documents were consistently difficult to locate on the production line,‖ the report states. ―Since (Warner Robins) does not comply with their own color-coding systems in order to help differentiate the service-specific blade overhaul process requirements, the system is unreliable and increases the probability of error within the process.‖ Another summary included in the report’s supplementals states that Warner Robins employees have trouble identifying whether a given prop is for an Air Force or Navy C-130, even though work documents say, ―AIR FORCE BLADE,‖ ―NAVY BLADE‖ or ―P-3 BLADE‖ in large letters, they wrote. ―This could be an effort to limit liability to Page 27 of 29
[Warner Robins] by attempting to find a causal factor that moves the blame away from this institution for missing the corrosion pits and intergranular cracking at the last propeller overhaul,‖ a visit summary states. Warner Robins depot staff use electronic copies of instructions with specific guidance for each job, known as ―pubs," throughout the shop. Yet while maintainers had laptops on hand with the required instructions up, it was ―never referenced during process execution or during pre or post-process discussions,‖ according to a summary of the two-day Navy process audit conducted last summer.
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